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BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....


S.No. Topic Page No.

1. Geometry (T;kfefr) 3 – 32

(a) Angle (dks.k)

(b) Triangle (f=Hkqt)

(c) Similarity (le:irk)

(d) Centre (dsUnz)

(e) entroid (ef/;dk vkSj dsUæd)

Median & Centroid

(f) Circle (o`Ùk)

(g) Polygon (cgqHkqt)

2. Mensuration ({ks=fefr) 33 – 59

(a) Area ({ks=Qy)

(b) Volume (vk;ru)

3. ordinate Geometry (funsZ'kkad T;kfefr)

Co–ordinate 60 – 64

(a) Point (fcUnq)

(b) Line (js[kk)

(c) Triangle (f=Hkqt)

(d) Quadrilateral (prqHkqZt)

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 1 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 2 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....

GEOMETRY (T;kfefr)
Axioms: The basic facts which are taken for granted, without js[kk : iSekus dk fdukjk] est dh Åij okyh lrg dk fdukjk]
proof, are called axioms. fdlh dejs dh nks nhokjksa ds feyus dk LFkku T;kferh; ljy
vfHkx`ghr : ,sls vk/kkjHkwr rF; tks fcuk izek.k ds lR; eku fy;s js[kk ds mnkgj.k gSaA
tkrs gSa] vfHkx`ghr dgykrs gSAa fdlh dkxt ijj iSekus rFkk ckjhd iSfUly dh lgk;rk ls [khaph
Theorems:- The conclusions obtained through logical xbZ js[kk T;kferh; ljy js[kk ds fudV dk mnkgj.k gSAa
reasoning based on previously proved results and some axioms ,d T;kferh; ljy js[kk fcUnqvksa dk ,d leqPp; gksrh gS rFkk
constitute a statement which is known as a theorem or a nksuksa fn'kkvks
kkvksa esa vuUr rd foLr`r jgrh gSA
nks fHkUu js[kkvksa esa ,d ls vf/kd mHk;fu’B fcUnq ugha gks ldrkA
çes; :- iwoZ esa fl) fd;s x;s ifj.kkeksa rFkk dqN vfHkx`ghrksa ij
vk/kkfjr rkfdZd Kku }kjk fu;fer dFku dks izes; dgrs gSaA js[kk;s nks izdkj dh gksrh gSA
Point: A point is represented by a fine dot made by a sharp 1. ljy js[kk 2. oØkdkj js[kk
pencil on a sheet of paper. Incidence axioms
Two lines are intersecting
rsecting if they have a common point. The Axiom 1 : A line contains infinitely many points.
common point is called the point of intersection.
Axiom 2: Through a given point, there pass infinitely many
fcUnq : ckjhd iSfUly ls dkxt ij cuk lw{e fpUg ,d fcUnq dks lines.
iznf'kZr djrk gSA Axiom 3: Given two points A and B, there is one and only one
nks js[kk,¡ izfrPNsnu djrh gSa] vxj mudk ,d gh mHk;fu’B fcUnq line that contains both the points.
gksA ;g fCkUnq “izfrPNsnu fcUnq” dgykrk gSA vkiru vfHkx`ghr :-
Plane: The surface of a smooth wall or the surface of a sheet of vfHkx`ghr 1 % ,d js[kk ij vla[; fcUnq fLFkr gksrs gSaA
paper or the surface of a smooth black board are close examples
of a plane. vfHkx`ghr 2 % ,d fn;s gq, fcUnq ls gksdj tkus okyh vla[;
js[kk;sa [khaph tk ldrh gSAa
There are three basic terms in geometry, namely “Point”, “Line”
and “Plane”. It is not possible to define these three terms vfHkx`ghr 3 % nks fHkUu&fHkUu fcanqvksa A rFkk B ls gksdj tkus okyh
precisely. So, these are taken as undefined terms. ,d vkSj dsoy ,d js[kk [khaph tk ldrh gSA
lery : fpduh nhokj dh lrg vFkok fdlh dkxt ds iUus dh Subsets of the line (js[kk ds lewg):--
lrg vFkok fdlh fpdus “;ke iV dh lrg T;kferh; lery ds Line Segment: Given two points A and B on a line l, the
fudV ds mnkgj.k gSaA connected part (segment) of the line with end points at A and B,
T;kferh esa rhu vk/kkjHkwr in gS tks fd “fcUnq” vk vkSj “lery” is called the line segment AB.
eki ls tkus tkrs gSaA bu inksa dk la{ksi esa ifjHkkf’kr djuk laHko The distance between A and B is called the length of the
ughaA blfy;s bu inksa dks vifjHkkf’kr in ekuk tkrk gSA segment AB
Line: If we fold a piece of paper, the crease in the paper js[kk[k.M : fdlh js[kk l ij fn;s gq;s nks fcUnqvksa A rFkk B dks
represents a geometrical straight line. The edge of a ruler, the tksM+us okyk Hkkx ¼[k.M½] ftlds vUr vU fcUnq A rFkk B gksa]
edge of the top of a table, the meeting place of two walls of a js[kk[k.M AB dgykrk gSA
room are also examples of a geometrical straight line.
bl js[kk[k.M dh yEckbZ A vkSj B ds chp dh nwjh gSA
Two distinct linee cannot have more than one point in common.
There are two types of line
Coincident lines: These lines are lines that lie exactly on top
1. Straight line 2. Curved line of each other.
lEikrh js[kk;sa :-lEikrh js[kk,a os js[kk,a gksrh gS tks ,d nwljs ds
fcYdqy Åij fLFkr gksrh gSa

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BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
Parallel lines and intersecting lines :- Intersecting Lines: Two lines are intersecting if they have a
In the previous section we have discussed that two distinct lines common point. The common point is called the “point of
may or may not have a common point and if they have a intersection”.
common point it is exactly one. In the following theorem, we çfrPNsnh js[kk;ssa:- nks js[kk;sa ftudk izfrPNs
r n vfjDr gks izfrPNsnh
prove the above observation. js[kk;sa dgykrh gSaA mHk;fu’B fcUnq “izfrPNsn fcUnq” dgykrk gSA
lekUrj js[kk;sa rFkk çfrPNsnh js[kk;sa %& Concurrent Lines: Three or more lines are said to be
fiNys vuqHkkx esa geus Li’V fd;k gS fd nks js[kkvksa esa ,d concurrent if there is a point which lies on all of them.
mHk;fu’B fcUnq gks Hkh ldrk gS vFkok ugha Hkh gks ldrk gS vkSj laxkeh js[kk;sa :- rhu vFkok rhu ls vf/kd js[kk;sa laxkeh dgykrh
;fn muesa mHk;fu’B fcUnq gS rks mldh la[;k dsoy ,d gksrh gSA gSa ;fn og lHkh ,d gh fcUnq ls gksdj tkrh gSaA
fuEufyf[kr izes; esa] ge mijksDr vo/kkj.kk dks fl) djsaxsA Transversal line :- A line whichh intersects two or more given
Parallel Lines : Two lines l and m in a plane are said to be lines at distinct points, is called a transversal of the given lines.
parallel lines if they do not have a common point i.e., they do fr;Zd js[kk :- ;fn nks ;k nks ls vf/kd _tq js[kkvksa dks ,d
not intersect.
rhljh js[kk fHkUu&fHkUu fcUnqvksa ij dkVrh gS] rks og js[kk nh xbZ
If l and m are parallel lies in a plane, we write l || m.. js[kkvksa dh fr;Zd~ js[kk dgykrh gSA
lekUrj js[kk;s :- fdlh lery esa fLFkr
Fkr nks js[kk;sa l rFkk m Collinear Points: Three or more points are said to be collinear
lekUrj js[kk;sa dgykrh gSaA if there is a line which contains all them.
;fn muesa dksbZ Hkh mHk;fu"B fcUnq ugha gS vFkkZr~ os izfrNsnu u ljs[k fcUnq :- rhu vFkok rhu ls vf/kd fcUnq lajs[k dgykrs gSa
djsaA ;fn muls gksdj tkus okyh ,d js[kk [khaph tk ldrh gSA
l Angle: The two rays forming an angle are called the “arms” of
m the angle and the common initial point is called the “vertex” of
the angle.
;fn l rFkk m fdlh lery esa lekUrj js[kk;sa gSa rks ge l || m
The angle formed by the rays AB and AC as shown in Figure is
fy[krs gSaA
denoted by the BAC or CAB.
Parallel Axiom: If l is a line and P is a point not on line. l,
there is one and only one line which passes through P and is C
parallel to l.
P m
l A B

The above axiom may also be re-stated stated as follows: “Two An angle is the union of two non-collinear
collinear rays with a common
intersecting lines cannot both be parallel to the same line”. initial point.

lekukUrj vfHkx`ghr :- ;fn l ,d js[kk rFkk P ,d fcUnq gS tks l dks.k:- nks vlajs[k fdj.ksa ftudk izkjafEHkd fcUnq mHk;fu’B gksrk gS]
ij ugha gS rks ,d vkSj ,d dsoy ,d js[kk gksrh gS tks P ls gksdj ,d dks.k cukrh gSaA fdj.ksa AB vkSj AC }kjk cuk;s x;s dks.k dks
tk;s rFkk l ds lekUrj gksA BAC vFkok CAB }kjk iznf”kZkZr djrs gSa tSlk fd fp= esa

mijksDr vfHkx`ghr dks bl izdkj Hkh dgk tk ldrk gS% n”kkZ;k x;k gSA
“nks izfrPNsnh js[kkvksa esa ls nksuksa fdlh rhljh js[kk ds lekUrj
ugha gks ldrh gSaA”
Theorem : Two lines which are both parallel to the same line, A B
are parallel to each other.
çes; :-nks js[kk;sa tks fdlh vU; js[kk ds lekUrj gSa] ijLij Hkh fdUgha nks vlajs[k (non-collinear) js[kkvksa ds la?k (union) ls ,d
lekUrj gksrh gSaA dks.k curk gS tks fd nksuksa js[kkvksa ds mHkfu’B ;k dVku fcUnq ij
gksrk gSA
Types of Angles :-

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BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
In this section, we shall define various types of angle on the
basis of their measure and the relation of their measures with
the measure of some given angle.
dks.kksa ds çdkj :-
bl vuqPNsn esa ge dks.kksa ds eki rFkk muds eki ds vU; fn;s
x;s dks.kksa ds eki ls lac/k ds vk/kkj ij fofHkUu izdkj ds dks.kksa
dks ifjHkkf’kr djsaxsA Straight angle :- An angle whose measure is 180
180 is called a
straight angle
Acute angle:- An angle whose measure is less than 90
90 is
called an acute angle. _tq dks.k :- ftl dks.k dk eki 180
180 gks] _tq dks.k dgykrk
Thus, an angle whose measure is less than the measure of a 180
right angle is an acute angle. C B
Reflex angle :-
An angle whose measure is more than 180 180 is called a reflex
A angle. The measure of a reflex angle is more than 180
180 and less
than 360.
U;wu dks.k : -ftl dks.k dk eki 90 ls de gks] mls U;wu dks.k
o`gn~ dks.k : -
dgrs gSaA vr% og dks.k ftldk eki ,d ledks.k ds eki ls de
gks] U;wu dks.k gksrk gSA ftl dks.k dk eki 180 ls vf/kd gks] o`gn~ dks.k dgykrk gSA
o`gn dks.k dk eki 180 ls vf/kd rFkk 360 ls de gksrk gSA
Right angle :-An
An angle which is equal to 90° is called right
ledks.k :- ftl dks.k dk eki 90 gksrk gS] ledks.k dgykrk gSA

Complementary angles :-
Two angle, the sum of whose measure is 90,
90 are called
A B complementary angles.
BAC = 90
Thus, BAX and XAC
XAC are complementary angles, if
Obtuse angle: x  y  90

An angle whose measure is more than 90 but less than 180
180 is iwjd dks.k :-
called an obtuse angle.
,sls nks dks.k ftudsa ekiksa dk ;ksxQy 90 gks] iwjd dks.k dgykrs
 BAC is an obtuse angle, if 90 < BAC < 180. gSaA
vr% BAX rFkk XAC iwjd dks.k gSa] ;fn x  y  90
vf/kd dks.k : -
ftl dks.k dk eki 90 ls vf/kd gks ijUrq 180 ls de gks] vf/kd
dks.k dgykrk gSA
vr% ftl dks.k dk eki ,d ledks.k ls vf/kd gks] vf/kd dks.k y
dgykrk gSA A B

Supplementary angles :-
 BAC ,d vf/kd dks.k gS] ;fn 90 < BAC
BAC < 180

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BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
Two angles,, the sum of whose measures is 180,, are called the The pairs of interior angles on the same side of the transversal
supplementary angles. are called pairs of consecutive interior angles.

lEiwjd dks.k :- In figure, the following pairs of angles are called pairs of
consecutive interior angles.
;fn nks dks.kksa ds ekiksa dk ;ksxQy 180 gks] rks mUgsa lEiwjd dks.k (i) 2 and 5 (ii) 3 and 8
dgrs gSaA (i) Each
ach pair of corresponding angles are equal
C (ii) Each
ach pair of alternate interior angles are equal and,
(iii) Each
ach pair of consecutive interior angles are supplementary.
y x The converse of each of the above statements is also true.
A Øekxr vUr% dks.k:-
Vertically opposite angles: fr;Zd js[kk ds ,d gh vksj fLFkr vUr% dks.kksa dk ;qXe Øekxr
Two angles are called a pair of vertically opposite angles, if vUr% dks.k ;qXe dgykrk gSA
their arms form two pairs of opposite rays.
fp= esa] dks.kksa ds fuEufy[kr ;qXe Øekxr vUr% dks.k ;qXe
C B dgykrs gSaA
(i) 2 rFkk 5 (ii) 3 rFkk 8
(i) laxr dks.kksa dk izR;sd ;qXe cjkcj gSA
A D (ii) ,dkUrj vUr% dks.kksa dk izR;sd ;qXe cjkcj gSA rFkk]
(iii) Øekxr vUr% dks.kksa dk izR;sd ;qXe lEiwjd gSA
If two lines intersect, then vertically opposite angles are equal.
mi;qZDr dFkuks dk foykse Hkh lR; gksxkA
'kh"kkZfHkeq[k dks.k:
Corresponding angles:-
nks dks.k “kh’kkZfHkeq[k dks.kksa dk ;qXe dgykrs gSa] ;fn mudh Hkqtk,¡ Two angles on the same side of a transversal are known as the
nks foijhr fdj.kksa ds nks ;qXe cukrh gSaA corresponding angles if both lie either above the two lines or
below the two lines.
(i) 1 and 5 (ii) 4
4 and 8
(iii) 2 and 6 (iv) 3
3 and 7
laxr dks.k:-
A D fr;Zd js[kk ds ,d gh vksj cus nks dks.k laxr dks.k dgykrs gSa]
;fn nksuksa dks.k nksuksa js[kkvksa ds ;k rks Åij ;k uhps cus gksA
;fn nks js[kk,¡ ijLij dkVrh gksa rks bl izdkj cus “kh’kZfHkeq[k (i) 1 rFkk 5 (ii) 4 rFkk 8
dks.k leku gksrs gSA (iii) 2 rFkk 6 (iv) 3 rFkk 7
Alternate interior angles:
Corresponding angles axiom:-
The following pairs of angles are called the pars of alternate
If a transversal intersects two parallel lines, then each pair of
interior angles:
corresponding angle are equal.
(i) 3 and 5 (ii) 2 and 8
Conversely, if a transversal intersects two lines, making a pair
,dkUrj vUr% dks.k: of equal corresponding angles, then the lines are parallel.
fuEufyf[kr dks.kksa ds ;qXeksa dks ,dkUrj vUr% dks.kkssa ds ;qXe dgrs laxr dks.k vfHkx`ghr:-
gSaA ;fn ,d fr;Zd~ js[kk nks lekUrj js[kkvksa dks izfrPNsfnr djrh gS]
(i) 3 rFkk 5 (ii) 2 rFkk 8 rks laxr dks.kksa dk izR;sd ;qXe cjkcj gksrk gSA

Consecutive interior angles:-

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BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
foykser% ;fn ,d fr;Zd js[kk nks js[kkvksa dks bl izdkj dkVrh gS ifjHkk"kk (Definition):
fd laxr dks.kksa dk ,d ;qXe cjkcj gks] rks nksuksa js[kk;sa lekUrj A plane figure bounded by three lines in a plane is called a
gksrh gSaA triangle. In any triangle sum of three triangle 180°. fdlh
L lery esa rhu izfrPNsnh ljy js[kkvksa ls f?kjh leryh; vkd`fr
4 1 dks f=Hkqt dgrs gSaA
C P2 D
3 fdlh f=Hkqt ds rhuksa dks.kksa dk ;ksx 180° gksrk gSA
A 85 B Types of Triangles:-
7 Q6 Triangles are classified into various types on the basis of the
M lengths theirr sides as well as on the basis of the measures of
their angles.
Adjacent angles:-
f=Hkqtksa ds izdkj :-
Two angles are called adjacent angles, if:
f=Hkqtksa dks mudh Hkqtkvksa dh yEckbZ rFkk muds dks.kksa dh eki ds
(i) They have the same vertex, vk/kkj ij fofHkUu izdkj esa oxhZd`r djsaxsA fuEufyf[kr izdkj dh
(ii) They have a common arm, and f=Hkqtsa mudh Hkqtkvksa ds vk/kkj ij of.kZr gSaA
(iii) Uncommon arms are on either side of the common arm.
arm Scalene Triangle: A triangle, no two of whose side are equal is
called a scalene triangle.
vklUu@dks.k :- nks dks.k vklUu ;k leyXu dks.k dgykrs gS] ;fn fo"keckgq f=Hkqt :- ,slh f=Hkqt ftldh dksbZ Hkh nks Hkqtk;sa leku u
(i) mudk 'kh"kZ mHk;fu’B gks gksa] fo’keckgq f=Hkqt dgykrh gSA
(ii) mudh ,d Hkqtk mHk;fu’V gks] rFkk Isosceles Triangle: A triangle, two of whose sid
sides are equal in
length is called an isosceles triangle.
(iii) mudh vU; Hkqtk,¡ mHk;fu’V Hkqtk ds nksuksa vksj fLFkr gksaA
lef}ckgq f=Hkqt: ,slh f=Hkqt ftldh nks Hkqtkvksa dh yEckbZ leku
gksa] lef)ckgq f=Hkqt dgrs gSaA
B Equilateral Triangle: A triangle, all of whose sides are equal is
called an equilateral triangle
leckgq f=Hkqt : ftl f=Hkqt dh lHkh Hkqtk;sa leku yEckbZ dh gksa]
og leckgq f=Hkqt dgykrh gSA
Following are the types of triangles on the basis of angles.
Angle bisector :- fuEufyf[kr f=Hkqtksa ds izdkj muds dks.kksa ds eki ds vk/kkj ij gSa%
A ray AX, BAC,
BAC, if X is a point in the interior of BAC, and Acute Triangle:- A triangle, each of whose angles is acute, is
BAX = XAC. called an acute triangle or an acute angled triangle.
lef}Hkktd dks.k :- U;wudks.k f=Hkqt :- ,slk f=Hkqt ftlds lHkh dks.k U;wudks.k gksa]
U;wudks.k f=Hkqt vFkok U;wudks.k okyk f=Hkqt dgykrk gSA
fdj.k AX, BAC dh lef}Hkktd fdj.k dgykrh gS] ;fn fcUnq
Right Triangle:- A triangle with one angle is 90 is called a
X, BAC ds vUr Hkkx esa fLFkr gks rFkk BAX = XAC.
 right triangle or a right angled triangle.
ledks.k f=Hkqt :- ,slk f=Hkqt ftldk ,d dks.k 90 gks] ledks.k
f=Hkqt ;k ledks.k okyk f=Hkqt dgykrk gSA
X Obtuse Triangle:- A triangle with one angle an obtuse angle, is
known as an obtuse triangle or obtuse angled triangle.
A B vf/kddks.k f=Hkqt :- ,slk f=Hkqt ftldk ,d dks.k vf/kddks.k gks]
Thus, if ray AX bisects BAC, then vf/kddks.k f=Hkqt dgykrk gSA
1 If a side of a triangles is produced, the exterior angle so formed
BAC = CAX   BAC
2 is equal to the sum of the two interior opposite angles.
;fn fdlh f=Hkqt dh ,d Hkqtk dks vkxs c<+k;k tk;s rks bl izdkj
vr% ;fn fdj.k AX, BAC dh lef)Hkktd gS] rks BAC =
cus ckg~k dks.k dk eki blds lEeq[k vUr% dks.kksa ds eki ds cjkcj
1 gksrk gSA
CAX   BAC

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BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
 Quadrilaterals - A quadrilateral is a closed figure formed In a convex quadrilateral the measure of each angle is less
by four line segments than 180°
prqHkqZt & prqHkqZt ,d can vk—fr gksrh gS tks pkj js[kk[kaMksa ,d mÙky prqHkqZt esa çR;sd dks.k dk eki 180° - ls de
ls cuh gksrh gS gksrk gS
R Types -Of Quadrilateral :-
Parallelogram :- Parallelogram is a quadriateral in which
each pair of opposite sides are parallel properties
P Q lekarj prqHkqtZ % lekarj prqHkqZt ,d prqHkqZt gS ftlesa foijhr
i{kksa dh çR;sd tksM+h lekukarj xq.k gksrh gS
Elements of a quadrilaterals prqHkqZt ds rRo
1. The opposite sides are parallel and equal.
Adjacent sides - The two sides of a quadrilateral having a 2. The opposite angle are equal.
common endpoint are called adjacent sides .
3. The diagonals bisect each other.
Ex :- PQ and PS, QP and QR
vklUu Hkqtk,¡ & prqHkqZt dh nks Hkqtk,sa ftudk var fcUnq
mHk;f"B gksrk gSA mUgsa vklUu Hkqtk,sa dgrs gSaA
Opposite Sides - PQ and RS are called opposite sides
foijhr Hkqtk,¡ & PQ vkSj RS foijhr Hkqtk,¡ dgykrh gSa
1- lEeq[k Hkqtk,¡ lekUrj vkSj leku gksrh gSAa
Adjecent Angles :- Two angles of a quadrilateral which
2- lEeq[k dks.k cjkcj gksrs gSaA
have a common arm are called adjacent angles.
3- fod.kZ ijLij lef}Hkkftr djrs gSaA
vklUu dks.k %& fdlh prqHkqZt ds nks dks.k ftudh ,d
Rectangle :- A rectangle is a parallelogram in which each
mHk;fu"B Hkqtk gksrh gS] vklUu dks.k dgykrs gSaA
angle is a right angle
S R vk;r%& vk;r ,d lekarj prqHkqZt gksrk gS ftlesa çR;sd
dks.k ledks.k gksrk gS


P and Q are adjacent angles as they have common Rhombus :- A Rhombus is a parallelogram in which all
arm PQ four sides are equal.
leprqHkqt Z %& leprqHkqZt ,d lekarj prqHkqZt gksrk gS ftldh
P vkSj Q vklUu dks.k gSa D;ksafd mudh mHk;fu"B PQ A
pkjksa Hkqtk,¡ cjkcj gksrh gSAa
Hkqtk gS 1. opposite sides are parallel
Opposite Angles :- P and R are opposite angles as 2. all four sides are equal
they have no common arm 3. opposite angles are equal D B
lEeq[k dks.k%& P vkSj R lEeq[k dks.k gksrs gSa D;ksafd right angles.
4. diagonals bisect each other at righ
mudh dksà mHk;fu"B Hkqtk ugÈ gksrh gS 1- lEeq[k Hkqtk,¡ lekUrj gksrh gSa
Diagonals - The line segments joining the opposite vertices 2- pkjksa Hkqtk,¡ leku gSa C
are called the diagonals of the quadrilateral
3- lEeq[k dks.k cjkcj gksrs gSa
fod.kZ & lEeq[k 'kh"kks± dks feykus okys js[kk[kaM prqHkqZt ds 4- fod.kZ ,d nwljs dks ledks.k ij lef}Hkkftr djrs gSa
fod.kZ dgykrs gSa
Convex And Concave Quadrilateral :- Square :- A square is a rectangle with all the four sides
Convex equal in other words, it is a rhombus with each angle equal
quadrilateral to 90°.

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 8 Mob. 8871603721
BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
A square is a rectangle and at the same time a rhombus
so square will have all the properties of rectangle and those
of a rhombus.
oxZZ %& ,d oxZ ,d vk;r gksrk gS ftldh pkjksa Hkqtk,¡ leku
leyEc prqHkqZt %& leyac ,d prqHkqZt gS ftlesa lEeq[k
gksrh gSa nwljs 'kCnksa esa] ;g ,d leprqHkqZt gksrk gS ftld
Hkqtkvksa dk ,d ;qXe lekukarj gksrk gSA dksà Hkh dks.k cjkcj
çR;sd dks.k 90° ds cjkcj gksrk gSA
ugÈ gS
,d oxZ ,d vk;r gS vkSj lkFk gh ,d leprqHkqZt
,d lef}ckgq leyEc og gksrk gS ftldh nks foijhr Hkqtk,¡
vr% oxZ esa vk;r vkSj leprqHkqZt ds lHkh xq.k gksaxsA
lekukarj gksrh gSa vkSj vU; nks Hkqtk,¡ leku gksrh gSaA
1. all four sides are equal
kite :- In a kite, the two pairs of adjacent sides are equal
2. opposite sides are parallel
and the diagonals intersect each other at right angles.
3. Each angle is a right angle.
irax %& ,d irax esa vklUu Hkqtkvksa ds nks tksM+s cjkcj gksrs
4. The diagonals are equal
5. The diagonals bisect each other at right angles.
gSa vkSj fod.kZ ,d nwljs dks ledks.k ij dkVrs gSaA
1- pkjksa Hkqtk,¡ leku gSa
2- lEeq[k Hkqtk,¡ lekUrj gksrh gSa
3- çR;sd dks.k ledks.k gksrk gSA
4- fod.kZ cjkcj gksrs gSa D B
5- fod.kZ ,d nwljs dks ledks.k ij lef}Hkkftr djrs gSaA
Trapezium :- A trapezium is a quadrilateral in which one
pair of opposite sides are parallel. None of the angles are A
an isosceles trapezium
pezium is one whose two opposite sides are
parallel and the other two sides are equal.


Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 9 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....

GEOMETRY (T;kfefr)
TYPE - 1 6. In the given figure AB | | CD and xyz is a triangle if AXY
1. In the given figure l | | m the value of x. = 70 and XZD = 120 then the value of YXZ = ?
nh xbZ vkd`fr esa l | | m gks, rks dk x eku Kkr dhft, nh xbZ vkd`fr esa AB | | CD , vkSj xyz ,d f=Hkqt gS ;fn
(a) 25
AXY = 70 vkSj XZD
XZD = 120 rks YXZ dk eku Kkr
(b) 30 (3x-15) dhft,A
(c) 35
(d) 20 (2x+15) (a) 40 70
(b) 50 120
(c) 85 C Y Z D
2. In given figure find the value of x if l | | m.
nh xbZ vkd`fr esa l | | m gks, rks dk x eku Kkr dhft, (d) 60

(a) 25 7. In the given figure AB | | CD. If ABO = 100 and OCD
(b) 35 (3x+5) = 115 then the value of BOC
BOC = ?
(c) 20 4x nh xbZ vkd`fr esa AB | | CD, ;fn ABO = 100 vkSj
(d) 30 OCD = 115 rc BOC dk eku Kkr dhft,A
(a) 80
3. In the given figure, If AB | | CD, OAB = 120 and OCD C D
(b) 65 B
= 130 then AOC = ? A
(c) 35 100
nh xbZ vkd`fr esa ;fn AB | | CD, OAB 120 vkSj
OAB = 120
(d) 45
OCD = 130 rc AOC dk eku gksxkA O
(a) 80 A B 8. In the given figure, AB | | CD. If OAB = 50 and
(b) 90 120
O OCD = 100,, then the value of AOC?
(c) 120 130
(d) 110 D nh xbZ vkd`fr esa AB | | CD, ;fn OAB = 50 vkSj
OCD = 100 gS rks AOC dk eku Kkr dhft,A
4. In the given figure, AB | | CD, If ABO = 30 and CDO (a) 40 O
= 40 then the value of BOD = ? (b) 30 100
nh xbZ vkd`fr esa AB | | CD, ;fn ABO 30 vkSj
ABO = 30 (c) 50 C D

CDO = 40 rc BOD dk eku Kkr dhft,A (d) 60 50

(a) 290
(b) 240 A B 9. In the given figure AB | | CD. If OAB = 110 and AOC
(c) 280 O
= 30 then the value of OCD
OCD = ?
(d) 260 C 40
5. In given figure AB | | CD then (p + q - r) = ? nh xbZ vkd`fr esa AB | | CD , ;fn OAB = 110 vkSj
nh xbZ vkd`fr esa AB | | CD gks, rks dk (p + q - r) eku Kkr
AOC = 30 gS rks OCD dk eku Kkr dhft,A
A B (a) 140 B D
(a) 100 P
q F (b) 80
(b) 120 110 C
r A
(c) 90 G (c) 240
C D 30
(d) 180 (d) 110 o

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 10 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
10. In the given figure AB | | CD and a transversal line intersect TYPE-II (ANGLE)
then if EGB = 80, BGK = 30 and GHK
GHK = 35
35 then
14. Two supplementary angles are in the ratio 2:3.The angles
the value of KHD = ?
nh xbZ vkd`fr esa AB | | CD, vkSj ,d fr;Zd js[kk bl izdkj nks lEiwjd dks.kksa dk vuqikr 2:3 gS] rks oks dks.k gksaxsA
gS fd EGB = 80, BGK = 30 vkSj GHK GHK = 35 35 gS rks (a) 33°, 57° (b) 66° , 114°
KHD dk eku Kkr dhft, E (c) 72°, 108° (d) 33°, 54°
(a) 35 15. An angle is equal to five times its complement. Determine
G 30 its measure.
(b) 40
35 K ,d dks.k vius iwjd dks.k dk 5 xquk gSA bldk eku Kkr
(c) 45
H  D djsaA
(d) 50 C
(a) 90 (b) 75
(c) 85 (d) 70
11. In the given figure AB | | CD if CAB = 80, 
CEF = 30
16. An angle is 20 less then its complement. Find its measure.
the CFE = x then x = ?
,d dks.k vius iwjd ls 20  de gSA bldk eku crkvksA
nh x;h vkd`fr esa AB | | CD , ;fn CAB 80, CEF =
CAB = 80
(a) 35 (b) 60
30 vkSj CFE = x gS rks x dk eku gksxkA (c) 30 (d) 45
B D 17. Two supplementary angles differ by 34 34. Find the angles.
(a) 30
30 nks laiwjd dks.kksa ds e/; 34° dk varj gSA dks.k Kkr djsaA
(b) 40 C
(a) 60 (b) 75
80 x
(c) 50 (c) 45 (d) 73
(d) 60 18. An angle is equal to one third of its supplement. Find its
12. In the given figure AB | | CD | | EF. If ABC 70, CEF
ABC = 70 ,d dks.k vius laiwjd dks.k dk 1@3 gSA bldk eku Kkr
= 140 and BCE = x then x will be djsaA
nh x;h vkd`fr esa AB | | CD | | EF, ;fn ABC
ABC = 70 70 , (a) 45 (b) 135
CEF = 140 vkSj BCE = x gS rks x dk eku gksxkA (c) 90 (d) 60
(a) 30 19. In a ABC, A  B  70 , B  C  130 ,then find
(b) 40
B C  ?
(c) 35 x F ,d ABC esa] A  B  70 rFkk B  C  130 , rc
(d) 25 C D C dk eku D;k gksxk \
(a) 20  (b) 50 
13. In given figure AB | | CD and PQ and RQ are transversal (c) 110 (d) 30
20. In a  ABC ,  A   B  65  , B  C  140 ,then find
lines if PEF = 85, CHQ = 115 and PQR
PQR = xx then
B  ?
the value of x.
fdlh ABC esa] A  B  65 ,  B   C  140 , rks
nh xbZ vkd`fr esa AB | | CD , PQ vkSj RQ fr;Zd js[kk;sa bl
B =?
izdkj gS fd PEF = 85, CHQ = 115 vkSj PQR = x (a) 40  (b) 25 
gS rks x dk eku Kkr dhft, (c) 35 (d) 20 
B D 21. In a triangle ABC A  B  C  140, then B is
(a) 30 2
(b) 25 E
G 1
x Q fdlh  ABC esa] A  B  C  140 ,rks B = ?
(c) 20 F
H 2
115 (a) 50 (b) 80
(d) 15 R
A C (c) 40  (d) 60 

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 11 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
22.  A ,  B,  C are three angles of a triangle. If A
A  C  45 29. ABC is equilateral triangle and CD is the internal
, B  C  30 ,then  A ,  B and  C are bisector of  C .If DC is produced to E such that AC=CE,
 A ,  B,  C fdlh f=Hkqt ds rhu dks.k gSaA ;fn CAE  ?
 A   C  45  ,  B   C  30 , rc  A ,  B rFkk C ABC ,d leckgq f=Hkqt gS rFkk CD,  C dk vkarfjd
Øe'k% gksxsa & lef}Hkktd gSA ;fn DC dks vkxs c<+k;k tk,] rks c<+kus ij
(a) 80 ,60 , 40  (b) 70 ,50 ,60  fcUnq E ls bl izdkj feyrh gS] fd AC=CE rc CAE  ?
(c) 80 ,65 ,35  (d) 80 ,55 , 45  (a) 45  (b) 75 
23. The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 2:3:7.The measure (c) 30 (d) 15
of the smallest angle is 30. In a isosceles triangle, if the unequal angle is twice the sum
fdlh f=Hkqt ds dks.kksa dk vuqikr 2:3:7 fn;k x;k gSA rks lcls of the equal angles, then each equal angle is
NksVs dks.k dk eku D;k gksxk \ ,d lef}ckgq f=Hkqt esa] vleku dks.k nks leku dks.kksa ds ;ksx
(a) 30 (b) 60  dk nksxquk gSA rc izR;sd leku dks.k dk eku gksxk
(c) 45  (d) 90 (a) 120 (b) 60 
24. If the angles of a triangle ABC are in the ratio 2:3:1,then (c) 30 (d) 90
the angles  A ,  B and  C are - 31. ABC
ABC is an isosceles triangle with AB = AC. The side BA
;fn fdlh f=Hkqt ds rhukas dks.kkas dk vuqikr 2:3:1 gS] rks is produced to D such that AB = AD . If  ABC =30°, then
 BCD is equal to
 A ,  B rFkk  C ds eku Øe'k% gksaxs &
ABC ,d lef}ckgq f=Hkqt gS] ftlessa AB=AC gSA Hkqtk BA
(a) 60 ,90 ,30  (b) 40 ,120 ,20 
(c) 20 ,60 ,60  (d) 45 ,90 , 45  dks vkxs c<+kus ij fcUnq D ij bl izdkj feyrh gS fd
25. In a  ABC , if 2A  3B  6C , value of B is AB=AD gksA ;fn 30 , rc BCD
 ABC  30 dk eku D;k
fdlh ABC esa] ;fn 2A  3B  6C gS] rks B =? gksxk \
(a) 60  (b) 30
(c) 45  (d) 90 (a) 45° (b) 90°
(c) 30° (d) 60°
26. In  ABC , ABC  5ACB and BAC  3  ACB , then
32. In a ABC, AB  AC and BA is produced to D such that
ABC  ?
;fn fdlh ABC esa] ABC  5ACB rFkk BAC  3 AC=AD. Then the  BCD is
ABC essa AB=AC gS rFkk BA dks D fcnq bl izdkj c<+k;k
 ACB , rc ABC  ?
(a) 130 (b) 80
tkrk gS fd AC=AD gks tk,] rks BCD  ?
(a) 100° (b) 60°
(c) 100 (d) 120
(c) 80° (d) 90°
27. In a  ABC ,  A   B  145  ,  B  2  C  180 , state
33. ABC is an isosceles triangle such that AB=AC and  B
which are one of the following relations is true--
=35°. AD is the median to the base BC . Then  BAD is
fdlh ABC esa] A  B  145 rFkk  B  2  C  180 , rks
ABC ,d lef}ckgq f=Hkqt gS] ftlesa AB = AC rFkk
crkb, fuEu esa ls dkSulk dFku lR; gksxk
(a) CA=AB (b) CA< 𝐴𝐵  B =35° gSA AD ,d ekf/;dk gS tks BC ij feyrh gSA rks
(c) BC> 𝐴𝐵 (d) CA > AB  BAD =?
TYPE-III (a) 70° (b) 35°
28. The side BC of a triangle ABC is extended to D. If (c) 110° (d) 55°
1 34. In a triangle ABC, BC is produced to D so that CD= AC. If
ACD  120  and ABC  CAB ,then the value of  BAD = 110° and  ACB=80°, then the measure of
ABC is  ABC is
,d ABC esa Hkqtk BC dks D fcUnq rd c<+k;k tkrk gSA ;fn fdlh  ABC esa BC dks vkxs c<+kdj D fcUnq ls feyk;k tkrk
1 gS] ftlesa CD= AC gks tkrk gSA ;fn  BAD = 110° rFkk
ACD  120  rFkk ABC CAB, rks ABC dk
2  ACB=80° , rks  ABC dk eku gksxkA
eku gksxk (a) 30° (b) 40°
(a) 80 (b) 40  (c) 35° (d) 29°
(c) 60  (d) 20 

