Fisica y Ciencia en Ingles

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Now, let's talk about astrology. This appears to be an esoteric subject, but
it is not. Of all the attributes of science, this is one of the most
misunderstood ... he has been classified as occult science and for people
who are not thinking clearly, so let me remind you also were considered
those who believed in germs before they prove that if there were. Imagine
... an invisible microorganism that causes disease (glup ... must be
something supernatural, or aliens plan to invade the earth!). When the
tools and knowledge could understand it, became a science and helped
save lives. Now we say that astrology is the same. It's science, but for
now it is regarded as mysticism.
If caught everything on the subject of magnetism (above), they will realize
that human beings are continuously influenced by the planet's magnetic
grid, and was designed that way to provide communication and balance. I
would like to reveal what is landing (standing) on the magnetic grid that
could be part of the communication of which we speak. Ah, much
information is delivered in this way, but only give them information about
In the center of your solar system is its sun. Every second of the day, his
sun is magnetically adjusted by gravity. You can not separate the severity
of magnetism, because in science are the two twins of the same attribute,
yet to understand how they interrelate. Light is also involved, because it is
also inter-dimensional. When something in reality can show that it is in
two places at once, it must be quantum (interdimensional attributes) and
the light is part of that category with magnetism and gravity. Magnetism,
gravity and light are the mysteries of your reality. They do not understand
exactly none of these three attributes. Rather, just use them. They know
what they do, but have no idea what they are. Time is the other attribute,
but is the result of the first three, not energy itself.
Therefore, the sun is placed with the planets there pushing and pulling
him as they move around. Imagine the force that pulls all the planets sun
in different lineups through which it passes. Imagine for a moment that
you can see the gravity and the incredible forces of gravity to which the
planets are subjected while being pulled toward the center of the sun.
This creates a pattern that is constantly changing conditions, is not it? As
set every day all the time, at any time.
This pattern is inter-dimensional configuration of the sun. So you can say
that the quantum of the sun pattern is different at all times, depending on
where the planets. They are right. Think about what these attributes are
the sun to pull and push when the planets are aligned in a row! Think
what happens when you pass what is called retrograde motion of a planet
(look backward movement in the orbits when viewed from another
platform in orbit). Here we have a constantly changing pattern in the sun
that is interdimensional, which is magnetic, and even affects time.
What do they know the sun apart from the fact that you are sending light
and heat? The sun all the time land is sending something that is called
solar wind. It is a continuous flow of charged particles (magnetic!). This is
the configuration information of the sun that was delivered to the
magnetic grid of this land. And if you doubt, go and look at the aurora
borealis. That is the name given to the light show of the solar wind when it
hits the planet's magnetic grid, creating self inductance, giving them
information on the configuration of its sun.
When setting the grid reaches the planet, that is then transmitted through
additional inductance to its DNA at the time of his birth. At birth it is when
they receive it, as it is when they make their first breath of air, his first
interaction with the environment as an independent life. Aquarius, Pisces,
Cancer-receive setting sun. And the setting is a reflection of the alignment
of the planets at the time of his birth. These settings are stored in their
DNA as a life force we are talking about yesterday when we talked about
the apparent chaos of energy in an interdimensional sand. Affect them,
and thereafter, are susceptible to the power of these patterns when they
line up in your solar system. This is called astrology. It is one of the oldest
sciences on the planet and is intuitive (part of his awareness of
Some people say, "I think not." I just given the information that are
susceptible to the configuration of inter-dimensional orbital mechanics,
and some people say, "I still do not think so." Perfect, I'll ask a question,
How do you explain the syndrome of the full moon? The moon is the
largest body orbiting the earth and the sun is setting, but has a greater
influence on the configuration of the grid with its gravitational pull. (The
severity is related to magnetism). Why police forces around the world
decide to provide extra help when the moon is full? Some say, "Well,
that's easy. Look, there's more light and can do more crimes. " No. This is
not related to the light, or with the orbit of the moon, because even the
crimes are carried out on a cloudy night with full moon. Check with the
hospitals, because these days are too busy, attending all the accidents
and confrontations between humans. They know that the full moon nights
are tough times. Now, I explain ... and the only way is through astrology.
Astrology is an important influence on human behavior, and science and
includes DNA and human thought. Can you imagine what this might help
humanity when you finally understand? You are susceptible to motion of
the planets. They are alive like Gaia. They are part of the system. How
can you deny that? That is science.
Now you will understand, astrologers, why we said 18 years ago there
would be a difference in astrological charts, which should correct before
and after, to discover what had happened in the energy change and the
change of the magnetic grid between that time and today. We talked of
the influence of three degrees in astrological charts between now and
2012. These three grades are not given only in a house. These three
degrees are the culmination of the opening and closing of the shapes of
the houses in a new configuration of the size of the houses. Go ahead,
make corrections and see what they're saying. Overlap letters before and
after and you will discover through their customers to have their
astrological charts done before and now, what is happening and how
these changes are transmuting and changing. Astrologers know that
world class is changing. Even astrology is dynamic, because it actually is
related to magnetism!
Now my partner (Lee) is thinking, "Well, that was easier than I thought."
Well, the following will not be. (Laughter Kryon).

