Skills For Lawyers

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ii Skills for Lawyers


Annabel Elkington, MA (Hons), Dip Law, Barrister
John Holtam LLB (Southampton), LLM (Edinburgh), Solicitor
Gemma M Shield LLB (Hons), Solicitor
Tony Simmonds BA, MA, MCLIP
iv Skills for Lawyers

Published by
College of Law Publishing, Braboeuf Manor, Portsmouth Road, St Catherines, Guildford GU3 1HA

© The College of Law 2011

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any way or
by any means, including photocopying or recording, without the written permission of the copyright holder, application for
which should be addressed to the publisher.

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN: 978 1 907624 95 7

Typeset and Designed by Style Photosetting Ltd, Mayfield, East Sussex

Printed in Great Britain by Ashford Colour Press Ltd, Gosport, Hampshire


Knowledge of how the internal combustion engine works and what the Highway Code states does not
necessarily make a good driver. In the same way, knowledge of the law does not necessarily make a good
lawyer. The practice of law requires not merely an understanding of law and procedure but also the skills
necessary to utilise that knowledge effectively.

The purpose of this book is to help prospective practitioners to develop fundamental skills which will prove
essential in their later careers. Those skills are as follows:

(a) writing and drafting;

(b) legal research;
(c) interviewing and advising clients;
(d) negotiation; and
(e) advocacy.

The chapters covering each of these skills are essential preparatory reading for practice of the relevant skill on
the Legal Practice Course. It is hoped that they will also prove useful in later years for the trainee or qualified
solicitor, both to monitor one’s own development and to evaluate others, learning from their successes and
their failures.

Thanks are due to authors of the constituent Parts in earlier editions for originating and developing various
chapters. They are:

Part I Rachel Hawes, Priscilla Sarton, Gill Morgan

Part II Carol Moore, Alison Baigent, Ian Cross, James Greene, Stephen Sellers, Joanne Tomlinson, Susan

Part III Martin Iller, Peter Mott, Deborah Green, Michael Petley

Needless to say, the current team of authors bears responsibility for any failings in this edition.

The origins of Part III lie in a series of Professional Development courses which The College of Law ran for the
solicitors’ profession for a number of years. In mounting the interviewing and negotiating courses, the College
received invaluable assistance from Dr Karl Mackie (now Chief Executive of the Centre for Dispute
Resolution). Similarly, the courses on advocacy benefited greatly from the advice and help of His Honour Judge
Groves, Her Honour Judge Marian Norrie, His Honour Judge Nigel Fricker QC and Tony Edwards, solicitor. In
addition, we would wish to express our gratitude to the many solicitors who attended the courses and
contributed their know-how to them, and consequently to these chapters.

The SRA Code of Conduct 2011 had not been approved at the time of writing (May 2011), and was still in draft,
but the text proceeds on the basis that the Legal Services Board will approve the Code as drawn.
vi Skills for Lawyers
Contents vii




Road traffic accident / Personal injury case study xi

Potential transaction xii



1.1 Introduction to writing and drafting 3
1.2 Preparation and research 3
1.3 Planning 4
1.4 Drafting 9
1.5 Checking 17
1.6 Practical and ethical considerations 17
1.7 Writing letters 18
1.8 Writing reports and memoranda 20
1.9 Spelling and grammar 22

Appendix to Part I – Answers to Exercises 25



2.1 Why should I read this section? 29
2.2 The role of legal research in the office 29
2.3 Problem-solving 29
2.4 Principles of practical legal research 32


3.1 Introduction 37
3.2 Advantages of printed sources 37
3.3 Advantages of electronic sources 38
3.4 Accessing electronic sources 38
3.5 Guidelines for searching electronic databases 38
3.6 JustCite 40
3.7 The free Internet: Google and beyond 41


4.1 Introduction 43
4.2 Halsbury’s Laws of England 43
4.3 Practitioner books 47
4.4 Widening the net 48


5.1 How are cases published? 55
5.2 Which source of cases has the most authority? 56
5.3 How do I cite cases? 56
5.4 How do I find a case with an incomplete citation? 57
5.5 How do I update a case? 60
5.6 How do I find cases on a subject? 61


6.1 Introduction 65
6.2 How do I cite legislation? 65
viii Skills for Lawyers

6.3 Where can I find Acts? 66

6.4 How do I establish whether an Act has come into force? 70
6.5 Where can I find statutory instruments? 71
6.6 Legislation on LexisLibrary 73
6.7 Legislation on Westlaw 74
6.8 How do I update legislation? 75


7.1 Introduction 77
7.2 General sources 77
7.3 Primary legislation 79
7.4 Secondary legislation 79
7.5 Case law 81


8.1 Introduction 83
8.2 Atkin’s Court Forms 83
8.3 Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents 84


9.1 Recording research 87
9.2 Reporting research 88
9.3 Cite it right 88



10.1 The importance of oral communication skills 91
10.2 Listening 93
10.3 Questioning 94
10.4 Non-verbal communication 95
10.5 Conclusion 95


11.1 Why is it important for a solicitor to be a good interviewer? 97
11.2 Objectives of a solicitor/client interview 98
11.3 Common failings 98
11.4 Two ingredients for success – skills and structure 99
11.5 The skills 100
11.6 Client care and costs information 108
11.7 An overview of the structure of the interview 109
11.8 Structure and management of the initial interview 111
11.9 The secret of success – practice 127

Chapter 12 NEGOTIATION 129

12.1 Introduction 129
12.2 The ethical aspects of negotiating 130
12.3 Negotiating styles 130
12.4 Preparation for a negotiation 133
12.5 The forum for the negotiation 141
12.6 Other considerations before a meeting 142
12.7 Overview of a negotiation 143
12.8 The opening 144
12.9 The middle phase: discussion and bargaining 145
12.10 The end: closing a negotiation 147
12.11 ‘Dirty tricks’ 148
12.12 Alternative dispute resolution 149
Contents ix

Chapter 13 ADVOCACY 153

13.1 Introduction 153
13.2 Skills 154
13.3 The basics 155
13.4 Opening the case 160
13.5 Examination-in-chief 161
13.6 Cross-examination 164
13.7 Re-examination 166
13.8 Closing the case 166
13.9 Ethical issues 167
13.10 Criminal cases: bail and mitigation 168
13.11 Civil cases: chambers applications 184
13.12 Conclusion 202

Chapter 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY 203

x Skills for Lawyers

Case Scenarios

Road traffic accident / Personal injury case study


An accident occurred at the junction of Larkhall Road and Forest Road on Tuesday, 15 January
2009. A white van heading south on Forest Road was turning right into Larkhall Road. As the
van was turning right it collided with a car heading north up Forest Road. The collision also
involved a cyclist who was travelling alongside the car at the moment of impact.




Vehicles and drivers involved

Van White Ford company van owned by Armitage Deliveries and driven by Adam Worcik.
Mr Worcik is a polish national living in the UK and working as a driver for Armitage
Deliveries. He sustained minor whiplash as a result of the accident.

Car Silver Vauxhall Zafira owned and driven by Caroline Wantage, a senior midwife who
works for her local NHS trust. Ms Wantage suffered serious whiplash, a broken collar
bone and a cut to her forehead which required seven stitches as a result of the accident.
She has serious ongoing symptoms in relation to the whiplash injury, and the cut has
left a permanent scar on her forehead (there is the possibility of further surgery to
improve the appearance of this).

Cycle Red Trek 200 ridden by Paul Chester, a freelance musician. Mr Chester suffered a
broken left wrist and a cut to his arm which required 13 stitches.


Liability is disputed. Mr Worcik claims that Ms Wantage was driving far too fast and that she
was using her mobile phone when the accident happened. Ms Wantage claims that Mr Worcik
suddenly pulled into her path without indicating as she pulled out of the junction. Mr Chester,
the cyclist, does not have a clear recollection of what happened.
xii Skills for Lawyers

Solicitors for the parties

Acting for Mr Worcik, Acting for Ms Wantage, Acting for Mr Chester,

the van driver the car driver the cyclist
Shea & De Sousa Alexa Hughes & Co Marshalls
67 Longbridge Road 33 Millennium House 114–116 Market Street
Stockwell Teddington Kingston KT1 4RT
London SW9 4RT KT4 6RB 0208 566 3228
0207 479 4791 0208 221 3445

Potential transaction
Robert Grove Ltd is a large company specialising in restaurants/retail food outlets. Toast & Tea
is a small chain of upmarket cafes owned by two brothers, Mark and Dominic Flowers, and a
friend of theirs, Florence Lowe. The Toast & Tea owners are seeking to find a buyer for their
company, and Robert Grove Ltd has expressed an interest in purchasing the chain.

The owners of Toast & Tea have decided to sell, as their interests in the business are beginning
to diverge. The chain has been very successful and currently owns 16 outlets in prime
locations in central London. The cafes are old fashioned in design with a focus on service and
quality which is reflected in the prices. Each cafe offers a children’s room where under-8s
undertake supervised play. The cafes have won many awards for both food provided and
provision for children/families.

The owners are keen for the transaction to progress quickly, as two of them have other
ventures in which they would like to invest. They hope to achieve a purchase price of £22
million, but accept that in the current economic climate and given the current property
market they may have to accept a figure closer to £18 million. Most of the value of the
company is in ownership of cafe properties which have been purchased as freeholds/long
leaseholds and in most cases have undergone valuable development work. The Flowers
brothers were the major investors in the company and have a bigger stake, but Florence Lowe
has acted as CEO and has been very hands-on in managing the chain.

Solicitors for the seller:

Mace McKenzie
Frobisher House, City Road, London EC2 5BR
0207 422 2134

Robert Grove Ltd owns a range of pubs, restaurants and retail food outlets across the UK and
Ireland. It has been looking to expand into the ‘luxury’ market. Toast & Tea’s award-winning
combination is attractive to it as a complement to its existing portfolio, and Robert Grove Ltd
believes that given greater economies of scale it can make the business highly profitable.

Robert Grove Ltd would like to see Florence Lowe continue in her role or accept a position as
an advisor for an agreed handover period. It is happy to proceed quickly but would ideally like
any deal to include structured payments over a 12-month period. The current suggested
purchase price of £22 million is based on valuation of Toast & Tea including its premises made
at a time when commercial property prices were significantly higher.

Solicitors for the buyer:

Salinger & Rye
40–47 City House, Cornhill Square, London EC1 4RT
0207 836 9368

Part I
2 Skills for Lawyers
Writing and Drafting 3

Chapter 1
Writing and Drafting

1.1 Introduction to writing and drafting 3

1.2 Preparation and research 3
1.3 Planning 4
1.4 Drafting 9
1.5 Checking 17
1.6 Practical and ethical considerations 17
1.7 Writing letters 18
1.8 Writing reports and memoranda 20
1.9 Spelling and grammar 22

1.1 Introduction to writing and drafting

Much of your professional work will require you to communicate in writing. The ability to
write clearly, concisely and professionally under time pressure is a core skill for every solicitor.
Every type of written communication needs to be effective, unambiguous and well drafted
whether it is an email, letter or formal legal document.

Modern working practices mean that we often send tens of emails every day. You will have to
reply promptly to emails and letters and will frequently be asked to draft legal documents
quickly. Set out below are some of the fundamental rules of good writing and drafting practice,
together with some of the most common errors. In each section, there are examples and
exercises with recommended times for completion. The answers to exercises can be found in
the Appendix to Part I.

Good writing and drafting requires a four-stage process:

(a) preparation and research take full instructions, undertake any further enquiries which
are needed, identify the objective(s)/purpose of the document, research the law;
(b) planning decide on the best structure and necessary content;
(c) drafting clearly and concisely set out the information/points following your plan;
(d) checking cross-check your document to ensure that it is correct, unambiguous and
meets the objectives you identified.

1.2 Preparation and research

1.2.1 Taking instructions
The first step will always be to take instructions from your client. You must have a clear
understanding of what your client wishes to achieve and of all the relevant facts. Part of your
role at this stage will be to ensure that you identify everything you need to know. Your client
may not be aware of all the information you might need.

Your client instructs you to impose an obligation on a buyer of part of his land to put up a 2.5
metre fence along what will become the common boundary. You must identify the need for
further information as to:
(a) what type of fence is required;
(b) the time limit to be imposed;
4 Skills for Lawyers

(c) who will be required to maintain the fence; and

(d) who will obtain planning permission and what happens if planning permission is not

1.2.2 Researching the law

Before you can decide how best to advise your client and/or how to draft any necessary
documentation, you must research the relevant law.

1.3 Planning
Once you have full instructions and have mastered the current legal position, you can begin to
plan your advice.

Identify your client’s objectives and decide how they can best be met. You will then need to
select the most appropriate structure.

1.3.1 Common document structure

Many documents will contain the following elements:
• commencement;
• date;
• parties;
• recitals;
• operative part;
• testimonium;
• schedules;
• execution and attestation. Commencement, date and parties

A document will normally begin with a ‘commencement’ which describes the nature of the
document, for example ‘This Agreement’, ‘This Conveyance’. Alternatively, the document’s title
can simply be printed as a heading. Deeds may also use the word ‘deed’ in the title, for example
‘This deed of Conveyance’.

A space should be left for insertion of the date when the document is completed.

The full names and addresses of the parties should be inserted. (In the case of a company, the
address of its registered office should be inserted.)



PARTIES: (1) Weyford Products Limited whose registered office is at 32 Bridge House,
Wharf Road, Milton, Berefordshire.
(2) Joan Alice Bennet of 8 High Street, Milton, Berefordshire.

A long and complicated document can benefit from an index or table of clauses (preferably at
the front). Recitals
Recitals clauses are not essential and you should consider carefully whether or not to include
them. You can use them to set out the background facts to the document and so make it more
Writing and Drafting 5

self-explanatory. For example, in a conveyance of land by a personal representative, the date of

the deceased’s death and the date on which a grant of representation was obtained could be

Recitals are also sometimes used to introduce and summarise the contents of the operative
part of the document but, except in complicated documents, this is generally not necessary
and increases the risk of introducing ambiguities. Operative part

The operative part of a document is the part which creates the legal rights and obligations.

The contents of the operative part of a document depend on the nature of the document. For
example, a commercial agreement will generally contain:
(a) conditions precedent (setting out conditions which have to be satisfied before the
agreement comes into force);
(b) agreements (setting out the rights and obligations of the parties);
(c) representations and warranties (ie, statements about factual and legal matters which one
of the parties requires to be made to him or her in a legally binding way);
(d) ‘boiler-plate’ clauses (ie, standard clauses inserted into all agreements of such a type and
dealing with, for example, the service of notices under the agreement, or the jurisdiction
for action where the agreement has an international element). Testimonium
A testimonium clause is not essential but, if used, it introduces the signatures of the parties
and may describe a particular method of executing where, for example, a company is using its
seal as part of its execution, or an attorney is signing on behalf of a party. Schedules
Use schedules where appropriate to avoid breaking the continuity of a document with too
much detail. The operative part of the document then refers to the schedule, and the schedule
contains the detail.


The Tenant covenants with the Landlord to observe and perform the covenants set out in
Schedule 1.


1. To pay the rent … etc.

Note that the obligation or right is created in the operative part of the document. Only the
detail of the obligation or right is put in the schedule. Execution and attestation

A document will end with an execution clause. This will refer to the signatures of the parties
and any other formalities necessary to give the document legal effect. The wording of this
clause will vary depending on the nature of the party executing, whether the document is
executed as a deed, and whether the party’s signature is witnessed (‘attested’).

For a document executed by an individual and not intended to take effect as a deed, the clause
could read:
6 Skills for Lawyers

Signed by ALAN JONES) (Alan Jones signs here)

in the presence of: )
(Witness signs here)
If the document is intended to take effect as a deed the clause could read:
Executed as a deed ) (Alan Jones signs here)
in the presence of: )
(Witness signs here)

1.3.2 Order of clauses in the operative part

It is difficult to lay down rules as to the order of clauses. It will vary according to the nature of
the document, but it is often a matter of common sense and logic. Common structures for operative clauses

Deciding on the best structure to adopt when drafting the operative clauses of a document is
the most important stage in planning your document. Chronological order

One possibility is to list topics in chronological order. This is often particularly suitable for a
document that deals with one simple transaction.
Imagine a contract for the hire of a car. The order of topics could be:
• parties;
• definitions;
• agreement by Owner to hire out car to Hirer on the terms set out in the agreement;
• payment;
• insurance;
• promises by Owner as to the state of the car at the start of the hire;
• duration of hire;
• what the car can be used for;
• who may drive;
• Hirer’s promises as to the return of the car;
• remedies for breach of the agreement.
For a contract such as this, a chronological structure will produce a simpler and less
repetitious document than if you try to divide topics into Owner’s Obligations and Hirer’s
Obligations. Categorical order

A categorical structure sets out the duties and responsibilities in categories. An example of this
is a lease.
The structure of a typical lease is:
• parties;
• definitions;
• the grant of the term by Landlord to Tenant;
• Tenant’s covenants;
• Landlord’s covenants;
• provisos, eg, the Landlord’s power to forfeit the lease.
Writing and Drafting 7

Here, the division into landlord’s obligations and tenant’s obligations is essential. The
obligations have to be performed throughout the entire term of the lease. There is no
chronological order to them. Order of importance

This could be the order used in a simple contract, where the obligations are not to be carried
out in any chronological order. An example could be an agreement between employer and
employee on severance of employment. Combinations
A document may use a combination of the above structures. A contract with a firm of
furniture removers could list the firm’s obligations in chronological order, for example:
• to pack the contents of the house;
• to transport to storage;
• to store;
• to transport to new house;
• to unpack;

and then list the owner’s obligations.

In a lease, all the tenant’s covenants will be put together, but will appear in order of

1.3.3 Structuring a clause Structuring clauses and sub-clauses within the operative part
(a) Use a separate clause for each separate matter.
(b) Use sub-paragraphing to avoid long, cumbersome clauses and provisos.
(c) Number each clause and sub-clause.
(d) Give each clause or group of clauses a heading that correctly defines the subject matter
of the clauses, eg:
Tenant’s Covenants

Look at the following two examples and decide which you think is easier to understand.

Example 1
The Licensee shall purchase exclusively from the Grantor all materials used in making the
Invention provided that the licensee shall be entitled to relieve itself of its liability to observe
this obligation upon giving the Grantor three months’ notice in writing.

Example 2
1. Subject to Clause 2, the Licensee must purchase exclusively from the Grantor all
materials used in making the Invention.
2. The Licensee may end the obligation contained in Clause 1 by giving the Grantor three
months’ notice in writing.

Both examples contain the same provisions, but the second is easier to understand because it
uses separate numbered clauses for each point. Structuring a clause according to Coode

Read the following clause and think about the structure. Do you think the structure adopted
helps to make the meaning clear?
8 Skills for Lawyers

Clause X

The Company shall reimburse the Replacement Value of lost or damaged goods provided that
the value of the claim does not exceed £1,000 and the Policyholder notifies the loss within 7
days from (but excluding) the date of its occurrence PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT the above
shall not apply to claims made under Clause 10 of this Policy.

This clause starts with a statement of a legal obligation which at first sight appears absolute.
The conditions and exceptions attaching to the obligation are not stated until afterwards, so
that it is necessary to reconsider the obligation in the light of them. This kind of clause
construction is very common in legal drafting, but it is not the most logical way to structure a
clause and it makes it more difficult to understand.

In 1843, George Coode wrote a treatise on ‘Legislative Expression’; or, ‘The Language of The
Written Law’. His general principle is that a clause should be structured in the following order:
• circumstances/exceptions (ie, circumstances where the right or obligation does or does
not exist);
• conditions (ie, conditions on which the right or obligation depends);
• obligation or right (ie, who must do what or who may do what).

Words suitable for introducing an exception are ‘except where …’.

Words suitable for introducing circumstances are ‘where …’ ‘if … then’ or ‘when …’ or ‘on …’.

Words suitable for introducing conditions are ‘if …’ or ‘provided that …’.

These are two examples of Coode in legislation:

Section 2(1) of the Land Registration and Land Charges Act 1971
If any question arises as to whether a person is entitled to an indemnity under any provision of the
Land Registration Act 1925 [circumstance] […] he [person] may apply to the court to have that
question determined [the right].
Section 23(1) of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973
On granting a decree of divorce … [circumstance] the court [person] may make any one or more
of the following orders … [right].

This is an example of Coode in a document:

15 Compensation on termination of contract
Except where otherwise provided [exception], if before 1 December 2001 this contract is
terminated by the Buyer [circumstance], then provided the Seller is not in breach of any
of his obligations under this contract [condition] the Buyer must pay the Seller the sum of
£5000 [obligation].

The rule produces a logical and, to lawyers, a familiar structure, but it does not have to be
followed invariably.

Imagine that an owner of land has employed consultants to design and build an amusement
park. The consultants want to control the use of their name in any advertising material issued
by the landowner. Their name is to be used only if certain conditions are met.

If the clause were drafted using Coode’s rule, it would read:

Only where
(a) the Landowner has given the Consultants advance details of any advertising
material it plans to use; and
(b) the Consultants have given their express written approval; and
(c) the Consultants have not ended this Agreement under subclause 11(1)
may the Landowner use the Consultants’ name in advertising material.
Writing and Drafting 9

The clause could make the point in a more natural and in a stronger manner if Coode were
ignored and the clause were drafted to read:
The Landowner may only use the Consultants’ name in advertising material where:
(a) the Landowner has given the Consultants advance details of any advertising
materials it plans to use; and
(b) the Consultants have given their express written approval; and
(c) the Consultants have not ended this Agreement under subclause 11(1).

Coode’s structure can be a useful tool in preparing documents. The clause set out at the start
of has been redrafted using Coode’s structure and other techniques to improve its

Clause X Claims for lost or damaged goods

(a) a claim does not exceed £1,000; and
(b) the Policyholder notifies the loss within 7 days from (but excluding) the date of its
occurrence; and
(c) the claim is not one made under Clause 10 of this Policy
the Company shall reimburse the Replacement Value.

1.3.4 Use of precedents

Using a precedent can help in the planning of your document by giving an example of:
(a) suitable structure;
(b) provisions that you have not thought of and that will benefit your client;
(c) suitable wording; and/or
(d) legal problems you had not considered.

However, precedents should be used with caution. Guidelines for using precedents

(a) Look for a precedent only after you have researched and planned your document.
(b) Always check that the precedent is up to date and legally correct.
(c) Adapt the precedent to your transaction, not your transaction to the precedent.
(d) Do not copy words from a precedent unless you are sure of their legal effect.
(e) Do not change words in a precedent unless you are sure that the change will not have an
unexpected legal effect. This is particularly true of precedents for wills.
(f) Never assume a precedent cannot be improved.
(g) Do not copy clauses that are irrelevant or, worse, are to the disadvantage of your client;
(h) Do not adopt inappropriate or archaic wording.

1.4 Drafting
Having carefully planned the content and structure of your document, you can confidently
begin to draft. Your document should be as easy as possible to read and understand. It is
essential that everything you draft is precise and unambiguous. You should try to be as concise
as you can. Concise documents are easier and quicker to read. Set out below are a number of
rules and guidelines which can help you to keep your documents precise and concise.
10 Skills for Lawyers

1.4.1 Use definitions

A definition can do two things.

First, it can create a ‘tag’ or ‘nickname’. This avoids repetition of lengthy names or phrases. This
use is often seen in the description of parties to a document.

This agreement is made between
(1) Everett Kingdom Finance plc [‘Everett’]
(2) Samuel Luke Stowe [‘SLS’]

In the rest of the document it is only necessary to refer to Everett and SLS.

In this agreement
1. ‘the Period of Hire’ means from 9am on 1 November 2009 until noon on 23 November
A subsequent clause might then say something such as ‘if the Hirer does not return the Car at
or before the end of the Period of Hire …’.

Secondly, a definition can also create a private dictionary for the document by giving a word
something other than its ordinary meaning, or by giving a word an unusually extended or
restricted meaning.

In this agreement

‘Boat’ includes a sailboard. Where to put the definitions

Definitions that are to apply throughout the document should be put in alphabetical order in a
definitions clause at the start of the operative part of the document.

In this Agreement
(1) ‘Arbitration’ means …
(2) ‘Balance Sheet’ means … etc.

If a definition will be used only in one part of a document or in one clause, you can put the
definition at the start of the relevant part or clause.

4.1 In this clause, ‘Promotional Material’ means …
4.2 The Landowner must ensure that all Promotional Material is …

In a simple document, a ‘tag’ may be given to a name or phrase the first time that it is used, and
the tag may then be used throughout the rest of the document. For example, in a contract for
the sale of land, a clause may say:
The Seller, for the benefit of his adjoining property, 10 Smith Avenue, Morton, N. Yorks
(‘the Retained Land’) reserves a right of way on foot …

Later clauses can then refer to the Retained Land.

Writing and Drafting 11

This method should be used only for simple short documents. In a long document, it will be a
waste of time to have to search through the clauses to find the one in which the tag was first
bestowed. Guidelines for using definitions

(a) It is usual to give the definition a capital letter and to use it with the capital letter
throughout the document. This alerts anybody reading it to the fact that a particular
word or expression has been given a particular meaning by the document.
(b) A definition should only define. It should not be used to create a substantive right or
obligation. The right or obligation should be created in the clause that uses the
(c) If you have a definition, do not forget to use it when you are drafting the rest of the
(d) When you use a defined term in a clause, check that it makes sense within the clause.
(e) In a definition, do not define by reference to other, undefined terms.

1.4.2 Padding/superfluous words

Cut out unnecessary phrases which lengthen the sentence while adding nothing to its
meaning. For example:
• ‘in the circumstances’;
• ‘in this instance’;
• ‘the fact that’;
• ‘of course’.

1.4.3 Tautology
Tautology or saying the same thing twice using different words should be avoided. For
• ‘unfilled vacancy’;
• ‘true facts’;
• ‘now current’.

Similarly, avoid excessive use of adjectives which do not make the meaning more precise. For
• ‘grave and fatal error’;
• careful and detailed consideration’.

1.4.4 Compound prepositions

Use single prepositions instead of compound prepositions. For example:
• ‘in accordance with’ under/by
• ‘by reason of ’ by/through
• ‘with reference to’ about
• ‘in order to’ to

1.4.5 Nouns derived from verbs

Use the verb itself rather than a noun derived from it. This helps create a more immediate
• ‘make an admission’ (admit);
• ‘give consideration to’ (consider);
12 Skills for Lawyers

• ‘effect a termination’ (terminate or end).

1.4.6 Archaic language

Twenty-first century documents should be drafted using contemporary language. Delete or
replace archaic words and phrases such as:
• ‘crave leave’;
• ‘the said’;
• ‘hereinbefore’;
• ‘aforementioned’;
• ‘whereof ’.

1.4.7 Keep sentences and paragraphs short

In long sentences, the verb, subject and object may be separated by too many subclauses. This
places a strain on the reader’s memory and understanding. Always try to keep the sentence
core together.

The evidence, including evidence from independent surveys as well as that gathered
personally by the writers of this report and the results of investigations formally
commissioned by this department, suggests that the public, while acknowledging an overall
increase in the actual level of government spending on health, by which is meant on health
care both at the doctor–patient level and in hospitals, still views the problems and defects in
the National Health Service and in particular in National Health hospitals as the result of a
general lack of funding.

The subclauses break up the main thought of the paragraph so that it is difficult to follow. The
paragraph would be better rewritten in separate sentences with the main thought first, even
though this may increase its length. Brackets can be used for subsidiary points where
appropriate. For example:

The evidence suggests that the public still views the problems and defects in the National
Health Service and in particular in National Health hospitals as the result of a general lack of
funding. This is so even though it acknowledges an overall increase in the actual level of
government spending on health care both at the doctor–patient level and in hospitals.
(Evidence on this issue includes evidence from independent surveys, that gathered personally
by the writers of this report and the results of investigations formally commissioned by this

1.4.8 Use the active and not the passive tense where possible
In a sentence where the verb is in the active voice, the subject of the sentence acts upon the
object of the sentence. Where the verb is in the passive voice, the object of the sentence is acted
upon by the subject. Compare:
The defendant struck the claimant (active voice).
The claimant was struck by the defendant (passive voice). Problems with the passive

Over-use of the passive voice lengthens a sentence and can make it sound weak. In the worst
cases, it obscures meaning. For example:
It is hoped that resources will be relocated so that changes may be made in the methods
by which the system is administered.
Writing and Drafting 13

Where the verb is in the passive, you may accidentally omit the phrase which indicates who or
what is doing the acting. For example:
The claimant was struck.

In a legal context, the effect of this omission may be important. For example:
Notice will be served. By whom?

Exercise 1
Try rewriting the following using the active tense.
(i) A final warning letter is to be written by the line manager.
(ii) The matter will be considered by the committee at the next meeting.
(iii) Notice was given by the solicitor. Some uses for the passive

The passive can sound more objective and detached, and therefore more appropriate in certain
legal contexts. For example:
The allegations are denied

sounds better than:

Our client denies the allegations (which introduces a personal note).

It is correct to use the passive where the subject of the legal action is irrelevant. For example:
The common seal of X Co was affixed … It does not matter who affixed it.

The passive can also be used in a legal context to cover the possibility of action by a number of
different persons, some of whom are unknown. For example:
If the goods are damaged we will refund the cost. This could cover damage by the
supplier, the carrier, or any third party.

1.4.9 Precision
It is particularly important to ensure that what you write is not ambiguous and expresses
exactly your client’s objectives. An ambiguous document may at best cause your client to have
to make further enquiries; at worst it can result in an expensive dispute and litigation. Ambiguity

Take care with word order

Words or phrases in the wrong place may create ambiguity. Consider the sentence:
We undertake to repair or replace goods shown to be defective within six months of the
date of purchase.

It is not clear whether the phrase in italics governs the repair/replacement or the notification
of defect. It could be rewritten as:
Where, within six months of the date of purchase, goods are shown to be defective, we
will repair or replace them (assuming this was the intended meaning).

Do you mean ‘and’ or ‘or’?

The Seller may serve notice of termination, recover goods already delivered and retain
all instalments already paid.

The use of ‘and’ in this sentence suggests that the list is conjunctive, ie, that the seller may do
all of the things in it. But can he or she choose to do only some of them?
14 Skills for Lawyers

The Seller may serve notice of termination, recover goods already delivered or retain all
instalments already paid.

The use of ‘or’ here suggests that the list is disjunctive, ie, that the seller may do only one of the
things in the list. But it could also mean that he or she may both serve notice and either
recover goods or retain instalments.
To avoid such ambiguity, consider (depending on the meaning required) using phrases such
The Seller may do all or any of the following:
The Seller may exercise one only of the following rights:

The ‘undistributed middle’

Take care with provisions ‘before/after’ a particular date or ‘over/under’ a particular weight or
measure. Consider the following examples:
Where the company delivers the goods before 1 January … /Where the company delivers
the goods after 1 January …

What happens if it delivers them on 1 January?

Goods over 40lb must be sent by rail … /Goods under 40lb may be sent by air
What about goods weighing exactly 40lb?

Expressions of time
Take care to avoid ambiguity. Consider:
The Buyer must pay a deposit within 7 days of today’s date.

Does the 7 days include or exclude today?

For legal and practical reasons, avoid expressing periods of time in the following ways:
• from [a date];
• by [a date];
• within [so many days of] or from [a date];
• until [a date].
It is safer to be clear by using one of the following:
• from but excluding/not including;
• from and including;
• on or after;
• on or before;
• within a period of 7 days commencing with;
• until but excluding/not including;
• until and including.

Are you creating an obligation or a discretion?

An obligation is created by the phrase:

The Customer shall pay a deposit on signing this Agreement.

A discretion is created by the phrase:

The Company may retain the deposit if the Customer does not collect the goods on or
before 30 June.
Writing and Drafting 15

Take care when using ‘shall’. It is grammatically correct to use it in the third person to indicate
an obligation (‘the Tenant shall pay the Rent’), but it can also be used in the first person to
indicate simple future (‘I shall go to London’). Alternatively, you could use ‘must’ to create an

Avoid words of similar sound or appearance

Words of similar sound or appearance are easily confused and may also confuse a lay client.
For example:

Avoid Use instead

‘mortgagee/mortgagor’ ‘lender/borrower’

‘lessor/lessee’ ‘landlord/tenant’

Ambiguous pronouns

Where the Supplier fails to deliver the Goods to the Customer in accordance with Clause
9 or the Goods delivered do not correspond with the sample he may terminate this

Who may terminate the agreement?

Where it is not clear to which noun a pronoun refers, the noun should be repeated.

The ejusdem generis rule

In consequence of war, disturbance or any other cause.

Unless a contrary intention appears, ‘any other cause’ will be construed as meaning only causes
in the same category as those previously listed.

To avoid ambiguity, add (as appropriate):

whether of the same kind as [the causes] previously listed or not
or any other [cause] provided it is of the same kind as the [causes] previously listed. Shall/will
In the first person, ‘shall’ simply looks to the future. In the second and third person, ‘will’ looks
to the future.
I shall interview the client tomorrow. I hope that you will sit in. Afterwards we shall
discuss the problem and consider the next steps.

In the first person, ‘will’ expresses determination. In the second or third person, ‘shall’
expresses determination or obligation.
I will make you do this.
The Buyer shall pay £500 on 1 December.

This means that you create problems if your document says ‘the Buyer will pay ...’. Is this what
he or she intends to do, or is it what he or she is obligated to do?

Many documents use expressions such as, ‘If the Company shall breach this term ...’. The clause
is looking to the future but is using ‘shall’ incorrectly. It could be redrafted to say, ‘In the event
of the company breaking ...’. Better still, ‘If the Company breaks ...’.
16 Skills for Lawyers

1.4.10 Layout and presentation

Use the layout and presentation of your document to enhance its readability and usefulness.
Use headings and bullet points to break up text. Use diagrams, tables, colours and different
fonts where they are necessary or helpful. Where a document is likely to be annotated, leave
wide margins and use double spacing. For many court documents there are very detailed
requirements as to how you should present your document. Check that you have followed any
relevant rules/guidelines. For example, under the Civil Procedure Rules (PD 32) it is
recommended that witness statements should be ‘produced on durable quality A4 paper with a
3.5cm margin’. Paragraphs
Using paragraphs makes prose more readable and helps to avoid cumbersome clauses and
subclauses. Always number your paragraphs if possible as this aids navigation and will help
anyone using the document. Tabulation
Tabulation aids clarity and can help to avoid ambiguity. Consider the sentence:
Any trainee solicitor is entitled to paid leave to attend a conference, lecture, or seminar
provided by The Law Society.

How much of the sentence is the phrase in italics intended to qualify? Does it apply only to
‘seminar’, or to ‘conference’ and ‘lecture’ as well?

Any trainee solicitor is entitled to paid leave to attend:
(a) a conference; or
(b) a lecture; or
(c) a seminar,
provided by The Law Society.

Care should be taken, however, not to indent the final phrase ‘provided by The Law Society’ to
the same margin as ‘a seminar’ or the ambiguity would remain.

A useful basic rule is that any sentence longer than three lines is a good candidate for
tabulation if it includes a compound or series. Numbering
Where a series of points is being made, numbering may improve clarity and aid later cross-

Examples of numbering systems:

4.5.1 The system adopted in this book and known as the decimal system.

4(5)(a)(i) A system based on the legislative approach and known as the alphanumeric

4.5(a)(i) A combination system using elements of both decimal and alphanumeric


1.4.11 Jargon
Jargon is a broad term and can include specialised language of a professional, occupational or
other group which is often meaningless to outsiders. It can also include slang. While jargon
can be a useful professional shorthand, it should never be used where it might obscure
Writing and Drafting 17

• Bilateral probital hematoma medical jargon for a black eye
• Ab initio legal jargon/Latin for ‘at the beginning’
• Constant phoenix military jargon for a transport aircraft equipped with devices to
detect radioactive matter
• HTH, web cookie computer/Internet jargon for ‘Hope this Helps’, and the name for a
small text file that is sent to your computer via your web browser when you visit certain
Similarly, avoid using acronyms which might be unfamiliar or have several different meanings.

If appropriate, consider providing a plain English translation of any legal or technical terms. It
is worth noting that in June 2006 the Coroner Reform Bill became the first Bill to feature a
plain English translation alongside every legal clause.

1.5 Checking
Always check your work.
(a) If possible leave the document for a while and then come back to it with a fresh eye.
(b) Ideally get someone else to check it.
(c) Reading the document aloud can be a good way of identifying mistakes/poorly drafted
(d) Print out your work and read from hard copy rather than trying to check it on screen.
(e) Do not read from the beginning of the document. Try starting from the middle or
towards the end. The later parts of documents tend to be less familiar and less well
(f) Always confirm names, figures, dates, addresses and page numbers.
(g) Do not rely on automated spelling or grammar checks.
(h) Check all cross-references in the document to other clauses or to schedules.
(i) Above all check that your document reflects your client’s objectives.

1.6 Practical and ethical considerations

1.6.1 Good practice when submitting a draft
Out of courtesy, you should always supply to the other side an additional copy of any draft sent
for approval.

1.6.2 Good practice when amending the other side’s draft

Make sure that all amendments are clearly identifiable. Do not erase another firm’s word
processor identification markings.

1.6.3 Ethical considerations when negotiating a draft

Two rules of professional conduct are particularly relevant:
(a) A solicitor must not act, whether in his or her professional capacity or otherwise,
towards anyone in a way which is fraudulent, deceitful or otherwise contrary to his or
her position as a solicitor, nor must he or she use his or her position as a solicitor to take
unfair advantage either for him- or herself or another person.
(b) A solicitor must act towards other solicitors with complete frankness and good faith
consistent with the overriding duty to his or her client.

Breach of these rules renders the solicitor liable to disciplinary action.

18 Skills for Lawyers

Do not attempt to mislead the other side by concealing amendments you have made to their
draft, for example by writing a covering letter which draws attention to some amendments and
not to others. Any deliberate attempt to mislead could be criminally fraudulent as well as
amounting to professional misconduct.

Do not attempt to take advantage of a mistake made by the other side. Point it out to them.
They may otherwise be able to claim rectification of the document to incorporate an omitted
provision or to allege that the agreement is a nullity, so enabling them to resist specific

1.6.4 Female addressees

Where possible, try to find out a woman’s preferred form of address in advance, for example
‘Miss’, ‘Mrs’, or ‘Ms’. As an alternative some writers use ‘Dear Sarah Wills’.

1.6.5 Gender neutral language

Use gender neutral language where possible. There are several techniques that can be used to
make your writing gender neutral. Words which imply gender, eg workman, chairman,
policeman, can simply be replaced with gender-neutral words such as worker, chair or
chairperson, police officer. Gender specific pronouns (he or his) can be replaced by the nouns
they represent or by the use of ‘he or she’ or ‘his or her’ or the plural, or by replacing with the, a
or an.

Exercise 2
Rewrite the following using gender neutral language.
(i) A businessman should exercise caution when extending his financial liabilities.
(ii) The draftsman must use his skills to write concisely.
(iii) A good statesman is able to make his points clear and assert his authority.

1.7 Writing letters

1.7.1 Who is the addressee?
Consider the needs of the reader and try to adapt your style accordingly. The lay client

Avoid jargon and legalese when writing to a lay client. Explain all unfamiliar terms, but try not
to make the tone patronising. How familiar is the client with the subject? The business client and other professionals

The business client will generally be familiar with solicitors’ letters. Avoid padding and get to
the point quickly. Where necessary, explain legal terminology or process. Other solicitors

What kind of matter are you dealing with? Are you writing from a position of strength or
weakness? Do you want to adopt a conciliatory or non-conciliatory stance? Consider which is
more likely to persuade the addressee. Remember that the other solicitor may send a copy of
your letter to his or her client.

1.7.2 ‘Ghosting’
You may be asked to write letters to be signed in a partner’s own name. Read the file and
consider the partner’s style. Check how well the partner knows the addressee; for example, if
you are writing to a client, is the partner on first-name terms with him or her?
Writing and Drafting 19

1.7.3 Starting and ending the letter

Letters beginning ‘Dear Sirs/Sir/Madam’ all end ‘Yours faithfully’.

A letter addressed to a person by surname, for example ‘Dear Mr Smith’, ends with ‘Yours

A letter beginning ‘Dear John’ may end with ‘Yours sincerely’ or ‘Yours’.

1.7.4 Content Consider overall structure
An initial heading identifying the matter is conventional. For example:
Sale of 25 Acacia Avenue, Bristol

A complex letter will be easier to understand (and reply to) if you give each paragraph a
number and a heading. Form and style

If you are writing in the firm’s name (eg, a formal letter to the other side), write in the first
person plural (‘we’) and be consistent.

Acknowledge the addressee’s last communication.

If it is your first letter to the addressee, explain your involvement.

State the purpose of the letter.

Carry out that purpose using:

• logical sequence;
• separate paragraphs;
• short sentences;
• active voice.

Write in a restrained tone. Avoid overemphasis (eg, unnecessary adverbs – ‘totally unhappy’,
‘completely inaccurate’). Use exclamation marks sparingly. Do not express surprise,
amazement, outrage, etc.

Avoid jokes and witticisms.

1.7.5 Some practical points Second thoughts and improvements
• Try to be detached about your document.
• How would it sound if read out in open court in the future?
• Try not to write a letter in a temper or in an emotional state. If you do, do not post it
until you have had a chance to re-read it or a colleague has reviewed it.
• Consider giving a deadline for a reply (eg, if the matter is urgent or if the letter might be
• If you have asked a client to do something, make sure your instructions are clear.
Consider ending with a list or table summarising the action points.
• Check the grammar and spelling. Final checks

Check that the letter:
• carries the correct references (ie, yours and those of the other side);
20 Skills for Lawyers

• is dated;
• is signed;
• is accompanied by the right enclosures;
• is put into the right envelope, and is properly addressed.

1.8 Writing reports and memoranda

1.8.1 Reports Purpose
Reports usually cover a specific subject and serve a particular purpose. In the office, you may
have to write a report on some legal research or fact-finding you have been asked to undertake. Is your research complete?

Consider whether you have all the necessary information and identify any gaps. Edit your material

Consider how much information should go into the report. Brevity increases the likelihood of
the report being read, but too little information and your conclusions may not be adequately
supported and the document may be less persuasive. Planning your report

Plan the text of your report carefully to produce a logical argument.

Consider what will be the most useful structure for the reader. For example, if you were asked
to answer specific questions, could you use these to head paragraphs of your report?

Consider including:
• a contents page or an index;
• an introduction explaining why the report was commissioned;
• a brief summary of the report before the main text for quick reference;
• diagrams (if relevant);
• case or statute references (if relevant);
• a bibliography;
• appendices;
• acknowledgements of sources of information. Style
For whom are you writing? Adapt your style appropriately.

Think about whether you should paraphrase or explain your source material, or whether you
can reproduce it word for word. Layout and presentation

Make sure the report is well set out, with clear headings and numbered paragraphs and
subparagraphs if appropriate.
Is it to be used as a discussion document? If so, consider having it printed double-spaced with
wide margins to leave room for annotation. Final checks

Print the report and read it through carefully, amending and rewriting where necessary.
Writing and Drafting 21

Check that you have:

• done what you were asked to do;
• identified any relevant options;
• reached a conclusion.

1.8.2 Memoranda Types of memoranda
Solicitors generally have to write two types of memoranda:
• attendance notes (as a record of their meetings or telephone calls with clients, other
solicitors, etc);
• internal memoranda (as a quick way of communicating with others in the firm). Attendance notes

Attendance notes are put on a file as a record of an oral discussion, transaction or agreement
and must be clear and accurate in case of any later dispute.
They are essential for anyone who takes over a file and was not present for the meeting,
telephone call, etc.
They may also be needed when a client’s bill is prepared as part of the record of chargeable
time spent on the matter.
Write your attendance note as soon as possible after the event when everything is fresh in your
mind and you are less likely to have forgotten something.

Always try to take contemporaneous notes – in a simple case, you can put them straight on the
file. For more complicated matters, you can use your notes to compile your attendance note,
but do not destroy them: they are important additional evidence in any dispute.

An attendance note should normally contain the following:

• the client’s name;
• the subject matter;
• your reference;
• the date;
• the place (of any meeting);
• the people present (at a meeting);
• the starting and finishing times (of the meeting or phone call);
• a summary of what was discussed or agreed;
• any follow-up action to be taken by you or others.

If your attendance note records an important decision or agreement, always confirm it by

letter to avoid misunderstandings. Internal memoranda

Keep internal memoranda brief and business-like, but take care with the tone. If a memo
sounds curt, you may cause offence to the recipient.

The format required is generally as follows:

22 Skills for Lawyers

Fee earner’s reference:
Client’s name:
Client’s matter:

Most firms use printed forms on which these headings already appear.

1.9 Spelling and grammar

Poor spelling and grammar will undermine the authority of anything that you write. Poor
grammar is at best distracting and likely to leave a poor impression. At worst it can alter the
meaning of a document and render it ineffective. The following exercises allow you to test
your grammar. If you find that you have scored poorly then refresh your understanding using
any of the books contained in the further reading section or using one of the many Internet
resources on grammar which are freely available (eg,
Writing and Drafting 23

Exercise 3

Which one of the following is correctly spelt?

(i) acomodation accommodation accomodation

(ii) unneccessary unneccesary unnecessary
(iii) privilege priviledge privelige
(iv) embarrass embarras embarass
(v) professor proffessor profesor


Add apostrophes where necessary in the following sentences:

(i) Whos likely to be delayed by a few minutes of rain?
(ii) Weve always valued both the local Gardening Institutes lectures.
(iii) Im sure he said its a ten oclock train we need to catch.
(iv) The childrens enjoyment of the fair was greater than ours.
(v) The girls football shirts hung on pegs in the cloakrooms main aisle.
Other punctuation

Add a comma or full stop beneath the *:

Add full stops and capital letters to:
(iii) The trainee was quite clear that he needed to work harder if he wanted to get taken on it
was quite possible for the firm to hire all the trainees that year his friend had already
been given an indication that he would be offered a job and he had been working really
long hours.
Add commas to:
(iv) Edward O’Grady however always wanted to surf the internet rather than do his work.
(v) The solicitor walked up to his office opened the door took off his coat and slumped into
his chair.
(vi) For business meetings the firm offered tea coffee water fruit juices biscuits and
Add semi-colons to:
(vii) I read the Legal Times before work every day it keeps me on top of changes in the law.
(viii) The employer wrote to the employee to complain about his time keeping workers ought
to know that starting work on time is essential.
24 Skills for Lawyers

Exercise 4
(a) Identify the errors in the following paragraph.
(b) Then try rewriting the paragraph using the rules and recommendations set out in this
I am writing with reference to your enquiry concerning the use of the entrance area and
hallway at the gallery for the purpose of displaying informational materials and presenting
visual displays on the subject of recycling. In the circumstances the central question will be
whether the internal content origins and visual qualities of the material hereinbefore
mentioned are to be felt to be appropriate after due consideration has be given by the Gallery
Board, such permissions are at the sole dicretion of the board. The Boards decision
concerning any such request will be made after it has met in session on the first Thursday of
each calendar month and notification will be sent within 14 days of the said meeting.
Answers to Exercises 25

Appendix to Part I
Answers to Exercises

Exercise 1
(i) The line manager will write a final warning letter.
(ii) The committee will consider the matter at the next meeting.
(iii) The solicitor gave notice.

Exercise 2
(i) A business person should exercise caution when extending his/her financial liabilities.
Business people should exercise caution when extending their financial liabilities.
(ii) The drafter must use his/her skills to write concisely.
Draftspersons must use their skills to write concisely.
(iii) A good statesperson is able to make his or her points clear and assert authority.

Exercise 3

(i) accommodation
(ii) unnecessary
(iii) privilege
(iv) embarrass
(v) professor

(i) Who’s likely to be delayed by a few minutes of rain?
(ii) We’ve always valued both the local Gardening Institutes’ lectures.
(iii) I’m sure he said it’s a ten o’clock train we need to catch.
(iv) The children’s enjoyment of the fair was greater than ours.
(v) The girls’ football shirts hung on pegs in the cloakroom’s main aisle.

Other punctutation

Add a comma or full stop beneath the *:

26 Skills for Lawyers

Add full stops and capital letters to:

(iii) The trainee was quite clear that he needed to work harder if he wanted to get taken on. It
was quite possible for the firm to hire all the trainees that year. His friend had already
been given an indication that he would be offered a job and he had been working really
long hours.

Add commas to:

(iv) Edward O’Grady, however, always wanted to surf the internet rather than do his work.
(v) The solicitor walked up to his office, opened the door, took off his coat and slumped
into his chair.
(vi) For business meetings, the firm offered tea, coffee, water, fruit juices, biscuits and

Add semi-colons to:

(vii) I read the Legal Times before work every day; it keeps me on top of changes in the law.
(viii) The employer wrote to the employee to complain about his time keeping; workers ought
to know that starting work on time is essential.

Exercise 4

I am writing with reference to your enquiry concerning the use of the entrance area and
hallway at the gallery for the purpose of displaying informational materials and presenting
visual displays on the subject of recycling. In the circumstances the central question will be
whether the internal content origins and visual qualities of the material hereinbefore
mentioned are to be felt to be appropriate after due consideration has be given by the Gallery
Board, such permissions are at the sole dicretion of the board. The Boards decision concerning
any such request will be made after it has met in session on the first Thursday of each calendar
month and notification will be sent within 14 days of the said meeting.
• The structure of the paragraph is confusing and illogical, eg we are told the criteria for
decisions before we are told who has authority to make them.
• The provision relating to time is ambiguous.
• Sentences are too long, use archaic terminology and unnecessarily complicated words
and phrases, eg ‘informational materials’, ‘hereinbefore mentioned’.
• There are numerous padding words and phrases and compound prepositions, eg ‘with
reference to’.
• There are spelling and grammatical errors.
• The paragraph uses archaic terminology.
• The paragraph uses the passive tense.

The overall effect of these errors is to make the paragraph difficult to understand and
pompous in tone.

Set out below is an example of how the paragraph could be rewritten.

‘I am writing about your request to use the entrance area and hallway at the Gallery for a
display about recycling. Permission to mount a display is given by the Gallery Board (“the
Board”) which meets on the first Thursday of each month. The Board will decide whether the
quality and content of the material is appropriate. The Board will let you know its decision
within 2 weeks of and including the date of the meeting.’

The original paragraph was 120 words. The paragraph above which contains the same
information is only 76 words. It is also easier to read and understand.

Part II
28 Skills for Lawyers
Introduction to Practical Legal Research 29

Chapter 2
Introduction to Practical Legal Research

2.1 Why should I read this section? 29

2.2 The role of legal research in the office 29
2.3 Problem-solving 29
2.4 Principles of practical legal research 32

2.1 Why should I read this section?

In a nutshell, because trainees spend a large proportion of their time engaged in legal research.
Strong research skills are therefore much prized by firms.

You may be convinced that you can already carry out research effectively as a result of previous
study. In an academic context, that may well be true. Undoubtedly at some time you will have
located and summarised a primary source of law. You may also have compiled long and
detailed essays on legislative history, or analysed opposing learned opinions on a contentious
legal topic. These sorts of experiences are useful. But on their own they do not equip you to
research the law effectively as a solicitor. The following chapters will build on your existing
skills, by shifting the focus from scholarly to practical application.

2.2 The role of legal research in the office

Law firms exist to make money. They generate fees by selling the time that lawyers spend on
solving clients’ problems. Practical legal research is a particularly important step in this larger

In a law firm, legal research entails the ability to produce work that is:
• accurate;
• timely;
• up-to-date;
• carried out efficiently;
• commercially aware;
• presented in an appropriate and succinct form.

The onus on timeliness and efficiency in the commercial world requires a shift in mindset
from the culture of academia, where students usually enjoy the luxury of several weeks to
complete a piece of research. For practising lawyers, time really is money.

In addition, many students expect that other support staff will be on hand to carry out the
spadework of research when their careers get underway. The reality is very different. Bluntly, a
principal task of trainees is to carry out legal research on behalf of other fee earners! As a
consequence, your ability to impress the people for whom you conduct research will be a key
factor in whether you succeed or fail in your career as a solicitor. Therefore the time and effort
you invest in learning how to research effectively on the LPC will pay dividends from the
earliest stage of your training contract.

2.3 Problem-solving
The main purpose of a lawyer’s skills and knowledge is to bridge the gap between a client’s
actual circumstances and how they want them to be: in other words, to solve clients’ problems.
30 Skills for Lawyers

At any one time, a solicitor is likely to deal with a variety of case files presented by clients who
are diverse in background and personality. Unsurprisingly, the problems that clients present to
solicitors tend to be complex and difficult. They may have multiple strands. Often there will be
a range of possible solutions, some legal and some non-legal. Each client’s circumstances will
generate a different set of time pressures. For all these reasons, especially for the novice, it is
sensible to adopt a logical framework for problem-solving. The following model sets out such
a framework.

2.3.1 Problem analysis model

1. Identify the objective

2. Gather relevant facts

3. Identify relevant law

4. Apply law to the facts

5. Identify possible solutions

6. Consider advantages and disadvantages

7. Advise on the most appropriate solution(s)

8. Present solution(s) in appropriate form

We will now consider these steps in more detail.

