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Retail Trade Analysis Report

Fiscal Year 2017 Winnebago County

Iowa State University

Department of Economics


10-Year Sales Summary 2

Local Economic Conditions 3-4 This report examines local retail sales and related economic trends in
Peer Group Analysis 5-6
Winnebago County, Iowa, using a variety of comparative performance
Pull Factor Analysis 7-8

The retail analysis is based on state-reported sales of goods and services that
Regional Competition 9-11
are subject to Iowa’s statewide sales tax. Please refer to the Data Notes
Historical Trends 12
section for detailed information about the types of retail activity included in
Sales by Business Group 13-15 taxable sales. The data notes also include definitions and guidelines for
Consumer Characteristics 16-17 interpreting retail measures and other indicators in this report.

Data Notes 18-21 Except where otherwise noted, retail sales data for preceding years have been
adjusted for inflation and are stated in Fiscal Year 2017 dollar equivalents. The
Frequently-Asked Questions
2017 fiscal year began on July 1, 2016, and ended on June 30, 2017.

Key Retail Indicators for Winnebago County

About Winnebago County:
• Winnebago County recorded a total
Winnebago FY2016 FY2017 % Change
popula on of 10,866 residents in the
2010 Census, including 488 residents in Real total taxable sales ($) 89,564,051 88,282,381 -1.4% 
group quarters such as skilled nursing
facili es and group homes. Number of reporting firms (annualized) 376 375 -0.3% 

• Winnebago County is not contained Population 10,590 10,594 0.0% 

within any of Iowa's metropolitan or
micropolitan sta s cal areas. Average sales per capita ($) 8,457 8,333 -1.5% 

Average sales per firm ($) 238,361 235,577 -1.2% 

No distinctions are made between households and group quarters residents in the calculation of per capita
sales and related indicators.

Issued March, 2018

10-Year Summary Retail Sales Tax Sta s cs

Real Total Taxable Sales in Winnebago County

Real 86.7
taxable 83.7
retail sales
($ millions) 80.1 80.1 79.9
78.5 78.9

FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17

Annualized Number of Repor ng Firms in Winnebago County

Average 401
number 396 396
of 392
returns filed
per quarter
379 379
376 375

FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17

Taxable Retail Sales Per Capita



Sales 10,000
Capita 9,000


FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17
Winnebago 7,134 7,332 7,215 7,440 7,513 7,511 7,991 8,212 8,457 8,333
State of Iowa 12,453 12,408 11,626 11,709 11,951 11,809 11,935 12,331 12,490 12,413

ISU Department of Economics Page 2

Local Economic Trends

Popula on
Population Trends
Population change is a key factor (Annual estimates as a percentage of 2008 population)
influencing local retail sales
performance. From one year to the
next, area population gains or losses
alter the number of potential shoppers 100%
in the region. In the longer term,
population trends reflect the general
economic climate of the region.
Population growth suggests a more
favorable retail environment, while 90%
FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17
population decline may be an
Winnebago County State of Iowa
indication of area economic stress.

The top chart at right shows annual

population estimates for Winnebago
County and the state indexed to
baseline values from ten years ago. Population Trend for Peer Counties
The population in any given year is (Annual estimates as a percentage of 2008 population)
expressed in percentage terms 105%
compared to the base year population.

The middle chart at right compares 100%

population change in Winnebago
County to the trend for similarly-sized
counties in Iowa. See Pages 20-21 for a
list of counties included in the peer
group for Winnebago County. 90%
FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17

Winnebago County Peer Group Average

Average Wages
The local demand for retail goods and
services also depends on the income
level of area residents. Major sources
Real Wages and Salaries Per Job ($)
of personal income include wages and
salaries, returns to proprietors,
investment income, and government
transfer payments. Wages and salaries
comprise the majority of personal
income and provide the most stable
indicator of local conditions. The
chart at right illustrates recent,
inflation-adjusted average earnings
per wage and salary job in Winnebago 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
County and the state. Winnebago County State of Iowa

FY 2017 Retail Trade Analysis Report Page 3

Employment Employment Trends
Area job growth creates earnings (Annual employment as a percentage of 2007 employment)
opportunities for current residents 110%

and also helps to attract new

residents to the region. Conversely, 100%
lagging employment growth rates
may indicate a decline in the
region’s competitive strength.

The chart at top right shows the 10- 80%

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
year trend in wage and salary
employment in Winnebago County. Winnebago County State of Iowa

Each year’s employment, which

counts full-time and part-time jobs
equally, is expressed as a
percentage of baseline year Recent Job Gains or Losses: Winnebago County
employment. The statewide trend
is included for comparison. 3.0%

The middle chart shows more
recent job gains and losses in 2.0%

Winnebago County. The chart 1.5%

illustrates the percentage gain or
loss in jobs during Fiscal Year 2017
on a month-by-month basis, with 0.5%

each month’s employment








compared to the same month in the
prior fiscal year.

Rising or persistently high levels of
unemployment may contribute to
Unemployment Rate
household economic stress within (Unemployed percentage of the labor force)
the region and may ultimately 10.0
reduce aggregate household 9.0
spending levels. 7.0
The chart at right shows recent 5.0
Winnebago County and statewide 3.0
unemployment rate trends. The 2.0
unemployment rate is defined as 0.0
the percentage of the labor force 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

that is unemployed but actively Winnebago County State of Iowa

seeking work.

ISU Department of Economics Page 4

Peer Group Analysis
Iowa’s 99 counties vary in the level and types of retail activity they can support. A given county’s retail prospects depend not
only on its own population size, but also on the urbanization patterns and competitive characteristics of the surrounding
area. With no two of Iowa’s counties exactly alike in these respects, how might a particular county benchmark its own retail
performance? Peer group analysis, which involves comparisons among a group of counties sharing similar characteristics, can
provide a reasonable basis for evaluating local retail performance.

In general, a county’s retail sector size and diversity tend to increase with the size and density of its population. Metropolitan
counties, for example, have access to a large pool of potential customers living within a geographically concentrated area,
allowing them to offer a wider range of retail goods and services than most smaller counties can support. The diversity of
their retail offerings tends to attract non-resident shoppers from a broad geographic area, often at the expense of smaller
counties in outlying areas. In contrast, small counties in rural areas tend to have retail sectors that serve primarily local

This retail analysis report assigns all counties in Iowa to peer groups based on their metropolitan or micropolitan status and
other population characteristics. Metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) are defined around a core city or cities that have
50,000 or more residents. Iowa has nine MSAs defined around ten core cities. These MSAs contain 21 of the state’s 99
counties. Micropolitan statistical areas represent the next level down in the urban hierarchy. Micropolitan areas are defined
around core cities with 10,000 to 49,999 residents. Iowa has 17 micropolitan statistical areas.

