Literature Review On Banking Industry in India
Literature Review On Banking Industry in India
Literature Review On Banking Industry in India
daunting task for many. The process involves extensive research, critical analysis, and synthesis of
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relevant sources to organizing and presenting the information in a coherent manner, every step
requires careful attention to detail and academic rigor.
One of the primary challenges faced by individuals tasked with writing a literature review is the
sheer volume of available literature on the topic. With a vast array of academic journals, books,
reports, and other sources to sift through, determining which ones are most relevant and credible can
be a time-consuming process. Moreover, synthesizing the findings from diverse sources while
maintaining a coherent narrative adds another layer of complexity to the task.
Furthermore, ensuring that the literature review is not only descriptive but also analytical requires a
deep understanding of the subject matter and the ability to critically evaluate the existing research.
This involves identifying gaps in the literature, conflicting findings, and areas for future research,
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This study is based on published secondary data of selected public sector banks viz. As a result,
when proposing regulations, it is critical to consider bank performance and risk management. For
this reason, efficient risk management is extremely required. Artificial intelligence (Ai)-the
technology that shapes the world. The challenge remained with changing customer behavior to
embrace the online channel. According to Yuqing and Guangjun 2010, mobile marketing increases
quickly because of the popularity of smart portable devices and advances in wireless technologies.
The effects of concentration and competition on bank performance are pertinent since they have
important policy implications. Unless and otherwise proper remedial measures are taken the quantum
of non-performing assets cannot be reduced and the bank will incur losses to a great extent. In India
the banking sector is growing at a fast pace. Determinants of customer satisfaction in chatbot use:
Evidence from a banking application in Turkey. Cash And Bank 29,966.56 38,873.69 8,907.13
29.7235652. Human risk is a big problem for Indian financial institutions. In 1949, the Banking
Regulation Act was enacted which empowered the Reserve Bank of. Hence, the study of the
banking industry and its impact on the economy is of the utmost importance. Availability of data and
materials SCOPUS database. The influence is more powerful if the country’s banking system is
fragile. Therefore, exploring some solutions to establish the right balance between regulation,
performance, and risk management of banks is vital. Cash And Bank 22,299.29 24,087.12 1,787.83
8.017430151. This includes the risks and benefits of Online Banking, its reliability and accessibility
to make transactions and other banking activities. Very few alternatives are available so the
bargaining power is less. Payne et al. ( 2018 ) examined digital natives' comfort and attitudes toward
AI-enabled mobile banking activities. The term AI was first used in 1956 by John McCarthy
(McCarthy et al., 1956 ); it refers to systems that act and think like humans in a rational way (Kok et
al., 2009 ). In the aftermath of the dot com bubble in 2000, the field of AI shifted toward Web 2.0.
era in 2005, and the growth of data and availability of information encouraged more research in AI
and its potential (Larson, 2021 ). The sub-theme of AI and customer experience (Papers 11) covers
the use of AI to enhance banking experience and services for customers. A second dose of
nationalisation of 6 more commercial banks followed in 1980. The stated. A modularity algorithm is
a design that measures how strong the divided networks are grouped into modules; this means how
well the nodes are connected through a denser route relative to other networks. Confining value from
neural networks: a sectoral study prediction of takeover targets in the US technology sector. The
study’s practical implications are that analyzing existing literature helps researchers generate new
themes and ideas to justify their contribution to literature. Public Sector Banks (PSBs) are banks
where a majority stake (i.e. more than 50%) is held by. It also suggested modalities for implementing
on-line banking. Classifying online corporate reputation with machine learning: A study in the
banking domain.
Land Use Policy 87:104069 Balasubramaniam C (2012) Non-performing assets and profitability of
commercial banks in India: assessment and emerging issues. In the Processes theme (34 papers),
after the dot com bubble and with the emergence of Web 2.0, research on AI in the banking sector
started to emerge. Total Current 43,746.43 15,501.18 -28,245.25 -64.56584. Findings: The findings
demonstrate that larger banks contribute lower in the systemic risk of banks. Secured Loans
13,350.08 22,307.85 8,957.77 67.09899866. With respect to gross bank credit also, nationalised
banks hold the highest share of 52.8 per. The purpose of this paper is to study the performance of
banking industry in India. Competitors can come from an industry to ?disinter mediate?bank.
Nowadays, many banks in the global arena provide electronic services and an increasing majority of
the customers tend to do their banking activities through electronic systems and without actually
going to the bank branches. Narasimham, which worked for the liberalization and efficiency of
banking. Indistinguishable from Magic: How the Cybersecurity Market Reached a Trillion. Ethics
declarations Ethics approval and consent to participate, consent for publication, competing interests.
