7600 6th Edition Book (English Medium)
7600 6th Edition Book (English Medium)
7600 6th Edition Book (English Medium)
Q.27.Wefeedthehorseoatsforaweekbecauseithadeatenall Q.37.Luckily,Imanagedtogetaroominthecollegehostel,and
t he hay. I move in there.
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (1st Shift)
(a) No error (b) it had eaten all the hay (a) in the college hostel (b) No error
(c) for a week because (d) We feed the horse oats (c) and I move in there (d) Luckily, I managed to get a room
Q ol.29.(b) away at end of April.
next week. We always place thedefinitearticle‘the’before‘beginning’and
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (1st Shift) ‘end’. Hence, ‘away at the end of April’isthemostappropriate
(a) have been know the result (b) No error answer.
(c) of the CAT exam by next week (d) We will Sol.30.(a) No error
.46.He are very thirsty. / Give him / a little waterto drink.
Q he given sentence is grammatically correct.
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (2nd Shift) ol.31.(d) No error
(a) He are very thirsty (b) No error The given sentence is grammatically correct.
(c) a little water to drink (d) Give him
.47. I am sure Helena / would passes / with flyingcolours.
Q aunted her for years.(Correct)
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (2nd Shift) (b)Ansimplemistakewhichwascommittedbytheboyhaunted
(a) would passes (b) I am sure Helena her for years.(Incorrect Article)
(c) with flying colours (d) No error (c)Thesimplemistakewhichwascommittedbyanboyhaunted
Q her for years.(Incorrect Article)
weeks. (d) A simple mistake whichwascommittedbyanboyhaunted
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (2nd Shift) her for years.(Incorrect Article)
(a) One of their freighters (b) will be leaving ol.33.(d) tourists of all aging
(c) Neptune (d) in two weeks ‘Aging’ must be replaced with ‘ages’. ‘Of all ages’ is a phrase
Q which means people belonging to all age groups. Hence,
the verb in present tense from the following options. ‘tourists of all ages’ is the most appropriate answer.
My teacher often forget the name of students. ol.34.(a) a little bitterly
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (2nd Shift) ‘Bitterly’ must be replacedwiththeadjective‘bitter’.‘Taste’isa
(a) was forgetting (b) forgot (c) forgets (d) have been forgetting stativeverbandstativeverbsrequireanadjectiveafterthem,not
.50. Roger went / to an United Kingdom / with his wife / to
Q an adverb. Hence, ‘a little bitter’ is the most appropriate answer.
celebrate Christmas. ol.35.(d) extreme upset
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (3rd Shift) ‘Extreme’mustbereplacedwith‘extremely’.Thegivensentence
(a) Roger went (b) to celebrate Christmas requires an adverb to modify the meaning of the adjective
(c) to an United Kingdom (d) with his wife ‘upset’. Hence, ‘extremely upset’ is the most appropriate answer.
Q.51.Ihaveadogandacow./Adogisblack/butthecowis/ ol.36.(c) through hand
lack and white.
b ‘By’isusedtoshowthemeansormethodusedtodosomething
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (3rd Shift) whereas ‘through’ is used to talk about the process by which
(a) but the cow is (b) A dog is black somethinghappens.Similarly,thegivensentenceshowsthatthe
(c) black and white (d) I have a dog and a cow postmandeliversthelettersusinghishands.Hence,‘byhand’is
the most appropriate answer.
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ol.37.(c) and I move in there
S articular noun. Hence, ‘the Neptune’ is the most appropriate
‘Move’ must bereplacedwith‘moved’.Thegivensentenceisin answer.
Hence, ‘and I moved there’ is the most appropriate answer. ol.49.(c) forgets
‘Simple Present Tense (Singular Sub. + V1-s/es + obj )’ willbe
ol.38.(c) There was no other book
S used in the given sentence as it is used to stateahabitualor
‘Was’ must be replaced with ‘is’ as the given sentence is in repeated action. Hence, ‘forgets’ is the most appropriate answer.
present tense. Hence, ‘there is no other book’ is the most
appropriate answer. Sol.50.(c)to an United kingdom
ol.39.(b) come to
S article‘the’withthenameofthecountriesthatareplurallikeThe
‘Comeacross’isaphrasalverbwhichmeanstomeetorfindby U.S.A,ThePhilippinesetc.Hence,‘totheUnitedKingdom’isthe
accident. Hence, ‘come across to’ is the most appropriate most appropriate answer.
ol.51.(b) a dog is black
ol.40.(a) when a tree branch break the living room window
S Article‘a’mustbereplacedwith‘the’aswegenerallyusearticle
‘Break’ must be replaced with ‘broke’. The givensentenceisin ‘the’ when talking about specific or known things. Hence, ‘the
Past Tense, so the verb will be used in the past form(broke). dog is black’ is the most appropriate answer.
most appropriate answer. ol.52.(b) 2
‘Be pass’ must be replaced with ‘have passed’ as the given
Sol.41.(a)not make an noise sentence isanexampleofathirdconditionalsentenceandthe
‘An noise’ must be replaced with ‘a noise’. Article ‘A’ is used correctgrammaticalstructureforitis“If+Simplepast(V2)/past
before the words starting from a consonant sound - (a perfect(had + V3)…….. Would have + V3”. Hence, ‘would have
conversation, a story). Hence, ‘not make a noise’ is the most passed his exams’ is the most appropriate answer.
appropriate answer.
Q.59.Alfictionisaconstantly/evolvinggenrethatgivesusan Q.68.Partsofthegivensentencehavebeenunderlined.Oneof
eek / intothepotentialupsidesanddownsides/ofintelligent
p t hem contains an error. The underlined parts are given as
machines. options with some changes. Select the option that correctly
SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (1st Shift) rectifies the error.
(a) Al fiction is an constantly Thenew restauranton Main Streetis cheapthantheold one.
(b) into a potential upside and downside SSC MTS 05/09/2023 (1st Shift)
(c) evolving genre that gives us a peek (a) the older one (b) in Main Street
(d) of intelligent machine. (c) newer restaurant (d) is cheaper than
Q Q.69.Partsofthefollowingsentencehavebeenunderlinedand
given as options. Select the option that contains an error. iven as options. Select the option that contains an error.
If he will comeearly,we willleaveon time. MyrelativesshallhavereachedAmritsarbynow.
SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (1st Shift) SSC MTS 05/09/2023 (1st Shift)
(a) will come (b) If he (c) on time (d) we will (a) My (b) by now (c) shall (d) reached
Q .70.They will start their journey after the breakfast.
assigned task. SSC MTS 05/09/2023 (2nd Shift)
SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (1st Shift) (a) will start (b) their journey (c) They (d) after the breakfast
(a) Guard over (b) by carefully checking
(c) the assigned task (d) making mistakes .71. They had been dancing / for an hour / when our dance
teacher/ had arrived.
Q SSC MTS 05/09/2023 (2nd Shift)
rallied together and achieved our goals, / which teach us the (a) when our dance teacher (b) They had been dancing
importance of / teamwork, resilience, and determination. (c) for an hour (d) had arrived
SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (2nd Shift)
(a) Despite the setbacks and obstacles we faced, .72.Partsofthefollowingsentencehavebeenunderlinedand
(b) teamwork, resilience, and determination given as options. Select the option that contains an error.
(c) which teach us the importance of For an all-too-briefperiodbetweenthelate1980sandthelate
(d) our team rallied together and achieved our goals, 2000s,a world was characterisedbyconvergence.
SSC MTS 05/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
Q.63.Choose the sentence that contains an error. (a) between the late (b) For an all-too-brief
SC MTS 04/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
S (c) characterised by (d) a world was
(a) The Mona Lisa is a famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci.
(b) She is the only person who can speak five languages fluently. .73.Shelley and Keats are great writers, but I preferthe last.
(c) He is a doctor who specialises in the treating rare diseases SSC MTS 05/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
(d) I saw the movie that won the Academy Award for Best (a) the last (b) are great writers
Picture. (c) but I prefer (d) Shelley and Keats
.64. After I complete my training program / I will have been
Q .74.Jaya said that she will become topper in herclass.
joining a team of astronauts / and preparingto/embarkona SSC MTS 05/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
mission to Mars. (a) In her class (b) she will become topper (c) that (d) Jaya said
SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (3rd Shift) Q.75.This is the first time / I ate such / a tastycake.
(a) I will have been joining a team of astronauts SC MTS 06/09/2023 (1st Shift)
(b) embark on a mission to Mars (a) I ate such (b) This is the first time
(c) and preparing to (c) No error (d) a tasty cake
(d) After I complete my training program
.76.A old woman suddenly laughed, sounding justlike an
.65. Earlier, he was feeling better, but thingstook a turn for the
Q amused hen.
bad. SSC MTS 06/09/2023 (1st Shift)
SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (3rd Shift) (a) like an amused hen (b) sounding just
(a) Earlier, he was feeling better, but things took a turn for the (c) A old woman (d) suddenly laughed
(b) Earlier, he was feeling good, but things took a turn for the .77.Existentialismhasareputationforbeingangst-riddenand
bad. gloomy mostly because of its emphasis on pondering the
(c) Earlier, he was feeling well, but things took a turn for the ill. meaningless of existence.
(d) Earlier, he was feeling better, but things took a turn for the ill. SSC MTS 06/09/2023 (2nd Shift)
Q Q.114.He is the better-looking hero in the entirefilm industry.
given as options. Select the option that contains an error. SC MTS 13/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
We think of the past history of the world as fixed but of the (a) He is the best-looking hero in the entire film industry.
futureas undecidedand open to awealth offpossibilities. (b) He is the good-looking hero than the entire film industry.
SSC MTS 12/09/2023 (2nd Shift) (c) He is the best-looking hero more than the entire film industry.
(a) of the past (b) as undecided (c) as fixed (d) wealth off (d) He is the good-looking hero in the entire film industry.
.107. Henry is known / as an excellent writer / and good
Q Q.118.If you work hard, you secure good marks.
communicator/in English. SC MTS 14/09/2023 (2nd Shift)
SSC MTS 12/09/2023 (3rd Shift) (a) good marks (b) If you (c) work hard (d) you secure
(a) as an excellent writer (b) in English .119. When I was in high school/I participated in several
(c) Henry is known (d) and good communicator extracurricular activities / such as the debate team and the
Q.108.With cloud streaming, people can play gamesfrom a / school newspaper/ which help me developed my
internet-connected device, avoiding the need for pricey / communication and writing skills.
dedicated hardware such as a game console. SSC MTS 14/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (1st Shift) (a) When I was in high school
(a) No error (b) which help me developed my communication and writing
(b) dedicated hardware such as a game console skills
(c) With cloud streaming, people can play games from a (c) such as the debate team and the school newspaper
(d) internet-connected device, avoiding the need for pricey (d) I participated in several extracurricular activities
.121. (A) The twins are / (B) often told that /(C) they are
Q Sol.63.(c) He is a doctor who specialises in the treating rare
resembling / (D) each other. iseases.(Incorrect)
SSC MTS 14/09/2023 (3rd Shift) He is a doctor who specialises in treating rare diseases.
(a) C (b) A (c) B (d) D (Correct)
The definite article 'the' is not used before gerunds.
Solutions :-
ol.64.(a) I will have been joining a team of astronauts
‘Will have been’ must be replaced with ‘will be’ as the given
sentence is in the Future Continuous Tense and the correct
at the zoo.(Correct)
grammatical structure is “Subject +will+be+V-ing”.Hence,‘I
will be joining a team of astronauts’ is the most appropriate
the zoo.(Incorrect Degree)
at the zoo.(Incorrect Degree) ol.65.(a) Earlier, he was feeling better,butthingstookaturn
(d)Theboytoldhismotherthathesawthemoretallergiraffeat for the worst.(Correct)
the zoo.(Incorrect Degree) (b) Earlier, he was feeling good, but things took a turn for the
bad.(Incorrect Word)
ol.54.(d) interviewed numerous individuals, which allow me
(c) Earlier, he was feeling well, but things took a turn for the
ill.(Incorrect Degree)
past tense, so it must havetheverbinthepastform(allowed),
(d) Earlier, he was feeling better, but things tookaturnforthe
ill.(Incorrect Word)
most appropriate answer.
ol.66.(a) paper on the dust bin
ol.55.(c) that Gaurav will
The verb ‘Will’ must be replaced with ‘Would’ as the given
or position of something inside ofsomethingelse.Preposition
sentence in the past tense, soweneedtousetheverbinpast
form. Hence, ‘Gaurav would’ is the most appropriate answer.
something. Hence, ‘in’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.56.(b) perfect
ol.67.(a) can be lonely prospect
‘Perfect’ must be replaced with ‘perfectly’ as we generally use
Article‘a’mustbeusedbefore‘lonelyprospect’as theadjective
adverbs to modify the meaningoftheverb(performed).Hence,
‘lonely’ describes a noun and we need touseanarticlebefore
‘perfectly’ is the most appropriate answer.
the adjective to indicate that it's a singular, countable noun.
ol.57.(a) the English well
S Hence, ‘can be a lonely prospect’ is the most appropriate
Thedefinitearticle'the'isnotusedbeforethenameoflanguage. answer.
Hence, 'English well’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.68.(d) is cheaper than
ol.58.(a) of the government
S We generally use a comparative degree before ‘than’ and the
Article ‘the’ must be removed as the word 'government' in the correct comparative degree of ‘cheap’ is ‘cheaper’. Hence, ‘is
general sense refers to any form of government. It does not cheaper than’ is the most appropriate answer.
point towards any particular nation. Hence, ‘of government’ is
ol.69.(c) shall
the most appropriate answer.
ol.59.(c) evolving genre that gives us a peek
S ‘He/She/It/You/they’ or a noun and ‘shall’ with‘I’and ‘we’ only.
Article ‘A’ is used before the words starting from aconsonant Hence, ‘will’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.70.(d) after the breakfast
is used before the words starting from a vowel sound(an
use any article before the names of meals(breakfast, dinner,
a peek’ is the most appropriate answer.
lunch, etc). Hence, ‘after breakfast’ is the most appropriate
ol.60.(a) will come
S answer.
ol.71.(d) had arrived
an example of the first conditional sentence and the correct
time of occurrence of an event that started in the past.
‘comes’ is the most appropriate answer.
Therefore, ‘had’ must be removed from this part. Hence, 'arrived'
ol.61.(a) Guard over
S is the most appropriate answer.
‘Guard over’ must be replaced with ‘guard against’ astheverb
ol.72.(d) a world was
‘A world’ must bereplacedwith‘theworld’aswegenerallyuse
is the most appropriate answer.
is the most appropriate answer.
ol.62.(c) which teach us the importance of
ol.73.(a)the last
‘The last’ mustbereplacedwith‘thelatter’asthewor‘latter’is
in thepastform(V2) andnotinthepresentform(teach).Hence,
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usedtorefertothesecondoftwothingsorpeople.Hence,‘the ol.85.(c) two is coming
latter’ is the most appropriate answer. ‘Two is coming’ must be replaced with ‘Two comes’. We
generally use Simple Present Tense(Singular Sub. + V-s/es) to
ol.74.(b) she will become topper
S state a fact or universal truth. Hence, ‘two comes’isthemost
‘Will’ must be replaced with ‘would’asthegivensentenceisin appropriate answer.
‘she would become topper’ is the most appropriate answer. ol.86.(d) translated in
‘In’ must be replaced with ‘Into’. Preposition ‘into’ is used to
ol.75.(a) I ate such
S indicate a change from one form orstatetoanother.Similarly,
PresentPerfectTense(Has/Have+V3)isusedwhensomething thegivensentencetalksaboutthechangeinscripturefromone
happensforthefirsttimeinthepresent.Hence,‘Ihaveeaten(V3) language to another. Hence, ‘translated into’ is the most
such’ is the most appropriate answer. appropriate answer.
ol.76.(c) A old woman
S ol.87.(a) gone out
Article ‘A’ is used before the words starting from aconsonant 'When + Simple Past Tense' is used to indicate the time of
sound-(aconversation,astory).Whereas,thearticle‘An’isused occurrenceofaneventthatstartedinthepast.'Subject+V2'is
before the words starting from a vowel sound(an imminent the correct grammatical structure for this sentence. Hence,
danger,anapple).Hence,‘anoldwoman’isthemostappropriate 'went out(V2) ' is the most appropriate answer.
Sol.88.(d) Mr sharma would have left
Sol.77.(a) on pondering the meaningless of existence ‘Would’ must be replaced with ‘will’ as wegenerallyusefuture
Adjective ‘Meaningless’ must be replaced with the noun perfecttense(will/shall+have+V3)toexpressanactionwhich
‘meaning’ as we need to use a nountorefertotheconceptor willbecompletedbeforeacertainpointinthefuture.Hence,‘Mr
state of existence. Hence, ‘on pondering the meaning of sharma will have left’ is the most appropriate answer.
existence’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.89.(c) The viable of life
ol.78.(a) an information about
S Adjective‘viable’mustbereplacedwiththenoun‘viability’aswe
Article‘an’mustberemovedaswedonotuseindefinitearticles need to use a specific noun after the article ‘the.’ Hence, ‘the
(a/an) before uncountablenounssuchasinformation,luggage, viability of life’ is the most appropriate answer.
evidence, furniture. Hence, ‘information about’ is the most
appropriate answer. ol.90.(c) shall be playing
ol.79.(b) D
S asthegivensentencementionsaperiodoftime‘forfourhours’,
‘Fells’mustbereplacedwith‘fell’asthecorrectpastformofthe so we needtousefutureperfectcontinuoustense(will/shall+
verb ‘fall’ is ‘fell’. Hence, ‘Look,hefell!’isthemostappropriate have + been + V1-ing). Hence, ‘shall have been playing’ is the
answer. most appropriate answer.
ol.80.(c) shall win
S ol.91.(a) lately
Ifaclausebeginswiththewords"aslongas,assoonas,when, Lately means recently while ‘late’ means after the usual or
until,unless,till",itisnotwritteninfuturetense.SimplePresent expected time. Adverb ‘late’ is the correct choice here as it
Tense will be used as the second clause is given in present denotestheperson’shabitofwakingupaftertheexpectedtime
tense. Hence, ‘win’ is the most appropriate answer. in the past. Hence, ‘late’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.81.(a) on safari tour
S ol.92.(d) As they driven through the dark, twisting lane
Article ‘A’ is used before the words starting from aconsonant If two actions took place in the past then the 1st action must be
sound - (a conversation, a story). Similarly, in the given in the Past perfecttense(Had+V3-walked)andthe2ndaction
sentence, ‘safari’ starts with a consonant. Hence, ‘on a safari must be in the Simple Past tense(V2).However,theV2 formof
tour’ is the most appropriate answer. ‘drive’ is ‘drove’. Hence, ‘as they drove(V2) through the dark,
ol.82.(a) in playing
S twisting lane’ is the most appropriate answer.
Preposition 'At' is usually used to indicate a particular skill or ol.93.(b) The platinum
ability. Preposition'In'isusedtoindicatebeinginsidesomething Article ‘the’ must be removed as the definitearticle'the'isnot
or during a period of time. Hence, 'at playing' is the most usedbeforethenameofmaterialslikeGold,Silver,Platinumetc.
appropriate answer. Hence, ‘platinum’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.83.(c)Kanu prefer
S ol.94.(a) most off
According to the “Subject-Verb Agreement Rule”, a singular ‘Off’ must be replaced with ‘of’ as ‘Off’ is usually used as a
subject always takes a singular verb. Similarly, ‘kanu’ is a prepositiontoindicateseparation(goingawayfromsomething)
singularsubjectthatwilltake‘prefers’asasingularverb.Hence, ordisconnection.Preposition‘Of’isusedtoindicatesomething
‘kanu prefers’ is the most appropriate answer. being part of something. Therefore, ‘most of’ is the most
ol.84.(c) He is an lawyer who works for a prestigious law firm.
S appropriate answer.
Article‘an’mustbereplacedwith‘a’aswegenerallyusearticle Sol.95.(d) This is the oldest standing structure of Chola
‘a’ before the wordsstartingwithaconsonantsound.Similarly, rchitecture in India.
in the given sentence, the noun ‘lawyer’ starts with a consonant ‘Eldest’ must be replaced with ‘oldest’. We use superlative
sound. Hence, ‘a lawyer’ is the most appropriate answer. degree 'eldest' for blood relations of the same generation or
lower generation & 'oldest' for something that was created first
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of all. Hence, ‘option (d)’ is the most appropriate answer. Hence, ‘it has been a’ is the most appropriate answer.
Q.169. An old man whom / we metwhilecomingback/from ol.127.(c) a earth
ur college lives / at my uncle’s Place.
o Article ‘a’ must be replaced with article ‘the’ because ‘Earth’
SSC CHSL 17/08/2023 (1st Shift) mentionedinthegivensentenceisspecificandwegenerallyuse
(a) An old man whom (b) at my uncle’s place the definite article ‘the’ before any specific or particular noun.
(c) we met while coming back (d) from our college lives Hence, ‘the Earth’ is the most appropriate answer.
the morning.
SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (2nd shift)
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (1st shift)
(a) I can't talk right now (b) I am being really busy
(a) Neetu have been (b) in the morning
(c) No error (d) I'll call you later
(c) since 10 o'clock (d) waiting for me
.184. The following sentence has been divided into three
.175.Select the grammatically correct sentence.
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (1st shift)
Select the segment that contains the error, form the given
(a) The participants of the competition are waiting for their turn
options. If you don’t find any error, mark ‘No error’ as your
(b) The participants of the competition has been waiting for their
Aniket lives (A) / in the small apartment (B) / in the suburbs (C).
turn curiously.
SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (3rd shift)
(c) A participants of the competition is waiting for their turn
(a) C (b) No error (c) B (d) A
(d) The participants of the competition is waiting for their turn .185. The present-centurythreatstoourenvironment,/which
curiously. include interfering species, ailments, pollution and / a boiling
temperature, were putting wildlife populations at peril.
SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (3rd shift)
the case.
(a) which include interfering species, ailments, pollution and
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (2nd shift)
(b) The present-century threats to our environment
(a) The jury took the right decision (b) In the case
(c) a boiling temperature, were putting wildlife populations at
(c) After knowing truth (d) No error
Q.177. Darshan wished hehadn't/wenttothethemepark/in (d) No error
t he first place.
.186. My mother said/thatBenwilldone/theassignment/
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (3rd shift)
(a) Darshan wished he hadn't (b) in the first place
SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (4th shift)
(c) went to the theme park (d) No error
(a) today (b) My mother said
.178. Theavailabilityoffundswillbe/ensurediftheyalltried
Q (c) that Ben will done (d) the assignment
to / submit the proposals on time.
.187. Mr. Ram Kumar, the cashier are / on temporary
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (4th shift)
withdrawal / from service.
(a) The availability of funds will be (b) No error
SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (4th shift)
(c) submit the proposals on time (d) ensuredif they all tried to
(a) on temporary withdrawal (b) Mr. Ram Kumar, the cashier are
Q.179.Selectthegrammaticallycorrectstatementfromamong (c) from service (d) No error
t he given options.
Q.188. Select the grammatically correct sentence.
A. It is a nice party. I am enjoying the party.
SC CGL 19/07/2023 (1st shift)
B. It is a party. I am enjoying an party.
(a) The rider who met with a accident was not wearing a helmet,
C. It is party. I am enjoying a party.
the police said.
D. It is the party. I am enjoying an party.
(b) The rider who met with an accident was not wearing an
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (4th shift)
helmet, the police said.
(a) D (b) C (c) B (d) A
(c) A rider who met with the accident was not wearing the
Q.180.IthinkJeremywillnot/havesaveenoughmoney/bythe helmet, an police said.
t ime / the year ends. (d) The rider who met with the accident was not wearing a
SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (3rd shift) helmet, the police said.
(a) the year ends (b) have save enough money
.189. "Do you want to join us for lunch?" / "I'm sorry / my
(c) by the time (d) I think Jeremy will not
physics class will start at 1 p.m. / and doesn't finish till 3 p.m."
Q.181. Select the grammatically correct sentence. SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (1st shift)
. It is a old uniform but a memorable thing for me.
A (a) my physics class will start at 1 p.m.
B. It is old uniform but a memorable thing for me. (b) I'm sorry
C. It is the old uniform but memorable thing for me. (c) and doesn't finish till 3 p.m.
D. It is an old uniform but a memorable thing for me. (d) Do you want to join us for lunch?
SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (4th shift)
.190. Sky appears b
Q lue / as it absorbs / all colours and
(a) D (b) C (c) B (d) A
/reflects only blue.
.182.Identify the sentence that correctly uses theindefinite
Q SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (2nd shift)
article. (a) reflects only blue ( b) all colours and
.191. A celestial body or astronomical object is / a naturally
Q Q.200.Binay said that /he is coming/from /his village,Jaygarh.
occurring physical thing, association, / or configuration that SC CGL 21/07/2023 (2nd shift)
happens in the visible universe. (a) from (b) he is coming
SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (2nd shift) (c) his village, Jaygarh (d) Binay said that
(a) No error
(b) A celestial body or astronomical object is .201. If things were not going to be normal / after the
(c) or configuration that happens in the visible universe pandemic, mankind will / have to accept the New Normal.
(d) a naturally occurring physical thing, association SSC CGL 21/07/2023 (3rd shift)
(a) after the pandemic, mankind will
Q.192.Partsofthefollowingsentencehavebeenunderlinedand (b) have to accept the New Normal
iven as options. Select the option that contains an error.
g (c) If things were not going to be normal
The Dutta company has not being making new school bags (d) no error
sincethe lockdowncommenced.
SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (4th shift) .202.Thiswillbemostdifficultof/ theadjustmentswehave
(a) since (b) has not (c) being (d) commenced to make / because we have been used to / spending aloton
.193. The following sentence has been divided into three
Q SSC CGL 21/07/2023 (3rd shift)
segments,A,B,C.Oneofthemmaycontainagrammaticalerror. (a) spending a lot on guests
Select the segment that contains the error, from the given (b) the adjustments we have to make
options. If you don't find any error, mark 'No error' as your (c) This will be most difficult of
answer. (d) because we have been used to
It was (A) / by a chance (B) / he saw a movie in a theatre (C).
SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (4th shift) Q.203.Select the grammatically correct sentence.
(a) A (b) C (c) B (d) No error SC CGL 21/07/2023 (4th shift)
(a) The decision to change a hospital saved an life of the
.194.One of these / boxes have / the portrait /of the heiress.
Q daughter of the doctor.
SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (1st shift) (b) The decision to change the hospital saved the life of the
(a) boxes have (b) of the heiress (c) the portrait (d) One of these daughter of the doctor.
(c) The decision to change an hospital saved the life of the
Q.195.Youcanfoolsomeofthepeopleallthetime,andallthe daughter of the doctor.
eople some of the time;butyoucannotfoolallthepeopleall
p (d) A decision to change a hospital saved the life of the daughter
the time. of the doctor.
SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (2nd shift)
(a) No error .204.If / it will rain, / we will have / a toughtime.
(b) You can fool some of the people all the time SSC CGL 21/07/2023 (4th shift)
(c) and all the people some of the time (a) if (b) a tough time (c) we will have (d) it will rain
(d) but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
.196. Hardik's horoscope says / that the stars / will be
Q t o deliver the letter.
exercised/ a benign influence on his life. SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (1st shift)
SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (3rd shift) (a) I am sure that (b) coming shortly
(a) will be exercised (b) Hardik's horoscope says (c) to deliver the letter (d) the postman would be
(c) that the stars (d) a benign influence on his life
.206. Maruti likes / adventure / stories, especially / an
.197.Select the grammatically correct sentence.
Q adventures of Tarzan.
A.Today is sixth day of our workshop. All the participants are SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (1st shift)
highly enthusiastic. (a) stories, especially (b) an adventures of Tarzan
B.Todayisasixthdayofourworkshop.Alltheparticipantsare (c) Maruti likes (d) adventure
highly enthusiastic.
C. Today is the sixth day of our workshop.Alltheparticipants Q.207.ThereceptionistaskedifDiya/willtakeaseatand/wait
are highly enthusiastic. f or the boss to call her in.
D.Todayissixthdayofourworkshop.Allparticipantsarehighly SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (2nd shift)
enthusiastic. (a) The receptionist asked if Diya
SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (3rd shift) (b) No error
(a) D (b) C (c) B (d) A (c) will take a seat and
(d) wait for the boss to call her in
Q.198.Parts of the following sentence have been underlinedand
iven as options. Select the option that contains an error.
g Q.208.I play / cricket in/ my childhood/with my sister.
Ihad goneto SiliguribeforeIgoto Raiganj . SC CGL 24/07/2023 (3rd shift)
SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (4th shift) (a) my childhood (b) with my sister (c) I play (d) cricket in
(a) go (b) before (c) had (d) gone .209. The historians / are a g
Q reat / asset to the/ field of
.199.He will return in a hour.
Q academia.
SSC CGL 21/07/2023 (1st shift) SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (3rd shift)
(a) field of academia ( b) are a great
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(c) asset to the (d) The historians Q.218. She is in / an hurry / to meet / her brother.
SC CGL 26/07/2023 (1st shift)
Q.210. Select the grammatically correct sentence. (a) to meet (b) She is in (c) her brother (d) an hurry
SC CGL 24/07/2023 (4th shift)
(a) The warrior was waiting for an right time to attack the lion .219.You should / see a oculist; / your eyes look/ worse today.
hiding in a cave. SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (2nd shift)
(b) The warrior was waiting for the right time to attack the lion (a) your eyes look (b) You should
hiding in the cave. (c) worse today (d) see a oculist;
(c) An warrior was waiting for a right time to attack the lion
hiding in the cave. Q.220.Selecttheoptionthatcontainsagrammaticalerrorinthe
(d) The warrior was waiting for a right time to attack an lion nderlined portion.
hiding in the cave. He was always been a grumpy man so I never liked him and
avoided his company.
Q.211.Wehardlyknewnothing/aboutthemanager/whohad SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (3rd shift)
r ecently joined. (a) He was always been a grumpy man, so I never liked him and
SSC CGL 25/07/2023 (1st shift) avoided his company.
(a) We hardly knew nothing (b) No error (b)He was always beena grumpy man, so I never likedhim and
(c) about the manager (d) who had recently joined avoided his company.
(c) He was always been agrumpy man, so I never likedhim and
.212. Anti-party activities / improved my relations /with an
Q avoided his company.
opposition. (d) He was always been a grumpy man, so I never liked himand
SSC CGL 25/07/2023 (2nd shift) avoided his company.
(a) Anti-party activities (b) No error
(c) Improved my relations (d) With an opposition Q.221.Partsofthefollowingsentencehavebeenunderlinedand
iven as options. Select the option that contains an error.
Q.213. All the horses, exceptone,always/behavedinarough Ilovetoreadcertainstories fromaMahabharata.
anner when / Robert come to clean the stable.
m SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (4th shift)
SSC CGL 25/07/2023 (2nd shift) (a) certain (b) to (c) love (d) a
(a) behaved in a rough manner when
(b) Robert come to clean the stable Q.222. Identify the option that rectifies the error in the given
(c) No error entence.
(d) All the horses, except one, always In 2023, she will has been working in the company for three
.214.You wash / the dishes / and / I dry the same.
Q SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (4th shift)
SSC CGL 25/07/2023 (3rd shift) (a) By 2023 (b) in company
(a) and (b) You wash (c) l dry the same (d) the dishes (c) she will have been (d) since three years
.215. Select the grammatically correct sentence.
Q Q.223. They usually allege that there is / a delay in procuring
SSC CGL 25/07/2023 (4th shift) tationery / due to the faulty purchase orders.
(a) It was a hectic day for Susan with a lot of purchases and a SSC CGL 27/07/2023 (2nd shift)
couple of meetings. (a) due to the faulty purchase orders
(b) It was a hectic day for Susan with the lot of purchase and a (b) a delay in procuring stationery
couple of meetings. (c) They usually allege that there is
(c) It was a hectic day for Susan with the lot of purchase and an (d) No error
couple of meetings.
(d) It was the hectic day for Susan with a lot of purchase and the .224.It can / get extreme cold / during / the winters.
couple of meetings. SSC CGL 27/07/2023 (3rd shift)
(a) the winters (b) during (c) It can (d) get extreme cold
Q.216.The doctor came / after the patient/ had /pass away
SC CGL 25/07/2023 (4th shift)
Solutions :-
(a) The doctor came (b) pass away (c) after the patient (d) had
Q ol.174.(a) Neetu have been
underlined portion. ‘Have’ must be replaced with ‘has.’ According to the
When Mrs. Sinha came to see Varanasi in 2019, Nupur has “Subject-Verb AgreementRule”,asingularsubjectalwaystakes
already been teaching there for five years. asingularverbandapluralsubjectalwaystakesapluralverb.In
SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (1st shift) the given sentence, ‘Neetu’ is a singular subject that will take
(a) When Mrs. Sinha came to see Varanasiin 2019,Nupur has ‘has’ as a singular verb. Hence, ‘Neetu has been’ is the most
already been teaching there for five years. appropriate structure.
(b)When Mrs. Sinha came to see Varanasiin 2019,Nupur has
ol.175.(a) The participantsofthecompetitionarewaitingfor
already been teaching there for five years.
their turn curiously.(Correct)
(c) When Mrs. Sinha came to see Varanasi in 2019, Nupur has
(b) The participants of the competitionhas been waitingfor their
already been teachingthere for five years.
turn curiously.(Incorrect Tense)
(d) When Mrs. Sinha came to see Varanasi in 2019,Nupur has
(c) A participants of the competition is waiting for their turn
already been teachingthere for five years.
curiously.(Incorrect Article and Verb)
ol.199.(d) in a
S ol.209.(d) The historians
Article‘a’mustbereplacedwith‘an’as article‘An’isusedbefore ‘The historians’ must be replaced with ‘historians’ as we
thewordsstartingfromavowelsound(anIndianartist,anapple, generally use definite article ‘the’ with a specific or particular
an hour). Hence, ‘in an’ is the most appropriate answer. noun.Here,inthegivensentence‘historians’isacommonnoun.
So, we will not use definite articles before ‘historians’. Hence,
ol.200.(b) he is coming
S ‘historians’ is the most appropriate answer.
‘Is’ must be replaced with ‘was’ as the given sentence is an
example of Indirect tense in the past tense. So, the correct ol.210.(b)Thewarriorwaswaitingfortherighttimetoattack
grammaticalstructureis‘SingularSub.+was+V-ing’.Hence,‘he the lion hiding in the cave. (Correct)
was coming’ is the most appropriate answer. (a) The warrior was waiting for an righttimetoattackthelion
hiding in a cave.(Incorrect Article)
ol.201.(c) If things were not going to be normal
S (c) An warrior was waiting for a right time to attack the lion
‘Were’ must be replaced with ‘are’ as the given sentence isan hiding in the cave.(Incorrect Article)
example of the mixed conditional sentence and the correct (d) The warrior was waiting for a right time to attack an lion
grammaticalstructureis“If+PresentTense…….will+V1”.Hence hiding in the cave.(Incorrect Article)
‘If things are not going to be normal’ is the most appropriate
answer. ol.211.(a) We hardly knew nothing
ol.202.(c) This will be most difficult of
S both are n egative words so we can’t use them together. We
‘Superlativedegree’denotestheformofanadjectiveoradverb generallyusethepronoun‘anything’innegativeandinterrogative
that expresses thehighestoraveryhighdegreeofqualityofa sentences. Hence, ‘ we hardly knew anything’ is the most
thing, person etc. Forexample,most,best,worst,greatest,etc. appropriate answer.
However, we always place the definite article ‘the’ before any
superlativeadjective.Hence,‘thiswillbethemostdifficultof’is ol.212.(d) With an opposition
the most appropriate answer. Article ‘An’ must be replaced with ‘the’ as Article ‘the’ is used to
represent a class or group. Hence, ‘with the opposition’ is the
S most appropriate answer.
the daughter of the doctor.(Correct)
(a) The decision to change a hospital saved an life of the ol.213.(b) Robert come to clean the stable
daughter of the doctor.(Incorrect Article) ‘Come’ must be replaced with ‘Came’ as thefirstclauseofthe
(c) The decision to change an hospital saved the life of the sentence “behaved in a rough manner” is in Pasttensesothe
daughter of the doctor.(Incorrect Article) secondclausemustalsobeintheSimplePasttense(V2).Hence,
(d)Adecisiontochangeahospitalsavedthelifeofthedaughter ‘Robert came to clean the stable’ is the most appropriate
of the doctor.(Incorrect Article) answer.
ol.221.(d) a
S .232. After that long afternoon, / when I quietly entered her
Article ‘A’ must be replaced with ‘the’ asDefinitearticle‘the’is room / to hand over the packet to her, / she asked me to sit
used before the name of religious books such as- The reluctant
Mahabharata,TheBible,TheGita,TheTripitakaetc.Hence,‘the Higher Secondary 30/06/2023 (Shift - 2)
Mahabharata’ is the most appropriate answer. (a) she asked me to sit reluctant
(b) After that long afteroon,
ol.222.(c) she will have been
S (c) to hand over the packet to her,
Thegivensentenceisanexampleof‘Futureperfectcontinuous (d) when I quietly entered her room
Tense’ and the correct grammatical structure is “Will/shall +
have been + V1-ing”. Hence, ‘she will have been’ is the most
Solutions :-
appropriate answer.
ol.223.(d) No error
S ol.225.(d) beneath my room
The given sentence is grammatically correct. There is a prepositional error in the given sentence. The
preposition 'beneath' must be replaced with 'in' as ‘beneath’ is
ol.224.(d) get extreme cold
S used to indicate a location that is below something and ‘in’is
‘Extreme’ must be replaced with ‘extremely’ as the given used to indicate thatsomethingislocatedinsideofsomething
sentenceneedsanadverbtomodifytheadjective(cold).Hence, else. Hence, 'in my room' is the most appropriate answer.
‘It can get extremely cold’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.226.(d) a lot by
There is a prepositional error in the given sentence. ‘A lot by’
SSC Selection Post (Phase-XI)
must be replaced with ‘a lot from’ as the preposition ‘by’ is
generally used to indicate the way something is done and the
Q.225.I caught / a white cat / rustling / beneathmy room.
preposition ‘from’ is used to indicate the source of gaining
raduate Level 27/06/2023 (Shift - 4)
knowledge. Hence, ‘a lot from’ is the most appropriate answer.
(a) a white cat (b) I caught (c) rustling (d) beneath my room.
.226. Kids learn / a lot by / their / school activities and
cup of coffee.
(a) I would like to spend a evening near a pool with a cup of
Graduate Level 28/06/2023 (Shift - 3)
coffee. (Incorrect article)
(a) Kids learn (b) school activities and homework
(c) their (d) a lot by
(Article missing)
.227.Select the grammatically correct sentence.
Q (d) I would like to spend an eveningnear poolwitha cup of
A. I would like to spend an evening near pool with a cup of coffee. coffee. (Article missing)
B. I would like to spend an evening near pool with cup of coffee.
ol.228.(c) try and learn language
C. I would like to spend a evening near a pool with a cup of
‘And’ must be replaced with ‘to’ as we generally use an ‘to +
infinitive(V1)’ after certain verbs like try, bid,let, make, need etc.
.245. To treat nightmare disorder, / there is a number / of
.235. Restoring soil health would / help at mitigate the /
medications and therapies.
effects of climate change.
SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Afternoon)
SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Morning)
(a) there is a number (b) of medications and therapies.
(a) help at mitigate the (b) effects of climate change.
(c) No error (d) To treat nightmare disorder,
(c) Restoring soil health would (d) No error
.246. While persimmons can be/useinpiesandtarts,you/
.236. Thefrontpartisusedforcarving/thelinesandtheback
can also enjoy them plain.
end / for scratching of whole areas.
SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Evening)
SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Afternoon)
(a) While persimmons can be (b) use in pies and tarts, you
(a) the lines and the back end
(c) No error (d) can also enjoy them plain.
(b) No Error
Q .263. Peoples might confess / just to get out of / the
them talking; / it have been another long day. interrogation room.
SSC MTS 09/05/2023 (Morning) SSC MTS 11/05/2023 (Morning)
(a) No error (a) No error (b) Peoples might confess
(b) The Gryffindors trooped back up (c) just to get out of (d) the interrogation room.
(c) it have been another long day.
(d) to the castle, none of them talking; Q.264. Many female mammals, / including rabbits and cats,
vulate / only when they mate.
Q SSC MTS 11/05/2023 (Afternoon)
most timid of / navigators could desire. (a) No error (b) Many female mammals
SSC MTS 09/05/2023 (Morning) (c) only when they mate. (d) including rabbits and cats, ovulate
(a) No error
(b) Our passage across the Arabian Sea Q.265. One-to-one interaction / with parents is know / to be
(c) was smooth as the most timid of important
(d) navigators could desire. SSC MTS 11/05/2023 (Afternoon)
(a) with parents is know (b) to be important
.255. When I have arrived at / the theatre, the show / had
Q (c) No error (d) One - to - one interaction
already started.
SSC MTS 09/05/2023 (Afternoon) .266.It'dbereallycoolifyougot/ontheteam,I'veneverseen
(a) had already started (b) When I have arrived at you / played badminton, are you good?
(c) the theatre, the show (d) No error SSC MTS 11/05/2023 (Evening)
(a) No error
Q.256.ProfessorMurli’seyebrows/rosealittlehigherandhis/ (b) on the team, I've never seen you
aze became distinctly coldest.
g (c) played badminton, are you good?
SSC MTS 09/05/2023 (Evening) (d) It'd be really cool if you got
(a) gaze became distinctly coldest. (b) No error
(c) Professor murli’s eyebrows (d) rose a little higher and his Q.267.Evenifaevidencewas/relevanttothecase,itcouldn't/
e used to determine the reprobate.
.257. Without the greenhouse e
Q ffect, / Earths temperature SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Morning)
would / be below freezing. (a) relevant to the case, it couldn't
SSC MTS 09/05/2023 (Evening) (b) Even if a evidence was,
(a) Earths temperature would ( b) be below freezing. (c) No error
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(d) be used to determine the reprobate (d) No error
Q.268. The kids there were so notorious, the / more I asked .278.I spend a lot of / my time at work helpingmy / customers
t hem to quiet down, / the more loud they would scream. find an best outfit.
SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Evening)
(a) No error (a) No error (b) I spend a lot of
(b) the more loud they would scream. (c) my time at work helping my (d) customers find an best outfit.
(c) more I asked them to quiet down,
(d) The kids there were so notorious, the .279.Whenhebuckleddowntohis/workhebecametheslyer
/ and cleverest of diplomats.
Q SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Afternoon)
the judge use / to define his performance. (a) When he buckled down to his (b) work he became the slyer
SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Afternoon) (c) and cleverest of diplomats. (d) No error
(a) Unadulterated and unabashed were
(b) the two words that the judge use Q.280.Neitherteachersor/theprincipalrevoltedagainst/the
(c) to define his performance. ew education policy
(d) No error SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Afternoon)
(a) the new education policy. (b) the principal revolted against
Q (c) No error (d) Neither teachers or
/ as strong possible.
SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Evening) Q.281.George handing the / hairpin to Ron, / a momentlater.
(a) as strong possible. (b) The Federalists wished to SC MTS 16/05/2023 (Evening)
(c) No error (d) make the central government (a) George handing the (b) hairpin to Ron
(c) a moment later (d) No error
Q.271.Can you please / help me to / this project?
SC MTS 12/05/2023 (Evening)
S .282.Humans have rapidly / changing the balanceof / gases
(a) this project? (b) Can you please (c) No error (d) help me to in the atmosphere.
SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Evening)
Q.272.Hebeltedtwohugesixers,but/eleventogetofthelast (a) Humans have rapidly (b) changing the balance of
t wo / deliveries was a big ask. (c) gases in the atmosphere (d) No error
SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Evening)
(a) eleven to get of the last two (b) deliveries was a big ask. Q.283.Largestfarmersusually/havemoremoney,socialpower
(c) No error (d) He belted two huge sixers / and local influence.
SSC MTS 17/05/2023 (Morning)
Q (a) Largest farmers usually (b) No error
stand in the class. (c) have more money, social power (d) and local influence.
SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Morning)
(a) where I stand in the class. (b) Her evaluation will give Q.284.I want all / the culprits to / be punishedimmediate.
(c) No error (d) me a best indication of SC MTS 17/05/2023 (Morning)
(a) the culprits to (b) No error
.274.Can you please / pass me that / glittery penblack?
Q (c) I want all (d) be punished immediate.
SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Morning)
(a) pass me that (b) glittery pen black? Q.285. You canfindthese/booksintotheextreme/cornerof
(c) Can you please (d) No error t his shelf.
SSC MTS 17/05/2023 (Afternoon)
.275. No matter howmountainsare/formed,theyeventually
Q (a) books into the extreme (b) corner of this shelf.
becomes / too heavy and succumb to gravity. (c) You can find these (d) No error
SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Afternoon)
(a) formed, they eventually becomes .286. Mothers can pass the HIV virus to / their newborns
(b) No matter how mountains are during delivery / as well, WHO says.
(c) too heavy and succumb to gravity. SSC MTS 17/05/2023 (Afternoon)
(d) No error (a) as well, WHO says. (b) Mothers can pass the HIV virus to
(c) No error (d) their newborns during delivery
.276. Before he could devote many more / thought to the
matter, Pranav / had stepped up to him. Q.287. And how amorous you become / when your courtship
SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Afternoon) ith the / muses is going stronger.
(a) Before he could devote many more SSC MTS 17/05/2023 (Afternoon)
(b) thought to the matter, Pranav (a) No Error (b) when your courtship with the
(c) had stepped up to him. (c) muses is going stronger (d) And how amorous you become
(d) No error Q.288. Tax dispute settlement / might not work out in / the
.277. In humans, consumption of alcohol, / stimulate brain
Q esired scale.
cells to / release mood-altering dopamine. SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Morning)
SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Evening) (a) might not work out in (b) the desired scale
(a) release mood-altering dopamine. (c) Tax dispute settlement (d) No error
(b) In humans, consumption of alcohol, Q.289.The benefits of rebuilding / healthy, fertilesoil / are clear.
(c) stimulate brain cells to
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SC MTS 18/05/2023 (Morning)
S .299.Yourbodywillrespondby/gettingmoremuscularand/
(a) healthy, fertile soil (b) The benefits of rebuilding strong before you know it.
(c) No error (d) are clear. SSC MTS 13/06/2023 (Morning)
(a) strong before you know it. (b) No error
Q.290. The government have a rudimentary plan for an / (c) Your body will respond by (d) getting more muscular and
cosystem for defence startups / to fast-forward innovation.
SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Afternoon) .300. I could not make out what / it is, for the wind was /
(a) to fast-forward innovation. rustling the corn-shocks.
(b) an ecosystem for defence startups SSC MTS 13/06/2023 (Afternoon)
(c) The government have a rudimentary plan for (a) I could not make out what (b) No error
(d) No error (c) rustling the corn-shocks. (d) it is, for the wind was
Q .301. Humans are drawn to/foodsthatisfatty,/sweet,rich
common. and complex.
SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Evening) SSC MTS 13/06/2023 (Afternoon)
(a) All of the farmers I (b) interviewed shared three (a) No error (b) sweet, rich and complex.
(c) No error (d) things on common. (c) Humans are drawn to (d) foods that is fatty,
Q.292.Donotbeputofbythe/mathematicalequation,because Q.302. It would be neat and / cleanest, a home worthy of /
/ this is really not very complicated pending our lives together.
SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Evening) SSC MTS 13/06/2023 (Evening)
(a) Do not be put of by the (a) cleanest, a home worthy of (b) spending our lives together.
(b) this is really not very complicated. (c) It would be neat and (d) No error
(c) mathematical equation, because
(d) No error .303.Ihadbeenangrythewhole/evening,sosherubsbrahmi
/ oil into my scalp to cool my brain.
Q.293.FiresinCaliforniais/soundingalarmbells/thatcannot SSC MTS 13/06/2023 (Evening)
e ignored.
b (a) oil into my scalp to cool my brain.
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Morning) (b) No error
(a) sounding alarm bells (b) that cannot be ignored (c) evening, so she rubs brahmi
(c) Fires in California is (d) No error (d) I had been angry the whole
.294. He consolidated control over all the / provinces of the
Q .304.Eddie just panics / when it gets close / nearerthe end.
GreatBritainandsome/ofnorthernGaulwhileMaximiandealt SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Morning)
with other uprisings. (a) nearer the end (b) No error
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Morning) (c) when it gets close (d) Eddie just panics
(a) of northern Gaul while Maximian dealt with other uprisings
(b) No Error .305.Ihaveneverseenaman/getoffhishorsequickas/did
(c) He consolidated control over all the that stranger Englishman.
(d) provinces of the Great Britain and some SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Afternoon)
(a) did that stranger Englishman (b) I have never seen a man
Q (c) No error (d) get off his horse quick as
bad weather.
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Afternoon) Q.306. Susan had recently run on to / Catherine at the
(a) No error (b) Sorry I will be late as a flight upermarket, they / were seeing each other after many years.
(c) to bad weather. (d) has been delayed due SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Evening)
(a) were seeing each other after many years.
Q.296.Here, in truth, lies / the crux of the / greatproblem of all. (b) Catherine at the supermarket, they
SC MTS 19/05/2023 (Afternoon)
S (c) No error
(a) great problem of all (b) No error (d) Susan had recently run on to
(c) Here, in truth, lies (d) the crux of the
Q.307. There are alreadymanyexamples/ofgreattechnology
Q t hat had / born in the United States.
a few feet before the ground. SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Evening)
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Evening) (a) of great technology that had
(a) a few feet before the ground. (b) No error (b) No error
(c) window to see the bars dangling (d) Ram ran back to the (c) There are already many examples
(d) born in the United States.
.298. An appeasements policies / were all but a sham to
misdirect / the local groups. Q.308.Harry'seyeswateredin/thechillastheysoarupwards;
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Evening) e / could see nothing below now.
(a) the local groups. SSC MTS 15/06/2023 (Morning)
(b) were all but a sham to misdirect (a) could see nothing below now.
(c) An appeasements policies (b) the chill as they soar upwards; he
(d) No error (c) Harry's eyes watered in
(d) No error
Q.310. Neither Ram nor / his sisters are ready / to play the Q.320. Two border guards patrolling / the nearby frontier with
g eorgia have also / been reported missing from Friday night.
SSC MTS 15/06/2023 (Afternoon) SSC MTS 19/06/2023 (Afternoon)
(a) to play the game. (b) No error (a) been reported missing from Friday night.
(c) his sisters are ready (d) Neither Ram nor (b) the nearby frontier with Georgia have also
(c) No Error
Q (d) Two border guards patrolling
/ are the keys to self-direction.
SSC MTS 15/06/2023 (Evening) .321. In practice rounds,mycaddie,Greg,/andmeworkson
(a) No error (b) but learning and understanding my short / game with a baseball glove.
(c) Leaders are self-direct, (d) are the keys to self-direction SSC MTS 19/06/2023 (Evening)
(a) and me works on my short
.312. Diseasespassedfrom/animalstohumans/arecalled
Q (b) No error
zoonoses. (c) game with a baseball glove.
SSC MTS 15/06/2023 (Evening) (d) In practice rounds, my caddie, Greg
(a) Diseases passed from (b) are called zoonoses
(c) animals to humans (d) No error .322.None of them, apart from Rohan / and Shilpa,had heard
Mohan talk / about what happens that night
Q.313.Forexample,theparentmountain/ofMontBlanc,the/ SSC MTS 19/06/2023 (Evening)
igh peak in the Alps, is the Mount Everest.
h (a) No error
SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Morning) (b) and Shilpa, had heard Mohan talk
(a) No error (c) None of them, apart from Rohan
(b) high peak in the Alps, is the Mount Everest. (d) about what happens that night
(c) of Mont Blanc, the
(d) For example, the parent mountain .323.Disease-carrying parasites / is not picky /about hosts.
SSC MTS 19/06/2023 (Evening)
Q (a) about hosts. (b) Disease - carrying parasites
carbon stored on trees. (c) No error (d) is not picky
SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Morning)
(a) also affect the amount of (b) No error .324. ‘I’m going to get /startonsome/homework’,saidthe
(c) carbon stored on trees. (d) Land management choices professor angrily.
SSC MTS 20/06/2023 (Morning)
Q.315.Hebestunderstandthat/becauseofthefightitisno/ (a) No error (b) I’m going to get
longer his decision to make. (c) homework’, said the professor angrily. (d) start on some
SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Afternoon)
(a) He best understand that (b) longer his decision to make. .325.He spent a great deal of time / writing onhis legal pad
(c) because of the fight it is no (d) No error and aggressive / underlining whatever he was writing.
SSC MTS 20/06/2023 (Morning)
Q.316.Thedifferenceswere/imperceptibletoallbut/themost (a) He spent a great deal of time
t rained eye. (b) No error
SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Evening) (c) writing on his legal pad and aggressive
(a) imperceptible to all but (b) No error (d) underlining whatever he was writing.
(c) the most trained eye. (d) The differences were
Q.326. Raising temperatures in the / springtime signal plants
.317. Even the most wise don't/knowwhat'shiddenin/the
Q nd / animals to come alive.
depths of their being. SSC MTS 20/06/2023 (Afternoon)
SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Evening) (a) Raising temperatures in the (b) springtime signal plants and
(a) No error (b) know what's hidden in (c) animals to come alive. (d) No error
(c) the depths of their being. (d) Even the most wise don't
.318. These include the nature / documentaries, including /
Q air of cycling shorts?
The Blue Planet and Planet Earth. SSC MTS 20/06/2023 (Afternoon)
SSC MTS 19/06/2023 (Morning) (a) a pair of cycling shorts (b) a high - street shop wearing
(a) documentaries, including (c) No error (d) Have you ever gone into
(b) The Blue Planet and Planet Earth.
(c) No error .328. Most impressive / was record breaking / 75.6 FPS on
(d) These include the nature Crysis.
SSC CHSL 2022 Tier - 1 Q.340. If conventional arrangements and / patterns are made
ore scarcer, other / arrangements and patterns will spring up.
SSC CHSL 13/03/2023 (1st Shift)
Q.330. The recent discoveries / have risen hopes / about
(a) arrangements and patterns will spring up.
ossible applications.
(b) No error
SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (1st Shift)
(c) If conventional arrangements and
(a) have risen hopes (b) No error
(d) patterns are made more scarcer, other
(c) The recent discoveries (d) about possible applications.
.331. And it justrecentlyawarded/amillion-dollarcontract/
that reeks of corruption.
SSC CHSL 13/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (1st Shift)
(a) No error (b) he cried bitterly.
(a) a million - dollar contract (b) And it just recently awarded
(c) even more than for myself, (d) You care for him
(c) that reeks of corruption. (d) No error
.342.Once I run in / the Sonoran Desert in Arizona/ after a
.332. Today, in fit of frenzied rage and / jealousy, youwould
huge rain event.
have / killed me, your brother.
SSC CHSL 13/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (2nd Shift)
(a) Once I run in (b) the Sonoran Desert in Arizona
(a) killed me, your brother. (b) No error
(c) No error (d) after a huge rain event.
(c) jealousy, you would have (d) Today, in fit of frenzied rage and
.343. Asperthestudy,mosquito-borne/denguefeverinfects
.333. A study finds that the average staff cost at / a public
little / 400 million people annually.
sector bank is high than that at / its private sector counterpart.
SSC CHSL 13/03/2023 (4th Shift)
SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
(a) As per the study, mosquito-borne
(a) No error
(b) No error
(b) its private sector counterpart.
(c) dengue fever infects little
(c) a public sector bank is high than that at
(d) 400 million people annually.
(d) A study finds that the average staff cost at
.344. It's 4 p.m. local time and quite a / large crowd has
gathered from yesterday / evening around the giant stage.
in the atmosphere that extends from the / tropics to higher
SSC CHSL 13/03/2023 (4th Shift)
(a) evening around the giant stage.
SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (1st Shift)
(b) large crowd has gathered from yesterday
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( c) No error Q.354. The Event Horizon Telescope can / help scientists
(d) It's 4 p.m. local time and quite a nalyse the shapes / and behaviours of event horizons.
SSC CHSL 16/03/2023 (3rd Shift)
Q (a) and behaviours of event horizons
with / the universe other objects. (b) No error
SSC CHSL 14/03/2023 (2nd Shift) (c) The Event Horizon Telescope can
(a) their sleeves for dealing with (d) help scientists analyse the shapes
(b) Scientists have a few tricks up
(c) No error Q.355. The London-basedBrodsky/Quartet,meanwhile,isone
(d)the universe other objects f / the world's leading string quartet.
SSC CHSL 16/03/2023 (4th Shift)
Q.346. You never knowwhen/youaregoingtostumbletoa/ (a) The London-based Brodsky
jewel in the most unexpected corner. (b) the world's leading string quartet.
SSC CHSL 14/03/2023 (3rd Shift) (c) Quartet, meanwhile, is one of
(a) You never know when (d) No error
(b) you are going to stumble to a
(c) jewel in the most unexpected comer. Q.356. Ashwathama, Drona's/onlyson,hashaddeveloped/a
(d) No error f ondness for lavish living.
SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (1st Shift)
.347. Around 30 percent of the / Indian population are
Q (a) No error (b) a fondness for lavish living
estimated / to havelatent TB. (c) only son, has had developed (d) Ashwathama, Drona's
SSC CHSL 14/03/2023 (4th Shift)
(a) Indian population are estimated (b) No error Q.357. Democrats are often more receptive / and
(c) to have latent TB. ( d) Around 30 percent of the ccommodating of / foreign people and cultures.
SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (1st Shift)
Q (a) No error
Court, with / a widely remit and a wise legacy. (b) Democrats are often more receptive
SSC CHSL 15/03/2023 (1st Shift) (c) foreign people and cultures.
(a) a widely remit and a wise legacy. (d) and accommodating of
(b) especially the Supreme Court, with
(c) A key institution is the judiciary, .358.Balloons filled with helium / travel hundredsor / even
(d) No error thousands of mile.
SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (2nd Shift)
Q.349. The presidentialelection/turnedouttobeoneof/the (a) Balloons filled with helium (b) travel hundreds or
iggest landslide in history.
b (c) No error (d) even thousands of mile.
SSC CHSL 15/03/2023 (1st Shift)
(a) turned out to be one of (b) The presidential election .359. Bushfire have created havoc / and exacerbated the
(c) No error (d) the biggest landslide in history. conditions / of animals in the forest.
SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (4th Shift)
.350. Although people had been on watch and / the
Q (a) Bushfire have created havoc
watchkeepers were very tired, / everyone were up and buzzing. (b) and exacerbated the conditions
SSC CHSL 15/03/2023 (3rd Shift) (c) No error
(a) No error (d) of animals in the forest.
(b) the watchkeepers were very tired,
(c) everyone were up and buzzing. .360. You will never / regret thiswonderful/experiencewith
(d) Although people had been on watch and your life.
SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (4th Shift)
Q.351.Give yourself a / chance to be distracted /of bad news. (a) regret this wonderful (b) experience with your life.
SC CHSL 15/03/2023 (4th Shift)
S (c) You will never (d) No error
(a) chance to be distracted (b) Give yourself a
(c) No error (d) of bad news. .361.Shyam,sogoodwithweapons,failtofindthewords/to
tell him that everythinghe'ddone/sofar,allthecompromises
.352. People that are lonely / have higher levels of / the
Q he'd made, had been for love.
hormone cortisol SSC CHSL 20/03/2023 (1st Shift)
SSC CHSL 16/03/2023 (1st Shift) (a) to tell him that everything he'd done
(a) People that are lonely (b) have higher levels of (b) Shyam, so good with weapons, fail to find the words
(c) the hormone cortisol (d) No error (c) so far, all the compromises he'd made, had been for love.
Q (d) No error
encourage that continued curiosity. Q.362.Her failure in life / is too much / painfulfor me.
SSC CHSL 16/03/2023 (2nd Shift) SC CHSL 20/03/2023 (2nd Shift)
(a) No error (a) No error (b) painful for me
(b) encourage that continued curiosity. (c) is too much (d) Her failure in life
(c) to is open of learning more,
(d) If someone you are talking Q.363. Bacteria are single - celled / organisms that can /
r eproduce on its own.
Q .379.Onecanneverimagine/howhotitgetsinDelhi/unless
to door. one doesn't go / there in person.
SSC CGL Tier II (06/03/2023) SSC CGL 02/12/2022 (1st Shift)
(a) door to door (b) delivers the letters (a) One can never imagine (b) unless one doesn't go
(c) The postman (d) through hand (c) how hot it gets in Delhi (d) there in person.
Q.375.She watched / the thief who / steal the purse/ in the bus. Q.380. Select the option that contains a grammatical errorin
SC CGL Tier II (06/03/2023)
S t he underlined portion
(a) the thief who (b) in the bus I have never played any game of side this track during the
(c) steal the purse (d) She watched season.
SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (1st Shift)
Q.376.Everybody stared / when me / entered the /drawing room. (a) I have never played any game off side this track
SC CGL Tier II (07/03/2023)
S during the season
(a) when me (b) Everybody stared (b) I have never played any gameof side this trackduring the
(c) drawing room (d) entered the season.
.377.Daniel sat on / his new bike / and went afar/ a ride.
Q (c)I have never playedany game off side this trackduring the
SSC CGL Tier II (07/03/2023) season.
(a) a ride (b) his new bike (c) and went afar (d) Daniel sat on (d) I have never playedany gameoff side this trackduring the
Solutions:- Q.381.Thereisawholeworld/outtherethat/isinvisiblefrom/
t he naked eye.
ol.371.(b) No error.
S SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (1st Shift)
The given sentence is grammatically correct. (a) the naked eye (b) is invisible from
ol.372.(c) We should sorted out
S (c) There is a whole world (d) out there that
We always use the first form of the verb(V1) after a modal Q.382.Selecttheoptionthatcontainsagrammaticalerrorinthe
verb(‘should’ inthegivensentence).Hence,‘Weshouldsort(V1) nderlined portion.
out’ is the most appropriate answer. There are three cupholders placed on the cupboards of the
ol.373.(d) tight coat of him
S secretariat table.
The preposition ‘off’ is used with verbs t hat mean ‘remove’ or SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
‘separate’. The given sentence states that Dan needed help to (a)There are three cupholdersplaced on the cupboardsof the
secretariat table.
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Pinnacle Spot the Error
(b) There are three cupholders placedon the cupboardsof the Q.392. He does not / know how to / draw quickly / and
secretariat table. traightly.
(c) There are three cupholders placed on the cupboards of SSC CGL 07/12/2022 (4th Shift)
the secretariat table. (a) and straightly (b) He does not
(d) There are three cupholdersplaced on thecupboardsof the (c) know how to (d) draw quickly
secretariat table.
Q.393. He knows that / he has no other option/buttowork
.383. The manager told herthat/sheshouldbeabitmore/
Q ard.
careful while executed the / orders of the company. SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (1st Shift)
SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (3rd Shift) (a) He knows that (b) but to work hard
(a) The manager told her that (b) she should be a bit more (c) he has no other option (d) No error
(c) orders of the company (d)careful while executed the
.394. She has / a habit of / spending against /her means.
.384.Amla juice / is rich with / Vitamin C. / noerror
Q SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (1st Shift)
SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (4th Shift) (a) her means (b) She has
(a) Vitamin C (b) Amla juice (c) No error (d) is rich with (c) spending against (d) a habit of
Q Q.395. Mother said that / it was quite all right/forhertoget
quite harsh. / The singer took / their criticism in heart. pset / for scoring less.
SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (1st Shift) SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
(a) The jury was not happy with the performance (a) Mother said that (b) No error
(b) The singer took (c) for scoring less. (d) for her to get upset
(c) their criticism in heart.
(d) and was quite harsh. Q.396. She has / not written / a single novel / bythree years.
SC CGL 08/12/2022 (3rd Shift)
Q (a) not written (b) She has (c) by three years (d) a single novel
stepped up to help.
SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (3rd Shift) .397. She is quiet a generous woman / to have donated/ such
(a) Rahul quietly stepped up to help (b) After seeing that Shreya a large amount / for the flood affected people.
(c) was in trouble (d) No error SSC CGL 09/12/2022 (1st Shift)
(a) to have donated (b) for the flood affected people.
Q.387.Selecttheoptionthatcontainsagrammaticalerrorinthe (c) such a large amount (d) She is quiet a generous woman
nderlined portion.
There are no tables at the classroom. .398.Partsofthefollowingsentencehavebeenunderlinedand
SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (4th Shift) given as options. Select the option that contains an error.
(a) There are no tables at theclassroom. ItoldRahuonwaitfortwo hoursatthe bus stop.
(b)There areno tables at the classroom. SSC CGL 09/12/2022 (4th Shift)
(c) There areno tablesat the classroom. (a) at (b) for (c) told (d) on
(d) There are no tablesat theclassroom. .399. The meeting was held upon / for an hour/ due to
Q.388. I am having trouble / decidingin/agiftforthem./no non-availability / of the committee members.
e SSC CGL 12/12/2022 (1st Shift)
SSC CGL 06/12/2022 (4th Shift) (a) of the committee members. (b) due to non-availability
(a) a gift for them. (b) No error (c) for an hour (d) The meeting was held upon
(c) am having trouble (d) deciding in Q.400.No talking / on the dinner table / is an absoluterule.
.389.You must / be hurry, / otherwise you will /miss the train.
Q SC CGL 12/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
SSC CGL 07/12/2022 (1st Shift) (a) No talking (b) No Error
(a) miss the train. (b) be hurry, (c) on the dinner table (d) is an absolute rule.
(c) You must (d) otherwise you will .401.Oneofthestudentsisalways/latetotheclass;hehas
Q.390. Bobo was / very richer than Jim / as he had illicitly been warn /bytheteachermanytimes;/butstill,hekeepson
ccumulated / all his wealth.
a being late.
SSC CGL 07/12/2022 (3rd Shift) SSC CGL 13/12/2022 (1st Shift)
(a) very richer than Jim (b) all his wealth. (a) One of the students is always
(c) as he had illicitly accumulated (d) Bobo was (b) but still, he keeps on being late
(c) by the teacher many times
Q (d) late to the class; he has been warn
party given / to the teacher retiring, and her indifference were
well noticed. .402. There can be precious / diamonds and metals /inthe
SSC CGL 07/12/2022 (3rd Shift) surface / just below you.
(a) They all, except Shirin, were very sad SSC CGL 13/12/2022 (3rd Shift)
(b) during the farewell party given (a) diamonds and metals (b) just below you.
(c) indifference were well noticed (c) in the surface (d) There can be precious
(d) to the teacher retiring, and her .403. Theboy,aswellas/hisfriends,were/absentfromthe
class / when the teacher came.
Q ol.415.(a) Isn’t she
and dresses. Accordingtothe“QuestionTagrule”,ifthestatementispositive,
SSC CGL Tier II ( 08/08/2022 ) the question tag will be negative & Vice-versa. However, the
(a) a suitcase full with (b) The gentleman had sentence and thequestiontagmustbeinthesametense.The
(c) wigs, ornaments and dresses. (d) No error given sentence is in simple present tense. So the same tense
will be used for the question tag. The given sentence is positive
Q so the question tag will be negative (doesn’t). Hence, ‘doesn’t
himself. she’ is the most appropriate answer.
SSC CGL Tier II ( 08/08/2022 )
(a) You should tell (b) No error ol.416.(c) By time
(c) these children to complete (d) their projects himself. Phrase‘Bytime’willbereplacedby‘Ontime’asboththephrases
look similar but have different meanings. ‘Ontime’meansata
Q.420.Open your books at page tenth. specifictimeand‘Bytime’meansatthetime.Hence,‘Ontime’is
SC CGL Tier II ( 08/08/2022 )
S the most appropriate answer.
(a) No error (b) Open your (c) page tenth (d) books at
ol.417.(d) At the sphere of knowledge
.421.A misunderstanding has crept between he andhis sister.
Q There is a prepositional error in the given sentence. The
SSC CGL Tier II ( 08/08/2022 ) preposition‘At’mustbereplacedwith‘In’.Hence,‘Inthesphere
(a) and his sister (b) between he of knowledge’’ is the most appropriate answer.
(c) has crept (d) A misunderstanding
ol.487.(a) to an environment
Solutions :-
The ‘environment’ mentioned in the given sentence is specific
Sol.478.(a) very sweet andwegenerallyusethedefinitearticle‘the’beforeanyspecific
he given sentence needs an adverb to modify the verb(sings)
T or particular noun. Hence, ‘to the environment’ is the
and not an adjective(sweet). Hence, ‘Rahul sings very sweetly’ is most appropriate answer.
the most appropriate answer. ol.488.(d) little did him know that the results will come out
ol.479.(b) slept themselves peacefully
S worse than expected
The use of the reflexive pronoun ‘themselves’ is incorrect We will replace the pronoun ‘him’ withthecorrectpronoun‘he’
accordingtothegrammaticalcontextofthegivensentencesoit after the verb ‘did’ in the given sentence. Hence, ‘little did he
must be removed. Hence, ‘slept peacefully’ is the most knowthattheresultswillcomeoutworsethanexpected’isthe
appropriate answer. most appropriate answer.
Q.523.Get up from your place / slow, and / turn around! Sol.508.(b) No error.
SC CGL 20/04/2022 (Afternoon)
(a) slow, and (b) turn around ol.509.(a) since six months
(c) No error (d) Get up from your place ‘For’ refers to a specific period oftimeoranumericalvalueof
time, for example for 2 years, f or 4 weeks, for 3 days, etc.
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owever, in the givenquestion,theperiodoftimeis6months.
H ol.524.(c) two dozens
Hence, ‘for six months’ is the most appropriate answer. Weneverwrite‘dozens’ifweareusinganumericalamountlike
ol.510.(c) no one was knowing
S incorrect but ‘three dozen ofmangoes’iscorrect.Similarly,the
Thegivensentenceisinthesimplepasttensesotheverbmust given sentence has ‘two’ as a numerical value. Hence, ‘two
be used in its past form(V2) and not in the past continuous dozen’ is the most appropriate answer.
form(was +V-ing). Hence, ‘no one knew(V2)’ is themost
appropriate answer. ol.525.(b) your work
‘Our’ is the possessive form of ‘we’ and it means s
ol.511.(b) is quite too
S belongingtous(morethanasingleperson).Similarlyinthegiven
Theuseof‘quite’isirrelevantinthegrammaticalcontextofthe sentence, the work belongs to both the persons and not to a
given sentence as ‘too…to’ is afixedpair.Hence,‘istoosimple single person. Hence, ‘our work’ is the most appropriate
for me to answer’ is the most appropriate answer. structure.
ol.512.(c) have respond
S ol.526.(b) these kind
“Have +V3(thirdformoftheverb)”isgrammaticallythecorrect ‘This’and‘kind’areinsingularformwhereas‘These’and‘kinds’
structureforthegivensentence.Hence,‘haveresponded(V3)’is are in plural form. Hence,‘these kinds’ will be grammatically
the most appropriate answer. correct for the given sentence.
ol.513.(d) confirm me whether you
S ol.527.(d) for walking
The use of the pronoun ‘me’ is grammatically incorrect in the When weuseverbslikewalk,talk,ride,drink,etc.asnouns,we
givensentencesoitmustberemoved.Hence,‘confirmwhether put the indefinite article ‘a’beforethemaspertheirsound.For
you’ is the most appropriate answer. example, we had a talk, let's go for a drive, etc. Hence, ‘for a
ol.514.(d) there was a good idea
S walk’ is the most appropriate answer.
‘Idea’ in the given sentence is a singular subject and for it, we will ol.528.(c) Among you and me
use ‘it’ as a singular pronoun and not ‘there’. Hence, ‘it was a We use ‘among’ for more than two persons and ‘between’ for
good idea’ is the most appropriate answer. two persons. However, therearetwopersonsmentionedinthe
ol.515.(a) three breaks-in
S given sentence. Hence, ‘Between you a nd me’ is the most
‘Break-in’ is a phrasal verb which means to enterabuildingby appropriate answer.
force, usually in order to steal something. However, the given ol.529.(b) I get myself tired
sentence talks about three attempts so we will use the plural The use of the reflexive pronoun ‘myself’ is irrelevant according
form of ‘break-in’. Hence, ‘three break-ins’ is the most to the grammatical context of the sentence so it will be
appropriate answer. removed. Hence, ‘I get tired’ is the most appropriate answer.
Sol.516.(d) can have been
We will replace ‘can’ with ‘could’ because ‘could’ sounds more SSC CGL 2020 Tier - 2
polite than ‘can’. Hence, ‘could have been’ is the most
appropriate answer. .530. Ifyouhave/remainedcalm/youcouldhave/savedthe
Sol.517.(d) No error. SSC CGL Tier II (29/01/2022)
(a) saved the situation (b) you could have
ol.518.(a) carry milk
(c) remained calm (d) If you have
sentenceasitrequiresagerund(V-ing).Hence,‘carryingmilk’is .531. I will spend / my rest of remaining /lifeinmy/native
the most appropriate answer. village.