The county peer groups are defined in the following table, with the relevant peer group for Winnebago County highlighted in
blue (see Pages 20-21 for a complete list of member counties by peer group). The chart at the bottom of this page illustrates
the comparative sales performance for all of the county peer groups during Fiscal Year 2017.

Peer Group Defini ons

Number of % of State
Peer Group Metropolitan or Micropolitan Status Counties Taxable Sales
Group 1 Core county of a metropolitan statistical area 10 65.0%
Group 2 Core county of a micropolitan statistical area 17 14.3%
Group 3 Non-metro county whose largest city is between 2,500 to 9,999 in population 41 14.0%
Group 4 Outlying (non-core) county in a metropolitan statistical area 11 4.1%
Group 5 Non-metro county whose largest city is less than 2,500 in population 20 2.7%

Average Sales Per Capita by County Peer Group, FY 2017

State of Iowa Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5

$12,410 Metro Core Micro Core Small Urban Metro Outlying Rural
$14,690 $11,860 $8,520 $6,560 $6,260

FY 2017 Retail Trade Analysis Report Page 5

Expected Range for Local Sales Per Capita
The chart at right compares sales
levels in Winnebago County to a
range of “expected,” or typical, Expected and Actual Sales Per Capita ($)
values for counties in its peer

The blue rectangles illustrate the

range of expected values, defined
as any value between the 25th to
the 75th percentile values for the 8,000
peer group in each year.

The red dashes show the actual

per capita sales performance by
Winnebago County.
In Fiscal Year 2017, per capita FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17
sales in Winnebago were within
the expected range for its peer Expected Range Winnebago


Top 10 Peer Group Coun es

Among the 41 counties in its
Average Sales Per Capita ($), FY2017
peer group, Winnebago ranked
number 19 in per capita sales. Iowa 12,423

The peer group’s top Cass 11,641

performers, measured by their Palo Alto 11,593
average sales per capita in
Winneshiek 11,235
Peer Group Top 10

Fiscal Year 2017, are listed in

Sioux 10,991
the table at right.
Kossuth 10,523
Also included for comparison
Union 10,081
are the average value for all
counties in the peer group and Hardin 9,623

the overall statewide average Henry 9,534

per capita sales. Humboldt 9,497

Peer Group Average 8,518

Winnebago 8,333
See Pages 20-21 for a complete
listing of counties by peer group. State of Iowa 12,413

ISU Department of Economics Page 6

Pull Factor Analysis
This section introduces three related measures for assessing retail sales performance: trade surplus or leakage, trade area
capture, and the pull factor ratio. All three measures are based on a hypothetical “self-sufficiency” level of sales at which the
county’s retail sector satisfies all of the retail needs of its own residents. This hypothetical sales value might also be viewed as
“break-even” level where any sales lost from non-local spending by residents are exactly offset by sales to non-residents.

Trade Surplus or Leakage

Trade surplus or leakage measures the dollar difference between the county’s actual sales and the total sales it could generate if
residents satisfied all their retail needs locally, i.e. its self-sufficiency or breakeven sales level. Sales above the breakeven level
imply a net surplus arising from sales to non-residents. Leakage, or sales below the breakeven level, suggests that local residents’
spending outside the county exceeds local firms’ sales to non-residents.

Below are trade surplus or leakage estimates for Winnebago County. To estimate the breakeven level of sales, the dollar amount
of statewide average per capita spending on taxable goods and services is adjusted up or down by a factor that reflects local
income characteristics, and is then multiplied by the county’s population size. The breakeven sales target represents an estimate
of Winnebago County residents’ total spending on taxable goods and services that are purchased anywhere within Iowa.

Winnebago Breakeven Analysis FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17
Statewide average per capita spending ($) 12,453 12,408 11,626 11,709 11,951 11,809 11,935 12,331 12,490 12,413
x Local income adjustment 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97
= Average spending (anywhere) by residents ($) 12,030 11,986 11,230 11,310 11,542 11,405 11,525 11,907 12,060 11,985
x County population estimate 10,957 10,922 10,877 10,760 10,637 10,504 10,479 10,560 10,590 10,594
= Breakeven sales target ($000s) 131,813 130,914 122,148 121,691 122,773 119,797 120,770 125,739 127,716 126,968
County actual sales ($000s) 78,163 80,086 78,478 80,053 79,917 78,896 83,734 86,715 89,564 88,282
Surplus estimate ($000s) - - - - - - - - - -
Leakage estimate ($000s) (53,650) (50,828) (43,670) (41,638) (42,856) (40,901) (37,036) (39,023) (38,152) (38,685)

Trade Area Capture

The extent of a county’s geographic
“trade area” can be approximated by
Estimated Trade Area Capture
(annualized number of shoppers)
estimating the number of customers
whose annual retail needs it satisfies.
If that number exceeds the resident
population, the county’s trade area 12,000
likely extends beyond its borders. If
below, the county’s trade area likely
overlaps or is subsumed by that of a
nearby county.
Trade area capture is estimated by
dividing the county’s actual total sales
by the expected average, annual retail 0
FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17

requirements of its residents. The Shoppers

6,497 6,681 6,988 7,078 6,924 6,918 7,265 7,283 7,427 7,366

chart at right illustrates the county’s Population 10,957 10,922 10,877 10,760 10,637 10,504 10,479 10,560 10,590 10,594

trade area capture in relation to its

population size.

FY 2017 Retail Trade Analysis Report Page 7

The Pull Factor Ra o
A county’s pull factor ratio is Pull factor ratios may vary widely Caution is urged in the
calculated by dividing its trade area from one county to the next, even interpretation of pull factors,
capture measure by its resident among those in the same peer especially for smaller counties.
population. group. For any particular county,
For example, a high pull factor
a comparison with the peer group’s
A pull factor ratio equal to 1.0 doesn’t necessarily indicate retail
median pull factor value provides a
suggests that the county’s merchants self-sufficiency across all categories
reasonable performance
are just satisfying the retail demands of retail sales. A county’s pull factor
of local residents. This is equivalent could be inflated by the presence of
to the “break even” sales level where The chart below shows recent one or more retail establishments
the county is experiencing neither a trends in pull factor ratios for that serve as a regional draw in a
surplus or leakage of sales. Winnebago County and its peer particular sales category, even if the
group. The county’s pull factor county is experiencing substantial
A pull factor ratio greater than 1.0
values are indicated with red leakage of sales in other retail
suggests that the county’s merchants
circles. categories.
are attracting shoppers from outside
the county. For example, a county The blue dashes indicate the Similarly, a low pull factor does not
whose retail customer base is 25 median pull factor for the peer necessarily suggest untapped sales
percent larger than its population group in each year. If the county’s potential in the local retail sector.
would have a pull factor of 1.25. pull factor exceeds the group Most small counties should expect
median, it ranks among the top to lose a at least a fraction of their
A pull factor ratio less than 1.0
half of its peer group. If its pull residents’ spending to nearby
indicates that the county’s retail
factor is below the median value, metropolitan and other large trade
sector cannot satisfy all of the retail
then it ranks among the bottom center counties.
needs of its own residents.
half of counties in its peer group.

