Content: (T Kfefr T Kfefr)
Content: (T Kfefr T Kfefr)
Content: (T Kfefr T Kfefr)
1. Geometry (T;kfefr) 3 – 32
2. Mensuration ({ks=fefr) 33 – 59
GEOMETRY (T;kfefr)
Axioms: The basic facts which are taken for granted, without js[kk : iSekus dk fdukjk] est dh Åij okyh lrg dk fdukjk]
proof, are called axioms. fdlh dejs dh nks nhokjksa ds feyus dk LFkku T;kferh; ljy
vfHkx`ghr : ,sls vk/kkjHkwr rF; tks fcuk izek.k ds lR; eku fy;s js[kk ds mnkgj.k gSaA
tkrs gSa] vfHkx`ghr dgykrs gSAa fdlh dkxt ijj iSekus rFkk ckjhd iSfUly dh lgk;rk ls [khaph
Theorems:- The conclusions obtained through logical xbZ js[kk T;kferh; ljy js[kk ds fudV dk mnkgj.k gSAa
reasoning based on previously proved results and some axioms ,d T;kferh; ljy js[kk fcUnqvksa dk ,d leqPp; gksrh gS rFkk
constitute a statement which is known as a theorem or a nksuksa fn'kkvks
kkvksa esa vuUr rd foLr`r jgrh gSA
nks fHkUu js[kkvksa esa ,d ls vf/kd mHk;fu’B fcUnq ugha gks ldrkA
çes; :- iwoZ esa fl) fd;s x;s ifj.kkeksa rFkk dqN vfHkx`ghrksa ij
vk/kkfjr rkfdZd Kku }kjk fu;fer dFku dks izes; dgrs gSaA js[kk;s nks izdkj dh gksrh gSA
Point: A point is represented by a fine dot made by a sharp 1. ljy js[kk 2. oØkdkj js[kk
pencil on a sheet of paper. Incidence axioms
Two lines are intersecting
rsecting if they have a common point. The Axiom 1 : A line contains infinitely many points.
common point is called the point of intersection.
Axiom 2: Through a given point, there pass infinitely many
fcUnq : ckjhd iSfUly ls dkxt ij cuk lw{e fpUg ,d fcUnq dks lines.
iznf'kZr djrk gSA Axiom 3: Given two points A and B, there is one and only one
nks js[kk,¡ izfrPNsnu djrh gSa] vxj mudk ,d gh mHk;fu’B fcUnq line that contains both the points.
gksA ;g fCkUnq “izfrPNsnu fcUnq” dgykrk gSA vkiru vfHkx`ghr :-
Plane: The surface of a smooth wall or the surface of a sheet of vfHkx`ghr 1 % ,d js[kk ij vla[; fcUnq fLFkr gksrs gSaA
paper or the surface of a smooth black board are close examples
of a plane. vfHkx`ghr 2 % ,d fn;s gq, fcUnq ls gksdj tkus okyh vla[;
js[kk;sa [khaph tk ldrh gSAa
There are three basic terms in geometry, namely “Point”, “Line”
and “Plane”. It is not possible to define these three terms vfHkx`ghr 3 % nks fHkUu&fHkUu fcanqvksa A rFkk B ls gksdj tkus okyh
precisely. So, these are taken as undefined terms. ,d vkSj dsoy ,d js[kk [khaph tk ldrh gSA
lery : fpduh nhokj dh lrg vFkok fdlh dkxt ds iUus dh Subsets of the line (js[kk ds lewg):--
lrg vFkok fdlh fpdus “;ke iV dh lrg T;kferh; lery ds Line Segment: Given two points A and B on a line l, the
fudV ds mnkgj.k gSaA connected part (segment) of the line with end points at A and B,
T;kferh esa rhu vk/kkjHkwr in gS tks fd “fcUnq” vk vkSj “lery” is called the line segment AB.
eki ls tkus tkrs gSaA bu inksa dk la{ksi esa ifjHkkf’kr djuk laHko The distance between A and B is called the length of the
ughaA blfy;s bu inksa dks vifjHkkf’kr in ekuk tkrk gSA segment AB
Line: If we fold a piece of paper, the crease in the paper js[kk[k.M : fdlh js[kk l ij fn;s gq;s nks fcUnqvksa A rFkk B dks
represents a geometrical straight line. The edge of a ruler, the tksM+us okyk Hkkx ¼[k.M½] ftlds vUr vU fcUnq A rFkk B gksa]
edge of the top of a table, the meeting place of two walls of a js[kk[k.M AB dgykrk gSA
room are also examples of a geometrical straight line.
bl js[kk[k.M dh yEckbZ A vkSj B ds chp dh nwjh gSA
Two distinct linee cannot have more than one point in common.
