Control Arrius

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I · 02




Michael v. Gersdortf Chantal Lordon

Manager Helicopter Flight Test ARRIUS B Manager
Eurocopter Deutschland Turbomeca
Munich, Germany Bordes, France

SEPTEMBER 15-18,1992



Michael v. Gersdorff Chantal Lord on

Manager Helicopter Flight Test ARRIUS B Manager
Eurocopter Deutschland Turbomeca
Munich,Germany Bordes, France


In October 1988 the first 80 108 prototype

equippeo with two Allison 250 C20R engines made
its maiden flight. The second prototype (V2),
equippeo with two TUR80MECA ARRIUS 1B engines
and Digital Engine Control Unit (DECU) has
provided successful flight test results since
June 1991. A brief description of the engine and
engine control will be given together with
information about the different DECU functions
and mode of operation. The ground and flight
test program together with the aircraft test
equipment and instrumentation will be presented.
Results will focus on the most important tests
related to the use of a digital engine control
system and the main advantages of those systems
over conventional (hydro-mechanic/pneumatic}
engine control systems.
Finally the definition and initial flight testing Fig. 1 80 108 V2 with ARRIUS 18 engines
of a variable rotorspeed adapted to the 1light
conditions will be presented. as shown on table 1. The ARRIUS 18 version useo
on 80 108 is the version which has a power shaft
with 2W' bevel gear.
Table 1
The 80 108 was the first ECD-rotorcraflto
be equippeo with a Digital Engine Control Version I Aircraft I Status
system (DEC). The 80 108 which will be ARRIUS 1M I ECF AS 355 N (Military) I Production
marketed under a new type designation ARRIUS 1A IECF AS 355 N (Commercial) I Production
will be enlarged as compared to the present ARRIUS 1B IECD BO 108 I Development
two prototypes, providing seven seats at a max. ARRIUS 2C IMDHC MDX (MD901) I Development
lake-off weight of 2500Kg. One of the two engine ARRIUS 1E lAS 355 (Elec. de France) I Prototype
solutions available with the 80108 was chosen ARRIUS 1D ISOCATA OMEGA I Development
to be the TURBOMECA ARRIUS (previous TM 319)
engine which is already installed on ECF-AS 355. Description of the ARRIUS 18 enoine
The ARRIUS engine family is part of the latest
TURBOMECA engine generation and covers the 450 ARRIUS architecture
to 750 shp range. This new engine generation The engine is devided into two modules: power
was started in 1980 and has led to four new section module and gearbox module.
engines: ARRIUS, TM333, MTR390 and RTM322. The power section module has the simplest
The lower part of the power range offered by possible design for a free turbine engine:
TURBOMECA engines, is covered by the ARRIUS A high pressure ratio centrifugal compressor, a
family. Several versions of this engine are high expansion ratio uncooled single stage gas
already either in production or in development generator turbine and a high expansion ratio
Centrifugal comoressor
single-stage, titanium, high
Combustion chamber
reverse flow.

Power shaft
throughshatt . - -

Turbines (gas generator

and power>
high aerodynamic

Fig. 2
single stage power turbine. ARRIUS control system
The gearbox macule is adapted to the specific The whole ARRIUS family is controlled by the
need of the different aircraft powered by the same fuel control system, which consists in a
ARRIUS: the ARRIUS 1 B has a power shalt with single channel Digital Electronic Control Unit
a 28° bevel gear. (DECU) associated with a fuel metering device
and a manual backup.
ARRIUS performance The DECU (see figure (3), fitted in the heli-
Based on the high efficiency of new components, copter, receives pilot commands and information
the operating cycle was optimized according to from engine sensors, then sends commands to the
the size of engines in order to have on one engine fuel system. Electrical power supply is
hand a high specific power and a low specific ensured by an alternator fitted in the engine.
weight, on the other hand, a low specific fuel
consumption at partial power.
Table 2 shows performance data of the ARRIUS
family for twin engine helicopters.
The overall performance of ARRIUS is enhanced
by its digital engine control unit (DECU)