Stage 1. Identify the objective

You must clearly establish the client’s objectives by discussing the circumstances that
prompted him or her to seek legal advice. It is important to remember that what the client
wants to achieve must drive your approach to solving legal problems (in so far, of course, as
regulatory and professional conduct rules allow). Focus your preliminary discussion on the
client’s objectives, and then keep them at the centre of your thinking.

Stage 2. Gather relevant facts

The client may begin with a brief explanation of his or her circumstances. You should then ask
questions to obtain all the facts that may be relevant to the process of tackling the problem in
order to achieve his or her objectives. Lateral thinking is a useful technique at this stage:
continually review in your mind any gaps in the client’s account that might hamper a rigorous
legal analysis.

You will often need to gather more facts from a range of other sources besides the client. This
may include:
• other participants in the matter (such as witnesses or police officers);
Introduction to Practical Legal Research 31

• documents (such as witness statements or photographs);

• experts (such as surveyors or forensic scientists);
• other lawyers (perhaps more experienced colleagues or even the solicitor for the
opposing party, for example if rules oblige him or her to disclose certain documents in
the course of litigation).

This phase will inevitably generate large volumes of documents, in both paper and electronic
form. Be sure to have processes in place at the beginning to manage this material in an orderly

Stage 3. Identify relevant law

Now you should begin to narrow your focus by sifting those facts that will help you investigate
possible solutions to the client’s problem.

A series of legal issues will arise from these key facts. These will tend to divide into issues of
substantive law and issues of procedure. You may already have a good grasp of the issues in the
area of law in question, or the area may be outside your usual field of practice. In either case,
you are likely to need to undertake further research.

Note that double arrows link stages 2 and 3 in the model. This is because they are interdepend-
ent. Researching the relevant law may well prompt further questions, so that you may need to
go back to the client to ask for more information about his or her circumstances, or about the
facts in his or her account. This circular progress is quite in order. The key thing is to avoid
jumping to conclusions on the basis of insufficient knowledge of either the facts or the law.

Stage 4. Apply law to the facts

In stages 2 and 3 the aim has been to build a full picture of all the possibilities of both fact and
law. Now the aim is to narrow the focus by applying the law to the material facts. This phase
requires the same techniques of analysis and evaluation that judges use to decide disputes.
However, remember that your client’s interest in the law is limited to how it relates to his or her
particular circumstances. He or she doesn’t seek lofty statements of the law in general.

Note once again in the model that a double arrow links this stage to the previous one. Reassess
regularly and be prepared to be flexible as you work between facts and law; you may well need
to take a step back before resuming progress.

Stage 5. Identify possible solutions

When you have established clearly the relationship of facts and law, a range of potential
solutions should begin to emerge. This phase is again one of expanding options: you should
try to ensure that no alternative is missed.

The technique of brainstorming can be useful: allocate a set period of time to thinking
creatively and trying to generate as many solutions as possible, even solutions that seem
impractical at first glance. This works well as a group activity.

Always consider the possibility of doing nothing. For example, it may be worth waiting to see
what action another party may take first, or even worth ignoring the problem if you have
reason to expect that it will resolve itself.

Stage 6. Consider advantages and disadvantages

Having listed all possible solutions, weigh each in terms of potential rewards and potential
risks. The client’s circumstances will clearly influence your analysis. Different options may
carry different financial or emotional costs (for example the stress of going to court). The
requirements of external regulators and the rules of professional conduct should also
determine your thinking.
32 Skills for Lawyers

Some options you may eliminate at once as wholly unworkable or inappropriate. For others,
this process of evaluation may be technically demanding and complex. It may call for a high
level of expertise and even some intuition. As a junior lawyer it will often therefore be necessary
to confer with more experienced colleagues, either informally or as part of a practice team.

Stage 7. Advise on the most appropriate solution(s)

You should now be in a position to advise on which one or more solutions will best fulfil the
client’s objectives. Be prepared to outline the varying costs and benefits in detail, especially the
risks of things going wrong, the consequences of that outcome, and options for limiting risk.

Stage 8. Present solution(s) in appropriate form

To end the process, you need to report the fruits of your labour. Be mindful to tailor your
report to the recipient. This may be the client in person. Or, as is more likely early in your
professional life, it may be your supervising solicitor, to whom you will provide a written
report. He or she will then use your analysis to advise the client.

It is desirable to involve the client as early as possible in the process of sifting different courses
of action. The final decision on what to do, of course, lies with the client.

2.4 Principles of practical legal research

The remainder of Part II of this book will focus on the mechanics of research in legal practice.
The research process underpins all of the stages in the problem-solving model. It entails
finding and reporting the material that is relevant to solving a legal problem in the quickest
possible time. There is no magic formula that will enable you to do this. As with all skills, it has
to be learnt, and practice is the only way to build competence. As a student, you have scope to
explore and practise that will not be available to you after your career begins: be sure to take
every opportunity.

The following general principles should guide your research.

2.4.1 Devise search terms carefully

In order to exploit any legal source, you must devise appropriate search terms. These are often
known as ‘keywords’. They are words or phrases that arise from and distil the areas of law that
are relevant to solving your client’s legal problem. As such, they are the keys to unlocking the
information that will provide a solution. You may need to look up these keywords in a printed
index, or type them into a database search engine.

When starting their research, many people make the mistake of being too specific as to the
information they search for. A particularly common mistake is to attempt to find precedent
which exactly matches the detailed facts of the problem.

Imagine that your supervisor has a client who is complaining that she has ordered an HD
ready television from a shop but the shop has delivered an inferior model. The supervisor asks
you to investigate possible remedies. One way of tackling this problem is to do a keyword
search using the word ‘televisions’. This is not the best way of going about the search. A better
approach is to think in legal concepts and to research the underlying law which might be
relevant. Hence the more able researcher would probably start their search with keywords
such as:
• contract remedies;
• sale of goods;
• unfair terms in consumer contracts.
Introduction to Practical Legal Research 33

The published version of cases or statutes will use words preferred by the judge or
draftsperson. These may be different from the words you would have chosen yourself in
considering that area of law. Think along the lines of terms that lawyers might use; a legal
dictionary may be useful in this respect. Be accurate. Beware slang, which is unlikely to appear
in formal legal documents. Expand any abbreviations. Consider possible synonyms: all the
alternative words that might describe the same concept or item or activity. Also consider
different terms that may be used in EU law. For example, in official EU documents, a bank is
commonly referred to as a ‘credit institution’.

The following table lists possible alternative keywords that might arise out of different sorts of
legal problems:

Problem Example
Alternative expressions for the same legal employment or labour
concept or topic
Alternative English and Latin stare decisis or precedent
Synonyms used to describe non- buyer and seller or purchaser and vendor
technical terms
Broader and narrower terms which may tort — negligence — professional negligence
have been used to construct the source (ie — medical negligence — psychiatric damage
case or statute)
Related terms immigration and nationality
competition and monopolies
Changes in terminology over time exclusion clauses or exemption clauses
Abbreviations BBC or British Broadcasting Corporation

2.4.2 Knowing where to look

You may now be thinking that you have to have considerable knowledge about the relevant
areas of law before beginning a piece of research. This is not the case. The key to success lies
not in knowing the law, but in knowing where to find it.

As a general rule, start with a source which gives a general overview of the law in a certain
area. A fruitful starting point in this regard is Halsbury’s Laws of England. Key practitioner
texts and academic textbooks are possible alternatives.

Once you have a broad grasp of the relevant law, you should consider moving on to a second
layer of research tools: those which contain the primary sources. Primary sources are the raw
materials of the law, such as statutes, statutory instruments and case law. Many researchers are
nervous about using primary sources. There is no need to be. Although sometimes the
language is difficult, primary sources are essential to your research. This is because they
contain authoritative statements of what the law actually is, rather than what a commentator
thinks the law is, or what it should be.

It is worth remembering that there are hundreds of different sources of legal information.
Some are in paper form; some are in electronic form; some exist in both. Each source has
different strengths and weaknesses. The following sections of this book will familiarise you
with some of the main sources. Think carefully about which source to use for a particular
problem. If you choose the wrong information tool, the research job will take far longer and
your results may be inaccurate.
34 Skills for Lawyers

2.4.3 Using indexes

The most effective way to access the information content in a source is to use an index. Most
sources (paper and electronic) will have one or more ‘tables of primary sources’, and a ‘subject
index’. A table of primary sources is an index that helps you to locate cases, statutes or
statutory instruments appearing in a work. It is also useful for completing or correcting a
flawed citation. Arrangement may be alphabetical or chronological. A subject index helps you
to locate commentary on specific areas of the law. Often this commentary will refer to primary
sources, either in the text itself or in footnotes.

Using a subject index in a paper source is an acquired skill. Look at any index to see how it is
arranged. There may be tiered entries in this form:
county court

The broad topic, county court, appears first. Subsequent entries are progressively more
specific. To make best use of the index, you need to look up the most specific keyword that will
lead to the answer to your problem. A good index will offer a variety of terms, including cross-
references (that is, references between terms of similar meaning). However, choosing the right
term will always involve a process of elimination and some inspired guesswork.

Electronic databases often invite you to search for terms appearing anywhere in a source. In
other words, their ‘subject index’ is not a separate component as in a book. Instead it
comprises every word appearing in the source. It is tempting to rely on this facility, known as a
‘free text’ search. However, it can generate large numbers of irrelevant results (for example,
instances where your search term happens to appear in discussion of a different subject). For a
better signal:noise ratio, it is usually more effective to search within a particular field of the
documents in an electronic source, such as ‘case party’ or ‘catchwords’ in a database of law

Searching an electronic database also requires you to be alert to possible synonyms. For
example, if you search for employment law but the preferred term used in the source is labour
law, the database may return zero results even though there is actually plenty of coverage of
the subject.

2.4.4 Record the research trail

When conducting legal research in practice, one or more of the following three things will
often happen:
(a) The facts available to you might change, requiring the conclusions drawn from a piece
of research to be reviewed.
(b) Your supervisor may want to check your work.
(c) The client or the court may want proof that the work you are charging for has actually
been done.

For these and other reasons, it is vital to record the progress of your research and the methods
used to locate information very carefully, and using the correct citations.

2.4.5 Update your information

The law changes constantly. A new Act of Parliament or a judgment by the Supreme Court can
reverse lawyers’ received wisdom on an issue overnight. You must therefore take steps to make
sure that the law you cite in the course of your research is as up-to-date as possible.

Consider what sorts of developments are most likely to have occurred in your area of interest.
For example, is it likely that relevant new legislation has recently been enacted? Is it an area
Introduction to Practical Legal Research 35

that generates a large volume of case law, affecting the status of earlier decisions or affecting
the interpretation of a statute? Is it an area where the law is liable to change by way of statutory
instrument? A thorough update will encompass all these possibilities, but the efficient
researcher will check the most likely developments first.

Professional conduct point

Solicitors have a duty to base their advice to clients on legal knowledge that is current as well
as thorough. In order to give sound advice, you must keep yourself abreast of recent
developments. Updating your research must therefore become a matter of routine. Update
even when a source seems to provide a satisfactory answer.

Subsequent chapters will outline the mechanics of how to update the information in particular
sources. However, the following broad principles should be borne in mind:
(a) Different sources deal with the problem of currency in different ways. Many paper
sources are published in ‘looseleaf ’ format, for example, so that selected pages can be
swapped on a regular basis.
(b) Do not assume that electronic sources are wholly up-to-date – they are subject to
editorial delays.
(c) Note the publication date of every source that you cite in your research (often electronic
databases are continually updated and so have no static ‘publication date’; in this case,
note the date that you carried out your search).
(d) Check whether the source states a cut-off date (again this may not be explicit in relation
to an electronic database; look for links labelled ‘information’, or an ‘i’ icon).
(e) Stay with a source until you have exhausted its value (for example, if you find relevant
information in a practitioner text, check whether a supplement exists).
(f) Familiarise yourself with tools whose main purpose is updating (for example, case and
legislation citators).
(g) When you switch from one source to another, always compare the scope of the content;
look for an explanatory preface, a database user guide or an online help facility.
(h) Continue to make methodical notes of new information as the investigation progresses,
including full citations and references.

Current Law is a useful general updating source. The paper version comprises several
components; all of the content is also available as part of the Westlaw subscription database.
The different uses of Current Law will be described in the context of different research tasks in
subsequent chapters.

2.4.6 Presenting your findings in an appropriate format

You should present your findings in writing where possible. It is important to remember that
your supervisor is undoubtedly a busy person. You will soon learn how they like reports to be
presented, but it is safe to assume that they will not thank you for producing armfuls of law
reports and statutes without at least attempting to draw some conclusions from your research.
Whatever structure you adopt, it is always a good idea to put a summary of your findings at
the top of the report, and to reference your sources clearly and consistently. Reporting your
findings is discussed in more detail in Chapter 9.

2.4.7 Know when to stop and ask

With so much law out there, it is sometimes very difficult to spot that you have found the
correct answer when it is right in front of you. Remember what was said right at the beginning
of this chapter about accuracy and efficiency. Getting the correct answer is very important;
however, so is making the most efficient use of your time. If you think that you have found the
36 Skills for Lawyers

correct answer, or if you are getting stuck, then stop the research and go back to your
supervisor with what you have done so far. Do not be afraid to ask for guidance; it is what your
supervisor is there for! Also bear in mind the expertise of the librarians in your organisation.
They are there to help and will be happy to advise you about choosing sources, or about the
mechanics of how to exploit a particular source.

2.4.8 Summary – tips for success

(a) Analyse the client’s problem(s) carefully so that you are clear as to his or her objectives.
(b) Devise search terms based on relevant legal concepts.
(c) Select the most appropriate research tool, and learn to use different tools and their
indexes properly – do not cut corners.
(d) Always update your information.
(e) Present the information in an appropriate form.
(f ) Do not be afraid to ask for help.
Electronic versus Printed Sources 37

Chapter 3
Electronic versus Printed Sources

3.1 Introduction 37
3.2 Advantages of printed sources 37
3.3 Advantages of electronic sources 38
3.4 Accessing electronic sources 38
3.5 Guidelines for searching electronic databases 38
3.6 JustCite 40
3.7 The free Internet: Google and beyond 41

3.1 Introduction
The modern law library blends access to information in both paper format and electronic
format. Sometimes the same source is available in a choice of media. In some cases, digital
alternatives have taken over altogether (for example Legal Journals Index, the most
comprehensive tool for identifying journal articles on a given topic, has appeared only in
electronic form since 2001; it is a component of the Westlaw database).

Electronic access generally leads to improved currency of information, more flexible

searching, and the facility to access information at home or on the move. (Some publishers
have even developed applications that permit content to be searched via a mobile phone.)
Depending on the content of your research, you may find that electronic sources become your
tool of first resort, and that you refer to paper sources as a supplement, rather than the other
way around.

On the other hand, printed materials continue to play a key role in the research carried out in
legal practice. Students are often sceptical about this, and so prefer online research, but it is
true nonetheless. Many significant sources have no full digital equivalent (for example The
Digest, a comprehensive encyclopedia of case law). Cost may be a limiting factor in provision
of electronic sources, especially in smaller firms (subscriptions to databases are expensive, and
substantial investment in hardware is also required). Sometimes it is simply more convenient
to consult a paper source, perhaps alongside an electronic database.

You need to learn how to exploit a range of sources in paper as well as electronic form in order
to become a competent legal researcher. Quality of information content matters more than
format. Where there is a choice, select according to which is most suited to the task in hand.

3.2 Advantages of printed sources

(a) Straightforward to access (no need for passwords or training in search software).
(b) Easy on the eye (many people do not like to read more than a couple of pages of
information on screen).
(c) Costs associated with electronic information are generally high.
(d) Not affected by technological failure.
(e) Convenience (for example, quick reference/to mark up a personal copy/to read on the
train home).
(f ) Easy to compare two or more sources at the same time.
(g) Easy to scan/browse by ‘flicking through’.
38 Skills for Lawyers

3.3 Advantages of electronic sources

(a) Usually accessible from anywhere with Internet access.
(b) Simultaneous access by many users to single source.
(c) High volumes of information can be stored efficiently.
(d) Speed of updating by publisher.
(e) Quick, flexible and efficient searching and retrieval.
(f ) Ability to manipulate text (for example, to cut and paste key passages from a source).
(g) Rapid and customised current awareness in the form of email updates and RSS feeds.

3.4 Accessing electronic sources

An online database is a collection of digital information that is accessed remotely (ie, it is
stored on a computer outside the office, and often outside the country where the office is
located). The gateway to the source is the Internet.

Some legal online databases, such as government sources, can be accessed for free. Others
entail payment of a subscription and require a password. Typically this subscription is a one-
off annual fee, based on numbers of fee-earners across the firm. The cost is reviewed annually
against levels of use. For example the publisher may track numbers of searches carried out (so
that the pressure is on to search efficiently, in order to minimise costs).

Some online databases comprise a single source (eg, The Times newspaper has its own website,
with an archive of articles available only to paying subscribers). However, where one publisher
owns a variety of legal sources, it typically bundles the collection under a single brand. In the
UK, the two largest such databases are LexisLibrary and Westlaw. There is some overlap
between the content of the two (for example, both contain the full text of the authoritative Law
Reports and European Court Reports). However, both are in commercial competition.
Therefore, for reasons of intellectual property, most journal and case report titles appear in full
text only on one or the other platform. For advice on which titles are available from which
source, ask library staff.

3.5 Guidelines for searching electronic databases

Online searching involves formulating keywords that are likely to feature in documents
relevant to a legal problem, then typing these keywords into a database search engine. In this
respect, searching with a computer is not all that different from using the index to a book.
However, other aspects are very different, so that planning in advance how to formulate and
carry out searches of electronic databases is vitally important. Simply typing a string of words
into a database is seldom an efficient use of time, and may well not get you the results you need.
In the context of legal practice, where time is a valuable commodity and you have a professional
duty of care in advice given to a client, this matters more than during student days.

To add to the difficulty, publishers of electronic databases use different versions of software. It
is worthwhile spending some time learning about the approach of a database that is unfamiliar
to you. Ask library staff for guidance; they often possess a high level of expertise across a range
of databases. Alternatively most systems feature an on-screen ‘help’ facility, and some even
offer on-screen tutorials; working through such a tutorial is a worthwhile investment of time.

A number of simple techniques will make your searching of electronic databases more
structured and precise. For example, you may be able to narrow your search at the outset by
certain criteria, such as date range or level of court. In addition, certain symbols are widely
understood across databases to stand for certain letters, or to combine or exclude words. These
symbols can either widen your search or narrow it as you desire.

To search effectively, bear in mind the following techniques.

Electronic versus Printed Sources 39

3.5.1 Truncation
A search with a truncated word will search for different word endings. Why is this necessary?
In most databases, typing in the word negligent will retrieve only documents that feature
exactly that word; it will not pick up occurrences of ‘negligence’ or ‘negligently’, words which
might equally well be used in the case or statute you are searching for. To widen the trawl, use
a truncated form of the word to perform the search.
The symbol to use varies between databases; check the ‘help’ facility to make sure.
Truncation can be particularly useful for finding singulars and plurals. So, for example,
searching LexisLibrary using pollut! will retrieve ‘pollute’, ‘pollutes’, ‘polluting’, ‘pollution’,
‘pollutants’, etc, in fact any word which begins with these six letters.

3.5.2 Wild card characters

These function within a word as a truncation symbol does at the end of a word. The symbol
varies between databases; as with truncation, you should check the ‘help’ facility. So, for
example, searching LexisLibrary using wom*n will retrieve instances of ‘woman’ and ‘women’.

3.5.3 Connectors
The commands and, or and not are sometimes known as Boolean operators or connectors.
They function as follows:

Connector Effect Function

and The computer will retrieve only those Narrows a search – to
eg Donoghue and documents where both the first term improve precision of
Stevenson and the second term appear results
or The computer will retrieve all Expands a search – to
eg fence or boundary documents where the first term search for possible
appears and also all documents where synonyms, etc
the second term appears
not The computer will retrieve documents Narrows a search –
eg pollution not air that contain the first term but do not eliminates terms not
contain the second term relevant to your topic

3.5.4 Field searching

Most databases divide documents into a number of separate fields. Thus searches can be
confined to a specified field, or a combination of fields. For instance, if you are searching for
cases on a particular topic, you could confine your search to the ‘catchwords’ field (the
catchwords are topics covered in the case) on the basis that the catchwords are likely to feature
your keywords if the case is truly relevant.

If instead you search the whole text of documents in a database, the effectiveness of your
search will be at risk. Most databases have such a ‘free text’ search facility. It is a scattergun
approach: comprehensive, but likely to generate a large proportion of results that are irrelevant
to your purpose. Use with caution.

3.5.5 Phrase searching

How systems search for phrases varies. In some databases a phrase can be entered just as it is,
eg infringement of human rights, and will be found; others, however, will assume that the and
operator is to be placed between each word, and retrieve the words separately. This will
probably undermine the effectiveness of the search.
40 Skills for Lawyers

The most common way of searching for a phrase is to include it within double quotation
marks, for instance “breach of contract”.

3.5.6 Avoiding stop words

Databases tend to have a list of common words (such as ‘is’ and ‘have’) that are ignored in the
process of searching. Try to avoid such words; the ‘help’ facility will usually identify them in
that particular database.

3.5.7 Refining the outcome

If your initial search retrieves a glut of results, do not immediately go back to square one.
Instead look for a way to refine the outcome, perhaps by adding an extra keyword and then
searching again within the results. This will save time, and in the long term it may save money

In conclusion, think before you type! Remember that computers cannot do the thinking for
you. They can only search according to where you tell them to search, the words you feed
into them, and the way you combine those words. Planning your search strategy in advance
using the methods described here will pay off.

3.6 JustCite

Reproduced with kind permission of Justis Publishing

Provided it features on your local network, JustCite is a versatile online tool for research. It is a
wide-ranging legal search engine and citator. In other words, it permits you to locate
references to sources such as cases, pieces of legislation and commentary, for example articles
in journals. Where one document cites another, JustCite identifies these cross-references, so
that you can determine how they are related and how one may affect the legal status of the
other. In respect of cases, interrelationships may be viewed in the form of an ingenious
‘precedent map’.

JustCite does not supply the full text of documents. However, because it is publisher-neutral, it
does provide links to other online sources of full text. Identifying which database holds the full
text of a particular document is often an irritating problem: one to which JustCite provides a
time-saving solution. (Of course, any particular link will only work if your organisation has
Electronic versus Printed Sources 41

subscribed to the destination database. Some organisations customise JustCite so that

subscription status can easily be verified by staff.)

3.7 The free Internet: Google and beyond

So far our discussion of electronic research has revolved around commercial databases, which
require payment of a subscription for access. A common, and dangerous, misconception on
the part of students is that all the information they need for their legal research can be found
on the free Internet, using a search engine such as Google. So, why not rely just on Google,
Wikipedia and so forth?

The answer can be summed up in one word: quality. Quality of information is a crucial
consideration when you use free sites on the Internet. Anybody can publish there. Sites
frequently change their appearance, or even disappear altogether. Unlike pay-to-access
databases, nobody is responsible for ensuring currency, accuracy and impartiality of content.
Instead you must make an assessment against these criteria for yourself. Always treat any legal
material that you discover on the free Internet with caution.

Professional conduct point

Solicitors are professionally liable for the quality of the advice that they give to their clients.
Quality of advice depends upon quality of information. The following story from the Law
Society Gazette underlines the risk to clients and to their own practices of solicitors relying
upon Wikipedia, Google and other non-specialist search engines for legal research.

Net-surfing lawyers warned of compliance

risk by Jonathan Rayner
Solicitors risk breaching conduct should use their common sense, numbers mean?” That would be
rules and could face insurance filter and check everything by the index.
claims if they use non-specialist going back to the original.’ ‘Qualified lawyers are also
online sources for legal research, a Frank Maher, a partner at vulnerable. Twice we’ve had
leading QC solicitor has warned. Liverpool risk management and practising solicitors contact the
Evidence has emerged that law firm Legal Risk, said search library looking for the full text of a
increasing numbers of solicitors, engine results can get facts wrong. statute that applied to their case.
from trainees to senior partners, He added: ‘They do not always One statute turned out to be
are putting clients and their own update cases. An online press Swedish law, the other American.
practices at possible risk by using release, for example, might be out They had done their research
collaboratively written online of date because the case has been through a non-legal search engine.’
encyclopaedia Wikipedia, Google appealed and the outcome Harris pointed to a Wikipedia
and other search engines for legal changed. That’s more than just entry on intestacy rules that also
research. embarrassing – you risk insurance highlighted the dangers of internet
This is despite having specialist claims and conduct issues.’ research. ‘Whoever wrote it got the
libraries and subscriptions to Emma Harris, Law Society rules mixed up with inheritance
Lawtel, Justis and other librarian, told the Gazette: tax. Anyone following its advice
authoritative on-line resources. ‘Today’s trainees, despite the best would make a very expensive
Professional conduct solicitor efforts of law school librarians, mistake.’
Andrew Hopper QC said: ‘Citing don’t know the world outside the Amanda McKenzie, information
any authority in court other than internet. We had a trainee come services manager at City firm
the actual source is a recipe for into the library who, when given Olswang, said: ‘A fee-earner or
disaster and an irate judge. the textbook that would answer his trainee needs to use authoritative
Wikipedia and the rest are query, asked, “What’s this list at material. This is a risk and a
recognised and valued, but lawyers the back and what do these little compliance issue.’
(Reproduced with permission from the Law Society Gazette, 12 June 2008, vol. 105, no. 23, p. 1)

Law firms are highly competitive businesses. They spend large amounts of money on
subscriptions to quality-assured commercial databases such as Westlaw and LexisLibrary
(whose content is hidden from Google). If there were a safe free alternative, you can be sure
they would adopt it!
42 Skills for Lawyers

3.7.1 Blogs
Blogs exemplify the virtues and the dangers of the free Internet. A blog (short for ‘weblog’) is
an online journal. Anyone can start their own blog – the software is freely available on the
Internet and takes just a few minutes to configure. Many practising lawyers, law teachers and
even law students have started to blog in the past few years, attracted by this open and instant

Bloggers are free to write whatever they like, and often their readers are invited to contribute
by posting their own responses to issues raised. Some content may be serious and useful (for
example, a barrister may report recent developments in their specialist area of practice). Other
content, perhaps within the same blog, may be deliberately opinionated or frivolous. Finally,
blogs often dry up and disappear as suddenly as they began. Overall, therefore, blogs may be
worthwhile sources of comment about the law and legal practice, but their content should not
be relied upon uncritically for legal research. To a greater or lesser extent, the same holds true
for all of the free Internet.

For a directory of blogs dealing with aspects of UK law and legal practice, see the list
maintained by legal information consultant Nick Holmes at:

3.7.2 Gateways and portals

Notwithstanding this note of caution, there are useful websites that provide access to quality-
tested free legal information on the Internet. These are known as ‘gateway’ or ‘portal’ sites.
Often configured as subject directories, these tend to be much more reliable and effective than
search engines as legal information finding tools.

A good example is the directory of links and descriptions of quality legal websites maintained
by Delia Venables, a legal computing consultant and writer, at

Reproduced with kind permission of Delia Venables

Getting Started 43

Chapter 4
Getting Started

4.1 Introduction 43
4.2 Halsbury’s Laws of England 43
4.3 Practitioner books 47
4.4 Widening the net 48

4.1 Introduction
Assume that you have completed your preliminary analysis of the relevant facts and identified
the legal issues involved in your problem. You now need to research the law in detail and
consider how it applies to the circumstances before you.

It is unwise to refer to primary sources straightaway, even if you think you understand the
appropriate branch of law thoroughly. Begin with a source that offers a general statement of
the law in your area of interest, in order to map out an overview of the issues involved. Ideally,
the coverage of this source will be comprehensive, its style will be concise, and it will give
detailed references to primary sources, perhaps in footnotes, to enable you to widen the circle
of your research and then to substantiate your findings.

Such commentary will be found in legal encyclopedias and practitioner books. Halsbury’s
Laws of England, an extensive general encyclopedia, is a reliable starting point. It surveys the
whole of the law of England and Wales. Alternatively, specialist books aimed at practitioners
offer detailed coverage of different subjects.

4.2 Halsbury’s Laws of England

The printed version of Halsbury’s Laws of England runs to around 100 volumes. The same
content is available electronically on the LexisLibrary subscription database.

Halsbury’s Laws of England provides commentary upon the present state of all areas of English
law. (Note that the word ‘laws’ in the title denotes laws of the land in a general sense; it is not
limited to Acts of Parliament.) It is arranged alphabetically by subject. Each subject is divided
into numbered paragraphs that summarise the law in a particular area. Footnotes direct you to
related cases and statutes.

4.2.1 Using the paper version

To find out the law using the paper version of Halsbury’s Laws of England, you must take four
• index;
• main volume(s);
• Cumulative Supplement; and
• Noter-Up. Consolidated index

The index volumes identify and give references to keywords. Think of subject terms that
identify the problem you are researching. The index will refer you from those terms to
discussion of the law in one or more of the main volumes.
44 Skills for Lawyers

Personal injury case study

For example, our road traffic case study involves a car whose driver was on the telephone at
the time of a collision. Searching the Consolidated Index produces the following reference:
meaning, 23(1) (4th), 707n2
use while driving, 40(1) (4th), 264, 624

Each reference indicates the context in which mobiles are being discussed, followed by the
number in bold of the main volume where the discussion appears, and then the edition to
which this main volume belongs (4th or 5th, – see below,, and then one or more
paragraph (not page) numbers. If the paragraph number is followed by ‘n’, the reference is to a
footnote to that paragraph.

Make an accurate note of the reference, so that you can find it again easily in future, then
locate the relevant main volume and paragraph. Main volumes

The ‘main volumes’ give statements of the law of England and Wales, arranged by subject.
Each self-contained subject is known as a ‘title’. Volumes 51–52 describe aspects of European
Union law in relation to English law.

Each volume has its own subject index at the back. This can be useful if your main volume was
reissued after publication of the annual Consolidated Index, since reissue entails reordering of
paragraph numbers. Cumulative supplement

Over the years, the main volumes are reissued on a rolling programme. As time goes by, some
information contained in older volumes will be superseded. Therefore, you must always check
that the information in your main volume is up to date.

This updating process involves two stages. To begin with, consult the annual, two-volume
‘Cumulative Supplement’. The content of this is up to date to 31 October preceding its year of
publication (the year of publication is printed on the spine). Any developments affecting your
area of law since publication of the main volume and the date of the Cumulative Supplement
will be noted. Entries appear under the same volume and paragraph references as in the main
volumes. Noter-Up
Finally, check the ‘Noter-Up’ booklet. Replaced monthly, this will alert you to any very recent
changes in the law. Once again, look under the volume and paragraph number of your original
reference. If any developments are listed, short summaries will be found in the appropriate
‘Monthly Review’ booklet, which should be shelved alongside.
Getting Started 45

How to use Halsbury’s Laws of England

If you know the If you are looking for a If you are unsure of
general subject of topic relating to a the subject of your
your research particular Act or case research

Turn to the volume/title Turn to the Consolidated Turn to the

which covers the Table of Statutes or Consolidated Index
general area Consolidated Table of Cases, volumes, which will
which will refer you to the refer you to the relevant
relevant volume and volume and
paragraph(s) paragraph(s)

Turn to the table of

contents at the front of
the title, or the title
index at the back of the
volume, which will
refer you to the relevant


Look in the annual hardback Cumulative Supplement for your volume and paragraph
numbers. An entry means the law has changed between the publication date of the
volume and the operative date of the Cumulative Supplement.

Then look in the Noter-Up booklet for your volume and paragraph numbers. An entry
means the law has changed since the operative date of the Cumulative Supplement.
46 Skills for Lawyers The Fifth Edition

From 2008, Halsbury’s Laws is moving over several years from the fourth edition (brown
volumes) to a new fifth edition (black volumes). This will complicate the research process,
• the encyclopedia comprises a mix of volumes from the two editions;
• parts of individual fourth edition volumes are superseded by new fifth edition volumes,
while other parts of the same volumes remain current;
• the scheme of subjects will change, altering the correspondence of subjects to volumes;
• the Consolidated Index indexes fourth and fifth edition volumes;
• the Cumulative Supplement and the monthly Noter-Up booklet update subjects in
fourth edition volumes separately from subjects in fifth edition volumes.

During this transition, special care is needed to ensure that you locate the appropriate
coverage for the subject you are researching.

How can I protect the quality of my research?

• When using the Consolidated Index (or any separate source that cites Halsbury’s Laws),
be alert to references to either fourth or fifth edition volumes.
• If you are referred to a fourth edition volume and it is no longer part of the set, refer to
the ‘Table of Correspondence’ in the Noter-Up booklet to identify which fifth edition
volume has superseded it (likely to have a different volume number).
• If you are referred to a fourth edition volume and this volume remains part of the set,
look for red stickers on the spine/front cover; these indicate that the volume has been
partially replaced, so that latest coverage of your subject may have migrated to a fifth
edition volume.
• If your subject has migrated, look up your topic in the index in the relevant fifth edition
• When updating with the Cumulative Supplement and the Noter-Up, make sure you are
checking the correct section for your subject; remember, all the updating material for
fourth edition volumes appears before the fifth edition material.

4.2.2 Using the electronic version Scope
Halsbury’s Laws on LexisLibrary features the electronic full text of Halsbury’s Laws of England.
This also includes the updating material contained in the latest annual Cumulative
Supplement and monthly Noter-Up. Content is updated monthly. Searching
Within LexisLibrary, click on the red search tab. Look in the my bookshelf section for Halsbury’s
Laws of England.

There are two routes into the database: browse and search. In either case, the basic building
blocks are numbered paragraphs. Each describes the law in a narrow area, and corresponds
exactly to the numbered paragraphs in the equivalent printed volume of Halsbury’s Laws.

Click on browse to drill down to information on a topic, via a hierarchy of contents lists
arranged by subject. Click on the + (plus) symbol next to headings in the list to see more
specific entries. Click on the – (minus) symbol next to headings to see broader entries. A
numbered heading without a + or – symbol corresponds to a paragraph.
Getting Started 47

Personal injury case study

For example, thinking again of our road traffic case study, if you are looking for an
explanation of the law surrounding use of a mobile phone while driving, you would work
through the following sequence:
Halsbury’s Laws of England
Road Traffic (volume 89 (2011) 5th edn)
6. Use of Vehicles
(8.) Avoidance of Danger
427. Use of Mobile Telephones

Alternatively, click the title to search the whole encyclopedia by subject. Enter search term(s) to
retrieve a list of paragraphs where they occur. If you enter two or more search terms they will be
treated as a phrase, unless you link them using Boolean connectors. For example, to find out
whether it is obligatory to wear seat belts in a car, you might search on belt! and wear!.

Browsing the contents list or searching will produce a list of numbered paragraphs. Click on
the appropriate paragraph heading to view the full text. The screen will split. On the left is a
narrow version of the contents tree, open at the location of the paragraph you chose. On the
right is the text of the paragraph, with footnotes. Any search terms are highlighted in red.

To jump to the previous or next paragraph in the list of search results, click on the numbered
blue arrows at the centre of the screen near the top. To jump to the previous or the next
numbered paragraph of the encyclopedia, click on the arrow buttons labelled previous/next, to
the left of the screen near the top. To refine your search, or to run a fresh search, click on the
down arrow button next to the box labelled Next Steps, which can be found to the right of the
screen near the top. Select from the list of options that appears, then click on go.

The content of each paragraph online is exactly the same as the content of the corresponding
printed volume of Halsbury’s Laws. The printed volumes are reissued on a rolling programme,
and so many are years old. Therefore, as we have seen, the printed encyclopedia includes an
annual Cumulative Supplement and a monthly Noter-Up that function as updating tools.
When using the online version, always look at the bottom of every paragraph for a section
headed UPDATE. This merges the content of the Cumulative Supplement and the Noter-Up
in the printed version. It is essential to read both the paragraph and any update to establish
the current state of the law.

4.3 Practitioner books

Solicitors seldom refer to student textbooks or other academic works. These are not primarily
intended to assist a thorough and pragmatic assessment of the law relating to a particular issue
in hand. Practitioner books are intended to fulfil this role.
Practitioner books are written for, and usually by, practising lawyers. They give detailed and
comprehensive coverage of an area of the law, with special emphasis on practice and
procedure. Often they reproduce selected primary sources as well.
Although many practitioner books have online versions, a printed edition (often in looseleaf
format) remains the version of choice for many lawyers. The student who wishes to research
competently on arrival in practice is therefore advised to become adept at handling printed
practitioner works.

4.3.1 Navigating practitioner works

The following guidelines will assist you to get the most from practitioner books:
(a) Although the original author may be long dead, his or her authority is such that
practitioner works often continue to be known by his or her name rather than the name
48 Skills for Lawyers

of the current editor. For example, Chitty on Contracts, now in its 30th edition and
sometimes referred to as just Chitty, was originally written by Joseph Chitty (1796–
(b) Choose between a variety of access points, according to the nature of your research
• an overall table of contents: use this to plot the layout of the work as a whole
• tables of cases and legislation referred to (usually towards the front): use these to
jump to discussion of particular court decisions, statutes or statutory instruments
• subject index (usually towards the back): use this to jump to discussion of
particular topics
• subject sections may be labelled by coloured divider cards (each such section may
also have its own table of contents)
• for their own quick reference, individuals often add umpteen coloured page-tabs
to personal or shared copies
(c) Keeping up-to-date is a challenge to publishers of practitioner works. Always take steps
to establish how a source makes provision for currency:
(i) it may be replaced by a new edition every year (for example, Archbold: Criminal
Pleading, Evidence and Practice);
(ii) paperback supplements may appear during the lifetime of an edition; these
accumulate updates to particular sections in the main work (for example, Chitty
on Contracts);
(iii) looseleaf format is another solution, as it allows individual pages to be replaced,
so that changes to the law are integrated regularly into the text (for example,
Woodfall’s Landlord and Tenant);
(iv) titles in all these categories may be supplemented by a brief bulletin or newsletter,
giving notes on recent cases or pieces of legislation.
(d) Always check near the beginning for a note of the cut-off date to which the publisher
affirms that the law expressed is current, and make a record of this. Where they exist,
electronic versions of practitioner works will be updated as frequently as the editors can
manage. This may be daily, but it may be monthly or even quarterly. Do not assume that
the content is current to today!

4.3.2 Precedent books

You should also be aware of precedent books. These assist practitioners in the drafting of
documents by giving examples of structure and wording that can be adapted for use in a given
matter. Annotations often explain the effect of particular wording and may cite relevant
authorities. (See Chapter 8.)

4.4 Widening the net

All of the sources described in this chapter are secondary sources. In other words they state
what a commentator believes the law to be. They offer valuable introductions and summaries,
written by authors who are experts in their field and whose names may carry authority; but the
statements of law they contain are nonetheless secondhand.

Primary sources, that is cases and legislation, are the raw materials of the law. These are the
foundation of sound legal advice, and thus the mainstay of sound legal research. Having
established a preliminary overview of your topic, you must shift your focus to primary sources.

The following table, which deals mainly with primary sources, is intended to save your time
and build your confidence in linking particular types of research query with particular
sources. Each group of sources is listed in order of preference, on the basis of extent of
coverage and ease of use.
Getting Started 49

How to: Paper Route Electronic Route

(1) Find where a (a) First use Current Law Case Citators (a) Westlaw: cases
case is reported (1947-76, 1977-1997, 1998-2001, 2002 - (b) LexisLibrary:
given parties only, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, CaseSearch
no citation, no idea cumulative table of cases in latest issue of
(c) Lawtel: Case Law
of date. Current Law Monthly Digest). Check most
(1980- )
recent citator volume; work backwards if no
reference found. Covers cases reported or
cited 1947-
(b) If no luck, try The Digest: Consolidated
Table of Cases
(c) If no luck, try the table of cases in a
practitioner work such as Palmer’s Company
Law, or Hill and Redman’s Law of Landlord
and Tenant
(2) Find summaries (a) Current Law Year Books (1947- ; Current (a) Westlaw: cases;
of cases Law Case Citators serve as an index to these) search for case, click
(b) The Digest (good for older cases) case analysis (same
summaries as
(c) Halsbury’s Laws Annual Abridgement
Current Law Year
volumes (and Monthly Review issues for
Books) (1947-)
recent coverage), if case is referred to
elsewhere in Halsbury’s Laws (b) Lawtel: Case Law
(1980- )
(c) LexisLibrary:
(3) Find all cases on (a) The Digest: Index (a) Westlaw: cases:
a certain subject (b) Law Reports: Consolidated Index (in 6 advanced search:
bound vols. 1951-2005, plus softback search by free text
cumulations for recent years) OR subject/keyword
(1947- )
(c) Halsbury’s Laws (use footnotes)
(b) LexisLibrary:
(d) Current Law Year Books: 1976, 1986, 1989
search by keyword in
have cumulative subject indexes for the
previous years. Then use the subject index in
each succeeding volume (c) LexisLibrary:
Halsbury’s Laws of
England; search for
coverage of the
subject – important
cases feature in
footnotes (selective)
(d) Lawtel: Case Law
(1980- )
50 Skills for Lawyers

How to: Paper Route Electronic Route

(4) Find all cases (a) Current Law Legislation Citators: 1947- (a) Westlaw: cases:
featuring a piece of 1971, 1972-1988, 1989-1995, 1996-1999, advanced search:
legislation 2000-2001, 2002-2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, search under
2008, 2009, and for recent coverage the legislation title and
Citator section in the looseleaf Current Law legislation provision
Statutes Service File no.
(b) Halsbury’s Statutes: Consolidated Table of (b) LexisLibrary:
Cases; lists cases citing sections of Acts that search for related
feature in annotations to those sections cases in legislation
results list
(c) Lawtel: Case Law
(1980- )
(5) Track the (a) Current Law Case Citators 1947-76, 1977- (a) Westlaw: cases:
judicial treatment 1997, 1998-2001, 2002-2004, 2005, 2006, search for case, click
of a case in 2007, 2008, 2009, cumulative table of cases in case analysis; scroll
subsequent latest issue of Current Law Monthly Digest. down to key cases
proceedings Check most recent citator volume; work citing this case
backwards if no reference found (b) LexisLibrary:
(b) The Digest: details of later judicial CaseSearch
comment follow the summary
(6) Find where very (a) The Digest: Consolidated Table of Cases LexisLibrary:
old cases are (b) English Reports: Table of Cases (vols 177– CaseSearch
reported 178)
(7) Find Prefer electronic sources, otherwise try (a) Lawtel
information about (a) Current Law Monthly Digests (b) LexisLibrary (see
very recent cases Judgments source for
(b) Times Law Reports (monthly cumulative
indexes) transcripts —
usually same day as
(c) Halsbury’s Laws: Monthly Review
decision handed
down; see All
England Reporter for
summaries of recent
(c) Westlaw
(8) Find out the Prefer electronic sources (a) Parliamentary
latest text of a Bill Bill Index (http://
before Parliament,
and what stage the AC.asp): detailed
Bill has reached coverage
(b) House of
Commons Weekly
Information Bulletin
Getting Started 51

How to: Paper Route Electronic Route

(9) Find a statute in Halsbury’s Statutes (only if in force) (a) LexisLibrary: UK
its latest amended Parliament Acts
form (only if in force)
(b) Westlaw:
(10) Find out when (a) Is it in force? for commencement of Acts (a) LexisLibrary: UK
a statute or sections passed since 1 January 1960. Halsbury’s Legislation Status
of it came into Statutes Citator for dates of amendments and Snapshots
force, and if any repeals (b) Westlaw:
section has been (b) Halsbury’s Statutes (use footnotes) legislation
repealed or
(c) Current Law Legislation Citators: 1947-
amended by later
1971, 1972-1988, 1989-1995, 1996-1999,
2000-2001, 2002-2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,
2008, 2009, and for recent coverage the
Citator section in the looseleaf Current Law
Statutes Service File
(11) Discern which (a) Halsbury’s Statutes: main volumes and (a) LexisLibrary: UK
bits of a statute are Current Statutes Service binders: amended Parliament Acts:
later amendments text appears enclosed by square brackets; amended text
footnotes give source of amendments appears enclosed by
(b) Halsbury’s Statutes Cumulative square brackets;
Supplement and Noter-Up: list recent footnotes give
amendments not yet in main volumes source of
(b) Westlaw:
legislation; footnotes
give details of later
(12) Find Current Law Statutes (1949- ) For debates in
annotated versions Parliament: Hansard
of the original Act, (
with background: /business/
Parliamentary publications/
debates, etc hansard)
(13) Find a (a) Halsbury’s Statutory Instruments: all SIs (a) National
statutory in force are listed – some in summary, many Archives
instrument by in full text (www.legislation.go
number, by title or (b) Text of some statutory instruments is; full text
by subject reproduced in practitioner works such as (1987- )
Palmer’s Company Law (b) LexisLibrary: UK
Parliament SIs
(c) Westlaw:
52 Skills for Lawyers

How to: Paper Route Electronic Route

(14) Find an (a) Halsbury’s Laws (use footnotes) LexisLibrary:
account of the law (b) Looseleaf practitioner works Halsbury’s Laws of
on a particular England
(c) Textbooks (use footnotes and tables)
topic, leading you
to relevant
legislation and
(15) Find EU Encyclopaedia of European Union Law: EUROPA
primary legislation: Constitutional Texts (6 looseleaf vols); ( –
Treaties go to EUR-Lex legal
index in vol 1
(16) Find EU (a) European Current Law Year Books and EUROPA
secondary Monthly Digests ( –
legislation: (b) Blackstone’s EU Treaties and Legislation go to EUR-Lex legal
Regulations, (selective full text; annual) portal)
(17) Check whether Halsbury’s Statutory Instruments: EU (a) Westlaw: EU:
an EU Directive has Legislation Implementator search for Directive;
been implemented look for link to
in the UK National Measures
( –
go to EUR-Lex legal
portal); search for
directive; go to
Bibliographic Notice
and click MNE –
display the national
execution measures)
(18) Find EU cases (a) Current Law Case Citators and Monthly EUROPA
(Court of Justice) Digests ( –
(b) European Current Law go to EUR-Lex legal
(19) Find European (a) Current Law Case Citators (a) European Court
Court of Human (b) Emmerson, Human Rights Practice of Human Rights
Rights cases, (looseleaf) (
citations, HUDOC database
summaries, full text for full text of cases
(b) Westlaw:
European Human
Rights Reports
(c) LexisLibrary:
Human Rights Cases
(1996- )
Getting Started 53

How to: Paper Route Electronic Route

(20) Find articles (a) Current Law Year Books: up to 1995, (a) Westlaw:
on topics in law, or separate article index at back of volume; from journals: search
case comment in 1996, references to articles under subject includes Legal
periodicals headings in main body of work Journals Index
(b) Halsbury’s Laws of England: Noter-up (comprehensive;
and Annual Abridgement volumes; arranged 1986- )
by subject (b) Lawtel: Articles
Index (selective;
1998- )
(c) LexisLibrary
(only possible to
search across titles
that database holds
in full-text – mainly
titles published by
(21) Find out what (a) Raistrick, Index to Legal Citations and Cardiff Index to
abbreviations/ Abbreviations, 3rd edn (2008) Legal Abbreviations
citations stand for (b) Current Law Year Books and Monthly (www.legalabbrevs.
Digests list abbreviations at the front of each
54 Skills for Lawyers
Researching Case Law 55

Chapter 5
Researching Case Law

5.1 How are cases published? 55

5.2 Which source of cases has the most authority? 56
5.3 How do I cite cases? 56
5.4 How do I find a case with an incomplete citation? 57
5.5 How do I update a case? 60
5.6 How do I find cases on a subject? 61

5.1 How are cases published?

Judgments delivered in court are published via a number of channels. The most rapid of these
is the Internet. For example, the raw texts of judgments of the Supreme Court are published on
the Court’s free website on the day that they are handed down (see
decided-cases/index.html). Another useful free site that gathers judgments from a variety of
UK courts is BAILII (the British and Irish Legal Information Institute – see A
large archive of transcripts of judgments can also be accessed via subscription databases such
as Lawtel.

Reproduced with kind permission of the British and Irish Legal Information Institute

Over time commercial publishers select a small proportion of judgments as meriting

‘reporting’, usually because they break new legal ground. Their editors add value in various
ways, such as provision of summaries (‘headnotes’) and tables of cases referred to. These series
of reports should be your preferred source of case law. They are usually available in paper and
electronic form.

Brief reports are published regularly in The Times newspaper. Case notes also appear in weekly
practitioners’ journals, such as the New Law Journal and the Solicitors’ Journal. Some series of
reports are intended to cover cases in specialist areas (for example, the Road Traffic Reports
and the Family Law Reports). Finally, three general series feature the most significant cases
56 Skills for Lawyers

across the law: the All England Law Reports, the Weekly Law Reports and the (confusingly
named) Law Reports.

Cases that are not selected for inclusion in such publications are termed ‘unreported’. This
applies to more than 95% of the 200,000 or so cases decided by the UK courts each year. The
Internet has facilitated widespread access to unreported decisions, in the form of case
transcripts. However, they should be treated with caution as foundations for legal advice. The
courts will only permit an advocate to cite an unreported case if it ‘contains a relevant
statement of legal principle not found in reported authority and that the authority is not cited
because of the phraseology used or as an illustration of the application of an established legal
principle’ (Practice Statement (Court of Appeal: Authorities) [1996] 1 WLR 854).

5.2 Which source of cases has the most authority?

The Law Reports are published by the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and
Wales. They are the nearest to an official series of case reports for this jurisdiction (the
Council is in fact a charity rather than a government body).

Uniquely, they include arguments presented by counsel and are checked by the presiding judge
before publication. For these reasons, and by direction of the judiciary, an advocate citing a
case before a court is required to use the version in the Law Reports in preference to any
alternatives (see Practice Direction (Judgments: Form and Citation) [2001] 1 WLR 194).

The Law Reports have been published continuously in various parallel series since 1865. The
names of these series have changed frequently over the years, in line with the shifting structure
of divisions of the courts. There are currently four separate series: Appeal Cases (abbreviated
to AC); Chancery Division (Ch); Family Division (Fam); and Queen’s Bench Division (QB).

The Weekly Law Reports are also published by the Incorporated Council, appearing in three
volumes annually. Judgments in volumes 2 and 3 are intended for revision and later
republication in the Law Reports, so that the two series complement one another. Volume 1
contains less important cases, including cases likely to go to appeal. In each weekly issue,
judgments are already earmarked for one of these three volumes.

5.3 How do I cite cases?

In order to locate the report of a case, you often need to interpret its citation. Citations identify
cases by notation, referring to a volume and page in a particular series of law reports. A typical
citation for an English case is:
Jordan v Burgoyne [1963] 2 QB 744

This tells you that the report of the case of Jordan v Burgoyne starts at p 744 of vol 2 of the
Queen’s Bench series of the Law Reports for 1963.

Certain conventions underpin the system of citation:

• Party names appear in italics.
• Year of publication appears in [square] or (round) brackets:
— in the example above, the year appears in square brackets because it is essential
for locating the case; volumes of the Law Reports are consecutively numbered
within each year only, not from year to year;
— by contrast, the case of Bowker v Rose is reported at (1977) 121 SJ 274; volumes of
the Solicitors’ Journal are consecutively numbered from year to year; therefore you
can find this case simply by knowing that it is in volume 121; the year is strictly
superfluous, so it appears in round brackets.
• The number of the volume in which the report appears comes before the (abbreviated)
title of the series, and the number of the first page of the report comes after.
Researching Case Law 57

• References to different series of reports are ordered in a hierarchy: the neutral citation
(if it exists – see below) comes first; then any reference to the Law Reports; the Weekly
Law Reports; the All England Law Reports; other specialist series of law reports;
newspaper law reports.

The convention of abbreviating titles of publications in the legal world is confusing. Most
modern abbreviations are listed in Current Law (see the front of any Monthly Digest or Year
Book) and at the front of volume 1 of The Digest. For a comprehensive list, see Raistrick, D,
Index to Legal Citations and Abbreviations (3rd edn, 2008). Another useful and current source
to try is the database of abbreviations maintained by the University of Cardiff at This database is free to access.

5.3.1 Neutral citation

In January 2001 a new system of neutral citation of judgments was introduced (see Practice
Note (Judgments: Neutral Citation) [2001] 1 WLR 194). The system is ‘neutral’ as regards
format and publisher. In other words, it identifies cases by a unique reference, independent of
the series of reports in which they are reproduced and independent of whether they appear
online or in print. The purpose is to enable reports of cases to be published and accessed more
easily via the Internet.