There are two types of line
Coincident lines: These lines are lines that lie exactly on top
1. Straight line 2. Curved line of each other.
lEikrh js[kk;sa :-lEikrh js[kk,a os js[kk,a gksrh gS tks ,d nwljs ds
fcYdqy Åij fLFkr gksrh gSa
The above axiom may also be re-stated stated as follows: “Two An angle is the union of two non-collinear
collinear rays with a common
intersecting lines cannot both be parallel to the same line”. initial point.
lekukUrj vfHkx`ghr :- ;fn l ,d js[kk rFkk P ,d fcUnq gS tks l dks.k:- nks vlajs[k fdj.ksa ftudk izkjafEHkd fcUnq mHk;fu’B gksrk gS]
ij ugha gS rks ,d vkSj ,d dsoy ,d js[kk gksrh gS tks P ls gksdj ,d dks.k cukrh gSaA fdj.ksa AB vkSj AC }kjk cuk;s x;s dks.k dks
tk;s rFkk l ds lekUrj gksA BAC vFkok CAB }kjk iznf”kZkZr djrs gSa tSlk fd fp= esa
mijksDr vfHkx`ghr dks bl izdkj Hkh dgk tk ldrk gS% n”kkZ;k x;k gSA
“nks izfrPNsnh js[kkvksa esa ls nksuksa fdlh rhljh js[kk ds lekUrj
ugha gks ldrh gSaA”
Theorem : Two lines which are both parallel to the same line, A B
are parallel to each other.
çes; :-nks js[kk;sa tks fdlh vU; js[kk ds lekUrj gSa] ijLij Hkh fdUgha nks vlajs[k (non-collinear) js[kkvksa ds la?k (union) ls ,d
lekUrj gksrh gSaA dks.k curk gS tks fd nksuksa js[kkvksa ds mHkfu’B ;k dVku fcUnq ij
gksrk gSA
Types of Angles :-
Complementary angles :-
Two angle, the sum of whose measure is 90,
90 are called
A B complementary angles.
BAC = 90
Thus, BAX and XAC
XAC are complementary angles, if
Obtuse angle: x y 90
An angle whose measure is more than 90 but less than 180
180 is iwjd dks.k :-
called an obtuse angle.
,sls nks dks.k ftudsa ekiksa dk ;ksxQy 90 gks] iwjd dks.k dgykrs
BAC is an obtuse angle, if 90 < BAC < 180. gSaA
vr% BAX rFkk XAC iwjd dks.k gSa] ;fn x y 90
vf/kd dks.k : -
ftl dks.k dk eki 90 ls vf/kd gks ijUrq 180 ls de gks] vf/kd
dks.k dgykrk gSA
vr% ftl dks.k dk eki ,d ledks.k ls vf/kd gks] vf/kd dks.k y
dgykrk gSA A B
Supplementary angles :-
BAC ,d vf/kd dks.k gS] ;fn 90 < BAC
BAC < 180
BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
Two angles,, the sum of whose measures is 180,, are called the The pairs of interior angles on the same side of the transversal
supplementary angles. are called pairs of consecutive interior angles.
lEiwjd dks.k :- In figure, the following pairs of angles are called pairs of
consecutive interior angles.
;fn nks dks.kksa ds ekiksa dk ;ksxQy 180 gks] rks mUgsa lEiwjd dks.k (i) 2 and 5 (ii) 3 and 8
dgrs gSaA (i) Each
ach pair of corresponding angles are equal
C (ii) Each
ach pair of alternate interior angles are equal and,
(iii) Each
ach pair of consecutive interior angles are supplementary.
y x The converse of each of the above statements is also true.
A Øekxr vUr% dks.k:-
Vertically opposite angles: fr;Zd js[kk ds ,d gh vksj fLFkr vUr% dks.kksa dk ;qXe Øekxr
Two angles are called a pair of vertically opposite angles, if vUr% dks.k ;qXe dgykrk gSA
their arms form two pairs of opposite rays.
fp= esa] dks.kksa ds fuEufy[kr ;qXe Øekxr vUr% dks.k ;qXe
C B dgykrs gSaA
(i) 2 rFkk 5 (ii) 3 rFkk 8
(i) laxr dks.kksa dk izR;sd ;qXe cjkcj gSA
A D (ii) ,dkUrj vUr% dks.kksa dk izR;sd ;qXe cjkcj gSA rFkk]
(iii) Øekxr vUr% dks.kksa dk izR;sd ;qXe lEiwjd gSA
If two lines intersect, then vertically opposite angles are equal.
mi;qZDr dFkuks dk foykse Hkh lR; gksxkA
'kh"kkZfHkeq[k dks.k:
Corresponding angles:-
nks dks.k “kh’kkZfHkeq[k dks.kksa dk ;qXe dgykrs gSa] ;fn mudh Hkqtk,¡ Two angles on the same side of a transversal are known as the
nks foijhr fdj.kksa ds nks ;qXe cukrh gSaA corresponding angles if both lie either above the two lines or
below the two lines.
