Depression Literature Review
Depression Literature Review
Depression Literature Review
It requires thorough
research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing scholarly works on the subject. Navigating
through the vast array of studies, theories, and methodologies while ensuring relevance and
coherence can be overwhelming for many.
From identifying key themes and debates to evaluating the credibility of sources, every step
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Third, gender disparities in depressive disorders are associated with a country's wealth. Therefore,
they hide their feelings as they are socially conditioned. The problem is something that not enough
folks are speaking intelligently about. Association With Mortality Increased mortality is perhaps the
ultimate validation of the importance of depression in the prognosis following stroke. Specifically,
when illness is associated with pain, social isolation, or personal disability, there is a risk of the
occurrence of depression in the patient (Horvitz 2002). In comparison to adults who are not
depressed, adults who are depressed are less physically healthy. When patients were divided into
those who responded and those who did not respond, the effect size increased to 0. The main
perspective of depression is biopsychosocial. Significant difference was found among Medical
Students, Engineering Students and Physical Education Students in relation to Depression. Risk
factors for depressive symptoms during pregnancy: Am J Obstet Gynecol. In this review we present
evidence for disparate effects of chronic stress on neuroplasticity and brain activity in male and
female rats. Finkelstein, E. A., Bray, J. W., Chen, H., Larson, M. J., Miller, K., Tompkins, C. Keme,
A., and Manderscheid, R. 2003. Prevalence and Costs of Major Depression Among Elderly
Claimants With Diabetes. The main purpose of the literature review is to have a good understanding
of the incidence of depression as well as its major causes. Factors that are responsible for an
increased rate of depression are low economic status, demanding professional work, obesity,
increasing divorces, poor relationships, diseases and illnesses, such as, cancer and other chronic
illness, jobs becoming more stressful and demanding, etc. There is evidence that there is aggregation
of major depression in families with genetic influences the major factor, with heritability estimated to
be 31-42%. You’re a fantastic blogger, one of the best that I’ve seen. Barnaby shows Danny his
“Feel-Good Rules” to remember when he’s feeling down. To browse and the wider
internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. So get your
essay work done through certified professionals by paying a little extra money for last-minute help
in writing the work of assignments. When his “blue cloud started to feel heavy and dark” Danny
practiced the things barnaby told him to do, which made his blue cloud change color. Stress is also
one of the major causes of depression in children and adults. I have a lot of posts on my site similar
to your topic. It sounds like you are thinking about all of the bad things and not the good things that
are possible.” Barnaby gets Danny to jump and dance around, making Danny feel better. Depression
is considered as an exaggeration of the mood which is experienced by a normal person. Depression is
mainly caused as a result of such kinds of emotions. It happens to be best for learn men and women
explain in words for the heart besides being familiar with in this particular important design is often
just found out. Stress is also an environmental risk factor for going into a state of depression. It
happens to be best for learn men and women explain in words for the heart besides being familiar
with in this particular important design is often just found out. Planck, et al (2011) The people aged
over 65 years of age 65 years of age, especially in the developed world, are increasingly increasing
the number of people under 65 years of age and this is just about the elderly who are growing older
and the number of elderly people. The author states that childhood depression is more harmful and
dangerous than the depression of adults.