SSC CGL Tier II (29/01/2022)
ol.519.(c) creation in the world
(a) my rest of remaining (b) life in my
According to the “Subject-Verb Agreement Rule”, ‘Oneof/ Each
(c) native village (d) I will spend
of/ Most of/ None of + Plural Subject” is grammatically the
correct structure. Similarly, the given sentence will have Q.532.We yet / have time / to catch / the bus.
‘creations’ as a pluralsubject.Hence,‘creationsintheworld’is SC CGL Tier II (29/01/2022)
the most appropriate answer. (a) have time (b) to catch (c) the bus (d) We yet
Sol.520.(c) No error. .533.Thisdogseems/tobeveryferocious,/otherwise,/itis
ol.521.(c) on myself
SSC CGL Tier II (29/01/2022)
‘Angry with someone’ is grammatically the correct phrase for the
(a) otherwise (b) to be very ferocious
given sentence. Hence, ‘angry with myself’ is the most
(c) it is harmless (d) This dog seems
appropriate answer.
.534. The girl lay down / on the bed / besides hermother / and
Sol.522.(c) No error.
went to sleep.
ol.523.(a) slow, and
S SSC CGL Tier II (29/01/2022)
Thegivensentenceneedsan‘adverb’.Hence,‘slowly’isthemost (a) on the bed (b) besides her mother
appropriate answer. (c) The girl lay down (d) and went to sleep
.538. You should / avail this opportunity / to demonstrate /
Q ol.532.(d) We yet
your skills. ‘Still’ means starting in the past and continuing until now.
SSC CGL Tier II (29/01/2022) However, ‘still’ generally comes before a verb in the present
(a) You should (b) your skills perfectform(has/have)and‘yet’usuallycomesattheendofthe
(c) avail this opportunity (d) to demonstrate sentence. Similarly in thegivensentence,thetimeforcatching
the bus has started in the past and continued tillnow.Hence,
Q.539.He was unable / to help me because / he hadbeen failed ‘We still’ is the most appropriate answer.
/ to arrange the money.
SSC CGL Tier II (29/01/2022) ol.533.(a) Otherwise
(a) to help me because (b) to arrange the money ‘Otherwise‘ is a conjunction that means apart from that.
(c) he had been failed (d) He was unable However, ‘But’isalsoaconjunctionthatisusedforintroducing
an idea that contrasts with or is different from what has just
Q.540. He often /persiststoask/awkwardquestions/atthe beensaid.Similarlyinthegivensentence,thestatementthatthe
board meetings. dog is harmless contrasts with its characteristic of being
SSC CGL Tier II (29/01/2022) ferocious(violent). Hence, ‘But’ is the most appropriate answer.
(a) He often (b) persists to ask
(c) awkward questions (d) at the board meetings ol.534.(b) besides her mother
‘Besides’ means ‘in additiontosomething’&‘Beside’means‘at
Q.541.Hisson-in-laws/haveenhanced/hisbusiness/withina thesideof,ornexttosomebody/something’.However,thegiven
hort period.
s sentence states that the girl lay down on the bed next to her
SSC CGL Tier II (29/01/2022) mother and went to sleep. Hence, ‘beside her mother’ is the
(a) have enhanced (b) his business most appropriate answer.
(c) His son-in-laws (d) within a short period
ol.535.(b) to the bed
.542. A businessman / at our colony / was found / COVID
Q We generallyusethephrases‘gotobed’,‘gonetobed’or‘went
positive. to bed’.Hence,wewillremovethedefinitearticle‘the’fromthe
SSC CGL Tier II (03/02/2022) givensentenceand‘wenttobed’becomesthemostappropriate
(a) at our colony (b) A businessman answer.
(c) was found (d) COVID positive
ol.536.(d) different to what
.543.Either of these / two roads / lead to / thepost office.
Q There is a prepositional error in the given sentence. The
SSC CGL Tier II (03/02/2022) preposition ‘to’ after ‘different’ must be replaced with ‘from’
(a) Either of these (b) the post office (c) lead to (d) two roads because ‘different’generallytakesthepreposition‘from’withit.
Hence, ‘different from what’ is the most appropriate answer.
Q.544. His father / prevented him / to go abroad / for higher
s ol.537.(c) precedes before
SSC CGL Tier II (03/02/2022) We cannot write ‘precedes’ and ‘before’ togetherinasentence
(a) for higher studies (b) His father as they have similar meanings & that will become a case of
(c) to go abroad (d) prevented him superfluousness(not necessary). Hence, ‘before’ must be
removed from the sentence to make it grammatically correct.
impressed you so much? ol.538.(c) avail this opportunity
SSC CGL Tier II (03/02/2022) ‘Avail’ always takes the preposition ‘of’ and a reflexive
(a) What is the name (b) whom autobiography pronoun(myself,yourself,ourselves,etc.)inaccordancewiththe
(c) impressed you so much (d) of the Swami given subject(You). Hence, ‘availyourselfofthisopportunity’is
the most appropriate answer.
Q.546. The crowd of the migrant worker at the stationforthe
hramik Special is unforgettable.
S ol.539.(c) he had been failed
SSC CGL Tier II (03/02/2022) Thegivensentenceisinthesimplepasttensesotheverbmust
(a) at the station (b) of the migrant worker be used in its simple past form(failed) and not in the past
(c) The crowd (d) is unforgettable perfect form(had been failed). Hence, ‘he failed’ is the most
appropriate answer.
Q .561. Mr. Choudhri goes to fly to Germany and France next
fields. weekend.
SSC MTS 06/10/2021 (Morning) SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Morning)
(a) in the fields (b) which has ripen (a) next weekend (b) to fly
(c) The farmer is (d) cutting the corn (c) Mr. Choudhri goes (d) to Germany and France
ol.591.(c)from childhood
S Q.601.UntilIwas/stillalittleweak,/Idecidedtowalkhome/
‘Since’ is used to describe an action or situationthatbeganin f rom the metro station.
the past and continues in the present. For example, theyhave SSC CHSL 16/04/2021 (Morning)
been married since 1990. Similarly, in the given sentence, the (a) from the metro station (b) I decided to walk home
narrator was fond of cricket in the past and he continuesthis (c) still a little weak (d) Until I was
Q ol.599.(b) based at
as well as also money. The phrase ‘based at’ is used torefertothemainplacewhere
SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Morning) youliveorwork&thephrase‘basedon’meanstouseparticular
(a) If you rent a house (b) as well as also money ideasorfactstomakeadecision.However,thegivensentence
(c) near your office (d) it will save you time states that employees were given incentives based on their
performance. Hence, ‘based on’ is the most appropriate
Q.610. Notwithstanding we were / all busy thatweekend/we structure.
ad to / cancel the outing.
SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Morning) ol.600.(b)will face the worse job depression
(a) cancel the outing (b) we had to Worseisusedasacomparativedegreelikeyourprojectisworse
(c) Notwithstanding we were (d) all busy that weekend thanRahul’sproject.But,‘worst’isusedasasuperlativedegree
.611. Every participantgavesooutstandingperformancethat
Q beautiful, best, fastest,etc.However,thegivensentencestates
it became difficult to choose the winner. that 2020 graduates will face job depression of the highest
SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Evening) degree since the Great Depression. Hence, ‘will facetheworst
(a) Every participant gave (b) so outstanding performance job depression’ is the most appropriate structure.
(c) to choose the winner (d) that it became difficult
ol.601.(d) Until I was
.612. The need today is for both sides / to introspect and
Q Until is used to describe an effectthatwilltakeplace&Stillis
re-examine the issue carefully / and resolve it amicably. used to denote the continuity of the action. In the given
SSC CHSL 09/08/2021 (Morning)
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sentence, the narrator described thecontinuityoftheactionof Sol.614.(d)Your advices were timely
w ‘Advice’ does not have any plural form.Use‘piecesofadvice/
little weak’ is the most appropriate answer Bits of advice’ in place of ‘advices’ to make the sentence
grammatically correct.
ol.602.(d) who was halted
Replace“who”with“which”.Inthegivensentence,thehaltingof ol.615.(c) are allowed
air travel due to lockdown was specific. Hence, ‘which was The compound nouns (numerical + noun) are not used asthe
halted’ is the most appropriate structure. pluralifanoundoestheworkasanadjective.Herereplace‘are’
with ‘is’ to make the sentence grammatically correct.
ol.603.(c)No error.
The sentence is grammatically correct. Sol.616.(a) leave behind
ol.604.(c) offer for their guests
S Hence, ‘left behind/leaving behind’ is the most appropriate
There is aprepositionalerrorinthegivensentence.Theuseof structure.
‘for’ after ‘offer’ is irrelevant so it should be removed. Hence,
‘most hotels offer their guests complimentarybreakfast’isthe
most appropriate structure. SSC CPO 2019 Tier - 2
ol.605.(c) that we wanted
S .617.You need to sign / these important documents/ by ink.
‘What’ is used to refer to the thing or things that have been SSC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021)
mentioned or said like shopping mentioned in the given (a) these important documents (b) to sign
sentence. Hence, ‘what is the most appropriate structure. (c) by ink (d) You need
ol.606.(c)How many is
S Q.618.She speaks / very highly / of both her / daughter-in-laws.
‘Many’ is used for countable nouns, for example how many SC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021)
apples. However, ‘much’ is used for uncountable nouns for (a) She speaks (b) daughter-in-laws
example how muchmoney,howmuchrice,etc.Similarlyinthe (c) very highly (d) of both her
given sentence, fine is uncountable. Hence, ‘how much is the
fine for?’ is the most appropriate structure. .619.His loyalty / and honesty / are above / suspect.
SSC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021)
ol.607.(a) No error.
S (a) suspect (b) and honesty (c) His loyalty (d) are above
The given sentence is grammatically correct.
.620.Parul is / ten years / elder than / her sibling.
ol.608.(c)by the incident
S SSC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021)
‘Probe into’acorrectphrasemeaning(Tobegininquiringintoor (a) elder than (b) Parul is (c) her sibling (d) ten years
investigating something). T he correct sentence will be as
follows:Aprobehasbeenorderedintotheincidentthatoccurred Q.621.He is / afraid from / all insects / that crawl.
at the celebrations. SC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021)
(a) He is (b) that crawl (c) all insects (d) afraid from
Sol.609.(b)as well as also money
‘Aswellas’isaconjunctionthatmeansinaddition.Itconnects .622. My neighbour is / anyoungbusinessman/whoisvery
twonouns,pronounsetc.toeachother.So,useonly‘money’in friendly / with everyone.
place of ‘also money’.The conjunction 'as well as' is not SSC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021)
immediately followedby'also'.Hencethecorrectsentencewill (a) who is very friendly (b) an young businessman
beas:Ifyourentahousenearyouroffice,itwillsaveyoutime (c) My neighbour is (d) with everyone
as well as money.
Q.623.He wanted to know / the reason / why his lowscore / in
ol.610.(c) Notwithstanding we were
S athematics.
“Notwithstanding”means“despiteorinspiteofsomething”.Itis SSC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021)
usedtoindicateanaspectofcontrast.So,‘Notwithstanding’will (a) why his low score (b) He wanted to know
be replaced by ‘as’ to make the sentence grammatically correct. (c) the reason (d) in Mathematics
ol.620.(a)elder than
S Q.631. Miss Marple is neitheragoodsingerorthegoodstage
The comparative degree ‘elder’ will not be used with ‘than’ rtist.
because it will become a case of superfluousness(not SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Evening)
necessary).Hence,‘than’willbereplacedwith‘to’and‘elderto’is (a) or the good (b) stage artist
the most appropriate structure. (c) neither a good singer (d) Miss Marple is
ol.624.(a)only mistake
S ol.625.(d) I am hearing
Thearticle‘the’isusedtorefertospecificorparticularnouns& Stativeverbsarethoseverbswhichexpressastateofcondition.
articles ‘a/an’ are usedtomodifynon-specificornon-particular Theydonotrefertoaphysicalaction.Senseandemotionslike
nouns. For example, if someone says, "Let's buy the book," it hear, smell, see, love, hate etc are different types of stative
meansaspecificbookbutifsomeonesays,"Let'sbuyabook,"it verbs. However, these verbs can’t be used in (-ing form) for
meansanybookratherthanaspecificbook.Similarly,thegiven example, Hear, Smell(Correct)andHearing,Smelling(Incorrect).
sentence talks about a specific mistake. Hence, ‘the only Hence, ‘I hear a strange noise’ will be the answer.
mistake’ is the most appropriate structure.
ol.626.(b)No error.
The given sentence is grammatically correct.
SSC CPO 2020 Tier - 1
ol.627.(b)so much to
Q.625.I am hearing a strange noise now. The phrase ‘so much’ is used to mention a definite unknown
SC CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning)
S quantity and ‘much’ is used with uncountable nouns.However,
(a) noise now (b) a strange (c) No error (d) I am hearing when we ask about someone’s earning, we usually ask how
Q.626. All of us were a little nervous when we came intothis earn much’ will be the correct sentence structure.
r oom today.
SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning) Sol.628.(b)although you
(a) a little nervous when (b) No error Itisaconditionalsentencewhichhastwoconditionsandstarts
(c) when we came into this room today (d) All of us were withanegativesense(cannot).Itsaysonecannotleadahealthy
Q.627.Do you earn so much to make both ends meet? conjunction which means ‘If___not’ and it is used to combine
SC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
S these two conditions. Hence, Unless will replace although.
(a) make both (b) so much to (c) ends meet (d) Do you earn
ol.629.(b) to steady itself
.628. You cannot lead a healthy life although you stop
Q According to thecontextofthesentence,thereflexivepronoun
smoking. ‘myself’ will replace ‘itself’ because the subject(noun)/the
SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) narratorisahumanbeingandforliving thingsweuse‘myself’.
(a) stop smoking (b) although you Hence, ‘to steady myself’ will be the correct sentence structure.
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Pinnacle Spot the Error
ol.630.(b)are from
S (c) Poor people have (d) run down of
will take a singular verb, until they are divided in their .642.You must be careful about what you say as youmeet her.
opinion/views.Forexample,theJury(Singularsubject)hasgiven SSC CGL Tier II (16/11/2020)
itsdecision(United),thecommittee(Pluralsubject)aredividedin (a) as you (b) about what you say
their opinion(Divided). Similarly in the given question, ‘the jury (c) You must be careful (d) meet her
is(singularverb)fromdifferentpartsofthecountry’isthemost .643.Themanplayedthefluteandledallthemouseoutofthe
appropriate structure. town.
Sol.631.(b)stage artist SSC CGL Tier II (16/11/2020)
W (a) all the mouse (b) out of the town
singer nor a good stage artist.This will be the correct sentence. (c) The man played (d) the flute and led
SSC CGL 2019 Tier - 2 Q.647.He loses his tempers on the slightest provocation.
SC CGL Tier II (16/11/2020)
.635.Before take this medicine you should consulta doctor.
Q (a) provocation (b) He loses (c) the slightest (d) his tempers on
SSC CGL Tier II (15/11/2020)
(a) Before take (b) a doctor .648.Therewasenoughevidencetoconvicthimonsellingof
(c) this medicine (d) you should consult fake medicines.
SSC CGL Tier II (16/11/2020)
Q.636. The reason forvisitingMeerutwasbecausemymother (a) to convict him (b) on selling of
eeded to be looked after.
n (c) There was enough evidence (d) fake medicines.
SSC CGL Tier II (15/11/2020)
(a) The reason for visiting (b) was because Q.649.Thethreeofthemshoutedouttoeachanotherwhenthe
(c) to be looked after (d) my mother needed t rain started moving.
SSC CGL Tier II (16/11/2020)
Q.637.I shall buy this book if you like it or not. (a) shouted out to each another (b) started moving
SC CGL Tier II (15/11/2020)
S (c) when the train (d) The three of them
(a) I shall buy (b) or not (c) this book (d) if you like it
.638. My grandmother is quite concerned to my progress at
Q piece.
school. SSC CGL Tier II (16/11/2020)
SSC CGL Tier II (15/11/2020) (a) This jewellery box (b) an antique piece.
(a) My grandmother (b) to my progress (c) and is (d) is made from silver
(c) is quite concerned (d) at school
Q.651. He thinks that he can g
et away among lying and
.639.He gave such a long speech but everybody feltbored.
Q heating.
SSC CGL Tier II (15/11/2020) SSC CGL Tier II (18/11/2020)
(a) felt bored (b) but everybody (a) He thinks that ( b) and cheating
(c) He gave such (d) a long speech (c) among lying (d) he can get away
Q.640.I want you to complete this work by two days. Q.652.He has shattered his neighbour’s window bypurpose.
SC CGL Tier II (16/11/2020)
S SC CGL Tier II (18/11/2020)
(a) by two days (b) I want you (c) this work (d) to complete (a) He has (b) shattered his
(c) by purpose (d) neighbour’s window
.641. Poor people have rundownoffoodsuppliesduringthe
lockdown Q.653.The captain scored a century in a second innings.
SSC CGL Tier II (16/11/2020) SC CGL Tier II (18/11/2020)
(a) food supplies (b) during the lockdown (a) scored a century (b) in a
ol.636.(b)was because
S ol.647.(d) his tempers on
Using ‘the reason’ with ‘because’issuperfluousness(exceeding Tempermeansstateofmindorfeelingsespeciallywithrespect
what is sufficient or necessary) which is unnecessary in the to patience, outbursts of anger. There is no such word like
sentence. So, the correct structure of thesentencewillbe‘the tempers.
ol.648.(b)on selling of
“Of” should be removed.“Selling fake' is the most appropriate
ol.637.(d) if you like it
S structure. For example, Sam was convicted for selling the
If is used when a statement is giving a Conditional sense smuggled goods.
Sol.649.(a) shouted out to each another
‘One another’ is the correct phrase when we are talking about
two or more persons. Here,therearethreepeople,so‘shouted
he wants to say that he will buy the book whether the other
out to one another’ is the answer.Replace each other by one
person likes it or not.
another to make it correct.
ol.638.(b) to my progress
ol.650.(d) is made from silver
‘Concerned about’ is the correct phrase, it means to worry or
correct structure.
etc. Hence, ‘Made of silver’ is the most appropriate structure.
ol.639.(b)but everybody
ol.651.(c) among lying
uch - that” is a conjunction pair which is usedto give reason.
‘Cheating and lying’ is the manner and for introducing the
According to the given question, everybody feltboredbecause
the person gave a long boring speech. Hence, such a boring
is the most appropriate structure.
speech that everybody getsbored willbethecorrectstructure
of the sentence. Sol.652.(c)by purpose
hen you do something ‘on purpose’, you do it intentionally.
ol.640.(a) by two days
purpose’ is the most appropriate structure.
limitations.Withinacertaintimemeansbeforethattimelength ol.653.(b)in a
has passed. In this sentence, the time limit is 2 days for The is a definitearticlewhichisusedwhenwehavetospecify
completing the work. Hence,withinwill be used inplace ofby. something or when the noun is particular.Inthissentence,we
Solutions :-
SSC CPO 2019 Tier - 1
ol.675.(b) in more sense pleasures
The word ‘sense’ is incorrect according to the context of the Q.686.In about two weeks our holidays will start.
sentence so it will be replaced by ‘sensuous’ which means SC CPO 09/12/2019 (Morning)
relating to or providing pleasure through gratification of the (a) In about two weeks (b) No error
senses, for the sake of aesthetic pleasure. Hence, ‘in more (c) Our holidays (d) will start
sensuous pleasures’ will be the correct sentence structure.
Q.687.Across his morning walk on a beach in Mamallapuram,
Sol.676.(c) looking anybody rime Minister Modi was seen picking up plastic litter, bottles
‘Look at’ means to direct your eyes towards someone o
r and other items.
something so that you can see them. Hence, ‘looking at SSC CPO 09/12/2019 (Morning)
anybody’ will be the correct sentence structure. (a) picking up plastic litter
(b) Across his morning walk
ol.677.(a) are utilized to the overall
(c) Prime Minister Modi was seen
The preposition ‘to’ is incorrect according to the context of the
(d) on a beach in Mamallapuram
sentence so it will be replaced by ‘for’. Hence, ‘are utilized for the
overall’ will be the correct sentence structure. .688. TheGovernmentissettingupaspecialsurveillancecell
Sol.678.(b) they will not be allowed for epidemic-prone diseases at flood-ravaged Bihar.
‘They’ shouldberemovedfromthesentencebecause‘who’isa SSC CPO 09/12/2019 (Evening)
relativepronounforthemainpronoun‘those’,sothereisnoneed (a) The Government is setting up (b) a special surveillance cell
to add an extra pronoun(they) in the same sentence. Hence, (c) for epidemic-prone diseases (d) at flood-ravaged Bihar
‘those who are late will not be allowed’ will be the correct
.689. With food granaries overflowing, the Government is
sentence structure.
looking to liquidate his grain stock to prevent damage.
ol.679.(c)at a cup
S SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning)
Thepreposition“over”mustbeusedwith“discussion”anditwill (a) to prevent damage (b) to liquidate his grain stock
replace‘at’tomakethesentencegrammaticallycorrect.Hence, (c) the government is looking (d) with food granaries overflowing
‘over a cup’ will be the correct sentence structure.
.690.We will have to walk now since we had missedthe bus.
ol.680.(b) The both
S SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening)
In the given sentence, ‘The both’ should be replaced by ‘Both the’ (a) since we had (b) We will have to (c) walk now (d) No error
to make itgrammaticallycorrect.Hence,‘boththechildren’will
.691. These facts should not h
Q ave been disclosed for the
be the correct sentence structure.
ol.681.(d) differ from their boss
S SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening)
‘Differ from' is used to imply 'unlike' (as in one thing differing (a) No error ( b) not have been disclosed
from the other). However, 'Differ with' is used to imply (c) for the public (d) These facts should
.692.If she left now, she would reach the stationon time.
sentence, the employees differ with their boss on the pension
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
(a) she would reach (b) the station on time
(c) if she left now (d) No error
ol.682.(a) with a rich heiress
.693.He wouldn't let anyone to drive his new car.
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
given sentence. Hence, ‘he married a rich heiress’ will be the
(a) his new car (b) anyone to drive
correct sentence structure.
(c) No error (d) He wouldn't let
Sol.683.(d)from darkness
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Pinnacle Spot the Error
Q.694.Whom did you give the packets to? Sol.692.(d)No error.
SC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
(a) did you give (b) No error (c) whom (d) the packet to Sol.693.(b)anyone to drive
‘Let’ is always followed by a verb in theinfinitiveform(without
.695.I wish I have worked harder than I did
Q ‘to’)inasentencethatisintheactivevoice.So,thepreposition
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) ‘to’shouldberemovedfromthesentence.Hence,‘anyonedrive’
(a) I wish (b) I have worked will be the correct sentence structure.
(c) harder than i did (d) No error
Sol.694.(b) No error.
.696. I ordered his dismissal when he flouted the company
rules. ol.695.(b) I have worked
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) We use ‘w
ish + Past perfect formoftheverb’toshowthatwe
(a) I ordered his dismissal (b) No error regretsomething(wewantsomethinginthepasttobedifferent).
(c) when he flouted (d) the company rules For example, I wish I had listened to my mom and studied
harder. Hence, ‘I had’ will be the correct sentence structure.
.697.Fate smiled above him in all his business ventures
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) Sol.696.(b) No error.
(a) No error (b) in all his ol.697.(d) Fate smiled above him
(c) business ventures (d) Fate smiled above him ‘Smiledon(upon)’isaphrasalverbthatmeanstobefavourable
Q.698. Only one copyofthebook,runninginto1200pages,on to someone or something. Hence, ‘fate smiled onhim’ willbe
andhiji's visit to the State of Andhra Pradesh, remain now.
G the correct sentence structure.
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) ol.698.(b)remain now
(a) running into 1200 pages (b) remain now According to the “S
ubject-Verb Agreement rule”, a singular
(c) on Gandhiji's visit to the State (d) Only one copy of the book subjecttakesasingularverbandapluralsubjecttakesaplural
.699. If the growth of population had been controlled earlier,
Q verb. Inthegivenquestion,‘onlyonecopy’isasingularsubject
mankind wouldn't live in a polluted world now. thatwilltake‘remains’asasingularverb.Hence,‘remainsnow’
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) will be the correct sentence structure.
(a) in a polluted world now (b) mankind wouldn't live ol.699.(b) mankind wouldn't live
(c) If the growth of population (d) had been controlled earlier “If+pastperfect,Subject+would+have+3rdformoftheverb”
is grammatically the correct structure of the given sentence.
Solutions :- Hence, ‘wouldn’t have lived’ will be the correct sentence
Sol.686.(b)No error.
ol.714.(d)a worse
superlative degreeof‘worse’andweusethearticle‘the’before
‘worst’. Hence, ‘the worst’ will be the correct sentence structure.
ol.716.(d)disturbs to me
‘Disturbs’ is an incorrect form of the verb used in the given
sentence because with‘do’or‘did’wedon’tusethe‘-s’formof
the verb. Hence, ‘disturb me’ will be the correct sentence
Q.22.Theuseofchemicals,insecticidesandpesticidesbegan .33. The Board of Film Analysts vituperated the novice
fter the Green Revolution.
a Indonesian film-maker and cancelled its nomination for the
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 'Golden Globe Award'.
(a) A practice of chemicals, insecticides and pesticides SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (2nd Shift)
(b) The custom of chemicals, insecticides and pesticides (a) dealt in a delicate and polite manner
(c) Consumption of chemicals, insecticides and pesticides (b) recognised and praised the talent of
(d) The usage of chemicals, insecticides and pesticides (c) censured with harsh and abusive language
(d) lamented the untimely death of
Q.23.Her paintings are way betterthenher sketches.
SC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift)
S .34.Naina is leaving and I amthink to applyforher job.
(a) more (b) No substitution required (c) than (d) off SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (3rd Shift)
(a) thinking about apply (b) thinking on applying
Q.24. Identify the sentence that correctly uses the indefinite
(c) thinking about applying (d) thinking in applying
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) .35.Malati has a difficult job, but she does itgood.
(a) There are three cars parked outside: a Mercedes, an Jaguar S SC CPO 04/10/2023 (3rd Shift)
and an Fiat. (a) nice (b) best (c) better (d) well
(b) There are three cars parked outside: an Mercedes, a Jaguar
and a Fiat. .36.He travelled the whole world, but foundpieceat home.
(c) There are three cars parked outside: a Mercedes, a Jaguar SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (3rd Shift)
and a Fiat. (a) No substitution required (b) prize (c) peach (d) Peace
(d) There are three cars parked outside: a Mercedes, an Jaguar
.37. Farmers haveharvestedwheatbyusingwhateverlabour
and a Fiat.
that was available to them.
.25.He isfaster than smarter.
Q SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (3rd Shift)
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) (a) by using dispersed labour (b) by using amalgamated labour
(a) more fast than smart (b) faster than being smart (c) by using united labour (d) by using limited labour
(c) fast than smart (d) No substitution
.38. You can become confident to speak English within one
Q year.
of the world. SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (1st Shift)
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) (a) convinced to speaking (b) confident in speaking
(a) much more (b) more (c) most (d) No substitution required (c) reassured of speaking (d) assured of speaking
.28. I like to read books, but my brother prefers to watching
Q .40.Politics and moneygo togetherin this country.
movies. SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (1st Shift)
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) (a) go holding hands (b) go hand in hand
(a) No substitution (b) to watch (c) in watching (d) on watching (c) go arm in arm (d) No substitution required
.29. This case is serious. You need to look into this matter;
Q Q.41.The decision to engage in an armed conflictistacit.
otherwise, the situation will get out of control soon. SC CPO 05/10/2023 (1st Shift)
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) (a) regretted by everyone (b) ineffective completely
(a) look after (b) No substitution (c) look up (d) look at (c) incomprehensible for some (d) implied without being stated
Q .42.The cat climbed a tree andpercheditself ona branch.
city of MP, Bhopal. SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (2nd Shift)
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (1st Shift) (a) perked (b) perished (c) No substitution required (d) parched
(a) adjacent from city capital of MP, Bhopal
Q.43.Fifty rupeesfeelstoo much for such a pen.
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SC CPO 05/10/2023 (2nd Shift)
S “ One of the + Superlative degree adjective + Plural Subject” is
(a) seems (b) looks (c) price (d) minds grammatically the correct structure. For example, one of the
best men, one of the greatest kings, one of theworstphones,
.44.Despite ofan injury, he won the match.
Q etc. Hence, ‘most’ is the most appropriate answer.
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (2nd Shift)
(a) In spite off (b) Despite ol.27.(b) stabbed her in the back
(c) In despite of (d) No substitution required ‘Stabbed her in theback’isthecorrectidiomthatmeanstobe
unfaithful or disloyal to. The given sentence states that she
Q.45.Lilyhas dedicateher life towards becominga doctor. trusted her husband but he was unfaithful to her when he
SC CPO 05/10/2023 (2nd Shift)
S usurped her inheritance.Hence,‘stabbedherintheback’isthe
(a) No improvement required (b) is dedicate most appropriate answer.
(c) has dedicated (d) had dedicate
ol.28.(b) to watch
.46. Health insurance are important today since anyone can
Q Wegenerallyuseaninfinitive(V1)withthepreposition‘to’.Hence,
face a medical emergency without warning. ‘to watch’ is the most appropriate answer.
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (3rd Shift)
(a) was important (b) is important ol.29.(b) No substitution.
(c) has been important (d) will be important The given sentence is grammatically correct.
. 6
Q 0.Selectthewordsegmentwhichsubstitutesthebracketed
SSC MTS 2023 Tier - 1 word correctly and completes the sentence meaningfully.
Mathematics (are not) easy to learn.
Q.49.Professor said thatI will be late for the lecture. SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
SC MTS 01/09/2023 (1st Shift)
S (a) were not (b) was not (c) has not (d) is not
(a) he shall be late for the lecture
(b) he is late for the lecture Q. 61. Mohan unknowingly altered salt instead of sugar tothe
(c) he would be late for the lecture essert making it taste terrible.
(d) he may be late for the lecture SSC MTS 05/09/2023 (1st Shift)
(a) added salt instead of sugar
Q.50.Andrewwill playingbasketball at the collegetournament. (b) anguished salt instead of sugar
SC MTS 01/09/2023 (1st Shift)
S (c) amplified salt instead of sugar
(a) are play the (b) are play (c) is playing (d) is played (d) abridged salt instead of sugar
.69. Virtual reality is the creation of a virtual environment
Q Q. 8
presentedtooursensesinsuchawaythatweexperienceitasif onderwhetherifitmovedtowardstheearthandnotupwards
we were really there. towards the sky.
SSC MTS 06/09/2023 (3rd Shift) SSC MTS 12/09/2023 (2nd Shift)
(a) presenting to our senses (b) presenting in our senses (a) No improvement required (b) began to wondering if
(c) presents to our senses (d) No substitution required (c) began his wondering how (d) began to wonder why
. 7
Q 1. Larger emissions of greenhouse gases lead to higher Q.82. This film is a non-stop riot that many citeasoneofthe
concentrationsin the atmosphere. f unnyfilms of all time.
SSC MTS 08/09/2023 (1st Shift) SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (1st Shift)
(a) leaded to higher concentrations (a)no rectification needed (b)funniest
(b) have lead to higher concentrations (c)more funny (d)funnier
(c) is lead to higher concentrations . 8
Q 3.IfIhandheraflowerandsay,"Giveittomamma,"shetake
(d) No substitution required itto her mother.
Q.72.France is alargestcountry. SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (2nd Shift)
SC MTS 08/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
S (a) was taking it (b) takes it (c) had took it (d) had taken it
(a) smaller (b) larger (c) smallest (d) large . 8
Q 4. The new chairman of thecompanyannouncedattracted
.73. No sooner had the sun risen over the horizon when the
Q bonus for the employeeson the occasion of the newyear.
birdsbegantochirpandthesquirrelsstartedtoscamperaround SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (2nd Shift)
the park. (a) No improvement required
SSC MTS 08/09/2023 (3rd Shift) (b) announced an attractive bonus for the employees
(a)when the birds begin (b)than birds begin (c) announcing attracted bonus for the employees
(c)when birds began (d)than the birds began (d) announced attracting bonus for the employees
ol.68.(d) worst
S ol.80.(d) began to wonder why
We generally useasuperlativedegreeafterthearticle‘the’and Thephrase'begantowonderwhy'meansstartedthinkingabout
thecorrectsuperlativedegreeof‘bad’is‘worst’.Hence,’worst’is the reason behind the happening of some event. The given
the most appropriate answer. sentence states that Newtonstartedthinkingaboutthereason
for the falloftheappletowardstheEarth,nottowardsthesky.
ol.69.(d) No substitution required.
S Hence, 'began to wonder why' is the most appropriate answer.
The given sentence is grammatically correct.
ol.81.(a) served
ol.70.(d)most beautiful
S Thephrase‘lastweek’indicatesthatthegivensentenceisinthe
We generally use a superlative degree after the definitearticle pasttense.So,itmusthavetheverbinthepastform(V2)andnot
‘the’ and the correct superlative degree of ‘beautiful’ is ‘most in the present form(serve). Hence, ‘served(V2)’ is the most
beautiful’. Hence, ’most beautiful’ is the most appropriate appropriate answer.
ol.82.(b) funniest
ol.71.(d)No substitution required.
S “One of the + Superlative degree adjective (best, worst, etc) +
The given sentence is grammatically correct. PluralNoun”isgrammaticallythecorrectstructure.Forexample,
ol.72.(d) large
S phones, etc. Hence, ‘funniest’ is the most appropriate answer.
or qualifying a noun and ‘large’ is a positive degree adjective. Sol.83.(b)takes it
Hence, ‘large’ is the most appropriate answer. ccording to the “Subject-Verb Agreement Rule”, a singular
ol.73.(d) than the birds began
S pronounthatwilltake‘takes’asasingularverb.Hence,‘takesit’
‘No sooner….than’ is a fixed conjunction pair. Hence, ‘than the is the most appropriate answer.
birds began’ is the most appropriate answer.
Sol.84.(b)announced an attractive bonus for the employees
ol.74.(d)an easy
S ‘Attracted’mustbereplacedwiththeadjective‘attractive’aswe
‘An easier’ must be replaced with ‘an easy.’ We need to use a need to use an adjective to qualify the noun ‘bonus.’ Hence,
positive degree of adjective as there is no comparison of ‘a
nnounced an attractive bonus fortheemployees’isthemost
‘geography’ with another subject in the given sentence. Hence, appropriate answer.
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Pinnacle Sentence Improvement
ol.85.(b)if he would get a new football for him.
S SSC CHSL 2023 Tier - 1
In indirect speech, we generally use ‘if’ while changing the
interrogativesentenceand‘will’ischangedinto‘would’.Also,the Q.97. Adyasha would have been looked gorgeous in ethnic
interrogative sentence is changed into an assertive sentence. pparel.
Hence, ‘if he would get a new football for him’ is the most SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (1st Shift)
appropriate answer. (a) was looked (b) would have looked
(c) had looking (d) would be looked
Sol.86.(d)he was not going to call them
he given sentence is in past tense so we need to use Past
T .98. In today’s world, technology must be used for feed the
Continuous Tense (Singular Sub. was + V1-ing) to make the changing forces in society.
sentencegrammaticallycorrect.Hence,‘hewasnotgoingtocall SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (2nd Shift)
them’ is the most appropriate answer. (a) must had been used to feed (b) must have been used to feed
(c) must used to feed (d) must be used to feed
ol.87.(a) let me know
‘Let + objective case pronoun(me/him/us) + V1’ is the correct .99.She can draw very well and justas creative.
grammatical structure. Hence, ‘let me know(V1)’ is the most SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (2nd Shift)
appropriate answer. (a) as creativer (b) as creatively (c) creative than (d) creative
Q.118. Our teachers has planned of going for a picnic to the Q.128. She makes sure that all the newly realised books are
oon Valley.
D vailable in her
SSC CHSL 07/08/2023 (2nd Shift)
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Pinnacle Sentence Improvement
ersonal library.
p SC CHSL 10/08/2023 (1st Shift)
SSC CHSL 08/08/2023 (4th Shift) (a) climbing up to the windows ( b) setting off the windows
(a) the newly released books (b) the newly regaled books (c) pounding against the windows (d) beating off the windows
(c) the newly relieved books (d) the newly reverberated books
. 1
Q 39. The newly admitted students has been given a pair of
. 129.ThefallofRanjithforthepettymaterialbenefitwasreally
Q uniforms by the management.
ignominious. SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (2nd Shift)
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (1st Shift) (a) are been given a pair (b) has given a pair
(a) unfaltering (b) amusing (c) reprehensible (d) ignorable (c) have been given a pair (d) have being given a pair
.131. The people who live here have had the same kind of
Q . 141.The health-care system is in transitionatthose moment.
lifestyleuntil hundreds ofye
ars. SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (2nd Shift)
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (2nd Shift) (a) at that moments (b) at the moment
(a) through hundreds of year (b) for hundreds of years (c) at a moments (d) at these moment
(c) although hundreds of years (d) since hundreds of year
Q.142.The fields are full of cropsexisting in largequantities.
.132. All colleagues of Rohit except Joseph have
Q SC CHSL 10/08/2023 (3rd Shift)
commemorated the elective coursesthey are planningto offer. (a) that are sufficient (b) that are limited
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (2nd Shift) (c) that are customized (d) that are abundant
(a) have considered the elective courses
(b) have castigated the elective courses Q.143. I have think tomorrow I will take my belongings tothe
(c) have constipated the elective courses ew apartment.
(d) have commiserated the elective courses SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (3rd Shift)
(a) I think (b) I will think (c) I had think (d) I am think
. 1
Q 33.Thenumberofseatsinthemovietheatrewerereduced
to comply with the new social distancing guidelines. Q. 144. She will accept his love proposal if he will express
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (3rd Shift) impressively.
(a) in the movie theater was reduced SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (4th Shift)
(b) in the movie theater were being reduced (a) if he has been pressed (b) if he had express
(c) of the movie theater were reduced (c) if he expresses (d) if he expressed
(d) in the movie theater are reduced . 145. Couldyoupleasetellmewhichmovieyouwouldliketo
Q. 1
34. Our former minister Mr. Sikhar is in the running from watchtonight ?
hrinet Nagar for the post of Member of Legislative Assembly.
S SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (4th Shift)
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (3rd Shift) (a) you may wish to scroll (b) you have desire to see
(a) contesting the elections (b) making laws (c) you are wishing to watch (d) are you interested in watching
(c) teaching students (d) giving speeches Q.146. Herdeterminationimpressedalloftheothercolleagues
Q.135.She has gone to the stationery store tobuya scissor. ndinspires them to continue pursuing theirdreams.
SC CHSL 09/08/2023 (3rd Shift)
S SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (1st Shift)
(a)buying a pair of scissors (b)buy a scissors (a) inspires them in continuing pursuing their
(c)buy a pair of scissors (d)buy a pair of scissor (b) inspired them to continue pursuing their
(c) inspires them to continue pursuing her
Q. 1 36. As the orchestra began to play, the audience was (d) inspires them to continue pursuing there
t ransported to another world, enthralled by the psychological
effects of the music and the skill of the musicians, who .147.Inaccordingtohis advice I took this medicine.
performed each note with precision and passion. SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (2nd Shift)
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (4th Shift) (a) accordance with (b) accordingly
(a) influenced by the overall scenario (c) accordance to (d) accord with
(b) impacted by feelings Q.148.I am trying to study,if it is impossiblewithall this noise.
(c) swept away by the emotive power SC CHSL 11/08/2023 (2nd Shift)
(d) taken in by the effect on emotions (a) that it is impossible (b) but it is impossible
. 1
Q 37.IneedtoputoutmyclothesbeforeIleaveforworkthis (c) while it is impossible (d) unless it is impossible
morning otherwise, I will be restless when I return. .149.Everyo
Q nesincerelyandpositivelywerereadytofindthe
SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (1st Shift) solution for the serious issue of sewage system.
(a) need for put out (b) need to put in SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (2nd Shift)
(c) need to put off (d) need to put away (a) Everyone were sincerely and positively
Q (b) Everyone was sincerely and positively
under blankets, listening to the sound of the rain hitting the (c) No correction required.
windows hardand hoping that the power wouldn't goout. (d) Everyone had sincerely and positively
S ol.136.(c) swept away by the emotive power
of something. The phrase ‘swept away by the emotive power’ means being
Predict- to forecast or foretell an event or outcome. deeply moved by intense emotions. The givensentencestates
Deliberate - to think carefully and consider all aspects before thattheaudiencewasemotionallymovedbythemusicandthe
making a decision. skillofthemusicians.Hence,‘sweptawaybytheemotivepower’
Precipitate - to cause something to happen suddenly or is the most appropriate answer.
Proliferate - to cause something to happen suddenly or ol.137.(d) need to put away
unexpectedly. The phrase ‘put away’ means to place something in an
ol.126.(b) found everywhere in a huge amount
S toputmyclothesinaproperplacebeforeleavingforwork,orI
The phrase "found everywhere in a huge amount" conveysthe will be restless when I return. Hence, ‘needtoputaway’isthe
same meaning more clearly and grammatically. Hence, ‘found most appropriate answer.
everywhere in a huge amount’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.127.(c) guests are gathered by
S hard.
We use plural nouns after ‘all’ and the preposition ‘by’ means
near or close to something. Hence, ‘guests are gatheredby’is Sol.139.(c)have been given a pair
the most appropriate answer. ccording to the “Subject-Verb Agreement Rule”, a singular
ol.128.(a)the newly released books
S takes a plural verb. ‘Students’ is a plural subject that will take
‘Released’meanstomakesomethingavailableforpublicuse& ‘have’ as a plural verb. Hence, ‘have been given a pair’ is the
‘realised’meanstobecomeawareoforunderstandsomething. most appropriate answer.
The phrase ‘the newly released books’ means the new books
which are now available for the public. Hence, ‘the newly ol.140.(d)building up inside her
released books’ is the most appropriate answer. The phrase ‘building up’ means becoming stronger or more
intense. Hence, ‘building up inside her’isthemostappropriate
ol.129.(c) Reprehensible
S answer.
‘Reprehensible’ means deserving blame or strong criticism &
‘Ignominious’ means deserving shame or disgrace. The given ol.141.(b) at the moment
sentence states that the fall of Ranjith for the petty material The phrase ‘at the moment’ means ‘right now’ or ‘currently.’
benefit wasreallydeservingofshame.Hence,‘reprehensible’is Hence, ‘at the moment’ is the most appropriate answer.
the most appropriate answer. ol.142.(d) that are abundant
ol.130.(a) the best
S ‘Abundant’ means available in largequantities.Hence,‘thatare
‘Thebest’isthecorrectsuperlativedegreeof‘good’.Hence,‘the abundant‘’ is the most appropriate answer.
best’ is the most appropriate answer. ol.143.(a) I think
ol.131.(b) for hundreds of years
S ‘Simple Present tense’ is used to express the act of thinking
‘Until’mustbereplacedwith‘for’aswegenerallyusepreposition about a future action. Hence, ‘I think’ is the most appropriate
‘for’ to indicate a fixed period of time(countable). Hence, ‘for answer.
hundreds of years’ is the most appropriate answer. Sol.144.(c) if he expresses
ol.132.(a) have considered the elective courses
S hegivensentenceisanexampleofType1conditionalandthe
‘Consider’ means to think carefully about something, before correctgrammaticalstructureis“if+simplepresent…….will+V1”.
makingadecision.Thegivensentencestatesthatallcolleagues Hence ‘if he expresses’ is the most appropriate answer.
of Rohit except Joseph have thought carefully about the Sol.145.(c) you are wishing to watch
courses. Hence, ‘have considered the elective courses’ is the he phrase ‘would like to’ is a polite way of expressing our
most appropriate answer. preference or intention to do or have something. Similarly, we
ol.133.(a) in the movie theater was reduced
S usethephrase‘wishto’toexpressourdesireorintentiontodo
‘The number of + plural noun + Singular Verb’ is the correct something. Hence, ‘you are wishing to watch’ is the most
grammatical structure for the given sentence. Hence, ‘in the appropriate answer.
movie theater was reduced’ is the most appropriate answer. ol.146.(b) inspired them to continue pursuing their
ol.134.(a) contesting the elections
S Thegivensentenceisinthesimplepasttensesotheverbmust
Thephrase‘contestingelections’meansrunningasacandidate be usedinthesimplepastform(V2).However,thepastformof
to try and win a political position or office in an election. The ‘inspire’ is ‘inspired’. Hence, ‘inspired(V2) them to continue
given sentence states that Mr. Shikhar is contesting the pursuing their’ is the most appropriate answer.
electionsfromShrinetNagar.Hence,‘contestingelections’isthe ol.147.(a)accordance with
most appropriate answer. ‘In accordance with’ is the correct phrase.‘Inaccordancewith’
ol.135.(c) buy a pair of scissors
S means following or obeying a rule, law or advice. Hence,
Thenoun‘scissors’isneverusedinsingularformanditscorrect ‘accordance with’ is the most appropriate answer.
form is ‘a pair of scissors’. Hence, ‘a pair of scissors’ is the most Sol.148.(b)but it is impossible
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e generally use the conjunction ‘but’ to express a different
W ol.160.(c)worse than expected
opinion or idea. Hence, ‘but it is impossible’ is the most We alwaysuse‘than’afteracomparativedegreewhenwedoa
appropriate answer. comparisonbetweentwothings.Similarlyinthegivensentence,
there isacomparisonbetweentheactualperformanceandthe
Sol.149.(b)Everyone was sincerely and positively expected performance of the musicians. And, ‘worse’ is the
‘Everyone /each/ every/ nothing/ everything/ anything/ either/ comparativedegreeof‘bad’.Hence,‘worsethanexpected’isthe
neither’representsasingularnoun.Therefore,singularverbswill most appropriate structure.
be used with them. Hence, ‘Everyone was sincerely and
positively’ is the most appropriate answer. ol.161.(c)it is evident that a lot more women
‘Subject + Verb + Object/Complement’ is the correct
Sol.150.(a)where the city park is? grammaticalstructureofasentence.Hence,‘Itisevidentthata
W lot more women’ is the most appropriate answer.
written in the middle of a sentence, the helping verb and the
main verb are written after the subject. E.g. - I do not know Sol.162.(c)least reliable
whereshelives.Therefore,‘is’willbeusedafterthesubject‘city ‘Least / most reliable’ is the correct superlative degree of
park’. Hence, ‘where the city park is’ is the most appropriate ‘reliable’. Hence, ‘least reliable’ is the most appropriate answer.
Sol.163.(b)experimenting with different techniques
ol.151.(c)No correction required.
S he phrase ‘experimenting with different techniques’ means
The given sentence is grammatically correct. trying out various methods to achieve a goal. The given
sentence states that the young artist spent countless hours
ol.152.(c) No fewer than
S tryingoutvariousmethodsandmediums.Hence,‘experimenting
‘Fewer’ is used when we are comparing countable objects i.e. with different techniques’ is the most appropriate answer.
pedestrians. Hence, ‘No fewer than’ is the most appropriate
answer. ol.164.(b)expected
‘Expect’ means to think that something will happen. The word
ol.153.(d) has impacted the way we consume
S ‘expect’ makes the sentence meaningful. Hence,‘expect’isthe
Theword"consume"meanstotakeininformationormediaand most appropriate answer.
of change in the way we take in digital content. Hence, ‘has Sol.165.(b)has grown rapidly
impacted the way we consume’ is the most appropriate answer. ‘Has/have/had+V3’isthecorrectgrammaticalstructure.Hence,
‘has grown(V3) rapidly’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.154.(d) called around the neighbourhood
The phrase ‘call around’ means making calls or contacting
differentindividualsorlocations.Thegivensentencestatesthat SSC CGL 2023 Tier - 1
within her neighborhood to seek support for her campaign. .166.She had an ability topersuadeothers.
Hence, ‘called around the neighbourhood’ is the most SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (1st shift)
appropriate answer. (a) halt (b) suppress (c) outrage (d) impress
Sol.155.(d)one of them who was hiding behind a rock .167. We must remember that what we teach ourchildrenis
ccording to the “Subject-Verb AgreementRule”,‘Oneof/Each
A what weinculcatein them.
of/ Most of/ Either of + Plural Subject + Singular verb’ is the SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (1st shift)
correct grammatical structure. Hence, ‘one of them who was (a) endanger (b) inspire (c) instil (d) import
hiding behind a rock’ is the most appropriate answer.
Q.168. The fact that God created man inhispersonalviewby
ol.156.(d)that would revolutionise the industry
S ivinghimanintellectualspiritelevateshimabovethebeastsof
‘Revolutionise’ means to bring about significant change or the field.
transformation in something, which has the same meaningas SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (2nd shift)
thephrase“thatwouldtransformthesector”.Hence,‘thatwould (a) own glory (b) own capacity (c) own image (d) own idea
revolutionise the industry’ is the most appropriate answer.
.169.Thefrog adopts itselfto live both in waterand on land.
ol.157.(d) brightened up when they
S SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (3rd shift)
‘Brightenedup’isaphrasalverbthatmeanstobecomehappier (a) frog adepts itself (b) frog alters itself
or more cheerful.Hence,‘brightenedupwhenthey’isthemost (c) No substitution (d) frog adapts itself
appropriate answer.
Q.170. Itisreportedthatshehaswinaprizemoneyoftenlakhs
ol.158.(b)lay off some
S t a reality show.
‘Lay off’ means to discharge an employee temporarily or SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (1st shift)
permanently because of shortage of work or funds. Thegiven (a) she will won (b) she had win
sentence states that the company is discharging some (c) No substitution required (d) she has won
employees. Hence, ‘lay off some’ is the most appropriate
answer. .171. Natwar was a fraudster who always tried to fooling
ol.159.(a)did we arrive at
S SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (1st shift)
‘Do/does/did + V1’ isthecorrectgrammaticalstructure.Hence, (a) betraying (b) deceive (c) cheating (d) revealing
‘did we arrive at’ is the most appropriate answer.
.207. My friend Meera and her mother is visiting me this
Q Solutions :-
SSC CGL 25/07/2023 (2nd shift) ol.166.(d)
(a) have visiting (b) am visiting (c) was visiting (d) are visiting Impress-to make a strong impact or influence on someone.
Persuade- to convince or influence someone to dosomething.
Q.208.The commandersentered by force intoterrorists'camp. Halt-to pause or to stop for a short period of time.
ol.175.(b) Flows
S ol.186.(c) who are looking to expand
‘Flowing’ must be replaced with ‘flows’ as we generally use "Who"isusedwhenreferringtopeopleorhumans.While"Which"
Simple present tense (V1-s/es) to state a generaltruthorfact. is used when referring to thingsornon-humanentities.Hence,
Hence, ‘flows’ is the most appropriate answer. ‘who are looking to expand’ is the most appropriate answer.
Q.294. Select the most appropriate o ption to substitute the Q.301. Select thewordsegmentthatsubstitutes(replaces)the
b racketed word segmentcorrectlyandcompletesthesentence
substitute it, select 'no substitution required". meaningfully. Select the option 'no correction required if the
Helightshispipe,(andonmanyaneveningshehelpsmewith) sentence is correct as given.
dishes. We saw him(the more)during Hogsmeade weekend.
SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Evening) SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Morning)
(a) and on many evenings he helped me with the (a) the many (b) the most
(b) and on many evenings he helps me with the (c) the bigger (d) No correction required
(c) and many an evenings he helps me with the
(d) No substitution required .302. Select thewordsegmentthatsubstitutes(replaces)the
bracketed word segmentcorrectlyandcompletesthesentence
Q.295. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the meaningfully. Select the option 'no correction required’ if the
b sentence is correct as given.
substitute it, select 'no substitution required" (Then got of on)a station in the very heart of London.
That is not a solution available (tomostpeopleforwhoemail SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Morning)
has become necessity.) (a) No correction required (b) They got off at
SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Evening) (c) They got of by (d) They got off on
(a) to most people for who email has become a necessity.
(b) to most people for whom email has become a necessity. .303. Select thewordsegmentthatsubstitutes(replaces)the
(c) for most people to whom email has became necessity. bracketed word segmentcorrectlyandcompletesthesentence
(d) No substitution required meaningfully. Select the option 'no correction required if the
sentence is correct as given.
Q.296. Select thewordsegmentthatsubstitutes(replaces)the Therelationshipbetweentwopeopleis(bythewayinwhat)they
racketed word segmentcorrectlyandcompletesthesentence
b feel and behave towards each other.
meaningfully. Select the option 'no correction required' if the SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Afternoon)
sentence is correct as given. (a) the way by which (b) by which ways
Hegrittedhisteethandtriedtoactasthoughhe(eithernoticed (c) the way in which (d) No correction required
nor cared).
SSC MTS 15/06/2023 (Morning) Q.304. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the
(a) neither noticed nor cared (b) No correction required racketedsegmentinthegivensentence.Ifthereisnoneedto
(c) either noticed or cared (d) neither noticed cared substitute it, select 'no substitution required"
Besides the atmospheric changes that make us sweat,
.297. Select thewordsegmentthatsubstitutes(replaces)the
Q (hormonal or emotional stimulus can also cause sweating).
bracketed word segmentcorrectlyandcompletesthesentence SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Afternoon)
meaningfully. Select the option 'no correction required' if the (a) hormonal and emotional stimuli also causes sweating
sentence is correct as given. (b) hormonal or emotional stimuli can also cause sweating
His temperament(disposed him to)argue readily withpeople. (c) No substitution required
SSC MTS 15/06/2023 (Afternoon) (d) hormonal or emotional stimulus also causing sweating
(a) disposed him of to (b) dispose him to
(c) disposed him off to (d) No correction required .305. Select thewordsegmentthatsubstitutes(replaces)the
bracketed word segmentcorrectlyandcompletesthesentence
Q.298. Select thewordsegmentthatsubstitutes(replaces)the meaningfully. Select the option 'no correction required’ if the
racketed word segmentcorrectlyandcompletesthesentence
b sentence is correct as given.
meaningfully. Select the option 'no correction required if the We've made extraordinary(flowering as a)societyin that regard.
sentence is correct as given. SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Evening)
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(a) progress as a ( b) advance as a ubstitute it, select "no substitution required".
( c) improvement by a (d) No correction required (The people of Philippines has voted)to elect a newpresident
SSC MTS 20/06/2023 (Evening)
Q.306. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the (a) No substitution required
b (b) The people of Philippines have voted
substitute it, select ‘no substitution required’. (c) The people of the Philippines have voted
It is expected that this police power will onlyapplytoairand (d) The people of the Philippines has voted
(sea routes between the Great Britain and the Northern Ireland).
SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Evening)
Solutions :-
(a) sea routes across the Great Britain and Northern Ireland
(b) sea routes across the Great Britain and the Northern Ireland
ol.227.(a) Preening its plumage and became motionless.
(c) sea routes between Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Possessiveformofthepronoun‘It’willbeusedi.e.‘Its’and𝑉 2 of
(d) No substitution required
.307. If you want to have two cats, amaleandafemalewill
Q ast tense. Hence, ‘Preening its plumage and became
usually gottenalong. motionless.’ is the most appropriate answer.
SSC MTS 19/06/2023 (Morning)
(a) will usual get (b) No improvement ol.228.(a) but they perceive the world differently.
(c) will usually get (d) will usually got Conjunction ‘but’ will be used instead of ‘although’ as we
generally use ‘but’ to connect ideas that contrast and adverb
.308. Select thewordsegmentthatsubstitutes(replaces)the
Q ‘differently’ will be used to describe the verb ‘perceive’.Hence,
bracketed word segmentcorrectlyandcompletesthesentence ‘but they perceive the worlddifferently’isthemostappropriate
meaningfully. Select the option ‘no correction required’ if the answer.
sentence is correct as given.
Both of us felt the relationship(wasn't really gonesomewhere.) ol.229.(d) brake hard
SSC MTS 19/06/2023 (Afternoon) The correct sentence structure using Infinitive is ‘To + Base Verb’
(a) No correction required (b) wasn't really going anywhere (to eat, to go, to study). Hence, ‘brake hard’ is the most
(c) was going that direction (d) won't really gone that path appropriate answer.
ol.242.(a) No improvement
S ol.253.(b) In Nepal
The sentence is grammatically correct. Article‘the’mustberemovedasweonlyusearticlethewiththe
To pore over means to read a document very carefully. name of the countries whichhavepluralorsingularnouns,are
composed of multiple words or include words like ‘republic',
ol.243.(a) master's in developmental studies in the
S ‘kingdom’or‘states’.ForexampleTheUnitedStatesofAmerica,
Netherlands. The Philippines, The Maldives etc. Hence, ‘In Nepal’ is the most
We generally use the definite article "the" with countries whose appropriate answer.
names are plural or collective nouns. For example, "theUnited
States," "the Netherlands," "the Philippines," or "the Maldives." ol.254.(d) Contrasts well
Hence,‘master'sindevelopmentalstudiesintheNetherlands’is ‘Wells’ must be replaced with ‘Well’ as ‘well’ is an adverb and we
the most appropriate answer. never make plurals of adverbs. Hence, ‘contrasts well’ is the
most appropriate answer.
ol.244.(d) No improvement
The sentence is grammatically correct. ol.255.(b) No improvement
The sentence is grammatically correct.
ol.245.(d) to be at war with its own people
‘It’s’mustbereplacedwith‘its’inthegivensentence.Theword ol.256.(d)
‘its’ is the possessive pronoun for the singular noun Hardly had the ink dried on last week's column, when
‘government’. Hence, ‘To be at war with its own people’ is the ‘Did’mustbereplacedwith‘Had’inordertousethepastperfect
most appropriate answer. tense. Thepastperfecttenseisusedtoindicateanactionthat
S dried on last week's column, when’ is the most appropriate
there was collusion between objectors, due to similarities answer.
The word "collusion" means "secret agreement or cooperation
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ol.257.(a) Eager to embark on
S verb first form (V1 +s/es)inassertivesentences.Andtheverb
Adverb ‘Eagerly’ must be replaced withtheadjective‘Eager’as " seems"toindicatethattheruleappearstobeconnectedtothe
Adjectivesarewordsthatdescribeormodifynouns(Bonaparte). dispute. Hence, ‘rule that seems tied’ is the most appropriate
Wegenerallyuseprepositions(on/upon)withtheverb‘Embark’. answer.
Hence, ‘Eager to embark on’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.269.(c)took her vows
ol.258.(a) at the meeting
S Thephrase‘takenhervows’willbereplacedwith‘tookhervows’.
The verb ‘meets’mustbereplacedwiththenoun‘meeting’and According to the rule of parallelism, if two or more verbs are
we generally use the preposition ‘at’ to indicate the specific connectedtothesamesubject,thoseverbswillbeofthesame
locationorpointintimewhereaneventorgatheringtakesplace. form. The verb ‘became’ is in simple past tense, so the other
Hence, ‘at the meeting’ is the most appropriate answer. verbwillalsobeinsimplepasttense.Hence,‘tookhervows’is
the most appropriate answer.
ol.259.(d) weather can be
‘weathering can be’ must be replaced with ‘weathercanbe’as ol.270.(b) In the field of
thecorrectphrasetouseis"weathercanbe,"whichconveysthe ‘On the field of’ must be replaced with ‘in the field of’ as the
intended meaning that the weather can be very hot in the preposition "in" is commonly used to indicate involvement or
summer. Hence, ‘weather can be’ is the most appropriate specializationinaparticularfield.Hence,‘inthefield’isthemost
answer. appropriate answer.
ol.280.(a)unfortunate events
S ol.291.(b) Could such a book
The phrase ‘unfortunately events’ will be replaced with The phrase ‘could such a book’ functions as a conditional
‘unfortunate events’ as we need an adjective before the noun statementexpressingdoubtordisbelief.Themodalverb"could"
‘events’ to qualify its meaning, not an adverb. Hence, s
uggests the possibility or ability of something happening, in
‘unfortunate events’ is the most appropriate answer. thiscase,abookbeingwritten.Theword"such"emphasizesthe
ol.281.(a)arrive in three
S this choice conveys the skepticism or questioning about the
‘Modal+V₁’isthecorrectgrammaticalstructure.Preposition‘in’ book'sexistencepriortotheperson'sownexperiences.Hence,‘
or‘within’isusedtomentionthetimeperiodinwhichataskwill could such a book ’ is the most appropriate answer.
answer. ol.292.(d) No improvement
The sentence is grammatically correct.
ol.282.(a) No correction required
The sentence is grammatically correct. ol.293.(b)This bridge neither crossed the Thames,nor gave
ol.283.(c) Plots to dispose of him came
S gave’ will be replaced with ‘This bridge neither crossed the
The phrase "dispose of" means to get rid of or eliminate Thames, nor gave’ because the conjunction ‘neither’ is paired
someoneorsomething.Inthissentence,thesentencesuggests with ‘nor’. Hence, ‘This bridge neithercrossedtheThames,nor
thattherewereplotsorplanstoeliminateorgetridofhim,but gave’ is the most appropriate answer.
those plans ultimately failed or had no result. Hence, ‘plots to
dispose of him came’ is the most appropriate answer. ol.294.(b) and on many evenings he helps me with the
‘Many + plural noun’isthecorrectgrammaticalstructure.Also,
ol.284.(a) Interest rates four times since last January.
S article ‘the’ is generally used before known or familiar things.
‘From’ will be replaced with ‘since’ because the preposition Since‘thedishes’areusedbythepersonregularly,thepersonis
‘since’isusedtodenotepointoftime.Hence,‘interestratesfour familiar‘withthedishes’.Hence,‘andonmanyeveningshehelps
times since last January’ is the most appropriate answer. me with the’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.285.(b) No improvement
S Sol.295.(b) to most people for whom email has become a
The sentence is grammatically correct. ecessity
ol.286.(b) Because he has been in custody since last July
S ‘Who’willbereplacedwith‘whom’asitfunctionsastheobjectof
“Since” is used to denote a point of time and fordepictingan the preposition (for). ‘Whom’ is the objective case form ofthe
activity that is happening from a long time like since time relative pronoun ‘who’ and is used when the pronoun is
immemorial/sinceancienttimes.“For”isusedforafixedperiod functioningastheobjectofaverborpreposition.Hence,‘whom’
oftime(countable)like2years/3months/4days/8hoursandfor is the most appropriate answer.
an activity that happened in arecenttime.Hence,‘Becausehe ol.296.(a) Neither noticed nor cared
has been in custody since last J uly’ is the most appropriate Theword‘either’mustbereplacedwith‘neither’as‘neither…nor’
answer. isafixedconjunctionalpair.Hence,‘neithernoticednorcared’is
Sol.287.(d)after a driver the most appropriate answer.
T ol.297.(d) No correction required
weusethepreposition‘after’toshowthatsomethinghappensat The given sentence is grammatically correct.
a later time than the other thing. The action of flashing
happened first and then the actionoflosingtemper.Itistobe ol.298.(b) The unexpected entrance
noted that ‘after’ is used at the beginning of the first action. The phrase ‘The shocked entrance’ will be replaced with ‘The
Hence, ‘after a driver’ is the most appropriate answer. unexpected entrance’ as the word ‘unexpected’ fits into the
Sol.288.(d)There are many good tunes placeinasurprisingmanner.Hence,‘theunexpectedentrance’is
he phrase ‘There's many a good tunes’ will be replaced with
T the most appropriate answer.
be used with the adjective ‘many’. The verb will also change ol.299.(d) Many a time
accordingly.Pluralverbwillbeusedwiththepluralnoun‘tunes’. The phrase ‘many a time’ is an idiomatic expression used to
Hence, ‘There are many good tunes’ is the most appropriate indicatemultipleinstancesoroccasions.Itiscommonlyusedto
answer. convey the meaning of ‘often’ or ‘frequently.’ Hence, ‘Many a
time’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.289.(a) times of natural
The phrase ‘time of disaster’ will be replaced with the phrase ol.300.(c) No improvement
‘times of disaster’. The phrase ‘in times of’ is used to referto The given sentence is grammatically correct.
situations that occur repeatedly or over an extended periodof
time. Natural disasters happen quite often. Hence, ‘times of ol.301.(b) The most
natural’ is the most appropriate answer. We generally use superlative degree ‘most’ with definite article
ol.352.(a) ‘Preposition + V - ing’ is the correct grammatical
S Q.363.Pintuhasbeenadvisedtoreducesmokingbyhisfamily
structure for the given sentence. Hence,‘soaked fromwalking(V octor.
- ing)’is the most appropriate answer. SSC CGL 01/12/2022 (1st Shift)
(a) cut down (b) less down (c) lower down (d) up down
Sol.353.(b) The given sentence needs an adverb(properly) to
odify the verb(treated) and not an adjective(proper). Hence,
m .364.Navika is asuperb and impressivechild inher class.
‘properly treated’is the most appropriate answer. SSC CGL 01/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
(a) Splendid (b) Brilliant (c) Dazzling (d) Vivid
Sol.354.(d) If the relative pronoun is followed by a ‘verb’,then
t herelativepronounmustbe‘who’andifitisfollowedbyanoun .365.I went to Parisregularly.
or pronoun, then the relative pronoun must be ‘whom’. SSC CGL 01/12/2022 (3rd Shift)
Hence,‘whoare(verb)partofthecricketcrowds,someofwhom (a) twice (b) often (c) yesterday (d) happily
are presumably born in England’is the most appropriateanswer.
ol.355.(b) No improvement.
S stock of the products that it advertised about.
The given sentence is grammatically correct. SSC CGL 01/12/2022 (4th Shift)
(a) hardly hadn't (b) hardly had (c) hardly is having (d) is had
ol.356.(d) The given sentence needs an adverb(severely) to
modify the verb(affected) and not anadjective(severe).Hence, Q.367.Abu said thathe saw the picture.
‘affected severely’is the most appropriate answer. SC CGL 02/12/2022 (1st Shift)
(a) he has seen the picture (b) he will have seen the picture
Sol.357.(c) ‘If + Subject + Plural Verb’ is the correct (c) he would have seen the picture (d) he had seen the picture
have been a great sister if she(subject) were(plural verb) just a Q.368.Finally, here are a few examples ofpassagesand their
bit more careful’ is the most appropriate answer. récis.
SSC CGL 02/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
Sol.358.(a) The given sentence needs an adverb(steadily) to (a) by passages and their précis
m (b) of passages and there precis
‘has been steadily increasing’is the most appropriateanswer. (c) of passages and there precises
(d) No substitution
make the given sentencegrammaticallyincorrect.Hence,‘time Q.369.We live in apopulatedcountry of 120 millionpeople.
to watch’is the most appropriate answer. SC CGL 02/12/2022 (4th Shift)
(a) congested (b) dense (c) populous (d) No substitute
SSC CGL 2022 Tier - 2
.370.Last before year, Shirley got very good grades.
SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (1st Shift)
.360. Edward II is tragic than s
Q ome other plays by the
(a) The last year before (b) Before last year
(c) The year before last (d) Before year last
SSC CGL Tier II (02/03/2023)
(a) as least tragic as (b) No substitution required Q.371.Oscaristhemostprestigiousawardwhichisintroduced
(c) the most tragic (d) less tragic than t o goodactors in that year.
SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
Q.361.Bloomberg Businessweek isnot more popularthansome
ol.404.(b) The lion and the unicorn fought for the crown
S Q.415.His last trip around the worldtaking a tollon his health.
Weusethepreposition‘for’totalkaboutapurposeorareason SC CPO 11/11/2022 (Morning)
for something.Thegivensentencestatesthat thelionandthe (a) took a toll (b) taken a toll
Unicornfoughtforapurposethatwas‘TheCrown’.Hence,‘The (c) No substitution required (d) take a toll
lion and the unicorn fought for the crown’ is the most
appropriate answer. .416.Footballfansarefeelingproudoftheirteamswhenthey
ol.405.(c)Is going to leave
S SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Morning)
Thegivensentenceisinthepresenttenseandweoftenusethe (a) felt proud to their teams (b) feel proud of their teams
present continuous tense to talk about the future, especially (c) are feel to proud of their teams (d) feeling proud of their teams
about future plans. Hence, ‘is going to leave’ is the most
appropriate answer. Q.417.Thechild felt downfrom a great height.
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SC CPO 11/11/2022 (Morning)
S difficult period. The given sentence states that he is a weak
(a) child fallen down ( b) child fall down tudent and somehow succeeded to survive/pass the exams.
(c) child fell down (d) child falling down Hence, ‘pulled through’ is the most appropriate answer.
Q.418. The application of the medicine seemed to lesson his ol.410.(b)go down
p ‘Go down’ means to produce a particular reaction. The given
SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Afternoon) sentence states that the story did not produce a particular
(a) No substitution required (b) lesion (c) lessen (d) lessoned reaction well enough.Hence,‘godown’isthemostappropriate
Q.419. The flames of the fireleap intothe air.
SC CPO 11/11/2022 (Afternoon)
S ol.411.(b)did not call for help
(a) No substitution required (b) leap in Thegivensentenceisinthepasttensesotheverbmustbeused
(c) leapt into (d) leaping into inthepastform(V2)andnotinthepresentperfectform(hasnot
Q.420.Withtear eyes, she said goodbye to her dearfriend. answer.
SC CPO 11/11/2022 (Afternoon)
(a) teary eyes (b) tear up eyes ol.412.(d) Come by
(c) No substitution required (d) tearing eyes ‘Comeby’isaphrasethatmeanstomanagetoacquireorobtain
something. The given sentence talks about acquiring a purse.
.421. She has checked everything she needs before started
Q Hence, ‘come by’ is the most appropriate answer.
SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Afternoon) Sol.413.(a) We generally usetheindefinitearticle‘a’beforethe
(a) before starts work (b) before start to working ords starting with a consonant sound and article ‘an’ before
(c) before start working (d) before starting work words starting with a vowel sound. Similarly, in the given
sentence, ‘noun’, ‘person’,‘hobby’,‘job’aresomewordsthatare
Q.422. Covid- 19 pandemic has resultedin(anslowchangein startingwithaconsonantsound&‘activity’istheonlywordthat
owing of capital)generated by workers.
fl starts with a vowel sound. Hence, ‘Amateur' is a noun which
SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Evening) referstoapersonwhotakespartinanactivityasahobbyorfor
(a) an deliberate change to flow of capital pleasure and not as a job’ is the most appropriate answer.
(b) a sluggish change in the flow of capital
(c) an abrupt change in the flow of capital Sol.414.(b) ‘Bring/Brought’ means to carry or take
(d) an sudden change to flow of capital omebody/somethingtoaplacewithyou&‘Buy/Bought’means
to get something by paying money for it. However, the given
Q.423. Identify the sentence that correctly uses the indefinite sentence states that she paid a high price for theclothesshe
a brought at the boutique. Hence, ‘bought at’ is the most
SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Evening) appropriate answer.
(a) Cloud seeding involves use of chemicals that target
rain-bearing clouds above a catchment area such as an river, Sol.415.(a) took a toll
reservoir or an lake. he given sentence is in the past tense(last trip) so the verb
(b) Cloud seeding involves use of chemicals that target must be used in the past form(V2) and not in the V-ing form.
rain-bearing clouds above a catchment area such as a river, Hence, ‘took(V2) a toll’ is the most appropriate answer.
reservoir or a lake
(c) Cloud seeding involves use of chemicals that target ol.416.(b)Thegivensentenceisinthesimplepresenttenseso
rain-bearing clouds above an catchment area such as a river, t heverbmustbeusedinthesimplepresentform(V1)andnotin
reservoir or an lake. the present continuous form(are + V-ing). Hence,‘feel(V1)proud
(d) Cloud seeding involves use of chemicals that target of their teams’is the most appropriate answer.
rain-bearing clouds above an catchment area such as an Sol.417.(c) ‘Felt’ is used to say how something seems to you
river, reservoir or a lake hen you touch,see,smell,experience,etc.it&‘Fell’meansto
drop down towards the ground. However, the given sentence
Solutions :-
fell down’is the most appropriate answer.
Sol.406.(c) Led the way
Iftwoactionstookplaceinthepastthenthe1stactionmustbe Sol.418.(c) ‘Lesson’ means a period oftimewhenyoulearnor
inthePastperfecttense(Had+V3)andthe2ndactionmustbe t each something & ‘Lessen’meanstomakesomethingsmaller
intheSimplePasttense(V2).Therefore,‘Led(V2)theway’isthe orlessinamountordegree.However,thegivensentencestates
most appropriate answer. that the application of the medicine seemed to make hispain
less. Hence,‘lessen’is the most appropriate answer.
Sol.407.(c)No substitution required
he given sentence is grammatically correct.