Table 2
Pi)\( R SIJN'l¥
continuous 472 567
Ratings Maximum
take oil 499 634
(SHP) Intermediate
contigency 499 634
!SA I SL ,__Maximum
I contigency 531 680

lb/SHP/hr 0.55/520SH P I0.51/680SHP I

Compression ' i
ratio 8.5 I INCREASED i
i!ow rate BASIC II + i ?C;O !
__j Fig. 3
The use of the electronic numerical control B : engine 2 stopped and engine 1 on" IDLE"
system is the result of more than 12-year in- (OEI operation, flat pitch),
house development at TURBOMECA. It is a standard C: the both engines (AEO operation) are on
equipment on ARRJUS (turboshaft and turboprop "IDLE" N2 demand is 75%,
versions), TM 333, RTM 322, MTR 390, MAKILA 1A2 0: engine 1 on "IDLE"' and engine 2 on
and ARRIEL 2. TURBOMECA was among the first to "FLIGHT". The engine 1 is unloaded: so the point
control helicopter engines with an electronic 0 is on the "NO LOAD" curve.
control system, and to accumulate operational
flight hours. Training idle
E: the training is a integral taw (N2
Software functions demand~ 92,5%)
Figure (4) shows the basis diagram of the engine
control. Some details are given hereafter about
the main sequences.
K2: proportional gain of the flight droop
Start-up sequences law,
After selecting "IDLE" or "FLIGHT", the startup F: AEO flight operation, the position on
is controlled through T1 (ignition fuel flow) this curve depends on the pitch value,
and N1 (acceleration tuel flow). The fuel flow G : OEI flight operation, the position on
is limited by T45. curve depends on the pitch value.
The start-up is !inished when N1 reaches socJo.
Then the following sequences are depending on the Transient
status of the selectors:
Acceleration control
"NORMAL" or "TRAINING" The engine control is optimized to give the best
accelerations taking into account the following
"FLIGHT" or "IDLE" protections:
engine surge: the fuel flow law is a function
Figure (5) shows the position of the correspon- of P3, PO and T1: it allows a electric power
ding points. extraction of 200 A without surge problem,
MGB overtorque: N1 acceleration is also
Stabilized operation controlled to avoid an overtorque.

Deceleration control
The fuel flow is limited to prevent engine
K1: proportional gain of the idle flame-out.
droop law,
A : engine 2 stopped and engine 1 on "IDLE".
It is a theoretical point, which corresponds to
the max N1 on the integral part of the IDLE law.

Nl---- Stan- uo
PI) f1 acessor Ies
j j Stop/Idle/ - -
Fl\Qt\t selector L
_ _ _ __ J

"1:,-f _________'--------------
~ --{__ Start- uo control r
Engine Control

OEI selector

PItch acce 1erat 1on/oece 1era t 1on


Stoo/ldlc/Fl!gtlt selector Nl Tl PO 112 N1 Stoo/! d I e/F! !gilt


Fig. 4 87-3
Software description ARRIUS 1B
Control law Idle and Flight


60 70 80 90 100
N'2 ~~~

Fig. 5

Operation of the ARRIUS 1 B Enaine II "FLIGHT" is selected, the rotor will

accelerate to (F) or (G). This is automatic
When the helicopter is energized, the DECU will giving a smooth and constant acceleration,
self test and give information if anything is acceptable both in high wind and iced ground
wrong. conditions.

To start the engine "IDLE" or "FLIGHT" have to For instance, on the 80108, starting the two
be selected and the DECU will start the engine. engines up to 100% NR (rotor speed), takes
This start is very consistent, temperature T4 exactly one minute.
is controlled and the risk of overheating is
nearly nil. Furthermore engine !imitations are presented on
one instrument since the TURBOMECA engines have
If "!OLEN is selected, the rotor will a single limiting parameter, which is Nl (gas
accelerate to (C) or (B). generator speed).

It is possible by trimming the engines Maximum contingency ls set by the DECU and the
differentially to match N1 or torque. pilot switches to intermediate contingency in
These settings remain constant and are inde- due time (time limit is signalled by the DECU) or
pendent from each other. when maximum contingency is no longer necessary.

Restarting an engine in flioht

Failure case operation This requires only a simple pilot action: switch
the flamed out engine's selector from "FLIGHT"
DECU failure to stop and then to" FLIGHT" again.