(i) 1 and 5 (ii) 4
4 and 8
(iii) 2 and 6 (iv) 3
3 and 7
laxr dks.k:-
A D fr;Zd js[kk ds ,d gh vksj cus nks dks.k laxr dks.k dgykrs gSa]
;fn nksuksa dks.k nksuksa js[kkvksa ds ;k rks Åij ;k uhps cus gksA
;fn nks js[kk,¡ ijLij dkVrh gksa rks bl izdkj cus “kh’kZfHkeq[k (i) 1 rFkk 5 (ii) 4 rFkk 8
dks.k leku gksrs gSA (iii) 2 rFkk 6 (iv) 3 rFkk 7
Alternate interior angles:
Corresponding angles axiom:-
The following pairs of angles are called the pars of alternate
If a transversal intersects two parallel lines, then each pair of
interior angles:
corresponding angle are equal.
(i) 3 and 5 (ii) 2 and 8
Conversely, if a transversal intersects two lines, making a pair
,dkUrj vUr% dks.k: of equal corresponding angles, then the lines are parallel.
fuEufyf[kr dks.kksa ds ;qXeksa dks ,dkUrj vUr% dks.kkssa ds ;qXe dgrs laxr dks.k vfHkx`ghr:-
gSaA ;fn ,d fr;Zd~ js[kk nks lekUrj js[kkvksa dks izfrPNsfnr djrh gS]
(i) 3 rFkk 5 (ii) 2 rFkk 8 rks laxr dks.kksa dk izR;sd ;qXe cjkcj gksrk gSA
P and Q are adjacent angles as they have common Rhombus :- A Rhombus is a parallelogram in which all
arm PQ four sides are equal.
leprqHkqt Z %& leprqHkqZt ,d lekarj prqHkqZt gksrk gS ftldh
P vkSj Q vklUu dks.k gSa D;ksafd mudh mHk;fu"B PQ A
pkjksa Hkqtk,¡ cjkcj gksrh gSAa
Hkqtk gS 1. opposite sides are parallel
Opposite Angles :- P and R are opposite angles as 2. all four sides are equal
they have no common arm 3. opposite angles are equal D B
lEeq[k dks.k%& P vkSj R lEeq[k dks.k gksrs gSa D;ksafd right angles.
4. diagonals bisect each other at righ
mudh dksà mHk;fu"B Hkqtk ugÈ gksrh gS 1- lEeq[k Hkqtk,¡ lekUrj gksrh gSa
Diagonals - The line segments joining the opposite vertices 2- pkjksa Hkqtk,¡ leku gSa C
are called the diagonals of the quadrilateral
3- lEeq[k dks.k cjkcj gksrs gSa
fod.kZ & lEeq[k 'kh"kks± dks feykus okys js[kk[kaM prqHkqZt ds 4- fod.kZ ,d nwljs dks ledks.k ij lef}Hkkftr djrs gSa
fod.kZ dgykrs gSa
Convex And Concave Quadrilateral :- Square :- A square is a rectangle with all the four sides
Convex equal in other words, it is a rhombus with each angle equal
quadrilateral to 90°.
Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 8 Mob. 8871603721
BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
A square is a rectangle and at the same time a rhombus
so square will have all the properties of rectangle and those
of a rhombus.
oxZZ %& ,d oxZ ,d vk;r gksrk gS ftldh pkjksa Hkqtk,¡ leku
leyEc prqHkqZt %& leyac ,d prqHkqZt gS ftlesa lEeq[k
gksrh gSa nwljs 'kCnksa esa] ;g ,d leprqHkqZt gksrk gS ftld
Hkqtkvksa dk ,d ;qXe lekukarj gksrk gSA dksà Hkh dks.k cjkcj
çR;sd dks.k 90° ds cjkcj gksrk gSA
ugÈ gS
,d oxZ ,d vk;r gS vkSj lkFk gh ,d leprqHkqZt
,d lef}ckgq leyEc og gksrk gS ftldh nks foijhr Hkqtk,¡
vr% oxZ esa vk;r vkSj leprqHkqZt ds lHkh xq.k gksaxsA
lekukarj gksrh gSa vkSj vU; nks Hkqtk,¡ leku gksrh gSaA
1. all four sides are equal
kite :- In a kite, the two pairs of adjacent sides are equal
2. opposite sides are parallel
and the diagonals intersect each other at right angles.