T Sol.419.(c) leapt into
ol.408.(b)As its
occurred inthepast.Hence,‘leapt(V2)’isthemostappropriate
(It’s) is a contraction of the words itandis/hasand‘Its’isthe
possessive form of the pronoun ‘It’ which is used to refer to the
noun ‘Car’. Hence, ‘As its’ is the most appropriate answer. ol.420.(a)‘Tearyeyes’isaphrasethatmeanshavingeyesthat
are wet with tears. The given sentence states that she said
ol.409.(a) Pulled through
goodbye to her dear friend with eyes that are wet with tears.
‘Pulled through’ is a phrase that means to succeed in surviving a
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Hence,‘teary eyes’is the most appropriate answer. (c) when you are come to (d) until you will come at
Sol.421.(d) We will use the V-ing form of the verb ‘start’ to Q.432.His tone was neither of angernor sorrow.
rammatically correct the given sentence. Hence, ‘before
g SC CGL Tier II ( 08/08/2022 )
starting(V-ing) work’is the most appropriate answer. (a) or sorrow (b) no improvement required
(c) or of sorrow (d) nor of sorrow
& we always use the indefinite article ‘a’beforewordsstarting Q.433.Ireached atLondon only this morning.
with aconsonantsound.Hence,‘asluggishchangeintheflow SC CGL Tier II ( 08/08/2022 )
o f capital’is the most appropriate answer. (a) reach (b) reached (c) No Improvement (d) am reaching
Q.429.Eighty girls sat there at four long tables,doing their ol.432.(d) Nor of sorrow
omework bycandlelight.
h We w ill use the preposition ‘of’ with ‘Nor’ as the tone of the
SSC CGL Tier II ( 08/08/2022 ) person is talked about. Hence, ‘Nor of sorrow’ is the most
(a) to have done their homework with appropriate answer.
(b) no improvement required
(c) to doing their homework by ol.433.(b) Reached
(d) doing its homework by ‘Reach somewhere’ is the correct phrase and ‘Reach’ will not
.430.I take prideto servemy country.
Q morning’ is the most appropriate answer.
SSC CGL Tier II ( 08/08/2022 )
(a) to be serving (b) No Improvement SSC Selection Post (Phase - X)
(c) to have served (d) in serving
.431. Turn left outside the library door and walk down the
Q Q.434. Reading has the capacity to make a man wise, but
corridorthen you came tothe main staircase. r eading of only textbooks is like living in room of our same
SSC CGL Tier II ( 08/08/2022 ) height.
(a) no improvement required (b) until you come to Graduate Level 01/08/2022 ( Shift - 4 )
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( a) Reading shall make a man wise Q.445.Anyonereadingtheselineswillthoughtthatthewriteris
(b) Reading make a man wise v ery sad.
(c) Reading makes a man wise Higher Secondary 01/08/2022 ( Shift - 3 )
(d) Reading should make a man wise (a) will have think that the writer is
(b) have thinking that the writer is
.435. A lot of people are seen gathering, discussing and
Q (c) are think that the writer has
negotiatingin front of our stall in the town. (d) will think that the writer is
Graduate Level 01/08/2022 ( Shift - 4 )
(a) bargaining (b) collecting (c) jostling (d) dealing .446.He brought these sweetsfor you and I.
Higher Secondary 02/08/2022 ( Shift - 2 )
Q.436. The captain disdained the roaring impatience and (a) for I and you (b) for you and I both
utinous disposition of his crews.
m (c) for you and me (d) No substitution required
Graduate Level 02/08/2022 ( Shift - 3 )
(a) Treated with scorn (b) Called in question .447.The money arrived when I (little) expectedit.
(c) Gave due importance to (d) Release from captivity Higher Secondary 02/08/2022 ( Shift - 2 )
(a) The money arrived when I expected it.
Q.437. The walls of the temple caved out due to weak (b) The money arrived when I least expected it.
c (c) The money arrived when I less expected it.
Graduate Level 02/08/2022 ( Shift - 3 ) (d) The money arrived when I little expected it.
(a) apart (b) at (c) around (d) in
.438. The heading of the newspaper shout at the readersto
Q istrictI came from.
stay inside their homes. Higher Secondary 02/08/2022 ( Shift - 2 )
Graduate Level 03/08/2022 ( Shift - 3 ) (a) to which district (b) which district
(a) had shouted at the reader (b) No improvement required (c) No substitution required (d) what district
(c) will shout at the reader (d) shouted at the readers
.439. Extreme sadness and pitiful cries of people filled the
Q of them knew it.
whole atmosphere. Higher Secondary 03/08/2022 ( Shift - 4 )
Graduate Level 03/08/2022 ( Shift - 3 ) (a) whether either of them knew it
(a) The effecting cries (b) The continuous cries (b) if none of them knew it
(c) The heart rending cries (d) The loud cries (c) that no one of them knew it
Q.440. Dheerubai, a source of inspiration to the present (d) but neither of them knew it
eneration, startedlifeverypoorandthenlaterinlifebecame
g Q.450. Select the correct superlativedegreeofcomparisonfor
very rich. t he given sentence.
Graduate Level 04/08/2022 ( Shift - 2 ) This is one of the beautiful places in the area.
(a) Felt the pinch (b) Got it off his chest Higher Secondary 03/08/2022 ( Shift - 4 )
(c) Dragged his feet (d) Went from rags to riches (a) This is one of the most beautiful places in the area.
.441. The report claimed that a consensus was growing
Q (b) This is one of the more beautiful places in the area.
against the absolute authority in the country. (c) This is one of the beautiful places in the area.
Graduate Level 04/08/2022 ( Shift - 2 ) (d) This is a beautiful place in the area.
(a) Systematically collected laws Q.451. Select the correct superlativedegreeofcomparisonfor
(b) Difference of opinion t he given sentence.
(c) Centre of attraction I told him myinner feelings.
(d) Generally accepted agreement Higher Secondary 04/08/2022 ( Shift - 3 )
Q.442. Indiawentforwardalloddsandwonthematchagainst (a) I told him my feelings. (b) I told him my innermost feelings.
est Indies.
W (c) I told him my in feelings (d) I told him my more inner feelings.
Graduate Level 04/08/2022 ( Shift - 4) .452. Rumour mongering isone of the bad habit.
(a) against (b) at (c) among (d) in Higher Secondary 04/08/2022 ( Shift - 3 )
.443.Last summer I went to myvillage, the placeof my birth,
Q (a) one of the worse habit (b) No substitution required
to spend a short holiday. (c) ones of the worse habit (d) one of the bad habits
Graduate Level 04/08/2022 ( Shift - 4) .453. Select the correct degree of comparison for the given
(a) original village (b) native village sentence.
(c) indigenous village (d) local village David looks (old) than he really is.
.444. There are numerous anecdotes about famous
Q Higher Secondary 05/08/2022 ( Shift - 2 )
personalities that exist in various parts of the world. (a) David looks old than he really is.
Graduate Level 04/08/2022 ( Shift - 4) (b) David looks older than he really is.
(a) Short accounts of real and interesting incidents (c) David looks elder than he really is.
(b) Stories that express ideas through symbols (d) David looks elder from he really is.
(c) Unconventional style of living Q.454.The numbers applying for the course had dropped off
(d) Statements accepted as true without proof ery sharplyduring the pandemic.
S .460. I noticed some strawberries grown in which of the
The money arrived when I least expected it. (Correct) gardens.
The three degrees of comparison for less (less, lesser, least) SSC MTS 06/07/2022 (Morning)
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Pinnacle Sentence Improvement
(a) growing in which of ( b) grows upon one of SC MTS 08/07/2022 (Morning)
( c) No improvement required (d) growing in one of (a) the large number off ( b) No improvement required
(c) an larger number of (d) a large number of
Q.461. He stood up from their chair to signal the end of the
m .472.Despitenotgettingapprovalfromtheleader,wedecided
SSC MTS 06/07/2022 (Morning) tocarry outthe plan.
(a) up from his (b) upon of his SSC MTS 08/07/2022 (Afternoon)
(c) No improvement (d) below in their (a) carry over (b) carry away (c) carry off (d) No improvement
Q .476. It isastoryaboutMr.andMrs.Ansari,whohadlookto
advantageousMaple Theatre in Canada. rent an apartment in the city.
SSC MTS 07/07/2022 (Morning) SSC MTS 11/07/2022 (Afternoon)
(a) prestigious (b) inauspicious (a) is looking to (b) No substitution
(c) heterogeneous (d) multifarious (c) were looking for (d) were looking to
Q.466.Shall you passme that pasta bowl? Q.477. I would agreed that these programs can be good for
SC MTS 07/07/2022 (Morning)
S learning things that nobody else will teach you.
(a) Shall pass you (b) Can you pass SSC MTS 11/07/2022 (Evening)
(c) Could passing you (d) No improvement (a) I agree that these programs
(b) No improvement required
Q.467.Ithasbeenmygreatmisfortunetofollowaspeechmore (c) I will have agreed that these programs
otablefor its volume than for any sense.
n (d) I will have to agreed that these program
SSC MTS 07/07/2022 (Morning)
(a) following a speech most notable .478. As a young girl, Mary lived in France, where she have
(b) No improvement required marriedthe king of France, Francis II.
(c) to follow a speech much notable SSC MTS 11/07/2022 (Evening)
(d) to have being following a speech more notable (a) she has married (b) No improvement required
(c) she married (d) she did married
.468. Whilethesymptomsaretroubling,theytypicallyresolve
within two weeks. .479.Abetterplanistogoingandhasalavishdinneratafine
SSC MTS 07/07/2022 (Evening) restaurant.
(a) No improvement (b) was troubling SSC MTS 12/07/2022 (Morning)
(c) is troubling (d) are troubled (a) is to go and have (b) No substitution required
(c) is to gone and have (d) was to going and have
openly. Q.480.When a plastic comb is rubbed on dry hair,they acquired
SSC MTS 07/07/2022 (Evening) static charge.
(a) an openly slight (b) No improvement SSC MTS 12/07/2022 (Afternoon)
(c) open slight (d) slightly open (a) it acquired a (b) it acquires a
(c) they acquire an (d) No improvement required
.470. The scientists havesofarfocusedonimprovecropped
yields. .481.Major hubs ofthe information technology industryis the
SSC MTS 08/07/2022 (Morning) Silicon Valley of Central California.
(a) improving crop (b) improvement crop SSC MTS 12/07/2022 (Evening)
(c) No improvement required (d) improve cropping (a) No improvement required (b) A major hub of
(c) Major hub by (d) The majors hub of
people. Q.482.Why are youlooking on myface like this?
S Q.528.Ifwedonothingtocurbthispollution,Iguaranteewewill
theverbmustbeusedinthesimplepresentform(V1).However, f ace the wallin the future.
we generally usethepronoun‘it’forananimal(‘tigercub’inthe SSC CHSL 24/05/2022 (Morning)
givensentence).Hence,‘brought’mustbereplacedwith‘brings’ (a) face the wind (b) face the music
& ‘brings(V1) it home’ becomes the most appropriate answer. (c) face the dark (d) face the stick
SSC CGL 2021 Tier - 1 Q.572. The dress may pleasantly be delivered to us at the
.560. The student apologised the teacher for the delay in
Q SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Afternoon)
submitting the assignment. (a) No substitution required (b) may kindly
SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Evening) (c) might kindly (d) must pleasantly
(a) No substitution required (b) is apologising the teacher
.573.Since settingup, the charity has raised amillion dollars.
(c) apologised to the teacher (d) has apologised the teacher
SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Afternoon)
.561.I have been wonderingat takingskating asa hobby
Q (a) Since being set up (b) From setting up
SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Afternoon) (c) Since setting (d) No improvement required
(a) on taking to (b) about taking up
.574. I can’t make out my mind about taking a vacation in
(c) to take up (d) No improvement required
.562.He’s notso friendly likeshe is
Q SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Evening)
SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Evening) (a) make up (b) made out (c) No substitution required (d) Make on
(a) so friendly as (b) as friendly like
Q.575.There area bit niceshops in the town centre.
(c) so friendly that (d) No improvement required
SC CGL 20/04/2022 (Afternoon)
Q.563. We might aswellwatchafilmonTVasthere’snothing (a) a bit nicer (b) far more nicer
uch to do.
m (c) No improvement required (d) far nicer
SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Evening)
.576.Would you have beenso kind as to close thewindow?
(a) No improvement required (b) may as such
SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Afternoon)
(c) may as well as (d) might well
(a) No substitution required (b) Would you be
Q.564.The old lady needed love and carebeyondmoney. (c) Would you being (d) Will you been
SC CGL 13/04/2022 (Morning)
.577.Often it makes one wonder at the sightsyousee.
(a) besides (b) No substitution required (c) beside (d) beneath
SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Evening)
Q.565. I imagine you have learnt a valuable lesson from this (a) one sees (b) one see (c) you saw (d) No substitution required
xperience,didn’t you?
Q.578.It is quite difficult tomake onwhat thisdoctor writes.
SSC CGL 13/04/2022 (Morning)
SC CGL 20/04/2022 (Evening)
(a) did you? (b) haven’t you?
(a) make out (b) make in (c) No substitution required (d) made on
(c) have you? (d) No substitution required
Q.579. Whom was the person that you wanted me to contact
.566.My father was alwaysordering about my sister.
t here?
SSC CGL 13/04/2022 (Afternoon)
SSC CGL 21/04/2022 (Morning)
(a) ordering on my sister (b) ordering my sister about
(a) No substitution required (b) Who is the person
(c) No improvement required (d) giving order for my sister
(c) Whom is the person (d) Whom were the persons
.567.None of the boys waswilling to admitthathe was in the
.580.We had to undergoa great many difficulties.
SSC CGL 21/04/2022 (Afternoon)
SSC CGL 13/04/2022 (Evening)
(a) No improvement (b) a great many difficulty
(a) No substitution required (b) willing to admitting
(c) great many difficulties (d) much great difficulties
(c) ready to admitting (d) admit
Q.581.I don’t fancytogo outthis evening.
.568.You are welcometo partakethis light refreshment.
SC CGL 21/04/2022 (Evening)
SSC CGL 13/04/2022 (Evening)
(a) to going outside (b) No improvement required
(a) No improvement required (b) to partake of
(c) to be going out (d) going out
(c) for partaking (d) in partaken
.582. While the online class was going on, they had to keep
.569. This TV channel has a larger viewership from another
their cameras on.
SSC CGL 18/04/2022 (afternoon)
SSC CGL 18/04/2022 (Morning)
(a) No substitution required (b) have kept their cameras on
(a) from the other channel (b) than any other channel
(c) are keeping their camera on (d) had keep the camera on
(c) No substitution required (d) from any other channel
Q Solutions :-
is lovable.
Sol.560.(c)The preposition ‘to’ is missing in thegiven sentence.
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Pinnacle Sentence Improvement
ence, ‘apologised to the teacher’ is the most appropriate
H adecision.Similarlyinthegivensentence,thenarratorisunable
answer. t odecideabouttakingavacation.Hence,‘makeup’isthemost
appropriate answer.
The preposition ‘at’ must be replaced with ‘about’ as we ol.575.(d) We cannotusethearticle‘a’beforeshops(plural)&
generallyusethepreposition‘about’with‘wonder’.Hence,‘about wecannotwrite‘more’withacomparativedegree‘nicer’.Hence,
taking up’is the most appropriate answer. ‘far nicer’is the most appropriate answer.
Sol.562.(a)‘As’isusedforcomparingpeopleorthings&‘like’is Sol.576.(b) We generally use the modal verb ‘would’ when we
sed for giving examples. However, in thegivensentence,two
u anttopolitelyrequestsomeoneforsomething.Similarlyinthe
personsarebeingcomparedonthebasisoffriendliness.Hence, givensentence,someoneisaskingpolitelytoclosethewindow.
‘so friendly as’is the most appropriate answer. Hence,‘Would you be’is the most appropriate answer.
Sol.563.(a) No improvement required. Sol.577.(a) ‘One’ means any person, but not any particular
he sentence is grammatically correct.
T erson. However, when we use ‘one’ in a sentence we always
use ‘one’ as a pronoun not pronouns like you, him, he, etc.
ol.564.(a) ‘Besides’ means in addition to or as well as
S Moreover, ‘one’ is a singular subject so it will take ‘sees’ as a
somebody/something. The given sentence states that the old singular verb. Hence,‘one sees’is the most appropriateanswer.
the most appropriate answer. ol.578.(a) ‘Make out’ is a phrasal verb which means to see,
Sol.565.(b) According to the “Q uestion Tag rule”, if the states that it is difficult to understand whatthisdoctorwrites.
s Hence,‘make out’is the most appropriate answer.
question tag must be in the same tense. Similarly, the given ol.579.(b) If the relative pronoun is followed by a ‘verb’,then
sentence is positive so the question tag will be therelativepronounmustbe‘Who’andifitisfollowedbya‘noun
negative(haven’t). Hence,‘haven’tyou?’isthemostappropriate orpronoun’,thentherelativepronounmustbe‘Whom’.Similarly,
answer. in the given sentence, the relative pronoun is followed by a
‘verb(was)’. Hence, ‘Who istheperson’isthemostappropriate
ol.566.(b) Thepositionofthepreposition‘about’isincorrectin
S answer.
the given sentence it must be placed after the noun ‘sister’.
Hence, ‘ordering my sister about’ is the most appropriate ol.580.(a) No improvement.
answer. The sentence is grammatically correct.
Q.589.He felt dejected but the feelingpassed outin a minute. ol.583.(b) Need I
SC CGL Tier II (29/01/2022)
S odal + Subject + V1(first form of the verb)” is the correct
(a) No improvement required (b) passed off grammatical structure for the given interrogative sentence.
(c) passed on (d) passed back Hence, ‘Need(modal) I(subject)’ is the most appropriate answer.
Q ol.584.(c) No improvement required.
free. The given sentence is grammatically correct.
SSC CGL Tier II (29/01/2022)
ol.585.(b)is broadcast
(a) atoned him from (b) No improvement required
We can’t make the past form of some verbs(forecast, cost,
(c) apprehended him in (d) accused him for
.591.These shoes arecheap as well durable.
Q form of theseverbsremainsthesameasthepresentformlike
SSC CGL Tier II (29/01/2022) thepastformof‘broadcast’is‘broadcast’andnotbroadcasted.
(a) more cheaper than durable (b) both cheap and durable However, we always use a singular verb after an uncountable
(c) No improvement required (d) neither cheaper nor durable noun(news). Hence, ‘is broadcast’ is the most appropriate
.592.He deniedif he hadcaused the accident.
SSC CGL Tier II (29/01/2022) ol.586.(d)same book as
(a) not to had (b) of having We generally use ‘like’ for giving examples of something.
(c) No improvement required ( d) that he had However, the phrase ‘same as’ means someone or something
that is exactly like another thing. Similarly, the given sentence
Q.593. Sal treeshavebeenplantedinrelativelythree-fourthof talksaboutabookthatisexactlythesamebookthattheteacher
t he forest area. recommended. Hence, ‘same book as’ is the mostappropriate
SSC CGL Tier II (29/01/2022) answer.
(a) No improvement required (b) nearly three-fourths
(c) about three-fourth (d) around three-fourth ol.587.(a)to a lot of trouble
The phrase ‘put someone to trouble’ means make somebody
.594. The shopkeeper wasobligedtodispensetotheservice
Q workextraandcauseproblems.Similarlyinthegivensentence,
of his salesman. Megha’s habit makeshiscolleaguesdoextraworkandcreates
SSC CGL Tier II (29/01/2022) problems. Hence, ‘to a lot of trouble’ is the most appropriate
(a) with the services (b) by the services answer.
(c) away the service (d) No improvement required
ol.588.(d)a fact
.595.Why did you take this toyalongthe child?
Q The ‘fact’ mentioned in the given sentence is non-specificand
SSC CGL Tier II (03/02/2022) wegenerallyusethedefinitearticle‘a’beforeanynon-specificor
(a) at (b) No improvement required (c) by (d) from non-particular noun. Hence, ‘a fact’ is the most appropriate
Q.596.You must start your work withoutsome fartherdelay.
SC CGL Tier II (03/02/2022)
S ol.589.(b)passed off
(a) much far delay (b) any further delay ‘Passed out’ means tobecomeunconsciousforashorttime&
(c) any farther delay (d) No improvement required ‘Passed off’ means to evade or lightly dismiss an awkward
remark. However, the given sentence states that thefeelingof
.597.Often weourselvesare responsible for ourill health.
SSC CGL Tier II (03/02/2022)
off’ is the most appropriate answer.
(a) themselves (b) yourself
(c) ourself (d) No improvement required Sol.590.(b)No improvement required
he given sentence is grammatically correct.
.598.It wastooan interesting movie.
SSC CGL Tier II (03/02/2022) ol.591.(b)both cheap and durable
(a) so (b) such (c) enough (d) No improvement required Thephrase‘aswellas’isincompleteinthegivensentenceand
we are discussing two qualities (low price & durability) of the
.599.I found my bagto liewhere I had left it.
SSC CGL Tier II (03/02/2022)
will be used for the two qualities & ‘both cheap and durable’
(a) No improvement required (b) to be lying
becomes the most appropriate answer.
(c) lying (d) to lay
ol.592.(d)that he had
.600.How many sumshad you solveso far?
We generally use ‘If’ in a conditional sentence but the given
SSC CGL Tier II (03/02/2022)
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Pinnacle Sentence Improvement
entence is a general statement. However, we generally use
s ( a) No substitution required (b) for quite
‘that’tointroducethenextclauseinageneralstatement.Hence, (c) from almost ( d) for almost
we will replace ‘if’ with‘that’&‘thathehad’becomesthemost
appropriate answer. Q.603. Once Birbal was forbidden for attendingtheking’sfree
ol.593.(b)nearly three-fourths
S SSC MTS 05/10/2021 (Afternoon)
‘Three-fourths + of + something” will be the correct (a) from attending (b) in attending
grammatical structure for the given sentence. Hence, ‘nearly (c) No substitution required (d) to be attending
three-fourths’ is the most appropriate answer.
Q.604. Wewatchedtheworkmantoberemovingthedamaged
ol.594.(a)with the services
S t iles.
There is a prepositional error in the given sentence. The SSC MTS 05/10/2021 (Evening)
preposition ‘to’ must be replacedwith‘with’because‘dispense’ (a) to removing (b) remove
generally takes the preposition‘with’.Hence,‘withtheservices’ (c) to remove (d) No substitution required
is the most appropriate answer.
.605.The strong windblow offall the candles.
ol.595.(d) from
S SSC MTS 06/10/2021 (Morning)
The preposition ‘along’ thatmeansfromoneendtoortowards (a) No substitution required (b) blew out
the other end of something must be replaced with ‘from’. (c) blow up (d) blowing away
is taken away, removed, or separated from Q.606.Hegotawayfrompunishmentastherewasnotenough
somebody/something else. Similarly, thegivensentencestates vidence against him.
that the toy is taken away from the child. Hence, ‘from’ is the SSC MTS 06/10/2021 (Morning)
most appropriate answer. (a) was getting away from (b) No substitution required
(c) gets away from (d) got out with
ol.596.(b) any further delay
‘Farther’ means to a greater distance and ‘Further’meanstoa .607. It is much more difficulttojudgeoneselfthantojudge
greater degree. However, the phrase ‘withoutanyfurtherdelay’ others.
means to immediatelydosomething.Hence,‘anyfurtherdelay’ SSC MTS 06/10/2021 (Afternoon)
is the most appropriate answer. (a) more difficulty (b) much difficult
(c) much more difficulty (d) No substitution required
Sol.597.(d)No improvement required.
Q.608. Very soon, the people find out as the snake was
he given sentence is grammatically correct.
armless and the boys began to tease it mercilessly.
S SSC MTS 06/10/2021 (Evening)
‘Too’ is used in the sentences with a negative sense. But, the (a) found out that (b) finds out but
given sentence has a positive sense as the movie was (c) No substitution required (d) finding out so
interesting. However, ‘such’isusedforemphasizingthedegree
Q.609.I have online science classesfor Wednesdays.
of something like suchaniceplay,suchabadboy,etc.Hence,
SC MTS 07/10/2021 (Morning)
we will replace ‘too’ with ‘such’ to grammatically correct the
(a) on Wednesdays (b) from Wednesdays
(c) in Wednesdays (d) at Wednesdays
ol.599.(c) lying.
Lying is derived from the word lie. Itmeanstobeinaspecific
lot warmer.
SSC MTS 07/10/2021 (Morning)
kept in aspecifiedpositioninthesentence.However,thegiven
(a) would be (b) should be (c) will have been (d) would have been
‘to’. Hence, ‘lying’ is the most appropriate answer. Q.611. People are slowlyreturningtotheirnormalroutineafter
pening upof the lockdown.
ol.600.(c) have you solved
SSC MTS 07/10/2021 (Evening)
According to the “S ubject-Verb Agreement Rule”, a singular
(a) No substitution required (b) opening down
(c) closing up (d) closing
takes a plural verb. In the given sentence, ‘Sums’ is a plural
subject that will take ‘have’ as a plural verb. However, “have+ Q.612.I don’t think we can talk to him at all. Hewasn’t listening.
V3(the third form of the verb)” is the correct grammatical SC MTS 08/10/2021 (Morning)
structureforthegivensentence.Hence,‘haveyousolved(V3)’is (a) didn’t listen (b) doesn't listen
the most appropriate answer. (c) hadn’t listened (d) will not listening
ol.618.(d)Keeping pets
S ol.632.(c)a lot
The subject of the given sentence must be ‘keeping’ and not Wewillreplace‘much’withthephrase‘alotof’togrammatically
‘keep’. Hence, ‘Keeping pets’ is the most appropriate answer. correct the given sentence.
S ol.633.(c) give up
There is a prepositional error in the g
iven sentence. The ‘Give up’ means to stop trying to do something. The given
preposition ‘beside’ must be replaced with ‘before’. Hence, sentence states that the narratoristryingtostoptheusageof
‘before’ is the most appropriate answer. junk food. Hence, ‘give up’ is the most appropriate answer.
Q.653. Hears to the newstonightat9p.m.,astherewillbean ol.653.(d) We generally use ‘hear’ for such sounds that
important announcement about the budget. involuntarilycometoourears.However‘listen’isusedwhenwe
SSC CGL 17/08/2021 (Morning) payattentiontosoundsthataregoingonsomewhere.Similarly,
(a) No substitution required (b) Listened to inthegivensentence,someoneissayingtopayattentiontothe
(c) Hear to (d) Listen to newsat9pmtoday.Weuse'listento'wherewepayattentionto
the listener. Hence, ‘listen to’ is the most appropriate answer.
.654. Preparing children for uncertainties keeps them in
readinessto face challenges. Sol.654.(c)No improvement required.
SSC CGL 17/08/2021 (Afternoon) he given sentence is grammatically correct.
(a) keeps them for readiness (b) keep them ready
(c) No improvement required (d) keep them to be ready ol.655.(a) The article ‘The’ is used to refer to specific or
particular nouns & Article ‘a’ is used to modify non-specific
Q.655. With magnifying glass, we can observe how minute nouns.Forexample,IfIsayLet’sbuythebook.Imeanaspecific
insects like ants behave. bookbutifIsayLet’sbuyabook,Imeananybookratherthana
SSC CGL 18/08/2021 (Afternoon) specific book. Similarly, in the given sentence, the magnifying
(a) With a magnifying glass (b) By a magnifying glass glass is not specified so it can be any glass. Hence, ‘with a
(c) No substitution (d) Using magnifying glass magnifying glass’is the most appropriate answer.
Q.656. After the old building was pulled out, the building ol.656.(a) The phrase ‘pull down’ meansdemolishabuilding.
ontractor surveyed the progress of the work.
c Similarly,thegivensentencealsotalksaboutanoldbuildingthat
SSC CGL 20/08/2021 (Morning) was demolished. Hence, ‘was pulled down’ is the most
(a) was pulled down (b) No substitution appropriate answer.
(c) was pulled up (d) was pulled over
Sol.657.(a) No substitution.
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Pinnacle Sentence Improvement
The given sentence is grammatically correct. Q.670.Mydaughtercouldnotfindthewordstosaywhyshehas
een cryingon a day when she should have been happy.
S SSC CHSL 19/04/2021 (Evening)
nouns like work, information, news, etc. However, ‘less’ is (a) can be crying (b) is been crying
generally used when we do a comparison. But, in the given (c) No substitution (d) was crying
sentence we are not doing any comparison so ‘less’ will be
replaced with ‘little’. Hence, ‘gave very littleinformation’isthe .671.The green shirt is toolose for meto wear.
most appropriate answer. SSC CHSL 19/04/2021 (Evening)
(a) lost for me (b) loose for me
S (c) No substitution required (d) loss for me
The preposition ‘inside’ must be replaced with ‘in’. Hence, ‘in
some fields like’is the most appropriate answer. .672.What apalacehome!
SSC CHSL 04/08/2021 (Morning)
S heneedofthehouris’isthecorrectphraseforthe (a) pushy (b) palatial (c) palatable (d) No improvement
answer. .673. We were quite impressedwiththeenthusiasmthatshe
work for.
ol.661.(d) Warmth is a moderate degree of heat or the
S SSC CHSL 04/08/2021 (afternoon)
sensation of being warm. The given sentence statesthatbats (a) that she is working on (b) that she worked with
huddle together for the sensation of warmth from each other. (c) which she works for (d) No substitution
Hence,‘warmth from’is the most appropriate answer.
.674.Ipractised forthe debate; that's why I amlate.
ol.662.(b)‘Someone is kept under surveillance’ isgrammatically
S SSC CHSL 04/08/2021 (afternoon)
thecorrectstructure.Hence,‘keptunder’isthemostappropriate (a) No substitution required (b) am practising for
answer. (c) was practising for (d) have practised for
SSC CHSL 2020 Tier - 1 .675. The child is cryingbecause she can't findher mother.
SSC CHSL 04/08/2021 (Evening)
.663.My hands were eagerfor tore upthat awfulletter.
Q (a) No improvement (b) A child is crying
SSC CHSL 12/04/2021 (Afternoon) (c) The child has cried (d) The child were crying
(a) of tearing up (b) No substitution
Q.676.The roofis being held up overtwo stone pillars.
(c) to tear up (d) for tearing upon
SC CHSL 04/08/2021 (Evening)
Q.664.Whois responsiblefor the disorderly stateof this room? (a) is hold up on (b) No substitution required
SC CHSL 13/04/2021 (Evening)
S (c) was held above (d) is held up by
(a) are responsible to (b) is responsible of
.677. Small desert animals burrow underground
(c) are responsible in making (d) No substitution required
across the daysand come out only at night.
Q SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Morning)
in verifying information and not follow victimtofake news. (a) within the days (b) during the day
SSC CHSL 15/04/2021 (afternoon) (c) No substitution (d) between days
(a) not following victim (b) not fall victim
Q.678. The workers’ union has t hreatened for going to an
(c) not falls victim (d) No improvement
indefinite strike.
.666.The king’s palace washeavily guardedduringthe riots.
Q SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Evening)
SSC CHSL 15/04/2021 (Evening) (a) to be going for ( b) No substitution
(a) heavy guard (b) heavily guard (c) for going to (d) to go on
(c) guarding heavily (d) No substitution
.667.It is wise to insure one’s homeonfire.
Q t he taxes in time.
SSC CHSL 16/04/2021 (Morning) SSC CHSL 09/08/2021 (afternoon)
(a) No improvement (b) in (c) by (d) against (a) will be inflicted for them (b) will be inflicted of them
(c) No substitution required (d) will be inflicted on them
t hat he are returnthem in a day. Q.680. Regard of whether the students were ready or not the
SSC CHSL 16/04/2021 (afternoon) t eacher announced the dates of the test. .
(a) on condition that he will be return SSC CHSL 11/08/2021 (Morning)
(b) No substitution required (a) Regarding whether (b) Regardless of whatsoever
(c) on his condition that he is returning (c) No substitution required (d) Regardless of whether
(d) on the condition that he would return
.681. Most of ushesitate to accept our mistakes.
.669. Fermented vegetables can be stored for about a year
Q SSC CHSL 11/08/2021 (Morning)
without going bad. (a) No substitution required (b) More of us
SSC CHSL 19/04/2021 (Morning) (c) Much of us (d) Lots many of us
(a) without going worst (b) with going bad
.682. Despite living in the same neighbourhood, we only did
(c) No substitution required (d) to go bad
not greet each other.
ol.670.(d) The given sentence is in the past tense(could not
S ol.682.(a)Still is used to say an action or situationcontinues to
find)sotheverbmustbeusedinitssimplepastform(was)and the present because it has not finished. It often refers to
not in the present perfect continuous form(has been crying). something happening for longer than expected.The given
Hence,‘hasbeencrying’willbereplacedby‘wascrying’tomake sentencestatesthatinspiteofbeingneighborswedonotgreet
the given sentence grammatically correct. each other. Hence, ‘still’ is the most appropriate answer.
SSC CPO 2019 Tier - 2
inthegivensentence.Hence,‘loseforme’willbereplacedwith .683. He lost his heart because he could not cope with the
‘loose for me’ to contextually correct the sentence. difficult situation.
SSC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021)
S (a) No substitution (b) loss the heart
Let’s look into the meaning of the given words in the options- (c) lost heart (d) lose his heart
large and spacious. .684. Hereplied mine letterafter a month.
Pushy - trying hard to get whatyouwant,inawaythatseems SSC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021)
rude. (a) replied to mine letter (b) No substitution
Palatable - (used about food or drink) with an agreeable or (c) reply my letter (d) replied to my letter
pleasant taste. Q.685.His fine voicehas never heardin this hallagain.
Here, ‘palatial’ is the most appropriate answer. SC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021)
ol.673.(b) that she worked with.
S (a) No substitution (b) never be heard
ThegivensentenceisinthePastTense.so‘workedwith’willbe (c) will never be heard (d) will never hear
used in place of ‘work with’. .686.I am much tallerthan I was a year ago.
Sol.674.(c)was practising for. SSC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021)
T (a) that I were a year ago (b) as I was the year before
the past. Hence, ‘was + V1 + ing’ is the correct structure. The (c) No substitution (d) than a year before
sentenceistalkingaboutthereasonforthedelaywhichbelongs .687. Hewent to foreignfor higher education.
to the past event so ‘ was practicing for’ will be used. SSC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021)
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Pinnacle Sentence Improvement
(a) went to abroad (b) has gone to foreign Q.692. When challenged, the m
an had no answer for his
( c) No substitution ( d) went abroad ctions.
SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
Q.688. It is time for the childrento go to bed. (a) When to be challenged ( b) When in challenge
SC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021)
S (c) No substitution required (d) While challenges
(a) to being in bed (b) should be in bed
(c) No substitution (d) for going in bed Q.693.She walkedamong mewithout greeting me.
SC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
Q.689.Whatkind of the bookdo you want? (a) over me (b) about me
SC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021)
S (c) past me (d) No substitution required
(a) kinds of a book (b) No substitution
(c) kind of the books (d) kind of book .694.Everyyearthefamilygoesforapilgrimtothetempleat
.690.The porterdenied to takethe money.
Q SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)
SSC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021) (a) at the pilgrim (b) from the pilgrimage
(a) denied taking (b) denied from taking (c) No substitution required (d) on a pilgrimage
(c) denied for taking (d) No substitution
.695.The mare hurt its hooveswhen running totheforest.
Solutions :- SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)
(a) with running across (b) when running into
ol.683.(c) ‘L
S ost heart’ is anidiomthatmeanstobegintofeel (c) No substitution required (d) while running through
that one cannot do something that one has beentryingtodo.
Similarly, in the given sentence, he could not cope with the Q.696.A largeswarm ofdogs was blocking the way.
difficultsituationsohelostheart.Hence,‘lostheart’isthemost SC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)
appropriate answer. (a) pack of (b) herd of
(c) No substitution required (d) school of
ol.684.(d) We use ‘my’beforeanounand‘mine’afteranoun.
Similarly, in the givensentence,‘letter’isanounsowewilluse .697. The train was delayedin order toan accident.
‘my’ before it. Hence, ‘replied to my letter’ is the most SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Evening)
appropriate answer. (a) because (b) No substitution required
(c) since (d) owing to
s Q.698.The large mansion wasover his reaching.
the future and for it, we will use a verb of the future tense(will). SC CPO 24/11/2020 (Evening)
Hence, ‘will never be heard’ is the most appropriateanswer. (a) above his reaching (b) away from reaching
(c) beyond his reach (d) No substitution required
ol.686.(c) No Substitution.
The given sentence is grammatically correct. Q.699. Suman performedat the festival well yesterday.
SC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
Sol.687.(d) ‘Abroad’ means in/to a foreign country & we (a) at the festival yesterday well (b) No substitution required
enerally use abroad as an adverb in phrases like go/went
g (c) well at the festival yesterday (d) yesterday at the festival well
Similarly, the given sentence states that he went abroad for .700.The exam was notso easy thatwe had expected.
higher education. Hence,‘wentabroad’isthemostappropriate SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
answer. (a) as easy as (b) as easy so
(c) such easy as (d) No substitution required
ol.688.(d) No substitution.
The given sentence is grammatically correct. Solutions :-
Sol.689.(d) The article ‘the’ is used to refer to specific or ol.691.(b) Although as a conjunction means ‘and yet, but’.
articular nouns. However, in the given sentence, ‘book’ is not
p Accordingtothissentence,shedidn'tlovehim,andyetshehad
particularly specified soitcanbeanybook.So,wewillremove to marry him. Hence, ‘although’ will be the most appropriate
the article ‘the’ before‘book’.Hence,‘kindofbook’isthemost answer.
appropriate answer.
Sol.692.(c)No substitution required.
ol.690.(a)‘Deny’ is always followed by a gerund(V-ing) and
S he sentence is grammatically correct.
never by an infinitive(with the preposition ‘to’) for example he
denied seeing me,hedeniedgivingme,etc.Similarly,thegiven Sol.693.(c) To ‘walk past’ means to overcome or overlook
sentence states that Porter denied taking the money. Hence, omething that has happened. Forexample,you werewalking
‘denied taking’is the most appropriate answer. alongastreetandyousawamanplayingfluteaheadofyou.If
SSC CPO 2020 Tier - 1 himandhewasnowbehindyou.Itmeansyouhavewalkedpast
him. Similarly in this sentence, she walked past the narrator
Q.691.Becauseshe didn’t love him, she had to marryhim. without greeting him. Hence, ‘past me’isthemostappropriate
SC CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning)
S answer.
(a) No substitution required (b) Although (c) Since (d) Despite
Sol.694.(d)Whether we ‘go to somewhere’(go to market)or we
S .706.Fourpeoplewereinjuredafteracarsuddenlycamefora
duration foranactivity.However,thegivenquestionstatesthat haltin outer Delhi.
the mare hurt its hoovesduringrunning.Hence,‘whilerunning SSC CGL Tier II (15/11/2020)
through’is the most appropriate answer. (a) came to a halt (b) No substitution required
(c) come to a halt (d) came for the halt
ol.696.(a)pack of.
Swarm- A large group of insects, especially bees. .707. Our new accountantfall short inmy expectations.
Pack- Group of specific canines like wolves and dogs. SSC CGL Tier II (15/11/2020)
Hence, ‘A pack of dogs’ will be the most appropriate answer. (a) fall short on (b) falls short of
(c) No substitution required (d) falls short in
Sol.697.(d) The phrase ‘In order to’ means “so that” and the
hrase ‘Owing to’ means ‘becauseof’.Forexample,Thematch
p .708.The child put a ladderon the walland climbedup.
was cancelled owing to(because) bad weather. Similarlyinthe SSC CGL Tier II (16/11/2020)
given question, the train was delayed because of an accident. (a) above the wall (b) over a wall
Hence, ‘owing to’ will be the most appropriate answer. (c) No improvement (d) against the wall
Q ol.725.(d)The incident was in continuous tense in the past.
could take possession of the goods at any time. Hence, ‘was + V1 + ing’ is the correct structure.Therefore,the
SSC CHSL 18/03/2020 (Morning) given sentence is correct.
(a) provided that (b) provided on ol.726.(a)“Had been” represents the action that the speaker
(c) provided as (d) No improvement used to do in the past. Hence,pastperfecttensewillbeused.
.733. The struggle for climate change must be prioritised
Q So, option (a) is correct.
giventhatourpopulationisincreasingandnotdecreasing. SSC Sol.727.(b)The sentence is grammatically correct.
CHSL 18/03/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) could prioritise (b) may have prioritised Sol.728.(b)The sentence is grammatically correct.
(c) is prioritising (d) No improvement
.734.As long asthey are here, Hari won’t attendthe training.
Q is the most appropriate answer.
SSC CHSL 18/03/2020 (Evening)
(a) So long so (b) As long that (c) So far as (d) No improvement ol.730.(a) you’d better pay
Thepresent tenseismostappropriatetoconveythemeaningof
.735. So much as you are their class teacher, you are
Q the given sentence. Hence, simple present tense will be used.
responsible for their performance in the examination.
SSC CHSL 19/03/2020 (Morning) ol.731.(d) line up
(a) No improvement (b) As long as Hence, ‘The week-long Theatre Festival has begun with a
(c) In as much as (d) As much to wonderfullineupofplays.’isgrammaticallycorrect.Lineupisa
phrasal verb which means to arrange a number of people or
Q.736. As long to funding is not made available, our things one after another.
onstruction dreams have been deferred.
SSC CHSL 19/03/2020 (Evening) rovided that’ is the correct phrase which means
Sol.732.(a) ‘p
(a) As high as (b) In as much as “ on the condition that”.
(c) So long as (d) No improvement Sol.733.(d)No improvement required.
.777. Theystartedplayingbadmintonatayoungageofnine
years old.
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Pinnacle Sentence Improvement
SC CGL Tier II (12/09/2019)
S (c) No improvement. (d) much like a poodles
(a) the young age of nine (b) the young age of nine years old
(c) a young age of nine years (d) no improvement Solutions :-
Q ol.769.(c)
explain it her. ‘Prefers to walk’ should be used in place of ‘preferring to walk’.
SSC CGL Tier II (13/09/2019) The latter part of the sentence includes ‘everyday’ which shows
(a) to explain it to her (b) no improvement that it is an habitual action, so present simple tense should be
(c) to explaining it for her (d) can I explain that to her used.
Q ol.770.(d)
SSC CGL Tier II (13/09/2019) ‘Is not a better’ should be replaced with ‘is nota good’.
(a) no improvement (b) over first floor In the given sentence, no comparison is done.
(c) on the first floor (d) at above floor So, positive degree ‘good’ should be used in place of a
comparative degree ‘better’.
Q.782. Food and water are the two basic necessities that
itizens should haveaccessing in.
c ol.771.(c)
SSC CGL Tier II (13/09/2019) ‘On its country’ should be replaced with ‘to their country’.
(a) access for (b) access at In thissentence,‘family’isacollectivenoun,butitwilltakethe
(c) No improvement. (d) access to pluralverb‘their’becausethemembersofthefamilyareacting
as individuals.
.783. Even ifUmaisunabletomakeit,Ican’tmostdefinitely
come. Sol.772.(a) ‘A good deal of’ should be used in place of ‘good
SSC CGL Tier II (13/09/2019) eal’. A good deal of something means a large amount or
(a) No improvement. ( b) won’t definite quantity of something. In this sentence, he spends a large
(c) needn’t more definite (d) shall most definitely amount of money on clothing.
.784. NowthatIhavinggrowold,Ioftenspendalotoftime
Q Sol.773.(b)‘carried around’ should be replaced with‘carried out’.
thinking about my childhood. arried out - complete/accomplish the assignment.
SSC CGL Tier II (13/09/2019) Carried around - to physically carry someone or something to
(a) had grown older (b) has grown older many places.
(c) No improvement. (d) am growing older In this question, ‘The soldiers complete the order of their
commander without question’.
Q.785. Ithinkyoucanhaveapieceofthiscakebutnotallofit.I
ave to save some for my mother.
h ol.774.(c)
SSC CGL Tier II (13/09/2019) ‘to finish quickly’ should be used in place of ‘a quick finish’.
(a) but never all of those (b) but not some of that Comparison should be done with the same part of speech.
(c) or not most of it (d) no improvement In this sentence; ‘more important’ is followed by ‘to answer’
(verb), ‘than’ must be followed by ‘to finish’ (verb).
.786. Inmylifetime,Ihavebeengreatlyprivilegedtotravelto
some ofthe most wonderful places in the world. ol.775.(a) ‘which meaning’ should be replaced with ‘the
SSC CGL Tier II (13/09/2019) meaning of which’.
(a) No improvement. (b) only a few of Thegivensentenceistalkingaboutthemeaningofsomewords
(c) none of (d) least of the that means a relation is being shown between meaning and
words.To show relation or possession the preposition 'of' is
Q used.Therefore, 'the meanings of which' is the correct phrase to
those who are poorwill trappedin poverty. be used in the given sentence.
SSC CGL Tier II (13/09/2019)
(a) would be trap (b) will remain trapped Sol.776.(a)not to crack
(c) No improvement. (d) were trapping In negative sentences, ‘not to’ will be used.
The use of 'to not to' is incorrect in the given sentence.
Q.788. There was a time when it was fashionable to have a 'Not to'willbeusedinplaceof'tonotto'becausetheusageof
ainty dog, like as the poodles or any other tinycreatureasa
d 'to'before'notto'willbesuperfluous(notnecessary)./Therefore,
pet. SSC CGL Tier II (13/09/2019) the correct sentencewillbe'Irequestyounottocrackjokesin
(a) like as the poodle ( b) such as a poodle the class'.
‘Few people’ should be used in place of ‘little bit people’.
nouns.In this sentence, ‘people’ is countable. So, we use ‘few’.
Sol.779.(a) ‘prefer to remain’ should be used in place of
‘preferable to remain’.
passive spectators.
Sol.783.(d) ‘Shall most definitely’ should be used in place of
‘can’t most definitely’.
The phrase 'even if' used to express something will happen,
This conjunction emphasizes that a specific situation will
part will be positive. Hence, option d is the correct answer.
Sol.785.(d)No improvement.
Sol.786.(a)No improvement.
.8. You said, “Priya kept watching television till her mother
Solutions :-
exploded at her.”
SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024)
Sol.1.(a) The captain commanded his soldiers to follow the
(a) You said that Priya had kept watching television till her
mother exploded at her
(b) The captain requested his soldiers to follow the
(b) You said that Priya kept watching television till her mother
enemy.(Incorrect Reporting Verb)
had exploded at her.
(c) The captain charged his soldiers to followed the
(c) You said that Priya kept watching television till her mother
enemy.(Incorrect Reporting Verb)
exploded at her.
(d) The captain saidhissoldierstofollowtheenemy.(Incorrect
(d) You said that Priya had kept watching television till her
Reporting Verb)
mother had exploded at her.
Sol.2.(c) Rakesh exclaimed that it was a beautiful
as so messed up.
SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024)
house.(Incorrect Sentence Structure)
(a) I said to my friend, “ Could one be merry when everything is
(b) Rakesh told that it had been a beautiful house.(Incorrect
so messed up?”
(b) I asked to my friend, “ How can one be merry when
(d) Rakesh exclaimedwith sorrowthat it was a beautiful
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Pinnacle Narration
everything was so messed up?” (b) I said to my brother, “We shall g o t o t he h
ills f or a
(c) I said to my friend, “ How can one be merry when everything hange.”(Incorrect Sentence Structure)
is so messed up?” (c) I said to my brother, “Shall we go to the hills for a
(d) I said to my friend, “ How one could be merry when change?”(Incorrect Sentence Structure)
everything was so messed up?”
ol.6.(c) The old man said, “ O God, help me in my hour of
Q.10. He says that he will clear all his dues by the following sorrow.”(Correct)
m (a) The old man said, “ O God, help me in his h our of
SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) sorrow.”(Incorrect Adjective)
(a) He says, “ I will clear all my dues by next month.” (b) The old man said, “ God must help him in his hour of
(b) He says, “ I will clear all his dues by next month.” sorrow.”(Incorrect Sentence Structure)
(c) He said, “ I will clear all my dues by next month.” (d) The old man said, “ O God, help him in my hour of
(d) He said, “ I would clear all my dues by next month.” sorrow.”(Incorrect Pronoun)
SSC CHSL 2022 Tier - 2 Q.36.My mother said, "I am meeting your father today."
SC CHSL 10/03/2023 (2nd Shift)
Q.31.Madhav applauded her, saying that she had donewell. (a) My mother said that she were meeting my father that day.
SC CHSL Tier II (26/06/2023)
S (b) My mother says that she was meeting my father today.
(a) Madhav say, "Bravo! You have done well". (c) The mother said that she has been meeting my father that
(b) Madhav said, "Bravo! You have done well". day.
(c) Madhav said, "Bravo! You been done well". (d) My mother said that she was meeting my father that day.
(d) Madhav say, "Bravo! You have be done well"
Q.37. The surgeon says, "You should get anaesthesia for the
Q.32.My son exclaimed with joy that it was an attractivesite. urgery."
SC CHSL Tier II (26/06/2023)
S SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (4th Shift)
(a) My son said, "It is an attractive site." (a) The surgeon says you should get anaesthesia for the surgery.
(b) My son said, "What an attractive site it is!" (b) The surgeon said that I shall get anaesthesia for the surgery.
(c) My son said, "What an attractive site it was!" (c) The surgeon says that I should have got anaesthesia for the
(d) My son said, "It was an attractive site." surgery.
(d) The surgeon says that I should get anaesthesia for the
Solutions :- surgery.
.69. She said to me, “You will speak at the conference
Q ol.61.(c)She said that she had to leave all thebad habits.
tomorrow.” (a) She said shehasto leave all the bad habits.(Incorrect Verb)
SSC CGL 07/12/2022 (2nd Shift) (b) She said that she must have leave all the bad habits.
(a) She told me that I would speak at the conference that day. (Incorrect Modal Verb)
(b) She told me that I might speak at the conference the next day. (d) She said that she could leave all thebadhabits.(Incorrect
(c) She told me that I will speak at the conference the today. Modal Verb)
(d) She told me that I would speak at the conference the next day. ol.62.(c) Latika told him thatshehadgotaheftydiscounton
.70.The professor said, “I want you to pursue yourdreams” .
Q that television.
SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (2nd Shift) (a) Latika told him that she has got a hefty discount on that
(a) The professor said that I want you to pursue your dreams. television. (Incorrect Verb)
(b) The professor said that he wanted me to pursue my dreams. (b) Latika told him that she is getting aheftydiscountonthat
(c) The professor says that he wants me to pursue my dreams. television. (Incorrect Tense)
(d) The professor told me that I wanted you to pursue your (d) Latika told him t hat she has got a hefty discount on this
Dreams. television. (Incorrect Verb)
.71. Renu said to her brother, "You were watching the show
Q Sol.63.(a)He proposed that they should wait for theaward.
without me." ( b) He said that he should wait for the award. (Incorrect
SSC CGL 12/12/2022 (1st Shift) pronoun)
Q ol.74.(b) Exclaiming gratefully, the convict said to theBishop
hall so late. that he could never thank him enough.(Correct)
SSC CGL Tier II (08/08/2022) (a) The convict told the Bishop that it was difficult for him to
(a) The teacher said to me, “Why are you reaching the thank him.(Meaning of the sentence changed)
examination hall so late?” (c)TheconvictsaidtotheBishopthathecouldneverthankhim
(b) The teacher said to me, “Why had I reached the examination enough.(Incorrect Reporting Verb)
hall so late?” (d) The convict exclaimed gratefully totheBishopthathowhe
(c) The teacher said to me, “Why did you reach the examination could ever thank him.(Meaning of sentence changed)
hall so late?”
(d) The teacher said to me, “Why you reached the examination ol.75.(c)Shewonderedifshewouldhaveahappymarriedlife.
hall so late? (Correct)
(a) She asked that if she should have a happy
Q.82.I said to you, “He cannot be trusted completely.” marriedlife.(Incorrect Reporting Verb)
SC CGL Tier II (08/08/2022)
S (b) She thought that she should have a happy married life.
(a) I told you that he could not be trusted completely. (Incorrect Reporting Verb)
(b) You told me that he could not be trusted completely. (d) She wondered if she shall have a happy married life.
(c) I said you that he cannot be trusted completely. (Incorrect Tense)
(d) You told me that he cannot be trusted completely.
.83. “Remove all the stains carefully andcleanthewindows,”
Q oard the bus.(Correct)
said the contractor to the worker. (b)ShesaysthatRuhislippedwhenshewastryingtoboardthe
SSC CGL Tier II (08/08/2022) bus.(Incorrect Reporting Verb)
(a) The contractor said to the worker that you should remove all (c)ShesaidthatRuhihasslippedwhenshewastryingtoboard
the stains carefully and clean the windows. the bus.(Incorrect Tense)
(b) The contractor requested the worker to remove all the stains (d)ShesaidthatRuhislippedwhenshewastryingtoboardthe
carefully and clean the windows. bus.(‘Had’ is missing)
ol.79.(a) Heexclaimedthathewouldhavereallylovedtovisit
SSC Selection Post (Phase - X)
Kashmir that year. (Correct)
Q.86. “Stop! Don’t fight.” said the mother to herchildren.
raduate Level 01/08/2022 ( Shift - 4 )
that year .(Incorrect sentence structure)
(a) The mother exclaimed to her children angrily to stop and
(c) He exclaimed how I would have loved tovisitKashmirthis
don’t fight.
ear.(Connecting word is missing)
(b) The mother exclaimed to her children to pause and not
(d)He saidthat he will have loved to visit Kashmirthis
engage in a fight.
year.(Incorrect word)
(c) The mother told her children to stop and not fight.
ol.80.(c) I said to you, “I bought a new book for you
S (d) The mother exclaimed angrily to her children to stop and not
yesterday.”(Correct) fight.
(a) I told to you, “I have bought a new book for you
Q.87. The policeman asked us whether we recognised the
yesterday.”(Incorrect Tense)
erson in the photo.
(b) I said to you, “I have bought a new book for you the day
Graduate Level 03/08/2022 (Shift - 3)
before.”(Incorrect Tense)
(a) The policeman said, “Do you recognise the person in the
(d) I said to you, “Youhaveboughtanewbookformetheday
before.” (Incorrect Tense)
(b) The policeman said, “Do you recognised the person in the
Sol.81.(c) The teacher said to me, “Why did you reach the photo.”
xamination hall so late?”(Correct)
e (c) The policeman said, “Whether you recognise the person in
(a) The teacher said to me, “Whyare you reachingthe the photo.”
e xamination hall so late?”(Incorrect Tense) (d) The policeman said, “Did you recognised the person in the
(b)Theteachersaidtome,“WhyhadIreachedtheexamination photo?”
hall so late?”(Incorrect Pronoun)
Q.88. His father asked, “What time do you have classtomorrow,
(d) The teacher said to me,“W
om ?”
hall so late?(Incorrect sentence structure)
Graduate Level 05/08/2022 (Shift - 3)
ol.82.(a) I told you that he could not be trusted
S (a) Tom’s father asked him what time he had class the next day.
completely.(Correct) (b) Tom’s father asked what time he has class tomorrow.
(b) You told me that he could not be trusted (c) Tom’s father asked him what time he was having class
completely.(Incorrect Pronoun) tomorrow.
(c) I said you that he cannot be trusted completely.(Incorrect (d) Tom’s father asked him what tomorrow class timing are.
(d) Youtoldmethathecannotbetrustedcompletely.(Incorrect
eggs from this tree by tomorrow?”
Higher Secondary 01/08/2022 (Shift - 3 )
S (a) The swallow asked the skylark whether they could be able to
stains carefully and clean the windows. (Correct) shift the eggs from this tree by tomorrow.
(a)Thecontractorsaidtotheworkerthatyoushouldremoveall (b) The swallow asked the skylark whether they would have
the stains carefully and clean the windows. (Incorrect been able to shift the eggs from the tree by the next day.
Connecting word) (c) The swallow asked the skylark whether they will be able to
(b)Thecontractorrequestedtheworkertoremoveallthestains shift the eggs from that tree by the next day.
carefully and clean the windows.(Incorrect Reporting verb) (d) The swallow asked the skylark whether they would be able
(c)Thecontractortoldtheworkerthatbyremovingallthestains to shift the eggs from that tree by the next day.
carefully, the windows will be cleaned. (Incorrect Connecting
y our teacher?”
Sol.84.(b)Granny said to Nina that she didn’t knowwhy she Higher Secondary 01/08/2022 (Shift - )
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Pinnacle Narration
(a) My mother said to my sister whether did she receive a mail shift the eggs from this tree by tomorrow. (Incorrect Modal)
from her teacher. ( b)Theswallowaskedtheskylarkwhethertheywouldhavebeen
(b) My mother told my sister that did she receive a mail from her able to shift the eggs from the tree by the next day.
teacher. (Incorrect Tense structure)
(c) My mother advised my sister if did she received a mail from (c) The swallow asked the skylark whethertheywillbeableto
her teacher. shift the eggs from that tree by the next day. (Incorrect Tense)
(d) My mother asked my sister if she had received a mail from
her teacher. ol.90.(d)Mymotheraskedmysisterifshehadreceivedamail
from her teacher.(Correct)
Q.91. Sunny’s parents said to her, “Do not take anything from (a) My mothersaidtomysisterwhetherdidshereceiveamail
s from her teacher. (Incorrect Reporting Verb)
Higher Secondary 03/08/2022 (Shift - 4) (b) My mother told my sisterthatdid she receivea mail from her
(a) Sunny’s parents asked her do not take anything from teacher. (Incorrect Connecting word)
strangers. (c)Mymotheradvisedmysisterifdidshereceivedamailfrom
(b) Sunny’s parents said to her that do not take anything from her teacher. (Incorrect Reporting Verb)
(c) Sunny’s parents advised her not to take anything from ol.91.(c)Sunny’sparentsadvisedhernottotakeanythingfrom
strangers. strangers.(Correct)
(d) Sunny’s parents told to her not to take anything from (a) Sunny’s parents asked her do not take anything from
strangers. strangers.(Incorrect sentence structure)
(b) Sunny’s parents said to her that do nottakeanythingfrom
.92. The thief asked if he remembered the place where they
Q strangers. (Incorrect Connecting word)
had hidden their jewellery. (d) Sunny’s parents told to her not to take anything from
Higher Secondary 04/08/2022 (Shift - 3) strangers. (Incorrect Reporting Verb)
(a) The thief asked, "Do you remember the place where we have
hidden their jewellery?" ol.92.(a) The thief asked, “Do you remembertheplacewhere
(b) The thief asked, "Can you remember the place where we we have hidden their jewellery. (Correct)
were hiding our jewellery?" (b) The thief asked,“Can you remember the place wherewe
(c) The thief asked, "Where do you remember the place where were hiding our jewellery?” (Incorrect Tense)
we have hidden our jewellery?" (c) The thief asked, “W here do you remembertheplacewhere
(d) The thief asked, "Did you remember the place where we hid we have hidden our jewellery?” (Incorrect Tense)
our jewellery?" (d) Thethiefasked,“D
our jewellery?” (Incorrect Tense)
Solutions :-
SSC CHSL 2021 Tier - 1
Sol.86.(d) The motherexclaimedangrilytoherchildrentostop
nd not fight. (Correct)
a Q.93.He said, “It’s been raining since last night.”
(a) The motherexclaimed to her children angrilytostop and SC CHSL 25/05/2022 (Evening)
don't fight. (Incorrect Reporting Verb) (a) He said that it had rained since last night.
(b) The mother exclaimed to her children to pause and not (b) He said that it had been raining since the night before.
engage in a fight. (Incorrect Reporting Verb) (c) He’s said that it had been raining since yesterday.
(c)Themothertoldherchildrentostopandnotfight.(Incorrect (d) He said that it’s raining since last night.
Reporting Verb)
.94.Gogol offered me to go to the market in hiscar.
Sol.87.(a) Thepolicemansaid,“Doyourecognisethepersonin SSC CHSL 06/06/2022 (Afternoon)
t he photo?”(Correct) (a) “Let me take you to the market,” Gogol offered.
(b) The policeman said, “Do yourecognisedthe personin the (b) “Can I take to the market,” Gogol asked me.
photo.”(Incorrect form of Verb) (c) “Let’s go to the market in my car,” Gogol told me.
(c) The policeman said, “ W
hether you recognise the person in (d) “Can you come with me to the market,” Gogol asked me.
the photo.”(Incorrect word)
.95.Fiona enquired whether I had gone to schoolon Tuesday.
id you recognised the personinthe
(d) The policeman said, “D
SSC CHSL 10/06/2022 (Evening)
photo?”(Incorrect Tense)
(a) “Had you been going to school on Tuesday?” Fiona asked
ol.88.(a) Tom’s father asked him what time he hadclassthe
S me.
next day. (Correct) (b) “Where are you going on Tuesday?’’ Fiona asked me.
(b) Tom’s father asked what time he has class tomorrow. (c) “Did you go to school on Tuesday?’’ Fiona asked me.
(Incorrect Tense) (d) “Are you gone to school on Tuesday? Fiona enquired.
(c) Tom’s father asked him what time he was having class
tomorrow. (Incorrect Tense) Solutions: -
(d) Tom’s father asked him what tomorrow class timing are.
(Incorrect Tense) Sol.93.(b)Hesaidthatithadbeenrainingsincethenightbefore.
( Correct)
S (a) He said that it hadrainedsince last night. (IncorrectVerb)
able to shift the eggs from that tree by the next day.(Correct) (c)He’ssaidthatithadbeenrainingsinceyesterday.(Incorrect
(a) The swallow asked the skylark whether theycouldbe able to Word)
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(d) He said that it’s raining sincelastnight. (Incorrect Word) SC CGL 20/04/2022 (Morning)
(a) She wished that God may shower His choicest blessings on
Sol.94.(c) “Let’s go to the market in my car,” Gogol told me. you.
( Correct) (b) She wished that may God shower your choicest blessings on
(a) “Let me take you to the market,” Gogol offered. (Incorrect Him.
Sentence Structure) (c) She wished that God might shower His choicest blessings on
(b) “C an I take to the market,” Gogol asked me. (Incorrect you
Sentence Structure) (d) She wished that God might shower His choicest blessings on
an you come with me to the market,” Gogol asked me.
(d) “C him
(Incorrect Sentence Structure)
Q.102. She exclaimed with sorrow that life had become
ol.95.(c) “Did y ou go to school on Tuesday?’’ Fiona asked
S iserable.
me.(Correct) SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Evening)
ad you been going to schoolonTuesday?”Fionaasked
(a) “H (a) She said, “Oh! What miserable life has become.”
me. (Incorrect tense) (b) She said, “Alas! How miserable life has become.”
(b) “Where are you going on Tuesday?’’ Fiona asked (c) She said, “How miserable had become life!”
me.(Meaning changed) (d) She said, “Life has become miserable.”
(d) “A re you gone to school on Tuesday? Fiona
enquired.(Incorrect tense) Q.103.Mother said to her, “I expected a better resultfrom you.”
SC CGL 21/04/2022 (Morning)
SSC CGL 2021 Tier - 1 (a) Mother told her that she had expected a better result from
.96.He asked me when I had booked the flight tickets.
Q (b) Mother told her that she expected a better result from her.
SSC CGL 11/4/2022 (Morning) (c) Mother told her that she was expecting a better result from
(a) He said to me, “When do you book the flight tickets?” you.
(b) He said to me, “When did you book the flight tickets?” (d) Mother told her that she expected a better result from you.
(c) He said to me, “When are you booking the flight tickets?”
(d) He said to me, “When you had book the flight tickets?” Solutions :-
Q.114. Sheenquiredifallthosepotatoesweretobepeeledfor
Solutions :-
SSC CGL Tier II (03/02/2022)
(a) She said, “Should I peel all these potatoes for dinner?”
t he students. (Correct)
(b) She said, “All those potatoes were to be peeled for dinner?”
(a) “Go straight to their classrooms,” the teacher said to the
(c) She said, “Are all these potatoes to be peeled for dinner?”
students. (Incorrect Pronoun)
(d) She said, “Are all those potatoes peeling for dinner?”
.115. The captain told the crew that the ship had to reach
Q classrooms.” (Incorrect Word)
London that night. (c) The teacher said, “Students, to go straight to their
SSC CGL Tier II (03/02/2022) classrooms. ”(Incorrect Pronoun & Incorrect Preposition)
(a) The captain said to the crew, “The ship had to reach London
Sol.105.(c) The investigator asked me if I had seen or heard
that night.”
nything in the dead of night. (Correct)
(b) The captain said to the crew, “The ship has to reach London
(a) The investigator asked meifIsaworheardanythinginthe
dead of night.(Incorrect Verb)
(c) The captain said to the crew, “The ship had reached London
(b) The investigator asked me if I see or hear anything in the
dead of night.(Incorrect Verbs)
(d) The captain said to the crew, “The ship will have to reach
(d) The investigator asked me that if I had seen or heard
London that night.”
anything in the dead of night.(‘asked’ & ‘that’ can’t be used
Q.116. Anurag said, “The coming elections in Biharwillbethe together in Indirect Speech)
main topic of discussion for the next fortnight.”
SSC CGL Tier II (03/02/2022)
s be acceptable to you?”(Correct)
(a) Anurag predicted that the coming elections in Bihar would
(a)Herparentssaidher,“W ouldthematchproposedbythembe
be the main topic of discussion for the following fortnight.
acceptable to her?”(Incorrect Verb)
(b) Anurag informed that the coming elections in Bihar were the
(b) Her parents said to her, “W
main topic of discussion for the following fortnight.
acceptable to her?”(Incorrect Verb)
(c) Anurag commented that the coming elections in Bihar will be
(c) Her parents said her, “Will the match proposed by us be
the main topic of discussion for the next fortnight.
acceptable to you?”(Preposition ‘to’ is missing)
(d) Anurag exclaimed that the coming elections in Bihar are the
main topic of discussion for the coming fortnight. Sol.107.(b) The actor said, “What I do in films is something I
ave never attempted in real life.”(Correct)
.117. The fisherman asked his contractor if those salmons
(a) The actor said, “What he did in filmsissomethinghehas
were to go on that morning’s fish train.
never attempted in real life.” (Incorrect Pronoun)
SSC CGL Tier II (03/02/2022)
(c) Theactorsaid,“WhatIamdoinginfilmsissomethingIhave
(a) The fisherman said to his contractor, “Are those salmons
never attempted in realLife.” (Incorrect Verb)
going on that morning’s fish train?”
(d) Theactorsaid,“Whathedidinfilmswassomethinghehad
(b) The fisherman said to his contractor, “Are these salmons to
never attempted in real Life.” (Incorrect Pronoun)
go on this morning’s fish train?”
(c) The fisherman said to his contractor, “Were these salmons to ol.108.(c) The old manwishedhergoodluckandprayedthat
go on that morning’s fish train?” she might succeed in her venture.(Correct)
(d) The fisherman said to his contractor, “Is those salmons to go (a)Theoldmanexclaimedgoodlucktoyouandwishedthatshe
may succeed in herVenture. (Incorrect Modal Verb)
Q.118.Anne said, “Next week I have my first skatinglesson.”
(b) The old man wished you good luck and prayed that you
SC CGL Tier II (03/02/2022)
mightsucceed in yourVenture. (Incorrect Pronoun)
(a) Anne said that in the following week she had her first skating
(d) The old man told her good luck and prayed thatmayshe
succeed in her venture. (Incorrect Modal Verb)
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Pinnacle Narration
Sol.109.(a)SumeshrequestedRamantolendhimsomemoney main topic of discussion for the following fortnight. (Incorrect
s he needed it urgently.(Correct)
a erb)
(b) SumeshrequestedRamanpleaselend me some moneyas I (c) Anurag commented that the coming elections in Biharwillbe
need it urgently. (‘requested’ & ‘please’ can’t be used together) the main topic of discussion for the next fortnight. (Incorrect
(c)SumeshrequestedtoRamantopleaselendhimsomemoney Verb)
as he needed itUrgently. (Incorrect Preposition) (d) AnuragexclaimedthatthecomingelectionsinBihararethe
(d) Sumesh requested Raman to lend me some money as I main topic of discussion for the coming fortnight.(Incorrect
needed it urgently.(Incorrect Pronoun) verb)
Sol.110.(b)Harshexclaimedwithjoythathewasveryhappyto Sol.117.(b) The fisherman said to his contractor, “Are these
r eceive the best student award.(Correct) almons to go on this morning’s fish train?”(Correct)
(a) Harsh exclaimed h appily that he was receiving the best (a) The fisherman said to his contractor, “Are those salmons
student award.(Incorrect Tense) going on that morning’s fish train?”(Incorrect Verb)
(c) Harsh exclaimedwithjoythathowhappyhewastoreceive (c) The fisherman said to his contractor, “Werethesesalmons to
the best student award. (Incorrect Interrogative word) go on that morning’s fish train?”(Incorrect Verb)
(d) Harsh exclaimed happily that I am very happy to receive the (d) Thefishermansaidtohiscontractor,“Isthosesalmonstogo
best student award. (Incorrect Pronoun ‘I’) on this morning’s fish train?”(Incorrect Verb)
SSC CPO 2019 Tier - 2 Sol.135.(b)The manager said to the salesman, “Welldone!
our performance has been exceptional.” (Correct)
.134. The little girl said that those butterflies were very
Q (a) The manager said to the salesman, “Oh! Your
colourful. performance had been exceptional.” (Incorrect Tense)
SSC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021) (c) The manager said to the salesman, “Well done! Your
(a) The little girl said, “Those butterflies were very colourful.” performancehas being exceptional.” (Incorrect Tense)
(b) The little girl said, “These butterflies are very colourful.” (d) The manager said to the salesman, “Bravo!Howexceptional
(c) The little girl says, “How colourful were these butterflies!’ his performance is!” (Incorrect Sentence Structure)
(d) The little girl said, “Are those butterflies very colourful?”
ol.136.(a) The young man said, “ What a great feast it is!”
.135.The manager lauded the salesman and said thathis
Q (Correct)
performance had been exceptional. (b)Theyoungmansaid,“Ithasbeingagreatfeast!”(Incorrect
SSC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021) Tense)
(a) The manager said to the salesman, “Oh! Your performance (c)Theyoungmansays,“Itisagreatfeast.”(IncorrectSentence
had been exceptional.” Structure.It is not exclamatory.)
(b) The manager said to the salesman, “Well done! Your (d) The young man said, “ Is it a great feast?” (Use of
performance has been exceptional.” Interrogative sentence is not needed)
(c) The manager said to the salesman, “Well done! Your
performance has being exceptional.” Sol.137.(d)Hesaidtoyou,“Ididnotknowthatitisyourbirthday
(d) The manager said to the salesman, “Bravo! How exceptional t oday.” (Correct)
his performance is !” (a)Hesaidtoyou,“Idonotknowthatitwasyourbirthdaythat
day.” (Incorrect Verb)
Q.136.The young man exclaimed that it was a greatfeast. (b) You said to him, “Idonot know that it is yourbirthday today.”
SC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021)
S (Incorrect Verb)
(a) The young man said, “ What a great feast it is!” (c) He said to you, “Y
ou did not know that it was mybirthday
(b) The young man said, “ It has being a great feast!” today.” (Incorrect Pronoun)
(c) The young man says, “ It is a great feast.”
(d) The young man said, “ Is it a great feast?” Sol.138.(a) He exclaimed that it was a pity I had missed the
arty. (Correct)
.137. He told you that he had not known that it was your
Q (b) He exclaimed that it was a pityyoumissed theparty.
birthday that day. (Incorrect Pronoun)
SSC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021) (c) He exclaimed what a pity itwasthatyoumissedtheparty.
(a) He said to you, “I do not know that it was your birthday that (Incorrect Sentence Structure)
day.” (d) He told to me that it was a pity I had missed the party.
(b) You said to him, “I do not know that it is your birthday today.” (Incorrect Sentence Structure)
(c) He said to you, “You did not know that it was my birthday
today.” Sol.139.(d)Mothersuggestedthatweshouldgotothehillsfora
(d) He said to you, “I did not know that it is your birthday today.” v acation. (Correct)
Q.138. He said to me, “What a pity! You missed theparty.” Reporting Verb)
SC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021)
S (b) Mother said that should we go to the hills for a vacation.
(a) He exclaimed that it was a pity I had missed the party. (Incorrect Reporting Verb)
(b) He exclaimed that it was a pity you missed the party. (c) Mother suggested that let us go tothehillsforavacation.
(c) He exclaimed what a pity it was that you missed the party. (Incorrect Sentence Structure)
(d) He told to me that it was a pity I had missed the party.
SSC CGL 2019 Tier - 2
.139. “Letusgotothehillsforavacation,”Mothersaidtous.
SSC CPO Tier-II (26/07/2021)
(a) Mother ordered us to go to the hills for a vacation.
she would be back the following day.
(b) Mother said that should we go to the hills for a vacation.
SSC CGL Tier II (15/11/2020)
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Pinnacle Narration
(a) Anshul said to me, “My mother was not at home. She will be back to me tomorrow.
back the following day.”
