Ensci Reviewer
Ensci Reviewer
Ensci Reviewer
Health Risks
-creates combination of plants, animals, bacteria and - BT toxins in the air
viruses that doesn’t occur naturally -Mortality Rate
Splicing genes together -Slowed Growth Rate
-Growth Defects Fertility
1.Take bacillus thuringiensis, a commonly occurring soil
bacteria Environmental Risks
-Contaminating Native Fields of Crops
2. and use enzymes to remove it from the bt gene which -Bio-diversity Issue
produces a protein that turns toxic in the digestive tract -Pesticides killing bees, birds, and other living
of caterpillars. organisms
-Contaminating Streams
3. The bt gene is then incorporated into the chromosomes
of cotton and corn, killing caterpillars that feed upon these
-Monsato Lawsuits
Top 10 genetically modified foods
LMO(Living Modified Organism)
Soy Cotton, Papaya, Rice, Rapeseed(Canola), Potatoes, Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
Tomatoes-cold resistant , Dairy Products, Peas
What is the Protocol on Biosafety?
-An agreement between different countries
Advantages of Genetically Modified Crops
-Negotiated under the Convention on Biological
Insect resistance(IR)
Diversity (CBD)
-Reduction in insecticide spraying
-Adopted 29 January 2000 after 4 years of intense
-Targeting of the insecticide solely to the plant to be
-Entry into force: 9 September 2003
Herbicide Tolerance
-170 ratifications/ accessions
-Over 63% of Gm crops grown globally have herbicide
tolerance traits -8 meetings of the governing body (COP-MOP)
-achieved through the introduction of gene from Objectives
bacterium conveying resistance to some herbicides To contribute to ensuring the safe transfer, handling and
use of LMOs resulting from modern biotechnology that
- such crops have needed less herbicides in high weed area
may have adverse effects on the biological diversity,
Virus Resistance taking also into account risks to human health
-makes plants less susceptible to diseases resulting into
higher crop yields
Applies to:
Ex. Hawaiian papaya- resistant to papaya ring spot virus
(PRSV) Transboundary movement, transit, handling and use of
all LMOs that may have adverse effects on biodiversity,
Yield Increase
taking also into account risks to human health
Food Shell Life Increase
-spoiling of vegies decreases
Pharmaceuticals for humans that are addressed by other
-first gmc in us was Falvrsvr tomato
international agreements or organizations
Nutrient Enhancement
Drought Resistance
Biodiversity Conservation (Forest Ecosystem) Forests around the world provide timbers and non timber
products totaling to $100 million in net benefits yearly
Forest- an area with high desnsity of trees One cause of deforestation in PH is mining
-most diverse ecosystems on land -> they hold thee vast
Only 20% of the country’s land area is forested down
majority of the world’s terrestrial species
from 70%(at start of 20th century)
Forest cover now only stands at 18%- some virgin forests
Forest Ecosystem Services are in Sierra Madre, Palawan, and interior of Mindanao
Supporting Services Ph has 700 threatened species
Nutrient Cycling- water, carbon nitrogen Threatened Species- 42 land mammals, 127 birds, 24
species of reptiles, 14 amphibians
Habitat for species- plants and animals
Maintenance for genetic diversity- vary of genes within
and within species populations Philippine Eagle.
Provisioning Services Visayan Wrinkled Hornbill
Food Mammals
Medicinal Tamaraw
Freshwater Calamian Deer
Raw Materials Tarsier
Biodiversity ensures we have fertile soil, as well as a Plants
variety of foods to eat. 99 critically endangered, 187 endangered, 176 vulnerabe
and 64 threatened Species
Regulating Services
Ex. Yakal, Giant Orchid, Waling-waling, Staghorn fern
Air and water purification- influences local climate and
air quality
Carbon-sequestration and storage- ecos regulate global Threats and Problems in Forest Ecosystem
climate by storing greenhouse gases
Climate Regulation- eco and living orgscreate a buffer Anthropogenic Activities
against natural disasters. Storing solar radiation,
distributing heat and moisture around the globe, driving
weather systems. Urbanization
Waste-water treatment- Ecosystems such as wetlands Kaingin
filter effluents, decompose waste through the biological
activity of microorgs and eliminate pathogens Illegal logging
Resource extraction
Restore an Area Near or Far Current State of Philippine Agricultureb
Plant Native trees and plants
-Agroecosystems cover 38% of the earth’s land OR 12.16
Save Energy
billion acres (4.92 billion hectares)
Help Animals, Big or Small Agriculture remains the most crucial importance in the
Consume Responsibly economy of the Philippines
Support Companies committed to ethical standards Major export products are coconut oil and other coconut
products, fruits, vegetables and bananas
Buy biodiversity-friendly products
Other ASEAN countries have generally more diverse
Change one habit that is negative for biodiversity agriculture than the Philippines and have been exhibiting
Minimize Waste better agricultural performance.