Pull Factor Comparison With Peer Group

Break even 1.00




FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17
Peer Median 0.60 0.61 0.64 0.66 0.68 0.66 0.67 0.65 0.65 0.66
Winnebago 0.59 0.61 0.64 0.66 0.65 0.66 0.69 0.69 0.70 0.70

ISU Department of Economics Page 8

Regional Compe on
Counties within a region compete with each other for shares of overall regional economic activity. This section explores some
of the competitive forces at work in Winnebago County and surrounding counties. First illustrated is the county’s relative
importance as a trade center within the state. Next, the distribution of trade among cities within Winnebago County is
assessed. On the following page, important interactions with surrounding cities and counties are examined using data on
worker commuting flows. Finally, retail trade patterns in the broader region are illustrated by comparing average per capita
sales and pull factor ratios for nearby counties.

Role Within the State Winnebago County Percentage Shares of Statewide Totals
The relative contributions of
Winnebago County as a trade, 0.34%
population, and employment center 0.29%
within the state of Iowa are 0.23%
illustrated at right. The left-most bar
shows the percentage of statewide
taxable sales occurring within
Winnebago County. The middle bar
displays the county’s percentage Taxable Sales Population Employment
share of Iowa’s population. The right
-most bar shows the percentage of
the state’s jobs that are located
within Winnebago County.
Winnebago County JurisdicƟons ReporƟng
Taxable Retail Sales in FY 2017
Other Trade and Average Sales
Popula on Centers Within Area Name Population # Filers $millions
Winnebago Total 10,594 375 88.3
the County Buffalo Center 900 56 9.6
The table at right lists cities within Forest City* 4,024 191 54.0
Winnebago County that reported Lake Mills 2,059 98 28.5
Leland 284 15 1.5
taxable sales during Fiscal Year 2017.
Rake 221 15 1.1
Data for cities with 10 or fewer permit
Thompson 488 21 9.4
holders filing sales tax returns are
suppressed. Sales amounts for those
smaller jurisdictions are included
within the “other areas in county”

Amounts shown for each city reflect

the population and reported sales for
the city as a whole, regardless of
whether it crosses into a neighboring
county. Any cities with reporting
firms that fall within a neighboring
county are indicated with an asterisk
Other areas in Winnebago County 17 1.1
(*), and the neighboring county’s
*Neighboring county portions (38) (16.8)
portion of sales, if any, are noted
below the table.

FY 2017 Retail Trade Analysis Report Page 9

Commu ng Pa erns
Regional commuting flows represent possible sources of sales surplus or leakage for the local retail sector. Worker
inflows from neighboring counties help to expand the potential customer base. When residents commute elsewhere
for work, the likelihood that they will shop locally, especially during traditional business hours, decreases.

Winnebago County CommuƟng Summary, 2015

The figure at right compares the relative magnitude of

worker flows into and from Winnebago County in 2015. EsƟmated Worker CommuƟng Flows
The county had an estimated net commuting flow of - To and From Winnebago County
1,172 wage and salary workers. The net flow is the
difference between inflows of people employed in
Winnebago County but living elsewhere and outflows
of Winnebago County residents who are employed in locally
some other county. 2,059
The likelihood of a given resident out-commuting from 3,215
Winnebago County was 61.0% in 2015. The average
rate for similar counties was 52.6%. Those out-
commuting rates represent the percentage of residents
in wage and salary jobs who commute to work
somewhere outside their residence city.

Key CommuƟng RelaƟonships for Winnebago County: Top 3 Sources and DesƟnaƟons of Workers

Worker commuting patterns also reveal Workplace Destinations:

broader regional relationships that Winnebago, 39%
influence local economic conditions. Hancock, 24%
The chart at right identifies the top three Cerro Gordo, 6%
workplace destinations for Winnebago Polk, 3%
County residents and the top three Other Areas, 28%
counties supplying the greatest number
of Winnebago County workers in 2015. Worker Sources:
The chart measures these flows as Winnebago, 50%
percentages of the county’s total Hancock, 9%
workforce size and total employment, Cerro Gordo, 5%
respectively. Worth, 5%
Other Areas, 30%

Note: The commuting charts on this page are based on 2015 worker commuting flow data published by the U.S. Census Bureau. In
cases of small place-to-place commuting flows, the Census Bureau masks the data in order to protect the confidentiality of individual
workers and/or business firms. Therefore, the actual size and destinations of the county’s commuting flows may differ slightly from
those shown here.

ISU Department of Economics Page 10

Regional Trade Pa erns
Regional shopping patterns may be inferred
from relative trade levels in surrounding County Pull Factors, Fiscal Year 2017
counties. The graphics on this page
illustrate which counties in the region serve ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
as regional magnets for retail trade activity. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! !
The map at right illustrates county retail ! ! ! ! ! !

pull factors for Fiscal Year 2017 (see Page 8 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

for a definition of pull factors). The ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
counties with a pull factor exceeding 1.0, !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
identified in the map with large blue dots, !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
are likely exerting a strong retail influence ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
on trade centers in neighboring counties.
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Counties with pull factors below 1.0 are !
leaking sales on a county-wide basis, but
might still contain one or more strong local
trade centers.
! Less than 0.5 ! 0.5 to 0.9 ! 0.9 to 1.0 ! Greater than 1.0

The bar graph below compares Fiscal Year 2017 per capita sales in Winnebago County to average sales in neighboring
counties. The comparison group includes the five counties nearest to Winnebago County, with distance measured “as
the crow flies” between county midpoints. The counties are listed from left to right in descending order by their
average per capita sales. Population sizes for each county, as of the 2010 Census, are also indicated.

Neighboring County Comparison of Per Capita Retail Sales



Per Capita 8,333

Sales ($) 7,716

FY 2017 Retail Trade Analysis Report Page 11

Historical Trends in Taxable Sales
Historical retail sales statistics for Winnebago County and the State of Iowa are presented below. Real total taxable sales and real
average sales per firm and per capita have been adjusted for inflation and are shown in Fiscal Year 2017-equivalent dollars.