(b) Anshul said to me, “My mother is not at home. She will be .147.I said to you, “ He should be trusted.”
back tomorrow.” SSC CGL Tier II (15/11/2020)
(c) Anshul said to me, “My mother is not at home. She would be (a) I told you that I should be trusted.
back the following day.” (b) I told you that you should be trusted.
(d) Anshul said to me, “His mother was not at home. She would (c) I told you that he should be trusted.
be back tomorrow.” (d) I asked you if he should be trusted.
Q.173.She told me that she knew I wanted to helpher but she Q.181.“Please wait for me at the coffee shop in caseI am late,”
ould manage on her own.
c aid Reema to her friend.
SSC CGL Tier II (18/11/2020) SSC CGL Tier II (18/11/2020)
(a) She said to me, “I knew you want to help her but I could (a) Reema told to her friend wait for her at the coffee shop in
manage on my own.” case she were late.
(b) She said to me, “I know you want to help me but I can (b) Reema told her friend wait for me at the coffee shop in case I
manage on my own.” am late.
(c) She said to me, “I know you wanted to help me but she can (c) Reema told her friend to wait for her at the coffee shop in
manage on her own.” case I am late.
(d) She said to me, “I know I want to help you but you can (d) Reema told her friend to wait for her at the coffee shop in
manage on your own.” case she was late.
Q.174.She suggested that we should distribute foodamong the Q.182.Father asked her if there was anything elseshe wished for.
n eedy. SC CGL Tier II (18/11/2020)
SSC CGL Tier II (18/11/2020) (a) Father said to her, “There was anything else you wished for?”
(a) She said, “Let us distribute food among the needy.” (b) Father said to her, “Was there anything else she wished for?”
(b) She said, “We could distribute food among the needy.” (c) Father said to her, “Is there anything else she had wished
(c) She said, “Let them distribute food among the needy.” for?”
(d) She ordered, “Distribute food among the needy.” (d) Father said to her, “Is there anything else you wish for?”
Sol.160.(c)Thelibrariantoldherthatshecouldborrowonlytwo Sol.167.(d)Isaidtohim,“Hasitneveroccurredtoyouthatyou
ooks at a time.(Correct)
b re in the wrong profession?” (Correct)
(a)Thelibrariantoldherthattheycouldborrowonlytwobooks (a)Isaidtohim,“H
at a time.(Incorrect pronoun in reported speech) wrong profession?” (“have” and “he is “ are incorrect)
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Pinnacle Narration
(b) I said tohim,“Hasitneveroccurredtoyouthathewasthe (Incorrect verb “fallen”)
rong profession?” (“Was” in the reported speech is incorrect)
oesitneveroccurtoyouthatyouareinthe Sol.173.(b) She said to me, “I know youwanttohelpmebutI
wrong profession?” (Change of reported speech to simple an manage on my own.” (Correct)
present is incorrect) (a) She said to me, “I knew you want to help her but I could
manage on my own.” (Could is incorrect)
Sol.168.(d) He said to me, “Welcome. Please be (c) Shesaidtome,“Iknowyouwantedtohelpmebutshecan
s manage on her own.” (Incorrect Tense )
(a) He said to me, “Welcome. Please to be seated.” (“to “ is (d) She said to me, “I know I want to help you but you can
superfluous) manage on your own.” (Incorrect Pronoun)
in reported speech) Sol.174.(a) She said, “Letusdistributefoodamongtheneedy.”
(c) He said to me, “B
e welcome. Pleasesit.”(“be”isincorrect) ( Correct)
Note- First form of Verb(V1)” in the direct form will convert to (b) She said, “We could distribute food among the needy.”
“S econd form of Verb(V2)” intheindirectform.Further,‘please’ (incorrect meaning)
in the direct form converts to ‘requested’ in the indirect form (c)Shesaid,“Letthemdistributefoodamongtheneedy.”(them
is incorrect)
ol.169.(b)I said, “May your mother recover soon!”(Correct)
S (d) She ordered, “Distribute food among the needy.” (meaning
(a) I say,“Yourmothermayrecoversoon.”(Incorrectreporting changed )
(c)Isaid,“OhGod!Yourmothermayrecoversoon.”(“OhGod”is Sol.175.(d) The doctor asked Anita if she was feeling better
superfluous here ) t hen. (correct)
(d)Isaid,“M ighthismothersoonrecover.”(Structureofreported (a)ThedoctoraskedtoAnitaifshewasfeelingbetternow.(To
speech is incorrect) and now are incorrect)
Note- In indirect sentences maychangeintomightsooptiona (b) The doctor asked Anita thatifshewerefeelingbetternow.
andcwillnotbetheanswer.Recoversoonisthecorrectphrase. (Incorrect verb “were” and also “now”)
Hence option b will be the appropriate direct form of given (c)ThedoctoraskedAnitawasshewasfeelingbetterthen.(“If”
indirect sentence. is missing)
Sol.225.(c)MrLucassaidtohiswife,"Don'twaitforhimasIwill Sol.231.(d) He said to me,"You should go abroad for higher
e late at the studio tonight." (Correct)
b tudies next year."(Correct )
(a)HiswifesaidtoMrLucas,"Don'twaitforhimashewillbelate (a) He said to me,"I go abroad for higher studies next year."
at the studio that night."(Incorrect use of that night. In Direct (Incorrect Tense)
speech “tonight” should be used. ) (b)Hesaidtome,"Pleasegoabroadforhigherstudiesnextyear."
(b) Mr Lucassaidtohiswife,"NottowaitforhimasIwouldbe (Incorrect word -please)
late at the studio tonight." (Incorrect tense in Direct speech) (c) He told to me,"You should goabroadforhigherstudiesthe
(d) MrLucassaidtohiswife,"Don'twaitforhimashewillbelate following year." (The following year is incorrect. Instead next
atthestudiothatnight."(IncorrectPronounandIncorrectuseof yearwill be used )
that night. In Direct speech “tonight” should be used. )
S .V she would have fixed it by then. (Correct)
was going to be a hot day. (Correct) (a) Uma said thatifshewashavingthemanualofthenewT.V
(a) He suggested that we shouldn’tbe goingout thatdayas it is she would have fixed it by now.(Incorrect Tense)
going to be a hot day. (Incorrect Tense) (b)UmasaidthatifshehasthemanualofthenewT.Vshewill
(b) He is suggesting thattheyshouldn’tgoouttodayasitwas havefixed it by then.(Incorrect Tense)
going to be a hot day. (Incorrect Tense of Reported Verb) (c)UmasaidthatifshewillhavethemanualofthenewT.Vshe
(d)Hehadsuggestedthattheyshouldn’tgoouttodayasitwas would havefixed it by then.(Incorrect Tense)
going to be a hot day. (Incorrect pronoun and Reported Verb)
ol.233.(c)The manager asked why everybody was leavingso
S early that day. (Correct)
in that match, they would not get a place in the team.(Correct) (a)Themanageraskedwhywaseverybodyleavingsoearlythat
(a)Kapiltoldtohisteamifyoudon’tperformwellinthismatch, day. (Incorrect Tense)
youwillnotgetaplaceintheteam. (Incorrectword-Thismatch (b) The manager asked why everybody left so early that day.
changes to that match) (Incorrect Tense)
(c) Kapil warned to his team, if they don’t perform well inthis (d) The manager asked why everybody was leaving so early
match, they will not get a place in the team. (Incorrectword- today.( “that day” should be used)
This match changes to that match)
(d) Kapil said to his team thatifyoudon’tperformwellinthat Sol.234.(c) “Amit,please stop taking tranquillizers without
match, you will not get a place in the team. (Incorrect Pronoun) onsulting the doctor,” said Amar. (Correct)
ol.228.(d) The old lady wished that God wouldblessmeand
S doctor,”Amar was advising(Incorrect Reported Verb)
give me all I desired in life. (Correct) (b) AmitsaidtoAmar,"Pleasestoptakingtranquillizerswithout
(a) The old lady says that may God blessyouandgiveyouall consulting the doctor.” (Incorrect speaker and listener)
you desire in life. (Incorrect Reported Verb a nd Incorrect (d) AmarsaystoAmit,“Pleaseconsultthedoctorbeforetaking
Subject) tranquillizers.” (Incorrect Reported verb and meaning has
(b)TheoldladysaidthatGodmayblessyouandgiveyouallyou changed)
desire in life. (Incorrect Reported Verb)
(c) The old lady said that God will bless me and give me allI Sol.235.(d) He said that the last film he had seenwassucha
desire in life.(Incorrect Reported Verb and Incorrectuse of will) v iolent one that he couldn’t sleep the whole night. (Correct)
(a) Heissayingthelastfilmhesawwassuchaviolentonethat
S hecouldn’tsleepthewholenight.(IncorrectTenseandIncorrect
would have to move the animals to another place. (Correct) Reported Verb)
(a) Thezooofficialhadbeensayingsaidthatiftherainsdon’t (b)Heshallbesayingthatthelastfilmhehadbeenseeingwas
stop they would have to move the animals to another place. such a violent one that he couldn’t sleep the whole night.
(Incorrect Reported Verb and Tense) (Incorrect Tense and Incorrect Reported Verb)
(c) Thezooofficialwillsaythatiftherainsdon’tstoptheywould (c)Heshallsaythatthelastfilmhehadseenwassuchaviolent
have to move the animalstoanotherplace.(IncorrectReported one that he couldn’t sleep thewholenight.(IncorrectReported
Verb and Tense) Verb)
(d) The zoo official said that if the rains arenotstoppingthey
w ould have to move the animals to another place. (Incorrect SSC CHSL 2018 Tier - 1
Q.236. Mrs.Guptasaidtome,“Whyaretheseboysstandingin
ol.230.(d) Rajat told Reena that he was surprised that she
t he sun?”
wanted dinner as they had had such a late lunch. (Correct)
SSC CHSL 02/07/2019 (Morning)
(a) Rajathad toldReena that he was surprised thatshehad
(a) Mrs. Gupta asked me why were these boys standing in the
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Pinnacle Narration
sun. tomorrow
(b) Mrs. Gupta asked me why those boys were standing in the (c) Father told his daughter that he will attend her convocation
sun. tomorrow
(c) Mrs. Gupta said to me that why are these boys standing in (d) Father told his daughter that he will be attending her
the sun. convocation the next day
(d) Mrs. Gupta asked me why were these boys standing in the
sun. .243.Thedoctortoldhispatient,"Continuethesamecourseof
medicines for the next week."
Q.237.I asked the shopkeeper, “What is the priceof this bike?” SSC CHSL 09/7/2019 (Evening)
SC CHSL 02/07/2019 (Evening)
S (a) The doctor told his patient to continued the same course of
(a) I asked the shopkeeper that what the price of this bike was. medicines in the next week.
(b) I asked the shopkeeper what is the price of this bike. (b) The doctor told his patient for continuing the same course of
(c) I asked the shopkeeper what was the price of this bike. medicines for the next week.
(d) I asked the shopkeeper what the price of this bike was. (c) The doctor told his patient that he may continue the same
course of medicines in the following week.
.238. Bhola said to his friend,“HowcanImakethischarcoal
Q (d) The doctor told his patient to continue the same course of
white?” medicines for the following week.
SSC CHSL 03/07/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Bhola asked his friend how he could make that charcoal
Solutions :-
(b) Bhola told his friend how he could make that charcoal white.
(c) Bhola asked his friend how can I make this charcoal white.
in the sun.(Correct)
(d) Bhola asked his friend how could he make that charcoal
(a) Mrs. Gupta asked me why weretheseboysstandinginthe
sun. (Incorrect word “these” has been used.)
Q (c) Mrs. Gupta said to me t hatwhyaretheseboysstandingin
night?” the sun.(Incorrect tense in reported verb and in reportedspeech)
SSC CHSL 03/07/2019 (Evening) (d) Mrs. Gupta asked me why weretheseboysstandinginthe
(a) Father asked me if you were going to keep him waiting all sun. (Incorrect structure in reported speech)
Sol.237.(d) I asked the shopkeeper what the price ofthisbike
(b) Father told me that you are going to keep him waiting all
as. (Correct)
(c) Father asked me are you going to keep me waiting all night.
(that should not be used with what)
(d) Father asked me if I was going to keep him waiting all night.
(b) I asked the shopkeeper what is the price of this bike.
Q (Incorrect tense)
River Bank Colony?” (c) I asked the shopkeeper whatwas the priceof thisbike.
SSC CHSL 04/07/2019 (Morning) ( Incorrect structure)
(a) The stranger asked me can you tell me the way to the River
ol.238.(a) Bhola asked his friend how he could make that
Bank Colony.
charcoal white. (Correct)
(b) The stranger asked me if you could tell him the way to the
(b) Bholatoldhis friend how he could make that charcoalwhite.
River Bank Colony.
( Incorrect Reported Verb)
(c) The stranger asked me if I could tell him the way to the River
(c) Bhola asked his friendhowcanImakethischarcoalwhite.
Bank Colony.
(Incorrect Tense)
(d) The stranger told me that I could tell him the way to the River
(d) Bhola asked his friend how could he make that charcoal
Bank Colony.
white. (Subject should be followed by the Verb)
.241. The lawyersaidtotheaccused,"Wherewereyouatthe
time of the burglary?"
all night. (Correct)
SSC CHSL 04/07/2019 (Evening)
(a) Father asked me if you were going to keep himwaitingall
(a) The lawyer asked the burglar where he was at the time of
night. (Incorrect Tense and pronoun)
(b) Father told me that you are going to keep him waiting all
(b) The lawyer asked the burglar that where was he at the time
night. (Incorrect Tense, Pronoun, Reported Verb)
of burglary.
(c) The lawyer asked the burglar if he was there at the time of
(Incorrect Tense, Subject)
(d) The lawyer asked the burglar where were you at the time of ol.240.(c)ThestrangeraskedmeifIcouldtellhimthewayto
burglary. the River Bank Colony. (Correct)
(a) ThestrangeraskedmecanyoutellmethewaytotheRiver
Q.242. Father said to his daughter, "I will attend your
Bank Colony. ( Incorrect Tense)
onvocation tomorrow."
(b) The stranger asked me if you couldtellhimthewaytothe
SSC CHSL 08/07/2019 (Morning)
River Bank Colony. ( Incorrect Subject)
(a) Father told his daughter that he would attend her
convocation the next day.
Bank Colony. ( Incorrect Reported Verb)
(b) Father told his daughter I will attend her convocation
ol.242.(a) Father told his daughter that he would attend her
convocation the next day. (Correct)
(b) Father told his daughter I will attend her convocation
tomorrow.(Incorrect Tense)
(c) Father told hisdaughterthathewillattendherconvocation
tomorrow. (Incorrect Tense)
(d) Father told his daughter that he will be attending her
convocation the next day. (Incorrect Tense)
Sol.243.(d) The doctor told his patient to continue the same
ourse of medicines for the following week. (Correct)
medicines in the next week. ( Verb I form should be used)
medicines for the next week. ( Incorrect preposition for is used)
(c) The doctor told his patient that he maycontinuethesame
course of medicines in the following week. (Incorrect word)
Q.18. It was decided by Salim Ali to devote his life to the Sol.13.(d)Keep the fire burning at night.(Correct)
reservation of Indian birds.
p (a) You must burn the fire at night.(Incorrect Sentence Structure)
SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) (b) The fire should be burnt at night.(Incorrect Sentence
(a) Salim devoted his life to the preservation of Indian birds. Structure)
(b) Salim Ali decided to devote his life to the preservation of (c) Let the fire burning at night.(Incorrect Sentence Structure)
Indian birds.
(c) Salim Ali has decided to devote his life to the preservation of Sol.14.(d)Nothing can be achieved without hard work.(Correct)
Indian birds. ( a) Nothing is achieved without hard work.(Incorrect Helping
(d) Salim Ali had decided to devote his life to the preservation of Verb)
Indian birds. (b) Nothingwillbe achieved without hard work.(IncorrectModal)
SSC CGL 2023 Tier - 2 Q.24.The matches are being shown live on Sports TV.
SC CHSL 02/08/2023 (2nd Shift)
.19.The award was presented to her by the director.
Q (a) Sports TV is showing the matches live.
SSC CGL Tier II (26/10/2023) (b) Sports TV may be showing the matches live.
(a) She presented the award to the director. (c) Sports TV will be showing the matches live.
(b) The award presented to her by the director. (d) Sports TV can be showing the matches live.
(c) The director presented the award to her.
(d) She was presenting the award to the director. Q.25.The chef prepares the food in the kitchen.
SC CHSL 02/08/2023 (3rd Shift)
.20. By whom were you taught English grammar and
Q (a) The food will be prepared by the chef in the kitchen.
composition? (b) The food prepares by the chef in the kitchen.
SSC CGL Tier II (26/10/2023) (c) The food is preparing by the chef in the kitchen.
(a) Who has taught you English grammar and composition? (d) The food is prepared by the chef in the kitchen.
(b) Whom taught you English grammar and composition?
(c) Who had taught you English grammar and composition? .26. The Governor ofthestateinauguratedtheexhibitionina
(d) Who taught you English grammar and composition? grand way.
SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (4th Shift)
.21.Access denied.
Q (a) The exhibition had been inaugurated by the Governor of the
SSC CGL Tier II (26/10/2023) state in a grand way.
(a) Let the access be denied. (b) The exhibition inaugurated by the Governor of the state in a
(b) Let it be known that access will be denied. grand way.
(c) Access has been denied. (c) The exhibition has been inaugurated by the Governor of the
(d) Access is being denied. state in a grand way.
(d) The exhibition was inaugurated by the Governor of the state
Solutions :- in a grand way.
Q.47.The professor assigns the homework every week. .56.The meeting was called off.
SC CHSL 09/08/2023 (1st Shift)
S SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (3rd Shift)
(a) The homework is assigning by the professor every week. (a) The meeting had been called off.
(b) The homework will be assigned by the professor every week. (b) They called off the meeting.
(c) The homework assigns by the professor every week. (c) Someone called off the meeting.
(d) The homework is assigned by the professor every week. (d) They were calling off the meeting.
Q.48.The company will release the new product nextmonth. .57.By whom were these letters written ?
SC CHSL 09/08/2023 (2nd Shift)
S SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (4th Shift)
(a) The new product will be released by the company next (a) Who have written these letters? (b) Who writes these letters?
month. (c) Who has written this letters? (d) Who wrote these letters?
(b) The new product will release by the company next month.
(c) The new product will be releasing by the company next Q.58. When will the results of the dance competition be
month. nnounced?
(d) The new product is released by the company next month. SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (1st Shift)
(a) When will they are announcing the results of the dance
Q.49.Let the book be read by me. competition?
SC CHSL 09/08/2023 (3rd Shift)
S (b) When will they announce the results of the dance
(a) Let me read the book. (b) Let me had read the book. competition?
(c) Let me have read the book. (d) Let me please read the book. (c) When will they announced the results of the dance
Q.50.The tickets had already been booked by my friend.
(d) Will they announce the results of the dance competition?
SC CHSL 09/08/2023 (3rd Shift)
(a) My friend already booked the tickets. Q.59.Do you obey your elders?
(b) The tickets had already booked my friend. SC CHSL 11/08/2023 (1st Shift)
(c) My friend had already booked the tickets. (a) Are your elders obeyed by you?
(d) My friend has already booked the tickets. (b) Are you obeying by your elders?
.51. The car was manufactured by the company in afactory
Q (c) Have your elders obeyed by you?
overseas. (d) Do your elders obeyed by you?
SSC CHSL 09/08/2023 (4th Shift) Q.60.Suresh stole my book.
(a) The factory overseas was used by the company to SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (2nd Shift)
manufacture the car. (a) My book is being stolen by Suresh.
(b) The company manufactured the car in a factory overseas. (b) My book got stolen by Suresh.
(c) The car was being manufactured by the company in a factory (c) My book was stolen by Suresh.
overseas. (d) My book was being stolen by Suresh.
(d) The car was manufactured in a factory overseas by the
company. Q.61. The Indian army airlifted thousands of people from
Q.52.The garment business has made Archie rich. SSC CHSL 11/08/2023 (3rd Shift)
SC CHSL 09/08/2023 (4th Shift)
S (a) Thousands of people had been airlifted from Ukraine by the
(a) Archie has been made rich by the garment business. Indian army.
(b) Archie have been made rich by the garment business. (b) Thousands of people have been airlifted from Ukraine by the
(c) Archie had been made rich by the garment business. Indian army.
(d) Archie is made rich by the garment business. (c) Thousands of people are airlifted from Ukraine by the Indian
.53.The dog was run over by a truck.
Q army.
SSC CHSL 10/08/2023 (1st Shift) (d) Thousands of people were airlifted from Ukraine by the
Sol.67.(c) The police found the victim innocent as well as
SSC CGL 2023 Tier - 1
onest. (Correct)
(a) The police find the victim innocent as well as honest.
.76. The company's board of directors will announce the
(Incorrect Tense)
financial results at the annual meeting tomorrow.
(b) The police has found the victim innocent and honest.
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (1st shift)
(Incorrect Tense)
(a) The financial results will have been announced by the
(d) The police finds the victim innocent and honest.(Incorrect
company's board of directors at the annual meeting
ol.68.(a) The official opened the entrance of the museum.
S (b) The financial results are being announced by the company's
(Correct) board of directors at the annual meeting tomorrow.
(b) The official had opened the entrance of the museum. (c) The company's board of directors announced the financial
(Incorrect Verb) results at the annual meeting tomorrow.
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(d) The financial results will be announced by the company's month.
board of directors at the annual meeting tomorrow. (b) A new product is being launched by the company next
.77.If the children were not reading the books.
Q (c) The launching of a new product by the company is next
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (2nd shift) month.
(a) Were the books being read by the children? (d) Next month, the company will launch a new product.
(b) Were the books not being read by the children?
(c) Were the book not being read by the children? .87.Most of Earth's surface is covered by water.
(d) Were the children reading the books? SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (3rd shift)
(a) Water is covering most of Earth's surface.
.78.Was the bag packed by Mary?
Q (b) Water has been covering most of Earth's surface.
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (2nd shift) (c) Water covers most of Earth's surface.
(a) Was Mary pack the bag? (b) Is Mary packing the bag? (d) Water has covered most of Earth's surface.
(c) Do Mary pack the bag? (d) Did Mary pack the bag?
.88.The article had not been posted by Mr. Gupta.
.79Who stole my tickets?
Q SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (4th shift)
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (3rd shift) (a) Mr. Gupta had not posted the article.
(a) My tickets was stolen by whom? (b) Mr. Gupta has not posted the article.
(b) My tickets got stolen by who? (c) Mr. Gupta have not been posted the article.
(c) By whom were my tickets stolen? (d) Mr. Gupta still had not posted the article.
(d) My tickets were stolen by who?
Q.89. The ruler ofthecommunityhadalreadypassedadecree
.80.Joseph opened the Bible.
Q gainst that decision.
SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (1st shift) SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (4th shift)
(a) The Bible is being opened by Joseph. (a) A decree had already passed by the ruler of the community
(b) Joseph is opening the Bible. against that decision.
(c) The Bible was opened by Joseph. (b) A decree was already passed by the ruler of the community
(d) Joseph opens the Bible. against that decision.
.81.She might have completed her research by thattime.
Q (c) A decree was already being passed by the ruler of the
SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (2nd shift) community against that decision.
(a) Her research might be completed by her by that time. (d) A decree had already been passed by the ruler of the
(b) Her research might had been completed by her by that time. community against that decision.
(c) Her research might have been completed by her by that time. Q.90. He didn't eat a single morsel of food at his daughter's
(d) Her research might have completed by her by that time. edding.
.82.Darshana was laughed at by all her classmates.
Q SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (1st shift)
SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (3rd shift) (a) A single morsel of food is not eaten by him at his daughter's
(a) All her classmates laughed at Darshana. wedding.
(b) All her classmates laughing at Darshana. ( b) A single morsel of food was not eaten by him at his
(c) Darshana is laughed at by all her classmates. daughter's wedding.
(d) All her classmates will been laugh at Darshana. (c) A single morsel of food can not be eaten by him at his
daughter's wedding.
.83.She is building a new house.
Q (d) A single morsel of food was not being eaten by him at his
SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (1st shift) daughter's wedding.
(a) A new house is being built by her.
(b) She had built a new house. .91. The workers had eaten all the pastries before the day
(c) She has built a new house. broke.
(d) A new house has been built by her. SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (1st shift)
(a) All the pastries were being eaten by the workers before the
Q.84.Mr. Akhil opened the gate. day broke.
SC CGL 18/07/2023 (3rd shift)
S (b) All the pastries had been eaten by the workers before the day
(a) The gate was opened by Mr. Akhil broke.
(b) Mr.Akhil open the gate. (c) All the pastries have been eaten by the workers before the
(c) The gate been open by Mr. Akhil. day broke.
(d) The gate opened by Mr. Akhil. (d) All the pastries are being eaten by the workers before the day
.85.Rahul knows Shahbaz since childhood.
SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (4th shift) .92. The new building was being constructed by the
(a) Shahbaz was known to Rahul since childhood. construction workers.
(b) Shahbaz is known to Rahul since childhood. SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (2nd shift)
(c) Shahbaz known by Rahul since childhood. (a) The construction workers were constructing the new
(d) Shahbaz has known Rahul since childhood. building.
(b) The construction workers had been constructing the new
Q.86.The company is launching a new product nextmonth. building.
SC CGL 19/07/2023 (1st shift)
S (c) The new building has being constructed by the construction
(a) The new product will be launched by the company next
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workers? .101. "The doctor treated the victims of the violence very
(d) The new building is being constructed by the construction carefully".
workers. SSC CGL 25/07/2023 (1st shift)
(a) The doctor was very careful while providing treatment to the
Q.93.If the sweets will be delivered by jack today. victims
SC CGL 20/07/2023 (4th shift)
S (b) The doctor's care was shown to the victims of the violence
(a) Jack will deliver the sweets today (c) The victims of the violence were treated very carefully by the
(b) Will Jack be delivering the sweets today? doctor
(c) Will Jack deliver the sweets today? (d) The victims were treated attentively by the doctor
(d) Are the sweets to be delivered by Jack today?
.94.Who teaches her geography?
Q f or their forthcoming exclusive issue on new trends.
SSC CGL 21/07/2023 (1st shift) SSC CGL 25/07/2023 (3rd shift)
(a) By who geography is taught to her? (a) Unpublished authors will be expected by the magazine house
(b) By whom she is taught geography? for their forthcoming exclusive issue on new trends.
(c) By whom is she taught geography? (b) Unpublished authors were being expected by the magazine
(d) By whom was she taught geography? house for their forthcoming exclusive issue on new trends.
.95.Wedding invitations will be sent by them.
Q (c) Unpublished authors was expected by the magazine house
SSC CGL 21/07/2023 (2nd shift) for their forthcoming exclusive issue on new trends.
(a) They will be sent wedding invitations. (d) Unpublished authors were expected by the magazine house
(b) He will sent wedding invitations. for their forthcoming exclusive issue on new trends.
(c) They will send wedding invitations. .103. Each member of the literary club submitted various
(d) He will be send wedding invitations. literary works for the magazine.
.96.Take the wheels.
Q SSC CGL 25/07/2023 (4th shift)
SSC CGL 21/07/2023 (3rd shift) (a) Various literary works had been submitted by each member
(a) Let the wheels take you (b) Letyou take the wheels of the literary club for the magazine.
(c) Let the wheels be taken by you. (d) Let wheels you take. (b) Various literary works are submitted by each member of the
literary club for the magazine.
.97.Let me buy an expensive bag for my friend.
Q (c) Various literary works were submitted by each member of the
SSC CGL 21/07/2023 (3rd shift) literary club for the magazine.
(a) I request you to buy an expensive bag for my friend. (d) Various literary works were being submitted by each member
(b) An excessive bag will be bought by me for my friend. of the literary club for the magazine.
(c) Let an expensive bag was bought by me for my friend.
(d) Let an expensive bag be bought by me for my friend. .104.You have adopted the plan.
S SC CGL 25/07/2023 (4th shift)
.98.Rover would not swallow the pill.
Q (a) The plan should be adopted by you.
SSC CGL 21/07/2023 (4th shift) (b) The plan is adopted by you.
(a) The pill would not be swallowing by Rover. (c) The plan has being adopted by you.
(b) The pill would not swallowed by Rover. (d) The plan has been adopted by you.
(c) The pill would not be swallowed by Rover.
(d) The pill would not be swallow by Rover .105.The tour guide always answers the visitors'questions.
SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (2nd shift)
Q (a) The visitors' question was always answered by the tour
against the manager. guide.
SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (3rd shift) (b) The visitors' questions are answered by the tour guide
(a) An undigestible criticism would have been raised by one always.
group of the club against the manager. (c) The visitors' questions are always answered by the tour
(b) An undigestible criticism was being raised by one group of guide.
the club against the manager. (d) The visitors' questions are answered always by the tour
(c) An undigestible criticism had been raised by one group of the guide.
club against the manager.
(d) An undigestible criticism has been raised by one group of the Q.106.The French had regarded the scholar as a usurper.
club against the manager. SC CGL 26/07/2023 (3rd shift)
(a) The scholar was being regarded as a usurper by the French.
Q.100.ThegrowingpopulationofIndiawillhavebeencontrolled (b) The scholar has been regarded as a usurper by the French.
y the Indian government by 2040.
b (c) The scholar was regarded as a usurper by the French.
SSC CGL 25/07/2023 (1st shift) (d) The scholar had been regarded as a usurper by the French.
(a) By 2040, the Indian population will have continued to grow
uncontrollably .107.Sanyuktahastobakefifty-onecakesfortheanniversary
(b) By 2040, the Indian government will have controlled the party.
growing population of India. SSC CGL 27/07/2023 (1st shift)
(c) By 2040, the Indian government is successfully controlling (a) Fifty - one cakes will be baked by Sanyukta for the
the growing population of India. anniversary party.
(d) The Indian population will have stabilised by 2022. (b) Fifty - one cakes had to be baken by Sanyukta for the
Sol.109.(a) The teacher was compelled to finish the class Sol.113.(d) The agitators requested the shop owners to close
ooner. (Correct)
s t he shops. (Correct)
(b) The teacher finished the class compelled by us. (Incorrect (a) The agitators request the shop owners toclosetheshops.
Sentence structure) (Incorrect form of Verb)
(c) Finishing the class sooner was what the teacher was (b) The agitators have requestedtheshopownerstoclosethe
compelled to do. (Incorrect Sentence Structure) shops. (Incorrect Tense)
(d) The teacher compelled us to finish the class sooner. (c) The agitators are requesting the shop owners to close the
(Incorrect Sentence Structure) shops. (Incorrect Tense)
Q.110.Why was such a letter written by your brother? .114.Simran was plucking the flowers.
raduate Level 28/06/2023 (Shift - 3)
G SSC CHSL Tier II (26/06/2023)
(a) Why is your brother writing such a letter? (a) The flowers are plucked by Simran.
(b) Why has your brother written such a letter? (b) The flowers will be plucked by Simran.
(c) Why did your brother write such a letter? (c) The flowers have been plucked by Simran.
(d) Why your brother wrote such a letter? (d) The flowers were being plucked by Simran.
Q.111.He ordered the police to pursue the robberand his gang. Q.115.The seller shall dispatch the parcel soon toChennai.
igher Secondary 27/06/2023 (Shift - 3)
H SC CHSL Tier II (26/06/2023)
(a) The police were ordered to pursue the robber and his gang. (a) The parcel will be dispatched soon to Chennai by the seller
(b) Order the police to pursue the robber gang. (b) The parcel may be dispatched by the seller to Chennai soon
(c) Pursue the robber and gang were the orders by police. (c) The parcel might be dispatched by the seller to Chennai
(d) The robber and gang were pursued. soon.
(d) The parcel can be dispatched by the seller to Chennai soon.
.112.Paddy is grown by the farmers of this village.
Matriculation Level 27/06/2023 (Shift - 2) Solutions : -
(a) The farmers of this village grew paddy.
(b) The farmers of this village have grown paddy. Sol.114.(d)The flowers were being plucked by Simran.(Correct)
(c) The farmers of this village grow paddy. ( a) The flowersare pluckedby Simran.(Incorrect Tense)
(d) The farmers of this village had grown Paddy (b) The flowerswill be pluckedby Simran.(IncorrectTense)
(c) The flowershave been pluckedby Simran.(IncorrectTense)
.113. The shopownerswererequestedtoclosetheshopsby
the agitators. Sol.115.(a)TheparcelwillbedispatchedsoontoChennaibythe
Matriculation Level 30/06/2023 (Shift - 3) eller.(Correct)
(a) The agitators request the shop owners to close the shops. (b) The parcel may be dispatched by the seller to Chennai
(b) The agitators have requested the shop owners to close the soon.(Incorrect Verb)
shops. (c) The parcel might be dispatched by the seller to Chennai
(c) The agitators are requesting the shop owners to close the soon.(Incorrect Verb)
shops. (d) The parcel can be dispatched by the seller to Chennai
(d) The agitators requested the shop owners to close the shops. soon.(Incorrect Verb)
Solutions :-
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SSC CHSL 2022 Tier - 1 ( b) All the pastries were eaten by the cat.
(c) All the pastries had been eaten by the cat.
.116.The culture was losing its meaning.
Q (d) All the pastries are eaten by the cat.
SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (2nd Shift)
.125.We had eaten the cake.
(a) The culture lost its meaning.
SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (1st Shift)
(b) The meaning of the culture was lost.
(a) The cake had been eaten by us.
(c) The meaning of the culture was being lost.
(b) The cake will be eaten by us.
(d) The meaning of the culture will lost.
(c) The cake is eaten by us.
Q.117. The story explores the conflicting range of human (d) The cake was eaten by us.
SSC CHSL 10/03/2023 (3rd Shift) Solutions :-
(a) The conflicting range of human emotions had explored by the
story. ol.116.(c)The meaning of the culture was being lost.(Correct)
(b) The conflicting range of human emotions did explored by the (a) The culture lost it's meaning. (Incorrect Sentence Structure)
story. (b) The meaning of the culture was lost. (‘being’ is missing)
(c) The conflicting range of human emotions is explored by the (d) The meaning of the culturewill lost. (IncorrectTense)
(d) The conflicting range of human emotions has explored by the
y the story. (Correct)
.118.Khushi wiped down the tables.
Q story. (Incorrect Tense)
SSC CHSL 13/03/2023 (4th Shift) (b)Theconflictingrangeofhumanemotionsdidexploredbythe
(a) The tables were being wiped down by Khushi. story. (Incorrect Tense)
(b) The tables was wiped down by Khushi. (d)Theconflictingrangeofhumanemotionshasexploredbythe
(c) The tables are wiped down by Khushi. story. (Incorrect Tense)
(d) The tables were wiped down by Khushi.
ol.118.(d)The tables were wiped down by Khushi.(Correct)
.119.The gardener has watered the bushes.
Q (a) The tables were being wiped down by Khushi. (Incorrect
SSC CHSL 14/03/2023 (2nd Shift) Verb)
(a) The bushes have been watered by the gardener. (b) The tableswaswiped down by Khushi. (IncorrectVerb)
(b) The bushes are being watered by the gardener. (c) The tablesare wipeddown by Khushi. (IncorrectTense)
(c) The bushes were being watered by the gardener.
ol.119.(a) The bushes have been watered by the gardener.
(d) The bushes has been watered by the gardener.
.120.The villagers have rebuilt the hospital.
Q (b) The bushes are being watered by the gardener. (Incorrect
SSC CHSL 15/03/2023 (4th Shift) Tense)
(a) The hospital was rebuilt by the villagers. (c) The bushes were being watered bythegardener.(Incorrect
(b) The hospital has been rebuilt by the villagers. Tense)
(c) The hospital had been rebuilt by the villagers. (d) The bushes has been watered by the gardener. (Incorrect
(d) The hospital has rebuilt by the villagers. Verb)
Sol.127.(b)They are firing the canons continuously.(Correct) .136.Why is peace being demanded by you?
( a) They fired canons continuously.(Incorrect Sentence SSC CGL 03/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
Structure) (a) Why you are demanding peace?
(c) Theyhave firedthe canons continuously.(IncorrectTense) (b) Why are peace demanded?
(d) The canons fire continuously.(Incorrect Sentence Structure) (c) Why are you demanding peace?
(d) Why you demand peace?
Sol.128.(a)The publishers will release a new bookon games
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Pinnacle Active Passive
Q.137.The evil king was defeated by Gandolf, the savior. .145.Thechildbrokemanytoysintheshop.Heeventhrewthe
SC CGL 03/12/2022 (3rd Shift)
S paintings.
(a) Gandolf, the savior, defeated the evil king. SSC CGL 09/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
(b) The savior of Gandolf defeated the evil king. (a) Many toys in the shop have been broken by the child. Even
(c) Gandolf, the savior, had defeated the evil king. the paintings were thrown by him.
(d) Gandolf, the savior, defeats the evil king. (b) Many toys in the shop were broken by the child. Even the
paintings have been thrown by him.
.138.The department conferred a scholarship to Kailash.
Q (c) Many toys in the shop were broken by the child. Even the
SSC CGL 05/12/2022 (4th Shift) paintings were thrown by him.
(a) A scholarship had been conferred to Kailash by the (d) Many toys in the shop were broken by the child. He has even
department. thrown the paintings.
(b) A scholarship is being conferred to Kailash by the
department. Q.146.Our machine is shipped to ten different countries.
(c) A scholarship was conferred to Kailash by the department. SC CGL 09/12/2022 (4th Shift)
(d) A scholarship has been conferred in Kailash by the (a) We shipped our machine to ten different countries.
department. (b) We are shipping our machine to ten different countries.
(c) Someone ship our machine on ten different countries.
.139.AIDS will have been cured by the year 2070by scientists.
Q (d) We ship our machine to ten different countries.
SSC CGL 06/12/2022 (1st Shift)
(a) Scientists will have cured AIDS by the year 2070. Q.147.Before she came all the work had been completedby me.
(b) Scientists cured AIDS by the year 2070. SC CGL 12/12/2022 (1st Shift)
(c) Scientists will cure AIDS by the year 2070 (a) I will complete all my work before she came.
(d) Scientists must have cured AIDS by the year 2070. (b) I had completed all my work before she came.
(c) I completed all my work before she came.
Q.140. The company sold the newly introduced car to the (d) I complete all my work before she came.
ighest bidder.
SSC CGL 06/12/2022 (4th Shift) Q.148. The driver was taken to the nearest dispensary by the
(a) The newly introduced car was sold to the highest bidder by eggars.
the company. SSC CGL 13/12/2022 (1st Shift)
(b) The company sold the newly introduced car to the highest (a) The beggars take the driver to the nearest dispensary.
bidder. (b) The beggars took the driver to dispensary.
(c) The newly introduced car has sold to the highest bidder by (c) The beggars took the driver to the nearest dispensary.
the company. (d) To the nearest dispensary, the beggars took the driver.
(d) The newly introduced car sold to the highest bidder by the
Company. .149.They welcomed Jane and Karan to the gathering.
S SC CGL 13/12/2022 (3rd Shift)
Q.141.The patient remembers his son taking him tothe temple. (a) Jane and Karan is welcomed by them to the gathering.
SC CGL 07/12/2022 (2nd Shift)
S (b) Jane and Karan had been welcomed by them to the
(a) The patient remembers he was taken to the temple by his gathering.
son. (c) Jane and Karan are welcomed by them to the gathering.
(b) The patient remembers taken to the temple by his son. (d) Jane and Karan were welcomed by them to the gathering.
(c) The patient remembers himself being taken to the temple by
his son. Q.150.Where was this pen found by him?
(d) The patient remembers being taken to the temple by his son. SC CGL 13/12/2022 (4th Shift)
(a) Where do he find this pen? (b) Where does he find this pen?
.142. Luckily, the machinery was not used by them.
Q (c) Where did he found this pen? (d) Where did he find this pen?
SSC CGL 07/12/2022 (3rd Shift)
(a) Luckily, they had not used the machinery. Solutions :-
(b) Luckily, they did not used the machinery.
(c) Luckily, they have not used the machinery. ol.130.(c)Have they occupied the villa?
(d) Luckily, I did not used the machinery. (a)Did they occupiedthe villa? (Incorrect Tense)
(b)Had they occupiedthe villa? (Incorrect Tense)
.143.How will his problems be fixed by you?
(d)Do they occupiedthe villa? (Incorrect Tense)
SSC CGL 07/12/2022 (4th Shift)
(a) How are you fixing his problems? ol.131.(c)The clothes are washed by Priya in theevening.
(b) How you fix his problems? (a) The clotheswas washedby Priya in the evening.(Incorrect
(c) How will you fix his problems? Tense)
(d) How his problems fixed? (b) The clothes is washed by Priya in the evening. (Incorrect
Q.144. The important points were narrated in the classbythe
(d) TheclotheswerewashedbyPriyaintheevening.(Incorrect
t eacher.
SSC CGL 08/12/2022 (1st Shift)
(a) The teacher was narrating important points in the class. ol.132.(c) The marble was rolledthroughasmallplasticpipe
(b) The teacher had narrated the important points in the class. by Robin.
(c) The teacher narrated the important points in the class. (a) The marble was rolled by Robin in a small plastic pipe.
(d) In the class, the important points were narrated. (Incorrect Sentence Structure)
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Pinnacle Active Passive
(b) A small plastic pipe was rolled throughamarblebyRobin. (b) The patient remembers taken to the temple by his son.
( Incorrect subject) ( ‘being’ is missing)
(d)ThemarblethroughasmallplasticpipewasrolledbyRobin. (c)Thepatientremembershimselfbeingtakentothetempleby
(Incorrect Sentence Structure) his son. (Incorrect Pronoun)
ol.133.(a) The movie has been downloaded by him on his
S Sol.142.(b)Luckily, they did not use the machinery.(correct)
phone. ( a) Luckily, theyhad not usedthe machinery. (IncorrectTense)
(b)Themoviewasdownloadedbyhimonhisphone.(Incorrect (c) Luckily, theyhave not usedthe machinery. (IncorrectTense)
Tense) (d) Luckily, I did notusedthe machinery. (IncorrectVerb)
(c) The movie is been downloaded by him on his phone.
(Incorrect Tense) ol.143.(c)How will you fix his problems? (correct)
(d) The movie are being downloaded by him on his phone. (a) Howare you fixinghis problems? (Incorrect Tense)
(Incorrect Tense) (b) How you fix his problems? (Incorrect Sentence Structure)
(d) How his problems fixed? (Incorrect Sentence Structure)
ol.134.(d)My father can't switch off her phone.
(a) My father switches off her phone. (Incorrect Sentence ol.144.(c) The teacher narrated the important points in the
Structure) class.
(b) My fathercouldnot switch off her phone. (IncorrectVerb) (a) The teacher was narrating important points in the class.
(c) My fatherhave not switchedoff her phone. (IncorrectTense) (Incorrect Tense)
(b) The teacher had narratedtheimportantpointsintheclass.
Sol.135.(b)Cantonese is spoken in Hong-Kong. (Incorrect Tense)
( a) Cantonesewas spokenin Hong-Kong. (IncorrectTense) (d) In the class, the important points were narrated.(Incorrect
(c) Cantonese was spoken in Hong-Kong by people.(Incorrect Sentence Structure)
(d) Cantonese isbeingspoken in Hong-Kong. (IncorrectVerb) Sol.145.(c)Manytoysintheshopwerebrokenbythechild.Even
t he paintings were thrown by him.
ol.136.(c)Why are you demanding peace?
S (a) Many toys in the shop havebeenbrokenbythechild.Even
(a) Why you are demanding peace? (Incorrect Sentence the paintings were thrown by him. (Incorrect Tense)
Structure) (b) Many toys in the shop were broken by the child. Even the
(b) Why are peacedemanded? (Incorrect Verb) paintingshave been thrownby him. (Incorrect Tense)
(d) Why youdemandpeace? (Incorrect Verb) (d)Manytoysintheshopwerebrokenbythechild.Hehaseven
thrown the paintings. (Incorrect Sentence Structure)
Sol.137.(a)Gandolf, the savior, defeated the evilking.
( b) The savior of Gandolf defeated the evil king. (Incorrect Sol.146.(d)We ship our machine to ten different countries.
Sentence Structure) ( a)Weshippedourmachinetotendifferentcountries.(Incorrect
(c) Gandolf, the savior,had defeatedthe evil king.(Incorrect Tense)
Tense) (b) We are shipping our machine to ten different countries.
(d) Gandolf, the savior,defeatsthe evil king. (IncorrectVerb) (Incorrect Tense)
(c) Someone ship our machine on ten different countries.
Sol.138.(c) A scholarship was conferred to Kailash by the
(Incorrect Sentence Structure)
(a) A scholarship had been conferred to Kailash by the Sol.147.(b)I had completed all my work before shecame.
department. (Incorrect Tense) ( a) I will complete all my work before she came. (Incorrect
(b) A scholarship is being conferred to Kailash by the Tense)
department. (Incorrect Tense) (c) Icompletedall my work before she came. (IncorrectTense)
(d) A scholarship has been conferred in Kailash by the (d) Icompleteall my work before she came. (IncorrectTense)
department. (Incorrect Tense)
Sol.148.(c) The beggars took the driver to the nearest
ol.139.(a)Scientists will have cured AIDS by theyear 2070.
S ispensary.
(b) Scientists cured AIDS by the year 2070. (Incorrect Tense) (a) The beggars take the driver to the nearest dispensary.
(c) Scientists willcureAIDS by the year 2070. (IncorrectVerb) (Incorrect Tense)
(d)ScientistsmusthavecuredAIDSbytheyear2070.(Incorrect (b) The beggars took the driver to dispensary. (‘Nearest’ is
Modal Verb) missing)
Sol.140.(a) The newly introduced car was sold to the highest (d) To the nearest dispensary, the beggars took the driver.
idder by the company.
b (Incorrect Sentence Structure)
(b) T he company sold the newly introduced car to thehighest ol.149.(d) Jane and Karan were welcomed by them to the
bidder. (Incorrect Sentence Structure) gathering.
(c) The newly introduced car has soldtothehighestbidderby (a) Jane and Karan is welcomed by them to the gathering.
the company. (Incorrect Verb) (Incorrect Tense)
(d) The newly introduced car sold to the highestbidderbythe (b) Jane and Karan had been welcomed by them to the
company. (Verb ‘was’ is missing) gathering. (Incorrect Tense)
Sol.141.(d)Thepatientremembersbeingtakentothetempleby (c) Jane and Karan are welcomed by them to the gathering.
is son.
h (Incorrect Tense)
(a) The patient remembers he was taken to the temple byhis
Sol.150.(d)Where did he find this pen?
son. (‘being’ is missing)
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Pinnacle Active Passive
( a) Wheredo hefind this pen? (Incorrect Tense) Sol.151.(b) Rani’s caristwelveyearsoldbutshehasn’tusedit
(b) Wheredoes hefind this pen? (Incorrect Tense) uch. (Correct)
(c) Where did hefoundthis pen? (Incorrect Verb) (a) Rani’s car is twelve years old but she isn’t using it much.
(Incorrect Helping Verb)
SSC CGL 2021 Tier - 2 (c) Rani’s car is twelve years old but she didn’t use it much.
(Incorrect tense)
.151. Rani’s car is twelve years old but it has notbeenused
Q (d) Rani’s car is twelve years old but it hasn’t used her much.
much. (Incorrect pronoun)
SSC CGL Tier II ( 08/08/2022 )
(a) Rani’s car is twelve years old but she isn’t using it much.
on how to be a responsible adult. (Correct)
(b) Rani’s car is twelve years old but she hasn’t used it much.
(c) Rani’s car is twelve years old but she didn’t use it much.
a responsible adult. (Incorrect tense)
(d) Rani’s car is twelve years old but it hasn’t used her much.
Q.152.GrannyhadgivenUncleKenagoodlectureonhowtobe responsible adult. (Meaning of sentence changed)
responsible adult.
a (c)UncleKenwasbeinggivenagoodlecturebyGrannyonhow
SSC CGL Tier II ( 08/08/2022 ) to be a responsible adult. (Incorrect Tense)
(a) Uncle Ken was giving a good lecture to Granny on how to
be a responsible adult.
and property in July this year at the Andhra coast. (Correct)
(b) Granny was given a good lecture by Uncle Ken on how to
be a responsible adult.
property in July this yearatthecyclone.(Meaningofsentence
(c) Uncle Ken was being given a good lecture by Granny on
how to be a responsible adult.
(b) The cyclone could not cause much damage tothelifeand
(d) Uncle Ken had been given a good lecture by Granny on
property in July this year at the. (Incorrect sentence structure)
how to be a responsible adult.
(d) The cyclone has not caused much damage to the life and
Q property in July this year at the Andhra coast. (Incorrect Tense)
the cyclone in July this year at the Andhra coast.
Sol.154.(c) He made a bed time story for me every night.
SSC CGL Tier II ( 08/08/2022 )
( Correct)
(a) The Andhra coast did not cause much damage to the life
(a) He has been making a bed time story for me every night.
and property in July this year at the cyclone.
(Incorrect Tense)
(b) The cyclone could not cause much damage to the life and
(b) He hasmadeabedtimestoryformeeverynight.(Incorrect
property in July this year at the.
(c) The cyclone did not cause much damage to the life and
(d) I made a bed time story for him every night.(Incorrect
property in July this year at the Andhra coast.
(d) The cyclone has not caused much damage to the life and
property in July this year at the Andhra coast. ol.155.(b) How many members did you inform about the
meeting in time? (Correct)
Q.154.A bed time story was made by him for me everynight.
(a) How many meetings did you inform aboutthemembersin
SC CGL Tier II ( 08/08/2022 )
time? (Meaning of sentence changed)
(a) He has been making a bed time story for me every night.
(b) He has made a bed time story for me every night.
time? (Incorrect Tense)
(c) He made a bed time story for me every night.
(d) I made a bed time story for him every night
time? (Incorrect sentence structure)
ol.156.(d)This assignment does not interest me.(Correct)
t ime?
(a) This assignment has not interested me. (Meaning of
SSC CGL Tier II ( 08/08/2022 )
sentence changed)
(a) How many meetings did you inform about the members in
(b) This assignment is not interesting me. (Incorrect Tense
(b) How many members did you inform about the meeting in
(c) This assignmentdid not interestme. (IncorrectTense)
(c) How many members have you informed about the meeting in
SSC Selection Post (Phase - X)
(d) How many members could you inform about the meeting in
Q.157.Are fossil fuels not impacting human health?
raduate Level 01/08/2022 (Shift - 4)
Q.156.I am not interested in this assignment. (a) Is human health not impacted by fossil fuel?
SC CGL Tier II ( 08/08/2022 )
S (b) Was human health not being impacted by fossil fuel?
(a) This assignment has not interested me. (c) Did human health not being impacted by fossil fuel?
(b) This assignment is not interesting me. (d) Is human health not being impacted by fossil fuel?
(c) This assignment did not interest me.
Q.158.She will be wearing a pink dress to the wedding.
(d) This assignment does not interest me.
raduate Level 03/08/2022 (Shift - 3)
Solutions :- (a) A pink dress will be wear by her to the wedding.
Q .175.Usnis has not used the computer for weeks.
students to institutes all over the country. SSC CHSL 09/06/2022 (Morning)
SSC CHSL 31/05/2022 (Evening) (a) The computer did not used by Usnis for weeks.
(a) Students are being sent the flyer for the international (b) The computer has not been used by Usnis for weeks.
symposium to institutes all over the country. (c) The computer was not been used by Usnis for weeks.
(b) The flyer for the international symposium is sent by students (d) The computer has not being used by Usnis for weeks.
to institutes all over the country. Q.176.Anewpolicyforpeaceandtolerancewasformulatedby
(c) Students are sending the flyer for the international t he member nations in the Universal Council meeting yesterday.
symposium to institutes all over the country. SSC CHSL 09/06/2022 (Morning)
(d) The flyer is sending the students to institutes all over the (a) The member nations formulated a new policy for peace and
country for the international symposium. tolerance in the Universal Council meeting yesterday.
Q.170. I am goingtoaskallemployeesabouttheincidentthat (b) The member nations in the Universal Council meeting
took place in the canteen yesterday. yesterday were formulated a new policy for peace and
SSC CHSL 02/06/2022 (Morning) tolerance.
(a) All the employees are gone to be asked about the incident (c) The member nations in the Universal Council meeting
that took place in the canteen yesterday. yesterday were formulating a new policy for peace and
(b) All the employees are going to be asked about the incident tolerance.
that took place in the canteen yesterday. (d) A new policy formulated the member nations in the
(c) All the employees are asked by me about the incident that Universal Council meeting yesterday for peace and tolerance
took place in the canteen yesterday.
Solutions :-
(d) All the employees will go to be questioned by me about the
incident that took place in the canteen yesterday. ol.163.(c)Thefaceofhealthsciencesislikelytobealteredby
the most recent studies on the human body. (Correct)
Q.171. Aswascustomary,theyoungprincewasbroughttothe
odium in a diamond studded carriage for the coronation
altered by the face of health sciences.(Incorrect Sentence
SSC CHSL 03/06/2022 (Afternoon)
(b) Thefaceofhealthscienceswillbealteringthemostrecent
(a) As was customary, the young prince brings himself to the
studies on the human Body. (Incorrect Tense)
podium in a diamond studded carriage for the coronation
studies on the human Body. (Incorrect Sentence Structure)
(b) As was customary, the young prince is bought to the podium
in a diamond studded carriage for the coronation ceremony. Sol.164.(b)Have you uploaded the assignment? (Correct)
(c) As was customary, the young prince brought in a diamond ( a) Have youbeenuploaded the assignment? (IncorrectVerb)
studded carriage to the podium for the coronation ceremony. (c)Did you uploadthe assignment? (Incorrect Tense)
(d) As was customary, the palace staff brought the young prince (d)Were you uploadingthe assignment? (IncorrectTense)
to the podium in a diamond studded carriage for the
coronation ceremony. ol.165.(b)Somebody narrated the incident to Naresh.(Correct)
(a) Somebody was narrating the incident to Naresh. (Incorrect
Q.172.He ordered the police to pursue the robberand his gang. Tense)
SC CHSL 06/06/2022 (Evening)
S (c) Somebody was about to narrate the incident to Naresh.
(a) Order the police to pursue the robber gang. (Incorrect Sentence Structure)
(b) Pursue the robber and gang were the orders by police. (d) Somebodywill narratethe incident to Naresh.(Incorrect
(c) The robber and gang were pursued. Tense)
(d) The police were ordered to pursue the robber and his gang.
Sol.166.(a) Everybody in the family isgoingtoadmirethenew
.173. The national anthem was being sung very
Q ride. (Correct)
enthusiastically by young students in the annual event. (b) Everybody in the family was admiring the new bride.
SSC CHSL 06/06/2022 (Evening) (Incorrect Tense)
(a) The young students in the annual event were singing the (c) Everybody in the family has been going to admire thenew
national anthem very enthusiastically. bride. (Incorrect Tense)
(b) The national anthem was sung very enthusiastically for (d) Everybody in thefamilywasgoingtoadmirethenewbride.
young students in the annual event. (Incorrect Tense)
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Pinnacle Active Passive
ol.167.(d) The airport security refused him admittance.
S ational anthem very Enthusiastically. (Incorrect tense)
(Correct) (d) The national anthem sang the young students very
(a) The airport security is refusing him admittance. (Incorrect enthusiastically. (Incorrect structure)
(b) The airport security hasrefusedhimadmittance.(Incorrect Sol.174.(d) It is proposed to build a dam for irrigation
Tense) urposes. (Correct)
(c) The airport security hadrefusedhimadmittance.(Incorrect (a) Build a dam for irrigation purposes. (Tone has changed to
Tense) authoritative)
(b) For the irrigation purposes adamhasbeenbuilt.(Meaning
ol.168.(c) The research team added four grams of sodium
S has changed)
chloride to the mixture. (Correct) (c) Irrigation dam is built. (Meaning has changed)
(a) The research team added the mixture to four grams of
sodium chloride. (Incorrect Sentence Structure/ Meaning has Sol.175.(b) The computer has not been used by Usnis for
changed) weeks. (Correct)
(b) Four grams of sodium chloride added the mixture to the (a) The computer did not used by Usnis for weeks. (Incorrect
Structure/ Meaning has changed) tense)
(d) The mixture added four grams of sodium chloride to the (c) The computer was not been used by Usnis for weeks.
research team. (Incorrect Sentence Structure) (Incorrect tense)
(d) The computer has not being used by Usnis for weeks.
ol.169.(c) Students are sending the flyer for theinternational
S (Incorrect tense)
symposium to institutes all over the country. (Correct)
(a) Students are being sent the flyer for the international ol.176.(a) The member nations formulated a new policy for
symposium to institutes all over the country. (Incorrect Tense) peaceandtoleranceintheUniversalCouncilmeetingyesterday.
(b)Theflyerfortheinternationalsymposiumissentbystudents (Correct)
to institutes all over the Country. (Incorrect Sentence Structure) (b) The member nations in the Universal Council meeting
(d) The flyer is sending the students to institutes all over the yesterday were formulated a new policy for peace and
country for the international Symposium. (Incorrect Sentence tolerance. (Incorrect tense)
Structure) (c) The member nations in the Universal Council meeting
yesterday were formulating a new policy for peace and
ol.170.(b) All the employees are going tobeaskedaboutthe
S tolerance. (Incorrect tense)
incident that took place in the canteen yesterday. (Correct) (d) A new policy formulated the member nations in the
(a) All the employees are gone to be askedabouttheincident Universal Council meeting yesterday for peace and tolerance.
that took place in the canteen yesterday.(Incorrect Verb) (Incorrect beginning)
(c) All the employees are asked by me abouttheincidentthat
took place in the canteen Yesterday. (Incorrect Verb)
(d) Alltheemployeeswillgotobequestionedbymeaboutthe
SSC CGL 2021 Tier - 1
incident that took place in the canteen yesterday. (Incorrect
.177.Give the child a nourishing diet.
Sentence Structure)
SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Afternoon)
Sol.171.(d) As was customary, the palace staff brought the (a) The child is given a nourishing diet.
y oung prince tothepodiuminadiamondstuddedcarriagefor (b) The child was given a nourishing diet.
the coronation ceremony. (Correct) (c) The child should be given a nourishing diet.
(a) As was customary, the young princebrings himselftothe (d) The child must have given a nourishing diet.
podium in a diamond studded carriage for the coronation
ceremony. (Incorrect Sentence Structure) .178. The poems of great English poets are beingtranslated
(b)Aswascustomary,theyoungprinceisboughttothepodium into other languages.
in a diamond studded carriage for the coronation ceremony. SSC CGL 11/04/2021 (Afternoon)
(Incorrect Sentence Structure) (a) They were translating the poems of great English poets into
(c) As was customary, the young princebroughtinadiamond other languages
studded carriage to the podium for the coronation ceremony. (b) They are translating the poems of great English poets into
(Incorrect Sentence Structure) other languages
(c) They have translated the poems of great English poets into
Sol.172.(d)Thepolicewereorderedtopursuetherobberandhis other languages.
ang. (Correct)
g (d) They translated the poems of great English poets into other
(a) Order the police to pursue the robber gang. (Incorrect languages.
(b) Pursue the robber and gang were the orders by police. .179. They catch whale sharks commercially in someplaces
(Incorrect beginning) around the world.
(c)The robber and gangwere pursued. (Incorrect beginning) SSC CGL 13/04/2022 (Evening)
(a) Whale sharks were caught commercially in some places
Sol.173.(a)Theyoungstudentsintheannualeventweresinging around the world.
t he national anthem very enthusiastically. (Correct) (b) Whale sharks are being caught commercially in some places
(b) The national a
nthem was sung very enthusiastically for around the world.
young students intheannualEvent.(Meaningofthe sentence (c) Whale sharks have been caught commercially in some
has changed) places around the world.
(c) The young students in the annual eventhad beensingingthe (d) Whale sharks are caught commercially in some places
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Pinnacle Active Passive
around the world. Sol.180.(a)By whom is this mess being created? (Correct)
( b) Whohas createdthis mess? (Incorrect Tense)
.180.Who is creating this mess?
Q (c) By whomhasthis mess been created? (IncorrectVerb)
SSC CGL 18/04/2022 (Morning) (d) By whom this mess being created? (The verb ‘is’ is missing)
(a) By whom is this mess being created?
(b) Who has created this mess? ol.181.(b)Camouflageisreliedonbymostlizardstohidefrom
(c) By whom has this mess been created? their enemies. (Correct)
(d) By whom this mess being created? (a)Camouflagehasbeenreliedonbymostlizardstohidefrom
their enemies. (Incorrect Tense)
Q.181. Most lizards rely on camouflage to hide from their (c) Camouflagewas reliedon by most lizards to hidefrom their
e enemies. (Incorrect Tense)
SSC CGL 18/04/2022 (Evening) (d)Mostlizardsarebeingreliedonbycamouflagetohidefrom
(a) Camouflage has been relied on by most lizards to hide from their enemies. (Incorrect Tense)
their enemies.
(b) Camouflage is relied on by most lizards to hide from their ol.182.(a)(a)Iwillbeassigninganewprojecttomymanager.
enemies. (Correct)
(c) Camouflage was relied on by most lizards to hide from their (b)Mymanagerisassigningmeanewproject.(Themeaningof
the sentence has changed)
(c) My managerhasassignedmeanewproject.(Themeaning
(d) Most lizards are being relied on by camouflage to hide from
of the sentence has changed)
their enemies.
(d) I am being assigned a new project by my manager. (The
Q.182.My manager will be assigned a new project byme. meaning of the sentence has changed)
SC CGL 19/04/2022 (Afternoon)
S Note- (Themeaningofthegivensentenceis- Mymanagerwill
(a) I will be assigning a new project to my manager. be assigned a new project by me.
(b) My manager is assigning me a new project.
ol.183.(c)Can my bag be carried upstairs by you?(Correct)
(c) My manager has assigned me a new project.
(a) Was my bag carried upstairs by you? (Incorrect Sentence
(d) I am being assigned a new project by my manager.
Q.183.Can you carry my bag upstairs? (b)Couldyour bag be carried upstairs by me? (IncorrectVerb)
SC CGL 19/04/2022 (Afternoon)
S (d) Canyourbag be carried upstairs by me? (IncorrectPronoun)
(a) Was my bag carried upstairs by you?
ol.184.(d)Let the rope be held firmly. (Correct)
(b) Could your bag be carried upstairs by me?
(a) Let the rope hold you firmly. (Meaning has changed)
(c) Can my bag be carried upstairs by you?
(b) Let the rope firmly hold you. (Meaning has changed)
(d) Can your bag be carried upstairs by me?
(c) Let the rope beholdfirmly. (Incorrect Verb)
.184.Hold the rope firmly
SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Evening) SSC CGL 2020 Tier - 2
(a) Let the rope hold you firmly. (b) Let the rope firmly hold you.
(c) Let the rope be hold firmly (d) Let the rope be held firmly. .185.Elaborate plans are being made for Aarushi’sdestination
Solutions :- SSC CGL Tier II (29/01/2022)
(a) They are making elaborate plans for Aarushi’s destination
ol.177.(c)The child should be given a nourishingdiet. (Correct)
S wedding.
(a) The childisgiven a nourishing diet. (IncorrectWord) (b) They have made elaborate plans for Aarushi’s destination
(b) The childwas givena nourishing diet. (IncorrectTense) wedding.
(d) The child must have given a nourishing diet. (Incorrect (c) They have been making elaborate plans for Aarushi’s
Tense) destination wedding.
(d) They made elaborate plans for Aarushi’s destination
ol.178.(b) They are translating the poems of great English
poets into other languages. (Correct)
(a)TheyweretranslatingthepoemsofgreatEnglishpoetsinto Q.186.Walking zones have been demarcated using paintsand
other languages. (Incorrect Tense) ones by the municipal corporation.
(c) They have translated thepoemsofgreatEnglishpoetsinto SSC CGL Tier II (29/01/2022)
other languages. (Incorrect Tense) (a) Walking zones are demarcating the municipal corporation
(d) TheytranslatedthepoemsofgreatEnglishpoetsintoother using paints and cones.
languages. (Incorrect Tense) (b) The municipal corporation has demarcated walking zones
using paints and cones.
ol.179.(d) Whale sharks are caught commercially in some
(c) The municipal corporation will demarcate walking zones
places around the world. (Correct)
using paints and cones.
(a) Whale sharks were caught commercially in some places
(d) The municipal corporation is demarcating walking zones
around the world. (Incorrect Tense)
using paints and cones.
around the world. (Incorrect Tense) Q.187. Enough money will have been saved by me for a new
(c) Whale sharks have been caught commercially in some ouse by next year
places around the world. (Incorrect Tense) SSC CGL Tier II (29/01/2022)
.195. The invigilator is advising the students not to carry
Q ol.197.(c) Two good jobs have been found by Imran in the
calculators into the examination hall. advertisements of the newspaper. (Correct)
SSC CGL 13/08/2021 (Morning) (a) Two good jobs are being found by Imran in the
(a) The students have been advised not to carry calculators into advertisements of the newspaper. (Incorrect Tense)
calculators into the examination hall. (b)TwogoodjobshadfoundbyImranintheadvertisementsof
( b) The students were advised not to carry calculators into the the newspaper. (Incorrect Tense)
examination hall. (d)TwogoodjobshasfoundbyImranintheadvertisementsof
(c) The students are being advised by the invigilator not to carry the newspaper. (Incorrect Tense)
calculators into the examination hall. Sol.198.(c) An impressive parade was put up by the armed
(d) The students were advised the invigilator not to carry f orces on Republic Day. (Correct)
calculators into the examination (a) An impressive parade is puttingupbythearmedforceson
.196. The man bought a parrot that could speak five
Q Republic Day. (Incorrect Tense)
languages. (b) An impressiveparadewasbeingputuponRepublicDayby
SSC CGL 17/08/2021 (Morning) the armed forces. (Incorrect Tense)
(a) A parrot that could spoke five languages bought the man. (d)Animpressiveparadehavebeenputupbythearmedforces
(b) A parrot that spoken five languages was bought by the man. on Republic Day. (Incorrect Tense)
(c) A parrot that spoke five languages was bought by the man.
(d) A parrot that spoke five languages had been bought by the SSC CHSL 2020 Tier - 1
Q.199. The disaster management team rescued the flood
Q.197.Imran has found two good jobs in the advertisementsof v ictims.
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Pinnacle Active Passive
SC CHSL 12/04/2021 (Afternoon)
S Solutions :-
(a) The flood victims have been rescued by the disaster
management team. ol.199.(d)The flood victims were rescued by thedisaster
(b) The flood victims are being rescued by the disaster management team. (Correct)
management team. (a) The flood victims have been rescued by the disaster
(c) The flood victims are rescued by the disaster management management team. (Incorrect Tense)
team. (b) The flood victims are being rescued by the disaster
(d) The flood victims were rescued by the disaster management management team. (Incorrect Tense)
team. (c) The flood victims are rescuedbythedisastermanagement
team. (Incorrect Tense)
.200.The maid was dusting the hall when the door-bellrang.
Sol.200.(a) The door-bell rang when thehallwasbeingdusted
SSC CHSL 13/04/2021 (Evening)
y the maid. (Correct)
(a) The door-bell rang when the hall was being dusted by the
(b) The door-bell rang by the maid when the hall was dusted.
(Incorrect Tense)
(b) The door-bell rang by the maid when the hall was dusted.
(c) The door-bell rang when the maid was dusting the hall.
(c) The door-bell rang when the maid was dusting the hall.
(Incorrect Tense)
(d) The door-bell rang when the maid is dusting the hall.
(d) The door-bell rang when the maid is dusting the hall.
Q.201.Teachers should cover all the topics in thesyllabus. (Incorrect Tense)
SC CHSL 19/04/2021 (Evening)
ol.201.(a) All the topics in the syllabus shouldbecoveredby
(a) All the topics in the syllabus should be covered by teachers.
teachers. (Correct)
(b) Teachers should be covered the syllabus in all the topics.
(b) Teachers should be covered the syllabus in all the topics.
(c) Teachers should be covered all the topics in the syllabus.
(Incorrect placement of Subject/Object)
(d) All the topics in the syllabus should cover teachers.
(c) Teachers should be covered all the topics in the syllabus.
.202.At the last moment, a fireman pulled out Manoharfrom
Q (Incorrect placement of Subject/Object)
the burning bus. (d) All the topics in the syllabusshouldcoverteachers.(‘be’is
SSC CHSL 04/08/2021 (Evening) missing after the modal ‘should’)
(a) At the last moment, Manohar was pulling out of the burning
ol.202.(b) Atthelastmoment,Manoharwaspulledoutofthe
bus by a fireman.
burning bus by a fireman. (Correct)
(b) At the last moment, Manohar was pulled out of the burning
bus by a fireman.
bus by a fireman. (Incorrect tense)
(c) At the last moment, Manohar had been pulled out of the
(c) At the last moment, Manohar had been pulled out of the
burning bus by a fireman.
burning bus by a fireman. (Incorrect tense)
(d) At the last moment, a fireman was pulled out of the burning
bus by Manohar.
bus by Manohar. (Meaning changed)
Q.203.Wi-Fi hotspots will be installed by the governmentin
r emote areas by 2022
areas by 2022.(Correct)
SSC CHSL 05/08/2021 (Evening)
(a) Wi-Fi hotspots will install in remote areas by 2022 by the
(a) Wi-Fi hotspots will install in remote areas by 2022 by the
government. (Incorrect Subject, Object and verb form)
(b) Remote areas will install Wi-Fi hotspotsbythegovernment
(b) Remote areas will install Wi-Fi hotspots by the government
by 2022 , (Incorrect Subject, Object and verb form)
by 2022
(c) The government will install remote areas and hotspots by
(c) The government will install remote areas and hotspots by
2022.(Meaning has changed)
(d) The government will install Wi-Fi hotspots in remote areas by ol.204.(b)How much will you be paid by them? (Correct)
2022 (a) How much will they bepaying? (Incorrect Tense)
(c) Payment will be done by them?(Incorrect Sentence Structure)
.204.How much will they pay you?
(d) They will have paid you how much? (Incorrect Sentence
SSC CHSL 09/08/2021 (Afternoon)
(a) How much will they be paying?
(b) How much will you be paid by them? Sol.205.(d) Very good advice was giventothestudentsbythe
(c) Payment will be done by them? ounsellor. (Correct)
(d) They will have paid you how much? (a) Very good advice to the studentshas been givenby the
counsellor. (Incorrect tense)
Q.205.The counsellor gave very good advice to thestudents. (b) Very good advice to the students had been given by the
SC CHSL 11/08/2021 (Evening)
S counsellor. (Incorrect tense)
(a) Very good advice to the students has been given by the (c) Verygoodadviceisgiventothestudentsbythecounsellor.
counsellor. (Incorrect tense)
(b) Very good advice to the students had been given by the
SSC CPO 2019 Tier - 2
(c) Very good advice is given to the students by the counsellor.
(d) Very good advice was given to the students by the
.206.People say he has lived on liquid diet foryears.
SSC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021)
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Pinnacle Active Passive
( a) He has said to have lived on liquid diet for years. ( c)Is someone verifyingall the bills? (Incorrect Tense)
(b) He is said to have been living on liquid diet for years. (d)Havesomeone verified all the bills? (IncorrectVerb)
(c) He is said to have lived on liquid diet for years.
(d) He is said to live on liquid diet for years. ol.209.(b)May God bless you with good health! (Correct)
(a) May Godbe blessingyou with good health! (IncorrectTense)
.207.Are the attendance rules being relaxed by theauthorities?
Q (c) May Godblessedyou with good health! (IncorrectVerb)
SSC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021) (d) Mayyou bless Godwith good health! (IncorrectSentence
(a) Have the authorities relaxed the attendance rules? Structure)
(b) Are the authorities relaxing the attendance rules?
(c) Have the authorities been relaxing the attendance rules? ol.210.(b)We object to this unfair proposal. (Correct)
(d) Are the authorities going to relax the attendance rules? (a) Weare objectingthis unfair proposal. (IncorrectTense)
(c) We object this unfair proposal. (Preposition ‘to’ is missing)
.208.Have all the bills been verified by someone?
Q (d) Wehave objectedto this unfair proposal. (IncorrectTense)
SSC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021)
(a) Has someone verify all the bills? Sol.211.(a)Thematterhasbeendiscussedbythecommitteefor
(b) Has someone verified all the bills? everal days. (Correct)
(c) Is someone verifying all the bills? (b)Thematterhasdiscussedbythecommitteeforseveraldays.
(d) Have someone verified all the bills? (Incorrect verb)
(c) Thematterisbeingdiscussedbythecommitteeforseveral
Q.209.May you be blessed with good health! days. (Incorrect Tense)
SC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021)
S (d) The matter was discussed by the committee for several
(a) May God be blessing you with good health! days. (Incorrect Tense)
(b) May God bless you with good health!
(c) May God blessed you with good health! SSC CGL 2019 Tier - 2
(d) May you bless God with good health!