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 12 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
35. The measures of the four angles of a quadrilateral are in nh vkdfr esa A dk ckgjh dks.k EAC  108 ,oa ,d
ratio of 3:4:5:6 what is the measure of the biggest angle . js[kk AD dks.k BACdks 1 : 3 ds vuqikr es foHkkftr
fdlh prqHkqZt ds pkjks dks.kksa dh eki dk vuqikr 3:4:5:6 gS rc djrh gS ;fn AD BD gS rks dks.k ACD dk eku Kkr
lcls cM+s dks.k dh eki D;k gksxhA dhft,A
(a) 120 (b) 100 E
(c) 80 (d) 60
36. In a triangle ABC  A = 80°,  C=55°, AD  BC . What A
is the value of  BAD= ?
fdlh  ABC esa]  A =80°,  C=55°, rFkk AD  BC . rks
 BAD dk eku D;k gksxk \
(a) 35° (b) 60°
(c) 45° (d) 55° B D C
37. In triangle ABC,  BAC =75°,  ABC =45°, BC is (a) 72 (b) 110
x (c) 90 (d) None of these
produced to D. If  ACD =x°, then % of 60 is 41. In triangle PQR , points A, B and C are taken on PQ, PR
fdlh  ABC esa  BAC =75°,  ABC =45° rFkk BC dks and QR respectively such that QC=AC and CR=CB. If
x  QPR=40°, then  ACB is equal to
D rd c<k;k tkrk gSA ;fn  ACD =x°, rc 60 dk %
fdlh  PQR esa fcUnq A, B rFkk C Øe'k% Hkqtk PQ, PR rFkk
(a) 30° (b) 48° QR ij bl izdkj gaS fd QC=AC rFkk CR=CB gksA ;fn
(c) 15° (d) 24°  QPR=40°, rks  ACB =?
38. In a  ABC, A : B : C  2 : 3 : 4 and line CD || AB,
(a) 140° (b) 40°
then the  ACD is (c) 70° (d) 100°
,d ABC esa] A : B : C  2 : 3 : 4 rFkk js[kk CD || AB , 42. In the given figure BAC  70 0 , BD = DE and DF = DC,
rks  ACD = ?
then find  EDF = ?
(a) 40° (b) 60°
(c) 80° (d) 20° fn, x, fp= esa  BAC =70° , BD = DE rFkk DF = DC, rks
39. In the given figure, if BC  AC  AD and DAE  84 .  EDF = ?
What is the value of ACD
fn;s x;s fp= esa ;fn BC  AC  AD ,oa DAE
DAE  84 gks
rks ACD dk eku D;k gksxk A

A 84°
(a) 30° (b) 40°
(c) 60° (d) 50°
43. In the given figure  BAC=20°, and AE = DE = DC=BC,
then find  ABC =?
 fn, x, fp= esa  BAC=20° rFkk AE = DE = DC=BC gS] rks
 ABC =?
(a) 58 (b) 56
(c) 28 (d) None of these
40. In the given figure the external angle of angle A is
EAC  108 . A line AD divides BAC BAC in 1 : 3 if
AD  BD find ACD

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 13 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
(a) 60° (b) 80° (c) 6 (d) 2
(c) 90° (d) 50° 49.  PQR is right angled at Q . If R  60 what is the length
44. In the given figure AM = AD,  B=43° and CD is a angle of PR ( in cm) . If RQ  4 3 cm ?
bisector of  C , then find  MAC= ?
 PQR , Q ij ledks.k gS ;fn R  60 rks PR dh yEckbZ
fn, x, fp= esa AM = AD,  B=43° rFkk CD,  C dk
lef}Hkktd gS] rks  MAC= ? ¼lseh- esa½ D;k gksxhA ;fn RQ  4 3 cm gks A
(a) 8 3 cm (b) 10 3 cm
(c) 6 3 cm (d) 8 cm
50. In a triangle the length of the side
si opposite the right angle

is 9 3 cm, what is the length of the side opposite to the

angle which measures 30 degree?
degree?c ,d f=dks.k esa le dks.k
(a) 43° (b) 37° ds foijhr Hkqtk dh yackbZ 9 3 ls-eh- gS] ml dks.k ds
(c) 47° (d) 33°
foijhr okyh Hkqtk dh yackbZ D;k gS ftldk eki 30 fMxzh gS\
45. In triangle ABC, D and E are any points AB and AC such
AD = AE. The bisector of angle C meets DE at F. It is (a) 9 cm (b) 3 3 cm
known that angle B = 60.What
.What is the degree measure of
angle DFC ? (c) 6 cm (d) ( 9 3 )/2 cm
ABC esa fcUnq D vkSj E Hkqtkvksa AB rFkk AC ij bl 1
51. In  ABC,  BAC =90° and AB = BC. Then the
izdkj gSa fd AD  AE A dks.k C dk lef}Hkktd DE ls 2
F ij feyrk gS ,ao  B = 60 gS,rc DFCDFC dk eku Kkr measure of  ABC is -
dhft, 1
A  ABC esa]  BAC =90° rFkk AB = BC gSA rks  ABC
(a) 80 2
F D E dk eku D;k gksxk\
(b) 60
(c) 30 G (a) 60° (b) 30°
(c) 45° (d) 15
(d) 40 B C
52. In a right angled triangle, the product of two sides is equal
to half of the square of the third side i.e. hypotenuse. One
46. ABCD is square and CDE is an equilateral triangle outside of the acute angles must be-
,d ledks.k f=Hkqt esa nks Hkqtkvksa dk xq.kuQy d.kZ ds oxZ ds
the square. What is the value (in degrees) of BEC?
vk/ks ds cjkcj gSA rks bl f=Hkqt dk ,d U;wu dks.k gksxkA
ABCD ,d oxZ gS rFkk CDE oxZ ds ckgj ,d leckgq f=Hkqt (a) 60° (b) 30°
gSA BEC dk eku ¼fMxzh esa½ D;k gS\ (c) 45° (d) 15°
(a) 15 (b) 30
53. In  ABC, AB2  AC 2  BC2 and BC  2 AB, then
(c) 25 (d) 10
 ABC is-
47. In a Rhombus ABCD. Measure of angle CAB is 35° what
,d  ABC esa] AB2  AC2  BC2 rFkk BC  2 AB gS]
is the measure of angle ABC ?
rc  ABC dk eku gksxkA
leprqHkqZTk ABCD esa dks.k CAB dh eki 35° gSA dks.k ABC (a) 30° (b) 45°
dh eki Kkr dhft,A (c) 60° (d) 90°
(a)70 (b) 40 54. The side QR of an equilateral triangle PQR is produced to
(c)50 (d) 110 the point S in such a way that QR =RS and P is joined to S.
48. DEF is right angled at E. If D  30 . What is the length Then the measure of PSR is
leckgq f=Hkqt PQR dh Hkqtk QR dks S rd bl izdkj c<k;k
( in cm) of DE . If EF  2 3 c.m.
x;k gS fd QR =RS vkSj P dks S ls feyk;k x;k gSA rks
DEF , E ij ledks.k gSA ;fn D  30 gks rks DE dh PSR dk eku gksxk&
yEckbZ ¼lseh- eas½ D;k gksxh \ ;fn EF  2 3 gksA (a) 15 (b) 30
(a) 3 (b) 4

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 14 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
(c) 60  (d) 45  (c) 3 (d) 4


1. Two sides of a triangle are 4 cm and 10 cm respectively. If 1.  ABC and  DEF are similar such that  A = 47°,
the third side is “a” cm long , then which value of “a” is  E =63°, then  C =?
correct? ABC, DEF ds bl izdkj le:i gSa fd A = 470 rFkk
,d f=Hkqt dh nks Hkqtk,sa Øe'k% 4 lseh- vkSj 10 lsehh- gSaA E = 630 rks C =?
;fn rhljh Hkqtk dh yEckbZ ''a" lseh- gks] rks fuEu esa ls ''a" (a) 40° (b) 70°
dk dkSu lk eku lgh gS\ (c) 65° (d) 37°
(a) a > 5 (b) 6  a  12 2. In the figure ABC similar  AQP . If BC = 8 cm, PQ = 4
(b) a  6 (d) 6 < a < 14 cm and AP=2.8 cm . Find CA = ?
2. In a triangle ABC, which of the following is true-
true fn;s x;s fp= esa ABC ~ AQP AQP ;fn BC =8 lseh- PQ = 4
,d f=Hkqt ABC ds fy;s] fuEu esa ls dkSu lk fodYi lgh gS\ lseh-, AP = 2.8 lseh- rks CA = ?
(a) AB+BC < AC (b) AB+BC > AC
(c) AB+BC = AC (d) AB-BC>AC>AC (a) 8 cm A
3. Three sides of a triangle are 5cm, 9cm, and x cm. The (b) 6.5 cm
minimum value of x is (c) 5.6 cm
fdlh f=Hkqt dh rhu Hkqtk,sa 5 lseh-] 9 lseh- vkSj x lseh- gaSA (d) None of these Q
x dk U;wure eku D;k gksxk\
3. In the figure ABO similar DCO . If AB = 3cm, CD= 2
(a) 2 (b) 3
cm, OC = 3.8 cm and OD = 3.2 cm. Then OA + OB = ?
(c) 4 (d) 6
fn;s x;s fp= esa ABO ~ DCODCO ;fn AB = 3 lseh] CD =2
4. The side of a triangle are 7cm, 2 cm and 8 cm respectively,
lseh-, OC = 3.8lseh- rFkk OD = 3.
3.2 lseh] rc (OA+OB) = ?
then the triangle is
3.8cm C
fdlh f=Hkqt dh Hkqtk,sa Øe'k% 7 lseh-] 2 lseh- vkSj 8 lseh-
gSaA rks f=Hkqt gksxk&
(a) Acute angle Triangle /U;wudks.k f=Hkqt D

(b) Obtuse angle Triangle/ vf/kd dks.k f=Hkqt

(c) Right angle Triangle / ledks.k f=Hkqt (a) 4.8 cm (b) 5.7 cm
(d) None of these/ buesa ls dksbZ ugha (c) 10.5 cm (d) 11.5 cm
4. In ABC, D and E are points on side AB and AC
5. If the sides of a triangle are 13 cm, 7 cm and 9 cm
respectively. DE is parallel to BC. If lengths of AD, DB
respectively, then the triangle is :
and DE are 10 cm, 5cm and 6 cm respectively what is the
;fn fdlh f=Hkqt dh Hkqtk,sa Øe'k% 13 lseh-]] 7 lseh-h vkSj 9
length of BC ?
lseh- gSa] rc f=Hkqt gksxk& ABC esa] D vkSj E Øe'k% AB vkSj AC ij fLFkr fcUnq
(a) Acute angle Triangle / U;wudks.k f=Hkqt gSA DE, BC ds lekukarj gSA ;fn AD, DB vkSj DE dh
(b) Obtuse angle Triangle/ vf/kd dks.k f=Hkqt
yackbZ Øe'k 10 lseh] 5 lseh vkSj 6 lseh gS rks BC dh
(c) Right angle Triangle / ledks.k f=Hkqt
yackbZ D;k gS\
(d) Can't be determined/ fu/kkZfjr ugha fd;k tk ldrk
(a) 9 cm (b) 2 cm
6. How many triangle can be made by taking any 3 line (c) 3 cm (d) 11 cm
segments from the segments of length 2 cm, 3cm, 5cm and
5. In PQR, S and T are points on side PQ and PR
6 cm? respectively, ST is parallel to QR. If S divides PQ in the
2 lseh-] 3 lseh-] 5 lseh- vkSj 6 lseh- yEckbZ ds js[kk [kaMksa esa ratio 1 : 5 and length of QR is 15 cm find ST?
ls fdUgha rhu js[kk [kaMksa dks ysdj fdrus f=Hkqt cuk;s tk PQR esa S vkSj T Øe'k% Hkqtk PQ vkSj PR ij fLFkr
ldrs gS\a fcUnq gSA ST, QR ds lekukarj gS ;fn S, PQ ds 1 : 5 ds
(a) 1 (b) 2 vUkqikr esa foHkkftr djrh gSA vkSj QR dh yaEckbZ 15 lseh
gS rks ST dks Kkr djsaA
Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 15 Mob. 8871603721
BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
(a) 2.4 cm (b) 3.6 cm (c) 9 (d) 18
(c) 2.5 cm (d) 5 cm 11. DEF and GHI are similar triangles Length of DE is 4
6. In DEF , G and H are points on side DE and DF cm and length of the corresponding side GH is 9 cm what
respectively GH is parallel to EF. If G divides DE in the is the ratio of areas of  DEF and GHI ?
ratio 3 : 2 and HF is 8 cm then the length of DF is DEF vkSj GHI le:i f=Hkqt gSA DE dh yECkkbZ 4 lseh
DEF esa G vkSj H Øe'k% DE vkSj DF ij fLFkr fcUnq
gSA vkSj laxr GH Hkqtk dh yackbZ 9 lseh gSA  DEF vkSj
gSA GH , EF ds lekukarj gSA;fn G, DE dks 3 : 2 ds GHI ds {ks=Qyksa dk vuqikr D;k gSA
vuqikr esa foHkkftr djrk gS vkSj HF 8 lseh gS] rks DF dh (a) 81 : 16 (b) 4:9
yackbZ D;k gksxh\ (c) 16 : 81 (d) 9:4
(a) 12 cm (b) 20 cm 12. ABC is similar to PQR length of AB is 36 cm and
(c) 14 cm (d) 16 cm length of the corresponing side PQ is 16 cm. If area of
7. In  PQR , S and T are points on side PQ and PR ABC is 1296 sq. cm . What is the area of  PQR?
respectively, ST is parallel to QR. If lengths Of PS, SQ and  ABC, PQR ds leku gSA AB dh yackbZ 36 lseh gS
PR are 6 cm, 9 cm and 12.5 cm respectively, what is the
vkSj bldh laxr Hkqtk PQ dh yackbZ 16 lseh gSA ;fn
length of TR?
PQR, esa S vkSj T Øe'k% PQ vkSj PR ij fLFkr fcanq ABC dk {ks=Qy 1296 oxZ lseh gSA rks  PQR dk

gSA ST , QR ds lekukarj gSA ;fn PS,SQ vkSj PR dh {ks=Qy Kkr djsaA

(a) 128 sq cm (b) 512 sq. cm
yackbZ Øe'k% 6 lseh] 9 lseh rFkk 12-55 lseh gS] TR dh (c) 64 sq cm (d) 256 sq cm
yackbZ fdruh gS\ 13. Points P and Q lies on side AB and AC of triangle ABC
(a) 7.5 cm (b) 5 cm respectively such that segment PQ is parallel to side BC. If
(c) 10 cm (d) 2.5 cm the ratio of areas of triangle APQ and triangle ABC is 9 :
8. In ABC, D and E are points on side AB and AC 16, then
hen What is the ratio of AP : A
respectively. DE is parallel to BC. If lengths of AD, DB fcUnq P vkSj Q f=Hkqt ABC ds Øe'k Hkqtk AB vkSj
and AE are 8 cm, 4 cm and 12 cm respecitively, what is the Hkqtk AC ij bl izdkj ls fLFkr gs fd js[kk[kaM PQ Hkqtk
length of AC?
BC ds lekukarj gSa ;fn f=Hkqt APQ vkSj f=Hkqt ABC ds
ABC esa D vkSj E Øe'k% AB vkSj AC ij fcUnq gSA
DE, BC ds lekukarj gSA ;fn AD, DB vkSj AE dh
{ks=Qyksa dk vuqikr 9 : 16 gS rks AP : AB dk vuqikr D;k
yackbZ Øe'k% 8 lseh] 4 lseh vkSj 12 lseh gS rks AC dh (a) 3:4 (b) 9:7
yackbZ D;k gksxh\ (c) 9 : 16 (d) 3 : 1
(a) 6 cm (b) 18 cm 14. Points P and Q lie on side AB and AC of triangle ABC
(c) 9 cm (d) 15 cm respectively such that segment PQ is parallel to side BC. If
9. ABC is similar to  DEF length of AB is 12 cm and the ratio of AP and PB is 2 : 3 and area of  APQ is 8 sq
length of the corresponding side DE is 8 cm. What is the cm, what is the area of trapqzium PQCB?
ratio of perimeter of  ABC perimeter of  DEF ? fcUnq P vkSj Q f=Hkqt ABC dh Hkqtk Øe'k AB vkSj
ABC, DEF ds le:i gSA AB dh yackbZ 12 lseh gS
AC ij bl rjg ls fLFkr gSa fd js[kk[k.M PQ Hkqtk BC
vkSj bldh laxr Hkqtk DE dh yackbZ 8 lseh gS ABC ds lekukarj gSa ;fn AP vkSj PB dk vuqikr 2 : 3 gS] vkSj
dh ifjf/k vkSj  DEF dh ifjf/k dk vuqikr Kkr djsa APQ dk {ks=Qy 8 oxZ lseh gS] rks leyac PQCB dk
(a) 9:4 (b) 4:9 {ks=QYk Kkr djsA
(c) 3:2 (d) 2:3 (a) 50 cm2 (b) 18 cm2
10. ABC is similar to PQR . If ratio of perimeters of (c) 14 cm (d) 42 cm2
15. D and E are points on side AB and AC of ABC. DE id
ABC and PQR is 3 : 7 and if PQ = 21 cm, then the
parallel to BC. If AD : DB = 1 : 2 and area of ABC is 45
length of AB (in cm) is? sq cm, what is the area (in sq cm) of quadrilateral BDEC
ABC , PQR ds leku gS] ;fn ABC vkSj PQR ds ABC ds AB vkSj AC Hkqtkvksa ij D vkSj E nks fcanq
ifjf/k;ksa dk vuqikr 3 : 7 gS vkSj ;fn PQ  21 ls-eh- gS] rks gSaA DE, BC ds lekukarj gSA ;fn AD : DB  1 : 2 gS vkSj
AB dh yackbZ ¼ls-eh- esa½ D;k gS\ ABC dk {ks=Qy 45 oxZ ls-eh- gS] rks prqHkqZTk BDEC
dk {ks=Qy ¼oxZ ls-eh- esa½ D;k gS\
(a) 6 (b) 14

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 16 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
(a) 20 (b) 40 (a) 40 (b) 36
(c) 15 (d) 30 (c) 18 (d) 44
16. In  ABC, a line is drawn parallel to BC which intersects 22. In ABC , DE || AC, D and E are points on AB and CB . If
AB and AC at P and Q respectively. If AB = 3 PB . then, AB = 10 cm AD = 4 cm. Then , BE :CE = ?
PQ : BC = ?
ABC esa DE ||AC, D rFkk E fcUnq Øe'k% AB rFkk CB ij
ABC esa ,d js[kk BC ds lekUrj [khaph tkrh gS tks AB
rFkk AC dks Øe'k% P rFkk Q ij feyrh gSAa ;fn AB=3PB gS gSaA ;fn AB = 10 lseh- rFkk AD = 4 lseh- rc BE : CE =
rc PQ : BC =? (a) 2 : 3 (b) 2 : 5
(a) 1 : 3 (b) 3 : 4 (c) 5 : 2 (d) 3 : 2
(c) 1 : 2 (d) 2 : 3 23. PQR is a triangle. S and T are the midpoints of the sides
17. In  ABC, D and E are on the sides AB ad AC such that PQ and PR respectively. Which of the following is TRUE?
DE || BC if AD = x, DB = x-2,2, AE= x+ 2, EC = x-1,x Find PQR ,d f=Hkqt gSA S rFkk T Øe'k% Hkqtkvksa PQ rFkk PR
value of x
ds e/; fcUnq gSA fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk lR; gS \
ABC esa D rFkk E fcUnq Øe'k% AB rFkk AC ij bl izdkj
I. Triangle PST is similar to triangle PQR.
gS] fd DE||BC ;fn AD = x, DB = x-2, 2, AE = x+2 rFkk EC =
/ f=Hkqt PST f=Hkqt PQR ds le#i gSA
x-1 rks x dk eku gksxk&
II. ST = 1/2(QR)
(a) 2.5 (b) 2
III. ST is parallel to QR. / ST, QR ds lekUrj gSA
(c) 3 (d) 4
(a) Only I and II/ dsoy IrFkk II
18. In ABC , DE||BC which meets other sides at D and E. If AB
(b) Only II and III/ dsoy II rFkk III
= 3.6 cm. AC = 2.4 cm, AD = 2.1 cm. then value of AE will be
(c) Only I and III/ dsoy I rFkk III
ABC gS] ftlesa DE||BC gSas tks fd vU; Hkqt
kvksa dks D rFkk
(d) All I, II and III / I, II rFkk III lHkh
E ij feyrh gSaA ;fn AB = 3.6 lseh, AC = 2.4 lseh rFkk
24. Triangle ABC is similar to triangle PQR and AB : PQ = 2 :
AD = 2.1 lseh rc AE dk eku gksxk&
3. AD is the median to the side BC in triangle ABC and PS
(a) 1.4 cm (b) 1.8 cm
(c) 1.2 cm (d) 1.05 cm is the median to the side QR in triangle PQR. What is the
19. In ABC , D and E are point on side AB and AC . If 2
 BD 
AD 3 value of   ? [CGL MAINS 2017]
DE||BC and  and AC= 4 cm find AE = ?  QS 
BD 5
ABC esa D rFkk E fcUnq Øe'k% Hkqtk AB rFk AC ij gSaA f=Hkqt ABC, f=Hkqt PQR ds le:i gS rFkk
AD 3 AB: PQ  2 : 3 gSA AD, f=Hkqt ABC esa Hkqtk BC ij
;fn DE ||BC vkSj  , vkSj AC = 4 lseh- rc AE = ?
BD 5 ,d ekf/;dk gS rFkk PS, f=Hkqt PQR esa Hkqtk QR ij
(a) 1.5 lseh- (b) 2.0 lseh-
(c) 1.8 lseh- (d) 2.4 lseh- ,d ekf/;dk gSA (BD/ QS)2 dk eku D;k gS\
20. In ABC D and E are points on sides AB and AC such that (a) 3/5 (b) 4/9
1 1 (c) 2/3 (d) 4/7
AD  AB , AE  AC . If BC = 15 cm. Find DE ?
3 3 25. In ABC , D and E are on sides AB and AC, and DE||BC. If
fdlh ABC dh AB rFkk AC Hkqtkvksa ij Øe'k% D vkSj E DE, divides ABC in two equal areas then, AD : BD= ?
1 1 ABC esa D rFkk E fcUnq Øe'k% AB rFkk AC ij gSa rFkk
fcUnq bl izdkj gS fd AD = AB, AE = AC. ;fn BC dh
3 3 DE||BC ;fn DE, ABC dks nks leku {ks=Qy okys Hkkxksa esa
yEckbZ 15 lseh gS] rks DE dh yEckbZ D;k gksxh \
(a) 10 lseh- (b) 8 lseh- vyx djsa rks AD : BD ?
(c) 5 lseh- (d) 6 lseh- (a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2  1
21. In ABC P and Q are the midpoints of the sides AB and
(c) 1 : 2 (d) 1 : 2  1
AC respectively, R is a point on the segment
egment PQ such that
PR : QR = 1:2. If PR =6cm then BC is 26. In the given figure AD = 12 cm , AB = 20 cm A
ABC esa Hkqtkvksa AB vkSj AC ds e/; fcUnq Øe'k% P vkSj and AE = 10 cm . Then EC = ?
Q gSa js[kk[k.M PQ ij ,d fcUnq R bl izdkj gS fd fn, x, fp= esa AD = 12cm, AB = 20cm D
rFkk AE = 10cm, rc EC = ? E
PR : QR = 1:2 ;fn PR=6 lseh- gks rks BC gksxkA 123°
Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 17 Mob. 8871603721
BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
(a) 14 cm (b) 10 cm 31. In a parallelogram ABCD, side AB is produced to E such
(c) 8 cm (d) 15 cm that BE = AB and DE intersects BC at Q. Then in what
QR 14 ratio will Q divide BC ?
27. In the given figure, If  and PY  18 cm, then
XY 9 ,d lekUrj prqHkqZt ABCD esa] Hkqtk AB dks E fcUnq rd bl
what is the value (in cm) of PQ ? izdkj c<+k;k tkrk gS fd BE = AB rFkk DE, BC dks Q ij
QR 14 dkVrh gS] rks crkbZ;s fcUnq Q, BC dks fdl vuqikr esa
/ nh xbZ vkd`fr esa] ;fn  rFkk PY  18 lseh gks]
XY 9 ckaVsxk&
rks PQ dk eku (ls-eh- esa) D;k gS\ [CGL MAINS 2017]
2017 (a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 1
(c) 2 : 3 (d) 2 : 1
32. ABCD is a rhombus. A straight line passes through C meets
AB and AD at P and Q respectively after producing AB and
AD. If DP  1 AB then, ratio of lengths of BQ and AB is
ABCD ,d leprqHkqZt gSA ,d lh/kh js[kk tks C fcUnq ls
xqtjrh gS] AD rFkk AB dks c<+kus ij Øe'k% fcUnq P rFkk
(a) 28 (b) 18 1
fcUnq Q ij feyrh gSA ;fn DP  AB rc BQ rFkk AB dh
(c) 21 (d) 24 2
28. In the given figure, If
DE 2
 and AE = 12 A yEckbZ;ksa dk vuqikr gksxk&
BC 3 (a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 2
then find AB=? (c) 1 : 1 (d) 3 : 1
D 33. ABCD is trapezium in which AD||BC . Diagonals AC and
fn;s x;s fp= esa] ;fn DE  2 rFkk E
BD intersect each other at O. If AO =3, CO=x–3,
CO=x BO = 3x–
BC 3 105°
AE = 12 rks AB = ? 19 and DO = x–5.5. Find value of x
75° 65°
(a) 16 cm (b) 12 cm B ABCD ,d leyEc prqHkqZt gS] ftlesa AD || BC ,oa fod.kZ
(c) 15 cm (d) 18 cm AC rFkk BD vkil esa O fcUnq Unq ij izfrPNsn djrs gSaA ;fn
29. In  PQR, S and T are points on PR and PQ such that AO = 3, CO = x-3, BO = 3x-19 19 rFkk DO = x-5 gS rks x dk
 PQR   PST . If PT = 5 cm, PS =3 cm and TQ = 3 cm. eku gksxk&
Then length of SR is (a) 7, 6 (b) 12, 6
(c) 7, 10 (d) 8, 9
PQR esa] fcUnq S rFkk T Øe'k% Hkqtk PR rFkk PQ ij bl
34. In the given figure AD is perpendicular to the hypotenuse of
izdkj gS fd PQR = PST. ;fn PT = 5 lseh, PS = 3 lseh
right angled ABC which is true -
rFkk TQ = 3 lseh rc SR dh yEckbZ gksxh&
fn, x, fp= ds vuqlkj] dkSu lk dFku lR; gS tgkW AD
(a) 5 cm (b) 6 cm
(c) 31/3 m (d) 41/3 cm
ledks.k  ABC ds d.kZ ij yEc gS\ dkSu lk dFku lR;
gksxk & B
30. Two similar triangles  ABC and DCB are formed on a
(i) ABD ~ CAD D
same base BC. If AC and DB are intersect at point P, (ii) ABD ~ CDA
then (iii) ADB ~ CAB A C

,d gh vk/kkj BC ij nks le:i f=Hkqt ABC rFkk (a) (i)rFkk (ii) (b) (ii)rFkk (iii)
DCB cuk;s tkrs gSA ;fn AC rFkk DB , P fcUnq ij (c) (i)rFkk (iii)- (d) (i), (ii) rFkk (iii)
izfrPNsn djsa] rc 35. In a ACB , BAC  90 and AD is perpendicular to BC. If
P AD =6 cm and BD = 4 cm. Find BC ?
,d ACB esa BAC = 900 rFkk AD  BC. ;fn AD = 6
B C lseh rFkk BD = 4 lseh- BC dh yEckbZ gksxh&
AP DC (a) 8 cm (b) 10 cm
(a)  (b) AP  DP  PC  BP (c) 9 cm (d) 13 cm
(c) AP  PC  BP  DP (d) AP  BP  PC  PD 36. In ABC ,  B  90 and BN  AC . If AB = 6 cm, AC = 10
cm then, AN : NC = ?

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 18 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
,d ledks.k ABC esa] ABC = 900, rFkk BNAC
BN . ;fn ABC ,d ledks.k f=Hkqt gS] ftlesa A = 900 rFkk AD
2 2
AB = 6 lseh, AC = 10 lseh- rc AN : NC = ? BC. ;fn ABC = 40 lseh , ACD ACD = 10 lseh rFkk AC = 9
(a) 3 : 4 (b) 9 : 16 lseh- gS] rc BC dh yEckbZ gksxh&
(c) 3 : 16 (d) 1 : 4 (a) 12 cm (b) 18 cm
37. ABC is right angled of B. BD is its altitude, AD = 4 cm (c) 4 cm (d) 6 cm
and DC = 12 cm what is the value of AB (in cm)? 43.  ABC is right angled triangle . AD  BC , If AC = 2AB
ABC, B ij ledks.k gSA BD mldh ÅapkbZ gSA AD  4 then value of BD
lseh vkSj DC  12 lseh gSA AB (lseh es)a dk eku D;k gS\ ABC ,d ledks.k f=Hkqt gSaA AD d.kZ BC ij yEc gSA ;fn
(a) 9 (b) 10 AC = 2AB rc BD dk eku gksxk&
(c) 6 (d) 8 BC BC BC BC
(a) (b) (c) (d)
38. ABC is right angled at B. BD is an altitude. DC = 9 cm 2 3 4 5

and AC = 25 cm. What is the value of BC (in cm)? 44.  ABC is a right angled triangle at C the length of
ABC esa B ij ledks.k gSA BD mldh Å¡pkbZ gSA perpendicular drawn from C to AB is P. If length of BC,
CA and AB are a, b and c respectively. Then which option
DC  9 lseh vkSj AC  25 lseh- gSA BC (lseh esa) dk eku
is correct
D;k gksxk\
ABC ,d ledks.k f=Hkqt gS] tks dks.k C ij ledks.k gSA rFkk
(a) 12 (b)18
C ls AB ij Mkys x;s yEc dh yEckbZ P gSA ;fn a, b rFkk c
(c) 16 (d) 15
Øe'k% BC, CA rFkk AB dh yEckbZ;k¡ gSa] rc dkSu lk fodYi
39.  PQR is right angled at Q. QS is the altitude. PQ is lgh gS &
4 13 cm and PS is 8 cm . What is the length of SR? 1 1 1 1 1 1
(a)   (b)  
 PQR dks.k Q ij ledks.k gSA QS mldh ÅapkbZ gSa lseh p2 b2 a 2 p2 a 2 b2
1 1 1 1 1 1
gSA PQ  4 13cm vkSj PS 8 lseh gSA SR dh yackbZ gS\ (c)   (d)  
p2 a 2 b 2 p2 a 2 b2
(a) 6 13cm (b) 4 13 cm
(c) 18 cm (d) 9 cm CENTRE
40. ABC is a triangle which is right angled at A and a 1. I is the incentre of a triangle ABC. If  ACB  55 ,
perpendicular AD is draw on the hypotenuse BC. if BC =8 ABC  65 , then the value of BIC is
and AD = 3, then what is the value of AB  AC? I ] f=Hkqt ABC dk var dsUnz gSA ;fn ACB  55 rFkk ,
ABC ,d f=Hkqt gSa tks A ij ledks.k gS rFkk ,d yac ABC  65 gks] rc  BIC Kkr djsa \
AD dks d.kZ BC ij Mkyk tkrk gSA ;fn BC  8 rFkk (a) 130° (b) 120°
AD  3 gks] rks AB AC eku D;k gSA (c) 140° (d) 110°
(a) 12 (b) 24 2. Internal bisectors of  Q and  R of PQR intersect at O.
(c) 32 (d) 36 If  ROQ= 96°, then the value of  RPQ is
41. In ABC A  90 and AD  BC where D is any point on PQR esa  Q rFkk  R ds var%dks.k lef}Hkktd O ij
BC. If BC=8 cm, AC =6 cm. Then ratio between the areas ,d nwljs dks dkVrs gaSA ;fn  ROQ= 96° gS] rks  RPQ =?
of ABC : ACD  ? (a) 12° (b) 24°
ABC es]a A = 900 rFkk AD BC tgk¡ D, BC ij dksbZ fcUnq (c) 30° (d) 6°
gSA ;fn BC = 8 lseh] AC = 6 lseh- rc ABC
ABC , ACD ds 3. The external bisector of B and  C of ABC meet at
point P. If  BAC= 100°, then the measure of  BPC is
{ks=Qyksa dk vuqikr crkvksa ? ABC ds B rFkk  C ds ckg~; lef}Hkktd] fcUnq P ij
(a) 4 : 3 (b) 25: 16 feyrs gSaA ;fn  BAC= 100° gSa] rc  BPC Kkr djsa \
(c) 16 : 9 (d) 25 : 9 (a) 50° (b) 80°
42. ABC is a right angled triangle at A and AD  BC . If (c) 40° (d) 52°
4. In triangle PQR, the side PQ and PR are produced to A and
ABC = 40 cm 2 , ACD 10 cm 2 and AC = 9 cm. Find
B respectively. The bisectors of AQR and BRQ
BC = ? intersect at point O. If QOR
QOR = 50,
50 then what is the value
(in degres) of QPR?