**NOTE: Values for Fiscal Year 2009 and later measure retail activity during a July 1-June 30 fiscal year period. Values for Fiscal Years
2008 and earlier were compiled on an April 1-March 31 fiscal year basis.

Historical Statistics for Winnebago:

Total Taxable Sales ($) Real Average Sales ($) Statewide Real Average ($)
Fiscal Year Reporting Firms Nominal Real Per Firm Per Capita Per Firm Per Capita
1976 461 33,304,368 119,353,667 258,902 8,832 375,717 10,665
1977 459 38,918,164 131,869,456 287,454 9,692 387,365 11,293
1978 490 40,702,067 129,290,756 263,859 9,464 381,649 11,544
1979 503 45,442,306 133,954,741 266,179 9,834 387,066 12,060
1980 503 48,482,723 129,641,233 257,608 9,794 379,678 12,026
1981 507 46,619,616 113,195,086 223,375 8,831 337,884 10,921
1982 494 46,165,969 104,855,514 212,258 8,311 324,893 10,510
1983 486 47,980,388 103,912,261 214,031 8,280 315,827 10,389
1984 493 50,595,869 105,300,440 213,700 8,362 309,341 10,303
1985 476 49,020,084 98,536,525 207,010 7,830 305,902 10,278
1986 481 47,665,061 92,971,044 193,388 7,483 299,878 10,262
1987 473 50,193,204 95,803,519 202,652 7,871 317,113 10,705
1988 467 49,377,078 90,875,386 194,594 7,550 318,657 10,764
1989 453 51,661,768 91,084,916 201,293 7,536 323,899 10,861
1990 463 52,375,608 88,823,719 191,844 7,323 328,064 10,969
1991 458 53,569,445 87,131,596 190,452 7,239 329,548 10,907
1992 459 53,635,889 84,959,741 184,997 7,142 330,022 11,002
1993 473 54,834,797 84,624,454 178,816 7,169 330,326 11,139
1994 462 57,707,852 87,158,344 188,654 7,401 337,328 11,380
1995 456 62,372,364 92,172,148 202,243 7,812 344,346 11,610
1996 455 63,246,116 91,656,147 201,442 7,756 345,320 11,868
1997 451 62,101,592 88,130,294 195,519 7,435 363,023 12,063
1998 444 61,678,400 86,569,308 194,866 7,331 365,431 12,273
1999 428 67,707,236 94,121,900 220,168 8,044 391,075 12,787
2000 427 69,103,611 94,073,346 220,571 8,027 398,544 12,846
2001 416 72,528,502 96,398,626 232,006 8,252 399,420 12,884
2002 414 75,149,789 98,655,738 238,299 8,582 400,827 12,732
2003 385 69,554,671 89,591,045 232,553 7,853 418,647 12,584
2004 371 64,219,073 81,081,773 218,844 7,133 426,018 12,464
2005 371 64,424,274 79,253,695 213,478 6,994 424,322 12,391
2006 375 65,530,043 78,191,736 208,511 6,957 435,494 12,483
2007 394 66,275,432 77,323,845 196,129 6,990 427,394 12,344
2008 399 69,048,036 78,163,095 195,775 7,134 428,039 12,453
2009** 403 71,609,711 80,085,521 198,847 7,332 419,687 12,408
2010 401 70,894,086 78,478,327 195,585 7,215 403,123 11,626
2011 396 73,588,615 80,052,773 202,409 7,440 418,182 11,709
2012 392 75,255,853 79,916,799 203,739 7,513 426,547 11,951
2013 396 75,433,115 78,895,904 199,484 7,511 421,047 11,809
2014 379 81,192,004 83,734,188 220,789 7,991 437,791 11,935
2015 379 84,798,748 86,715,320 229,103 8,212 455,460 12,331
2016 376 88,167,298 89,564,051 238,361 8,457 462,131 12,490
2017 375 88,282,381 88,282,381 235,577 8,333 461,850 12,413

ISU Department of Economics Page 12

Sales by Business Group
Areas of strength or weakness in the local retail sector may be revealed through a comparative analysis of sales by specific
types of businesses. The following table presents taxable sales statistics by business group for Winnebago County.

The top section shows the annualized number of reporting firms (average returns filed per quarter), taxable sales, and average
sales per firm in 12 types of retail businesses. The bottom section shows sales by business group on a per capita basis. Real
averages for the prior 3-year period are provided to identify areas of recent growth or decline. Median values for similar
counties and statewide averages for the current fiscal year are also provided for benchmarking purposes. County data are
suppressed for business groups that did not meet a minimum threshold for number of reporting firms.

Sales by business group should not be confused with sales by merchandise category. The business group sales data reflect the
broad business classification of the firms making the sales, not the specific goods and services that were sold. See Page 15 for a
more detailed list of the types of firms included within each business group.

Winnebago County Taxable Sales Summary by Business Group

Total Sales and Average Sales Per Firm Winnebago County FY17 Totals Average Sales Per Firm ($)
Reporting Winnebago State of
Type of Firm Total Sales ($) Firms County Iowa
Apparel Stores #N/A #N/A #N/A 660,275
Building Materials Stores 4,685,493 6 780,916 2,010,762
Eating and Drinking Establishments 8,191,935 32 258,014 560,719
Food Stores (excluding non-taxable food items) 12,556,746 14 881,175 1,116,757
General Merchandise Stores #N/A #N/A #N/A 6,099,265
Home Furnishings Stores 537,184 10 53,718 854,259
Specialty Retail Stores 5,884,070 70 83,759 218,297
Service Establishments 13,835,477 119 116,021 169,522
Miscellaneous Retail Firms 7,185,375 66 109,700 250,669
Automotive and Related Stores 6,782,112 13 511,858 824,332
Utilities and Transportation Services 15,182,578 13 1,167,891 1,206,482
Retail Sales by Wholesale Firms 7,392,854 27 278,976 907,719

Real Sales Per Capita ($) Winnebago County Trends FY17 Benchmark Values
prior 3-year average Non-Metro State of
Type of Firm FY14 - FY16 FY17 Median Iowa
Apparel Stores #N/A #N/A 117 327
Building Materials Stores 444 441 430 912
Eating and Drinking Establishments 733 772 747 1,372
Food Stores (excluding non-taxable food items) 1,289 1,183 1,094 1,122
General Merchandise Stores #N/A #N/A 1,557 1,490
Home Furnishings Stores 95 51 186 391
Specialty Retail Stores 562 554 424 982
Service Establishments 1,067 1,303 1,121 1,724
Miscellaneous Retail Firms 670 677 785 995
Automotive and Related Stores 564 639 454 607
Utilities and Transportation Services 1,423 1,430 714 1,252
Retail Sales by Wholesale Firms 769 696 762 1,239

FY 2017 Retail Trade Analysis Report Page 13

Per Capita Sales by Business Group
The chart below compares per capita sales by business group in Winnebago County with the median value for all 78 non-
metropolitan counties in Iowa (see table on previous page for underlying data). Winnebago County per capita values are
shown with red dots. The non-metropolitan median values appear as blue dashes. County data are suppressed for any
business groups that did not meet a minimum threshold for number of reporting firms.