New Laws of Physics

Now we talk about physics. Let me tell you a little story about a difficult
issue. Let me tell you what science has done with this difficult issue. And
then let me tell you some things I never have told you before.
It is a beautiful law, it is, and Newton's scientific design. It is the law
responsible for all orbital mechanisms in your solar system. This law
explains everything really explains, and is the second law of Newton. This
is his description. Pay attention, my partner, go slowly. (This is a warning
to Lee Kryon to be extremely clear). This is a description in his
fundamental formulation of force, matter and acceleration. And these
fundamentals explain the motions of the planets, the movement and the
inertia of motion in all directions. It does this so well that this formula is
responsible for the calculations you used to put its satellites in orbit and
space check it throughout the solar system. All mathematics centered
around Newton's second law, work.
If you have noticed in your solar system and if they know of astronomy,
Newton will see what he saw-that the planets (objects with constant
mass) that are closer to the gravitational influence of the sun travel at a
different speed at which the planets travel are at a greater distance. This
became the formula of Newton's second law, and today remains true and
had been true ... until recently science found some objections.
The first thing that raised interest was when the particles became too
small, then the law collapsed. It did not follow the rules more. When
entered into an atomic structure, the formula was different. This was
actually the cause of the birth of quantum physics, a branch of physics
that explains the tiny and very tiny and theories that are consistent with
this, including those of inter-dimensionality. And it was the right thing for
science. New theories said that when the matter was so tiny, it had to be
a difference in the interaction between the mass of objects. Some said it
was due to the fact that the tiny particles did not have a constant mass as
with the planets and the moon ... not too difficult to understand the mind
of the scientist. Also, human beings have the ability to experiment with
the accelerator too tiny atomic-protons and antiprotons colliding at nearly
the speed of light to see what happens. Therefore, the Humans were able
to verify the new laws in the world very tiny. Then something happened.
With the arrival of the new "eyes" of the earth through the computer-
controlled mirrors, telescopic arrangements, you began to study distant
galaxies and see them clearly. To the surprise of astronomers, they could
see the stars rotating around the center of the galaxy, much like their
solar system rotates around the sun, but with one big difference. Not
followed the law of Newton!
To the surprise of astronomers discovered that stars rotating around the
center of a galaxy were in what they call a "flat rotation mode." Let me
explain it, go slowly, my partner (another warning Kryon Lee). If you take
a disc and put up some rocks nearby and others away from the fulcrum
(center), and gently rotate the disc, would notice that all the particles were
on the rotating disk online all together, maintaining their influence on each
other in same perspective. In other words, one does not go faster or
slower because of the distance from the center. We call that flat rotation
is what happens in galaxies.
But suddenly, Newton's second law was not working anymore! The Stars
could have a large mass constant, and yet were not following the rules of
orbital mechanics. Newton's law seemed to work with solar systems, but
not with the galaxies. This made no sense, and is in the center of
controversy, and is beginning to see a subsequent discovery in
In the mathematics of measuring the energy of the universe, science says
that something is creating an energy that you can not see, which is
pushing the matter in a way that is affecting the law of Newton. They say
they do not know who is and can not see. Energy is invisible, creating a
new type of orbital system, which now are realizing that it is in all
galaxies. So call it dark matter, mysterious stuff that influences
Dark matter is not really dark. It is simply the scientific term for the
missing energy. That's all it is. Something is pushing and pulling so that
you do not follow the classical orbital mechanics Newton's law. How can
that be? Now the difficult issue is there. Very tiny thing is not working
properly. What great malfunctioned. Your solar system seems fine.
Someone is working on this issue at this time, and I have to mention. Put
on your hat just a moment esoteric. Newton had an assistant who was
very involved with their work. This wizard is alive today and of course, is
an astronomer. He reincarnated with the passion in your cellular structure
to continue the work, and he's doing! And it is very close to solving the
I'll tell you why there is this difficult issue. I will do my best to give it to my
partner in a concise way to understand physics. This has never been
revealed in this way. They are about to discover, is in the ether. As I am
not giving anything to the free will of mankind could not discover itself.
The solution is blowing in the system, ready to be found.

