Marketing Strategy Chapter 12
Marketing Strategy Chapter 12
Marketing Strategy Chapter 12
Not-for-Profit Marketing
⮚ Marketing in not-for-profit
1. Surveys/ Questionnaires
• Increased employee loyalty
● Online/ offline surveys to collect
• Marketplace success quantitative data on consumer
• Improved financial performance preferences.
● In-person interviews.
⮚ Sustainable products - Products that
● Telephone interviews
can be produced, used, and disposed of
with minimal impact on the ✔ Quick and inexpensive way of
getting a small quantity of
⮚ Firms stand to gain needed credibility relatively impersonal
from their efforts to protect the information
environment ✔ Many people refuse to take
⮚ Research reveals that customers are part or are reluctant to give
willing to pay a premium for personal information over the
environmental friendly goods and phone
services ✔ Not a viable option in