Gen Chem 3rd Quarter
Gen Chem 3rd Quarter
Gen Chem 3rd Quarter
What is a MIXTURE? Dilute Solution
Two or more elements or compounds NOT has a low concentration which means that there is
chemically combined. less amount of solute dissolved in each solvent. It
Can be uniform called Homogeneous and are is also known as unsaturated solution.
known as solutions. Dilution is frequently used in everyday life.
Can be non-uniform called Heterogeneous. Examples include making coffee or tea, using
Can be separated into their components by household cleaners, and taking medicine, with
chemical or physical means. each of these instances involving reducing the
concentration of a solute in a solution by adding
more solvent.
Saturated Solution
The amount of solute dissolved in a given amount
solvent is in its maximum. It is also defined as a
solution wherein the rate of dissolving is equal to
the rate of crystallizing.
In a saturated solution, no more solute can be
dissolved at a given temperature. We can make an
Supersaturated Solution
Means that the amount of solute dissolved in a
given amount of solvent is more than the
maximum. This type of solution is very unstable
which means that a minimal change in the
condition of the solution, the excess solute
crystallizes and the solution is back to a saturated
An example of a supersaturated solution is sodium
acetate in water. Sodium acetate is the salt of
acetic acid or vinegar. Water is a common solvent
of supersaturated solutions since it can be heated