.212.The man eating tiger will be captured tomorrowby the
.210.This unfair proposal is objected to by us.
forest officers.
SSC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021)
SSC CGL Tier II (15/11/2020)
(a) We are objecting this unfair proposal.
(a) The forest officers will be capturing the man eating tiger
(b) We object to this unfair proposal.
(c) We object this unfair proposal.
(b) The forest officers will have captured the man eating tiger
(d) We have objected to this unfair proposal.
.211. The committee has discussed the matter for several
Q (c) The forest officers will capture the man eating tiger
days. tomorrow.
SSC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021) (d) The man eating tiger will capture the forest officers
(a) The matter has been discussed by the committee for several tomorrow.
.213.Our team scored 350 runs in the Inter-collegeCricket
(b) The matter has discussed by the committee for several days.
(c) The matter is being discussed by the committee for several
SSC CGL Tier II (15/11/2020)
(a) 350 runs were scoring our team in the Inter-college Cricket
(d) The matter was discussed by the committee for several
(b) Our team was scored by 350 runs in the Inter-college Cricket
Solutions :-
(c) 350 runs were scored by our team in the Inter-college Cricket
ol.206.(c) He is said to have lived on liquid diet for years.
(d) 350 runs have been scored by our team in the Inter-college
Cricket Tournament.
(a) He has saidtohavelivedonliquiddietforyears.(Incorrect
Verb) .214.We expect good news about the corona vaccine.
(b) He is said to have been living on liquid diet for years. SSC CGL Tier II (15/11/2020)
(Incorrect Tense) (a) Good news has been expected by us about the corona
(d)Heissaidtoliveonliquiddietforyears.(IncorrectSentence vaccine.
Structure) (b) Good news was expected by us about the corona vaccine.
(c) Good news is expected by us about the corona vaccine.
Sol.207.(b)Are the authorities relaxing the attendance rules?
(d) Good news expected us about the corona vaccine.
( Correct)
(a)Havetheauthoritiesrelaxedtheattendancerules? (Incorrect .215.Her failure to get admission in the Sciencestream
Tense) surprised us.
(c) Have the authorities been relaxing the attendance rules? SSC CGL Tier II (15/11/2020)
(Incorrect Tense) (a) We had been surprised about her failure to get admission in
(d) Are the authorities going to relax the attendance rules? the Science stream.
(Incorrect Verb) (b) We were surprised about her failure to get admission in the
Sol.208.(b)(a) Has someoneverifyall the bills?(Incorrect Verb) Science stream.
( b) Has someone verified all the bills? (Correct) (c) We have been surprised about her failure to get admission in
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Pinnacle Active Passive
the Science stream. Sol.212.(c) Theforestofficerswillcapturethemaneatingtiger
(d) We are surprised about her failure to get admission in the t omorrow. (Correct)
Science stream. (a) The forest officers will be capturing the man eating tiger
tomorrow. (Tense has changed)
Q.216.Somebody has already tipped the custom authorities (b) The forest officers will have captured the man eating tiger
bout the drugs.
a tomorrow. (Tense has changed)
SSC CGL Tier II (15/11/2020) (d)The man eating tiger will capture the forest officers
(a) Custom authorities have already tipped someone about the tomorrow. (Incorrect Subject and Meaning)
(b) Custom authorities have already been tipped about the Sol.213.(c) 350 runs were scored by our team in the
drugs. Inter-college Cricket Tournament. (Correct)
(c) Custom authorities have already been tipped by the drugs. (a) 350 runs were scoring ourteamintheInter-collegeCricket
(d) Custom authorities were already tipped about the drugs. Tournament. (Tense has changed)
.217.Hang the washing on the clothesline.
Q Tournament. (Incorrect Structure and Meaning)
SSC CGL Tier II (16/11/2020) (d) 350 runs have beenscoredbyourteamintheInter-college
(a) Let the washing to be hung on the clothesline. Cricket Tournament. (Tense has changed)
(b) Let the washing hanging on the clothesline
(c) Let the washing be hung on the clothesline Sol.214.(c) Good news is expected by us about the corona
(d) Let the washing be hanged on the clothesline v accine. (Correct)
(a) Good news has been expected by us about the corona
.218.They will lay the foundation stone next week.
Q vaccine. (Tense has changed)
SSC CGL Tier II (16/11/2020) (b) Good news was expected by us about thecoronavaccine.
(a) The foundation stone will be laid by them next week. (Tense has changed)
(b) The foundation stone will have been laid by them next week. (d)Goodnewsexpectedusaboutthecoronavaccine.(Meaning
(c) The foundation stone will be laying by next week. has changed)
(d) The foundation stone is being laid by them next week.
.219.Was your bag left in the bus?
Q in the Science stream. (Correct)
SSC CGL Tier II (16/11/2020) (a)Wehadbeensurprisedaboutherfailuretogetadmissionin
(a) Did you leave your bag in the bus? the Science stream. (Tense has changed)
(b) Was you leaving your bag in the bus? (c)Wehavebeensurprisedaboutherfailuretogetadmissionin
(c) Did you left your bag in the bus? the Science stream. (Tense has changed)
(d) Have you left your bag in the bus? (d) We are surprised about her failure to get admission in the
.220.Your lunch box has been packed by mother.
Q Science stream. (Tense has changed)
SSC CGL Tier II (16/11/2020) ol.216.(b) Custom authorities havealreadybeentippedabout
(a) Mother had packed your lunch box. the drugs. (Correct)
(b) Mother is packing your lunch box. (a) Custom authorities have alreadytippedsomeoneaboutthe
(c) Mother has packed your lunch box. drugs. (Tense has changed)
(d) Mother will pack your lunch box (c) Custom authorities have already been tipped by thedrugs.
.221.The bitter pills were swallowed by her withwarm water.
Q (Incorrect Tense and Structure)
SSC CGL Tier II (18/11/2020) (d) Custom authorities were already tipped about the drugs.
(a) She swallows the warm water with the bitter pills. (Tense has changed)
(b) She swallows the bitter pills with warm water. ol.217.(c)Let the washing be hung on the clothesline.(Correct)
(c) She swallowed the bitter pills with warm water. (a) Let the washing to be hung on the clothesline. (“to” is
(d) She has swallowed the bitter pills with warm water. superfluous)
.222. Why are the people being allowed to gather on the
Q (b) Let the washing hanging on theclothesline.(Incorrectverb
streets? form)
SSC CGL Tier II (18/11/2020) (d)Letthewashingbehangedontheclothesline.(Incorrectverb
(a) Why have they allowed people to gather on the streets? form)
(b) Why will they allow people to gather on the streets? ol.218.(a)Thefoundationstonewillbelaidbythemnextweek.
(c) Why had they allowed people to gather on the streets? (Correct)
(d) Why are they allowing people to gather on the streets? (b)Thefoundationstonewillhavebeenlaidbythemnextweek.
.223.Are you blaming me for ruining your business?
Q (Tense has changed)
SSC CGL Tier II (18/11/2020) (c)Thefoundationstonewillbelayingbynextweek.(Tensehas
(a) Am I blaming you for ruining your business? changed)
(b) Have I been blamed for ruining your business? (d) The foundation stoneis beinglaid by them nextweek. (Tense
(c) Am I being blamed for ruining your business? has changed)
(d) I am being blamed for ruining your business. Sol.219.(a)Did you leave your bag in the bus? (Correct)
( b)Was you leavingyour bag in the bus? (Tense haschanged)
Solutions :- (c)Did you leftyour bag in the bus? (Incorrect verb)
(d)Have you leftyour bag in the bus? (Tense haschanged)
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ol.220.(c)Mother has packed your lunch box. (Correct)
S ( a) New telephone cables are being laid in our colony.
(a) Motherhad packedyour lunch box. (Tense has changed) (b) New telephone cables were laid in our colony.
(b) Motheris packingyour lunch box. (Tense has changed) (c) New telephone cables were being laid in our colony.
(d) Motherwill packyour lunch box. (Tense has changed) (d) New telephone cables will be laid in our colony.
Sol.249.(c) Ten MOUs in the field of space research, aviation,
ower and education were signed by India andBhutan. (Correct)
education have been signed by India and Bhutan. (Tense has
education will be signed by India and Bhutan. (Tense has
education are being signed by India and Bhutan. (Tense has
s Pallavi Dutta. (Correct)
Ms. Pallavi Dutta. (Tense has changed)
(b) Abigdebtofgratitudewasowingbymetomymentor,Ms.
Pallavi Dutta. (Tense has changed)
SSC CGL 2023 Tier - 2 Q.18. A.embarrassment and difficulty for them andhimself
.the great gods Odin and Thor, helping them with
Q C.his clever plans but sometimes causing
grammatically correct and meaningful sentence. D.Loki was represented as the companion of
The students eagerly their awaited results. SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (2nd Shift)
SSC CGL Tier II (26/10/2023) (a) D, B, C, A (b) C, D, A, B (c) B, D, C, A (d) A, B, D, C
(a) The students their eagerly awaited results.
(b) The awaited eagerly results their students. .19. A.Written in unadorned Sanskrit prose
(c) Eagerly awaited the students their results. B.One of the world’s earliest books
(d) The students eagerly awaited their results. C.Devoted to statecraft,
D.The Arthashastra is
Solutions :- SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (2nd Shift)
(a) D, B, C, A (b) C, D, A, B (c) B, C, A, D (d) D, A, B, C
ol.12.(d)The students eagerly awaited their results.
A.Benefits of reading have been underlined sinceages together.
an affirmative sentence.Thepositionoftheadverbmaynotbe
B. Once they understandthesensiblenessbehindreading,they
would pass it on to others as well.
results’ is the object. The sentence given in option (d)follows
C.It brings knowledge and wisdom both to the readers.
this structure. Hence, option (d) is the most appropriate answer.
young ones.
SSC CHSL 2023 Tier - 1 SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (3rd Shift)
(a) ABCD (b) CDBA (c) CDAB (d) ACDB
.13. A.fell before me
B.a carcass of an animal .21.
C.when suddenly P.the golden era when their language, culture andarts flourished
D.my heart skipped a beat Q .in the minds of the Tamils
SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (1st Shift) R.under the patronage of successive Pandian kings
(a) BACD (b) CDBA (c) ABCD (d) DCBA S.The name 'Madurai' evokes
SSC CHSL 02/08/2023 (3rd Shift)
.14. A
Q . So then why are not Silicon Valley entrepreneurs (a) SPQR (b) SQPR (c) SRPQ (d) SQRP
clamouring to decode the ancient wisdom?
B.The failure rate in finding a new drug is as highas 95%. Q.22. A. as some 71 percent of Earth's surface is covered by
C. Because these once-thrivingculturesarenowreducedtoan altwater oceans, and
endangered tribe. B.notwithstanding that Europa and Enceladus (moonsof Jupiter
S ol.46.(d)ABCD
The given sentence starts with part B as it contains the main SentenceAwillbethestartinglineasitintroducesthemainidea
subject of the sentence i.e. The last two years. And, Part A of the parajumble, i.e. ‘Isabel saw a strange rabbit running
contains the helping verb‘have’forthesubject‘lasttwoyears’. through the bushes’. And, Sentence B states that she found a
So, A will follow B. Further, Part D connects the previous part door while following the rabbit. So, B will follow A. Further,
with the preposition ‘to’ & Part C states another clause Sentence C talks about the feeling of a strongsensationafter
connectedwiththeconjunction‘and’.So,CwillfollowD.Atlast openingthedoor&SentenceDstatesthatshefeltlikebeingina
Part E contains the helping verb for the subject, ‘people and dream.So,DwillfollowC.Goingthroughtheoptions,option‘d’
countries’.Goingthroughtheoptions,option(c)hasthecorrect has the correct sequence.
sequence. Sol.47.(c)ADBC
Sol.40.(c) A, C, D, B of the parajumble, i.e. anticipation for the new movie. And,
ol.92.(b) CDBA
SSC Selection Post (Phase - XI)
Sentence C will be the starting line as it contains the main
subject of the parajumble i.e. Arjuna. And, Sentence D states
A.I was taking a stroll along the beach, when I cameacross a
heap of plastic waste.
Sentence B states the context of Arjuna's hesitation before
B.Realising the importance of removing the waste,I joined them
C.Some children came to clean the beach, seeing thedumped
term "Bhagavadgita.” So, A will follow B. Going through the
options, option (b) has the correct sequence.
D.The adjacent industry had dumped the waste, whichwas
ol.93.(c) ACDB
S floating, into the water, therefore polluting the sea water.
Sentence A will be the starting line as it contains the main Higher Secondary 28/06/2023 (Shift - 2)
subject of the parajumble i.e. Ashwagandha. And, Sentence C (a) DCAB (b) BADC (c) ADBC (d) ADCB
Further,SentenceDstateshowAshwagandhacanbeconsumed Solutions :-
through the options, option (c) has the correct sequence. ol.99.(d) ADCB
ol.94.(a) BCAD
S of the parajumble i.e. ‘heapofplasticwaste’.and,SentenceD
Sentence B will be the starting line as it contains the main states that the nearby industry dumped the waste. So, D will
subjectoftheparajumblei.e.Saint.And,SentenceCstatesthe follow A. Further, Sentence C states that some children had
varied use of the term ‘saint’. So, C will follow B. Further, come to clean the beach and Sentence B states that they
Sentence A states the concept of saints in various Christian understandtheimportanceofremovingwaste.So,Bwillfollow
denominations&SentenceDstatestheprocessofcanonization C. Going through the options, option (d) has the correct
andglorificationforsaints.So,DwillfollowA.Goingthroughthe sequence.
options, option (a) has the correct sequence.
ol.95.(a) ACDB
SSC CHSL 2022 Tier - 2
Sentence A will be the starting line as it contains the main
subject of the parajumble i.e. India's vision and leadership
A.It is almost a definition of a gentleman to sayhe is one who
approach. And, Sentence C states the soft power assetsthat
never inflicts pain
contribute to India's global appeal. So, C will followA.Further,
B.He is mainly occupied in merely removing the obstacles
Sentence D states thehistoricalcontextbymentioningnotable
which hinder the free and unembarrassed action of those
figures and values & Sentence B states India's economic
about him, and he concurs with their movements rather than
prosperity in the past. So, B will follow D. Going through the
takes the initiative himself.
options, option (a) has the correct sequence.
C.The true gentleman in like manner carefully avoidswhatever
ol.96.(a) CBDA
S may cause a jar or a jolt in the minds of those with whom he
SentenceCwillbethestartinglineasitcontainsthemainidea is cast; all clashing of opinion, or collision of feeling, all
of the parajumble i.e.Anewindoorgymnasiumandswimming restraint, or suspicion, or gloom, or resentment; his great
pool. And, Sentence B states more details about the concern being to make everyone at their ease and at home.
inauguration ceremony. So, B willfollowC.Further,SentenceD D.His benefits may be considered as parallel to whatare called
statesthattheschool'sPrincipalinformedtheguestsaboutthe comforts or conveniences in arrangements of a personal
expenses&SentenceAstatestheconclusionbymentioningthe nature: like an easy chair or a good fire, which do their part in
cost of making the gymnasium. So, A will follow D. Going dispelling cold and fatigue, though nature provides both
through the options, option (a) has the correct sequence. means of rest and animal heat without them
SSC CHSL 2022 Tier - 1 Q.110.The immediate context of the Dunkirk evacuationwas
ermany’s invasion of the Low Countries and northern France in
Q May 1940.
P. versions of the European poor laws, charitableand P.The Dutch defenders fell back westward, and bynoon on May
Q .in former colonies, such as Ghana, Jamaica, Indiaand the 12 German tanks were on the outskirts of Rotterdam.
R.missionary activities, and the introduction ofWestern juvenile Q .Queen Wilhelmina and her government left the countryfor
justice procedures England on May 13, and the next day the Dutch army
S.Philippines the basic welfare services grew outof modified surrendered to the Germans.
SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (1st Shift) R.On May 10 the German blitzkrieg attack on the Netherlands
(a) PRSQ (b) QSPR (c) QPRS (d) PSQR began with the capture by parachutists of key bridges deep
within the country, with the aim of opening the way for mobile
.113.Approaching her
Q ol.107.(b) BADC
P.upon the impacts of county lines drug - runningnetworks SentenceBwillbethestartinglineasitintroducesthemainidea
Q .80th birthday in February next year, Hill's of the parajumble i.e. twelve years in the forest. However,
R.relevance and urgency this time focusing SentenceAstatesthataccordingtothewagerRamhadlost.So,
S.writing has lost none of its immediate AwillfollowB.Further,SentenceDstatesthatwewouldhaveto
SSC CHSL 20/03/2023 (2nd Shift) spendayearinhidingandSentenceCstatesthatifduringthis
(a) QSRP (b) SQRP (c) RPQS (d) PQSR year Mohan discovered our whereabouts, we would have to
endure another ten years in exile. So, C will follow D. Going
.114.Some algal blooms
Q through the options, option b has the correct sequence.
P.beneficial to aquatic life, since these tiny
Q .nutrient conditions are optimal, and they canbe ol.108.(a) QPRS
R.occur naturally when temperature, water, and SentenceQwillbethestartinglineasitintroducesthemainidea
S.organisms form the base of the food chain of the parajumble i.e. The study led by scientists at the
SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (2nd Shift) University of Bath. However, Sentence P statesthatitincludes
(a) RQPS (b) PRSQ (c) QPRS (d) RQSP collaborators from Bristol, Cambridge and Germany. So, P will
follow Q . Further, Sentence R states that used fossils and
Q analysedgeneticdifferencesandSentenceStalksaboutgenetic
P.application, which can also be used to log complaintsabout differences between modern snakes to reconstruct snake
Q .littering or caused by the animals, accordingto officials evolution.So,SwillfollowR.Goingthroughtheoptions,optiona
R.registered with the local authority through a mobilephone has the correct sequence.
S.the residents of Noida can now get their pets likedogs or cats
SSC CHSL 21/03/2023 (3rd Shift) ol.109.(a) PQRS
(a) QRPS (b) SRPQ (c) PRQS (d) RQPS SentencePwillbethestartinglineasitintroducesthemainidea
of the parajumble i.e. location of Mount Everest. However,
Solutions :-
So, Q will follow P. Further, Sentence R states that in the
ol.103.(b) QSPR
S nineteenth century, the mountain was named after George
SentenceQwillbethestartinglineasitintroducesthemainidea Everest and Sentence S states that the Tibetan name is
of the parajumble i.e. former colonies. However, Sentence S Chomolungma,whichmeansMotherGoddessoftheWorld.So,
talks about the basic welfare services. So, S will follow Q . S will follow R. Going through the options, option a has the
Further, Sentence P talks about the modified versions of the correct sequence.
EuropeanpoorlawsandSentenceRtalksabouttheintroduction ol.110.(b) RPQS
ofWesternjuvenilejusticeprocedures.So,RwillfollowP.Going SentenceRwillbethestartinglineasitintroducesthemainidea
through the options, option (b) has the correct oftheparajumblei.e.GermanblitzkriegattackontheNetherlands
www.ssccglpinnacle.com Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 224
Pinnacle Parajumble
OnMay10.However,SentencePstatesthatbynoononMay12 ingling, and immediately a surge of conversation filled the
erman tanks were on the outskirts of Rotterdam. So, P will
G room.
follow R. Further, Sentence Q statesthatQueenWilhelminaand (S2)
her government left the country for England on May 13 and (S3)
Sentence S states that the invasion of Belgium also began on (S4)One or two of the women were actually bouncingup and
May 10.So,SwillfollowQ.Goingthroughtheoptions,optionb down on the sofa cushions.
has the correct sequence. (P)So, the two parties had to lean forward, theirelbows on their
ol.111.(d) SQRP
S (Q)At the beginning they mingled awkwardly, clutchingtheir
SentenceSwillbethestartinglineasitintroducesthemainidea drinks, and walking here and there.
oftheparajumblei.e.Japan,thelandoftherisingsun.However, (R)Several people made a last-minute dash to thebathroom
Sentence Q states that it experiences the earliest sun rise before the conversation could start.
amongstallthecountries.So,QwillfollowS.Further,SentenceR (S)The men's chairs were far enough away from thewomen's
states that the name was chosen because the country was so couches.
close to where the sun rises and Sentence P states that SSC CGL Tier II 902/03/2023)
HiroshimainJapanistheonethatexperiencesearliestmornings. (a) P, R (b) R, Q (c) Q, S (d) S, P
So, P will follow R. Going through the options,optiondhasthe
correct sequence. .117.
(A)Healthy, strong trees act as carbon sinks, offsettingcarbon
ol.112.(b) CBAD
S and reducing the effects of climate change.
SentenceCwillbethestartinglineasitintroducesthemainidea (B)Trees help to clean the air we breathe. Throughtheir leaves
of the parajumble i.e. Their approach sensitized a switch and bark, they absorb harmful pollutants and release clean
somewhere. However, Sentence Bstatesthat thenurserylight oxygen for us to breathe.
flicked on. So, B will follow C. Further, Sentence A states that (C)Increasing levels of carbon dioxide caused bydeforestation
theycamewithintenfeetofitandSentenceDstatesthatbehind and fossil fuel combustion trap heat in the atmosphere.
them,inthehallslightswentonandoffastheyleftthembehind. (D)In urban environments, trees absorb pollutantgases like
So, D willfollowA.Goingthroughtheoptions,optionbhasthe nitrogen oxides, ozone, and carbon monoxide, and sweep up
correct sequence. particles like dust and smoke.
ol.113.(a) QSRP
S SSC CGL Tier II (02/03/2023)
SentenceQwillbethestartinglineasitintroducesthemainidea (a) BDCA (b) DBAC (c) CDAB (d) ABCD
of the parajumble i.e. Her 80th birthday. However, Sentence S .118.
talksaboutHill'swriting.So,SwillfollowQ.Further,SentenceR A.The principles that emerged from those trials,known as the
statesthatithasnotlostitsrelevanceandurgencyandSentence Nuremberg Code, are broadly applicable to many types of
P states that it focuses upon the impacts of county lines health-related research involving human participants,
drug-running networks. So, P will follow R. Going through the including clinical trials.
options, option a has the correct sequence. B.The growing breadth and complexity of contemporaryhealth
ol.114.(a) RQPS
S challenges have produced a range of difficult questions that
SentenceRwillbethestartinglineasitintroducesthemainidea cannot always be adequately addressed by relying exclusively
of the parajumble i.e. some algal blooms occur naturally. on existing policies, guidelines or codes of conduct.
However, Sentence Q states that it occurs when temperature, C.Recent formal efforts to articulate internationalstandards of
water, and nutrient conditions are optimal. So, Q will follow R. ethics applicable to health and health care can be traced to
Further, Sentence Pstatesthattheycanbebeneficialtoaquatic the Nuremberg trials of 1947, during which the horrors of Nazi
life and Sentence S states that they form the base of the food medical experiments came to light.
chain. So, S will follow P. Going through the options, option a has D.Ethical questions related to health, health careand public
the correct sequence. health cover topics as diverse as moral issues around
reproduction, state obligations in the provision of health care
S services and appropriate measures to control infectious
SentenceSwillbethestartinglineasitintroducesthemainidea disease.
of the parajumble i.e. residents ofNoidacannowgettheirpets SSC CGL Tier II (02/03/2023)
like dogs or cats. However, Sentence R states that they canbe (a) DCAB (b) ACDB (c) DACB (d) DABC
registered with the local authority. So, R will follow S. Further,
SentencePstatesthatthiscanbedonewithamobilephoneapp .119.
andSentenceQstatesthatitcanalsobeusedtologcomplaints A.On the afternoon of that eventful day, I stoodon the porch,
aboutlitteringorcausedbytheanimals.So,QwillfollowP.Going dumb, expectant and guessed vaguely from my mother's
through the options, option b has the correct sequence. signs and from the hurrying to and fro in the house that
something unusual was about to happen, so I went to the
door and waited on the steps.
SSC CGL 2022 Tier - 2 B.I did not know what the future held of marvel orsurprise for
me and anger and bitterness had preyed upon me continually
.116. For the four-sentence (S1 to S4) paragraph below,
for weeks and a deep languor had succeeded this passionate
sentences S1 and S4 are given.
C.The most important day I remember in all my lifeis the one on
for S2 and S3, respectively.
which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me and I
(S1)The men and women took their places after theinitial
www.ssccglpinnacle.com Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 225
Pinnacle Parajumble
m filled with wonder when I consider the immeasurable
a thereforehadtoleanforwardtheirelbowsontheirknees.So,P
contrasts between the two lives which it connects and it was illfollowS.Goingthroughtheoptions,optiondhasthecorrect
the third of March, 1887, three months before I was seven sequence.
years old.
.The afternoon sun penetrated the mass of honeysucklethat
D ol.117.(a) BDCA
covered the porch, and fell on my upturned face and my SentenceBwillbethestartinglineasitintroducesthemainidea
fingers lingered almost unconsciously on the familiar leaves of the parajumble i.e. Trees help to clean the air we breathe.
and blossoms which had just come forth to greet the sweet Further, Sentence D states thattreesabsorbpollutantgasesin
southern spring. urban environments. So, D will follow B. Further, Sentence C
SSC CGL Tier II (03/03/2023) states that increasing levels of carbon dioxide caused by
(a) DABC (b) CBAD (c) CADB (d) CDAB deforestationtrapheatintheatmosphereandSentenceAstates
Q climate change. So, A will followC.Goingthroughtheoptions,
A.Fort Hare was more than that: it was a beacon forAfrican option a has the correct sequence.
scholars from all over Southern Central and Eastern Africa.
B.Until 1960, the University College of Fort Hare,in the ol.118.(a) DCAB
municipality of Alice, about twenty miles due east from SentenceDwillbethestartinglineasitintroducesthemainidea
Healdtown, was the only residential center of higher of theparajumblei.e.Ethicalquestionsrelatedtohealth,health
education for blacks in South Africa. care and public health.However,SentenceCstatesthatrecent
C.For young black South Africans like myself, itwas Oxford and formal efforts to articulate international standards of ethics
Cambridge, Harvard and Yale, all rolled into one. applicable to health and health care can be traced to the
D.The regent was anxious for me to attend Fort Hareand I was Nurembergtrialsof1947.So,CwillfollowD.Further,Sentence
gratified to be accepted there. I felt that I was being groomed for A states that the principles that emerged fromthosetrialsare
success in the world. broadlyapplicabletomanytypesofhealth-relatedresearchand
SSC CGL Tier II (06/03/2023) Sentence B states that the growing breadth andcomplexityof
(a) BACD (b) BCAD (c) CABD (d) BDAC contemporary health challenges have produced a range of
Q option a has the correct sequence.
(A)The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) wereadopted by
all United Nations Member States in 2015 to end poverty, Sol.119.(c) CADB
reduce inequality and build more peaceful, prosperous entenceCwillbethestartinglineasitintroducesthemainidea
societies by 2030. of the parajumble i.e. the most important dayofthenarrator's
(B)The SDGs cannot be achieved without the realisationof child life. However, Sentence A talks about the activities of the
rights. narratorontheafternoonofthateventfulday.So,AwillfollowC.
(C)Also known as the Global Goals, the SDGs are acall to action Further, Sentence D further describes thatdayandSentenceB
to create a world where no one is left behind. states that the narrator was in surprise about the future & he
(D)As world leaders work to deliver on the 2030 promise, wasinangerforafewweeks.So,BwillfollowD.Goingthrough
children around the globe are standing up to secure their the options, option c has the correct sequence.
right to good health, quality education, a clean planet and ol.120.(a) BACD
more. SentenceBwillbethestartinglineasitintroducesthemainidea
SSC CGL Tier II (07/03/20230 of the parajumble i.e.UniversityCollegeofFortHare.However,
(a) ABDC (b) ADCB (c) ACBD (d) ADBC SentenceAstatesthatitwasabeaconforAfricanscholarsfrom
.122.Sentences of a paragraph are given below. Whilethe first
Q alloverSouthernCentralandEasternAfrica.So,AwillfollowB.
and thelastsentences(S1andS6)areinthecorrectorder,the Further,SentenceCstatesthatitwasOxfordandCambridgefor
sentencesinbetweenarejumbledup.Arrangethesentencesin young black South Africans and Sentence D states that the
the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph. narratorwasgratifiedtobeacceptedthere.So,DwillfollowC.
S1. In Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Going through the options, option (a) has the correct sequence.
A.but also an elder statesman and national leader ol.121.(c) ACBD
B.we have not only a crusader against the caste system, SentenceAwillbethestartinglineasitintroducesthemainidea
C.a valiant fighter for the cause of the downtroddenin India of the parajumble i.e. The Sustainable Development Goals.
D.whose contribution in the form of the Constitutionof India However, Sentence C states that they are a call to action to
S6. will be cherished forever by posterity. create a world where no one isleftbehind.So,CwillfollowA.
SSC CGL Tier II (07/03/2023) Further, Sentence B states that SDGs cannot be achieved
(a) DABC (b) CABD (c) BACD (d) ABCD withouttherealisationofchildrightsandSentenceDstatesthat
Solutions :- good health, quality education. So, D will follow B. Going through
the options, option c has the correct sequence.
ol.116.(d) S, P
Sentence S1 will be the starting line as it introducesthemain ol.122.(c) BACD
idea of the parajumble i.e. a conversationstartedbetweenthe ‘B’willbethefirstsentenceas‘acrusader’insentenceBrefers
men & women. Next, Sentence S states that the men's chairs to‘Dr.BabasahebAmbedkar’whichismentionedinsentenceS1.
were far enough away from the women's couches. So, S will However, sentence B will be followed by sentence Abecause
follow S1 . Further, Sentence P states that the two parties ‘notonly…..butalso’isafixedconjunctionpair.Further,sentence
ol.168.(c) CADB
S SSC CPO 2019 Tier - 2
oftheparajumbleie.airtravel.However,SentenceAstatesthat .173.
passengers can travel to the airport by personal vehicle or A.A singer called Mukandan Misra and his wife livedin Behat
registered cabs only. So, A will follow C. Further, Sentence D near Gwalior.
statesthatoncethere,theycanwalkinthroughtheEntryGates, B.Tired, the group settled down to rest in a shadygrove.
which shall be kept open & Sentence B states that finally, all C.Once Swami Haridas was travelling through the forestwith
passengers are advised to strictly follow social distancing his disciples.
markers.So,BwillfollowD.Goingthroughtheoptions,optionc D.Tansen, their only child was very naughty.
has the correct sequence. E.Often he would run away to the woods and soon learntto
imitate the calls of birds and animals.
ol.169.(b) DACB
S F.Tansen thought it would be fun to frighten theresting men
SentenceDwillbethestartinglineasitcontainsthemainidea with the roar of a tiger.
oftheparajumblei.e.apalacerevoltin1950inNepal.However, SSC CPO Tier II 26/07/2021
Sentence A states that the country gained admission to (a) ABDECF (b) ADECBF (c) ACEBDF (d) AEBCDF
the UnitedNations in1955.So,AwillfollowD.Further,Sentence
C states that in 1991 the kingdom established a .174.
multiparty parliamentary system & Sentence B states that in A.The zip on the bag got jammed and wouldn’t openno matter
2008, however, after a decade long period of violence and how hard I pulled at it.
turbulent negotiation with a strong Maoist insurgency, the B.We were flying to England for a week.
monarchy was dissolved, and Nepal was declared a C.I also remembered that I had put the frequent flyercard in the
democratic republic. So, B will follow C. Going through the carry-on bag hanging around my neck.
options, only option b has the correct sequence. D.As we were checking in, I remembered that I wasa member of
the frequent flyer programme.
Q .205.
A.I found he was an old sailor and knew all the seafaringmen in S-1When Amit woke up in the morning and looked athis face in
Bristol. the mirror, he did not recognise the face looking back at him.
B.So, I engaged him on the spot to be the ship'scook but he A:The face staring at him was calm and cool.
proved to be much more. B:First, Amit moved his fingers on the surface ofthe mirror, but
C.He had lost his health ashore and wanted a berthas cook to it felt different.
get to the sea again. C:Then, he touched his face, it appeared strangeand was like
D.I was standing on the dock when by accident I fellin talk with touching someone else’s face.
a stranger. D:‘This is not me…………’ he cried aloud.
SSC CGL - 7/3/2020 (Evening) S- 6He felt scared and anxious.
(a) CBAD (b) DACB (c) BACD (d) DBAC SSC CPO TIER II 27/9/2019
(a) CBDA (b) DCBA (c) DABC (d) ACBD
Solutions :-
S S-1Both the boys were without helmets and were bleeding
SentenceBwillbethestartinglineasitcontainsthemainidea profusely.
oftheparajumblei.e.VaikomMuhammadBasheer,aMalayalam A.The timely help saved the lives of the boys whowere
fiction writer. However, Sentence A states that upon returning ashamed of their actions after meeting Mohan.
fromhistravels,hewasforcedtoliveinahousewherehislarge B.He informed their family members using one of theboys’
family lived. So,AwillfollowB.Further,SentenceDstatesthat mobile phone.
apart from family members, myriadsofdomesticanimalsalso C.With the help of some passers-by, he picked themup and
treated the house as their own & Sentence C states that the immediately took them to a hospital in his car.
household was always noisy and full of chaos, no place for a D.Mohan wasted no time.
writer surely. So, C will follow D. Going through the options, S-6Mohan forgave them and advised them to followthe traffic
option c has the correct sequence. rules as they are meant for people’s safety.
SSC CPO TIER II 27/9/2019
Sol.202.(c)ACBD (a) DCBA (b) BDAC (c) CABD (d) DABC
of the parajumble i.e. gadgets operated by a remote control .207.
having a silicon chip. However, Sentence C statesthatwhena A.First it is received by the sub-editors throughthe
button is pressed on the remote control, the chip sets off an correspondents, the reporters, and via the news agencies.
electromagnetic vibration.So,CwillfollowA.Further,Sentence B.Next it is passed on to the chief sub-editor whothoroughly
B states that this produces an infra-red beam, made up of checks the matter again and makes changes, if necessary.
electromagnetic waves & Sentence D states that the beam C.The sub-editors then examine the news and rewordit, if
carries a coded signal for operating the systems. So, D will needed.
follow B. Going through the options, option c has the correct D.News, from its reception to printing, goes througha series of
sequence. interconnected stages.
SSC CPO TIER II 27/9/2019
S (a) DCBA (b) DACB (c) BADC (d) CBAD
of the parajumble i.e. Whales have highly developed maternal Solutions :-
instincts. However, Sentence A states that when acalfisborn
ol.205.(c) DABC
underwater, the mother must get it to the surface before it
‘D’ will be the first Sentence as ‘This is not me’ inSentenceD
refers to ‘Amit didn’t recognize the face looking back at him’
another whale assists themother,nudgingthebabygentlyand
remain with their parents for uptofifteenyearsormore.So,B
was calm and cool. Further, Sentence A will be followed by
will follow C. Going through the options, option d has the correct
SentenceBasitstatesthat first,Amitmovedhisfingersonthe
surface of the mirror, but it felt different. Then, ‘B’ will be
ol.206.(a) DCBA
‘D’ will be the first Sentence as ‘Mohan wasted no time’ in
sentence D refers to ‘Both the boys were bleeding profusely’
which ismentionedinSentence1.However,sentenceDwillbe
followed by Sentence C asitstatesthatwiththehelpofsome
passers-by, he pickedthemupandimmediatelytookthemtoa
hospital in his car. Further, Sentence C will be followed by
Sentence B as it states thatheinformedtheirfamilymembers
‘A’ as it states that the timely help saved the livesoftheboys
through the options, option a has the correct sequence.
Sol.207.(b) DACB
of the parajumble i.e. News goes through a series of
received by the sub-editors through the correspondents, the
Sentence C states that the sub-editors thenexaminethenews
and reword it, if needed and Sentence B states that next it is
passed on to the chief sub-editor who thoroughly checks the
C. Going through the options, option b has the correct sequence.
Q.32. Ours is _______ house of all the (c) disckassion (d) discussion Q.54. During the meeting, he went ona
ouses in our area.
h .43. The rusty door made a _______
Q long and angry _______ about how the
SSC MTS 01/09/2023 (2nd Shift) screeching noise. project was being mismanaged.
(a) the more bigger (b) the biggest SSC MTS 06/09/2023 (1st Shift) SSC MTS 08/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
(c) the most biggest (d) the bigger (a) low (b) soft (c) harsh (d) smooth (a) shout (b) whisper (c) rant (d) mutter
Q .44. The tone of his voice seemed to
Q .55. Chaitnya was _______ from the
________ impact on brain development ______ that he knew more than he was school due to his misappropriate
affectinglearning,health,behaviour,and, letting on. behaviour.
ultimately, productivity and income. SSC MTS 06/09/2023 (1st Shift) SSC MTS 08/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
SSC MTS 01/09/2023 (2nd Shift) (a) incise (b) intent (c) inculcate (d) imply (a) expelled (b) xpelled
(a) perfect (b) profound (c) expeled (d) xpeled
(c) basic (d) superficial .45. COVID-19 ______ structural
weaknessesinhealthsystemsworldwide Q.56. Ministry of education has
.34. The tigress that was killed bythe
Q and negatively impacted individuals, nnounced that students can ________
villagerswasnotonlyaman-eater,______ societies, and economies. the Board Examinations twice.
a mother. SSC MTS 06/09/2023 (1st Shift) SSC MTS 11/09/2023 (1st Shift)
SSC MTS 01/09/2023 (3rd Shift) (a) concealed (b) laid (c) hit (d) revealed (a) take (b) participate (c) give (d) get
(a) but (b) but also (c) and (d) but often
.46. Varun hasto_________hisstudies
Q .57. All praisedhimwhenhesoaredin
.35. He generally avoidsargumentsas
Q for the sake of his ill father. thebusinessworld,butthesamepeople
he is _______ by nature. SSC MTS 06/09/2023 (1st Shift) ______ him when he failed in business.
SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (1st Shift) (a) sacrifice (b) imitate SSC MTS 11/09/2023 (1st Shift)
(a) questionable (b) reliable (c) reverse (d) applaud (a) nourished (b) criticised
(c) quick-minded (d) peaceful (c) supported (d) dramatised
.47. Some thingsaremeanttobe,and
.36. Thestudentsofclass7gavetheir
Q death is _______ for humans. .58. AugmentedReality(AR)continues
teacher a gift, which was ________to her. SSC MTS 06/09/2023 (3rd Shift) to develop and become more _______
SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (2nd Shift) (a) edible (b) spiral (c) natural (d) viral among a wide range of applications.
(a) revealing (b) shocking SSC MTS 11/09/2023 (1st Shift)
(c) confusing (d) surprising Q.48. Most times, he is sitting alone, (a) rare (b) amicable
immersed in his own ________ . (c) idealistic (d) pervasive
Q.37. He is _________ of many chain SSC MTS 06/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
natching cases in Dariyaganj.
s (a) synagogue (b) monologue Q.59. A/An _________ fellow cannot
SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (2nd Shift) (c) mystagogue (d) prologue ecome an ideal teacher.
(a) ackused (b) acxused SSC MTS 11/09/2023 (1st Shift)
(c) akused (d) accused Q.49.Theyaregoingtogivemealovely (a) idle (b) bright (c) intelligent (d) honest
resent, but I cannot _____ what it will be.
Q.38. Her stories paid ________ to her SSC MTS 08/09/2023 (1st Shift) .60. Virtual worlds are recently new
other, whom she regarded as the
m (a) give (b) gist (c) guess (d) guest phenomenainthatthey_________ people
goddess of bravery. to meet and socially interact with others
SSC MTS 04/09/2023 (3rd Shift) .50.Many soldiers marched in ________
Q in a variety of online environments.
(a) frustration (b) sainthood at the international border. SSC MTS 11/09/2023 (2nd Shift)
(c) absoluteness (d) homage SSC MTS 08/09/2023 (2nd Shift) (a) forbid (b) bring (c) choose (d) enable
(a) dress (b) uniform
Q.39. Suresh has been learning Tami (c) fabric (d) clothes .61.TheNileisthe________riverofthe
_ ________ two months. world.
SSC MTS 05/09/2023 (1st Shift) Q.51.She was known for her _____ SSC MTS 11/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
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Pinnacle Fill in the blanks
( a) long ( b) longer (c) confirmed (d) convinced ol.32.(b) the biggest
(c) more longer (d) longest Wegenerallyusesuperlativedegreewith
.73. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam was a great
Q the definite article ‘the’ and‘thebiggest’
Q man with a high level of___________. is the correct superlative degree
source of true happiness. SSC MTS 14/09/2023 (1st Shift) adjective.Hence,‘thebiggest’isthemost
SSC MTS 11/09/2023 (3rd Shift) (a) intelligent humour (b) wise boredom appropriate answer.
(a) triveled (b) travelled (c) intellect (d) clever fatigue
(c) travalled (d) travelld ol.33.(b) profound
.74. Select the most appropriate
Q ‘Profound’ means deep or intense. The
Q.63. He is a smug and very ______ responseinthegivensituationoftheeve given sentence states that the
erson who thinks only about himself.
p of a battle to fill in the blank. experiences that children have in their
SSC MTS 11/09/2023 (3rd Shift) The commander: "Honourable Emperor, early years can have a deep impact on
(a) arsonist (b) diffident allthetroopshavelinedupforthebattle the way their brains develop. Hence,
(c) egoistic (d) humble and are awaiting your orders." Emperor ‘profound’ is the most appropriate
Chandragupta Maurya: ‘’_________’’ answer.
Q SSC MTS 14/09/2023 (1st Shift)
friend to be by my side through ______ (a) We will march at dawn. ol.34.(b) but also
and thin. (b) You should learn how to talk to an “Not only …….…… But also” is a fixed
SSC MTS 11/09/2023 (3rd Shift) emperor. conjunction pair. Hence, ‘but also’isthe
(a) tough (b) heavy (c) thick (d) fat (c) We will be playing cards. most appropriate answer.
.65. Make-up was _________shehardly
Q (d) We are ready for the pilgrimage.
ol.35.(d) peaceful
wore. .75.I wish we had _______ come here.
Q ‘Peaceful’ means calm and quiet. The
SSC MTS 12/09/2023 (1st Shift) SSC MTS 14/09/2023 (2nd Shift) given sentence states that he generally
(a) anything (b) something (a) right (b) clear (c) never (d) agreed avoids arguments because of his calm
(c) anybody (d) someone nature. Hence, ‘peaceful’ is the most
.76. Winning the championship was a
Q appropriate answer.
.66. Ravi has little in ______ with his
Q dreamcometruefortheteam,butbeing
friend, Senthil. awarded the MVP trophy was __________ . ol.36.(d) surprising
SSC MTS 12/09/2023 (1st Shift) SSC MTS 14/09/2023 (3rd Shift) ‘Surprising’meanscausingastonishment
(a) common (b) contention (a) the silver lining o
r unexpectedness. The given sentence
(c) formal (d) normal (b) the bird in the bush states that class 7 students gave their
Q.67. Her dedication to her work was (c) a cold turkey teacher a gift, whichwasunexpectedor
_ ___ what anyone had expected. (d) the icing on the cake astonishing to the teacher. Hence,
SSC MTS 12/09/2023 (3rd Shift) ‘surprising’ is the most appropriate
.77. Thescratchesonherhandswere
Q answer.
(a) over (b) beyond (c) beside (d) through clear signs of domestic violence,______
.68. The old man distributed his
Q and said that she got scratched by ol.37.(d) accused
property _______ his ten grandchildren barbed wire fencing. ‘Accused’ is the correct spelling.
equally. SSC MTS 14/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
(a) and poverty ol.38.(d) homage
SSC MTS 12/09/2023 (3rd Shift) ‘Homage’meansdeeprespectandpraise
(a) within (b) among (b) yet she lied
(c) which was enough evidence shown for a person or god. The given
(c) towards (d) between sentence states thatherstoriesshowed
(d) done a while ago
Q.69. The toddler decided to make a deep respect and praise to her mother,
ess because he wanted to______the
m whom she considered a symbol of
Solutions :-
attention of its parents. bravery andexcellence.Hence,‘homage’
SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (1st Shift) is the most appropriate answer.
ol.29.(b) consecutive
(a) seek (b) elicit (c) please (d) extract ‘Consecutive’meanshappeningoneafter ol.39.(d) for
the other withoutinterruption.Thegiven ‘For’ is used for a fixed period of
Q.70. The teacher assured: "You have
sentence states that Hardik Pandya hit time(countable) like2years/3months/4
ompleted your homework, ________?”
four consecutive fours and scored 72 days/8 hours and for an activity that
SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (1st Shift)
runsinthematch.Hence,‘consecutive’is happenedinarecenttime.Hence,‘for’is
(a) had you (b) hadn't you
the most appropriate answer. the most appropriate answer.
(c) haven't you (d) have you
S ol.40.(d) precedent
to you to make the next move. ‘Precedent’ means a legal decision that
and problem-solving can be very useful.
SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (2nd Shift) supports a position or argument. T he
ol.31.(b) talks
(a) strength (b) aptitude given sentence states a question to
The given sentence is an example of
(c) functioning (d) perception enquire about any precedent in his
Simple Present Tense and the subject
favour. Hence, ‘precedent’ is the most
‘Demetrius’ is singular. ‘Singular Sub. +
Q.72.Heisfirst______tohisjobandthen appropriate answer.
V-s/es’ is the correct grammatical
t o his family.
structureforthissentence.Hence,‘talks’ ol.41.(a) identity
SSC MTS 13/09/2023 (3rd Shift)
is the most appropriate answer. An identity card means a person’s
(a) enabled (b) committed
ol.46.(a) sacrifice
S appropriate answer. ol.63.(c) egoistic
‘Sacrifice’ means to give up something ol.54.(c) rant
S Egoistic means someone excessively
valuable in order to help someone. The ‘Rant’ means when someone speaks at self-centered. Thegivensentencestates
given sentence states thatVarunhasto length in an angry way. The given that he is a smug and very egoistic
give up hisstudiesforthesakeofhisill sentencestatesthatduringthemeeting, person who thinks only about himself.
father. Hence, ‘sacrifice’ is the most he went on a long andangryrantabout Hence, ‘egoistic’ isthemostappropriate
appropriate answer. howtheprojectwasbeingmismanaged. answer.
ol.47.(c) natural
S Hence, ‘rant’ is the most appropriate ol.64.(c) thick
‘Natural’meanssomethingcommonoris answer. Theidiom‘throughthickandthin’means
expected.Thegivensentencestatesthat ol.55.(a) expelled
S to perseverethroughgoodtimesaswell
death is a natural part of the human ‘Expelled’ is the correct spelling. as bad.ThegivensentencestatesthatI
experience. Hence, ‘natural’ is the most know thatIcancountonmybestfriend
appropriate answer. ol.56.(a) Take
S to be by mysidethroughthickandthin.
‘Take’ is commonly used when referring Hence, ‘thick and thin’ is the most
ol.48.(b) monologue
S tostudentsparticipatinginorattempting appropriate answer.
‘Monologue’ means a long conversation exams. The given sentence states that
by one person, typically one’s thoughts. theMinistryofeducationhasannounced ol.65.(b) something
The given sentence states that he is that students can take the Board ‘Something’ is used when the specific
sitting alone and is lost in his own Examinations twice. Hence, ‘take’ is the thing (in this sentence, make-up) being
thoughts.Hence,‘monologue’isthemost most appropriate answer. referredtoisnotknownindetail.Hence,
appropriate answer. ‘something’ is the most appropriate
ol.57.(b) Criticised
S answer.
ol.49.(c) guess
S ‘Criticised’meansfindingfault.Thegiven
‘Guess’meanstoestimateorthinkabout sentence states that All praised him ol.66.(a) common
something without having its proper when he soared in the business world, The phrase ‘in common’ is used to
information. The given sentence states butthesamepeoplecriticisedhimwhen indicate similarity or shared interests.
that they are going to give me a lovely hefailedinbusiness.Hence,‘criticised’is The given sentence statesthatRavihas
present, but I cannot guess what it will the most appropriate answer. little in common with his friend,Senthil.
be. Hence, ‘guess’ is the most Hence,‘common’isthemostappropriate
appropriate answer. ol.58.(d) pervasive
S answer.
‘Pervasive’ means spreading widely
Sol.50.(b) uniform throughout an area or group. The given Sol.67.(b) beyond
ol.83.(d) turbulence
S Q.103. Radium is a white powder that
‘Turbulence’ means a state of disorder,
SSC CGL 2023 Tier - 1 _ _________ table salt.
confusion, or instability in various SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (2nd shift)
.91. She is_____apeacockintheblue
situations. The given sentence states (a) looks like (b) look like
satin saree
that she suffered an emotional (c) will look like (d) looking like
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (1st shift)
turbulence after the death of her
(a) very beautiful as (b) so beautiful as Q.104. The __________ purpose of the
husband in a road accident. Hence,
(c) as beautiful as (d) beautiful like oaching was to identify the talented
‘turbulence’ is the most appropriate
answer. players.
Q.92. She reminds me always that I
SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (2nd shift)
_ ________ to be a little more careful.
ol.84.(c) effect
S (a) mean (b) mine (c) mane (d) main
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (2nd shift)
(a) had (b) have (c) must (d) has Q.105. Don't take the wind out of my
or consequence of an action or other
cause. The given sentence states that _ ____andtellmeI'mgoingnowherewith
.93. Kiran had a short __________ as a
the effect of the newlegislationhasled my life.
to a heated debate among lawmakers. SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (3rd shift)
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (3rd shift)
Hence, ‘effect’ is the most appropriate (a) boat (b) wings (c) sails (d) sales
(a) caress (b) career (c) carer (d) carrier
.106.The doctor ___ two tablets per day.
.94. The patient looked _____ and tired.
ol.85.(d) A; the
S SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (4th shift)
SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (1st shift)
Article ‘A’ is used before the words (a) prescribed (b) advised
(a) pail (b) pale (c) pall (d) peel
starting from a consonant sound - (a (c) ordered (d) proposed
conversation,astory,ayear).Article‘the’ .95.The police were on high alert on
Q.107. M eenakshi sweeps the ball
is used for specific or particular nouns. account of the ______ convict who had
xcellently when she ________ an off -
‘NCC’ is a specific body of the Indian killed many people.
spin delivery.
Army. Hence, ‘a; the’ is the most SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (2nd shift)
SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (2nd shift)
appropriate answer. (a) run after (b) walk away
(a) will get (b) has got (c) got (d) gets
(c) eloped (d) runaway
ol.86.(b) evacuated
‘Evacuated’ means the act of moving .96. Payments can be made by ______
ot interested in________letters by hand.
people or objects out of a place of or in cash.
SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (3rd shift)
dangeroremergencytoasaferlocation. SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (2nd shift)
(a) righting (b) rioting
The given sentence states that people (a) chick (b) cheek (c) cheque (d) cheeky
(c) rating (d) writing
were evacuated to safe places by the
rescueteamaftertheearthquake.Hence, .97.Youarethe__________tothethrone
Q.109. Eshwar Chandra Vidyasagar
‘evacuated’ is the most appropriate and should behave in such a manner.
f ought hard against _______ practices
answer. SSC CGL 17/07/2023 (3rd shift)
which affected Indian society of his time.
(a) hair (b) here (c) hare (d) heir
SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (4th shift)
ol.87.(d) mandatory
Q (a) many evil (b) all evil
‘Mandatory’ is the correct spelling.
_______. (c) most evil (d) more evil
ol.88.(c) callous
S SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (1st shift)
‘Callous’ means having a cruel and (a) flock (b) litter (c) pack (d) streak
insensitive disregard for others. The
Q SSC CGL 20/07/2023 (4th shift)
given sentence states that the CEO’s
that the entire neighbourhood is ( a) colt (b) chick (c) calf (d) cub
insensitive disregard for his employee’s
well-beingledtohigherprofitsandlower disturbed.
.111. Mohan _________ the charge of
morale in the company. Hence, ‘callous’ SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (2nd shift)
Centre for Life Skills from Mustafa.
is the most appropriate answer. (a) lord (b) loved (c) laud (d) loud
SSC CGL 21/07/2023 (1st shift)
Q (a) took out (b) took through
side of the ______. (c) took off (d) took over
‘GIve birth’ means to produce a baby
from your body. The given sentence SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (3rd shift)
states that Sarah just gave birth to a (a) ail (b) isle (c) I’ll (d) aisle
short and ________.
baby boy. Hence, ‘birth’ is the most .101. 'Habitual' may be replaced
Q SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (1st shift)
appropriate answer. by______ (a) coned (b) conveyance
SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (1st shift) (c) concise (d) consisted
ol.90.(d) reign
‘Reign’ means the period during which (a) Stagnant (b) Continual
somebody is in charge of an (c) Temperate (d) Holistic
people are called 'Tibetans'.
organisation. The given sentence states .102. The match schedule
Q was SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (2nd shift)
that the CEO was praised for her disturbed due to __________ rains (a) neighbour (b) neighbouring
innovativeleadershipduringthetimeshe SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (1st shift) (c) neighbour's (d) neighbourhood
was in charge of the company. Hence, (a) detestable (b) incessant
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Pinnacle Fill in the blanks
.114. The Princess firmly held the
Q .126. Select the most appropriate
Q ere ________ .
__________ in her hands. idiomatic expression to fill in the blank. SSC CGL 27/07/2023 (3rd shift)
SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (3rd shift) Anita keeps on repeating that she is (a) contemporaries (b) co-writers
(a) rain (b) ran (c) reign (d) rein innocent, but there is _____ . (c) colleagues (d) associates
SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (1st shift)
.115. Mosquitoes _________ if there is
Q (a) no smoke without fire .137. The driver very subtly _____ the
no water logging. (b) no pulling up of the socks traffic violation he committed.
SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (3rd shift) (c) no rubbing of the shoulders SSC CGL 27/07/2023 (3rd shift)
(a) breed (d) no love lost between (a) ironed through (b) ironed in
(b) will breed (c) ironed out (d) ironed aside
(c) will not breed .127. ShakuntalaDeviwasbornon4th
(d) will have been breeding November 1929. In her childhood she Solutions :-
______ to school .
Q.116. The details were__________from SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (1st shift) ol.91.(c) as beautiful as
ne person to the other within no time.
o (a) never gone (b) went never ‘As...as’ is a comparative structureused
SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (4th shift) (c) had never been (d) ever been to compare two things. Similarly, the
(a) passed away (b) passed in
given sentence compares her beauty
(c) passed down (d) passed out Q.128. Soon after the doctor gave her
with a peacock. Hence, ‘as beautifulas’
t he next _______ of the medicine, the
.117.The room was very ___________.
Q is the most appropriate answer.
patient began to _____.
SSC CGL 24/07/2023 (4th shift) SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (1st shift) ol.92.(b) have
(a) quit (b) quilt (c) quiet (d) quite (a) dose, dozed (b) dosed, doze Theverb‘reminds’indicatesanactionin
Q.118. Raghav had a good for (c) dose, doze (d) doze, dose present tense. We generally use the
tage plays.
s semi-modal ‘have to’ with
.129. The actress is very ______ and
SSC CGL 25/07/2023 (1st shift) “I/you/we/they” to express a general
takes pride in her appearance all the
(a) trip (b) trope (c) troop (d) troupe obligation. Similarly, the given sentence
Q SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (2nd shift)
careful.Hence, ‘have’ is the most
during the . (a) vein (b) wane (c) vane (d) vain
appropriate answer.
S SC CGL 25/07/2023 (1st shift) Q.130. The termites were just thetipof
(a) recission (b) revision ol.93.(b) Career
t he____________,butthehousewasnear
(c) remission (d) recession ‘Career’ means the period of time that
collapsing in reality.
Q.120.Yesterday,Iateonlya ________of SSC CGL 26/07/2023 (4th shift)
particular thing. The given sentence
pples for my dinner.
a (a) mountain (b) iceberg
SSC CGL 25/07/2023 (2nd shift) (c) shoe (d) heel
writer. Hence, ‘career’ is the most
(a) pier (b) pear (c) pare (d) pair Q.131. __________ in population is a appropriate answer.
Sol.385.(a) ‘Bookmarking’ means to Q.396. In the given sentence, a word is
S itthesack’isanidiomthat
m iven in brackets. Select the most
find it easily again. The given sentence appropriateANTONYMofthewordtofill
states that Kajol is one age-defying in the blank.
decided to go to bed to restore their
beauty and her sari collection is worth The kids are feeling bored, but they are
energy. Hence, ‘hit thesack’isthemost
bookmarking. Hence, ‘bookmarking’ is ______ (eager) to participate in the
appropriate answer.
the most appropriate answer. activities.
ol.391.(d) gift of the gab
S Graduate Level 02/08/2022 ( Shift - 3)
ol.386.(b) Hotel - an establishment
S (a) passive (b) reluctant
‘Gift of the gab’ is an idiom thatmeans
providing accommodation, meals, and (c) nervous (d) repulsive
the ability to speak with eloquence and
other services for travellers and tourists
fluency. The given sentence states that
Attic- a space or room inside or partly Q.397. Countries like China and the
James Bernard was undoubtedlyoneof
inside the roof of a building United States invest _______ in wind,
the greatest elocutionists of the world.
Ranch- a large farm, especially in the hydro, solar and biofuels.
Everyone agreed that he possessed the
western US andCanada,wherecattleor Graduate Level 02/08/2022 ( Shift - 3)
ability to speak with eloquence. Hence,
other animals are bred and raised (a) profoundly (b) achingly
‘gift of the gab’ is the most appropriate
Croft- a very small farm around a house (c) absolutely (d) heavily
ol.387.(b) ‘Strangely’ means in an
S Q.398. Freud's work with free
S n axe to grind’ is an idiom
unusual or surprising way. The given ssociation, dream analysis and the
that means to have aprivatereasonfor
sentence states that the narrator felt unconsciouswasof________importance
doing or being involved in something.
strangely (surprisingly) elated at the to theSurrealistsindevelopingmethods
n ews. Hence, ‘strangely’ is the most to liberate Imagination.
advisable to have a private reason for
appropriate answer. Graduate Level 03/08/2022 ( Shift - 3)
doing something.
(a) farthest (b) hugest
ol.388.(c) ‘Serious’ means something
S (c) remotest (d) utmost
severe in effect. The given sentence SSC CGL 2021 Tier - 2
states thattherewasaseriousaccident .399.NewYork________itsrootsbackto
last night and the inspector on deputy .393. The annual meeting of our club
Q 1624, when it was founded asatrading
wasunabletoraisehelpwhenshecalled has been ______ till next month. post by colonists of the Dutch Republic.
from the mountains. Hence, ‘serious’ is SSC CGL Tier II (08/08/2022) Graduate Level 04/08/2022 ( Shift - 2)
the most appropriate answer. (a) dragged (b) deferred (a) traces (b) dates
(c) disrupted (d) deranged (c) sketches (d) recalls
Sol.389.(b) Stretch
‘Stretch’ means a continuous area or Q.394.The boy ______ to take the money. .400.Accordingtothetraditions,Easter
expanse of land. The given sentence SC CGL Tier II (08/08/2022)
S Sundayiscelebratedby____________part
statesthattheonewhoistalkedaboutin (a) ordered (b) denied in an Easter vigil, lighting a new fire
the sentence saw the dark expanse of (c) reminded (d) refused outside the church early on Sunday
highway in his rear view mirror. Hence, morning.
‘stretch’ is the most appropriate answer. Solutions :- Graduate Level 04/08/2022 ( Shift - 4)
(a) taking (b) being(c) bearing (d) making
ol.393.(b) Deferred
SSC CPO 2022 Tier - 1
‘Defer’ means to postpone. The given Q.401. Stereotypes may be used to
sentence statesthattheannualmeeting justify ill-founded ________ or ignorance,
Q.390. After a tiring day, the workers
of our club hasbeenpostponedtillnext and prevent people of stereotyped
ecided to_______ to restore their energy.
month. Hence, ‘deferred’ is the most groups from entering or succeeding in
SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Morning)
appropriate answer. various activities or fields.
(a) have an axe to grind
(b) put a spoke in the wheel Graduate Level 05/08/2022 ( Shift - 3)
ol.394.(d) Refused
(c) bring to book (a) conclusions (b) thoughts
(d) hit the sack (c) prejudices (d) problems
are notwillingtoacceptsomething.The
given sentence states that the boy .402.Theblueembroideredsareeisno
.391. James Bernardwasundoubtedly
refused(not willing) to take the money. doubtan________pieceofhandwork,but
one of the greatest elocutionists of the
Hence, ‘refused’ is themostappropriate because of its _______pricenoonewas
world. Everyone agreed that he
answer. ready to buy it.
possessed the_________.
SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Morning) Higher Secondary 01/08/2022 ( Shift - 3 )
(a) yellow press (b) fourth estate SSC Selection Post (Phase - X) (a) erudite; enormous
(c) curtain lecture (d) gift of the gab (b) extinct; ecstatic
Q.395. Easter eggs used to be painted (c) exquisite; exorbitant
Q.392.It is never advisable to have an hickeneggs,butamodern________isto
c (d) embellished; errant
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Pinnacle Fill in the blanks
Q.403. His_____________violation of the ‘Prejudices’ means a preconceived ( a) Weirdly ( b) Weakly
m code of conduct was pinion that is not based on reason or
o (c) Thoroughly (d) sluggishly
too_________to be forgiven. actual experience. The given sentence
Higher Secondary 04/08/2022 ( Shift - 3 ) states that Stereotypes may be used to .409.Thus, ______ of their purpose, the
(a) flagrant; outrageous justify ill-founded prejudices or three knights tried another plan.
(b) fragrant; outgoing ignorance, and prevent people of SSC MTS 06/07/2022 (Afternoon)
(c) obscure; outstanding stereotyped groups from entering or (a) involved (b) foiled (c) toiled (d) failed
(d) magnificent; outlandish succeedinginvariousactivitiesorfields. Q.410.Inallcases,wehaveto______the
Hence, ‘prejudices’ is the most f acts from the various reports and
Solutions :- appropriate answer. documents.
Sol.402.(c)exquisite; exorbitant SSC MTS 06/07/2022 (Afternoon)
ol.395.(d) Custom
S (a) Instil (b) Repel (c) Standstill (d) Distil
delicate and exorbitant means Q.411. The ocean waves swelled and
accepted way of behaving or doing
unreasonably high. The given sentence r eached______herhead,andshestarted
states that The blue embroidered saree screaming.
society, place, or time. The given
is no doubt an exquisite piece of SSC MTS 06/07/2022 (Evening)
handwork, but because of its exorbitant (a) among (b) upon (c) above (d) at
be painted chicken eggs, but a modern
price noonewasreadytobuyit.Hence,
custom is to substitute them with
‘exquisite; exorbitant’ is the most .412. ______ your remaining project if
appropriate answer. you get groceries for me from the
confectionery such as jelly beans. .
Hence,“Custom”isthemostappropriate ol.403.(a) Flagrant ; Outrageous
S SSC MTS 07/07/2022 (Morning)
answer. Flagrant means conspicuouslyoffensive (a) would do (b) will do
& Outrageous means exceeding the (c) will have done (d) would have done
ol.396.(b) Reluctant
limits of what is usual. The given
Eager - having or showing desire or
sentence states that his ‘flagrant .413. Writing books about how to
violation of the moral code of conduct ______ontheinternetseemslikeagreat
Reluctant- not wanting to dosomething
was too outrageous to be forgiven’. idea.
and therefore slow to do it.
Hence, ‘Flagrant & Outrageous’ is the SSC MTS 07/07/2022 (Morning)
Passive - lacking in energy or will;
most appropriate answer. (a) make a promise (b) make a fortune
(c) make a habit (d) make a list
Nervous - appearing or actingunsteady,
erratic, or irregular. SSC MTS 2021 Tier - 1 .414. The Lebanese army raided the
boat and______dozensofwaterbottles,
ol.397.(d) Heavily
S .404. The ______ of the knife in his
tuna cans, loaves of bread, boxes of
‘Heavily’meanstoagreatdegreeorina hand made her sick.
Picon cheese and life jackets.
heavy manner. Hence, ‘Heavily’ is the SSC MTS 05/07/2022 (Afternoon)
SSC MTS 07/07/2022 (Morning)
most appropriate answer. (a) site (b) sight (c) slight (d) cite
(a) discovered (b) learnt
ol.398.(d) utmost
S Q.405. The ______ needs of the (c) created (d) invented
‘Utmost’ means the most extreme; inhabitants seem tobefruit,iceddrinks,
.415. The US has become far more
greatest. Thegivensentencestatesthat shiny boots and lottery tickets.
______ to people with all kinds of food
Freud's work with free association, SSC MTS 05/07/2022 (Afternoon)
sensitivities and diet regimens.
dreamanalysisandtheunconsciouswas (a) amiable (b) principle
SSC MTS 07/07/2022 (Afternoon)
ofutmostimportance.Hence,‘utmost’is (c) invincible (d) principal
(a) deviated (b) lodging
the most appropriate answer.
.406. There are good points to each
Q (c) selective (d) accommodating
ol.399.(a) Traces
S side and we need more ______ people
.416. All of my efforts to saveherlife
‘Traces’ means a sign or evidence of that are willing to look at them fromall
have gone in ______.
some past thing. The given sentence angles.
SSC MTS 07/07/2022 (Afternoon)
states that New York traces its roots SSC MTS 05/07/2022 (Afternoon)
(a) vain (b) vein (c) van (d) vane
back to 1624,whenitwasfoundedasa (a) ubiquitous (b) unbiased
trading post by colonists of the Dutch (c) undermined (d) unadorned Q.417. The garret where he lay at night
Republic. Hence, ‘traces’ is the most adlongbeen______,andagreatnumber
appropriate answer. .407. One of the children stood atthe
of mice had made their home in it.
door to ______ if he saw the apparitor
SSC MTS 07/07/2022 (Evening)
ol.400.(a) taking
S coming, who was an officer of the
(a) vacant (b) partial (c) visible (d) thick
Thephrase‘takepart’meanstojoininan spiritual court.
activity or be involved. The given SSC MTS 05/07/2022 (Evening) Q.418. Ms. Gupta expressed her ______
sentence states that Easter Sunday is (a) give notice (b) give advice f or my political understanding.
celebrated by taking part in an Easter (c) give thought (d) give a hand SSC MTS 08/07/2022 (Morning)
vigil. Hence, ‘taking’ is the most (a) admiration (b) location
appropriate answer. Q.408. The boys were tired, but nottoo
(c) strength (d) compassion
t ired to examine the little hut ______
Sol.401.(c) Prejudices SSC MTS 06/07/2022 (Morning) Q.419.Danny lay on his back staring at
S .610. The wise try to improve
Solutions :-
Accompany - Bepresentoroccuratthe themselves ______ the fools keep
same time as (something else). blaming their luck.
Sol.600.(b) ‘S
Achieve - To complete something by SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Evening)
is an idiom that is used for something
hard work and skill (a) therefore (b) whereas
that isapparentorsimplyvisibletoone.
Accomplish - To succeed in doing (c) still (d) whether
The given sentence states that poverty
something difficult that you planned to
do Q.611. The fan was directly ______ my
p overty was apparent. Hence, ‘in’ is the
Construct- Build or make ead.
most appropriate answer.
Herethemeaningofaccompanyisused SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
to show that his gesture and thewords Sol.601.(a) The given sentence talks (a) over (b) on (c) at (d) Below
take place at the same time. So,option boutawarthattookplaceinthepast(in
(c) is the correct answer. 1945),soitmusthaveaverbinthepast Solutions :-
form(won). Hence, ‘won’ is the most
Sol.596.(b)Devised-toinventanewway Sol.603.(b)Stativeverbsarethoseverbs
appropriate answer.
f doing something.
o hichexpressastateofcondition.They
Insisted-(i)tosayfirmlythatsomething Sol.602.(a) ‘Your’ is the second person do not refer to a physical action.Sense
istrue(whensomebodydoesnotbelieve ossessive adjective that is used to
p and emotions like hear, smell, see, love,
you). describesomethingasbelongingtoyou, hate etc are different types of stative
(ii) to say strongly that you must have or for example, I wish I had your energy. verbs. However, these verbs can’t be
dosomething,Adopted-totakeanduse However, ‘your’ is usually followed by a used in (-ing form) for example, Hear,
something. noun(including gerunds). Similarly, Smell(Correct) and Hearing,
Herestatesaremakingtheirownwaysto granting in the given sentence is a Smelling(Incorrect). Hence, ‘I smell
ensure the safety of the students. So gerund. Hence, ‘your’ is the most something burning’ will be the most
‘devised’ will be the most appropriate appropriate answer. appropriate answer.
SSC CPO 2020 Tier - 1 ol.604.(d) ‘Fondness from somebody’
ol.597.(d) Curiosity means a desire to
S and ‘fondness for something’ are the
knoworlearn.Thegivensentencestates correct structure of the sentence.
that unable tocheckherdesiretoknow, Q.603.I ______ something burning now.
However, in the given question, shehas
Aliceranaftertherabbitdowntherabbit SC CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning)
fondness for tennis. Hence, ‘for’ will be
hole. Hence, ‘curiosity’ is the most (a) smelt (b) smell
the most appropriate answer.
appropriate answer. (c) have been smelling (d) have smelt
ol.605.(b) Goodness gracious will be
ol.598.(c) Accompanied means to go
S .604.She has inherited her fondness
the most appropriate answer. It is an
together with somebody/something like ______ tennis from her parents.
a companion. However, accompanied SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
show sudden surprise. In the given
takes‘with’withit.Hence,‘accompanied’ (a) at (b) to (c) by (d) for
is the most appropriate answer. .605. ______! What have you done to
Q odd hair cut by his/her acquaintance.
ol.599.(b)Plethora means a very large
S your hair? You are looking so odd.
ol.606.(b) Few and many are used for
amountofsomething,usuallymorethan SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
countable nouns. But, Success is an
is needed or can be used. The given (a) Bother (b) Goodness gracious
uncountable noun. For uncountable
sentence states that Delhi University’s (c) Hurrah (d) Bravo
nouns, we use ‘much’ like much of the
new institution called the School of .606.______ofoursuccessdependson
Q work, much effort etc. Hence, much is
PublicHealthwillofferlargeamountsof our own efforts. the most appropriate answer.
programs. Hence, ‘plethora’ is the most SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)
appropriate answer. Sol.607.(d) Desirous is an adjective
(a) Less (b) Much (c) Few (d) Many
SSC CPO 2019 Tier - 2 Q.607. ______ of living life on his own or being wishful for something. Hence,
t erms, he made few compromises. ‘desirousof’willbethemostappropriate
Q.600.Povertywasstaringher______the SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) answer.
f ace. (a) Desiring (b) Desired
ol.608.(a) Oh
SSC CPO Tier II (26/07/2021) (c) Desire (d) Desirous
Alas - used for showing sadness about
(a) to (b) in (c) at (d) on something.
Q.608. ________! What a frightening
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Pinnacle Fill in the blanks
urray - used for expressing great
H Here, when the narrator didnotfindany International Film Festival in Goa.
pleasure, approval. orter(thecause),thenhehimselfcarried
p SSC CHSL 16/10/2020 (Afternoon)
Bravo- a word that people shout to show his bag. Hence, ‘being’ is the most (a) moments (b) conversions
that they have enjoyed something that appropriate answer. (c) employments (d) activities
somebody has done.
However, in the given question, the ol.614.(a)Aboveisusuallyusedtorefer
S .623.Ihadastrokeatanearlyage,but
exclamation “Oh!” will be the most to a greater authority or its importance whatIthoughtwasagreat______atthat
appropriateanswerbecauseitisusedto forexamplethisisaboveall,hisqualities time changed my life for the better.
show a frightening/scary experience. areaboveall.Similarlyhere,theconduct SSC CHSL 16/10/2020 (Afternoon)
ofthemanisabovesuspicionmeanshe (a) lowliness (b) significance
Sol.609.(a) The phrase “Aptitude for can't do anything wrong & suspecting. (c) setback (d) moodiness
.624. It is said that childrenwholearn
sentence. It means the ability or talent SSC CHSL 2019 Tier - 1
for something.Forexample,aptitudefor tousetheirbody,mindandemotionsfor
mathematics, aptitude for learning etc. their own well-being, work ______ the
Q.615. Padamse worked like a
Hence,“aptitudeforbusiness”willbethe wellbeing of others.
athematician and was a true ______
most appropriate answer. SSC CHSL 16/10/2020 (Evening)
who experimented with numerous
(a) within (b) into
ol.610.(b) Whereas is a conjunction
S (c) forwards (d) towards
SSC CHSL 12/10/2020 (Morning)
which is used for showingafactthatis
(a) visionary (b) voluntary .625. In ______ of the great workheis
different. For example, he eats meat,
(c) literary (d) adversary doing for economically weaker children,
whereas she’s a vegetarian. Similarly in
thisquestion,thewiseimprovesandthe he has been given a special award.
fool blames his luck(different fact). SSC CHSL 19/10/2020 (Morning)
ard culture encourages people toshop
Hence, whereas will be the most (a) resolution (b) recognition
compulsively and merely ______ debts.
appropriate answer. (c) award (d) reward
SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Morning)
(a) accumulate (b) formulate Q.626. Our professor speaks English
ol.611.(a) Over is a preposition which
(c) stimulate (d) simulate ith a ______ Oriya accent.
touching it. Fans are usually on the SSC CHSL 19/10/2020 (Evening)
Q.617. A ________ of small stones is
ceiling.Hence,‘fanwasovermyhead’is (a) vague (b) pronounced
alled a mosaic.
the most appropriate answer. (c) widespread (d) remarkable
SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) design (b) structure Q.627.Aliteraturefestivalonthebeach:
SSC CGL 2019 Tier - 2 (c) mound (d) pattern ith waves crashing on the beach, the
Kerala Literature Festival got ______ in
Q.618. Theperformancesofthenotable
.612. This visit will not interfere______
Q Kozhikode with a range of panel
ancers and guest artists ______ the
our plans. discussions in English and Malayalam.