Adding to the known forces in the

When found, this new theory will have a lot of scientific strength and I'll
tell you why-because they will have to re-write and add something to the
four forces of the universe. (Gasp! "Changing the known forces? Now,
Lee is breathing with difficulty). I'll give you the names of the four forces
of the universe, as physicists know and what they relate. I will not explain
that this is not the subject today. Listen to what scientists have said they
are the only four forces that control everything. The first is known as
gravity and the weak force. The second is known as electromagnetism
and the strong force. They are a pair. And the following two are another
pair, the number three is known as the weak nuclear force, the fourth is
called the strong nuclear force. These four forces are supposedly
responsible for everything that happens, but now suddenly there is a
difficult issue. It is missing power! Does this not tell them perhaps that
these four forces can be six? And are the following.
I want to look to nature. In his world, look to nature. Almost everything is
given the factor of 12. Mathematicians know what are the factors of 12.
(There are six). The most common factors of 12 that are in nature are
three, four and six. When pure water crystallizes it forms a pattern of six
branches (a snowflake). The formation of crystals are based on 12,
showing clearly the factors of 12, mainly with six. We have said for many,
many years that the elegant science of physics should be based on 12.
It's interdimensional mathematics is included at zero or infinity means
nothing. A zero in mathematics based on 12 universal means the
potential of all likely responses. There is empirical mathematical and 3D,
even these will give some understanding math when they start to use it.
For example, does it make sense to you that one of the equations are
deeper than either the circle-called pi (n), which is an irrational number?
(An irrational number in math is the one that has an infinite expansion and
non-recurring when expressed as a decimal). It is infinite! Does that make
sense for one of the deepest forms of the universe? We know that one of
its spacecraft to communicate with anyone who might find it, just put that
number pi on the logo of the spacecraft. It is a communication in
mathematics, in the event that any intelligent life force "found, they should
say," Ah, humans know pi! So be smart. " Let me tell you what a smart
company would know to see it. Would see it and say, "These creatures
are flying in space, and not even have the 12 base! Look who think it's pi!
They must still be in base-10. " It's like finding an advanced society with
black and white televisions, expressed as base-12 is not an irrational
In nature there are six forces. Although four is a factor of 12, six and 12
are the most commonly found, and are closer to nature. Examine the
chemistry of DNA, and consider the factors of 12 in chemistry. Is
everywhere. Before I say what are the other two forces, let me tell you
about the names of things. I'll give you their attributes, not their names,
because they will give the name as science wants to call later, and then
go to explain dark matter.
There is a difference between the galaxy and solar system-a huge
difference. Newton, listen. In the center of a solar system is ordinary
mass. No matter how big or how small is the sun in any solar system,
represents ordinary stiff dough. When you enter the giant systems like
galaxies, that is where the magic is, and that's where the discoveries. A
few years ago, we told them it was at the center of each galaxy from
where the rotation will notice even before science. We said something in
the center which is an inter-dimensional black hole. A few years ago, we
gave the rest of the story, said that there are twins in the center of each
galaxy. There are two quantum attributes. One day you call one black and
one who can not see that it is his twin. It is a system that pushes / pulls
interdimensional energy and represents the missing piece of the forces
called the universe and the energy ripples forward and backward.
Now, no distracting (mainly for Lee says.) I'll give you some mental
images of it. Let me tell you what happens when you have this kind of
interdimensional energy in the center of anything. Newton's law no longer
applies, because the mass center is not ordinary. This energy is
interdimensional cohesion. Create a rotating flat galaxy because of this
cohesion. There is a complete set of laws to be developed for a force
strong inter dimencional a weak force. These are the latest two, and now
has six. They have the force of gravity and electromagnetic force have
strong and weak nuclear, and now have the number five and number six,
which are interdimensional force strong and weak.

New information about the

centers of galaxies
Every galaxy has a system that pushes / pulls at your institution. This is a
twin-power system, but you are only aware of one. They are convinced
that it is invisible and that is a black hole. Nothing comes to light, but think
it is unique-one thing. How are 3D! (Laughter). There is one thing. Rather,
it is a beautiful double eye of a needle. Now listen. When they start to
make maps of the universe and see how galaxies actually extend, you
know that it's not random. Is not it interesting? Do not assume that what
they called the Big Bang was something that randomly distributed
throughout almost nothing? Why then is a configuration? This is the
beautiful, kind human beings, there is a setting in what looks like chaos
interdimensional event of what was the Big Bang. As I said before, his Big
Bang was actually a huge interdimensional collision with another
interdimensional force. The interdimensional chaos seems to be a hidden
Imagine me for a moment a giant needle and thread, two of each. One
enters the black hole and the other leaves it. These threads are
interdimensional force strings that are connected together with other
galaxies, intertwining in and out from their centers, which are all black
holes with a double eye. One push and one pull-interdimensional force
which are not yet aware, clasping one another galaxy and another. Now,
imagine in your mind that sewing work has symmetry and purpose. If you
can see down in the middle of this, in the center of the universe from a
certain angle, would even the symmetry of a mandala. Galaxies are
beautiful forms together in one elegant dance. The symmetry makes
sense and is core-12. The challenge you to discover it. And what seem to
rope in and out of the centers of galaxies with this new force that just
described is a grid. It is a grid with symmetry and purpose ... the cosmic
grid (as originally described Kryon many years ago). You beauty. And is
the missing energy of the universe, as will those who are searching. Dark
matter is sought by all the empty space between things. It's in the strings
of interdimensional force between galaxies, put there on purpose. Oh, it's
a wonderful system. You want that dark matter makes sense in 3D, but it
can be. It has to do with the two interdimensional forces of the universe
are quantum, and therefore out of time and beyond what was previously
presented in their formulas in 3D.