There are three types of DECU failure: The automatic sequence will restart the engine
much better than a pilot under stress.
• Redundancy: If one of the redundant trans-
ducers or circuits fails, the DECU switches Pilot training
automatically to the alternate. The pilot does
not know it and has nothing special to do. The Training for OEI operation
failure will be signalled at the end of the
flight for the maintenance crew. life of the engines and main gear box limits the
use of OEI ratings to real cases of OEI flight.
• Minor failure: Such a failure has no elfect
on the performance level of the engine, but may As OEI training is essential for pilot profi-
have an effect on handling possibilities. The ciency, the OEI ratings can be lowered. Associa-
pilot has to use the engine with care. The ted with lower grossweight, it is a represen-
signalled code numbers are listed in the Flight tative training: same rotor speed (NR} piloting
Manual with corresponding eventual procedure technique, same instrument indication.

• Major failure: In this case the fuel metering In case of "trained pilot"' error, if NR drops
system is frozen in the position it was in just too low, the idled engine will automatically
before the failure. Immediate pilot action is restore its power up to maximum OEI rating, if
nil or minimal. This failure is signalled and necessary.
the pilot can go on flying, while controlling
the engine manually: Trainino for simulated DECU failure

' the failed engine's manual lever is lit, The DECU can be lrozen by selecting "MANUAL"
to simulate its failure at any time. The
• the manual control has lui! authority to give engine can then be controlled manually to simu-
maximum power, to idle or to shut off the en- late for instance a landing with one engine in
gine, regardless of the fuel flow before the manual mode.
failure. It is also possible to relight the
engine on manual control. At any time, by switching the engine back to
NORMAL position, the pilot can restore
• some care is necessary when controlling normal operation.
manually. But in case of twin-engine heli-
copter, the other engine is still controlled Flioht safety
Decreasing the pilot work load, having a sound
Enoine failure reaction to possible failure, with simple and
fool-proof action, making possible a realistic
All Engines Operative (AEO) ratings (lake-oil, pilot training as frequent as necessary with-
maximum continuous) are pilot controlled. In the out consuming high power life, all of those
case of One Engine Inoperative (OEI) operation concur to improve flight safety.
the DECU controls the engine, which delivers
its maximum contingency power and no more.
Thus the pilot focuses on piloting the helicopter,
controlling rotor speed sl"lgl1tly below normal
fiight value.
Advantages for the operator • no maintenance flight time is necessary for
check or adjustment of engine topping
Some of them have been already stated:
• no maintenance flight time is necessary for
• the automatic starting, with no overheating check or adjustment of a bleed valve or a flow
improves the real life of the engine, fence

• the training mode, while allowing very effi- • no maintenance flight time is necessary for
cient pilot training, is very thrifty on high adjustment of a mechanical pitch compensation
power hours. It is a real engine life time because the respective potentiometer which is
saver. used by the DECU can be precisely adjusted
on ground
• OEI ratings, being DECU limited, are never
exceeded. • the training mode can save main gear box
Moreover the DECU being a powerful computer
can give additional precious help: • rotor efficiency can be improved by trimming
NR, manually for aerodynamics of the main
• Engine power check: The DECU can calculate rotor, or automatically, for instance by foot
the torque and turbine temperature that the pedal action, to improve lateral wind capability
minimum guaranteed engine should deliver in
those flight conditions, and compare them with • new functions can be introduced: even the
the actual values. control mode can be changed, for instance,
the control loop can change from proportional
• Health monitoring system: the DECU can log to integral when necessary,
hours, starts, cycles, to calculate crack and
creek elapsed life. • in case of a generalized management system,
all the engine parameters can be forwarded
• Help to maintenance: at the end of each by the DECU through a data link,
the DECU displays any control system defect,
so the maintenance crew can fix it without • the improvement of precision and versatility
losing a precious lime trouble shooting. of the control systems is such that new OEl
very high power ratings (30 s OEI rating) have
Increasing the life of the engine and saving been made possible. Such a rating has been
time for maintenance have direct financial already certified by TURBOMECA for the
advantages for the operator. MAKILA 1A2.

