Understanding by Design

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Understanding by Design: The Backward Design Model

What is Understanding by Design?

What is UbD?

Understanding by Design (UbD) is a framework for improving student achievement. Emphasizing the teacher's critical role as a designer of student learning, UbD works within the standards-driven curriculum to help teachers clarify learning goals, devise revealing assessments of student understanding, and craft effective and engaging learning activities. Developed by nationally recognized educators Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, and published by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), Understanding by Design is based on the following key ideas:

A primary goal of education should be the development and deepening of student understanding. Students reveal their understanding most effectively when they are provided with complex, authentic opportunities to explain, interpret, apply, shift perspective, empathize, and self-assess. When applied to complex tasks, these "six facets" provide a conceptual lens through which teachers can better assess student understanding. Effective curriculum development reflects a three-stage design process called "backward design" that delays the planning of classroom activities until goals have been clarified and assessments designed. This process helps to avoid the twin problems of "textbook coverage" and "activity-oriented" teaching, in which no clear priorities and purposes are apparent. Student and school performance gains are achieved through regular reviews of results (achievement data and student work) followed by targeted adjustments to curriculum and instruction. Teachers become most effective when they seek feedback from students and

their peers and use that feedback to adjust approaches to design and teaching. Teachers, schools, and districts benefit by "working smarter" through the collaborative design, sharing, and peer review of units of study.

In practice, Understanding by Design offers:

a three-stage "backward planning" curriculum design process anchored by a unit design template a set of design standards with attendant rubrics and a comprehensive training package to help teachers design, edit, critique, peer- review, share, and improve their lessons and assessments.

Support materials include the original Understanding by Design book (Wiggins & McTighe, 1998), which provides an in-depth look at the Understanding by Design framework, as well as a handbook, a study guide, and a three-part videotape series. These materials provide educators with a powerful set of resources to make their work more focused, engaging, coherent, and effective. The potential of UbD for curricular improvement has struck a chord in American education. Over 250,000 educators own the book. Over 30,000 Handbooks are in use. More than 150 University education classes use the book as a text. Over twenty thousand educators have access to the UbD Exchange through individual, school, district or regional memberships. Both the book and the Handbook won separate back-to-back annual awards for adult education from EdPress, the education publishing trade association. The state of Virginia adopted core elements of our UbD Design Template in developing a teaching guide for its state Standards of Learning, the International Baccalaureate program uses a modified form of the UbD Template in its Primary Years Program, and the states of New York and Texas wrote their curriculum guide to Social Studies using UbD ideas and terms.

Current research on intelligence and the brain suggests that we learn best when we are engaged in meaningful classroom learning experiences that help us discover and develop our strengths and talents (Silver, Strong and Perini, 1997). It is through these learning experiences that teachers not only motivate

our quest to learn, but also foster the development of persistence and effort that is necessary for acquiring skills, knowledge, and attitudes in sufficient depth for us to be able to apply them in other settings. The prior knowledge that we bring with us to a new learning situation exerts a tremendous influence on how we interpret this new experience. In order to successfully learn new information, we must be able to construct meaning actively and relate it to our own lives in a meaningful way.

Using instructional strategies based on current brain research, the teacher focuses on the learners understanding of content and the ability to use the information rather than on the memorization of isolated bits of information. The new information that the student is engaged in learning focuses on "real life" or "authentic" tasks that require problem solving, creative thinking, and critical thinking. This approach requires teachers to structure what is addressed instructionally and in the curriculum around key ideas rather than try to "cover content".

As educators it is of the utmost importance that we recognize and nurture all of the varied human intelligences, and all of the combinations of intelligences in our students. Through this recognition, we can increase our students learning and problem solving abilities if we increase their repertoires of problem solving tools by actively encouraging them to use all facets of intelligence (Parry and Gregory, 1998).