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 19 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
f=Hkqt PQR esa] Hkqtk PQ vkSj PR dks Øe'k% A rFkk B rd 12. If O is the circumcentre of a triangle ABC lying inside the
c<+k;k tkrk gSA AQR rFkk BRQ dk f}Hkktd fcanq O ij triangle, then  OBC+  BAC is equal to
izfrPNsn djrk gSA ;fn QOR = 50 rks QPR QPR dk eku ;fn O ] f=Hkqt ABC dk ifjdsUnz gS tks f=Hkqt ds vanj
¼fMxzh esa½ D;k gksxk\ fLFkr gS] rks OBC  BAC fdlds cjkcj gksxk \
(a) 120° (b) 110°
(a) 50 (b) 60
(c) 90° (d) 60°
(c) 80 (d) 100
13. O is the circumcentre of ABC . If BAC  85 ,
5. Let O be the incentre of a triangle ABC and D be a point on
the side BC of ABC such that OD  BC . If BCA  75, then OAC is equal to
BOD  15 , then  ABC =? ABC esa O ifjdsUnz gSA ;fn BAC  85 vkSj
ekuk O f=Hkqt ABC dk var% dsUnz gS rFkk fcUnq D Hkqtk BC BCA  75 gS] rks OAC fdlds cjkcj gksxk \
ij bl izdkj fLFkr gS fd OD  BC. ;fn BOD BOD  15 gS] (a) 70° (b) 60°
(c) 50° (d) 40°
rc  ABC =?
BC is a right angled triangle. BAC = 90 and ACB =
14. ABC
(a) 75° (b) 45°
(c) 150° (d) 90° 60.. What is the ratio of the circum radius of the triangle to
the side AB?
6. In ABC, the angle bisector of  A cuts BC at E . What is the
ABC ,d ledks.k f=Hkqt gSA BAC  90 rFkk
length of AC? If AB, BE and EC are 12 cm, 9 cm and 6 cm?
ACB  60 gSA f=Hkqt dh ifjf=T;k dk Hkqtk AB ls D;k
ABC esa]  A dk f}Hkktd BC dks E ij dkVrk gSA
;fn AB, BE vkSj EC dh yackbZ Øe'k 12 lseh vkSj 9 vuqikr gS\ [CGL MAINS 2017]

lseh vkSj 6 lseh gSa rks AC dh yackbZ D;k gksxhh\ (a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 3
(a) 4 cm (b) 15 cm
(c) 2 : 3 (d) 2 : 3
(c) 18 cm (d) 8 cm
15. The perpendiculars drawn from the vertices to the opposite
7. In a right angled triangle, the circumcentre of the triangle lies
sides of a triangle, meet at the point whose name is
ledks.k f=Hkqt easa] f=Hkqt dk ifjdsUnz fLFkr gksrk gS &
fdlh f=Hkqt ds 'kh"kZ ls foijhr Hkqtkvksa ij yEc [khaps x;s
(a) Inside the triangle / f=Hkqt ds vanj
yEcksa dk izfrPNsfnr fcUnq gS&
(b) Outside the triangle/ f=Hkqt ds ckgj
(a) incentre /var%dsUnz (b) circumcentre/ifjdsUnz
(c) On midpoint of the hypotenuse /d.kZ ds e/; fcUnq ij
(c) centroid /dsUnzd (d) orthocenter /yEcdsUnz
(d) On one vertex/,d 'kh"kZ ij
16. If in a triangle , the orthocenter lies on vertex, then the
8. If the circumcentre of a triangle lies outside it, then the triangle is
triangle is
;fn f=Hkqt dk ifjdsUnz f=Hkqt ds ckgj gS] rc f=Hqkt gS& fdlh f=Hkqt esa yEc dsUnz] 'kh"kZ ij fLFkr gS] rc f=Hkqt gS&
(a) Equilateral (b) Acute angled
(a) Acute angled (b) isosceles
(c) Right angled (d) Obtuse angled
(c) Right angled (d) Equilateral
9. For a triangle circumcentre lies on one of its sides. The
17. The orthocentre
rthocentre of a right angled triangle lies
triangle is
fdlh ledks.k f=Hkqt dk yEc dsUnz fLFkr gksrk gS&
fdlh f=Hkqt dk ifjdsUnz mldh Hkqtk ij fLFkr gSA f=Hkqt gS
(a) outside the triangle/ f=Hkqt ds ckgj
(a) right angled (b) obtused angled
(b) at the right angular vertex/ ledks.k okys fcUnq ij
(c) isosceles (d) equilateral
10. ABC is an equilateral triangle and O is itss circumcentre, (c) on its hypotenuse / d.kZ ij
then the  BOC is (d) within the triangle / f=Hkqt ds vanj
leckgq f=Hkqt ABC dk ifjdsUnz O gSA  BOC  ? 18. In ABC , O is the orthocentre and BOC  80 , the
(a) 100° (b) 110° measure of BAC is
(c) 120° (d) 130° ABC esa O yac dsUnz gS vkSj BOC  80 gSaA BAC dh
11. 'O' is the circumcentre of triangle ABC. If  BAC=50° , eki D;k gksxh \
then  OBC is (a) 120° (b) 90°
f=Hkqt ABC dk ifjdsUnz ' O' gSA ;fn  BAC=50° , rks (c) 80° (d) 100°
 OBC  ?
(a) 100° (b) 130°
(c) 40° (d) 50°

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 20 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
19. In ABC , draw BE  AC and CF  AB and the 24. If the orthocentre and the centroid of a triangle are the
perpendicular BE and CF intersect at the point O. If same, then the triangle is
;fn fdlh f=Hkqt ds yEc dsUnz rFkk dsUnzd leku gSa] rc
BAC =70°, then the value of BOC is
f=Hkqt Kkr djsa\
ABC esa BE  AC rFkk CF  AB rFkk yEc BE ,oa CF
,d nwljs dks fcUnq O ij izfrPNsfnr djrs gSA ;fn (a) Scalene/ fo"keokgq f=Hkqt
BAC =70° rc BOC dk eku Kkr djsa \ (b) Right angled/ ledks.k f=Hkqt
(a) 125° (b) 55° (c) Equilateral/ leckgq f=Hkqt
(c) 150° (d) 110° (d) Obtuse angled/ vf/kd dks.k f=Hkqt
20. In a triangle , if three altitudes are equal, then the triangle is 25. In a triangle , if orthocenter, circumcentre
circumcentre, incentre and
fdlh f=Hkqt ds rhuks 'kh"kZ yEcksa dh yEckbZ leku gS] rks centroid coincide, then the triangle must be
f=Hkqt gS & fdlh f=Hkqt esa ;fn yEc dsUnz] ifjdsUnz] var% dsUnz rFkk
(a) obtuse (b) equilateral dsUnzd leku gaS] rc f=Hkqt gsS
(c) right (d)isosceles (a) obtuse angled/ vf/kddks
ddks.k f=Hkqt
21. In triangle PQR, A is the point of intersection of all the (b) isosceles/ lef}ckgq f=Hkqt
altitudes and B is the point of intersection of all the angle (c) equilateral/ leckgq f=Hkqt
bisectors of the triangle. If PBR = 150 then what is the (d) right angled/ ledks.k f=Hkqt
value of PAR (in degrees)? 26. In ABC , B  90, C  45 and D is the mid -point
f=Hkqt PQR esa] lHkh 'kh"kZyac fcanq A ij ifjNsnu
nu djrs gSa rFkk
of AC. If AC = 4 2 units, then BD is
lHkh dks.k n~foHkktd fcanq B ij ifjNsnu djrs gSaA ;fn
ABC esa B  90, C  45 vkSj D, AC dk e/;fcUnq
PBR = 150 gS] rks PAR dk eku ¼fMxzh esa½ D;k gS\
(a) 60 (b) 100 gSA ;fn AC = 4 2 bdkbZ gks] rks BD dk eku gSA
(c) 105 (d) 115 (a) 2 2 units (b) 4 2 units
22. O and C are respectively the orthocenter and the circum
(c) units (d) 2 units
centre of an acute angled triangle PQR. The points P and O 2
are joined and produced to meet the side QR at S. If 27. In  ABC , B is a right angle, AC = 6cm and D is the
 PQS  60  and  QCR  130  , then RPS  midpoint of AC. The length of BD is
 ABC es]a B ,d ledks.k gS] AC = 6cm vkSj D, AC dk
fdlh U;wu dks.k f=Hkqt  PQR ds fcUnq O ,oa C Øe'k% yac
e/;fcUnq gS] rks BD dh yEckbZ gksxhA
dsUnz rFkk ifjdsUnz gSA fcUnq P ,oa O dks feyk;k x;k rFkk
(a) 4 cm (b) 6 cm
js[kk dks vkxs c<krs gq, Hkqtk QR ds fcUnq S ij feyk;k
(c) 3 cm (d) 3.5 cm
x;kA ;fn  PQS  60  rFkk  QCR  130  gks] rks RPS  ?
28. If in the given figure,  PQR=90°, O is the centroid of
(a) 30° (b) 35°
(c) 100° (d) 60° PQR, PQ  5 cm , and QR= 12 cm, then OQ is equal to
23. I and O are respectively the incentre and circumcentre of a fn, x, fp= esa]  PQR=90°, O,  PQR dk dsUnzd gS]
triangle ABC. The line Al produced and intersects the circum
circle of ABC at the point D. If  ABC  x , PQ= 5cm vkSj QR= 12 cm gks] rks OQ dk eku gksxk&
BID  y and BOD  z , then ? P
I rFkk O ] ABC ds var%dsUnz rFkk ifjdsUnz gSaA js[kk AI 1 1 M
(a) 3 (b) 4
c<+k;h x;h rFkk ;g ABC ds ifjo`Rr dks fcUnq D ij 2 3
1 1 O
izfrPNsfnr djrh gSA ;fn ABC  x,BID  y, rFkk (c) 4 (d) 5
2 3 Q
zx R
BOD  z gS] rc ?
y 29.  ABC is a right angled at A and AD is the altitude to BC
(a) 3 (b) 1
and M is the midpoint of BC. If AB = 7 cm and AC = 24
(c) 2 (d) 4
cm, find the ratio of AD to AM,

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 21 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
 ABC esa] A ij ledks.k gSa vkSj AD  BC ,oa M, BC dk 7. DEF is an isosceles triangle with such that DE = DF = 60
cm and EF = 96 cm. DG is a median to base EF. What is
e/;fcUnq gS] ;fn AB = 7 cm vkSj AC = 24cm, rks AD:AM
the length (in cm) of DG?
gksxk& DEF ,d lef}ckgq f=Hkqt gS ftlesa DE  DF  60 lseh
(a) 25 : 41 (b) 32:41 rFkk EF  96 lseh gSA DG vk/kkj EF dh ekf/;dk gSA
(c) 336 : 625 (d) 625 : 336 DG dk eku (lseh es)a esa D;k gksxk\
(a) 22 (b) 36
(c) 24 (d) 32
MEDIAN & CENTROID 8. Let BE and CF be the two medians of a  ABC and G be
1. If G is the centroid of  ABC and AG = BC, then BGC is their intersection, also of EF cut AG at O then AO : OG is
;fn G, ABC dk dsUnzd gSa vkSj AG = BC rks BGC dk  ABC dh nks ekf/;dk,sa BE rFkk CF ,d nwljs dks G ij
eku gksxkA izfrPNsfnr djrh gS ;fn EF, AG dks O fcUnq ij dkVrk gS
(a) 75° (b) 45° rks AO : OG dh yEckbZ gksxhA
(c) 90° (d) 60° (a) 1:1 (b) 1:2
2. If the median drawn on the base of a triangle is half its (c) 2:1 (d) 3:1
base, then the triangle will be 9. BE and CF are two medians of  ABC and G is the
;fn fdlh f=Hkqt esa vk/kkj ij [khaph x;h ekf/;dk mlds centroid. EF cuts AG at O, If OG=2cm, then the length of
vk/kkj dh vk/kh gS] rc f=Hkqt gS& AO is
(a) right angled/ ledks.k f=Hkqt BE vkSj CF,  ABC dh nks ekf/;dk,as gS vkSj G dsUnzd gS
(b) acute angled/ U;wudks.k f=Hkqt vkSj EF, AG dks fcUnq O ij dkVrk gS ;fn OG=2cm, rks
(c) obtuse angled /vf/kddks.k f=Hkqt
AO dh yEckbZ gksxhA
(d) equilateral / leckgq f=Hkqt
(a) 2 cm (b) 6 cm
3. In ABC , AD is the medium and AD  BC , if (c) 5 cm (d) 8 cm
10. The centroid of an equilateral triangle ABC is G and AB =
BAD  30 , then measure of ACB is
10cm. The length of AG (in cm) is
 ABC es]a AD ekf/;dk gS vkSj AD  BC , ;fn ,d leckgq f=Hkqt ABC dk dsUnzd G gS vkSj AB 10cm,
rks AG dh yEckbZ ¼ cm es½a fdruh gksxh \
BAD  30 rks dks.k ACB dk eku gksxkA
(a) 90° (b) 45° 3 1
(a) (b) 3
(c) 30° (d) 60° 3 3
4. If AD is the median of the triangle ABC and G is the 10 10
(c) 3 (d)
centroid then the ratio of AG : AD is 3 3
;fn AD,  ABC dh ekf/;dk gaS vkSj G dsUnzd gks rks AG 11. The in-radius
radius of an equilateral triangle is of length 3 cm,
vkSj AD dk vuqikr crkvksaA then the length of each of its median is
(a) 1:3 (b) 2:1 ,d leckgq f=Hkqt dh var%f=T;k dh yEckbZ 3cm gS] rks
(c) 3:2 (d) 2:3
5. If G is the centroid and AD be a medium with length 12 cm
izR;sd ekf/;dk dh yEckbZ gksxh&
of  ABC , then the value of AG is (a) 12 cm (b) 9/2 cm
;fn G, ABC dk dsUnzd rFkk AD, 12 cm yEckbZ dh (c) 4 cm (d) 9 cm
ekf/;dk gks rks AG dh yEckbZ gksxhA 12. The medians CD and BE of a triangle ABC intersect each
(a) 4 cm (b) 8 cm other at O. The ratio of ODE : ABC is equal to
(c) 10 cm (d) 6 cm fdlh f=Hkqt ABC dh ef/;dk,a CD vkSj BE ,d nwljs dks
6. AD is the median of a triangle ABC and O is the centroid O ij dkVrh gaSA rks vuqikr ODE : ABC fdlds cjkcj
such that AO=10 cm. The length of OD in cm is gksxk \
AD,  ABC dh ekf/;dk gS ,oa bldk dsUnzd O bl izdkj (a) 1 :12 (b) 12 : 1
gS fd AO=10cm rks OD dh yEckbZ gksxhA (c) 4 : 3 (d) 3:4
(a) 4 cm (b) 5 cm
(c) 6 cm (d) 8 cm

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 22 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
13. In triangle ABC, AD, BE and CF are the medians ABC esa G dsUnzd gSA AD rFkk BE ef/;dk,a ,d nwljs dks
intersecting at point G and area of triangle ABC is 156 cm2. ledks.k ij dkVrh gaSA ;fn AD rFkk BE dh yEckbZ Øe'k% 9
What is the area (in cm2) of triangle FGE? ls-eh- rFkk 12 lss-eh- gS] rks ABdh yackbZ Kkr djsaA ¼ls-eh- esa½
(a) 11 (b) 10
f=Hkqt ABC esa ekf/;dk,¡ AD, BE vkSj CF fcanq G ij
(c) 10.5 (d) 9.5
izfrPNsn djrh gS rFkk f=Hkqt ABC dk {ks=Qy 156 ls-eh-2 19. If D, E and F are respectively the mid points of sides BC,
gSA f=Hkqt FGE dk {ks=Qy ¼ls-eh-2½ fdruk gS\ AC and AB of a  ABC . If EF = 3cm, FD= 4cm and AB =
(a) 13 (b) 26
10 cm, then DE, BC and CA respectively will be
(c) 39 (d) 52
 ABC esa D, E vkSj F Øe'k% Hkqtk BC, AC vkSj AB ds
14. The centroid of a ABC is G. The area of ABC is 60
e/;fcUnq gSA ;fn EF = 3cm, FD= 4cm vkSj AB = 10 cm
cm2 . the Area of GBC is rks DE, BC vkSj CA Øe'k%
e'k% gksxsA
ABC dk dsUnzd G gSA ABC dk {ks=Qy 60 cm2 gSA 10
(a) 6,8 and 20 cm (b) , 9 and 12 cm
GBC dk {ks=Qy fdruk gskxk\ 3
(a) 30cm2 (b) 40 cm2 (c) 4,6 and 8 cm (d) 5, 6 and 8 cm
(c)10 cm (d) 20 cm2 20. If two medians BE and CF of a triangle ABC, intersect
15. The three medians AD, BE and CF of ABC intersect at each other at G and if BG=CG, BGC  60 , BC=8cm,
point G. If the area of  ABC is 60 cm2, then the area of then area of the triangle ABC
BC is
the quadrilateral BDGF is ABC es]a nks ekf/;dk,a BE rFkk CF ,d nwljs dks G fcUnq
 ABC dh rhuksa ekf/;dk,sa AD, BE vkSj CF ,d nwljs dks ij dkVrh gaS vkSj ;fn BG=CG, BGC  60, BC =
fcUnq G ij izfrPNsfnr djrh gS ;fn  ABC dk {ks=Qy 60 8cm, rks ABC dk {ks=Qy Kkr djsaA
cm2 gks rks  BDGF dk {ks=Qy gksxkA 2 2
(a) 10 cm2 (b) 15 cm2 (a) 96 3 cm (b) 48 3 cm
(c) 20 cm2 (d) 30 cm2 (c) 48 cm2 (d) 54 3 cm
16. D and E are the mid points AB and AC of  ABC , BC is 21. The length of the diagonal BD of the parallelogram ABCD is
produced to any point P, DE, DP and EP joined , then 18 cm. If P and Q are the centroid of the ABC and 
ADC respectively then the length of the line segment PQ is =
which option is correct
lekUrj prqHkqZt ABCD ds fod.kZ BD dh yEckbZ 18 cm. gSa
 ABC esa D vkSj E Øe'k AB vkSj AC ds e/;fcUnq gS BC ;fn P vkSj Q, ABC vkSj  ADC ds Øe'k% dsUnzd gks rks
dks fcUnq P rd c<+k;k x;k gS vkSj DE, DP vkSj EP dks js[kk[k.M PQ dh yEckbZ gksxhaA
(a) 4 cm (b) 6 cm
feyk;k x;k gS rks dkSu lk fodYi lgh gksxkA (c) 9 cm (d) 12 cm
1 22. In figure ABC is right triangle, right angled at B. AD and
(a) PED  ABC (b)  PED=  BEC CE are the two medians drawn from A and C respectively.
(c)  ADE=  BEC (d)  BDE=  BEC 3 5
If AC=5cm, and AD  cm, find the length of CE
17. Two medians AD and BE of  ABC intersect at G at right
angle. If AD =9cm and BE= 6 cm, then the length of BD,
fn, x, fp= esa ABC , B ij ledks.k gS AD vkSj CE nks
in cm is ekf/;dk,sa gS tks Øe'k% A vkSj C ls [khph xbZ gS ;fn AC=5
 ABC dh nks ekf/;dk,sa AD vkSj BE ,d nwljs dks fcUnq G 3 5
cm vkSj AD  cm rks CE dh yEckbZ crkvksaA
ij ledks.k cukrs gq, izfrPNsfnr djrh gS] ;fn AD =9 cm 2 A
vkSj BE= 6 cm rks BD dh yEckbZ ( cm es)a gksxhA (a) 2 5 cm
(a) 10 (b) 6 (b) 2.5 cm
(c) 5 (d) 3 (c) 5 cm E
18. G is the centroid of ABC . The medians AD and BE
(d) 4 2 cm
intersect at right angles. If the lengths of AD and BE are 9
cm and 12 cm respectively, then the length of AB B C
(in cm) is?

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 23 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
23. If P and Q are the midpoints of the sides CA and CB 28. If AD, BE , CF are the median of a  ABC . Then the
respectively of a triangle ABC, right angle at C, then the correct relation between the sum, of the squares of sides to
 2 2
value of 4 AQ  BP is equal to the sum of the square of the median is
 ABC esa P vkSj Q Øe'k% Hkqtk CA vkSj CB ds e/;fcUnq gS] ;fn AD, BE vkSj CF, ABC dh ekf/;dk,s gks rks f=Hkqt
2 2
 
 ABC ,C ij ledks.k gSa] rks 4 AQ  BP dk eku fdlds
ABC esa Hkqtkvksa ds oxksZ dk ;ksx vkSj ekf/;dkvksa ds oxksZ dk
;ksx ds laca/k esa fuEu esa ls dksu lk dFku lgh gSA
cjkcj gksxkA
(a) 4 BC2 (b) 2 AC2
   
(a) 2 AB 2  BC 2  AC 2  3 AD 2  BE 2  CF 2
(c) 2 BC 2
(d) 5 AB2  2
(b) 4 AB  BC 2
 AC   3AD  BE  CF 
2 2 2 2

24. If the length of the three sides of a triangle are 6 cm, 8 cm (c) 3AB2
 BC 2  AC   4AD  BE  CF 
2 2 2 2

and 10 cm, then the length of the median to it greatest side is (d) None of these
;fn ,d f=Hkqt dh rhuks Hkqtkvksa dh yEckbZ 6cm, 8cm vkSj 29. If in a triangle ABC, BE and CF are two median
10 cm gks rkss bldh lcls cM+h Hkqtk ij [khph xbZ ekf/;dk perpendicular to each other and if AB = 19 cm and AC= 22
dh yEckbZ gksxhA cm then the length of BC is (cm)
(a) 8 cm (b) 6 cm ;fn  ABC esa ekf/;dk,s BE vkSj CF ,d nwljs ij yEcor gks
(c) 5 cm (d) 4.8cm vkSj AB = 19 cm vkSj AC= 22 cm rks BC dh yEckbZ gksxh A
(a) 20.5 (b) 19.5
25. In ABC , AB=10 cm, BC= 12 cm and AC =14 cm find (c) 26 (d) 13
the length of median AD If G is the centroid find the CIRCLE
length of GA TYPE – I
ABC es,a AB=10cm, BC=12cm vkSj AC=14cm gks rks 1. The circumcentre of a triangle ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶 is O. If BAC  85
ekf/;dk AD dh yEckbZ Kkr djks ;fn G dsUnzd gks rks GA and BCA  75 ,then the value of OAC is
dh yEckbZ Hkh crkvksaA ;fn ∆ABC dk ifjdsUnz O gSA ;fn BAC  85 rFkk
5 7 5 7
(b) 5 7 , 4 7 BCA  75 gS] rc OAC dk eku Kkr djssaA
7 9 (a) 40° (b) 60°°
(c) 70° (d) 90°°
10 8 7 8 7
(c) , (d) 4 7 , 2. O is circumcentre of a triangle 𝐴𝐵𝐶. If BAC  50 .
3 3 3 Then OBC is.
26. In ABC, G is the centroid AB=15 cm, BC =18cm and ∆ABC dk ifjdsUnz O gSA ;fn BAC  50 gS] rc OBC
AC =25 cm find GD where D the midpoint of BC dk eku Kkr djssaA
 ABC esa G dsUnzd gS AB = 15 cm, BC =18 cm vkSj AC =25 (a) 100° (b) 130
cm rks GD dh yEckbZ crkvksa tgka D, BC dk e/;fcUnq gSA (c) 40° (d) 50°°
3. If O is circumcentre of a triangle 𝐴𝐵𝐶 lying inside the
1 2
(a) 86 cm (b) 86 cm triangle, the OBC  BAC is equal to
3 3
;fn ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶 dk ifjdsUnz O gS tks f=Hkqt ds vanj fLFkr gS] rks
(c) 15 cm (d) None of these OBC  BAC fdlds cjkcj gSA
(a) 120° (b) 110
27. In a ABC , the median AD , BE and CF meet at G, then
(c) 90° (d) 60°°
which of the following is true
4. If PA and PB are two tangents to a circle with center O
,d ABC esa ekf/;dk,sa AD, BE vkSj CF fcUnq G ij feyrh
such that AOB  110 , then APB is.
gS rks fuEu esa ls dkSu lk lgh gSSA
O dsUnz okys o`r ij nks Li'kZ js[kk;sa PA rFkk PB bl izdkj
(a) AD  BE  CF  ( AE  BC  CA ) gS fd AOB  110 gS] rc APB dk eku Kkr djsaA
(a) 90° (b) 70°°
(b) 2( AD  BE  CF)  AB  BC  AC)
( c) 60° (d) 55°°
(c) 3( AD  BE  CF)  4( AB  BC  AC) 5. The tangents at two points A and B on the circle with the
(d) 4(AD  BE  CF)  3(AB  BC  AC) center O intersects at P. If in quadrilateral PAOB,
AOB : APB  5 : 1 , the measure of  APB is

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 24 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
fdlh O dsUnz okys o`Ùk ij fLFkr nks fcUnqvksa A rFkk B ls ,d o`Ùk dh thok mldh f=T;k ds cjkcj gSArks y?kq pki ij
[khaph x;h Li'kZ js[kk,sa P ij izfrPNsfnr djrh gSaA ;fn prqHkqZt thok }kjk cuk, x, dks.k dh D;k eki gksxhA
PAOB esa AOB : APB  5 : 1 ]rc APB dk eku Kkr djsaA
(a) 30° (b) 60° (a) 150° (b) 60°°
(c) 45° (d) 15° (c) 75° (d) 120
6. From a point P, two tangents PA and PB are drawn to a 11. O is the centre and arc ABC subtends an angle of 130 at
circle with center O. If OP is equal to diameter of the
O.AB is extends to P, then PBC is
circle, then APB is
fdlh P fcUnq ls] O dsUnz okys o`Ùk ij PA rFkk PB nks Li'kZ O dsUnz okys o`Ùk dk pki ABC]dsUnz ij 130  dk dks.k
js[kk,W [khph tkrh gSA ;fn OP o`Ùk ds O;kl cjkcj gS]rks cukrk gSA AB dks P rd c<+k;k x;k]rc PBC dk eku
 APB dk eku Kkr djsaA Kkr djsaA
(a) 45° (b) 90° (a) 75° (b) 70°°
(c) 30° (d) 60° (c) 65° (d) 8080°
7. Let P and Q be two points on a circle with center O. If two 12. A circle ( with centre at o ) is touching two intersecting
tangents of the circle through P and Q meet at A with lines AX and BY. The two points of contact A and B
 PAQ  48 ,then  APQ is subtend an angle of 650 at any point C on the
ekuk fd O dsUnz okys o`Ùk ij P vkSj Q nks fcanq gSaA;fn o`Ùk circumference of the circle. If P is the point of intersection
ds nks fcUnqvksa P vkSj Q ls gksdj [khaph xbZ Li'kZ js[kk;sa A of the two lines, then the measure of APO is
ij feyrh gSa RkFkk ;fn  PAQ  48  gks] rks  APQ dk eku ,d o`RRk (ftldk dsUnz O gS) AX vkSj BY nks izfrPNsfnr
gksxkA js[kkvksa dks Li'kZ djrk gSA nks Li'kZ fcUnq A vkSj B o`Rr dh
(a) 96° (b) 66° ifjf/k ij fdlh fcUnq C ij 650 dk dks.k cukrs gSA ;fn P
(c) 48° (d) 60° bu nks js[kkvksa dk izfrPNsn fcUnq gS] rks  APO dk eku
8. P and Q are two points on a circle with center at O.R is a crk,A
point on the minor arc of the circle, between the points P (a) 250 (b) 650
and Q. The tangents to the circle at the points P and Q (c) 90 (d) 400
meets each other at the points S. If PSQ PSQ  20  ,then 13. P and Q are the middle point of two chords (not diameters)
PRQ  AB and AC respectively of a circle with centre at a point O.
P rFkk Q o`Ùk ij nks fcUnq fLFkr gSa rFkk bldk dsUnz O gSA The lines OP and OQ are produced to meet the circle
o`Ùk ds y?kq pki ij fcUnq R fLFkr gSA fcUnq P rFkk Q ij respectively at the points R and S. T is any point on the
[khaph xbZ Li'kZ js[kk,sa ijLij fcUnq S ij feyrh gaSA ;fn major arc between the point int R and S of the circle. If
BAC  52, RTS  ?
 PSQ  20 , rks  PRQ dk eku Kkr djsaA
(a) 80° (b) 200°
,d o`Rr ftldk dsUnz O gS ftlesa P vkSj Q, nks thok;sa AB
(c) 160° (d) 100 vkSj AC ds e/; fcUnq gSA js[kk,sa OP vkSj OQ dks c<+kus ij
9. In the given figure, 'O' is the centre of the o`Rr dks R rFkk S fcUnq ij feyrh gSAa cM+s pki ij R rFkk S
circle. SP and TP are two tangents at S
O fcUnqvksa ds e/; T dksbZ fcUnq gSA ;fn BAC 520 gS] rks
and T respectively. SPT is 50 0 , the RTS  ?
value of SQT is (a) 32 (b) 4040
fn, x, fp= esa] O o`RRk dk dsUnz gSA SP Q (c) 106 (d) 6464
rFkk TP ] Øe'k% fcanq S ,oa T ij nks Li'kZ 500 14. In the adjoining figure 'O' is the centre of the circle and PQ,
js[kk,sa gSaA ;fn SPT  50 0 ] rks  SQT P PR and ST are the three tangents QPR  50 , then the
gksxk value of SOT is
0 0
(a) 125 (b) 65 fn;s x;s fp= esa O o`RRk dk dsUnz gS rFkk PQ, PR ,oa ST rhu
(c) 115 (d) None of these Li'kZ js[kk,sa gSaA QPR  500 , rc  SOT  ?
10. The chord of a circle is equal to its radius. The angle Q
subtended by this chord at the minor arc of the circle is (a) 30°
O 50 P
(b) 75°
(c) 65° T
Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 25 Mob. 8871603721
BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
(d) can't be determined (c) 100° (d) 120
15. The two tangents are drawn at the extremities of diameter 20. AB is a diameter of a circle having center at O.P is a point
AB of a circle with center P.If a tangent to the circle at the on the circumference of the circle. If POA  120 ,then
point C intersects the other two tangents at Q and R,then the measure of PBO is
the measure of the  QPR is AB ,d o`Ùk dk O;kl gS]ftldk dsUnz O gSA P o`Ùk dh ifjf/k
P dsUnz okys o`Ùk ds O;kl AB ds vafre fcUnqvksa ij nks Li'kZ ij ,d fcUnq gSA ;fn POA  120, rks PBO dk eku
js[kk,W [khaph x;hA ;fn fcUnq C ls o`Ùk ij [khaph x;h Li'kZ gksxkA
js[kk] vU; nks Li'kZ js[kkvksa dks Q rFkk R ij izfrPNsfnr (a) 75° (b) 60°°
djrh gS]a rks  QPR dk eku Kkr djsaA (c) 68° (d) 70°°
(a) 45° (b) 60° 21. AB is diameter of a circle with center O. The tangents at C
(c) 90° (d) 180° meets AB produced at Q. If  CAB
CAB  34 ,then the measure
16. ST is a tangent to the circle at P and QR is diameter of the of CBA is
circle. If RPT  50 ,then the value of  SPQ is AB, dsUnz O okys ,d o`Ùk dk O;kl gSA C ij Li'kZT;k AB
o`Ùk ds fcUnq P ij Li'kZ js[kk ST gS rFkk QR o`Ùk dk O;kl dks vkxs c<+kus ij Q ij feyrh gSA ;fn CAB  34 gks]
gSA ;fn RPT  50 gS]rc  SPQ gSA
(a) 40° (b) 60° rks CBA dk eki D;k gksxhA
(c) 80° (d) 100° (a) 56° (b) 68
17. If tangents PA and PB are drawn to a circle such that (c) 34° (d) 124
APB 300 and Chord AC is drawn parallel to the 22. AB is a diameter of a circle (o, r ). Chord CD is equal to
radius OC. If AC and BD when produced intersect at P.
tangent PB, then ABC ? Find APB is
;fn ,d o`RRk ij nks Li'kZ js[kk,a PA rFkk PB bl izdkj AB ,d o`Rr (o, r) dk O;kl gS] ftlesa thok CD, f=T;k OC
[khaph tkrh gaS fd APB 30 rFkk thok AC Li'kZ js[kk ds cjkcj gSA ;fn AC vkSj BD c<+kus ij ,d nwljs dks P ij
PB ds lekarj gS] rc  ABC  ? dkVas] rks APB dk eku crkbZ,\
(a) 600
A (a) 30  (b) 90
(b) 900 C
(c) 300 (c) 45 (d) 60
(d) None of these 30 P 23. AC is the diameter of a circumcircle of ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶.Chord ED is
parallel to the diameter AC.If CBE  50 ,then the
B measure of DEC is
18. AB is a chord to a circle and PAT is the tangent to the circle at ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶 ds ifjo`Ùk dk O;kl AC gSA thok ED O;kl AC ds
A. If BAT  75 and BAC  45 and C is being a point lekukUrj gSA ;fn CBE  50 ]rc DEC dk eku Kkr
on the circle, then ABC is equal to djsaA
AB ,d o`Ùk dh thok rFkk PAT o`Ùk ds fcUnq A ij Li'kZ (a) 50° (b) 90°°
js[kk gSA ;fn BAT  75 vkSj BAC  45 rFkk C o`Ùk (c) 60° (d) 40°°
ij ,d fcUnq gS] rks ABC dk eku Kkr djsaA 24. In the given figure, ONY  50 and OMY  15 . Then
(a) 40° (b) 60° the value of the  MON is
(c) 90° (d) 180° fn, x, fp= esa] ONY  50 vkSj OMY  15 gS rc
19. Two circles C1 and C2 touch each other internally at P. Two MON dk eku D;k gksxkA
lines PCA and PDB meet the circles C1 in C, D and C2 in
A,B respectively. If BDC  120  ,then the value of
ABP is equal to
nks o`Ùk C1 rFkk C2 ,d nwljs dks vkarfjd #i ls fcUnq P
Li'kZ djrs gSaA nks js[kk;sa PCA rFkk PDB o`Ùk C1 dks Øe'k%
C,D,oa C2 dks A,B ij feyrh gSAa ;fn BDC
BDC  120 gS]
rc ABP dk eku Kkr djsaA (a) 30° (b) 40
(a) 60° (b) 80° (c) 20° (d) 7 0°

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 26 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
25. Two chords AB and CD of circle whose center is O, meet at 31. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. AB and DC are produced
the point P and  AOC  50 ,  BOD  40  ,then the value of to meet at P. If ADC  70 and DAB  60 then the
 BPD is PBC  PCB is
ABCD ,d pØh; prqHkqZt gSA AB rFkk DC dks c<+k;k
O dsUnz okys o`Ùk dh nks thok;sa AB rFkk CD ,d&nwljs dks
fcUnq P ij izfrPNsfnr djrh gSa rFkk  AOC  5050, x;k rFkk os fcUnq P ij feyrs gsSA;fn ADC  70 rFkk
 BOD  40  gSA  BPD dk eku Kkr djsaA DAB  60 rc] PBC  PCB  ?
(a) 60° (b) 45°
(a) 120° (b) 150°
(c) 45° (d) 75°
(c) 130° (d) 180°
26. Two circles touch each other externally at point A and PQ
32. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. The side AB is extended to
is a direct common tangent which touches the circles at P
E in such a way that BE = BC. If ADC  70 ,
and Q respectively. Then  PAQ = BAD  95 , then DCE is equal to
nks o`Ùk ,d nwljs dks ckg~; #i esa fcUnq A ij LIk'kZ djrs gSAa ABCD ,d pØh; prqHkqZt gSA Hkqtk AB dks E rd bl
PQ ,d mHk;fu"B vUkqLi'khZ js[kk gS]tks nksuksa o`Ùkksa dks fcUnqvksa izdkj c<+k;k x;k gS fd BE  BC gksA ;fn ADC  70 ,
P rFkk Q ij Li'kZ djrh gSA rc  PAQ = BAD  95 gSa] rc DCE dk eku Kkr djsa \
(a) 45° (b) 90° (a) 140° (b) 120°
(c) 80° (d) 100° (c) 165° (d) 110°
27. Two circle touch each other externally at point P and AB is 33. ABCD is cyclic quadrilateral. Diagonals AC and BD meet
at P. If APB  110 and CBD  30 , then ADB
a direct common tangent to the two circles, A and B are
measures :
point of contact and PAB  35 .Then ABP is ABCD ,d pØh; prqHkqZt gSA fod.kZ AC rFkk BD fcanq P
nks o`Ùk ,d nwljs dks ckg~; #i esa fcUnq P ij LIk'kZ djrs gSaA ij feyrs gaSA ;fn APB  110 vkSj CBD  30 gS] rks
AB ,d mHk;fu"B vUkqLi'khZ js[kk gS] rFkk A vkSj B Li'kZ ADB  ?
fcUnq gaS ,oa PAB  35 gSA rc  ABP Kkr djsaA (a) 70° (b) 55°
(a) 35° (b) 55° (c) 30° (d) 80°
(c) 65° (d) 75° 34. ABCD is a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle with centre O.
If COD  120 and BAC  30 ,then BCD is
28. Each of the circles of equal radii with centerss A and B pass
O dsUnz okys o`Rr esa ABCD ,d prqHkqZt gSA ;fn
through the centre of one another circle. They intersects COD  120  rFkk BAC  30 gSa] rc BCD gS &
each other at C and D, then DBC is equal to (a) 75° (b) 90°
nks cjkcj f=T;kvksa okys A rFkk B dsUnz okys o`Ùk ,d&nwljs (c) 120° (d) 60°
35. A cyclic quadrilateral ABCD is such that AB=BC,
dks fcUnq C vkSj D ij izfrPNsfnr djrs gSa rFkk ,d&
,d&nwljs ds
AD= DC, AC  BD ,  CAD   , then the angle ABC 
dsUnz ls xqtjrs gSaA DBC dk eku Kkr djsaA
pØh; prqHkqZt ABCD bl izdkj gS] fd AB=BC, AD =
(a) 60 (b) 100
DC, AC  BD rFkk CAD   gks] rks  ABC  ?
(c) 120 (d) 140 (a)  (b)  /2
29. If an exterior angle of a cyclic quadrilateral be 50°, then the (c) 2  (d) 3 
interior opposite angle is 36. ABCD is a cyclic trapezium such that AD || BC, if
;fn fdlh pØh; prqHkqZt dk ckg~; dks.k 50 gks] rks vkarfjd ABC  70 , then the value of BCD is
foijhr dks.k Kkr djsa \ ,d pØh; leyEc prqHkqZt ABCD bl rjg gS] fd
(a) 130° (b) 40°
AD || BC, ;fn ABC  70, rc BCD dk eku Kkr djsa \
(c) 50° (d) 90°
30. If ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral in which (a) 60° (b) 70°
 A  4 x ,  B  7 x ,  C  5 y  ,  D  y  , then x : y is (c) 40° (d) 80°
37. ABCD is cyclic parallelogram. The angle  B is equal to :
ABCD ,d pØh; prqHkqZt gSa] ftlesa  A  4 x ,  B  7 x ,
ABCD ,d pØh; lekUrj prqHkqZt gSA dks.k B dk eku Kkr
C  5y rFkk D  y rc x : y gksxkA
(a) 3:4 (b) 4:3 (a) 30° (b) 60°
(c) 5:4 (d) 4:5 (c) 45° (d) 90°

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 27 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
38. AB is a diameter of a circle having centre at O. PQ is a (c) 16 cm (d) 18 cm
chord which does not intersect AB. Join AP and BQ. If 5. Two parallel chords are drawn in a circle of diameter 30
 PAB   ABQ ,then ABQP is a cm. The length of one chord is 24 cm and the distance
O dsUnz okys ,d o`Ùk dk O;kl AB gSA PQ ,d thok gS] between the two chords is 21 cm. The length of the other
tks AB dks ugha dkVrh gSA AP vkSj BQ dks feyk;k tkrk chord is
30 ls-eh- O;kl okys ,d o``Ùk esa 2 lekukUrj thok,sa [khaph
gSA ;fn PAB  ABQ, rks ABQP D;k gksxk \
(a) Cyclic rhombus/ pØh; leprqHkqZt
tkrh gSaA ;fn ,d thok dh yackbZ 24 lsehh- rFkk nksukas
(b) Cyclic rectangle/ pØh; vk;r
thokvksa ds chp dh nwjh 21 lseh gks] rc nwljh thok dh
(c) Cyclic trapezium/ pØh; leyac
yackbZ Kkr djsa \
(a) 10 cm (b) 18 cm
(d) Cyclic square/ pØh; oxZ
(c) 12 cm (d) 16 cm
39. The diagonals AC and BD of a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD
6. The length of tangent drawn from an external
ex point P to a
interest each other at the point P, Then it is always true that
circle of radius 5 cm is 12 cm. The distance of P from the
fdlh pØh; prqHkqZt ABCD ds fod.kZ AC rFkk BD ijLij
center of the circle is.
fcUnq P ij izfrPNsn djrs gSaA rc ;g ges'kk lR; gksxk fd 5 ls-eh- f=T;k okys o`Ùk ds ckgjh fcUnq P ls [khaph xbZ Li'kZ js[kk
(a) BP. AB = CD. CP (b) AP. CP= BP . DP
dh yackbZ 12 ls-eh- gSA o`Ùk ds dsUnz ls P dh nwjh fdruh gS\
(c) AP. BP = CP. DP (d) AP. CD=AB. CP
(a) 12 cm. (b) 9 cm.
TYPE -II (c) 7 cm. (d)13
13 cm.
1. AB=8cm and CD= 6 cm are two parallel chords on the 7. A tangent is drawn to a circle of radius 6 cm from a point
same side of the centre of a circle. The distance between situated at a distance
istance of 10 cm from the centre of the circle.
them is 1 cm. The radius of the circle is The length of tangent will be
AB=8 ls-eh- rFkk CD = 6 ls-eh- fdlh o`Ùk ds dsUnz ds ,d 6 ls-eh- f=T;k okys ,d o`Ùk ds dsUnz ls 10 ls-eh- dh nwjh ij
gh vksj 2 lekUkkUrj thok;sa gaSA muds chp dh nnwjh 1 lseh- fLFkr ,d fcUnq ls Li'kZ js[kk [khaph tkrh gS]rks Li'kZ js[kk dh
gsA o`Ùk dh f=T;k Kkr djsa\ yackbZ Kkr djsaA
(a) 5 cm (b) 4 cm (a) 4 cm. (b) 5 cm.
(c) 3 cm (d) 2 cm (c) 8 cm. (d) 7 cm.
2. The length of two parallel chords of a circle of radius 5 cm 8. The length of a tangent from an external point to a circle is
are 6 cm and 8 cm. in the same side of the centre. The
5 3 unit. If radius of the circle is 5 units,
uni then the distance
distance between them is
of the point from the circle is
5 ls-eh- f=T;k okyss ,d o`Ùk ds dsUnz ds ,d gh vksj fLFkr
nks lekarj thokvksa dh yackbZ;k¡ Øe'k% 6 lseh vkSj 8 lsehh- fdlh fcUnq ls o`Ùk ij [khaph xbZ Li'kZ js[kk dh yackbZ 5 3
gSA muds chp dh nwjh gSA ;wfuV gSA ;fn o`Ùk dh f=T;k 5 ;wfuV gks] rc fcUnq dh o`Ùk
(a) 1 cm (b) 2 cm ls nwjh Kkr djsaA
(c) 3 cm (d) 1.5 cm (a) 5 units (b) 15 units
3. The distance between two parallel chords of length 8 cm (c) –5 units (d) –15
15 units
each in a circle of diameter 10 cm is 9. PR is tangent to a circle with centre O and radius 4 cm, at
,d o`Rr esa fLFkr 8 lseh yEckbZ dh nks lekukUrj thokvksa ds 0 20
Q. If POR  90 , OR  5cm , OP  cm, then in
chp dh nwjh Kkr djsa] ftldk
dk O;kl 10 lseh gSa& 3
(a) 6 cm (b) 7 cm cm the length of PR is
(c) 8 cm (d) 5.5 cm O dsUnz okys ,d o`Rr esa PR , Q ij ,d Li'kZ js[kk gS
4. AB and CD are two parallel chords on the opposite sides of
the centre of the circle. If AB = 10 cm, CD=24 cm and the rFkk f=T;k 4 cm gSA ;fn  POR  900 , OR  5 ls-eh-
radius of the circle is 13 cm, then the distance between the vkSj OP  20 / 3 ls-eh gks] rks PR dh yEckbZ Kkr djsaA
chords is (lse h- es)a
fdlh o`Ùk ds dsUnz ds nksuksa vksj foijhr fn'kkk esa AB rFkk (a) 3 (b) 16/3
CD nks lekUkkUrj thok,sa fLFkr gaSA ;fn AB  10 ls-eh-] (c) 23/3 (d) 25/3 (e) 5/3
CD  24 ls-eh- rFkk o`Rr dh f=T;k 13 ls-eh- gks] rks nksuks 10. A,B,C are three points on the circumference of a circle and
thokvksa ds chp dh nwjh Kkr djsa \ if 𝐴𝐵 =𝐴𝐶 =5√2 cm and  BAC  90 , find the radius.
(a) 17 cm (b) 15 cm