3. Each angle is a right angle.
irax %& ,d irax esa vklUu Hkqtkvksa ds nks tksM+s cjkcj gksrs
4. The diagonals are equal
5. The diagonals bisect each other at right angles.
gSa vkSj fod.kZ ,d nwljs dks ledks.k ij dkVrs gSaA
1- pkjksa Hkqtk,¡ leku gSa
2- lEeq[k Hkqtk,¡ lekUrj gksrh gSa
3- çR;sd dks.k ledks.k gksrk gSA
4- fod.kZ cjkcj gksrs gSa D B
5- fod.kZ ,d nwljs dks ledks.k ij lef}Hkkftr djrs gSaA
Trapezium :- A trapezium is a quadrilateral in which one
pair of opposite sides are parallel. None of the angles are A
an isosceles trapezium
pezium is one whose two opposite sides are
parallel and the other two sides are equal.
GEOMETRY (T;kfefr)
TYPE - 1 6. In the given figure AB | | CD and xyz is a triangle if AXY
1. In the given figure l | | m the value of x. = 70 and XZD = 120 then the value of YXZ = ?
nh xbZ vkd`fr esa l | | m gks, rks dk x eku Kkr dhft, nh xbZ vkd`fr esa AB | | CD , vkSj xyz ,d f=Hkqt gS ;fn
(a) 25
AXY = 70 vkSj XZD
XZD = 120 rks YXZ dk eku Kkr
(b) 30 (3x-15) dhft,A
(c) 35
(d) 20 (2x+15) (a) 40 70
(b) 50 120
(c) 85 C Y Z D
2. In given figure find the value of x if l | | m.
nh xbZ vkd`fr esa l | | m gks, rks dk x eku Kkr dhft, (d) 60
(a) 25 7. In the given figure AB | | CD. If ABO = 100 and OCD
(b) 35 (3x+5) = 115 then the value of BOC
BOC = ?
(c) 20 4x nh xbZ vkd`fr esa AB | | CD, ;fn ABO = 100 vkSj
(d) 30 OCD = 115 rc BOC dk eku Kkr dhft,A
(a) 80
3. In the given figure, If AB | | CD, OAB = 120 and OCD C D
(b) 65 B
= 130 then AOC = ? A
(c) 35 100
nh xbZ vkd`fr esa ;fn AB | | CD, OAB 120 vkSj
OAB = 120
(d) 45
OCD = 130 rc AOC dk eku gksxkA O
(a) 80 A B 8. In the given figure, AB | | CD. If OAB = 50 and
(b) 90 120
O OCD = 100,, then the value of AOC?
(c) 120 130
(d) 110 D nh xbZ vkd`fr esa AB | | CD, ;fn OAB = 50 vkSj
OCD = 100 gS rks AOC dk eku Kkr dhft,A
4. In the given figure, AB | | CD, If ABO = 30 and CDO (a) 40 O
= 40 then the value of BOD = ? (b) 30 100
nh xbZ vkd`fr esa AB | | CD, ;fn ABO 30 vkSj
ABO = 30 (c) 50 C D
A 84°
(a) 30° (b) 40°
(c) 60° (d) 50°
43. In the given figure BAC=20°, and AE = DE = DC=BC,
then find ABC =?
fn, x, fp= esa BAC=20° rFkk AE = DE = DC=BC gS] rks
ABC =?
(a) 58 (b) 56
(c) 28 (d) None of these
40. In the given figure the external angle of angle A is
EAC 108 . A line AD divides BAC BAC in 1 : 3 if
AD BD find ACD
,d gh vk/kkj BC ij nks le:i f=Hkqt ABC rFkk (a) (i)rFkk (ii) (b) (ii)rFkk (iii)
DCB cuk;s tkrs gSA ;fn AC rFkk DB , P fcUnq ij (c) (i)rFkk (iii)- (d) (i), (ii) rFkk (iii)
izfrPNsn djsa] rc 35. In a ACB , BAC 90 and AD is perpendicular to BC. If
P AD =6 cm and BD = 4 cm. Find BC ?