In light of this research, new tools and teaching methodologies have been developed to help classroom teachers meet the needs of their students (Wolfe and Brandt, 1998). The use of multimedia technology in the classroom has been shown to be an extremely effective tool in addressing the learning needs of children (Penuel, Means and Simkins, 2000; Glennan and Melmed, 1996).

The Brain-Compatible Classroom Characteristics: absence of threat, collaboration, enriched environment, immediate feedback, meaningful content, choice/multiple intelligences, adequate time, mastery at the application level, active learning The Life Guidelines by which we operate: mutual respect; trustworthiness; truthfulness; active empathetic listening; appreciation, no putdowns; positive, encouraging, supportive interaction; safety; always do personal best The Lifeskills: caring, responsibility, perseverance, teamwork, effort, common sense, initiative The Learning Climate: teacher as creator and curator of the classroom climate - trust, mutual respect, risk-taking, encouragement, cooperation, openness, encouragement, free & open communication, inclusiveness, belonging, influence, DESCA: dignity, energy/enthusiasm, self-management, community, awareness.

Understanding by Design: The Backward Design Model "To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where youre going so that you better understand where you are now so that the steps you take are always in the right direction." (Covey, 1994)

While the word "understanding" forms the basis of the backward design model, its meaning is complex. Understanding involves sophisticated insights and abilities, reflected in varied performances and contexts. While there are several types of understandings, knowledge and skills do not automatically lead to understanding. Furthermore, the presence of misunderstanding is prevalent in new learning situations, and in order to assess understanding accurately, evidence gained from traditional testing alone is insufficient.

Teachers are designers of curriculum and assessments. In following the expectations outlined in the Curriculum, teachers are required to provide meaningful learning experiences for their students and determine student needs in order to guide their teaching. They must also determine whether the goals of their students have been achieved.

One of the most effective curriculum designs is the "backward design" model. This type of curriculum designing has been described as backward because teachers traditionally start curriculum planning with interesting

activities and textbooks rather than looking at the big picture with the end goals in mind. In the backward design model, the teacher starts with the end, the desired results, and then derives the curriculum from the evidence of learning called for by the expectations and the teaching needed to equip students to perform.

This backward approach also requires that teachers determine acceptable levels of assessment evidence as they begin to plan the unit. Common practice indicates that teachers think about assessment at the end of the unit, once the teaching is completed. By having teachers determine what they would accept as evidence that students have attained the desired understanding and proficiencies before proceeding to plan teaching and learning experiences, enables them to remain focused on the desired results. The backward design model is comprised of the following three stages: I. Identify desired results II. Determine acceptable evidence III. Plan learning experiences and instruction

Stage I: Identify Desired Results In the first stage, the teacher must consider both the overall and specific expectations outlined by the Ministry of Education or the Organization for which you work. Because of the quantity of these expectations, a useful framework for establishing curriculum priorities is illustrated through

the image of three concentric circles...

Curricular Priorities & Assessments

Assessment Types
Traditional quizzes and tests paper/pencil selected-response constructed-response Performance Tasks & Projects open-ended complex authentic The middle circle represents the field of content for the unit being taught. Important knowledge including facts, concepts, principles and skills (processes, strategies, and methods) are addressed in this circle. The question what should all students know and be able to do as a result of the unit should be asked when referring to this circle.

The outer circle represents the knowledge that the students should be familiar with in order to complete the unit of study. The students will study this material during the unit and use this content, but it is unlikely that it will be emphasized beyond the unit.

The inner most circle represents the "enduring" understandings that will anchor the unit. The term "enduring" refers to acquiring a deep understanding of big ideas, abstract concepts, and essential questions within key curricular areas that students will revisit throughout their school career.

Continuum of Assessment Methods

Informal checks



Academic prompt

Performance task/ Project

for understanding

TEACHERS... think like an assessor before designing specific units and lessons, and consider up front how to determine whether students have attained the desired understandings. When units or projects are anchored by performance tasks or

projects, evidence is provided that indicates whether students are able to use their knowledge in context, a more appropriate means of evoking and assessing enduring understanding. More traditional assessments (quizzes, tests, and prompts) are used to round out the picture by assessing essential knowledge and skills that contribute to the culminating performances.