All cases heard in the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal and the High Court are now
covered by these arrangements. A neutral citation is allocated by the court to every judgment.
This is intended to feature in every subsequent publication of that judgment. It takes the form
of year (in square brackets), abbreviation of the name of the court, and running serial number
(the serial number reverts to 1 at the start of each calendar year). Here are some examples:
Supreme Court [2010] UKSC 1, 2, 3, etc
Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2010] EWCA Civ 1, 2, 3, etc
Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) [2010] EWCA Crim 1, 2, 3, etc
High Court (Administrative Division) [2010] EWHC Admin 1, 2, 3, etc

Since 2001, judgments have also been set out in numbered paragraphs, which are easier to
locate within electronic law reports than page references. The citation of the authority from a
particular decision might thus be in the form: Smith v Jones [2001] EWCA Civ 10 at [59], ie,
paragraph 59 in the judgment of Smith v Jones, the 10th judgment of the year 2001 in the Civil
Division of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales.

5.4 How do I find a case with an incomplete citation?

Trainees are often asked to track down a case on the basis of incomplete information. For
example, your supervisor may say something like ‘I’m advising a client who’s considering suing
her bank for the return of unlawful charges. I saw an article that mentioned a successful case
along the same lines, I think the name was Curtis or something. Can you dig out the case for

If you have a citation to a series of law reports, this should be enough to locate a case, even if
you do not know the names of the parties concerned. However, how do you locate a report if
all that you know is the name of one or more of the parties?

You could type the party name into an online database in the hope that the case features there.
The more common the surname, the less efficient this approach is likely to be. However, there
are surer alternatives. Where the subject matter of the case is known, try checking the table of
cases in a relevant practitioner book or student textbook. If this is unsuccessful, use the
Current Law Case Citator if the case was decided since 1947 (or if you are unsure when the
case was decided). Otherwise use The Digest. Alternatively, use the CaseSearch facility on
58 Skills for Lawyers

5.4.1 Current Law Case Citator

The Current Law Case Citator is an index of cases by party. Coverage is comprehensive,
beginning in 1947. It is published in paper form. The same content is incorporated into the
Westlaw subscription database.

The printed set comprises several volumes covering different date ranges (1947–1976; 1977–
1997; 1998–2001; 2002–2004; annual supplements for recent years). Start with the most recent
annual part and work backwards until you find the latest entry for your case. This will
cumulate any earlier entries. For very recent cases, consult the ‘cumulative table of cases’ near
the back of the latest issue of the Monthly Digest (no need to look in earlier issues for the same

Here is an example of an entry in the Current Law Case Citator:

Slater v Lewisham LBC [2006] EWCA Civ 394; [2006] 2 F.C.R. 90; [2006] H.L.R. 37; (2006) 150
S.J.L.B. 539; Times, May 3, 2006, CA (Civ Div)
Digested, 06/2028
Applied, 07/2140

With this in mind, consider the three important functions of entries in the Current Law Case
(1) Supply a full list of references, in descending order of authority, to enable you locate
different reports of the case.
(2) Refer to a summary of the case in the relevant Current Law Year Book (look for a
reference beginning ‘Digested’, followed by the last two digits of the year/paragraph
number, in bold).
(3) Enable you to update the case, by supplying references to later decisions where it has
been the subject of judicial comment (look for references beginning ‘Applied’, etc; see 5.5
below for a fuller explanation)

Here is an example of a page from the Citator with another, more complex entry for the case of
Pepper v Hart:

Reproduced with kind permission of Sweet & Maxwell

Researching Case Law 59

(The case of Pepper v Hart is particularly significant in relation to the process of legal research;
see 6.3.2 below for more information.)
To search for the same information about a case using Westlaw, go to the home page and click
on cases at the top of the screen. A search template will appear. Enter one or more names in the
party names box and click search. A list of results, with citations (where reported), will appear.
To view the Current Law abstract of a particular case, click case analysis. A list of citations
features again near the top of the summary. If the full text of the case is available to view on
Westlaw, one or more of these citations will appear in colour and underlined, as a link.
Here is the beginning of the case analysis document on Westlaw for Pepper v Hart:

Reproduced with kind permission of Westlaw UK

5.4.2 The Digest

The Digest is a multi-volume encyclopedia. It indexes and summarises over 500,000 cases in an
alphabetical subject arrangement. Irish, Scottish, Commonwealth and European Union cases
are covered, as well as English cases. It is especially useful for tracing older cases (although its
coverage extends to the present). Follow these steps to trace a named case using The Digest:

Look up the first party in the Consolidated Table of

Cases volumes at the end of the set; an entry here will
refer you to a main volume

Look up the party name again in the ‘table of cases’ at

the front of the main volume; an entry here will refer
you to a paragraph in the same volume

Look up the paragraph number for a summary of the

case, a list of citations to full reports of the case, and
references to judicial comment in later cases
60 Skills for Lawyers

5.4.3 CaseSearch
CaseSearch is a case citator that is available in electronic form only, via LexisLibrary.

To access from the home page of LexisLibrary click the sources tab, then choose: c; select
CaseSearch from the list by clicking in the box next to it; finally click the red ok-continue
button to go to the search page.

Type the name of one or both parties in the box labelled case name. The full citation for your
case will appear at the top of the results screen. This includes references to a wide range of
publications where the case is reported, including (if it features in full on LexisLibrary) links to
the full text.

5.5 How do I update a case?

Once you have found your case, you must always check if it is still good law.

The Digest does this job of reporting developments by the ‘annotations’ section of each case
summary. However, the best source for the subsequent judicial treatment of a case is a citator,
such as the Current Law Case Citator. (If the case pre-dates 1947 it is still worth checking here,
since consideration in a post-1947 judgment qualifies an older case for inclusion.)

Using the printed version, the procedure is to find the latest reference to the case in an annual
volume (entries in these volumes are cumulative). Then check the case lists in the latest issue
of the Monthly Digest for any recent developments. Here is an example of an entry in the 1977–
88 citator:
R v Blackburn (James) (1979) 1 Cr App R (S) 205, CA Digested, 81/525: Considered, 87/
1035: Cited, 89/1071: Referred to, 84/880: Distinguished, 88/977

The case of R v Blackburn is summarised, or ‘digested’, in the Current Law Year Book of 1981 at
para 525. It has been commented upon in various ways in subsequent decisions that are also
summarised. The references ‘considered, 87/1035’, etc are to summaries of these other cases in
later year books.

Certain conventional terms denote the effect of later decisions on the status of earlier
decisions: terms such as ‘applied’, ‘distinguished’ and ‘followed’. For definitions, see the section
entitled ‘Meaning of terms used in classifying annotating cases’ at the beginning of each
volume of The Digest.

If you are searching for developments using Westlaw (which incorporates the content of
Current Law), you can check across all years covered in one go. At the home page, click on
cases at the top of the screen. Enter one or more names in the party names box and click search.
Then click case analysis beneath the appropriate entry in the list of results that appears. Scroll
down to the appellate history section to discover whether the same case was heard on appeal.
To track later judicial treatment in other cases, scroll further down to the section headed key
cases citing.

CaseSearch (part of LexisLibrary) is an alternative online citator for researching subsequent

judicial consideration, although its content is not as extensive as Current Law. The procedure
for searching is covered at 5.4.3. Each entry features a summary and annotations, headed cases
referring to this case.

Both CaseSearch and Westlaw use a variety of symbols to flag the standing of individual
judgments. (Westlaw also features symbols in connection with legislation.) It is important to
understand the significance of these, especially because, unfortunately, the two publishers do
not use the same symbols.
Within CaseSearch, you will come across the following:
Researching Case Law 61

Reproduced with kind permission of LexisNexis

Within Westlaw search results, you will come across the following:

Reproduced with kind permission of Westlaw UK

5.6 How do I find cases on a subject?

Cases on a particular topic may be traced using a general source, such as Halsbury’s Laws of
England or a relevant practitioner book (see Chapter 4). Another useful printed source is The

Electronic databases are very productive for subject searching, since they offer the facility to
search for occurrences of keywords anywhere in the text of documents. However, beware of
information overload! You are likely to find that you generate large numbers of results, many
of which are irrelevant to your purpose.
62 Skills for Lawyers

5.6.1 Using The Digest to find cases on a subject

The Digest is arranged alphabetically by subject. It is therefore well suited to identifying cases
that deal with a particular topic.

Follow these steps to trace cases on a subject using The Digest:

Look up the topic in the paperback Index volumes at the end of the set;
entries here will refer you to volume, subject heading and paragraph
numbers where summaries of cases on the topic can be found

Follow the references and read the summaries to identify cases that meet
your research needs; update these cases by following up any references
to ‘Annotations’

Developments may have affected the status of these cases since the
publication date of the main volume; to check for these, look up the
same reference in the annual Cumulative Supplement; further cases on
the same topic may also appear here

Finally, check for developments since the publication of the Cumulative

Supplement by looking up the same reference in successive issues of the
Quarterly Survey

5.6.2 Using Current Law to find cases on a subject

Each Current Law Year Book (and Monthly Digest) includes a subject index. In theory, it is
therefore possible to track cases on a subject, including summaries, by consulting each volume
consecutively from 1947 onwards. This is clearly laborious, and not recommended! However,
all of this content may be searched for the same purpose in one go using Westlaw.

At the home page, click cases at the top of the screen. Enter one or more keywords in the free
text box and click search. Try to be as specific as possible. A list of judgments whose summaries
contain your keyword(s) will appear. Click case analysis beneath the entry of any case that looks
promising. Go to case digest — abstract to make sure that the case concerns the area of law in
which you are interested (as you may retrieve some cases where your keywords feature only
incidentally). If you then wish to read a full report of the case, look to see whether any of the
citations in the where reported section are in colour and underlined. If they are, the full report
is available on Westlaw itself – just click the link. If they are not, make a note of the citation and
look for the report elsewhere, either within another database or on the library shelves.

5.6.3 Using full text databases to find cases on a subject

Most electronic versions of single series of law reports, such as All England Law Reports on
LexisLibrary or JUSTIS Weekly Law Reports, permit free text subject searching using keywords.
This is a thorough and powerful search facility.

However, it is important to understand the coverage of the database that you are using (for
example, if you choose to narrow your case search on LexisLibrary to All England Law Reports,
you will of course retrieve references to that single series only, when in fact the database
features many other series in addition, including the authoritative Law Reports).
Researching Case Law 63

It is also important to understand the conventions of individual systems. The general

principles of searching are constant. However, different publishers use different versions of
search software. Therefore using Boolean connectors or enclosing search terms in quotation
marks may generate very different results in two different databases. If in doubt, consult the
on-screen help facility, or ask library staff for guidance.

One useful technique is to confine your subject search to the ‘catchwords’ field of a database of
case law. Catchwords are descriptors applied by editors to reports of cases. A case carrying the
catchword ‘divorce’, for example, will definitely be relevant to that area of the law. If you are
uncertain of the appropriate catchword to use, choose one or more from a case that seems
pertinent to your topic, then re-run your search by typing the new term(s) in the catchwords

5.6.4 Chart of specialist law reports

The following selective chart identifies the leading series of law reports across a range of
practice areas:

Subject Title Abbreviation Electronic Access

Business and British Company Cases B.C.C. Westlaw
Butterworths Company B.C.L.C. LexisLibrary
Law Cases
Commercial All England Law Reports. All E.R. LexisLibrary
Commercial Cases (Comm)
Commercial Law Cases C.L.C. Westlaw
Lloyd’s Law Reports Lloyd’s Rep. i-Law (Informa)
Consumer Goode: Consumer Credit G.C.C.R. LexisLibrary
Competition Common Market Law C.M.L.R Westlaw
Reports. Antitrust
Crime Criminal Appeal Reports Cr.App.R. Westlaw
Criminal Appeal Reports Cr.App.R.(S.) Westlaw
Justice of the Peace J.P. LexisLibrary
Employment Industrial Cases Reports I.C.R. Westlaw
Industrial Relations Law I.R.L.R. LexisLibrary
EU European Court Reports E.C.R. EUR-Lex / LexisLibrary /
Common Market Law C.M.L.R. Westlaw
Environment Environmental Law Env. L.R. Westlaw
Family Family Court Reports F.C.R. LexisLibrary
Family Law Reports F.L.R. Family Law Online /
Housing Housing Law Reports H.L.R. Westlaw
64 Skills for Lawyers

Subject Title Abbreviation Electronic Access

Landlord and Tenant L.&T.R. Westlaw
Human European Human Rights E.H.R.R. Westlaw
Rights Reports
Immigration Immigration Appeal Imm.A.R. BAILII
Insolvency Bankruptcy and Personal B.P.I.R. LexisLibrary
Insolvency Reports
Insurance Lloyd’s Law Reports: Lloyd’s Rep. i-Law (Informa)
Insurance and I.R.
Intellectual Fleet Street Reports F.S.R. Westlaw
Local Butterworths Local L.G.R. LexisLibrary
Government Government Reports
Media Entertainment and Media E.M.L.R. Westlaw
Law Reports
Personal Butterworths Medico- B.M.L.R. LexisLibrary
Injury Legal Reports
Personal Injuries and P.I.Q.R. Westlaw
Quantum Reports
Professional Professional Negligence P.N.L.R. Westlaw
Negligence and Liability Reports
Property Estates Gazette. Law E.G.L.R. EGi (Estates Gazette
Reports Interactive)/LexisLibrary
Property, Planning and P.&C.R. Westlaw
Compensation Reports
Revenue Simon’s Tax Cases S.T.C. LexisLibrary
HMSO Tax Cases T.C. LexisLibrary
Road Traffic Road Traffic Reports R.T.R. Westlaw
Wills and Wills and Trusts Law W.T.L.R. None
Probate Reports
Researching Legislation 65

Chapter 6
Researching Legislation

6.1 Introduction 65
6.2 How do I cite legislation? 65
6.3 Where can I find Acts? 66
6.4 How do I establish whether an Act has come into force? 70
6.5 Where can I find statutory instruments? 71
6.6 Legislation on LexisLibrary 73
6.7 Legislation on Westlaw 74
6.8 How do I update legislation? 75

6.1 Introduction
There are two major classes of legislation in the UK:
(a) Primary legislation is passed by Parliament in the form of Acts (also known as statutes);
around 50 are created each year.
(b) Secondary legislation is made under powers delegated by Parliament, usually to
government ministers; it almost always takes the form of statutory instruments (also
known as regulations or orders); around 3,000 are created each year.

It is vital to check that the version of any legislation that you refer to is in force. Some
provisions do not come into force for some time after they have been passed by Parliament.
Many are then amended over time, or even repealed altogether.

There are many different sources of legislation, in paper form and in electronic form. The first
question to ask before you choose a source is this: do I need the original version of this
provision, or do I need the version of the provision that is in force now? If, as is commonly the
case in legal practice, you need the version in force now (ie, incorporating any subsequent
amendments and repeals), the best sources are Halsbury’s Statutes of England (see 6.3.4) and
Halsbury’s Statutory Instruments (see 6.5.2). Electronic alternatives for legislation in force are
Westlaw, and UK Parliament Acts on LexisLibrary (see 6.6).

6.2 How do I cite legislation?

A statute is generally cited by its ‘short title’ (which should include the year it was passed), eg,
‘Human Rights Act 1998’. You may also come across citations by ‘chapter number’ (the first
statute passed in a given year is chapter 1, and so on). Thus the Human Rights Act 1998 may
be cited as ‘c 42 1998’ (because it was the 42nd Act to be passed in 1998).

Since 1963, chapter numbering has followed the calendar year. Before 1963, chapter
numbering related to the ‘regnal year’ during which the provision was passed by Parliament
(where each regnal year began with the anniversary of the sovereign’s accession to the throne).
The short titles by which many of these surviving pre-1963 Acts are informally known were
invented subsequently for convenience. So, for example, the Act that lawyers refer to as the
Criminal Libel Act 1819 is formally cited as: ‘60 Geo 3 & 1 Geo 4 c. 8’. That is, the eighth Act to
be passed during the parliamentary session that spanned the sixtieth (and last) year of the
reign of George III and the first year of the reign of George IV. See any of the guides listed in
the Bibliography for a full explanation of this complicated system.

The body of a statute is divided into numbered sections, each containing a different rule of law.
When you refer to a rule of law contained in a statute, you should identify where it can be
66 Skills for Lawyers

found. It is usual to abbreviate ‘section’ to ‘s’, so that ‘s 1’ refers to section 1. Sections are sub-
divided into subsections, eg s 1(1); paragraphs, eg s 1(2)(a); and even sub-paragraphs. In larger
statutes, sections may be grouped together into different parts, each dealing with a separate
area of law.

Some statutes have one or more schedules at the end. The content of schedules varies: for
example, some may contain detailed provisions which are not found in the main body of the
Act, or they may expand or define phrases in the Act or contain detailed amendments of
earlier legislation. The last schedule will normally say which earlier statutes the present Act
repeals. References to schedules are often abbreviated as ‘sched’ or ‘sch’ and the divisions are
known as ‘paragraphs’, often abbreviated to ‘para’.

A statutory instrument is cited by its title and also by the form ‘SI [year]/[serial number]’, eg, SI
1998/3132, which was the first published form of the Civil Procedure Rules 1998. The serial
numbering reverts to ‘1’ at the start of each calendar year.

The body of a statutory instrument is divided. The names of these divisions depend on the
form of the title. If it is called an ‘Order’, the divisions are known as articles. If it is entitled
‘Regulations’, the divisions are also known as regulations. If it is entitled ‘Rules’, the divisions
are also known as rules. A subdivision is always known as a paragraph.

The following table summarises the conventions for citing divisions and sub-divisions of the
various categories of legislation:
Category First division Second division Third division
(numbered 1, 2, 3 etc) (numbered (1), (2), (lettered (a), (b), (c)
(3) etc) etc)
Primary Legislation:
Act section subsection paragraph
Bill clause subsection paragraph
Secondary Legislation:
Order article paragraph sub-paragraph
Regulations regulation paragraph sub-paragraph
Rules rule paragraph sub-paragraph
Schedule paragraph sub-paragraph paragraph

6.3 Where can I find Acts?

6.3.1 Official versions of Acts of Parliament Chronological
Upon receiving Royal Assent, the official version of an Act is published by Her Majesty’s
Stationery Office (HMSO). It appears in paper form and also, within a chronological
sequence, on the website of The National Archives (see The paper
versions are republished each year as a series of hardback volumes entitled Public General Acts
and Measures. Consolidated
The National Archives also makes freely available official consolidated versions of Acts on the
Internet (that is, versions that incorporate subsequent repeals and amendments). However, for
the practising solicitor, there are some significant caveats:
Researching Legislation 67

• Revised versions of a number of substantial Acts passed since 1970 have not yet been
added at all to the database.
• Around half of all Acts do not yet incorporate changes applied by subsequent Acts that
were passed from 2003 onwards (the database calls such changes ‘effects’). Updating
gaps are flagged in two ways. A ‘Changes to Legislation’ message appears above the Table
of Contents to each Act, stating either that there are no known outstanding changes, or
that outstanding changes remain to be applied by the Editorial Team. In addition, any
changes waiting to be applied are also listed at the top of each provision.

The National Archives website is continually being enhanced. However, for the lawyer
engaged in legal research, it is not yet a viable alternative to commercial databases of
legislation, such as LexisLibrary (see 6.6).

6.3.2 Current Law Statutes

Current Law Statutes publishes statutes chronologically. They first appear as looseleaf booklets.
These are later republished as several hardback volumes each year. This original version of the
statute is then ‘frozen’ permanently: subsequent amendments and repeals are not

The editorial annotations to Current Law Statutes are especially helpful in carrying out so-
called ‘Pepper v Hart’ research. The decision of the House of Lords in Pepper v Hart [1993] AC
593 opened the way for the courts to consider what was said in Parliament during
consideration of a Bill in circumstances where perceived ambiguity creates a need to clarify the
intentions of the legislature. Hansard is the verbatim official record of proceedings in
Parliament (the full text is available at:
The preface to each Act in Current Law Statutes gives Hansard references to all debates in
Parliament, as well as further background information on the events that prompted legislative

Professional conduct point

The decision in Pepper v Hart creates a professional responsibility to take into account
Hansard as a primary source of research to assist legislative interpretation, especially in areas
of the law that are heavily statute-based (for example, tax).

6.3.3 Law Reports. Statutes series

Current Law Statutes first appeared in 1949. If you need to consult an older Act as it was
originally passed by Parliament, you may need to refer to the (confusingly titled) Law Reports.
Statutes series (1865– ). Once again, the original version of the statute is ‘frozen’ in this source:
any subsequent amendments and repeals are omitted.

6.3.4 Halsbury’s Statutes of England

Halsbury’s Statutes of England contains an annotated version of all statutes in force in England
and Wales. Amendments are incorporated; repealed provisions are excluded. The arrangement
is alphabetical by subject. It is the best printed source for consulting up-to-date versions of

To find out the law using the paper version of Halsbury’s Statutes of England, you must take
four steps:
• index;
• main volumes;
• Cumulative Supplement; and
• Noter-Up.
68 Skills for Lawyers Consolidated index

This paperback volume contains an alphabetical list of statutes, a chronological list of statutes,
and a subject index (called the consolidated index). The subject index should be used if you are
uncertain of the provision that you need. Think of subject terms that identify the problem you
are researching. The subject index will refer you from these keywords to relevant statutes in a
main volume:
disorderly conduct
licensed premises, on, 19(3), [629]

The number in bold is the number of the volume in which the relevant statute appears. The
following number in light type and square brackets is the paragraph number. If the volume
reference is followed by (S), the provision is a recent one and will be found in one of the
Current Statutes Service looseleaf binders. The volume and subject arrangements of these are
the same as the main set.
Researching Legislation 69

How to use Halsbury’s Statutes

If you know the name of the Act you If you are unsure of the name of
need the Act

Look for the Act in the softback Look for the topic in the softback
Consolidated Index: ‘Alphabetical List of Consolidated Index: ‘Consolidated
Statutes’ section Index’ section

If you find the If you can’t find Go to the volume and paragraph listed
Act, go to the the Act, look in (an ‘S’ in brackets means look in the
volume and Current Statutes Current Statutes Service binders)
paragraph listed Service: binder A:
(an ‘S’ in brackets ‘Alphabetical List
means look in the of Statutes’
Current Statutes (includes Acts
Service binders) added to the
Service since the
latest Consolidated


Look in the annual hardback Cumulative Supplement for your volume and paragraph
number. An entry means the law has changed between the publication date of the volume
and the operative date of the Cumulative Supplement.

Then look in the Noter-Up binder for your volume and page number. An entry means
the law has changed since the operative date of the Cumulative Supplement.
70 Skills for Lawyers Main volumes

The 50 ‘main volumes’ feature statutes in force in England and Wales, arranged by subject.
Volume 1 begins with agency. Volume 50 ends with wills. In addition, these are supplemented
by Current Statutes Service binders A–F. Each binder is clearly labelled to show the volume
numbers that it supplements.

If a statute covers several subject areas, it may be split over several different volumes. The text
is up to date to the year of publication of the volume (printed on the spine). Amended text
appears in square brackets; text that has been repealed appears as “…”; text that will be
amended or repealed at a future date appears in italics. Detailed footnotes provide useful
commentary in relation to: parliamentary debates; amendments and repeals; derivation of
older provisions in the case of consolidating legislation; commencement details; cross-
references to other related provisions; judicial interpretation; linked subordinate legislation;
and references to words defined elsewhere in the Act. Cumulative Supplement

Over the years, main volumes are reissued on a rolling programme. Therefore you must always
check whether the information in any main volume has changed since the volume’s year of

This updating process involves two stages. To begin with, consult the annual hardback
Cumulative Supplement. The content of this is up to date to March of its year of publication
(the year of publication is printed on the spine). Any developments affecting your statute
between the publication of individual main volumes and the cut-off date of the Cumulative
Supplement will be noted. Entries appear under the same volume and paragraph references as
in the main volumes. Noter-Up
Finally, check the looseleaf Noter-Up binder. This is updated monthly and will alert you to any
very recent changes in the law. Once again, look under the volume and paragraph number of
your original reference.

6.4 How do I establish whether an Act has come into force?

A statute that has passed all its parliamentary stages and received Royal Assent may not
necessarily come into effect straight away. To complicate matters further, often some sections
of statutes enter into force before others. Sometimes sections are brought partially into effect,
for a limited purpose and period, before entering fully into force later. And just occasionally a
statute is repealed before it enters into force at all (eg, the Antarctic Minerals Act 1989).

The last section of a statute usually deals with arrangements for its own commencement. A
specific date may be given; a specific period after the date of Royal Assent may be stipulated;
or the commencement may be delayed until such time as the Secretary of State makes a
commencement order (usually by way of a statutory instrument).

If no commencement statement is made within the text of a statute, you may assume that it
came into force on the date of Royal Assent.

6.4.1 Is it in Force?
The paperback volume, Is it in Force?, is reissued twice yearly as part of Halsbury’s Statutes of
England. It lists statutes passed since 1 January 1960, with commencement details.
Arrangement is by year, then alphabetical by title of statute, then by section. A supplement
dealing with the current year appears in the looseleaf Noter-Up binder of Halsbury’s Statutes of
England. The same content is also available on LexisLibrary (choose Sources: Halsbury’s Is It In
Force? within the Commentary section).
Researching Legislation 71

Note: The title ‘Is it in Force?’ is misleading. A more accurate title might be ‘Is it in Force YET?’,
in the sense that this publication deals with commencement information only; it does not deal
exhaustively with amendments and repeals that may affect the status of your statute since its
date(s) of commencement. For sources of information on amendments and repeals, see 6.7.

If your statute was passed by Parliament before 1960, you will need to consult the text of the
provision itself for information about commencement. Alternatively, a practitioner book may
give useful guidance.

6.5 Where can I find statutory instruments?

6.5.1 Official versions of statutory instruments
The official version of a statutory instrument is published by Her Majesty’s Stationery Office
(HMSO). It appears in paper form and also on the website of The National Archives (see These texts are not subsequently amended to show the effects of later
legislation. The paper versions are republished each year as a series of hardback volumes
entitled Statutory Instruments.

6.5.2 Halsbury’s Statutory Instruments

Halsbury’s Statutory Instruments collects all statutory instruments in force in England and
Wales. Those instruments that the editors judge to be most valuable to practising lawyers are
reprinted in full; the remainder appear in summary. The arrangement is alphabetical by
subject, and so this is the best source for discovering what relevant secondary legislation exists
on a given topic.

To find out the law using the paper version of Halsbury’s Statutory Instruments, you must take
three steps:
• index;
• main volumes; and
• service binder. Index
The annual paperback Consolidated Index contains a subject index and a list of instruments by
title. If you are uncertain of the title of the provision that you need, think of subject terms that
identify the problem you are researching. The subject index will refer you from these
‘keywords’ to a main volume and a page.

If the reference in an index appears as ‘(S)’ followed by a citation, the provision is a recent one
and will be dealt with in the Service looseleaf binder. Main volumes

The 22 main volumes feature statutory instruments in force in England and Wales, arranged
by subject. Volume 1 begins with agriculture. Volume 22 ends with wills. Each subject opens
with a chronological contents list and a list of relevant instruments no longer in force. The text
is up to date to the year of publication of the volume (printed on the spine). Footnotes provide
detailed commentary. Service binders

The looseleaf Service binder contains a variety of indexing and updating tools. These include a
chronological list of instruments, covering the whole publication and allowing you to find a
provision where you only know its citation.
72 Skills for Lawyers

How to use Halsbury’s Statutory Instruments


Route (1) Route (2)

If you only know the year/number of the SI If you know the name of the SI

What is the date of the SI?

Consult ‘Chronological List of Instruments’
in binder 1 for relevant volume(s) and subject

Current year Before current year

Is SI dated before or after issue date of volume

(on spine)?
See ‘Alphabetical
See ‘Alphabetical
List of Instruments’
List of Instruments’
in softback
in binder 1 to find
Before Consolidated Index
year/number of SI
to find year/number
and relevant subject
of SI and relevant
See ‘Chronological
List of Instruments’
of relevant subject in
relevant volume
Is SI dated before or after issue date of volume
(on spine)?

Before After

See ‘Chronological List

of Instruments’ of
See ‘Chronological
relevant subject in See ‘Chronological
List of Instruments’ of
‘Monthly Update’ List of Instruments’
relevant subject in
section of binder 1 of relevant subject in
‘Monthly Update’
relevant volume
section of binder 1

Look in the softback Consolidated Index; note SI

Route (3) For SIs on a subject
year/number and follow Route (1)


To update SIs in a volume: To update SIs in the ‘Monthly Update’:

(a) find the relevant subject in the ‘Monthly check the ‘Amendments and Revocations’
Update’ section of binder 1 list, then the ‘Noter-up’ section for that
(b) check the ‘Amendments and Revocations’ subject
list, then the ‘Noter-up’ section for that
Researching Legislation 73

The largest section, the Monthly Update, lists changes to the statement of law given in the main
volumes. Over the years, main volumes are reissued on a rolling programme. Therefore you
must always check whether the information in any main volume has changed since the
volume’s year of publication. Entries appear under the same volume and subject heading as in
the main volumes. Check for any new provisions using the Chronological List of Instruments.
Then check for any changes to the effect of existing provisions using the Revocations and
Amendments list and the subsequent Noter-Up.

6.6 Legislation on LexisLibrary

6.6.1 Scope
LexisLibrary contains the full, amended text of UK primary and secondary legislation in force.
Legislation that has been recently enacted but is not yet in force is also included. Most of this
material is split between two databases: UK Parliament Acts, comprising all Public General
Acts, and UK Parliament SIs, comprising all statutory instruments of general application.

6.6.2 Searching
Within LexisLibrary, select UK Parliament Acts or UK Parliament SIs as appropriate. Look for
these options either in the my bookshelf section of the search home page, or by clicking the
sources tab, then choose: . . . U.

To search for a named provision, enter search terms in the box labelled title. You can also
specify a year and a particular provision.

To search for legislation on a topic, enter keyword(s) in the box labelled search terms. Click the
red search button to retrieve a list of sections of legislation where these occur. If you enter two
or more search terms they will be treated as a phrase, unless you link them using Boolean
connectors (see 3.5.3).

From the list of search results, click on the appropriate heading to view the full text. The screen
will split. On the left is a contents tree listing all provisions in the database, arranged
alphabetically by title. You can jump to another provision at any time. (Provisions that are
prefixed by ‘[R]’ have been repealed.) On the right is the full text, appearing section by section.
Amended text appears in square brackets; text that has been repealed appears as ‘…’; text that
will be amended or repealed at a future date appears in italics. Footnotes provide brief details
about commencement and sources of amending legislation.

Section-by-section information about commencement, repeals and amendments of statutes is

available via a source called UK Legislation Status Snaphots. This merges the content of Is it in
Force? (see 6.4.1 above) and Halsbury’s Statutes Citator (see 6.7.1 below). If you are looking at a
section, go to the Find out more box and click the status snapshot link.

Personal injury case study

For example, our road traffic case study involves a car whose driver was on the telephone at
the time of a collision. Searching UK Parliament Acts with the terms mobile and driving
retrieves s 26 of the Road Safety Act 2006, which creates an offence of driving while using a
hand-held mobile phone:
74 Skills for Lawyers

Reproduced with kind permission of LexisNexis

To jump to the previous or next section in the list of search results, click on the arrows at the
centre of the screen near the top. To jump to the previous or next section of the Act, click on
the arrow buttons labelled previous/next, to the left of the screen near the top.

To refine your search, or to run a fresh search, click on the down arrow button next to the box
labelled Next Steps, which can be found to the right of the screen near the top. Select edit search
or new search, then click on go. Note also the option to link to annotations; this links to
commentary drawn from Halsbury’s Statutes (see

6.7 Legislation on Westlaw

Westlaw is a good alternative to LexisLibrary for researching legislation.

The Basic Search screen permits either browsing or searching of the text of UK Acts and SIs, as
amended. It is possible to search either by Title and Provision Number or, to find material
about a topic, by Free Text. A useful extra Statutory Definition search option offers the facility
to find definitions of a word or phrase within the text of different pieces of legislation.

Remember that when searching Westlaw for a phrase, you must enclose the phrase within
double inverted commas. If you don’t, this particular database will assume that you wish to
combine the two terms with a Boolean and between them (see 3.5.3 above if you need to
remind yourself about Boolean connectors). This is likely to produce a different set of results.

Each Act or SI that matches your search will be displayed along with a link to the arrangement
of that Act or SI. This is like a table of contents. Section numbers within the table link to full
text, and each features an icon that signifies legal status:
• A green tick indicates that the provision is in force in full.
• An orange and green ‘P’ icon appears if the provision is only partially in force.
• An orange ‘N’ appears if the provision is not yet in force.

When viewing a particular provision, a menu to the left of the full text gives access to further
Legislation Analysis. This brings together a wide range of information about the provision,
such as: a table of amendments (historical and pending); commencement details; details of
Researching Legislation 75

jurisdictional extent; a list of any SIs made under the provision; details of related legislation;
and lists of cases and journal articles that cite the provision.

Reproduced with kind permission of Westlaw UK

The Advanced Search screen adds options to search for historic law and prospective law, as well
as the law in force today. This permits you to travel through time in your research, to read
versions in force at a particular date in the past or future. If you do elect to include historic
and/or prospective versions, your search results will carry their own set of icons to denote legal
• A green tick indicates that the provision is in force in full.
• A blue arrow indicates that the provision is prospective, and so the text displayed will
incorporate amendments that are currently pending.
• A yellow exclamation mark indicates that the provision is liable to amendments that are
currently pending.
• A red ‘no entry’ sign indicates that the provision has been superseded.

6.8 How do I update legislation?

It is vital to check for changes to the legal status of legislation that you use in the course of
your research.

You need to consider two principal agents of change: subsequent amending legislation, and
statements of interpretation by judges in subsequent cases.

The issue of amending legislation is especially critical if the source you have consulted is one
that publishes measures chronologically (for example, Current Law Statutes). You can rely on
the consolidated versions in Halsbury’s Statutes and Halsbury’s Statutory Instruments being
current to within a month or so, provided all the updating steps have been followed through

Legislation on commercial databases such as Westlaw and LexisLibrary is generally updated

daily, in the sense that the editors add new material every day. However, it does not follow that
the content is current to today. Incorporating all the effects of new legislation is a complex and
time-consuming task. Of importance to the researcher, it also makes it difficult for publishers
76 Skills for Lawyers

of databases to state exactly how current the text of amended legislation can be relied upon to
be. Within UK Parliament Acts on LexisLibrary, for example, the publisher states: ‘Source
Currency: This source is updated on a regular basis’.

Furthermore, where recent legislation materially changes earlier legislation, but the editors
have not yet incorporated these changes, each affected section will feature a red warning
symbol along with the words stop press! Click these words for more information about the
likely changes.

Even when researching online, it is always worthwhile double-checking for amending


6.8.1 Halsbury’s Statutes Citator

Halsbury’s Statutes Citator is a quick reference tool for tracing changes to Acts. This paperback
volume is published twice yearly as part of Halsbury’s Statutes. It is divided into two parts: a
brief alphabetical list of statutes, followed by the main current status section. Section by
section, this details amendments and repeals of Acts since earliest times. The arrangement is
by year, then alphabetical by short title.

The text of Halsbury’s Statutes Citator appears on LexisLibrary both as a free-standing source,
and also merged within UK Legislation Status Snapshots (see 6.6.2 above).

6.8.2 Current Law Legislation Citator

The Current Law Legislation Citator gives references to subsequent legislation and cases that
have changed the legal status of a statute or a statutory instrument.

The printed version of the Current Law Legislation Citator comprises a series of hardback
volumes, each covering a series of years, starting in 1947. These are supplemented by
paperback volumes dealing with the most recent few years. Recent months are covered by
sections in the looseleaf current awareness service file.

Each volume is arranged chronologically by year, then provision number (chapter number for
statutes or serial number for statutory instruments), then section number. The procedure is to
find the earliest reference to your provision, then methodically to check the lists in subsequent
volumes for later developments.
Researching European Union Law 77

Chapter 7
Researching European Union Law

7.1 Introduction 77
7.2 General sources 77
7.3 Primary legislation 79
7.4 Secondary legislation 79
7.5 Case law 81

7.1 Introduction
Researching the law of the European Union (EU) requires skill and tenacity. The structure of
the material is complex. The volume of new legislation and cases is large. Publication of some
documents is delayed by translation. There is often a significant further time lag before
developments filter into practitioner sources covering the state of UK law. Researchers who
specialise in EU law become adept at using a variety of methods in their hunt for authority that
may affect clients’ business decisions. For example, telephoning an official department may
yield timely and significant information that no standard source can offer.

This brief introduction to researching EU law will familiarise you with the key information
sources. With some practice, you will be able to track down references to EU legislation and
cases. You will also develop a feel for spotting possible ‘Europoints’ in a file, even if no such
point seems to be in issue at first sight.

The authoritative text of EU law appears mainly in two bulky paper publications: the Official
Journal of the European Union, L series, for legislation, and the European Court Reports for case
law. Printed alternatives from commercial publishers are more widespread and easier to use.

The European Union itself also publishes a vast amount of information, including primary
legal materials, on the Internet. The major site is Europa (see This vast
collection is served by an inadequate search engine. Try using Google for searching instead
(see type keyword(s) into the search box as usual, followed by

7.2 General sources

7.2.1 EUR-Lex
EUR-Lex ( is the legal portal within the Europa
website. It offers free access to the legal texts of EU institutions. This includes documents
published in the Official Journal of the European Union L-series (Legislation) and C-series
(Information and Notices), covering legislation, international agreements, preparatory acts
and parliamentary questions. Case-law coverage includes judgments of the Court of Justice of
the European Union, as well as the opinions of the Advocates-General, as published in the
European Court Reports, and as provisional texts disseminated earlier by the Court. Also
available are the Commission documents (the ‘COM’ series), a collection of consolidated
legislation, and the texts of treaties.
To search EUR-Lex, click simple search on the left of the screen. (The advanced search option is
complex, since it was designed to meet the needs of ‘professional users who are familiar with
[EU] law and advanced search techniques’.)
78 Skills for Lawyers

Reproduced with kind permission of the European Union

If you have a serial number for the document you need, the process is straightforward. Find
the list headed search by document number and choose natural number. Select the document
type (eg, Directive or European Court Case). Enter the year and number and click search.

Searching by subject keywords (search terms) is unfortunately not so simple! You must opt to
search either within title (search limited to document titles), or within the title and text (full-text
search). Also, certain search conventions operate differently from other databases. For
example, linking search terms with Boolean connectors is supported, but the actual
connectors are unfamiliar:
• The or connector (used to retrieve documents that contain at least one of a series of
terms) must be entered as a comma – “,”. Thus transport, energy will retrieve
documents that contain either the word ‘transport’, the word ‘energy’ or both of those
• The and connector (used to retrieve documents that contain all of a series of terms)
features as WITH. Thus transport WITH energy will retrieve documents that contain
both these terms (enter the terms in the separate boxes on-screen).
• The not connector (used to exclude documents that contain certain terms) features as
EXCEPT. Thus transport EXCEPT energy will retrieve documents that contain the
word ‘transport’ but not the word ‘energy’ (again, enter the terms in the separate boxes

7.2.2 European Current Law

The printed publication European Current Law allows you to trace developments over time.
Monthly parts summarise legislation and case law. They include tables and indexes that
accumulate throughout the year. All material is subsequently republished as a bound ‘year

7.2.3 Vaughan and Robertson, Law of the European Union

This encyclopedia is published in six looseleaf volumes. It gives commentary on the whole of
EU law, under 30 subject headings. Separate tables and indexes appear for each subject section.
Researching European Union Law 79

If you need a general explanation of an area of EU law before researching primary sources, this
is a good starting point.

7.3 Primary legislation

The primary legislation of the EU comprises the founding treaties that established the three
European Communities, along with later amending treaties (most recently the Treaty of
Lisbon, which entered into force on 1 December 2009). These documents lay out the
aspirations and objectives of the Union. The accession treaties that admit new Member States
also fall under the heading of primary legislation.

The official text of the treaties may be freely accessed via ‘Europa’ (see http://eur- Various paper sources reprint the treaties. These include
the looseleaf Encyclopedia of European Union Law: Constitutional Texts and the annual
textbook, Blackstone’s EU Treaties and Legislation.

7.4 Secondary legislation

7.4.1 Introduction
The secondary legislation of the EU sets out how the objectives expressed in the treaties are to
be accomplished. Various categories of provision fall under this heading:

Category Description Example, as published in the Official

Regulations Directly applicable to Commission Regulation (EC) No 2/
Member States: no need 2009 of 5 January 2009 establishing the
for national legislation standard import values for determining
the entry price of certain fruit and
Directives Member States must Directive 2008/122/EC of the European
legislate to implement Parliament and of the Council of
within a fixed period 14 January 2009 on the protection of
consumers in respect of certain aspects
of timeshare, long-term holiday product,
resale and exchange contracts
Decisions Addressed to particular Commission Decision of 23 January
Member States, 2009 establishing the Committee of
companies or individuals European Securities Regulators
Recommendations Non-binding Commission Recommendation of
and opinions suggestions for action 11 February 2009 on the
implementation of a nuclear material
accountancy and control system by
operators of nuclear installations

In practice, you will mainly encounter regulations and directives. Citations for these can be
confusing. A regulation is cited by running number then year (ie, Regulation 1/99 is the first
regulation of 1999); a directive is cited by year then running number (ie, Directive 99/1 is the
first directive of 1999).

Informal nicknames are often given to pieces of European legislation. For example, the ‘First
Directive on Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications’ (Directive 89/48/EEC) is
commonly known as the ‘Diplomas Directive’. This is a problem if you are trying to find the
80 Skills for Lawyers

piece of legislation and all you know about it is its nickname. Lawtel EU features a useful list of
legislation nicknames, with links to the full titles and full text.

7.4.2 Sources of EU secondary legislation EUR-Lex
EUR-Lex gives access to secondary legislation.

Search by publication reference (for example, by reference to the Official Journal) and Search by
document number are straightforward simple search options. Searching for legislation by
subject keywords is more complex.

Within the simple search screen, find the list headed search by file category. Click to choose
legislation (for secondary legislation).

The following screen is headed search in legislation. From the list headed options, choose to
search all legislation, or a limited category. From the list headed further search options, choose
search terms. A tick box bottom left of the screen permits you to restrict your search to acts in
force. Click the search button.

The following screen is headed search using search terms. Enter search terms on the left of the
screen. The Boolean connectors WITH and EXCEPT are supported by separate boxes (see
7.2.1 above). Underneath, you can choose to search title only, or title and text (ie, a full-text
search). Click the search button.

The official text of all EU legislation is the text printed in the Official Journal. As with UK
legislation, this is subject to amendment and repeal over time. A project to consolidate the vast
body of EU legislation for free publication on the Internet is ongoing. To access this material,
go to the EUR-Lex home page and click Legislation in Force. The project aims to collect
legislation, with amendments, into ‘families’ of documents for ease of use.

However, searching can be difficult. If you have the year and number of the instrument you
need, searching is straightforward, but to search by subject you must use the analytical
structure. This breaks down the legislative activities of the Union into a complex subject index
that corresponds to the Directory of Community Legislation in Force (see 7.4.3 below). This
freestanding publication is also available via EUR-Lex and governs the shape and content of
the consolidated texts. It can be useful for a quick check whether a particular provision is
currently in force. Blackstone’s EU Treaties and Legislation

The annual text Blackstone’s EU Treaties and Legislation, edited by Foster, reprints a convenient
selection of the most frequently consulted secondary legislation.

7.4.3 How to check if EU legislation is in force

EU secondary legislation is subject to later amendments and repeals. Besides the collection of
legislation in force on EUR-Lex, there are several ways of tracing the current status of a given

The EU publishes an authoritative two-volume Directory of Community Legislation in Force

twice each year. If an instrument does not feature here, it is not in force. Volume 2 contains a
numerical and an alphabetical index to vol 1, which gives details of current status. The same
content is also available via the EUR-Lex website. However, the information is awkward to use
in both formats.
Researching European Union Law 81

7.4.4 How to check if an EU directive has been implemented in the UK

A handy source is the paperback EC Legislation Implementator. This is published annually as a
supplement to Halsbury’s Statutory Instruments and is updated by the looseleaf ‘Service’ issues
to that encyclopedia. It is divided into two parts:
• Part 1 – Table of Community Directives: chronological list of all directives, with the latest
date for implementation (Date of Transposition) and a reference to the UK
implementing legislation alongside. So, for example, if you wanted to know whether
Directive 89/48 has been implemented in the UK, this book would tell you that the
target date for implementation was 4 January 1991 and that the relevant UK legislation
includes the Education (Teachers) Regulations 1989 (SI 1989/1319) and the EC
(Recognition of Professional Qualifications) Regulations 1991 (SI 1991/824). You would
then need to refer to a suitable UK law source for the text of those UK Regulations.
• Part 2 – Table of Statutory Instruments: chronological list of UK statutory instruments
linking them to the directives they implement.

EUR-Lex includes details of national implementing measures in relation to EU directives,

although developments can take a long time to filter through to this source. The text of a
directive within Westlaw also links to ‘National Measures’.

A possible electronic alternative to establish whether a directive has been brought into force is
to search a full text database of UK legislation. Use the directive number as your search term.
Focus on statutory instruments, since implementation is invariably effected by this method.

7.4.5 Proposed legislation

It is important to be alert to proposed legislation when researching the European dimension of
a problem. However, draft EU legislation is notoriously difficult to trace. It can take several
years to agree the final version of a measure. Final drafts are generally published as COM
documents (also known as ‘COM docs’), this being the title of a range of working documents
of the European Commission. They are cited in the form: COM (year) running number final.
Final drafts also appear in the Official Journal, C-series (Information and Notices).

For links to the text of COM docs, and other material associated with the decision-making
process between EU institutions, access the Commission’s online service ‘PreLex’ (http:// CL=en). To track the progress of draft legislation, access ‘Oeil
– The Legislative Observatory’ service of the European Parliament (
oeil/). Several commercial current awareness services are intended to alert subscribers to
proposed EU legislation, such as the ‘EU Daily Update’ service from the subscription database,

As a last resort, advice can be obtained by contacting the offices of the European Commission
Representation in the UK (see for details).

7.5 Case law

7.5.1 Introduction
EU cases are heard before either the Court of Justice or the General Court. Before
implementation of the Lisbon Treaty on 1 December 2009, these were known as the European
Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance respectively.

The term ‘Court of Justice of the European Union’ refers collectively to the Court of Justice,
the General Court and any specialist Judicial Panels created (such as the EU Civil Service

The UK practitioner will be unaccustomed to certain aspects of the procedure of EU courts:

82 Skills for Lawyers

(a) Judgments are preceded by an ‘opinion’ of the Advocate General; this is not necessarily
binding on the court, but its reasoning is usually followed.
(b) Applications to the court that concern the same area of law may be joined together.
(c) The names of parties are often very long; some leading cases are therefore referred to by
nicknames, which may or may not appear in electronic databases or indexes to paper
(d) The court delivers one judgment only; there are no dissenting opinions.

Be careful to differentiate EU case law from the case law of the European Court of Human
Rights ( This court belongs to a separate institution altogether, the
Council of Europe. It hears complaints concerning alleged violations by nation states of the
European Convention on Human Rights.

7.5.2 Citation
The case number is an important feature of citations for EU cases. A full citation gives the case
number first, followed by the parties, then the citation of the authoritative report in the paper
version of the European Court Reports. For example:
C-295/95 Farrell v Long [1997] ECR I-1683

The case number comprises a running serial number followed by the year of application or
reference to the Court (note that application and judgment may be separated by several years).
Since the creation of the Court of First Instance in 1989, all cases are prefixed by ‘C-’ (Court of
Justice, or ‘Cour’ in French) or ‘T-’ (General Court, or ‘Tribunal’ in French).

7.5.3 Sources of EU cases

All judgments of the Court of Justice and the General Court are freely available on the Curia
website, within Europa ( Click en to access information in English,
then click case-law to produce a choice of search options.
Access by case number is straightforward: select numerical access, scan down the
chronological list and click the appropriate reference. For judgments up to and including 1997,
this will automatically link to the authoritative version on EUR-Lex that was published in the
European Court Reports. For later cases, this will link to the transcript of the judgment on the
Curia website itself.
For access by party or by topic, select search form. This permits free text searching (words in
the text). It also allows you to confine your search to material classed under one of 50 or so
broad subject headings, via the field drop-down menu.
After some delay, judgments are translated into all EU languages and then published in the
European Court Reports.
The paper version of the European Court Reports is technically the authoritative source for EU
case law. Electronic versions are available via EUR-Lex. Go to simple search. If you know the
case number, choose search by document number – natural number. If you wish to search by
party name or by topic, select search by file category – case-law.
Westlaw and LexisLibrary also feature the full text of the European Court Reports.
Common Market Law Reports is a more timely (but unofficial) alternative to the European
Court Reports. All significant EU cases are included, as well as selected decisions of Member
State national courts. The paper version appears in five volumes each year (vols 4 and 5 deal
with antitrust matters). It is indexed by subject, by case party and by case number. The full text
is also available via Westlaw.
The Digest may be used to trace the full citation of leading EU cases, and to search for cases on
a subject.
Researching Forms and Precedents 83

Chapter 8
Researching Forms and Precedents

8.1 Introduction 83
8.2 Atkin’s Court Forms 83
8.3 Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents 84

8.1 Introduction
Collections of forms and precedents provide specimens of the documents which lawyers need
to draft. They can save much time and effort by avoiding reinventing the wheel, although as we
have already learned they should not be used uncritically (see 1.3.4 above).

Many firms hold their own bank of know-how and precedents for future use in similar
transactions. These may exist in the form of paper records, or they may be stored and
disseminated via the firm’s intranet (in which case the content should be searchable from the
lawyer’s desktop).

A variety of commercial publications reproduce versions of prescribed or common

documents. Some are limited in scope and aim to assist the specialist practitioner, such as M
Waterworth, Parker’s Modern Wills Precedents (6th edn, 2009). Others are more general in
scope, such as J Kelly, Kelly’s Draftsman (19th edn, 2006) which gathers into one book the most
frequently needed precedents in general practice.

Two complementary publications give comprehensive coverage: Atkin’s Court Forms and the
Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents. Both of these substantial encyclopaedias are published
by LexisNexis. They can be found in libraries as multi-volume printed sets, and they are also
available online via LexisLibrary. The online texts may be accessed individually (as described
below) or searched in combination (via the forms and precedents search template).

In recent years, a variety of online publishers have developed clusters of precedents and other
know-how that can be accessed upon payment of a subscription. Practical Law Company
(PLC) is prominent in this field, with know-how services across a wide variety of practice
areas. Each service combines a bank of standard documents with commentary and analysis,
email updates, and practice notes and checklists. The publisher of Lawtel is also developing
legal know-how services in various fields of practice.

8.2 Atkin’s Court Forms

Atkin’s Court Forms is a comprehensive encyclopaedia of forms, precedents and procedural
advice connected with civil litigation. It reproduces the main documents required to transact
civil proceedings before the courts and judicial tribunals of England and Wales. Arrangement
is broadly by subject, or ‘title’, with each group of forms introduced by commentary on the
relevant substantive and procedural law, including step-by-step guidance and checklists.
Footnotes refer to useful related information, such as practice directions, case law, legislation
and court rules. The value added by commentary and footnotes should not be underestimated:
this is more than merely a compendium of forms.

8.2.1 Using the printed version of Atkin’s Court Forms

To use the printed version of Atkin’s Court Forms, follow these steps:
84 Skills for Lawyers

Look up your topic in the annual Consolidated Index


Note relevant volume number(s) (in bold) and

paragraph number(s) (in square brackets); paragraph
numbers in italics refer to particular forms,
otherwise they refer to commentary

Locate references in the relevant main volume(s)

Update your information by checking for

developments in the Noter-up section of the looseleaf
Service binder

Note that the Civil Procedure Rules are covered in their own separate two-volume set.

8.2.2 Using the online version of Atkin’s Court Forms

To research the online version within LexisLibrary, follow these steps:
• click the sources tab;
• click A in the alphabetical list that appears;
• tick the box next to Atkin’s Court Forms, then click the red OK – continue button;
• either click browse, to drill down to a particular volume, or enter search terms where
• if searching, either elect to search within: all, or limit your search to form or precedent, or

Note that it is also possible to search across all forms and precedents content available on
LexisLibrary, including but not limited to Atkin’s. To access this wide pool of material, click the
search tab then select forms & precedents on the bar below. Note that the box labelled sources
defaults to: All Subscribed Forms and Precedents Sources. To review and amend coverage, click
the down arrow next to the sources box. You will see that the list which appears includes
Butterworths Civil Court Precedents, for example.