Advantages for the aircraft manufacturer

The DECU is also beneficial to the manufacturer

by improving the adapt ion of the engine to the

• the engine. being controlled with more pre-

cision can be used at the best of its possi-
bilities: for instance. for a given engine,
better response to a collective increase can
be obtained, without transient overtorque,

• the control system can be isolated from

torsional unstability frequencies.

• helicopter limitations can be approached

precisely; better engine matct1ing: more
precise and elaborate topping of the
engine power in OEI operations.

Ground and flight test program Test aircraft instrumentation
gine related tests are shown)
A total of 93 parameters have been measured
The ground/f!lght test program for a new engine during the first ground and flight tests of
with a digital engine control system has to check the 80 108 V2. However only 58 parameters were
some points which are related to the use of related to the testing of the new engines, the
of electronic equipment for engine control. other being necessary for general purpose
Safety aspects will define the sequence of tests or surveillance of the aircraft which was new
to be performed. The test steps listed here- and not identical to the first prototype V1.
after are shown in the sequence of priorities. More details about the instrumentation are given
Configuration: Aircraft tied to ground,
engine cowlings removed, EPU connected Type of sensor Quantity

-Engine start and acceleration to Gl (OEI) -Rotational speed (N1 ,N2) 4

-Verification of N1 and rotorspeed for Gl -Temperature (TOT,air inlet 25
-Checking for leaks, oi! pressure eng. surface, eng. compartment,
-Acceleration to Fl oil,fuel,tail boom)
-Verification of N1 and adjustment of -Pressure (oH,ejector,vent line, 20
rotorspeed for Fl fuel, eng. compartment)
-Checking for leaks, oil pressure -Force (eng. mounts) 2
-Repeat with other engines -Vibration (eng.) 2
-Torsional stability check with collective -Fuel flow 2
inputs up to MCP OEI,AEO (pilot input) -Others 3
-Torsional stability check with collective
inputs at three power settlngs (3 to 7Hz Total (eng. related): 58
sine inputs OEI,AEO)
Results of ground and f!ioht tests
Configuration: Aircraft tied to ground, enaine
cow!lngs inslalled, EPU connected/disconnected Ground tests
Engine start and GI/FI rotorspeed
-Efficiency of ejector at Gl (OEI) Engine starting of the ARRIUS 18 is initiated
-Efficiency of ejector at Fl (5 Min MCP OEI) automatically after switching of the START/IDLE
-Voltage regulator adjustment toggle switch either in the G! or Fl position.
-Disconnect EPU I swHchlng of battery and The selection of the N1 for ground idle (GI) has
both 28V DC- generators and BUS TIE to fulfill multiple requirements at Gl OEI, Gl
-EM I tests with increased o~tput power on AEO and with a combination of one engine at Gl
VHF1, VHF2 and Transponder. and the other eng. at Fl or with one engine
-Overspeed check with freq. doubler being in TRAINING mode
-Training of manual mode (Pilot and FTE)
-Test of fuel shut off valve ENG1 and ENG2 Ground ldl• Nl/N2 ••lollon•
Soflwor• v•nilon 1.5, 1.6 ond 1.8
Configuration: Aircraft ready to fly (enaine .8. .8.
cowlings installed) 90

-First Flight (HIGE,HOGE,manoeuvering u~ to z

20 Kt)
-Level flight, climb/descent (60 ,80, 100 Kt) '


40001t check lor rotorspeed range, eng 0

vibrations and temperatures, flight z'
-Ground run with simulation of FADEC
failures, power check, topping check.
-Level flight, climb/descent (60 ,80, 100 Kt) 50 60 70 80 90
at high altitude Nl-1 or N1-2 (,.;)