Teachers must address the specifics of instructional planning choices about teaching methods, sequence of lessons, and resource materials - AFTER identifying the desired results and assessments. Teaching is a means to an end.

From the enduring understandings, the essential questions are determined. Essential questions cannot be answered satisfactorily in a sentence. Instead, they are provocative and multilayered questions that reveal the richness and complexities of a subject. Essential questions point to the key inquiries and the ideas of a discipline.

Stages in the Backward Design Process

Identify desired results.

We must ask...

Determine acceptable evidence.

Plan learning experiences and instruction.

What would we accept as evidence that students have attained the desired understandings and proficiencies - BEFORE proceeding to plan teaching and learning experiences?

The essential questions are then linked to the knowledge and skills (expectations) of the particular unit of study.

Establishing Curricular Priorities

Worth being familiar with: What do we want students to read, view, research and otherwise encounter? Important to know & do: Mastery required at this level. Important knowledge (facts, concepts, & principles) and skills (processes, strategies, & methods). "Enduring" understanding: What we want students to "get inside of."

Wiggins & McTighe offer four criteria, or filters, to use in selecting ideas and processes to teach for understanding.

Filter To what extent does the idea, topic, or process represent a "big idea" having enduring value beyond 1 the classroom? Filter To what extent does the idea, topic, or process reside at the heart of the discipline? 2 Filter To what extent does the idea, topic, or process require uncoverage? 3 Filter To what extent does the idea, topic, or process offer potential for engaging students? 4

Essential Questions; Other Types of Questions Two frameworks are common: (1) [a] Essential Question requiring a decision or a plan of action [b] Foundation Questions: what is to answer the Essential Question. (2) Why is there a problem with ? How can we solve this problem? Which option is most likely to answer the question? When determining the essential questions, the curriculum designer must recognize that there are six facets of understanding. The Six Facets of Understanding In the Understanding by Design model, there has been developed a multifaceted view of what makes up a mature understanding, a six-sided view of the concept. The six facets are explanation, interpretation, application, perspective, empathy, and self-knowledge. They are most easily summarized by specifying the particular achievement each facet reflects.

When we truly understand we: can explain: provide thorough, supported, and justifiable accounts of phenomena, facts, and data

can interpret: tell meaningful stories; offer apt translations; provide a revealing historical or personal dimension to ideas and events; make it personal or accessible through images, anecdotes, analogies, and model

can apply: effectively use and adapt what we know in diverse contexts

have perspective: see and hear points of view through critical eyes and ears; see the big picture

can empathize: find value in what others might find odd, alien, or implausible; perceive sensitively on the basis of prior direct experience

have self-knowledge: perceive the personal style, prejudices, projections, and habits of mind that both shape and impede our own understanding; we are aware of what we do not understand and why understanding is so hard (Wiggins and McTighe, 1998)

Stage II: Determine Acceptable Evidence How will we know if students have achieved the desired results and met the expectations? What will we accept as evidence of student understanding and proficiency? What is evidence of in-depth understanding as opposed to superficial or naive understanding? What kinds of assessment evidence will anchor our curricular units and thus guide our instruction?

The backward design approach encourages us to think about a unit in terms of the collected assessment evidence needed to document and validate that the desired learning has been achieved so that the course is not just content to be covered or a series of learning activities. This approach encourages teachers and curriculum planners to first think like an assessor before designing specific units and lessons, and to consider up front how they will determine whether students have attained the desired understandings.

Because understanding develops as a result of ongoing inquiry and rethinking, the assessment of understanding should be thought of in terms of a collection of evidence over time instead of an event, a single moment or test at the end of instruction.