8.3 Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents

The Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents (or EFP) is a comprehensive source of precedents
across the spectrum of non-contentious civil transactions. It contains around 12,000 complete
precedents, alternative clauses, official forms and other ancillary documentation.
Arrangement is broadly by subject, or ‘title’, with each group of documents introduced by
useful commentary on the relevant law and practice. In addition, annotations to the
precedents offer practical drafting guidance and references to other helpful information, such
as cases and legislation. As with Atkin’s Court Forms, the value contained in the commentary
and footnotes should not be overlooked.
Researching Forms and Precedents 85

How to use the Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents

Turn to the volume Turn to the bi-annual Form Turn to the bi-annual
that covers the general Finder volume. This lists Consolidated Index
subject area. Look up material by form type (eg volume. Follow the
the Table of Contents at deeds, notices, etc), then by references to volume
the front of the subject, subject. Follow references to number (in ) and
or the index at the back volume number (in ) relevant paragraph(s)
of the volume. Follow and relevant paragraph(s), (in square brackets). If
references to relevant in square brackets. a volume number is
paragraph(s), in square followed by ‘ ’, the
brackets. reference is to the
looseleaf Service

To verify:

Refer to the looseleaf Locate the guide card in a Check the contents list
Service volumes. binder which corresponds to at the front of the title
Content follows same the volume/title you have entry. This lists new
arrangement as main been using. material added and
volumes, and is paragraphs amended
updated quarterly. since the publication of
the main volume.
86 Skills for Lawyers

8.3.1 Using the online version of EFP

The online version of EFP has two parts, either of which can be searched separately. One
component is the full text of the encyclopaedia itself. The other is an index that merges the
subject approach of the printed Consolidated Index, and the Form Finder (for locating a
specific known precedent). Note that many indivdual forms can be filled in on-screen. A piece
of software called ‘Hotdocs’ may need to be installed in order to edit these documents.

It is usually best to start searching with the index component. This links easily to the full text
of documents, and is likely to pin down the material you need in the least time. Follow these
• click the sources tab;
• click E in the alphabetical list that appears;
• tick the box next to Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents Index, then click the red OK
– continue button;
• enter search terms where indicated;
• scan the title column for a list of subjects under which the term appears in the index and
click on the one that looks most relevant;
• click any volume and paragraph reference to access the full text of the appropriate

As previously mentioned in relation to Atkin’s, note that it is also possible to search across all
forms and precedents content available on LexisLibrary, including but not limited to the
Encyclopedia of Forms and Precedents. As a reminder, access this wide pool of material by
clicking the search tab, then select forms & precedents on the bar below. The default option is to
search All Subscribed Forms and Precedents Sources. You can review and amend coverage by
clicking the down arrow next to the box labelled sources.

Chapter 9
The Result of Legal Research

9.1 Recording research 87

9.2 Reporting research 88
9.3 Cite it right 88

9.1 Recording research

It is tempting to make no notes when researching a problem, and to rely instead on memory.
This is not a wise approach, even if it appears that only a quick answer is wanted. Often the
true value of a piece of information becomes clear only at the end of a research trail: accurate
references will then save time. And what if your supervisor questions the answer? Or if they
ask you to check back on something, or enquire about the steps you took to reach your

At each stage of your research, as well as recording the information you discover, make a note
of what you do and when you do it. Your record should include:
(a) the date your research was carried out (especially important with Internet sources,
where content may change daily);
(b) full citations for legislation, case law and other primary sources consulted;
(c) for books: the author, title, edition, year and publisher;
(d) for journal articles: the title of the journal, title of the article, author, year and volume
(e) for databases: the name of the database, and the name of the section of the database (for
example, UK Parliament Acts on LexisLibrary);
(f) keywords used during searches;
(g) page references or website addresses for key pieces of information;
(h) dates of publication (including the date of the latest release for a looseleaf source);
(i) any dates to which the law as stated is claimed to be up to date by the publisher.

Here is an example of a good research trail for a simple research query:

Topic What are the penalties for importing cocaine into the UK?

Date of research 1 April 2011

Source used Halsbury’s Laws of England

Keywords used Controlled drug – offences – import and export (Consolidated


Result Directed to paragraph 248 of volume 30(2) (4th edition) for a

summary of the penalties upon conviction for import of a Class
A drug (including cocaine)

How updated Checked 2011 Cumulative Supplement and Noter-Up (March

2011 most recent release filed) – no relevant updates found
88 Skills for Lawyers

9.2 Reporting research

If your research is carried out at the request of your supervisor, it is important that you
communicate the results clearly. In any event, it is as well to make a clear record of the legal
basis for advice.

Reports in practice will take different forms, depending on the purpose and importance of the
research, and whether the researcher understands the client’s position fully. As a trainee, you
are likely to begin with relatively simple tasks, so that a relatively simple form of report will
suffice. Suggestions for the content of more elaborate forms of reports, together with useful
advice on style and layout, can be found in Chapter 1.

The following general points should be borne in mind:

(a) The main aims of the report are to answer the question clearly, including enough detail
of the research for sources to be traced and for conclusions to be checked easily.
(b) Begin by restating the problem; if you have a different view of the problem from your
supervisor, you are unlikely to produce a satisfactory answer.
(c) Include a brief summary of your conclusions near the beginning of the report, separate
from any reasoning or source references, so that the main message is quickly apparent.
(d) If your problem is complex, involving several linked issues, list the issues and report on
each one separately.
(e) Consider the recipient of the research in making choices about style and layout. Is it
appropriate to report results in note form? Is it reasonable to assume knowledge of the
legal background? Will technical language be easily understood?
(f ) If the factual context is known, the results should be applied to the facts, and brief notes
should be made of obvious practical implications.
(g) Give full source references: include the title and citation of primary sources and the
page/paragraph numbers of the publications where they were found.
(h) Consider attaching photocopies or print-outs of the most relevant sources.
(i) State what steps were taken to update: give the date of the latest sources used, and also
give (where possible) the date to which the law as stated is claimed to be up to date by
the publisher.
(j) State the date that the research was carried out.
(k) State the date that the report was compiled.

9.3 Cite it right

Various guides exist to set standards for the form of citation of legal authorities. It is good
practice to follow a standard approach to citation when recording and reporting a piece of
research, for the sake of consistency and to avoid ambiguity. This is especially important for
academic legal research, but it should matter to the conscientious practitioner as well.
However, unfortunately, different organisations have developed different sets of standards. For
example, most legal publishers will follow their own in-house rules of citation. There are also
differences in approach between countries (which may be significant for solicitors working in
the UK offices of US firms, for example).

One set of rules is now rising to prominence in academia in the UK, and also serves as a
reliable and comprehensive style guide for researchers in practice. It is OSCOLA (The Oxford
Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities, 4th edn, 2010). The text of OSCOLA is available for
free on the Internet (see Detailed guidance and
examples cover references to a wide range of UK and European primary sources, and
commentary. A separate guide is available covering references to international law.

Part III
90 Skills for Lawyers
Introduction to Oral Communication Skills 91

Chapter 10
Introduction to Oral Communication Skills

10.1 The importance of oral communication skills 91

10.2 Listening 93
10.3 Questioning 94
10.4 Non-verbal communication 95
10.5 Conclusion 95

10.1 The importance of oral communication skills

One-third of what is said is not heard

One-third is heard but not understood
One-third is understood – but may not be accepted
(adapted from a passage in The Skills of Negotiating by Bill Scott)

All solicitors need to possess good oral communication skills in order to defeat the ‘one-third
rule’, quoted above, and to become effective interviewers, negotiators or advocates.

During the working day a solicitor will communicate with a wide variety of individuals. The
most obvious occasions when oral communication skills are important are when interviewing
clients or presenting a case to a court, but a solicitor will also need to communicate with other
professionals, such as accountants, surveyors, estate agents and police officers, and with
members of the public, such as witnesses, and, of course, with colleagues in his or her own

In research carried out by Avrom Sherr (1991) it was estimated that solicitors spent, in total, an
average of 30% of their time interviewing clients, in discussions with other lawyers,
negotiating, acting as an advocate, interviewing witnesses and spending time with counsel. All
of these activities involve oral communication skills.

Personal injury case study

Consider the facts of this case study. If you are acting for Caroline Wantage, how many
different people would you expect to communicate with as you prepare to launch her claim?

At the very least you will need to discuss the case with the client, witnesses, solicitors acting
for the other parties, police officers who attended the scene, the client’s GP and any other
expert medical witness involved in her ongoing care, and her insurance company and/or its

Transaction case study

Consider the facts of this case study. If you are acting for the sellers of Toast & Tea, think
about the range of people you would expect to be involved in the transaction and with whom
you would need to be able to communicate.
92 Skills for Lawyers

Clearly you would need to be able to communicate with your clients, and you may possibly
need to obtain information from their employees. You would need to be involved in
discussions with the clients’ accountants on issues relating to the accounts, valuation of the
business and possible taxation advice. Sale of the business may involve the transfer of
leasehold and/or freehold premises and therefore contact with surveyors, landlords and/or
their agents and banks (if there are mortgages on the properties). There may also be contact
with official bodies, such as Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs in relation to taxation issues
and licensing authorities in relation to any licences held by the business which may need
assigning to the purchaser.

10.1.1 Communication with clients

Professional conduct point

In establishing a range of measures to help solicitors achieve better standards in client care
and complaints handling the Law Society and the Legal Services Complaints Commissioner
(4 March 2009) stated that ‘[e]xcellence in client care, from initial contact through to handling
complaints, is an important part of demonstrating your professionalism as a solicitor’.

In its Complaints Management Practice Note (16 September 2010), The Law Society observes
that: ‘[g]ood communication is essential to … high quality client care … Poor communication
will result in clients feeling that they have not been understood, taken seriously or valued …
Effective communication can help to resolve disputes quickly and build greater client loyalty.’

Employing appropriate skills when communicating with clients is an inherent part of a

solicitor’s duties under Chapter 1 of the SRA Code of Conduct 2011, which sets out minimum
standards of client care which solicitors should provide.

Proper communication with clients will promote satisfaction with the solicitor’s service. There
will be fewer complaints relating to the standard of service, which in turn allows the solicitor
more time to concentrate on generating more business for the firm. Fewer complaints should
also lead to a reduction in his or her professional indemnity premiums.

A happy client will be a loyal client who will be ready to recommend the solicitor to others.

Transaction case study

If, when acting for the purchaser, you provided a good service and kept the client well
informed and happy then further instructions are very likely to follow. The client will no
doubt have many employees, properties and contracts with suppliers and customers, all of
which will, at some point in the future, generate the need for further legal advice.

In its Practice Note of 16 September 2010, The Law Society suggests that a ‘satisfied client can
recommend up to five new clients, but a dissatisfied client can lose the practice up to 23 new
clients’. The impact of better communication in turn leads to a more successful and profitable
business for the solicitor with fewer complaints made about the quality of his or her service.

Looking at it from a wider perspective than just the solicitor’s own firm, in the long term The
Law Society believes that better communication techniques will lead to an overall
improvement in levels of client satisfaction which may reduce the number of complaints and
formal claims against solicitors and thereby enhance the public’s overall perception of the legal

So, from a personal, professional and business perspective, the solicitor should be very keen to
ensure that he or she establishes a good line of communication with his or her clients.
Introduction to Oral Communication Skills 93

10.1.2 Communicating with those who are not clients

Solicitors also need to establish and maintain good working relationships with their colleagues
in the office (whether professional or administrative); a solicitor who acts in a professional
manner and is polite, clear when giving instructions and who is prepared to listen will
promote a better atmosphere in the office. People who have a happy and professional working
environment are generally more productive and provide a better service.

Consulting or instructing members of other professions, representatives of official bodies (eg,

court staff) and interviewing members of the general public are all a regular part of a solicitor’s
daily workload. Clear, concise, polite and appropriate communications should minimise any
delay in getting a response and reduce possible confusion in their interpretation of the
solicitor’s request, instructions or questions. It is clear to see that using appropriate
communication skills will also enhance the solicitor’s reputation in the community and
amongst the professionals with whom he or she deals. This will promote more referrals of
clients to the solicitor’s firm.

Employing appropriate communication skills with people inside and outside the solicitor’s
own office will improve the service that a client receives and, as explained at 10.1.1, this has a
beneficial impact on the solicitor’s reputation and his or her business.

10.1.3 Developing communication skills

Although oral communication skills are largely based on common sense, people’s ability to use
them varies enormously. Some people are naturally better than others at communicating, but
everyone is capable of improvement. Like any other skill (driving a car, playing a musical
instrument, playing a sport), performance can be improved by learning specific skills and
techniques, and then practising them.

At first, practising new techniques can feel artificial (‘It’s just not me’), but after a while the
technique usually becomes second nature (like changing gear in a car). However, skills
training should not be allowed to suppress natural ability, and it is possible to be a competent
interviewer, negotiator or advocate without necessarily having to perform every technique by
the book. It is a question of balance; but success comes through practising sound techniques.
Brilliant mavericks are rare.

When communicating with anyone, it is important to recognise any difficulties they may have
in hearing and understanding the conversation. Individuals may have physical or mental
disabilities, or there may be issues relating to culture or language. It is therefore necessary to
take these difficulties into account when preparing for such a meeting, for example by
employing an interpreter.

This chapter introduces those aspects of oral communication skills which are common to
interviewing, negotiation and advocacy. Chapters 11–13 explain and illustrate with examples
how the skills apply to each of these activities.

10.2 Listening
In order to advise a client, or to persuade an opponent or the court, solicitors have first to
demonstrate that they have both heard and understood what the other has said.

This involves listening carefully to what is being said. Listening is an underrated skill which
requires considerable concentration. Listening as a solicitor is very different from listening in
the context of ordinary social discourse, where interchanges are shorter and more fluid and
where there is less need to pick up every nuance or recall precisely what was said.

Listening as a solicitor is also different from listening to lectures, where students do not
necessarily have to interrelate with the lecturer and may be able to copy up notes from
94 Skills for Lawyers

elsewhere later. Nevertheless, students who are good listeners in lectures will find that this skill
will help them enormously in practice.

Most authorities on oral communication skills make a distinction between ‘passive listening’
and ‘active listening’.

10.2.1 Passive listening

Passive listening involves using silences and other unobtrusive signals to encourage the
speaker to continue. For example, when interviewing, negotiating or conducting advocacy, the
solicitor might want to induce the speaker to carry on speaking and thereby perhaps volunteer
a crucial piece of information.

Silences can be embarrassing in normal social situations, so many people learn during their
upbringing to avoid them. Yet silence is one of the most powerful techniques available to a
solicitor. It may require a conscious effort to remain silent for longer than normal in the hope
that the speaker will fill the void with more information.

Other non-obtrusive signals a solicitor may give the speaker to encourage him or her to
continue include:
• eye contact;
• posture;
• nodding;
• acknowledgements (‘Uh, huh’);
• express invitations (‘Go on’).

10.2.2 Active listening

Active listening, as the phrase suggests, involves more obtrusive techniques which
demonstrate to the other person that the solicitor has both heard and understood.

The most common form of active listening is summarising (ie, giving a short, clear precis of
what the speaker has just said). Like silence, the technique is not regularly employed in social
conversations and so requires a conscious effort.

Summarising is also used by solicitors to check the effectiveness of communication in the

reverse direction (ie, that the other person has heard and understood the solicitor).

10.3 Questioning
Questioning skills are well-known tools of the solicitor’s trade. Questions can be classified
according to the breadth of the response they allow (ie, as open or closed questions).

10.3.1 Open questions

Open questions give maximum freedom to the person being questioned, they encourage
expansion, and they do not seek to influence the content of the reply:
‘So what happened next?’
‘What were your reactions to that?’
‘How did you respond to the offer?’
‘Why did you do that?’
‘Tell me about your relationship with the managing director.’
‘Tell me more about …’

Open questions do not necessarily have to be worded as questions: ‘Tell me …’ is a phrase

which can be used to invite an open response.
Introduction to Oral Communication Skills 95

10.3.2 Closed questions

Closed questions invite a narrow answer, from a few words or a sentence to a ‘Yes’/‘No’ reply
(sometimes called ‘Yes/No questions’):
‘Were you also carrying a knife?’
‘Did you accept the offer?’

One particular form of closed question is the leading question. For example, the questioner
might deliberately seek to influence the content of the reply by asking a question which
encourages a particular answer: ‘So you must have been drunk, mustn’t you?’

10.4 Non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication includes eye contact, posture and gestures, and is often called
‘body language’.

Careful observation of the body language of other people can provide clues as to how they are
feeling, or how they are responding to advice or to an argument, and can therefore be
influential in deciding how to proceed. However, tread cautiously, because the clue might not
be conclusive: the interpretation of body language is controversial, and is subject to cultural
variations. Avoiding eye contact may be regarded as an indication of evasiveness and even a
lack of truthfulness in some cultures. In others it may be a sign of politeness and sincerity. Be
aware of non-verbal communication, but do not allow it to distract you from everything else.

Similarly, awareness of how your own body language affects both yourself and others can help
in deciding how to convey your message more effectively. Although it is sometimes said that
one cannot (or should not) ‘fake’ body language, cause and effect are often interrelated. Sitting
with your arms tightly folded and your legs crossed, or nervously drumming your fingers or
tapping your foot, can affect your own feelings as well as influencing others’ perceptions of
you. Sitting or standing in a physically relaxed manner can help you feel more relaxed and
convey the impression of confidence to an observer.

10.5 Conclusion
This chapter introduces the oral communication skills which will serve as useful tools for a
solicitor, whether he or she is conducting an interview or a negotiation or acting as an
advocate. Reference should be made to Chapters 11–13 for further discussion and illustration
of how these skills may be employed in each of these three contexts.
96 Skills for Lawyers
Interviewing and Advising 97

Chapter 11
Interviewing and Advising

11.1 Why is it important for a solicitor to be a good interviewer? 97

11.2 Objectives of a solicitor/client interview 98
11.3 Common failings 98
11.4 Two ingredients for success – skills and structure 99
11.5 The skills 100
11.6 Client care and costs information 108
11.7 An overview of the structure of the interview 109
11.8 Structure and management of the initial interview 111
11.9 The secret of success – practice 127

11.1 Why is it important for a solicitor to be a good interviewer?

Chapter 10 explored the general importance of good communication skills to a solicitor’s
standard of service to his or her clients and to his or her own and the firm’s reputation and
business interests. This chapter will illustrate how those skills are employed when conducting
an initial interview with a client.

So, why is it important for a solicitor to be a good interviewer?

11.1.1 Building good relationships and reputations

A significant proportion of a solicitor’s working life is spent interviewing clients and witnesses.
In research carried out in 1991 on behalf of The Law Society, Avrom Sherr found that on
average a solicitor spends around 15% of his or her time interviewing clients and around 3% of
his or her time interviewing witnesses.

The initial interview is usually the first time the solicitor and client meet. As the old saying
goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Making a good first impression
is crucial if you want the client to feel comfortable enough and confident enough to instruct
you to act for him or her.

This meeting will therefore be the basis upon which you will start to build a rapport with the

The information obtained during the interview will influence the direction that the client’s
case will follow, so good use of listening, questioning and analytical skills will ensure you
establish as full a picture as possible. It is also the time to establish the terms and conditions of
your retainer so that each of you understands the work that you will undertake on the client’s

Remember, a happy client is a loyal client who will recommend your firm to others. More
importantly, failure to effectively communicate with your client may lead to a dissatisfied
client, poor or even negligent advice and the possibility of complaints, disputes and damage to
the firm’s reputation.

11.1.2 Law Society guidance

As noted at 10.1.1, The Law Society believes that good communication skills provide the
foundations to building long-term relationships with clients, a good personal reputation and a
publically respected profession. In order to promote excellence in both communication skills
and professional attitudes to client care, The Law Society has published a number of practice
98 Skills for Lawyers

notes which outline the Society’s guidance on good professional practice. Whilst having no
legal force, firms with robust practice procedures which follow the spirit of the guidance are
less likely to find themselves subject to complaints from their clients and more likely to be able
to provide a good account of their actions should any such complaints be brought against

The following practice notes provide guidance that is of particular relevance to the skills and
practice procedures discussed in this chapter:
• ‘Initial interviews’, issued 20 May 2009
• ‘Use of interpreters in criminal cases’, issued 15 March 2010
• ‘Client care letters’, issued 16 September 2010
• ‘Police interviews involving sign language interpreters’, issued 20 January 2011

(These practice notes will be referred to in the following form in this chapter: ‘Practice Note of
20 May 2009’, etc.)

The introduction of the SRA Code of Conduct 2011 has to some extent overtaken the Practice
Notes, but much of their content will remain helpful.

When studying the on the Legal Practice Course, a student must meet The Law Society’s
learning outcomes for Interviewing and Advising. The guidance given in this chapter
encompasses those outcomes.

11.2 Objectives of a solicitor/client interview

As mentioned at 11.1, this chapter concentrates on the skills needed during the first interview
with a client.

There are five main objectives:

• to establish good rapport between the solicitor and the client;
• to obtain relevant information from the client;
• to help the client reach appropriate decisions;
• to plan future action;
• to deal with client care and costs information issues.

Other legal interviews (eg, with witnesses or other professionals) usually serve more limited

11.3 Common failings

There are many reasons why a solicitor may fail to achieve the above objectives.

For example, the solicitor may:

• fail to listen properly;
• talk too much;
• make a premature diagnosis;
• restrict the areas in which the client feels free to talk;
• be over-directive in suggesting what further action is necessary;
• be over-technical when giving advice.

The skills referred to later in this chapter will reduce the likelihood of any of these failings
Interviewing and Advising 99

11.4 Two ingredients for success – skills and structure

11.4.1 Skills
In order to achieve the objectives referred to at 11.2, you need to make effective use of a wide
range of skills.

The principal skills involved are:

• listening;
• questioning;
• analysing;
• explaining;
• note-taking.

These will be considered in more detail at 11.5.

11.4.2 Structure
The objectives at 11.2 are easier to achieve if you prepare for and conduct the interview in a
logical and coherent manner.

Structure and management involve:

• creating a suitable environment for the interview;
• preparing adequately for the interview;
• using an appropriate ‘model’ for the interview itself.

A ‘model’ is merely a predetermined structure, under which the interview is divided into a
logical sequence of stages. Each stage involves the performance of essential tasks and requires
the use of different combinations of the skills referred to above.

The model used in this book is:


The model is easy to follow and can be used in any legal context, although the length of time
spent on each stage will usually vary depending on whether the interview is litigation or
transaction based.

A detailed explanation of these stages will be given at 11.8, but a brief overview of the three
central stages will help your understanding of what follows at 11.5 about the relevant skills. Obtaining the facts

This involves the client giving an account of the matter with as little interruption from the
solicitor as possible. It is therefore characterised by the client talking and the solicitor listening,
observing the client’s body language and encouraging the client to continue.
100 Skills for Lawyers Filling in the detail

This involves a more active role by the solicitor to ensure that a complete and accurate picture
is obtained and recorded. This stage is therefore characterised by the solicitor questioning the
client and taking notes of what the client says. Advising
This involves supplying the information which the client needs in order to make necessary
decisions and to give the solicitor instructions for any further action. This stage therefore
usually takes the form of the solicitor analysing and explaining the client’s position, explaining
the range of options open to the client and then engaging in a dialogue to make necessary
decisions and to agree a plan of action.

11.5 The skills

11.5.1 Listening – an undervalued skill
Encouraging a client to explain why he or she has come to see you is generally a more effective
way of gathering information than attempting to do so by a series of closed questions (see
10.3.2). You should therefore avoid asking closed questions until you have a reasonably full
version of the case.

If the client is verbose, you may need to adopt a more forceful braking role, but this should
occur only when absolutely necessary.

Listening is an undervalued skill which involves a range of techniques to sustain information

giving. Silence
In everyday conversation, periods of silence can sometimes seem awkward and even cause

In an interview, these periods give the client time to recall facts and to organise his or her
thoughts so that he or she is better able to tell the story as he or she remembers it and to
express the feelings it creates.

You must therefore learn to control the natural urge to fill silences. Body language

Consider how your body language may help or hinder building good rapport with the client.
For example:
• eye contact: a friendly, but not prolonged stare;
• posture: leaning slightly towards the client;
• head-nodding: but not too much;
• avoiding irritating/distracting mannerisms, eg, pen-tapping, foot-drumming, reading
while the client is speaking, etc. Acknowledgements
These are brief indications (without interrupting) showing attention, interest, and
understanding, such as:
‘Yes, I see’
‘… in Brussels?’
Interviewing and Advising 101 Invitations to continue/elaborate

Examples are:
‘Go on’
‘What happened?’
‘Tell me more about that’. Reflecting feeling

This involves making it clear that you understand how the client feels, for example, ‘I can quite
see why you feel so angry about this’ or (in relation to bereavement) ‘I’m sorry to hear that’.
It involves expressing empathy with the client’s feelings; not being judgmental about them.
The technique is useful in building rapport and is particularly important where the client’s
emotions will be a major factor in the case, for example in matrimonial cases or where the
client has recently been bereaved.
However, reflecting feeling may also be appropriate in interviews which may appear to be less
personal, for example when a commercial client has anxieties about losing face within the
company if a transaction fails to reach a satisfactory conclusion.
You can gain valuable insights into the client’s feelings by observing and correctly interpreting
the client’s body language, not merely from listening to the client’s words and tone of voice.

11.5.2 Questioning
In an initial interview, a solicitor needs to obtain information on:
• the nature of the client’s problem or proposed transaction;
• the relevant background facts;
• the client’s feelings and objectives.
Whilst much of this may be obtained through use of the listening techniques discussed above,
it will usually be necessary to clarify and probe further by questioning.
For an initial interview, particularly in the early stages, open questions usually have more
advantages than closed questions and failure to recognise this leads many interviews into an
interviewer-dominated style. It is important to avoid asking more than one question at a time. Open questions

The advantages of open questions are that they:
(a) allow the client to select the subject matter;
(b) allow the client to select the information the client believes to be relevant;
(c) allow the client to start with information about which the client feels comfortable;
(d) enable the client to get things ‘off his or her chest’;
(e) give the client freedom to reflect and to feel more actively involved in the interview;
(f ) encourage memory by association, which may produce information which would be
overlooked if the client were asked only closed questions.

Transaction case study

Assume you are acting for the sellers. What aspects of the transaction will you encourage the
clients to discuss to help you get an overview of the deal through the use of open questions?
The clients are most likely to start their explanation with a description of the deal. You would
probably need to use open questions to build a picture of the following topics:
(a) the stage that negotiations have reached;
(b) the nature of the business;
102 Skills for Lawyers

(c) who the owners are and the value attributed to the business (some idea of the assets and
(d) the plans for employees;
(e) the clients’ proposed time frame for the deal and any deadlines that you would be
expected to meet (for example the deal must be completed before the end of the current
tax year).

The use of open questions should allow a solicitor to get a great deal of information relatively
quickly and so form an overview of the situation. However, on their own, open questions are
unlikely to be sufficient due to the following disadvantages:
(a) they may initially produce insufficient information;
(b) they may encourage the client to verbosity and/or irrelevance;
(c) they may inhibit a reticent client. Closed questions

Once you have an overview of the case, you can then start to focus on the aspects where you
need more detail. The advantages of closed questions are that they:
(a) are a good method of obtaining precise details;
(b) may guide a client less stressfully through a sensitive area;
(c) may give confidence to an initially reticent or anxious client;
(d) may help to prompt memory;
(e) help to clarify and probe areas of ambiguity or uncertainty;
(f) may quieten a verbose client.

The disadvantages are that they:

(a) may lead to an over-clinical or ‘processing’ style of interview;
(b) may deprive the client of the opportunity to state the case in his or her own words;
(c) may inhibit rapport;
(d) reduce the opportunity to listen to and observe the client, and to understand his or her
(e) may lead the solicitor to miss important areas of information because the client is not
allowed to associate ideas freely;
(f ) may even result in the solicitor directing the interview down a totally irrelevant path. The ‘T-funnel’

As noted at and the use of just open questions or just closed questions does
not elicit the range of information that the solicitor needs. By combining the two techniques,
the solicitor can achieve a thorough exploration of the information.

The use of open questions followed by closed questions is sometimes known as the T-funnel
sequence of questioning:



The solicitor introduces a particular topic with a series of open questions. Only after the open
questions cease to be productive are they narrowed into closed questions.
Interviewing and Advising 103

Premature use of closed questions may distort the response or lead to important details being

Personal injury case study

Assume you are acting for Caroline Wantage. What general areas would you need to
encourage the client to explain by using open questions?

You will need to know:

(a) when, where and how the accident happened;
(b) a description of the personal injury, damage to property and any financial loss the client
has suffered;
(c) the consequences of the accident on her personal and working life;
(d) insurance details of the client and the other parties.
The client is likely to be very ready to explain what happened from her point of view, to give
her view as to who was at fault, to mention if the emergency services attended and if the police
plan to take any action. She is unlikely to have described the scene in sufficient detail for you
to be able to give advice. You need to be sure that she has covered the following details:
(a) the direction in which she was travelling;
(b) the speed at which she was travelling:
(c) the weather conditions;
(d) the time of day;
(e) a precise description of the junction (for example if there were traffic lights, road
markings, road works);
(f) whether she had any passengers;
(g) whether there were any independent witnesses;
(h) exactly what happened after the collision and what was said by whom to whom;
(i) contact details for all parties and for any police officer who attended;
(j) details of her insurance, including any excess.
In using the T-funnel approach, you can use open questions to establish an overview of the
accident based on the client’s immediate memory. You can then review what the client has told
you, if necessary imposing a logical structure to the order of events as you clarify your
understanding. The use of closed questions at this stage should enable you to get all relevant
facts before you move on to giving advice.

(Open questions)

Solicitor ‘What happened after the collision?’

Client ‘I was really shaken and it took me a few minutes to compose myself. I turned off
my radio because the noise was getting to me.’
Solicitor ‘What happened next?’
Client ‘I got out of my car.’
Solicitor ‘Yes …?’
Client ‘Well, I went over to where he’d parked his car and spoke to him.’
(Closed questions)
Solicitor ‘Could you tell me exactly where you were both standing?’
Client ‘Yes, he was standing by the offside front wing of his car and as I approached him I
am afraid I told him what I thought of him.’
Solicitor ‘Can you remember the words you actually used?’
Client ‘I said “You fool, why the hell didn’t you indicate?”‘
104 Skills for Lawyers

Solicitor ‘Did he reply?’

Client ‘Yes, he said “I’m sorry – I didn’t realise they’d changed the lane markings”.’
Solicitor ‘Anything else?’
Client ‘No.’
Solicitor ‘Was anyone else present?’
Client ‘Yes – his work mate was standing right next to him.’ Further clarification and probing

It will often be necessary to probe further:
• to resolve remaining areas of ambiguity;
• to jog the client’s memory;
• to clarify the client’s needs and reaction to the consequences of the action;
• to discover how the client will respond to the legal process (in litigation) or to a counter-
argument or proposal (negotiating a transaction).

The following are some techniques to achieve these objectives.

Going back one stage

This involves taking the client back one stage in the narrative and inviting him or her to relive
the sequence of events in order to jog the memory:
‘Take me through that again but starting from before you were approaching the road

This technique is useful, as it encourages the client to fill in any gaps in the narrative.

Leading questions

Leading questions can be a useful way of helping clients to convey something which they may
have difficulty articulating in their own words:
‘So you’ve had disagreements with the managing director before?’
‘So sexual intercourse did take place on that occasion?’

Prefacing a question with an explanation

This can counteract the client perceiving your question as irrelevant or allay the client’s anxiety
in a sensitive area. For example:
‘I know you’re very confident of being acquitted but, if you are convicted, the
magistrates will sentence you immediately. For that reason I now need to ask you some
questions about your financial circumstances.’

There is, however, a danger that the explanation may influence (and therefore distort) the
client’s reply.


This is often necessary where the information given by the client reveals gaps or
contradictions which require explanation. For example:
‘Are you quite sure about that because according to the police report you said you’d
drunk three pints?’

Devil’s advocate

To play devil’s advocate is to suggest to the client a different and adverse interpretation of his
or her story. For example:
Interviewing and Advising 105

‘If you’re so sure that the accident wasn’t your fault, why did you say to the other
motorist: “I’m sorry – I just didn’t see you coming”?’

It is generally advisable to explain why you are doing this because, otherwise, your apparent
hostility is likely to damage rapport. For example:
‘I’m sorry to ask you so bluntly but it’s a question you are bound to be asked in court if
this gets to trial.’ Summarising
This is an extremely important and useful technique.

Its purpose is to double-check that your understanding of the facts and of your client’s feelings
and concerns is correct.

A summary of the key facts should be given at the end of the filling in the detail stage and
before moving into the advising stage:
‘Now before we talk about what needs to be done let me just check with you that I have
got a correct and complete list of all your relevant assets.’

Apart from giving the client an opportunity to correct errors and supply additional facts,
summarising reassures the client that you have heard and understood what you have been
told. It also gives you a useful breathing space to think about the matter and the advice that
needs to be given. It may also identify some areas on which further questioning is needed
before you can safely advise.

Remember that summarising your understanding of the client’s feelings and objectives is just
as important as summarising factual information:
‘So let me see whether I’ve correctly understood what you are hoping to achieve out of
all this …’
‘So would it be fair to say that you would only be prepared to go to court if Janice’s name
could be kept out of it?’

Summarising helps you to identify if further questions need to be asked and to formulate the
advice to give.

11.5.3 Analysing
As the facts and the client’s goals are being identified, the solicitor must (at least mentally)
analyse which facts and legal principles are relevant, how the law applies to those facts and so
reach a conclusion about the client’s position and the range of available courses of action.

This process is familiar even to an inexperienced solicitor because it involves essentially the
same techniques needed to answer traditional problem-solving questions in law examinations.

One obvious difference is that in real life the solicitor has to elicit the relevant information
rather than having it spoon-fed in the form of a given scenario. Another difference is that the
solicitor has little or no time for quiet reflection before being expected to offer at least a
tentative view of the position.

What tends to happen in most interviews is that, at quite an early stage, the solicitor starts to
form a provisional theory about the likely end position.

Personal injury case study

Consider what legal principles spring to mind if, whilst interviewing Caroline Wantage, she
discloses the following information:
‘The van driver was not wearing a seat belt.’

‘The fog was really heavy; why did the van driver not have his lights on?’
106 Skills for Lawyers

‘I was using my mobile phone at the time of the crash.’

‘As a result of the injuries I was unable to go on a pre-booked holiday. I did not have any
holiday insurance.’

With each piece of information you will be analysing it and starting to frame advice. Thoughts
of contributory negligence, criminal offences and remoteness of damage will begin to take
shape. These initial thoughts will help you identify further questions you need to ask, and
these ideas will inevitably have to be reviewed and modified as additional information
emerges. You must be careful to avoid reaching a conclusion until all the facts have been

Like all skills, this process becomes easier with experience, practice and greater familiarity
with the law in question.

Listening, questioning, note-taking and trying to formulate advice cannot be tackled

simultaneously – just one reason why it is helpful to build in periods of ‘thinking time’ as
discussed at above.

11.5.4 Explaining
Once you have analysed the client’s position, a number of matters will usually have to be
explained before the client can be expected to make decisions and give instructions.

When advising a client, you should ensure that the client understands his or her legal position
and the legal process that will be necessary to achieve the desired outcome. Explaining the legal position

Explaining the relevant law frequently involves explaining concepts which will be second
nature to you and which you would normally express in legal terminology (such as
‘consideration’ or ‘implied conditions/warranties’, etc).

It is therefore easy to overlook the simple fact that concepts and terminology which seem quite
straightforward and normal to you can be totally bewildering and meaningless to a lay client.

Clarity is vital, and legal jargon should therefore be avoided at all costs. You must bear in mind
that accurate and faultlessly reasoned advice is utterly useless to a client who cannot understand

Transaction case study

Assume that you have informed the clients that they face a significant capital gains tax bill on
the sale of their business. The clients had hoped to reinvest the money in a new business
venture and wish to know if there is any way of mitigating their liability to capital gains tax.
Consider the clients’ reaction to the following explanation:
‘If the consideration which a person carrying on a trade obtains for the disposal of his interest
in qualifying business assets used for the purposes of the trade throughout the entire period
of ownership is applied by him, within a specified period, in acquiring other qualifying
business assets which are taken into use in a trade then, that person on making a claim, may
be treated for the purposes of CGT as if the consideration for the disposal was such that it
creates neither a gain nor a loss.’

Whilst wholly correct in law, it is highly unlikely that even a quite sophisticated business client
will follow and understand this long sentence or appreciate the practical consequences of the
statement. The use of such complex language will not only inhibit the clients’ understanding,
but it will also impact on rapport as the clients may well be intimidated, become irritated or
even angry at the prospect of paying for advice that they do not understand.
Interviewing and Advising 107

The advice should be couched in clear, simple English with short sentences to facilitate
understanding. The following advice covers the same piece of law in a much more accessible
‘There is a possibility of claiming a tax relief. This relief applies if you use the money you
receive from the sale of Toast & Tea to purchase things such as land and buildings for use in
your new venture. The benefit of the relief is that you will not have to pay the tax bill when you
sell Toast & Tea. The tax will be deferred. You will still have to pay tax on the profit but not until
you come to sell your new business assets in the future.’

With advice given in these terms, the clients will be better able to understand it and be in a
position to discuss the implications with you.

It is true to say that, with practice and experience, you will learn your own way of expressing
legal concepts in ways that clients will understand. Outlining the relevant procedure

The client’s understanding of his or her legal position is one thing, but appreciating the legal
procedures which must be followed is quite another. The client should be made aware of the
steps that need to be followed to achieve his or her desired outcome. It is also wise to flag up
the possibility of potential problems, which may mean that the process takes longer than
expected or may lead to you having to follow a different course.

Managing your client’s expectations in this way should ensure that the client feels more closely
involved with the matter, and less likely to believe that things are going wrong or that you have
made a mistake in your handling of the case.

You should also bear in mind that, even when you have explained matters clearly, it is often
unrealistic to expect the client to remember everything once the interview is over. For this
reason, it is desirable in most cases to send a follow-up letter to the client summarising the
advice which you have given (see 11.8.10).

It is often helpful to ask the client whether what you have said has been understood and to
offer to repeat the advice. If overdone, this technique may appear patronising. If used
appropriately, even the most self-confident client will appreciate your concern, and a more
timid client, who may be reluctant to ask directly, will welcome a genuine offer of clarification.

11.5.5 Note-taking
Note-taking is an important and difficult skill.

No solicitor can memorise every piece of information on all his or her files, and there may be
occasions when some other member of the firm will need to take over the file permanently or

The file must therefore contain a complete, accurate and legible record of the interview. You must
make sure your attendance note records the relevant facts, the advice given, the decisions
made by the client and any follow-up steps which you and/or the client will be taking.

This is best achieved by taking manuscript notes during the interview itself and, if necessary,
by having a fuller and/or clearer version typed afterwards.

Failing to take notes during the interview, intending to dictate everything immediately after
the interview, is fraught with danger because you may unavoidably become involved in other
distractions and be unable to do this before memory has faded. The longhand notes must, at
minimum, be sufficient to operate as an aide memoire of the vital facts, names, dates, assets,
etc from which a fuller record can later be prepared.
108 Skills for Lawyers

Difficulties can arise if you try to take detailed notes too early in the interview, while the client
is trying to explain why he or she has come to see you. If you write while the client is actually
talking, this can damage rapport for two reasons. First, it is very difficult to follow the meaning
of what the client is saying if you are frantically trying to translate it into a written note.
Secondly, it is impossible to write at length without losing eye contact with the client. Few
things are more off-putting for a client than trying to relate a story to the top of someone’s
head. On the other hand, it can be equally off-putting if you interrupt the flow of the client’s
narrative by requesting time to write everything down.

The solution is simple: do not attempt to take notes during the obtaining the facts stage; instead,
concentrate on listening to the client’s version of events and defer taking notes until the ‘filling
in the detail’ stage. This may mean that you have to ask the client to repeat some matters, but
this is likely to be less time consuming in the long run. Alternatively, restrict note-taking to
very brief jottings which do not destroy eye contact but which will serve at a later stage as a
reminder of topics which need to be expanded.

Even when fuller note-taking starts, try to develop a concise style and be selective about what
you write down. Headings can be used effectively to give a structure to your notes. Ensure that
key names, addresses, figures, dates and verbatim accounts of conversations are accurately
worded. Never be embarrassed to ask the client for the correct spellings if names are

11.6 Client care and costs information

Professional conduct point
Chapter 1 of the SRA Code of Conduct 2011 sets out the general requirements a solicitor must
comply with in relation to client care and the provision of information as to costs. The
question here is how many of these numerous matters need to be dealt with during the first

In its Practice Note of 20 May 2009, The Law Society issued guidance on the Code of Conduct
then in force which made it clear that, as a matter of client care and good practice, it is
generally appropriate for some matters to be expressly dealt with during the interview, whilst
other matters can properly be left to a follow-up or client care/costs information letter. This is
likely to continue to be the case under the 2011 Code.

As to costs information, Outcome 1.13 of the SRA Code of Conduct 2011 requires that:
clients receive the best possible information, both at the time of engagement and when
appropriate as their matter progresses, about the likely overall cost of their matter.
Chapter 1 outlines a number of issues to be addressed. Most complaints made about solicitors
are related to the issue of cost, so the information on costs must be given in plain English and
be accurate and not misleading.

It is sensible to give a ‘simple overview’ of the costs during the interview and, following the
interview, if you are retained by the client, to give full information in writing to the client.

There are three separate occasions during the interview which present logical opportunities to
discuss different aspects of the costs:
(a) during the preliminary stage of the interview when it is essential to discuss at least the
cost of the interview;
(b) during the advising stage of the interview, when discussing the possible options it will
be necessary to discuss the potential costs of each option and whether the possible
benefit justifies the associated risks (including, where relevant, any risk of the client
becoming liable for an opponent’s costs);
Interviewing and Advising 109

(c) during the closing stage when, having a complete picture of the client’s current situation
and the proposed course of action, it is possible to explain the likely overall costs of the

11.7 An overview of the structure of the interview

Having a clear idea of how you plan to structure and manage the interview is the key to
retaining control and ensuring that all necessary matters are properly addressed. The
following checklist provides you with a handy overview of the stages of the interview. It is a
useful guide to keep in front of you to help you maintain your structure. A detailed
explanation of each stage of the interview is given at 11.8.
110 Skills for Lawyers

1. Plan for the interview

(a) Organise an appropriate room for the interview
(b) Carry out a conflict check
(c) Ensure the client has been warned to bring proof of identity for an identity check
(d) Research and prepare a checklist (if appropriate)
(e) Consider if there is any need for an interpreter
(f) Prepare two copies of the client care information sheet
(g) Ensure no interruptions
2. Greeting
Meet, greet and seat the client appropriately, confirm your status within the firm and
establish good rapport
3. Preliminaries
(a) Check the reason for the client’s visit by way of a closed question
(b) Discuss any time constraints and the proposed structure of interview
(c) Explain the cost of the interview and reassure the client that you will deal with
costs more fully later in the interview
4. Obtain facts
Let the client explain the reason for his or her visit; use open questions and listening
techniques (and avoid note-taking)
5. Fill in detail
(a) Clarify and fill gaps in the facts using the T-funnel approach
(b) Identify and explore the client’s concerns
(c) Summarise (a) and (b)
6. Advising
(a) Outline relevant law and procedure clearly, accurately and comprehensively,
taking into account all relevant factual, practical and legal issues
(b) Explain available options, both legal and non-legal
(c) Discuss with the client the advantages/disadvantages of the options (including a
discussion on the associated risks/benefits) to assist the client in reaching a decision
(d) Outline further steps to be taken to implement any proposed course of action
7. Closing
(a) Ask client whether there is anything else he or she wishes to discuss
(b) Confirm the follow-up tasks of both solicitor and client
(c) Give the name of an alternative contact within firm
(d) Estimate the time frame for the matter
(e) Give the best information possible relating to the costs of the matter
(f) Discuss next contact including whether a further meeting is necessary and, if one
is needed, when is it likely to be and who is responsible for arranging it
8. Parting
9. General matters
(a) Maintain rapport throughout, seeking to establish a professional relationship
(b) Structure the interview appropriately
(c) Take appropriate notes
(d) Manage the client’s expectations in terms of your service and the likely outcomes
Interviewing and Advising 111

11.8 Structure and management of the initial interview

11.8.1 Before the interview The environment
It is important that the interview takes place in an environment which will help rather than
hinder effective communication. The aim should be to create an atmosphere in which the
client will feel calm and relaxed and which will give a favourable impression of you and your

You should therefore ensure:

(a) that the client will be physically comfortable;
(b) that the interview will be free from unnecessary interruptions;
(c) that the office surroundings convey a sense of well-organised professionalism without
being austere and/or impersonal.

Seating arrangements may also help or hinder effective communication. Views on this topic
differ, and an arrangement which seems friendly and welcoming to one client may strike
another as over-familiar or even invasive.

However, as far as possible, the arrangement should be one in which:

(a) the solicitor and client can see and hear each other clearly;
(b) the client does not feel kept at a distance at one extreme or invaded at the other;
(c) the solicitor and (if necessary) the client can make written notes in comfort.

The traditional arrangement in which the solicitor and client face each other from opposite
sides of the solicitor’s desk will usually satisfy the above criteria, provided the desk is not piled
high with files and papers. It is also the arrangement which most clients will be expecting.

However, depending on the personality of the client and the nature of the matter, you may
decide that a less formal arrangement, perhaps without the intervening desk, would be more
relaxing for the client and therefore more conducive to communication.

Furthermore, there may be occasions (eg, where the client needs to explain a plan, diagram or
map to the solicitor) when sitting alongside the client is the only effective arrangement.

You should therefore consider the possibility of other arrangements and adopt them whenever

The above comments presuppose that the interview will take place in an environment over
which you have some degree of control, but the interview may, for a variety of reasons, take
place in surroundings (eg, hospital ward, prison cell, crowded court corridor, etc) over which
you will have little or no control. Preparing for the interview

There are a number of matters to address in advance of your first interview with a client.

Conflict check

Professional conduct point

Chapter 3 of the SRA Code of Conduct 2011 says that, generally, a solicitor must not act for
a client if there is a conflict of interest, or potential conflict of interest, with a current client.

No matter who in the office makes an appointment for a new client to see a solicitor, it is
important that they know to obtain some basic information from the client. The client should
be asked for the following information:
112 Skills for Lawyers

(a) his or her name and address;

(b) basic information about the subject matter he or she wishes to discuss (for example, a
personal injury claim resulting from a car accident or the sale of a business);
(c) the name of any other person involved in the case.
This information will enable the firm to do a conflict check to ensure that there will be no risk
of a conflict of interest arising if the firm accepts instructions from this client.

If the client does not book an appointment in advance then this information should still be
obtained and a conflict check carried out before the interview proceeds.

Personal injury case study

When Caroline Wantage rings to make an appointment to discuss her position following a car
accident, she will be asked for the names of the other parties involved in the accident. She will,
of course, give the names of Adam Worcik and Paul Chester. This information will allow the
firm to carry out a check in the firm’s client database. If the firm already acts for Mr Worcik or
Mr Chester then it must not act for Charlotte Wantage. The arranged interview would have to
be cancelled.

Transaction case study

This case study has an additional complication. The conflict check still needs to be carried out
to ensure that, for example, your firm does not already act for Robert Grove Ltd, the proposed
purchaser of Toast & Tea. In addition, consideration must be given as to whether you can
properly act for all three sellers. It is usually the case that, as long as they are all in agreement
as to the general terms of the sale, their interests in selling the business do not conflict and
that you are safe to take initial instructions from all three of them, although of course this
must be checked at the start of the interview. However, care must be taken to ensure that, even
if this is the case at the start, it continues to be so throughout the transaction as further
complexities arise. It may well be that, in relation to certain aspects of the sale and purchase
agreement, you will need to recommend that they each take independent advice later on. This
may happen, for example, if the partners plan to work for Robert Grove Ltd after the sale.
They will each need to negotiate their own employment contracts and so will need to take
independent advice on this aspect of the deal.

Identity checks

In cases where the Money Laundering Regulations 2007 apply, a new client should be warned
when booking the appointment that the firm will need evidence of his or her identity. He or
she should be asked to bring proof of his or her identity to the interview. Generally speaking, a
solicitor must not accept instructions from a new client involved in regulated activities until he
or she has confirmation of the client’s identity.


In the case of a client who has instructed the firm before, it will facilitate good rapport and
promote the efficient use of both your and the client’s time if, as far as possible, you familiarise
yourself with the client. Research the client’s case history and talk to colleagues who have dealt
with the client before.

In the case of a new client, where possible obtain background information on the client (and,
where relevant, the client’s business).

Where relevant and possible, you may decide it would be useful to request documents in
advance from the client.
Interviewing and Advising 113

From the information provided by the client you may have some idea as to the law that is likely
to be relevant to the case. You may wish to carry out some legal research on that area of law in
advance of the interview.

Personal injury case study

Assume you have been instructed by Adam Worcik. He mentioned to your secretary when
booking the appointment that the car driver would not have been so badly hurt if she had
been wearing a seat belt at the time of the accident. You may therefore need to check the up-
to-date position on the details of the relevant criminal offence and remind yourself of the
principles of contributory negligence.

However, in anticipating what may be relevant, be careful not to pre-judge the issues or
‘pigeon-hole’ the client.


Some interviews lend themselves to the use of checklists. As discussed in the previous
paragraph, once you know why a client is coming to see you, it is possible to anticipate the
topics that may be relevant to his or her case. Therefore, through careful planning you could
draw up a checklist to use during the interview as an aide memoire.

Used appropriately, a checklist has the obvious advantage that essential information is unlikely
to be overlooked. A checklist also provides you with a concise and convenient source of
information for speedy future reference.

However, interviewing a client simply by running through a checklist, particularly at the

beginning of the interview, may inhibit effective communication. You may appear to be merely
‘processing a case’ rather than listening to the client’s unique personal problem.

Using a checklist in such a manner may damage rapport. The client may get a feeling of not
being listened to if your questions jump from one topic to another rather than follow up on the
client’s current train of thought. Indeed, premature use of a checklist (ie, before a correct
diagnosis of the problem has been made) can waste valuable time while a mass of irrelevant
information is accumulated. In other words, make quite sure that your chosen checklist is
appropriate before using it.


Give some thought to the use of a language or sign language interpreter, for example if the
client does not speak the same language as you or if he or she has a hearing impairment. Ideally,
a professional interpreter should be employed. If possible, you should try to brief the
interpreter before the interview as to his or her role and the confidential nature of the interview.

Professional conduct point

If you are involved in criminal proceedings, you should refer to the Practice Note of 15 March
2010. This Practice Note explains the importance of the role of an interpreter and gives
guidance on identifying the need for an interpreter. There is also guidance on the allocation of
responsibility for arranging for and paying interpreters for defendants, prosecution witnesses
and defence witnesses. The Practice Note includes useful information as to how to contact
and select an appropriate interpreter and the role of the interpreter in the proceedings.

Further, in its Practice Note of 20 January 2011, The Law Society sets out its guidance relating
to ensuring that an accurate record is kept of interviews at police stations involving sign
language interpreters. If the interviewee requires use of a sign language interpreter then a
video record of both the interpreter and the interviewee must be made.
114 Skills for Lawyers

Client care information sheet

Professional conduct point

Some information has to be given to a client ‘at the outset’ of a matter. The firm must make
clear how it is regulated and how this affects the protection available to the client (Outcome
1.7). It must inform clients of their right to complain and how to complain (Outcome 1.9) and
of their right to complain to the Legal Ombudsman, the time frame for doing so, and full
details of how to contact the Legal Ombudsman.

Outcome 1.12 of the SRA Code of Conduct 2011 requires that clients are in a position to make
informed decisions about the services they need, how their matter will be handled and the
options available to them.

Such decisions will include decisions about the level of seniority of the person advising them.
Indicative Behaviour 1.3 suggests that clients are told, in writing, the name and status of the
person dealing with the matter and the status of the person responsible for its overall
supervision. There is no guidance as to when this has to happen, but it is clearly sensible for
the information to be given as early as possible.

Therefore, in or before the first interview the firm should give the client an information sheet
which the solicitor can explain to the client in the interview. The information would include:
(a) the name and status of the solicitor or other person conducting the interview, and of the
person supervising;
(b) information on the costs of the interview;
(c) details of the client’s right to complain and of how to complain;
(d) details of the right to complain to the Legal Ombudsman and how to make contact.

It may be sensible to prepare two copies of this note and, during the interview, ask the client to
sign and date both copies. One copy should be handed to the client for his or her records, and
the other should be retained on the solicitor’s file.

Professional conduct point

This information should still be supplied in writing, if possible, when conducting an interview
over the telephone. Use should be made of email and fax facilities, where available.
Alternatively, the information should be covered orally during the interview, and the solicitor
should be careful to note that it was discussed.

Ensure no interruptions

You should ensure that the interview will be free from interruptions, so ensure your telephone
is put on silent or, more preferably, that it will divert calls.

11.8.2 The model

Interviewing and Advising 115

What now follows is a step-by-step account of each successive stage in the model (see 11.4.2),
indicating the purpose of each stage and which skills need to be employed. The checklist at
11.7 provides a useful overview of this structure.

11.8.3 Greeting
The importance of a warm and friendly greeting cannot be over-emphasised.

When you are ready to see the client, either go yourself to the reception area and escort the
client to where the interview will take place, or make sure that some other member of staff
does so. A client who is left to find his or her own way to your office through a bewildering
maze of corridors is unlikely to arrive feeling welcome.