However, many of these consequences can be avoided as depression can be treated if people who are
depressed seek treatment. Treatment of depression as a form of severe illness is recommended and
people for all types of treatment in addition to coerced care. The present review discusses validity
aspects of the Beck Depression Inventory BDI on the basis of meta-analyses of studies on the
psychometric properties. The literature used under the following literature review is published
between 2000 and 2011. A systematic review is sued in this literature review to show the usefulness
of international classifications such as functionality, disability, and health in describing psychological
problems shaping the lives of depressed individuals. Mothers receiving home visitation exhibited a
heightened incidence of depression and trauma history relative to the population at large. Upload
Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel
Next What is Scribd. Infant gender and postpartum sadness in the light of region of birth and some
other factors: Arch Womens Ment Health. There are several terms related to depression such as
mental disorder, mood disorder, bipolar disorder, etc. There are several symptoms of depression, such
as depressed mood, unhappiness, sadness, etc. We will adapt this teacher resource text to be 3rd
grader friendly information, and ask each child to write a short narrative about talking to a person
they may think is struggling with their mental health. Although, people are unable to recognize
depression as a form of mental illness and remain unwilling to seek the services of an expert. Other
researchers have shown that women who have experienced an induced menopause, through
hysterectomy or other therapeutic intervention, tend to report the most frequent and severe
menopausal symptoms Porter et al. For the searching purpose, the database we have maintained as
well as on the internet has been accessed with some related keywords. Results: There were 6799
participants aged 16-71 years in 2000, and 6815 participants aged 16-78 years in 2007. Beck
Depression Inventory-Second Edition ( BDI-II ) Furthermore, maternal review is inventory literature
long-term cognitive, emotional, and behavioral problems in the child. This research study is very
much important for physicians, doctors, medical researchers, psychologists, and medical students
which are studying in the field of neurology. Major Reasons for the increasing rate of Depression:
There are several major causes of depression that can be viewed through having deep insight into
literary sources. All the literature used for the review is quite recent. The percentage of depression in
women is twice that of men. He told Danny, “Did you know that if you change the way you think,
you can change the way you feel. After all, depression and anxiety can cause much more serious
problems. I know this from my own experience, and in such conditions, I always turn to this source
for help Online therapy helps me cope with depression and stress. Stress is also an environmental risk
factor for going into a state of depression. In comparison to adults who are not depressed, adults
who are depressed are less physically healthy. Many psychiatric patients smoke, and are believed to
be heavier smokers than those without psychiatric disorders. It can be said that depression is quite a
common as well as a dangerous complication that is seen in every chronic condition. Third, gender
disparities in depressive disorders are associated with a country's wealth. I saved as a favorite it to
my bookmark webpage list and will be checking back in the near future. I especially appreciated how
it gave specific intervention strategies on how you can support students with depression, instead of
just listing broad categories such as create an inviting classroom it would actually list ways to support
students and then would go into each strategy in greater depth. According to Eric et al (2003),
depression is the most critical chronic condition for which the claimants have been increasing day by
There are several kinds of episodes of depression that are given treatment fairly and effectively
according to the severity of the causes of depression. Houpt (2010) mentions the role of alcoholism,
overeating, and Obsessive-compulsive disorder for the problem of being at a higher risk of
occurrence of depression. Despite multiple contacts with medical professionals during the
postpartum period, puerperal mood disorders are frequently missed, and many women go without
treatment. The gold standard for major depression was the existence of 5 or more symptoms that
were significantly more frequent in depressed, compared with nondepresssed, patients. For the
academic login, please select your country in the dropdown list. These additional care measures have
numerous positive benefits, including enhancing the quality of life in both the child and caregiver by
improving asthma management in the child and depressive symptoms in the mother, as well as
decreasing costs imposed on the economy through reduced emergency department visits,
hospitalizations, missed work days, and missed school days. There are articles and photos on these
topics on my homepage, so please visit and share your opinions. Physical activity is important for
maintaining mental health. This report critically evaluates the literature, lists gaps and formulates
conclusions based on the best available current evidence. Depression is mainly caused as a result of
such kinds of emotions. To have a better understanding of the problem of depression as well as its
causes, a detailed literature review has been conducted here. For Later 0 ratings 0% found this
document useful (0 votes) 62 views 6 pages Prevention of Depression A Review of Literature 2167
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prevention-of-depression-a-review-of-literature-21. People who are depressed limit their social
activities and tend to remain cut off from their family, friends, and community. The problem is
something that not enough folks are speaking intelligently about. The inclusion and exclusion of the
articles are done based on this criterion. There are some harmful symptoms and characteristics of
ongoing major depression, such as disinterest in usual activities, extreme fatigue, etc. Indeed, she
found that the student's depression was often associated with dysfunctional beliefs and negative
future attitudes. The factors were identified as Cognitive and Somatic and inventory similar for boys
and girls. Overall, I think the story is nice, entertaining and fun to read and it provides helpful
strategies for kids. Being alive without the approaches to the issues you’ve resolved as a result of
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aware of. The students’ answers to these questions should be enough to know if they understood
about what depression looks like and how we can help ourselves and others, but we would follow up
with the students making their own personal list of things they can do to help themselves or a friend
when they’re feeling down. He told Danny, “Did you know that if you change the way you think,
you can change the way you feel. Examination of the full spectrum of problems related to mental
health and reasons that are responsible for different adult and child problems can provide guidance to
treat depression in children and adults. Depression is not only a kind of disease but is also a form of
reaction. Women in the reproductive age are more vulnerable to develop affective disorders than
men. The review aims to investigate the nature of problems of depression among different individuals
in different ways. Ethics and dissemination No ethics approval is required as no primary, personal or
confidential data are being collected in this study.