Note: Sales values for the Wholesalers group reflect only the retail portion of sales by wholesale firms.


Sales Per Capita

Nonmetro Median
Winnebago Co.


Utilities &

Eating and



Misc. Retail
Food Dealers






Distribu on of Taxable Sales by Business Group

The following chart illustrates the percentage distribution of Winnebago County and statewide total taxable sales across the
major retail business groups. County data are suppressed for any business groups that did not meet a minimum threshold for
number of reporting firms. Sales in suppressed categories are aggregated into a single percentage value and labeled with an
asterisk (*).

Winnebago County State of Iowa

*Apparel *Apparel 2.6%

Building Materials 5.3% Building Materials 7.3%

Eating and Drinking 9.3% Eating and Drinking 11.1%

Food Dealers 14.2% Food Dealers 9.0%

*General Merchandise *General Merchandise 12.0%

Home Furnishings 0.6% Home Furnishings 3.2%

Specialty 6.7% Specialty 7.9%

Taxable Services 15.7% Taxable Services 13.9%

Miscellaneous 8.1% Miscellaneous 8.0%

Automotive 7.7% Automotive 4.9%

Utilities & Transportation 17.2% Utilities & Transportation 10.1%

Wholesalers 8.4% Wholesalers 10.0%

*County subtotal for suppressed groups 6.9% State subtotal for groups marked with * 14.6%

ISU Department of Economics Page 14

Statewide Average Per Capita Sales by Detailed Business Type, FY 2017

Business Type and Per Capita Sales ($)

Apparel Group $327 Services Group $1,724

Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores 278 Auto Repair 347
Shoe Stores 48 Hotels and All Other Lodging Places 309
Other Business Services 225
Automotive and Related Firms $607 Arts and Entertainment 196
New and Used Car Dealers 306 Beauty/Barber Shops 131
Automotive Parts and Accessories 216 Miscellaneous Repairs 107
Recreational and All Other Motorized Vehicles 85 Other Personal Services 82
Auto Rental and Storage 60
Building Materials Group $912 Motion Picture and Video Industries 50
Building Material Dealers 665 Laundry and Floor Cleaning 41
Hardware Stores 127 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Leasing 40
Garden Supply Stores 82 Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair & Maintenance 38
Paint and Glass Stores 36 Other Services 29
Mobile Home Dealers 2 Funeral Service and Crematories 22
Education and Athletic Events 20
Eating and Drinking Places Group $1,372 Photographic Studios 14
Restaurants, Taverns, and Bars 1,372 Employment Services 10
Upholstery and Furniture Repair 2
Food Dealers Group $1,122 Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repair 0
Grocery Stores and Convenience Stores 563 Footwear and Leather Repair 0
Gas Stations/Convenience Stores With Gas 542
Specialized Groceries 17 Miscellaneous Group $995
Plumbing and Heating Contractors 151
General Merchandise Group $1,490 General Contractors 141
Department Stores 955 Agricultural Production and Services 136
Miscellaneous Merchandise Stores 530 Other Special Trade Contractors 107
Variety Stores 5 Industrial Equipment Manufacturers 92
Miscellaneous Manufacturers 56
Home Furnishings And Appliances Group $391 Food Manufacturers 55
Appliances and Entertainment Equipment 150 Electrical Contractors 54
Furniture Stores 143 Non-Metallic Product Manufacturers 54
Home Furnishing Stores 98 Furniture, Wood and Paper Manufacturers 38
Publishers Of Books & Newspapers and Commercial Printers 33
Specialty Retail Stores Group $982 Carpentry Contractors 27
Other Specialty 302 Unclassified 25
Sporting Goods 176 Mining 13
Beauty and Health (Includes Pharmacies & Drug Stores) 166 Painting Contractors 11
Direct Sellers 70 Apparel and Textile Manufacturers 1
Hobby and Toy 61
Jewelry 56 Wholesale Goods Group $1,239
Book and Stationery Stores 42 (retail sales by wholesale firms) 1,239
Used Merchandise Stores 25
Stationery, Gift, Novelty 25 Utilities and Transportation Group $1,252
Vending Machine Operators 21 Electric and Gas 502
Liquor Stores 18 Communications 481
Florists 14 Water and Sanitation 202
Fuel and Ice Dealers 1 Transportation and Warehousing 67
Electronic Shopping and Mail Order Houses 1
All Business Groups $12,413

FY 2017 Retail Trade Analysis Report Page 15

Consumer Characteris cs
Na onal Spending Pa erns by
Income and Age U.S. Consumer Spending on Selected Goods and Services
Consumer spending patterns vary with the age, That are Taxable in Iowa, by Type of Consumer
income level, and other characteristics of the
Percentage of per capita average
consumer. The chart at right illustrates differences All consumers 100
in U.S. consumer spending on a selected bundle of
goods and services that are taxable in Iowa. The Lowest 20% of households by income 69
Second 20% 73
retail bundle includes food away from home, Third 20% 84
telecommunications services, household supplies and Fourth 20% 98
furnishings, apparel, entertainment, automobile Highest 20% 156
repair and maintenance, and personal services.
Householder under age 25 years 71
In the chart, average annual spending levels of 25-34 years 87
35-44 years 90
consumers within each group are expressed as 45-54 years 110
percentages of the all-consumer average. Differences 55-64 years 115
are most apparent by income level, with persons in 65 years or older 118
the highest household income quintile spending Urban household 102
more than twice the average of persons in the lowest Rural household 85
income quintile. Per person spending also tends to
increase with householder age, but drops slightly
among residents of elderly households.