SSC CGL Tier II (15/11/2020) SSC CHSL 20/10/2020 (Afternoon)
SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Evening)
(a) into (b) with (c) at (d) from (a) away (b) underway
(a) immersed (b) occupied
(c) wayward (d) apart
.613. There ______ no porters on the
Q (c) enthralled (d) absorbed
platform, he had to carry his luggage .628.Ritu is an ______ reader. I always
.619. According to experts, some
himself. find her with a book.
sectors remain ______ during these
SSC CGL Tier II (18/11/2020) SSC CHSL 21/10/2020 (Afternoon)
difficult times, including banking and
(a) going (b) being (c) having (d) been (a) irritated (b) erratic
financial services, FMCG, food and
(c) avid (d) inattentive
.614. He is an honest man and his
Q technology.
conduct is ______ suspicion. SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Morning) .629.PrinceHarryandhiswife,Megan
SSC CGL Tier II (18/11/2020) (a) redundant (b) repentant Markle announced their decision to
(a) above (b) below (c) over (d) against (c) repugnant (d) resilient ______fromtheirroleasseniorroyalsby
leaving the United Kingdomandlimiting
.620. The area is ______ close circuit
Solutions :- their royal commitments.
television surveillance.
SSC CHSL 21/10/2020 (Evening)
SSC CHSL 14/10/2020 (Evening)
ol.612.(b) Interfere with something
S (a) step up (b) step on
(a) into (b) about (c) over (d) under
means to stop or slow(something).For (c) step in (d) step back
example,Thedrugmightinterferewitha Q.621.TheflyoverwasclosedinOctober
child'sphysicaldevelopment.Similarlyin Q.630. In our metro cities the contrast
thegivenquestion,thenarratorissaying etween the high risebuildingswiththe
been ______ as it will be ready only in
that the visit will notinterfere(hinderor slums behind is ______.
March this year.
stop) with t heir plans. Hence, ‘Interfere SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Evening)
SSC CHSL 15/10/2020 (Evening)
with’ is the correct structure for the (a) comforting (b) interesting
(a) repaired (b) broken
sentence. (c) laudable (d) appalling
(c) delayed (d) built
ol.613.(b) ‘Being’ is usually used to
S Q.631. Several environmentalists from
.622.There was a range of ______ that
indicate the cause behind something. t he city conductedameetingtodiscuss
kept tourists engaged during the
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Pinnacle Fill in the blanks
issues related to the ______ pollution Mosaic is apatternof small stones. Towards - expressing the relation
levels createdbythegrowingnumberof etweenbehaviouroranattitudeandthe
pharmaceutical companies. Sol.618.(c) Enthralled means to hold person orthingatwhichitisdirectedor
SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Evening) omebody’s interest and attention
s with which it is concerned.
(a) raise in (b) rise in completely. As per the question, the According to the context of the sentence
(c) rising from (d) raising of performance of the dancers held the option (d) is the correct answer.
attention of the audience. Hence,
.632. Astronomy enthusiasts and sky
Q ‘enthralled’ will be the most appropriate ol.625.(b)recognition
gazers willbeabletowatchsixeclipses answer. Resolution--afirmdecisiontodoornot
in 2020, but only three of them are to do something.
expected to be ______ in India. Sol.619.(d) Resilient means strong Recognition- identification of someone
SSC CHSL 17/03/2020 (Morning) nough to deal with illness, a shock or
e or something or person from previous
(a) exposed (b) evident change etc. The given question states encounters or knowledge.
(c) revealed (d) visible that some sectors are strongenoughto Reward - a thing given in recognitionof
deal with the difficult times. Hence, service, effort, or achievement.
.633. The strong Indian battingline-up
Q ‘resilient’ will be the most appropriate Accordingtothecontextofthesentence
will ______ a big worry for the visiting answer. option (b) is the most suitable answer.
cricket team.
SSC CHSL 17/03/2020 (Afternoon) Sol.620.(d) The phrase under ol.626.(b) Pronounced - make the
(a) pick (b) put (c) place (d) pose urveillancemeanstowatchsomeoneor
s soundof(awordorpartofaword)inthe
something closely especially in order to correct or a particular way.
.634. The minister said,“Anyoneusing
Q preventordetectacrime.Hence,‘under’ Vague - of uncertain, indefinite, or
drones will have to register them on an will be the most appropriate answer unclear character or meaning.
______ portal.” Widespread-foundordistributedovera
SSC CHSL 17/03/2020 (Afternoon) ol.621.(c)delayed
large area or number of people.
(a) airport (b) aviation Repaired -restore(somethingdamaged,
Remarkable- worthy of attention
(c) airline (d) aeroplane faulty, or worn) to a good condition.
According to the context of sentence
Broken - having breaks or gaps in
option (b) is the most appropriate
.635. By accelerating digitisation and
Q continuity.
leveraging next generationtechnologies, Delay - make (someone or something)
Pinnacle Note- Vague means uncertain
the life insurance sector can double its late or slow.
and that can also be the answer.
______ to Rupees 70 lakh crores, a study Built - construct (something) by putting
said. parts or material together. ol.627.(b)underway
SSC CHSL 17/03/2020 (Evening) According to the meaning of the Away- at a distance from a particular
(a) assets (b) reports sentence, option (c) is fit to the context. place, person, or thing.
(c) policies (d) funding Underway - having started and in
progress; being done or carried out.
.636. People readily accept any ______
Q Moment- a very brief period of time.
Wayward - difficult to control or predict
of their leaders if supported by the Conversions- the process of changing or
because of wilful or perverse behaviour.
media. causing something to change from one
SSC CHSL 18/03/2020 (Evening) form to another.
in time or space.
(a) concession (b) compromise Employment - the state of having paid
(c) argument (d) dispute work.
(b) is the most logical answer as the
Q.637. Unnecessary suspicion and lack festival is going on.
regularly and for enjoyment.
o Accordingtothecontextofthesentence ol.628.(c) Avid- eager and enthusiastic
______. option (d) is the most logical answer. Erratic - changing without reason (used
SSC CHSL 19/03/2020 (Afternoon)
about a person’s behaviour)
(a) prejudice (b) contentment ol.623.(c)Set back
Inattentive- Not paying attention.
(c) impartiality (d) empathy Lowliness - A state of being humble.
Significance -thequalityofbeingworthy
means she is an avid reader.
Solutions :- of attention; importance.
Setback- a difficulty or problem that ol.629.(d)
Sol.615.(a) Visionary - one who has stops you progressing as fast as you Step back- to stop doing something.
f oresightorcanthinkaboutthefuturein would like. Step up -Totakeactionwhenthereisa
an imaginative way Moodiness -thequalityofchangingyour need or opportunity for it.
Voluntary- Done with one’s free will moods suddenlyandbecomingangryor Stepin-Tobecomeinvolvedinadifficult
Literary- Concerned with writing unhappy easily. situation or argument in order to help
Adversary- One’s opponent Option (c) is fit to the context of the find a solution.
sentence. Step on- To behave unkindly.
Sol.616.(a)Accumulate- gather So,option (d) is the most appropriate
ccumulate is the most appropriate
A ol.624.(d) towards
S answer.
answerinthegivencontextbecausehere Within- inside (something).
we are talking about gathering debts. Forwards - in the direction that one is Sol.630.(d) Appalling - To shock
facing or travelling omebody very much :horrific
Sol.617.(d) Laudable- Deserving to be appreciated,
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Pinnacle Fill in the blanks
raised or admired
p t o reach an agreement. SC CGL 07/03/2020 (Afternoon)
Comfort -Totrytomakesomebodyfeel Argument-anangrydiscussionbetween (a) pious (b) plenty
nice and happy. two or more people who disagree with (c) luxuriant (d) powerful
So, option (d) is the most appropriate each other.
answer. Dispute - A disagreement or argument Q.646.Beautiful red roses ________ the
betweentwopeople,groupsorcountries ride’s hair.
ol.631.(b) Raise - to lift something up
S Option (c) is the most logical answer. SSC CGL 07/03/2020 (Evening)
physically (a) attracted (b) adorned
Eg:-If you want to leave the room raise Sol.637.(a) Prejudice - preconceived (c) allured (d) adjourned
your hand. pinion that is not based on reason or
Rise - an increase in an amount, a actual experience. Q.647. Your demandsareboundtolead
number or a level (naturally) Contentment - a stateofhappinessand t o ______ in the family.
Eg:-The sun rises in the east. satisfaction. SSC CGL 09/03/2020 (Morning)
So, ‘the rise in pollution level’ is the Impartiality-equaltreatmentofallrivals (a) discord (b) barrier
appropriate answer. or disputants; fairness. (c) decrease (d) absence
Empathy- theabilitytounderstandand .648. My cousin'sstudyonthereading
S share the feelings of another.
Exposed - To show something that is habits of school children across three
According to the meaning of the states hasbeenrecognisedasa_______
usually hidden. sentence, option (a) is fit to the context.
Evident- clear,Obvious piece of research.
Reveal - To show something that was SSC CGL 09/03/2020 (Afternoon)
hidden before.
SSC CGL 2019 Tier - 1 (a) negligent (b) useless
Visible- That can be seen. (c) pioneering (d) proud
.638.Handle this glass table with care
So,option (d) is themostlogicalanswer Q.649. Suzerainty is having political
because it is ____
because it means only three of six c ontrol over a _______ state.
SSC CGL 03/03/2020 (Morning)
eclipses can be seen in India. SSC CGL 09/03/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) fragile (b) ductile (c) volatile (d) frugal
S (a) backward (b) unified
Q.639. The government has warnedthe (c) democratic (d) dependent
Pick - to choose somebody/something
t raders not to _______ onions.
from a group of people or things.
Put- tomovesomebody/somethinginto
SSC CGL 03/03/2020 (Evening) Solutions :-
(a) hoard (b) combine (c) bulk (d) gross
a particular place or position.
Sol.638.(a)Fragile- Breakable
Place - A particular position or area. .640. The groom stood before the
Q ( b)Ductile- able to be drawn out into a
Pose - to create or give somebody _______ fortheweddingceremonyatthe thin wire.
something that he/she has to deal with. church. (c)Volatile- easily
So, option (d) is the most logical answer. SSC CGL 04/03/2020 (Morning) evaporated at normal temperatures.
(a) atlas (b) alter (c) attic (d) altar (d) Frugal - using money and other
viation - the activity of transporting
A resources carefully
.641. The government should take
people and goods by aircraft stringentstepsagainstterroristsandfoil ol.639.(a)Hoard-astore(oftensecret)
Airport - is a place where aeroplanes their ____ designs. of money, food, etc.
land and take off. SSC CGL 04/03/2020 (Afternoon) So, option (a) is fit to the context.
Airline -is the industry of aeroplanes (a) exemplary (b) benevolent
Drone - it is also a device which is (c) conducive (d) malicious Sol.640.(d)Altar-Analtarisastructure
related to the aviation sector. pon which offerings such assacrifices
So, option (b) is the most appropriate Q.642. All studentsshouldexpresstheir are made for religious purposes. Altars
answer. _ ______ views in the group discussion are found at shrines,temples,churches,
without any fear. and other places of worship. They are
ol.635.(a) Assets - somethingofvalue
S SSC CGL 05/03/2020 (Afternoon) used particularly in Christianity,
that a person, company, etc. owns. (a) secluded (b) candid Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and
Reports - to give people information (c) guarded (d) outspoken Modern
about what you have seen, heard,done,
etc. Q.643. She _______ how the magician ol.641.(d) Malicious - characterizedby
Policy - a plan of action agreed or ad performed the rope trick.
h malice; intending or intended to do harm.
chosen by a government, a company, etc. SSC CGL 06/03/2020 (Morning) (a) Exemplary - serving as a desirable
Funding- To provide a project, school, (a) puzzled (b) suspected model; very good.
charity etc. with money. (c) bewildered (d) wondered (b)Benevolent- well-meaning and kindly.
So, option (a) is the most appropriate (c) Conducive - making a certain
.644. The reckless young man was
answer. situation or outcome likely or possible.
_______ for the debts incurred by him.
S SSC CGL 06/03/2020 (Evening) ol.642.(b) Candid - truthful and
Concession - something that you agree (a) audacious (b) liable straightforward; frank.
to do in order to end an argument. (c) suspicious (d) reliable (a) Secluded - not seen or visited by
Compromise - to accept less than you many people; sheltered and private.
Q.645. There is a ______ growth of
want or are aiming for, especially in order (c)Guarded- cautious and having
flowers in tropical countries.
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Pinnacle Fill in the blanks
ossible reservations.
p (c) have (d) had Q.661. Indian films have _____ added
(d) Outspoken - frank in stating one's aturewithoutitsfuryintolongromantic
opinions .651.Donotmeddle____theaffairsof
Q songs.
others. SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening)
Sol.643.(d) Wondered - desire to know SSC CPO 09/12/2019 (Evening) (a) frequently (b) fretfully
omething; feel curious.
s (a) From (b) In (c) To (d) at (c) formerly (d) fussily
(a)Puzzled- unable to understand;
(b)Suspected- have an idea or Q.652. You must apologize______the Q.662. Dozens of dogs in Norway have
impression oftheexistence(something) unishment.
p r ecently been hitbyamysteriousandat
without certain proof. SSC CPO 09/12/2019 (Evening) times ______, illness , raising concern
(c)Bewildered- perplexed and (a) to escape (b) Escaping among dog owners.
confused; very puzzled. (c) Escape (d) Escapes SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening)
Q (a) Suspicious (b) desperate
ol.644.(b)Liable- responsible by law
S (c) fatal (d) dreary
(a)Audacious-showingawillingnessto had to take a taxi.
take surprisingly bold risks. SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning)
(a) Even if (b) Hence Solutions :-
(c) Suspicious - having or showing a
cautious distrust of someone or (c) since (d) Although
Sol.650.(d)If only wehada light.
something. .654. The boy was leaningagainstthe
Q In conditional sentences, use if only +
(d)Reliable- able to be trusted. pillar _____ his hands _____ his pockets. past perfect to talk about a wish to
ol.645.(c) Luxuriant - rich and profuse
S SSC CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) change something that has already
in growth; lush. (a) for ; into (b) with ; in happened.
(a)Pious - devoutly religious. (c) with ; from (d) for ; in Eg: If only he had listened to what his
(b)Plenty- as much or as many of friends had been telling him.
Q.655. Please sign these documents
something as you need _ _____inksothattheycanbepreserved. ol.651.(b)
(d) Powerful - having a lot ofcontrolor SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning) Do not meddleinthe affairs of others.
influence over other people (a) with (b) by (c) from (d) in Meddlein-interfereinsomethingthatis
Sol.646.(b) Beautiful red roses adorned not your concern.
Q.656. ______ of these boys is doing
t hebride’s hair. Eg:Becauseheistryingtomeddleinmy
nything worthwhile.
Adorn - means make them more business, I want him out of my house
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
beautiful or attractive. immediately.
(a) Either (b) Each (c) None (d) Both
Other Option:
Sol.652.(a) t o escape - abstain
(c)Allured-thequalityofbeingattractive .657. The festival expenses arebound
and exciting to _______ in my pocket. ol.653.(c) Since there were no buses,
(d)Adjourned- to stop a meeting, a trial, SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) we had to take a taxi.
etc. (a) be upfront (b) give a clean chit “Since”canbeanexpressionoftime,and
(c) be out of the blue (d) make a dent it can also mean “because” when used
Sol.647.(a) Discord - the state of not
as a preposition.
greeing or sharing opinions
a .658. The first thing they did was to
Eg: Since I was ill, I could not come.
Barrier - anything used to block _____ the extent of damagedonebythe
someone from going somewhere. rains. Sol.654.(b)with, in
SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
ol.648.(c) My cousin's study on the
S (a) circulate (b) ascertain ol.655.(d)
reading habits ofschoolchildrenacross (c) repair (d) search Please sign these documents in ink.
three states has been recognized as a When you refer to the marks you make
pioneeringpiece of research. Q.659. Unfortunately, the computer has on paper you use IN. Whenyouwantto
Pioneeringmeans‘involvingnewideasor lso been responsible for the_______ of
a refer to the writing instrument, use WITH.
methods’. fraudulentschemesthroughwhichmany Eg: I wrote this IN blue ink WITH a
peoplearedeceivedbypromisesofquick fountain pen.
Sol.649.(d) Suzerainty ishavingpolitical wealth.
ontrol over adependentstate.
c SSC CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) Sol.656.(c) As the sentence indicates
Suzerainty is any relationship in which (a) promulgation (b) Proliferation t hat nothing worth was done by any of
one region or polity controls theforeign (c) proclamation (d) pretension the boys, use of none is most
policy and relations of a tributary state appropriate.
whileallowingthetributarystatetohave .660. Highways are a catalyst for
internal autonomy. economic growth but private _____ in ol.657.(d) Make a dent
this sector has been termed 'tardy' as Be upfront- above board, honest
Give a clean chit- clear of charges.
SSC CPO 2019 Tier - 1 investors do notappeartobeinterested
in putting their money in long-term Be out of the blue - out of nowhere,
projects. sudden, unexpected
Q.650. If only we _______ a light! It is
SSC CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) Make a dent - to begin to consume
epressing to wait in the dark.
(a) investment (b) transaction something
SSC CPO 09/12/2019 (Morning)
(c) operation (d) contract Eg: Buying a new car putsadentinour
(a) have had (b) are having
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Pinnacle Fill in the blanks
Sol.658.(b)Ascertain - Make sure of rain touch the dust. Hence, ‘aroma’ will ol.668.(c) Legitimate - conforming to
irculate - pass from one person to
C e the most appropriate answer.
b the law or to rules.
another, spread (a) illegal - contrary to or forbidden by
Repair- Restore to a good condition ol.665.(b)
S Controversial means law, especially criminal law.
Search - To look for something something causing public discussion (b)Irrational- not logical or reasonable.
and disagreement. According to the (d)Formidable- inspiring fear
S sentence, the suggestion was not
spread, multiply acceptable because it might have Sol.669.(d)offtherecord-notmadeas
Promulgation- to promote an idea created dispute & disagreement. Hence, n official or attributable statement.
Proclamation - a public or official “controversial” will be the most (a)off the rails- to start behaving in a
announcement appropriate answer. way that is not generally acceptable
Pretension - an attempt to make (b)offthekey- varyinginpitchfromthe
something that is not the case appear SSC CGL 2018 Tier - 2 proper tone of a melody
true (c)off the mark- incorrect or inaccurate.
.666. The sky is quiteovercast.We‘re
S ol.670.(a) Stubborn - (adjective) not
_____ to have rain today.
but privateinvestmentin this sector wanting to do what other people want
SSC CGL Tier II (11/09/2019)
Investment- investing money for profit you to do;
(a) likely (b) mostly
Transaction -buying or selling something (b) Reasoning (noun) - the process of
(c) surely (d) probably
Operation -to operate or act upon thinking about something and makinga
Contract- an agreement enforceable by law Q.667. T
he business prospect seemed judgment or decision
uite _____ so I convinced my friend to
q (c)Withdrawn-(adjective)veryquietand
Sol.661.(a) Frequently- regularly, often not wanting to talk to other people
partner with me to start the venture.
retfully- distressed, upset, miserable
F (d) Awkward - causing difficulty;hardto
SSC CGL Tier II (11/09/2019)
Formerly - previously, earlier, before do or deal with
(a) lucrative (b) dubious
(c) flourishing (d) prosperous
details, choosy, scrupulous
Q.668. The company gave in to the
emands of the employees as it found
Fatal - deadly, harmful, lethal, mortal ,
them ______.
Suspicious- doubtful, unsure, dubious ,
SSC CGL Tier II (11/09/2019)
Desperate - hopeless, anguished,
(a) illegal (b) irrational
distressed ,
(c) legitimate (d) formidable
Dreary- silent, deathlike, lone
Q.669. This is strictly _____ but some
SSC CPO 2018 Tier - 2 hanges are going to happen in the
company in the near future.
.663. Movie makers generally ______
Q SSC CGL Tier II (12/09/2019)
historical facts to write their stories. (a) off the rails (b) off the key
SSC CPO Tier II (27/09/2019) (c) off the mark (d) off the record
(a) explain (b) correct
(c) account (d) adapt Q.670. Themothersaidtoherson,“You
Q.664.Thepleasant______oftherainas have to be so ______?
itfellonthedustmademefeelnostalgic. SSC CGL Tier II (13/09/2019)
SSC CPO Tier II (27/09/2019) (a) stubborn (b) reasoning
(a) incense (b) balm (c) withdrawn (d) awkward
(c) aroma (d) perfume
Solutions :-
.665. The committee’ssuggestionwas
not acceptable to everyone as it was
ol.666.(a) Likely - such as well might
happen or be true; probable.
SSC CPO Tier II (27/09/2019)
Overcast means covered with cloud)
(a) considerate (b) controversial
(b)Mostly- almost all the time
(c) concrete (d) convenient
(c)Surely- without doubt
(d)Probably- almost certainly
Solutions :-
ol.663.(d) Adapt means to become
S deal of profit.
familiar with a new situation and to (b)Dubious- hesitating or doubting.
change your behaviour accordingly. (c) Flourishing - developing rapidly and
successfully; thriving.
Sol.664.(c) Aroma means a pleasant (d) Prosperous - successful in material
mell. The given sentence states the
s terms; flourishing financially.
pleasant smell formed when drops of
Direction :- [Q.1. to Q.841.] In the following passages, some ol.4.(d)against
w ‘Against’ means not in favour of someone or something. The
the most appropriate option to fill in each blank. givenpassagestatesthatthecampaign‘SavetheGirlChild’has
SSC CHSL 2023 Tier - 2 child. Hence, ‘against’ is the most appropriate answer.
SET - 2
ET-1. Q .(01 - 04)
Girlshavebeenthe(1)________ofmanycrimesinIndiaforyears. ol.5.(a)falling
Themostfearfulcrimewasfemalefoeticide,inwhichgirlswere Thegivenpassagestatesthatapersonlooksoutofthewindow
killed in the (2)________ of the mother after sex determination at the falling snow. Hence, ‘falling’ is the most appropriate
through ultrasound. ‘Save the Girl Child’(3)________ has been answer.
launched by the government to end gender-selectiveabortions
of female foetuses as well as other crimes(4)________thegirl ol.6.(a)trained
child. ‘Train’ means to teach a particular skill through instruction or
SSC CHSL Tier II (02/11/2023) practice.Thegivenpassagestatesthathehadtrainedhimselfto
Q.1.(a) scapegoats (b) victors (c) victims (d) sites doonethingandhehasbeenproficientatit.Hence,‘trained’is
Q.2.(a) kidney (b) womb (c) intestine (d) liver the most appropriate answer.
Q.3.(a) campfire (b) campaign (c) undertaking (d) enterprise
Q.4.(a) for (b) through (c) across (d) against ol.7.(a)insight
ET-2. Q .(05 - 08)
S a very clear way. The given passage states that as he feels
He looks out ofthewindowatthe(5)________snow,thenturns himself falling asleep, he experiences he has an insight he
andtakeshiswifeinhisarms,feelinggratefultobehereevenas believes is important. Hence, ‘insight’ is the most appropriate
he wonders what he is going to do with his life in strictly answer.
practicalterms.Foryears,hehad(6)________himselftodoone ol.8.(b)survive
thing,andhediditwell,buthedoesn'tknowwhetherhewantsto ‘Survive’ means to remain alive or in existence. The given
keep doing it for the rest of his life, for that matter, whether passage states that the clarity of the insight often doesn't
anyone will let him. He is still worrying when they go to bed. surviveandislostasthepersonwakesup.Hence,‘survive’isthe
They've been learning to get by with less, and they'll keep most appropriate answer.
learning. It seems to him as if they're taking a course in loss
lately. And as he feels himself falling asleep he has an
(7)________ he believes is important, which he hopes he will
SSC CPO 2023 Tier - 2
remember in the morning, although itisoneofthosethoughts
ET-3. Q .(9 - 18)
that seldom (8)________ translation to the languageofdaylight
Days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the
Ghaziabad priority (9) ________of the Delhi-Meerut Rapid Rail
SSC CHSL Tier II (10/01/2024)
Transit System (RRTS), the (10)________ofhigh-risesocietiesin
Q.5.(a) falling (b) dashing (c) praying (d) blazing the National Capital Region called for direct (11) ______to the
.6.(a) trained (b) mesmerised (c) penalised (d) abstained
Q public transport service points. The residents in
Q.7.(a) insight (b) implication (c) insurance (d) instance (12)__________areasofNoidaandGhaziabadsaidtheywouldbe
Q.8.(a) proliferate (b) survive (c) install (d) fabricate forcedtocontinue(13)_______onprivatevehicleswithoutproper
connectivity to the RRTS and (14) ______public transport modes.
Solutions :- "The RRTS is a great development; we want
(15)___________connectivity to key points like Metro stations,
SET - 1
railway stations, Delhi,andtheRRTS.(16)__________anyproper
S public transport, many residents are forced to opt (17)
‘Victim’ means someone who has suffered as a result of _________a personal car," the president of the New Era Flat
someoneelse'sactionsorbelief.Thegivenpassagestatesthat Owners Welfare Association, Abhishek Kumar, (18)_________.
girls have been the victims of many crimes in India for years. The 17-km prioritysectionoftheDelhi-Ghaziabad-MeerutRRTS
Hence, ‘victims’ is the most appropriate answer. corridor was inaugurated by PM Modi on October 7, and it
started commercial operations on the next day.
SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024)
‘Womb’ is the organ in the body of a woman or other female
Q.9. (a) fragment (b) section (c) system (d) piece
mammal in which a baby develops before birth. The given
Q.10.(a) landlords (b) tenants (c) people (d) residents
Q.11.(a) connected (b) connectivity (c) connecting (d) connect
Q.12.(a) lot (b) very (c) many (d) much
appropriate answer.
Q.13.(a) depending (b) depended (c) depends (d) depend
S Q.14.(a) other (b) further (c) extra (d) another
Acampaignisaplannedsetofactivitiesthatpeoplecarryoutto Q.15.(a) consecutive (b) successive (c) upright (d) direct
achieve a social or political change. The givenpassagestates Q.16.(a) In spite of (b) Despite (c) Without (d) With
thatthe‘SavetheGirlChild’campaignhasbeenlaunchedbythe Q.17.(a) on (b) for (c) to (d) of
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Pinnacle Cloze Test
Q.18.(a) professed (b) assumed (c) said (d) replied Hence, ‘direct’ is the most appropriate answer.
ET-9. Q .(48 - 52)
‘Engage’ means to participate or get involved in something. The
It is said that everyone lives (48)________ selling something.
given passage states that it is crucial to engage in meaningful
dialogue. Hence, ‘engage’ is the most appropriate answer.
live by selling knowledge, philosophers live by selling wisdom
SSC CPO 2023 Tier - 1 it may be possible to measure the value of material goods in
terms of money, it isextremelydifficultto(50)_______thetrue
ET-6. Q .(33 - 37)
S value of the services which people perform for us. There are
The Amazon rainforest is an awe-inspiringnaturalwonderthat times whenwewould(51)_______giveeverything wepossess
(33)_______across several South American countries, including to save our lives,yet we might grudge payingasurgeonahigh
Brazil,Peru,Colombia,andEcuador.Coveringan(34)______area fee for offering uspreciselythesameservice.The(52)_______
of 5.5 million square kilometres, it is the largest tropical of society are such that skills have to be paidforinthesame
rainforest on Earth. The Amazon jungle is (35)_______ for its way that goods are paid for at a shop.
remarkablebiodiversity,harbouringanastonishingarrayofplant SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (1st Shift)
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Pinnacle Cloze Test
.48.(a) by
Q (b) over (c) of (d) into SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (1st Shift)
Q.49.(a) revive (b) separate (c) choose (d) derive .63.(a) belonging (b) belong (c) belonged (d) belongs
Q.50.(a) conceal (b) extort (c) mock (d) estimate Q.64.(a) are known (b) have knowing
Q.51.(a) thoughtfully (b) perfectly (c) thoroughly (d) willingly (c) had know (d) were known
Q.52.(a) conditions (b) interferences Q.65.(a) popular (b) distinctive (c) similar (d) finite
(c) obstacles (d) connections Q.66.(a) Consequently (b) Formerly (c) Because (d) However
Q.67.(a) for example (b) in addition (c) after all (d) of course
ET-10. Q .(53 - 57)
Among the largest species of cats in the world, tigers are ET-13. Q .(68 - 72)
powerfulhunterswith(53)_________teeth,strongjawsandagile The concept of motivation focuses on explaining what moves
bodies. They range across Asia from Russia all the way to behaviour.Infact,theterm(68)________isderivedfromtheLatin
Sumatra and mainland Southeast Asia. Researchers still have word 'movere, referring to movement of activity. Most of our
m uch to learn (54) _______ these beautiful, endangered (55) everydayexplanationof(69)_______isgivenintermsofmotives.
________ There is currently one recognized species of tiger, Motives also help in making (70)_______about behaviour. A
Panthera tigris. Scientists have further (56)_________ the tiger personwillworkhardinschool,insports,inbusiness,inmusic,
into nine subspecies: the extinct Bali, Caspian and Javan and in many other situations, if he/shehasaverystrongneed
subspecies, and the living Malayan, Sumatran, South China, for(71)_______Hence,motivesarethegeneralstatesthatenable
Indochinese, Bengal and Amur (or Siberian) subspecies. Of us to make predictions about behaviour in many different
these six subspecies, AZA-accredited zoos currently manage situations.Inotherwords,motivationisoneofthe(72)_______of
three:Amur,Malayan,andSumatran.TheSmithsonian'sNational behaviour. Instincts, drives, needs, goals, and incentives come
ZooandConservationBiologyInstituteishometoSumatranand under the broad cluster of motivation.
Amur tigers; Sumatran tigers are (57) _________ as Critically SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (2nd Shift)
Endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Q.68.(a) human behaviour (b) instinct
Nature's Red List, and Amur tigers have been classified as (c) motivation (d) psychology
Endangered. Q.69.(a) behavior (b) motivation (c) goal (d) incentive
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (2nd Shift) Q.70.(a) directions (b) predictions
Q.53.(a) Long (b) Small (c) Sharp (d) Blunt (c) decisions (d) clarifications
Q.54.(a) About (b) With (c) Into (d) Along Q.71.(a) motivation (b) desire (c) grow (d) achievements
Q.55.(a) Dogs (b) Rabbits (c) Elephants (d) Cats Q.72.(a) meaning (b) ways (c) determinants (d) causes
Q.56.(a) Declared (b) Restricted
(c) Classified (d) Generalized SET-14. Q .(73 - 77)
Q.57.(a) Detailed (b) Recorded (c) Listed (d) Numerated abindranath Tagore foundedasmallschoolatSantiniketanin
ET-11. Q .(58 - 62)
S became a part of the Visvabharati University foundedin1921.
Discriminationreferstotheinequitableor(58)________treatment Locatedinan(74)________villagesomedistancefromthecityof
of individuals or collectives on the basis of attributes suchas Calcutta, Kala Bhavan presentedanalternativemethodologyof
ethnicity,sex,ageandsexualorientation.Studieshaveindicated art training, in which studio basedpracticewas(75)________in
thattheperceptionofdiscriminationcan(59)________aseriesof favour of learning through observation and living as a part of
stress-inducedalterationsinanindividual'smental,physiological nature. The natural surroundings with the (76)________ of bare
andbehaviouralresponses.Theexperienceofstressisknownto redearthdottedwithtrees,thecoloursofthechangingseasons,
elicitunfavourableemotionalreactions,includingbutnotlimited the animals and birds (77)________ inspiration to students.
to (60)________, despair and resentment. Furthermore, anxiety SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (3rd Shift)
has been linked to a rise in health-compromising behaviours Q.73.(a) later (b) slower (c) faster (d) better
such as smoking, drinking and (61)________ drug use, while Q.74.(a) idyllic (b) normal (c) reliable (d) magical
simultaneously causing a (62)________ in health-promoting Q.75.(a) investigated (b) rejected (c) accepted (d) aspired
activities such as quality sleep and vigorous exercise. Q.76.(a) vistas (b) murk (c) haze (d) band
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (3rd Shift) Q.77.(a) agreed (b) provided (c) groomed (d) refused
Q.58.(a) tragic (b) biased (c) systematic (d) pathetic
Q.59.(a) motivate (b) inspire (c) support (d) trigger Solutions :-
Q.60.(a) deafness (b) impairment (c) death (d) anxiety
Q.61.(a) prescribed (b) mandatory (c) legitimate (d) illicit SET - 6
Q.62.(a) unfruitful (b) upheaval (c) decline (d) rise
SET-12. Q .(63 - 67)
that the Amazon rainforest is an awe-inspiring natural wonder
Swans are large water birds that (63) ________ to the family
that spans across several South American countries. Hence,
Anatidae, which also includes ducks and geese. They (64)
‘spans’ is the most appropriate answer.
__________ for their beauty and grace and are often used as
symbolsoflove,fidelity,andelegance.Theyarealsofamousfor ol.34.(a)Estimated
their (65) ________ features, such as their long necks, large ‘Estimated’ means approximate value of something. Thegiven
wingspans,andstrikingwhitefeathers.(66)_______,notallswan passage states that the Amazon rainforest is covering an
species are white; the black Swan (67) __________ has black estimated area of 5.5 million square kilometres. Hence,
featherswitharedbill.Swansarefoundoneverycontinentand ‘estimated’ is the most appropriate answer.
live up to 20 years. Sol.35.(c)Renowned
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Pinnacle Cloze Test
‘Renowned’ means famous for something. The given passage ‘Depict’ means to show or represent something. The given
tates that the Amazon jungle is renowned for its remarkable
s assagestatesthatthereareimagesthatdepictbirdsand,most
biodiversity. Hence, ‘renowned’ is the most appropriate answer. noticeably, horses. Hence, ‘depict ’ is the most appropriate
‘Vibrant’meansfulloflifeandenergy.Thegivenpassagestates ol.47.(c)Outnumbering
that the dense vegetation of the jungle creates a vibrant and ‘Outnumbering’ meansbeinggreaterinnumberthansomething
complex ecosystem. Hence, ‘vibrant’ is the most appropriate else.Thegivenpassagestatesthattheimagesoutnumberedall
answer. the other animalsdepictedonthewalls.Hence,‘outnumbering’
is the most appropriate answer.
‘Indigenous’ means belonging t o the original inhabitants of a SET -9
hometoindigenouscommunitiesthathavethrivedwithinitsrich ol.48.(a)By
confines for centuries. Hence, ‘indigenous’ is the most ‘By’ is used to showthemethodortoolusedtodosomething.
appropriate answer. The given sentence states that everyone lives by selling
something. Hence, ‘by’ is the most appropriate answer.
SET -7
S ‘Derive’ means to arrive at by reasoning and observation. The
‘Advanced’ means highly developed. The given passagestates givenpassagestatesthatwecanarriveataconclusionfromthe
thatSouthKoreaisthemostcosmeticallyadvancedcountryon previous statement that teachers live by selling knowledge,
Earth. Hence, ‘advanced’ is the most appropriate answer. philosophers live by selling wisdom, etc. Hence, ‘derive’ is the
most appropriate answer.
ol.39.(b)in the
Preposition 'in' is used to indicate the presence or specific ol.50.(d)Estimate
locationofsomethingwithinacertainplaceorcondition.Hence, ‘Estimate’meanstoassessorcalculatethevalueofsomething.
'in the' is the most appropriate answer. Thegivenpassagestatesthatitisextremelydifficulttoestimate
the true value of the services which people perform for us.
S Hence, ‘estimate’ is the most appropriate answer.
The given passage states that citizens of South Korea spend
twiceasmuchonskincareproductsasconsumersintheUnited ol.51.(d)Willingly
States, the UK, and France. Hence, ‘spend’ is the most ‘Willingly’meansdoingsomethingwithone’sfreewill.Thegiven
appropriate answer. passagestatesthattherearetimeswhenwewouldwillinglygive
S most appropriate answer.
‘Perhaps’ means maybe or possibly. The given passagestates
that Korean shoppers areperhapstheworld’smostdiscerning. ol.52.(a)Conditions
Hence, ‘perhaps’ is the most appropriate answer. Thegivenpassagestatesthattheconditionsofsocietyaresuch
that skills have tobepaidforjustlikegoodsatashop.Hence,
S ‘conditions’ is the most appropriate answer.
‘Functions’ means to perform a particular task or action. The
givenpassagestatesthateightoutof10Koreanwomenintheir SET -10
20s and 30s use anappthatfunctionslikecosmetics-specific.
ence, ‘functions’ is the most appropriate answer. ol.53.(c)Sharp
The given passage statesthattigersarepowerfulhunterswith
SET -8 sharp teeth, strong jaws and agile body. Hence, ‘sharp’ is the
most appropriate answer.
‘Usually’meanshappeningmostofthetime.Thegivenpassage ol.54.(a)About
statesthatwhenanotheroldcaveisdiscoveredinthesouthof The given sentence states that researchers still have much to
France,itisnotusuallyinthenews.Hence,‘usually’isthemost learn about these beautiful, endangered Cats.Hence,‘about’is
appropriate answer. the most appropriate answer.
S ol.55.(d)Cats
‘Frequent’ means something is happening often. The given The given passage states that researchers still have much to
passagestatesthatsuchdiscoveriesaresofrequentthesedays learnaboutthesebeautiful,endangeredcats.Hence,‘cats’isthe
that hardlyanybodypaysheedtothem.Hence,‘frequent’isthe most appropriate answer.
most appropriate answer.
S ‘Classified’ means divided into categories. The given passage
Baffled means confused and unable to understandsomething. states that scientists have further classified the tigerintonine
ThegivenpassagestatesthatwhentheLascauxcavecomplex subspecies. Hence, ‘classified’ is the most appropriate answer.
the most appropriate answer.
‘Listed’ means included in a particular category. The given
Sol.46.(a)Depict passage states that Sumerian tigers are listed as Critically
Endangered. Hence, ‘listed’ is the most appropriate answer.
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Pinnacle Cloze Test
SET -11 SET -13
S ol.68.(c)Motivation
‘Biased’ means treating someone unfairly based on personal ‘Motivation’ means enthusiasm fordoingsomething.Thegiven
opinions.Thegivenpassagestatesthatdiscriminationrefersto passage states that the term ‘motivation’ is derived from the
the inequitable orbiasedtreatmentofindividualsorcollectives Latin word ‘movere’, referring to movement of activity. Hence,
based on ethnicity, sex, age and sexual orientation. Hence, ‘motivation’ is the most appropriate answer.
‘biased’ is the most appropriate answer.
S ‘Behaviour’ means the way in which someone acts. The given
‘Trigger’ means to spark a response, especially a negative passage states that most of our everyday explanation of
emotional response. The given passage statesthatperception behaviourisgivenintermsofmotives. Hence,‘behaviour’isthe
of discrimination cantriggeraseriesofstressrelatedchanges most appropriate answer.
in an individual's responses. Hence, ‘trigger’ is the most
appropriate answer. ol.70.(b)Predictions
‘Prediction’ means statements about what will happen in the
S future. The given passage states that motives also help in
‘Anxiety’meansafeelingofuneaseorworry.Thegivenpassage making predictions about behaviour. Hence, ‘predictions’isthe
states that the experience of stress is known to cause most appropriate answer.
unfavourable emotional reactions, including but not limited to
anxiety, despair and resentment. Hence, ‘anxiety’ is the most Sol.71.(d)Achievements
appropriate answer. ‘Achievement’ means something that has been accomplished.
The given passagestatesthatapersonwillworkhardinmany
S situations, if he/she has a very strong need forachievements.
‘Illicit’ means forbidden by law, rules or custom. The given Hence, ‘achievements’ is the most appropriate answer.
passage states that anxiety has been linked to a rise in
health-compromisingbehaviourssuchassmoking,drinkingand ol.72.(c)Determinants
illicit drug use. Hence, ‘illicit’ is the most appropriate answer. ‘Determinant’ means a factor which affects something. The
S of behaviour. Hence, ‘determinants’ is the most appropriate
‘Decline’ means a reduction in quantity, quality, or value. The answer.
given passage states that anxiety causes rise in
health-compromisingbehaviourswhilesimultaneouslycausinga SET -14
decline in health-promoting activities. Hence, ‘decline’ is the ol.73.(a)later
most appropriate answer. ‘Later’ is usedtodenoteatimeinthefutureorafter.Thegiven
SET -12 passage states that Rabindranath Tagore founded a small
school in 1919 which later became a partoftheVisvaBharati
S University. Hence, ‘later’ is the most appropriate answer.
that swans are large waterbirds that belong to the family ol.74.(a)Idyllic
anatidae. Hence, ‘belong’ is the most appropriate answer. ‘Idyllic’ means charming, wonderful or extremely pleasant.The
given passage states that the school was located in anidyllic
ol.64.(a)are known
S villagesomedistancefromthecityofCalcutta.Hence,‘idyllic’is
The given passage states that they are knownfortheirbeauty the most appropriate answer.
and grace and are o
ften used asasymboloflove,fidelity,and
elegance. Hence, ‘are known’ is the most appropriate answer. ol.75.(b)Rejected
Sol.65.(b)Distinctive dismissed after careful consideration or evaluation. The given
‘Distinctive’meanseasytorecogniseasitisdifferentfromother passage states that Kala Bhavan presented an alternative
things. The givenpassagestatesthattheyarealsofamousfor methodologyofarttraining,inwhichstudiobasedpracticewas
their distinctive features, such as longnecks,largewingspans, rejected in favour of learning through observation. Hence,
and striking white feathers. Hence, ‘distinctive’ is the most ‘rejected’ is the most appropriate answer.
appropriate answer.
S ‘Vistas’ means a pleasing view. The given passage statesthat
‘However’ is an adverb that is used to express a lack of limit. thenaturalsurroundingswiththevistasofbareredearthdotted
Similarly, the given passage states that there is a limit on the with trees, the animals and birds provided inspiration to
numberofspeciesthathavewhitefeathers.Hence,‘however’is students. Hence, ‘vistas’ is the most appropriate answer.
the most appropriate answer.
ol.67.(a)For example
S ‘Provided’ means to make something available. The given
‘For example’ is used to state specific examples that clarify a passage states that thenaturalsurroundingswiththevistasof
point. Thegivenpassagestatesthatblackswanisanexample bareredearthdottedwithtrees,theanimalsandbirdsprovided
of a swan that has black feathers and a red bill. Hence, ‘for inspirationtostudents.Hence,‘provided’isthemostappropriate
example’ is the most appropriate answer. answer.
S Sol.90.(d)Are changing
‘Arrangement’ means thewayinwhichsomethingisorganized. ‘Are + V - ing’ is grammatically the correct structure for the given
Thegivenpassagestatesthatnotwoindividualshavetheexact sentence which is in the present continuous tense. Hence, ‘are
samearrangementofridgepatterns.Hence,‘arrangement’isthe changing’ is the most appropriate answer.
most appropriate answer.
S ‘On’isafixedprepositionusedafterthenoun‘emphasis’.Hence,
Infallible means effective and incapable of making mistakes. ‘on’ is the most appropriate answer.
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S ‘Behind’ means the underlying aspect or motive. The given
‘Largest’meansthegreatestnumber.Thegivenpassagestates passage states that effective communication is about
thatIndiahasthegreatestnumberofyouthsintheworld.Hence, understanding the emotion and intentions behind the
‘largest’ is the most appropriate answer. information. Hence, ‘behind’ is the most appropriate answer.
SET-18 ol.104.(c)Listen
The given passage states thatyouneedtoalsolisteninaway
S thatgainsthefullmeaningofwhat'sbeingsaid.Hence,‘listen’is
‘Grazing’ means eating grass. The given passage states that the most appropriate answer.
the village sheep grazing onthehillside.Hence,‘grazing’isthe ol.105.(d)Important
most appropriate answer. The given passage s
tates that people need to learnimportant
skills to communicate more clearly and effectively. Hence,
ol.94.(d)Running up
S ‘important’ is the most appropriate answer.
‘Running up’ means to quickly climb to a higher position. The
givenpassagestatesthatwhenthevillagersheardthecry,they ol.106.(d)Deepen
camerunningupthehilltodrivethewolfaway.Hence,‘running ‘Deepen’ means to become more intense or deep. The given
up’ is the most appropriate answer. passage states that learning these skills can deepen your
connections to others. Hence, ‘deepen’isthemostappropriate
Sol.95.(a)Frightened answer.
‘Frightened’ means a feeling of fear. Thegivenpassagestates
thatthevillagerstoldtheboytosavehisfrightenedcryforwhen ol.107.(c)Improve
there is an actual wolf. Hence, ‘frightened’ is the most ‘Improve’ means to make something better or enhance its
appropriate answer. quality. The given passagestatesthatlearningtheseskillscan
improve teamwork, problem-solving, and overall social and
S emotional health. Hence, ‘improve’ is the most appropriate
‘Fooling’meanstotricksomeone.Thegivenpassagestatesthat answer.
the villagers thought the boy was fooling them again. Hence,
‘fooling’ is the most appropriate answer. SET - 21
S ol.108.(d)One
‘Weeping’ means crying or shedding tears. The given passage One is used forasingularentity.‘Language’isasingularnoun.
statesthattheyfoundtheboycryingwhentheyreachedthehill. Hence, ‘one’ is the most appropriate answer.
Hence, ‘weeping’ is the most appropriate answer.
SET-19 Accordingtothe‘RuleofParallelism’,twoormoreverbsmustbe
in the same form if they are connected with one another.
Sol.98.(d)Argue Similarly, in the given sentence, ‘and’ joins ‘connect(V1)’ with
‘Modal verbs’ are auxiliary verbs(also called helpingverbs)like another verb. Hence, ‘share(V1)’ is the most appropriate answer.
can, will, could,shall,must,would,might,andshould.However,
after a modal verb, we generally use the first formoftheverb ol.110.(d)Forexample
(V1). Hence, ‘argue(V1)’ is the most appropriate answer. ‘For example’ is used here tointroducespecificexamples.The
given passage states some examples ofbenefitsoflearninga
S second language. Hence, ‘for example’isthemostappropriate
According to the “Subject-Verb Agreement Rule”, a singular answer.
subject always takes a singular verb. Similarly, in the given
passage,‘homework’isasingularsubjectthatwilltake‘does’as ol.111.(a)Acquiring
a singular verb. Hence, ‘does’ is the most appropriate answer. WeneedtouseaGerund(V-ing)becausewecanonlyuseanoun
or pronoun as the subject of a sentenceandgerundactsasa
S noun. Hence, ‘acquiring’ is the most appropriate answer.
the passage. Hence, ‘long enough’ is the most appropriate ol.112.(d)Films
answer. ‘Films’ are a type of audio-video medium. The given passage
states that Audio-video mediums such asfilmsareamongthe
S bestwaystolearnasecondlanguage.Hence,‘films’isthemost
‘Finally’ is used to introduce the last point or reason in a appropriate answer.
passage. The given passage states the final point from the
perspective of brain development. Hence, ‘finally’ is the most SET - 22
appropriate answer.
S ‘With’ is used to indicate possession or ownership. The given
‘Beneficial’ means favourable or advantageous. The given passage statesthatdemocracyisaformofgovernmentwhere
passage states that it is recognised that play time is just as the power lies with the people. Hence, ‘with’ is the most
beneficial as study time from the perspective of brain appropriate answer.
development. Hence, ‘beneficial’ is the most appropriate answer.
SET - 20 ‘Citizens’ means the individuals living in a country. The given
Sol.103.(a)Behind passage states that in a democratic society, citizens have the
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right to participate in the decision-making process. Hence, ‘Digital’ means belonging to a generation where digital
‘citizens’ is the most appropriate answer. technology is prevalent from birth. The given passage states
have the right to participate in the decision-making process, ol.126.(d)More than
either directly orthroughelectedrepresentativesHence,‘either’ ‘More than’ means greater number. The given passage states
is the most appropriate answer. that Saurashtra University surveyed more than a thousand
children and their parents. Hence, ‘more than’ is the most
appropriate answer.
The given passage states that democracy also allows for the ol.127.(d)Are habituated
protectionofindividualrightsandliberties.Hence,‘protection’is Gerund(‘Having’ in thegivensentence)isusedafterthephrase
the most appropriate answer. ‘be habituatedto’.WeuseSimplePresentTensetostateafact
S or universal truth. Similarly, the given passage states a fact
‘Populist movement’ means political or social movementsthat about children. Plural verb ‘are’ will be used according to the
claimtorepresenttheirinterests.Thegivenpassagestatesthat pluralsubject‘78%students’.Hence,‘arehabituated’isthemost
whiledemocracyisnotwithoutitschallenges,suchastheneed appropriate answer.
to balance competing interests and the risk of populist
SET - 25
movements. Hence, ‘populist’ is the most appropriate answer.
SET - 23
‘Wish’ meansadesireorrequestforsomethingtohappen.The
Sol.118.(c)Concern given passage states thatoncetherewasakingnamedMidas
‘Concern’ means a matter or problem that causes worry. The whowasgrantedawishbyDionysus.Hence,‘wish’isthemost
given passage states thatenvironmentalpollutionisagrowing appropriate answer.
problem all around the world as it poses significant risks to
human health and ecosystems. Hence, ‘concern’ is the most
‘Touched’ means to come in contact with. The given passage
appropriate answer.
Sol.119.(b)Sources gold. Hence, ‘touched’ is the most appropriate answer.
‘Sources’ means the cause of something. The given passage
states that the sources of environmental pollution vary from
The given passage states that Midas was excited about his
natural causes to human actions. Hence, ‘sources’isthemost
newly-earned powers. Hence, ‘powers’ is the most appropriate
appropriate answer.
ol.120.(c)As a result
The phrase ‘as a result’ is used to indicate a consequence or
‘Hungry’ means feeling a strong need or desire for food. The
outcome. The given passage states that of these activities,
is the most appropriate answer.
to harmful effects such as respiratory diseases, loss of
biodiversityandclimatechange.Hence,‘asaresult’isthemost Sol.132.(c)Beloved
appropriate answer. ‘Beloved’meansamuchlovedperson.Thegivenpassagestates
around him to comfort him. Hence, ‘beloved’ is the most
The given passage states that one of the primary causes of
appropriate answer.
environmental pollution is human attitudes towards
sustainabilityandtheirlackofenvironmentalawareness.Hence, SET - 26
‘and’ is the most appropriate answer.
S ‘Threat’ means harm or danger. The givenpassagestatesthat
The given passage states that human activities that harm the forestfiresposethreatnotonlytotheforestwealthbutalsoto
environmentandecosystemoftenresultfromindividualchoices the entireregimeoffaunaandflora.Hence,‘threat’isthemost
like driving orusingsingle-useplasticsHence,‘like’isthemost appropriate answer.
appropriate answer.
SET - 24 The givenpassagestatesthatinthesummer,whenthereisno
S rainformonths,theforestsbecomelitteredwithdry,oldleaves
‘Has/have/had + V3’ is the correct grammatical structure. Hence, and small branches. Hence, ‘become’ is the most appropriate
‘visited(V3)’ is the most appropriate answer. answer.
S ol.135.(b)Regularly
The given sentence needs a noun after the adjective ‘some’. The given passage states that the Himalayan forests,
‘Advice’ is a nounwhichmeansguidanceaboutwhatsomeone specifically in the Garhwal Himalayas, have been burning
should do. Hence, ‘advice’ is the most appropriate answer. regularly during the past few summers. Hence, ‘regularly’ is the
most appropriate answer.
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S appropriate answer.
‘Vulnerable’ means something exposed to the possibility of
being attacked or harmed. The given passage states that the ol.147.(d)Enjoy
youngest mountain ranges of the Himalayas are the most ‘Enjoy’inthepassagemeanstoexperienceorhavethebenefitof
vulnerable stretches of the world susceptible to forest fires. something. Thegivenpassagestatesthattoenjoygoodhealth
Hence, ‘vulnerable’ is the most appropriate answer. weshouldeatmoderately.Hence,‘enjoy’isthemostappropriate
‘Frequently’ means happening often or regularly. The given SET - 29
passage states that the forests of the Western are more ol.148.(c)Fundamental
frequentlyvulnerabletoforestfiresascomparedtothoseinthe ‘Fundamental’ means something that is essential, basic, or
Eastern Himalayas. Hence, ‘frequently’ is the mostappropriate foundational. The given passage states that Education should
answer. be free to all because it is a basic human right. Hence,
SET - 27 ‘fundamental’ is the most appropriate answer.
S ol.149.(b)Development
‘Straight’ means directly. The given passage states thatIwent ‘Development’ means theprocessofgrowthandadvancement.
straight upstairs. Hence, ‘straight’ is the most appropriate ThegivenpassagestatesthatItisessentialforthegrowthofa
answer. fully functioning society and fortheadvancementofhumanity.
Hence, ‘development’ is the most appropriate answer.
‘Crawlintobed’meansmovingintobedslowlyandpossiblywith ol.150.(c)Burden
exhaustion. The given passage states that I undressed and ‘Burden’meansaresponsibilitythatisdifficulttobear.Thegiven
crawled into bed, and lay there in complete darkness. Hence, passage states thateducationshouldnotbefreebecausefree
‘crawled’ is the most appropriate answer. educationwouldbeaburdenontaxpayers.Hence,‘burden’isthe
most appropriate answer.
‘While’ is used to indicate that two actions are happening ol.151.(d)Benefits
simultaneously. The given passagestatesthatIlaytherewhile The given passage states that education is apublicgoodthat
the front door shut after her. Hence, ‘while’ is the most benefits everyone in society. Hence, ‘benefits’ is the most
appropriate answer. appropriate answer.
S ol.152.(c)Productive
‘Elapsed’ means the amount of time that has passed since a ‘Productive’ means being efficient and capable of producing
specific point in time. The given passage states that after a results. The given passage states that it also improves social
couple of centuries passed, the clock struck three. Hence, cohesion and creates more productive citizens. Hence,
‘elapsed’ is the most appropriate answer. ‘productive’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.142.(a)Dozed off
S SET - 30
‘Dozed off’meanstofallasleep.Thegivenpassagestatesthat ol.153.(c)Gradually
after a coupleofcenturiespassed,theclockstruckthreeandI ‘Gradually’ means happening slowly over time. The given
dozed off to sleep. Hence, ‘dozed off’ is the most appropriate passage states that medical hand practices have been an
answer. integral part of healthcare for centuries,butwithtechnological
SET - 28 advancements, machines are gradually taking over. Hence,
‘gradually’ is the most appropriate answer.
‘Nothing’isanegativewordwhichmeansnoneatall.Thegiven ol.154.(d)Procedures
passage states that without health, all the rest are worth ‘Procedures’ means a surgical operation. The given passage
nothing. Hence, ‘nothing’ is the most appropriate answer. states that Robotic surgeries, for instance, have become
increasingly popular, allowing surgeons to perform complex
S procedures with minimal invasive techniques. Hence,
We need to use ‘we’ to maintain subject verb agreement. The ‘procedures’ is the most appropriate answer.
whatever we get. Hence, ‘we’ is the most appropriate answer. ol.155.(b)Evolving
‘Evolving’ meanschanginganddevelopingovertime.Thegiven
S passage states that it is clear that medicalhandpracticesare
‘First of all’ is the correct phrase which means before anyone evolving to machines. Hence,‘evolving’isthemostappropriate
else.Thegivenpassagestateswhenyousitamongmanyfora answer.
most appropriate answer. ol.156.(b)Comfort
‘Comfort’ means a state of feeling relaxed.Thegivenpassage
S states that the use of telemedicine and remote monitoring
‘Early’ means before the usual or expected time. The given devices allows patients to receive medical care from the
passage states that such a man rises early in the morning. comfortoftheirhomes.Hence,‘comfort’isthemostappropriate
Hence, ‘early’ is the most answer.
S SET - 40
‘Gratitude’ means a strong feeling of appreciation to someone
for what the person has done to help you. The givenpassage ol.203.(b)Beautiful
statesthatourclassrepresentativeextendedavoteofthanksto ‘Beautiful’ means having a pleasing or
showgratitudetoallthestaffmembers.Hence,‘gratitude’isthe attractive appearance. The given passage states that Nainital
most appropriate answer. has a beautiful lake. Hence, ‘beautiful’ is themostappropriate
SET - 38
S ‘Enjoy’meanstotakepleasureinsomething.Thegivenpassage
‘Agree’ means to have the same opinion. The given passage states thattouristscomefromfarandwidetoenjoyboatingin
states that the people do notagreewiththeideathatwehave the lake. Hence, ‘enjoy’ is the most appropriate answer.
the right to live in freedom. Hence, ‘agree’ is the most
appropriate answer. Sol.205.(c)Reflection
‘Reflection’ means the throwing back of light, heat, or sound
‘What’ is a pronoun used in the sense ‘the thing(s) that’. The
are reflecting off the ripples of the lake, creating a beautiful
given passage states that only the governmentcandecidethe
image. Hence, ‘reflection’ is the most appropriate answer.
thing that is best for people. Hence, ‘what’ is the most
appropriate answer. ol.206.(d)Excellent
‘Excellent’ means of the highest quality orstandard.Thegiven
passage states that Nainital is an excellent city. H ence,
‘Peacefully’ means without the use of violence or aggression.
‘excellent’ is the most appropriate answer.
can solve this problem peacefully. Hence, ‘peacefully’ is the
most appropriate answer.
‘Natural’ means existing in or caused by nature. The given
S sentence states Nainital as a city of natural beauty. Hence,
The given passage states that he decides to speak to people in ‘natural’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.212.(a)pass on
S ol.223.(a)Crossed
‘Passon’meanstotransmit,convey,ortransfersomethingfrom ‘Cross’ means to go from one side to the other. The given
one person or generationtoanother.Thegivenpassagestates passagestatesthatasIcrossedastreamandstartedclimbing
that elders drill and pass ontheIndianculturewithinusaswe a hill, the langurs' grunting and chattering increased. Hence,
grow. Hence, ‘pass on’ is the most appropriate answer. ‘crossed’ is the most appropriate answer.
S ol.240.(c)Across
Themodal‘could’isusedtostateabilityorpossibility.Thegiven ‘Across’meansfromonesideorendtotheothersideorendof
passagestatesthatIdidn'tknowiftheycouldtakethiscomplex something. The given passage states that the unemployment
topic andfitintoabook.Hence,‘could’isthemostappropriate rate in India varies widely across different states and regions.
answer. Hence, ‘across’ is the most appropriate answer.
S ol.241.(d)Compete
‘Encourage’ means to give support, confidence, or hope to ‘Compete’meanstotrytobemoresuccessfulthanothers.The
someone to do something. The given passage states that I givenpassagestatesthatmanyarehighlyeducatedbutlackthe
encourageyoutoreallydigintothismaterial.Hence,‘encourage’ skillsandexperienceneededtocompeteinahighlycompetitive
is the most appropriate answer. job market. Hence, ‘compete’ is the most appropriate answer.
S ol.242.(c)Unrest
‘Sequenced’ means to arrange or organize things, events, or ‘SocialUnrest’meansastateofdissatisfactionanddisturbance
information in a specificorder.ThegivenpassagestatesthatI within a society or community. The given passage states that
encourageyoutoreallydigintothismaterial,topauseandthink unemployment can have serious social and economic
deeply about each part and how the parts are sequenced. consequences, including poverty, crime and social unrest.
Hence, ‘sequenced’ is the most appropriate answer. Hence, ‘unrest’ is the most appropriate answer.
S ol.243.(a)Blessing
‘Bacterium’ means a single-celled microorganism. The given ‘Blessing’ means God’s favour and protection. The given
passage states that a pathogen is a microorganism that can passagestatesthatspeechisagreatblessing.Hence,‘blessing’
cause disease in the body. Hence, ‘bacterium’ is the most is the most appropriate answer.
appropriate answer.
S Theidiom‘aslipofthetongue’meanssomethingthatissaidby
‘Disease’ means an abnormal condition that affects bodily mistake.Thegivenpassagestatesthataslipofthetongue,the
functions. The given passage states that each pathogen use of unusual or ambiguous words may create an enemy.
consists of distinct components unique to itself and the Hence, ‘tongue’ is the most appropriate answer.
associated disease.
Hence, ‘disease’ is the most appropriate answer. ol.245.(d)Vocabularies
S The given passage states that different classes of peopleuse
‘Antigen’ is a substance that causes the immune system to different vocabularies. Hence, ‘vocabularies’ is the most
react.Thegivenpassagestatesthatthesubpartofapathogen appropriate answer.
that causes the formation of antibodies is called an antigen.
Hence, ‘antigen’ is the most appropriate answer. ol.246.(c)Careful
‘Careful’ means acting in a thoughtful manner. The given
S passage states that speech is a gift which requires careful
‘Immune system’ means the body’s handling. Hence, ‘careful’ is the most appropriate answer.
natural defense mechanism. The given
passage states that the antibodies created in reaction to the ol.247.(c)Misunderstood
pathogen's antigen play a crucial role in the immune system. ‘Misunderstood’ means having the wrong understanding. The
Hence, ‘immune’ is the most appropriate answer. g ivenpassagestatesthatwemustusespeechcarefullytoavoid
being misunderstood. Hence, ‘misunderstood’ is the most
S appropriate answer.
‘Soldiers’ means defenders or protectors. The given passage
states that antibodies serve as the defenders or protectors SET - 49
within the body's immunesystem.Hence,‘soldiers’isthemost ol.248.(d)Glimpse
appropriate answer. ‘Glimpse’ means a quick idea or understanding of what
SET - 47 something is like. The given passagestatesthatancientcoins
are a fascinating glimpse into the past.Hence,‘glimpse’isthe
S most appropriate answer.
‘Affects’ means to have an effect on something. The given
‘Intricate’ means very complicated or detailed. The given
passage statesthatmanycivilisationsmintedtheirownunique
the most appropriate answer.
S most appropriate answer.
‘Enough’ means sufficient, as many as required. The given
‘Reign’ means the period of rule of a monarch. The given
keep up with its rapidly expanding population. Hence, ‘enough’ is
passage states that the images and inscriptions on the coins
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provide clues about their reign and values they held. Hence, ‘intimate’ is the most appropriate answer.
‘reign’ is the most appropriate answer.
S ‘Encroachment’ means intrusion on a person's territory, rights.
‘Testament’meanssomethingthatservesasasignorevidence Thegivenpassagestatesthatdespitethemanychallengesthat
of a specified fact, event, or quality. The givenpassagestates primitive cultures face, including the encroachment of modern
thatthecraftsmanshipandattentiontodetailinthesecoinsare societiesandenvironmentaldegradation.Hence,‘encroachment’
a testament totheskillandcreativityofancientartists.Hence, is the most appropriate answer.
‘testament’ is the most appropriate answer.
S ‘Perspective’meansaparticularpointofview,wayoflookingat
‘Appreciate’ means to understand the worth or importance of things. The given passage states that they offer a
something to admire it. The given passage states that the perspective on the world and its complexities. Hence,
ubiquity and durability of the coins providesawindowintothe ‘perspective’ is the most appropriate answer.
past for future generations to explore and appreciate. Hence,
‘appreciate’ is the most appropriate answer. SET - 52
S ol.265.(a)Encompassing
‘Some’isusedforasmallnumberofthings.Similarly,thegiven ‘Encompassing’ means including different types of people or
sentence talks about a small number of planets. Hence, things.Thegivenpassagestatesthatthecleanlinesscampaign
‘some’ is the most appropriate answer. included all the rural towns and urban cities. Hence,
‘encompassing’ is the most appropriate answer.
‘Classified’meansorganizedorsortedintocategories.Thegiven ol.266.(c)Dispose
passagestatesthatUranusandNeptunearecategorizedasice ‘Dispose of’ means to get rid of something such as waste or
giants. Hence, ‘classified’ is the most appropriate answer. uselessthings.Thegivenpassagestatesthatamajorobjective
was to teach citizens to dispose of waste properly. Hence,
S ‘dispose’ is the most appropriate answer.
‘Clues’ meanshintsorevidence.Thegivenpassagestatesthat
theobjectsofthesolarsystemprovidevaluableevidenceabout ol.267.(a)Sanitation
its formation and evolution. Hence, ‘clues’ is the most ‘Sanitation’ means the process of keeping places clean and
appropriate answer. healthy.Thegivenpassagestatesthatamajorobjectivewasto
sanitation facilities. Hence, ‘sanitation’ is the mostappropriate
SET - 51
SET - 53
roles, and institutions. The given passage states thatprimitive ol.268.(a)Sharing
cultures are those that exist in societies that have not yet ‘Share’meanstogiveorreceiveapartofsomething.Thegiven
developed advanced technology or complex social structures. passage states that communication means sharing our
Hence, ‘structures’ is the most appropriate answer. thoughts and feelings. Hence, ‘sharing’isthemostappropriate
S answer.
‘Worth’meansthevalueorsignificanceofsomething.Thegiven ol.269.(b)Effectively
passage states that these cultures have a rich history and a ‘Effectively’meansinawaythatproducesthedesiredresult.The
uniquewayoflifethatisworthstudyingandpreserving.Hence, givenpassagestatesthatwecanunderstandeachotherbetter
‘worth’ is the most appropriate answer. and work together more effectively through communication.
S Hence, ‘effectively’ is the most appropriate answer.
‘Intimate’ means a deep and comprehensive understanding or ol.270.(c)Mistakes
familiarity with something. The given passage states that The given passage states that good communication helps us to
indigenous cultures in the Amazon rainforest have an intimate avoidmisunderstandingsandmistakes.Hence,‘mistakes’isthe
knowledge of the medicinal properties of plants Hence, most appropriate answer.
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ol.271. (c)Perspectives
S ‘Normally’isusedtoindicatethetypicalorcommonperception
‘Perspective’meansawayofthinkingaboutandunderstanding r understanding. The given passage states that we normally
something.Thegivenpassagestatesthatcommunicationhelps think of it as bad. Hence, ‘normally’ is the most appropriate
us to understand different cultures and perspectives. Hence, answer.
‘perspectives’ is the most appropriate answer.
SET - 56
‘Advocate’meanstospeakorwriteinfavourofsomething.The ol.283.(a)Within
given passage states that communication can help us to ‘Within’ is used to specify a location or position inside or
advocate for important causes. Hence, ‘advocate’ is the most enclosed by something. The given passage states that the
appropriate answer. portrait hangs behind bulletproof glass within the Louvre
Museum. Hence, ‘within’ is the most appropriate answer.
SET - 54
S ‘Baffled’ means to be completely puzzled, confused.Thegiven
‘Phase’meansastageintheprocessofdevelopment.Thegiven passage states that they are likely to be baffled by the small
passagestatesthatteenageisastageoflifethateveryonegoes subdued portrait of an ordinary woman. Hence, ‘baffled’ isthe
throughbetweenchildhoodandadulthood.Hence,‘phase’isthe most appropriate answer.
most appropriate answer.
S ‘Fuss’meansadisplayofexcessiveorunnecessaryexcitement
The given passage states that teenagers sometimes act over something. The given passage states that viewers still
impulsively. Hence, ‘act’ is the most appropriate answer. might wonder what all the fuss is about. Hence, ‘fuss’ is the
most appropriate answer.
‘Conform’ means to behave according to set standards and ol.286.(c)Enigmatic
expectations.Thegivenpassagestatesthatteenagersmayface ‘Enigmatic’ means something that is mysterious, puzzling, or
pressurefrompeers,parentsandsocietytobehaveaccordingto difficulttounderstand.Thegivenpassagestatesthatalongwith
certain expectations. Hence, ‘conform’ is the mostappropriate the mysteriesofthesitter'sidentityandherenigmaticlook,the
answer. reasonforthework'spopularityisoneofitsmanyconundrums.
Hence, ‘enigmatic’ is the most appropriate answer.
‘Opportunity’ means a situation that makes it possible to do ol.287.(a)Inherent
something. The given passage states that teenagers have the ‘Inherent’ means a quality, characteristic, or feature that is an
opportunity tolearnnewskills.Hence,‘opportunity’isthemost essential and natural part of something. The given passage
appropriate answer. states that the Mona Lisa's fame istheresultofmanychance
circumstances combined with the painting's inherent appeal.
S Hence, ‘inherent’ is the most appropriate answer.
givenpassagestatesthatguidance,supportandresourcescan SET - 57
help teenagers reduce the challenges of adolescence. Hence,
‘reduce’ is the most appropriate answer. ol.288.(b)Current
‘Current’ means being at the present time. The g
iven passage
SET - 55 statesthatteapricesinthedomesticmarketcontinuetobehigh
in the present year. Hence, ‘current’ is the most appropriate
S answer.
‘Contender’ means apersonorgroupcompetingwithothersto
achievesomething.Thegivenpassagestatesiftherewassuch ol.289.(b)Based
a thing as perfect food, eggs would be a contender. Hence, ‘Based on’ means developed from something. The given
‘contender’ is the most appropriate answer. passage states some results according to the preliminary
assessment developed from something. Hence, ‘based’ is the
S most appropriate answer.
‘With’ means having something. Thegivenpassagestatesthat
they are readily available, easy to cook, affordableandpacked ol.290.(b)Forecast
with protein. Hence, ‘with’ is the most appropriate answer. ‘Forecast’ means an estimate of future events. The given
passage states some results according to the preliminary
‘Help’ means to make something easier. The given passage
the most appropriate answer.
the body to absorb more vitamins. Hence, ‘help’ is the most ol.291.(c)Against
appropriate answer. The phrase ‘as against’ is used to compare two things,
highlighting differences between them. Similarly, the given
passage states the difference between tea output in the last
The given passage states that eating eggs has also been
year and next year. Hence, ‘against’ is the most appropriate
controversial due to their high cholesterol content. Hence, ‘high’
is the most appropriate answer.
Sol.282.(a)Normally ‘Uptrend’ means an upward tendency, especially a rise in
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economic value. Thegivenpassagestatesthatteapriceshave SSC CGL 2023 Tier - 1
‘uptrend’ is the most appropriate answer. ET-60. Q .(303 - 307)
Human life is (303)_______a unique blessing, which in turn
SET - 58
S the Self can neither have peacenorcanhefosterpeacefulco-
‘Empire’ means a large commercial organization owned or existence. WehavetolinkoursoulwithGodandbodywiththe
controlled by one person or group. The given passage states physicalworldforsubstance.(305)________theformlessGodis
thattheentertainmentempirebuiltbyWaltDisneyissometimes invisible to the naked eye, our mind oftenwanderswhereverit
called the ‘House of Mouse’. Hence, ‘empire’ is the most goes.(306)__________weareunabletodevelopanyloveforthe
appropriate answer. Divine. And religion like the white light of heavens
S menandlosesitsgravity.Insteadofuniting,itbecomesamajor
‘Recognisable’meansfamiliarbecauseofhavingbeenseen.The dividingforce.FrenchphilosopherTailharddeChardin,thinking
given passage states that Mickey's round mouse ears have deeply on meaning of our existence and relationship with the
become one of the most familiarcorporatelogosintheworld. Divine, expounds, "We are not human beings havingaspiritual
Hence, ‘recognisable’ is the most appropriate answer. experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience".
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (1st shift)
Q.303.(a) considering (b) to consider
‘Animator’ means a person who makes animated films. The
(c) considered (d) consider
given passage states that Disney was a young animator
Q.304.(a) witness (b) known (c) awareness (d) aware
Q.305.(a) Since (b) From (c) As per (d) For
is the most appropriate answer.
Q.306.(a) As a result (b) As a reaction
S (c) Causing (d) As a reason
The idiom ‘striking a deal’meansachievinganagreement.The Q.307.(a) break into (b) breaks to (c) break from (d) breaks into
given passage states that Disney made an agreement with
Universal to produce anewseries.Hence,‘striking’isthemost ET-61. Q .(308 - 312)
appropriate answer. TheSunisthestaratthecenterof(308)_________SolarSystem.
