Lec 7
Lec 7
Lec 7
What, how and why?
What is requirement gathering
Two aims:
1. Identify the user/ stakeholder
2. Understand as much as possible about users,
task, context
3. Produce a stable set of requirements
Requirements definition: the stage where failure
occurs most commonly.
Getting requirements right is crucial.
learnability, throughput, flexibility,
Arrange a
contact details
Administrator Departmental
Update calendar
Task analysis
• Task descriptions are often used to envision new
systems or devices
• Task analysis is used mainly to investigate an
existing situation
• It is important not to focus on superficial activities
What are people trying to achieve?
Why are they trying to achieve it?
How are they going about it?
• Many techniques, the most popular is Hierarchical
Task Analysis (HTA)
Hierarchical Task Analysis
• Involves breaking a task down into subtasks, then
sub-sub-tasks and so on. These are grouped as
plans which specify how the tasks might be
performed in practice
• HTA focuses on physical and observable actions,
and includes looking at actions not related to
software or an interaction device
• Start with a user goal which is examined and the
main tasks for achieving it are identified
• Tasks are sub-divided into sub-tasks
Example Hierarchical Task Analysis
plan 2:
do 2.1-2.4-2.5.
If book not identified from information available, do 2.2-2.3-2.4-2.5