Winnebago County Profile

Local Income and Age Distribu ons
Median Household Income ($) Winnebago State of Iowa
Recent county-level statistics may be used to profile
the income and age distributions of area residents. Estimate 52,953  56,354

If the county deviates strongly from statewide 90% Confidence Interval 47,750 - 58,160 55,680 - 57,030
averages on these measures, one might expect some
differences in local residents’ spending compared to
the average spending levels by all Iowa residents.
Poverty Rate (%) Winnebago State of Iowa
The table at right shows the county’s median Estimate 10.5  11.7
household income level and estimated poverty rate 90% Confidence Interval 8.2 - 12.8 11.4 - 12.0
compared to the state. A lower median income level,
a higher poverty rate, or both suggest that the
percentage of county residents in low income
brackets exceeds the statewide average. In these Population (% of total) Winnebago State of Iowa

cases, comparatively lower retail spending levels may Under 5 years 5.8%  6.4%
be anticipated locally. Age 5 to 17 16.2%  16.9%

The bottom half of the table illustrates the Age 18 to 24 9.7%  10.3%
percentage distribution of the county’s population by Age 25 to 44 20.5%  24.3%
age group in years, relative to the comparable Age 45 to 64 27.1%  25.7%
statewide percentages. Strong differences in the
Age 65 years and over 20.7%  16.4%
regional age distribution likely affect both the mix
Median age 43.0  38.0
and levels of retail goods and services demanded by
area residents.  Higher than state
 Lower than state

ISU Department of Economics Page 16

Other Factors Influencing Retail Sales

Infla on
Midwest Consumer Price Index
The rate of inflation measures changes over time in (100% = Price Levels in 1st Quarter 2008)
the purchasing power of the dollar. When price 120%

levels rise faster than earnings and other income,

consumers may have to reduce or reallocate their 110%

The pace of U.S. inflation during the last 10 years is 100%

illustrated at right. This chart shows quarterly
changes in the Midwest Consumer Price Index for
All Urban Consumers, using first quarter of 2008 as
the benchmark period. 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Consumer Confidence
Consumer confidence refers to how favorably
consumers view prospects for the economy and their U.S. Consumer Sentiment
own financial situation. Pessimism about the (100 = Index Value in 1st Quarter 2008)
economy can have a dampening effect on household 140
discretionary purchases, while optimism can boost 130
the likelihood of purchases.
The chart at right illustrates a quarterly index of 100

consumer confidence benchmarked to the first 90

quarter of 2008. Source data were obtained from
the Index of Consumer Sentiment, University of 60
Michigan Surveys of Consumers, via the Federal 50
Reserve Bank of St. Louis. 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Internet and Catalog Sales

E-commerce represents a rapidly-growing share of
retail activity in the United States. While presenting
E-Commerce Sales in the U.S.
a potential sales growth channel for many retailers, (as a Percentage of Total Retail Sales)
e-commerce also poses a threat as yet another source
of sales leakage from Iowa’s communities.

The chart at right shows the growing share of total

U.S. retail sales that are transacted through
e-commerce. E-commerce, which includes internet
and catalog sales, describes transactions in which an
order is placed and/or price and terms of sale are FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17
3.6% 3.8% 4.2% 4.7% 5.1% 5.6% 6.1% 6.8% 7.7% 8.5%
negotiated over an internet or other online system.

FY 2017 Retail Trade Analysis Report Page 17

Data Notes and Defini ons

Iowa’s Retail Sales Tax Repor ng

The state of Iowa imposes a tax on the Certain accounting and other • January 1, 2006. The tax on certain
gross receipts from sales of taxable tangible administrative constraints may result in types of energy was reduced to 0%
personal property and taxable services. In the under-reporting or no reporting of after a 4-year phased decline.
general, merchandise goods are taxable sales activity for individual communities.
unless specifically exempted and services • July 1, 2008. Iowa’s sales tax rate
Confidentiality. In order to protect the
are taxable if specifically enumerated by increased from 5% to 6%.
confidentiality of individual filers, the Iowa
the state.
Department of Revenue only reports data • July 1, 2008. The Iowa Department of
Retailers file sales tax returns to the Iowa from localities with a minimum of 10 tax Revenue adopted a new fiscal year
Department of Revenue on a semi- returns filed for a quarter or 40 returns per reporting period to align with the
monthly, monthly, quarterly, or annual year. Sales data for localities not meeting state fiscal year that runs from July 1
basis depending on their amount of sales. this threshold level are reported for the through June 30 of each year.
county in which they are located.
The Department of Revenue compiles the • July 1, 2013. The Iowa Department of
data from sales tax returns and publishes Recent changes in the administration of
Revenue changed the business class
quarterly and annual retail sales tax reports Iowa’s sales tax include the following:
assignment for approximately 12
that provide the primary source of data for percent of Iowa’s retailers.
• July 1, 2004. Iowa revised its sales tax
this report.
laws to meet Streamlined Sales Tax • July 1, 2013. Taxable sales in the
Iowa’s sales tax reporting process may lead Project (SSTP) requirements. SSTP
Convenience Stores and Gas Stations
to occasional anomalies in retail sales data improves uniformity in sales tax laws
business class were reclassified from
reported at the local level. The state across states, thereby encouraging
the Automotive and Related Group to
compiles these data primarily for fiscal businesses to collect and remit sales
the Food Dealers Group.
management purposes, and only tax in every state in which they make
secondarily for analytical purposes. taxable sales.

Notable Exemp ons and Exclusions from Iowa’s Retail Sales Tax
Many retail transactions, because they are services such as medical and legal services and other inputs that are consumed during
exempt or otherwise excluded from the are not subject to the sales tax. production processes; industrial
state’s sales tax, are not included in the machinery, equipment, and some
Utilities. The state has phased out taxes
taxable sales values reported in this report. computer equipment; and many services.
on sales of metered gas, electricity, and
Following are some notable exemptions
fuel used as energy in residential dwellings, The state has created additional
from Iowa’s sales tax. More detailed
apartment units and condominiums. exemptions targeted toward specific
documentation is available from the Iowa
Specific exemptions may also apply to industries such as wind energy and
Department of Revenue.
certain businesses and industries. information technology. See the
Exempt or Excluded Goods. Goods that Department of Revenue Web site for more
Sales to Agriculture, Manufacturing,
are exempt from the sales tax include detailed information about exempt sales to
and Other Industries. The state exempts
certain foods used for home consumption, industry and business.
sales of many goods and services that are
prescription drugs, and medical devices.
used as inputs to agriculture and other Sales to Tax-Exempt Organizations.
Sales of gasoline, subject to a separate fuel
industrial processes. Local and state government entities are
tax, are excluded from taxable retail sales.
exempt from the sales tax. Sales to private
Taxable retail sales also exclude the sale or Sales tax exemptions for agriculture apply
nonprofit educational institutions for
lease of new or used vehicles that are to the purchase of feed, seed, fertilizer,
educational purposes are also exempt.
subject to registration. Vehicle purchases farm machinery and equipment, fuels and
Sales from fund-raising activities are
are taxed separately under the state’s one- utilities, and some services.
exempt from sales tax if the proceeds are
time registration fee.
Exemptions to manufacturing include used for educational, religious, or
Exempt Services. Unlike tangible goods, purchases of tangible inputs that become charitable purposes.
services are exempt from tax unless an integral part of manufactured goods
specifically enumerated. Professional ultimately sold at retail; fuels, chemicals,