-Engine characteristics (acceleration,

deceleration), simulated eng. failures. Fig. 6
The first FADEC software version had 73% N1, the could be observed. Fig. (8) shows the same
second version 63% N1 for Gl. Fig (6) shows configuration with slow and fast collective
the combinations of N1 and N2 which are obtained inputs (made by the pilot). Fig (9) shows the final
with those choices at different START/IDLE toggle result which uses a more complex filter
switch positions and the two critical speed
ranges (eng. power turbine and main rotor Torsional $lobility lui (Softw. 1.8)
Collective pilol input$
resonance speed) which have to be avoided. 80
Neither the specified N1 of 73%, nor the chosen
i I I' I
63% N1 could fulfill the requirements listed in I I
table 1. A more sophisticated software (1.8) 3: ! I
witr, N2-control for Gl was prepared by TURBOMECA L
and successfully tested. 1i
I hA lil..lJ[c,.,!,,o
'6u I rp rlA I A 'An
'I] jVIJ rv ~VVrvv~~~
Table 1 IV IV
(Requirements for Gl definition) N
+ "" ~ d ] I] lT\ ~ JIJi FJv!~
- N2 above/below critical main rotor res on.
~ 20 y JV
speed 65±5% 10
-N2 above/below critical power turbine I I
0 '
reson. speed 80+-5% 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
-N1 above 60% in order to obtain adequate Time (n<:)
28VDC generator power Fig. 8
-N2 below 90% in order to avoid free wheel
clutching in AR Tor$lono1 slob1H~ t:t\,..,(:~ f:--?
-N2 about 90% in TRAINING mode in order to 80
CoHe<:t!ve 11
1 1 o'l\

assure power assistance from reduced eng.

8 "' I

Torsional Stability
:f 50 ' toll. oil<
Torsional stability was an important objective 1i
of the first ground tests. Torsional stability
was tested with collective inputs from the pilot,
"'u "'
and with a sine of 3 to 7 Hz (collective axis)
,;: "'
I r'l' I
injected using a stimuli system and the AFCS J1 I
input of the hydraulic system. At the
beginning, torsional stability was found to be
marginal in OEI and poor in AEO conditions.
0 '
28 32
Optimisation of the respective low pass filter
8 12 16
in the DECU software was performed in two steps. Fig. 9
Fig. (7) shows the eng. torque response to a sinus Enoine installation:
sweep (collective) where the resonance phenomena A good efficiency of the ejector was found
with the eng. cowling installed and from there
Tor1lonal t!ab!llly 1.. 1 (So!!...-. 1.7) no problems whith the eng. compartment temp.
Slnu1 &xtllo!lon .._ 5 to 6 Hz col!edlv&
were found. Engine lubrication and oil
cooling worked well. Engine vibrations were
found to be well below the limits.

60 EMI safely check

50 I I I I. An EMI check with increased HF-power on VHF1 and

: +t--1-+-._;
VHF2 was performed prior to the first flight in
s I : :~ order to check the correct wiring and shielding
of the DECU system. For safety reasons the
20 ·,--I
i I I
I i I
output power of the transmitters was increased
to about 40 Watt (instead of 20) by means of an
10 ~---"!"~---1---l---'--~---.
amplifier for these tests.
" Tlm& (uc)

Fig. 7
Flight tests BO 108 ARRIUS 18 !rlm corK!.: ZP=£000 OAT=.3
The first ground test of the BO 108 with ARRIUS 105
- -
flight corK! ZP-18000 OAT--20 6

engine was made on may 281991. The first flight

13 5
was made only seven days later. The progress of 100
the flight tests related to the engine was very
'\: 0 \ \

fast with about 50 ground or flight tests within ~~ .\: \

3 months (70% of them for engine purpose). The
g 90
test of the last software which is stll! in use
today started on 26 Sep!ember 1991 z 85
I ~ ~~
I ~ l\
Rotorspeed range
The test and optimisation of the rotorspeed 75
range was one of the first objective of the
flight tests. The ECD decision was to use 70
92 9~ 96 98 100 102 10~
only two screwdriver-adjustable potentiometers
for precise N2-adjustment and torque matching, - 1:IAS=O OEI - ,,I,Jt;H'lro <•l - ~:IAS=60 OEI
- 4:1AS=60 A£0 - 5:1AS=120 0[1 - 6:1AS= 120 AEO
and not to have the N2 control available to the
pilot command. The requirement was to maintain Fig. 11
the rotor speed within the limits of 98 to 102%
in AEO power configuration, within the expected Eng Acceleration/deceleration
flight envelope, without needing any correction Engine acceleration/deceleration characteristics
a1 the N2 control input. Fig. (10) shows the N1 testing was the next objective of the
versus rotorspeed variation with the aircraft flight tests. Both software versions 1.8 and 2.0
trimmed to 100% N2 at 6000ft !SA and then flying had already passed extensive flight tests on the
at sea level. Fig (11) shows the N1 versus AS 355 at CGTM which was appointed by TURBOMECA
rotorspeed variation after climbing to 18000ft . to perform these tests, giving ECD the maximum
confidence that the engine will work perfectly
80 108 ARRIUS 18 trim cond.: ZP=6000 OAT=.3 under all foreseeable conditions. The engine
fll hi con d • ZP - 0 OAT - 15 0
105 ' acceleration tests on BO 108 were performed

