Voe 1-Unit
Voe 1-Unit
Voe 1-Unit
Values are beliefs linked inextricably to affect. When values are activated, they
become infused with feeling. People for whom independence is an important value
become aroused if their independence is threatened, despair when they are
helpless to protect it, and are happy when they can enjoy it.
Values refer to desirable goals that motivate action. People for whom social order,
justice, and helpfulness are important values are motivated to pursue these goals.
Values transcend specific actions and situations. Obedience and honesty values,
for example, may be relevant in the workplace or school, in business or politics,
with friends or strangers. This feature distinguishes values from norms and attitudes
that usually refer to specific actions, objects, or situations.
Values are ordered by importance relative to one another. People’s values form
an ordered system of priorities that characterize them as individuals. Do they
attribute more importance to achievement or justice, to novelty or tradition? This
hierarchical feature also distinguishes values from norms and attitudes.
The relative importance of multiple values guides action. Any attitude or behaviour
typically has implications for more than one value. For example, attending church
might express and promote tradition and conformity values at the expense of
hedonism and stimulation values. The trade-off among relevant, competing values
guides attitudes and behaviours Values influence action when they are relevant in
the context (hence likely to be activated) and important to the actor.
Values are determinants of education Aims and in turn religion and culture are the
determinants of values.
It is clearly evident that values are the basic elements of educational aims.
Values involve 3 basic aspects, i.e., emotions, activities and cognition which are
directly related to the 3 domains cognitive, Psychomotor And effective of the
educational aspects as achieved through teaching.
Education has given much importance to ensure inculcation of values Like love,
self-realization, brotherhood, tolerance, freedom. Courage, self-realisation,
dignity of labour, honesty and truth and fearlessness.
Educational values are related to those activities which are good, useful and value
from the point of view of education.
As pointed by Adams, that education is a bipolar process which has 2 parts. That
is, the teacher and the child.
The teacher employees, various strategies and diplomacy to achieve the desired
behavioural change in the child and mould and adopt the behaviour of the child.
He performs all these activities because he thinks them as valuable for intended
As the teacher provides an atmosphere of utility and value to the child in the same
approach, the child takes part only in those activities which he considers useful and
valuable to him.
Thus, the teacher and the child participate only in those activities which they
consider as educationally useful and valuable.
2. Religious Value: -
Religious value is defined as in terms of faith in God, attempt to
understand the God, fear of divine wrath and acting according to
the ethical codes prescribed in the religious look.
It is though much obvious that the most central of the ideas in the
religion is the idea of supreme soul. That is God almighty.
4. Aesthetic Value: -
Aesthetic Value is characterized by appreciation of beauty from
proportion and harmony. Love for Fine Arts, drawing, painting,
music, dance. Etc.
According to idealism, these types of values are behind the
perceptual world, artistic abilities and skills provide enjoyment.
According to naturalism. It is also known as the experience
values the specific experiences provides pleasure and happiness.
It is human nature. It is a higher level of Perception. They do not
accept the value beyond nature and matter.
According to realism. It is related to recreation. Beauty is
thinking of realization skills and artistic ability. It is related to
feeling and interest of a person. It is mainly related to emotional
aspect of a person and disease appreciation.
According to pragmatism, evaluation of experience or season
acts aspect of aesthetic values, it depends on understanding. All
experiences have some specific values. Aesthetic values are
individual and social. Music has the right to highest aesthetic
5. Democratic Value: -
It is also known as individual value. Democratic value is
characterized by respect for individuality, absence of
discrimination among persons on the basis of sex, language,
religion, caste, colour, etc.
Beliefs related to democratic values.
Freedom of an individual.
Responsibilities of an individual.
rights of an individual.
6. Economic Value: -
Economic value stands for desire for money and material gains.
These values are measured in the terms of expression, as “how
much” of one desirable condition or commodity, will or would be
given up in substitute for some other much-loved condition of
It is impossible to conclude, of any given mass of acquired
wealth, merely by the fact of its existence, whether it signifies
good or evil, to the motion in the midst of which it exists.
Its real value depends on the moral sign attached to it. Just as
strictly as that of a mathematical quantity depends on the
algebraic sign attached to it.
Ethics - is the word that refers to morals, values, and beliefs of the
individuals family or the society.
Work ethics – is defined as a set of attitudes concerned with the value of
work, which forms the motivational orientation.
The work ethic is aimed at ensuring the economy
productivity. Safety, health and hygiene, privacy, security
against contractual, pension and retirement, cultural and
social development, welfare, environment and offer
opportunities for all according to their abilities, but without
Moral standards:
Involves the rules. People have about the kinds of actions they believe are
morally right and. Wrong as well as the values they place on the kinds of
objects they believe are morally good and morally bad. Some ethicists
equate moral standards with moral values and moral principles.
1. The value judgement computes the cost, benefit and expected pay
off of beans
2. It assigns value to object events and situations
3. It decides what is important or tribal, rewarding and punishing, and
what degree of confidence assign to enter in the world model.
4. It evaluates board the observed state of the world and the predicted
results of the hypothesized plans by computing their cost risk and
5. It computes the probability of correctness and assigns believability
and uncertainty parameters to state variables
6. Provides the basis of decision making or choosing one action instead
of another.
7. Without value judgment any biological creature would soon be
destroyed and any artificial intelligence system would soon be
disabled by its own inappropriate actions.
Results of planning
Updates Plans
Sensory World model Behaviour
processing database generation
Predicted States
Why do we need value judgment?
1. Since intelligent systems are goal oriented, their functioning requires
them to know, every step, what is better and what is worse.
2. We will try to determine how these concepts can fit into a more general
paradigm of intelligent system.
3. To fulfil above requirements of an artificial intelligent system value
judgement module is included in its architecture.
1. Emotions 8. Priorities
2. Drives 9. Goodness and badness
3. Confidence 10. Pleasure and pain
4 Success observed 11. Success expected
5. Hope and frustration 12. Comfort
6. Fear 13. Joy
7. Uncertainty 14. Despair
If e = “goodness” and
For conjugate pairs a positive real value means the amount of good
value and a negative real value means the bad value
For example:
e = “pleasure” - pain
Mathematical model of value judgment.
Values for the state variables are computed by value judgment functions
residing in the module
Inputs to VJ: describe entities, events, situations in state
VJ function compute: measures of cost come risk and benefit
VJ output: are values. State variables
The VJ mechanism can be defined as a mathematical or logical function of
the form E = V(S)
E = V(S)
E is an output vector of value state variables
V is a value judgment function that computes east given S
S is an input state vector defining conditions.
Where e(j,t) is the value of the 𝑗 value state variable in the vector E at
time t.
S(i,j) is the value of the 𝑖 input variable at the
W (i, j) is a coefficient, or wait, that defines the contribution of s(i) to e(j).