Year 8
Year 8
Year 8
Autobiography/Biography Analyse and evaluate the ways that text structures and Task 1: 10% Homework
1 Unit language features vary according to the purpose of the text Comprehension Program –
Analyse and evaluate text and the ways that referenced sources add authority to a text questions on each of Journal Writing
Writing structures and language (ACELY1732) three autobiography and prepare for
Listening features of literacy texts Use a range of software, including word processing excerpts. oral presentation
and and make intertextual programs, to create, edit and publish texts imaginatively
Speaking connections. (ACELY1738) Task 2: 5%
Evaluate the effectiveness Interpret and analyse language choices, including sentence Students create a display Diagnostics:
of literacy texts patterns, dialogue, imagery and other language features, in of their life eg poster, PAT testing and
Plan and deliver a short stories, literary essays and plays (ACELT1767) booklet, power point etc. SA Spelling Test
presentation to peers Understand how cohesion in texts is improved by To be displayed in class.
Interview subjects about strengthening the internal structure of paragraphs through the
their teenage experiences use of examples, quotations and substantiation of claims Task 3: 10%
Record/video interview (ACELA1766) Oral Presentation –
Write a short biography Explore the ways that ideas and viewpoints in literary texts Biography
based on interview drawn from different historical, social and cultural contexts Students create questions
may reflect or challenge the values of individuals and groups for an interview and
(ACELT1626) present findings to class
Understand and explain how combinations of words and
images in texts are used to represent particular groups in Task 4: 5%
society, and how texts position readers in relation to those Journal Work
groups (ACELT1628)
Create imaginative, informative and persuasive texts that
raise issues, report events and advance opinions, using
deliberate language and textual choices, and including digital
elements as appropriate (ACELY1736)
Lynn Flannery, 2024
2 Short Story Study: Understand how conventions of speech adopted by Task 5: 5% Homework
Students will revise communities influence the identities of people in those Short story Program –
Reading narrative conventions communities (ACELA1541) comprehension questions Spelling
Writing and be exposed to a Explore the interconnectedness of Country/Place, People,
Listening range of short stories. Identity and Culture in texts including those by Aboriginal Task 6: 10%
and They will identify and and Torres Strait Islander authors (ACELT1806) Write a short story using
Speaking evaluate the use of Share, reflect on, clarify and evaluate opinions and narrative conventions
vocabulary to construct arguments about aspects of literary texts (ACELT1627) learned in class.
character and setting. Analyse and examine how effective authors control and use a
Share opinions about variety of clause structures, including clauses embedded Task 7: 5%
the quality of the text, within the structure of a noun group/phrase or clause Debating Task
with evidence used (ACELA1545)
Discuss the role of Apply increasing knowledge of vocabulary, text structures
narrative conventions and language features to understand the content of texts
Students will write their (ACELY1733)
own short story Recognise that vocabulary choices contribute to the
specificity, abstraction and style of texts (ACELA1547)
Debating Plan, rehearse and deliver presentations, selecting and
Students will learn sequencing appropriate content, including multimodal
debating skills and elements, to reflect a diversity of viewpoints (ACELY1731)
practise the in class in
3 Film Language Understand and explain how combinations of words and Task 8: 10% Homework
Viewing images in texts are used to represent particular groups in Complete ongoing Program –
Listening Students will view two films to society, and how texts position readers in relation to those booklet of activities on Reading Log
and learn about – groups (ACELT1628) film
Speaking The use of film Interpret the stated and implied meanings in spoken texts,
language such as and use evidence to support or challenge different Task 9: 2.5%
symbolic, written, perspectives (ACELY1730) Create a mind-map on
audio and technical Recognise, explain and analyse the ways literary texts draw allusion
codes in viewing texts on readers’ knowledge of other texts and enable new
The use of allusion in understanding and appreciation of aesthetic qualities Task 10:10%
texts (ACELT1629) Essay on satire
Lynn Flannery, 2024
The use of satire in Investigate how visual and multimodal texts allude to or Task 11: 5%
texts draw on other texts or images to enhance and layer meaning Oral presentation
Analyse how the text structures and language features of
Students will revise/learn – persuasive texts, including media texts, vary according to
Note-taking the medium and mode of communication (ACELA1543)
Paragraph writing using Explore and explain the ways authors combine different
PEEL modes and media in creating texts, and the impact of these
How to write a 5 choices on the viewer/listener (ACELY1735)
paragraph essay
Editing Use comprehension strategies to interpret and evaluate texts
by reflecting on the validity of content and the credibility of
Homework via Connect – sources, including finding evidence in the text for
Vocabulary pertaining the author’s point of view (ACELY1734)
to film Understand how cohesion in texts is improved by
strengthening the internal structure of paragraphs through the
Pre-reading activities
use of examples, quotations and substantiation of claims
relevant to classroom
Understand how coherence is created in complex texts
Other short tasks to
through devices like lexical cohesion, ellipsis,
reinforce learning
grammatical theme and text connectives (ACELA1809)
Other Homework –
Reading log
4 Newspapers Recognise and explain differing viewpoints about the world, Task 12:5 % Homework
Students are introduced to cultures, individual people and concerns represented in texts Produce a letter to the Program-
Reading the features of a newspaper (ACELT1807) editor about a topical Grammar and
Writing through a ‘treasure hunt’ Recognise, explain and analyse the ways literary texts draw issue comprehension
Study of newspaper types on readers’ knowledge of other texts and enable new
and demographics of understanding and appreciation of aesthetic qualities Task 13: 10%
readership (ACELT1629) Write a news report
Parts of the newspaper Investigate how visual and multimodal texts allude to or about an event that
activities draw on other texts or images to enhance and layer meaning occurred in Kalbarri.
Students learn the (ACELA1548)
conventions of, and produce Create literary texts that draw upon text structures and Task 7: 5%
Lynn Flannery, 2024
a: language features of other texts for particular purposes and Oral Presentation
Letter to the Editor effects (ACELT1632) Write then present to
News Report Experiment with particular language features drawn from class a review about a
Review different types of texts, including combinations of language text of your choice: film,
and visual choices to create new texts (ACELT1768) novel, game, music,
Explore and explain the ways authors combine different play, concert/event etc.
modes and media in creating texts, and the impact of these
choices on the viewer/listener (ACELY1735)
Understand the effect of nominalisation in the writing of
informative and persuasive texts (ACELA1546)