S since ancient times. It's central to mythology and religion in
‘Apparently’ means as far as one knows. The given passage (309)_________ around the world. It keeps our planet warm
states that ‘Oswald’ was apparently picked out of a hat of enoughforlivingthingstogrow.Itgivesuslightsowecansee.
names. Hence, ‘apparently’ is the most appropriate answer. It is by far the mostimportant(310)_________ofenergyforlife
SET - 59
Earth. If there were no sun, many things wouldn't occur like
S photosynthesis or the presence of oxygen, which would have
The phrase ‘exception being’ is used to highlight a particular caused no (312)____________ of life.
case that stands out from the rest. Hence, ‘being’ is themost SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (2nd shift
appropriate answer. Q.308.(a) typical (b) huge (c) the (d) a
Q.309. (a) cultures (b) processes (c) scenes (d) types
Q.310.(a) gesture (b) source (c) control (d) symbol
‘Contemporary’ means occurring in the present. The given
Q.311.(a) about (b) as (c) like (d) than
passage states that the maiden conference will discuss
Q.312.(a) skill (b) end (c) enhancement (d) existence
contemporary global issues through a Buddhist perspective.
Hence, ‘contemporary’ is the most appropriate answer.
ET-62. Q .(313 - 317)
S Global warming is one of the biggest environmental
The given sentence isanexampleofsimplepresenttenseand (313)_________facing the world today. The primary cause of
the subject ‘delegates’ is plural. ‘PluralSub.+V1’isthecorrect global warming is the (314), __________of greenhouse gases
grammatical structure for this sentence. Hence,‘include(V1)’is such as carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere.
the most appropriate answer. These gases trap heat from the sun, causing the Earth's
temperature to rise. The (315)___________effects of global
Sol.301.(b)Were warming arewidespreadandincludemorefrequentandsevere
he given sentence is an example of passive voice of Simple
T weather events, rising sea levels and the loss of biodiversity.
Past Tense and the subject ‘invitations’ is plural.‘PluralSub.+ Many governments and organisations haveimplemented(316)
were+V3’isthecorrectgrammaticalstructure.Hence,‘were’is _____________to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However,
the most appropriate answer. individualscanalsoplayarolein(317)_________globalwarming
their energy consumption and driving less.
‘Might’ is a modal used to denote the possibility of an event.
SSC CGL 14/07/2023 (3rd shift)
Q.313.(a) consequences (b) opportunities
Dalai Lama might not attend the event due to health issues.
(c) benefits (d) challenges
Hence, ‘might’ is the most appropriate answer.
Q.314.(a) emission (b) absorption (c) reflection (d) conduction
Q.315.(a) negative (b) positive (c) neutral (d) negligible
ol.344.(c) Much
S ol.354.(c) Rules
‘Much’isanadjectiveusedtoindicatealargeamountordegree. ‘Rules’ means specific guidelines or instructions. The given
The given passage states that I wrote two or three n
ovels passage states that experts recommend setting rules for the
withoutfeelingthatIhadmademuchprogress.Hence,‘much’is use of social media to combat these negative effects. Hence,
the most appropriate answer. ‘rules’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.345.(d) Control
S ol.355.(d) Interacting
‘Control’ means the ability to manage something. The given ‘Interact’ means to engage or communicate with others. The
passage statesthatitwasnotuntilIwrote'EthanFrome'thatI given passage states that other strategies include
suddenlyfelttheartisan'sfullcontrolofhisimplements.Hence, communicating with friends and family in person, engaging in
‘control’ is the most appropriate answer. hobbies or physical activity. Hence, ‘interacting’ is the most
appropriate answer.
ol.346.(b) Severely
‘Severely’ means in a very harsh,strict,orintensemanner.The ol.356.(d) Guidance
given passage states that I was severely criticized by the ‘Guidance’ means advice or direction provided to help make
reviewers. Hence, ‘severly’ is the most appropriate answer. decisions. The given passage states that other strategies
ol.347.(d) Alternative
S hobbies or physical activity, seeking professional guidance if
‘Alternative’meansanoptionorchoicethatisdifferentfromthe necessary. Hence, ‘guidance’ is the most appropriate answer.
had pondered long on this structure, had felt its peculiar ol.357.(b) Cognizant
difficulties, and possible awkwardness, but could think of no ‘Cognizant’ means being aware or conscious of something. The
alternative. Hence, ‘alternative’ is the most appropriate answer. given passage states that it's important to be aware of its
SET - 69 balanced way. Hence, ‘cognizant’ is the most appropriate
ol.348.(c) emerge
‘Emerge’ means come forth, appear, or become v isible. The SET - 71
given passage states thatbutseeingitemergefrommachines
would shock her. Hence, ‘emerge’ is the most appropriate ol.358.(b) Nutrients
answer. ‘Nutrients’ means substances that provide nourishment and
support for growth. The given passage states that they didn't
ol.349.(c) operate
S know how plants got the nutrients they needed. Hence,
‘Operate’meansfunction,work,orperformataskoraction.The ‘nutrients’ is the most appropriate answer.
given passage states that they typically operate around the
clock. Hence, ‘operate’ is the most appropriate answer. ol.359.(c) Flourish
ol.350.(a) proposed
S The given passage states that it wasn't long before people
‘Proposed’ means suggested or put forward for consideration. began to notice that the grass, bushes and shrubs there were
The given passage states that although the ATMconceptwas beginning to flourish. Hence, ‘flourish’ is the most appropriate
firstproposedin1968,afunctionalprototypewasconstructedin answer.
1969. Hence, ‘proposed’ is the most appropriate answer.
Sol.360.(c) Derived
ol.361.(b) Substances
S ol.371.(d) Slowly
‘Substances’ means a kind of material or matter. The given The given passagestatesthatStickapinmostofthewayinto
passage states that Commercial fertilisers, in contrast to an orange, and slowly turn the orange awayfromyou.Hence,
manure, are inorganic substances that do not alter the structure ‘slowly’ is the most appropriate answer.
of the soil. Hence, ‘substance’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.372.(d) Just as
ol.362.(b) Harming
S 'Just as' is used to indicate a simultaneous or immediate
‘Harming’ means to hurt someone or damage something. The occurrence of two actions, events, or situations. The given
given passage states that rainwater could wash away these passagestatesthatyouwillseethepindisappear,justasaship
fertilisers, or they could end up harming the plants instead, does on the earth. Hence, ‘just as’ is the most appropriate
costing the farmer money. Hence, ‘harming’ is the most answer.
appropriate answer.
ol.363.(c) Villages
S ET-74. Q .(373 - 377)
Thegivenpassagestatesthatmillionsofpeopleleftthevillages The Publications Division (PD), one of the leading publishing
and went to work in big factories in cities as a result of the houses in the country and the largest in the public sector,
industrial revolution. Hence, 'villages' is the most appropriate functions (373)_______ the Ministry of Information and
answer. Broadcasting. It attempts to promote National Integration by
(374)________ information and creating awareness about the
ol.364.(a) Greener
various activities, regions, peopleandthe(375)_______cultures
"Greener" means something that is more environmentally
friendly, healthier, often in comparison to existing conditions.
at affordable prices through its outlets in important citiesand
The given passage states that they want a cleaner, greener
environment. Hence, ‘greener’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.365.(a) Instead
S 7,600titles(377)_______published,ofwhich1,500arelivetoday.
‘Instead’ means in place of or as an alternative. The given Besidesbooks,thePublicationDivisionhasalsobroughtout21
passage states that instead, there are more jobs in s
ervice journals about various issues of national and social significance.
industries like banking, tourism and food delivery. Hence, Graduate Level 27/06/2023 (Shift - 4)
‘instead’ is the most appropriate answer. Q.373.(a) of (b) in (c) under (d) on
Q.374.(a) concealing (b) disseminating
ol.366.(a) Commute
S (c) pouring (d) assembling
The verb ‘Commute’ means travelling regularly between home Q.375.(a) same (b) myriad (c) clear (d) absolute
and work or a specific destination. The given sentence states Q.376.(a) through (b) as (c) about (d) in
thatmoderntransportandcommunicationshavemadeiteasier Q.377.(a) have being (b) have been (c) have be (d) had being
‘commute’ is the most appropriate answer. ET-75. Q .(378 - 382)
The earliest kind of print technology was developed in China.
ol.367.(b) Outwards
This was a system of hand (378)_________ From AD 594
‘Outwards’ means moving away from the centre or inward
direction. The given passage states that the result of this
revolution in the 21st century will be 'spread cities' -citiesare
both sides of (382)___________ thin, porous sheet couldnotbe
growing fast, but outwards. Hence, ‘outwards’ is the most
appropriate answer.
stitched at the side.
SET - 73 Graduate Level 28/06/2023 (Shift - 3)
Q.378.(a) writing (b) inking (c) reading (d) printing
ol.368.(a) That
S Q.379.(a) page (b) books (c) paper (d) book
‘That’ is used to introduce a clause that provides additional Q.380.(a) write (b) rub (c) rubbing (d) writing
information.ThegivenpassagestatesthatCanweseethatthe Q.381.(a) of (b) in (c) by (d) from
earth is a globe? Hence, ‘that’ is the most appropriate answer. Q.382.(a) from (b) by (c) a (d) the
ol.369.(b) Disappear
SET-76. Q .(383 - 387)
ottled water demonstrates how much humans (383) ________
___ nature, reflectingthetremendousvaluetheyplaceonit.On
we see that the ship beginstodisappear.Hence,‘disappear’is
the other hand, bottled water indicates (384) ________ for
the most appropriate answer.
nature's complexities, displaying the irony thatmayleadtothe
ol.370.(a) Until
S mutualannihilationofhumanityandthe(385)____________.The
‘Until’isusedtoindicatethetimeuptowhichanactionorevent finestexampleisthe(386)___________ofbottledwater,whichis
is expected to happen or continue. The given passage states the commercialisation of natural resources. Holding bottled
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Pinnacle Cloze Test
water,itiscleartoseeagorgeousimageofalakeandasmall Preposition'through'isusedtoindicateasourceusedtoachieve
( 387) __________ of blue and green plastic around its neck. omething. The given passage states that the Publications
Higher Secondary 27/06/2023 (Shift - 3) Division sells books at affordable prices through its outlets in
Q.383.(a) commodify (b) satisfy (c) glorify (d) beautify importantcitiesandalsothroughagents.Hence,'through'isthe
Q.384.(a) admiration (b) contempt most appropriate answer.
(c) acceptance (d) affectation
Q.385.(a) collections (b) humans (c) trash (d) environment ol.377.(b) Have been
Q.386.(a) corruption (b) recycling (c) recollecting (d) sale The sentence is in the present perfect tense(have + V3),
Q.387.(a) beam (b) bunch (c) group (d) piece indicating an action that started in the past and is still
continuing. Hence, 'have been' is the most appropriate answer.
SET-77. Q .(388 - 392)
hark Tank has struck a chord with the aspiring, hardworking
S SET - 75
people who have a (388)______________ and a stake in India's
ol.378.(d) printing
paper. The given passage states that theearliestformofprint
(390)_______________centre stage to carveouttheirindividuality
technology involvedasystemofhand-printingtocreateprinted
materials in China. Hence, ‘printing’ is the most appropriate
gadget start-ups to food firms.
Matriculation Level 28/06/2023 (Shift - 4) ol.379.(b) books
Q.388.(a) vision (b) priority (c) perception (d) consistency The given passage states thatfromAD594onwards,booksin
Q.389.(a) birth (b) debut (c) departure (d) formation China were printed using a system of hand-printing on paper.
Q.390.(a) gratifying (b) measuring (c) taking (d) reinventing Hence, ‘books’ is the most appropriate answer.
Q.391.(a) intergrity (b) enthusiasm
ol.380.(c) rubbing
(c) collaboration (d) limitation
Q.392.(a) agreements (b) promises
copy of an image by pressing the paper withawoodenblock.
(c) accounts (d) association
The given passage states that the earliest kind of print
ET-78. Q .(393 - 397)
S technology in China was a system of hand rubbing. Hence,
Palaeontologists are like detectives who (393) ________ the ‘rubbing’ is the most appropriate answer.
evidence that (394) ______ animals left behind. Those cluesto
ol.381.(a) of
what dinosaurs were like are found in fossils—the ancient
Preposition ‘of’ is used to indicate something being part of
(395)_______ of an organism, such as teeth, bone or shell—or
something.Hence, ‘of’ is the most appropriate answer.
(396) _______ of animal activity, such as (397) ________ and
trackways. ol.382.(d) the
Matriculation Level 30/06/2023 (Shift - 3) The ‘thin, porous sheet’ mentioned in the given passage is
Q.393.(a) examine (b) dominate (c) control (d) conduct specificandwegenerallyusethedefinitearticle‘the’beforeany
Q.394.(a) surviving (b) vanished (c) extinct (d) inactive specificorparticularnoun.Hence,‘thethin,poroussheet’isthe
Q.395.(a) memories (b) fragments (c) remains (d) leftovers most appropriate answer.
Q.396.(a) proposal (b) submission (c) evidence (d) compliance
Q.397.(a) routes (b) pathways (c) canals (d) footprints SET - 76
ol.383.(a) commodify
‘Commodify’ Means to make commercial. The given passage
SET - 74 states that Bottled water demonstrates how much humans
commodify nature, reflecting the tremendous value they place
ol.373.(c) Under
S on it. Hence, ‘commodify’ is the most appropriate answer.
Preposition ‘under’ is used to represent a lower level, rank, or
authority. The given passage states that the Publications ol.384.(b) Contempt
Division (PD) functions under the Ministry of Information and ‘Contempt’ means a strong feeling of lack of respect for
Broadcasting. Hence, ‘under’ is the most appropriate answer. someone or something. The given passage states that on the
other hand, bottled water indicates contempt for nature's
ol.374.(b) Disseminating
S complexities, displaying the irony that may lead to the mutual
'Disseminating' means to spread or distribute information annihilation of humanity. Hence, ‘Contempt’ is the most
widely. The given passagestatesthatthePublicationsDivision appropriate answer.
attempts to promote National Integration by spreading
information. Hence, 'disseminating' is the most appropriate ol.385.(d) environment
answer. ‘Environment’ means - Surroundings and nature. The given
passage states that on the other hand,bottledwaterindicates
ol.375.(b) Myriad
S contemptfornature'scomplexities,displayingtheironythatmay
‘Myriad’ means a very large or countless number. The given leadtothemutualannihilationofhumanityandtheenvironment.
passage states that the Publications Division publishes books Hence, ‘environment’ is the most appropriate answer.
about a large number of cultures and beliefs of India. Hence,
‘myriad’ is the most appropriate answer. ol.386.(d) Sale
Sol.376.(a) Through finest example is the sale of bottled water, which is the
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Pinnacle Cloze Test
commercialisationofnaturalresources.Hence,‘sale’isthemost ‘Footprints’ means impressions or marks left by the feet of
ppropriate answer.
a nimals or humans. The given passage states that such as
footprints and trackways. Hence, ‘Footprints’ is the most
ol.387.(d) Piece
S appropriate answer.
‘Piece’ means a part of something. The given passage states
a lake and a small piece of blue and green plastic around its
SSC MTS 2022 Tier - 1
neck. Hence, ‘piece’ is the most appropriate answer. ET-79. Q .(398 - 402)
When Janedied(398)_______1850,shewascalled"oneofthe
SET - 77
most distinguished novelists (399) ________ England has
ol.388.(a) Vision
S produced"and"thefirstwho(400)________thatbeautifulkindof
‘Vision’ means a clear idea or plan for the future. The given fiction,thehistoricalromance."ThePortersisters'careersended
passagestatesthatSharkTankhasstruckachordwithpeople (401) ________ as the Brontesistersweregettingstartedinthe
who have a vision for India'sfuture.Hence,‘vision’isthemost early Victorion (402) ________.
appropriate answer. SSC MTS 03/05/2023 (Afternoon)
Q.398.(a) on (b) in (c) at (d) into
ol.389.(b) Debut
S Q.399.(a) who (b) what (c) whose (d) which
‘Debut’ means the first appearance of something. The given Q.400.(a) introduced (b) dismissed (c) casted (d) energized
passage states that Shark Tank has made its appearance in Q.401.(a) lest (b) just (c) that (d) must
India in a very short period of time.Hence,‘debut’isthemost Q.402.(a) terms (b) period (c) session (d) spell
appropriate answer.
SET-80. Q .(403 - 407)
ol.390.(c) Taking
o mark the 25th anniversary of the run, (403) ______ Royal
states that people from all over India are taking the stage to
coin (404) _____ Monday on the campus of Simon Fraser
University. Fox was (405) _______ undergraduate student and
identities. Hence, ‘taking’ is the most appropriate answer.
basketball player at SFU when a malignant tumour was
ol.391.(b) Enthusiasm
S discovered inhisrightlegin1977.Itresultedin(406)______.A
‘Enthusiasm’meansagreateagernessorinterestinsomething. bronzestatueofFox,oneofmanysuchtributesacrossCanada,
The given passage states that people from all over India are looks over the academic quadrangle of the university, just a
enthusiasticabouttakingthestagetoshowcasetheirinnovative short stroll from thetheatrewhereMonday's(407)______ was
ideas. Hence, ‘enthusiasm’ is the most appropriate answer. held.
SSC MTS 03/05/2023 (Evening)
ol.392.(a) Agreements
S Q.403.(a) a (b) in (c) of (d) the
‘Agreements’ means a mutually accepted arrangement. The Q.404.(a) at (b) through (c) on (d) over
given passage states that the Sharks have made incredible Q.405.(a) their (b) a (c) an (d) the
agreementswithnewventuresrangingfromgadgetstart-upsto Q.406.(a) fragmentation (b) amputation
food firms. Hence, ‘agreements’ is the most appropriate answer. (c) vasodilation (d) implantation
Q.407.(a) unveiling (b) countervailing
SET - 78
(c) reconciling (d) veiling
ol.393.(a) examine
ET-81. Q .(408 - 412)
‘Examine’ means to inspect or investigate. The given passage
"Iamproudto(408) toareligionwhichhastaughtthe
world both tolerance (409) universal acceptance," he
evidence. Hence, ‘examine’ is the most appropriate answer.
declared (410) __________ September 11,1893."Webelievenot
ol.394.(c) Extinct
S onlyinuniversaltoleration,(411) weacceptallreligions
‘Extinct’ means no longer in existence or living. The given astrue.Iamproudtobelongtoanationwhichhasshelteredthe
passage states that Palaeontologists are like detectives who persecutedandthe(412) ofallreligionsandallnationsof
examine the evidence that extinct animals left behind. Hence, the earth."
‘Extinct’ is the most appropriate answer. SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Afternoon)
Q.408.(a) belong (b) live (c) behest (d) gain
ol.395.(c) Remains
S Q.409.(a) and (b) as well as (c) or (d) also
‘Remains’meanstheleftoverpartsorfragmentsofanorganism. Q.410.(a) upon (b) in (c) on (d) at
The given passage states that those clues to what dinosaurs Q.411.(a) yet (b) though (c) and (d) but
were like are found in fossils—the ancient remains of an Q.412.(a) toilers (b) refugees (c) workers (d) peons
organism. Hence, ‘Remains’ is the most appropriate answer.
SET-82. Q .(413 - 417)
ol.396.(c) Evidence
S ( 413) ______ people think that we can learn a lot about the
‘Evidence’means-Prooforinformationthatsupportsaclaimor culture of foreign country (414)______bylivinginthatcountry.
belief. The given passage states that those clues to what However,thisisnotnecessarilytrue.Often,thelongerwestayin
dinosaurswerelikearefoundinfossils—theancientremainsof a(415)______country,themorewerealizehowlittleweactually
anorganism,suchasteeth,boneorshell—orevidenceofanimal know about the culture of that country. Booksandtalksabout
activity. Hence, ‘Evidence’ is the most appropriate answer. otherpeople’s(416)______canevenbedangerousbecausethey
concentrate on cultural differences and (417) ______ national
Sol.397.(d) Footprints
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Pinnacle Cloze Test
character and sometimes a lot of information they contain is .433.(a) for
Q (b) of (c) up (d) upon
u Q.434.(a) sliced (b) diced (c) mixed (d) rotated
SSC MTS 09/05/2023 (Evening) Q.435.(a) moved (b) framed (c) tamed (d) formed
Q.413.(a) Many (b) Few (c) Every (d) Each Q.436.(a) hailed (b) called (c) deemed (d) stepped
Q.414.(a) precisely (b) directly (c) formally (d) simply Q.437.(a) plague (b) cold (c) bug (d) complaint
Q.415.(a) benign (b) foreign (c) sovereign (d) reign
Q.416.(a) conjecture (b) caricature (c) stature (d) culture SET-87. Q .(438 - 442)
Q.417.(a) considerate (b) exaggerate In a gallery at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (438) ________
(c) proliferate (d) concentrate New York, paintings of a father and daughter (439) _________
face to face. Larger than life, the monumental portraits (440)
SET-83. Q .(418 - 422) _________ competing conceptions of royal power. The father,
aming in the banking sector seems virtually (418) _______ to
G Henry VIII, (441) ___________ directly at the viewer, conveying
eliminate.Theonlyeffectivemeasuretoenditwouldbeto(419) aggression through his wide stance, bulging leg muscles and
___________ bankers personallyliableforlosses,toremovethe (442) _________ padded clothing.
sense that their actions - their games - have (420) __________ SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Afternoon)
personal financialorlegalconsequences.Itisthis,rather(421) Q.438.(a) to (b) in (c) on (d) at
__________ removing the cap onbankers'bonuses,thathasthe Q.439.(a) rest (b) hang (c) poised (d) hanged
best chance of preventing the financial system blowing (422) Q.440.(a) believe (b) sell (c) present (d) settle
__________ again. Q.441.(a) books (b) shocks (c) looks (d) hooks
SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Afternoon) Q.442.(a) totally (b) excessively (c) commonly (d) acutely
Q.418.(a) feasible (b) impossible (c) penetrable (d) liable
Q.419.(a) gave (b) bake (c) take (d) make ET-88. Q .(443 - 447)
Q.420.(a) never (b) none (c) not (d) no Bycontrast,depressionisa(443)_________long-termdownturn
Q.421.(a) then (b) but (c) so (d) than in economicactivityinoneormore(444)________.Depression
Q.422.(a) on (b) into (c) up (d) off is a more (445) _________ downturn than a recession,whichis
SET-84. Q .(423 - 427) The latter refers to (446) __________ that occur around a
If you enjoy (423) _______ crime shows on TV, you know that long-term growth trend, and typically involve shifts over time
fingerprints play a large role in (424) _______ people. But, you between(447)_________ofrelativelyrapideconomicgrowth(an
might be (425) _______ to find out that using fingerprints for expansion or boom), and periods of relative stagnation or
identification is not a new science. In fact, it is very old(426) decline (a contraction or recession).
_______ back at least as far as 1885-1913 B.C.E. In Babylon, SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Morning)
when p
eople agreed to a business contract,theypressedtheir Q.443.(a) curtained (b) abstained (c) stained (d) sustained
fingerprintsintotheclayinwhichthecontractwaswritten.(427) Q.444.(a) services (b) autonomies
_______ have also been found on clay seals from ancient China. (c) economies (d) astronomies
SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Evening) Q.445.(a) severe (b) tamed (c) feral (d) simple
Q.423.(a) marking (b) watching (c) calling out (d) writing Q.446.(a) firmness (b) stability (c) fluctuations (d) sustainability
Q.424.(a) identifying (b) pertaining (c) chortling (d) masking Q.447.(a) perpetually (b) periods (c) perpetuity (d) prods
Q.425.(a) certain (b) calculable (c) blocked (d) surprised
Q.426.(a) portraying (b) dating (c) stating (d) going ET-89. Q .(448 - 452)
Q.427.(a) Thumbprints (b) Sculptures After a rejection, we tend to beat ourselves upoverthethings
(c) Footprints (d) Paintings that might have (448)__________ ustoberejected-andmight
even end up dwelling on these negative (449) _________ a
ET-85. Q .(428 - 432)
S processcalledrumination.Thishabit,however,inevitablycauses
Asanindustrialsolvent,pyridineisusedina(428)______range us to (450)__________worse."Thefirstthingalotofpeopledo
of manufacturing processes. It is also a by-product of coking when they getrejectedistobeunkindto(451)___________and
coal,acrucial(429)_______forsteelproduction.TheTeesarea they start coming upwithallkindsofideasaboutwhat's(452)
was home to both steel and chemical (430) ______ and the ______ with them," Gottlieb notes.
discharge of contaminated effluent (431) ______ the river and SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Afternoon)
surroundingwetlandshasbeen(432)_______practice,oftenwith Q.448.(a) lead (b) led (c) leading (d) let
minimal or no treatment. Q.449.(a) endurance (b) formalities (c) emotions (d) stoppages
SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Morning) Q.450.(a) feel (b) swirl (c) share (d) recognize
Q.428.(a) wide (b) wider (c) widest (d) widely Q.451.(a) himself (b) yourself (c) themselves (d) itself
Q.429.(a) code (b) desire (c) load (d) input Q.452.(a) strong (b) taming (c) syncing (d) wrong
Q.430.(a) fabrication (b) industries (c) monopoly (d) salutation
Q.431.(a) into (b) on (c) to (d) in SET-90. Q .(453 - 457)
Q.432.(a) maniac (b) common (c) bogus (d) ruckus " Why?" said Harry insurprise."Thereisa(453) ,Harry
Potter. A plot to make most terrible things (454) at
ET-86. Q .(433 - 437)
S Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (455) ,
Snailslimeismade(433)________amixtureofsubstances.Itis "whisperedDobby,suddenlytremblingallover."Dobbyhas(456)
mostly water (434) _________ with proteins and some _________ months, sir. Harry Potter (457) in peril.
carbohydrates and minerals, (435) ________ into a sort of jelly. SSC MTS 17/05/2023 (Afternoon)
This jelly is(436)________"mucus".It'snotthatdifferenttothe Q.453.(a) paper (b) plot (c) notebook (d) diary
snot that comes out of your nose when you have a (437) ______. Q.454.(a) happen (b) happens (c) happening (d) happened
SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Afternoon) Q.455.(a) those years (b) that year (c) the year (d) this year
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Q.456.(a) known it for ( b) had knowing for .475.(a) Totally (b) Casually (c) Firmly
Q (d) Nearly
(c) had acknowledging for (d) been known since Q.476.(a) knowing (b) to know (c) knows (d) known
Q.457.(a) must not insert himself (b) must not put his self Q.477.(a) indexes (b) symptoms (c) evidences (d) marks
(c) might not put oneself (d) must not put himself
SET-95. Q .(478 - 482)
ET-91. Q .(458 - 462)
S tthecoreofthe(478)
A liesthefierce(479) between
Bythe(458)_______wereachpuberty,theworldhasreachedus two branches of the Kuru dynasty, the Pandavas and the
and (459) _______ us to a greater extentthanwerealize.(460) Kauravas.Thelifelongstruggle(480) thecousinsforthe
______family,friends,school,andsocietyingeneral(461)______ throneofHastinapurculminates(481) bloodybattleof
by word and example-how to be. But people (462) ___________ Kurukshetra,inwhich(482) kingsofthatperiodparticipated
leadersatthatmomentwhentheydecideforthemselveshowto and perished.
be. SSC MTS 13/06/2023 (Evening)
SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Morning) Q.478.(a) dull (b) exercise (c) bright (d) epic
Q.458.(a) time (b) moment (c) age (d) era Q.479.(a) rivalry (b) commute (c) hostile (d) friendship
Q.459.(a) shapes(b) shaped (c) contours (d) formats Q.480.(a) amongst (b) inside (c) between (d) along
Q.460.(a) Their (b) Her (c) There (d) Our Q.481.(a) in that (b) inside (c) in the (d) in to
Q.461.(a) have tell us (b) have told us Q.482.(a) total (b) almost (c) most (d) each
(c) has told us (d) have been told us
Q.462.(a) onset to became (b) begin to become ET-96. Q .(483 - 487)
(c) began to become (d) start to became One head teacher asked what she should say to parents who
SET-92. Q .(463 - 467) because shewasconcernedthattoo______(484)parentshave
Itwasthis(463)_______thatmadeJohnsoparticularlyunusual, becomeconvincedthatanexpert(theteacher)knowsmorethan
evenforawizard.Thisscarwas(464)_______hintofJohn'svery they do about theirownchild's________(485).Herintentionwas
mysterious past, of the reason (465) __________ the Samuel's not tobashparents,________(486)shewantedtoknowhowto
doorstep eleven years (466) ________ . Attheageofone,John encourage parents to see "school" as a distinct domain from
(467) __________ a curse from the greatest Darksorcererofall "home", where their own ______ (487) ought to hold sway.
time. SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Evening)
SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Evening) Q.483.(a) at (b) to (c) of (d) on
Q.463.(a) blister (b) scar (c) scab (d) defect Q.484.(a) many (b) much (c) most (d) more
Q.464.(a) the only (b) that only (c) the alone (d) that individual Q.485.(a) development (b) consistence
Q.465.(a) he had been left on (b) he had been left up (c) submission (d) maniacs
(c) he have been left on (d) he was been left in Q.486.(a) or (b) rather (c) so (d) yet
Q.466.(a) ago (b) prior (c) before (d) sooner Q.487.(a) commotion (b) games (c) judgement (d) trubulence
(a) has had someway survived (b) had somehow existed through ET-97. Q .(488 - 492)
(c) have somehow survived (d) had somehow survived Eachwenthisway,theprinceto(488)__________thewaysofthe
court, the brahmin to (489) ___________ with Parasuram, the
ET-93. Q .(468 - 472)
S renownedscholar-warrior.Hemastered(490)______,marrieda
Workers' compensationbenefitsinPennsylvaniashouldpayfor virtuous woman, and (491) ______ abeautifulson.(192)______
your medical (468) _________ and aportionofyourlostwages. poor, he was proud of his learning.
However,youcannotbe(469)_________forpainandsufferingor SSC MTS 19/06/2023 (Morning)
othernon-financialdamagesthatyourillnessorinjurymay(470) Q.488.(a) absorb (b) receive (c) cram (d) learn
_________you.Apersonalinjuryorwrongfuldeathlawsuit,onthe Q.489.(a) study across (b) study former
other hand, (471) ________ compensation for the ill worker or (c) study another (d) study further
surviving family members. If someone (472) _________ your Q.490.(a) the supplies of war (b) the art even craft of war
employeroraco-workerwastoblameforyourillness,youcould (c) the attitude of war (d) the arts of war
pursue such a claim. Q.491.(a) has (b) had (c) have (d) given
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Afternoon) Q.492.(a) So (b) Even (c) Though (d) Because
Q.468.(a) states (b) regulations (c) bills (d) rules
Q.469.(a) repudiated (b) paid (c) stiffed (d) signed SET-98. Q .(493 - 497)
Q.470.(a) cause (b) has caused (c) have caused (d) causing lkaline hydrolysis is rare today as a funeral (493) _____ for
Q.471.(a) hosts (b) allows (c) hovers (d) boasts humans.Offeredtothepublicforthefirsttimejustovera(494)
Q.472.(a) beyond (b) along (c) besides (d) beside _____ ago, it is now permitted and regulated in 26 U.S. states,
and practiced (495) ______ in North America, where itremains
SET-94. Q .(473 - 477) unfamiliartomostpeoplewho(496)______alovedoneorwho
Y are thinking about what could (497) _____ to their own bodies
beforetheyareevenawaretheyhaveAlzheimer's(474)_______? when they die.
A recent survey shows that, indeed, theywould.(475)________ SSC MTS 19/06/2023 (Afternoon)
three-quarters of the respondents said they would want (476) Q.493.(a) Judgement (b) Proceeding (c) Activity (d) Practice
_________ if they hadAlzheimer'sdisease,eveniftheywerenot Q.494.(a) date (b) vintage (c) decade (d) period
yet experiencing (477) _______. Q.495.(a) primarily (b) manly (c) approximately (d) lastly
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Evening) Q.496.(a) has lost (b) lose (c) have lost (d) loose
Q.473.(a) drop (b) surrender (c) want (d) got Q.497.(a) curtail (b) happen (c) syndicate (d) gravitate
Q.474.(a) health (b) disease (c) contamination (d) bug
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Solutions :-
ol.410.(c) On
SET - 79 Thepreposition‘On’indicatesaspecifictime.Thegivenpassage
ol.398.(b) in
S most appropriate answer.
We generally use the preposition ‘in’ to indicate time and
duration. Hence, ‘in’ is the most appropriate answer. ol.411.(d) But
The conjunction ‘but’ indicates that except or to introduce
ol.399.(d) which
S something which contrasts with what you have just said. The
We generally use the relative pronoun ‘which’ to introduce a given passage states that We believe not only in universal
subordinate clause. Hence, ‘which’ is the most appropriate toleration,butweacceptallreligionsastrue.Hence,‘But’isthe
answer. most appropriate answer.
ol.400.(a) introduced
S ol.412.(b) Refugees
‘Introduced’ means to put something into use, operation, or a ‘Refugees’ means a person who hasbeenforcedtoleavetheir
place for thefirsttime.Thegivensentencestatesthatthefirst country inordertoescapewar,persecution,ornaturaldisaster.
whointroducedthatbeautifulkindoffiction.Hence,‘introduced’ ThegivenpassagestatesthatIamproudtobelongtoanation
is the most appropriate answer. whichhasshelteredthepersecutedrefugeesofallreligionsand
all nations of the earth.
ol.401.(b) just
Wegenerallyuse‘just’asanadverboftime,indicatingarecent SET - 82
occurrence or immediate past. Hence, ‘just’ is the most
appropriate answer. ol.413.(a) Many
ol.402.(b) period
S indicate a large or considerable quantity or number of
‘Period’ means a length orportionoftime.Thegivensentence something. Hence, ‘Many’ is the most appropriate answer.
states that the Bronte sisters were getting started in theearly
Victorion period. Hence, ‘period’ is the most appropriate answer. ol.414.(d) Simply
‘Simply’ means in a straightforwardorplainmanner.Thegiven
SET - 80 passage states that we can learn a lot about the culture of
ol.403.(d) the
S foreigncountrysimplybylivinginthatcountry.Hence,‘Simply’is
Wegenerallyusearticle‘the’torefertoaspecificplace.Hence, the most appropriate answer.
‘the’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.415.(b) Foreign
ol.404.(c) on
S The passageisaboutthecultureofforeigncountry.Sowecan
Wegenerallyusethepreposition‘on’torefertoaspecificdayor easily conclude that ‘foreign’ is the most appropriate answer.
date. Hence, ‘on’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.416.(d) Culture
ol.405.(c) an
S ‘Culture’ means the way of life, especiallythegeneralcustoms
Wegenerallyusetheindefinitearticle‘an’withthewordsstarting and beliefs,ofaparticulargroupofpeopleataparticulartime.
from a vowel sound (an engineer, an hour). Hence, ‘an’ is the The given passage states that books and talks about other
most appropriate answer. people’s culture can even be dangerous.Hence,‘Culture’isthe
most appropriate answer.
ol.406.(b) amputation
‘Amputation’ means the cutting off of a part of the body. The ol.417.(b) Exaggerate
givenpassagestatesthatamalignanttumourwasdiscoveredin ‘Exaggerate’ means to represent something as being larger,
his right leg in 1977. It resulted in amputation. Hence, better, or worse than it reallyis.Thegivenpassagestatesthat
‘amputation’ is the most appropriate answer. they concentrate on cultural differences and exaggerate national
Sol.407.(a) unveiling character. Hence, ‘Exaggerate’ is the most appropriate answer.
‘unveiling’ means the removal of a curtain or covering from a
SET - 83
from the theatre where Monday's unveiling was held. Hence, ol.418.(b) Impossible
‘unveiling’ is the most appropriate answer. ‘Impossible’meansnotabletooccur,exist,orbedone.Thegiven
passage states that gaming in the banking sector seems
SET - 81
ol.408.(a) belong
S appropriate answer.
Belong means to beamemberofagroupororganisation.The
ol.419.(d) Make
given passage states that I am proud to belong to a religion
which has taught the world. Hence, ‘belong’ is the most
appropriate answer.
‘make’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.409.(a) And
S ol.420.(d) No
‘Both…..and’ is the conjunction pair. The given passage states Wegenerallyuse‘No’asadeterminertoindicatetheabsenceor
that "I am proud to belong to a religion which hastaughtthe lackofsomething.Thegivenpassagestatesthattoremovethe
worldbothtoleranceanduniversalacceptance". Hence,‘and’is sense that their actions - their games - have no p
the most appropriate answer. financial or legal consequences. Hence, ‘No’ is the most
ol.447.(b) periods
S ol.458.(a) time
‘Period’ means a specific duration of time. The given passage In the passage, The word‘time’fitsappropriatelyasitsignifies
statesthatthelattertypicallyinvolvesperiodsofrelativelyrapid durationoftimeleadinguptoreachingpuberty.Hence,‘time’is
economic growth and periods of relative decline. Hence, the most appropriate answer.
‘periods’ is the most appropriate answer. ol.459.(b) shaped
SET - 89 Inthepassagetheword‘shaped’meansthattheworldhashad
a significant impact on our development, values, and beliefs,
ol.448.(b) led
S shaping who we are as individuals. Hence, ‘shaped’ is the most
WegenerallyuseV3 withthehelpingverbHas/have/hadandthe appropriate answer.
correct 3rd form of the verb ‘Lead’ is ‘Led’. Hence, ‘led’ is the
most suitable answer. ol.460.(d) our
The possessive pronoun "Our" is used to show ownership or
ol.449.(c) Emotions
S association with the noun. It indicates that family, friends,
‘Emotions’ refers to the feelings or sentiments that we school, and society in general collectively impact how we
experience. The given passage states that these negative become. Hence, ‘our’ is the most appropriate answer.
emotions are a processcalledrumination.Hence,‘emotions’is
the most suitable answer. ol.461.(b) have told us
We generally use present perfect tense(have+V₃)todescribe
ol.450.(a) Feel
S actionsorstatesthatoccurredinthepastbuthaveaconnection
The word ‘feel’ means for experiencing or having a certain or relevance to the present. Hence, ‘have told us’ is the most
emotional state. The given passage states that This habit, appropriate answer.
however, inevitably causes ustofeelworse.Hence,‘feel’isthe
most suitable answer. ol.462.(b) begin to become
ol.451.(c) Themselves
S is connected with infinitive (to + V₁) to convey the process of
The reflexive pronoun ‘themselves’ is usedtoreferbacktothe developing or forming oneself inthepassage.Hence,‘beginto
plural subject ‘a lot of people’.Hence,‘themselves’isthemost become’ is the most appropriate answer.
suitable answer.
SET - 92
ol.452.(d) Wrong
Theword‘wrong’meansindividualsstartthinkingaboutwhatis ol.463.(b) scar
incorrectorflawedaboutthemselvesafterfacingrejection.The ‘Scar’ means a mark on the skin that is caused by a cut. The
given passage states what's wrong with them," Gottlieb notes. given passage states that it was this scar that made Johnso
Hence, ‘wrong’ is the most suitable answer. particularly unusual. Hence, ‘scar’ is the most appropriate
ol.466.(a) ago
S ol.476.(b) To know
Theadverb‘ago’isusedwhenwerefertopasttime.‘Ago’isused In this passage, the phrase "would want to know" is used. It
afterthementionedperiod.ThegivenpassagestatesthatJohn follows the structure of a verb + infinitive. The verb "want" is
wasleftonSamuel'sdoorstepelevenyearsago.Hence,‘ago’is followedbytheinfinitive"toknow."Hence,‘toknow’isthemost
the most appropriate answer. appropriate answer.
ol.468.(c) bills
S ol.478.(d) Epic
The phrase ‘medical bills’ means statement of charges for Theword‘Epic’isoftenusedtodescribenarrativesortalesthat
medical services. The given passage states that workers' involve heroic deeds, legendary characters, and monumental
compensation benefits in Pennsylvania should pay for your events.Inthispassage,itsuggeststhatthestorybeingreferred
medical bills and a portion of your lostwages.Hence,‘bills’is toholdsgreatimportanceandcapturesagrandstruggle.Hence,
the most appropriate answer. ‘Epic’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.469.(b) paid
S ol.479.(a) Rivalry
Theword‘paid’meansmoneythataworkerreceivesfromhisor The word ‘Rivalry’ suggests a strong and often hostile
her employer. The given passage states that however, you competition between two parties, emphasizing the intense
cannot be paid for pain and suffering or other non-financial nature of their relationship. In the passage, the term ‘fierce
damages. Hence, ‘paid’ is the most appropriate answer. rivalry’ signifiestheintensecompetition,conflict,andanimosity
between the two branches of the Kuru dynasty, namely the
ol.470.(c) have caused
S Pandavas and the Kauravas. Hence, ‘Rivalry’ is the most
The phrase ‘have caused’ means to make something happen, appropriate answer.
especially something bad. The given passage states that your
illness or injury may have caused you. Hence,‘havecaused’is ol.480.(c) Between
the most appropriate answer. ‘Between’ is usedasapreposition.Prepositionsarewordsthat
typically show a relationship between anoun(orpronoun)and
ol.471.(b) allows
S another element in the sentence. In this case, "between"
The word ‘allows’ means to give permission to someone to do indicatestherelationshipandconflictbetweenthetwobranches
something. The given passage states that a personal injury or of the Kuru dynasty, the Pandavas and the Kauravas. Hence,
wrongfuldeathlawsuit,ontheotherhand,allowscompensation ‘between’ is the most appropriate answer.
the most appropriate answer. ol.481.(c) In the
ol.472.(c) besides
S culminates in the specificeventorcontextofthebloodybattle
The preposition ‘besides’ means ‘in addition to’or‘apartfrom’. ofKurukshetra.Thephrase"inthe"denotesthatthebattletakes
The given passage states that if someone besides your place within a definedlocationorcontext.Hence,‘inthe’isthe
employeroraco-workerwastoblameforyourillness,youcould most appropriate answer.
pursue such a claim. Hence, ‘besides’ is the most appropriate
answer. ol.482.(c) Most
The word "most" is an adjective that describes the noun it
ET - 94
S modifies.Inthispassage,itaccuratelyconveysthatthemajority
ol.473.(c) Want
S or a significant number of kings from that period participated
The word "want" in this passage means to desire or wish for and perished in the battle of Kurukshetra. Hence, ‘most’isthe
something.Itimplieswhetheranyonewoulddesireorchooseto most appropriate answer.
ol.483.(d) on
S ol.493.(d) practice
We generally use preposition ‘on’ to indicate the Topic or subject. ‘Practice’ meanstherepeatedperformanceorapplicationofan
The given passagestatesthatTheheadteacherwantstoknow activity or skill.Inthegivenpassage,theterm‘funeral’isbeing
whatadviceorinformationsheshouldprovidetoparentswhen used to refertoaprocessorpracticeassociatedwithhandling
they seek guidance specifically about preparing their child for the remains of the deceased. Hence, ‘practice’ is the most
school. Hence, ‘on’ is the most appropriate answer. appropriate answer.
ol.484.(a) many
S ol.494.(c) decade
‘Many’ means a large number or a significant portion of ‘Decade’meansaperiodoftenyears.Thegivenpassagestates
someoneorsomething.Thegivenpassagestatesthattoomany that alkaline hydrolysis was offered to the public for the first
parents hold the beliefofnotknowingmuchabouttheirchild’s time slightly more than ten years ago. Hence, ‘decade’ is the
development. Hence, ‘many’ is the most appropriate answer. most appropriate answer.
ol.485.(a) development
S ol.495.(a) primarily
‘Development’ means the process of growth, progress, and ‘Primarily’ means mainly. The word "primarily" is used to
advancementinvariousaspects.Thegivenpassagestatesthat describe the practice of alkaline hydrolysis in North America.
the headteacher is concerned that parents have become The given passage states that this method is the main or
convincedthattheteacherknowsmorethantheydoabouttheir primary approach used in that region. Hence, ‘primarily’ is the
own child's development. Hence, ‘development’ is the most most appropriate answer.
appropriate answer.
ol.496.(c) have lost
ol.486.(b) rather
S Wegenerallyusepresentperfecttense(have+V₃)todenotean
We generallyuse“rather”toindicateapreferenceoralternative actionorexperiencethatstartedinthepastandcontinuestothe
intention. The given passagestatesthattheheadteacher'saim present.Theverb(havelost)afterrelativepronoun(who)mustbe
wasnottobashparentsbuttoseekadviceonhowtoencourage followedaccordingtotheantecedent(people).Hence,‘havelost’
themtoview"school"asadistinctdomainfrom"home".hence, is the most appropriate answer.
‘rather’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.497.(b) happen
ol.487.(c) judgement
S Inthepassage,Theword"happen"conveystheideaofanevent
Judgement is the ability toformopinionsortomakesensible occurringortakingplace.Thegivenpassagestatesthatpeople
decisions. who are thinking about whatcouldhappentotheirownbodies
when they die are unfamiliar with alkaline hydrolysis. Hence,
SET - 97 ‘happen’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.488.(d) Learn
‘Learn’ means to get knowledge about something. The given SSC CHSL 2022 Tier - 1
passage states thatPrinceisaimingtoacquireknowledgeand
understanding about how the court operates. Hence, ‘learn’ is SET-99. Q .(498 - 502)
the most appropriate answer. any fruits and vegetables change (498)____________ as they
ol.489.(d) Study further
S all changefromgreentored.Colourisjustonewayalongwith
The phrase ‘study further’ means to gain moreknowledgeand size,texture,andsmellthatyoucantellifafruitorvegetableis
understanding. The given passage states that Brahmin (499)____________ to be harvested or eaten. Imagine a factory
continued his studies with Parasuram to gain knowledge and that (500) ___________strawberries into plastic containerstobe
understanding beyond what he had acquired. Hence, ‘study (501) togrocerystoresacrossthecountry.Itmight
further’ is the most appropriate answer. be useful to have a machine that automatically (502)_______
ol.490.(d) The arts of war
S any green strawberries that w ere pickedbeforetheywereripe.
The phrase ‘arts of war’ means the skills, strategies, techniques, Or, you might want a machine on the farm that automatically
andknowledgerelatedtomilitaryorwarfareactivities.Thegiven recognizesstrawberriesbycolourandonlypickstheredonesto
passage states that brahmin acquired a high level of skill, begin with.
knowledge, and understanding in various aspects related to SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (1st Shift)
warfare. Hence, ‘the arts of war’ is the most appropriate answer. Q.498. (a) shape (b) clothes (c) colour (d) size
Q.499.(a) steady (b) trepid (c) sober (d) ready
ol.491.(b) Had
S Q.500. (a) packs (b) breaks (c) tapes (d) halts
ThegivensentenceofthepassageisanexampleofSimplePast Q.501.(a) managed of (b) shipped off
tenseandthesecondform(V2)isgenerallyusedinanaffirmative (c) suited to (d) accounted to
sentence. Hence, ‘had(V2)’ is the most appropriate answer. Q.502.(a) sustains (b) detains (c) proceeds (d) rejects
ol.492.(c) Though
S ET-100. Q .(503 - 507)
We generally use conjunction ‘though’ to indicate contrast Fresh pineapple, chilled watermelon, and anicycoldsoftdrink
betweentwoideasorstatements.Thegivenpassagestatesthat on a hot summer's day. What do these things have in (503)
Brahmin was proud of his son, despite being poor. There is a _______ ? They all tastesogoodbecauseofthesweetnessthe
contrastbetweenprideandpoverty.Hence,‘though’isthemost sugar in them provides. When youthinkofsugar,youprobably
appropriate answer. picture the white (504) _______ you put in cookies, that your
ol.577.(c) Movement
S SET - 116
ol.582.(b) Opportunities
the movement ofmusclesandlimbs.Hence,‘movement’isthe
like to do. The given passage states that challenges are
most appropriate answer.
opportunities that knock on our door. Hence, ‘opportunities’ is
S the most appropriate answer.
‘Attain’ means to succeed inachievingsomethingthatonehas
ol.583.(c) Overcome
worked for. The given passage states that exercise is doneto
‘Overcome’ means to manage to control or defeat
Somebody/Something. The given passage states that it may
sound difficult to overcome the obstacles in our career but
S challenges are rewarding. Hence, ‘overcome’ is the most
‘Enhancing’meanstoimprovethequality,amount,orstrengthof appropriate answer.
ol.584.(b) Invention
exercise is usually enhancing fitness.Hence,‘enhancing’isthe
‘Invention’ means a thing that has been made or designed by
most appropriate answer.
somebody for the first time. The given passage states that if
S therewerenochallengestherewouldhavebeennoinventionon
‘Hectic’ means very busy and filled with activity. The given this planet. Hence, ‘invention’ is the most appropriate answer.
passage talks about the end of ahecticday Hence,‘hectic’is
ol.585.(b) Potential
the most appropriate answer.
ol.581.(a) Indulge
S be used, etc. The given passage states that every challenge
‘Indulge’ means to allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of posesanopportunityforthosewholiketoputtheirpotentialto
something. The given passage states that at the end of our the fullest utilisation. Hence, ‘potential’isthemostappropriate
hecticday,weprefertoindulgeinleisureactivitiesratherthana answer.
workout. Hence, ‘indulge’ is the most appropriate answer.
Sol.586.(d) Patience
SSC CPO 2022 Tier - 1 get angry. The given passage states that knowledge and
ET-116. Q .(582 - 586)
S the most appropriate answer.
Challenges are (582)____that knock on our door. It maysound
difficultto(583)___theobstaclesinourcareerbutchallengesare SET - 117
ol.587.(c) Easy
(584)_____on this planet. Every challenge poses as an
‘Easy’ means giving ease, comfort, or relaxation. The given
utilisation. Knowledge and (586)_____ is the key to overcome
control air pollution. Hence, ‘easy’ is the most appropriate
SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Evening)
Q.582.(a) problems (b) opportunities (c) fear (d) trouble ol.588.(d) Adequate
Q.583.(a) solve (b) forego (c) overcome (d) meet ‘Adequate’meansenoughforwhatyouneed.Thegivenpassage
Q.584.(a) science (b) invention (c) scientists (d) requirement states that it is like a child’s play if adequate awareness is
Q.585.(a) job (b) potential (c) work (d) time createdamongpeopleofallages.Hence,‘adequate’isthemost
Q.586.(a) time (b) gadget (c) confidentiality (d) patience appropriate answer.
ol.602.(a) Surface
S ol.613.(a)Soft
‘Surface’ means an external part or layer. The given passage ‘Soft’meansnotbrightorglaring.Thegivenpassagestatesthat
states thatthesoftlayeroftheearth’ssurfaceonwhichplants the rain makes a more soft colour. Hence, ‘soft’ is the most
grow is referred to as soil. Hence, ‘surface’ is the most appropriate answer.
appropriate answer.
ol.614.(d)Rip and tear
ol.603.(a) Components
S The phrase ‘rip andtear’meanstotear,cutapart,oropen.The
‘Components’meansaconstituentpart;ingredient.Thepassage givenpassagestatesthatduetothis,itwouldripandteareasily.
states t hat soil includes a huge amount of both organic and Hence, ‘rip and tear’is the most important answer.
inorganic components.’ Hence, ‘components’ is the most
Sol.615.(d) Fine birds
appropriate answer.
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Pinnacle Cloze Test
The given passage states that while clothes do not make the Q.629.(a) limited (b) known (c) shown (d) arranged
an and fine feathers do not makefine birds. This is a proverb.
m .630.(a) was
Q (b) has (c) were (d) are
Hence, 'fine birds’ is the most appropriate answer. Q.631.(a) part (b) beside (c) type (d) Bit
ol.616.(d) In
Inthegivenpassageusetheprepositions"in"(thepointitself)to ET-125. Q .(632 - 636)
refer to aqualityorlackofaperson.Thegivenpassagestates TheSmallIndianMongoose,(632)______itslittleroundears,is
that there was a swagger in his steps. Hence, ‘in’ is the most an(633)______hunterandhasalongsnout-likefaceandshort
appropriate answer. legs that havesharpclaws.It(634)______brownorgreygrizzly
fur and (635) ______ in abandoned burrows or tunnels. (636)
______ the rat-like appearance, mongooses are not rodents.
SET - 122
SSC MTS 11/07/2022 (Evening)
ol.617.(a) Childhood
S Q.632.(a) of (b) to (c) from (d) with
Childhoodmeansthestateorperiodofbeingachild.Thegiven Q.633.(a) alive (b) alike (c) awake (d) agile
passage states that There were two childhood buddies who Q.634.(a) has (b) had (c) have (d) having
went through school and college and even joined the army Q.635.(a) learns (b) leans (c) leaves (d) lives
together. Hence, ‘Childhood’ is the most appropriate answer. Q.636.(a) Instead (b) Apart (c) Often (d) Despite
ol.626.(b) That
S ol.637.(c) On
‘That’ is used for talking about a person or thing already The preposition ‘on’ means in a place or position. The given
mentioned. The given passage states that ISRO has launched passagestatesthatnitrogenisessentialtolifeonEarth.Hence,
severalindigenouslycreatedvehiclesintospacethatformapart ‘on’ is the most appropriate answer.
answer. ol.638.(d) Found
‘be + V3(third form of the verb)’ is the correct grammatical
SET - 124 structure for thegivensentence.Hence,‘found(V3)’isthemost
appropriate answer.
ol.627.(a) Reported
‘Reported’ means to give people information about what you ol.639.(d) Present
have seen, heard, done, etc. The given passage states that ‘Present’ means existing in something mentioned or under
49,000 plant species reported as of 2018 in India. Hence, consideration. The given passage states that nitrogen
‘reported’ is the most appropriate answer. compounds are present in organic materials, foods, fertilisers,
ol.628.(d) About
‘About’ means a little more or less than, approximately. The
givenpassagestatesthatIndiaholdsabout11.5%ofalltheflora ol.640.(c) But
in the world. Hence, ‘about’ is the most appropriate answer. ‘But’ is used for introducing an idea whichcontrastswithoris
ol.629.(c) Shown
that nitrogen is crucial to life, but in excess it can also be
‘Shown’ means togiveinformationaboutsomething.Thegiven
the birthplace of Asian bamboo. Hence, ‘shown’ is the most
appropriate answer. ol.641.(a) Harmful
ol.630.(c) Were
‘They’ is a plural pronoun soitwilltakeapluralverbbutinthe
past form(V2) as the sentence is in the past tense. Hence,
appropriate answer.
‘were(V2)’ is the most appropriate answer.
SET - 127
ol.631.(a) Part
‘Part’meanssomethinglessthanthewholetowhichitbelongs. ol.642.(b) Express
The given passage states that they were formed about 25 ‘Express’meanstosayorwriteyourfeelings,opinions,etc..The
millionyearsagointhenorth-easternpartofthecountry.Hence, givenpassagestatesthatloveisoftenthoughttobethehighest
‘part’ is the most appropriate answer. and most fulfilling emotion that men andwomencanexpress.
Hence, ‘express’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.647.(d) Damper
S ET-131. Q .(662 - 666)
‘Damper’meansalittlewet.Thegivenpassagestatesthatevery TheHallofDharmawasinacircularbuilding,builtofstoneand
nowandthentherearegoingtobebaddays,toughdays,mood mortar,witha(662)________dome.Thedelicate(663)________of
swingsandallthingsnastythatmayputadamperonourhappy the dome was believed to represent the feminine while the
days. Hence, ‘damper’ is the most appropriate answer. typical temple spire represented the masculine. The hall was
also (664)________ All rishis sat as (665)________ without a
ol.648.(a) Choice
S moderating ‘head’, debating issues openly and without fear,
‘Choice’meansanactofchoosingbetweentwoormorepeople freedom of (666)________at its zenith.
or things. The given passage states that wearetheoneswho SSC CHSL 31/05/2022 (Evening)
canmakeachoicebetweenlettingthesethingsgetinthewayor Q.662.(a) massive (b) passive (c) intrusive (d) conclusive
pushing them right out.Hence,‘choice’isthemostappropriate Q.663.(a) harshness (b) masculinity (c) vengeance (d) elegance
answer. Q.664.(a) perpendicular (b) peculiar (c) vertical (d) circular
Q.665.(a) crossed (b) unequal (c) equals (d) conical
ol.649.(a) Investing
S Q.666.(a) depression (b) expression (c) running (d) inspiration
that you think isgoodoruseful.Thegivenpassagestatesthat SET-132. Q .(667 - 671)
we are the oneswhocanmakeachoicebetweenlettingthese laimshavebeenmadethatvaccinesareresponsibleforcertain
thingsgetinthewayorpushingthemrightoutbyinvestingtime (667)__________ health conditions, particularly autism, speech
in things. Hence, ‘investing’ is the most appropriate answer. disorders and inflammatory bowel disease. Some of those
claims focused onthimerosal,amercury-containingcompound
ol.650.(c) Who
S used as a preservative in vaccines. Somepeoplebelievedthat
We generally use the relative pronoun ‘who’ for the living autism (668)__________ a form of mercury poisoning, caused
being(‘people’ in the given passage). Hence, ‘who’ is the most specifically by thimerosal in childhood vaccines. Those claims
appropriate answer. have been discredited. Still, misinformationandfeargenerated
by false claims about associations(669)__________autismand
ol.651.(a) Wrong
S vaccines had a significant impact on individuals’ perceptions
‘Wrong’ means in a way thatisnotcorrect.Thegivenpassage about vaccine safety. (670)__________, most individuals in
statesthateverynowandthenwhenthingsgowrongalwaysgo countrieswherevaccinationiswidespreadhaveneverpersonally
backtothis,andoneormorethingslistedherealwayslightsme experienced vaccine-preventable disease. Thus, the focus of
up. Hence, ‘wrong’ is the most appropriate answer. concern for some people shifted from the negative effects of
vaccine-preventable disease tothepossiblenegativeeffectsof
SSC CHSL 2021 Tier - 1 the vaccines (671)__________.
SSC CHSL 01/06/2022 (Afternoon)
SET-129. Q .(652 - 656) Q.667.(a) contemptuous (b) adverse (c) affirm (d) disperse
question like "How big is Faerie?” does not admit
A Q.668.(a) will (b) shall (c) was (d) were
(652)_________asimpleanswer.Faerie,afterall,isnotoneland, Q.669.(a) one another (b) between (c) each other (d) through
one principalityor(653)_________MapsofFaerieareunreliable, Q.670.(a) For instance (b) Therefore (c) In addition (d) Likewise
and may not be (654)_________ upon. Faerie is bigger than Q.671.(a) themselves (b) yourself (c) ourselves (d) itself
England, asitisbiggerthantheworld.Inthemiddleofawood
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Pinnacle Cloze Test
ET-133. Q .(672 - 676)
S .685.(a) marketplace (b) literacy (c) portfolios
Q (d) burden
While I was sittingthere(672)_________overmyfailuretokeep Q.686.(a) authentication (b) utility
fromhavingtospend(673)______glisteringsummermonthson (c) performance (d) subscription
from the phone. She kept (675)_________ her fingers on the SET-136. Q .(687 - 691)
phonetocatchmyattention.Ijustsatthereblinkingatheruntil cience, according to popular (687)_________, is a remote and
finallysheputherhandoverthereceiverand(676)_________(so enigmatic idea that is (688)__________ the comprehension of
thatnobodylistens),“Amelia!Inmybedroom,thereissomething ordinarymindsandpeace-lovingpeople.Thisismostlikelywhy
for you”. the words 'scientist' and'mad'havebeenusedinterchangeably
SSC CHSL 02/06/2022 (Afternoon) for centuries. But, given that science is the foundation upon
Q.672.(a) smirking (b) sulking (c) grinning (d) clapping which our lives are b uilt, isn't it (689)__________ that science
Q.673.(a) ours (b) me (c) my (d) mine appears to be beyond the common mind's comprehension?
Q.674.(a) disconcerting (b) beckoning Similarly, mathematics, the (690)___________ of science, gives
(c) upsetting (d) dismissing meaning to the concept of quantification and (691)__________
Q.675.(a) piquing (b) snapping (c) peering (d) tapping valueforushumans.Thereareafewexamplesofhowscience
Q.676.(a) commended (b) cheered (c) lauded (d) hissed and mathematics rewire our brains, just go and check.
SSC CHSL 06/06/2022 (Evening)
ET-134. Q .(677 - 681)
S Q.687.(a) believe (b) believes (c) belief (d) beliefs
Many of the major supermarket chains have come under fire Q.688.(a) beyond (b) above (c) before (d) for
withaccusationsof(677)__________unethicalactsoverthepast Q.689.(a) ironic (b) logical (c) obvious (d) gracious
decade. They've wastedtonnesoffood,they'veunderpaidtheir Q.690.(a) glory (b) secret (c) crest (d) bedrock
suppliers and they've contributed to excessiveplasticwastein Q.691.(a) unapparent (b) incomprehensible
their packaging, which has had itsimpactonourenvironment. (c) unequivocal (d) undecipherable
But supermarkets and grocers are(678)__________tositupand
take notice. In responseto(679)__________consumerbacklash ET-137. Q .(692 - 696)
againstthehugeamountsofplasticwastegeneratedbyplastic The (692)_________ of roads in the1700sand1800smadethe
packaging, some of the largest UK supermarkets have (693)_________ of goods and peoplemucheasier.Manynobles
(680)__________upapactpromisingtotransformpackagingand and businessmen (694)___________ their wealth in building
cutplasticwastage.Inapledgetoreuse,recycleorcompostall bridges and tunnels. John Metcalfe was one of the most
plastic wastage by 2025, supermarkets are now beginning to (695)__________ road builders of this period. He was blind and
take (681)__________ responsibility for the part they play in feltthesurfaceoftheroad.Thiswasdonetomakesurethatit
contributing to thedamagetoourenvironment,withonemajor met his (696)_________.
supermarket announcing their plan to eliminate all plastic SSC CHSL 07/06/2022 (Morning)
packaging in their own-brand Q.692.(a) stagnation (b) recovery (c) setback (d) improvement
products by 2023. Q.693.(a) traffic (b) delivery (c) shipment (d) transportation
SSC CHSL 03/06/2022 (Evening) Q.694.(a) donated (b) supported (c) promoted (d) invested
Q.677.(a) various (b) most (c) same (d) much Q.695.(a) credulous (b) fascinated (c) attentive (d) remarkable
Q.678.(a) being start (b) starting (c) start (d) being starting Q.696.(a) desire (b) requirements (c) wish (d) condition
Q.679.(a) believing (b) enlarging (c) developing (d) growing
Q.680.(a) signed (b) bought (c) settled (d) resigned ET-138. Q .(697 - 701)
Q.681.(a) little (b) every (c) any (d) some Living organisms (697)_________ their own kind through a
process called reproduction. Plants also increase in number
ET-135. Q .(682 - 686)
S throughtheprocessofreproduction.Differentplantsreproduce
Cloud computing is a type of Internet-based computing that in different ways. Most of the flowering plantsproduceseeds.
provides (682)_________ computer processing resources and Plantsproducemanyseeds.Fewoftheseseeds(698)_________
data to computers and other devices on demand. Cloud andgerminateintonewplants.Whenaseedgetsthe(699)____
computing andstoragesolutionsprovideusersandenterprises amount of air, water, soil and sunlight, it grows into a plant.
(683)_______variouscapabilitiestostoreandprocesstheirdata Fruits have seeds (700)_________ them. When a fruit
inthird-partydatacentres.Localcomputersnolongerhavetodo (701)_________ up, theseedsinsideitcanbeusedtogrownew
all the heavy liftingwhenitcomestorunningapplications.The plants of the same kind.
goal of cloudcomputingistoapplytraditionalsupercomputing SSC CHSL 08/06/2022 (Evening)
orhigh-performancecomputingpower,normallyusedbymilitary Q.697.(a) design (b) construct (c) spread (d) create
and research (684)______, to perform tens of trillions of Q.698.(a) prevail (b) exist (c) survive (d) bear
computations per second, in consumer-oriented application Q.699.(a) helpful (b) equal (c) right (d) valid
such as financial (685)__________, to deliver personalised Q.700.(a) interior (b) inside (c) inner (d) inward
informationandtoprovidedatastorage.In2013,itwasreported Q.701.(a) soaks (b) dries (c) wipes (d) dehydrates
(686)_________duetotheadvantagesofhighcomputingpower, ET-139. Q .(702 - 706)
cheap cost of services, high performance, scalability, Everything(702)_________usmakesourenvironment.Livingand
accessibility as well as availability. non-living things form the (703) _________ ofoursurroundings.
SSC CHSL 06/06/2022 (Afternoon) Plants, animals and microbes are parts of our environment.
Q.682.(a) unsolicited (b) prohibited (c) unspecified (d) shared Plants, animalsandmicrobeshaveaffectedtheenvironmentin
Q.683.(a) from (b) into (c) for (d) with multiple(704)______likeclearingofforests,buildinghousesand
Q.684.(a) facilities (b) support (c) methodologies (d) designs farms, making roads, etc. This is the root (705) _______ of air,
ol.657.(a) Value
S ol.668.(c) Was
‘Value’meanstheimportanceofsomething.Thegivenpassage ‘Autism’ is a singular subject so it will take‘was’asasingular
talksaboutthevaluethatcomesoutofthestory.Hence,‘value’ verb. Hence, ‘was’ is the most appropriate answer.
is the most appropriate answer.
ol.669.(b) Between
ol.658.(a) That
S ‘Between’ means in the space in the middle of two things,
The word ‘that’ is used tointroducethenextclause.Thegiven people, places, etc. The given passage states that
passage states that the Grasshopper and the Ant have to be misinformation and fear are generated by false claims about
subtly put to the children in such a way that they realize the associationsbetweenautismandvaccines.Hence,‘between’is
worth of hard work. Hence, ‘that’ is the most appropriate answer the most appropriate answer.
ol.659.(d) Negative
S ol.670.(a) For instance
‘Negative’meansbadorharmful.Thegivenpassagestatesthat ‘For instance’meansforanexample.Thegivenpassagestates
laziness is a negative trait. that for instance, most individuals in countries where
Hence, ‘negative’ is the most appropriate answer. vaccinationiswidespreadhaveneverpersonallyexperiencedthe
vaccine-preventable disease. Hence, ‘For instance’ is the most
ol.660.(d) While
appropriate answer.
‘While’ means at the same time as. The given passage states
that the laziness trait here should be discouraged while
Sol.671.(a) Themselves
emphasizing on the positive note which is hard work. Hence,
‘Themselves’ is used when the people or things who do an
‘while’ is the most appropriate answer.
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Pinnacle Cloze Test
f ocus of concern for some people shifted from the negative appropriate answer.
effects of the vaccine-preventable disease to the possible
negative effects of the vaccines themselves. Hence, ol.681.(d) Some
‘themselves’ is the most appropriate answer. ‘Some’ means a certain amount of or a numberofsomething.
Thegivenpassagestatesthat supermarketsarenowbeginning
SET-133 to take some responsibility. Hence, ‘some’ is the most
appropriate answer.
ol.672.(b) Sulking
‘Sulking’ means to refuse to speak or smilebecauseyouwant SET-135
people to know thatyouareangryaboutsomething.Thegiven
passage states that the narrator was sittingtheresulkingover ol.682.(d) Shared
his failure. Hence, ‘sulking’ is the most appropriate answer. ‘Shared’ means to divide something between two or more
ol.673.(c) My
S of Internet-based computing that provides shared computer
‘My’ means belonging to me. The given passage states that I processing resources. Hence, ‘shared’ is the most appropriate
wassittingtheresulkingovermyfailuretokeepfromhavingto answer.
spend my glistering summer months. Hence, ‘my’ is the most
appropriate answer. ol.683.(d) With
The preposition ‘with’ will perfectly fit in the context of the
ol.674.(b) Beckoning
S sentence. The given passage states that cloudcomputingand
‘Beckoning’meanstoshowsomebodywithamovementofyour storage solutions provide users and enterprises with various
fingerorhandthatyouwanthim/hertocomecloser.Thegiven capabilities. Hence, ‘with’ is the most appropriate answer.
passage states that Grandmere started beckoningthenarrator
from the phone. Hence, ‘beckoning’ is the most appropriate ol.684.(a) Facilities
answer. ‘Facilities’ means services that makes it possible to do
something. The given passage s tates that the goal of cloud
ol.675.(d) Tapping
S computing is to apply traditional supercomputing or
‘Tapping’ means to touch or hit somebody/something quickly high-performance computing power, normally used by military
and lightly. The givenpassagestatesthatshekepttappingher andresearchfacilities.Hence,‘facilities’isthemostappropriate
fingers on the phone to catch the narrator’s attention. Hence, answer.
‘tapping’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.685.(c) Portfolios
ol.676.(d) Hissed
S ‘Portfolios’ means thin flat cases used for carrying papers,
‘Hissed’meanstosaysomethinginanangryhissingvoice.The drawings,etc.Thegivenpassagetalksaboutconsumer-oriented
given passage statesthatthenarratorjustsatthereblinkingat applications such as financial portfolios. Hence, ‘portfolios’ is
her until she finally put her hand over the receiverandhissed. the most appropriate answer.
Hence, ‘hissed’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.686.(b) Utility
SET-134 ‘Utility’meansaserviceprovidedforthepublic,suchasawater,
gas or electricity supply. The given passage states thatitwas
ol.677.(a) Various
S reported thatcloudcomputinghadbecomeahighlydemanded
‘Various’ means several different things. The given passage service or utility. Hence, ‘utility’ is the most appropriate answer.
states that many of the major supermarket chains havecome
under fire with accusations of various unethical acts over the SET-136
past decade. Hence, ‘various’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.687.(c) Belief
ol.678.(b) Starting
S Belief will be used here as a noun has to be used.
sentence. The given passage states that supermarkets and ol.688.(a) Beyond
grocers are starting to sit up and take notice. Tobebeyondsomethingmeanstobetoodifficultforsomeone
Hence, ‘starting(V-ing)’ is the most appropriate answer. to understand or deal with it.Here science is beyond the
understanding of ordinary minds.
ol.679.(d) Growing
‘Growing’ means increasing in size or amount. The given ol.689.(a) Ironic
passagestatesthatinresponsetogrowingconsumerbacklash Here the tone of the passage has changed. Ironic isthemost
againstthehugeamountsofplasticwastegeneratedbyplastic appropriateanswer.Ironicisusedwhensomethinghappensina
packaging,someofthelargestUKsupermarketshavesignedup way contrary to what is expected.
a pact promising to transform packaging and cut plastic ol.690.(d) Bedrock
wastage. Hence, ‘growing’ is the most appropriate answer. Bedrockmeansthebase,basisorfoundationofsomething.Here
mathematics is the bedrock of science.
ol.680.(a) Signed
‘Signed’ means to getsomebodytosignacontracttoworkfor ol.691.(c) Unequivocal
you. The given passage states that in response to growing Unequivocal means in such a way that it leaves no doubt.
consumer backlash againstthehugeamountsofplasticwaste
generated by plastic packaging, some of the largest UK
supermarkets have signed up a pact promising to transform Sol.692.(d) Improvement
packaging and cut plastic wastage. Hence, ‘signed’ is the most In the first sentence the word easier has been used.
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Pinnacle Cloze Test
asier is a positive word. Except improvement all the other
E actoutvarious(710)______fromthestory,tobringlifetothose
words are negative so option d is the most appropriate answer. haracters.(711)______outpartsfromthestorywillmakestory
sessions fun and memorable for the kids.
ol.693.(d) Transportation
S SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Evening)
Transportation means to take or carry (people or goods)from Q.707.(a) caught (b) catch (c) catches (d) has caught
one place to another. So option d is the most appropriate Q.708.(a) Either (b) So (c) Also (d) However
answer. Q.709.(a) for (b) by (c) with (d) from
ol.694.(d) Invested
S Q.710.(a) pages (b) sheets (c) parts (d) words
Invested in is a phrasal verb which means to use money for Q.711.(a) Saying (b) Acting (c) Telling (d) Asking
(something)inordertoearnmoremoney.Sooptiondisthemost ET-141. Q .(712 - 716)
appropriate answer. An old man livedinthevillage.Hewasoneofthe(712)______
ol.695.(d) Remarkable
S unfortunate people in the world. The whole village was tired
Remarkable means something/someone who is w
orthy of (713) ______ him; he was always gloomy, he (714) ______
attention. complainedandwasalwaysinabadmood.The(715)______he
lived,themorevilehewas becomingandthemore(716)______
Sol.696.(b) Requirements were his words.
o meet someone’s requirements means to satisfy certain
T SSC CGL 12/04/2021 (Morning)
conditions. Q.712.(a) maximum (b) utmost (c) most (d) main
Q.713.(a) from (b) of (c) by (d) at
SET-138 Q.714.(a) mostly (b) commonly (c) cyclically (d) constantly
ol.697.(d) Create
S Q.715.(a) long (b) lengthy (c) longer (d) longest
The living organisms create their own kind. Created means to Q.716.(a) fatal (b) mortal (c) poisonous (d) toxic
bring something into existence. SET-142. Q .(717 - 721)
ol.698.(c) Survive
S oranaverageIndian,drivinginanyofthemajorIndiancitiesis
The seeds that survive create the new plants. equivalent to (717)______adailywar.Theeverydaystruggleof
(718) ______ traffic, pollution and rash drivers is (719) ______
ol.699.(c) Right
S biggestcauseofchronicstressandother(720)______problems.