Ask businesses to source responsively For instance, crop yields are generally lower in the
Philippines compared to other countries in the region
Agricultural biodiversity is nowadays experiencing
general decline, as is the land area devoted to urbanization
and industrialization, rapid population growth,expanding
market demand at both the local and international
Community of plants and animal interacting with
levels and global climate change.
physical and chemical environment that have been
modified by people to produce food and other resources Threats and Problems in Agroecosystem
for human consumption.
1. Invasive Pests
Comprises domestic plants and animals and people who Ex. Common Name: Hagonoy
husband them.
Scientific Name: Chromolaena odorata
Characteristics of Agroecosystem
Farmer decides what to plant (species & variety); Country of Origin: Tropical America
One or few species only, flora = simple Invasive effect: prevents the establishment of
Age and status of growing plants = uniform; other forage species, thus reducing the
availability of edible plants for livestock.
Farmer supplies water and fertilizer uniformly;
Common Name: Cogon grass
Farmers harvests the products; removes all away from the
Scientific Name: Imperata cylindrical
Insect fauna = simple (pests and natural enemies);
Country of Origin: is a native species that has
There is an order of arriving of organisms: crops, pests infested several million hectares of the Philippine
and natural enemies; uplands.
Ecologically unstable;
Invasive effect: A considerable area of potential
Chances of pest outbreak = high. agricultural or forest land is rendered useless
Agroecosystem Properties because of the colonization by Imperata.
Productivity- quanity of food, fuel or fiber Common Name: Golden Apple Snail
Stability- Consistency of production
Scientific Name: Pomacea canaliculata
Sustainability- Maintaining a specified level of
production over the long term Country of Origin: Argentina, South
America, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and
Equitability- sharing agricultural production fairly Uruguay (Hayes et al. 2012).
Autonomy- Se;f-sufficiency
Invasive effect: Major pest hindering the
promotion and adoption of direct-seeded rice.
upland environment, is also an introduced -We depend directly on various species of plant for our
Invasive plant and insect pest can be cause by -Similarly, we depend on various species of animals
introduction and indigenousness
and microbes for different reasons.
2.Soil Erosion, overgazing, desssertification -Biodiversity is being lost due to the loss of habitat, over-
Overgazing- Results from human overpopulation exploitation of resources, climatic changes, pollution,
invasive exotic species, diseases, hunting, etc. (The Land
Soil Erosion- Caused by unsuitable land use practices Between, 2021).
- Since it provides us with severaleconomic and ethical
3.Depletion of Groundwater and Salinization benefits and adds aesthetic value, it is very important to
conserve biodiversity.
-In many farms, the withdrawal of ground water for
irrigation is excessive during the dryseason. -Conservation of biological diversity is very important for
the proper functioning of the ecosystem and for delivering
ecosystem services (Wall and Nielsen, 2012).
-This has caused the ground water to recede, affecting the
availability of potable water for domestic use. -Maintaining high biodiversity in agroecosystems makes
agricultural production more sustainable and
economically viable
-Also, when much ground water is withdrawn by
agroecosytems near coastal areas, salt water intrusion
usually occurs. Biodiversity Conservation Strategies
- Implementation of biodiversity-based agriculture to
enhance ecosystem services.
4. Pollution
-Pesticides are transported by air, water and soil,resulting -Use of bio-based products for controlling insect-pests,
in pollution. and weeds.
-Pesticide residues are found in the food we eat as well as -Prevent use of invasive species in agroecosystem.
in deep wells located near agricultural areas. - Establish protected agricultural land (Agricultural
protection zoning (APZ));
-The health effect in humans include increased incidence
of tumors, cancer, sterility, etc. pesticides kill not only -Reducing local management intensity, such as fertilizer
pests but beneficial animals as well (Aktar, et al., 2009). and pesticide application;