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 28 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
fdlh o`Ùk dh ifjf/k ij rhu fcUnq A,B,C gSaA ;fn 𝐴𝐵 = (e) None of these
𝐴𝐶 = 5√2 ls-eh- rFkk BAC  90 ] rc f=T;k Kkr djsaA 16. Two circles with centress A and B of radii 5 cm and 3 cm
(a) 10 cm. (b) 5 cm. respectively touch each other internally. If the
(c) 20 cm. (d) 15cm. perpendicular bisector of AB meets the bigger circle in P
11. Two circles of radii 10 cm and 8 cm intersect and the and Q, then the value of PQ is
length of the common chord is 12 cm. Then th
the distance 5 ls-eh- ,oa 3 ls-eh- f=T;k okys rFkk A,B dsUnz okys nks o`Ùk
between their centres is. ,d nwl w js dks vkarfjd #i ls Li'kZ djrs gSAa AB dk
nks o`Ùk ftudh f=T;k;sa Øe'k% 10 ls-eh- rFkk 8 ls-eh- gS] ,d yac&lef}Hkktd cM+s o`Ùk dks fcUnq P rFkk Q ij feyrk gS]
nwljs dks dkVrs gSa vkSj mudh mHk;fu"V thok dh yackbZ 12 rc PQ dk eku gS &
ls-eh- gSA rks muds dsUnzksa ds chp dh nwjh Kkr djsaA (a) √6 cm. (b) 2√
√6 cm.
(a) 13.3 cm. (b) 15 cm. (c) 3√6 cm. (d)4 √6
√ cm.
(c) 10 cm. (d) 8 cm. 17. Two circles touch each other internally. Their radii are 2 cm
12. Two circles of same radius 5 cm, intersect each other at A and 3cm.The biggest chord of the greater circle which is
and B. If AB=8 cm, then the distance between the centres
centre is outside the inner circle is of length
nks leku 5 ls-eh- f=T;kvksa okys o`Ùk ,d&nwljs dks fcUnq A nks o`Ùk ,d nwljs dks vkarfjd #i ls Li'kZ djrs gSaA mudh
rFkk B ij izfrPNsfnr djrs gSaA;fn AB=8 ls-eheh- gS]rks dsUnzksa f=T;k;sa Øe'k% 2 ls-eh- rFkk 3 ls-eh- gSaA cM+s o`Ùk dh cM+h ls
ds chp dh nwjh Kkr djsaA cM+h thok Kkr djsa]tks vakrfjd o`Ùk ls ckgj
c gksA
(a) 6 cm. (b) 8 cm. (a)2√2 cm (b) 3√
√2 cm
(c) 10cm. (d) 4 cm. (c) 2√3 cm (d) 4√√2 cm
13. If two equal circles whose centers are O and O' intersect 18. A Smaller circle touches internally to a larger circle at A
each other at point A and B, OO'=12 cm and AB=16 cm, and passes through the centre of the larger circle. O is the
then the radius of the circle is centre of the larger circle and BA, OA are the diameters of
nks leku o`Ùk ftuds dsUnz o rFkk o' gSa],d nwljs dks fcUnq A the larger and smallerr circles respectively. Chord AC
vkSj B ij izfrPNsfnr djrs gSa rFkk OO'=12 ls-eh- vkSj intersects the smaller circle at a point D. If AC = 12 cm,
AB=16 ls-eh-] rc o`Ùk dh f=T;k Kkr djsaA then AD is :
(a) 10cm (b) 8cm ,d NksVk o`RRk ,d vU; cMs o`RRk dks vkrafjd :i ls fcUnq
(c) 12cm (d) 14cm A ij Li'kZ djrk gS rFkk cM+s o`Rr ds dsUnz O ls gksdj
14. Two circles with centres A and B of radii 3 cm and 4 cm xqtjrk gSA BA rFkk OA Øe'k% cM+s ,o NkNksVs o`RRk ds O;kl
respectively intersect at two points C and D such that AC gaSA thok AC NksVs o`RRk dks fcUnq D ij dkVrh gSA ;fn
and BC are tangents to the two circles.
rcles. Find the length of
AC = 12 cm, rc AD = ?
the common chord CD
(a) 4cm (b) 6 cm
A vkSj B dsUnz okys nks o`Rr ftudh f=T;k,sa Øe'k% 3 cm vkSj
(c) 5.6 cm (d) data insufficient
4 cm gSa] ,d nwljs dks C vkSj D fcUnq ij bl izdkj dkVrs gSa 19. The radii of two concentric circles are 17cm and 25 cm. A
fd AC vkSj BC nksuksa o`Rrksa ij Li'kZ djrh gSaA rks mHk;fu"V straight line PQRS intersects the larger circle at the point P
thok CD dh yEckbZ Kkr djsa\ and S and intersects the smaller circle at the points Q and
C R. If QR=16 cm, then the length(in cm.) of PS is
(a) 2.4 cm
(b) 4.8 cm nks ladsUnz o`Ùkksa dh f+=T;k 17 ls-eh- vkSj 25 ls-eh- gSA,d
(c) 3.6 cm A B _tqjs[kk PQRS cMs+ o`Ùk dks P vkSj S fcUnqvksa ij dkVrh gS
(d) None of these rFkk y?kqÙkj o`Ùk dks Q vkSj R fcUnqvksa ij dkVrh gSA;fn
D QR=16 ls-eh- gS] rks PS dh yackbZ¼ls-eh-½ fdruh gSA
(a) 41 (b) 33
15. Two circles of radii 5 cm and 3 cm intersect at two points
(c) 32 (d) 40
and the distance between their centres is 4 cm. Find the
20. The radius of two concentric circles is 9 cm and 15 cm. If
length of the common chord.
the chord of the greater circle be a tangent to the smaller
nks o`RRk ftudh f=T;k;sa 5cm rFkk 3 cm gSa] ijLij nks fcUnqvksa circle, then the length of that chord is
ij izfrPNsn djrs gaS rFkk muds dsUnzksa ds chp dh nwjh 4 cm nks ladsUnzh; o`Ùkksa dh f+=T;k 9 ls-eh- vkSj 15 ls-eh- gSA;fn
gSA rc mudh mHk;fu"B thok dh yEckbZ D;k gksxhh\ cM+s o`Ùk dh thok] NksVs o`Ùk ij Li'kZ js[kk gS] rc ml thok
(a) 6 (b) 8 dh yackbZ Kkr djsaA
(c) 4.8 (d) 10 (a) 24 cm (b) 12 cm

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 29 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
(c) 30 cm (d) 18 cm 26. In the given figure, PAB is a secant and PT is a tangent to
21. The radii of two concentric circles are 13 cm and 8 cm. AB the circle from P. If PT= 5 cm, PA= 4 cm and AB= x cm,
is a diameter of the bigger circle and BD is a tangent to the then x is
smaller circle and it meets the bigger circle at E. Point A is fn, x, fp= esa PAB lhdsUV (sec ant ) gS vkSj PT o`Ùk ij
joined with D. The length of AD is fcUnq P ls [khaph xbZ ,d Li'kZ js[kk gSA ;fn PT  5 lseh-
nks ladUs nzh; o`Ùkksa dh f+=T;k 13 ls-eh- vkSj 8 ls-eh- gSA AB PA  4 ls-eh- vkSj AB  x ls-eh- gS] rks x  ?
cM+s o`Ùk dk O;kl rFkk BD NksVs o`Ùk ds fcUnq D ij [khaph
xbZ Li'kZ js[kk gS tks cM+s o`Ùk dks E ij feyrh gSAfcUnq A dks
fcUnq D ls feyk;k x;kA AD dh yackbZ Kkr djsaA
(a) 20cm (b) 19cm
(c) 18cm (d) 17cm
22. The distance between centres of two circles of radii 3 cm (a) 4/9 cm (b) 2/3 cm
and 8 cm is 13 cm. If the points of contact of a direct (c) 9/4 cm (d) 5 cm
common tangent the circles are P and Q, then the length of 27. In a given circle, the chord PQ is of length 18 cm. AB is the
the line segment PQ is: perpendicular bisector of PQ at M. If MB = 3cm, find the
3 ls-eh- vkSj 8 ls-eh- dh f=T;k okys nks o`Ùkksa ds dsUnzks ds chp length of AB.
nwjh 13cm gSA ;fn o`Ùkksa dh mHk;fu"B vuqLi'kZ js[kk ds Li'kZ fn, x, o`Ùk esa PQ thok dh yackbZ 18 lseh-h gSA AB , PQ
fcanq P vkSj Q gSa] rks js[kk[kaM PQ dh yEckbZ D;k gksxh \ dk ,d yaac lef}Hkktd gs] tks PQ dks M fcanq ij dkVrk
(a) 11.9 cm (b) 12 cm gSA ;fn MB  3 ls-eh- gS] rks AB dh yackbZ Kkr djsaA
(c) 11.5 cm (d) 11.56 cm
23. Two circles with their centres at O and P and radii 8 cm and A
4 cm respectively, touch each other externally. The length
of their common tangent is
nks o`Ùk ftuds dsUnz O rFkk P gaS vkSj ftudh f=T;k;sa Øe'k%
8 lseh- rFkk 4 lseh- gS] ,d ,d nwljs dks ckg~; :Ik ls Li'kZ
djrs gaSA rks mHk;fu"B Li'kZ js[kk dh yackbZ Kkr djsa \
(a)8 cm (b) 8.5 cm (a) 25 cm (b) 30 cm
(c) 28 cm (d) 27 cm
(c) 8 2 cm (d) 8 3 cm
28. Chords AB and CD of a circle intersect at E and are
24. The distance between the centress of two circles of radii 6 perpendicular to each other. Segments AE, EB and ED are of
cm and 3 cm is 15 cm. The length of the transverse lengths 2 cm, 6 cm and 3 cm respectively. Then the length of
common tangent to the circles is: the diameter of the circle ( in cm) is
6 ls-eh vkSj 3 ls-eh f=T;k okys nks o`Rrksa ds dsUnzksa ds chp nwjh fdlh o`Ùk dh nks thok,a AB rFkk CD ,d nwljs dks fcUnq E
15 ls-eh gSA o`Ùk dh mHk;fu"B fr;Zd Li'kZZ js[kk dh yEckbZ ij izfrPNsfnr djrh gaS rFkk ijLij yEcor~ gSaA js[kk[k.M
Kkr djsaA AE, EB rFkk ED dh yackbZ 2 ls-eh- 6 ls-eh- rFkk 3 ls-eh- gS]
(a) 7 6 cm (b)12 cm rks o`Rr ds O;kl dh yEckbZ Kkr djsa\
(c) 6 6 cm (d) 18 cm 1
(a) 65 (b) 65
25. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.
ral. AB and DC when produced 2
meet at P, If PA = 8 cm, PB = 6cm, PC = 4 cm, then the 65
(c) 65 (d)
length (in cm) of PD is 2
ABCD ,d pØh; prqHkqZt gSA AB vkSj DC tc c<+kbZ tkrh 29. PQ is a chord of length 8 cm of a circle of radius 5 cm .The
gaS] rks os P ij feyrh gSaA ;fn PA  8 ls-eh-gSgS] PB  6 ls- tangents at P and Q intersect at a point T. Find the length of
eh- gS] PC  4 ls-eh- gS] rks PD dh yEckbZ Kkr djsaA
,d o`Rr dh ,d thok PQ dh yEckbZ 8 cm vkSj f=T;k
(a) 10 cm (b) 6 cm
(c) 12 cm (d) 8 cm
5 cm gSA P vkSj Q ij [khph xbZ Li'kZ js[kk,sa T fcUnq ij
feyrh gSaA TP dh yEckbZ Kkr djs\a

5 T
Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 30 O
Mob. 8871603721
BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....

cm (b)
rhu cjkcj o`Ùk ,d nwljs dks ckg~; Li'kZ djrs gaSA ;fn bu
3 4 o`Rrksa ds dsUnz A, B rFkk Cgkas] rc ABC gSaA
30 17 (a) a right angle triangle (b) an equilateral triangle
(c) cm (d) cm
4 4 (c) an isosceles triangle (d) a scalene triangle
30. O is the centre of a circle, OP = 5, OT = 4 and AB = 8. The 35. P and Q are centre of two circles with radii 9 cm and 2 cm
line PT is a tangent to the circle. Find PB. respectively, where PQ=17 cm, R is the centre of another
O dsUnz okys o`RRk esa OP = 5, OT = 4 vkSj AB = 8 gSA js[kk circle of radius x cm which touches each of the above two
PT o`RRk dh Li'kZ js[kk gSA rks PB Kkr djsaA circles externally . If  PRQ  90  , then the value of x is
(a) 9 (b) 10 T P rFkk Q ] Øe'k% 9 lseh- rFkk 2 lseh f=T;k okys o`Ùkksa ds dsUnz
(c) 11 (d) 12 gSaA tgkaa PQ  17 ls-eh- rFkk R, ,d vU; x ls-eh- f=T;k
4 okys o`Rr dk dsUnz gsS tks nksuks o`Ùkksa dks ckgjh :Ik ls Li'kZ
O 8 A djrk gSA ;fn PRQ  90 gS] rc x dk eku Kkr djsa \
B (a) 4 cm (b) 6 cm
(c) 7 cm (d) 8 cm
31. O is the centre of a circle of radius 5 cm. T is a point Such 36. A circle is inscribed in a ABC having sides AB, BC, CA
that OT = 13 cm and OT intersects the circle at E. If AB is are 8cm, 10 cm and 12 cm. respectively D, E, F are touch
the tangent to the circle at E, find length of AB. the side AB, BC, CA respectively as shown in fig. Find
O ,d o`RRk dk dsUnz gS ftldh f=T;k 5 cm gSA T ,d fcUnq AD, BE and CF (in cm).
bl izdkj gS fd OT = 13 cm gS vkSj OT o`RRk dks E ij fn;s x;s fp= esa f=Hkqt ABC essa AB, BC, CA Hkqtk,ssa Øe'k%
dkVrh gSA ;fn js[kk AB, o`Rr dks E Ikj Li'kZ djrh gS rks 8cm, 10 cm vkSj 12 cm. gSa] ds vanj ,d o`Rr cuk;k x;k gS
AB dh yEckbZ Kkr djsaA p vkSj D, E, F Øe'k% AB, BC, CA Hkqtkvksa ij o`Rr ds Li'kZ
fcUnq gaSA rks AD, BE vkSj CF Kkr djsa ¼lseh esa½ \
(a) 20/3 cm (b) 17/3 cm 5cm T (a) 5, 3, 7 C
(c) 19/3 cm (d) 16/3 cm E (b) 4, 5, 6
Q B (c) 7, 8, 9 F E
(d) 5,7, 3
32. There are two concentric circles
rcles with centre O of radii 5 cm A B
and 3 cm. From external point P tangents PA and PB are
drawn to these circles. If AP = 12 cm, find the length of BP. 37. The radius of the incircle of a triangle is 4cm and the
nks ledsUnzh; o`Rr gaS ftudk dsUnz O gS ,oa f=T;k;sa 5 cm segments into which one side is divided by the point of
rFkk 3 cm gaSA ,d ckg~; fcUnq P ls bu o`Rrksa ij Li'kZ js[kk;sa contact are 6cm and 8cm. Determine the value of x?
Øe'k% PA ,oa PB [khaph tkrh gSaA ;fn AP = 12cm, rc BP ,d f=Hkqt ds var%o`RRk dh f=T;k 4 cm gSA ,d Hkqtk dks
dh yEckbZ D;k gksxh\ Li'kZ fcUnq }kjk 6 cm rFkk 8 cm ds Hkkxksa esa foHkkftr fd;k
A x;k gSA rks x dk eku Kkr djsa\ A
(a) 2 10 cm
6 6
(b) 3 10 cm
O P (a) 7 cm (b) 9 cm N M
(c) 4 10 cm (c) 8 cm (d) 10 cm X 8
(d) 8 10 cm B B C
x L 8
33. Two circles intersect at A and B, P is a point on produced
38. All the sides of a quadrilateral ABCD touch a circle and
BA. PT and PQ are tangents to the circles. The relation of
PT and PQ is AB  6cm, BC  7.5cm, CD  3cm .Find DA.
nks o`Ùk A rFkk B ij izfrPNsfnr gksrs gSaA js[kk BA dks fcUnq ,d prqHkqZt ABCD dh lHkh Hkqtk,sa ,d o`Rr dks Nwrh gS
P rd c<+k;k x;k A PT rFkk PQ o`r ij Li'kZ js[kk gSaA PT mlesa ;fn AB  6 cm, BC  7.5 cm, CD  3 cm gS rks
rFkk PQ ds chp laca/k LFkkfir djsaA DA fdruh gksxhA
(a) PT=2PQ (b) PT< PQ (a) 3.5 cm (b) 4.5 cm
(c) PT > PQ (d) PT=PQ (c) 2.5 cm (d) 1.5 cm
34. The three equal circles touch each other externally. If the 0
39. ABCD is a quadrilateral such that D  90 . A Circle C
centres of these circles are A, B, C then, ABC is -
(O, r) touches the sides AB, BC, CD and DA at P, Q, R and

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 31 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
S respectively. If BC = 38 cm, CD = 25 cm and BP = 27 ,d lecgqHkqt dk vakrfjd dks.k blds ckg~;dks.k ls 1080
cm, Find r. vf/kd gS rks lecgqHkqt esa Hkqtkvksa dh la[;k D;k gSa ]
ABCD ,d prqZHkqt bl izdkjgS ftlesa D  900 gSA ,d (a) 12 (b) 16
o`RRk C (O, r) AB, BC, CD vkSj DA Hkqtkvksa dks Øe'k% (c) 14 (d) 10
P, Q, R vkSj S ij Li'kZ djrk gSA ;fn BC  38 cm 7. The difference between the interior and exterior angles at a
CD  25 cm vkSj BP  27 cm gS rks r dk eku Kkr djsa\ vertex of regular polygon is 150°.
150 The number of sides of
(a) 14 cm the polygon is ?
(b) 18 cm R
;fn fdlh lecgqHkqt ds ,d 'kh"kZ ij vkarfjd ,oa ckg~;
(c) 16 cm D Q
dks.kksa dk varj 150° gSA rc lecgqHkqt esa Hkqtkvksa dh la[;k
(d) 20 cm
S D;k gksxh \
A B (a) 10 (b) 15
(c) 24 (d) 30
8. If the ratio of an external angle and an internal angle of
regular polygon is 1:17 then the number of sides of the
1. Each interior angle of a regular polygon is 140°. The
regular polygon is ?
number of sides is
,d lecgqHkqt ds izR;sd vkarfjd dks.k dk eku 140° gS rks ;fn ,d lecgqHkqt ds ckg~; dks.k vkSj vkUrfjd dks.k 1:17 ds
bldh Hkqtkvksa dh la[;k crk,A vuqikr esa gSA rc lecgqHkqt esa Hkqtkvksa dh la[;k gksxh \
(a) 10 (b) 8 (a) 20 (b) 18
(c) 6 (d) 9 (c) 36 (d) 12
2. Each interior angle of a regular hexagon is 9. The ratio of the measure of an angle of a regular nonagon
le"k"V Hkqt ds izR;sd vakrfjd dks.k dk eku crkvksaA to the measure of its exterior angle is
(a) 60° (b) 120° fdlh ukSukxu ds vakrfjd dks.k ds eku dk blds ckg~; dks.k
(c) 90° (d) None ds eku ls vuqikr crkvksa
3. If each interior angle of a regular polygon is 3 times its (a) 3:5 (b) 5:2
exterior angle, the number of sides of the polygon is (c) 7:2 (d) 4:5
;fn lecgqHkqt ds vakrfjd dks.k dk eku blds ckg~; dks.k ds 10. The sum of all the interior angles of a regular polygon is
eku dk rhu xq.kk gS rks cgqHkqt dh Hkqtk,s crk,sA four times the sum of its exterior angles. The polygon is
(a) 4 (b) 5 lecgqHkqt ds vakrfjd dks.k dk ;ksx blds ckg~; dks.kks ds ;ksx
(c) 6 (d) 8 dk 4 xquk gSA rks cgqHkqt gSA
4. Difference between the interior and exterior angles of regular
(a) hexagon (b) triangle
polygon is 60°. The number of sides in the polygon is (c) decagon (d) nonagon
fdlh lecgqHkqt ds vakrfjd dks.k vkSj ckg~; dks.k dk varj 11. If one of the interior angles of a regular polygon is equal to
60° gSA rks cgqHkqt dh Hkqtk,s crk,sA
5/6 times of one of the interior angles of a regular pentagon
(a) 5 (b) 6
(c) 8 (d) 9 , then the number of sides of the polygon is
5. The sum of all internal angles of a regular polygon whose ;fn fdlh lecgqHkqt ds vakrfjd dks.k dk eku fdlh iapHkqt ds
one exterior angle 20° is ? vakrfjd dks.k dk 5/6 xq.kk gS rks lecgqHkqt dh Hkqtkvksa dh
,d lecgqHkqt ds lHkh vkarfjd dks.kksa dk ;ksx D;k gksxk] la[;k Kkr djksaA
ftldk ,d ckg~; dks.k 200 gSA (a) 3 (b) 4
(a) 6400° (b) 3200° (c) 6 (d) 8
(c) 2880° (d) 1440° 12. The sum of the interior angles of a polygon is 1260°
1260 . The
6. The interior angle of a regular polygon exceeds its exterior number of sides of the polygon is
angle by 108°.. The number of the sides of the polygon is ? fdlh lecgqHkqt ds vakrfjd dks.kksa dk ;ksx 1260° gS rks bldh
Hkqtkvksa dh la[;k crk,

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 32 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
(a) 6 (b) 7 (a) 150° (b) 180°
(c) 8 (d) 9 (c) 160° (d) 170°
13. A polygon has 54 diagonals. The number of sides in the 20. A regular polygon is inscribed in a circle. If a side subtends
polygon is an angle of 36° at the centre, then the number of sides the
polygon is ?
,d cgqHkqt ds 54 fod.kZ gS rks bldh Hkqtkvksa dh la[;k crk,s
,d o`RRk ds vanj ,d lecgqHkqt gSA ;fn bldh ,d Hkqtk dsUnz
(a) 7 (b) 9
ij 36° ds dks.k cukrh gS rc cgqHkqt esa Hkqtkvksa dh la[;k D;k
(c) 12 (d) None
14. How many diagonals are there in an octagon ? gksxh \
(a) 5 (b) 100
,d v"VHkqt ls fod.kksZ dh la[;k D;k gksxh \ (c) 12 (d) 9
(a) 10 (b) 14
(c) 18 (d) 20
15. The ratio between the number of sides of two regular
polygons 1:2 and the ratio between their interior angle is
3:4. The number of sides of these polygons are
nks leHkqt dh Hkqtkvksa dh la[;k dk vuqikr 1:2 gS vkSj buds
vakrfjd dks.kksa dk vuqikr 3:4 gS rks bu lecgqHkqtks dh Hkqtkvksa
dh la[;k Øe'k% gksxhA
(a) 3, 6 (b) 4, 8
(c) 6, 9 (d) 5, 10
16. The number of sides in two regular polygons are in the ratio
of 5:4. The difference between their interior angles of the
polygon is 6°. The number of sides are ?
nks lecgqHkqtksa esa Hkqtkvksa dh la[;k 5:4 ds vuqikr esa gS buds
vkarfjd dks.kks dk varj 6° gSA rc lecgqHkqtksa esa Hkqtkvksa dh
la[;k gksxhA
(a) 15, 12 (b) 5, 4
(c) 10, 8 (d) 20,16
17. Among the angle 30°, 36°, 45°, 50°.. One angle cannot be an
exterior angle of a regular polygon. The angle is ?
dks.k 300, 360, 450, 500 esa dkSu ,d lecgqHkqt dk ckgjh dks.k
ugh gks ldrk \
(a) 30° (b) 36°
(c) 45° (d) 50°
18. PQRST is a cyclic pentagon and PT is a diameter then
PQR  RST is equal to ?
PQRST ,d pØh; iapHkqt gS vkSj PT bldk O;kl gSA
PQR  RST = ?
(a) 180° (b) 270°
(c) 216° (d) 144°
19. One of the internal angle of a pentagon is 140140°. If the
remaining angles are in the ratio 1:2:3:4. The size of the
greatest angle ?
,d iapHkqt dk ,d vkarfjd dks.k 140° gSA ;fn 'ks"k dks.k
1:2:3:4 ds vuqikr esa gSaA rc lcls cMk dks.k gksxkA

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 33 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....


TRIANGLE ;fn f=Hkqt dh Hkqtkvksa dh yEckbZ;ksa dk vuqikr 4 : 5 : 6 gS
1. The ratio of sides of a triangle is 3:4:5 and area of the  is vkSj  dh var f=T;k 3cm gSA rks lcls yEch Hkqtk ds
72 cm . Then the area of an equilateral  whose perimeter lkis{k Å¡pkbZ crkvks\
is same as that of the previous  . (a) 7.5cm (b) 6cm
,d f=Hkqt dh Hkqtkvksa dk vuqikr 3 : 4 : 5 gS vkSj mldk (c) 8cm (d) 10cm
{ks=Qy 72 cm2 gSA rc ml leckgq f=Hkqt dk {ks=Qy D;k 7. If each side of an equilateral  is increased by 2cm, then
gksxk] ftldk ifjeki bl  ds ifjeki ds cjkcj gS\
its area increased by 3 3 cm2. Find the length of each
(a) 56 3 (b) 48 3
side and its area.
(c) 54 (d) 72 3 ;fn ,d leckgq  dh izR;sd Hkqtk esa 2cm o`f) dj nh
2. What is the area of a  having perimeter 32cm, one side
11cm and difference of other two sides is 5cm. tk,] rks mlds {ks=Qy esa 3 3 cm2 dh o`f) gks tkrh gSA
ml  dk {ks=Qy D;k gksxk] ftldk ifjeki 32 lsehh- rFkk rks ml  dh Hkqtk vkSj {ks=Qy crkbZ;sA
,d Hkqtk dh yEckbZ 11 lseh- vkSj vU; nks Hkqtkvksa ds chp (a) 2, 3 (b) 2 ,3
varj 5 lseh gksA
(a) 8 30 (b) 16 30 (c) 2, 3 (d) 2, 3

(c) 16 (d) 8 30 8. The ratio of bases of two triangles is x : y and that of

3. Find the area of a  whose side are 50 met. 78met, 112 their areas is a : b, then the ratio of their corresponding
met respectively and also find the length of perpendicular altitudes will be
from the opposite angle vertex of the side 112 m. nks f=Hkqtks ds vk/kkjksa dk vuqikr x : y gS rFkk {ks=Qyksa dk
ml  dk {ks=Qy D;k gksxk] ftldh Hkqtk,a Øe'k% 50m, vuqikr a : b gS] rc muds 'kh"kZ&yEcksa dk vuqikr D;k gksxk\
78m, 112 m gS rFkk lcls cMh Hkqtk ij Mkys x;s yEc dh a b
(a) : (b) ax : by
yackbZ Hkh crkb;sA x y
(a) 1680, 30 (b) 1680, 22
(c) 1680, 60 (d) 1680, 55 x b
(c) ay : bx (d) :
4. If the length of each median of an equilateral  is 6 3 cm, a y
the perimeter of the  is
9. A lotus is seen 5cm above the water level of a lake. With
leckgq  dh izR;sd ekf/;dk dh yEckbZ 6 3 cm gS] rks the onset of the wind it sinks in the water 10cm away from
 dk ifjeki crkbZ;sA
its place. How deep is the water in that place?
(a) 48 (b) 50
(c) 60 (d) 36 ,d >hy es ,d dey dk Qwy ikuh dh lrg ls 5cm
5. From a point in the interior of an equilateral triangle, Åij jgrk gSSA rst gok pyus ij og vius LFkku ls 10cm
perpendiculars drawn to the three sides are 3cm, 4cm and nwj ikuh esa Mwcrk gSA Qwy ds LFkku ij ikuh dh xgjkbZ
5cm respectively. Find the area of the triangle.
fdruh gS\
leckgq  ds vanj fdlh fcUnq ls rhuksa Hkqtkvksa ij Øe'k%
3cm ,4cm vkSj 5cm ds yEc Mkys x;s gSa A rc  dk (a) 5 cm (b) 5 5 cm
{ks=Qy crkbZ;sA (c) 7.5 cm (d) 10 cm
10. The ratio of length of each equal side and the third side of
(a) 16 (b) 16 3
an isosceles triangle is 3:4. If the area of the triangle is
(c) 48 3 (d) 24 3
6. If the lengths of the sides of a triangle are in the ratio 18 5 unit2, then third side is--
:5:6 and the inradius of the triangle is 3cm, then the
altitude of the  corresponding to the longest side as base is-

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 34 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
lef}ckgq f=Hkqt dh izR;sd leku Hkqtk vkSj rhljh Hkqtk dh fdlh f=Hkqt dk {ks=Qy 1176cm2 gS vkSj vk/kkj rFkk
yEckbZvksa dk vuqikr 3:4 gSA ;fn f=Hkqt dk {ks=Qy laxr 'kh"kZ yEc esa vuqikr 3 : 4 gSA rks f=Hkqt ds 'kh"kZyEc
18 5 unit2 gks] rks rhljh Hkqtk dh yEckbzZ fdruh gksxhh\ dh yEckbZ D;k gksxh \
(a) 42 cm (b) 28 cm
(a) 16 units (b) 5 10 units (c) 14 cm (d) 56 cm
(c) 8 2 (d) 12 units. 17. The base of a triangle is 15cm and height is 12cm.
12 The
11. The area of an isosceles triangle is 4 unit2. If the length of height of another triangle whose area is double that of the
the third side is 2 unit, the length of each equal side is first triangle and the base 20cm is -
lef}ckgq f=Hkqt dk {ks=Qy 4 unit2 gSA ;fn bldh rhljh fdlh f=Hkqt dk vk/kkj 15 cm gS vkSj Å¡pkbZ 12 cm gSA
Hkqtk dh yEckbZ 2 unit gks] rks izR;sd leku Hkqtk dh yEckbZ ,d vU; f=Hkqt dh Å¡pkbZ ftldk {ks=Qy bl f=Hkqt ds
fdruh gksxhA {ks=Qy dk 2 xquk gS vkSj vk/kkj 20 cm gS] D;k gksxh\
(a) 4 units (b) 2 3 units (a) 9cm (b) 18cm
(c) 17 units (d) 2 2 units (c) 8cm (d) 12.5cm
18. The ratio of the area of a hexagon and an equilateral
12. The area of an equilateral triangle is 4 3 cm2 ,its
triangle having same perimeter is -
perimeter is -
,d le"kVHkqt vkSj leckgq f=Hkqt] ftuds ifjeki ,d
leckgq f=Hkqt dk {ks=Qy 4 3 cm2 gSA rks bldk ifjeki leku gks] muds {ks=Qyksa dk vuqikr D;k gksxk\
gksxkA (a) 2:3 (b) 6:1
(a) 12cm (b) 6 cm (c) 3:2 (d) 1:6
(c) 8cm (d) 3 3 cm
19. If the difference between area of the circumcircle and the
13. The inradius of an equilateral triangle is of length 3cm, incircle of an equilateral triangle is 44cm2, then the area of
Find the length of each of its medians is - the triangle is.
leckgq f=Hkqt dh vUr% f=T;k 3cm gSA rks bldh izR;sd ;fn leckgq f=Hkqt ds ifjo`Rr vkSj vUr%o`Rr ds {ks=Qyksa ds
ekf/;dk dh yEckbZ D;k gksxh\ chp varj 44 cm 2 gS] rks bl  dk {ks=Qy D;k gksxk\
9 (a) 14 3 (b) 15 3
(a) 12 cm (b) cm
(c) 28 3 (d) 56 3
(c) 4 cm (d) 9 cm
20. The base of a triangular field is three times its height. If
14. Find the area of a right angled triangle, if the radius of its
the cost of cultivating the field at Rs. 36.72 per hectare is
circumcentre is 5cm and the altitude drawn to the
Rs. 495.72, find its base and height.
hypotenuse is 4 cm
,d f=Hkqtkdkj eSnku dk vk/kkj mldh Å¡pkbZ dk frxquk
,d ledks.k  dk {ks=Qy D;k gksxk] ftldh ifjo`Rr dh
f=T;k 5cm gS vkSj d.kZ ij Mkys x;s 'kh"kZ yEc dh yEckbZ gSA ;fn eSnku dh tqrkbZ dk [kpZ 36.72 :@gsDV;j dh nj
4 cm gS\ ls 495.72 :- gS] rks vk/kkj vkSj Å¡pkbZ crkb;sA
(a) 20 cm2 (b) 25 cm2 (a) 600,200 (b) 900, 300
(c) 30 cm (d) 32 cm2 (c) 300,900 (d) 200,600
15. A Wire when bent in the form of an equilateral triangle 21. The perimeter of an isosceles right angled  is 2 p unit .
encloses a region having area of 121 3 cm2. If the same The area of the same triangle--
wire is rebent into the form of a circle, its radius will be-
be lef}ckgq ledks.k f=Hkqt dk ifjeki 2P gS] rks  dk
,d rkj dks leckgq f=Hkqt ds :i es eksM+k x;k gS] ftlds {ks=Qy crkb;sA
}kjk 121 3 cm2 {ks=Qy ?ksjk tkrk gSA ;fn blh rkj dks (a) 3  2 2 p 2
(b) 2  2 p 2

iqu% o`Rr ds :i esa eksM+k x;k gks] rks bldh f=T;k crkbZ;sA
(a) 21cm (b) 15.75cm
(c) 2  2 p2
(d) 3 2 p 2

(c) 10.5cm (d) 9cm

16. If the area of a triangle is 1176cm2 and the ratio of base  Quadrilaterals - A quadrilateral is a closed figure formed
and corresponding altitude is 3:4, then the altitude of the by four line segments
triangle is :

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 35 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
prqHkqZt & prqHkqZt ,d can vk—fr
fr gksrh gS tks pkj js[kk[kaMksa In a convex quadrilateral the measure of each angle is less
ls cuh gksrh gS than 180°
,d mÙky prqHkqZt esa çR;sd dks.k dk eki 180° - ls de
gksrk gS
Types -Of Quadrilateral :-
P Q Parallelogram :- Parallelogram is a quadriateral in which
each pair of opposite sides are parallel properties
Elements of a quadrilaterals prqHkqZt ds rRo lekarj prqHkqtZ % lekarj prqHkqZt ,d prqHkqZt gS ftlesa foijhr
Adjacent sides - The two sides of a quadrilateral having a i{kksa dh çR;sd tksM+h lekukarj xq.k gksrh gS
common endpoint are called adjacent sides .
1. The opposite sides are parallel and equal.
Ex :- PQ and PS, QP and QR
2. The opposite angle are equal.
vklUu Hkqtk,¡ & prqHkqZt dh nks Hkqtk,sa ftudk var fcUnq 3. The diagonals bisect each other.
mHk;f"B gksrk gSA mUgsa vklUu Hkqtk,sa dgrs gSaA
Opposite Sides - PQ and RS are called opposite sides
foijhr Hkqtk,¡ & PQ vkSj RS foijhr Hkqtk,¡ dgykrh gSa
Adjecent Angles :- Two angles of a quadrilateral which
have a common arm are called adjacent angles.
1- lEeq[k Hkqtk,¡ lekUrj vkSj leku gksrh gSAa
vklUu dks.k %& fdlh prqHkqZt ds nks dks.k ftudh ,d
2- lEeq[k dks.k cjkcj gksrs gSaA
mHk;fu"B Hkqtk gksrh gS] vklUu dks.k dgykrs gSaA
3- fod.kZ ijLij lef}Hkkftr djrs gSaA
S R Rectangle :- A rectangle is a parallelogram in which each
angle is a right angle
vk;r%& vk;r ,d lekarj prqHkqZt gksrk gS ftlesa çR;sd
dks.k ledks.k gksrk gS

P and Q are adjacent angles as they have common

arm PQ
Rhombus :- A Rhombus is a parallelogram in which all
P vkSj Q vklUu dks.k gSa D;ksafd mudh mHk;fu"B PQ four sides are equal.
Hkqtk gS leprqHkqt Z %& leprqHkqZt ,d lekarj prqHkqZt gksrk gS ftldh
Opposite Angles :- P and R are opposite angles as pkjksa Hkqtk,¡ cjkcj gksrh gSAa A
they have no common arm 1. opposite sides are parallel
lEeq[k dks.k%& P vkSj R lEeq[k dks.k gksrs gSa D;ksafd 2. all four sides are equal
mudh dksà mHk;fu"B Hkqtk ugÈ gksrh gS 3. opposite angles are equal D B
Diagonals - The line segments joining the opposite vertices 4. diagonals bisect each other at right angles.
are called the diagonals of the quadrilateral 1- lEeq[k Hkqtk,¡ lekUrj gksrh gSa
fod.kZ & lEeq[k 'kh"kks± dks feykus okys js[kk[kaM prqHkqZt ds 2- pkjksa Hkqtk,¡ leku gSa C
fod.kZ dgykrs gSa 3- lEeq[k dks.k cjkcj gksrs gSa
Convex And Concave Quadrilateral :- 4- fod.kZ ,d nwljs dks ledks.k ij lef}Hkkftr djrs gSa
quadrilateral Square :- A square is a rectangle with all the four sides
equal in other words, it is a rhombus with each angle equal
to 90°.