~~ • I
I I I 1
under the most severe conditions, like maximum
altitude combined with 200 A load on the
~ I
l\ I I
28 VDC generator and fast collective inputs !rom
['\; I i I i
I autorotation to AEO take off power or OEI max.
g 9o contingency power. Of a!! these tests none

i 85 I I j produced a stall or surge and, the acceleration/

deceleration which was already good for the 1.8
80 I I i software was found to be excellent for the 2.0

~ I 11 software. Fig. (12) shows a fast collective input
AEO !rom about 12% total torque to MCP with
~ I
70 I I I torque transients up to AEO take-off power. The
collective input was activated within 0.8 sec
92 9~ 96 98 100 102 10.(
and the rotor speed dropped down 10 96%. The
- 1:IAS=O OE! - ,,~,Jt~H'lro <•l - .3:1AS=60 0[!
- ~;IAS=60 A!:O - 5:1AS= 120 OEI - 6:1AS= 120 A!:O significant improvement between the pneumatic
engine control system and a sophisticated engine
Fig. 10 control syslem (like ARRIUS) can be shown by
The optimisation of the rotorspeed range was the comparison ol Fig. (12) and (13), showing
performed with the software versions 1.8 and 2.0. a measurement which was made 2 years earlier on
The first version had a steeper static droop !he lirst 80108 prototype (V1) which used a
line combined with lower gains in the N1-loop. conventional pneumatic control system. The pilot
The second version had a slightly lower static intended to perform a fast collective input from
droop line combined with higher gains in the low power to MCP (92% MT1+2). However due to the
N 1-loop. The second version was finaly chosen delayed acceleration of the engine and the
due to the improved acceleration characteristics absence of a torque limiting system he decided to
which could be demonstrated. The requirement to lower the collective pitch after some time even,
maintain the rotorspeed within ± 2% could be for a much slower and smaller input.
demonstrated with the exception of low power
settings in high altitude (N1 below 78%), which
are quite close to AR. 87-9
Engine occel•rolion ARRIUS 1 B (s ... 2.0) Eng, occ•l. 108 Vt (pn•um, •nQ. contr,)
AEO 5000ft/-2"C 60 Kt AEO 5000f110"C 70 Kl
110 110
l&i: I T T I.. 100
I 1 I T
g 90
' J.J-t+21 g I -t
• I 7 I I Cf11. P~'h I •
I I ,, I
80 80
7 T i i I " 70
I I ,+A I
u ! i ! I 0
u I I I/ I '

w '"'~
T ( ". "'
! !
y /i
I \

I '
"z' <O "7'
N 30
i I I I

I '
I ' I I N 30
'" i I ill I. . . . . V
+ I J I I I
i +
20 ' ~

" 10
! I'
I I i
' i
0 ' 0
0 2 10
Tim .. (,.,,,)
8 0 2 6
Tim<'l ("..,..._)

Fig. 12 Fig. 13

Fig (14) shows a fast collective input AEO from AR Fig. (15) shows approach and landing with eng. 1
lo MCP. This is a more severe test because the in manual mode (MT1 manually adjusted to 20%
compressor must accelerate from a very low N1. prior to the approach) and without further
The main part of the collective input was made corrections. The rotorspeed which is controlled
in about 1. 7 sec. The rotor speed dropped down to by engine No 2 only remains between 96 and 102%
94.7% which triggering the audio "low rotor-
speed" warning which starts at 95%.