The unit will be anchored by performance tasks or projects that provide evidence that students are able to use their knowledge in context, a more

appropriate means of evoking and assessing enduring understanding. Traditional assessments are used to round out the picture by assessing essential knowledge and skills that contribute to the culminating performances. To think like an assessor before designing lessons, as backward design demands, does not come naturally or easily to many teachers. We are far more used to thinking like an activity designer once we have a target. We easily and unconsciously jump from Stage I to Stage III of the backward design process, from content expectations to the design of lessons without asking ourselves if we will have the evidence we need to assess for the desired knowledge and skills.

When planning to collect evidence of understanding, teachers should consider a range of assessment methods. As well assessment should include a culminating performance that demonstrates evidence of understanding of the concepts of the unit. The culminating performance is designed using the following acronym: GRAPE

Goal Role and situation Audience Product and Presentation Evidence of Learning Thinking like an assessor addresses two basic questions. Where should we look to find hallmarks of understanding, and what should we look for

in determining and distinguishing degrees of understanding? We need to consider the necessary evidence in general, the kinds of performance or behavior indicative of understanding; and to focus on the most salient and revealing criteria for identifying and differentiating levels or degrees of understanding.

Thinking Like An Assessor What would be sufficient and revealing evidence of understanding?

Thinking Like An Activity Designer What would be interesting and engaging activities on this topic?

What performance tasks must anchor What resources and materials are available the unit and focus the instructional work? on this topic? What will students be doing in and out of How will I be able to distinguish between class? those who really understand and those who dont (though they may seem to)? What assignments will be given? Against what criteria will I distinguish work? What misunderstandings are How will I check for those? likely? How will I give students a grade (and justify it to their parents)? Did the activities work? Why or why not?

(Source: Wiggins & McTighe, 1998, Understanding By Design)

Types of assessment
Quiz & Test Items These are simple, content-focused questions. They... * Assess for factual information, concepts, and discrete skill. * Use selected-response or short-answer formats. * Are convergent--typically they have a single, best answer. * May be easily scored using an answer key (or machine scoring). * Are typically secure (not known in advance).

Academic Prompts * Require constructed responses under school or exam conditions. These are open-ended * Are open. There is not a single, best answer or a best questions or strategy for answering problems that require the or solving them. student to * Often are ill-structured, requiring the development of a think critically, not just recall strategy. knowledge, and then to * Involve analysis, synthesis, or evaluation. prepare a * Typically require an explanation or defense of the answer response, product, or given or methods performance. used. They... * Require judgment-based scoring based on criteria and performance standards. * May or may not be secure.

Performance Tasks & Projects As complex challenges that mirror the issues and problems faced by adults, they are authentic. Ranging in length from short-term tasks to long-term, multistaged projects, they require a production or performance. They differ from prompts because they... * Feature a setting that is real or simulated: one that involves the kind of constraints, background noise, incentives, and opportunities an adult would find in a similar situation. * Typically require the student to address an identified audience. * Are based on a specific purpose that relates to the audience. * Allow the student greater opportunity to personalize the task. * Are not secure. Task, criteria, and standards are known in advance and guide the student's work.

Stage III: Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction Clearly, we want our designs to be engaging but engaging work is insufficient. The work must also be effective, must promote maximum achievement, and must demonstrate that students have achieved the targeted understandings. An engaging design stimulates students to actively participate whereas an effective design includes appropriate evidence that desired results have been achieved.

Considering what needs to be uncovered is vital when designing curriculum because big ideas are often subtle, abstract, and not obvious. Teaching that is grounded in textbook coverage only can leave students with a superficial grasp of key ideas and an erroneous view of how knowledge becomes knowledge.

Students often leave school with misunderstandings about what we thought they had learned. Just because we teach for an understanding does not mean that students will leave without or avoid misunderstanding. The challenge is to better anticipate misunderstandings and address them at the design stage. Student misunderstanding will likely increase the more the ideas in question are abstract,

require prior knowledge, are counterintuitive, and are presented in summary fashion. The purpose of misunderstanding ongoing assessment is to identify misconceptions and

before it is too late, before the unit concludes and teachers engage in summative assessment.