Significant difference was found among Medical Students, Engineering Students and Physical
Education Students in relation to Depression. It provides information about the mental problems of
their mental problems, which come to the patient in their daily life. If depression is left untreated, it
can prove life-threatening. I appreciate your work for creating this blog and I hope these site help
me for. I especially appreciated how it gave specific intervention strategies on how you can support
students with depression, instead of just listing broad categories such as create an inviting classroom
it would actually list ways to support students and then would go into each strategy in greater depth.
Through principal factor analysis, they identified a single second-order dimension of self-reported
review and three first-order factors. According to some authorities, depression is a kind of
psychogenic disorder while as per some other depression is mainly caused due by some organic
factors. Swartz (2007), depression mainly arises from anxiety, sadness, grief, and elation. They gave
an overview of Beck's ideas: A direct relationship is postulated between negative thoughts and
severity of depressive symptoms. Beck later found this idea to be true, despite their predictions that
as time passes negative feelings would on average improve. Depression is not exactly a mood
disorder but has some sort of similarity with a mood disorder. Estrogen therapy might improve
cognition, which is still a controversial issue. In comparison to adults who are not depressed, adults
who are depressed are less physically healthy. Women who are age between 25 to 44 suffer from
depression most frequently. This report critically evaluates the literature, lists gaps and formulates
conclusions based on the best available current evidence. Due to depression of a sad heart,
depression is contemplated as a disorder as it hinders with normal work in workplace, school, and
relationships. Not only that, but the book has some great strategies to feel better about yourself and
to be happier that are kid-friendly. Major Reasons for the increasing rate of Depression: There are
several major causes of depression that can be viewed through having deep insight into literary
sources. Please enter an email address: 12:04 Vinris: Respondents indicate how much they have been
bothered by each symptom over the past week. A Review of St. John's Wort Extracts for Major
Depression 2019-02-13. Glassman et al (2011) state that there is a vast improvement in the healthcare
system and the antidepressants industry is also gaining millions of dollars. Physical complications
among individuals are also among the major symptoms of depression. These types of panic attacks
that come out of depression can be identified by extremely unpleasant systems, such as, sweating,
rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, etc. Keeping the feasibility criterion in mind, the depression
variable was selected for the present study. Depression is considered as an exaggeration of the mood
which is experienced by a normal person. As a result of looking out throughout the the web and
finding basics which were not beneficial, I believed my entire life was done. The author states that
depression is one of the most common outcomes of chronic illness. He told Danny, “Did you know
that if you change the way you think, you can change the way you feel. The selection of the relevant
articles is done based on specific criteria. Your primary mastery and kindness in dealing with a lot of
things was invaluable. Depressive symptoms and intimate partner depression in the 12 months after
childbirth: Violence as a risk factor for postpartum depression in mothers: Maternal depressive
symptoms, employment, and inventory support.