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 36 Mob. 8871603721
BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....

A square is a rectangle and at the same time a rhombus SQUARE

so square will have all the properties of rectangle and those Square (oxZ)
of a rhombus.
oxZ %& ,d oxZ ,d vk;r gksrk gS ftldh pkjksa Hkqtk,¡ leku
gksrh gSa nwljs 'kCnksa esa] ;g ,d leprqHkqZt gksrk gS ftld
çR;sd dks.k 90° ds cjkcj gksrk gSA
,d oxZ ,d vk;r gS vkSj lkFk gh ,d leprqHkqZt
vr% oxZ esa vk;r vkSj leprqHkqZt ds lHkh xq.k gksaxsA
1. all four sides are equal
2. opposite sides are parallel  Area  a 2
3. Each angle is a right angle. 
{ks=Qy  a2
4. The diagonals are equal
5. The diagonals bisect each other at right angles.  Perimeter  4a
1- pkjksa Hkqtk,¡ leku gSa ifjeki  4a
2- lEeq[k Hkqtk,¡ lekUrj gksrh gSa 1
3- çR;sd dks.k ledks.k gksrk gSA  Area  Diagonal 2
4- fod.kZ cjkcj gksrs gSa 1 2
5- fod.kZ ,d nwljs dks ledks.k ij lef}Hkkftr djrs gSaA  {ks=Qy  ¼fod.kZ½
Trapezium :- A trapezium is a quadrilateral in which one
pair of opposite sides are parallel. None of the angles are 22. The length of the diagonal of a square is 'a' cm. which of
equal the following represents the area of the square (in sq cm.)?
an isosceles trapezium
zium is one whose two opposite sides are ,d oxZ ds fod.kZ dh yEckbZ 'a' lseh- gSA rks bl oxZ dk
parallel and the other two sides are equal. {ks=Qy (lseh-2 esa ) gksxk&
A B a
(a) 2a (b)
2 2
a a
(c) (d)
C 2 4
23. The diagonal of a square is 4 2 cm. The diagonal of other
leyEc prqHkqZt %& leyac ,d prqHkqZt gS ftlesa lEeq[k square whose area is double that of the first square is
Hkqtkvksa dk ,d ;qXe lekukarj gksrk gSA dksà Hkh dks.k cjkcj
,d oxZ dk fod.kZ 4 2 cm. gSA ml oxZ dk fod.kZ D;k
ugÈ gS
gksxk] ftldk {ks=Qy igys oxZ ds {ks=Qy ls nks xquk gks&
,d lef}ckgq leyEc og gksrk gS ftldh nks foijhr Hkqtk,¡
lekukarj gksrh gSa vkSj vU; nks Hkqtk,¡ leku gksrh gSaA (a) 8 2 cm (b) 16 cm
kite :- In a kite, the two pairs of adjacent sides are equal (c) 32 cm (d) 8 cm
and the diagonals intersect each other at right angles.
24. The diagonal of a square A is (a+b). The diagonal of a
irax %& ,d irax esa vklUu Hkqtkvksa ds nks tksM+s cjkcj gksrs square whose area is twice the area of square A is
gSa vkSj fod.kZ ,d nwljs dks ledks.k ij dkVrs gSaA oxZ A dk fod.kZ (a+b) gSA ml oxZ dk fod.kZ D;k gksxk]
ftldk {ks=Qy oxZ A ls nksxquk gS \
(a) 2(a+b) (b) 2(a+b)2
(c) 2 a  b (d) 2 a  b
D B 25. The difference of the areas of two square draw on two line
segments of different lengths is 32cm2. Find the length of
the greater line segment, if one is longer than the other by
A 2cm.

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 37 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
nks fHkUu&fHkUu yEckbZ;ksa ds js[kk[k.Mksa ij [khaps x;s oxksZa ds  d1 vkSj d2 fod.kZ gSA
{ks=Qyksa dk vUrj 32cm2 gSA rks cMs+ js[kk[k.M dh yEckbZ  Perimeter = 4a
Kkr djks ;fn ,d js[kk[k.M nwljs ls 2cm. ls-eh- eh vf/kd gSA ifjeki = 4a
(a) 7cm (b) 9cm 1
(c) 11cm (d) 16cm  Area =  d1  d 2
26. If the diagonals of two squares are in the ratio of 2:5, their
area will be in the ratio of - {ks=Qy =  d1  d 2
;fn nks oxksZa ds fod.kksZa dk vuqikr 2:5 gS] rks buds {ks=Qyksa
dk vuqikr gksxk&  Area  side2  sin θ

(a) 2: 5 (b) 2:5

{ks=Qy  Hkqtk2× sin θ
(c) 4:25 (d) 4:5 30. The perimeter of a rhombus is 40m and its height is 5m. Its
27. The perimeters of five squares are 24cm, 32cm, 40cm, area is -
76cm and 80cm respectively. The perimeter of another ,d leprqHkqZt dk ifjeki 40m rFkk bldh Å¡pkbZ 5m gSA
square equal in area to sum of the areas of these squares is rks bldk {ks=Qy fdruk gksxk&
ikap oxksZa dk ifjeki Øe'k% 24cm, 32cm, 40cm, 76cm (a) 60 m2 (b) 50 m2
rFkk 80cm gaSA rks ml oxZ dk ifjeki crkbZ;s ftldk (c) 45 m 2
(d) 55 m2
{ks=Qy bu oxksZa ds {ks=Qyksa ds ;ksx ds cjkcj gS& 31. The area of a rhombus is 150cm2. The length of one of its
(a) 31cm (b) 62 cm diagonals is 10cm. The length of the other diagonals is -
(c) 124cm (d) 961cm ,d leprqHkqZt dk {ks=Qy 150cm2 gSA mlds ,d fod.kZ
28. A kite in the shape of a square with a diagona
diagonal 32cm dh yEckbZ 10 cm gS] rks nwljs fod.kZ dh yEckbZ gksxh&
attached to an equilateral triangle of the base 8cm. (a) 25cm (b) 30 cm
Approximately how much paper has been used to make (c) 35 cm (d) 40cm

it ?  3  1.732 32. The perimeter of a rhombus is 100cm. if one of its

diagonals is 14cm, then the area of the rhombus is
,d oxkZdkj irax] ftldk fod.kZ 32cm gS] 8cm vk/kkj fdlh leprqHkqZt dk ifjeki 100 cm gSA blds ,d fod.kZ
okys ,d leckgq  ls tksM+h xbZ gSA rn~uqlkj] mls cukus esa dh yEckbZ 14 cm gSA leprqHkqZt dk {ks=Qy gksxk&
(a) 144 cm2 (b) 225 cm2
yxHkx fdruk dkxt bLrseky gksxk¼ 3  1.732ekudj½ & (c) 336 cm2 (d) 400 cm2
(a) 539.712cm2 (b) 538.721 cm2 33. The perimeter of a rhombus is 100cm and one of its
(c) 540.712 cm (d) 539.217 cm2 iagonals is 40cm. Its area (in cm2) is-
29. The side of a square exceeds the side of another square by leprqHkqZt dk ifjeki 100 ls-eh- gS vkSj blds ,d fod.kZ
4cm and the sum of the areas of the two square is 400cm2.
dh yEckbZ 40 ls-eh- gSA rks bldk {ks=Qy (ls-eh-2 esa )
Find the dimensions of the squares.
,d oxZ dh Hkqtk nwljs oxZ dh Hkqtk ls 4cm vf/kd gS vkSj
(a) 1200 (b) 1000
nksuksa oxksZa ds {ks=Qyksa dk ;ksx 400cm2 gSA nksuksa oxksZa dh (c) 600 (d) 500
Hkqtkvksa dh yEckbZ D;k gksxh\ 34. If the measure of one side and one diagonal of a rhombus
(a) 12, 16 (b) 20, 24 are 10cm and 16cm respectively, then its area is-
(c) 14, 18 (d) 18, 22 ;fn leprqHkqZt dh ,d Hkqtk vkSj ,d fod.kZ dh yEckbZ
RHOMBUS Øe'k% 10cm vkSj 16cm gS] rks bldk {ks=Qy gksxk&
(a) 60 cm2 (b) 64 cm2
Rhombus (leprqHkqZt) 2
(c) 96 cm (d) 100 cm2
35. The perimeter of a rhombus is 40cm and the measure of an
a d angle is 600, then the area of it is -
2 a fdlh leprqHkqt Z dk ifjeki 40cm gS vkSj blds ,d dks.k
d1 dh eki 600 gSA rks bldk {ks=Qy gksxk&
 a Hkqtk a a (a) 100 3cm2 (b) 50 3cm2
 h ÅWpkbZ

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 38 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
2 40. The length of a plot is five times its breadth. A playground
(c) 160 3cm (d) 100cm 2
36. The length of each side of a rhombus is equal to the length measuring 245 metres2 occupies half of the total area of the

of the side of a square whose diagonal is 40 2 cm. If the plot. What is the length of the plot ?
length of the diagonals of the rhombus are in the ratio 3:4, ,d IykWV dh yEckbZ mldh pkSM+kbZ dh ikap xquh gSA ml
then its area (in cm2) is- IykWV esa ,d [ksy dk eSnku gS] ftldh eki 245m2 gS vkSj
,d leprqHkqZt dh izR;sd Hkqtk dh yEckbZ ml oxZ dh Hkqtk tks iwjs IykWV dk vk/kk gSA IykWV dh yEckbZ D;k gS&
dh yEckbZ ds cjkcj gS] ftldk fod.kZ 40 2 ls-eh. gSA ;fn (a) 35 2m (b) 175 2m
ml leprqHkqZt ds fod.kksZa dh yEckbZ;ksa dk vuqikr 3%4 gks] (c) 490 m (d) 5 2 m
rks mldk {ks=Qy fdruk gksxk (ls-eh-2 es)a 41. The length of a rectangular garden is 12m and its breadth is
(a) 1550 (b) 1600 5m. Find the length of the diagonals of a square garden
(c) 1535 (d) 1536 having the same area as that of the rectangular garden.
37. The diagonals of a rhombus are 15cm and 36cm long. Find ,d vk;rkdkj cxhps dh yEckbZ 12m gS vkSj pkSM+kbZ 5m. gSA
its perimeter. bl vk;rkdkj cxhps ds cjkcj cj {ks=Qy okys ,d oxkZdkj
,d leprqHkqZt ds fod.kksZa dh yEckbZ Øe'k% 15 ls-eh- vkSj cxhps ds fod.kZ dh yEckbZ Kkr dhft,&
36 ls-eh- gS] bldk ifjeki D;k gksxk \ (a) 2 30m (b) 13m
(a) 78 cm (b) 76 cm
(c) 72 cm (d) 74 cm (c) 13 m (d) 8 15m
38. Perimeterr of a rhombus is 2p unit and sum of length of 42. A took 15 sec to cross a rectangular field diagonally walking
diagonals is m unit, then area of the rhombus is at the rate of 52 m/ min and B took the same time to cross the
,d leprqHkqZt dk ifjeki 2p unit gS vkSj fod.kksZa dh same field along its sides walking at the rate of 68m/min. The
yEckbZ dk ;ksx m unit gS] rks leprqHkqZt dk {ks=Qy gksxk& area of the field is -
1 2 1 2 A fdlh vk;rkdkj eSnku dks mlds fod.kZ ds vuq vufn'k
(a) m p unit 2 (b) mp unit 2 52m/min dh pky ls pydj 15 sec esa ikj djrk gS rFkk B
4 4
bl [ksr dks mldh Hkqtkvksa ds vuqfn'k 68m/min dh pky

1 2

m  p 2 unit 2 (d)

1 2

p  m 2 unit 2 ls pydj mrus gh le; esa ikj djrk gSA rks bl [ksr dk
RECTANGLE {ks=Qy D;k gksxk&
Rectangle (vk;r) (a) 30 m2 (b) 40 m2
(c) 50 m (d) 60 m2
43. The difference between the length and breadth of a
rectangle is 23m. If its perimeter is 206m, then its area is -
,d vk;r dh yEckbZ vkSj pkSM+kbZ ds chp vUrj 23 m dk gS
vkSj bldk ifjeki 206 m gS] rks vk;r dk {ks=Qy gS&
(a) 1520 m2 (b) 2420 m2
(c) 2480 m (d) 2520 m2
 Area  1 b 44. The length of a rectangular hall is 5 m more than its
breadth. The area of the hall is 750 m2. The length of the
{ks=Qy  1  b
hall is-
 Perimeter  2l  b 
,d vk;rdkj gkWy dh yEckbZ mldh pkSM+kbZ ls 5m vf/kd
ifjeki  2l  b  gSA gkWy dk {ks=Qy 750 m2 gSA gkWy dh yEckbZ gS&
(a) 15 m (b) 22.5 m
39. The breadth of a rectangular hall is three fourth of its (c) 25 m (d) 30 m
length. If the area of the floor is 768m2, then the 45. The length of a room floor exceeds its breadth by 20m. The
difference between the length and breadth of the hall is - area of the floor remains unaltered when the length is
,d vk;rkdkj gkWy dh pkSM+kbZ mldh yEckbZ dh rhu decreased by 10m and breadth is increased 5m. Then the
pkSFkkbZ gSA ;fn Q'kZ dk {ks=Qy 768 eh2 gks] rks gkWy d
dh area of floor is -
yEckbZ vkSj pkSM+kbZ dk vUrj gksxk& ,d dejs ds Q'kZ dh yEckbZ] mldh pkSM+kbZ ls 20 ehVj
(a) 8m (b) 12 m vf/kd gSA mlds Q'kZ dk {ks=Qy rc Hkh vifjofrZr jgrk gS
(c) 24 m (d) 32 m

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 39 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
tc yEckbZ 10 ehVj de dj nh tkrh gS vkSj pkSM+kbZ 5 ehVj ,d vk;r dh yEckbZ mldh pkSM+kbZ ls 8cm vf/kd gS vkSj
c<+k nh tkrh gSA Q'kZ dk {ks=Qy fdruk gksxk (ehVj 2 es)a & vk;r dk {ks=Qy 240 cm2 gS] rks vk;r dh yEckbZ vkSj
(a) 280 (b) 325 pkSM+kbZ Øe'k% D;k gksxh ¼lseh- esa½ \
(c) 300 (d) 420 (a) 12, 20 (b) 18, 10
46. A lawn is in the form of a rectangle having its breadth and (c) 20, 12 (d) 20, 28
1 51. Q iss a point in the interior of rectangle ABCD. If QA =
length in the ratio 3:4. The area of the lawn is hectare,
12 3cm, QB = 4cm and QC = 5cm, then the length of QD (in
the breadth of the lawn is- cm is)
,d vk;rkdkj eSnku dh pkSM+kbZ rFkk yEckbZ 3:4 ds vuqikr vk;r ABCD ds vUnj dksbZ fcUnq Q gSA ;fn QA = 3cm,
1 QB = 4cm rFkk QC = 5cm, rc QD dh yECkkbZ D;k gksxh&
esa gS] ml eSnku dk {ks=Qy gsDVs;j gSA ml eSnku dh
12 (a) 3 2 (b) 5 2
pkSM+kbZ fdruh gS&
(c) 34 (d) 41
(a) 25 m (b) 50 m
(c) 75 m (d) 100 m 52. ABCD is a rectangle where the ratio of the length of AB
47. The area of a rectangle is thrice that of a square. The length and BC is 3:2. If P is the mid point of AB, then the value of
of the rectangle is 20cm and the breadth of the rectangle is SinCPB is -
3 ABCD ,d ,slk vk;r gS ftlesa AB rFkk BC dh yEckbZ;ksa
times that of the side of the square. The side of the dk vuqikr 3%2 gSA mlesa ;fn P, Hkqtk AB dk e/;fcUnq gks]
square (in cm) is - rks SinCPB dk eku D;k gksxk&
,d vk;r dk {ks=Qy ,d oxZ ds {ks=Qy dk frxquk gSA ml 4 2
(a) (b)
vk;r dh yEckbZ 20 ls-eh- gS vkSj mldh pkSM+kbZ ml oxZ dh 3 5
3 3 4
Hkqtk dh xquh gSA ml oxZ dh Hkqtk fdrus ls-eh
eh- gS & (c) (d)
2 4 5
(a) 10 cm (b) 20 cm PARALLELOGRAM
(c) 30 cm (d) 60 cm
Parallelogram (lekUrj prqHkqZt)
48. A path of uniform width runs round the inside of a
rectangular field 38m long and 32m wide. If the path a
2 2
occupies 600 m , then the width of the path is ( cm )? d2
,d vk;rkdkj eSnku ftldh yEckbZ vkSj pkSM+kbZ Øe'k% b b
38 ehVj rFkk 32 ehVj gS] blds vUnj pkjksa vksj ,d leku d1
pkSM+kbZ dk jkLrk fudyk gS] tks 600 ehVj2 {ks=Qy ?ksjrk gSA a
rks jkLrs dh pkSM+kbZ D;k gksxh \  a vkSj b nks Hkqtk,sa
(a) 30 m (b) 5 m  h nks lekraj Hkqtkvksa dh chp dh ÅWpkbZ
(c) 18.75 m (d) 10 m  d1 vkSj d2 fod.kZ gSA
49. The length and breadth of a rectangular field are in the ratio  Area  b  h
7:4. A path 4 m wide running all around outside has an area
{ks=Qy  vk/kkj × ÅWpkbZ
of 416m2. The breadth (in m) of the field is -
 Area  ab sin θ
,d vk;rkdkj eSnku dh yEckbZ rFkk pkSM+kbZ dk vuqikr 7%4
gSA mlds ckgj pkjksa vksj 4m pkSM+k jkLrk cuk;k x;k gS] tks {ks=Qy = ab sin θ
416m2 {ks=Qy dk gSA bl eSnku dh pkSM+kbZ fdruh gksxh \  Area   d1  d 2 sin θ
(a) 28 (b) 14 1
(c) 15 (d) 16 {ks=Qy = 2  d1  d 2 sin θ
50. The length of a rectangle exceeds its width by 8cm and the
area of the rectangle is 240cm2 . Find the dimensions of the 53. A parallelogram has sides 15cm and 7cm long. The length
of one of the diagonals in 20cm, the area of the
rectangle respectively (in cm).
parallelogram is -

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 40 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
,d lekUrj prqHkqZt dh Hkqtk,¡ 15 cm rFkk 7 cm gSA mlds
,d fod.kZ dh yEckbZ 20 cm gS] rks bldk {ks=Qy fdruk
(a) 42cm2 (b) 60 cm2
(c) 84 cm (d) 96 cm2
54. Sides of a parallelogram are in the ratio 5:4. Its area is 1000
unit2. Altitude on the greater side is 20 units. Altitude on  a and b are the parallel side / a vkSj b lekraj Hkqtkvksa dh
the smaller side is yackbZ
lekUrj prqHkqZt dh Hkqtkvksa dk vuqikr 5:4 gSA bldk  h is the distance between the parallel side / h nksuksa lekarj
{ks=Qy 1000 unit2 gSA cM+h Hkqtk ij Mkys x;s yEc dh Hkqtkvksa ds chp dh ÅWpkbZ
yEckbZ 20 bdkbZ gS] rks NksVh Hkqtk ij 'kh"kZ yEc dh yEckbZ 1
 Area   a  b   h
Kkr djks& 2
(a) 30 units (b) 25 units 1
(c) 10 units (d) 15 units  {ks=Qy   a  b   h
55. In a parallelogram the length of adjacent sides are 12cm
and 14cm respectively. If the length of one diagonal is 58. ABCD is a trapezium in which AB||DC and AB = 2CD.
16cm, Find the length of other diagonal. The diagonals AC and BD meet at O. The ratio of area of
lekUrj prqHkqtZ dh nks vklUu Hkqtkvksa dh yEckbZ Øe'k% AOB and COD is -
12cm vkSj 14cm gSA ;fn blds ,d fod.kZ dh yEckbZ ABCD ,d leyEc prqHkqZt gS] ftlesa AB||DC vkSj AB =
16cm gS] rks nwljs fod.kZ dh yEckbZ gksxh & 2CD. fod.kZ AC rFkk BD ,d nwljs dks fcUnq O ij feyrs gSaA
21 15
(a) (b) 2 106 rks AOB rFkk COD ds {ks=Qy dk vuqikr gksxkA
21 15 (a) 1:1 (b) 1: 2
(c) 3 106 (d) (c) 4:1 (d) 1:4
56. ABCD is a parallelogram, the diagonal AC and BD 59. In ABC,
ABC, D and E are the point of side AB and BC
intersect at O. AO = 5cm, BO = 7cm,  AOB = 1200 , find respectively such that DE||AC and AD : BD = 3:2. The
its area.
D to that of BED is -
ratio of area of trapezium ACED
ABCD ,d lekUrj prqHkqZt gS] ftlds fod.kZ AC vkSj BD
,d nwljs dks fcUnq O ij izfrPNsn djrs gSaA ;fn AO = ABC esa Hkqtk AB vkSj BC ij fcUnq Øe'k% D vkSj E bl
5cm, BO = 7cm, AOB = 1200 , rks bldk {ks=Qy D;k izdkj gSa fd DE||AC vkSj AD : BD = 3:2. rks leyEc
gksxk \ prqHkqZt ACED ds {ks=Qy dk BED ds {ks=Qy ls D;k
vuqikr gksxk&
(a) 35 2 (b) 7 15
(a) 4:15 (b) 15:4
(c) 35 3 (d) 35 5 (c) 4:21 (d) 21:4
57. ABCD is a parallelogram. Q and P are the mid point on 60. A field is in the shape of a trapezium. Its parallel sides are
ACP is 12cm2 ,
side DC and BC respectively. The area of ACP 25 m and 10m. The non parallel sides are 14m and 13m.
then find the area of APQ. Find the area of the field.
ABCD ,d lekUrj prqHkqZt gS] ftldh Hkqtk DC vkSj BC ds ,d eSnku
nku leyEc vkdkj dk gSA bldh lekUrj Hkqtk,¡
e/;fcUnq Øe'k% Q vkSj P gSAa ACP dk {ks=Qy 12cm2 gS] Øe'k% 25m vkSj 10m dh gSa rFkk bldh vlekUrj Hkqtk,¡
rks APQ dk {ks=Qy fdruk gksxk\
14m rFkk 13m yEch gSa] rks bldk {ks=Qy D;k gksxk \
(a) 9 (b) 36
(c) 18 (d) 27 (a) 196 m (b) 144 m2
(c) 256 m2 (d) 150 m2
TRAPEZIUM 61. In a trapezium parallel sides are 60cm and 90cm
respectively and non-parallel
parallel sides are 40cm and 50
Trapezium (leyac prqHkqZt) respectively. Find its area.
D a C

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior h 41 Mob. 8871603721

A b F B
BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
leyEc prqHkqZt esa lekUrj Hkqtkvksa dh yEckbZ;k¡a Øe'k% 60 ABCD ,d iarx gS] tgk¡ A 90 vkSj C60 gSA ;fn
cm rFkk 90cm gSa vkSj vlekUrj Hkqtkvksa dh yEckbZ;k¡ Øe'k% AB dh yackbZ 6 lseh gS] rks fod.kZ AC dh yackbZ D;k
40 cm rFkk 50 cm gaSA bldk {ks=Qy crkbZ;sA gksxh\
2400 cm2
3600 cm2
(b) 3000 cm2
(d) 6000 cm2
 
(a) 6 2  3 cm  
(b) 2 3  6 cm
62. The area of field in the shape of a trapezium measures
m (c) 2 2  3 cm (d) 3 2  6 cm
1440m2. The perpendicular distance between its parallel
sides is 24m. If the ratio of the parallel sides is 5:3, the
length of the longer parallel side is - 67. At least one pair of opposite angles is congruent in a ____
leyEc vkkdkj ds ,d {ks= dk {ks=Qy 1440m2 gSA lekUrj ___esa foijhr dks.kksa dh de ls de ,d tksM+h vuq:i gksrh
Hkqtkvksa ds chp dh yEcor~ nwjh 24m gSA ;fn lekUrj
Hkqtkvksa dk vuqikr 5:3 gks] rks lcls cM+h Hkqtk dh yEckbZ
(a) cyclic quadrilateral/ pØh; prqHkqZt
(a) 75m (b) 45m (b) Trapezium/ leyac
(c) 120m (d) 60m (c) Isosceles trapezium/ lef)ckgq leyEc
63. The area of an isosceles trapezium is 176cm2 and the height (d) Kite/ irax
is 2 68. In a kite ___
11 of the sum of its parallel sides. If the ratio of the
,d irax esa _____
length of the parallel sides is 4:7, then the length of a
diagonal (in cm) is - (a) Two pairs of consecutive sides are congruent
,d lef}ckgq leyEc prqHkqZt dk {ks=Qy 176 176cm2 gS vkSj / yxkrkj cktqvksa ds tksMsa laxr gksrs gSA
(b) Diagonals are perpendicular bisectors of each
Å¡pkbZ bldh lekUrj Hkqtkvksa ds ;ksx dk 2 11 gSA ;fn
other / fod.kZ ,d nwljs ds yac f}foHkktd gksrs gSA
lekUrj Hkqtkvksa dh yEckbZ dk vuqikr 4%7 gS] rks fod.kZ dh (c) both diagonals from two congruent triangles
yEckbZ D;k gksxh \ nksuksa fod.kZ nks laxr f=Hkqt cukrs gSA
(a) 24 (b) 2 137 (d) Adjecent angles are supplementary/

dVLFk dks.k vuqijw d gksrs gSA
(c) 28 (d)
69. In a kite _____
64. Find the area of a quadrilateral ABCD whose sides are 9m,
,d irax es_a __
40m, 28m and 15m respectively and the angle between the (a) One diagonal bisects the other/
first two sides is right angle. ,d fod.kZ vU; dks nks Hkkxksa esa ckVark gSA
prqHkqZt ABCD dk {ks=Qy D;k gksxk] ftldh Hkqtkvksa dh (b) Both diagonals form two congruent triangles /
yEckbZ Øe'k% 9m, 40m, 28m rFkk 15m gS vkSj bldh igyh nksuksa fod.kZ nks laxr f=Hkqt cukrs gSA
nks Hkqtkvksa ds chp dk dks.k ledks.k gSA (c) Adjacent angles are supplementary/
(a) 306 m2 (b) 196 m2 fudVLFk dks.k vuqiwjd gksrs gSa
(c) 153 m (d) 144 m2 (d) opposite sides are parallel /
65. Find the area of the quadrilateral ABCD, in wh
which AB = foijhr cktw,¡ lekUrj
rj gksrh gSA
7cm, BC = 6cm, CD = 12, DA = 15cm and AC = 9cm.
70. Area of ___ equals square of its side.
prqHkqZt ABCD dk {ks=Qy Kkr djks ftlesa AB = 7cm,
BC = 6cm, CD = 12 cm, DA = 15cm vkSj AC = 9 cm gSA
____dk {ks=Qy mldh Hkqtk ds oxZ ds cjkcj gksrk gSA
(a) Rhombus / leprqHkqZt
(a) 27  2 110 (b) 54  2 110
(b) Cyclic quadrilataral/ pØh; prqHkqZt
(c) 54  110 (d) 54  2 110
(c) Rectangle/ vk;r
66. ABCD is kite where A is 90° and  C is 60° If length
(d) Square / oxZ
of AB is 6 cm. What is the length of diagonal AC?
71. In a rhombus-
,d le prqHkqZt esa
(a) Diagonals are equal and perpendicular

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 42 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
/ fod.kZ ,d cjkcj vkSj yacor gksrs gSA (a) Diagonals bisect opposite angles/ fod.kZ foijhr
(b) consecutive angles are euqal/ dks.kksa ds lef}Hkktd gksrs gSA
yxkrkj dks.k ,d cjkcj gksrs gSA (b) consecutive sides are congruent / yxkrkj Hkqtk
(c) Consecutive angles are supplementary/ laxr gksrh gSA
yxkrkj dks.k vuqiwjd gksrs gSA (c) All sides are congruent/ lHkh
Hkqtk laxr gksrh gSA
(d) Adjacent sides are not equal/ (d) Diagonals form two congruent triangles/ fod.kZ nks
vklUu Hkqtk ,d cjkcj ugha gksrh gSA laxr f=Hkqt cukrs gS
72. In a rhombus 77. The diagonals are not perpendicular is a
,d le prqHkqZt esa __A ___esa fod.kZ yacor ugha gksrs gSA
(a) diagonals form two congruent triangles
triangles/ fod.kZ nks (a) parallelogram/ lekUrj prqHkqZt
laxr f=Hkqt cukrs gSA (b) kite / irax
(b) diagonals are congruent/ nksuksa fod.kZ
od.kZ laxr gksrs gS\ (c) Rhombus/ le prqHkqZt
(c) opposite angles are supplementary/ foijhr dks.k (d) Square / oxZ
vuqiwjd gksrs gSA 78. At least two pairs of consesutive angles are congruent in a
(d) diagonals do not bisect opposite angles/ fod.kZ
__esa Øekxr dks.k ds de ls de nks tksM+ vuq:i gksrs gSA
foijhr dks.kksa ds lef}Hkktd ugha gksrs gSA (a) parallelogram/ lekUrj prqHkqZt
73. All sides are congruent in a ___ (b) isosceles trapezium/ lef)ckgq leyEc
___esa lHkh Hkqtk,sa lokZxle gksrh gSA (c) Rhombus/ le prqHkqZt
(a) Rectangle/vk;r (d) kite/ iarx
79. The diagonalsls are congruent is a ___
(b) parallelogram/ lekarj prqHkqt Z
____esa fod.kZ vuq:i gksrs gSA
(c) Rhombus/ le prqHkqZt (a) parallelogram/ lekUrj prqHkqZt
(d) kite/irax (b) Rhombus/ leprqHkqZt
74. In which of the following quadrilaterals both pairs of (c) Isosceles trapezium/ lef}ckgq leyEc
opposite sides are parallel? (d) Kite/ irax
80. In an isosceles trapezium___
fuEufyf[kr prqHkqZtksa esa ls fdlesa foijhr fn'kk dh nksuksa
,d lef}ckgq leYkEc esa ___
Hkqtk,sa lekUrj gksrh gS\ (a) Diagonals are congruent/ fod.kZ laxr gksrs gSA
(a) Rectangle/ vk;r (b) Opposite sides are parallel /
(b) Cyclic quadrilateral / pØh; prqHkqZt foijhr Hkqtka, lekUrj gksrh gSA
(c) Kite/ irax (c) Diagonals are bisectors of each other /
fod.kZ ,d nwljs ds lef}Hkktd gksrs gSA
(d) Isosecles trapezium/ lef)ckgq leyEc (d) diagonals bisect opposite angles/
75. In a rectangle ___ fod.kZ foijhr dks.kksa ds lef}Hkktd gksrs gSA
,d vk;r esa ___A 81. In a cyclic quadrilateral :-
(a) Consecutive angles are congruent as well as
,d pØh; prqHkqZt esa %&
(a) Opposite sides are parallel
supplementary/ Øekxr dks.k vuqiwjd vkSj lkFk gh laxr
foijhr Hkqtk;s lekUrj gksrh gSA
gksrs gSA (b) Diagonals are bisectors of each other
(b) Diagonals are perpendicular to each other/ fod.kZ ,d nwljs dks lef}Hkkftr djrs gS
fod.kZ ,d nwljs ij ycaor gksrs gSA (c) Opposite angles are supplementary
(c) Diagonals bisect opposite angles/ foijhr dks.k lEiwjd gksrs gSA
(d) Adjacent angles are supplementary
fod.kZ foijhr dks.kksa ds lef}Hkktd gksrs gSA laxr dks.k lEiwjd gksrs gSA
(d) Diagonals are not equal/ CIRCLE
fod.kZ ,d cjkcj ugha gksrs gSa
76. In a rectangle :-
,d vk;r esa

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 43 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
82. A wire is bent into the shape of a square. The area of the (a) 3, 11 (b) 4, 10
square is 81cm2. When the wire is bent into a semicircle (c) 9, 5 (d) 6, 8
 22  88. Two circle touch internally. The sum of their areas is 116
shape, the area of the semicircle is   
 7 cm2 and distance between their centre is 6cm. Find the ra
/kkrq ds ,d rkj dks oxZ ds :i esa eksM+k x;k gS] ftldk of the circles.
{ks=Qy 81cm2 gSA tc bl rkj dks v)Zo`Rr ds :i esa eksM+k nks o`Rr tks ,d&nwljs dks vUr% Li'kZ djrs gSa] ds {ks=Qyksa dk
 22  ;ksx 116 cm2 vkSj buds dsUnzksa ds chp dh nwjh 6cm gSA
x;k gks] rks bl v)Zo`Rr dk {ks=Qy D;k gksxk  
 7  budh f=T;kvksa dh yEckbZ gksxhA
(a) 154cm2 (b) 77 cm2 (a) 10, 4 (b) 5 , 4
(c) 44 cm2 (d) 22 cm2 (c) 5, 2 (d) 10, 2
83. A wire, when bent is the form of a square encloses a region 89. The radii of two circle are 5cm and 12cm. The area of a
having area 121 cm2. If the same wire is bent into the form third circle is equal to the sum of the area of the two
of a circle, then the area of the circle is - circles. The radius of the third circle is-
/kkrq ds ,d rkj dks tc oxZ ds :i esa eksM+k x;k rks mlds nks o`Rrksa dh f=T;k,¡ Øe'k% 5cm vkSj 12cm gSaA rhljs o`Rr
}kjk ?ksjk x;k {ks=Qy 121 cm2 gSA ;fn blh rkj dks o`Rr ds dk {ks=Qy bu nksuksa o`Ùkks ds {ks=Qyksa ds ;ksx ds cjkcj gSA
:i esa eksM+k tk, rks bldk {ks=Qy D;k gksxk rks rhljs o`RRk dh f=T;k D;k gksxh \
(a) 144cm2 (b) 180 cm2 (a) 13cm (b) 21cm
(c) 154 cm2
(d) 176 cm2 (c) 30cm (d) 17cm
84. A copper wire is bent into the form of an equi
equilateral 90. The difference between the radii of the bigger circle and
smaller circle is 14cm and the difference between their area
triangle and has area 121 3 cm2. If the same wire is bent
is 1056cm2. Radius of the smaller circle is -
into the form of a circle, the area enclosed by the wire is -
dkWij ds ,d rkj dks leckgq f=Hkqt ds :i esa eksM+k x;k gSA cM+s o`Rr vkSj NksVs o`Rr dh f=T;kvksa ds chp 14cm dk vUrj
gS vkSj buds {ks=Qyksa ds chp 1056cm2 dk vUrj gS] rks NksVs
bl leckgq f=Hkqt dk {ks=Qy 121 3 cm2 gSA tc blh rkj
o`Rr dh f=T;k D;k gksxh \
dks o`Rr ds :i esa eksM+k tk,] rc o`Rr dk {ks=Qy gksxk&
(a) 7cm (b) 5cm
(a) 364.5cm2 (b) 693.5 cm2
2 (c) 9cm (d) 3cm
(c) 346.5 cm (d) 639.5 cm2
91. A rack track is in the form of a ring whose inner
85. A wire of length 44cm is first bent to form a circle and then
circumference is 352m and the outer circumference is 396
rebent to form a square, the difference of the two enclosed
m. Find the width of the track and area of the track.
areas is -
,d nkSM+ dk jkLrk o`Rr ds :i esa gS] ftldh vUr% ifjf/k 352m
44cm yEckbZ ds ,d rkj dks igys o`Rr ds :i esa eksMk+ x;k
vkSj cká ifjf/k 396m gSA bl jkLrs dh pkSM+kbZ vkSj {ks=Qy
vkSj fQj iqu% bls oxZ ds :i esa eksM+k x;kA rks nksuksa }kjk
Kkr dhft,A
?ksjs x;s {ks=Qyksa ds chp vUrj gksxk&
(a) 7, 833  (b) 7, 611 
(a) 44cm2 (b) 33 cm2
2 (c) 7, 441  (d) 7, 850 
(c) 55 cm (d) 66 cm2
86. A wire is looped in the form of a circle of radius 28cm. It is 92. The inner circumference of a circular track is 220m. The
rebent into a square form. Determine the length of the side track is 7m wide everywhere. Calculate the cost of putting
of the square. up a fence along the outer circle at the rate of Rs. 2/m.
,d rkj dks o`Rr ds :i esa eksMk+ x;k gS] ftldh f=T;k o`Rrkdkj iFk dh vUr% ifjf/k 220m gS] tks lHkh txg 7m
28cm gSA blh rkj dks vxj oxZ ds :i esa eksM+k tkrk gS rks pkSM+k gSA blds cká o`Rr ds pkjksa rjQ 2:/eh- dh nj ls
oxZ dh ,d Hkqtk dh yEckbZ gksxh & ckM+ yxkus ij fdruk [kpkZ vk,xk \
(a) 44 (b) 11 (a) 1056 (b) 528
(c) 22 (d) 55 (c) 1024 (d) 512
87. Two circle touch externally. The sum of their area is 93. The cost of fencing a circular field at the rate Rs. 24 per
130cm2 and the distance between their centres is 14 cm. metre is Rs. 5280. The field is to be ploughed at the rate of
Rs. 0.50 per m2. Find the cost of ploughing the field.
Find the radii of the circles.
nks o`Rr ,d&nwljs dks cká Li'kZ djrs gaSA buds {ks=Qyksa dk ,d o`Rrkdkj eSnku dh Qsaflax ¼ckM+ yxkuk½ dk [kpZ
24 Rs./m dh nj ls 5280 #- gSA eSnku dh tqrkbZ dk [kpZ
;ksx 130cm2 vkSj buds dsUnzksa ds chp dh nwjh 14 cm gS] rks
Rs 0.50/m2 dh nj ls D;k gksxk \
bu o`Ùkks dh f=T;kvksa dh yEckbZ;k¡ D;k gksxha \