WHERE The WHERE acronym is used to guide teachers on where to focus their effort Where the work is headed and the purpose Hook students with engaging work that makes them more eager to explore key ideas Explore the subject in depth and equip students with required knowledge and skills to perform successfully on final tasks. Rethink with students the big ideas; students rehearse and revise their work Evaluate results and develop action plans through self-assessment of results (Wiggins and McTighe, 1998) These guidelines move teachers from thinking only about what they want to do and need to accomplish to thinking about what students, end users of their design, will need to achieve understanding.

The backward design approach suspends instructional planning, the development of specific lessons and selection of teaching strategies, until the last phase of the process. Instructional methods are selected based on the specific types of learning needed to achieve the desired results in a unit. As curriculum designers,

we organize a sequence backward from specific tasks and expectations. Lessons are derived from the desired results, based on building up performance skills and knowledge. We head right up to the desired performance, even if it has to be simplified or scaffolded. We build up performance progressively; and we revisit the fundamentals as needed. The process is iterative [repetitive, recurring, recycling at higher levels] rather than linear.

GRASPS in place of GRAPE G GOAL -> Your goal is to create a larger than life model butterfly and write/illustrate a book with a fiction and nonfiction section about your butterfly. R ROLE -> You are the teacher. Your job is to teach the preschoolers about butterflies. A AUDIENCE -> You WILL Invites the preschool class to come to your classroom to learn about butterflies. S SITUATION -> Your challenge is to teach preschoolers about butterflies by performing your book. P PRODUCT -> You will act out your book with your butterfly model. S STANDARDS for SUCCESS -> Your book and performance will be judged by you, your teacher, and two of your peers using the student rubric. Planning Instruction: Think in terms of Three Orientations to Teaching: Transmission [one way communication such as lecture and demonstration]; Transaction [two-way communication such as questioning and discussion]; Transformation [learning by doing such as work-experience, practicum, simulation, role-playing].

Think in terms of Five Orientations to Teaching: Engineering; Developmental; Nurturing;

Twenty Questions for the Student 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. What does X mean? How can X be described? What are the comp0onent parts of X? How is X made or done? How should X be made or done? What is the essential function of X? What are the causes of X? What are the consequences of X? What are the types of X? How does X compare to Y? What is the present status of X? How can X be interpreted? What are the facts about X? How did X happen? What kind of person is X? What is my personal response to X? What is my memory of X? What is the value of X? How can X be summarized?


What case can be made for or against X?

The big picture of a Design approach

Key Design Question Design Construction Stage 1:
What is worthy and requiring of understanding? National Standards. State Standards. PGCPS Standards. Regional topic opportunities. Teacher expertise and interest.

Filters (Design Criteria)

Enduring ideas. Opportunities for authentic, disciplinebased work. Uncoverage. Engaging.

What the Final Design Accomplishes

Unit framed around enduring understandings and essential questions.

Stage 2:
What is evidence of understanding?

Six facets of understanding.

Valid Unit anchored in credible and educationally vital evidence of the desired understandings.

Reliable. Continuum of assessment types. Sufficient. Authentic work. Feasible. Student friendly.

Stage 3:
What learning experiences and teaching promote understanding, interest, and excellence?

Research-based repertoire of learning & teaching strategies. Essential & enabling knowledge and skill.

WHERE is it going? Hook the students. Explore and equip. Rethink and revise. Exhibit and evaluate. Coherent learning experiences and teaching that will evoke and develop the desired understandings, promote interest, and make excellent performance more likely.