However, the results of the study showed that the independence did not correlate with depression,
and the sociotropy, not autonomy was a precursor of depression. Due to depression in future studies,
it is necessary to include the results tools that include these related fields to describe a wide range of
mental activities. I especially appreciated how it gave specific intervention strategies on how you can
support students with depression, instead of just listing broad categories such as create an inviting
classroom it would actually list ways to support students and then would go into each strategy in
greater depth. As per the nature of depression, it has been seen that when a person’s parents or
grandparents suffer from severe depression, they have a greater degree of risk for depression (Swartz
2007). So get your essay work done through certified professionals by paying a little extra money
for last-minute help in writing the work of assignments. Pilot Light won’t Stay Lit When I Release
the Knob. There is some validity but I most certainly will take hold opinion until I investigate it
further. As a result of looking out throughout the the web and finding basics which were not
beneficial, I believed my entire life was done. Beck Depression Inventory Screening for postnatal
depression in primary care: Lagerberg D, Magnusson M. This isn’t conclusively daily which i are the
option to evaluate an important problem. These additional care measures have numerous positive
benefits, including enhancing the quality of life in both the child and caregiver by improving asthma
management in the child and depressive symptoms in the mother, as well as decreasing costs
imposed on the economy through reduced emergency department visits, hospitalizations, missed
work days, and missed school days. However, many of these consequences can be avoided as
depression can be treated if people who are depressed seek treatment. There are several terms related
to depression such as mental disorder, mood disorder, bipolar disorder, etc. There is evidence that
there is aggregation of major depression in families with genetic influences the major factor, with
heritability estimated to be 31-42%. By seeking help from experts, you can be done with an hour.
Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous
Carousel Next What is Scribd. Furthermore, adults who are depressed are likely to remain absent
from work and experience the limitations in their professional work that they do compare to adults
who are not depressed (Depression: A treatable disease 2000). I saved as a favorite it to my
bookmark webpage list and will be checking back in the near future. Other researchers have shown
that women who have experienced an induced menopause, through hysterectomy or other
therapeutic intervention, tend to report the most frequent and severe menopausal symptoms Porter et
al. It gives great examples of how depression can look and feel, especially through the eyes of a
child. All these are the major symptoms that are seen among people suffering from depression
incidents. I definitely enjoying every little bit of it I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff
you post. They state that Barnaby’s Feel-Good Rules stem from Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.
Unlike other books it actually talked more in depth on the contributing factors of depression such as
chemical imbalances and genetic links. Indeed, she found that the student's depression was often
associated with dysfunctional beliefs and negative future attitudes. Second, the provider must
approach each patient as an individual and carefully assess their unique symptoms. An important
consideration is the antidepressant treatment. Contextual factors such as ethnicity, gender, place, and
their intersections determine the social condition that populations and individuals live in. As they are
less satisfied with their life, they are not able to solve their problems with efficiency with which
normal people without depression can solve. Physical complications among individuals are also
among the major symptoms of depression. Calming technique for not too distant future, I’m book-
marking at the moment acquire designs execute arrives aside. ?????????????ufabet.
Contrary to the grief that comes in the waves, it is constantly and oppression. Swartz (2007),
depression mainly arises from anxiety, sadness, grief, and elation. Consult with USA Essay Writers
to Write your College Essay. All the literature used for the review is quite recent. Poor relationships
generate sad emotions and feelings of loneliness among people (Glassman et al 2011). This study
showed inventory more clearer results: The students' cognitive depressions were shown to be
affecting them, and as a result they developed symptoms of depression. When comparing the rate of
depression in men and women, it is found out that women are more susceptible to depression than
men. Beginning the read aloud, we will ask students, “Have you ever felt really sad. Identifying
depression in the first postpartum year: N Engl J Med. There are several ill-effects of depression that
affect most aspects of life such as, health, work, social activities, satisfaction with life and work, etc.
This has brought limits to people’s minds, emotions, and life. To assess and Compare the level of
depression among professional students from different areas, Descriptive Statistics i. The presence of
external and internal stressors, in our society such as social status, finances, physical and emotional
trauma, increasing consumption of chemical substances, etc. We performed a sensitivity analysis in
which one study is omitted at a time, showing that the results did not change significantly after the
exclusion of any of them. Women who are age between 25 to 44 suffer from depression most
frequently. Women in the reproductive age are more vulnerable to develop affective disorders than
men. I looked on-line for your problem and found most people is going together with using your site.
