QP CS Pre Exam 2023 280523 Removed-3
QP CS Pre Exam 2023 280523 Removed-3
QP CS Pre Exam 2023 280523 Removed-3
(b)Only two
1.Ballistic missiles are jet-propelled a t
(c)All three s u b s o n i c s p e e d s t h r o u g h o u t their
flights, while cruise missiles are
(d)None rocket-powered only in the initial
phase of flight.
56. Consider the following pairs :
2.A g n i - V i s a m e d i u m - r a n g e
Objects in Description
supersonic cruise missile, while
BrahMos is a solid-fuelled
1. Cepheids Giantcloudsof intercontinental ballistic missile.
gas in space
2. Nebulae Starswhich
Which of the statements given above
dim periodically is/are correct?
3. Pulsars Neutron stars
that are
formed when massive stars run out of (a) 1 only
fuel and collapse
XDTG-F-GST/62A 23 [ P.T.O.
59. Consider the following statements 61. Consider the following countries
regarding mercury pollution :
1. Bulgaria
1. Gold mining activity is a source
of mercury pollution in the world. 2. Czech Republic
2, Coal-based thermal power plants 3. Hungary
cause mercury pollution.
4. Latvia
3. There is no known safe level of
exposure to mercury. 5. Lithuania
( c ) Only four
60. With reference to green hydrogen, ( d ) Only five
consider the following statements
3.It can be used in the hydrogen fuel (a) The total amount of insolation
cell to run vehicles. received at the equator is roughly about
10 times of that received at the poles.
How many of the above statements are
(b) Infrared rays constitute roughly
correct? two-thirds of insolation.
(c)Infrared waves are largely absorbed by water vapour that is
concentrated in the lower
(d)Infrared waves are a part of visible spectrum of electromagnetic waves of solar radiation.
25 P.T.O.
63. Pi-iRlittiff A-xf911:17_____1 R t t : 65. PH___f fid WAIF 1:11%—qTK -OPAR :
7131-e)41 (t-N4N1,-h) A s 7trii tc4
P T t I
sibuicashfizi qt=1W1 A7` thEIT oTili A 2.
P (ti-r artir1-0 7 1 7 utTi ____
fif 4 -c t,
S i____ A WIT 1 5ikI I( ________ii i
W 4 41 - -
ffn atR *TR tI
*Rol ip A I401F A - q TRIO 1 is tr-d1 VR-A:rtiA m-eli tit?
3-TcrEre-R tI
(a) *-oi
wiT-41 i4-ft A, PHRiRqd A 4R-TI1 (b) t i c 2
( c ) _1 3 . . t R 2
(a) atR t "on ( d ) c1 13-frK ft 2
Yet .Ifs-.4f t 66. %TIM A VRIffT-3.TitTft .ffrEfM ____ 4431 1,t4
(b) wer-4-1 3-1'R 4)41 t -off , ?-t-4i 147f4--4R4'11-fR:
W47-11, -?-,Tq-1 -
Tre1'ociIis4TR et 1. ‘3.-1 A f r..iwIic 7ef
(c) A - Vq-1 Trel t 1 - 4,4 ______
2. &i 7F-tiq,d
(d) 1 4 , 1
Tti-rR7 Tel t
64. 1);--i t-1 oad TPA rco;ik 3. *1 t I
w4R—n, oeW9441
(d) 4PNR T ,30-11q.1 cb*-it
(b) W2R—II Trt t MAI
*-WR-11, -1 A) TO cei I i.s 4 f 9ff
68. PHRIRoci4ircircalz11 1 :17 f4qR 71. %Tim * A,14,1f__c1 f cItfAl fo-q-R
1. 1
:17T,CliFfit.E4 Atr4Q,
ad 4fq-o-r-A-r 1. 1g t i a l t i ____
T fireM ,
VT(1 fd1 ____ (icmo 1 0 - 7 0 o 0) 3.for--4-4-34,
f f z a i i i it4,14-1 2006' 3-TOR, 144 4471
4'w_rer -4*4-1)a,pd AP-1___ 15 ko-14 r 25 __t1 ki9-4
A tirccifTF ________________*47 43 ci-A-11 t, Rum dy-1
(a);-,c1(.1 1
(b)r 2
(b) __
(c)1 AK 2 4___1
(c)7141 Arq
(d)7r 1 atrKRt2
(d) ift
69. \ritziO -4d11‘.71--Acre! rf f*-13
72. t 7 trei iA13-11 * *4 A, Pi-ircifigd
?-71 _______tft :
M 14Ru .htor t?
Tra -
1.10 KR. I TS TIT 'crklo .80710 aTqo 7:50 to
(a)cotil trz6 417 A c o-cm° '‘e
RA.; 1-4-1( fir___r
A 1.!4,i itt4T Tra-r3 Cif *14 t I
(b)* I t t f z i i i i t i "[Of •11 39-4-ft*• 2. 1 f T 1_ f t r i k q
1R1 #1 -1${11
5C-1--4v, *A Rt
(c) Irriurz3 4-*-t ti
TrEll 61,
zErfl warAl A A 04-TniA wel tit?
.41%MR 1WITI Nq),I chtli (a)4,cwf 1
( d ) r y f A w z i l tit4r4 4.1q
(b) 2
Yji.14 PC1t ,al P:Er
r T
(c) 1 4 R 2 4 ) . 1 )
(d) 1 1 ,
3 1 t i 2
70. 11
-i1sfi s ciiTZ ti 70 70' Pi-iraiNd A . A ____
- -
air Eder ____ t? 73. .1=4*14•44 1=41=4-eIrkcir t?
Trr` T'f
(a)mifoi.ild fail i 4k (a)Teri-317r1 Trm-TrizT
a4174-4 1 .-ati4 cgtr<4 31R___
(b) f -
tniftqzh 7*-T *t,
(b) '# 1 :1 qUiict,13-TY iWNtT
31rdTh7 * ktga7c r, 1-4-4Tr
A --Llicifkct cbt-ir
i1 -{I1Cr
(c) .stag-TRI x r R t i t
(c) .
c r T T l __f u , r q e i
Oaf 4 ___
_____tff1 7 6IV Nc)tkil Til-T4 Tel
(d) ftlft 1-lia A 14ath.G.5, Arm .crte:ri Atital (d)•crT TitgencHcb 1TR, iZct qr,irrK
91.1-c4--rrt-dr 3TR-a-q. ctmr
Liiic(J-1) .
srit f+-41 t_i
f49—o-4IQ Hp-mr
74. PP-ircif6 rf W.T-41 trT f49TK 4'ti4R kiTti UVP.4 fk-1:?0, 2022'
* 317R, ITR7 i_______4foi 3/4 4ril 3/4
1. ZIT--witic-11 11471:5-t74
(7 0 To
to)] WKIW4 1 =Lad: ITRIN
VTI rcirn44 -
A zig
(b)* t R - 1 t 7 2 r f
7t_TollArTR Fitt? -