The client will form an impression of you as soon as you meet. You should therefore do
everything possible to ensure that this impression is favourable and that the client is made to
feel welcome, comfortable and relaxed.

Greet the client by making eye contact and addressing the client by name. You should also
introduce yourself by name and explain your status within the firm (eg, trainee solicitor, solicitor,
partner, etc).

Personal injury case study

Imagine you are instructed by Paul Chester and are meeting him for the first time. How will
you greet him?
‘Good morning Mr Chester. My name is Alex Ireland and I am a trainee solicitor with the
firm. Please take a seat.’

In most cases the greeting will also involve shaking hands. This may not always be appropriate,
for example if the client is a child.

Be aware of any cultural differences which may make eye contact or shaking hands
inappropriate. If relevant, consider telling the client that you are not familiar with his or her
culture and do not wish to cause offence.

Friendly conversation about such things as the weather, the client’s journey or difficulties in
parking his or her car may help put the client at ease.

The above points are simply common courtesy and may seem obvious, but they are extremely

After greeting, it is a matter of judgement how quickly you proceed to the business at hand,
but most clients will have been rehearsing what they wish to say and will be ready to begin at

11.8.4 Preliminaries
As mentioned at, the client will have given some indication of the general nature of
the problem and the reason for seeking advice when arranging the appointment for the

Nevertheless, ambiguities may still arise. ‘I want to see a solicitor about a will’ may not
necessarily mean that the client wishes to make a will; he or she may want to challenge the
validity of a will. It is therefore sensible to ask the client to confirm your understanding of the
reason for the visit before encouraging the client to launch into a lengthy account of the facts. This
should be a quick check by way of a closed question to avoid the client thinking he or she is
being invited to fully explain the reason for his or her visit.

Once this confirmation has been obtained, there are two matters which should be dealt with
before the interview proceeds further.
116 Skills for Lawyers How will the interview be conducted?

It makes sense to start by letting the client know how long you have available for the interview
and to find out whether the client is under any time constraints. If you are using an interpreter
during the interview, allow twice as long as normal because everything will need to be

It is also helpful to say a little about how you propose to conduct the interview:
First, I’ll ask you to explain why you have come to see me. Then I will need to ask you
some questions and make some notes. Finally, when I have got the complete picture, I
shall explain what your legal position is and what options I think are open to you.
Between us, we can then try to decide which course of action would best suit your

Professional conduct point

Chapter 4 of the SRA Code of Conduct 2011 requires your firm to keep the affairs of clients
and former clients confidential. This stage of the interview is a convenient point to reassure
the client that everything he or she tells you will be held in confidence. The cost of the interview

Professional conduct point

Outcome 1.12 of the SRA Code of Conduct 2011 requires that clients are given the best
information possible, both at the time of engagement and as the matter progresses, about the
likely overall cost of their matter.

Clients naturally tend to be concerned about the cost of the interview and, indeed, of the job
itself. Until the complete picture has been obtained, it is usually difficult to say anything
meaningful about the latter, and this must therefore be postponed until later stages of the
interview (see

However, now is a good time to ascertain whether the client will be paying the costs or if there
is an external source of funding. If the client is a company, its parent company, directors or
shareholders may be providing support towards the costs. An employee may be supported by a
trade union. It is crucial to establish from the start if the client is eligible for Community Legal
Service funding or if he or she has the benefit of any legal expenses insurance (if not you
should consider whether to advise the client to seek ‘after the event insurance’). Indicative
Behaviour 1.16 of the SRA Code of Conduct 2011 suggests this.

You must provide full information about the costs to the client even if he or she is not going to
be paying for the charges him- or herself. If you have any fee sharing arrangements with
relevant third parties then you must make this clear to the client.

Whilst a full discussion of the costs of the matter will need to be delayed until later in the
interview, now is a good stage to clarify the cost of the interview. In referring the client to the
client care information sheet (see, you should explain to the client what your
charging rate is or, if such be the case, that the firm’s policy is to charge a fixed fee, for example
for an initial half-hour interview. If the firm’s policy is to provide the initial interview free of
charge, then it will be reassuring for the client if this is confirmed by the solicitor early on in
the interview. Once the initial costs have been explained clearly to the client, you should check
whether the client is genuinely content to accept this arrangement. You may like to mention that
you will return to the matter of costs at the end of the interview when you have a better idea of
the client’s situation.
Interviewing and Advising 117

Transaction case study

Imagine you are instructed by the sellers. How will you explain the cost of the interview based
on the fact your charge-out rate is £150 per hour plus VAT? In addition, how will you manage
your client’s expectations as to how long the interview will last? You anticipate that this is going
to be a complex interview; you have not arranged any further appointments this afternoon.
Solicitor: ‘I realise that there is a lot for us to get through this afternoon. I have no other
commitments this afternoon, do you need to leave at any particular time?’
Client: ‘No, I really want to sort out as much as possible today so that we can get the deal
Solicitor: ‘Well, now is probably a good time to mention my firm’s charges for this interview.
You will see from the information sheet that I have prepared for you that the firm
charges my time out at £150 per hour plus VAT. Are you happy to proceed on this
Client: ‘Yes.’
Solicitor: ‘Good. I will, of course, return to the matter of costs at the end of the interview
when I have a better idea of the work that is likely to be involved in dealing with the
sale of your business.’ Keeping control

If during the preliminaries stage you need to ask questions, it is important to use only closed
questions. In order to keep control of the interview, the client should not perceive any question
as an invitation to launch into his or her reason for making the appointment until you are
ready for him or her to do so. Skills summary

(1) Explaining.
(2) Closed questions.

11.8.5 Obtaining the facts

The objective is to obtain the client’s account of the facts or of the proposed transaction.
Remember that in some cultures it is not usual to discuss personal matters with strangers, even
for professional reasons. You may need to allow time for trust to build, perhaps even over
several meetings. It may help to explain why you need the information and what it is to be
used for. Such clients may find it easier to talk to someone else in your presence, rather than
directly to you.

Encourage the client to give an account of the matter in his or her own words. This should be
with as little interruption from you as possible.

Consider the impact on the client of the following choice of words and expressions:
‘So, where shall we start?’ (Doesn’t inspire confidence)
‘What’s the problem, then?’ (There may not be a ‘problem’)
‘Thank you for sending me the documentation … It seems to me …’ (Over-directional –
premature diagnosis)
‘Things don’t look too good, do they?’ (Prematurely pessimistic – provokes anxiety)
‘Don’t worry, we’ll sort this out for you.’ (Prematurely optimistic – raises expectations)
‘Funny, this is the sixth one we’ve had in like this in the last month.’ (Treating client as a
‘case’ to be processed – not a human being)
‘This is the one, I think. Now then, where are we? … Let me see … dah dah dah dah … Oh
yes that’s right, this is a GBH case, isn’t it?’ (Disorganised – unprepared – confusing use
of jargon)

Clearly, therefore, you must give very careful thought to the form of words which you use to
invite the client to begin this process.
118 Skills for Lawyers

If you are interviewing a client about a road accident it may be perfectly sensible to say,
‘Perhaps you could start by telling me exactly what happened on the day of the accident’.

On the other hand, if the client wishes to make a will, saying, ‘Could you now give me some
general background information?’, or, ‘Just tell me the story in your own words’, is too vague to
indicate what sort of information you require. A more focused wording would be, ‘It’s a good
idea to make a will. Is there any particular reason that has prompted you to do so now?’, or,
‘Perhaps you could start by explaining what you would like your will to deal with’.

Whatever form of opening words you decide upon, it can also be helpful if, during this part of
the interview, you also ask questions along the lines of, ‘It would be helpful if you could let me
know any particular concerns which you have’, and, ‘Do you foresee any problems?’ Remember
to avoid asking more than one question at once.

You should concentrate on using the various listening techniques discussed at 10.2 and 11.4.1
and confine questions to open questions which will encourage the client to continue the

As the client begins to build up a picture of the reason why he or she has come to see you, it is
important that your questions try to follow his or her train of thought. Your open questions
should encourage the client to expand on a particular topic or, as appropriate, to move on to a
different aspect. You should avoid jumping around topics and asking questions as they occur
to you, irrespective of the particular train of thought that a client is focussing on. You should
also avoid just following a random list of questions you prepared earlier. Jumping around
topics will hinder your ability to build up a clear picture and is more likely to cause the client
to omit facts from his or her explanation. A good questioning technique should be logical and
should facilitate the client’s recall and thought processes.

There will be ample opportunity in the next stage of the interview (‘Filling in the detail’) to
clarify matters. You should therefore resist any temptation to do so at this stage, because a
series of closed questions can easily destroy the client’s concentration.

For the same reason, making written notes should, if possible, be restricted to what can be
written without interrupting the client’s narrative flow (see 11.5.5).

This comparatively passive role can be a difficult one to master if you are a naturally talkative
person. It does, however, enable you to maintain eye contact with the client and to observe the
client’s general demeanour and manner of delivery. This is very helpful in building rapport
with the client and in picking up body language signals about the client’s feelings.

If you employ an interpreter during the interview, it is important to remember that the client is
the focus for your attention. The solicitor/client relationship is still central to the interview and
there should be no independent discussion of the interpreter’s views. This becomes more
difficult if the interpreter is a friend or relation of the client. There is more chance that side
conversations will take place. You should always ask for a translation of any such discussions.
In addition, you should be wary of any sign that the interpreter is adding his or her own view
to the translation. Skills summary

(1) Listening.
(2) Open questions.
(3) Brief (if any) note-taking.

11.8.6 Filling in the detail

The objective is to ensure that you obtain a full and accurate understanding and record of the
relevant facts and of the client’s wishes and objectives.
Interviewing and Advising 119

You will not usually be able to give the client effective advice immediately after the client has
completed his or her account of the matter in the ‘Obtaining the facts’ stage.

In most cases, it will be necessary to ask the client to fill gaps or explain discrepancies in the
narrative or to supply information which the client had not considered to be relevant.

You will also need to take written notes (see 11.5.5) and check that you have correctly
understood what the client has said.

It may also be necessary to examine documents. You should not try reading a document at the
same time as the client is speaking. Not only might this hinder rapport, but it is very difficult
to read and listen at the same time. Explain to the client that you need a few moments to read
the document so that there is a ‘comfortable’ silence while you are reading.

This is the stage of the interview during which you assume a more active and directive role.

Questioning skills become more important although, even at this stage, it is generally best to
use the T-funnel approach (discussed at In other words, see what information can be
elicited in response to open questions before pinning down the client with more specific
closed questions.

It may be necessary to use some of the clarifying and probing techniques (see to jog
the client’s memory or to explore discrepancies or weaknesses in the client’s version of events.

Before completing this stage of the interview and moving on to give advice, it is important to
summarise what the client has said in order to double-check that you have correctly
understood the position (see Skills summary

(1) Questioning – the T-funnel approach.
(2) Note-taking.
(3) Clarifying and probing.
(4) Examining documents.
(5) Summarising.

11.8.7 Advising

Professional conduct point

You will want to give the client a clear explanation of the issues involved and the options
available to the client. You should explain:
(a) the relevant issues, the different ways in which the matter could progress and any likely
(b) the available options;
(c) whether the possible outcomes merit the risk and expense;
(d) your role and responsibilities and the services your firm can or cannot provide.

In essence you will usually need to:

(a) explain the legal position of the client;
(b) discuss with the client the main options (both legal and non-legal);
(c) help the client to reach a decision/give instructions;
(d) agree a plan of action.
120 Skills for Lawyers Explaining the client’s legal position

Professional conduct point

Principle 4 of the SRA Code of Conduct 2011 requires those regulated by the SRA to act in the
best interests of each client, and Principle 5 requires them to provide a good standard of
service. In addition, it is essential to observe the rules governing solicitors who are conducting
financial services activities and to avoid such work unless authorised to conduct it.

This is the first interview. Therefore, if:

(a) the matter is not routine; or
(b) you do not have experience in the particular area of law; or
(c) the client does not insist on preliminary ‘off the cuff ’ advice; or
(d) the matter is not urgent,

it is quite proper to postpone advising until you have had an opportunity to carry out research,
or, if a trainee solictor, to take advice from your supervising solicitor.
Clients do not always need or expect to be given immediate advice. If you are in a position to
give advice then it is essential to package it in a way that allows the client to follow your line of
reasoning and understand it. The client’s legal position should be explained in simple and
comprehensible language. You should therefore avoid jargon. Furthermore, you should be
aware that the amount of information which a client can absorb is limited (see 11.5.4).

Every time you are preparing to conduct an interview, you should give conscious thought to
the best way of explaining the likely relevant issues to a lay client, for example the fiduciary
duties of directors or the dissolution of a partnership at will under the Partnership Act 1890.
You should try to work out a jargon free way of explaining, for example, the difference
between an off-the-shelf company and a tailor-made company or the difference between the
roles of shareholders and directors. There is no need to use statute names, section numbers or
case names; in fact such details are undesirable because, rather than impressing a client, they
will only serve to confuse or overload a client with unnecessary details.

Clarity of advice also involves trying to structure your advice so that it is given to the client in
an order that is easy to follow. For example, in a criminal case it would probably make more
sense to explain first what the prosecution has to establish before moving on to explain the
availability of particular defences. Discussing the main options

Whilst needing to understand the current legal position, the client is generally less interested
in being given a detailed resumé of the law than in being told what courses of action are
available. However, some explanation of the law is necessary in order to set the available
options in context.

Clients need to be given a clear explanation of what realistic options are open to them in order
to achieve their desired objectives. Managing the client’s expectations now can reduce the risk
of dissatisfaction and complaint later on in your relationship. This explanation must be
supported by thorough discussion with the client of the relative merits of each option.

Clearly, the strength of the legal aspects of the case will influence this discussion, but you must
also remember that there are other factors which will have an impact on the client’s decision.
In particular, the client’s decision as to which option to pursue may be influenced by the
possible timeframe involved, the level of costs, the commercial risks and personal factors such
as emotion, health, family relationships, professional embarrassment, employee relations and
possible adverse publicity.
Interviewing and Advising 121

Professional conduct point

Indicative Behaviour 1.13 of the SRA Code of Conduct 2011 suggests that to meet the Chapter
1 Outcomes you should discuss with the client whether the potential outcomes justify the
expense or risk and, in particular, any risk that the client may have to cover his or her
opponent’s costs. It is sensible to make a record of the risk assessment and the risk should be
kept under review, with the client being updated as to any changes, as the matter progresses.

Transaction case study

Assume that you are acting for the purchaser who tells you that, for tax reasons, this deal must
take place within the next 10 days. Your advice may well have been that the purchaser should
carry out a very extensive investigation into the assets and liabilities of Toast & Tea (so-called
‘due diligence’). This process should discover any problems that exist, for example with the
physical state and legal title of the properties or the contractual relationships with suppliers.
However, such a process will be time-consuming and expensive. If time is short then due
diligence should perhaps focus on the property or contractual relationships which are of
greatest interest to the client. If due diligence is to be limited, the client will need to weigh up
the risk of buying assets with ‘hidden problems’, which may give rise to expense in the future,
against the risk of losing the deal or losing the tax advantage by not completing in the next 10

The discussion should take account of these non-legal factors. For example, litigation is not
only emotionally stressful, costly and time consuming, it can be severely disruptive to a
business if employees, partners or directors have to spend days at court waiting to give
evidence. It may make commercial sense for a client to do nothing about a particular issue
because, despite any injustice, it is not economically worthwhile. It may be that cash flow will
prevent the taking or defending of an action. Equally, it may be commercially necessary to
defend an action, despite the costs, to preserve a good name, trade mark, goodwill or a
position in the market.

You should try to involve the client in the discussion so that you can jointly weigh the
advantages and disadvantages of each option. Clients cannot be expected to choose between
available options unless the solicitor has clearly explained the pros and cons of each option and
the action required to implement each option. This will help the client to reach a decision, as
will entering into a dialogue with the client to ensure that the client is making the right decision
for the right reasons. Even a client who comes to the interview with a clear idea of how he or
she wants the matter to progress will be interested in the options. At least then his or her
decision is an informed one. Helping the client to reach a decision

All major decisions concerning the case or transaction are for the client to make. It is the
client’s case, not the solicitor’s. However, opinion is divided on how far the solicitor may
recommend a course of action for the client.

There are two schools of thought.

(a) The non-directive school suggests that a solicitor should only present the options and
leave it entirely to the client to decide which to follow. The advice is characterised by the
preamble, ‘On the one hand X, but on the other hand Y. However, it is for you to decide’.
This approach may avoid a charge of negligence if the route followed by the client proves
to be the wrong option. However, it is not particularly helpful to the client. Given the
status, experience and cost of solicitors, clients often expect a recommendation.
(b) The directive school involves the solicitor in taking greater control of the decision-
making process.
122 Skills for Lawyers

A combination of each approach is appropriate in most cases. It is important to explain the

realistic options to the client and to explore the positive and negative consequences of each.
Provided the client actively participates in this explorative discussion and you actively seek the
client’s views and preferences, the decision will often be clear.

Furthermore, if the matter is non-urgent, difficult or complex, the client may need time to
reach a considered decision. Agreeing a future plan of action

Once key decisions have been taken, it will usually be necessary to agree a more detailed plan
of campaign, ie, to decide what is the best way of carrying out the course of action which has
been agreed. This presents a useful opportunity for you to explain your role and the services
your firm can offer.

For example, if your client has decided to try to settle a matter by agreement rather than go to
court, you will still need to decide:
(a) whether to approach the other side immediately or await their next move;
(b) whether any first approach should be made by you or the client, and if so:
(i) whether it should be by letter, telephone or in person;
(ii) what (if any) opening offer should be made and how far the client is prepared to
go in order to settle.
As before, you should explain clearly the range of options and try to engage the client as fully
as possible in the decision-making process. Skills summary

(1) Summarising.
(2) Explaining.
(3) Listening.
(4) Note-taking.

11.8.8 Closing
Once the issues have been discussed with the client, and the client has decided what needs to
be done or has decided to go away and consider his or her options more carefully, there are still
a number of matters to deal with before you conclude the interview. Client care and costs information

Professional conduct point

At the closing stage you should ensure that the client has as clear a picture as possible of what
will happen next and the costs that he or she is likely to incur.

The outstanding client care issues to be covered and costs information to be imparted are as
(a) providing the name of an alternative contact in case of complaint;
(b) explaining the possible time frame for completion of the matter;
(c) giving the best information possible as to the costs of the matter, including any
(d) establishing when your next contact with the client will occur;
(e) confirming the advice given in the interview in a follow up letter and maintaining a
proper record of the interview.
Interviewing and Advising 123

A guide to the issues to be dealt with during the closing stages is set out at This
guidance encompasses these outstanding matters and includes further recommendations
which, as a matter of good practice, should be considered at this stage of the interview. A professional closing

There are a number of matters to be addressed in closing the interview and in ensuring that
both you and your client are clear as to what will happen next, how quickly the matter will be
resolved and what it will all cost. Whilst most of these matters can be dealt with in any
convenient order, it is recommended that asking if the client has anything further to discuss
should be dealt with first.

Is there anything else?

You should always make sure that the client has had an opportunity to discuss all matters and

Make a specific point of asking the client if there is anything else he or she wants to discuss.
This forms a bridge between the advising stage and the performance of the other closing tasks.
Its purpose is to ensure that everything has been discussed to the client’s satisfaction before the
solicitor starts to close the interview. This should not be treated as a meaningless ritual, and
the client should be made to feel free to respond affirmatively.

This may be characterised as follows, ‘Before I start to round off this meeting, can I just check
whether you clearly understand your position or if there is anything you would like me to
clarify’ and then, ‘Are you are quite sure that there is nothing else that you want to bring up or
ask me about?’. Two further points need to be emphasised:
(a) This should sound to the client like a sincere and genuine enquiry, not a formality, as in
the familiar, ‘well if there is nothing else then...’.
(b) The question, ‘Is there anything else?’ can perform the function described above, but it
should not be repeatedly posed throughout the interview as a substitute for asking
sensible questions to elicit information.

This question should be asked before dealing with all the other closing tasks. If it is left until
the end of the closing then, if the client does have something else to talk about, the closing
tasks may change. This means the interview will have to be closed again, possibly with
different follow-up tasks, different cost implications and a different time frame. Asking, ‘Is
there anything else?’ at an appropriate stage allows the solicitor to keep better control of the
structure at the end of the interview. It avoids any misunderstanding or confusion that could
arise from effectively closing the interview twice.

Next steps/follow-up tasks by solicitor

During the interview, it is essential to establish exactly what, if anything, the client is
instructing you to do (see If you are dealing with a new client, especially one who is
not used to consulting solicitors, you should explain your role and the services your firm
provides. You may already have covered these matters when discussing a plan of action with
the client (see

In the closing stages of the interview, it is helpful to summarise what steps you have agreed to
take and when you will take them. The steps will vary from case to case but might involve
taking a statement from a witness, obtaining a police or medical report, writing a letter before
action, carrying out a company search, preparing a draft will or partnership agreement, or
drafting a divorce petition.
124 Skills for Lawyers

In most cases, it will be appropriate to write a follow-up letter (see 11.8.10) to the client
summarising what has been discussed and agreed. Telling the client that you intend to do this
is obviously reassuring.

If you have not already done so, now is a good time to check that you have an accurate note of
the client’s address and telephone number. Check also to which address the client wishes
correspondence to be sent. This may be relevant if, for example, the matter involves a
partnership dispute when the client may prefer correspondence to be sent to his or her home
address rather than business address. Equally, in a divorce case, the client may prefer
correspondence to be sent to him or her care of a friend or family member.

Next steps/follow-up tasks by client

You should also remind the client of any action that he or she has agreed to take. This might
include supplying information or documents which were not available during the interview or
thinking about the advice or discussing his or her options with others and contacting you once
a decision has been reached. If there is nothing you need the client to do at this stage, it is
useful to state this clearly.

Alternative contact

Giving the name and status of the person handling the case is something which should have
been explained when you introduced yourself as part of the greeting or preliminaries stages of
the interview.

When closing the interview, it may be useful to remind the client of your name and status. It
will not always be necessary to give the name of the person with overall supervision of the
matter during the interview itself; this can be left to the follow-up letter. However, in some
cases this may be appropriate. For example, if you have introduced yourself as a trainee
solicitor, it can be reassuring to the client to be told that your work is supervised.

In all cases you should provide the client with an alternative point of contact in the firm. This
is the name of a person he or she can speak to if, when the client contacts the office, you are
not available, or if the client has any complaint. Reference can also be made here to the client
care information sheet you prepared in advance (see

A form of wording which covers all these aspects could be as follows:

As I mentioned at the start of the interview, my name is Joseph Adkin and I am a trainee
solicitor with the firm. My work is supervised by Alice White who will be familiar with
your case. If, when you contact the office, I am not available, please feel free to speak to
Mrs White. Mrs White’s contact details are on the information sheet I gave you at the
start of the interview.

Time frame for the matter

The client should be given some indication of how long the matter will take to complete,
remembering to take into account any deadlines to which the client needs you to work (for
example, the matter must be completed by the end of the tax year). This should help manage
the client’s expectations and minimise the risk of complaints about delays in situations where
the outcome is likely to take some time to attain. Sometimes an estimate is quite easy to give:
‘As the agreed terms are quite straightforward, I shall be able to send you and Simon a
draft of the partnership agreement by the end of the week. Then, if you’re both happy
with it, it should be possible to sign the final document sometime during next week.’

In other cases, particularly where court proceedings are a possibility, it may be impossible to
do more than give a very broad estimate because future developments will to a large extent be
unpredictable and outside your control. Even in these situations, you should try to give some
Interviewing and Advising 125

indication of time frame, even if it is only to indicate that the matter could potentially take
years rather than months.

Estimating the costs of the matter/method of charging

Costs will already have been discussed during the course of the interview. As stated at,
it will usually be possible to explain early in the interview how the interview itself is to be paid
for, but it is seldom possible at that stage to discuss the likely cost of the matter itself. When
discussing the client’s options (see there should have been an analysis of whether the
benefits of any proposed course of action outweigh potential risks as to costs, and you may
have considered the possibility of offering the client a conditional fee arrangement.

In closing the interview, a summary of the position as to costs ensures the client understands
clearly the potential cost implications he or she is facing. Information on costs, together with
details of possible disbursements (charges or fees that will be incurred by the solicitor in
carrying out the legal work which are not included in the firm’s charging rate, such as the
charge for a company search or payment of stamp duty land tax), should be summarised as
part of the closing stage of the interview.

Costs should be discussed in a business-like way. You are providing a service to the client, and
you should not therefore appear to be embarrassed at having to discuss money.

Professional conduct point

Outcome 1.13 of the SRA Code of Conduct 2011 requires you to give your client the best
possible information on the likely overall costs of the matter.

It is sensible to outline your standard billing arrangements and discuss any requirements for
receiving funds on account.

Deciding just what information you can reliably give the client will involve consideration of a
range of possible ways of handling this particularly tricky aspect of client care.

An agreed fee

In some cases, commonly domestic conveyancing and simple will drafting, the firm may agree
a fixed fee for handling the client’s matter. The agreed fee should have been mentioned at the
opening stage of the interview (see During the closing stage of the interview, having
received detailed instructions and not having found any unforeseen complications, it is
appropriate to confirm the agreed fee. You should also confirm when the agreed fee is to be
paid and whether there are any disbursements (including how much they are likely to be and
when they will need to be paid).

Estimating the likely costs

As most firms calculate their bill by using an hourly charging rate, the likely costs of the matter
will involve the solicitor estimating how much time will be involved in handling the matter.
While, as a bare minimum, the client should be told the firm’s hourly charging rate (and, if
relevant, whether the rate may change during the retainer), this information is not in itself
helpful if the client has no idea of how many hours’ work will be involved. The rate should be
coupled with a realistic estimate of the time to be charged.

In non-contentious matters, such as setting up a simple company or drafting a partnership

agreement, an estimate of the overall cost is usually possible. For example, in a matter where
you are instructed to draft a partnership agreement where the individuals have already agreed
the terms that they wish the contract to cover, you may be happy to advise the client as follows:
126 Skills for Lawyers

‘As I mentioned at the start of the interview, my firm charges my time at £100 per hour. In
my experience, drafting the sort of partnership agreement which you and your partners
will need is likely to cost in the region of £400–£500 plus VAT.’

However, in many cases, it will be necessary to make it clear to the client that only a rough
estimate of the total cost can be given (or perhaps a range of possible costs) because of the
uncertainty as to how much work may need to be undertaken and the time it may take. For
example, if you are advising an individual who is involved in negotiating the terms of a
partnership agreement which have not yet been agreed, you will be less certain as to the
amount of time you will be involved in completing the transaction:
‘As I mentioned at the start of the interview, my firm charges my time at £100 per hour. It
is difficult to estimate how much of my time will be taken up during the negotiations, and
so it is impossible to give you a precise estimate of the overall costs. It may well amount
to over £1,000 but I will report to you regularly about the costs as the matter

There are many situations, particularly those involving potential litigation, where it may not
be possible to give a realistic overall cost of the matter. In such cases, you should explain this to
the client and instead give the best information possible about the cost of the next stage of the
matter. For example, in a case where the client has decided that he would like to defend legal
action taken against him, you might advise the client as follows:
‘As I mentioned at the start of the interview, my firm charges my time at £100 per hour.
Clearly, the cost will depend on how much time is involved and this in turn depends on
whether the case can be settled. It is impossible, at this stage, for me to give a realistic
estimate of the costs involved in taking this matter to full trial if it does not settle. We
have agreed that the next step will be for me to instruct a barrister to provide an opinion
on the likelihood of your defence succeeding in court. In my experience, the cost of my
time in preparing the instructions to the barrister and the barrister’s fees in providing
such an opinion is likely to be in the region of £2,000 + VAT. Before instructing the
barrister, I will need you to provide me with £1,000 which I will hold pending payment of
the costs I incur on your account. Once we have the opinion, we can meet again to
discuss whether you wish to proceed with your defence and I will, at that time, be in a
better position to advise you further as to the likely costs.’

In all cases when you are giving an estimate, you should consider whether either of the
following assurances should be offered to the client: reassurance that you will keep him or her
informed regularly as to how the costs are mounting during the matter; or perhaps agreeing a
ceiling figure for costs, with the client’s agreement being needed before costs beyond this
figure are incurred.

If you anticipate the client having to pay disbursements then you must mention this and
explain how much they are likely to amount to and when the client will be expected to pay for

The client should be reassured that detailed information relating to costs will be confirmed in
the follow-up letter (see 11.8.10).

Next contact

Make it clear which of you is to make the next contact. Does your client expect to hear from
you or vice versa?

At the same time, tell your client whether you think that another face-to-face meeting will be
necessary and (if so) why and who will organise it.

For example:
‘So we’ve agreed that I shall do nothing until you let me know how much you want to
offer to Mr Jones. I shall then write to his solicitors offering that sum in full and final
Interviewing and Advising 127

Obviously, if they confirm in writing that he accepts, that will broadly be an end of the
On the other hand, if he rejects the offer and continues with the court action, I will need
to arrange another meeting with you to give more detailed consideration to the strength
of the evidence in support of your defence.’ Skills summary

(1) Summarising.
(2) Explaining.

11.8.9 Parting
When the interview is over, you should accompany the client back to the reception area.

The parting should be friendly, courteous and (if possible) reassuring.

11.8.10 After the interview

After the interview, the notes you have taken during the interview should be used to produce a
full written record of the interview as soon as possible, whilst your memory is still fresh.

In most cases, you will have promised to send the client a follow-up letter. This letter should be
drafted and sent in good time after the interview. The letter is effectively confirming your
understanding of the instructions you have received. It should confirm the advice you gave
and the follow-up action that both you and the client agreed to take. It should contain the
detailed costs information that you promised the client during the interview, and provides a
convenient opportunity to deal in writing with client care issues and may include a copy of
your firm’s terms of business. Further advice on drafting letters can be found in Chapter 1.

The notes taken during the interview, together with your full attendance note, the follow-up
letter, copies of the client’s proof of identity papers and the client care information sheet signed
by the client during the interview should all be placed on the client’s file.

11.9 The secret of success – practice

The principles set out in this chapter seek to provide something for everyone.

If you have never interviewed a client then the structure and skills that are outlined here will
provide a firm foundation for you to prepare for your first interview. By reviewing how that
interview went, you will begin to hone your skills and gradually, with further practice, develop
a manner and technique with which you feel comfortable, safe in the knowledge that it is based
on sound principles.

If you are already used to interviewing clients then reading this chapter may have made you
evaluate the skills and techniques that you employ with a view to improving your personal
128 Skills for Lawyers
Negotiation 129

Chapter 12

12.1 Introduction 129

12.2 The ethical aspects of negotiating 130
12.3 Negotiating styles 130
12.4 Preparation for a negotiation 133
12.5 The forum for the negotiation 141
12.6 Other considerations before a meeting 142
12.7 Overview of a negotiation 143
12.8 The opening 144
12.9 The middle phase: discussion and bargaining 145
12.10 The end: closing a negotiation 147
12.11 ‘Dirty tricks’ 148
12.12 Alternative dispute resolution 149

12.1 Introduction
It is essential that lawyers add value in negotiation if they are to serve their clients well. To add
value requires an understanding of the principles of good negotiation and regular practice in
implementing the techniques and tools involved. Much recent research has been done into
how we make decisions and how we persuade others. This research now informs our
understanding of how best to negotiate. In the rest of this chapter we will consider some of the
basic principles. There are also examples and exercises.

Negotiation is a process by which two or more parties attempt to come to an agreement which
meets their needs and provides as much of what they want as possible. Skilled negotiators are
aware that negotiation is a subtle art. It is not a simple battle of wills where one side must
succeed at the expense of another. Using principled interest based negotiating techniques, it is
often possible for both sides to achieve a solution which satisfies their needs and delivers much
of what they want.

Set out below is a summary of some of the essentials of good negotiating practice which will be
explored in more detail in this chapter:
(a) Full preparation, including mastery of all relevant facts and law, and identification of
your best alternative to a negotiated agreement (‘BATNA’ – see 12.4.4 below).
(b) Use of objective standards of reference, eg market standards, expert reports, audited
accounts etc.
(c) Adoption of an interest-based approach whereby you seek to identify the interests of the
other side and to better understand their needs and wants.
(d) The ability to identify gaps in your information or understanding and to ask questions
to uncover this information, together with good listening skills.
(e) The ability to develop trust with the other party or parties to encourage information
sharing and seek creative solutions.
(f) Observance of high ethical standards.
(g) The ability to control your emotions and to be flexible in your choice of negotiating
130 Skills for Lawyers

12.2 The ethical aspects of negotiating

As a solicitor you must always act ethically and in accordance with the solicitors’ rules of
professional conduct. You must never lie or exceed your client’s instructions. However, you
have no duty to volunteer information which is adverse to your client’s position. If asked a
direct question on such a point, you cannot lie but you can refuse to answer, offer no comment
or attempt to deflect the question (eg by offering a partial answer or by parrying with a
counter-question). However, it is likely in such circumstances that the other negotiator will
guess what the true position is, and it may have been tactically wiser to have made an

12.3 Negotiating styles

12.3.1 Categories
Some writers group negotiators into two general styles with labels such as hard/soft or

However, such categorisation can be a misleading division of a myriad of different styles.

Figure 1 demonstrates this by charting two characteristics of the negotiator which are not
necessarily mutually exclusive but which can be integrated with each other in widely varying
Figure 1




How assertive are you? Mark your point on the vertical axis. How co-operative are you? Mark
your point on the horizontal axis. Mark on the graph where your two points meet.

This analysis recognises that everybody’s style is different: there are hundreds of points on the
graph. However, although it gives a general indication of a person’s predominant style, the
analysis has inherent drawbacks. First, self-analysis is not always accurate. Secondly, it fails to
recognise that you can and should vary your style according to the needs of a particular
negotiation. Effective negotiators are highly flexible and will vary their style according to the
merits of the case they are pursuing and the style adopted by the other negotiator.
Negotiation 131

Figure 2


Figure 2 shows the same chart divided into five broad styles, any one of which can be used
according to the circumstances.
It is important to:
(a) know the potential strengths and weaknesses of your own predominant style;
(b) learn to vary your own style; and
(c) be able to identify, and react appropriately, to the style of the other negotiator.

12.3.2 Avoiding
The avoiding style is low both on assertiveness and co-operativeness. It is sometimes used by
those who are facing actual or potential legal action, or a proposed term in a transaction,
against which they have little or no argument. They hope that, if they ignore the problem, it
will either go away or circumstances will change in their favour.

It is also an approach that might be adopted by the solicitor on one side if he or she knows the
other side has a deadline to meet. He or she will be trying to put off the real negotiations until
the other side is under severe time pressure, knowing that this will then put him or her into a
strong position.

The appropriate response to an opponent who adopts an avoiding style is to press ahead as
quickly as possible, perhaps by imposing time limits or by pursuing alternative courses of
action which force him or her into serious talks, for example by issuing and serving

12.3.3 Accommodating
A person adopting an accommodating style is keen to accept the other side’s proposals and
reach agreement. It is sometimes a style which results from the negotiator’s personality.

It may be consciously adopted, however, if the other side has grossly misjudged the parties’
positions. Even in these circumstances, it might, in some cases, be wiser not to take advantage
of the other side’s error particularly when the parties will have an ongoing relationship.

12.3.4 Compromising
It is vital that negotiators should have the capacity to compromise; otherwise, deals would
never be made and disputes would never be settled. The important question for a negotiator is
how and when to compromise. Factors which frequently motivate compromise include
132 Skills for Lawyers

(a) the uncertainties of trial (on liability or quantum, eg, when a witness fails to come ‘up to
proof ’);
(b) the possible publicity arising out of litigation;
(c) the delay involved in going to trial;
(d) the emotional stress that continued litigation could involve;
(e) the legal costs of going any further – even if you win in court, you are unlikely to recover
all the legal costs from the unsuccessful defendant;
(f ) the further loss of management time for a commercial client;
(g) the transaction falling through; or
(h) souring an ongoing relationship between two commercial parties or between members
of a family.

Although compromise is necessary, a compromising style can be characterised as a readiness

to ‘split the difference’ between the two sides positions, regardless of the objective merits.
There may occasionally be good reasons for securing a deal in this way, but they do not
include the easy disposal of the matter or speedier payment of your fees. Always evaluate your
reasons for compromise and ensure that you are compromising when appropriate and using
relevant criteria to calculate the basis on which you offer or accept compromise.

12.3.5 Competing
Competitors are uncooperative and highly assertive. They may or may not also be aggressive.

If you have a strong case and the other side is accommodating, a competing style can be highly

On the other hand, if it is misused, a competing style is likely to create mistrust, distort
communication, increase tension and possibly sour long-term relationships. It can provoke
retaliation (the other side become aggressive or unreasonable), and settlement can be severely
delayed or a proposed deal can fall apart. Given the potential dangers of this style, it should be
adopted with caution.

If you are faced with competitive negotiators, try to avoid counter-productive reactions. Ignore
personality and concentrate on the objective merits of the arguments. It may be helpful to ask
yourself: ‘Why are they behaving like this?’ There could be a number of possible reasons, each
of which should generate a different response from you.
(a) Separate the problem from the person as far as possible. The behaviour might be part of
their personality, their normal style. Have you or any of your colleagues negotiated with
them before? Consult as widely as possible.
(b) Consider whether your own reaction or behaviour is in your client’s best interests. It
may be that they do in fact have a very strong case.
(c) They may have a very weak case and are therefore bluffing or over-compensating. Stay
calm. Take care not to react too hastily. Bide your time until you are more certain of the
objective merits of the case.
(d) They may be under-prepared. As a result, they may be worried that they are running the
risk of making an error of judgement and conceding too much. They therefore over-
compensate and become less co-operative and more assertive (or avoiding) in order to
reduce that risk. If you suspect this to be the reason, the best tactic might be to adjourn
the negotiation until they are better prepared.
(e) They may have become competitive in response to what they perceive to be your
competitiveness. After a heated and unproductive negotiation, one negotiator said to a
neutral observer: ‘I started off in a spirit of co-operation and compromise; I was
prepared to adopt a collaborative search for a mutually acceptable solution; but he was
Negotiation 133

so competitive that we both ended up just going hammer and tongs at each other.’ The
other negotiator said exactly the same.

Ultimately, it should be remembered that in a negotiation there are no rules or procedures

which have to be followed (unless you have agreed to them), and there is no obligation to
reach a settlement. The other side cannot force you into anything without your consent and
vice versa.

12.3.6 Collaborating
Some people call collaboration ‘problem solving’ or ‘principled negotiation’. It encompasses
highly assertive and highly cooperative behaviour. It is often the ideal negotiating style because
it gives you the best of both worlds. Assertiveness and cooperativeness are not mutually

Assertiveness is not the same as aggression. You should aim to be sufficiently assertive to press
your own client’s case and to avoid being trampled on by an aggressive opponent; at the same
time, you should be sufficiently co-operative to search for any possibility of a mutually
beneficial solution. This is particularly important where there will be (or the parties would like
there to be) a continuing business or personal relationship after the present dispute has been

Beware, however, of certain risks.

(a) Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing, ie, the pleasant negotiator who smiles a lot, flatters
you, appears to be perfectly reasonable (and may pepper his or her statements with
phrases like ‘fair and reasonable’ and ‘sympathetic to your client’s case’), but who on
objective analysis is being competitive and offering very little. Do not jump to
conclusions; try not to allow personality to influence you; concentrate on the objective
merits of the case.
(b) If you are trying to adjust your own predominant style, for example to become more
assertive or more co-operative, there is a danger that, as one characteristic increases, so the
other decreases. Although it is possible to be high on both, it can be difficult to achieve.

12.3.7 Conclusion
Everyone has a different combination of assertive/cooperative behaviour and a different
natural negotiating style. The key is to identify your natural predisposition and to harness your
strengths and be aware your potential weak points. Concentrate on your client’s objectives and
treat the negotiation as a common problem rather than a battle of wills.

The rest of this chapter generally assumes a collaborative style. However, thorough
preparation, self-confidence and perceptiveness are more important than personal style.

12.4 Preparation for a negotiation

12.4.1 Importance of preparation
The successful negotiator possesses many skills; these include the ability to communicate,
listen, persuade, analyse and create. These talents must, however, be supported by a bedrock of

A thorough knowledge of the facts, the law and the procedure relevant to a particular case is
vital. Without that knowledge, you lose any chance of controlling the negotiating process.

It is also essential to establish clearly your client’s objectives in entering into the negotiation.
What is the minimum he or she is prepared to accept? Has he or she reached this position with
the benefit of all available information? If he or she is proceeding under certain
misconceptions, it is part of your role to correct them.
134 Skills for Lawyers

Armed with the requisite knowledge (law, facts and procedure) and your client’s instructions, a
plan based on the following sections (12.4.2–12.4.7) should be prepared.

An effective starting point in your preparation is often to identify all the business issues which
are likely to be relevant to your client. These should include consideration of money, risk,
control, standards and closure. The details will vary according to the facts of each case or
transaction. Set out below are examples of the sort of issues you might consider under each


How much will be paid by any of the parties? What will the currency be? How will the money
be paid? When will it be paid?, etc. Having cash up front may be a benefit to your client that
makes it worth taking a lesser amount or vice versa.


What are the potential risks for your client and how can you minimise them? Who should bear
the risk and can you protect against it, eg by purchasing insurance. Risks to be considered will
depend on the circumstances of each case but might include risk of insolvency/failure to pay,
risk of damage to a product or of damage in transit, risk that markets might change, etc.


Who will have control of the product/business? When will control be transferred? How will
control be handed over? For example, in selling a business, when/how might management
changes be implemented, and what handover will be required?


Who will have the power to decide whether any standards set have been reached? For example,
if goods are to arrive in ‘good condition’, who will decide whether this has been met or not?
Will you require independent verification, and if so who will select, appoint and pay for such
services, eg if a valuation is required for goods or property?


How will the settlement/transaction be completed? At what point will liabilities cease? When
will ownership pass? What rights do either party have to reject the settlement/transaction? If
goods are being handed over, where will the handover take place, who will deliver and when
will this take place?

Using this framework will often help you identify additional information or questions you
need to ask your clients.

Transaction case study

Using the Toast & Tea transaction case (which can be found at p xii), identify what the likely
business issues for the sellers might be.

Business issues for consideration if negotiating the Toast & Tea sale include the following:

• The owners of Toast & Tea ideally want £22 million but are prepared to accept £18
million. On what basis are they prepared to drop from their ideal figure?

• The owners of Toast & Tea want the transaction to proceed quickly, and as they have
other investment projects presumably they will need the money quickly. You will need
to identify how much money they want and what the timeframe is. Is there a deadline
date by which the transaction needs to be complete? Is there a minimum amount the
owners need to achieve by a particular date?
Negotiation 135

• How will the money be paid and over what period? Are the owners prepared to accept
payment in instalments? How can they be sure that they will be paid the full amount?
What happens if the buyer fails to make a payment? When will ownership of Toast &
Tea pass? Who will manage the company during any handover period?

• Valuation of property will be important consideration in this case. Who will appoint the
valuer? Who will pay the valuer? When will valuation be made? Ideally the owners of
Toast & Tea will want to select their own valuer and will want to select a point of
valuation when commercial property prices are most likely to be at their highest. Would
they accept an average figure if both sides appoint valuers, or would they consider
agreeing to the joint instruction of a valuer?

• What happens if the valuer comes back with a figure below that which the owners are
prepared to accept?

• Is Florence Lowe prepared to continue in her current role? If she is prepared to stay,
how long is she prepared to commit to this role and what will her salary and notice
provisions, etc be?

Identifying some of the business issues relevant to your client will help you prepare for the
negotiation and identify possible gaps in the information you have. It should also help
generate possible bargaining points.

12.4.2 Interests not positions

The client will inform you of his or her negotiating position; he or she wants compensation, a
fixed-term contract, the removal of a tenant. You must look behind his or her stated position
and try to identify his or her underlying interests. Why does the client want what he or she is
demanding? Ask – or you may end up negotiating on the basis of false assumptions.

Anticipate the other side’s interests. Consideration of these will help you avoid being taken by
surprise and will allow you to develop a wider range of bargaining points.

In addition, once the underlying interests or unspoken assumptions are identified, it may be
that the underlying interests can be satisfied in some other way and at less cost than you
initially expected.

In negotiating a lease of the major unit in a new shopping mall, the landlord might demand
from his or her major ‘anchor’ tenant absolute bars on assignment, sub-letting or change of
use. The tenant might demand absolute freedom on all three. This presents an apparent
impasse. However, the landlord’s underlying interest might be to use the anchor tenant to
attract ‘satellite’ tenants to the other, smaller units, while the tenant’s interest might be the
long-term freedom to move elsewhere. A compromise which might satisfy both parties’
underlying interests would be to have a short-term restriction rather than one which lasted for
the whole duration of the lease.

Looking for underlying interests is particularly important in transaction-based negotiations or

multi-issue claims. It is less likely to be productive in debt collection, personal injury or other
single issue, ‘money only’ claims. However, it should always be investigated. For example, in
debt collection it may be that the creditor has an underlying interest in the survival of the
debtor’s business.

In a personal injury claim there may be an interest in improving future management or

training procedures to avoid similar incidents.
136 Skills for Lawyers

12.4.3 Strengths and weaknesses

The logical next step after a consideration of the parties’ underlying interests and
identification of your BATNA is to assess the factors which support and those which
undermine your client’s case (ie, once you know what he or she wants, what are the chances of
him or her getting what he or she wants?).

Identify your client’s strengths and weaknesses and those of the other side. Perhaps your client
has no pressing need to make a deal, but the other side have financial difficulties which make
it vital for them to reach an agreement; perhaps your client’s case is supported by strong legal

Once the other side’s strengths have been identified, you can plan how to counter them. For
example, can you obtain other evidence or reinterpret existing evidence?

What are the weaknesses in the other side’s position? For example, will they risk court action if
their main concern is to avoid bad publicity?

Expect the other side to have spotted the weaknesses in your client’s case and to ask questions
which could expose those weaknesses. Anticipate these questions and prepare carefully
worded replies which (without lying or misrepresenting the position), as far as possible,
protect your client.

You must, of course, behave ethically. Any misrepresentation would constitute professional
misconduct, as well as rendering voidable any resulting agreement.

What questions could you ask to exploit your client’s strengths and which probe for
weaknesses in the other side’s position? The phrasing of such questions should be carefully
considered to make it difficult for the other side to avoid giving a straight (and hopefully
revealing) answer.

Consider whether you should use ‘open’ or ‘closed’ questioning techniques or a combination of
both depending on the information you require.

To negotiate effectively you must be assertive in advancing your client’s case and tenacious in
seeking replies to your questions. However, this should be done within the constraints of a
professional and detached approach. If the general tone of your questioning (or answers) is
aggressive, sarcastic or discourteous, it is likely to sour relationships and prevent you from
having productive discussions.

12.4.4 BATNA
One of the best known books on negotiation is Fisher and Ury’s Getting to Yes. Their acronym,
BATNA, stands for Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement. In other words, if the
negotiations were to break down and you failed to settle, what would you be left with? What
would be the true cost or value of that alternative?

In transaction cases, your BATNA could be to do a deal with a third party rather than with the
other side, or not to do a deal at all. In dispute resolution cases, the BATNA would often be
litigation. Exploring the available alternatives in advance can concentrate the mind
wonderfully – both your own mind and your client’s. Make sure that the perceived BATNA is a
realistic alternative and not just a vague possibility.

Fisher and Ury recommend that you identify, evaluate and develop your own BATNA and also
try to guess the other side’s. Developing your own BATNA might involve, for example,
pressing ahead with litigation procedures simultaneously with trying to negotiate an out-of-
court settlement.
Negotiation 137

The aim of the BATNA approach to planning a negotiation is to provide you with a yardstick
against which you can assess the value of any offer made in the negotiation. Identifying your
BATNA helps you to decide your ‘resistance point’ in the negotiation (see It can
therefore protect you from being too generous, ie, agreeing to give the other side more than
the value of your BATNA. It can also protect you from being too obstinate, ie, rejecting a final
offer which is in fact better than your BATNA.

If your client appears to have an attractive alternative available, this strengthens his or her
negotiating position; it might, therefore, be a good tactic to make the other side aware of this

In some instances, the client may have more than one alternative course of action available. If
so, you should discuss with your client the feasibility of each alternative and consider whether
it is worthwhile trying to develop each alternative or to concentrate on just one.

12.4.5 Issues, priorities and variables Isolation of separate issues
Many negotiations involve the resolution of several issues. It is a good idea in such cases to
isolate each issue. One reason for doing this is that it helps to ensure that all relevant matters
are covered in the negotiation.

Your client is a retailer who has a contract with a manufacturer for the supply of an exclusive
range of golfing accessories. The client has suffered losses owing to the manufacturer failing to
meet agreed supply dates. He wants compensation but is aware that the stocking of the
contract goods generates a great deal of his custom.

The issues are:

• the claim for compensation;
• the continuation of a profitable relationship. Relative importance of each issue

Having identified the issues, you should discuss with your client the relative importance to
him or her of each to ensure you have a clear view of his or her priorities. In the above
example, your client would almost certainly decide that the claim for compensation should not
be pressed too hard if it would put at risk the continuation of the relationship. Opening bids and resistance points

On each issue, make an assessment of the most favourable result that you would hope to
achieve and the least favourable result that you would be prepared to accept.

Most favourable result (‘opening bid’)

To begin by making demands which are wildly optimistic and which bear no relation to the
parties’ positions will result in you losing credibility. You are bound to look foolish when you
are unable to give sound reasons to justify your position.

The bid you make should be the highest justifiable bid, after taking into account the law and
facts which support your client’s case; ie, try to predict the settlement you would obtain if all
the factors which support your case were accepted without any counter-arguments being put
forward by the other side.
138 Skills for Lawyers

Through no fault of his own, your client has been dismissed by his employer, with two years of
a fixed-term contract left to run. His salary (after tax and national insurance deductions) was
£35,000 per annum. The most favourable result would be to obtain the total of lost net salary
(£70,000) for the remaining two-year period. It is a bid which can be justified on a contractual

You would expect your opponent to put forward arguments which support the reduction of
this figure (eg, the former employee has a duty to mitigate his loss by looking for other work),
but if your opponent fails to do so you could achieve a very good settlement for your client
(although bear in mind that other factors may lead you to decide not to take advantage of the
other side’s mistakes).

This is one of the possible benefits of aiming high at the start. Another is that, if valid counter-
arguments are raised, it allows you to ‘come down’ and offer concessions. This can be an
important way of showing the other side that you have listened to and understood their case
and that you are prepared to compromise. Any compromise requires ‘give and take’. It allows
people to save face; honour is satisfied. If, however, you refuse to move from your opening
figure, the other side may perceive you as obstinate and unreasonable, and therefore may
refuse to settle even when your opening figure is in fact realistic.

Generally, you should only open at your final figure if:

(a) it is the tradition or culture in that particular field of law; or
(b) you have a case or bargaining position that is obviously strong.

In either case, you should explain clearly to the other side that it really is a case of take it or
leave it.

Least favourable result that, on current information, you would accept (‘resistance point’)

The above process can also allow you to decide on the poorest deal your client should accept,
ie, what settlement you would expect to negotiate if the other side put forward all the relevant
counter-arguments to your client’s case.

The resistance point is not a ‘bottom line’; it should not be rigidly adhered to if further
information which affects your client’s position comes to light in the negotiation. You must be
flexible enough to take on board the significance of any new information and adapt your
expectations accordingly.

Deciding on the resistance point is complicated by two other factors. First, in cases where your
client has an acceptable alternative course of action, the resistance point is the point below
which the client is likely to receive less from the negotiation than could be obtained by
pursuing the BATNA. For example, you might decide that (even after taking into account the
extra costs) your client would receive more than is currently being offered by allowing the
court to decide on the level of compensation.

Secondly, your client may have given you instructions not to settle below a certain figure. If
you think he or she is being unrealistic, you should try to persuade him or her to adopt a more
sensible position, but, if he or she will not be moved, you must comply with his or her

With multi-issue negotiations, the position becomes even more complicated. You might be
prepared to go below your resistance point on one issue if it means you would obtain a
favourable result on another. It is important to keep the whole package in mind.
Negotiation 139

Your client’s priorities are the key to the decisions you make in this area. Items which are of no
great significance to your client could be conceded altogether in exchange for concessions
which are of more importance to him or her. Variables and unorthodox approaches

Another consideration in assessing the opening bid and resistance point will be the existence
of ‘variables’. Variables are those factors which allow for some give and take in the negotiation
and which could therefore help to achieve a settlement. For example, your client might be
prepared to pay a higher amount of compensation if he or she is allowed to pay by instalments
rather than in one lump sum.

Other examples of variables which can be brought into play (depending on the subject matter
of the negotiation) are inclusion/exclusion of costs, payment in a different currency, promises
of future orders, quantity of goods (eg, buy more, but at a lower price per unit), quality of
goods (eg, buy a lower grade at a lower price).