However, the results of the study showed that the independence did not correlate with depression,
and the sociotropy, not autonomy was a precursor of depression. Stillbene-derived compounds have
be- come increasingly popular among scientists worldwide due to their anti-cancer Brown et al. It
really is superb to see you might reveal with text by heart as well as display quality by using precious
information is reasonably purely known. Depression is completely different from the normal mood of
the individuals in both terms qualitative and quantitative (Beck and Alford 2009). Moilanen's study
of adolescent depression also attempts to validate Beck's theory in a new way, as Beck worked
mostly with adults. I need to to thank you for your time for this particularly fantastic read. His rules
were, “Think about the GOOD things instead of focusing on just the BAD things,” “Think about
what you CAN do and not what you CAN’T do,” “Dance even when you don’t want to dance.
Social factors, such as the dual responsibility of handling family and work create stress and
depression among women. The selection of the relevant articles is done based on specific criteria. We
will adapt this teacher resource text to be 3rd grader friendly information, and ask each child to
write a short narrative about talking to a person they may think is struggling with their mental health.
Association With Mortality Increased mortality is perhaps the ultimate validation of the importance
of depression in the prognosis following stroke. Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition ( BDI-II
) Furthermore, maternal review is inventory literature long-term cognitive, emotional, and behavioral
problems in the child. The literature used under the following literature review is published between
2000 and 2011.
All those people who are suffering from more depression withdraw from all these activities and feel
very tired to participate in all these activities. These can later be useful to school counselors and
school psychologists. Fulfilling technique for near future, I’ll be book-marking every time obtain
individuals complete occurs in position. lingerie. This study showed inventory more clearer results:
The students' cognitive depressions were shown to be affecting them, and as a result they developed
symptoms of depression. American Psychiatric Association 58(5), pp. 632-635. Power, P.W. and
Orto, A.E.D. 2004. Families living with chronic illness and disability: interventions, challenges, and
opportunities. Contrary to the grief that comes in the waves, it is constantly and oppression. Due to
depression of a sad heart, depression is contemplated as a disorder as it hinders with normal work in
workplace, school, and relationships. The literature review is mainly focusing on the analysis of the
problem of depression among people of different age groups as well as the major causes of different
kinds of depression incidents found among different individuals. Unlike other books it actually
talked more in depth on the contributing factors of depression such as chemical imbalances and
genetic links. Sadly, even though the world is empty or worse, the world like the cry of mourning is
different from the general mourning, whereas a medically disappointed person seeks emptiness or a
bad feeling. As a result of looking out throughout the the web and finding basics which were not
beneficial, I believed my entire life was done. So get your essay work done through certified
professionals by paying a little extra money for last-minute help in writing the work of assignments.
The author states that childhood depression is more harmful and dangerous than the depression of
adults. Social factors, such as the dual responsibility of handling family and work create stress and
depression among women. It gives great examples of how depression can look and feel, especially
through the eyes of a child. Keeping the feasibility criterion in mind, the depression variable was
selected for the present study. It can be very good to view anyone explain in words through the
cardiovascular along with lucidity for this critical issue might be quickly seen. ??????UFABET. Due
to the increasing degree of depression among the individuals, mental disorder increases to a great
level. This is a syndrome that includes intelligence, behavior, immune system as well as peripheral
nervous system. The factors were identified as Cognitive and Somatic and inventory similar for boys
and girls. Results: A total of 509 individuals reported having depressive symptoms. Prospective
study of postpartum depression: Postnatal Depression and Puerperal Psychosis: A National Clinical
Guideline. There is evidence that there is aggregation of major depression in families with genetic
influences the major factor, with heritability estimated to be 31-42%. This help is provided to the
students in the form of Literature essay assignment writing. To have a better understanding of the
problem of depression as well as its causes, a detailed literature review has been conducted here. All
these are the major symptoms that are seen among people suffering from depression incidents.
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Carousel Next What is Scribd. The text in your article seem to be running off the screen in Internet
explorer. Effects of gonadal steroids in women with a history of postpartum depression. Examination
of the full spectrum of problems related to mental health and reasons that are responsible for
different adult and child problems can provide guidance to treat depression in children and adults.