The seed grows into the plant only when it gets the right On an average a person spends (721) ______ between thirty
sunlight, air and water. minutes to two hours of their day driving.
SSC CGL 20/04/2022(Evening)
ol.700.(b) Inside
S Q.717.(a) making (b) waging (c) raising (d) rushing
The fruit seeds areinsidethe fruit. Q.718.(a) stopping (b) dodging (c) boarding (d) lodging
ol.701.(b) Dries
S Q.719.(a) one (b) the (c) an (d) a
Dry up - to have no moisture Q.720.(a) societal (b) ecological (c) psychological (d) spiritual
Q.721.(a) everywhere (b) nowhere (c) anywhere (d) elsewhere
ol.702.(d) Around
Aroundmeanssituatedoneveryside.Soeverythingsituatedon SET-140
every side makes our environment.
ol.707.(c) Catches
ol.703.(c) Components
S According to the “S ubject-Verb Agreement Rule”, a singular
Components means something which is part of a larger whole. subjectalwaystakesasingularverbandapluralsubjectalways
ol.704.(d) Ways
subject that will take ‘catches’ as a singular verb. Hence,
Humans have affected the environment in multiple “ways”like
‘catches’ is the most appropriate answer.
clearing of forests, building houses and farms, making roads,
etc. Sol.708.(b) So
‘So’ means with the purpose that or in order that. The given
ol.705.(a) Cause
passage states that sousedifferentvoicesforeachcharacter.
Hence, ‘so’ is the most appropriate answer.
or condition
ol.709.(a) For
ol.706.(b) Wonders
Wonders of nature in the passage means allthosethingsthat
The given passage states thatsousedifferentvoicesforeach
are supplied to us by nature.
character. Hence, ‘for’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.719.(b) The
S ol.722.(b) Reign
We always use the definite article ‘the’ before a superlative ‘Reign’meanstoruleacountry&itisusedforakingorqueen.
degree adjective(‘biggest’inthegivensentence).Hence,‘the’is The given passagestatesthatHieunTsang,aChinesetraveller
the most appropriate answer. came to India during the rule(reign) of King Harsha. Hence,
‘reign’ is the most appropriate answer.
Sol.720.(c) Psychological
‘Psychological’meansconnectedwiththemindorthewaythat ol.723.(a) As
it works. The given passage talks about the cause of chronic ‘As’ means in a particular way, state, etc. The given passage
stressandotherpsychologicalproblems.Hence,‘psychological’ statesthatHieunTsangpraisedtheIndianas‘peoplewithpure
is the most appropriate answer. moral principles’. Hence, ‘as’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.721.(c) Anywhere
S ol.724.(a) Ranked
‘Anywhere’ means to any extent or to some degree. Thegiven ‘Ranked’ means to give somebody/something a particular
passage states that a person spends anywherebetweenthirty position on a scale according to importance, quality, success,
minutes to two hours of their daydriving.Hence,‘anywhere’is etc.ThegivenpassagestatesthatIn2014,Indiaranked85thin
the most appropriate answer. the corruption perception index of the Transparency
International. Hence, ‘ranked’ is the most appropriate answer.
SSC CGL 2020 Tier - 2 ol.725.(a)a
The ‘downfall’ mentioned in the given sentence isnon-specific
ET-143. Q .(722 - 731)
S and we generally use the definite article ‘a’ before any
In ancient times, Hieun Tsang, a Chinese traveller came to India non-specific or non-particular noun. Hence, ‘a’ is the most
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Pinnacle Cloze Test
appropriate answer. fter which agricultural departments issued advisories to
farmers. Hence, ‘after’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.726.(c) Swear
‘Swear by’ is a phrasal verb that means name someone or
something to show that one promises to do something. The SSC MTS 2020 Tier - 1
given passage states that we Indian swear by(promise) the
ideals of honesty and integrity. Hence, ‘swear’ is the most ET-145. Q .(737- 741)
appropriate answer. Onedaywhilethemagistratewaswalking(737)______amarket
he saw a crowd outside a poultry shop. (738)______ enquiring
ol.727.(b) Sacrifice
S what the matter was (739)______ learnt that a peasant had
‘Sacrifice’ means to give up something for something else accidentally(740)______aheavysackonachicken,(741)______
considered more important. The given passage talks about it to death.
positive qualities like honesty, integrity, sacrifice, etc. Hence, SSC MTS 05/10/2021 (Morning)
‘sacrifice’ is the most appropriate answer. Q.737.(a) along (b) through (c) over (d) aside
Q.738.(a) So (b) Whereas (c) How (d) On
ol.728.(d) Vilest
Q.739.(a) him (b) she (c) they (d) he
Q.740.(a) dropped (b) filled (c) selected (d) picked
Q.741.(a) creeping (b) crushing (c) covering (d) crumbling
promote our interests. However, wealwaysusethearticle‘the’
before asuperlativeadjective(vilest).Hence,‘Vilest’isthemost SET-146. Q .(742 - 746)
appropriate answer. he pandemic in India occurred at atime(742)______thecrop
was standing all ready to be (743)______. If NAFED had not
ol.729.(b) Malaise
‘Malaise’ means the problems affectingonlyaparticulargroup
these circumstances, it (745)______ not only have been
devastating for the farmers (746)______ also led to a food
given passage talks about the malaise of corruption. Hence,
emergency later on.
‘corruption’ is the most appropriate answer.
SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Morning)
ol.730.(b) Vitals
S Q.742.(a) when (b) until (c) where (d) during
‘Vitals’ in thecontextofthepassagemeansimportantpartsor Q.743.(a) picking (b) invested (c) harvested (d) collecting
sections of something. The given passage states that the Q.744.(a) to earn (b) to purchase (c) to patronise (d) to divert
corruption is eating into the important sections ofoursociety. Q.745.(a) will (b) would (c) must (d) can’t
Hence, ‘vitals’ is the most appropriate answer. Q.746.(a) however (b) so (c) yet (d) but
ET-147. Q .(747 - 751)
ol.731.(a) Onlookers
Delhi recorded a spell of light rain (747)______ Friday evening
‘Onlookers’ are those people who watch something happening
with humidity levels remaining on the higher side throughout
(748)______ day. The IMD has forecast moderate rain on
become helpless onlookers of our own degradation. Hence,
Saturday but some areas (749)______ to get heavy rain. An
‘onlookers’ is the most appropriate answer
SET-144 good rain. The municipal corporation has been advised to
remain prepared for water logging in (751)______ areas of the
ol.732.(c) Enter
S city.
‘Enter’ means to come or go into a place. The given passage SSC MTS 14/10/2021 (Evening)
statesthatthisisthefifthswarmtoenter(comeinto)thestate. Q.747.(a) in (b) at (c) on (d) for
Hence, ‘enter’ is the most appropriate answer. Q.748.(a) every (b) any (c) the (d) a
Q.749.(a) expecting (b) has expected
Sol.733.(a) Its
(c) are expected (d) expects
Q.750.(a) likelihood (b) liked (c) likely (d) like
passage it will be used for the western border of Rajasthan.
Q.751.(a) middle (b) high rise (c) low lying (d) Uplifted
Hence, ‘its’ is the most appropriate answer.
SET-148. Q .(752 - 756)
Sol.734.(a) Invade anyyearsago,Imetapanchayatpresident(752)______astate
‘Invade’meanstoenteracountrywithanarmyinordertoattack literacyprogrammewhotalkedtome(753)______Cuba’sliteracy
and take control of it. The given passage states that the first programmewhereteachers,studentsandvolunteers(754)______
locustswarminvadedthestate’sSriGanganagardistrictHence, inawellorganised,massivenationwideliteracymovement.They
‘invaded’ is the most appropriate answer. (755)______ people in the remotest of villages and were
ol.735.(b) Have
S (756)______ successful in their mission.
According to the “S ubject-Verb Agreement Rule”, a singular SSC MTS 20/10/2021 (Afternoon)
subjectalwaystakesasingularverbandapluralsubjectalways Q.752.(a) when (b) while (c) during (d) which
takesapluralverb.Inthegivensentence,‘25swarms’isaplural Q.753.(a) around (b) about (c) across (d) through
subjectthatwilltake‘have’asapluralverb.Hence,‘have’isthe Q.754.(a) joined hands (b) join forces
most appropriate answer. (c) collaborate ( d) combine
Q.755.(a) reaches out for (b) reach out for
ol.736.(d) After
(c) reaching out to (d) reached out to
‘After’ means at a later time. The given passage states that
Q.756.(a) exceedingly (b) excessively
some swarms moved to Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh,
(c) marginally (d) negligibly
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Pinnacle Cloze Test
ET-149. Q .(757 - 761)
S most appropriate answer.
Do you know that you (757)______ about one-third of your life
sleeping? However, your body doesn’t (758)______ thesleeping ol.740.(a) Dropped
time. It has a lot to do (759)______youaresleeping.Thebody ‘Dropped’meanstoletsomethingfall.Thegivenpassagestates
produces energyatnight(760)______youhaveplentyofenergy that a peasant had accidentally dropped a heavy sack on a
the next morning. Hormones, which are (761)______ growth chicken. Hence, ‘dropped’ is the most appropriate answer.
chemicals, help the body to repair itself and grow. ol.741.(b) Crushing
SSC MTS 22/10/2021 (Evening) ‘Crushing’ means to press somebody/something hard so that
Q.757.(a) apply (b) delay (c) spend (d) settle he/she/it is broken, damaged or injured. The given passage
Q.758.(a) consume (b) remove (c) dispose (d) waste statesthatapeasanthadaccidentallydroppedaheavysackon
Q.759.(a) where (b) why (c) when (d) what a chicken, crushing it t o death. Hence, ‘crushing’ is the most
Q.760.(a) because (b) so that (c) such as (d) although appropriate answer.
Q.761.(a) memorable (b) special (c) occasional (d) restricted
ET-150. Q .(762 - 766)
Wesetsailtheverynextday,andcruisedfromislandtoislandin ol.742.(a) When
the fine weather. (762)______ we landed we found a crowd of ‘When’ is used for talking about the time at which something
merchants and clients eager (763)______ business with us. At happensorhappened.Thegivenpassagetalksaboutthetimeat
last we came to (764)______ peaceful island, with no sign of which crops are harvested. Hence, ‘when’ is the most
human (765)______. It was a lovely place, with green trees, appropriate answer.
brightly (766)______ birds, and cool running streams. I roamed
around and found a pleasant spot to eat the lunch that I had ol.743.(c)Harvested
brought with me. Cropsareasusuallyharvestedintheend.Hence,‘harvested’is
SSC MTS 27/10/2021(Afternoon) the most appropriate answer.
Q.762.(a) Wherever (b) Whatever (c) However (d) Somewhere ol.744.(b) To purchase
Q.763.(a) do (b) to do (c) doing (d) to doing ‘Purchase’ means to buy something. Thegivenpassagestates
Q.764.(a) a (b) any (c) an (d) the that NAFED was ready to purchase the stock. Hence, ‘to
Q.765.(a) inhabitants (b) people (c) persons (d) individuals purchase’ is the most appropriate answer.
Q.766.(a) colours (b) colour (c) colouring (d) coloured
ol.745.(b) Would
ET-151. Q .(767 - 771)
S Thegivensentenceisinthepasttensesoitmusthaveaverbin
According to a news report, schools are setting up adequate the past tense(would). Hence, ‘would’ is the most appropriate
facilities and taking (767)______ to restart learning on campus answer.
hoping to reopen schools later, if not sooner. (768)______
schools are preparing themselves to restart, most parents are ol.746.(d) But
still not sure of sending their(769)______toschool.Parentsof ‘Notonly-Butalso’isafixedconjunctionpair.Hence,‘but’isthe
primary school children are particularly concerned about their most appropriate answer.
they have always tried to keep their children away from SET-147
(771)______ like mobile phones and tablets, but the current ol.747.(c) On
Covid-19 situation has forced the children into online learning, Wegenerallyusethepreposition‘on’beforethedaysofaweek
and they spend long hours in front of the screens. like on Monday, On Tuesday, etc. Hence, ‘on’ is the most
SSC MTS 02/11/2021(Evening) appropriate answer.
Q.767.(a) steps (b) tests (c) conditions (d) screening
Q.768.(a) While (b) Whether (c) Despite (d) Because ol.748.(c) The
Q.769.(a) students (b) drivers (c) children (d) teachers Thedaymentionedinthepassageisspecific(Friday)andbefore
Q.770. (a) experience (b) exposure (c) suffering (d) taking definiteorspecificsubjectsornouns,weusethedefinitearticle
Q.771.(a) lessons (b) products (c) electronics (d) devices ‘the’. Hence, ‘the’ is the most appropriate answer.
ol.760.(b) So that
S SSC CGL 2020 Tier - 1
‘So that’ is a phrase that is used to introduce a clause of
purpose. The given passage states that the body produces ET-152. Q .(772 - 776)
energyatnightwhichweusethenextmorning.Hence,‘sothat’ ThePanchatantraisalegendarycollectionofshortstoriesfrom
is the most appropriate answer. India. (772)______ composed in the 2nd century BC,
Panchatantra is (773)______ to be written by Vishnu Sharma
Sol.761.(b) Special
(774)______ with many other scholars. The purposebehindthe
‘Special’ means for a particular purpose. The given passage
(776)______ in the young sons of the king.
Hence, ‘special’ is the most appropriate answer.
SSC CGL 18/08/2021 (Morning).
SET-150 Q.772.(a) Firstly (b) Ultimately (c)Eventually (d)Originally
Q.773.(a) believed (b) designed (c)established (d) alleged
ol.762.(a) Wherever
S Q.774.(a) near (b) next (c) beside (d) along
‘Wherever’meanstoorinanyoreveryplace.Thegivenpassage Q.775.(a) are (b) was (c) be (d) were
statesthattheyfoundacrowdofmerchantsineveryplacethey Q.776.(a) faculties (b) flairs (c) skills (d) gifts
landed. Hence, ‘wherever’ is the most appropriate answer.
ET-153. Q .(777 - 781)
ol.763.(b) To do
S English vocabulary has (777)______remarkablerange,flexibility
Weusethepreposition‘to’with‘eager’.Hence,‘todo’isthemost andadaptability.Thankstotheperiods(778)______contactwith
appropriate answer. foreign (779)______ anditsreadinessto(780)______newwords
out of old elements, English seems to have far more words in its
Sol.764.(a) a core (781)______ than other languages.
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Pinnacle Cloze Test
SC CGL 20/08/2021 (Afternoon).
S passage that starts with a consonant.
Q.777.(a) a (b) an (c) the (d) one
Q.778.(a) of (b) on (c) to (d) at ol.778 (a) Of
Q.779.(a) languages (b) science Thepreposition‘of’meansbelongingto,connectedwith,orpart
(c) currencies (d) mathematics of something/somebody. The given passage tells about the
Q.780.(a) discard (b) coin (c) shed (d) think periodofcontactwithforeignlanguages.Hence,‘of’isthemost
Q.781.(a) vocabulary (b) selection (c) catalogue (d) inventory appropriate answer.
ol.817.(a) Where
S Solutions:-
Where will be the most s uitable answerbecauseinthefurther
or galaxies in the future when humans will explore our solar ol.822.(c) On
system. Weusethepreposition‘on’whenwehavetorefertosomething
ol.818.(b) Answer
S thatisplacedonasurfaceliketheballisonthetable,someone
Here ‘answer’ will be the most appropriate answer because in issleepingonthebedetc.Similarly,weliveonthesurfaceofthe
the further sentence the author is talking about some questions. earth. Hence, on is the most appropriate answer. Whereas, all
the other options do not fit in the context of the statement.
ol.819.(b) Possible
Here the author is talking about the future possibilities of ol.823.(c) Speed
travelling to other galaxies and that will be only possible in a Whenever something/someone is in motion we use the terms
huge starship. speed/velocitytostatehowfastorslowitismovingforexample
Sol.820.(d)Population - a group of people. at the speed of 500km/hr. Similarly in this passage, we are
Instinct - the way people or animals naturally react or behave, talkingaboutthespeedatwhichtheearthrevolvesinthespace.
without having to think or learn about it. Hence, speed is the most appropriate answer. .
Colony - a groupofpeopleofonenationalityorracelivingina
foreign place. ol.824.(b) Which
Proportion-apart,share,ornumberconsideredincomparative We generally use ‘which’ for things and ‘who’ for people. For
relation to a whole. example, the carpet which you boughtwasbeautiful.Heisthe
Here the author is talking about a group of people without sameboywhostolemypen.Similarlyinthepassage,whichwill
separating it on any basis like race, country, color.etc.So,the be used for the axis of the earth. Hence, all other optionsare
word ‘Population’ will be the most logical answer. eliminated.
ol.829.(b) Majestic
S Sol.835.(c) Perhaps
Majesticmeansimpressive/grandbecauseofitssizeorbeauty. e use perhaps when we think something is possible, butwe
As weknow,theAmazonriveristhesecondlargestriverinthe are not certain. Hence, ‘Perhaps’ is the most logical answer.
world. Hence, majestic is used to describe the size of the river.
ol.836.(a) Which
ol.830.(d) Of
S Who is used for living things and which is used for nonliving
The other options do not fit in the context of the passage. things. Here, crowd is considered asanonlivingthing.Hence,
Whereas,‘of’ is used to indicate relating to/ belonging to ‘which’ is the most appropriate answer.
will be used to indicate reference to the region throughwhere SET - 165
the river flows.
ol.837.(a) Loaded
ol.831.(b) Tributaries
S ‘Loaded with’ means having or carrying a large amount of
Tributariesaresmallriversthatflowintoalargerriver.Justlike (something) for example - Her arms were loaded with books,
many large rivers, the Amazon river also has its tributaries. Thecarwasloadedwithsuppliesforthetripetc.Inthepassage,
Hence, tributaries is the most appropriate answer. Ragi is considered a plant which has many healthy nutrients.
Hence, ‘loaded’ is the most appropriate answer.
SC CGL 2019 Tier - 2 ol.838.(d) Source
Source refers to a place, person or thing where something
ET-164. Q .(832 - 836)
S comes or starts from or where something is obtained. In the
The endurance of the crowds lining the Coronation route was passage,Ragiisconsideredasthesourceofmultiplenutrients.
most commendable. Soaked, chilled and Hence, source is the most appropriate answer.
sleepless,(832)____remained wonderfully good-tempered and
when the procession finally (833)____they cheered ol.839.(c) Other
whole-heartedly.Thegreatmeritofa(834)____crowdisthatits The options a & d do not fit in the context of the sentence.
members remain individuals. It is (835)____ characteristic of However,anotherisusedwithasingularnounandotherisused
British culture that British people can collect in with uncountable and plural nouns. Hence ‘Other’ is the most
crowds(836)____do not turn into mobs. appropriate a
nswer because it is used for
SSC CGL Tier II (15/11/2020) minerals(uncountable).
Q.832.(a) we (b) it (c) they (d) he
ol.840.(a) Aids
Q.833.(a) entire (b) appeared (c) joined (d) finished
Aid means to help. In the passage, Ragi is considered aplant
Q.834.(a) british (b) french (c) Indian (d) Asian
Q.835.(a) only (b) therefore (c) perhaps (d) moreover
Q.836.(a) Which (b) what (c) who (d) whom
ol.841.(a) Negligible
ET-165. Q .(837 - 841)
passage, Ragi does not contain a recognizable amount of
saturated fats so it is not important to consider. Hence,
(839) ________minerals.Itisalsorichinfibreand(840)_______
negligible is the most appropriate answer
in weight loss as it contains (841) ______ saturated fats.
SSC CGL Tier II (18/11/2020)
Q.837.(a) loaded (b) full (c) complete (d) supplied
Q.838.(a) cause (b) spring (c) origin (d) source
Q.839.(a) further (b) another (c) other (d) else
Q.840.(a) aids (b) services (c) help (d) benefit
Q.841.(a) negligible (b) applicable
(c) communicable (d) negotiable
SET - 164
ol.832.(c) They
large crowds which are in plural form. So, ‘they’ is the most
logical answer.
that the crowd cheered when the procession finally came into
sight. So, ‘appeared’ is the most logical answer.
Sol.2.(a)Martial arts
( Line/s from thepassage-Taekwondoisaformofemptyhand
SSC CPO 2023 Tier - 2
martial arts combatthatrequirestheathletetouseallpartsof
ET - 4. Q.(13 - 17)
the body in competition.)
Sol.3.(c) Submissive- a willingness to allow control by other in life, an extravagant man is either admired or loathed. A
eople or animals.
p successfulbusinessmandoesnothingtoincreasehispopularity
Indomitable- someone impossible to defeat or discourage. by being prudent with his money. A person who is wealthy is
Strong- having great physical or mental power. expected to lead a luxurious life and to be lavish with his
Invincible- completely impossible to defeat or overcome. hospitality. If he is not so, he is considered mean, and his
Unstoppable- someone unable to be stopped or controlled. reputation in business may even suffer in consequence. The
S the first place; he would never have achieved his present wealth.
of person or thing. Among the low income group, a different set of valuesexists.
Representative-onethatservesasatypeforothersofthesame The young clerk, who makeshiswifeapresentofanewdress
classification. when he has not paid his house rent, is condemned as
Unusual- something not commonly occurring or done. extravagant. Carefulness with moneytothepointofmeanness
Theoretical- existing only as an idea, rather than being real or is applauded as a virtue.
actually happening. Nothing in his life is considered more worthy than paying his
Aberrant- different from what is typical or usual. bills.Theidealwifeforsuchamanseparatesherhousekeeping
Set - 2
S every month, satisfied with her economizing ways , and never
Accordingtothepassage,aleader'sstyleshouldbeonethatcan knowstheguiltofbuyingsomethingshecan’treallyafford.As
beemulatedbyeveryone,andsimplicityinday-to-dayconductis formyself,Ifallintoneitherofthesecategories.IfIhavemoney
highlighted as the only thing that can be adopted by all. tospareIcanbeextravagant,butwhen,asisusuallythecase,I
am hard up and then I am the meanest man imaginable.
ol.6.(b) Imitate- to behave in a similar way to someone or
S SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024)
something else.
Emulate- tocopysomeone'sbehaviorortrytobelikesomeone Q.13.Which of these is NOT true?
you admire. ( a) A low-income person is considered worthy if he pays bills on
Relax- to become or cause someone to become calm and time.
comfortable. (b) The rich amass wealth by spending money economically.
Suppose- to think that something is likely to be true. (c) The author is at liberty to be extravagant at all times.
Exhibit- to show something publicly. (d) People who lead a luxurious life are expected to entertain
ol.7.(c)To gain acceptance by the members of thegroup.
(Line/s from the passage- To gain acceptability, the leader .14.Which of these can be inferred from the passage?
should cause an emotive impact on the group members.) (a) Wealthy people are stingy as far as philanthropy is
S (b) Extravagance is applauded in some and condemned in
achieve desired goals. others.
The passage discusses the qualities and characteristics of (c) For the wealthy, prudence with money is considered a virtue.
effective leadership, emphasizing the importance of a leader's (d) People who have a meagre income are expected to be
ability to inspire and guide followers to achieve desiredgoals. spendthrifts.
Hence, option (a) correctly summarizes the passage.
.15.If a successful businessman is judicious withhis money
Set - 3 (a) his prestige improves (b) his reputation suffers
(c) his business flourishes (d) his popularity rises
they do it without considering the business point of view. .16. Select the antonym of ‘loathed’ as used inthe passage.
Accordingtothecontributor,parentsarestrangelycarelessand (a) despised (b) shunned (c) adored (d) cursed
unscientific in giving names to children because they do it
.17.The word ‘equanimity’ in the passage means
without considering the business point of view.
(a) tranquillity (b) agitation (c) anxiety (d) frustration
Sol.10.(d)Euphonic- pleasing and sweet sound.
ET - 5. Q.(18 - 22)
ol.11.(d)A headstart in life
S Academics has always been an essential part of human
According to the contributor in the passage, a good name will development. It prepares us to survive in the outside world and
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Pinnacle Comprehension
establish an identity of ourown.InIndia,fromanearlyagewe Friday.AccordingtotheNationalCentreforSeismology(NCS),a
ave beentaughtthateducationislimitedtotheboundariesof
h .2 magnitude earthquake occurred at a depth of 10km, its
academicsonly;theideaofgettingoutintothefield,forgaining epicentre originating from a seismically active region beneath
practical experience is always considered a hoax. This has the sea. No casualties or damages have been reported.
hindered students’ development. Earthquakes, like theoneexperiencedintheAndamanSea,are
In the 21st century, the pure academic type of education is stark reminders of the Earth's ever-shifting tectonic plates.
slowly paving way forawholenewtype.Theshiftinthewhole These seismic eventsresultfromthesuddenreleaseofenergy
education system is evident. People have now come to in the Earth's crust, creating seismic waves that cause the
understand that education should focus on students’ overall ground to shake. The intensity and impact of an earthquake
development, rather than restricting him/her to the classroom. dependsonvariousfactors,includingitsmagnitude,depth,and
Co-curricular activities that take place outside the classroom proximitytopopulatedareas.TheAndamanandNicobarIslands
help in the growth of the child, in more than one way. are located in a region whereseveraltectonicplatesconverge,
Participating in such activitieshelpsyoungstersgrowmentally, includingtheIndianPlate,theBurmaPlate,andtheSundaPlate.
socially and individually. Intellectual development of a student The interaction of these plates leads to frequent earthquakes
takesplaceintheclassroom,butfortheaestheticdevelopment and volcanic activity. With its 4.2 magnitude, the recent
such as team-building, character-building and physical growth, earthquake is considered moderate, but its occurrence in this
students must step out into the outside world. seismically active region serves as a reminder of the
Similarly,incollegesandinstitutions,thereisaneedforpractical unpredictable and potentially devastating nature of such events.
exposuresothatthestudentscanexperiencetheactualworking The NCS, the nodal agency of the Government of India, is
of an industry. Most professional collegesincludingB-schools, responsible for monitoring earthquake activity in the country.
have started providing practical exposure to students through Using a network of seismographs, the NCS collects and
regular guest lectures, industrial visits, conferencesandsoon. analyses data from seismic events to provide accurate
Guest lecturesareveryimportantforall-rounddevelopmentof information to the public and relevant authorities. This data
studentsasguestspeakerstalkabouttheirreal-lifeexperiences helps scientists understand patterns and trends, leading to a
and not what is there in the text books. better understanding of earthquake behaviour and potential
Through such events students are made to participate and risks. Earlier this week, Maharashtra's Satara district was also
coordinate different events wherein, they get to know how shaken by a 3.3 magnitude earthquake. While these events
exactly things are managed. Classroom teaching provides the seem isolated, they form part of a broader pattern of seismic
foundation,andco-curricularorextra-curricularactivitiesprovide activity across the region. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands
practical exposure and opportunities to implement what have experienced several significant earthquakes in the past,
students learn in the classroom. This helps in developing the including a 5.8 magnitude earthquake in 2021. The potential
overallpersonalityofthestudents,inculcatingvarioussoft-skills consequencesofearthquakescanbedevastating,causingloss
in them, which otherwise are difficult to teach. oflifeandextensivedamagetoinfrastructure.Itisthereforevital
SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) to have effective early warning systems and disaster
management strategies in place.
Q.18. Which of these does NOT provide industry exposure to Whilethe4.2magnitudeearthquakeintheAndamanSeadidnot
tudents of business schools?
s result in any casualties or damages, it underscores the
(a) text books (b) conferences importance of continued investment in earthquake
(c) industrial visits (d) guest lectures preparedness and resilience measures, particularly in
.19.The new education system has shifted focus on
Q seismically active regions like the Andaman and Nicobar
(a) social and aesthetic development (b) intellectual development Islands.
(c) academic development (d) spiritual development SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024)
ET - 7. Q.(28 - 32)
S Q.32.WhatdidtheearlyRomanhistoriansusetofillupdetailsin
Theregalperiod(753–509BC)andtheearlyrepublic(509–280 t he historical accounts of events?
BC) are themostpoorlydocumentedperiodsofRomanhistory (a) texts of laws and treaties (b) Roman and Greek folklore
because historical accounts of Rome were not written until (c) religious records (d) list of annual magistrates
untilthePyrrhicWar(280–275BC),whenRomewascompleting Solutions :-
its conquest of Italy and wasfightingagainsttheGreekcityof
Tarentum in southern Italy. Rome’s first native historian, a Set - 4
during the Second Punic War (218–201 BC). Thus historical ol.13.(c)The author is at liberty to be extravagant at all times.
writingatRomedidnotbeginuntilafterRomehadcompletedits According to the passage, the author is not at liberty to be
conquestofItaly,hademergedasamajorpoweroftheancient extravagant at all times. If he has money to spare, he is
world, and was engaged in atitanicstrugglewithCarthagefor extravagant. Ifhehasshortageofmoneythenhebecomesthe
control of the western Mediterranean. Fabius Pictor’s history, meanest person imaginable. Hence, option (c) is not true.
which began with the city’s mythical Trojan ancestry and ol.14.(b) Extravagance is applaudedinsomeandcondemned
narrated events up to his own day, established the form of in others.
subsequenthistoriesofRome.Duringthelast200yearsBC,16 It can be inferred from the passage that extravagance is
other Romans wrote similarly inclusive narratives. All these applauded in the case of a wealthy person whereas it is
works are now collectively termed “the Roman annalistic condemned in the case of a person with low income.
tradition” because many of them attempted to give a
year-by-year (or annalistic) account of Roman affairs for the ol.15.(b)his reputation suffers
republic. The passage clearly states that if a wealthy personisprudent
Althoughnoneofthesehistoriesarefullypreserved,thefirst10 with his money, he is considered mean and his reputation in
booksofLivy,oneofRome’sgreatesthistorians,areextantand business may suffer.
cover Roman affairs from earliest times to the year 293 BC
(extantarealsoBooks21to45treatingtheeventsfrom218BC ol.16.(c) Adored- love and respect someone deeply.
to 167 BC). Since Livy wrote during the reign of the emperor Loathed- intensely dislike or hate someone.
Augustus (27 BC–AD14),hewasseparatedby200yearsfrom Despised- feel a strong dislike for someone.
Fabius Pictor, who, in turn, had lived long after many of the Shunned- deliberately avoid or ignore.
events hishistorydescribed.Thus,inwritingaboutearlyRome, Cursed- experiencing problems and unhappiness.
ancient historians were confronted with great difficulties in ol.17.(a)tranquillity
ascertaining the truth. They possessed a list of annual ‘Equanimity’ in the passage means a calmstateofmind&the
magistrates from the beginning of the republic onward (the word‘tranquility’alsomeansacalmandpeacefulstate.Hence,
consular fasti), which formed the chronological framework of ‘tranquillity’ is the most appropriate answer.
treaties provided a bare outline of major events. Ancient Set - 5
historians fleshed out this meagre factual material with both
native and Greek folklore. Consequently, over time, historical ol.18.(a)textbooks
facts about early Rome often suffered from patriotic or The passage mentions that most professional colleges have
face-savingreinterpretationsinvolvingexaggerationofthetruth, started providingindustryexposuretostudentsthroughregular
suppression of embarrassing facts, and invention. guest lectures, industrial visits, conferences. But books only
SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) provide us with academic knowledge. Hence, option (a) is not
.28.The passage is mainly about
(a) the ancient Roman and Greek histories ol.19.(a)social and aesthetic development
(b) the use of myths and folklore in ancient Roman history Thepassagesuggeststhattheneweducationsystemisshifting
(c) the ancient documentation of Roman history its focus from solely academicdevelopmenttoamoreholistic
(d) Rome’s first native historian approach. The shift includes emphasizing socialandaesthetic
development, recognizing the importance of co-curricular
.29. After reading the passage, it canbeinferredthatitisan
Q activities, practical exposure, and overall personality
extract from development.
(a) an encyclopaedic entry on ancient Rome
(b) a book on archaeology Sol.20.(b)Enforce
(c) a report on Roman conquests ‘Implement’ means to carry out or apply & ‘enforce’ means to
(d) a news report impose a courseofactionoridea.Hence,‘enforce’isthemost
appropriate answer.
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Sol.21.(b)Preparing students for survival in the real world. native(Roman) and Greek folklore to fill up details in the
he passage talks about the shift in education from merely
T istorical account of events. Hence, option (b) is the most
academic development tooveralldevelopmentofthestudents. appropriate answer.
Education should be such that it provides exposure to the
outside world and prepares us for it. Hence, option (b) is the SSC CGL 2023 Tier - 2
most appropriate answer.
ET - 8. Q.(33 - 36)
ol.22.(d)not gaining practical experience.
The discovery of a new bird species has sparked excitement
among ornithologists andbirdenthusiastsworldwide.Thebird,
early age, the idea of education has been limited to the
named the Sapphire-winged Warbler, discovered in a remote
boundaries of academics only. Gaining practical experience is
tropical island's rainforests, is a unique bird with vibrant blue
considered a hoax and this has hindered the development of
feathers and a distinctive melodic song. Birdwatchers and
nature enthusiasts havebeenflockingtotheislandinhopesof
Set - 6 catchingaglimpseofthiselusiveandcaptivatingcreature.The
discovery of the Sapphire- winged Warbler highlights the
ol.23.(d)Loss of life in Andaman and Nicobar.
S importance of preserving and protecting habitats. Amidst the
Although the passage mentions that potential consequences of excitement surrounding the discovery of the Sapphire-winged
an earthquake can be devastating, cursing loss of life and Warbler,researchershaveembarkedonamissiontouncoverthe
extensivedamagetoinfrastructure,thisisnotthethemeofthe bird's migratory patterns. Equipped with satellite tracking
passage. The passage mainlydiscussesseismicactivityinthe devices,theyaimtotracetheremarkablejourneyofthisspecies
Andaman sea, factors influencing earthquakes, role of NCS. across vast distances. By unravelling its migratory routes and
stopover locations, scientists hope to gain insight into the
Sol.24.(c)before the sunrise
challenges the Sapphire-winged Warbler faces during its
( Line/s from the passage- In the pre-dawn tranquillity of the
Andaman Sea, a seismic tremor struck, momentarily agitating
embraced the newfound avian resident withgreatenthusiasm.
the ocean's placid surface.)
Efforts are underway to raiseawarenessabouttheimportance
Sol.25.(b) to install early warning systems and have disaster of conservation and to create protected areas that ensure the
anagement strategies in place.
m continued existence of this exquisite species.
(Line/s from the passage- It is therefore vitaltohaveeffective SSC CGL Tier II (26/10/2023)
early warning systems and disaster management strategies in
.33.Select the most appropriate title for the givenpassage.
(a) The Migratory Journey of the Sapphire-winged Warbler
ol.26.(c)Satara Plates
S (b) Conservation Efforts in Tropical Rainforests
Satara is a district inMaharashtra,notatectonicplate.Hence, (c) The Unique Features of the Sapphire-winged Warbler
option (c) is odd-one out. (d) The Curious Behaviour of Birds in Remote Islands
S .34. Which statement best reflects a fact mentioned in the
‘Underscore’meanstoemphasisetheimportanceofsomething. given passage?
Hence, ‘emphasises’ is the most appropriate answer. (a) The Sapphire-winged Warbler is the largest bird species in
the avian kingdom.
Set - 7 (b) Schools on the island organise annual bird-watching
Sol.28.(c)the ancient documentation of Roman history
(c) The Sapphire-winged Warbler is the only bird species on the
tropical island.
were not well-documented because historians started writing
(d) Researchers are using satellite tracking devices to study the
about Rome much later. It mentions the challenges faced by
bird's migratory patterns.
these historians in getting accurate information, leadingtothe
inclusion of myths and folklore in their accounts. Q.35.IdentifythemostappropriateANTONYMoftheword‘stare’
f rom the passage.
ol.29.(a)an encyclopaedic entry on ancient Rome
(a) Arduousness (b) Vibrancy (c) Excitement (d) Glimpse
It can be inferred that the passage is an excerpt from an
encyclopedic entry on ancient Rome. It provides information Q.36. Based on the given passage, which of the following
about the poorly documented periods of Roman history, the inferences can be made?
challenges faced by early historians, and the incorporation of (a) The discovery of the Sapphire-winged Warbler has sparked
myths and folklore in historical accounts. global interest in birdwatching.
(b) The Sapphire-winged Warbler is an aggressive and territorial
Sol.30.(a)Extant- still existing.
bird species.
ol.31.(a)509–280 BC
S (c) Conservation efforts are solely focused on protecting the
(Linefromthepassage-Theregalperiod(753–509BC)andthe Sapphire-winged Warbler.
early republic (509–280 BC) are the most poorly documented (d) The scientific community has lost interest in studying avian
periods ofRomanhistorybecausehistoricalaccountsofRome species.
were not written until much later.)
SET - 9. Q.(37 - 40)
ol.32.(b)Roman and Greek folklore
S n woody plants known as vines, luscious, smooth-skinned
The passage mentions that ancient Roman historians used both berries called grapes grow in dense clusters. In particular,
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Pinnacle Comprehension
grapes are grown in France, Italy, Spain, Australia, Chile, (Line/s from the passage- The fermentation process turns
R rapes into wine.)
warm summers and moderate winters. Tablegrapesarelarger
andsweetergrapesthatareintendedforfreshconsumption.To Sol.38.(c) Luscious- juicy.
create wine, 80% of the grapes are crushed. The fermentation ol.39.(b)California
process turns grapes into wine. To make raisins, grapes must (Line/sfromthepassage-GrapesripenintheareaofCalifornia
also be dried. in August.)
Grapes ripen in the area of California in August. They are cut
fromthevinesandleftontraystodryfortwotothreeweeks.So, ol.40.(a)Grapes and its uses
to transform them into raisins, they are further cooked and It can be inferred from the passage that the mostappropriate
steepedinparticulartreatments.Accordingtostudies,oneacre title for the passage is ‘grapes and its uses’.
Grapes of the Thompson, Flame, Ruby, Perlette and Tokay SSC CPO 2023 Tier - 1
varieties are popular.
SSC CGL Tier II (26/10/2023) ET - 10. Q.(41 - 45)
We started our research into organisational and personal
Q.37.What does the fermentation process do?
( a) Turns grapes into raisins (b) Makes grapes larger
if we could learn why certain people were moreeffectivethan
(c) Crushes the grapes (d) Turns grapes into wine
others, then we could learn exactly what they did,cloneitand
Q.38. Based on your reading of the passage, select the most pass it on to others. We asked people to identify who they
ppropriate word which best
a thought were their most effective colleagues. In fact, over the
describes ‘luscious’. past twenty-five years, we have asked over twenty thousand
(a) Smooth (b) Soft (c) Juicy (d) Large people to identify the individuals in their organisations who
.39.In which region do grapes ripen in August?
Q not just influential but who were far more influential than the
(a) Chile (b) California (c) France (d) Australia rest.
SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift)
Q.40.Select the most appropriate title for the passage.
( a) Grapes and its uses (b) Grapes and world .41.Select the most suitable structure for the abovepassage.
(c) Wine making (d) Varieties of grapes (a) Pragmatic (b) Cause and Effect
(c) Compare and contrast (d) Chronological
Solutions :-
Q.42.Select the most appropriate title to the givenpassage.
Set - 8 ( a) Different Topics
(b) Learn, Clone and Pass
S (c) Most Effective Colleagues
‘The Migratory Journey of the Sapphire-winged Warbler’ (d) Research Grants in Organisations
It can be inferred from the passage that the mostappropriate
title for the passage is ‘the migratory journey of the .43.Selectthestatementthatmostappropriatelysumsupthe
Sapphire-winged Warbler’. passage given.
(a) It takes 25 years of research to make people more effective
ol.34.(d) Researchers are using satellite tracking devices to
S and influential.
study the bird's migratory patterns. (b) Some people cannot be identified due to their most effective
(Line/s from the passage- Amidst the excitement surrounding ways in 25years.
the discoveryoftheSapphire-wingedWarbler,researchershave (c) Research grants in an organisation should be increased for
embarkedonamissiontouncoverthebird'smigratorypatterns. personal excellence.
Equipped with satellite tracking devices, they aim t o trace the (d) Some people are more effective and more influential than
remarkable journey of this species across vast distances.) others to get things done.
Q.48.Which of the following factors can drive creativity? Q.51. According to the author of thepassage,whoamongthe
( a) Fancy and imagination f ollowing is NOT responsible for the spread of stupidity ?
(b) Self-doubt and insecurity (a) Individuals (b) Children
(c) Curiosity and passion (c) Education system (d) Politicians
(d) External pressures and constraints
Q.52.What could be a suitable title for the passage?
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( a) The Joy of Living in a World of Ignorance heworldofsocialmediaisastrangeandwondrousplace.It'sa
(b) The Importance of Critical Thinking worldwhereyoucanconnectwithpeoplefromallovertheglobe,
(c) The Evils of Social Media share your thoughts and opinions, and maybe even go viral if
(d) The Benefits of Stupidity you'relucky.Butlet'sbereal,it'salsoaworldfilledwithendless
cat videos, oversharing, and drama.
.53.What is the tone of the passage ?
Q Oneofthemostinterestingthingsaboutsocialmediaistheway
(a) Serious (b) Joyful it's changed the way we communicate. We've gone from long,
(c) Melancholic (d) Sarcastic thoughtful emails to quick, abbreviated messages with emojis
Q.54. Which of the following techniques hasbeenusedbythe and acronyms. And don't even get me started on the whole
uthor of the passage to convey the message?
a hashtag phenomenon. It's like we're all speaking a different
(a) Factual and chronological account language now.
(b) Examples and anecdotes Buttherearealsosomedownsidestothisconstantconnection.
(c) Parody and mimicry It'seasytogetsuckedintotheworldofsocialmediaandforget
(d) Humour and exaggeration abouttherealworldaroundus.We'resobusyscrollingthrough
Q.55.Accordingtothepassage,whatisthesolutiontotheissue let's not forget about the pressure to present the perfect life
f stupidity in society?
o online. It's likewe'reallinacompetitiontoseewhocanbethe
(a) Electing politicians with catchy slogans most popular, the most successful, the most enviable.
(b) Teaching students how to pass tests Despiteallofthis,Ihavetoadmit,I'mstillafanofsocialmedia.
(c) Encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving skills It's a great way to stay connected withfriendsandfamily,and
(d) Embracing ignorance and misinformation I've even made some new friends through various online
ET - 13. Q.(56 - 60)
S laugh at a ridiculous meme.
What if globally designed productscouldradicallychangehow SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (3rd Shift)
we work, produce and consume? Several examples across
continents show the way we are producing and consuming .61.Whatisoneofthedownsidesofsocialmediamentioned
goods could be improved by relying on globally shared digital in the passage?
resources, such as design, knowledge and software. (a) It can help connect with people all over the globe.
Imagineaprosthetichanddesignedbygeographicallydispersed (b) It encourages people to enjoy the little moments in life.
communities of scientists, designers and enthusiasts in a (c) It can lead to pressure to present a perfect life online.
collaborative manner via the web. All knowledge andsoftware (d) It's a great way to stay connected with friends and family.
related to the hand is shared globally as a digital commons.
People from all over the world who are connected online and Q.62.WhichofthefollowingisNOTmentionedasawaysocial
haveaccesstolocalmanufacturingmachines(from3Dprinting edia has changed the way we communicate?
andCNCmachinestolow-techcraftsandtools)can,ideallywith (a) The use of hashtags.
the help of an expert, manufactureacustomisedhand.Thisis (b) Quick, abbreviated messages with emojis and acronyms.
the case of the Open Bionics project, which producesdesigns (c) Video conferencing for more meaningful conversations.
for robotic and bionic devices. (d) Connecting with people from all over the world.
There are no patent costs to pay for. Less transportation of Q.63.Whichofthefollowingwouldbethemostappropriatetitle
m aterials is needed, since a considerable part of the f or this passage?
manufacturing takes place locally; maintenance is easier, (a) Mastering the Art of Social Media
productsaredesignedtolastaslongaspossible,andcostsare (b) The Dark Side of Social Media
thus much lower. (c) The Benefits of Social Media
SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (2nd Shift) (d) The Joys and Sorrows of Social Media
Q.56. Select the most suitable word from the passage which .64.What is the theme of the passage?
eans 'scattered'.
m (a) The dangers of spending too much time online.
(a) Shared (b) Collaborative (c) Dispersed (d) Customised (b) The history of social media.
Q.57. What isthetermusedinthepassageforgloballyshared (c) The importance of social media for businesses.
igital things?
d (d) The positive and negative effects of social media.
(a) Digital world (b) Digital information Q.65.WhatistheANTONYMoftheword‘perfect’,asusedinthe
(c) Digital commons (d) Digital resources assage?
.58. Which of the following is NOT a globally shared digital
Q (a) Limited (b) Laughable (c) Troublesome (d) Unsatisfactory
resource ? ET - 15. Q.(66 - 70)
(a) Knowledge (b) Software (c) Design (d) Automobile The rise of social mediahasundoubtedlychangedthewaywe
Q.59.Identify the most suitable title for the givenpassage. communicatewithoneanother.Ithasconnectedpeoplefromall
( a) Shared Information (b) Customised Hand overtheworldandprovidedaplatformforvoicesthatwereonce
(c) Digital Globalisation (d) Knowledge Explosion silenced. However, as with any form of communication, social
media has its downsides.
Q.60.What is the tone of the author ? One of the most significant downsides is the spread of
( a) Speculative (b) Belligerent (c) Caustic (d) Acerbic misinformation. With the rise of social media, anyone can
become a contentcreator,whichmeansthatanyonecanshare
SET - 14. Q.(61 - 65)
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Pinnacle Comprehension
information without fact-checking or considering the .69. Identify the main theme of the passage.
consequences. This has led to a proliferation of false (a) The role of education in combating misinformation.
information,fromconspiracytheoriestohoaxes,thatcanquickly (b) The Significance of propaganda and misinformation.
spread and cause harm. (c) The dangers of spreading false information on social media.
One recent example of this is the COVID-19 pandemic. Social (d) The benefits of social media for Communication
media has played a significant role in the spread of
misinformation about the virus and the vaccines.Falseclaims .70.What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?
aboutthesafetyandeffectivenessofthevaccineshavecaused (a) To warm readers of the dangers of spreading false
manypeopletobehesitantoroutrightrefusetogetvaccinated. information on social media
This,inturn,hasledtotheprolongationofthepandemicandthe (b) To explain the history of propaganda and misinformation and
loss of many lives. The spread of misinformation on social its impact on society.
mediaisnotanewphenomenon.Infact,ithasbeenaroundfor (c) To persuade reader to delete their social media accounts.
centuries. However, the speed and ease with which (d) To provide an in-depth analysis if the benefits of social
misinformation can spread on social media have made it a media for communication.
particularly pernicious problem in our modern world. ET - 16. Q.(71 - 75)
Throughout history, misinformation has been used to sow Mountains occupy about a quarter of the Earth’sland,harbour
discord and manipulatepeople.Forexample,duringWorldWar most of its biodiversity hotspots and supply fresh watertoan
II,theNaziregimeusedpropagandatospreadfalseinformation estimated half of humanity. Present on every continent,
aboutJews,Roma,andothertargetedgroupsinordertojustify mountains include a multitude of ecosystems holding many
their persecution and ultimately their extermination. Similarly, unique species such as snow leopards and mountain gorillas.
duringtheColdWar,boththeUnitedStatesandtheSovietUnion They are also home to great cultural diversity among people
used propaganda to demonise one another and sway public adapted to the challenges of mountain life. Their special
opinion traditions and breath-taking scenery attract ever-growing
Thedifferencenowisthatsocialmediahasmadeiteasierthan numbersoftourists.Mountainregionsareparticularlysensitive
ever to spread false information. A single post or tweet can todegradationfrombothhumanpressuresandclimatechange.
reachmillionsofpeoplewithinseconds,anditcanbedifficultto Steep slopes mean the clearing of forest for farming,
counteract the effects of that misinformation once it has spread. settlements or infrastructure can causeserioussoilerosionas
So, what can we do about it? The answer is notsimple,butit well as the loss of habitat. Erosion and
starts with education. We need to teach people how to think pollutionharmthequalityofwaterflowingdownstream.Climate
critically, how to fact-check, and how to discern between change threatens the quantity and timing of water supplies to
credible sources and fake news. We also need to hold social farms, cities, industry and power stations. Fast-rising
mediacompaniesaccountableforthecontentontheirplatforms temperaturesareforcingmountainspecies,ecosystemsandthe
andensurethattheyaredoingtheirparttocombatthespreadof people that depend on them to adapt or migrate.
misinformation.Inshort,theriseofsocialmediahasgivenusa SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (3rd Shift)
mustbevigilantagainstthespreadofmisinformationandwork Q.71.Which is the best description of the tone ofthe passage?
together to ensurethattheinformationweconsumeandshare ( a) Humanistic (b) Emotional (c) Biased (d) Laudatory
is accurate and reliable.
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (2nd Shift) Q.72.Which of the following most accurately statesthe central
idea of the passage?
Q (a) Biodegradation (b) Mountain ecosystem
cause of the spread of false information on social media? (c) Climate change (d) Pollution
(a) Social media companies failure to regulate false information
on their platforms. Q.73. Which of the following represents the structure of the
(b) Lack of education and critical thinking skills among social assage?
media users (a) Definition (b) Chronological
(c) Inability to discern between credible sources and fake news. (c) Cause-effect (d) Compare and contrast
(d) The desire of people to engage in controversial and .74. What is the ANTONYM for the word ‘migrate’ from the
sensational content passage?
Q.67. What is the ANTONYM of the word‘accurate’asusedin (a) Stay (b) Assume (c) Die (d) Run
t he passage? Q.75. What is the ANTONYM for the word ‘diversity’ from the
(a) Correct (b) Inexact (c) Precise (d) Reliable assage?
.68. What is the author’s opinion of social media in this
Q (a) Heritage (b) Block (c) Dilemma (d) Uniformity
passage ?
(a) Social media has changed the way we communicate, but has Solutions :-
also brought about significant negative consequences
(b) Social media is responsible for the spread of false Set - 10
information, but its impact on society is otherwise neutral. Sol.41.(a)Pragmatic
(c) Social media is a powerful tool for communication that has Inapragmaticstructure,thingsaredealtinawaythatisbased
many benefits on practical rather than theoretical considerations. The given
(d) Social media has had a mostly positive impact on society, passage describes a practical and realistic approach.
despite some drawbacks.
S Set - 15
ol.66.(d) The desire of people to engageincontroversialand
is Sarcastic.
sensational content.
engage in controversial andsensationalcontentisnotacause
of the spread of false information on social media.
that the author is not much in favor of.
.87. What should be done in order to achieve success in
Q ET - 21. Q.(96 - 100)
whatever you do? A sparrow is a smallbirdwhichisfoundthroughouttheworld.
(a) Doing quality work (b) Planning of one's time Therearemanydifferentspeciesofsparrows.Sparrowsareonly
(c) Keeping your routine same (d) Keeping your outlook fixed aboutfourtosixinchesinlength.Manypeopleappreciatetheir
.88.What do great leaders have in common?
Q usually on the ground, clumps of grass, low trees and low
(a) They follow a fixed daily routine. bushes.Incitiestheybuildtheirnestsinbuildingnooksorholes.
(b) They are not tied by limits of time. Theyrarelybuildtheirnestsinhighplaces.Theybuildtheirnests
(c) They learn from failures. out of twigs, grasses and plant fibres. Their nests are usually
(d) They plan and use their time wisely small and well-built structures.Femalesparrowslayfourtosix
eggs at a time. The eggs are white with reddish brownspots.
Q.89.Identify the tone of the passage. Theyhatchbetweeneleventofourteendays.Boththemaleand
( a) Realistic (b) Sarcastic (c) Impractical (d) Aggressive femaleparentscarefortheyoung.Insectsarefedtotheyoung
.90. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the word
Q after hatching. The large feet of the sparrows are used for
'laziness' given in the second paragraph. scratching seeds. Adult sparrows mainly eat seeds. Sparrows
(a) Indolent (b) Inactive (c) Industrious (d) Lethargic canbefoundalmosteverywhere,wheretherearehumans.Many
people throughout the world enjoy these delightful birds.
ET - 20. Q.(91 - 95)
S The sparrows are some of the few birds that engage in dust
"Forme,treeshavealwaysbeenthemostpenetratingpreachers. bathing. Sparrows first scratch a hole in the ground with their
Ireverethemwhentheyliveintribesandfamilies,inforestsand feet, then lie in it and fling dirt or sand over their bodies with
groves. And even more I revere them when they stand alone. flicksoftheirwings.Theyalsobatheinwater,orindryormelting
They are like lonely persons. Not like hermitswhohavestolen snow.Waterbathingissimilartodustbathing,withthesparrow
away out of some weakness, but like great, solitary men, like standing in shallow water and flickingwateroveritsbackwith
Beethoven and Nietzsche. In their highest boughs the world its wings,alsoduckingitsheadunderthewater.Bothactivities
rustles, their roots rest in infinity; but they do not lose are social, with up to a hundred birds participating at once, and
themselvesthere,theystrugglewithalltheforceoftheirlivesfor is followed by preening and sometimes group singing.
onethingonly:tofulfilthemselvesaccordingtotheirownlaws, Matriculation Level 27/06/2023 (Shift - 2)
to build up theirownform,torepresentthemselves.Nothingis
holier, nothing is more exemplary than a beautiful,strongtree. Q.96.What is the structure of the passage?
When a tree is cutdownandrevealsitsnakeddeath-woundto ( a) Compare and Contrast (b) Cause and Effect
thesun,onecanreaditswholehistoryintheluminous,inscribed (c) Process Writing (d) Problems and Solution
disk of its trunk: in the rings of its years, its scars, all the Q.97.What is the central theme of the passage?
struggle,allthesuffering,allthesickness,allthehappinessand ( a) About the food eaten by sparrows
prosperitystandtrulywritten,thenarrowyearsandtheluxurious (b) About the lifestyle of sparrows
years, t he attacks withstood, the storms endured. And every (c) About the nest-building style of sparrows
young farm-boy knows that the hardest andnoblestwoodhas (d) About the bathing style of sparrows
the narrowest rings, that high on the mountains and in
continuing danger the most indestructible, the strongest, the Q.98.How can one describe sparrows?
ideal trees grow." ( a) Sparrows are loving
Matriculation Level 27/06/2023 (Shift - 1) (b) Sparrows are good parents
(c) Sparrows are found everywhere
.91.Where can one read the complete history of atree?
Q (d) Sparrows are good
(a) On its leaves in sunny days
(b) On its branches when it is full-grown Q.99.What is the tone of the passage?
(c) On its skin when it is counted ( a) Biased (b) Speculative (c) Descriptive (d) Apologetic
(d) On its trunk when it is cut down
Q.100. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given
.92. Where does the world rustle, according to the given
Q ord.
passage? Everywhere
(a) Around the trunk of trees (a) Little (b) Somewhere (c) Rare (d) Nowhere
(b) Over the forest in the sunny days
(c) In the highest boughs of trees
(d) In the deepest roots of trees
S ol.92.(c) In the highest boughs of trees
Achilles was in a woman's disguise and was playing his part. (Line/s from the passage- In their highest boughs the world
It can be inferred from the passage that the most probable rustles, their roots rest in infinity; but they do not lose
reasonforAchilles'behaviouristhatAchilleswasinawoman's themselvesthere,theystrugglewithalltheforceoftheirlivesfor
disguise and was playing his part. onethingonly:tofulfilthemselvesaccordingtotheirownlaws,
to build up their own form, to represent themselves.)
ol.83.(c) Because he was pleased after witnessing the
performance of the dancers of Scyros. ol.93.(d) Exemplary- Very good and perfect.
It can be inferred from the passage that Odysseus' act of Holier- More spiritually superior.
distributinggiftswasaresultofhispleasureandadmirationfor Penetrating- Sharp and powerful.
the dancers' performance. Luminous- Emitting light or radiant.
S ol.94.(c) Environment enthusiast
the more since he could not afford one like that on his own. It can be inferred from the above passage that environment
ItcanbeinferredfromthisstatementthatLycomedes'eyeswere enthusiast is the most appropriate label for the author.
drawn to one of the gifts with great interest because being a Environment enthusiast is someone whotakeskeeninterestin
warrior,hewasattractedtotheswordandallthemoresincehe topics of environment.
could not afford one like that on his own.
ol.95.(a) Emotional
S In the Emotional tone, the author tries to express a deeply
adanceperformanceanddetaileddescriptionsofthegiftsand sentimental and affectionate attitude towards something. The
the way that people are choosing them are presented. tone is "emotional" as the speaker expressesdeepadmiration,
reverence, and affection for trees.
Q Q.129.Onwhichofthefollowingcrops,istheIndianGovernment
Haryana are in which colour ? pecially focussing this year ?
(a) black (b) white (c) red (d) ochre (a) rice (b) oilseeds (c) pulses (d) millets
ET - 34. Q.(152-155)
S Q.155. Why is theInternationalaidmuchlesserinSyriathanin
Tens of thousands of people who lost their homes in a urkey?
catastrophic earthquake huddled aroundcampfiresinthebitter (a) Because Syria is a war-torn country and there are areas under
coldandclamouredforfoodandwateronThursday,threedays rebels.
after the temblor hit Turkey and Syria and killed more than (b) Because the destruction was not as severe in Syria as in
19,300 on Monday, 6th February,2023. Emergency crews used Turkey.
pick axes, shovels and jackhammers to dig through twisted (c) Because the UN is allowed only one border crossing and Syria
metal and concrete - and occasionally still pulled out survivors. is not allowing that.
In the Turkish city of Antakya, dozens scrambled for aid in front (d) Because the roads have been damaged there
of atruckdistributingchildren'scoatsandothersupplies.Many
Solutions :-
of those who lost their homes foundshelterintents,stadiums
Set - 25
In Antakya, over 100 bodies were awaiting identification in a
makeshift morgue outside a hospital. Authorities called off ol.116.(c) Decline - to refuse something, usually politely
search-and-rescueoperationsinthecitiesofKilisandSanliurfa, Accept - to agree to take something that somebody offers you
where destruction was not as severe as in other impacted Reject - to refuse to accept
r egions. somebody/something
The U.N. is authorised to deliver aid through only one border Refuse - to say or show that you do not want to do, give, or
crossing, and road damage has prevented that thus far. U.N. accept something
Officials pleaded forhumanitarianconcernstotakeprecedence Turn down- reject something offered or proposed
over wartime politics.Thescaleoflossandsufferingremained
massive.TurkishauthoritiessaidonThursdaythatthedeathtoll ol.117.(b)Lake Heaven
had risen to more than 16,100 in the country, with more than The most appropriate title for the passage is ‘Lake Heaven’.
64,000 injured.
ol.118.(c) Serene
In Syria, which includes government-held and rebel-held areas,
It can be inferred from the passage that the tone of the passage
more than 3,100havebeenreporteddeadandmorethan5,000
is ‘Serene’.
Sol.119.(c)A pair of shorts
(Line/s from the passage - The stream changes into a white
help, and the Syrian paramedic group known as the White
Helmets noted that every secondcouldmeansavingalife.But
more and moreoften,theteamspulledoutdeadbodies.Itwas
S ol.136.(a)EOS-07
'Contiguous’meansadjoining,nexttoeachother,incontactwith (Line/s form the passage - About13minutesintoitsflight,the
something SSLV rocket ejected EOS-07 and soon after that the other two
satellites Janus-1 and AzaadiSAT-2 were ejected - all at an
Set - 27 altitude of 450 km, said ISRO.)
ol.124.(d) they depict the evolution from Lower to the Upper
S ol.137.(c)a-2, b-3, c-1
Paleolithic period. Itcanbeinferredfromthegivenpassagethatoption(c)hasall
(Line/sfromthepassage-StartingfromtheLowerPalaeolithicto the correct matches.
Sol.138.(b)launch of three small satellites in orbitby ISRO.
till Middle and Upper Palaeolithic period too)
three small satellites in orbit by ISRO.
( Line/s from the passage - Most of the cave paintings found ol.139.(b)a news item
were in ochre colour, but some were in white) It can be inferred from the passage that it is a news item.
S SSC CPO 2022 Tier - 1
(Line/s from the passage - In terms of volumeofBasmatirice
exports in 2020-21, top ten countries - Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, ET - 35.Q.(156-160)
Yemen, UnitedArabEmirates,UnitedStatesofAmerica,Kuwait, Migaloo is by faroneoftheworld’smostrecognisablewhales,
United Kingdom, Qatar and Oman.) because heiscompletelywhite.Thankstogeneticsamplingof
Migaloo’s skin, scientists have identified thathe’smale,andhis
Set - 33 albino appearance is a result of a variation in the gene
Sol.148.(b) Partly - something to some degree, but not responsible for the colour of his skin.
c Simplybylookingdifferent,Migaloohasbecomeaniconwithin
Partially- something not completely Australia’s east coast humpback whale population. Indeed,
Completely- in every way or as much as possible MigaloohashisownTwitteraccountwithover10,000followers,
Frankly- in an honest, sincere, and truthful way and website where fans can lodge sightings and learn more
about humpback whales. He was first discovered in 1991 off
Sol.149.(a) Detritus - natural waste material that is left after Byron Bay, Australia, and has since played hide and seek for
omething has been used or broken up
s manyyears,withmanynotknowingwhereorwhenhe’llshowup
Debris- pieces from something that has been destroyed next. He’s even surprised Kiwi fans by showing up in New
Rays- any of a set of straight lines passing throughone point. Zealand waters.
Specks- a very small mark, piece, or amount With the last official sightingtwoyearsago,thetimehasonce
Liquid- a substance, for example water, that is notsolid or a gas again come for us to ask: where is Migaloo?
S all white whale spotted off New South Wales. To makethings
tell other people about it later more confusing, regular-looking humpbacks can trick whale
Spotted- covered with round shapes of a differentcolour watchers when they flip upside down, due to their white bellies.
Speckled- covered or marked with a large number ofsmall spots SSC CPO 09/11/2022 (Afternoon)
Splotchy- marked with irregularly shaped spots orblots
Placed- to put something in a particular positionor situation .156.What is the theme of the passage?
(a) Protection of whales (b) The extinction of Migaloo
Sol.151.(d) Zenith - the highest point that the sun or moon (c) The sighting of Migaloo (d) Whale hunting and its aftermath
r eaches in the sky, directly above you
Peak- the point at which something is the highest,best, Q.157.How can regular-looking humpbacks trick whale
strongest, etc. atchers?
Glance- to look quickly at somebody/something (a) By posting tweets on Twitter
Point- a particular fact, idea or opinion that somebodyexpresses (b) By appearing secretly and unexpectedly
Bottom- the lowest part of something (c) By showing their white coloured bellies
(d) By displaying their huge size
Set - 34 Q.158.Where was Migaloo first discovered?
Sol.152.(d)6500 rescue workers (a) South Wales (b) Australia (c) Jamaica (d) New Zealand
( Line/s from the passage - The Foreign Ministry said 95 Q.159. Select the suitable word given in the passage which
countrieshaveofferedhelp.Morethanhalfofthatnumberhave eans ‘turn over with a sudden quick movement’.
sent a total of nearly 6,500 rescuers.) (a) Albino (b) Flip (c) Humpback (d) Lodge
ol.153.(a)a-2, b-3, c-1
S Q.160.What is the tone of the speaker?
Clamoured/Screamed - to make a loud complaint or demand ( a) Pessimistic (b) Descriptive (c) Cynical (d) Melancholic
Scrambled/Jostled - to fight or move quickly to getsomething
which a lot of people want ET - 36. Q.(161 -165)
Hampered/Checked - to prevent someone doing something It is not anexaggerationtosaythatthequestionofwhereand
S one of the biggest mysteries in human history. After all, the
Syria's rebel-held areas and the Civil war going on there Black Deathwasthefirstwaveofthesecondplaguepandemic
It can beinferredfromthepassagethatthepassagehighlights ofthe14thtoearly19thcenturies.Itkilledsome50-60%ofthe
all thefollowingoptionsexcept‘Syria'srebel-heldareasandthe population in Europe, the Middle East andNorthAfricaandan
Civil war going on there’. unaccountable number of people in Central Asia.
Sol.155.(a) Because Syria is a war-torn country and there are Differentproposals,basedoncompetingtheories,havebeenput
reas under rebels.
a forward.Butin2017,Icameacrosssomerecordsdescribingan
intriguing medieval cemetery in Kara-Djigach, Chuy Valley,
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Pinnacle Comprehension
orthern Kyrgyzstan, which I suspected may hold the key. As
n ltimately,theresultisself-destructivebehavioursuchaseating
part of a multidisciplinary team co-led by Maria Spyrou at and drinking too much, smoking excessively, relying on
University of Tubingen, we have now investigated several tranquilisers.Thereareothersignsofstresssuchastrembling,
specimens from individuals buried at that site - and come up shaking, nervous blinking, dryness of throat and mouth and
with an answer. difficulty in swallowing.
The ideathattheBlackDeathoriginatedintheeast-territories Theprofessionalunderstressbehavesasifheisaperfectionist.
overlapping,roughlyspeaking,CentralAsia,MongoliaandChina It leads to depression, lethargy, and weakness. Periodic mood
- dates back to the contemporaries ofthepandemicinEurope shiftsalsoindicatethestressstatusofthestudents,executives,
and the Islamic world. The modern, academic Chinese origin and professionals.
theory dates back to at least to in 1756-8 and a publication SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Afternoon)
about the history of Central Asia by FrenchscholarJosephde
Guignes. Q.166.What is the tone of the passage?
SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Morning) ( a) Authoritative (b) Anxious (c) Informative (d) Dejected
.165. Which of the following may be the probable origin of
Q ET - 38. Q.(171-175)
Black Death, according to the passage? Ghana was the first true African state.Thereasonwhyweare
(a) Kyrgyzstan (b) India (c) Mongolia (d) China s ayingthisisthatmostAfricanstateslivedintribalvillagesbut
ET - 37.Q.(166 - 170)
S possibilitiesfortheGhanaians.Thegoldtraderootsbacktothe
While there is no denying that the world loves a winner, it is 4th century, whenAfricanSoninketribeswereundertheruleof
important that you recognise the signs of stress in your theMaga,aBerberclanoriginatingfromMorocco.Thisclanhas
behaviour and be healthy enough to enjoy your success. Stress mastered trans-Saharan camel travel. They were known for
can strike anytime, inafashionthatmayleaveyouunawareof trading salt for gold from the Soninke.
its presence in your life. While acertainamountofpressureis When the Arabs invaded North Africa,therewasanupsurgein
necessary for performance, it is important to be able to thetradeingold.Ghanabecamerichandsoonafter,theSoninke
recognise your individual limit. For instance, there are some ousted the Maga and builttheirownnationunderKayaMagan
individuals who accept competition inahealthyfashion.There Cisse, who became the Soninke king around 790.
areotherswhocollapseintoweepingwrecksbeforeanexamor Ghana's ancient capital, Koumbi Salah, was the city where
on comparing mark sheets and finding that their friend has Africans and Berbers met and traded. Arab traders in the 9th
scored better. Stress is a body reaction to any demands or century described Ghana as 'the land of gold.' The gold came
changes in its internal and external environment. from Asante and Senegal, to the south and west. The trade
Wheneverthereisachangeintheexternalenvironmentsuchas routeslednorthandeasttoMorocco,LibyaandAksumandso
temperature, pollutants, humidity and working conditions, it on to Europe and Asia.
leads to stress. In these days of competition when a person Ghana had reached its peak in the 10th century. This wasthe
makes up his mind to surpass what h as been achieved by country which controlled both the gold and salt trades. Other
others, leading to an imbalance between demands and trading goods included woollen clothes, luxury items, leather
resources,itcausespsycho-socialstress.Itisapartandparcel goods a nd slaves. Traders transported goods hundreds of
of everyday life. kilometres across the Sahara desert with camel caravans.
Stress has a different meaning, depending on thestageoflife SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Morning)
you are in. The loss of a toy or a reprimand from the parents
.171.Maga, a Berber clan originated from:
(a) Morocco (b) Senegal (c) Aksum (d) Libya
has no further meaning. In an adult the loss of his or her Q.172.Select the most appropriate title for the passage.
companion,joborprofessionalfailuremayappearasifthereis ( a) Ghana - land of gold (b) Ghana - land of tribes
nothing more to be achieved. (c) Ghana - land of Berbers (d) Ghana - land of trade
suchasmuscletensioninvariouspartsofthebody,palpitation Q.173. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given
and high blood pressure, indigestion, and hyperacidity. ord.
Q.175. ________ and _______ were the foundation of Ghana's Q.179. When do dust storms a
nd thunderstorms generally
t rade in ancient times. ccur?
(a) Woollen clothes; luxurious items(b) Leather goods; slaves (a) In the pre-monsoon period ( b) After the rains
(c) Gold; salt (d) Camel; caravans (c) During monsoon (d) During winters
SET - 39. Q.(176-180) Q.180.A dust storm mainly occurs due to:
O ( a) moisture in the air (b) easterly winds
of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and other adjoining regions. (c) intense heat (d) extreme cold
Explaining the reasons behindsuchsevereweathersystem,M.
Mohapatra, senior scientist with the India Meteorological Solutions :-
a result of nearly similar weather conditions, likeintenseheat. Set - 35
Areas that have moisture in the air experience thunderstorms
while those which don’t have moisture experience dust storms. ol.156.(c)The sighting of Migaloo
“All suchconditionswerebeingfulfilledonthatday.Theregion It canbeinferredfromthepassagethatthemainthemeofthe
had moist easterly winds coming from the Bay of Bengal and passage is the sighting of Migaloo.
there was western disturbance system too. All this together
triggered the events on May 2,” he added. ol.157.(c)By showing their white coloured bellies
Insimpleterms,duststormcanbeexplainedasaphenomenon (Line/s from the passage - To make things more confusing,
when strong winds carry dust over an extensive area. regular-lookinghumpbackscantrickwhalewatcherswhenthey
Asfarasthetimingoftheiroccurrenceisconcerned,Mohapatra flip upside down, due to their white bellies.)
statedthatthereisnodeviationintimeofoccurrenceofadust ol.158.(b)Australia
storm and thunderstorm activity as they u sually peak in the (Line/s form the passage -Hewasfirstdiscoveredin1991off
pre-monsoon period. TheseeventshappenbetweenMarchand Byron Bay, Australia, and has since played hide and seek for
Mayonly.Inthepre-monsoonperiodtemperaturesareveryhigh, manyyears,withmanynotknowingwhereorwhenhe’llshowup
around44-45degreeCelsiusandleadtosuchactivities.Evenas next.)
dust storms and thunderstorms are a common feature every
year there has been no focused work on studying the trends ol.159.(b)Flip
related to it. ‘Flip’ means to turn over with a sudden quick movement.
“In the coming years there could be more instances of intense
thunderstorms and sand storms buttheyhavetobestudiedin ol.160.(b)Descriptive
detail looking at thedataofover30-40yearstonoticeatrend. Itcanbeinferredfromthepassagethatthetoneofthespeaker
Workhasbeenmoreorlessconfinedtocyclonesandmonsoon is descriptive. In a descriptivetone,somethingisdescribedin
systems but not much on dust storms or thunderstorms. It detail like a storyoranevent,orsomenewproduct.(Describe-
needs study,” admitted Mohapatra. To convey in words the appearance, nature, attributes, etc).
The extent of damage caused by thunderstorm activity in India Set - 36
can begaugedfromthedataofIndia’sNationalCrimeRecords ol.161.(b)Explanatory
Bureau (NCRB). As per the NCRB data, compared to other It can be inferred that the tone of the passage is ‘Explanatory’.
natural d isasters like cyclone, floods or heat waves, lightning
killsmorepeopleinIndia.Forinstance,atleast25percentofthe ol.162.(c)Origin of Black Death
10,510accidentaldeathsattributabletoforcesofnaturein2015 It can be inferred that the theme of the passage is ‘Origin of
were due to lightning. The number of deaths due to lightning has Black Death’.
constantly remained over 2,000 every year since 2005.
SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Evening) ol.163.(a)The first wave of the second plague pandemic
.176.The passage is mainly about:
Q wave of the second plague pandemicofthe14thtoearly19th
(a) a dust storm in Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh centuries.)
(b) dust storms and thunderstorms
(c) a thunderstorm in Rajasthan Sol.164.(a) Territories-areasoflandunderthejurisdictionofa
(d) the damage caused by thunderstorm r uler or state
Contemporaries- people who liveordosomethingatthesame
Q time as somebody else
to the passage? Population- the number of peoplewholiveinaparticulararea,
(a) The western disturbances cause dust storms in Rajasthan city or country
and nearby regions. Mysteries- the quality of being strange and secret and full of
(b) Both, dust storms and thunderstorms occur due to similar things that are difficult to explain
weather conditions like intense heat.