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 44 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
(a) 1925 (b) 8800 99. The perimeter of a semicircular path is 36cm. Find the area
(c) 7700 (d) 1975 of this semicircular path -
94. The external fencing of a circular path around a circular ,d v)Zo`Rrkdkj iFk dk ifjeki 36cm gS] rks bldk {ks=Qy
plot of land is 33m more than its interior fencing. The gksxk&
width of the path around the plot is. (a) 42 cm2 (b) 54 cm2
(c) 63 cm2 (d) 77 cm2
,d o`Rrkdkj IykWV ds pkjksa vksj o`Rrkdkj jkLrs ij dh xbZ 100. The perimeter of a semicircular area is 18cm. Then the
ckgjh Qasflax ¼ckM+½ mlds vUnj dh rjQ dh xbZ Qasflax ls
33m vf/kd gSA Hkw&[k.M ds pkjksa vksj jkLrs dh pkSM+kbZ D;k radius is -
gksxh \ ,d v)Zo`Rrkdkj iFk dk ifjeki 18cm gS] rks bldh f=T;k D;k
(a) 5.52m (b) 5.25m gksxh \
(c) 2.55 m (d) 2.25m (a) 5/2 (b) 3/4
95. The difference between
etween the circumference and diameter of a (c) 5/4 (d) 7/2
circle is 150m. The radius of that circle is 101. The area of circle whose radius is 6cm is trisected by two
o`Rr dh ifjf/k vkSj O;kl ds chp 150m dk vUrj gks] rks concentric circles. The radius of the smallest circle is -
o`Rr dh f=T;k D;k gksxh\ ,d o`Rr ftldh f=T;k 6 cm gS] ds {ks=Qy dks nks ladsUnzh
(a) 25 metre (b) 35 metre o`Rrksa }kjk lef=Hkkftr fd;k x;k gSA lcls NksVs o`Rr dh
(c) 30 metre (d) 40 metre f=T;k D;k gksxh&
96. The difference of perimeter and diameter of a circle is x (a) 2 3cm (b) 2 6cm
unit. The diameter of the circle is - (c) 2cm (d) 3cm
,d o`Rr dh ifjeki rFkk O;kl dk vUrj x unit gSA ml 102. C1 and C2 are two concentric circle with centre at O. Their
o`Rr dk O;kl fdruk gksxk\
radii are 12cm and 3cm respectively. B and C are the point
x x
(a) unit (b) unit of contact of two tangents drawn to C2 from a point A lying
 1  1 on the Circle C1. The area of the quadrilate
quadrilateral ABOC is -
x x dsUnz O ij C1 o C 2 nks ladsUnzh o`Rr gSaA mudh f=T;k,¡
(c) unit (d)  1unit
 
Øe'k% 12cm vkSj 3cm gSaA o`Rr C1 ij fLFkr ,d fcUnq A ls
97. A person observed that he required 30 seconds less time to
cross a circular ground along its diameter than to cover it o`Rr C 2 ij [kahph xbZ nks Li'kZ js[kkvksa ds Li'kZ fcUnq B vkSj
once along the boundary. If his speed was 30ccm/min, then C gSaA rks prqHkqZt ABOC dk {ks=Qy gksxk&
 22  9 15 2
the radius of the circular ground is     cm 12 15cm2
 7  (a) (b)
,d O;fDr ns[krk gS fd ,d o`Rrkdkj eSnku d
dks O;kl ds 2 2
(c) 9 15cm (d) 6 15cm
vuqfn'k ikj djus esa 30 sec de yxrs gS] tc og mlh eSnku 103. Four equal sized maximum circular plates are cut off from
dks ifjf/k ds vuqfn'k pyrk gSA ;fn mldh pky 30cm/min a square paper sheet of area 784cm2. The circumference of
each plate is -
gks rks o`Rrkdkj eSnku dh f=T;k gksxh&
784 cm2 {ks=Qy okyh ,d oxkZdkj dkxt dh 'khV esa ls
(a) 5.5cm (b) 7.5cm pkj cjkcj vkSj vf/kdre eki okyh o`Ùkkdkj IysVsa dkVh xbZ
(c) 10.5cm (d) 3.5cm gSaA izR;sd IysV dh ifjf/k gS&   22 7 
98. The perimeter (in metres) of a semicircle is numerically
equal to its area (in squares metres). The length of its (a) 22cm (b) 44cm
 22  (c) 66cm (d) 88cm
diameter is     104. The two equal maximum sized circular plates are cut off
 7 
from a circular paper sheet of circumference 352cm. Then
,d v)Zo`Rr dk ifjeki (m es)a blds {ks=Qy ¼m2 esa½ ds the circumference of each circular plats is.
lkaf[;d :i ls cjkcj gSA bldh O;kl dh yEckbZ gksxh& nks ,dleku ,oa vf/kdre vkdkj dh xksy IysVksa dks ,d
6 6 xksy dkxt dhh 'khV ftldh ifjf/k 352cm gS] esa ls dkVk
(a) 3 m (b) 5 m
11 11 x;k gSA izR;sd xksy IysV dh ifjf/k crkbZ;sA
6 2 (a) 176 cm (b) 150 cm
(c) 6 m (d) 6 m
11 11 (c) 165 cm (d) 180 cm

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 45 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
105. A right angled isosceles triangle is placed in a semi circle 3
of radius 7cm. The area enclosed by semicircle but exterior 111. The radius of a circular wheel is 1 met. How many
to the triangle is - revolutions will it take in travelling 11 km.
,d v)Zo`Rr ds vUnj lef}ckgq ledks.k f=Hkqt j[kk x;k gS 3
ftldh f=T;k 7cm gSA rks f=Hkqt ds ckgj dk {ks=Qy ,d o`Rrkdkj ifg, dh f=T;k 1 m gS] rks 11km dh nwjh
crkbZ;s tks v)ZoR` r ds }kjk f?kjk gqvk gSA
(a) 14cm2 (b) 28 cm2 r; djus esa mls fdrus pDdj yxkus iM+saxs \
(c) 44 cm 2
(d) 68 cm2 (a) 1000 (b) 2000
106. A bicycle wheel makes 5000 revolutions in moving 11km. (c) 3000 (d) 4000
Find the diameter of the wheel. 112. The area of a sector of a circle of radius 5cm, formed by an
11km nwjh r; djus esa ,d lkbZfdy dk ifg;k 5000 pDdj arc of length 3.5cm is.
yxkrk gSA bl ifg, dk O;kl D;k gksxk \ fdlh o`Rr ds ,d f=T;[k.M dk {ks=Qy D;k gksxk ftldh
(a) 70 cm (b) 65cm f=T;k 5 cm gS] tks ,d 3.5 cm yEch pki }kjk cuk;k x;k gSA
(c) 60cm (d) 75cm (a) 8.5cm2 (b) 8.75 cm2
107. A wheel has diameter 84cm. Find how many complete (c) 7.75 cm2 (d) 7.50 cm2
revolutions must it take to cover 792 metres. 113. Perimeter= 27.2
,d ifg, dk O;kl 84cm gSA 792m nwjjhh dks r; djus esa ;g Radius = 5.6
fdrus pDdj ysxk\ Find its area ? O
(a) 300 (b) 900 ifjeki = 27.2
(c) 450 (d) 600 f=T;k = 5.6
108. A boy is cycling such that the wheels of the cycle are {ks=Qy Kkr djks \
(a) 44.8 (b) 42.4 A B
making 140 revolutions per minute. If the diameter of the
(c) 46.8 (d) 50.2
wheel is 60cm, calculate the speed in kmph with which the
boy is cycling. 114. AB is a chord of a circle of radius 14cm. The chord
,d yM+dk bl izdkj ls lkbZfdy pykrk gS fd lkbZfdy dk subtends a right angle at the centre of the circle. Find the
area of the minor segment.
ifg;k 140 pDdj@feuV yxk ysrk gSA ;fn ifg, dk O;kl AB ,d o`Rr dh thok gS] ftldh f=T;k 14cm gSA thok }kjk
60cm gks] rks yM+ds dh lkbZfdy dh pky fd-eh-@?kaVk o`Rr ds dsUnz ij ledks.k cuk;k x;k gks] rks y?kq[k.M dk
{ks=Qy D;k gksxk \
(km/h) esa D;k gksxh \ (a) 56 (b) 28
(a) 1584 km/hr (b) 1.584 km/hr (c) 66 (d) 55
(c) 15.84 km/hr (d) 18 km/hr
109. The diameter of the driving wheel of a bus is 140cm. How
many revolutions per minutes must the wheel make in order to 115. Find the length of AB in unit. (In from of r )
keep a speed of 66 kmph. AB dh yEckbZ Unit esa D;k gksxh \ ( r ds :i es)a
,d cl ds ifg, dk O;kl 140cm gSA 66km/h dh pky dks O
cuk, j[kus ds fy;s ifg, dks ,d feuV esa fdrus pDdj (a) r (b) 2r r
2 120°
yxkus gksaxs \ A B
(c) 3r (d) 3r
(a) 200 (b) 250
116. The circumference of a circle is 11cm and the angled of a
(c) 350 (d) 400
sector of the circle is 600. The area of the sector is    22 
110. A car has wheels which are 80cm in diameter. How many  7 
complete revolutions does each wheel make in 10 minutes fdlh o`Rr dh ifjf/k 11cm rFkk o`Rr ds ,d f=T;[k.M ds
when the car is travelling at a speed of 66 kmph.
dks.k dh eki 600 gS] rc f=T;[k.M dk {ks=Qy D;k gksxk
,d dkj ds ifg, dk O;kl 80cm gSA tc dkj 66km/hr
 22 
dh pky ls py jgh gks] rks dkj 10 feuV esa fdrus pDdj   .
 7 
yxk ysxh \
29 2 29 2
(a) 4050 (b) 4375 (a) 1 cm (b) 2 cm
(c) 4243 (d) 4350 48 48

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 46 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
27 2 27 2 ;fn ,d o`Rr ds vUrxZr ,d oxZ dh Hkqtk dh yEckbZ a 2
(c) 1 cm (d) 2 cm
28 48 units gS] rks o`Rr dh ifjf/k gS&
117. The area of the largest triangle, that can be inscribed in a (a) 2a (b) a
semicircle of radius r cm is - 2a
r cm f=T;k okys ,d v)Zo`Rr ds vUrxZr [khaps tk ldus (c) 4a (d)

okys vf/kdre {ks=Qy okys f=Hkqt dk {ks=Qy D;k gksxk& 123. The area of the encircle of an equilateral triangle of side
(a) 2r cm2 (b) r2 cm2
(c) 2r2 cm2 (d)
1 2 2
r cm

42cm is   
  
cm 2 
2  
118. Three circles of radii 4cm, 6cm, and 8cm touch each other ml o`Rr dk {ks=Qy D;k gksxk] tks 42cm Hkqtk okys leckgq
externally. The area of the triangle formed by the line
segments joined the centres of the three circle is -  ds vUnj iw.kZr% j[kk tk lds    22 cm 2 
 7 
rhu o`Rr ftudh f=T;k,¡ Øe'k% 4cm, 6cm, vkSj 8cm gSa]
,d&nwljs dks cká Li'kZ djrs gSaA buds dsUnzksa dks tksM+dj ,d (a) 231 (b) 462
f=Hkqt cuk;k x;k gSA rks bl f=Hkqt dk {ks=Qy D;k gksxk& (c) 22 3 (d) 424
(a) 144 3cm2 (b) 12 105 cm
2 124. At each corner of triangular field of sides 26m, 28m and
2 2
30m, a cow is tethered by a rope of length 7m. The area (in
(c) 6 6cm (d) 24 6 cm m2) ungrazed by the cow is -
119. Three circles of radius a, b, c touch each other externally. ,d f=Hkqt ftldh Hkqtk,¡ 26m, 28m vkSj 30m gSa] ds izR;sd
The area of the triangle formed by joining their centres is - dksus ij 7m yEch jLlh ls xk; cka/k nh tkrh gSA rks xk;
rhu o`Rr ftudh f=T;k,¡ a, b vkSj c gSa] ,d&nwljs dks cká }kjk u pjs tkus okys {ks= dk {ks=Qy D;k gksxk \
Li'kZ djrs gSaA buds dsUnzkas dks tksM+dj ,d f=Hkqt cuk;k (a) 336 (b) 259
x;k gSA rks bl f=Hkqt dk {ks=Qy D;k gksxk \ (c) 154 (d) 77
125. A cow is tied on a corner of a rectangular field of size
(a) a  b  cabc (b) a  bc ab bcca
30m × 20m by a 14m long rope. The area of the region that
(c) ab+bc+ca (d) none of these  22 
120. The four equal circles of radius 4cm drawn on the four corners she can graze is    
 7 
of a square touch each other externally. Then the area of the ,d vk;rkdkj eSnku ftldh yEckbZ vkSj pkSM+kbZ Øe'k% 30m
portion between the square and the four sectors is - vkSj 20m gS] ds ,d dksus ij 14m yECkh jLlh ls xk; cka/k
pkj o`Rr ftudh f=T;k,¡ 4cm gaS] ,d oxZ ds pkjksa dksuksa ij nh tkrh gSA rks xk; }kjk pjs tkus okys {ks= dk {ks=Qy
bl izdkj cus gSa fd ,d&nwljs dks cká Li'kZ djrs gSaA rks crkbZ;s&
oxZ ds vUnj pkjksa o`Rr[k.Mksa ds }kjk u ?ksjs x, {ks= dk (a) 350m2 (b) 196 m2
{ks=Qy gksxk& (c) 154 m2 (d) 22 m2
(a) 9(-4)cm2 (b) 16(-4) cm2
(c) 9(4-) cm2 (d) 16(4-) cm2
121. The area of the greatest circle inscribed inside a square of
side 21 cm is -
ml cM++s ls cM+s o`Rr dk {ks=Qy D;k gksxk] ftls 21 cm Hkqtk
okys oxZ ds vUnj iw.kZr% j[kk tk lds&
(a) 344.5 cm2 (b) 364.5 cm2
(c) 346.5 cm2 (d) 366.5 cm2
122. Length of a side of a square inscribed in a circle is a 2 units.
The circumference of the circle is (in units)

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 47 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....


CONE  Lateral surface Area = π r  R  L
Circular cone (YkEc o`Rrh; 'kad)q ik'ohZ; lrg dk {ks=Qy = π r  R  L
 Total surface Area  π r  R  L  πr 2  πR 2

 lEiw.kZ lrg dk {ks=Qy  πr  R  L  πr 2  πR 2

h l
1. A cone of height 24 cm has a curved surface area 550cm
. Find its volume.
r 24 ls-eh- Å¡pkbZ okys ,d 'kadq ds oØi`"B dk {ks=Qy 550
h = height of cone /'kadq dh Å¡pkbZ ls - eh - gS] rks bl 'kadq dk vk;ru Kkr djks \
3 3
l = slant height of cone/ fr;Zd Å¡pkbZ (a) 1200 cm (b) 1232 cm
r = radius of cone/'kad q ds vk/kkj dh f=T;k (c) 1240 cm
(d) 1260 cm

 Slant height)  h 2  r 2 2. The radius and the height of a cone are in the ratio 4:3. The
ratio of the curved surface area and total surface area of the
frjNh Å¡pkbZ  h 2  r 2 cone is
,d 'kadq dh f=T;k vkSj Å¡pkbZ 4:3 ds vuqikr esa gSA rks blds
 volume =  Area of base  height oØi`"B ,oa LkEiw.kZ i`"B ds {ks=Qy dk vuqikr D;k gksxk \
(a) 5:9 (b) 3:7
1 (c) 5:4 (d) 16:9
vk;ru = × vk/kkj dk {ks=Qy × Å¡pkbZ
3 3. The radius and slant height of a cone are in the ratio 4:7 .
volume = π r 2 h
 It's surface area is 792 cm . Find its radius.
,d 'kadq dh f=T;k vkSj fr;Zd Å¡pkbZ 4:7 ds
vuqikr esa gSA
vk;ru = π r 2 h 2
;fn bldk i`"Bh; {ks=Qy 792 lseh gks] rks bldh f=T;k
1 D;k gksxh \
 Curved surface Area   (perimeter of base) × (slant (a) 10 cm. (b) 12 cm.
height)  π r l (c) 14 cm. (d) 16 cm.
4. The radii of two cones are equal and their slant height are
1 the ratio 3:2. If the curved surface area of the smaller cone
oØ i`"B dk {ks=Qy   (vk/kkj dk ifjeki) × fr;Zad
2 2
is 300 cm , then the curved surface area of the bigger
Å¡pkbZ  π r l 2
cone (cm ) is
nks 'kadqvksa dh f=T;k,sa cjkcj rFkk fr;Zd Å¡pkbZ 3:2 ds vuqikr
 Total surface Area  π r l  πr 2  π r l  r  esa gSA ;fn buesa ls NksVs 'kadq dk oØi`"B dk {ks=Qy 300
laiw.kZ lrg dk {ks=Qy  π r l  πr 2  π r l  r  lseh2 gks] rks cM+s 'kadq ds oØi`"B dk {ks=Qy D;k gksxk \
(a) 250 (b) 450
Frustum (fNUud)
(c) 150 (d) 200
5. The height of two cones are in the ratio 1:3 and the
 r = inner radius (vkarfjd f=T;k) diameters of their base are in the ratio 3:5. The ratio of
 R = outer radius (ckgjh f=T;k) their volumes is
 L = Slant height (fr;Zd ÅWpkbZ) r l nks 'kadqvksa dh Å¡pkbZ 1:3 ds vuqikr esa gS rFkk muds vk/kkj
 L= R  r 2  h 2 h ds O;kl 3:5 ds vuqikr esa gSa] rks muds vk;ru dk vuqikr
D;k gksxk \
1  2
 volume  πh  r  r R  R 2  R (a) 3:25 (b) 4 :25
3  
(c) 6:25 (d) 7:25
vk;ru  πh  r 2  r R  R 2  6. The radius of the base of right circular cone is doubled. To
3   keep the volume fixed, the height of the cone will be

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 48 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....

,d yEco`Rrh; 'kadq dh f=T;k dks nqxquk dj fn;k tk;s vkSj (a) 300 m 2 (b) 60 m 2
bldk vk;ru ogh jgs] blds fy, Å¡pkbZ esa DD;k ifjorZu
(c) 90 m 2 (d) 65 m 2
djuk gksxk\
(a) one fourth of the previous height / fIkNyh Å¡pkbZ dk 1/4 12. A semi circular sheet of metal of diameter 28
2 cm is bent
into an open conical cap. The depth of the cup is
1 1
(b) times of the previous height/ fIkNyh Å¡pkbZ dk approximately. ( 3  1.732)
2 2
(c) half of the previous height / fIkNyh Å¡pkbZ dk vk/kk ,d /kkrq dh v/kZo`Rrkdkj pknj dks ,d [kqys 'kaDokdkj di
1 ds :i esa eksM+k x;k gS ftldk O;kl 28 ls-eh- gSA rks di
(d) one third of the previous height / fIkNyh Å¡pkbZ dk
3 h ( 3  1.732)
dh xgjkbZ yxHkx ls-eh- esa D;k gksxh\
7. The radius of the base of right circular cone is doubled and (a) 11 cm (b) 12 cm
the height is fixed, then the volume of the cone will be (c) 13 cm (d) 14 cm
,d yEco`Rrh; 'kadq dh f=T;k dks nqxquk dj fn;k tk;s vkSj 13. The sector of a circle of radius 12 cm substand an angle
bldk Å¡pkbZ ogh jgs] blds fy, vk;ru esa D;k ifjorZu 120° at the centre. The sector is folded in such a way that
djuk gksxk\ both terminal radii are joined together. Find the volume of
(a) Three times of the previous volume / cone so formed.
rhu xquk gks tk;sxk 12 lseh f=T;k ds o`Rr dk ,d f=T;[k.M o`Rr ds dsUnz ij
(b) Four times of the previous volume
120° dk dks.k cukrk gSA f=T;[k.M dks bl izdkj ls eksM+k
pkj xquk gks tk;sxk
tkrk gS fd f=T;[k.M ds nksukas vafre fljs ,d nwljs ls tqM+
(c) 2 times of the previous volume/ 2 xquk gks tk;sxk
tkrs gSa] rks bl izdkj cus 'kadq dk vk;ru gksxkA
(d) double of the previous volume /nksxu q k gks tk;sxk
3 3
8. Each of the height and radius of the base of a right circular (a) 190 cm 180 cm
(b) 18
cone is increased by 100%. The volume of the cone will be 128
increased by (c) 2  cm 3 (d) 160 cm
,d 'kadq dh Å¡pkbZ rFkk f=T;k izR;sd dks 100% c< c<+k;k x;k gS] 14. From a circular sheet of paper of radius 25 cm, a sector
rks blds vk;ru esa fdrus izfr'kr dh o`f} gksxh\ area 4% is removed. If the remaining part is used to make a
(a) 700% (b) 500% conical surface, then the ratio of the radius and height of
(c) 300% (d) 100% the cone is
9. A conical tent is to accommodate 10 person. Each person 25 lseh f=T;k ds ,d o`Rrkdkj dkxt esa ls 4% fgLlk
must have 6m2 space to sit and 30 m 3 of air to breadth. dkVdj gVk fn;k tkrk gS vkSj 'ks"k Hkkx dks ,d 'kadq ds :i
What will be height of the cone? esa eksM+k tkrk gS] rks 'kadq dh f=T;k vkSj Å¡pkbZ esa D;k
,d 'kaDokdkj rEcw gS ftlesa 10 O;fDr;ksa ds Bgjus dh vuqikr gksxkA
O;oLFkk gSA ;fn izR;sd O;fDr dks cSBus ds fy, 6 eh2 LFkku (a) 16:25 (b) 9:25
dh vko';drk gksrh gS vkSj lkal ysus ds fy, 30 eh3 ok;q (c) 7:12 (d) 27:7 (e) 24 : 7
dh vko';drk gksrh gS] rks 'kadq dh Å¡pkbZ D;k gksxhh\ 15. A sector is formed by opening out a cone of base radius 8
(a) 12 m (b) 10 m
cm and height 6 cm, then the radius of the sector is
(c) 15 m (d) 20 m
,d o`Rrh; f=T;[k.M dks 8 lseh vk/kkj dh f=T;k rFkk 6
10. How many metres of cloth 5 metre wide will be required to
make a conical tent, the radius of whose base is 7 metre lseh Å¡pkbZ okys 'kadq dks [kksydj cuk;k x;k gS] rks o`Rrrh;
and height is 24 metre? f=T;[k.M dh f=T;k gksxhA
7 ehVj vk/kkj dh f=T;k rFkk 24 ehVj Å¡pkbZ okys ,d rEcw (a) 4 cm (b) 8 cm
dks cukus ds fy, 5 ehVj pkSM+s fdrus ehVj diM+s vko
vko';drk (c) 10 cm (d) 6 cm
gksxhA 16. Iff the lateral surface of a right circular cone is 2 times its
(a) 150 m (b) 90 m base, then the semi vertical angle of the cone must be
(c) 100 m (d) 110 m ;fn ,d yEco`Rrh; 'kadq ds ik'oZi`"B dks blds vk/kkj dk
11. The radius of the base of a conical tent is 5m. If the tent is
nqxquk dj fn;k tk;s] rks 'kadq dk v/kZyEcor dks.k D;k
12 m high, then the area of the canvas required in making
the tent is gksxkA
,d 'kaDokdkj rEcw ds vk/kkj dh f=T;k 5 ehVj gSA ;fn bl (a) 45° (b) 30°
rEcw dh Å¡pkbZ 12 ehVj gks] rks bls cukus esa yxs VsaV (c) 60° (d) 40°
¼dSuokl½ dk {ks=Qy D;k gksxk\

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 49 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....

17. If S denotes the area of the curved surface of a right Å¡pkbZ ij 'kadq dks vk/kkj ds lekUrj dkV fn;k tkrk gSA rks
circular cone of height h, an semi vertical angle  , then S Åijh fgLls dk vk;ru crkvksA
equals (a) 168 cm
(b) 154 cm

;fn S ,d yEco`Rrh; 'kadq ds oØi`"B vkSj h mldh Å¡pkbZ 3 3

(c) 1078 cm (d) 800 cm
dks n'kkZrk gS] v/kZyEcor dks.k  gS] rks S cjkcj D;k gksxkA
23. The height of a cone is 30cm. A small cone is cut off at the
1 1 
(a)  h  tan  (b)  h tan 2  1
3 3 top by a plane parallel to the base. If its volume be of
 1
(c)  h sec tan (d) h 2 sec  tan  the volume of the given cone, at what height above the
3 base , the sector has been made ?
18. A right angle triangle with their sides 3, 4, 5 cm ,d 'kadq dh Å¡pkbZ 30 ls-eh- gS vkSj bl 'kadq esa ls vk/kkj ds
respectively. Through perpendicular is rotated. Find
lekUrj ,d NksVk 'kadq dkVk x;k gSA ;fn bl NksVs 'kadq dk
volume of obtained cone.
vk;ru fn, x, 'kadq ds vk;ru dk 1/27 gks] rks bl 'kadq ds
,d ledks.k f=Hkqt dh rhu Hkqtk,sa Øe'k% 3] 4 vkSj 5 ls-eh-
vk/kkj ls fdruh Å¡pkbZ ls NksVk 'kadq dkVk x;kA
gSaA bls yEc ds vuq:i ?kqek;k tkrk gS] rks bl izdkj cus
(a) 10 cm (b) 12 cm
'kadq dk vk;ru D;k gksxkA (c) 16 cm (d) 20 cm
3 3
(a) 12  cm (b) 16  cm 24. The height and the radius of the base of right circular cone
3 3 3 are 12 cm and 6 cm respectively. The radius of the circular
(c) 12  cm or 16  cm (d) 20  cm
cross section of the cone cut by a plane parallel to its base
19. The side of a right angled triangle is 15, 20, 25 cm. Find at a distance of 3 cm from the base is
the volume when it is rotated along its hypotenuse. ,d yEco`Rrh; 'kadq dh Å¡pkbZZ ,oa vk/kkj dh f=T;k Øe'k% 12
,d ledks.k f=Hkqt dh Hkqtk,sa 15] 20 vkSj 25 ls-eh- gSaA bls ls-eh- vkSj 6 ls-eh- gS] rks bl 'kadq ds vk/kkj ds lekUkkUrj
d.kZ ds vuq:i ?kqek;k x;k gS] rks bl izdkj cus 'kadq dk vk/kkj ls 3 ls-eh- dh Å¡pkbZ ij vuqPNsn djus ls cus 'kadq dh
vk;ru D;k gksxkA f=T;k crkb,A
3 3
(a) 800  cm (b) 1200  cm (a) 4 cm (b) 5.5 cm
3 3 (c) 4.5 cm (d) 3.5 cm
(c) 1000  cm (d) 1250  cm
25. A plane divides a cone into two parts of equal volume. If
20. The radii of the ends of a bucket of height 24 cm are 15 the plane is parallel to the base, then the ratio in which the
cm and 5 cm. Find its capacity. height of the cone is divided -
24 ls-eh- Å¡pkbZ dh ,d ckYVh ds nksuksa fljkas dh f=T;k,sa 15 ,d lery ,d 'kadq dks leku vk;ru ds nks Hkkxkas esa ckaVrk
ls-eh- vkSj 5 ls-eh- gSa] rks bldh /kkj.k {kerk fdruh gS\ gSA ;fn lery 'kadq ds vk/kkj ds lekUrj gks] rks
r 'kadq dh
3 3
(a) 2600  cm (b) 1800  cm Å¡pkbZ dks fdl vuqikr esa dkVk x;kA
(c) 2000  cm
(d) 2100  cm
3 (a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 3 2  1
21. The diameters of the ends of a dustbin 25 cm high which is (c) 1 : 3 2 (d) 1 : 3 2  1
in the shaped of a frustum of a cone are 30 cm and 10cm. 26. The height of a right circular cone and the radius of its
Determine its capacity.
25 ls-eh- Å¡pkbZ okyk ,d dwM+knku ftldk vkdkj 'kadq ds circular base are respectively 9 cm and 3 cm. The cone is
fNUud tSlk gS] ds nksuksa fljkas dk O;kl 30 ls-eh
eh- vkSj 10 ls- cut by a plane parallel to its base so as to divide it into two
eh- gS] rks bldh /kkj.k {kerk crkvksA part. The volume of the frustum (i.e. the lower part) of the
(a) 8171 cm3 (b) 8272 cm3
(c) 8373 cm3 (d) 8575 cm3 (e)8511.9 cm
3 cone is 44 cm . The radius of the upper circular surface of
22. A right circular cone has base radius 7 cm and its height is 22
the frustum ( taking   ) is
24 cm. A section is made by a plane parallel to its base 7
through a height of half the height of the cone. Find the
volume of the upper part. ,d yEc o`Rrh; 'kadq dh Å¡pkbZ vkSj mlds o`Rrkdkj vk/kkj
,d yEco`Rrh; 'akdq ds vk/kkj dh f=T;k 7 lseh gS vkSj dh f=T;k Øe'k% 9 lseh vkSj 3 lseh gSA 'kadq dks blds
bldh Å¡pkbZ 24 ls-eh- gSA bl 'kadq dh Å¡pkbZ dh vk/kh vk/kkj ds lekUrj ,d lery }kjk nks Hkkxksa esa ck¡Vk tkrk

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 50 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
gSA 'kadq ds fNUud ¼fupys Hkkx½ dk vk;ru 44 lseh gks] rks laiw.kZ lrg dk {ks=Qy  2π rh  2 πr 2  2 πr h  r 
fNUud ds Åijh o`Rrh; i`"B dh f=T;k crkvksa A
3 3 Hollow cylinder ([kks[kyk csyu)
(a) 12 (b) 13
(c) 3 6 (d) 3 20
27. A right circular cone is separated into solids of volume
v1 , v 2 , v3 by two planes parallel to the base, which also
trisect the altitude. The v1 : v 2 : v3 is
,d yEco`Rrh; 'kadq vk/kkj ds lekUrj nks leryksa ds }kjk
rhu Hkkxksa esa ckaVk tkrk gS ftudk vk;ru v1, v2 vkSj v3 gSA
;fn bu rhuksa Hkkxksa dh Å¡pkbZ leku gks] rks v1 : v 2 : v3 dk
 Thickness of material  R  r
vuqikr gksxkA
oLrq dh eksVkbZ  R  r
(a) 1:2:3 (b) 1:4:6
(c) 1:6:9 (d) 1:7:19  Area of each end  π  R 2  r 2 
28. Volume of a right circular cone is numerically equal to its  
 1 1
slant surface area, then what is the value of  2  2  , ijh ;k fupyh lrg dk {ks=QYk  π  R 2  r 2 
 
h r 
where h and r are height and radius
us of the cone respectively  External surface Area  2 π Rh
,d yEco`Rrh; 'kadq dk vk;ru lkaf[;d :i ls mlds ckg~; lrg dk {ks=Qy  2 π Rh
 1 1  internal surface Area = 2 π rh
ik'oZi`"B {ks=Qy ds cjkcj gSA rks  2
 2  dk eku D;k
h r  van:uh lrg dk {ks=Qy = 2π rh
gksxk] tgk¡ h vkSj r Øe'k% 'kadq dh Å¡pkbZ o f=T;k gSaA
 Curved suface Area / oØ i`"B {ks=Qy
(a) 4 units (b) units
4  2 πRh  2πrh
(c) 9 units (d) units  2 π R  r h
Cylinder (Cksyu)  total surface Area/ laiw.kZ i`"B {ks=Qy
Right circular cylinder (yEc o`Rrh; csyu)
 2 π RH  2 π rh  2  πR 2  π r 2 
 
r  2 π R  r  R  r  h 
 Volume of material = external volume - internal volume
/kkrq dk vk;ru = ckgjh vk;ru & Hkhrjh vk;ru
 π R 2h  π r 2h

 π  R 2  r 2  h
 
 volume = area of base × height 1. Rectangular sheet eet with dimensions 22m×10m is rolled into
vk;ru = vk/kkj dk {ks=Qy × Å¡WpkbZ a cylinder so that the smaller side becomes the height of the
 volume = π r 2 h cylinder. Find its volume.
vk;rkdkj 22 eh-×10 eh- vkdkj dh 'khV dks bl izdkj csyu
vk;ru = π r 2 h ds :i esa eksMk tkrk gS fd NksVh HHkqtk] csyu dh Å¡pkbZ gks
 Curved Surface Area = perimeter of base × height tkrh gS] rks csyu dk vk;ru D;k gksxk \
{ks=Qy = vk/kkj dk ifjeki × Å¡pkbZ oØ i`"B (a) 280 m3 (b) 395 m3
 Curved surface Area)  2 π rh (c) 385 m (d) 350 m3
2. A rectangular paper sheet of dimensions 22cm×12 cm is
oØ i`"B dk {ks=Qy  2 π rh folded in the form of a cylinder along its length. What will
 Total surface Area  2 π rh  2 πr 2  2 πr h  r  be the volume of this cylinder?   22 / 7

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 51 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....

,d vk;rkdkj dkxt dh 22 ls-eh- 12 ls-eh eh- vkdkj dh 8. The radii of the base of two cylinders are in the ratio 3:5
'khV dks yEckbZ ds vuq:i csyu ds :i esa eksM+k x;k gS] rks and their height is in the ratio 2:3. The ratio of their curved
csyu dk vk;ru D;k gksxk\ surface will be
(a) 460 (b) 462 nks csyuksa ds vk/kkjksa dh f=T;k 3 : 5 ds vuqikr esa gS rFkk
(c) 624 (d) 400 mudh Å¡pkbZ 2 : 3 ds vuqikr esa gSA rks muds oØi`"B&
3. The diameter of a cylinder is 7 cm and its height is 16 cm. {ks=Qykas dk vuqikr gksxk A
Using the value of   22 / 7 , the lateral surface area of the (a) 2:5 (b) 2:3
cylinder is (c) 3:5 (d) 5:3
,d csyu dk O;kl 7 lseh- gS vkSj mldh Å¡pkbZ 16 ls-eh- 9. If the height of a cylinder is increased by 15% and the
gSA   22 / 7 dk iz;ksx djrs gq, csyu dk ik'oZi"` B {ks=Qy radius of its base is decreased
ased by 10%, then by what
crkvksA percentage will its curved surface area change?
2 2 ;fn ,d csyu dh Å¡pkbZ dks 15 % c<k;k tkrk gS vkSj mlds
(a) 352 cm (b) 350 cm
2 2
vk/kkj dh f=T;k dks 10 % de fd;k tkrk gS] rks mlds
(c) 355 cm (d) 348 cm oØi`"B ds {ks=Qy esa fdrus izfr'kr dh deh ;k o`f) gksxhA
4. A solid cylinder has total surface area of 462 cm . Its (a) 3.5% high (b) 3.5% below
1 (c) 5% high (d) 5% below
curved surface area is rd of the total surface area. Then
3 10. A cylinder has 'r' as the radius of the base and 'h' as the
the radius of the cylinder is height. The radius of base of another cylinder, having
,d Bksl csyu dk laiw.kZ i`"B {ks=Qy 462 lseh2 gS rFkk double the volume but the same height as that of the first
bldk oØi`"B dk {ks=Qy blds laiw.kZ i`"B ds {ks=Qy dk cylinder must be equal to

,d csyu ds vk/kkj dh f=T;k r gS] mldh Å¡pkbZ h gS] rks
gS] rks csyu dh f=T;k gksxh A ,d nwljs nks xqus vk;ru rFkk leku Å¡pkbZ okys csyu dh
f=T;k gksxhA
(a) 7 cm (b) 3.5 cm
(c) 9 cm (d) 11 cm (a) (b) 2r
5. The curved surface area and the total surface area of a 2
cylinder are in the ratio 1:2. If the total surface area of the (c) r 2 (d) 2r
right cylinder is 616 cm2, then its volume is 11. A copper rod of 1 cm diameter and 8 cm length is drawn
,d csyu ds oØi`"B dk {ks=Qy ,oa laiw.kZ i`"B {ks=Qy into a wire of uniform diameter and 18 m length. The
radius ( in cm) of the wire is
1 : 2 ds vuqikr esa gSA ;fn csyu dk lEiw.kZ i`"B {ks=Qy 616
1 lseh- O;kl rFkk 8 lseh yEckbZ okyh ,d rkacs dh NM+ dks 18
cm2 gS] rks bldk vk;ru gksxkA ehVj yackbZ ds ,d leku O;kl ds rkj ds :i esa cnyk x;kA
(a) 1232 cm3 (b) 1848 cm3 rks rkj dh f=T;k ¼ls-eh-esa½ gSA
(c) 1632 cm (d) 1078 cm3 1 1
6. The height of a circular cylinder is increased to six times and (a) (b)
15 30
the base area is decreased to one ninth of its value. The percent 2
by which the lateral surface of the cylinder increase is (c) (d) 15
,d csyu dh Å¡p pkbZ
kbZ dks c<kdj 6 xquk dj fn;k tkrk gS 15
12. The solid cylinders of radii 4 cm and 5 cm and length 6 cm
rFkk blds vk/kkj ds {ks=Qy dks ?kVkdj 1 / 9 xquk dj fn;k
and 4 cm respectively are recast into cylindrical disc of
tkrk gS] rks mlds ik'oZi`"B ds {ks=Qy esa fdrus izfr'kr dh
o`f) gksxhA thickness 1 cm. The radius of the disc is
(a) 100% (b) 200% nks Bksl csyu ftudh f=T;k,sa Øe'k% 4 lseh-h ,oa 5 lseh- rFkk
(c) 300% (d) 50% yEckbZ 6 lseh- vkSj 4 lseh- gS] dks ,d 1 lseh- eksVkbZ dh
7. The radius and height of a cylinder are in the ratio 5:7 and csyukdkj pdrh ¼fMLd½ ds :i eas <kyk x;k gS] rks
its volume is 550 cm3 . Calculate its curved surface area. (in csyukdkj pdrh dh f=T;k gSA
cm 2 ) (a) 7 cm (b) 14 cm
,d csyu dh f=T;k vkSj Å¡pkbZ Øe'k% 5 : 7 ds vuqikr esa gS (c) 21 cm (d) 28 cm
rFkk bldk vk;ru 550lseh3 gS] rks blds oØi`"B dk {ks=QYk 13. A well of 14 meter diameter is dug 5 met deep. The earth
gksxkA taken out has been spread all around it to a width of 7
(a) 110 (b) 444 meter to form a circular embankment. Find the height of
(c) 220 (d) 616 this embankment.