,d ACB esa BAC = 900 rFkk AD BC. ;fn AD = 6
B C lseh rFkk BD = 4 lseh- BC dh yEckbZ gksxh&
AP DC (a) 8 cm (b) 10 cm
(a) (b) AP DP PC BP (c) 9 cm (d) 13 cm
(c) AP PC BP DP (d) AP BP PC PD 36. In ABC , B 90 and BN AC . If AB = 6 cm, AC = 10
cm then, AN : NC = ?
and AC = 25 cm. What is the value of BC (in cm)? 44. ABC is a right angled triangle at C the length of
ABC esa B ij ledks.k gSA BD mldh Å¡pkbZ gSA perpendicular drawn from C to AB is P. If length of BC,
CA and AB are a, b and c respectively. Then which option
DC 9 lseh vkSj AC 25 lseh- gSA BC (lseh esa) dk eku
is correct
D;k gksxk\
ABC ,d ledks.k f=Hkqt gS] tks dks.k C ij ledks.k gSA rFkk
(a) 12 (b)18
C ls AB ij Mkys x;s yEc dh yEckbZ P gSA ;fn a, b rFkk c
(c) 16 (d) 15
Øe'k% BC, CA rFkk AB dh yEckbZ;k¡ gSa] rc dkSu lk fodYi
39. PQR is right angled at Q. QS is the altitude. PQ is lgh gS &
4 13 cm and PS is 8 cm . What is the length of SR? 1 1 1 1 1 1
(a) (b)
PQR dks.k Q ij ledks.k gSA QS mldh ÅapkbZ gSa lseh p2 b2 a 2 p2 a 2 b2
1 1 1 1 1 1
gSA PQ 4 13cm vkSj PS 8 lseh gSA SR dh yackbZ gS\ (c) (d)
p2 a 2 b 2 p2 a 2 b2
(a) 6 13cm (b) 4 13 cm
(c) 18 cm (d) 9 cm CENTRE
40. ABC is a triangle which is right angled at A and a 1. I is the incentre of a triangle ABC. If ACB 55 ,
perpendicular AD is draw on the hypotenuse BC. if BC =8 ABC 65 , then the value of BIC is
and AD = 3, then what is the value of AB AC? I ] f=Hkqt ABC dk var dsUnz gSA ;fn ACB 55 rFkk ,
ABC ,d f=Hkqt gSa tks A ij ledks.k gS rFkk ,d yac ABC 65 gks] rc BIC Kkr djsa \
AD dks d.kZ BC ij Mkyk tkrk gSA ;fn BC 8 rFkk (a) 130° (b) 120°
AD 3 gks] rks AB AC eku D;k gSA (c) 140° (d) 110°
(a) 12 (b) 24 2. Internal bisectors of Q and R of PQR intersect at O.
(c) 32 (d) 36 If ROQ= 96°, then the value of RPQ is
41. In ABC A 90 and AD BC where D is any point on PQR esa Q rFkk R ds var%dks.k lef}Hkktd O ij
BC. If BC=8 cm, AC =6 cm. Then ratio between the areas ,d nwljs dks dkVrs gaSA ;fn ROQ= 96° gS] rks RPQ =?
of ABC : ACD ? (a) 12° (b) 24°
ABC es]a A = 900 rFkk AD BC tgk¡ D, BC ij dksbZ fcUnq (c) 30° (d) 6°
gSA ;fn BC = 8 lseh] AC = 6 lseh- rc ABC
ABC , ACD ds 3. The external bisector of B and C of ABC meet at
point P. If BAC= 100°, then the measure of BPC is
{ks=Qyksa dk vuqikr crkvksa ? ABC ds B rFkk C ds ckg~; lef}Hkktd] fcUnq P ij
(a) 4 : 3 (b) 25: 16 feyrs gSaA ;fn BAC= 100° gSa] rc BPC Kkr djsa \
(c) 16 : 9 (d) 25 : 9 (a) 50° (b) 80°
42. ABC is a right angled triangle at A and AD BC . If (c) 40° (d) 52°
4. In triangle PQR, the side PQ and PR are produced to A and
ABC = 40 cm 2 , ACD 10 cm 2 and AC = 9 cm. Find
B respectively. The bisectors of AQR and BRQ
BC = ? intersect at point O. If QOR
QOR = 50,
50 then what is the value
(in degres) of QPR?