Sometimes, there may be other unconventional ways to resolve problems which have benefits
for both sides. Be as creative as possible in seeking a solution.

You are acting for a business which runs a parcel delivery service. One of its business
customers is threatening to take action against your client because of its failure to deliver a
consignment of goods. The goods have disappeared and the customer is asking for
compensation. An orthodox settlement would involve a cash payment to the customer. A
different approach would be to offer to make free deliveries for that customer over an agreed
period. Such an offer could represent a good deal for the customer but could still be a cheaper
solution for your client compared with a cash payment (the deliveries could probably be
accommodated within its regular delivery service and so would not add greatly to overall
costs). This approach also gives your client a chance to rebuild the customer’s confidence in its
service, making it less likely that the customer will go elsewhere in the future.

12.4.6 Settlement zones

The aim of much of your preparation and of some of your questioning during a negotiation
will be to attempt to identify possible settlement zones (or lack of them). You can add value as
a lawyer by getting the maximum possible within a settlement zone for your client or by
minimising what is paid, depending on which side you are on.

Use the example of the dismissed employee set out at above. The employee’s
maximum expectation is £70,000. Assume that his solicitor has advised him that the least
favourable result he should expect is a payment of £20,000 (taking into account the duty to
mitigate loss and the current job market for the employee’s skills). The employer, on the other
hand, has been advised that a payment of £17,500 is probably the best result it could hope to
achieve, but it is prepared to pay up to £35,000 if necessary to avoid any bad publicity. As
illustrated by Figure 3, the possible settlement zone between the parties is £20,000 to £35,000.
Where within that zone you are able to settle is a measure of how effective you have been as a
negotiator. Negotiation is harder when the possible settlement zone is very narrow. By
working to identify the settlement zone, you can help to speed the negotiation (saving time
and costs), and in some cases you may be able to identify that there is no settlement zone and
that either something must change or a negotiated settlement will not be possible.
140 Skills for Lawyers

Figure 3

EMPLOYER £17,500 POINT £35,000


EMPLOYEE £20,000 £70,000


Having completed all your preparation, including as far as possible making an attempt to
gauge the possible settlement zone, you should identify your strategy. You should have a clear
plan as to how you will conduct the negotiation. Waiting to see how the other party or parties
will behave is not a strategy and should be avoided. By waiting to see the other side’s approach,
you risk losing the initiative. If all the parties ‘wait and see’, it wastes time and valuable
opportunities to build rapport by implementing a clear, interest-based approach to the
negotiation. The negotiation should allow for flexibility in response to new information and
the attitude of other parties.

Examples of things you might consider in planning your strategy are:

• Your opening position
Will you take an extreme stance and pitch high, or will you start at a reasonable figure
which you believe is likely to be conceded by the other side?
• The order in which you would prefer to deal with issues
Is there a key issue which you need to address first? Are there issues you would prefer to
keep back?
• What disclosures to make and when
If there is information which may have an effect on the other party or parties, when will
you reveal this information and how?

12.4.7 Opening statement

It is usually helpful to begin a negotiation with both parties making a brief opening statement
setting out their expectations of the meeting and explaining their clients’ status. Having
identified your strategy, you are in a position to decide on the content of your opening

There are several points to consider (see 12.8.3), but a basic consideration at the preparatory
stage is to decide upon the information you would want to disclose to the other side at this
early point in the talks.

In most cases, the more information you communicate to the other side, the better the chance
of reaching an agreement. In particular, there are usually interests which are common to both
sides; these should be stressed at the start.

The sharing of information develops trust between the parties and helps to create a climate for
successful talks.
Negotiation 141

There will, however, be some information that you correctly decide not to reveal, either
because it is damaging to your client’s position (in which case you would hope to avoid
disclosing it at any stage) or because you would prefer to introduce it later for tactical reasons
(eg, you intend to put it forward as a concession to the other side at the bargaining stage).

12.5 The forum for the negotiation

The forum for negotiation could be correspondence, telephone, a meeting or any combination
of the three.

At the outset, choose the most appropriate medium for your client’s case, and then be prepared
to change if it proves inappropriate. For example, in many cases you might start by using
correspondence, but that could later become unnecessarily rigid and time consuming. It may
be wise to suggest a meeting when you have developed a strong enough case to be able to take
advantage of face-to-face contact.

12.5.1 Correspondence
Correspondence has the following features:
(a) It is capable of being orderly and reasoned, and is therefore especially appropriate at the
outset of complex cases.
(b) It gives people time to think and therefore to avoid over-hasty decisions.
(c) There is a risk that certain points in a letter may be left unanswered in the reply.
(d) Some solicitors find it easier to be assertive on paper.
(e) It contains no non-verbal signals (‘body language’).
(f ) It can lead to delay – either as a tactic, or because ambiguities or omissions are not
rectified immediately.
(g) It is more difficult to trade concessions.

12.5.2 Telephone
Negotiation conducted by telephone has the following features:
(a) It is quick and useful for resolving one point.
(b) Make sure you are properly prepared. It is better to be the person making the call. If you
are the receiver, consider saying that you will call back at an agreed time so that you have
the opportunity to prepare properly.
(c) There is no body language, but tones of voice are more noticeable. Silences are even
more powerful on the telephone than in meetings. Use silence yourself, and do not be
tempted to fill silences with a remark you may regret.
(d) Some solicitors find it more difficult to be assertive on the telephone than in
correspondence; and vice versa.
(e) There is a risk that either of the parties could subsequently ‘re-interpret’ what was said.

12.5.3 Meetings
Meetings have the following features:
(a) They are immediate.
(b) They give greater commitment to explore the case thoroughly and/or to settle.
(c) Body language and silences are readily apparent and capable of use.
(d) They are more fluid and give greater possibilities of fine movements, nuances, and the
trading of concessions.
(e) Some solicitors regard the suggestion of a meeting as a sign of weakness; others regard it
as a sign of strength.
142 Skills for Lawyers

Some solicitors are uncomfortable with face-to-face meetings because of the possibility of
making an inadvertent slip or of accidently agreeing a weakness. If, however, a meeting would
objectively be in the client’s best interests, you should try to overcome any fears by thorough
preparation and practice which will increase your self-confidence.

12.6 Other considerations before a meeting

12.6.1 Are you ready to negotiate?
Do not be forced into premature negotiations, which will needlessly increase costs. It is usually
advisable to defer talks until you are in possession of all the information you can reasonably
expect to collect.

12.6.2 Venue
In some fields of law, there is a tradition that meetings will take place at the offices of the seller
or claimant. What if you have a choice? What are the factors to bear in mind?

Having the meeting at your own firm’s premises gives you the feeling of control. You have full
access to your papers and to the office’s secretarial, catering and other facilities. Also, you do
not have to suffer the time, cost and general inconvenience of having to travel.

Attending a meeting at the other side’s offices might therefore be a disadvantage. However, the
travelling time can sometimes enable you to arrive fresher and more fully prepared. Also,
enabling the other side to feel at ease in their own offices might induce them to be more

A third possibility is to agree a neutral venue.

12.6.3 Agree the time and length of the meeting

As a matter of courtesy to the other side, you should inform them of the time you can devote
to the meeting on the agreed date.

12.6.4 Attendance at the meeting

How many people from each side will be attending? Find out their names and roles in advance.
If a number of people will be attending, who will chair the meeting – the host, the person who
suggested the meeting, or some other person?

Will clients also be present? Often, they are present at transaction-based negotiations but not
at litigation-based meetings. Sometimes clients sit in separate side-rooms or make themselves
available for telephone calls or faxes in order to give instructions to their solicitors during the

It may be a good idea to have clients present at the meeting so that an agreement can be
hammered out there and then, particularly if you think:
(a) the major problem has been a lack of communication between the respective clients; or
(b) your own client is being unrealistic; or
(c) the other solicitor is the problem (eg, not settling a case which his or her client wants to
settle); and
(d) you can trust your own client (preparation of roles is vital); and
(e) you trust the other solicitor not to seek to undermine your authority in front of your
own client.

Conversely, you might not wish to have clients present where there are personality clashes
between the different clients or where you have an intimidating client who might hamper your
Negotiation 143

12.6.5 Seating arrangements

Who will sit where? What ambience do you want to try to create? Sitting face to face across a
table from each other is more likely to appear adversarial, whereas seating placed at a 90
degree angle is likely to appear more collaborative.

12.6.6 Clarify the purpose of the meeting

Is the meeting to be exploratory only, or is there a possibility of settling? If the latter, check that
those attending will have authority to settle on behalf of their respective clients.

12.6.7 The agenda

In a multi-issue case, try to agree the agenda with the other side in advance.

If possible, try to arrange the order of issues on the agenda in a way which will enable you to
test their negotiating pattern and their willingness to trade concessions before reaching an
item which is of critical importance to your own client.

12.6.8 Which party should make the first bid?

In some fields of law, the issue of which person makes the first bid is determined partly by
tradition. For example, in property transactions, the solicitor acting for the landlord or seller
draws up the draft lease or contract. In litigation, if the claim is for a liquidated sum (eg, a
contractual debt), the opening bid belongs to the claimant. If the claim is for unliquidated
damages, in certain cases (eg, personal injury claims) there is an argument that the claimant
should simply wait until the defendant makes an acceptable Part 36 offer or payment.

Where the position is not clear cut, the advantages of going first are that it allows you to exert
an immediate and powerful influence and it shows confidence. The disadvantage is that you
risk misjudging the bid.

Even if you do not wish to make the first bid, you might still want to make the first opening
statement, so that you can try to establish the climate of the negotiation.

12.6.9 Final preparation for the meeting

Re-read the file, and refresh your mind on key documents, facts, dates and names.

Make sure that you know your client’s position on the issues and on all the possible variables.
If no agenda has been agreed, prepare one now.

12.7 Overview of a negotiation

Negotiations should be clearly structured. Decide upon the best process and agree it with the
other parties. Adopting a clear process will help give the negotiation structure, which in turn
will help ensure that all parties feel that the negotiation is fair. You should not start negotiating
until you have clearly identified the process. We recommend that you invite all parties to make
a preliminary opening statement, then allocate time for discussion of each point on the
agenda. It may be necessary to organise separate meetings for different parties to the
negotiation. A clear time frame should be adopted and provisional timings set for
adjournments. As with interviewing and advising, structure and management skills are closely
related to good communication skills.
144 Skills for Lawyers

12.8 The opening

12.8.1 Creating the climate
The opening phase of a negotiation is important for two reasons. First, it creates the climate for
the negotiation. Patterns, styles and pecking order establish themselves early and are difficult
then to change.

Secondly, energy and concentration are high at the outset of the negotiations but later may

12.8.2 Ground rules

The host of the meeting should, after effecting any necessary introductions, confirm the
ground rules for the meeting, for example:
(a) the purpose of the meeting;
(b) whether or not it is ‘without prejudice’ and/or ‘subject to contract’;
(c) the likely length of the meeting;
(d) the agenda; and
(e) who will make the first opening statement.

12.8.3 Your opening statement

Proper, well prepared opening statements are a great help to most negotiation meetings. They:
(a) help to reinforce the climate established at the outset of the meeting;
(b) provide structure and order (an analogy can be drawn with court trials – the advocates’
opening addresses set the scene; cross-examination, etc comes later);
(c) help everyone to ‘settle down’;
(d) remind everyone of the background, the areas of agreement, and the areas of dispute;
(e) help to avoid unintentional false assumptions from hindering the communication

Unless you have sound tactical reasons for not following them, there are some general rules
relating to opening statements. Do:
(a) consider saying how long your statement will take if it is likely to be more than two or
three minutes;
(b) if your opening statement is going to contain a bid, explain your reasoning before
disclosing the actual bid. This increases the chances of the other side listening properly
to your reasons. Otherwise, they will be thinking about the figure and their response
rather than your reasons;
(c) present your case concisely and confidently;
(d) use collaborative tone, posture and gestures (unless you have decided to adopt a
competitive style);
(e) observe carefully the other side’s verbal and non-verbal reactions;
(f ) remember the one-third rule (see 10.1). Don’t:
(a) express your assumptions of the other side’s interests and priorities, as this could annoy
or antagonise them. Allow them to make their own case in their opening statement;
(b) allow them to interrupt or side-track you;
(c) speak for too long.
Negotiation 145

12.8.4 The other side’s opening statement It is important that you:
(a) listen carefully – use all the passive listening techniques (see 10.2.1);
(b) concentrate on identifying their underlying interests;
(c) evaluate their style;
(d) remain non-committal on their proposals and arguments – indicate understanding, if
you can, without indicating agreement;
(e) take brief notes (this can be a useful way of concealing your immediate reactions). At the end of their opening statement:

(a) seek clarification if necessary. Do not allow pride to deter you – you must be sure you
understand exactly what they are saying. Negotiations can easily break down because of
simple miscommunication;
(b) summarise;
(c) stress areas of agreement;
(d) make sure that they have told you the whole of their ‘shopping list’ to reduce the risk of
being ambushed later by a last-minute demand.

Do not concentrate too much on mentally drafting or rehearsing your own rebuttal, as this will
hinder your listening to and understanding their case, and do not interrupt (unless you have
deliberately chosen to be competitive).

12.9 The middle phase: discussion and bargaining

Statements generate resistance
Questions generate answers
Silence generates discomfort, answers, new suggestions.
(adapted from a passage in Getting to Yes by Fisher and Ury)

I don’t go in to do all the talking. Quite the opposite.

I go in to do the listening because that’s the best bit.
(insurance company chief claims inspector, quoted in Hard Bargaining by Hazel Genn)

12.9.1 Discussion
During the discussion:
(a) Demonstrate that you have heard and understood what the other side has said even if
you do not agree with them.
(b) In the middle phase of a negotiation, you should probe the other side’s case with a
mixture of appropriate open and closed questions. You could question any of the
(i) any assumptions you think they might be making;
(ii) their underlying interests or needs (‘Why does your client want … ?’);
(iii) whether or not there may be other ways of meeting those interests;
(iv) the criteria or evidence to justify their bid (‘What criteria did you use to arrive at
… ?’, ‘What evidence have you got to support … ?’, ‘Where did you get that
evidence from?’);
(v) their interpretation of the law or of the facts; or
(vi) analogous or comparable circumstances or cases they have had.
Do not ask two questions at once.
Give them time to answer – do not be tempted to fill a silence too quickly.
146 Skills for Lawyers

Listen and observe carefully when they answer. Was there any hesitation, uncertainty or
If necessary, rephrase crucial questions so that all the angles are covered.
Do not allow them to use diversionary tactics such as answering a question with a
question, or changing the subject. Be courteous but firm.
(c) Spell out the weaknesses of their position calmly and firmly.
(d) Be prepared to answer their questions with a judicious mixture of firm replies, silences
and counter-questions. Try to maintain a confident tone of voice and posture.
(e) Review the progress of the discussions at appropriate intervals. If there is an impasse, or
one aspect is taking too long, consider the following:
(i) summarise – this can give you the opportunity to stress the areas on which you
have already reached agreement and so reinforce the climate for agreement; it can
also give you time to think and, if appropriate, to try to redirect the negotiation;
(ii) defer further discussion of the particular topic until later in the negotiation;
(f ) explore the possibility of settling issues on the basis of objective criteria. For example,
you might agree to accept the opinion of an independent expert as a way to resolve the
problem. An advantage of this approach is that neither party can feel cheated by the
other; another is that you are more likely to achieve a fair result, which can have
particular benefits where the parties will have an ongoing relationship.

12.9.2 Bargaining
Generally, you will only have agreed to a meeting (other than a purely exploratory meeting) if
both parties are prepared to compromise, ie, to bargain.

Although you might bargain item by item or clause by clause in multi-issue cases, try to keep
the whole package in mind. It might be sensible not to finalise an agreement on any particular
issue until the shape of the whole agreement is clear (including, for example, costs).

Keep searching for variables, for example: time for payment; payment in a different currency;
a promise of future orders or the grant of options; performance-related payments;
performance in stages.

Bargaining involves the trading of concessions. Compromise is achieved by both parties

moving from their original positions. On the assumption that the other side have aimed high,
you should be cautious about accepting their first offer.

A competitive negotiator might refuse to concede anything to you for some time, and then
concede only small amounts, slowly and at irregular intervals, and of diminishing amounts.
Such a strategy is clearly designed to lower your expectations. However, if in fact there is a
significant margin between that negotiator’s opening bid and resistance point, the strategy
carries the risk of a relatively sudden but very late climb-down (eg, a ‘door-of-the-court’
settlement). If you suspect that this strategy is being used against you, consider abbreviating
the negotiation and press ahead with your BATNA (Best Alternative To a Negotiated
Agreement) – for example, by pressing ahead with the litigation if you are representing a
claimant or making a Part 36 payment if you are representing a defendant.

When you are offered a concession, it is a question of judgement whether you express
appreciation for it, or emphasise the lack of cost to them, or both.

When making a concession, emphasise the cost to you of it and try to give a reason for it. For
example, you can often relate it to something the other side have said in the negotiation. Your
concession can thus demonstrate that you have taken their point and responded accordingly,
rather than appear to be arbitrary.
Negotiation 147

In order to avoid ‘giving away’ a concession with nothing in return, or in order to try to move
the negotiation forward, always consider offering conditional or hypothetical concessions: ‘We
could move on X, but only if you could move on Y’; ‘I have no authority from my client on this
point, but what if X ...?’. Although these statements might be interpreted to mean that, if
pushed, you would be prepared to concede unreservedly, it is a risk that parties have to take in
the dynamics of a negotiation.

Make sure you take appropriate notes and, in particular, keep a record of all concessions or

12.9.3 Adjournments
Adjournments can be very useful.

The length of an adjournment will depend on its purpose. It could be for as little as 10
minutes, for example, in order to have a brief strategy review (on your own, with a colleague,
or with your client), or for as long as several weeks or months in order to await the availability
of further evidence.

Other reasons for suggesting an adjournment include:

• alertness waning;
• to help resolve an impasse or deadlock;
• to allow a heated atmosphere to cool down; or
• to try to ‘close the deal’ during the relative informality of a refreshment break.

12.9.4 Resolving deadlocks

In cases of deadlock, the following actions should be considered:
• defer an item on the agenda;
• search for variables;
• adjourn; or
• refer to an alternative dispute resolution (‘ADR’) process (see 12.13).

12.10 The end: closing a negotiation

12.10.1 When?
The timing of the close of a negotiation will depend on a cost-benefit analysis. How much
more do you think you can achieve? Compare the expected achievements against the cost to
the client in terms of time, money and stress. Will further negotiation be cost effective? This
analysis needs to be conducted at regular intervals. Beware of a variation of Parkinson’s Law:
‘negotiating expands to fill the time allotted to it’.

12.10.2 How?
A number of tactics can be used to signal to the other side that you see the end in sight.
(a) ‘Last rites’ – summarise the position reached, emphasising the concessions you have
made and the extent and reasonableness of your movement: ‘We have reached our final
(b) Use a refreshment break to suggest informally that the end is near.
(c) Give a deadline or ultimatum.
(d) Make a concession and express it as a final gesture to settle.
(e) If the gap between the sides is small, either suggest, or try to induce the other side to
suggest, that you ‘split the difference’.
148 Skills for Lawyers

(f ) If there is one outstanding point, you might be able to agree that the point be
adjudicated by an agreed independent third party.

12.10.3 The agreement

Do not allow the euphoria of reaching agreement to distract you from other important and
immediate tasks, such as:
• confirming what has been agreed;
• preparing an immediate agreed written summary;
• ensuring that details are clarified in order to avoid later disputes; and
• preparing a list of actions to be taken (if appropriate) by both sides.

12.11 ‘Dirty tricks’

The phrase ‘dirty tricks’ is used loosely, and is not necessarily confined to misconduct. You
need to be aware of such tricks, not so that you can use them, but in order both to be able to
recognise them when they are used against you and, if possible, to be able to counter them.
They include the following.

12.11.1 Surprise attacks

Surprise attacks can take the form of sudden changes in tactics or demands, intimidation,
withdrawal of offers or emotional outbursts. They are often designed to throw you off balance,
undermine your confidence, and create anxiety and a desire to placate or settle quickly.

Try to remain unperturbed. Try not to retaliate. If you find it difficult to continue to focus on
the merits of the case, consider questioning the other side’s tactics openly or calling an

12.11.2 ‘Good guy, bad guy’

The ‘good guy, bad guy’ tactic is sometimes used by a negotiating team of lawyers, or a solicitor
who wishes to portray his or her client as hard and uncompromising.

The aim of the tactic is to capitalise on the relief felt at evading the ‘bad guy’. Again, you should
try to continue to focus on the merits of the case.

12.11.3 Feinting
Feinting is where the solicitor seems to attach great importance to one particular item. He or
she then concedes it in order to ‘soften you up’ for another item in which he or she expresses
little interest but which is, in fact, far more important to his or her client.

Do not take things at face value.

12.11.4 False deadlines

False deadlines can sometimes be tested by saying, ‘We might be able to offer more, but we will
not know until after [the date of the deadline]’.

12.11.5 Limited authority/reneging on ‘agreements’

Always make sure at the time of the agreement that it is explicit whether or not the solicitor
has the authority to settle and whether the agreement is final, and record the position in
writing. If you do not, you may think that a case has been settled only to receive a letter stating,
for example: ‘I reported on our provisional agreement. My client is fairly happy with it, but
there is just one matter …’.
Negotiation 149

12.11.6 Last minute demands

Make sure you obtain all the other side’s demands at the outset.

This will make it less likely that they will surprise you with a sudden new demand.

12.11.7 Environmental controls

If the seating arrangements or environment of the meeting room make you feel
uncomfortable, you should immediately and politely ask for them to be changed.

12.11.8 Lying
Try to take accurate notes of key points without being distracted from the negotiation. If you
can later prove that the other side lied during the negotiation, then the settlement could be
rescinded for misrepresentation and, where a solicitor knowingly lied, the matter could be
reported to The Law Society as professional misconduct.

12.12 Alternative dispute resolution

12.12.1 What is it?
Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is not a term of art: it includes any process of dispute
resolution other than litigation, arbitration or traditional negotiation between the parties or
their solicitors.

The commonest form of ADR is mediation, but other processes – including adjudication,
conciliation, early neutral evaluation and expert determination – also come under the
umbrella of ADR.

The object of ADR is to provide a process which efficiently and effectively resolves a dispute.
Which particular process or which combination of processes is best, will depend on the
circumstances of each case.

The essential ingredients of ADR are:

(a) It is a voluntary, private process. The parties cannot be forced to use ADR; if they do use
it, they can control the mechanics and rules of the process; and they can withdraw from
it at any time unless and until they make a contractually binding out-of-court settlement
or agreement.
(b) There is a third party neutral (often a mediator) who facilitates settlement, often by
‘shuttlecock’ diplomacy, but who has no power to order or impose a solution on the

In essence ADR is intended to be an efficient and structured form of negotiation involving a

third party. It can thus be interposed between traditional negotiating and litigation (or
arbitration): if traditional negotiating fails, try an ADR process; if that fails, then either
stalemate or litigation (or arbitration) remains.

12.12.2 Types of dispute resolution Conciliation
Conciliation is similar in process to mediation but the third party neutral tends to take a more
activist role in putting forward terms of settlement. ACAS (Advisory Conciliation and
Arbitration Service) offers free conciliation for many types of employment dispute. Early neutral evaluation

A preliminary assessment of facts, evidence or legal merits. This form of ADR is often used to
help avoid further litigation or serve as a basis for further negotiation.
150 Skills for Lawyers Expert determination

An expert independent third party is appointed to decide the dispute. This process is often
similar to neutral fact finding and will frequently be restricted to certain issues. Complaints and grievance procedures

Generally the first port of call for any complainant. It is usually important to exhaust the
provisions of any relevant schemes before proceeding further.

Ombudsman schemes (eg, Parliamentary Ombudsman, Estate Agents Ombudsman)

Ombudsmen are independent, impartial adjudicators who consider complaints about

maladministration in particular areas (often public services/government departments).
Schemes vary but often combine elements of neutral fact finding, mediation and adjudication.


Regulators are watchdogs who generally oversee the way complaints are handled (eg, OFWAT,
the water regulator). They are generally free but tend to focus on how a complaint or grievance
was handled. Mediation
Mediation, with recognition in the UK under the Civil Procedure Rules since 1999, is a flexible
process conducted confidentially where a neutral person actively assists the parties in working
towards a negotiated agreement of a dispute, with the parties in ultimate control of the decision to
settle and the terms of resolution. (Tony Allen, solicitor and Director of the Centre for Effective
Dispute Resolution (CEDR))

Mediators are neutral third parties who facilitate a settlement between the parties in a dispute.
They act as brokers or facilitators. Mediators do not advise on the law or the merits of the case.
They seek to foster agreement between the parties themselves. At present there are no
statutory qualifications required to mediate, but in practice mediators generally require some
form of training and accreditation. There are a number of organisations which provide
qualifying courses which are recognised by the Legal Services Commission, including CEDR
and the School of Psychotherapy and Counselling.

The use of mediation has been actively promoted by the civil courts through a number of
important recent cases.

In the landmark case of Dunnett v Railtrack plc (in Railway Administration) [2002] EWCA Civ
303, Railtrack had attempted to protect its costs position by making a modest Part 36 offer to
Mrs Dunnett. Despite winning the appeal Railtrack was not awarded its costs. In his judgment
Brooke LJ remarked on the efficacy of mediation and its potential benefits: ‘A mediator may be
able to provide solutions which are beyond the powers of the court to provide’.

He also highlighted the potential consequences of failing to give adequate consideration to

It is hoped that any publicity given to this part of the judgment of the court will draw the attention
of lawyers to their duties to further the overriding objective in the way that it is set out in Part 1 of
the Rules and to the possibility that, if they turn down out of hand the chance of alternative
dispute resolution when suggested by the court, as happened on this occasion, they may have to
face uncomfortable costs consequence.

The case of Halsey v Milton Keynes General NHS Trust [2004] EWCA Civ 576 established that
mediation should be considered whenever appropriate. Whether a refusal to participate in
ADR is unreasonable will be determined having regard to all the circumstances of that
particular case. Factors which the court considered as likely to be relevant include:
(a) the nature of the dispute;
Negotiation 151

(b) the merits of the case;

(c) the extent to which other settlement methods have been attempted;
(d) whether the costs of the ADR would be disproportionately high;
(e) whether any delay in setting up and attending the ADR would have been prejudicial;
(f) whether the ADR had a reasonable prospect of success.

Case law has continued to underline the increasing importance of ADR. In Burchell v Bullard
[2005] EWCA Civ 358, the comments of Ward LJ confirm its status:
Halsey has made plain not only the high rate of successful outcome being achieved by mediation
but also its established importance as a track to a just result running parallel with that of the court
system … The court has given its stamp of approval to mediation and it is now the legal profession
which must become fully aware of and acknowledge its value.

Although usually used in the ligitation field, ADR can also be used in commercial
transactions. First, a commercial contract could incorporate an ADR clause, ie, a non-binding
(but influential) promise that, if any dispute later arises between the parties, they will refer that
dispute to an ADR process before resorting to litigation or arbitration. Secondly, if parties are
negotiating the terms of a transaction and reach an impasse on one particular term, they could
agree to refer that one item to an ADR process.

12.12.3 How and when should you consider ADR?

With civil litigation in particular, consideration of ADR has now become an essential part of
case evaluation and strategy. Knowing that it should be considered in most cases, you must
carefully decide what might be the most appropriate method of dispute resolution in each
particular case.

The following should form part of your analysis:

(a) Is ADR an option?
(i) Is the other side willing to take part?
(ii) Can ADR provide your client with the result they seek? (For example, if they want
a public hearing or a judgment about who is legally right or wrong, then litigation
may be the best option.)
(iii) Certain types of case are not suited to ADR, eg:
where a legal, commercial or other precedent needs to be set;
where summary judgment is available and likely to be granted;
where one of the parties requires emergency relief, eg an injunction or other form
of immediate protection;
where publicity is actively sought; or
where there is no real interest in settlement.
(iv) ADR is particularly suitable in cases where:
costs are likely to be disproportionate;
the parties are deadlocked in settlement negotiations;
the case is likely to be particularly long/complex;
there are multi actions involving common parties;
the issues involved are particularly sensitive; or
the parties are anxious to avoid publicity.
(b) What method of ADR is appropriate?
(i) What method is most likely to meet the client’s objectives?
152 Skills for Lawyers

Your client is pursuing a claim for medical negligence against the local NHS trust. If his or her
prime objective is to bring the problem to the attention of those managing the hospital and to
prevent it happening again, then using the Health Service Ombudsman would be an ideal
choice. If the prime objective is to obtain maximum compensation, then this option is less

(ii) What are the client’s resources/how does he or she want the dispute managed?
You need to consider the comparative cost of the available options, the length of
time likely to be involved and the impact on your client’s business/life.

12.12.4 The advantages

Like traditional negotiating, ADR can be quicker, cheaper and more private, and produce
more flexible terms of settlement, than litigation or arbitration.

The third party neutral:

(a) can provide a view that is perceived by both parties as being more objective;
(b) by shuttlecock diplomacy may be able to identify potential solutions that neither party
alone could see; and
(c) has a better chance of preserving relationships between the parties.

This last point can be very important in commercial or family disputes, but is less so where
neither party has any intention of continuing any future relationship with the other.

12.12.5 The disadvantages

(a) One reason why ADR is relatively quick and cheap is that the evidence is not
investigated or examined as thoroughly as in litigation or arbitration: instead, only what
are thought to be the key issues and interests are explored. Parties cannot have it both
ways, ie, a wide, in-depth investigation which is also quick and cheap. In each case, it is a
question of choosing the lesser of two evils.
(b) Because ADR is a voluntary process, it is not appropriate, as we have seen, when one
party needs immediate judicial relief.
(c) Likewise, ADR is unlikely to resolve ‘non-genuine’ disputes, for example where a
defendant is clearly stalling for time and refusing to admit liability simply in order to
hang on to his or her money for as long as possible.

12.12.6 A note about arbitration

‘Arbitration is the settlement of a matter at issue by one to whom the parties agree to refer their
claims in order to obtain an equitable decision’ (Shorter OED). Arbitration differs from ADR
in that, as with litigation, the parties are passing control of the outcome of the dispute to a
third party or parties.

Arbitration has been an alternative to litigation through the courts for centuries. It was used as
early as the thirteenth century by English merchants who preferred to have their disputes
resolved according to their own customs rather than by public law.

Arbitration is a huge specialist subject and encompasses a wide range of different institutions
and procedures. It varies from informal to court-like proceedings. It is used particularly to
resolve commercial disputes, often in an international context.
Advocacy 153

Chapter 13

13.1 Introduction 153

13.2 Skills 154
13.3 The basics 155
13.4 Opening the case 160
13.5 Examination-in-chief 161
13.6 Cross-examination 164
13.7 Re-examination 166
13.8 Closing the case 166
13.9 Ethical issues 167
13.10 Criminal cases: bail and mitigation 168
13.11 Civil cases: chambers applications 184
13.12 Conclusion 202

13.1 Introduction
In its widest sense advocacy is the art of influencing outcomes. It is about convincing others:
the art of persuasion. In this general sense, it is a valued accomplishment in many areas of life.
This chapter is, however, concerned with the specialised meaning of the word as used by
lawyers and, in its legal context, advocacy is the art of conducting cases in court.

There are many reasons why advocacy is a skill worth studying. You may wish to become an
advocate and, if you do, you will want to do the best possible job for your client. Also,
understanding the task of the advocate in presenting a case for court is central to
understanding the litigation process. Without such an understanding, you will struggle to give
realistic, cogent and confident advice to clients. Even if you do not appear as an advocate, you
may want to instruct one. By understanding advocacy, you will be better able to prepare the
case for others to present. You will also be better placed to evaluate the advocates you see and
recommend one who is best suited to speak on your client’s behalf. Advocacy is not just
important in the courtroom. It is often useful, and sometimes vital, in client interviewing, in
negotiation and in meetings, client seminars and public lectures. Even if later you decide not
to practise law, the principles of advocacy will be useful in whatever you do. Advocacy is about
persuading people, and you cannot go through life without, on occasions, needing to
persuade. Advocacy is a valuable skill to have – a transferable skill, a lifelong skill.

In answer to the question, ‘Are good advocates born or made?’, most people would say,
‘They’re born. Advocacy is not one of those things which can be taught’. Many lawyers would
probably say the same. Skilled advocates are seen as being eloquent, articulate, and able to
think on their feet: all qualities which at first sight seem to be innate rather than acquired.
Undoubtedly, some advocates are more naturally gifted than others, but many of these so-
called gifts can be acquired through hard work and practice. Perhaps the worst mistake is to
assume that good advocacy is simply a matter of flair, and little else. The advocate who
demolishes an opponent’s witness in cross-examination rarely achieves this by jumping to his
or her feet and firing off the first thing that comes into his or her head: a great deal of thought
and preparation will have gone into every aspect of the challenge he or she makes.

This chapter gives a basic introduction to advocacy. For those who wish to practise as
advocates, it represents the first stage of a continuous learning process. However, others may
never appear before a court as an advocate at any stage of their professional careers. Even so,
154 Skills for Lawyers

the skills covered in this chapter will prove useful in any situation where effective oral
presentation is required.

13.2 Skills
The skills of an advocate divide into oral skills and organisation skills.

13.2.1 Oral skills

Advocates are skilled talkers: this is an obvious point which should never be overlooked.
Within the stylised atmosphere of the courtroom, the task of the advocate, subject to the rules
of professional conduct, is to talk his or her way to the best result that can be obtained for his
or her client. The three major oral skills are as follows. Presentation
Every advocate needs to be a good storyteller, especially when he or she is opening a case on
behalf of either the prosecution or the claimant. It is not generally realised that a criminal court,
in particular, may know next to nothing about the facts of the case it is about to try or the issues
involved; it therefore needs to be put in the picture in a way which will engage its interest. Argument
Every advocate also needs to be a good persuader. Much of an advocate’s time will be spent
addressing the court with a view to persuading it to find in favour of his or her client.
Argument may be as to the overall issue of guilt or liability, or as to a subsidiary issue such as
bail, the grant of an interim order, or a point of law. Questioning witnesses

The questioning of witnesses is the skill which young advocates tend to find the most complex
and difficult to master. English trials are characterised not only by their adversarial nature but
also by the fact that much evidence is still given orally. The ability to extract the relevant
evidence from your own witnesses by means of examination-in-chief (especially important in
criminal cases) and to challenge the testimony of an opponent’s witnesses in cross-
examination is still seen as the most important attribute of the experienced advocate.

In the course of a civil or criminal trial, all three of the above skills will be exercised, but in
many other situations advocacy will consist almost exclusively of presentation and argument.
This is particularly true of the vast majority of chambers applications in civil cases, because
evidence will almost invariably be given by witness statements. Bail applications and pleas in
mitigation in criminal cases also involve very little questioning of witnesses.

13.2.2 Organisation skills

In addition to the oral skills, a good advocate also draws upon other back-up skills which are
exercised outside the court room. When an experienced advocate is performing in court, it all
seems effortless: he or she has all the facts at his or her fingertips, nothing seems to throw him
or her off his or her stride, and witnesses are examined and cross-examined incisively and in a
logical sequence. On top of this, he or she manages to maintain the appearance of being calm
and dignified at the most crucial moments, and never loses his or her temper. At all times, he
or she is courteous to the court, his or her opponent, and the most recalcitrant witnesses. To
the uninitiated, it may look easy, but this level of competence is achieved only by hard work
and experience. It is also dependent upon the advocate having thoroughly prepared and
organised the case beforehand.

The most important organisation skills are set out below: there is nothing magical about any of
them – in fact some of them may appear positively mundane – but no advocate can do without
Advocacy 155 Fact gathering and analysis

No advocate can begin to prepare a case until he or she has thoroughly mastered its facts. Until
this is done, it is impossible to analyse its strengths and weaknesses. Ignorance of the facts will
also make it far more difficult to perform adequately in court. For example, when cross-
examining a witness, it will often be necessary to fire a sequence of rapid questions in order to
try and shake his or her testimony. The task will be made immeasurably easier if the advocate’s
mastery of the facts is such that there is little or no need to refer to prepared notes before
proceeding to the next question. Many readers will have seen US courtroom dramas on
television in which advocates never use notes. In real life, they are trained to memorise the
whole case file. Although UK courtroom style is very different, advocates should try to rely on
notes as little as possible. Knowledge of the relevant law

It is essential to research the relevant substantive law. The advocate must also develop a
detailed knowledge of the law of evidence and the relevant procedural law. So far as evidence is
concerned, it will always be necessary to study the relevant facts carefully in order to analyse:
(a) what the issues are;
(b) which issues are in dispute;
(c) who has the burden of proof; and
(d) what admissible evidence is available to prove or disprove those issues.

However, that is not enough: you will also need to memorise as much of the law of evidence as
you can since an evidential problem may arise unpredictably during the course of a trial.
Advocates rarely have time to look the law up in advance of raising an objection.

Similarly, procedural points have a habit of cropping up unexpectedly: an advocate’s

effectiveness will be greatly enhanced if his or her level of knowledge is such that these can be
identified as soon as they arise. Handling paperwork

In some respects, handling paperwork is the most neglected organisation skill of all, but it is in
fact one of the most important, especially in civil cases. Even quite simple cases can end up
producing masses of papers, some of which may need to be referred to at some time during a
case. It is important therefore not only to devise a system which enables a required document
to be located at a moment’s notice, but also to know the contents of every document. This is
particularly vital in chambers applications in civil proceedings so far as witness statements are
concerned. The master or district judge may intervene by suddenly asking a question on a
particular issue. The advocate should immediately be able to refer him or her to the relevant
paragraph in the appropriate witness statement.

The ability to handle paperwork is also important in civil trial advocacy with rules requiring
pre-trial exchange of witness statements and experts’ reports.

13.3 The basics

This section contains a simple checklist to assist in preparation of a case. It also deals with
wider aspects of court behaviour and protocol.

13.3.1 Preparation
Good advocacy depends on planning and preparation at every stage. In particular, the order in
which you address each task needs to be carefully considered so as to achieve the maximum
benefit. The following checklist should always be followed.
156 Skills for Lawyers Master the relevant facts

If the facts are simple, try to commit them to memory. In more complicated cases, prepare a
written chronology for reference purposes which should ideally then be memorised as far as
possible. Analyse the facts

By applying the appropriate substantive, evidential and procedural law, you should be able to
identify the following:
(a) the legal issues in dispute. Consider in this context whether there are any submissions
you will need to make, for example as to admissibility;
(b) the factual issues in dispute. Identify what findings of fact the court will have to make if
your client’s case is to succeed;
(c) develop a ‘theory’ of the case consistent with your client’s instructions. The more
plausible the case advanced, the more likely it is to succeed.

Based upon the analysis above, plan objectives for each stage at which you will be called upon
to speak or examine witnesses.

13.3.2 Presentation
Although presentation has been categorised as a specific oral skill, every aspect of the
advocate’s courtroom role in effect involves conducting a presentation, not only of the client’s
case but also of the advocate him- or herself. The following list sets out a number of
presentational rules which should always be followed.
(a) Maintain eye contact with the person whom you are addressing.
(b) Never read from a prepared text.
(c) Be aware of ‘body language’. The way in which an advocate behaves can affect the court’s
perceptions of his or her case. Try always to bear the following points in mind:
(i) Stand still. Advocates who are nervous have a tendency to sway from side to side.
(ii) Stand up straight when in open court. Make sure you know your case well enough
to avoid frequent references to your papers.
(iii) Do not speak with your hands in front of your face. This is another common
mannerism when a speaker is nervous. Be especially conscious of this trait in
chambers proceedings where advocates remain seated.
(iv) Keep your hands and arms still (within reason). Although arm and hand gestures
can sometimes be an effective means of emphasising a point, they should be used
(v) Keep your emotions under control. To be an effective advocate, you will need to
be able to hide all kinds of feelings. For example, never appear shocked because a
witness says the opposite to what you expect. Learn to sail on unperturbed
through the most stormy waters.
(d) Speak slowly in a clear, low tone. If you are anxious, you are likely to speak quickly and
in a high voice. In particular, always ‘watch the judge’s pen’. You are hardly likely to be
persuasive if the court cannot keep up with you. The same rule applies when taking the
court through documents; it takes time for the court to read them and digest their
(e) Do not be afraid of pauses. What may seem to the advocate to be a long gap in
presentation is often not even noticed by the court.
(f ) Avoid being long-winded and unnecessarily repetitive. These are both traits which
suggest that you have not prepared the case very well.
Advocacy 157

(g) Know your court. All your planning must be with a view to persuading the court of the
strength of your case. It is perhaps obvious but nevertheless important to realise that, for
example, a judge will need to be addressed differently from a lay magistrate. Tailor your
style to suit your audience.
(h) Be honest and courteous. At all times, bear in mind the need to build and maintain your
reputation with the court. The advocate who loses the court’s trust is of no use to his or
her client. Always be scrupulously courteous to the court and to your opponent, even if
you are disappointed with the way your case has gone.
(i) Dress appropriately. Check whether you need to be robed. In general, robes are not
required in the magistrates’ court or hearings in chambers. However, robes are required
at all other open court hearings (Practice Direction (Court Dress) (No 4) [2008] 1 WLR

13.3.3 How to address the court

Nothing reveals an advocate’s lack of experience more than a failure to adopt the correct mode
of address. The following list should therefore be committed to memory:

Court Mode of address

High Court Judge ‘My Lord’ or ‘My Lady’ as
Circuit Judge ‘Your Honour’
Recorder ‘Your Honour’
District Judge of the High Court or
County Court ‘Sir’ or ‘Madam’ as appropriate
District Judge of the magistrates’ court ‘Sir’ or ‘Madam’ as appropriate
Master of the Supreme Court ‘Master’
Supreme Court Costs Judge ‘Master’
Magistrates (lay and stipendiary) ‘Sir’ or ‘Madam’ as appropriate.

In the magistrates’ court, ‘Your worships’ is technically incorrect, but is frequently used and
indeed preferred by many lay benches.

A particular problem is whether it is appropriate to address the court in the second person
singular (‘You’). In the case of district judges, masters and magistrates, it is perfectly
permissible provided ‘Sir’ or ‘Madam’ is interposed at appropriate intervals. For example, in a
plea in mitigation to a bench of lay magistrates, it would be perfectly appropriate to proceed as
Madam, there are three matters relating to the defendant’s involvement in these
offences that I would like to draw to the attention of you and your colleagues. First,
Madam, there are two specific aspects of the pre-sentence report which I would like to
refer you to …

High Court and circuit judges pose more of a problem. As a general rule, ‘you’ should be
substituted by ‘Your Lordship(s)’, ‘Your Ladyship(s)’ or ‘Your Honour(s)’ as the case may be.
For example, in the Crown Court before a circuit judge, the previous address would begin:
May it please Your Honour, there are three matters relating to the defendant’s
involvement in these offences that I would respectfully draw to Your Honour’s attention.
First, Your Honour, if I might be permitted to draw Your Honour’s attention to two
specific aspects of the pre-sentence report …

To those who are unfamiliar with courtroom protocol, this version may sound unnecessarily
obsequious. Nevertheless, this is the level of courtesy expected and you depart from it at your
peril. The odd ‘you’ or ‘your’ here and there may be acceptable, but do not take risks until you
are experienced and know your court.
158 Skills for Lawyers

13.3.4 How to refer to your opponent

It is equally important to extend all the appropriate courtesies to your opposing advocates.
Choose from ‘My friend’ or ‘The prosecution/defence’ or ‘Mr/Ms/ Mrs/Miss Smith’. The term
‘My learned friend’ is traditionally reserved for barristers, although this is no longer a hard and
fast rule. If you are opening the case, you should always ascertain the name of your opponent,
since it is a normal courtesy to introduce him or her to the court. For example: ‘Sir, my name is
Mr Jones and I appear to prosecute this case and my friend Ms Smith appears on behalf of the

13.3.5 Three golden rules when addressing the court

As well as knowing how to behave in court, an advocate must be able to create an impression
of being experienced. Failure to observe the following will tend to reveal precisely the
opposite. Do not give evidence yourself

Not only is this improper, it also suggests over-involvement in the client’s case. Avoid phrases
such as, ‘My client tells me …’, or, ‘I happen to know that …’. However, it will often be necessary
to put the client’s views to the court, for example in a civil chambers application or a plea in
mitigation in a criminal case. In chambers applications, the phrases, ‘I am instructed that’, and,
‘my instructions are’, are perfectly acceptable, but in criminal cases they are sometimes
interpreted as being coded messages that the advocate does not believe a word the client is
saying. Phrases such as, ‘I have discussed this with my client and he wants you to know’, or,
‘My client wishes me to inform you’, are more appropriate. Do not give your opinion

Avoid using phrases such as, ‘In my opinion …’, or, ‘I think …’. When an advocate wishes to
persuade the court to adopt his or her view of the case, phrases like, ‘I submit’, or, ‘I would seek
to persuade you’, or, ‘I would urge you’, are more appropriate. The important thing to
remember is that the only opinion that counts is that of the court. Object rarely, but quickly

There is an enormous temptation, especially when you have thoroughly researched a case, to
object at every opportunity. Indeed, this often impresses the client. However, it will not endear
an advocate to the court unless the point is one of substance. Do not object unless the point
advances your case or diminishes that of your opponent. Be alert: the decision to raise an
objection will often be a split-second one, especially if it involves the issue of whether an
inadmissible question has been put to a witness.

13.3.6 Five golden rules when questioning witnesses

Although the examination of a witness is as much an art as a science, the following are basic
rules for questioning witnesses which apply whatever the nature of the proceedings. Keep your questions short

Formulate questions so that, ideally, they do not exceed 10 words. If the question is
convoluted, there is a risk that neither the witness nor the court will be able to follow it.
Nothing takes the wind out of an advocate’s sails more than being asked to repeat or rephrase a
question because it is incomprehensible. Ask one question at a time

For reasons similar to those given above, it is essential to refrain from asking multiple
questions. The last thing you want is for your opponent to rise to his or her feet and say,
Advocacy 159

‘Madam, I wonder if my friend would be kind enough to indicate to the witness which
question he wants him to answer first’.

This means that a quite simple point may often need to be broken down into several questions
before it can effectively be put to a witness. For example, if you are seeking to extract a
concession from an identification witness that he was standing 50 feet away, it was dark and it
was raining, etc, you may need to ask a whole series of short questions in order to succeed in
this objective. Know your objectives in respect of each witness

This applies as much to your own witnesses as to those of your opponent, but is particularly
important when planning a cross-examination. Try to avoid asking questions in cross-examination to which you

do not know the answer
This rule should not be taken too literally because sometimes one has no choice but to probe.
The main thing is to ensure that you are never floored by the unexpected. For example, let us
assume that you are cross-examining an identification witness on the issue of where he was
standing at the time of the incident. If you were simply to ask, ‘Where were you standing?’, you
would have no control over the answer. Contrast:
Q. You said earlier that you were standing on the corner of Main Street and
Underwood Road, didn’t you?
A. Yes.
Q. And there’s no dispute, is there, that that is about 50 feet from the incident you
say you saw?

Even if the witness says ‘No’, you have much more control over where to proceed from there.
Alternatively, if you can easily prove that the witness was standing 50 feet away, you could
quite safely ask the question, ‘Where were you standing?’, because you know that, if the witness
were to reply, ‘About 6 feet away’, you would have plenty of ammunition with which to
contradict him or her. Know when to stop

There is always a danger in going on for too long, but it is particularly important not to fall
into the trap of asking one question too many. It is a great temptation to press on when you
have a witness ‘on the run’. However, that is the time to pause and reflect briefly upon whether,
having secured some favourable concession, it might not be wiser to refrain from cross-
examining further.

For example, if you have managed to extract from the identification witness referred to above
concessions that she was standing 50 feet away, it was dark and it was raining, it is a great
temptation to then say with a final flourish, ‘So how can you be so sure it was the accused that
you saw?’.

This is the one question you (and your client) may live to regret!

13.3.7 Witnesses: court formalities

There are a number of matters of court protocol concerning witnesses of which you need to be
aware, especially since it will be your task to explain them to your client and other witnesses
before they give evidence. Criminal cases

In a criminal case, witnesses other than the defendant should be asked to stay out of court
until called.
160 Skills for Lawyers

If the defendant is to give evidence, he or she must be called before other defence witnesses
unless the court directs otherwise.

Witnesses may refresh their memories from their written statements prior to being called to
give evidence. Other parties must be informed if this has taken place. Civil cases

In a civil case, witnesses may sit in court throughout the hearing. If the advocate wishes to
exclude witnesses from court, he or she must apply for an order to that effect.

The claimant and defendant are both usually called first by their advocate.

Witnesses may refresh their memories from their written statements prior to being called to
give evidence. Other parties must be informed if this has taken place.

13.4 Opening the case

This section considers opening speeches in all types of proceedings. Although the length and
purpose of such speeches may vary widely, they are all vitally important. They provide the
advocate with an opportunity to make the first impression. This can be vital, as the court or
tribunal may know little or nothing about the case it is about to try. For example, in a criminal
trial before magistrates, the bench will probably know nothing about the case other than
details of the charges.

13.4.1 Criminal trials in the magistrates’ court

The prosecution always has the right to make an opening speech before calling its evidence. In
simple trials, this right is sometimes waived. If the prosecutor does open, he or she will
(a) introduce him- or herself and his or her opponent to the court;
(b) take the bench briefly through the charges;
(c) outline the facts of the case and the evidence that he or she intends to adduce in order to
prove the charges; and
(d) explain the law, where necessary.

The opening speech requires the advocate to be a good storyteller so that the relevant
incidents are brought to life. If there is an item of evidence for which admissibility is in
dispute, the prosecutor should make no mention of it when opening, leaving admissibility to
be determined at a later stage.

Defence advocates rarely make an opening speech before calling their evidence, because by
doing so they lose the right to make a closing speech. Since the prosecutor has no right to a
closing speech, the defence advocate will usually take advantage of having the last word.

Apart from the right to make speeches, either advocate may at any stage make a submission on
a point of law. In particular, the defence may submit that there is no case to answer at the close
of the prosecution case. In such an event, the opposing advocate always has a right to reply.

13.4.2 Civil trials

The claimant’s advocate has the right to open (unless, unusually, the burden of proof of all
issues lies on the defendant). As judges now have power to dispense with opening speeches,
their use may decline, but the practice of handing in a written ‘skeleton argument’ to the judge
in lieu of an opening speech is likely to increase. As in criminal cases in the magistrates’ court,
if the defendant’s advocate elects to make an opening speech, he or she is not entitled to make
a closing speech except with leave of the court.

The purposes of the advocate’s opening speech in a civil trial will be to:
Advocacy 161

(a) introduce him- or herself and his or her opponent to the court;
(b) indicate the nature of his or her claim, for example, ‘Your Honour, this is a claim for
damages for breach of contract’;
(c) summarise the areas of dispute between the parties;
(d) outline by reference to the statements of case the alleged facts of the case (nothing which
cannot be proved should be asserted), indicating areas of dispute;
(e) introduce the evidence, including any matters contained in agreed documents;
(f ) summarise the legal principles involved, indicating areas where a ruling will have to be

13.5 Examination-in-chief
Examination-in-chief is in many respects more difficult than cross-examination because an
advocate should always be seeking to succeed on the strengths of his or her own case rather
than on the weaknesses of his or her opponent’s. Accordingly, the way your own witnesses give
their evidence has a vital bearing on the overall impression that your case creates in the mind
of the court.

13.5.1 The characteristics of examination-in-chief

Although, with one exception, advocates have a complete discretion as to the order in which
witnesses are called, it is usual in civil cases for the claimant or defendant, as appropriate, to be
called first. In criminal cases, the prosecutor will usually call the victim first, but the defence
advocate is obliged to call the defendant before other witnesses as to fact unless the court
directs otherwise (Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, s 79). The advocate calling the
witness will, as a matter of courtesy, begin by announcing each witness in turn, for example,
‘Your Honour, I now call the claimant, Margaret Brown’.

The principal objectives of examination-in-chief are:

(a) to present the witness’s evidence in a logical sequence (usually chronologically or by
(b) to cover all the relevant issues upon which the witness is able to testify; and
(c) to anticipate matters likely to be raised in cross-examination.

The major characteristic of examination-in-chief (and what makes it so difficult for the
advocate) is that the witness must, so far as possible, be left to tell his or her own story with
minimal prompting from the advocate. In order to achieve this objective, leading questions are
not generally permitted.

Although there is a degree of controversy over what constitutes a leading question, the
generally accepted definition is that it is a question which suggests its own answer by seeking
to put words into the witness’s mouth. For example, if an advocate was seeking to establish that
a witness saw the defendant, James Smith, in The Mitre public house at midday on Monday, 21
August (all of which is in dispute), it would not be permissible to ask, ‘Did you see James
Smith in The Mitre public house at midday on Monday, 21 August?’.