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 52 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....

14 ehVj O;kl dk ,d dqvka 5 ehVj xgjk [kksnk x;k gS rFkk /kkrq ds ,d csyukdkj ikbi dk vk;ru 748 lseh3 gSA ikbi
fudyh gqbZ feV~Vh dks dq,as ds pkjkas vksj 7 ehVj pkSM+kbZ ds dh yackbZ 14 lseh gS vkSj bldh ckgjh f=T;k 9 lseh gSA rks
,d o`rkdkj pcwrjs ds :i esa fcNk;k x;k gSA rks bl pcwrjs mldh eksVkbZ gSA  (   22 

dh Å¡pkbZ gSA  7 
(a) 5/3 m (b) 2.5 m (a) 1 cm (b) 5.2 cm
(c) 3 m (d) 7/3 m (c) 2.3 cm (d) 3.7 cm
14. A well 20m in diameter is dug 14 m deep and the earth 19. A cylindrical road roller made of iron is 1meter wide. Its
taken out is spared all around it to a width of 5 m to form inner diameter is 28 cm and thickness of the iron sheet
an embankment. The height of the embankment is rolled into the road roller is 7 cm. Find the weight of the
20 ehVj O;kl ds ,d dq,as dks 14 ehVj xgjk [kksnk x;k gS roller, if 1 cc of iron weight 8 gram.
rFkk fudyh gqbZ feV~Vh dks dq,sa ds pkjksa vksj 5 ehVj pkSMk+ bZ ,d ehVj yack lM+d cukus okyk csyu¼jkWyj½ yksgs dk cuk
ds pcwrjs ds :i esa fcNk;k x;k gSA rks pcwrjs dh Å¡pkbZ gSA gSA bldk vkarfjd O;kl 28 ls-eh- gSA csyu ds :i esa eksMh+
(a) 10 m (b) 11 m x;h yksgs dh pknj dh eksVkbZ 7 ls-eh- gSA rks csyu dk otu
(c) 11.2 m (d) 11.5 m crkvks ;fn 1 cc yksgs dk otu 8 xzke gSA
15. Water is flowing at the rate of 5 kmph through a pipe of (a) 1524 kg (b) 616 kg
diameter 14cm into a rectangularr tank which is 50 m long (c) 1444 kg (d) 1520 kg
and 44 m wide. The time taken ( in hours) for the rise in the 20. A hollow iron pipe is 21 cm long and its exterior diameter
level of water in the tank to be 7 cm is
is 8 cm. If the thickness of the pipe is 1 cm and weight of
14 lseh- O;kl okys ,d ikbi ls 5 fdeh@?kaVk dh xfr ls
ikuh] ,d 50 ehVj yEcs ,oa 44 ehVj pkSMs VSad esa fxj jgk 3  22 
iron is 8 g/ cm , then the weight of the pipe is  (   
gSA rks VSd esa ikuh dk Lrj 7 ls-eh- c<us esa fdruk le;  7 
¼?kaVks esa½ yxsxkA ,d [kks[kyk yksgs dk ikbi 21 ls-eh- yEck gS vkSj mldk
1 1 ckg~; O;kl 8 ls-eh- gSA ;fn ikbi dh eksVkbZ 1 ls-eh- gS vkSj
(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 2
2 2 3
yksgs dk otu 8 xzke@lseh gS] rks ikbi dk otu gS A
16. Water is flowing at the rate of 3 kmph through a circular
(a) 3.696 kg (b) 3.6 kg
pipe of 20 cm internal diameter into a circular cistern of
(c) 36 kg (d) 36.9 kg
diameter 10 met and depth 2 met. In how much time will
21. A solid spherical ball dropped in a cylinder tank of radius
the cistern be filled.
3.5 cm while
hile it is fitted in the tank exactly and water cover
20 lseh vkarfjd O;kl okys ,d ikbi ls 3 fdeh@?kaVk dh
the ball, then
xfr ls ikuh ,d 10 ehVj O;kl okyh 2 ehVj xgjh Vadh esa
,d xksykdkj xsan ,d 3-55 lseh f=T;k ds csyukdkj VSad esa
fxj jgk gSA rks Vadh dks Hkjus esa dqy fdruk le; yxsxkk\ fxjkbZ tkrh gS] rks xsan VSad esa iwjh rjg vk tkrh gS vkSj ikuh
(a) 1 hours 20 min. (b) 1 hours 30 min. xsan dks iwjh rjg ?ksj ysrk gSA
(c) 1 hours 40 min. (d) 2 hours (i) Find the rise in water level
17. A hollow cylindrical tube 20 cm long is made of iron and ty Lrj esa o`f) crkvksA
its external and internal diameters are 8 cm and 6 cm 14 21
respectively. The
he volume of iron used in making the tube is (a) cm (b) cm
3 2
 22  7
 (   (c) 7 cm (d) cm
 7  3
,d 20 lseh yEck [kks[kyk csyukdkj V~~;wc yksgs ls cuk gSA (ii) Find the water level of the cylindrical.
mlds ckgjh ,oa vkarfjd O;kl Øe'k% 8 lseh- ,oa 6 lsehh- gSA ckWy dks fxjkus ls igys dk VSad dk tyLrj crkvksA
rks V~~;wc dks cukus esa yxh /kkrq dk vk;ru gSA 14 21
3 3 (a) cm (b) cm
(a) 1760 cm (b) 880 cm 3 2
(c) 440 cm
(d) 220 cm
3 7
(c) 7 cm (d) cm
3 3
18. The volume of the metal of a cylindrical pipe is 748 cm .
The length of the pipe is 14 cm and its external radius is 9 22. A cylindrical water tank of diameter 35 cm is full of water.
If 11 liters of water is drawn off, then the water level in the
cm. Its thickness is  (   22  tank will drop by-
 7 

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 53 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....

,d csyukdkj ikuh dk VaSd ftldk O;kl 35 lseh gS] ikuh 27. Volume of a solid right circular cylinder is V, the whole
ls iwjk Hkjk gSA ;fn 11 yhVj ikuh fudkyk tkrk gS] rks VSad surface area is S, height is h and radius of base is r , then
ds tyLrj esa fdruh deh vk,xh\  1 1
1 3 the ratio V   : S equals--
(a) 10 cm (b) 11 cm h r
2 7
,d Bksl yEcorh; csyu dk vk;ru V gS] lEiw.kZ i`"B
(c) 12 cm (d) 14 cm {ks=Qy ' S ' gS ,oa Å¡pkbZ h rFkk f=T;k r gSA rks
23. From a solid cylinder of height 10 cm and radius of the  1 1
V   : S dk vuqikr gksxkA
base 6 cm, a cone of same height and same base is h r
removed. The volume of the remaining solid is (a) 2:1 (b) 1:2
,d 10 lseh- Å¡pkbZ ,oa 6 lseh vk/kkj dh f=T;k okys Bksl (c) 1:3 (d) 3:1
csyu ls leku Å¡p pkbZ
kbZ ,oa leku vk/kkj okyk ,d 'kadq
fudky fn;k tkrk gS] rks 'ks"k Bksl dk vk;ru gSA 3
28. A drum of kerosene is full. When 30 litres of capacity
(b) 5280  cm3
(a) 240  cm
3 3 (kerosene) is drawn from it, it remains full. the capacity
(c) 62  cm (d) 360  cm 12
24. From a right circular cylinder of radius 10 cm and height of the drum is
21 cm, a right circular cone of same base radius is ,d dsjksflu ds Mªe dk 3 / 4 Hkkx Hkjk gSA tc 30 yhVj
removed.. If the volume of the remaining portion is 4400 ek=k esa dsjksflu fudky yh tkrh gS] rks ;g 7 / 12 Hkkx jg
cm 3 , then the height of the removed cone  (   22  .
tkrk gSA rks Mªe dh {kerk gSA
 7  (a) 120 litres (b) 135 litres
10 lseh f=T;k ,oa 21 ls-eh- Å¡pkbZ okys ,d yEco`Rrh; (c) 150 litres (d) 180 litres
csyu ls ,d leku f=T;k dk ,d 'kadq fudky fy;k tkrk Sphere
gSA ;fn 'kadq ds fudkyus ds ckn 'ks"k Hkkx dk vk;ru 4400 Hemisphere (v)Zxksyk)
lseh gS] rks fudkys x;s 'kadq dh ašpkbZ gS&
(a) 15 cm (b) 18 cm r
(c) 21 cm (d) 24 cm r
25. If a solid cone of volume 27 cm3 is kept inside a hollow
cylinder whose radius and height are that of the cone , then 2 3
 volume  πr
the volume of water need to fill the empty space is 3
3 2
27 lseh vk;ru dk ,d Bksl 'kadq ,d [kks[kys csyu eas vk;ru  πr 3
j[kk x;k gS] ftldh f=T;k vkSj Å¡pkbZ Bksl 'kadq ds leku 3
gSA rks csyu ds vanj [kkyh txg dks Hkjus ds fy, vko';d  Curved surface Area  2πr 2
ikuh dk vk;ru gksxkA
3 3
oØi`"B dk {ks=Qy  2πr 2
(a) 3  cm (b) 18  cm
 Total surface Area  3π r 2
3 3
(c) 54  cm (d) 81  cm
laiw.kZ i`"B dk {ks=Qy  3π r 2
26. The perimeter of the base of a right circular cylinder is 'a'
unit. If the volume of the cylinder is V cubic unit, then the Sphere (xksyk)
height of the cylinder is
,d yEco`Rrh; csyu ds vk/kkj dh ifjfefr 'a' bdkbZ gSA  volume = 4 / 3 π r 3
;fn csyu dk vk;ru V ?ku bdkbZ gks] rkss csyu dh Å¡pkbZ r
gksxhA vk;ru = 4 / 3 π r 3
4a 2 V 4 a 2  Total surface Area = 4 π r 2
(a) unit (b) unit
 4 laiw.kZ i`"B dk {ks=Qy = 4 π r 2
a V 4 V
(c) unit (d) unit
4 a2

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 54 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....

1. If the Radius of a sphere is doubled, its volume becomes. ,d cM+s Bksl xksys dks xyk;k tkrk gS rFkk yEco`Rrh;
;fn ,d xksys dh f=T;k nksxquh dj nh tk;s] rks mldk 'kadqvksa ds :i esa <+kyk tkrk
rk gS vkSj 'kadqvksa ds vk/kkj f=T;k
vk;ru gksxkA ,oa Å¡pkbZ] xksys dh f=T;k ds cjkcj gSA bu 'kadqvksa esa ls
(a) double /nksxu
q k (b) Four Times/pkj xquk ,d 'kadq dks xyk;k tkrk gS ,oa ,d NksVs xksys ds :i esa
(c) Six times/ N% xquk (d) eight Times/ vkB xquk <kyk tkrk gS] rks NksVs xksys ,oa cM+s xksys ds i`"Bh; {ks=Qyksa
2. The Radii of two spheres are in the Ratio 3 : 2 . Their dk vuqikr D;k gksxkA
Volume will be in the Ratio 4 2

;fn nks xksyksa dh f=T;kvksa dk vuqikr 3:2 gS rks muds (a) 1 : 3 3 (b) 1 : 2 3
2 4
vk;ruksa dk vuqikr D;k gksxkA
(c) 1 : 3 3 (d) 1 : 2 3
(a) 9 : 4 (b) 3 : 2
8. A cone of height 15 cm and base diameter 30cm is carved
(b) 8 : 27 (d) 27 : 8
out a wooden sphere of radius 15 cm. The percentage of
3. Spheres A and B have their Radii 40 cm and 10 cm
wasted wood is
Respectively. Ratio of surface area of A to the surface area
of B is
,d 'kadq dh Å¡pkbZ 15 ls-eh- vkSj vk/kkj dk O;kl 30 ls-eh-
;fn xksys A vkSj B dh f=T;k,sa Øe'k% 40 ls-eh eh- vkSj 10 ls- gSA bl 'kadq dks ,d 15 ls-eh- f=T;k ds ,d ydM+h ds xksys
eh- gS rks xksys A vkSj B ds oØi`"B ds {ks=Qyksa dk vuqikr ls fudkyk tkrk gS] rks fdrus izfr'kr ydM+h [kjkc tk;sxhA
(a) 75 % (b) 50 %
(c) 40 % (d) 25 %
(a) 1 : 6 (b) 4 : 1
9. If the volume and Surface area of a sphere are numerically
(c) 1 : 4 (d) 16 : 1
the same, then its radius is
4. A Sphere and a hemisphere have the Same radius. Then the
;fn ,d xksys dk vk;ru ,oa i`"Bh; {ks=Qy ds eku
Ratio of their respective total Surface areas is.
,d xksys ,oa v)Zxksys dh f=T;k,sa leku gSa] rks Øe'k% muds lkaf[;d :i ls leku gksa] rks mldh f=T;k D;k gksxhA
(a) 1 unit (b) 2 unit
lEiw.kZ i`"B ds {ks=Qyksa dk vuqikr gksxkA
(c) 3 unit (d) 4 unit
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 2
10. The total surface area of a solid hemisphere is 108  cm .
(c) 4 : 3 (d) 3 : 4
5. A sphere and a hemisphere have the same volume. The The volume of the hemisphere is.
Ratio of their Radii.
,d xksys ,oa v)Zxksys dk vk;ru leku gS] rks mudh ,d Bksl v)Zxksys dk lEiw.kZ i`"B dk {ks=Qy 108  cm2 .gS]
f=T;kvksa dk vuqikr gksxkA rks bl v)Zxksys dk vk;ru gksxkA
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 1 (a) 72 cm 3 (b) 144  cm3

(c) 1 : 2 (d) 1 : 3 2 (c) 108 6 cm3 (d) 54 6 cm3

(e) 2 : 1 11. A Spherical pear of radius 4cm is to be divided into eight
6. The sphere and a hemisphere have the same volume. The equal parts by cutting it in halves along the same axis. Find
Ratio of their Curved surface area is: the surface Aria of each of the final piece.
,d xksys ,oa v)Zxksys dk vk;ru leku gS] rks muds ooØi`"B ,d xksykdkj uk'kikrh dh f=T;k 4 ls-eh- gSA bl uk'kikrh
ds {ks=Qyksa dk vuqikr gksxkA dks ,d leku v{k ds vuq:i 8 cjkcj Hkkxksa esa dkV fn;k
3 2
tkrk gSA izR;sd fgLls dk i`"Bh; {ks=Qy crkvksA
(a) 2 2 : 1 (b) 2 3 : 1 (a) 20  (b) 21
2 1
(c) 24  (d) 19 
(c) 43 :1 (d) 23 :1
7. A Large solid sphere is melted and moulded to form 12. A Spherical lead ball of Radius 10cm is melted and small
identical right circular cones with base radius and height lead balls of radius 5mm are made. The total number of
same as the radius of the sphere.
here. One of these cones is possible small lead balls is    22 
melted and moulded to form a smaller solid sphere. Then  7 
the ratio of the surface area of the smaller to the surface ,d xksykdkj dkap dh xsan dh f=T;k 10 ls-eh- gSA bl xsan
area of the larger sphere is. dks xyk;k tkrk gS vkSj NksVh&NksVh 5 fe-eh- f=T;k okyh

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 55 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....

dkap dh xksfy;ka cukbZ tkrh gSaA rks dkap dh fdruh 28

(c) 15 cm (d) cm
NksVh&NksVh xksfy;ka cuuk laHko gS\a 3
(a) 8000 (b) 400 17. A hollow sphere of internal and external diameters 6 cm
(c) 800 (d) 125 and 10 cm respectively is melted into a right circular cone
13. By Melting a solid lead sphere of diameter 12 cm, three of diameter 8 cm. The height of the cone is.
small spheres are made which diameters are in the ratio ,d [kks[kyk xksyk ftlds vkarfjd ,oa ckg~; O;kl Øe'k%
3 : 4 : 5 . The Radius (In an) of the smallest sphere. 6cm vkSj 10cm gSa] dks ,d 8cm O;kl okys yEco`Rrh; 'kadq
,d Bksl dkap dk xksyk ftldk O;kl 12 ls-eh- gS] bl xksys ds :i esa <+kyk tkrk gSA rks 'kadq dh Å¡pkbZ gSA
dks xykdj rhu NksVs NksVs xksys cuk, tkrs gSaA bu xksyksa ds (a) 22.5cm (b) 23.5cm
O;kl 3: 4 : 5 ds vuqikr esa gSa] rks lcls NksVs xksys dh f=T;k (c) 24.5cm (d) 25.5cm
fdruh gksxh\ 18. The diameter of two hollow spheres made from the same
(a) 3 (b) 6 metal sheet are 21 cm and 17.5 cm respectively. The Ratio of
the area of metal Sheets required for making the two spheres is
(c) 1 .5 (d) 4
14. A solid metal sphere is melted and smaller spheres of equal
nks [kks[kys xksys ftuds O;kl Øe'k% 21cm vkSj 17.5cm gSa]
dks ,d gh /kkrq dh pknj ls cuk;k tkrk gSA rks nksukas xksyksa
radii are formed. 10 % of the volume of the sphere is
dks cukus esa yxh pknj ds {ks=Qy dk vuqikr D;k gksxkA
1 (a) 6 : 5 (b) 36 : 25
wasted in the process. The smaller sphere's radius is th
9 (c) 3 : 2 (d) 18 : 25
of the larger sphere's Radius. If 10 litre paint
aint were needed 19. If the radius of a sphere is increased by 2 cm, its surface
to paint the larger, how many liter are needed to pa
paint all area increases by 352 cm . The Radius of the sphere
the smaller spheres?  22 
before change is    
 7 
,d Bksl /kkrq dk xksyk xyk;k tkrk gS vkSj ,d leku
f=T;k ds NksVs&NksVs xksys cuk, tkrs gaSA bl izfØ;k esa cM+s ;fn ,d xksys dh f=T;k esa 2cm dh o`f) dj nh tkrh gS rks
xksys dk 10% vk;ru [kjkc pyk tkrk gS rFkk NksVs xksys dh i`"Bh; {ks=Qy 352 cm2 c<+ tkrk gS A rks o`f) ls igys xksys
f=T;k] cM+s xksys dh f=T;k dk 1 / 9 gS A ;fn cM+s xksys dks jaxus  22 
dh f=T;k fdruh FkhA    
ds fy, 10 yhVj isUV dh vko';drk gksrh gS] rks lHkh  7 
NksV&s NksVs xksyksa dks jaxus ds fy, fdrus isUV dh vko';drk (a) 3cm (b) 4 cm
gksxhA (c) 5cm (d) 6 cm
(a) 90 litre (b) 910 litre 20. The sum of radii of two spheres is 10 cm and the sum of
(c) 81 litre (d) 900 litre their volume is 880 cm3 . What will be the product of their
15. A Copper wire of length 36 m and diameter 2mm is melted Radii?
to form a sphere. The radius of the sphere (in cm) is nks xksyksa dh f=T;kvksa dk ;ksx 10 cm gS rFkk muds vk;rukas
36 ehVj yEcs vkSj 2 feeh O;kl ds ,d rkacs ds rkj dks dk ;ksx 880 cm3 gSA rks mudh f=T;kvksa dk xq.kuQy D;k
xykdj ,d xksyk cuk;k tkrk gS] rks xksys dh f=T;k ¼lsehh- gksxkA
(a) 21 (b) 26
esa½ gksxhA 3
(a) 2.5 (b) 3 1
(c) 33 (d) 70
(c) 3.5 (d) 4 3
16. A solid Spherical copper ball, whose diameter is 14 cm, is 21. Assume that a drop of water is spherical and its diameter is
melted and convert into a wire having diameter equal to 14 one tenth of a cm. A conical glass has a height equal to the
cm. The length of the wire is. diameter of its rim. If 32,000 drops of water fill the glass
,d Bksl xksykdkj rkacs dh xsan ftldk O;kl 14 lseh gS] dks completely, then the height of the glass ( in cm) is.
fi?kyk;k tkrk gS vkSj 14 ls-eh- O;kl okys rkj ds :i esa ;g ekuk tkrk gS fd ikuh dh cwan iwjh rjg xksykdkj gS rFkk
<kyk tkrk gSA rks rkj dh yackbZ D;k gksxhA mldk O;kl 1@10 lseh gSA ,d 'kaDokdkj fxykl dh Å¡pkbZ
16 mlds O;kl ds cjkcj gSA ;fn 32000 cwans fxykl dks iwjh
(a) 27 cm (b) cm rjg Hkj nsrh gSa] rks Xykl dh Å¡pkbZ (lseh- es)a D;k gksxhA

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 56 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....

(a) 1 (b) 2 hemispherical part equals the height of the cone. Then the
(c) 3 (d) 4  22 
22. If surface area and volume of a sphere are S and V volume of the ice-cream is    
 7 

,d 'kaDokdkj di vkblØhe ls Hkjk gS rFkk blds Åij
respectively, then the value of is. vkblØhe dk v)Zxksykdkj Hkkx cuk gSA v)Zxksykdkj Hkkx
dh Å¡pkbZ 7 lseh gSA ;fn v)Zxksykdkj Hkkx dh f=T;k
;fn ,d xksys ds i`"Bh; {ks=Qy vkSj vk;ru Øe'k S vkSj 'kaDokdkj Hkkx dh Å¡pkbZ ds cjkcj gS] rks vkblØhe dk
 22 
3 vk;ru gksxkA    
V gkas] rks S 2 dk eku gksxkA  7 
(a) 1078 cm3 (b) 1708 cm3
(a) 36  units (b) 9  units
(c) 18  units (d) 27  units (c) 7108 cm3 (d) 7180 cm 3
23. A conical vessel of radius 6 cm and height 8 cm is 26. In a cylindrical vessel of diameters 24 cm filled up with
sufficient quantity of water. A solid spherical ball of Radius
completely filled with water. A sphere is lowered into the
6 cm is completely immersed . Then the increase in height
water and its size is such that when it touches the sides, it is of water level is:
just immersed. What fraction of water overflows. 24 lseh O;kl okys ,d csyukdkj crZu esa i;kZIr ek=k esa
6 lseh f=T;k ,oa 8 lseh Å¡pkbZ okyk ,d 'kaDokdkj crZu iwjh ikuh Hkjk gSA ;fn 6 ls-eh- f=T;k dh ,d Bksl xksykdkj xsan
iwjh rjg ikuh esa Mwc tkrh gS] rks
r ty ds Lrj esa fdruh o`f)
rjg ikuh ls Hkjk gSA ,d xksyk blesa fxjk;k tkrk gS rFkk
xksys dk vkdkj bl izdkj dk gS fd tc ;g crZu dh nhokjksa (a) 1.5 cm (b) 2 cm
dks Nwrk gS] rks iwjh rjg Mwc tkrk gSA rks ikuh dk fdruk (c) 3 cm (d) 4.2 cm
27. A cone, a hemisphere and a cylinder stand on equal bases
Hkkx ckgj fudy tk,xkA and have the same height. The ratio of their respective
3 3 volumes is
(a) 36  cm (b) 54  cm
,d 'kadq] ,d v)Zxksyk vkSj ,d csyu ds vk/kkj leku gaS
3 3
(c) 18  cm (d) 27  cm vkSj mudh Å¡pkbZ;ka Hkh leku gSAa rks muds vk;rukas dk
24. Each of the measure of the radius of base of a cone and that vuqikr gksxkA
of a sphere is 8cm. Also the volume of these two solids are (a) 1 : 2 : 3 (b) 2 : 1 : 3
(c) 1 : 3 : 2 (d) 3 : 1 : 2
equal. The slant height of the cone is.
28. The heights of a cone, cylinder and hemisphere are equal.
,d 'kadq ,oa ,d xksyk izR;sd dh f=T;k dh eki 8 lseh gS If their radii are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 1, then the ratio of their
volumes is
rFkk bu nksukas dk vk;ru Hkh leku gSA rks 'kadq dh fr;Zd
;fn ,d 'kadq] ,d csyu vkSj ,d v)Zxksys dh Å¡pkbZ leku
Å¡pkbZ gSA gS rFkk mudh f=T;kvksa dk vuqikr Øe'k% 2 : 3 :1 ds vuqikr
eas gSA rks muds vk;ruksa dk vuqikr D;k gksxk\
(a) 8 17cm (b) 4 17cm (a) 2 : 9 : 2 (b) 2 : 3 : 1
(c) 4 : 9 : 1 (d) 4 : 27 : 2
(c) 34 cm (d) 34 2 cm
25. A conical cup is filled with ice-cream. The ice--cream forms
a hemispherical shape on its open top. The height of the
hemispherical part is 7 cm. The Radius of the

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 57 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....

4. The base of solid right prism is a triangle whose sides are
vk;ru ¼fizTe½
9, 12 and 15 cm. The height of the prism is 5 cm, then the
Prism (fizTe) total surface area of the prism is.
fdlh fizTe dk vk/kkj ,d f=Hkqt gS] ftldh Hkqtk, 9 lsehh-]
12 ls-eh- rFkk 15 ls-eh- gSaA ;fn fizTe dh Å¡pkbZ 5 ls-eh- gS]
rc fizTe dk lEiw.kZ i`"B dk {ks=Qy Kkr djsa \
(a) 180 cm2 (b) 234 cm2
(c) 288 cm (d) 270 cm2
5. The perimeter of the triangular base of a right prism is 15
cm and radius of the incircle of the triangular base is 3 cm.
 volume) = base ×height If the volume of the prism be 270 cm , then the height of
vk;ru = vk/kkj dk {ks=Qy × Å¡pkbZ the prism is
fdlh; fizTe dk vk/kkj 15 ls-eh- ifjeki okyk ,d
 Lateral surface Area  perimeter of base× height
f=Hkqt gS] ftlds var% o`Rr dh f=T;k 3 ls-eh- gSA ;fn fizTe
ik'ohZ; lrg dk {ks=Qy = vk/kkj dk ifjeki × Å¡pkbZ
dk vk;ru 270 ls-eh3- gks] rc fizTe dh Å¡pkbZ Kkr djks\
total surface Area) = Lateral surface Area + 2 (Area of
(a) 6 cm (b) 7.5 cm
base) lEiw.kZ lrg dk {ks=Qy = ik'ohZ; lrg dk {ks=Qy +
(c) 10 cm (d) 12 cm
2 (vk/kkj dk {ks=Qy)
1. The base of a right prism is an equilateral triangle whose 6. The height of a right prism with a square base is 15 cm. If
side is 6 cm and its volume is 81 3 cm . The height
the area of the total surface of the prism is 608 cm2 , its
( in cm) of the prism is 3
volume is (cm )
6 ls-eh- Hkqtk okys ,d leckgq f=Hkqt dks vk/kkj ekudj ,d
fdlh fizTe dk vk/kkj ,d oxZ gS] ftldh Å¡pkbZ 15 ls-eh-
fizTe cuk;k x;k ftldk vk;ru 81 3 ls-eh3- gSA fizTe dh
gSA ;fn fizTe dk lEiw.kZ i`"B dk {ks=Qy 608 ls-eh2- gS]rc
Å¡pkbZ Kkr djsa \
vk;ru Kkr djsa \
(a) 9 (b) 10
(a) 910 (b) 920
(c) 12 (d) 15
(c) 960 (d) 980
2. The base of a right prism is a right angled triangle whose
7. A prism has as the base a right angled triangle whose sides
sides are 5cm, 12 cm ad 13 cm. If the area of the total
adjacent to the right angles are 10 cm and 12 cm long. The
surface of the prism is 360 cm2 , then its height is height of the prism is 20 cm. The density of the material of
fdlh fizTe dk vk/kkj ,d; f=Hkqt gS] ftldh 3
the prism is 6 gm/ cm . The weight of the prism is
Hkqtk,a 5 ls-eh-] 12 ls-eh- rFkk 13 ls-eh- gSaA ;fn fizTe dk
fdlh fizTe dk vk/kkj ,d ledks.k f=Hkqt gS] ftldh yEcor~
dqy i`"Bh; {ks=Qy 360 ls-eh2- gks] rc fizTe dh Å¡pkbZ Kkr
Hkqtk,a 10 ls-eh- rFkk 12 ls-eh- gSaA ;fn izTe dh Å¡pkbZ 20 ls-
e@ -eh3- gS] rc fizTe dk Hkkj
eh- vkSj fizTe dk ?kuRo 6 xzke@ls
(a) 10 cm (b) 12 cm
Kkr djsaA
(c) 9 cm (d) 11 cm
(a) 6.4 kg (b) 7.2 kg
3. The base of a right prism is an equilateral triangle of area
(c) 3.4 kg (d) 4.8 kg
173 cm2 and the volume of the prism is 10380 cm c 3 . The
8. The base of a right prism is a trapezium . The length of the
area of the lateral surface of the prism is ( use 3  1.73)
parallel sides are 8 cm and 14 cm and the distance between
the parallel sides is 8 cm. If the volume of the prism is
fdlh leckgq f=Hkqt ds vk/kkj okys fizTe ds vk/kkj dk
{ks=Qy 173 ls-eh2- gS vkSj fizTe dk vk;ru 10380 ls-eh3- 1056 cm3 , then the height of the prism is
gSA fizTe dk ik'oZ i`"B dk {ks=Qy Kkr djsa \ fdlh fizTe dk vk/kkj ,d leyEc prqHkqZt ds vkdkj dk gS
(a) 1200 (b) 2400
ftldh lekukUrj Hkqtk,a 8 ls-eh- rFkk 14 ls-eh- gSa rFkk
(c) 3600 (d) 4380

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 58 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
muds chp dh nwjh 8 ls-eh- gSA ;fn fizTe dk vk;ru 1056 11. A cube of edge 5 cm is cut into cubes each of edge of 1cm.
ls-eh3- gks] rc fizTe dh Å¡pkbZ Kkr djsa \ The ratio of the total surface area of one of the small cubes
(a) 44 cm (b) 16.5 cm to that of the large cube is equals to
(c) 12 cm (d) 10.56 cm ,d 5 ls-eh- Hkqtk okys ?ku dks dkVdj NksVs ?ku cuk;s tkrs
9. The base of a right prism is a quadrilateral ABCD. Given gSa] ftudh izR;sd Hkqtk 1 ls-eh- gSA izR;sd NksVs ?ku vkSj cMs+
that AB=9 cm, BC=14cm, CD=13cm, DA=12cm and ?ku ds lEIkw.kZ i`"B ds {ks+=Qy dk vuqikr D;k gksxkk\
DAB  90 . If the volume of the prism be 2070 cm , (a) 1:125 (b) 1:5
(c) 1:625 (d) 1:25
then the area of the lateral surface is
;fn fdlh fizTe dk vk/kkj ,d prqHkqZt ABCD gSA AB=9 ls- rea of the four walls of a room is 660 m 2 and its
12. The area
length is twice its breath. If the height of the room is 11m.
eh-] BC=14 ls-eh-, CD=13 ls-eh-] DA=12 ls-eh- rFkk
Then area of its floor ( in m2) is
DAB  90 gSA ;fn fizTe dk vk;ru 2070 ls-eh3- gks] rc fdlh dejs dh pkjksa nhokjksa dk {ks=Qy 660 ehVj2 gS vkSj
fizTe dk ik'oZ i`"B dk {ks=Qy Kkr djssa \ bldh yEckbZ] pkSMk+ bZ ls nqxuh gSA ;fn dejs dh m¡pkbZ 11
(a) 720 cm2 (b) 810 cm2 ehVj gS] rc blds Q'kZ dk {ks=Qy(ehVj2) Kkr djsa\
(c) 1260 cm2 (d) 2070 cm2 (a) 120 (b) 150
10. The base of a prism is a regular hexagon. If every edge of (c) 200 (d) 330
the prism measures 1m, then the volume of the prism is 13. The ratio of the volume of a cube to that of a sphere, which
fdlh fizTe dk vk/kkj ,d le"kBHkqt gSA ;fn fizTe dh will fit exactly inside the cube is
izR;sd dksj 1 ehVj gS] rks mldk vk;ru Kkr djsa\ fdlh ?ku ds vk;ru vkSj xksyk ds vk;ru dk vuqikr D;k
gksxk] tcfd xksyk ?ku ds vanj ,d ne lVhd vk;s\
3 2 3 3 3 3
(a) m (b) m (a) :6 (b) 6: 
2 2
(c) 3:  (d) :3
6 2 3 5 3 3 14. Two cubes of sides 6 cm each are kept side by side to form
(c) m (d) m
5 2 2
a rectangle parallelepiped. The area ( in cm ) of the
Cube whole surface of the rectangle parallelepiped is
CUBE (?ku) 6 ls-eh- Hkqtk okys 2 ?kuksa dks ,d lkFk j[kdj ,d vk;rkd
lekUrj "kVQyd cuk;k ;k tkrk gSA rks vk;rkdkj lekUrj
"kVQyd dk LkEiw.kZ i`"B dk {ks=Qy (ls-eh-2 es)a Kkr djsaA
(a) 432 (b) 360
(c) 396 (d) 340
CUBOID (?kukHk)

 volume = side3
vk;ru = Hkqtk3 H

 Lateral surface Area =4 × side


ik'ohZ; lrg dk {ks=Qy =4 × Hkqtk2

 Total surface Area = 6 x Hkqtk
2 L
laiw.kZ lrg dk {ks=Qy = 6 x side2  volume = Area of base × height
 Diagonal = 3 side vk;ru = vk/kkj dk {ks=Qy × Å¡pkbZ
fod.kZ = 3 side  volume = (l × b ×h)
 vk;ru = yackbZ × pkSM+kbZ × Å¡pkbZ
 volume = A1 × A 2 × A 3

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 59 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....

 vk;ru = A1 × A 2 × A 3 19. The sum of length, breadth and depth of a cuboid is 12 cm

Where A1 A2 and A3 are the area of respective side and its diagonal is 5 2 cm. Its surface area is (in cm )
tgkW A1 , A 2 rFkk A 3 Øe'k rhu layXu lrgksa dk fdlh ?kukHk dh yEckbZ] pkSM+kbZ vkSj xgjkbZ dk ;ksx 12 ls-eh-
{ks=Qy gSA A1  lb, A2  bh, A3  hl gS vkSj fod.kZ 5 2 ls-eh- gSA rc bldk i`"Bh; {ks=Qy D;k
gksxk\ (ls-eh-2 esa)
 Diagonal = l2  b2  h 2
(a) 152 (b) 94
fod.kZ = l 2  b 2  h 2 (c) 108 (d) 60 2
 Lateral surface area or area of four walls 20. If the areas of 3 adjacent surfaces of a cuboid are x, y, z
ik'ohZ; lrg dk {ks=Qy ;k pkjksa nhokjksa dk {ks=Qy respectively. Then the volume of the cuboid is
(perimeter of base × height) ,d ?kukHk dh 3 layXu lrgksa dk {ks=Qy Øe'k% x, y, z gSA
= vk/kkj ij ifjeki × Å¡pkbZ rks bldk vk;ru gksxk\
 Lateral surface area = 2 (L$B)× H
(a) xyz (b) xyz
ik'ohZ; lrg dk {ks=Qy = 2 (L$B)× H
 Total surface area =2 (LB + BH $ LH) (c) 3xyz (d) none of these
lEiw.kZ lrg dk {ks=Qy =2 (LB + BH $ LH) 21. A square of side 3 cm is cut off from each corner of a
15. The rain water from a roof 22 m  20m drains into a rectangular sheet of length 24 cm and breadth 18 cm and
cylindrical vessel having a diameter of 2 m and height 3.5 the remaining sheet is folded to form an open rectangular
m. If the vessel is just full, then the rainfall ( in cm) is 2
box. The surface area of the box is (cm )
o"kkZ dk ikuh 22m  20m dh Nr ls ViDdj ,d 2 eh- O;kl
24 ls-eh-yEckbZ vkSj 18 ls-eh- pkSMkbZ okyh ,d vk;rkdkj lhV
vkSj 3.5 eh- Å¡pkbZ okys csyukdkj crZu esa fxjrk gSA ;;fn
ds izR;sd dksus ls 3 ls-eh- Hkqtk dk ,d oxZ dkVk tkrk gS vkSj
crZu iwjk Hkj tk;s rks o"kkZ gqbZ gksxhA (ls-eh- es)a
cph gqbZ lhV dks eksMdj ,d [kqyk vk;rkdkj cDlk cuk fn;k
(a) 2 (b) 2.5
tkrk gS] rks ml cDls dk i`"Bh; {ks=Qy Kkr djsa\
(c) 3 (d) 4.5
(a) 468 (b) 396
16. A parallelepiped
piped whose sides are in the ratio 2:4:8 have the
(c) 612 (d) 423
same volume as a cube. The ratio of their surface area is
22. A cistern 6m long and 4 m wide contains water up to a
,d lekUrj "kVQyd ftldh Hkqtkvksa dk vuqikr 2 : 4 : 8 gS
depth of 1.25m.. The total area of the wet surface is
vkSj bldk vk;ru ,d ?ku ds vk;ru ds cjkcj gSA rks
,d Vadh 6 ehVj yach vkSj 4 ehVj pkSM+h gSA ;fn mlesa 11-25
muds i`"B {ks=Qy dk vuqikr D;k gksxk\
ehVj xgjkbZ rd ikuh vkrk gSa] rc xhyh lrg dk {ks=Qy
(a) 7:5 (b) 4:3
Kkr djsaA
(c) 8:5 (d) 7:6
(a) 55 m2 (b) 53.5 m2
17. A cuboidal block of 6 cm × 9cm×12 cm is cut up into exact 2
(c) 50 m (d) 49 m2
number of equal cubes. The least possible number of cubes
23. A wooden box measures 20 cm by 12 cm by 10 cm.
Thickness of wood is 1 cm. Volume of wood to make the
6 ls-eh-] 9 ls-eh- vkSj 12 ls-eh- dksj okys ,d ?kukHkdkj CykWd
box ( in cubic cm) is
dks dkVdj fuf'pr la[;k esa cjkcj ?ku cuk;s tkrs gSa] rks
;fn ,d ydM+h ds cDls dh eki 20 ls-eh- ×12 ls-eh- ×10 ls-
?kuksa dh de ls de la[;k fdruh gksxhA
eh- gS vkSj ydM+h dh eksVkbZ 1 ls-eh- gSA rc cDls dks cukus
(a) 6 (b) 9
(c) 24 (d) 30 ds fy, fdruh ydM+h ds vk;ru ¼ls-eh3-esa½ dh vko';drk
18. Area of the floor of a cubical room is 48 m2. The length of gksxh\
the longest rod that can be kept in that room is (a) 960 (b) 519
,d ?kukdkj dejs ds Q'kZ dk {ks+=Qy 48 ehVj2 gSA rks yEch (c) 2400 (d) 1120
ls yEch NM+ dh yEckbZ D;k gksxh tks ml dejs es j[kh tk 24. The perimeter of the floor of a room is 18 m. What is the area
of the walls of the room, if the height of the room is 3 m?
(a) 9 m (b) 12 m
fdlh dejs ds Q'kZ dk ifjeki 18 ehVj gSA bldh nhokjkas
(c) 18 m (d) 6 m dk {ks=Qy D;k gksxk] ;fn dejs dh Å¡pkbZ 3 eh-
eh gSA
(a) 21 m2 (b) 42 m2