lseh vkSj 6 lseh gSa rks AC dh yackbZ D;k gksxhh\ (a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 3
(a) 4 cm (b) 15 cm
(c) 2 : 3 (d) 2 : 3
(c) 18 cm (d) 8 cm
15. The perpendiculars drawn from the vertices to the opposite
7. In a right angled triangle, the circumcentre of the triangle lies
sides of a triangle, meet at the point whose name is
ledks.k f=Hkqt easa] f=Hkqt dk ifjdsUnz fLFkr gksrk gS &
fdlh f=Hkqt ds 'kh"kZ ls foijhr Hkqtkvksa ij yEc [khaps x;s
(a) Inside the triangle / f=Hkqt ds vanj
yEcksa dk izfrPNsfnr fcUnq gS&
(b) Outside the triangle/ f=Hkqt ds ckgj
(a) incentre /var%dsUnz (b) circumcentre/ifjdsUnz
(c) On midpoint of the hypotenuse /d.kZ ds e/; fcUnq ij
(c) centroid /dsUnzd (d) orthocenter /yEcdsUnz
(d) On one vertex/,d 'kh"kZ ij
16. If in a triangle , the orthocenter lies on vertex, then the
8. If the circumcentre of a triangle lies outside it, then the triangle is
triangle is
;fn f=Hkqt dk ifjdsUnz f=Hkqt ds ckgj gS] rc f=Hqkt gS& fdlh f=Hkqt esa yEc dsUnz] 'kh"kZ ij fLFkr gS] rc f=Hkqt gS&
(a) Equilateral (b) Acute angled
(a) Acute angled (b) isosceles
(c) Right angled (d) Obtuse angled
(c) Right angled (d) Equilateral
9. For a triangle circumcentre lies on one of its sides. The
17. The orthocentre
rthocentre of a right angled triangle lies
triangle is
fdlh ledks.k f=Hkqt dk yEc dsUnz fLFkr gksrk gS&
fdlh f=Hkqt dk ifjdsUnz mldh Hkqtk ij fLFkr gSA f=Hkqt gS
(a) outside the triangle/ f=Hkqt ds ckgj
(a) right angled (b) obtused angled
(b) at the right angular vertex/ ledks.k okys fcUnq ij
(c) isosceles (d) equilateral
10. ABC is an equilateral triangle and O is itss circumcentre, (c) on its hypotenuse / d.kZ ij
then the BOC is (d) within the triangle / f=Hkqt ds vanj
leckgq f=Hkqt ABC dk ifjdsUnz O gSA BOC ? 18. In ABC , O is the orthocentre and BOC 80 , the
(a) 100° (b) 110° measure of BAC is
(c) 120° (d) 130° ABC esa O yac dsUnz gS vkSj BOC 80 gSaA BAC dh
11. 'O' is the circumcentre of triangle ABC. If BAC=50° , eki D;k gksxh \
then OBC is (a) 120° (b) 90°
f=Hkqt ABC dk ifjdsUnz ' O' gSA ;fn BAC=50° , rks (c) 80° (d) 100°
(a) 100° (b) 130°
(c) 40° (d) 50°
24. If the length of the three sides of a triangle are 6 cm, 8 cm (c) 3AB2
2 2 2 2
and 10 cm, then the length of the median to it greatest side is (d) None of these
;fn ,d f=Hkqt dh rhuks Hkqtkvksa dh yEckbZ 6cm, 8cm vkSj 29. If in a triangle ABC, BE and CF are two median
10 cm gks rkss bldh lcls cM+h Hkqtk ij [khph xbZ ekf/;dk perpendicular to each other and if AB = 19 cm and AC= 22
dh yEckbZ gksxhA cm then the length of BC is (cm)
(a) 8 cm (b) 6 cm ;fn ABC esa ekf/;dk,s BE vkSj CF ,d nwljs ij yEcor gks
(c) 5 cm (d) 4.8cm vkSj AB = 19 cm vkSj AC= 22 cm rks BC dh yEckbZ gksxh A
(a) 20.5 (b) 19.5
25. In ABC , AB=10 cm, BC= 12 cm and AC =14 cm find (c) 26 (d) 13
the length of median AD If G is the centroid find the CIRCLE
length of GA TYPE – I
ABC es,a AB=10cm, BC=12cm vkSj AC=14cm gks rks 1. The circumcentre of a triangle ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶 is O. If BAC 85
ekf/;dk AD dh yEckbZ Kkr djks ;fn G dsUnzd gks rks GA and BCA 75 ,then the value of OAC is
dh yEckbZ Hkh crkvksaA ;fn ∆ABC dk ifjdsUnz O gSA ;fn BAC 85 rFkk
5 7 5 7
(b) 5 7 , 4 7 BCA 75 gS] rc OAC dk eku Kkr djssaA
7 9 (a) 40° (b) 60°°
(c) 70° (d) 90°°
10 8 7 8 7
(c) , (d) 4 7 , 2. O is circumcentre of a triangle 𝐴𝐵𝐶. If BAC 50 .
3 3 3 Then OBC is.