ISU Department of Economics Page 18

Cau ons for Interpre ng Reported Sales Data
Non-Taxable Goods & Services. The Large Public Institutions. The Sales or Service Territories. Reported
sales information presented in this report presence of large public institutions such sales values in some areas may appear
provides only a partial picture of retail as correctional facilities or universities inflated if they are home to the business
and service sector activity in Iowa’s may distort local sales measures, as their office or headquarters of a firm with a
communities, due in part to the data institutional purchases are excluded from broad, geographically-defined service
reporting practices and sales tax taxable sales but their residents are territory such as a rural
exemptions listed on the previous page. included in local population estimates. telecommunications or cable television

Defini ons of Retail Measures

Retail Sales. This term refers to the Nominal Sales. Nominal sales are the Expected Per Capita Spending. An
reported sales of goods and services that dollar amounts reported in the year the expected value for residents’ average
are subject to Iowa’s retail sales tax. transactions actually took place. These spending on taxable retail goods and
values have not been adjusted for inflation. services is used in the calculation of trade
Reporting Firms. This value reflects the surplus and leakage, trade area capture, and
average number of tax returns filed per Sales Per Firm. Per firm sales are pull factor values. This measure is sensitive
quarter during the year, and it serves as a calculated by dividing the annual dollar to local income levels. For more
proxy for the number of local retail firms. value of sales by the average number of information on the derivation of this
reporting firms in that year. measure, please contact the author.
Real Sales. "Real" dollar values have
been standardized to reflect the Sales Per Capita. Per capita (or “per Sales by Business Group. Sales
purchasing power of a dollar in the person”) sales are calculated by dividing the tabulations by business group describe the
current fiscal year, thus removing the dollar value of sales by the estimated types of firms where retail transactions
effects of price inflation. population for the subject place, including occurred. They do not describe the type of
group quarters residents. merchandise that was sold.

Other Data Notes

City-to-County Assignments: The E-commerce Sales: US. Bureau of the Population: Iowa State University
incorporated territory of many Iowa cities Census, E-Commerce Retail Sales as a estimates, based on data released through
crosses the boundaries of two or more Percent of Total Sales, retrieved from the Population Estimates Program, U.S.
counties. For this report, all cities are FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Census Bureau. With each annual data
assigned to the county that contained the release, the U.S. Census Bureau may revise
greatest percentage of its population in the ECOMPCTSA, 03/01/18. its estimates from prior years. This report
2010 Census. incorporates the most recently available
Employment: U.S. Bureau of Economic
estimates and revisions. Population-based
Commuting Flows: Local Employment Analysis (annual) and U.S. Bureau of Labor
statistics published in this report may not
Dynamics Program, U.S. Census Bureau. Statistics (monthly). Employment includes
reconcile with those appearing in earlier
These commuting flows describe the place full-time and part-time jobs, with all jobs
retail trade analysis reports. In most cases,
of work and place of residence of wage and counted equally.
the discrepancies are minor.
salary workers in 2015. Self-employed
Household Income and Poverty: Small
individuals such as sole proprietors and Price Deflators: Except where otherwise
Area Income and Poverty Estimates, U.S.
partners are excluded from these data. noted in this report, the dollar values for all
Census Bureau.
retail sales and personal income data have
Consumer Spending Patterns:
Inflation Rate: Midwest Region been adjusted for inflation using the
Consumer Expenditure Survey, U.S. Bureau
Consumer Price Index for All Urban Implicit Price Deflator for Personal
of Labor Statistics.
Consumers, All Items, U.S. Bureau of Labor Consumption Expenditures published by
Consumer Sentiment: Surveys of Statistics. the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Consumers, University of Michigan,
Average Wages and Salaries per Job: Unemployment: Local Area
University of Michigan: Consumer
U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Unemployment Statistics, U.S. Bureau of
Sentiment©, retrieved from FRED, Federal
Labor Statistics.
Reserve Bank of St. Louis https://
UMCSENT, 03/01/18.

FY 2017 Retail Trade Analysis Report Page 19

County Peer Group Defini ons
County Name 2010 PopulaƟon Metropolitan or Micropolitan StaƟsƟcal Area Name
Black Hawk................ 131,090 Waterloo-Cedar Falls, IA Metropolitan Sta s cal Area
Dallas......................... 66,135 Des Moines-West Des Moines, IA Metropolitan Sta s cal Area
Dubuque.................... 93,653 Dubuque, IA Metropolitan Sta s cal Area
Johnson..................... 130,882 Iowa City, IA Metropolitan Sta s cal Area

1 Linn............................
Po awa amie..........
Cedar Rapids, IA Metropolitan Sta s cal Area
Des Moines-West Des Moines, IA Metropolitan Sta s cal Area
Omaha-Council Bluffs, NE-IA Metropolitan Sta s cal Area
Sco ........................... 165,224 Davenport-Moline-Rock Island, IA-IL Metropolitan Sta s cal Area
Story.......................... 89,542 Ames, IA Metropolitan Sta s cal Area
Woodbury................. 102,172 Sioux City, IA-NE-SD Metropolitan Sta s cal Area

Boone......................... 26,306 Boone, IA Micropolitan Sta s cal Area

Buena Vista............... 20,260 Storm Lake, IA Micropolitan Sta s cal Area
Carroll........................ 20,816 Carroll, IA Micropolitan Sta s cal Area
Cerro Gordo.............. 44,151 Mason City, IA Micropolitan Sta s cal Area
Clay............................ 16,667 Spencer, IA Micropolitan Sta s cal Area
Clinton....................... 49,116 Clinton, IA Micropolitan Sta s cal Area
Des Moines............... 40,325 Burlington, IA-IL Micropolitan Sta s cal Area
Dickinson................... 16,667 Spirit Lake, IA Micropolitan Sta s cal Area

2 Jasper.........................
Newton, IA Micropolitan Sta s cal Area
Fairfield, IA Micropolitan Sta s cal Area
Fort Madison-Keokuk, IA-IL-MO Micropolitan Sta s cal Area
Mahaska.................... 22,381 Oskaloosa, IA Micropolitan Sta s cal Area
Marion....................... 33,309 Pella, IA Micropolitan Sta s cal Area
Marshall.................... 40,648 Marshalltown, IA Micropolitan Sta s cal Area
Musca ne................. 42,745 Musca ne, IA Micropolitan Sta s cal Area
Wapello..................... 35,625 O umwa, IA Micropolitan Sta s cal Area
Webster..................... 38,013 Fort Dodge, IA Micropolitan Sta s cal Area

