Vscan Extend Datasheet
Vscan Extend Datasheet
Vscan Extend Datasheet
Vscan Extend
Vscan Extend™ is a general purpose diagnostic ultrasound Vscan Extend is offered in three connectivity configurations2:
imaging system that can enable qualified and trained healthcare
• USB configuration allows the transfer of images or videos via
professionals to visualize and measure anatomical structures
USB cable connection to a PC
and fluid.
• Wi-Fi access configuration includes USB features and adds the
Its pocket-sized portability and simplified user interface ability to export images wirelessly to shared Windows® network
enable integration into examination and training sessions. folders, along with wireless access to the GE Marketplace for
The information can be used for basic or focused assessments. download and installation of Vscan Extend apps
It can also be used along with other medical data for clinical • The DICOM® configuration includes USB and Wi-Fi access
diagnostic purposes during routine periodic monitoring and features and adds the ability to wirelessly communicate with
triage assessments for adult and pediatric patients. Vscan DICOM servers
Extend can also be used for procedural guidance. It meets
Vscan Extend customers have access to the Vscan™ web portal,
requirements of use in the home healthcare environment.
including online access to product and clinical reference materials.
Vscan Extend is available in two probe configurations – either
with sector probe1 or with a dual-headed probe that integrates
both sector and linear transducers.
General Specification
Dimensions and Weight Linear Array Transducer for Shallow Scanning
(Available with Dual Probe) (cont.)
Display unit: 168 x 76 x 22 mm, 321 grams (including battery)
With the addition of the linear array transducer on the
Display: 12.7 cm, 720 x 1280 pixels resolution dual-headed probe solution, the specific clinical applications
Sector probe: 129 x 32 x 25 mm, 85 grams and exam types are expanded to include: peripheral vascular
imaging (e.g. lower extremity, carotid), procedure guidance
Dual probe: 129 x 39 x 28 mm, 120 grams for arterial or venous vessels (e.g. central lines, upper extremity),
small organs including thyroid, musculoskeletal (long bone,
hip, shoulder, elbow and knee joints), evaluation of presence
of fluid; thoracic/lung (e.g. pleural motion/sliding, line artifacts),
Black-and-white mode for displaying anatomy in real-time ophthalmic,3 and pediatrics
Imagination at work
© 2018 General Electric Company – All rights reserved.
GE Healthcare reserves the right to make changes in specifications and features shown
herein, or discontinue the product described at any time without notice or obligation.
Contact your GE Healthcare representative for the most current information. GE, the GE
Monogram, imagination at work, Vscan Extend, Vscan and Centricity Enterprise Archive
are trademarks of General Electric Company. GE Healthcare, a division of General Electric
Company. DICOM and DICOMweb are the registered trademarks of the National Electrical
Manufacturers Association for its standards publications relating to digital communications
of medical information. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in
the United States and/or other countries. Tricefy trademarks are registered trademarks
of Trice Imaging, Inc. GE Medical Systems, Inc., doing business as GE Healthcare.
August 2018