26. In ABC, G is the centroid AB=15 cm, BC =18cm and ∆ABC dk ifjdsUnz O gSA ;fn BAC 50 gS] rc OBC
AC =25 cm find GD where D the midpoint of BC dk eku Kkr djssaA
ABC esa G dsUnzd gS AB = 15 cm, BC =18 cm vkSj AC =25 (a) 100° (b) 130
cm rks GD dh yEckbZ crkvksa tgka D, BC dk e/;fcUnq gSA (c) 40° (d) 50°°
3. If O is circumcentre of a triangle 𝐴𝐵𝐶 lying inside the
1 2
(a) 86 cm (b) 86 cm triangle, the OBC BAC is equal to
3 3
;fn ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶 dk ifjdsUnz O gS tks f=Hkqt ds vanj fLFkr gS] rks
(c) 15 cm (d) None of these OBC BAC fdlds cjkcj gSA
(a) 120° (b) 110
27. In a ABC , the median AD , BE and CF meet at G, then
(c) 90° (d) 60°°
which of the following is true
4. If PA and PB are two tangents to a circle with center O
,d ABC esa ekf/;dk,sa AD, BE vkSj CF fcUnq G ij feyrh
such that AOB 110 , then APB is.
gS rks fuEu esa ls dkSu lk lgh gSSA
O dsUnz okys o`r ij nks Li'kZ js[kk;sa PA rFkk PB bl izdkj
(a) AD BE CF ( AE BC CA ) gS fd AOB 110 gS] rc APB dk eku Kkr djsaA
(a) 90° (b) 70°°
(b) 2( AD BE CF) AB BC AC)
( c) 60° (d) 55°°
(c) 3( AD BE CF) 4( AB BC AC) 5. The tangents at two points A and B on the circle with the
(d) 4(AD BE CF) 3(AB BC AC) center O intersects at P. If in quadrilateral PAOB,
AOB : APB 5 : 1 , the measure of APB is
5 T
Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 30 O
Mob. 8871603721
BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
cm (b)
rhu cjkcj o`Ùk ,d nwljs dks ckg~; Li'kZ djrs gaSA ;fn bu
3 4 o`Rrksa ds dsUnz A, B rFkk Cgkas] rc ABC gSaA
30 17 (a) a right angle triangle (b) an equilateral triangle
(c) cm (d) cm
4 4 (c) an isosceles triangle (d) a scalene triangle
30. O is the centre of a circle, OP = 5, OT = 4 and AB = 8. The 35. P and Q are centre of two circles with radii 9 cm and 2 cm
line PT is a tangent to the circle. Find PB. respectively, where PQ=17 cm, R is the centre of another
O dsUnz okys o`RRk esa OP = 5, OT = 4 vkSj AB = 8 gSA js[kk circle of radius x cm which touches each of the above two
PT o`RRk dh Li'kZ js[kk gSA rks PB Kkr djsaA circles externally . If PRQ 90 , then the value of x is
(a) 9 (b) 10 T P rFkk Q ] Øe'k% 9 lseh- rFkk 2 lseh f=T;k okys o`Ùkksa ds dsUnz
(c) 11 (d) 12 gSaA tgkaa PQ 17 ls-eh- rFkk R, ,d vU; x ls-eh- f=T;k
4 okys o`Rr dk dsUnz gsS tks nksuks o`Ùkksa dks ckgjh :Ik ls Li'kZ
O 8 A djrk gSA ;fn PRQ 90 gS] rc x dk eku Kkr djsa \
B (a) 4 cm (b) 6 cm
(c) 7 cm (d) 8 cm
31. O is the centre of a circle of radius 5 cm. T is a point Such 36. A circle is inscribed in a ABC having sides AB, BC, CA
that OT = 13 cm and OT intersects the circle at E. If AB is are 8cm, 10 cm and 12 cm. respectively D, E, F are touch
the tangent to the circle at E, find length of AB. the side AB, BC, CA respectively as shown in fig. Find
O ,d o`RRk dk dsUnz gS ftldh f=T;k 5 cm gSA T ,d fcUnq AD, BE and CF (in cm).