Allamakee.................. 14,330 None (not part of a metropolitan or micropolitan area)

Appanoose................ 12,887 None
Buchanan................... 20,958 None
Cass............................ 13,956 None
Cedar.......................... 18,499 None
Cherokee................... 12,072 None
Chickasaw.................. 12,439 None
Clarke......................... 9,286 None

3 Crawford....................
Faye e....................... 20,880 None
(continues next Floyd.......................... 16,303 None
page) Franklin...................... 10,680 None
Greene....................... 9,336 None
Hamilton................... 15,673 None
Hancock..................... 11,341 None
Hardin........................ 17,534 None
Henry......................... 20,145 None
Howard...................... 9,566 None
Humboldt.................. 9,815 None

ISU Department of Economics Page 20

County Peer Group Defini ons
County Name 2010 PopulaƟon Metropolitan or Micropolitan StaƟsƟcal Area Name
Iowa........................... 16,355 None (not part of a metropolitan or micropolitan area)
Jackson...................... 19,848 None
Kossuth...................... 15,543 None
Lucas.......................... 8,898 None
(continued from Mitchell..................... 10,776 None
Monona..................... 9,243 None
previous page) Monroe...................... 7,970 None
Montgomery............. 10,740 None
O'Brien....................... 14,398 None

3 Osceola......................
Palo Alto....................
Poweshiek................. 18,914 None
Shelby........................ 12,167 None
Sioux.......................... 33,704 None
Tama.......................... 17,767 None
Union......................... 12,534 None
Winnebago................ 10,866 None
Winneshiek............... 21,056 None
Wright....................... 13,229 None

Benton....................... 26,076 Cedar Rapids, IA Metropolitan Sta s cal Area

Bremer....................... 24,276 Waterloo-Cedar Falls, IA Metropolitan Sta s cal Area
Grundy....................... 12,453 Waterloo-Cedar Falls, IA Metropolitan Sta s cal Area
Guthrie...................... 10,954 Des Moines-West Des Moines, IA Metropolitan Sta s cal Area

Harrison..................... 14,928 Omaha-Council Bluffs, NE-IA Metropolitan Sta s cal Area
Jones.......................... 20,638 Cedar Rapids, IA Metropolitan Sta s cal Area
Madison.................... 15,679 Des Moines-West Des Moines, IA Metropolitan Sta s cal Area
Mills........................... 15,059 Omaha-Council Bluffs, NE-IA Metropolitan Sta s cal Area
Plymouth................... 24,986 Sioux City, IA-NE-SD Metropolitan Sta s cal Area
Warren....................... 46,225 Des Moines-West Des Moines, IA Metropolitan Sta s cal Area
Washington............... 21,704 Iowa City, IA Metropolitan Sta s cal Area

Adair.......................... 7,682 None (not part of a metropolitan or micropolitan area)

Adams........................ 4,029 None
Audubon.................... 6,119 None
Butler......................... 14,867 None
Calhoun..................... 9,670 None
Clayton...................... 18,129 None
Davis.......................... 8,753 O umwa, IA Micropolitan Sta s cal Area
Decatur...................... 8,457 None
Fremont..................... 7,441 None

5 Ida..............................
Lyon........................... 11,581 None
Pocahontas............... 7,310 None
Ringgold.................... 5,131 None
Sac.............................. 10,350 None
Taylor......................... 6,317 None
Van Buren.................. 7,570 None
Wayne........................ 6,403 None
Worth........................ 7,598 Mason City, IA Micropolitan Sta s cal Area

FY 2017 Retail Trade Analysis Report Page 21

Frequently-Asked Ques ons
Iowa State University Following are some of the most frequently-asked questions about the content of this report:

Department of Economics What happened to the detailed business group sales data for cities? Long-time users of the
Iowa State University (ISU) Retail Trade Analysis reports may notice the absence of city-level
sales data by type of business. Beginning in Fiscal Year 2009, the Iowa Department of Revenue
For more information about this
ceased publication of detailed business group data at the individual city level in its Annual Retail
report, please contact:
Sales and Use Tax Report. As a consequence, the ISU Retail Trade Analysis reports now provide
analysis of business group sales at the county and state levels only. Subject to strict disclosure
Liesl Eathington
limitations, the Iowa Department of Revenue may provide detailed categorical sales data for
Phone: 515-294-2954
individual cities upon request.
Fax: 515-294-0221
E-mail: Why do historical data in this report differ from previously-published ISU retail reports?
The underlying population and income data used in this report are subject to backward revision
by the U.S. Census Bureau and sister agencies, meaning that historical data are revised as new
175 Heady Hall information becomes available. Any revisions to population and income estimates may result in
Iowa State University re-statement of per capita retail sales, pull factors, and related measures for prior years. This
Ames, Iowa 50011 report incorporates the most recently-revised statistics, and no effort is made to reconcile the
historical data with prior versions of the ISU Retail Trade Analysis reports.

Are the retail sales statistics fully comparable over time? Users should note that retail
statistics in this report describe only taxable, not total, retail sales. Changes to Iowa’s sales tax
laws have redefined the mix of goods and services included within taxable sales transactions over
Find these retail reports, along with time. Changes in sales tax reporting practices may also complicate analysis of historical trends at
other economic and demographic the local or statewide level. Notable recent changes include the following:
profiles for Iowa’s communities, • Iowa Department of Revenue reassigned more than 10 percent of Iowa’s retailers to different
online at: business class codes that better reflect their business focus (FY 2014).

• Iowa Department of Revenue reclassified gasoline stations with convenience stores from the automotive and related group to the food dealers group (FY 2014).

These reclassifications should be noted when comparing sales by business group before and after
FY 2014.

Are the pull factors and other retail measures adjusted for differences in local income?
Yes. In calculating local pull factor ratios and estimating trade surplus/leakage values, this report
incorporates small area income data available from the American Community Survey (ACS), U.S.
Census Bureau. Contact the author for more detailed information about the methodology used
for income adjustments.

For more than three decades, Iowa State University has provided analysis and outreach services to
describe retail trade patterns in Iowa’s cities and counties. In producing this report, we acknowledge
the pioneering work of Kenneth E. Stone, now Professor Emeritus, in applied community retail trade

This project was supported with funding from the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment
Station, the research program directed by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Iowa State

Iowa State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender
identity, sex, marital status, disability, or status as a U.S. veteran. Inquiries can be directed to the Director of Equal Opportunity and
Diversity, 3680 Beardshear Hall, (515) 294-7612.

ISU Department of Economics Page 22

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