The next great discovery ... is the light quantum

Okay, there's more. I make a suggestion. Again, this information is in the

ethers. That means that is available to be discovered and is imminent.
Humans must discover these things for themselves, but we make some
suggestions. When given the findings, you know that you heard it here
first. (Kryon smile).
This is technical. Do not worry, buddy, I'll give you the image. For years,
astronomers have been putting special lenses in telescopes to obtain
different perspectives of the universe, beyond that obtained with normal
light. The accumulation of ordinary light is outdated for a real astronomer.
They now want to accumulate radiation. They want the spectrometer so
that they have an analysis on how things are made. Want to measure the
ebb and flow of the speed of objects for a red shift or blue to see if the
objects are advancing or retreating from the observer. For years, special
lenses have been putting their telescopes to analyze what the light can
not show common. Most of you are not even aware that in many of the
telescopes at the planet and not even see through them! Now, it is a
computer-controlled accumulation of what is hidden in the light, or what is
available over other methods of measurement. They know how things are
hot, that they are made, where they go and the anomalies of his career.
Would not it be great if someone invented on Earth interdimensional
astronomical lenses? And if they do what would? Would be exactly what I
have described. First, they could see black holes appear to be a twin.
Interdimensional lenses would see the gravity and time, and the diversion
of these configurations.
If they were looking at the universe with these lenses, they would see
how the twins are related to each other, the pulse of these, and would see
the threads connecting the galaxies very clearly. Would not it be
wonderful? That would explain the missing energy, is not it? It would give
scientists the right to increase the four forces six! And ... that's feasible.
Now I will tell you how it would be ... almost. (Hint number one: Do not be
put on the lenses. It must be as close as possible to the device that
receives it. In the case of an optical telescope, is in the mirror. In the case
of a digital telescope is on the globe digital eye. That means that this lens
can not go anywhere else than in the focal plane. This will be significant
for those who build telescopes. It should go where it meets the focus. Hint
number two: This lens is not physically . This lens is plasma. The plasma
is joined by an incredibly strong magnetism. Oh, and it is very cold. These
are the hints.
And when you develop it and when they go on and make adjustments of
magnetism that allows the cohesion of the plasma, will the next step in
astronomy-a revolution and a revelation. The physical change, its reality
will change, and I will tell you why. This is the last point in science before I
finish. I'll tell you why. When things are interdimensional form, one of the
unexpected things that are going to see is life! Life is projected, due to the
force of life. You will see that the galaxy and the stars that shine (using
filters) have a life around them How about this? And everyone can
frighten. It's inevitable, you know? This is our science channel.

Would not it be great if someone invented on Earth interdimensional

astronomical lenses? And if they do what would? Would be exactly what I
have described. First, they could see black holes appear to be a twin.
Interdimensional lenses would see the gravity and time, and the diversion
of these configurations.
If they were looking at the universe with these lenses, they would see
how the twins are related to each other, the pulse of these, and would see
the threads connecting the galaxies very clearly. Would not it be
wonderful? That would explain the missing energy, is not it? It would give
scientists the right to increase the four forces six! And ... that's feasible.
Now I will tell you how it would be ... almost. Hint number one: Do not be
put on the lenses. It must be as close as possible to the device that
receives it. In the case of an optical telescope, is in the mirror. In the case
of a digital telescope is in the digital globe. That means that this lens can
not go anywhere else than in the focal plane. This will be significant for
those who build telescopes. It should go where it meets the focus. Hint
number two: This lens is not physical. This lens is plasma. The plasma is
joined by an incredibly strong magnetism. Oh, and it is very cold. These
are the hints.
And when you develop it and when they go on and make adjustments of
magnetism that allows the cohesion of the plasma, will the next step in
astronomy-a revolution and a revelation. The physical change, its reality
will change, and I will tell you why. This is the last point in science before I
finish. I'll tell you why. When you see things as inter-dimensional, one of
the unexpected things that are going to see is life! Life is projected, due to
the force of life. You will see that the galaxy and the stars that shine
(using filters) have a life around them How about this? And everyone can
frighten. (Laughter). It's inevitable, you know? This is our science

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