Grant Wiggins' six levels or facets of true understanding are that when we understand, we:

(1) Can explain, i.e., provide thorough, supported, and justifiable accounts of phenomena, facts, and data; (2) Can interpret, i.e., tell meaningful stories, offer apt translations; provide a revealing historical or personal dimension to ideas and events; make it personal or accessible through images, anecdotes, analogies, and models; (3) Can apply, i.e., effectively use and adapt what we know in diverse contexts; (4) Have perspective, i.e., see and hear points Of view through critical eyes and ears; see the big picture; (5) Can empathize, i.e., find value in what others might find odd, alien, or implausible; perceive sensitively on the basis of prior direct experience; (6) Have self-knowledge, i.e., perceive the personal style, prejudices, projections, and habits of mind that both shape and impede our own understanding; we are aware of what we do not understand and why understanding is so hard.

Backward Design Model

When developing unit and lesson plans, teachers decide how student performance will be assessed.

When developing performance assessments, teachers move between thinking and working in the role of an assessor and thinking and working in the role of an activity developer.

STEP 1 IDENTIFY LEARNER OUTCOMES What are students expected to understand, know and do? TEACHER AS AN ASSESSOR

STEP 2 DETERMINE ACCEPTABLE EVIDENCE (CRITERIA) What would you accept as evide that students learned?


STEP 5 REFLECTION What will you do to decide what the next step in teaching should be? TEACHER AS AN ASSESSOR TEACHER AS ACTIVITY DEVELOPER

STEP 3 PLAN LEARNING EXPERIENC and INSTRUCTION What learning activities will ena students to achieve the learner outcomes


STEP 4 PLAN ASSESSMENT and EVALUATION STRATEGIES How will students demonstrate what they understand, know and can do? TEACHER AS AN ASSESSOR

Backwards Design from Standards to Lesson Plans

The Siskiyou County Office of Education (SCOE) has developed a Standards Implementation Project to "increase the academic achievement of all students" through the use of standards-based curriculum design (Holmes and Murphy-Shaw, 2000). To achieve their goals, SCOE promotes the use of "backwards design" when developing lesson plans (Holmes, 2001). Wiggins and McTighe (1999) is a key source for this process.

The first and most important aspect of backwards design is to become familiar with the Standards for the grade level and curriculum area being taught. The California Department of Education (CDE) has these Standards available in *.pdf format (see CDE Standards) for five core curriculum areas. After the standard and benchmarks have been selected, the next step is to design an assessment that will measure the students' understanding of the standard. You will need to decide how you are going to measure student understanding (test or quiz, self-assessment, performance, product) of the selected standard. Bloom's Taxonomy (knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation) is a nice tool to use to help design assessments or you can utilize the many "performance verbs" offered by Wiggins and McTighe (1999) under the following categories: explanation, interpretation, application, perspective, empathy, and self-knowledge.

Once you have selected the standard and determined the acceptable evidence that will demonstrate student achievement, then you can develop a lesson plan that will provide students with the opportunity to reach the desired objectives. Wiggins and McTighe (1999) utilize the "WHERE" approach in this stage of the process.

W stands for students knowing Where they are heading, Why they are heading there, What they know, Where they might go wrong in the process, and What is required of them. H stands for Hooking the students on the topic of study. E stands for students Exploring and Experiencing ideas and being Equipped with the necessary understanding to master the standard being taught. R stands for providing opportunities for students to Rehearse, Revise, and Refine their work. E stands for student Evaluation.

The rewarding part of the process comes next with the implemation of the lesson plan in the classroom. Any necessary changes or additions can be incorporated into your modified lesson plan.

After students have had the opportunity to learn the selected Standard, the students will need to be assessed to determine if they have successfully reached the desired goal. The student assessment can also be used to modify

the original lesson plan.

GRASPS: Model Early Childhood Example

G: Goal: Your goal is to create a larger than life model of a butterfly and write/illustrate a book with a fiction and nonfiction section about your butterfly.

R: Role: You are the teacher. Your job is to teach the preschoolers about butterflies.

A: Audience: You will invite the preschool class to come to your classroom to learn about butterflies.

S: Situation: Your challenge is to teach preschoolers about butterflies by performing your book.

P: Product: You will act out your book with your butterfly model.

S: Standards for Success: Your book and performance will be judged by you, your teacher, and two of your peers using the student rubric.

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