Engln• occ•l•rotlon ARRIUS 1 S {Sw, 2.0) Approoch <:md londlnQ •nQ. 1 "MAN"

f rom AR AEO 5000f!l Z'C 60 Kl - 110
1 i I I I
100 100
!"- N-R TOR
E 90 ~·r .J .!.N,/, I ~ 90
~ ! :eou.j pl!c~ I I
BO "00 80
" 70
7 r;;)li I I
i I "
"z' 70
! I !
u I I I I I I T I _f'-;t
7 { 60


H 7
I I i
I I' !
I i .1
i 0. 50
i ,.-,_ ~
I/"' .\

"" \\
~ 20 I +
~ 20
I I I' I
I '\\ ~·
17 i \,\1/MTI 2
0 I I 0
I CaJLplkj>
0 2 60
' ' 8 10
" 0 20

Fig. 14 Fig. 15

Investigation of DECU failures Simulated engine failure

Ground tests were performed using a failure Simulated engine failures were performed with
injeclioll box for the simulation of failures of power settings as high as to reach the 2.5 min
the multiple sensors of the DECU and using a power of the remaining engine which is topped by
frequency doubler in order to check the function the software. However most of the tests have been
of the N2 overspeed protection system. performed using the training mode in order to
The most severe failure of the DECU is the major save life time of the engines since the engine is
failure wich results in a frozen fuel metering topped to 30 min power if the training mode is
system. The failed engine has to be controlled engaged. Fig. (16) shows a simulated engine
manually. This type of failure was tested in failure (ground run, aircraft tied-down).
flight and it was shown that even an approach The failed engine was cut by switching from
and landing in this configuration is very easy FLIGHT to IOLE and the rotor speed dropped down
and ne&ds no further correction once the failed to 96% as the N1 of engine 1 reached the topping
engine has been adjusted to about 20% MT. which was 103% N 1 for the actual conditions.
Simulolod engine follur• of •t>V· 1 BO 108 / Varlob!t Rolorsp. .d
ao 108 AARIUS 1 B
110 102
E:,oo I I -I I
I '
' I
VI v
80 I I I I I I /
~ /
z I I i i i 99 '
q~~~ll.~1ch : g ! fAT-ISA+;
I '
OAT~ISA /0 T '"1 35

;:' w
\'f\\/11\'JH ' I Ull.. 98
VI / /I
I \ I' ' I I, I i
" 50
I w I I i\ i .
~ i v VI 1/ I
<i +0

' I .I \ I. i
/I v 1/1 I
"" I' I I
" I I I : \I '' I I
"+ 20
I I ~ "" I i 'I VTJ+2 I " I I I

0 I\ I I I '
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Time (se<:) Pressure o!,ilu o (fl)

Fig. 16 Fig. 17
Variable rotorspeed Conclusion

The definition and test of a variable rotorspeed Testing of the ARRIUS 1B on BO 108 was very
is the main objective of the actual engine- successful. The cooperation between ECD and
related flight tests of the BO 108 V2. Future TURBOMECA was excellent and the result is
helicopters like the BO 108 must be remarkable under many aspects.
designed for the noise considerations of the • maximum comfort for the pilot with automatic
next 10 years and therefore should be developed starting, precise topping including lull OE!
today to meet future requirements. engine and gearbox protection, and sophisticated
The rotorspeed is (for a given main and tail OEI training features.
rotor) the most important parameter which • good engine installation with large margin
influences the noise emission of a helicopter. to the engine limitations (temperature and
1t is therefore important to use a reasonable vibrations) and excellent access to the engine
but low rotorspeed for the part of the flight lor maintenance
envelope where noise emission is a concern. • Modern futuristic variable rotorspeed control
On the other side it will be of interest to reducing noise and increasing high altitude
use the maximum allowable rotorspeed performance
for example lor hover at high altitude, in • safe and reliable concept with full engine
in order to reduce the main rotor torque and separation and no crosstalk between the two DECU
to get maximum thrust from the tail rotor.
A variable rotorspeed which varies the rotorspeed In conclusion, an engine with engine installation
by about 6% between low altitude/high density and optimisation all very promising for the
and high altitude/low density has been defined !uture.
by ECD and the respective software is just in
preparation at TURBOMECA. Flight tests of this
software will start in september 1992 .
Fig. (17) shows the N2/sigma function which will
be used for the first tests of a variable


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