Detailed Lesson Plan in Mother Tongue
Detailed Lesson Plan in Mother Tongue
Detailed Lesson Plan in Mother Tongue
Warm-up: N/A
Day 1: Today we are going to take our pre- Day 2: none
test to find out which list you will be studying Day 4: Today for spelling we are going to play
and practicing for the week. a game of Sparkle, to practice our spelling
Day 3: “Today we are going to be practicing words.
our words with a controlled r-, focusing Day 5: Today is Friday so we will be taking our
mainly on our –ar sounds, but spelling our spelling test later. Right now you are going to
words out on our whiteboards and by reading work on the word search in order to have one
a poem out loud.” last review of our spelling words before the test.
Day 1: The students will be tested over “List Day 2: none
A” of the spelling words. They will use a Day 4: Have students get on the perimeter of the
piece of notebook paper and put up their carpet start with one student and give them a
cardboard fold-out boards to ensure privacy word on the spelling list. The next student says
and to make sure they are spelling the words the next letter in the word, and so on. If a
on their own. I will be calling out the words student gets a letter wrong they must sit down
one at a time and give an example of the until the next round.
spelling word incorporated in a sentence. Day 5: To start with, the students will receive a
Day 3: As I call out the spelling words, word search that has all of the spelling words
students will write them on their white board, incorporated. They will work individually to
and then hold them up to show completion find and highlight the words as they find them.
and for me to check the spelling.
Day 1: Give students the “Star Bright” Poem Day 2: n/a
to fill out and study Day 4: N/A
Day 3: After I’ve given clues for all of the Day 5: After the students have had a chance to
words, students will have some time to review their words with the word search, they
practice writing the words on their own on the will take their spelling test/assessment. They
white boards. will put up their cardboard fold-out boards to
ensure that they keep their eyes on their own
Day 1: The spelling homework for this week is Day 2:N/a
on the back of your spelling list. Make sure Day 4: N/A
you work on it throughout the week so that Day 5: N/A
you have it ready to turn in by Friday.
Day 3: Introduce each worksheet one by one
going through each sound. Model examples of
each sound and then have students
Day 1: Students use their “Spelling tic-tac-toe Day 5: Students are supposed to bring their
for homework the rest of the week. completed homework in their spelling notebook
to get checked.
Spelling list:
A: B:
1. harm 1. started
2. farm 2. harsher
3. card 3. sparked
4. star 4. market
5. yard 5. larger
6. barn 6. smartest