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 60 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
2 2
(c) 54 m (d) 108 m fdruh bZVkas dh vko';drk gksxh tcfd lhesUV vkSj jsr dk
25. A river 3m deep and 40 m wide is flowing at the rate of feJ.k nhokj ds vk;ru dk 1 / 20 gks \
2kmph. How much water ( in litres)
es) will fall into the sea in (a) 6080 (b)
a minute ? (c) (d)
3 ehVj xgjh vkSj 40 ehVj pkSM+h unh ls 2 fd
fd-eh-@?kaVs dh 30. A swimming pool is 20m in length, 15m in breadth and 4m
nj ls ikuh og jgk gS] rks ,d feuV esa fdruk ikuh ¼yhVj in depth. Find the cost of cementing its floor and walls at
esa½ leqnz esa fxjsxk \ the rate of Rs. 12 per square metre.
(a) 4,00,000 (b) 40,00,000 ,d Lohfeax iwy 20 ehVj yEck] 15 ehVj pkSM+k vkSj 4 ehVj
(c) 40,000 (d) 4,000 xgjk gS] rks blds Q'kZ vkSj nhokjksa dks 12 :i;s izfr ehVj2
26. Water flows into a tank which is 200m long and 150 m dh nj ls IykLVj djus dk [kpkZ D;k gksxk\ k
wide through a pipe of cross section 0.3 m×0.2m at the rate (a) 6960 (b)
of 20 kmph. Then the time ( in hours) for the water ( level) (c) (d)
in the tank to reach 8 m is 31. The largest sphere is carved out of a cube of side 7cm. The
200 ehVj yacs vkSj 150 ehVj pkSM+s VSad esa ,d uy ftldk volume of the sphere ( in cm3) will be
vuqizLFk dkV 0.3eh×0.2eh gS] ls 20 fdeh@?kaVk dh nj ls 7 ls-eh- Hkqtk okys ?ku esa ls cuk;s tk ldus okys cMs+ ls cM+s
ikuh Hkjk tk jgk gSA rks VSd
a dks 8 ehVj dh ÅapkbZ rd xksys dk vk;ru (ls-eh-3 es)a D;k gksxk\
Hkjus esa fdruk le; yxsxk \ (a) 718.66 (b) 543.72
(a) 50 (b) 120 (c) 481.34 (d) 179.67
(c) 150 (d) 200 32. The total surface area of a cube and a sphere are equal.
27. 250 men took a dip in a water er tank at a time which is What will be the ratio between their volume ?
80m×50m, what is the rise in the water level if the average ,d ?ku vkSj ,d xksys ds lEiw.kZ i`"B ds {ks=Qy leku gkas]
displacement of 1 man is 4 m3 ? rks muds vk;ruksa dk vuqikr D;k gksxk\
,d ikuh ds VSad dh eki 80 eh-×50 eh- gSA 250 O;fDr ,d
(a) :6 (b) : 6
le; ij Mqcdh yxkrs gSA ;fn ,d O;fDr dk vkSlr foLFkkiu
4 ehVj3 gks] rks ikuh ds Lrjj esa fdruh o`f) gksxh \ (c) 6:  (d) 6 : 
(a) 22 cm (b) 25 cm 33. A cone of height 7 cm and base radius 1 cm is carved from
(c) 18 cm (d) 30 cm a cuboidal block of wood 10cm×5cm×2cm. The percentage
28. An aquarium in the form of cuboid is full of water to its 2/3 22
part. It is bowed down aside such that the level of water wood wasted in the process is? [ Assuming   ]
comes in the same level to that of a side of base and upper
10 lseh-×5 lseh-×2lseh- eki okys ydM+h ds ,d ?kukHkdkj
side. In this effort 6 litres of water come out . Find the
CykWd esa ls 7 lseh- ÅWpkbZ vkSj 1 ls-eh- vk/kkj f=T;k dk ,d
volume of this cuboid.
,d ?kukHkdkj eNyh?kj vius {kerk dk 2 / 3 ikuh ls Hkjk 'kadq cuk;k tkrk gS] rks bl izfØ;k esa fdrus izfr'kr ydM+h
gSA bldks ,d vksj bl izdkj >qdk;k tkrk gS fd ikuh dk O;FkZ gqbZ\
Lrj vk/kkj vkSj Åijh Hkqtk ds cjkcj gks tkrk gSA ,slk djus 2 1
(a) 92 % (b) 46 %
ls 6 yhVj ikuh ckgj fudy tkrk gS] rks bldh {kerk Kkr 3 3
djksA 2 1
(c) 53 % (d) 7 %
(a) 32 L (b) 36 L 3 3
(c) 40 L (d) 42 L 34. A tank 40 m long 30m broad and 12 m deep is dug in a
29. Find the number of bricks, each measuring field 1000m long and 30 m wide. By how much will the
25 cm 12.5 cm  7.5 cm required to construct a wall 6m long, level of the field rise if the earth dug out of the tank is
5m high and 0.5 m thick while the cement and sand mixture evenly spread over the field ?
occupies 1/20 of the volume of the wall. 1000 ehVj yEcs vkSj 30 ehVj pkSMs+ eSnku esa ,d 40 ehVj
6 ehVj yach] 5 ehVj Åaph vkSj 0-55 ehVj eksVkbZ okyh ,d yEck] 30 ehVj pkSMk+ vkSj 12 ehVj xgjk xM~Mk [kksnk tkrk
nhokj dks cukus esa 25 lseh-×12.5 lseh-×7.5 lsehh- eki okyh gSA ;fn bl xM~Ms ls fudyus okyh feV
feV~Vh dks bl eSnku ds

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 61 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
pkjksa vksj lery esa QSyk fn;k tk;s rks eSnku dh ÅWpkbZ esa 1
vkSj ;g c<+rs gq, nwljs Nksj ij 4 ehVj gks tkrh gSA rks
fdruh o`f) gksxh\ 2
(a) 2 m (b) 1.2m fLofeax iwy esa ikuh dk vk;ru Kkr djsaA
(c) 0.5m (d) 5 m (a) 900 m 3 (b) 912 m 3
35. Some bricks are arranged in volume of 20 m3. If the length, 3
(c) 942 m (d) 924 m 3
breadth and height of each brick is 25 cm, 12.5 cm and 8
cm respectively, then in that pile the number of bricks are
( suppose there is no gap in between two bricks) Pyramid/ Tetrahedron
3 Tetrahedron (leprq"Qydh;)
20 ehVj vk;ru esa dqN bZVksa dks Øec) rjhds ls yxkuk
gSA ;fn izR;sd bZV dh yEckbZ] pkSMk+ bZ vkSj ÅWpkbZ Øe'k% 25
lseh] 12-55 lseh vkSj 8 lseh gks] rks ml <sj esa bZVksa dh la[;k
fdruh gksxh\ (;g ekudj fd nks bZVksa ds chp esa dksbZ txg
[kkyh u gks)
(a) 6000 (b) 8000
(c) 4000 (d) 10000
36. A cistern of capacity 8000 litres measures extremely
3.3m 2.6m 1.1m 1m and its walls are 5 cm thick
thick. The
thickness of the bottom is
,d 8000 yhVj {kerk dh Vadh dh eki vf/kdre 2
 Height = a
3.3eh- 2.6eh- 1.1 eh- vkSj mldh eksVkbZ 5 ls-eh- gS] rks 3
blds ry dh eksVkbZ fdruh gksxh\ 2
(a) 1 m (b) 1.1 m ÅpkbZ = a
(c) 1 dm (d) 90 cm
3 3 2
37. Three solid iron cubes of edges 4 cm, 5 cm and 6 cm are  Curve Surface Area  a
melted together to make a new cube. 62 cm3 of the melted 4
material is lost due to improper handling. The area 3 3 2
ik'ohZ; lrg dk {ks=Qy  a
( in cm2) of the whole surface of the newly formed cube is 4
4 ls-eh-] 5 ls-eh- vkSj 6 ls-eh- Hkqtk okys rhu Bksl yksgs ds 2 3
 volume = a
?kuksa dks fi?kykdj ,d Uk;k ?ku cuk;k tkrk gSA fi?kyh gqbZ 12
lkexzh dk 62 ls-eh-3 vuqfpr izc/a ku dh otg ls csdkj gks 2 3
vk;ru = a
tkrk gSA rks u;s ?ku dk lEiw.kZ i`"B dk {ks=Qy (ls-eh-2 esa) 12
Kkr djks\  Total surface Area  3a 2
(a) 294 (b) 393
(c) 125 (d) 216 laiw.kZ lrg dk {ks=Qy  3a 2

38. A rectangular swimming pool is of length 32 metres and 39. Each edge of a regular tetrahedron is 3 cm, then its volume
1 is
width 9.5 metres and the depth of water at one end is 1
2 fdlh leprq"Qyd dh izR;sd dksj 3 ls-eh- gSA rc
1 leprq"Qyd dk vk;ru Kkr djsa\
metres which increases to 4 metres at other end. Find the
2 9 2 3
volume of water in the swimming pool. (a) cm (b) 27 3 cm3
,d vk;rkdkj kj fLofeax iwy gS ftldh yEckbZ 32 ehVj]
4 2 3
1 (c) cm (d) 9 2 cm3
pkSM+kbZ 9.5 ehVj rFkk bldh xgjkbZ ,d Nksj ij 1 ehVj gS 9
40. If the length of each edge of a regular tetrahedron is 12 cm,
then the volume of the tetrahedron is

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 62 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
;fn ,d leprq"Qyd dh izR;sd dksj 12 ls-eh- gS] rc mldk fdlh fijkfeM dh fr;Zd Å¡pkbZ 4 ehVj ,oa dqy fr;Zd i`"B
vk;ru Kkr djsa\ dk {ks=Qy 12 eh-2 rFkk vk/kkj ,d oxZ gSA rc fr;Zd i`"B
(a) 144 2 cm3 (b) 72 2 cm3 ds {ks=Qy rFkk vk/kkj dk {ks=Qy dk vuqikr Kkr djsa\
(a) 16:3 (b) 24:5
(c) 8 2 cm3 (d) 12 2 cm3 (c) 32:9 (d) 12:3
41. The base of a right pyramid is a square of side 40cm long. 45. The base of right pyramid is an equilateral triangle of side
4 cm. Each slant edge is 5 cm. Find the volume of
If the volume of the pyramid is 8000 cm3 , then its height
fdlh fijkfeM dk vk/kkj 4 ls-eh- Hkqtk okyk ,d leckgq
fdlh fijkfeM dk vk/kkj 40 ls-eh- Hkqtk okyk ,d oxZ gSA
f=Hkqt gSA ;fn bldh izR;sd fr;Zd dksj 5 ls-eh- gks] rks
;fn fijkfeM dk vk;ru 8000 ls-eh3- gS] rc fijkfeM dh
vk;ru Kkr djsa\
Å¡pkbZ Kkr djsa\
4 8 4 60
(a) 5 cm (b) 10 cm (a) cm3 (b) cm3
(c) 15 cm (d) 20 cm 3 3
42. If the base of right pyramid is a triangle of sides 5cm, 4 59 4 61 3
(c) cm3 (d) cm
12 cm, 13 cm and its volume is 330 cm , then its height 3 3
46. There is a pyramid on a base which is a regular hexagon of
( in cm) will be
side 2a cm. If every slant edge of this pyramid is of length
fdlh fijkfeM dk vk/kkj 5 ls-eh-] 12 ls-eh- rFkk 13 ls-eh-
Hkqtkvksa okyk f=Hkqt gSA ;fn fijkfeM dk vk;ru 330 ls-eh3- cm, then the volume of this pyramid is
gS] rc fijkfeM dh Å¡pkbZ Kkr djksa\ fdlh 2a ls-eh- Hkqtk okys "kV~Hkqt dks vk/kkj ekurs gq, ,d
(a) 33 (b) 32
(c) 11 (d) 22 fijkfeM cuk;k x;k gSA ;fn fijkfeM dh fr;Zd dksj
43. The base of a right pyramid is an equilateral triangle of side
lseh gS] rks fijkfeM dk vk;ru Kkr djsa\
10 3 cm. If the total surface area of the pyramid is
(a) 3 a 3cm 3 (b) 3 2 a 3cm3
270 3 cm , its height is
(c) 3 3 a 3cm 3 (d) 6 a 3 cm 3
fdlh fijkfeM dk vk/kkj 10 3 ls-eh- Hkqtk okyk leckgq
47. A right pyramid stand on a rectangular base 32 cm long and
f=Hkqt gSA ;fn fijkfeM dk lEiw.kZ i`"B dk {ks=Qy 270 3 10 cm in width. If the height of the pyramid is 12 cm. Find
ls-eh-2 gS] rc fijkfeM dh Å¡pkbZ Kkr djsa\ its whole surface area.
fdlh fijkfeM dk vk/kkj 32 ls-eh- yEckbZ rFkk 10 ls-eh-
(a) 12 3 cm (b) 10 cm
pkSMkbZ okyk ,d vk;r gSA ;fn fijkfeM dh Å¡pkbZ 12 ls-eh-
(c) 10 3 cm (d) 13 cm gS] rks bldk lEiw.kZ i`"B {ks=Qy Kkr djsa\
44. If the slant height of right pyramid with square base is 4 m (a) 933 cm2 (b) 936 cm2
2 (c) 934 cm2 (d) 935 cm2
and the total slant surface of the pyramid is 12 m , then
the ratio of the total slant surface and area of the base is

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BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....

TYPE – I (Points) fcUnq Pa , b  izFke ewy ij P1 ij izfrfcafcr gksrk gSA vkSj
1. Reflection of the point (2, –7) in the y –axis
axis is fQj P1 y  v{k ij 5,  4 ij izfrfcafcr gksrk gSA fcUnq
y  v{k ij fcUnq 2,  7  dk ijkorZu D;k gS\ P ds funsZ'kkad D;k gS\
(a) 2, 7  (b)  2,7  (a)  5,  4 (b)  5, 4 
(c)  7, 2 (d) 7,  2 (c) 5, 4  (d) 5,  4 
2. What is the reflection of the point  1, 5 in the line x = 1? 8. Point P is the midpoint of segment AB. Co–ordinates
Co of P
js[kk x  1 esa fcUnq  1, 5 dk izfrfcac D;k gS\a are (3, 1) and B are (5, –4).
4). What are the co–ordinates
co of
point A?
(a) 3,  5 (b)  3,  5 fcanq P js[kk[kaM AB dk e/; fcUnq gSA P ds funsZ'kkad
(c) 3, 5 (d)  3, 5  3, 1 gSA vkSj B5,  4 gSaA fcUnq A ds funSsZ'kkad D;k gS\
3. What is the reflection of point (4,  3) in the line y  2 ? (a)  1, 7  (b) 1,  7 
js[kk y  2 esa fcUnq 4,  3 dk izfrfcca D;k gS\ (c) 1, 6 (d)  1,  7 
(a) 4, 1 (b)  4,1 9. In what ratio does the point T x, 0 divide the segment
(c)  4,  1 (d) 4,  1 joining the points S (5, 1) and U(
U(–1, –2)?
4. What is the reflection of the point (3, –5)
5) in the origin? fcUnq T x, 0 fcUnq S5, 1 vkSj fcUnq U 1,  2  dks
ewy eas fcUnq 3,  5 dk izfrfcac D;k gS\ tksM+us okys js[kk[kaM dks fdl vuqikr esa foHkkftr djrk gS\
(a)  3, 5 (b) 5,  3 (a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 2
(c) 3 : 1 (d) 2 : 3
(c)  5,  3 (d)  3, 5  10. In what ratio is the sagment joining ((–1, –12) and (3, 4)
5. Reflection of the point (4, –6) in origin is divided by the x axis?
fcUnq 4,  6 dk izfrfcac ewy fcUnq esa D;k gksxkk\ fcUnq  1,  12 vkSj 3, 4 ds chp dk js[kk[kaM x  v{k
(a) 4, 6  (b)  4,  6  ls fdl vuqikr esa foHkkftr gksrk gS\
(c)  4, 6 (d) 4,  6  (a) 1 : 3 (b) 3 : 2
6. The point Q (a,b) is first reflected in y– axis to Q1 and Q1 is (c) 3 : 1 (d) 2 : 3
reflected in x axis to (–6, 2) the co–ordinates
ordinates of point Q are 11. Point A 2, 1 divides segment BC in the ratio 2 : 3 co
fcUnq Qa , b  y  v{k ij izFke Q1 ij ijkofrZr gksrk gS ordinates of B are 1,  3 and C are 4, y  . What is the
vkSj Q1, x  v{k ij  6, 2 ij ijkofrZr gksrk gSA fcUnq value of y?
Q ds funsZ'kkad D;k gS\ fcanq A 2, 1 js[kk[kaM BC dks 2 : 3 vuqikr esa foHkkftr
(a)  6,  2  (b) 2,  6 djrk gSA B ds funsZ'kkad 1,  3 vkSj C ds funsZ'kkad
(c) 6,  2 (d)  2, 6 4, y gSA y dk eku D;k gS\
7. The point P (a,b) is first reflected in origin to P1 and P1 is (a) 8 (b) –7
reflected in y– axis to (5, –4). The co–ordinates
ordinates of point P (c) –8 (d) 7

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BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....

12. Point A divides segment BC in the ratio 4 : 1 CoCo–ordinates (c) –1/3 (d) 1/3
of B are (6, 1) and C are (7/2, 6) what are the co
co–ordinates 21. Slope of the line AB is –4/3.
4/3. Co–ordinates
Co of points A and B
of point A? are (x, –5) and (–5,
5, 3) respectively. What is the value of x?
fcUnq A js[kk[kaM BC dks 4 : 1 vuqikr esa foHkkftr djrk js[kk AB dh <yku  4 / 3 gSa fcUnqvksa A vkSj B ds funsZ'kkad
gSA B ds funsZ'kakd (6, 1) vkSj C ds funsZ'kakd 7 / 2, 6  gSA Øe'k% x ,  5 vkSj  5, 3 gSA x dk eku D;k gS\
fcUnq A ds funsZ'kkad D;k gS\ (a) –1 (b) 2
(a) (4, 3) (b) (4, 5) (c) –2 (d) 1
(c) (2, 5) (d) (3, 5) 22. The slops of the line passing through the points (–5,
( 1) and
13. The distance between the points (7, 7) and (k, –5)
– is 13 find (x, –4) is –5/8. Find the value of x?
k? fcUnq  5, 1 vkSj x,4 ls xqtjus okyh js[kk dh <ky
fcUnq (7, 7) vkSj fcUnq K,  5 chp dh nwjh 13 gS A k dks 5 / 8 gSA x dk eku Kkr djsa
Kkr djsa\ (a) 4 (b) 3
(a) –2 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) –1
(c) –4 (d) 2 23. What is the slope of the line 4x  8y  3?
14. What is the distance between the points 4,  8 and js[kk 4x  8y  3 dh <ky D;k gS\
 2, 0 ? (a) –1/2 (b) 2
(c) 1/2 (d) –2
fcUnq 4,  8 vkSj  2, 0 ds chp dh nwjh Kkr djsa\
24. ax + 5y = 8 has slops of –4/3.
4/3. What is the value of a?
(a) 100 units (b) 5 units
ax + 5y = 8 dh <yku  4 / 3 gSA a dk eku D;k gSa
(c) 25 units (d) 10 units
(a) 20/3 (b) 3/20
TYPE – II (Line) (c) –20/3 (d) –3/20
15. Find the intercepts made by the line 7x + 8y – 56 = 0. On 25. What is the slope of the line parallel to the line passsing
the axis through the points (5, –1)
1) and (4, –4 ) ?
js[kk 7x  8y  56  0 ds }kjk v{kksa ij dVs var [kaM Kkr (5, –1) vkSj (4, –4) fcUnqvksa ds ek/;e ls xqtjus okyh js[kk ds
djsa\ lekukarj js[kk dh <yku D;k gS\
(a) (5, 6) (b) (8, 7) (a) –3 (b) –1/3
(c) (7, 8) (d) buesa ls dksbZ ugha (c) 3 (d) 1/3
16. At what point does the line 3x + 2y = 12 cuts the y – axis? 26. What is the slops of the line parallel to the line passing
js[kk 3x  2y  12 fdl fcUnq ij y v{k dks dkVrh gS\ through the points (4, –2)
2) and ((–3, 5)?
(a) (0, 6) (b) (0, –6) (4, –2) vkSj (–3, 5 ) fcUnqvksa ls xqtjus okyh js[kk ds lekarj
(c) (6, 0) (d) (–6, 0) js[kk ds <ky dks Kkr djsaA
17. At what point does the line 2x – 3y = 6 cuts the x axis? (a) 3/7 (b) 1
js[kk 2x  3y  6 x v{k dks fdl fcUnq ij dkVrh gS\ (c) –3/7 (d) –1
(a) (–3, 0) (b) (0, 3) rallel to the line 3x 6x  4 ?
27. What is the slope of the line parallel
(c) (0, –3) (d) (3, 0) js[kk 3x  6y  4 dh lekukarj jgus okyh js[kk dh <yku
18. if x  2y  2 and 3x  y  20 then the value of x, y  is
D;k gSa
;fn x  2y  2 vkSj 3x  y  20 gSa rks x, y dk eku D;k (a) –1/2 (b) 1/2
gS\ (c) 2 (d) –2
(a) (6, 2) (b) (4, 1) 28. The line passing through point ((–3, 1) and point (x, 5) is
(c) (3, 2) (d) (5, 5) parallel to the line passing through point (–2,
( –1) and point
19. Which of the following points lie on the line 7x + 3y = 4 ? (6, 3) What is the value of x?
fuEufyf[kr fcUnqvksa eas ls dkSu lk fcUnq js[kk 7x  3y  4 fcanq  3, 1 vkSj fcUnq x , 5 ls xqtjus okyh js[kk ml js[kk
ij fLFkr gS\ ds lekukarj gS] tks fcUnq  2,  1 vkSj fcanq  6, 3 ls xqtj
(a) (–2, 6) (b) (–2, –6) jgh gSA x dk eku D;k gS
(c) (2, 6) (d) (2, –6) (a) –5 (b) –2
20. What is the slope of the line perpendicular to the line
(c) 2 (d) 5
passing through the points (–5, 1) and (–2, 0)?
29. What is the slope of the line perpendicular to the line
(–5, 1) vkSj (–2, 0) fcUnqvksa ds ek/;e ls xqtjus okyh js[kk
passing through the points (–2,
2, 3) and (2, 0)?
ds yacr js[kk dh <yku D;k gS\
(a) –3 (b) 3

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BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....

(–2, 3) vkSj (2, 0) fcUnqvksa ls xqtjus okyh js[kk ij yacor 37. What is the equation of the line which passes through the
jgjus okyh js[kk dk >qdko D;k gS\ points (3, –2) and (5, 3)
(a) 4/3 (b) 3/4 fcUnq 3,  2 vkSj 5, 3 ls xqtjus okyh js[kk ds lehdj.k
(c) –3/4 (d) –4/3 dks Kkr djsa
30. Find k, If the line 2x  3y  11 is perpendicular to the line (a) 5x  2y  19 (b) 5x  2y  19
3x + ky = – 4? (c) 5x  2y  31 (d) 5x  2y  31
k dk irk yxk, ;fn js[kk 2x  3y  11 js[kk 3x  ky  4 38. What will be the equation of the perpendicular bisector
bi of
segment joining the points (5, ––3) and (0, 2)?
ij yacor gS\
fcUnq 5,  3 vkSj fcUnq 0, 2  dks tksM+us okys [kaM ds yac
(a) –2 (b) 1
(c) –1 (d) 2 f}.Hkktd dk lehdj.k D;k gksxkk\
31. A line passing through the origin perpendicularly cuts the (a) x  y  2 (b) x  y  3
line 3x  2y  6 at point M. Find M? (c) x  y  2 (d) x  y  3
ewy ls xqtjus okyh js[kk 3x  2y  6 js[kk dks fcUnq M ij 39. Find equation of the perpendicular bisector of segment
joining the points (2, –6)
6) and (4, 0)?
yacor dkVrh gSA M dks Kkr djsA (2, –6) vkSj (4, 0) fcUnqvksa dks tksM+us okys js[kk[kaM ds
(a) 18 / 13, 12 / 13 (b) 18 / 13,  12 / 13
f}Hkktd vfHkyac ds lehdj.k dk irk yxk,aA
(c)  18 / 13, 12 / 13 (d)  18 / 13, 12 / 13 (a) x  3y  6 (b) x  3y  6
32. Slope of the side DA of the rectangle ABCD is –3/4 what is (c) x  3y  6 (d) x  3y  6
the slope of the side AB ?
40. The line passing through (–2,2, 5) and (6, b) is perpendicular
vk;r ABCD dh DA okyh Hkqtk dk >qdko  3 / 4 gSA
to the line 20x + 5y = 3. Find b ?
AB okyh Hkqtk dk >qdko D;k gS\
(–2, 5) vkSj (6, b) ls xqtjus okyh js[kk 20x  5y  3 js[kk
(a) –4/3 (b) 3/4
(c) –3/4 (d) 4/3 ij vfHkyac gSA b dks Kkr djsaA
(a) –7 (b) 4
33. The slopes of two lines are 1 and 3 . What is the angle (c) 7 (d) –4
between these two lines? 41. What is the equation of the line if its slope is 3/4 and y
nks js[kkvksa dk <ky 1 vkSj 3 gSA bu nks js[kkvksa ds chp intercept is 5?
dk dks.k D;k gS\ ml js[kk dk lehdj.k D;k gksxk] ftldh <yku 3 / 4 gS
(a) 15° (b) 30° vkSj tks y  v{k dks 5 ij dkVrh gS\
(c) 45° (d) 60° (a) 3x  4y  20 (b) 3x  4y  20
34. The slopes of two lines are 1 and 1 / 3 What is the angle (c) 3x  4y  20 (d) 3x  4y  20
between these two lines? 42. What is the equation of the line if its slops is 4/3 and it
nks js[kkvksa <ky 1 vkSj 1 / 3 gSa bu nks js[kkvksa ds chp dk passes through the point (–7,
7, 2)?
dks.k D;k gksxk\ 4 / 3 ds <ky ds lkFk fcUnq  7, 2 ls gksdj xqtjus okyh
(a) 15° (b) 30° js[kk dk lehdj.k D;k gS\
(c) 45° (d) 60° (a) 4x–3y= –2 (b) 4x  3y  34
35. The slopes of two lines are 1 / 3 and 3 what is the
(c) 4x  3y  22 (d) 4x  3y  34
angle between these two lines?
43. The equation of the line if its slope is –3/7 and it passes
nks js[kkvks dk <ky 1 / 3 vkSj 3 gSa bu nks j[kkvksa ds
through the point 5,  2 is ___
chp dk dks.k D;k gksxk\
(a) 15° (b) 45° 3 / 7 ds <ky ds lkFk 5,  2 ls gksdj xqtjus okyh js[kk
(c) 60° (d) 30° okyh js[kk dk lehdj.k ____gS
TYPE – III (a) 3x  7y  29 (b) 3x  7 y  1
36. What is the equation of the line which passes through the
(c) 3x  7 y  1 (d) 3x  7 y  29
points (–1, 2) and (4, –3)?
ml js[kk dk lehdj.k D;k gksxk] tks fcUnq  1, 2  vkSj 44. What would be the equation of the line, which intercepts
x  axis at 5 and is perpendicular to the line y  2x  3 ?
fcUnq 4,  3 ls gksdj xqtjrh gS\
(a) x  y  3 (b) x  y  1 ml js[kk dk lehdj.k D;k gS tks x v{k dks 5 ij dkVrh
(c) x  y  1 (d) x  y  3
gSA vkSj js[kk y  2x  3 ij ,d yac gS\
(a) x  2y  5 (b) x  2y  5

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BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....

(c) x  2y  5 (d) x  2y  5 TYPE – IV (Triangle)

45. What is the equation of the line which intercepts x–
x axis 51. What are the co–ordinates
ordinates of the centroid of a triangle
and y–axis at 3/4 and –2/3 respectively? whose vertices are A (3, –4),
4), B(–9,
B( 5) and C(–3, –1) ?
ml js[kk dk lehdj.k D;k gksxk] tks x  v{k vkSj y  ;fn fdlh f=Hkqt ds dksuksa ds funsZ'kkad A3,  4, B 9, 5
v{k dks Øe'k 3 / 4 vkSj 2 / 3 ij dkVrh gS\ vkSj C 3,  1 gS] rks mlds dsUnzd ds funsZ'kakd D;k gskxsa\
(a) 8x  9 y  6 (b) 9x  8y  12 (a) (3, 0) (b) (–3,
3, 0)
(c) 8x  9y  6 (d) `9x  8y  12 (c) (–4, 0) (d) (4, 0)
52. The co–ordinates
ordinates of the centroid of the triangle ABC are (1,
46. What is the equation of the line passing through the point
(2, –3) and making an angle of 45  with the positive x  –4). What are the co–ordinates
ordinates of vertex C if co–ordinates
axis? of A and B are (3, –4)
4) and (0, 5) respectively?
ml js[kk dk lehdj.k D;k gksxk] tks fcanq 2,3 ls gksdj f=Hkqt ABC ds dsUnzd ds funsZ'kkad 1,4  gSA ;fn A
xqtjrh gks vkSj /kukRed x  v{k ds lkFk 45  dk dks.k vkSj B ds funsZ'kkad Øe'k: (3, –4) vkSj (0, 5) gS] rks 'kh"kZ C
cukrh gksA ds funsZ'kkad D;k gS\
(a) x  y  5 (b) x  y  1 (a) (0, 13) (b) (0, 5)
(c) x  y  5 (d) x  y  1 (c) (0, 5) (d) (0, –13)
47. What is the equation of the line passing through the point 53. For triangle ABC, find equation of median AD if co–
(1, 3) and making an angle of 45  with the positive xx– ordinates of A, B and C are (–1,
( –3), (5, –4) and (3, 2)
axis? respectively?
fcUnq 1, 3 ls xqtjus okyh vkSj /kukRed x  v{k ds lkFk f=Hkqt ABC ds fy, ;fn fcUnq A, B vkSj C ds funsZ'kkad
45 dk dks.k cukus okyh js[kk dk lehdj.k D;k gksxkA dze'k%  1,3, 5,  4  vkSj 3, 2 gS rks ekf/;dk AD dk
(a) x  y  4 (b) x  y  2 lehdj.k D;k gS\
(c) x  y  4 (d) x  y  2 (a) 2x  5y  17 (b) 2x  5y  13
48. What is the equation of the line whose y intercept is –3 and (c) 2x  5y  13 (d) 2x  5y  17
makes an angle of 45° with the positive x – axis?
54. for triangle PQR. Find equation of altitude PS if co
ml js[kk ds lehdj.k dks Kkr djs ftldk y  izfrPNsn ordinates of P, Q and R are (6, 2), (0, 3) and (–4,
( 5)
 3 gks vkSj tks /kukRed x  v{k ds lkFk 45  dk dks.k respectively?
cukrh gksA f=Hkqt PQR ds fy,] ;fn P, Q vkSj R ds funsZ'kkad Øe'k
(a) x  y  3 (b) x  y  3 6, 2, 0, 3 vkSj  4, 5 gS] rks ÅapkbZ PS dk lehdj.k
(c) x  y  3 (d) x  y  3 Kkr djsaA
49. What is the equation of line whose slops is –1/2
1/2 and passes (a) 2x  y  14 (b) 2x  y  10
through the intersection of the lines x  y  1 and (c) 2x  y  10 (d) 2x  y  14
3x  2y  0 ? 55. For triangle ABC, what would be the equation of median
ml js[kk dk lehdj.k D;k gksxk ftldh <yku 1 / 2 gSA ordinates of A, B and C are  5, 4 ,  4, 0  and
AD if co–ordinates
vkSj tks js[kk x  y  1 vkSj 3x  2y  0 ds izfrPNsnu  2, 2  respectively?
fcUnq ls gksdj xqtjrh gSA f=Hkqt ABC ds fy,] ekf/;dk AD dk lehdj.k D;k gksxk]
(a) x  2y  8 (b) 3x  y  7 ;fn A, B vkSj C ds funsZ'kkad Øe'k  5, 4 ,  4, 0 
(c) x  2y  8 (d) 3x  y  7 vkSj  2, 2  gS\
50. Find equation of the perpendicular to segment joining the (a) 3x  2y  11 (b) 3x  2y  7
points A(0, 4) and B (–5,
5, 9) and passing through the point (c) 3x  2 y  7 (d) 3x  2y  11
P. Point P divides segment AB in the ratio 2:3? 56. The points A (2, –3), B (–2, 2, 0) and C (6, x) are collinear.
fcanq A0, 4 vkSj B 5, 9 dks tksMUks okys js[kk[kaM ij What is the value of x?
vkSj fcUnq P ls gksdj xqtjus okys vfHkyac dk lehdj.k fcUnq A 2,  3 , B 2, 0  vkSj C6, x  lejs[k gSA x dk
Kkr djsaA fcUnq P js[kk[kaM AB dks 2 : 3 ds vuqikr esa D;k eku gS\
(a) –1 (b) –6
foHkkftr djrh gS\
(c) 3 (d) 2
(a) xy8 (b) x  y  8
TYPE – V (Quadrilateral)
(c) x  y  8 (d) x  y  8

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 67 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....

57. If there are four lines in a plane then what cannot be the (a) 5x  2y  16 (b) 5x  2y  16
number of points of intersection of these lines? (c) 5x  2y  16 (d) 5x  2y  16
;fn ,d le/kjkry (Iysu) eas pkj js[kkvksa ds izfrPNsnd
60. Find the area of quadrilateral formed by joining points (4,
fcUnqvksa dh la[;k D;k ugha gks ldrh\ 2), (8, 2), (8, 14) and (4, 10).
(a) 0 (b) 5
ml prqHkZt q dk {ks=Qy Kkr djsa] tks fcUnqvksa (4, 2), (8, 2),
(c) 4 (d) 7
(8, 14) rFkk (4, 10) dks tksM+dj cuk;k x;k gS\
58. A (4, –3)
3) and C (0, 7) are vertices of a square ABCD find
(a) 5 sq. units (b) 10 sq. units
equation of diagonal BD?
(c) 25 sq. units (d) 40 sq. units
A (4, –3) vkSj C0, 7  ,d oxZ ABCD ds dksus gSA fod.kZ
61. Find the area of the region bounded by lines 3x + 4y = 12,
BD ds lehdj.k dk irk yxk,\ 5x + 8y = 60, x = 0 and y = 0
(a) 2x  5y  6 (b) 2x  5y  6 ml {ks= dk {ks=Qy Kkr djsa tks js[kkvksa
(c) 2x  5y  6 (d) 2x  5y  6 3x  4y  12, 5x  8y  60, x  0 rFkk y  0 ls f?kjk gks\
59. P (3, 1) and R (–7,7, 5) are vertices of a rhombus PQRS. (a) 37.5 sq.units (b) 31.5 sq. units
What is the equation of diagonal QS? (c) 39 sq. units (d) 32 sq. units
P 3, 1 vkSj R  7, 5  ,d le prqHkqZt PQRS ds
f'kjksfcUnq gSa fod.kZ QS ds lehdj.k dk irk yxk,
The square of the hypotenuses of a right angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides
i.e. ( AC ) 2  ( AB ) 2  ( BC ) 2
,d ledks.k f=Hkqt esa d.kZ dk oxZ] yEc dk oxZ vkSj vk/kkj dk oxZ ds ;ksx ds cjkcj gksrk gSaA


– The converse of the this theorem is also true.

bl izes; dk O;qRØe Hkh lgh gSA
– The number which satisfy this relation, are called Pythagorean triplets.
bl çes; dks lar"q V djus okyh la[;k,s ikbFkkxksfj;u fVªiysV dgykrh gSaA
eg. (3, 4, 5) (5, 12, 13) (7, 24, 25) (8, 15, 17) (9, 40, 41), (11, 60, 61), (12, 35, 37), (16, 63, 65), (20, 21, 29),
(28, 45, 53), (33, 56, 65).

Note : All the multiple ( or submultiples) of Pythagorean triplets also satisfy the relation
ikbFkkxksfj;u fVªiysV ds xq.kt ¼viorZd½ Hkh bl çes; dks ges'kk larq"V djsxsaA
eg. (6, 8, 10), (15, 36, 39) (1.5, 2, 2.5) etc.

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 68 Mob. 8871603721

BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....

Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 69 Mob. 8871603721

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