Instead, the advocate would need to proceed by means of a number of non-leading questions
as follows:
Q. Can you remember what you were doing on Monday, 21 August? (This question is
arguably leading, but probably not objectionable.)
A. Well, let me see. Oh yes, I went into work in the usual way.
Q. Did you stay there all day? (non-leading)
A. No, I went out for an early lunch.
Q. About what time was that? (non-leading)
162 Skills for Lawyers

A. Oh, about ten to twelve I think.

Q. And where did you go? (non-leading)
A. A pub called The Mitre.
Q. Did you see anyone there you recognised? (non-leading)
A. Yes, I saw James Smith …

and so on. As can be readily appreciated, this technique requires the advocate to prepare very
carefully in advance to ensure that he or she is able to guide the witness through his or her
evidence without resorting to prompting.

The technique also requires stamina, since it may take time even to elicit a simple set of facts in
this way. The only three occasions on which leading questions are permitted by way of
exception are:
(a) when the witness’s evidence relates to a matter that is not in dispute;
(b) where a denial is invited from the witness; and
(c) on those rare occasions when a witness is declared to be hostile.

An example of exception (a) above would arise if the only dispute was as to the date on which
the witness saw James Smith:
Q. Do you recall an occasion when you saw James Smith in The Mitre public house?
(leading, but not disputed)
A. Yes.
Q. And can you remember when that was? (non-leading)
A. Yes, it was on Monday, 21 August.

The advocate should always check in advance with his or her opponent as to what matters can
be led to the witness. Matters such as name, address and occupation may always be led, but
some advocates prefer to ask witnesses to state these details in their own words to help put
them at their ease.

An example of exception (b) would be if Mr Smith’s advocate was seeking to extract a denial
from his client. It would then be permissible to proceed as follows:
Q. Mr Smith, were you in The Mitre on Monday, 21 August at midday? (leading)
A. No, I was not.

Exception (c), namely the hostile witness, is rarely encountered.

13.5.2 The witness who does not come up to proof Criminal cases
If the witness displays an unwillingness to tell the truth at the instance of the party calling him
or her, the court may declare the witness to be hostile. This allows the advocate who has called
him or her to ask leading questions and, with leave, any previous inconsistent statement made
by the witness may be put to him or her (Criminal Procedure Act 1865, s 3). Such a statement
may be used not only to discredit the witness’s testimony but also to prove the truth of
anything contained in the statement (Criminal Justice Act 2003, s 119).

In most cases, however, the witness’s failure to say what the advocate is hoping for is the result
of forgetfulness, incompetent examination-in-chief or a poorly taken statement. In such a
situation, witnesses cannot be cross-examined. The advocate can only try to repair the damage
by calling additional evidence which supports his or her case. The problem of the forgetful
witness may also be avoided if a note of his or her earlier evidence is available (see 13.5.4).
Advocacy 163 Civil cases

The position of the hostile witness in civil cases is broadly similar to that in criminal cases (see
Civil Evidence Act 1968, s 3).

If the witness is not declared hostile, the advocate’s options are limited in the same way as in
criminal cases (but see 13.5.4).

13.5.3 Exchange of witness statements

The exchange of witness statements in civil proceedings has made a fundamental difference to
examination-in-chief. If a party has served a witness statement and wishes to rely at trial on
that witness’s evidence, the party must call that witness to give oral evidence unless the court
orders to the contrary. The witness’s statement will stand as his or her evidence-in-chief unless
the court orders otherwise. This means, in cases involving exchange of witness statements, that
examination-in-chief has been reduced to:
(a) formally calling the witness and establishing his or her name and address;
(b) asking the witness to identify his or her statement; and
(c) asking the witness whether the contents of the statement are true.

13.5.4 Introducing documents and real evidence

Documentary evidence may be introduced for a variety of reasons. The term ‘document’
includes items such as photographs, tape-recordings, video films and computer data. From an
evidential point of view, it is important to remember, not only that a document’s authenticity
must be established, but also that its contents must be admissible for the purpose for which
they are tendered. The rules differ materially in criminal and civil proceedings. Criminal cases

A witness must normally be called to prove the authenticity of any document which is to be
adduced in evidence. Although documents cannot be agreed (contrast the position in civil
cases), in practice many documents, such as agreed plans of traffic accidents, are routinely
admitted. Copies of the documents are generally sufficient (see Criminal Justice Act 1988, s
27). A police officer will normally be called to prove the authenticity of a defendant’s written
confession. This will be done by asking the officer to identify the defendant’s signature and
recount the circumstances in which the statement was made. If accepted, the original will be
admitted as an exhibit. The police officer will then normally be invited to read the defendant’s
written confession to the court. Although most interviews with suspects are now tape-
recorded, the written summary of the interview will basically be proved in the same way.

The other commonly encountered document is the ‘memory refreshing document’. The basic
rule is that a witness may refresh his or her memory in the witness box from any document
which was made or verified by him or her at an earlier time and ‘his recollection of the matter
is likely to have been significantly better at that time than it is at the time of his oral evidence’
(Criminal Justice Act 2003, s 139(1)).

Police officers, in particular, will frequently ask for leave to refresh their memories from notes
contained in their pocket books, but other witnesses may also be permitted to refer to their
original statements.

Real evidence consisting of other objects, for example a weapon, must likewise be proved by a
witness who can show that they are what they purport to be and that they are relevant to the
issues. It will also be necessary to prove that an appropriate chain exists which links the object
to the defendant.
164 Skills for Lawyers Civil cases

In theory, a witness must be called on to prove the authenticity and originality of each
document which is to be adduced in evidence. However, in civil cases, documents are almost
invariably agreed. They will usually be put in as one or more agreed bundles by the claimant’s
advocate in the course of his or her opening speech. Furthermore, the use of documents is
inextricably bound up with the rules as to disclosure, expert evidence and exchange of witness
statements, all of which are outside the scope of this chapter.

The rules relating to the use of contemporaneous notes to refresh the memory and the court’s
discretion to allow the witness to leave the witness box to read his or her statement are the
same as in criminal cases. These rules have effectively been overridden in cases where there
are exchanged witness statements.

13.6 Cross-examination
Effective cross-examination is generally regarded as representing the highest level of advocacy.
The skilled advocate, by harrying his or her opponent’s witnesses with probing questions, can
effectively demolish the other side’s case. However, it is an art hedged with misconceptions,
most of which derive from watching too many fictional courtroom dramas. The aggressive
language and sarcastic manner that are characteristic of the television soap opera are usually
inappropriate in the real world.

13.6.1 Defining objectives

Advocates should always give careful thought to what they hope to achieve by cross-
examination. In order to do this effectively, it will be necessary to develop a ‘theory’ of the
client’s case. This theory should be a plausible version of the events, consistent with the
available evidence and the client’s instructions which, if accepted, will result in the court
finding in the client’s favour. Once the advocate has developed this theory, he or she will find it
easier to work out his or her tactics.

Another point to be borne in mind is that, whatever tactics are to be adopted, the cross-
examining advocate must always ‘put his or her case’ to his or her opponent’s witnesses. In other
words, the advocate must confront his or her opponent’s witnesses with all aspects of the client’s
case which conflict with their evidence. This need not be done directly. One often hears
advocates saying, ‘I put it to you that …’, as if it were an essential ritualistic device. However, it
is possible to be more subtle than this. For example, using the illustration at 13.5.1, if Mr Smith’s
advocate needed to put to the witness that it was in fact on 22 August that he saw his client in
The Mitre, it would be permissible, but inadvisable, simply to state, ‘I put it to you that you are
mistaken; it was on 22 not 21 August that you saw Mr Smith in The Mitre, wasn’t it?’.

If the answer were to be, ‘No’, that would be the end of the matter.

Suppose, however, that the cross-examining advocate knew that the witness regularly went to
The Mitre at that time: the client’s case could be expressed more effectively in the following
Q. It’s true, isn’t it, that you regularly go to The Mitre for lunch?
A. Yes.
Q. At about the same time each day?
A. Yes.
Q. Around midday?
A. Yes.

The cross-examiner could continue by trying to establish that there was nothing special about
21 August, before suggesting to the witness that he had in fact got the day wrong and that he
had seen the defendant on a different day.
Advocacy 165

In other respects, the cross-examiner has considerable freedom of manoeuvre in deciding how
to structure his or her cross-examination. There are four main questions to consider. Should I cross-examine at all?

It may well be that, unless the advocate needs to put the client’s case, it is better to ask no
questions at all. This is especially so if a witness has not directly damaged the case. Cross-
examination may increase the risk of eliciting unfavourable material that would otherwise not
come out. Are there any favourable matters that I can extract?

It is far better for an advocate to get a witness on his or her side, rather than to confront him or
her. For example, in a case involving disputed identification, try gently to elicit concessions
from the witness that it was, for example, dark and raining at the time, rather than suggest
aggressively that his or her evidence is worthless. Is there any way in which I can discredit the witness’s evidence?
Witnesses can, and often do, make mistakes or erroneous assumptions that can be exposed by
cross-examination. Very few witnesses deliberately give false evidence. This always needs to be
borne in mind when probing for weaknesses. Again, an indirect rather than a confrontational
approach is likely to yield better results. Exposing inconsistencies by reference to a previous
inconsistent statement is a particularly effective method. It is governed by special legal rules
which are outside the scope of this chapter. Is there any way in which I can discredit the witness him- or herself?
It is rare for the advocate to find him- or herself in a position to insinuate, for example, that the
witness is biased. It is a particularly risky tactic when done on behalf of a defendant in a
criminal trial because of the dangers of falling foul of s 101(1)(g) of the Criminal Justice Act
2003. In any case, the tactic should never be adopted unless there is independent evidence
available to substantiate the allegations.

The above four questions are not mutually exclusive: a cross-examining advocate may wish to
adopt those parts of a witness’s testimony which favour his or her client whilst challenging
other parts which do not. This is a highly skilled and complex operation.

13.6.2 The technique of cross-examination

The major difference between examination-in-chief and cross-examination is that the
advocate cross-examining is permitted to ask leading questions. This is a particularly valuable
right since it enables him or her to retain tighter control of the witness than is the case with
non-leading questions. However, leading questions should not be used to excess since this may
give the impression that the witness is being brow-beaten. The tactic can, however, be
particularly effective when an advocate wishes to expose inconsistencies or illogicalities. The
trap can be set by asking the witness a series of non-leading questions on peripheral matters as
a preliminary to confronting him or her with weaknesses or inconsistencies in his or her
testimony by means of a series of tightly controlled leading questions. This is a highly skilled

Two general examples will suffice. Suppose that you were trying to discredit the testimony of
an identification witness. There would no doubt be a number of matters which you had
thoroughly researched beforehand, such as where he or she was standing, how far away he or
she was from the incident, the time of day, the weather conditions, etc. You would no doubt
wish to keep tight control of this part of your cross-examination by means of leading
questions. However, it might also be appropriate to probe into what the witness had been
doing beforehand by means of non-leading questions. For example, you might ask, ‘Now Mr
166 Skills for Lawyers

Smith, you say you were on your way home when you witnessed this incident; where were you
coming from?’. The answer might be, ‘I’d been down The Mitre for a drink’.

Not all cross-examinations will yield such promising results, but it can be seen that much
useful information can be gleaned from peripheral matters by means of non-leading questions
without running any risk to your case.

A second example might be in the case of a witness whom an advocate wished to confront with
a previous inconsistent statement. It might be appropriate to begin by inducing him or her by
means of non-leading questions to embellish his or her story still further before confronting
him or her with the inconsistencies. This is a particularly effective technique where the
allegation is that the witness is biased.

13.7 Re-examination
Once cross-examination is completed, the advocate who called the witness has the right to re-
examine. That right is limited in that: first, he or she may deal only with matters raised in
cross-examination; and, secondly, leading questions are not permitted. Very few advocates are
skilled re-examiners. It is a sophisticated art. As a general rule, it is most unwise to re-examine
unless you are absolutely certain as to your objectives. Its principal function is to repair any
damage done in cross-examination by giving the witness an opportunity to explain or qualify
his or her previous answers. It is useful where, for example:
(a) cross-examination has confused the witness;
(b) the cross-examiner has attempted to impeach the witness’s credit;
(c) the cross-examiner has elicited only partial details of an incident which appears to
favour the opponent’s case.

13.8 Closing the case

Closing a case can be more difficult than opening, because a greater degree of improvisation is
required. An opening speech can be worked out in detail beforehand: by the time an advocate
rises to make a closing address, all the evidence will be before the court and the case may look
very different by then. However, it is rare that the central issues will have changed, only the
details. It is absolutely vital, therefore, to have identified the likely issues and evolved a ‘theory’
of the case in advance. It is only in this way that a closing address can deal with all the
outstanding issues in a coherent and persuasive manner. It is important to remember that, just
as the advocate who opens the case has the advantage of the first word, so the closing speaker
is the last advocate the court will hear before retiring to consider its verdict.

13.8.1 Who closes the case? Criminal cases
The basic rule in magistrates’ court trials is that only the defence will make a closing speech.
The only exception is in those rare cases where the defence has both opted to make an opening
speech before calling its evidence and been given leave to make a closing speech. In such a
case, the prosecution is also permitted to make a closing speech, but the defence will still
address the court last. Civil cases

Except where the defendant began or where the defendant calls no evidence, the advocate for
the claimant has the last word in a civil case. If the judge says that he or she does not wish to
hear a closing speech, then the claimant has probably already won.
Advocacy 167

13.8.2 The purpose of the closing speech Criminal cases
Be brief. Magistrates’ courts are very busy places and you will be well advised to confine
yourself to the essential points which advance your client’s case. However, the experienced
advocate will not allow him- or herself to be rushed. If you need a few moments to compose
yourself and go over your notes, do not hesitate to ask for them. You should always cover:
(a) any relevant points of law;
(b) the key issues in dispute;
(c) any part of the evidence which weakens the prosecution case and strengthens that of the

Avoid saying too much about the burden and standard of proof. Magistrates need little
reminding of this. It is better to concentrate on those parts of the evidence which genuinely
raise a reasonable doubt. Civil cases

The position in civil cases is broadly similar to that in criminal cases, except that an advocate
must always be aware that he or she is addressing a judge, not magistrates. Modify your style
accordingly. Since civil trials still take place on the statements of case, a closing speech which
follows the issues raised by the statements of case will greatly assist the court. Judges are
particularly grateful to advocates who not only summarise the issues that are still outstanding
but also emphasise the essential findings of fact which the judge will have to make in order to
decide the case.

13.9 Ethical issues

An advocate’s reputation with the court is his or her most valuable asset. An advocate who has
lost the court’s trust through some piece of unethical conduct is a liability. All advocates
should be familiar with Chapter 5 of the SRA Code of Conduct 2011.

13.9.1 Criminal cases Duties of the prosecution advocate
The duties of the prosecution advocate are:
(a) to ensure that all relevant facts and law are before the court;
(b) to make available to the defence any evidence which is inconsistent with the evidence
which a prosecution witness gives at the trial. Duties of the defence advocate

The duties of the defence advocate are:
(a) to say on a client’s behalf all that the client would properly say for him- or herself;
(b) to keep confidential all information received about a client and his or her affairs which
the client wishes to keep confidential;
(c) to ensure that the prosecution discharges the onus placed upon it to prove the guilt of
the accused. The defence advocate is entitled to put the prosecution to proof even if the
defendant has admitted his or her guilt;
(d) to disclose to the prosecution and to the court all relevant cases and statutory provisions
relating to the case, even if unfavourable to the defence. However, unfavourable
evidence need not be disclosed;
168 Skills for Lawyers

(e) not to participate in a positive deception of the court. A solicitor may not continue to act
for a client who misleads the court (eg, by giving a false name, or giving evidence which
the advocate knows to be untrue) unless the client is prepared to reveal the truth;
(f ) not to act for two or more clients whose interests are in conflict, even if invited to do so
by the court.

13.9.2 Civil cases

Advocates for the claimant and the defendant are bound by the same rules which are:
(a) to ensure that all relevant facts and law are before the court;
(b) to say on a client’s behalf all that the client would say properly for him- or herself;
(c) to keep confidential all information received about a client and his or her affairs which
the client wishes to keep confidential;
(d) where relevant, to ensure that the opponent discharges the onus placed upon him or her
by the burden of proof;
(e) to disclose to the court all relevant cases and statutory provisions relevant to the case,
even if not favourable to the client. The advocate may then seek to show that decisions
which are against him or her are erroneous, not binding, per incuriam or
distinguishable. As in criminal cases, the theory is that unfavourable evidence need not
be disclosed. However, the rules as to disclosure and exchange of witness statements are
such that, in practice, both parties may be required to disclose such evidence;
(f ) not to participate in a positive deception of the court. A solicitor may not continue to act
for a client who misleads the court (eg, by giving evidence which the advocate knows to
be untrue) unless the client is now prepared to reveal the truth;
(g) not to act for two or more clients whose interests are in conflict.

13.10 Criminal cases: bail and mitigation

A detailed study of criminal advocacy in bail applications and pleas in mitigation is outside the
scope of this chapter. However, a very basic guide to the skills required is set out below.
Because most criminal advocates will begin their careers with a simple bail application or plea,
it is often erroneously assumed that this is ‘easy’ advocacy. Nothing could be further from the
truth: there is nothing easy about a situation in which the client may face a period in custody if
his or her advocate fails him or her.

13.10.1 Bail
The skills of the advocate will be required only when the application is opposed. Although bail
is always ultimately a matter for the court, it will normally be granted as a matter of course
unless the prosecution objects. Since defendants have a right to bail prior to conviction, it is
customary for the Crown Prosecutor to begin by formally setting out his or her objections by
reference to the prescribed criteria in Sch 1, Pt I of the Bail Act 1976. The objections will
almost invariably be based on an assertion that there are substantial grounds for believing that
the defendant will either abscond and/or commit further offences while he or she is on bail.
The risk of the defendant interfering with witnesses or otherwise obstructing the course of
justice is also frequently advanced as an objection.

The task of the defence advocate is twofold. First, he or she should seek to put forward
arguments which tend to minimise the risks adverted by the Crown Prosecutor. Thus, for
example, if the prosecution claims that there is a substantial risk of the defendant absconding,
this might be rebutted by arguing that:
(a) the defendant is pleading not guilty and the evidence against him or her is weak;
(b) the defendant’s record (if he or she has one) reveals that he or she has never absconded
whilst on bail in the past;
Advocacy 169

(c) even if he or she is convicted, the likelihood of a custodial sentence is remote.

These are very general illustrations: each case must be dealt with on its own facts. Whatever
the facts, thorough preparation is always essential.

Secondly, the advocate must neutralise any substantial risks by putting forward a sensible
package of conditions, such as a surety combined with a condition of residence, which will be
sufficient to persuade the bench that it can afford to take a risk and grant bail. Although s 4 of
the Bail Act 1976 is supposed to secure a right to bail, in reality if a prosecutor raises
substantial grounds for withholding bail the defence advocate has a difficult task upholding
that right. An effective application, therefore, requires as much advance preparation as the
circumstances permit. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) should always be approached (in
advance if practicable) in order to obtain as much information as possible about both the
offence and the defendant.

If possible, you should obtain detailed instructions from the client concerning his or her
personal circumstances and the existence of any potential sureties. It may be that this will
avoid a contested application altogether. If you can produce an appropriate package of
conditions to the CPS before the hearing, you may be able to persuade it to withdraw its
objections. So far as the actual application itself is concerned, an advocate should always bear
three things in mind.
(a) Structure the application in such a way that each prosecution objection is countered in a
logical sequence, and conclude with any package of conditions you wish to put forward.
(b) Keep the application as short as circumstances permit and remember that courts usually
have a long list of cases to hear.
(c) Tailor the application to the individual client. Magistrates are often offered the same
platitudes whatever the nature of the application, such as, ‘My client strenuously denies
the charge, has a fixed address and instructs me that he has been offered work on a
building site’.

The statement may be true, but it is vitally important to interest the court in your client’s
personal circumstances. It might therefore be more appropriate to explain a little more about
why your client’s denial is so significant. For example:
‘Sir, if I might begin by referring you to the case against Mr Smith, you will see that it is
tenuous in the extreme. The evidence consists solely of hotly disputed identification
evidence …’

and so on.
170 Skills for Lawyers


Charge: Inflicting grievous bodily (Offences Against the Person Act 1861, s 20)

The defendant, Gareth Davies, is jointly charged with Stephen Jones. Last night he assaulted
Phillip Bennett, outside the Seagull fish and chip shop in High Street, Weyford.

At about 11.15pm Bennett was outside the fish and chip shop waiting for his friends who were
inside the shop. He saw Stephen Jones and Gareth Davies walking along High Street from the
direction of Market Street. Both Jones and Davies used to be regulars at Cindy’s nightclub in
the High Street where Bennett works. Some two weeks earlier Bennett banned them because
of an incident at the nightclub.

When they saw Bennett they crossed the road and started talking to him, trying to persuade
him to lift the ban. At first the conversation was good natured and then things changed. Jones
became more and more aggressive and despite Bennett’s attempts to calm him down Jones
punched Bennett hard in the face. Bennett fought back but he fell over. Whilst on the ground
he was hit at least a dozen times on the face and arms. He was also punched and kicked in the
chest and stomach. The punches were coming from his left and right and Bennett now saw
that Gareth Davies was involved. He could not be sure which of the two men was more
responsible but he is sure both were involved. The assault finished when a friend of Bennett’s,
John Bevan, intervened.

Bevan, who also works at Cindy’s, knows both Jones and Davies. He said that he was inside
the fish and chip shop heard a commotion outside, rushed out and saw Bennett being attacked
by both Jones and Davies. He managed to break it up and then Jones and Davies ran off.

The police were called and both Jones and Davies were arrested about half a mile away. On
arrival at the police station both men were found to be under the influence of alcohol. They
were unfit to be interviewed and left in the cells to sleep.

Jones denied the offence in interview. He said he was defending himself having been attacked
by Bennett. He denied causing all of Bennett’s injuries saying that Davies must have caused

When interviewed at 9.30am today Davies denied any involvement in the offence saying all he
did was to try to pull Jones off Bennett. He said that Jones was the one that was responsible for
causing all the injuries to Bennett. When told that Jones had put the blame onto him Davies
said ‘I’ll get him for this. He’ll regret saying that. You wait until I catch up with him.’

As a result of the attack Bennett suffered a deep cut above his left eye; cuts and bruises to his
face; a bleeding nose; grazes to his hands and knees; bruises to his stomach and arms; a broken
nose and a broken left arm. Bennett was treated at Weyford General Hospital and released
earlier today.

Jones, who has no previous convictions, was granted unconditional bail. He is due to appear
before Weyford Magistrates’ Court in seven days time.

Previous convictions:

4 years ago ABH Fined £500;

Compensation £70
Absconding Fined £100

3 years ago Criminal damage Community sentence with a supervision requirement

Absconding Fined £75

18 months ago ABH 3 months’ imprisonment

Advocacy 171


Aged 27, married (separated from his wife), unemployed, previous employment all casual –
barman, bouncer etc. After his marriage break-up some three months ago he has slept on
friends’ floors and in their spare rooms. He is staying with friends at the moment but has to
move out by the end of the week. Previous offences all alcohol related.

The case will be adjourned for advance disclosure of the prosecution case. Apply for a
remand in custody for seven days.
172 Skills for Lawyers

Mr Davies says:

I live with friends at 36 Town Lane, Weyford.


I am charged jointly with Stephen Jones with inflicting grievous bodily harm on Philip
Bennett. I wish to plead not guilty.

Last night I went out for a drink at the Ship public house in the High Street and met Stephen
Jones there. I used to go out with him a lot. We used to go to Cindy’s Nightclub but about two
weeks ago we both got banned by the bouncer there called Philip Bennett. Stephen got
hammered and started hitting on some girls who didn’t like it. The girls complained and
Bennett became involved. There was an argument and Stephen threatened him. I wasn’t
involved but because I was with Stephen I got barred as well.

After having a few pints in the Ship we were walking along the High Street on the way home.
We saw Bennett outside the Seagull fish and chip shop with a group of girls and Stephen said
that we should try to persuade Bennett to let us back into Cindy’s. I told him that it wasn’t a
good idea but before I knew it Stephen had crossed the road and was talking to Bennett. I
thought that Bennett would tell Stephen to get lost but he seemed quite happy to talk to him.
The girls then went into the fish and shop and one of the girls recognised Stephen from the
night we’d been banned from Cindy’s and said something like ‘Not you again, you tosser’ and
then Stephen lost it. He started to argue with Bennett about how out of order Bennett had
been to ban him from Cindy’s and then he punched Bennett in the face.

I didn’t want to get involved. With my record I didn’t want any trouble but I knew that things
were getting out of hand. Bennett had fallen to the ground and Stephen was now kicking him.
I tried to pull Stephen off Bennett but he just kept laying into him on the ground. Another
man, who works with Bennett called John, then came out of the fish and chip shop and
managed to get Stephen off Bennett. Stephen then ran off and I chased after him.

The police later arrested us. I was fed up with Stephen’s behavior and when they put us into
the police van we had a bit of an argument. He always seems to be getting into trouble. When
I arrived at the police station I was given some written rules about my rights and asked if I
wanted a solicitor, but I didn’t see the need, I hadn’t done anything wrong.

I told them what had happened. I suppose I was a bit aggressive about Stephen during the
interview. In fact I think I said that I’d sort him out but I didn’t mean it. He basically put all the
blame on me – I suppose he was afraid of getting a criminal record and decided that the best
thing to do was to land me in it.

We were both charged but I was refused police bail. Stephen was granted police bail.

Personal background

I am aged 27. I left school when I was 16 and have done casual jobs as a bouncer, barman and
general labourer. I am currently unemployed. I’ve lived in the Weyford area for about ten
years. I married five years ago but split up from my wife about three months ago when our
tenancy came to an end. After we split up I’ve slept on friends’ floors, and in their spare
rooms. I’m staying with friends now but they’ve told me that I have to move out by the end of
the week.

My parents live in Scotland and will not put me up even if I wanted them to. The last time I
got into trouble I stayed at Weyford Bail Hostel.
Advocacy 173

Four years ago my marriage hit a bad patch and I began to drink. Drink is at the root of all
these offences. I pleaded guilty to them all.

The ABH some four years ago took place in a pub. I’d been drinking and watching the football
when this bloke said something I didn’t like about my team. I lost my temper and got into a
fight with him.

The first absconding offence was a mistake – I got the dates mixed up. I was arrested under a

The criminal damage offence was when I thought my wife had left me. She went to stay at her
mother’s. I’d had a few pints at the pub and went round to see her but she wouldn’t let me in. I
lost my temper and ended up smashing a few of the windows. I didn’t attend court on time
because I overslept and turned up about three hours late.

I continued to drink and the last offence was also committed whilst drunk. Someone picked
on me in a pub. I defended myself but overdid it. It was about that time that I decided I had to
pull myself together. I went on an alcohol awareness course run by a local charity and my
drinking is now under control.

Mr Davies wishes you to apply for bail on his behalf.

174 Skills for Lawyers

Sir, the prosecution opposes bail because, if released on bail, there are substantial grounds for
believing that the defendant will fail to surrender to custody, interfere with witnesses or
otherwise obstruct the course of justice and commit offences whilst on bail. I will deal with
each of these grounds in turn.

The first ground of objection is failure to surrender to custody. This was a serious,
unprovoked attack on Mr Bennett.

At about 11.15 last night the victim, Mr Bennett, was outside the Seagull fish and chip shop in
the High Street, Guildfleet waiting for his friends who were inside the shop. He was
approached by Mr Davies and his co-defendant Mr Jones. Both men are known to Mr Bennett
as he banned both men from his place of work, Cindy’s nightclub, some two weeks ago. Mr
Jones tried to persuade Mr Bennett to lift the ban. At first the conversation was good natured
but then Mr Jones became more and more aggressive. Mr Bennett tried to calm him down.
Then Mr Jones punched Mr Bennett hard in the face. Mr Bennett fought back but he fell over.
Whilst on the ground Mr Bennett was hit at least a dozen times on the face and arms. He was
also punched and kicked in the chest and stomach. The punches were coming from his left
and right and Mr Bennett could see that not only was Mr Jones involved but Mr Davies too.
He couldn’t be sure which of the two men were responsible but he is sure that both were
involved. The assault finished when a friend of Mr Bennett’s, John Bevan, intervened. Both
Mr Jones and Mr Davies ran off.

The police were called and both men were arrested. On arrival at the police station both men
were too drunk to be interviewed and they were left in the cells to sleep. Earlier this morning
Mr Davies was interviewed and denied any involvement in the offence.

The strength of the evidence against Mr Davies is strong. Not only does Mr Bennett identify
Mr Davies as being involved but Mr Bevan does too. Mr Bevan, who works with Mr Bennett
at Cindy’s nightclub, also knows Mr Jones and Mr Davies. He said that he heard a commotion
outside the fish and chip shop, rushed out and saw Mr Bennett being attacked by both Mr
Jones and Mr Davies.

If convicted the defendant is likely to receive a custodial sentence for this offence. As a result
of the attack Mr Bennett suffered a deep cut above his left eye; cuts and bruises to his face; a
bleeding nose; grazes to his hands and knees; bruises to his stomach and arms; a broken nose
and a broken left arm. Mr Bennett was treated at Weyford General Hospital and released
earlier today. What makes a custodial sentence even more likely in this case is the defendant’s
list of previous convictions. He has two previous convictions for offences of violence; an
assault occasioning actual bodily harm some five years ago for which he was fined £500 and
another assault occasioning actual bodily harm some eighteen months ago for which he
received three months imprisonment.

As can also be seen from the defendant’s list of previous convictions, he already has two
previous convictions for failing to surrender to custody. This was also in respect of an offence
of violence which the defendant faced. When seen in the context of the current offence, this
must raise substantial doubts that the defendant will surrender to custody.

Another factor which may lead the defendant to fail to surrender is his lack of community
ties. He is unemployed and since the breakdown of the defendant’s marriage some three
months ago he has been sleeping on friends’ floors and in their spare rooms. He is staying
with friends at the moment but has to move out by the end of the week. The defendant
therefore has no permanent address, nor any employment to keep him in the Weyford area.
Advocacy 175

The second objection to bail being granted is that the defendant may interfere with witnesses
or otherwise obstruct the course of justice. Mr Davies is jointly charged with Mr Jones. In his
interview Mr Jones denied all involvement in this offence. He said that he was defending
himself having been attacked by Mr Bennett. He denied causing all of Mr Bennett’s injuries
saying that Mr Davies must have caused them. When told in his interview that Mr Jones had
put the blame on him Mr Davies said ‘I’ll get him for this. He’ll regret saying that. You wait
until I catch up with him.’

The third objection to bail being granted is that the defendant may commit offences if
released on bail. Sir, this is a defendant with a history of violent offending. The defendant has
been convicted of two offences of violence in the past four years. All these offences appear to
be connected with alcohol. You may recall Sir that this offence was alcohol related too.

Sir, for the reasons that I have outlined the prosecution opposes bail being granted to the
defendant and invites you to remand the defendant in custody for seven days.

Sir, I wish to apply for conditional bail on behalf of Mr Davies. Any concerns that you may
have about whether Mr Davies will fail to appear, interfere with witnesses or otherwise
obstruct the course of justice or commit further offences whilst on bail can be more than
adequately dealt with by granting Mr Davies bail with conditions.

I will deal first with the allegation that Mr Davies will fail to surrender to custody if released
on bail. The charge Mr Davies faces is a serious one, this makes it all the more likely that Mr
Davies will attend the next court hearing. When interviewed by the police Mr Davies denied
any involvement in the offence saying all he did was try to pull Mr Jones off Mr Bennett. Mr
Davies intends to plead not guilty to this offence. He is anxious to clear his name and does not
wish to worsen the situation by failing to surrender.

The prosecution evidence is not strong. Mr Bennett claims that both Mr Jones and Mr Davies
were involved in this offence. The prosecution alleges that Mr Bennett was punched by Mr
Jones and then Mr Bennett fought back but he fell over. He was then hit, punched and kicked
to the body. Presumably Mr Bennett was protecting his head, as anyone would do, whilst
defenceless on the ground. It is unlikely that Mr Bennett would be able to say for certain that
he saw Mr Davies hit, punch or kick him. The evidence of Mr Bevan should also be treated
with caution. He works with Mr Bennett and is a friend of his. It is only natural that his
evidence may be favourable to Mr Bennett. It is noticeable that the prosecution failed to
mention any independent evidence to support their version of events.

The prosecution argues that, should Mr Davies be convicted, he will receive a custodial
sentence because of the seriousness of this offence and his record of previous convictions. Sir,
a custodial sentence is not inevitable in this case. The prosecution alleges that his offending is
alcohol related. If that is the case, then the court may consider a community sentence to help
him address any alcohol problem that he may have. Mr Davies does have two previous
convictions for similar offences. The first was some four years ago and did not result in a
custodial sentence and the last was some eighteen months ago. Following his custodial
sentence Mr Davies decided to pull himself together and has kept out of trouble.

The prosecution seeks to place reliance upon the defendant’s previous convictions for failing
to surrender to bail. This must be placed in context. Mr Davies did not actively abscond. His
first failure to surrender was a mistake on his part. He thought that he was due to appear in
court at a later date. His second failure to surrender was due to his oversleeping. He attended
court about three hours late. Sir, you will see that both offences resulted in the imposition of
fines which indicate that these were not the most serious examples of failing to surrender to
custody. I would urge you to give little weight to the prosecution’s arguments on this point.
176 Skills for Lawyers

The prosecution also suggests that Mr Davies’ lack of community ties mean that he is likely to
abscond. Mr Davies has lived in the Weyford area for about ten years. He is currently
unemployed but has been employed locally as a bouncer, barman and general labourer. Until
some three weeks ago he was living in rented accommodation with his wife. Unfortunately
they have now split up and he has been sleeping on friends’ floors and in their spare rooms. I
have liaised with the Probation Service this morning and should Mr Davies be granted bail
there is a place available for him at the Weyford Bail Hostel.

The second ground raised by the prosecution is that Mr Davies will interfere with witnesses or
otherwise obstruct the course of justice by interfering with his co-defendant, Mr Jones. When
Mr Davies was told what Mr Jones had to say, Mr Davies was upset. Mr Jones is someone
whom Mr Davies regards as a friend and Mr Davies cannot understand why Mr Jones is
implicating him in this offence. Mr Davies was also upset by the police keeping him in the
cells overnight when he believed he was fit to be interviewed. He was tired and emotional
when he made those comments about Mr Jones. He did not mean them and has no intention
of seeking to influence Mr Jones’s evidence.

The third ground of objection raised by the prosecution is that Mr Davies will commit further
offences if released on bail. I would submit that this is not the case. Mr Davies intends to plead
not guilty to this offence. In addition, Mr Davies does not have a lengthy list of previous
convictions. He has five convictions spread over a four-year period and these do not
constitute substantial grounds for believing that Mr Davies will offend again.

Sir, for the reasons that I have set out I would ask you to grant conditional bail to Mr Davies.

There are a number of conditions that I would invite you to consider imposing to remove any
concerns you might have as to Mr Davies’ willingness to attend court on the next occasion.
You might wish to consider imposing a condition that Mr Davies reside at the Weyford Bail
Hostel and report to Weyford Police Station on a regular basis. I would submit that the
imposition of such conditions would remove any substantial grounds for believing that Mr
Davies would fail to attend court on the next occasion.

For the reasons that I have outlined, I do not consider that the prosecution has established
substantial grounds for believing that Mr Davies would obstruct the course of justice.
However, if you should have any concerns with regard to this, I would submit that any such
concerns may be addressed by imposing a condition that Mr Davies does not contact or
associate with Mr Jones.

Finally I submit that the prosecution has failed to establish substantial grounds for believing
that Mr Davies will commit further offences if released on bail. Should you have any concerns
Sir, then any such concerns may be addressed by imposing a curfew or a condition that Mr
Davies should not enter any licensed premises or the Weyford town centre other than for the
purposes of employment or to see his solicitor.

Sir, unless I can be of any further assistance, those are my submissions.

Advocacy 177

13.10.2 Pleas in mitigation

As with bail applications, advance preparation is essential. Courts can sentence only on the
basis of information and, although the sentencing court may have a written pre-sentence
report (PSR) available (this is mandatory when the court is considering a custodial sentence or
certain types of community penalty), there will often be a great deal of further relevant
background information which the defence advocate can put before the court. The Criminal
Justice Act 2003 places the seriousness of the offence at the forefront of the matters to which
the court must have regard when passing sentence. Nevertheless, the court is not precluded
from considering the circumstances of the individual offender by way of mitigation. A useful
starting point in the magistrates’ court is to consult the sentencing guidelines published by the
Sentencing Council and in particular the Magistrates’ Court Sentencing Guidelines.

The following points should always be considered when preparing a plea.

(a) Thoroughly research the realistic sentencing options available, referring, where
appropriate, to relevant statutory or judicial guidelines.
(b) Take as full a written statement as possible from the client, dealing with the
circumstances both of the offence and of the client.
(c) Obtain an up-to-date copy of the client’s criminal record, and deal thoroughly with the
circumstances of any offences which the court may regard as being ‘aggravating’.
(d) If a PSR has been ordered, try to contact the Probation Service in advance of the case to
see if it will discuss its contents informally.
(e) Arrive at court in plenty of time so that you can discuss your mitigation speech with the
client and obtain his or her approval of your proposed course.
(f ) When called upon to address the court, invite them to read any PSR first.
(g) When the court has read the PSR, begin your speech by dealing with matters which
affect the seriousness of the offence. Then go on to deal with matters of offender
mitigation, referring where appropriate to the PSR. Never read paragraphs of the PSR
aloud, because the document is confidential. Instead, invite the court to consider the
appropriate paragraph. For example:
‘Madam, you will recall that Mr Smith’s family history is dealt with at the top of page 2 of
the pre-sentence report. I would particularly draw your attention to the matters dealt
with in paragraph 3 …’
and so on.
(h) Conclude by ‘showing the court the way home’. In other words, if you can suggest a
realistic sentencing option which the court can take, you are not only discharging your
duty to the client, but you are also assisting the court. Sentencing an offender is never
easy, and anything which helps the court discharge this onerous duty will be gratefully
178 Skills for Lawyers

Following the contested bail application Davies was released on bail with conditions. The
prosecution subsequently obtained CCTV footage and witness statements from Philip
Bennett, John Bennett and three other witnesses who were in the Seagull fish and chip shop.
The prosecution evidence showed that Jones and Davies were both involved in the assault. At
the next court appearance the defendants decided to enter guilty pleas and the case was
adjourned for the preparation of pre-sentence reports. Jones was granted unconditional bail
and Davies bail with conditions.

Gareth Davies says:

I was not telling the truth when I made my earlier statement. I did assault Bennett. My initial
reaction was to pull Jones off him but then I decided to give him a good hiding. I decided to
get my own back for unfairly banning me from Cindy’s by punching and kicking him whilst
he was on the ground. I was drunk at the time. I now realise that it was a foolish thing for me
to do and I am sorry for my actions. I do have an alcohol problem. My wife has been telling
me for years that I have a drink problem. I took no notice of her. I have been drinking heavily
since I left my wife. I want to get back together with her and I need to address my offending
which is associated with my drinking. She is now staying at her mother’s house.

Pre-sentence report:

PROBATION SERVICE Chief Officer: John Evans

This is a Pre-Sentence Report as defined in Section 158 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003. It has
been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the National Standard for Pre-Sentence
Reports. This report is a confidential document and has been prepared for these proceedings
only. Its value on other occasions and for other purposes will therefore be limited.


COURT Weyford Magistrates’

NAME Gareth Davies
AGE 24
ADDRESS Weyford Bail Hostel
27 Carter Street
TITLE: Probation officer
REF CODE: JEW/DF/11224/M4/5/010/N/MEBP/W02
34 Bennetthorpe Tel: (00002) 730099
Weyford WE2 6AD Fax: (00002) 730220 (General)
Fax: (00002 730720 (Divisional Manager)
Advocacy 179


1. This report is based upon two interviews with Mr Davies; one at Weyford Bail Hostel
and one at my office. I have read the prosecution papers and seen a copy of Mr Davies’
previous convictions. I have also liased with Mrs Davies, Mr Davies’ solicitor and Mr
Williams the manager of the Weyford Bail Hostel.
2. Mr Davies inflicted grevious boldily harm on another man outside the Seagull fish and
chip shop in the High Street, Weyford. Mr Davies’ co-defendant punched the victim in
the face. There was a fight. The victim then fell over and Mr Davies together with his
co-defendant punched and kicked the victim to his head and body whilst the victim
was lying on the ground. The assault finished when a friend of the victim intervened.
Mr Davies was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the offence and was not fit
to be interviewed by the police until the following morning.
3. Mr Davies told me that he knew the victim and disliked him. The victim worked at
Cindy’s nightclub in Weyford and had, some two weeks before the offence, banned Mr
Davies from the nightclub. Mr Davies’ co-defendant Stephen Jones was drunk and
made some unwanted advances towards a group of girls in the nightclub. The girls
complained to management and the victim became involved in handling the complaint.
Mr Jones then had an argument with the victim in which he threatened him. Mr Jones
was banned from the nightclub and since Mr Davies was with Mr Jones he was banned
too even though he was not involved. Mr Davies felt that his banning from the
nightclub was unwarranted.
4. Mr Davies has appeared in Court for sentencing purposes on three previous occasions.
His offending began four years ago and consists of assaults occasioning actual bodily
harm, criminal damage and absconding. The assaults and criminal damage offences
were all committed whist he was under the influence of alcohol.
5. Eighteen months ago Mr Davies was sentenced to 3 months imprisonment. He found
the experience of prison a chastening one and he told me that he was determined to
keep out of trouble as a result. He believes that his offending is alcohol related. He went
on an alcohol awareness course run by Addiction, a local charity, and found the course
useful. From the enquiries I have made the course was not an intensive one and since
alcohol abuse appears to be at the root of his offending then such a course is unlikely to
prevent him committing offences in the future.
6. Mr Davies is one of five children and he originates from Scotland. He is literate and
numerate but tells me that he left school with no qualifications. During his last two
years at school he increasingly played truant because, he says, he was bullied. Shortly
after leaving school he met a woman who is now his wife, Carolyn Davies. She
originated from Weyford and Mr Davies moved to Weyford to be near her. After going
out together for about five years they married. Mr Davies tells me that his marriage was
a happy one but his wife felt that he had an alcohol problem which he failed to
acknowledge. Some three months ago he split up from his wife believing that his wife
was having an affair with another man.
7. Since leaving his wife he has been sleeping on friends’ floors and in their spare rooms.
During these proceedings Mr Davies has been living at the Weyford Bail Hostel. I
understand from the manager of the hostel, Mr Williams, that since his time there Mr
Davies has been a model resident.
180 Skills for Lawyers

8. Mr Davies still has feelings towards his wife. He was accompanied by his wife when he
attended our second interview. He now believes his wife when she says that she was not
having an affair. They intend to get back together and are looking for rented
accommodation together in Newtown. Mrs Davies is in full-time employment as a
9. Whilst on remand Mr Davies has been making attempts to obtain work. He has
attended three interviews for different types of manual work. He did have a job for a
short while in a timber yard but he was sacked because he turned up for work after
lunch under the influence of alcohol.
10. It is very unfortunate that Mr Davies has not been able to hold down a steady job since
he seems to have great difficulty in structuring his time. He is in good health although
he drinks to excess when he has the money to do so and I feel that this has caused many
of his problems.
11. Mr Davies accepts that he has an alcohol problem and he is making efforts to control it.
He says that he has reduced his alcohol intake and is feeling healthier for it. He realises
that his lack of formal qualifications is hindering his search for employment. However,
because he did not enjoy school he is reluctant to return to an educational environment.
He accepts that he is unlikely to be bullied at his age. He says that he lacks the
motivation to study.
12. At the time of the interview Mr Davies was in receipt of income-based job seeker’s
13. Mr Davies is a gregarious man, although his manner can easily seem aggressive. I
believe that many of his problems relate to his alcohol problems. The harm inflicted on
the victim was intentional. As the court mentioned when adjourning for sentence, Mr
Davies was fortunate that the victim did not sustain more serious injuries as a result of
the assault. Since Mr Davies has an alcohol problem and difficulties controlling his
temper, which he acknowledges, there is a high risk that Mr Davies will cause further
harm in the future.
14. I have no concerns as regards the possibility of deliberate self-harm in the community.
Mr Davies presents himself as a fairly confident individual and I suspect that he will
cope easily if his offending were to result in a custodial sentence.
15. Mr Davies seems genuine when he says that he is determined to address the causes of
his offending. I feel that he could benefit from a community sentence with the two
following requirements:
• Supervision requirement
• An alcohol treatment requirement (Addressing Substance Related Offending –
I have discussed these requirements with Mr Davies and he has agreed to co-operate
with the Probation Service. He has been assessed as suitable.
A supervision requirement would focus on increasing his employability and encourage
him to improve his educational qualifications or secure training. The alcohol treatment
requirement would address his alcohol problem.
16. If the court is of the view that a custodial sentence must be imposed, I am required to
identify and comment upon any adverse effects of custody. Since Mr Davies has
experience of a custodial setting, is currently looking for accommodation and is jobless,
I can identify no major concerns.
Advocacy 181

Since Mr Davies would benefit from requirements designed to address the causes of his
offending the court may consider that a suspended sentence is more appropriate. Such a
disposal would also enable Mr Davies to find work, thereby placing him in the position
to pay compensation to the victim. Mr Davies has no savings and therefore any
compensation ordered by the court would have to be paid by instalments.
Signed: Jason King Dated: _ _ 200_
Probation Officer
182 Skills for Lawyers

Sir, I understand from your legal advisor that you have had the opportunity to read the pre-
sentence report prepared by the Probation Service.

Clearly, Sir, this is a serious matter, and you may be minded to impose an immediate custodial
sentence on Mr Davies. I hope to persuade you that a more suitable method of disposing of
this case would be for you to impose a community sentence as recommended in the report.

I will begin by addressing the circumstances of the offence, I will then provide you with details
of Mr Davies’ personal circumstances, before concluding by addressing the requirements of
the community order which I hope to persuade you to impose.

Sir, Mr Davies pleaded guilty to this offence and accepts the version of events outlined to you
by the prosecution. He expresses remorse for his actions.

Once Mr Davies saw Mr Jones fighting with Mr Bennett he foolishly became involved. His
motivation for becoming involved was Mr Bennett banning him from Cindy’s nightclub. The
banning arose as a result of Mr Jones becoming drunk at the nightclub and Mr Jones making
some unwelcome advances to a group of girls. The girls complained to the management and
Mr Bennett became involved. Mr Jones began an argument with Mr Bennett and threatened
him. Mr Davies played no part in the incident but since he was with Mr Jones he was banned
as well. Mr Davies felt aggrieved by the way he had been treated by Mr Bennett. He felt angry
and upset. When he saw Mr Jones fighting with Mr Bennett he decided to get his own back
and whilst Mr Bennett was on the ground he punched and kicked him several times to the
face and body. No weapon was used by Mr Davies. Whilst the banning from the nightclub
should not condone Mr Davies’ later actions, it does help to explain why Mr Davies acted in
the way he did. There was another factor which influenced his behaviour that night: his
excessive consumption of alcohol, a factor which I shall return to later.

Sir, Mr Davies is 27 years of age. He has lived in the Weyford area for some ten years. He is
currently unemployed though he has been employed for much of that ten year period as a
bouncer, barman and general labourer. Whilst on bail for this offence Mr Davies did manage
to get a job for a short while in a timber yard. He lost his job because he has been drinking at
lunchtime. Mr Davies realises that it was a foolish thing for him to have done. He tells me that
he went to a local public house because he was depressed and wanted to drown his sorrows.
He is still looking for employment but realises that in the present economic climate jobs are
hard to come by and he regrets throwing away what could have become a permanent job at
the timber yard.

Sir, Mr Davies does have previous convictions for offences of violence and criminal damage.

His offending began some four years ago when his marriage was in difficulties and he started
to drink to excess. He was convicted of an assault occasioning actual bodily harm following an
argument in a public house. Mr Davies had been watching some football. A supporter from
another team said something derogatory about the team that Mr Davies supported. Mr Davies
lost his temper and there was a fight.

The criminal damage occurred at a time when he thought that his wife had left him and his
wife went to stay at her mother’s house. Following a few pints to drink Mr Davies went round
to see his wife. She would not let him into the house because he had been drinking. Mr Davies
lost his temper and an angry and drunk Mr Davies picked up some stones, threw them at the
windows breaking them.
Advocacy 183

Mr Davies’ last conviction was some eighteen months ago. He was out drinking in a public
house. He says that someone attacked him and in defending himself he used excessive force.
The court considered the offence serious enough to merit a custodial sentence. Mr Davies
coped with prison life but realised that he had an alcohol problem.

On release from prison he decided to address what he considered to be the cause of his
offending: his drinking. To his credit Mr Davies sought help and he went on an alcohol
awareness course run by the local charity Addiction. He reduced his alcohol consumption and
things were progressing well. Then he mistakenly thought that his wife was having an affair
with another man. He left his wife some three months ago and started to drink heavily again
culminating in this offence.

Mr Davies and Mrs Davies are now back together again and are looking for somewhere to live.
Until they do so they intend to stay with Mrs Davies’ mother.

Sir, there is a theme running throughout Mr Davies’ offending. That theme is the misuse of
alcohol. All his offences are alcohol related. The pre-sentence report says that unless he
addresses his alcohol problem the risk of his re-offending is high.

As you will be aware one of the five purposes of sentencing is the reform and rehabilitation of
offenders. The sentence suggested by Mr King in his pre-sentence report is a community
order comprising a supervision requirement and an alcohol treatment requirement. Such an
order would give him the help and support that he needs to overcome his alcohol problem.

I would submit that the imposition of an immediate custodial sentence, whilst achieving the
goal of punishing Mr Davies, would not prevent Mr Davies from re-offending. He was
sentenced to a term of imprisonment some eighteen months ago and on release thought that
he could address the issue himself. He managed to keep out of trouble but Mrs Davies has
informed me that throughout this period his alcohol consumption was a constant source of
tension between them. Mr Davies thought that he had his drinking under control. Mrs Davies
thought that he was still drinking to excess; a view that Mr Davies now belatedly accepts. You
will be aware Sir that many offenders who receive prison sentences offend again because
prison fails to address the root causes of their offending.

Sir, should you feel that a community sentence is inappropriate then perhaps a suspended
sentence would be appropriate. In imposing such a sentence you can make a supervision
order and an alcohol treatment order. This would satisfy the need to punish Mr Davies, but
also the need to prevent him from offending in the future. Should Mr Davies re-offend or fail
to comply with the terms of the suspended sentence then he knows that a custodial sentence is

You will also be aware Sir that another purpose of sentencing is the making of reparation by
offenders to those affected by their offences. I would submit that such a purpose could be
satisfied in this case by the making of an order that Mr Davies pay compensation to Mr
Bennett. Should you order compensation to be paid, or should you order that Mr Davies pay
the cost of the prosecution then Mr Davies would ask for time to pay. He has no savings and is
currently in receipt of income-based job seeker’s allowance.

Sir, in conclusion, I would urge you to adopt the sentence recommended by Mr King in his
report, namely a community sentence incorporating a supervision requirement and an
alcohol treatment requirement. In addition Mr Bennett is in a position to make a payment of
compensation to Mr Bennett.

Unless, Sir, you have any questions, that concludes my submissions on behalf of Mr Davies.
184 Skills for Lawyers

13.11 Civil cases: chambers applications

13.11.1 Key characteristics
It is particularly important to master the skills relevant to chambers advocacy in civil cases
because trainee solicitors have full rights of audience. A chambers application is any
application made to the court after the proceedings have been commenced and before the trial
of the action. In the High Court, those chambers applications requiring a hearing will be dealt
with by a master (in the central office in London) or a district judge (in the district registry). In
the county court, these will be dealt with by a district judge. All chambers applications,
whether in the High Court or the county court, share a number of common features:
(a) There are no ‘live’ witnesses. With rare exceptions, all the evidence will be in witness
statement form. Hence, the principal tasks of the advocate are to present his or her case
and to argue for the order sought.
(b) Advocates are seated (except for some applications before a master).
(c) The proceedings are heard in public (unless the court otherwise directs).