This had raised the number of scheduled bank branches under government to 84% from 31%. In
order to prepare public sector banks for neck-to-neck competition ahead and improve their. The
continuous rise of Non-performing assets (NPAs) of banks posed a significant threat to the stability
of the financial system. Constituted inthe Committee submitted two reports, in andwhich laid review
thrust on enhancing the banking and viability of the banking sector. Less regulation means the
following: Flexible but full enforcement of the regulations Customization, instead of a one-size-fits-
all regulatory system rooted in a nation’s indigenous requirements, is needed. By the 1900s, the
market expanded with the establishment of banks such as Punjab National Bank, in 1895 in Lahore
and Bank of India, in 1906, in Mumbai both of which were founded under private ownership. 8 The
Reserve Bank of India formally took on the responsibility of regulating the Indian Banking sector
from 1935. Due to constraints of time and resources the study is likely to suffer from certain
limitations. Literature Review of Banking Studies Banks also play an important role in diminishing
informational asymmetries and risks in the financial system. Technical analysis is concerned with
predicting future price trends from historical price and. It is notable that the major banks were
nationalized on 19 July 1969, but the positive effects were showed only in the field of expansion and
spread of bank branches, creation of employment and mobilization of savings. Total Current
2,84,231.84 2,72,441.03 -11,790.81 -4.148307241. We guarantee meeting the deadline no matter
how tight it is. Download Free PDF View PDF BANKING SECTOR REFORMS IN INDIA Dr.
Nalla Bala Kalyan Banking sector is treated as to be the back bone of the Indian economy. The
Electronic Banking Revolution in India 2019-01-23. For instance, Alborzi and Khanbabaei ( 2016 )
examined the use of data mining neural network techniques to develop a customer credit scoring
model. In this regard, the major milestone has been the formation of National Payments Corporation
of India. Total Current 1,23,450.62 1,68,448.61 44,997.99 36.45019361. Total Current 9,947.67
6,133.46 -3,814.21 -38.3427476.
Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Technology has also
played a major role within organizations. This resulted in two major classifications and 56 distinct
concepts. A total of over 50,000 USBs have been set up in the. This phenomenon is relatively
underexplored and therefore renders itself for future research. To browse and the
wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Mexico,
India is the second biggest investment destination for the bank as the entity. Barriers to an entry in
banking industry no longer exist. The need of the hour is an efficient risk management system
comprising risk identification, measurement and control. During the last 30 years since
nationalization tremendous changes have taken place in the financial markets as well as in the
Banking Industry due to financial sector reforms. 9 The banks have shed their traditional functions
and have been innovating, improving and coming out with new types of services to cater emerging
needs of their 4. customers. Banks have been given greater freedom to frame their own policies.
Deepa Paul A tough on the banking catches of the end of Kerala, Gilbert. Deciding on which method
is appropriate and gives bigger returns is truly a. Determinants of customer satisfaction in chatbot
use: Evidence from a banking application in Turkey. NAPs not only affect the performance of the
banks but also put irreparable harm to the entire economy. Reserve Bank of India has laid out a
stagnant rules and regulation for new entrant in Banking. Despite regulations, such as high capital
buffers and liquidity ratio requirements, during the second decade of the twenty-first century, the
Indian banking sector still witnessed a substantial increase in NPAs. Unsecured Loans 1,67,404.44
2,08,586.41 41,181.97 24.60028539. Refer Table no. 13 and graph no. 13 the factors which
influences the customers of this part. Some of them are mentioned below so that the findings of the
study are understood in proper. From the above pie-chart it can be inferred that almost 50% of our
respondents i.e 43 out of. This winner presents a huge review of 165 fraction articles cared on the
adoption of. Face to Face Banking - Money Withdraw Transaction- Service Blue Print - Taxon. In
the background of these developments, this study strives to examine the state of affair of the Non
performing Assets (NPAs) of the public sector banks and private sector banks in India with special
reference to weaker sections. During the two last decades of the twentieth century, three important
innovations; namely fax, cellphone and the internet, have shown that how the expansion of
communication can change the service industry and the daily life routines of people. Artificial
intelligence in business: State of the art and future research agenda. Indian money market comprises
organized and the unorganized. Customer experience in digital banking: a review and future research
This structured review of literature, guided with the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews
and meta-analyses framework, takes a digital banking perspective to identify 88 articles published
between 2001 and 2021, examining distinct aspects of digital banking and their impact on financial
performance. The front-stage includes targeted ads, where customers are exposed to ads that are
tailored for them. There are various mechanisms available to a firm for revival. Research design:
Conclusive and Quantitative method.