13.11.2 Preparing for the application

Although the subject-matter of an application may vary considerably from case to case, there
are a number of steps which should always be taken:
(a) Try to agree as much as possible in advance.
(b) Make sure all relevant witness statements are served before the hearing. Although the
court may be prepared to accept a late witness statement, it will result in your client
being penalised in costs.
(c) Make sure that you have mastered the facts of the case and that you are familiar with the
contents of the statements of case and witness statements. You may find it useful to
prepare a written chronology of the case including the key events and steps in the action
from issue of proceedings to date. It is not uncommon for the master or district judge to
deal only with those particular points in the case which he or she considers need
arguing. Your grasp of the facts and documentation therefore needs to be such that you
can locate them instantly. If the case is a complex one, consider handing to the master or
district judge a written chronology which you have agreed with your opponent.
(d) The master or district judge should have a copy of the court file. However, you will need
to ensure that you have copies of any relevant documents to hand to the master or
district judge, should the court file be incomplete.
(e) Prepare brief notes. Although you should never read out your submissions, it will help
you to have a list which sets out the points that you intend to raise. Focus on the main
facts to be addressed. You might use a highlighter pen on copy documents (not the
originals) for this purpose. Write in the margin of a copy witness statement a brief
summary of what each paragraph contains. An example of such a note in a contract case
might be, ‘Para 3 – Summarises the dispute as to time of delivery’.
(f ) Make sure you have read and flagged the relevant passages in the Civil Procedure Rules
1998 and Practice Directions.
(g) Have a very clear idea of the order you want the master or district judge to make. If you
are making the application, you should attach to the application notice a draft of the
order you propose (except in the most simple applications).
(h) Work out in advance any relevant interest calculation and costs order the master or
district judge is likely to make. Also consider whether the master or district judge
should make any directions for the future conduct of the action.
Advocacy 185

(i) Consider the prospect of an appeal should your application be unsuccessful. An

application for permission to appeal may be made to the master or district judge at the
end of the hearing.

13.11.3 Conducting the application

Whether the claimant or the defendant is the applicant, the party whose application it is will
begin. The order of speaking will be the same whether the proceedings are in the High Court
or the county court. The applicant’s case

If you are representing the applicant, the procedure is as follows.

(1) Formally introduce yourself, your opponent and the application and identify any
relevant document on the court file to which you intend to refer

For example:
‘Good morning, sir, my name is Mr Holtam and I am from Collaws.
I represent the claimant, David Mills. Miss Gibson, from Evans and Co, represents the
defendant, Christopher Marlow.
The claimant’s application today is for summary judgment in a debt claim.’

You should then check that the district judge has all the documents you intend to refer to on
the court file.

The master or district judge will not have copies of the correspondence between the parties or
their solicitors. You should refer to such correspondence only if it is exhibited to a witness

(2) Concisely identify the issues (legal and factual) for the court to decide and, by reference
to the documents, highlight the relevant facts

State the issues clearly before taking the master or district judge through the documents.
Argue for the order sought on the basis of the issues you have identified from the documents.

Take the master or district judge through the documents at a sufficiently slow pace to enable
him or her to digest their contents. It is not normally necessary to read them out verbatim; you
should merely refer to paragraphs and summarise their effect. If the master or district judge
has read the papers, your summary can be quite concise. More detail is needed where the
papers have not been read. Refer to any exhibits in a way which ties them in with and explains
the contents of the relevant witness statement. You do not need to refer to matters that are not
in dispute between the parties.

Anticipate and deal with all disputed matters revealed by your opponent’s evidence.

(3) Succinctly refer to the relevant law and/or procedure

Apply the relevant law when highlighting the relevant facts. Explain simply which Rule you are
relying on and apply it to the facts of the case.

(4) Conclude submissions for the order sought

Emphasise what you consider to be your best points and explain briefly why you are entitled to
the order sought. Be prepared to address the court on an alternative or ‘second best’ order if
you think the court is not prepared to grant the order you really want.

Make it clear to the master or district judge that you have finished your application. For
example, ‘Sir, unless I can help you further, that concludes my application’.
186 Skills for Lawyers The respondent’s case

The respondent’s case will be structured differently as the court should by now have been
taken through most of, if not all, the evidence. Nonetheless, the respondent’s case follows a
similar model.

(1) So far as necessary, identify any relevant document on the court file to which you intend
to refer

The applicant should have introduced you, and therefore there is no need for you to introduce
yourself again. If the applicant failed to introduce you, then you should introduce yourself.

You should identify the documents that you will be relying on as a basis for your response, for
example, ‘Sir, in opposing this application I will be relying on the same documents as my
friend but, in addition, the Defence’.

(2) By reference to the documents, concisely identify and deal with issues (legal and factual)
for the court to decide, highlight relevant facts and address the applicant’s submissions

You should identify what you want the court to do and why.

The applicant should have already taken the master or district judge through the statements of
case (if appropriate) and the evidence. Take the master or district judge to the relevant
paragraphs in the statements of case and the witness statements which support your
arguments. Present a positive case in support of your opposition to the order sought by the
applicant. Do not just reply to the points made by the applicant. While making your
submissions and presenting your positive case, deal with each of the applicant’s points.

(3) Succinctly counter the applicant’s arguments on the relevant law and/or procedure

Reply to the legal points raised by the applicant. Distinguish, if possible, the applicant’s
authorities and introduce any you rely on.

(4) Conclude submissions against the order sought

Briefly emphasise why the order requested by the applicant should not be made (or at least, if it
is made, why it should only be in modified form). Stress the effects of making the order on the
action and, if it be the case, that the application is an attempt to blur the real issues and/or to
prevent them being properly decided by the court after hearing oral evidence.

Make it clear to the master or district judge that you have finished your opposition. For
example, ‘Sir, unless I can assist you further, those are the grounds upon which I oppose the
order sought’. The applicant’s final word

The master or district judge will normally invite the applicant to respond to matters raised by
the respondent.

The applicant should deal with the points made against him or her preferably in the same
order in which they were put. This can be done very briefly if it is a point which has already
been dealt with by the applicant earlier. If it is a new point, face it squarely and be quick to
point to any evidence or document that supports your assertions. Encapsulate why the court
should make the order you seek.
Advocacy 187


You will find on the following pages:

(1) Chronology
(2) Claim Form
(3) Part 24 Application Notice
(4) Claimant’s witness statement in support of the application
(5) Defendant’s witness statement opposing the application
(6) Claimant’s witness statement in reply

Richard Marks is a roofing contractor and the owner of Marks Roofing. He has carried out
work before for Master Builder Homes Limited. He entered into a contract to provide flat
roofing for 50 double garages for Master Builder Homes Limited at a total cost of £75,000 plus
VAT. Master Builder Homes Limited was attracted by the competitive price and Richard
Marks’s agreement that the roofing would be completed by November 2010.

The work was completed by the deadline and so far as the Claimant was aware there were no
difficulties. Richard Marks has been pressing for payment but Master Builder Homes Limited
has refused to pay anything despite several reminders.

A Claim Form endorsed with the Particulars of Claim has been issued out of the Central
Office of the High Court claiming the £75,000 plus VAT and interest. An acknowledgement of
service has been filed indicating that Master Builder Homes Limited intends to defend the
action. An application notice pursuant to CPR Part 24 has been issued on behalf of Richard
Marks. You have a copy of the supporting witness statement together with Master Builder
Homes Limited’s witness statement opposing the application. You also have a copy of the
Claimant’s witness statement in reply.

You may assume that both Claimant and Defendant have served upon each other a statement
of costs for the hearing at least 24 hours in advance. They have agreed their respective figures
for costs subject to an order being made by the court.
188 Skills for Lawyers


Marks v Master Builder Homes Limited


7 March Contract entered into for the construction of 50 garage roofs at agreed
price of £1,500 per garage plus VAT.

20th April Claimant enters site and commences work.

27th October Work completed.

5th November Claimant renders invoice for £88,125 (including VAT); payment due no
later than 5th December.


19th January Reminder sent.

9th February Reminder warning of legal action in event of non-payment by 17th


20th February Claimant instructs solicitors.

23rd February Solicitors write 14-day notification letter.

9th March Claim form issued and served by 1st class post.

23rd March Defendant’s solicitors acknowledge service and give Notice of Intention
to Defend.

30th March Claimant’s solicitors issue Part 24 notice of application.

Advocacy 189



&ODLP1R OM1527
,VVXHGDWH 9 March 2011

Richard Marks (trading as Marks Roofing), 17 Easthope Road, Westleigh,
Blankshire BN1 2DP


Master Builder Homes Limited, Crown House, Jubilee Square, Easterham, Blankshire BE2 1RE

The claim is for £75,000 plus VAT (£88,125) for work done and materials supplied by the Claimant to the
Defendant between 20 April 2010 and 27 October 2010.

The claim is for a specified sum of £88,125 plus interest of £1,796.76.

QDPHDQG Master Builder Homes Ltd $PRXQWFODLPHG 89,921.76
DGGUHVV Crown House
Jubilee Square &RXUWIHH 630.00
Easterham 6ROLFLWRU¶VFRVWV 100.00
BE2 1RE 7RWDODPRXQW 90,651.76

The court office at

is open between 10 am and 4 pm Monday to Friday. When corresponding with the court, please address forms or letters to the Court Manager and quote the claim number.
N1 Claim form (CPR Part 7) (01.02) Printed on behalf of The Court Service
190 Skills for Lawyers

&ODLP1R OM1527



The Claimant's claim is for £75,000 plus VAT at 17.5% being the sum due from the Defendant to the Claimant for
work done and materials supplied by the Claimant to the Defendant at their request in connection with the
construction of 50 garage roofs at the Defendant's Bishopwood Housing Development between 20 April 2010 and
27 October 2010 at the agreed price per roof of £1,500 plus VAT.


5 December 2010

To account rendered 75,000

VAT at 17.5% 13,125

1. The Claimant claims the sum of £88,125

2. Interest on that sum under s 35A Supreme Court Act 1981 at 8% per annum from 7 December 2010 to 9 March
2011 amounting to £1,796.76
3. Continuing interest to the date hereof until judgment or sooner payment at the daily rate of £19.32.


)XOOQDPH Richard Marks




Collaws Solicitors
Advocacy 191

Application notice Name of court

High Court of Justice
Queen's Bench Division
For help in completing this form please read
the notes for guidance form N244Notes. Claim no. OM1527
Warrant no. N/A
(if applicable)
Claimant’s name Richard Marks trading as Marks
(including ref.) Roofing

Defendant’s name Master Builder Homes Ltd

(including ref.)

Date 30 March 2011

1. What is your name or, if you are a solicitor, the name of your firm?
Collaws Solicitors

2. Are you a Claimant Defendant ✔ Solicitor

Other (please specify)

If you are a solicitor whom do you represent? The Claimant

3. What order are you asking the court to make and why?
Summary judgment pursuant to CPR Part 24, rule 24.2(a)(ii) and (b) because the defendant has no real prospect of
successfully defending the claim and there is no other compelling reason why the case should be disposed of at trial.

4. Have you attached a draft of the order you are applying for? ✔ Yes No

5. How do you want to have this application dealt with? ✔ at a hearing without a hearing

at a telephone hearing

6. How long do you think the hearing will last? Hours 20 Minutes

Is this time estimate agreed by all parties? ✔ Yes No

7. Give details of any fixed trial date or period N/A

8. What level of Judge does your hearing need? Master

9. Who should be served with this application? The Defendant

N244 Application notice (05.08) 1 © Crown copyright 2008

192 Skills for Lawyers

10. What information will you be relying on, in support of your application?

the attached witness statement

✔ the statement of case

the evidence set out in the box below

If necessary, please continue on a separate sheet.

Statement of Truth
(I believe) (The applicant believes) that the facts stated in this section (and any continuation sheets) are true.

Signed Collaws Dated 30 March 2011

Applicant(’s Solicitor)(’s litigation friend)

Full name Richard Marks

Name of applicant’s solicitor’s firm Collaws Solicitors

Position or office held

(if signing on behalf of firm or company)

11. Signature and address details

Signed Dated 30 March 2011
Applicant(’s Solicitor)(’s litigation friend)

Position or office held

(if signing on behalf of firm or company)

Applicant’s address to which documents about this application should be sent

Collaws If applicable
4 College Road Phone no. 01453 765431
Guildshire Fax no. 01452 765432
DX no. DX: 1032 Chrislethorpe
Ref no. MC/TP

E-mail address

Advocacy 193


R Marks









I, Richard Marks, of 17 Easthope Road, Westleigh, say as follows:-

1. The statements of fact in this statement are made from my own knowledge. I am the
owner of the business Marks Roofing which specialises in providing flat roofing and I
am the Claimant in this case.
2. On 7 March 2010 the Defendant engaged me to provide and construct the roofs on 50
double garages for houses forming phase 1 of the Defendant’s development at an estate
at Bishopswood, Westerfield. I gave them a written quotation which Paul Walters, their
managing director verbally agreed. I didn’t keep a copy.
3. I agreed to build the garage roofs for £1,500 plus VAT per garage. I built all of the
garages between 20 April 2010 and 27 October 2010. However, despite numerous
written and telephone requests the Defendant has failed to pay for this work. The
amount I am owed is set out in the Particulars of Claim in this action.
4. I believe that the Defendant has no real prospect of successfully defending my claim and
there is no other compelling reason why this case should be disposed of at a trial.

I believe that the facts stated in this witness statement are true.

Signed: Richard Marks

Dated: 30 March 2011

194 Skills for Lawyers


P Walters









I, Paul Walters, Managing Director of Master Builder Homes Limited, whose registered office
is at Crown House, Jubilee Square, Easterham, say as follows:-
1. I am an employee and Director of the Defendant in this case and I am authorised by the
Defendant to make this witness statement on its behalf. The statements of fact in this
statement are made from my own knowledge.
2. I have read a copy of the witness statement of Richard Marks made on 30 March 2011 on
behalf of the Claimant and for the reasons set out below I deny that the Defendant is
indebted to the Claimant as alleged or at all.
3. The Defendant builds high quality executive housing and is presently developing an
estate at Bishopswood, Westerfield. I agree that the Defendant engaged the Claimant to
provide and construct the roofs on garages for the houses forming phase 1 of this
development. They contracted to build 50 double garage roofs at an agreed price of
£1,500 plus VAT per garage. The contract between us was purely oral. This is not
unusual with contractors such as Richard Marks who we have used a lot in the past.
4. It was an implied term of the agreement between the parties that the Claimant would
carry out the work in a proper and workmanlike manner and with all due care and skill
and that any materials supplied would be of satisfactory quality and reasonably fit for
their purpose.
5. In breach of these implied terms the roofs provided and constructed by the Claimant
have the following defects:-
Plots 3, 4, 8 Garage roofs leak due to insufficient bitumen being applied. Damp
has penetrated the timber joists, so roofs require stripping, joists
replacing and roofs re-laying.
Plots 10, 33, 42, 48 Garage roofs suffer from puddling and will require stripping off
and completely re-laying.
Plots 21, 22 Bitumen has been applied carelessly so as to mark and deface the
rendering on the adjacent houses.
Plots 9, 14, 23, 28 Timber joists have twisted and warped so as to split the felting and
leave gaps between the roof and supporting walls, so roofs require
stripping, joists replacing and roofs re-laying.
I would estimate that the total cost of putting these defects right is in the region of
£30,000 inclusive of VAT.
6. Quite apart from the cost of repairs referred to in paragraph 5 herein, the Defendant has
suffered damage as it has been unable to offer these plots for sale and has been deprived
Advocacy 195

of the profit therefrom. All the houses in phase 1 of the development are to be sold at
£350,000 each. The budgeted net profit on each plot is £40,000. Furthermore, the poor
condition of so many garages has given the whole development a bad reputation.
7. The Claimant has been well aware that these defects have existed since 10 February 2011
when I telephoned him in response to his letter of 9 February in which he threatened
legal action. I informed him that he would get nothing until the defects were put right to
which he replied that he did not know what I was talking about.
8. For the reasons set out above, I deny that the Defendant is indebted to the Claimant as
alleged or at all, or alternatively the Defendant is entitled to claim damages by way of
set-off that amount to a sum in excess of the sum claimed. Accordingly I would ask that
the Claimant’s application be dismissed.

I believe that the facts stated in this witness statement are true.

Signed: Paul Walters

Dated: 8 April 2011

196 Skills for Lawyers


Richard Marks RM1








I, Richard Marks, of 17, Easthope Road, Westleigh, say as follows:-

1. The statements of fact in this witness statement are made from my own knowledge.
2. I have read a copy of the witness statement of Paul Walters made on 8 April 2011 on
behalf of the Defendant.
3. I dispute Paragraphs 5 and 6 since until 12 March 2011 I was wholly unaware that the
Defendant was dissatisfied with any of the completed garages. I have never been given
an opportunity to inspect the alleged defects and am therefore unable to comment
either upon their existence or the alleged cost of effecting repairs.
4. I deny the contents of Paragraph 7. I have never spoken to Paul Walters on the
telephone. I refer to a copy of a letter dated 11 March 2011 marked “RM1” which is the
first intimation I have ever received about this particular problem.
5. I accordingly ask that this Honourable Court awards me summary judgment.

I believe that the facts stated in this witness statement are true.

Signed: Richard Marks

Dated: 2 May 2011

Advocacy 197







This is the exhibit marked “RM1” referred to in the witness statement of Richard Marks made
this 2nd day of May Year 2011.

Signed: Richard Marks

Dated: 2/5/2011


Crown House
Jubilee Square

Tel: 01409 255600

Fax: 01409 123321

Richard Marks 11 March 2011

Marks Roofing
17 Easthope Road

Dear Richard,

Phase 1 - Bishopswood

My solicitors have received court papers from your solicitors and frankly I am disappointed.
We have always had an excellent working relationship and I am sad to see it threatened by legal
action which, as we both know, benefits no-one but our lawyers.

We have had big problems with the roofs on plots 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 14, 21-23, 28, 33, 42 and 48. I
cannot really see how you can push for payment until these are rectified, the plots are
unsaleable until then.

You also know just how tough things are in the industry at the moment. It is no secret that
sales are at an all time low and I cannot afford any delays in getting all the plots on the market.
Bishopswood is getting a reputation with local surveyors and estate agents as a problem estate
and you know how damaging that can be.

Please contact me as to when you can start on the roofs. Needless to say I expect you to do this
free of charge since it is your responsibility to complete the job properly.

Yours sincerely

Paul Walters
198 Skills for Lawyers

Master, my name is Mr Holtam from Collaws Solictors and I represent the Claimant Richard
Marks, trading as Marks Roofing. Miss Gibson of Swallows and Co, acts for Master Builder
Homes Ltd.

This is the Claimant’s application for summary judgment in a debt action concerning a
contract in which the Claimant agreed to construct 50 Garage roofs at the Defendant’s
Bishopswood Housing Development.

Master, I intend to rely on the following documents in support of the Claimant’s application:

• The particulars of claim endorsed on the claim form dated the 9 March 2011

• The witness statement of Richard Marks in support of this application dated 30 March

• The witness statement of Paul Walters opposing this application dated 8 April 2011

• The witness statement of Richard Marks in reply dated 2 May 2011 together with
exhibit RM1, a letter from Paul Walters to Richard Marks dated 11 March 2011

The legal issue in this case is whether the defendant has a real prospect of successfully
defending the claim at trial.

The purported defence is that 13 of the 50 garage roofs installed by the Claimant are defective.
The defendant alleges that some of the roofs leak, some suffer from puddling, some have resulted
in the rendering on adjoining houses being defaced and some have warped timber joists.

Master, you will see from the particulars of claim that the garage roofs were constructed
between April and October of last year at the agreed price per roof of £1,500 plus VAT. The
total amount claimed is £88,125 plus interest.

Master, I will now take you to the witness statement of Mr Marks.

Paragraphs 2 and 3 set out the contractual terms and in paragraph 3 you will see that despite
numerous written and telephone requests for payment the amount is still outstanding.

In his witness statement Mr Walters, at paragraph 3, agrees the terms of the contract and in
paragraph 5 gives evidence of the alleged defects. The alleged defects are disputed and the
defects alleged in relation to plots 21 and 22 are not defects to the garage roofs at all and can
be easily remedied by cleaning. Mr Walters estimates that the total cost of putting these
defects right is in the region of £30,000 inclusive of VAT and yet the total cost of installing the
11 allegedly defective flat roofs was only £19,387.50 inclusive of VAT. Even if what the
Defendant says is true the figure for the repairs seems excessive. It is interesting to note that
no detailed breakdown of how the figure of £30,000 is calculated is provided by Mr Walters.

In paragraph 6, Mr Walters states that he has been unable to offer these properties for sale and
that he has been deprived of profit as a result. Master, there is nothing stopping the Defendant
offering these properties for sale. They can be shown to potential purchasers and the
Defendant can assure potential purchasers that any defects will be remedied before they move
into the houses. Also, as is well known, house prices have fallen since these houses were built
and it is highly unlikely that these houses would now sell for £350,000. There is no
independent evidence produced by Master Builder Homes of the current market value of
these houses. It is unlikely that the Defendant will make a £40,000 profit on these houses in
the present climate. The Defendant has not been deprived of the profit from the sale of these
houses as a result of the alleged defects. Even if the defendant makes a profit, the profit has
merely been delayed not extinguished. It is submitted that the Defendant is looking to the
Claimant to compensate him for the depressed state of the current housing market.
Advocacy 199

In paragraph 6 Mr Walters states that the poor condition of so many garage roofs has given
the estate a poor reputation. This is difficult to comprehend as the 11 houses with the alleged
defects have not been offered for sale. The poor reputation of the development must therefore
be due to the other houses that are being offered for sale; a matter which is outside the
Claimant’s control.

In paragraph 8 Mr Walters refers to a telephone conversation. It is the Claimant’s case that no

such telephone conversation took place.

Master, you will see that Mr Marks has filed a witness statement in reply.

In paragraph 3 you will see that it was not until 12 March that Mr Marks knew Mr Walters was
dissatisfied with his work. In paragraph 3 Mr Marks produces RM1: the letter he received
from Mr Walters. In his letter Mr Marks refers to how tough things are in the industry at the
moment. This reinforces the submission that I made earlier. The Defendant is looking to
blame Mr Marks for matters which can be explained by the difficult market conditions in the
property industry at the moment. Master, you will see that no reference is made to the alleged
telephone conversation between Mr Walters and Mr Marks that was referred to earlier. There
is no reference to it because no such conversation took place.

Master, you have the discretion under CPR 24.2(a) and (b) to enter summary judgment for
the Claimant. The Defendant has no real prospect of successfully defending the claim at trial
and there is no other compelling reason why this claim should go to trial.

The Claimant has discharged his burden of proof.

The Defendant alleges that some of the garage roofs are defective. The garage roofs were
completed on 27 October 2010 yet he leaves it until a letter dated 11 March 2011 to bring the
defects to the attention of the Claimant. Surely if there had been defects then this would have
been brought to the attention of the Claimant when they were first discovered.

The Claimant has been denied the opportunity of inspecting the alleged defects. Again if there
were such defects then you would expect the Defendant to be keen to show them to the
Claimant. There is no independent expert evidence to support Mr Walters’ contention that
the garage roofs are defective.

Neither is there any supporting evidence for Mr Walters’ contention that the garage roofs
would cost some £30,000 to repair which is much more than the garage roofs cost to install in
the first place. The Claimant contends that the Defendant is looking for someone to blame for
the fact that this development has failed to sell. This is not the fault of the Claimant but a sign
of the difficult market conditions in the property industry at the moment.

Unless I can assist you further Master, I invite you to award summary judgment for the

I intend to refer to the same documents as Mr Holtam.

Mr Holtam was correct when he identified the legal issue for you to decide namely whether
the Defendant has a real prospect of successfully defending the claim at trial.

It is the Defendant’s case that there is a defence with a real prospect of success at trial. The
defence is that 13 of the garage roofs have problems. These include leaking roofs, puddling,
the careless application of bitumen and warping. The garage roofs will need attention at
significant cost.
200 Skills for Lawyers

Master, from the particulars of claim you will see that there was one contract for the
construction of 50 garage roofs.

The only dispute that the Defendant has with the evidence contained in Mr Marks’ witness
statement opposing the application is contained in paragraph 3. In paragraph 3 Mr Marks
states that despite numerous written and telephone requests the Defendant has failed to pay
for this work. Master, there were only two written reminders and no telephone reminders for
payment before Collaws were instructed.

The Defendant’s defence is contained in Mr Walters’ witness statement.

Mr Walters in paragraph 3 gives evidence of the terms of the contract which are not in
dispute. There was one contract for the Claimant to provide 50 garage roofs.

The contract contained the implied terms mentioned in paragraph 4 of Mr Walters’ witness

Paragraph 5 outlines the breaches of those implied terms.

The Defendant agrees with Mr Holtam’s assertion that the roofs to Plots 21 and 22 are not
defective. However that does not absolve the Claimant from responsibility for careless
application of bitumen to those Plots.

Mr Walters’ estimate of the cost of putting these defects right is in excess of the original cost of
the garage roofs. The cost is more because the existing roofs have to be stripped, joists
replaced and the roofs re-laid; much more work than if the roofs had been properly installed
by the Claimant. A detailed breakdown of how the £30,000 figure is calculated can be
provided in due course.

The Defendant’s decision not to offer these plots for sale is a simple one. No one would buy
these houses with such obvious defects. Market conditions are such that any minor defect, let
alone more serious ones such as these, will discourage potential purchasers from making

Paragraph 7 refers to a telephone conversation that did take place between Mr Walters and Mr
Marks on 10 February 2011.

Master, I will now address Mr Marks’ witness statement in reply.

Paragraph 3 is disputed. It is the Defendant’s case that Mr Marks did know of the defects as a
result of the telephone conversation of 10 February.

Master, Mr Holtam was correct when he said earlier that that under CPR 24.2(a)(ii) and (b)
you have the power to award summary judgment if you conclude that the Defendant has no
real prospect successfully defending the claim at trial.

This contract to provide garage roofs is a contract for the supply of goods and services. The
Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 contains implied terms that the garage roofs should be
of satisfactory quality and reasonably fit for purpose and that the installation should be
undertaken with reasonable care and skill. The Claimant has breached those implied terms
under sections 4 and 13 of the Act.

The Defendant has a defence with a real prospect of success at trial. There was one contract to
build 50 garage roofs. Only 37 were completed properly. Eleven of the garage roofs have
defects and the construction of two others resulted in the careless application of bitumen to
adjoining houses. Consequently the Defendant is entitled to withhold payment until the
contract is successfully completed. The Defendant will also be counter-claiming for the loss of
profit arising from the Defendant’s inability to sell these houses. Such a counterclaim will
exceed the amount that the Claimant is pursuing in this action.
Advocacy 201

The Defendant invites you not to exercise your discretion to award summary judgment in this
case and to dismiss this application.

Unless I can assist you further Master that concludes my submissions.


Master, you have the power to award summary judgement for the whole or part of the claim.
The Defendant has not disputed that 39 of the 50 garage roofs were successfully completed.
Therefore Master, should you decide not to award summary judgment for the whole claim I
invite you to award summary judgment for part of the claim. The total cost of installing 39
garage roofs amounted to £58,500 plus VAT making a total sum of £68,737.50.

Unless I can assist you further Master, those are my submissions.

202 Skills for Lawyers Closing the case

The master or district judge then gives a reasoned judgment and writes his or her order in note
form on the court file. This indorsement forms the basis for the order subsequently drawn up.

If appropriate, the master or district judge will give directions for the further conduct of the
action. Be prepared to ask for any directions which you feel are necessary.

The party who has won usually asks for costs, and the loser is given the opportunity to reply.
Be prepared to make submissions on the appropriate costs order. Appeals
At the end of the hearing, the master or district judge may ask the parties if they wish to appeal
his or her decision. An application for permission to appeal may be made to the master or
district judge at the hearing. Permission to appeal may be given only where the court considers
that the appeal would have a real prospect of success or there is some other compelling reason
why the appeal should be heard. Effective chambers advocacy

Although the subject matter and nature of chambers applications cover an enormous range, it
is vitally important for the advocate to make his or her submissions as clearly and concisely as
possible in order to help the court, especially since it hears so many applications during a
working day.

13.12 Conclusion
Although this chapter could not deal in detail with the subject, it has provided an introduction
to some of the salient features of the advocate’s art. It should also have made clear the fact that
many of the skills of the advocate can be acquired through study and observation. Remember
that thorough preparation is the key: without that, no advocate can be fully effective, however
fluent his or her oral skills may be.


Writing and drafting

Grammar and punctuation

R Allen, Fowler’s Modern English Usage (2004)

RL Trask, The Penguin Guide to Punctuation (Penguin, 2004)

L Truss, Eats, Shoots and Leaves (Profile Books, 2003)

Plain English, the website of the Plain English Campaign, contains useful free
guides on improving your writing and includes a glossary of legal terms

M Adler, Clarity for Lawyers (2nd edn, 2007)

E Gowers, The Complete Plain Words (1987)

Legal drafting

P Butt and JK Aitken, Piesse – The Elements of Drafting (10th edn, 2004)

Berg, Drafting Commercial Agreements (1991)

Practical legal research

P Clinch, Using a Law Library: A Student’s Guide to Legal Research Skills (2nd edn, 2001)

J Knowles, Effective Legal Research (2nd edn, 2009)

G Holborn, Butterworths Legal Research Guide (2nd edn, 2001)

Oral communication skills

A Pease and B Pease, The Definitive Book of Body Language: The Secret Meaning Behind People’s
Gestures (2004).

Interviewing and advising

A Sherr, Solicitors and their skills (The Law Society, 1991)

A Sherr, Client Care for Lawyers (2nd edn, 1999)

J Chapman, Interviewing and Counselling (2nd rev edn, 2000)

Law Society, Client Care Practice Notes at


University of California, Los Angeles School of Law website provides access to the conference
papers relating to the International Conference on the Pedagogy of Interviewing and
Counselling 2006 and the Sixth International Conference, ‘Enriching Clinical Education’,
204 Skills for Lawyers

R Fisher, W Ury and B Patton, Getting to Yes (2nd rev edn, 2003)

W Scott, The Skills of Negotiating (Gower Publishing, 1986)

A Halpern, Negotiating Skills (Blackstone Press, 1992)

G Williams, Legal Negotiation and Settlement (1983)

D Foskett, The Law and Practice of Compromise (7th edn, 2010)

D Lax and J Sebenius, The Manager as Negotiator: Bargaining for Co-operation and Competitive
Gain (1987)

D Stone, B Patton and S Heen, Difficult Conversations (Penguin, 1999)

K Evans, Advocacy in Court (2nd rev edn, 1995)

D Napley, The Technique of Persuasion (4th edn, 1991)

J Munkman, The Technique of Advocacy (2003)

SRA Code of Conduct 2011

Index 205

active listening 94 advocacy – continued
addressee tactics 164
female 18 technique 165–6
letters 18 defence advocate 167–8
advising techniques 100 ethical issues
advocacy 153–4 civil cases 168
addressing the court 157 criminal cases 167–8
evidence 158 examination-in-chief
objections 158 characteristics 161–2
opinions 158 documents 163–4
reference to opponent 158 exchange of witness statements 163
analysis 155, 156 real evidence 163–4
argument 154 witnesses not up to proof 162–3
bail applications 168–9 fact gathering 155
chambers applications knowledge of law 155
appeals 202 magistrates’ court 160
applicant’s case 185 modes of address
applicant’s final word 186 court personnel 157
characteristics 184 opponent 158
closing the case 202 objections 158
conduct of application 185–6 opening the case
example papers 187–201 civil trials 160–1
preparation 184–5 criminal trials 160
respondent’s case 186 magistrates’ court 160
civil cases oral skills 154
chambers applications 184–6 argument 154
closing the case 166, 202 presentation 154
ethical issues 168 questioning witnesses 154
introducing real evidence 164 organisational skills 154–5
opening the case 160–1 analysis 155, 156
witnesses 160 fact gathering 155
witnesses not up to proof 163 knowledge of law 155
closing the case paperwork 155
chambers applications 202 paperwork 155
civil cases 166 pleas in mitigation 177, 182–3
criminal cases 166 preparation 155–6
purpose of closing speech 167 presentation 154, 156–7
criminal cases prosecution advocate 167
bail applications 168–9 questioning witnesses 154
closing the case 166 know the answer 159
defence advocate 167–8 objectives kept in view 159
ethical issues 167–8 one question at time 158–9
example papers 170–6, 178–81 short questions 158
introducing real evidence 163 when to stop 159
magistrates’ court 160 re-examination 166
opening the case 160 witnesses
pleas in mitigation 177, 182–3 civil cases 160
prosecution advocate 167 court formalities 159–60
witnesses 159–60 criminal cases 159–60
witnesses not up to proof 162 hostile 162
cross-examination not up to proof 162–3
defining objectives 164–5 questioning see questioning witnesses
discrediting evidence 165 All England Law Reports 62
discrediting witnesses 165 All England Law Reports on LexisLibrary 62
favourable matters 165 alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
leading questions 165 advantages 152
no questions 165 arbitration 152
previous inconsistent statement 166 commercial transactions 151
206 Skills for Lawyers

alternative dispute resolution – continued case law – continued

complaints and grievances procedures 150 European Court Reports 77, 82
conciliation 149 LexisLibrary 82
consideration 151–2 sources 82
disadvantages 152 Westlaw 82
early neutral evaluation 149 JUSTIS Weekly Law Reports 62
essential ingredients 149 The Law Reports 56
expert determination 149, 150 Lawtel 55
mediation 149, 150–1 LexisLibrary 82
negotiation see negotiation newspaper reports 55
promotion by civil courts 150 precedent books 48
third parties 149 publication of cases 55–6
ambiguity in drafting specialist law reports 63–4
and/or 13–14 subject searches 61–4
discretion 14–15 updating 60–1
euisdem generis rule 15 Weekly Law Reports 56
expressions of time 14 Westlaw 59, 60, 61, 62, 82
obligations 14–15 CaseSearch 60, 61
pronouns 15 catchwords 63
similar words 15 chambers applications
‘undistributed middle’ 14 advocacy 184–6
word order 13 appeals 202
AND 39 applicant’s case 185
apostrophes 23 applicant’s final word 186
appeals characteristics 184
chambers applications 202 closing the case 202
arbitration 152 conduct of application 185–6
see also alternative dispute resolution (ADR) example papers 187–201
archaic language 12 preparation 184–5
asterisk 39 respondent’s case 186
Atkin’s Court Forms 83–4 charging method 125
attendance notes 21 citation
attestation 5–6 case law
conventions 56–7
bail applications 168–9 Current Law Case Citator 58–9
BAILII The Digest 59, 60, 62
case law search 55 European 82
bargaining 146–7 incomplete 57
Blackstone’s EU Treaties and Legislation 79, 80 neutral 57
blogs 42 Weekly Law Reports 56
body language 95, 100 legislation
Boolean operators 39 chapter numbers 65
regnal years 65
case law schedules 66
All England Law Reports 62 sections 65–6
All England Law Reports on LexisLibrary 62 statutory instruments 66
BAILII 55 civil cases
CaseSearch 60, 61 chambers applications
citation 60 advocacy 184–6
European cases 82 appeals 202
citation conventions 56–7 applicant’s case 185
incomplete 57 applicant’s final word 186
neutral 57 characteristics 184
Current Law Case Citator 58–9 closing the case 202
Current Law Monthly Digest 58, 62 conduct of application 185–6
Current Law Year Book 58, 62 example papers 187–201
The Digest 59, 60, 62 preparation 184–5
European 81–2 respondent’s case 186
citation 82 closing the case 166
Common Market Law Reports 82 closing speech 167
The Digest 82 ethical issues 168
EUR-Lex 82 introducing real evidence 164
Europa website 82 opening the case 160–1
Index 207

civil cases – continued criminal cases – continued

witnesses 160 closing speech 167
witnesses not up to proof 163 defence advocate 167–8
clauses ethical issues 167–8
categorical order 6–7 example papers 170–6, 178–81
chronological order 6 introducing real evidence 163
Coode 7–9 magistrates’ court 160
importance order 7 opening the case 160
numbering 7 pleas in mitigation 177, 182–3
structuring 7–9 prosecution advocate 167
clients witnesses 159–60
client care information sheet 114 witnesses not up to proof 162
client care issues 108–9, 122–3 cross-examination
proving identification 112 defining objectives 164–5
Common Market Law Reports 82 discrediting evidence 165
communication skills discrediting witnesses 165
addressing the court 157 favourable matters 165
argument 154 leading questions 165
body language 95, 100 no questions 165
with client 92 previous inconsistent statement 166
with colleagues 93 tactics 164
developing 93 technique 165–6
drafting see drafting Current Law Case Citator 58–9
importance 91–2 Current Law Legislation Citator 76
listening 93–4 Current Law Monthly Digest 58, 62
acknowledgments 100 Current Law Statutes 67
active 94 Current Law Year Book 58, 62
body language 100
interviews 100–1 databases
invitations to continue 101 online 38
passive 94 see also electronic databases
reflecting feeling 101 defence advocate 167–8
silence 100 definitions
non-verbal communication 95, 100 in drafting 10–11
with other professionals 93 positioning 10–11
presentation 154, 156–7 use 10–11
questioning client The Digest 59, 62
closed questions 95, 102, 117 Consolidated Table of Cases 59
cross-checking 104 European case law 82
devil’s advocate 104–5 Directory of Community Legislation in Force 80
further clarification 104–5 discussion in negotiation 145–6
interviews 101–5 drafting
leading questions 104, 165 ambiguity
open questions 94, 101–2 and/or 13–14
probing 104–5 discretion 14–15
summarising 105 ejusdem generis rule 15
T-funnel sequence 102–4 expressions of time 14
questioning witnesses 154 obligations 14–15
know the answer 159 pronouns 15
objectives kept in view 159 shall/will 15
one question at time 158–9 similar words 15
short questions 158 ‘undistributed middle’ 14
when to stop 159 word order 13
writing see writing amendment of other side’s draft 17
complaints and grievances procedures 150 attestation 5–6
conciliation 149 basic structure 4–6
conflict of interest 111 checking the draft 17
conflicts of interest 111–12 clauses
connectors 39 categorical order 6–7
costs estimate 125, 136–7 chronological order 6
criminal cases Coode 7–9
bail applications 168–9 importance 7
closing the case 166 numbering 7
208 Skills for Lawyers

drafting – continued electronic databases – continued

structuring 7–9 Lawtel 55
commencement 4 legislation on LexisLibrary 73–4
copies 17 legislation on Westlaw 74–5
date 4 LexisLibrary 82
definitions National Archives 66–7
positioning 10–11 NOT 39
use 10–11 online 38
ethical considerations 17–18 OR 39
execution 5–6 phrase searching 39
female addressees 18 refining search 40
language searching 38–40
adjectives 11 stop words 40
ambiguity 13–15 truncation 39
compound prepositions 11 Westlaw 59, 60, 61, 62, 82
gender neutral 18 wildcard symbols 39
jargon 16–17 Encyclopaedia of European Union Law: Constitutional
legal terms 16–17 Texts 79
‘legalese’ 16–17 Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents 83, 84–6
nouns derived from verbs 11 ethical issues
padding 11 advocacy
paragraphs 12 civil cases 168
sentences 12 criminal cases 167–8
tautology 11 drafting 17–18
verbs in passive 12–13 negotiation 130
word order 13 EUR-Lex 81
layout 16 case law 77–8, 82
numbering systems 16 legislation 80
operative part 5 Europa website 77, 82
order of clauses 6–7 European Court Reports 77, 82
paragraphs 12, 16 European Current Law 78
parties 4, 10 European law
planning 4 Blackstone’s EU Treaties and Legislation 79, 80
precedent use 9 case law
presentation 16 citation 82
process 3 sources 77–8, 82
professional misconduct 17–18 Common Market Law Reports 82
recitals 4–5 The Digest 82
researching law 4 Encyclopaedia of European Union Law: Constitutional
schedules 5 Texts 79
sentences 12 EUR-Lex 77–8, 80, 82
structure of document 4–6 Europa website 77, 82
submission for approval 17 European Court Reports 77, 82
tabulation 16 European Current Law 78
taking instructions 3–4 Law of the European Communities (Vaughan &
testimonium 5 Robertson) 78–9
verbs 12–13 legislation
in force 80
early neutral evaluation 149 official texts 79
EC Legislation Implementator 81 primary 79
ejusdem generis rule 15 proposed 81
electronic databases secondary 79–81
advantages 38 sources 80
All England Law Reports on LexisLibrary 62 LexisLibrary 82
AND 39 Official Journal of the European Communities 77
asterisk 39 secondary legislation
Boolean operators 39 Decisions 79
connectors 39 Directives 79
EUR-Lex 77–8, 80, 82 in force in UK 81
exclamation marks 39 Opinions 79
field searching 39 Recommendations 79
Halsbury’s Laws on LexisLibrary 46–7 Regulations 79
JUSTIS Weekly Law Reports 62 Westlaw 82
Index 209

evidence internet research 38

discrediting 165 blogs 42
previous inconsistent statement 166 free sources 41–2
real 163–4 ‘gateway’ websites 42
examination-in-chief Google 41
characteristics 161–2 JustCite 40–1
documents 163–4 ‘portal’ websites 42
exchange of witness statements 163 quality 41
real evidence 163–4 see also online databases
witnesses not up to proof 162–3 interview techniques
exclamation mark 39 advising 100, 119
execution of document 5–6 discussing options 120–1
expert determination 149, 150 explaining legal position 120
future plan of action 122
field searching 39 helping to reach decision 121–2
forms analysis 105–6
Atkin’s Court Forms 83–4 background research 112–13
Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents 83, charging, method 125
84–6 checklists 113
research 83–6 client care issues 108–9, 122–3
closing stage 122–7
‘gateway’ websites 42 conflict of interest 111
Google 41 contact names 124–5
grammar 22 costs estimate 108, 125, 126–7
apostrophes 23 costs of interview 116–17
automated checks 17 detail, filling in 100, 118–19
punctuation 23 environment 111
grievances procedures 150 explanation 106–7
failings 98
Halsbury’s Laws of England filling in details 100, 118–19
cumulative supplement 44 note-taking 107–8
electronic version 46–7 follow-up tasks 124
fifth edition 46 by client 122
index 43–4 by solicitor 123–4
main volume 44 funding 116–17
noter-up 44 charging method 125
paper version 43 costs estimate 108, 125–6
using 45 greeting 115
Halsbury’s Laws on LexisLibrary identification of client 112
scope 46 importance 97
searching 46–7 interpreter 113–14, 118
Halsbury’s Statutes Citator 76 interruptions 114
Halsbury’s Statutes of England 67 Law Society guidance 97–8
cumulative supplement 70 listening
how to use 69 acknowledgments 100
index 68 body language 100
main volumes 70 invitations to continue 101
noter-up 70 reflecting feeling 101
Halsbury’s Statutory Instruments 71–3 silence 100
chronological list 73 model 114
EC Legislation Implementator 81 next contact 126–7
how to use 72 note-taking 107–8
index 71 objectives of interview 98
main volumes 71 obtaining facts 117–18
revocations and amendments 73 obtaining information 99–100
service binders 71, 73 parting 127
post-interview actions 127
indexes practice 127
Halsbury’s Laws of England 43–4 preliminaries 115–17
Halsbury’s Statutes of England 68 preparation 111–14
Halsbury’s Statutory Instruments 71 questioning
subject 34 closed questions 102, 117
tables of primary sources 34 cross-checking 104
210 Skills for Lawyers

interview techniques – continued legislation – continued

devil’s advocate 104–5 sections 65–6
further clarification 104–5 updating 75–6
leading questions 104 Westlaw 74–5
open questions 101–2 see also statutory instruments
probing 104–5 legislation, European
summarising 105 Blackstone’s EU Treaties and Legislation 79, 80
T-funnel sequence 102–4 Encyclopaedia of European Union Law: Constitutional
seating arrangements 111 Texts 79
skills involved 99–108 in force 80
structure 99–100, 109–10 Official Journal of the European Communities 77
time available 116 official texts 79
time frame for matter 124–5 primary 79
Is it in Force? 70–1 proposed 81
secondary 79–81
jargon 16–17 sources 80
JustCite 40–1 legislation on LexisLibrary
JUSTIS Weekly Law Reports 62 scope 73
searching 73–4
Kelly’s Draftsman 83 legislation on Westlaw 74–5
letter writing
language addressees 18
adjectives 11 checking 19–20
ambiguity 13–15 content 19
archaic 12 form 19
compound prepositions 11 ‘ghosting’ 18
gender neutral 18 improvements 19
jargon 16–17 structure 19
legal terms 16–17 style 19
‘legalese’ 16–17 LexisLibrary 82
nouns derived from verbs 11 listening skills 93–4
padding 11 acknowledgments 100
paragraphs 12 active listening 94
sentences 12 body language 95, 100
tautology 11 interviews 100–1
verbs in passive 12–13 invitations to continue 101
word order 13 passive listening 94
Law of the European Communities (Vaughan & reflecting feeling 101
Robertson) 78–9 silence 100
The Law Reports 56
Law Reports. Statutes series 67 magistrates’ court 160
Lawtel 55 mediation 149, 150–1
Lawtel EU 80 memoranda
leading questions 165 attendance notes 21
legal research see research internal 21–2
‘legalese’ 16–17 writing 21
legislation mitigation pleas 177, 182–3
chapter numbers 65
citation 65–6 National Archives 66–7
commencement of statutes 70
Current Law Legislation Citator 76 negotiation
Current Law Statutes 67 ADR see alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
European see legislation, European agreement 148
in force 70–1 reneging on 148
Halsbury’s Statutes Citator 76 bargaining 146–7
Halsbury’s Statutes of England 67–70 closing negotiation 147–8
Law Reports. Statutes series 67 agreement 148
National Archives 66–7 cost-benefit analysis 147
official versions of Acts 66–7 tactics 147–8
Public General Acts and Measures 66 correspondence 141
regnal years 65 definition 129
research, citation 65–6 ‘dirty tricks’ 148–9
schedules 66 discussion 145–6
Index 211

negotiation – continued negotiation – continued

environmental controls 149 reneging on agreement 148
essentials 129 resistance points 138
ethical issues 130 resolving deadlocks 147
false deadlines 148 settlement zones 139–40
feinting 148 surprise attacks 148
forum for 141–2 tactics
‘good guy, bad guy’ 148 ‘dirty tricks’ 148–9
last minute demands 149 environmental controls 149
limited authority 148 false deadlines 148
lying 149 feinting 148
meetings 141–3 ‘good guy, bad guy’ 148
adjournments 147 last minute demands 149
agenda 143 limited authority 148
attendance 142 lying 149
bargaining 146–7 reneging on agreement 148
clarification of purpose for 143 surprise attacks 148
closing negotiation 147–8 telephone 141
‘dirty tricks’ 148–9 non-verbal communication 95, 100
discussion 145–6 NOT 39
duration 142 note-taking
final preparation 143 interview techniques 107–8
first bidder 143 timing 106
opening see opening negotiation numbering systems
readiness for 142 drafting 16
resolving deadlocks 147
seating arrangements 143, 149 Official Journal of the European Communities 77
time 142 ombudsman schemes 150
venue 142 online databases 38
negotiating styles OR 39
accommodating 131 organisational skills see advocacy
aggression 132
avoiding 131 paragraphs 12, 16
categories 130–1 Parker’s Modern Wills Precedents 83
collaboration 133 passive listening 94
competing 132–3 phrase searching 39
compromising 131–2 pleas in mitigation 177, 182–3
opening negotiation ‘portal’ websites 42
creating climate 144 practical legal research see research
ground rules 144 practitioner books 47–8
opening statement precedent books 48
opponent’s 145 precedents
yours 144 Atkin’s Court Forms 83–4
overview 143 Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents 83, 84–6
preparation guidelines on use 9
BATNA 136–7 Kelly’s Draftsman 83
closure 134 Parker’s Modern Wills Precedents 83
control 134 research 83–6
importance 133–5 use in drafting 9
isolation of issues 137 presentation
money 134 drafting 16
objectives 133 reports 20
opening bids 137 research reports 35
opening statement 140–1 previous inconsistent statement 166
priority of issues 137 professional misconduct
resistance points 138 drafting 17–18
risk 134 pronouns 15
settlement zones 139–40 prosecution advocate 167
standards 134 Public General Acts and Measures 66
strengths and weaknesses 136 punctuation 23
underlying interests 135
unorthodox approaches 139 questioning skills
variables 139 client
212 Skills for Lawyers

questioning skills – continued research – continued

closed questions 95, 102, 117 Boolean operators 39
cross-checking 104 connectors 39
devil’s advocate 104–5 EUR-Lex 77–8, 80, 82
further clarification 104–5 exclamation mark 39
interviews 101–5 field searching 39
leading questions 104, 165 Halsbury’s Laws on LexisLibrary 46–7
open questions 94, 101–2 Lawtel 55
probing 104–5 legislation on LexisLibrary 73–4
summarising 105 legislation on Westlaw 74–5
T-funnel sequence 102–4 LexisLibrary 82
closed questions 95 National Archives 66–7
leading questions 165 NOT 39
open questions 94 online databases 38
witnesses 154 OR 39
know the answer 159 refining search 40
one question at time 158–9 Westlaw 82
short questions 158 wildcard symbols 39
when to stop 159 European law see research, European law
forms 83–6
re-examination 166 guidance 35–6
recitals 4–5 Halsbury’s Laws of England
regulators 150 cumulative supplement 44
report writing electronic version 46–7
checks 20–1 index 43–4
editing 20 main volume 44
grammar 22–3 noter-up 44
layout 20 paper version 43
planning 20 Halsbury’s Laws on LexisLibrary
presentation 20 scope 46
purpose 20 searching 46–7
research 20 identification of sources 33
spelling 22, 23 indexes 34
style 20 Halsbury’s Laws of England 43–4
research Halsbury’s Statutes of England 68
case law Halsbury’s Statutory Instruments 71
All England Law Reports 62 internet 38
All England Law Reports on LexisLibrary 62 see also online databases
BAILII 55 JustCite 40–1
CaseSearch 60, 61 keywords 32–3
citation 60 Lawtel 55
conventions 56–7 legislation
incomplete 57 citation 65–6
neutral 57 commencement of statutes 70
Current Law Case Citator 58–9 Current Law Legislation Citator 76
Current Law Monthly Digest 58, 62 Current Law Statutes 67
Current Law Year Book 58, 62 in force 70–1
The Digest 59, 62 Halsbury’s Statutes Citator 76
JUSTIS Weekly Law Reports 62 Halsbury’s Statutes of England 67–70
The Law Reports 56 Law Reports. Statutes series 67
newspaper reports 55 legislation on LexisLibrary 73–4
specialist law reports 63–4 legislation on Westlaw 74–5
subject searches 61–4 National Archives 66–7
updating 60–1 official versions of Acts 66–7
Weekly Law Reports 56 Public General Acts and Measures 66
Westlaw 59, 60, 61, 62 updating 75–6
catchwords 63 see also statutory instruments
citation of authorities 88 model 30–2
drafting skills and 4 in office 29
electronic databases online databases 38
advantages 38 see also electronic databases
AND 39 practitioner books 47–8
asterisk 39 precedents 83–6
Index 213

research – continued resistance points 138

presentation format 35
primary sources 48 secondary legislation
printed sources, advantages 37 European
problem analysis 30–2 Decisions 79
problem solving approach 29–32 Directives 79
publication of cases 55–6 in force in UK 81
purpose 29 Directory of Community Legislation in Force 80
record keeping 87 EUR-Lex 80
recording trail 34 Lawtel EU 80
reporting 88 Opinions 79
search terms 32–3 Recommendations 79
searching 38–40 Regulations 79
source identification 33 statutory instruments
statutory instruments Halsbury’s Statutory Instruments 71–3
Halsbury’s Statutory Instruments 71–3 official versions 71
official versions 71 Statutory Instruments 71
suggested routes 48–53 sentences 12
supporting fee earners 29 settlement zones 139–40
updating information 34–5 spelling 22, 23
case law 60–1 automated checks 17
legislation 75–6 statutory instruments
noter-up citation 66
Halsbury’s Laws of England 44 Halsbury’s Statutory Instruments 71–3
Halsbury’s Statutes of England 70 official versions 71
writing reports 20 Statutory Instruments 71
research, European law Statutory Instruments 71
Blackstone’s EU Treaties and Legislation 79, 80 stop words 40
case law 77–8
citation 82 tabulation 16
EUR-Lex 82 telephone negotiation 141
Common Market Law Reports 82 testimonium 5
The Digest 82 time
Directory of Community Legislation in Force 80 drafting expressions of 14
Encyclopaedia of European Union Law: Constitutional
Texts 79 verbs
EUR-Lex 77–8, 80, 82 active voice 12
Europa website 77, 82 passive voice 12–13
European Court Reports 77, 82
European Current Law 78 Weekly Law Reports 56
Law of the European Communities (Vaughan & Westlaw 59, 60, 61, 62, 74–5, 82
Robertson) 78–9 wildcard symbols 39
Lawtel EU 80 witnesses
legislation civil cases 160
in force 80 court formalities 159–60
official texts 79 criminal cases 159–60
primary 79 hostile 162
proposed 81 not up to proof 162–3
secondary 79–81 questioning 154
LexisLibrary 82 know the answer 159
Official Journal of the European Communities 77 one question at time 158–9
secondary legislation short questions 158
Decisions 79 when to stop 159
Directives 79 writing
in force in UK 81 attendance notes 21
Directory of Community Legislation in Force 80 grammar 22, 23
EUR-Lex 80 automated checks 17
Lawtel EU 80 memoranda
Opinions 79 attendance notes 21
Recommendations 79 internal 21–2
Regulations 79 types 21
sources 82 reports
Westlaw 82 checks 20–1
214 Skills for Lawyers

writing – continued writing – continued

editing 20 research 20
layout 20 style 20
planning 20 spelling 22, 23
presentation 20 automated checks 17
purpose 20

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