bl izdkj gS fd OT = 13 cm gS vkSj OT o`RRk dks E ij fn;s x;s fp= esa f=Hkqt ABC essa AB, BC, CA Hkqtk,ssa Øe'k%
dkVrh gSA ;fn js[kk AB, o`Rr dks E Ikj Li'kZ djrh gS rks 8cm, 10 cm vkSj 12 cm. gSa] ds vanj ,d o`Rr cuk;k x;k gS
AB dh yEckbZ Kkr djsaA p vkSj D, E, F Øe'k% AB, BC, CA Hkqtkvksa ij o`Rr ds Li'kZ
fcUnq gaSA rks AD, BE vkSj CF Kkr djsa ¼lseh esa½ \
(a) 20/3 cm (b) 17/3 cm 5cm T (a) 5, 3, 7 C
(c) 19/3 cm (d) 16/3 cm E (b) 4, 5, 6
Q B (c) 7, 8, 9 F E
(d) 5,7, 3
32. There are two concentric circles
rcles with centre O of radii 5 cm A B
and 3 cm. From external point P tangents PA and PB are
drawn to these circles. If AP = 12 cm, find the length of BP. 37. The radius of the incircle of a triangle is 4cm and the
nks ledsUnzh; o`Rr gaS ftudk dsUnz O gS ,oa f=T;k;sa 5 cm segments into which one side is divided by the point of
rFkk 3 cm gaSA ,d ckg~; fcUnq P ls bu o`Rrksa ij Li'kZ js[kk;sa contact are 6cm and 8cm. Determine the value of x?
Øe'k% PA ,oa PB [khaph tkrh gSaA ;fn AP = 12cm, rc BP ,d f=Hkqt ds var%o`RRk dh f=T;k 4 cm gSA ,d Hkqtk dks
dh yEckbZ D;k gksxh\ Li'kZ fcUnq }kjk 6 cm rFkk 8 cm ds Hkkxksa esa foHkkftr fd;k
A x;k gSA rks x dk eku Kkr djsa\ A
(a) 2 10 cm
6 6
(b) 3 10 cm
O P (a) 7 cm (b) 9 cm N M
(c) 4 10 cm (c) 8 cm (d) 10 cm X 8
(d) 8 10 cm B B C
x L 8
33. Two circles intersect at A and B, P is a point on produced
38. All the sides of a quadrilateral ABCD touch a circle and
BA. PT and PQ are tangents to the circles. The relation of
PT and PQ is AB 6cm, BC 7.5cm, CD 3cm .Find DA.
nks o`Ùk A rFkk B ij izfrPNsfnr gksrs gSaA js[kk BA dks fcUnq ,d prqHkqZt ABCD dh lHkh Hkqtk,sa ,d o`Rr dks Nwrh gS
P rd c<+k;k x;k A PT rFkk PQ o`r ij Li'kZ js[kk gSaA PT mlesa ;fn AB 6 cm, BC 7.5 cm, CD 3 cm gS rks
rFkk PQ ds chp laca/k LFkkfir djsaA DA fdruh gksxhA
(a) PT=2PQ (b) PT< PQ (a) 3.5 cm (b) 4.5 cm
(c) PT > PQ (d) PT=PQ (c) 2.5 cm (d) 1.5 cm
34. The three equal circles touch each other externally. If the 0
39. ABCD is a quadrilateral such that D 90 . A Circle C
centres of these circles are A, B, C then, ABC is -
(O, r) touches the sides AB, BC, CD and DA at P, Q, R and
iqu% o`Rr ds :i esa eksM+k x;k gks] rks bldh f=T;k crkbZ;sA
(a) 21cm (b) 15.75cm
(c) 2 2 p2
(d) 3 2 p 2
Phoolbagh, Lashkar, Gwalior 36 Mob. 8871603721
BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
of the side of a square whose diagonal is 40 2 cm. If the plot. What is the length of the plot ?
length of the diagonals of the rhombus are in the ratio 3:4, ,d IykWV dh yEckbZ mldh pkSM+kbZ dh ikap xquh gSA ml
then its area (in cm2) is- IykWV esa ,d [ksy dk eSnku gS] ftldh eki 245m2 gS vkSj
,d leprqHkqZt dh izR;sd Hkqtk dh yEckbZ ml oxZ dh Hkqtk tks iwjs IykWV dk vk/kk gSA IykWV dh yEckbZ D;k gS&
dh yEckbZ ds cjkcj gS] ftldk fod.kZ 40 2 ls-eh. gSA ;fn (a) 35 2m (b) 175 2m
ml leprqHkqZt ds fod.kksZa dh yEckbZ;ksa dk vuqikr 3%4 gks] (c) 490 m (d) 5 2 m
rks mldk {ks=Qy fdruk gksxk (ls-eh-2 es)a 41. The length of a rectangular garden is 12m and its breadth is
(a) 1550 (b) 1600 5m. Find the length of the diagonals of a square garden
(c) 1535 (d) 1536 having the same area as that of the rectangular garden.
37. The diagonals of a rhombus are 15cm and 36cm long. Find ,d vk;rkdkj cxhps dh yEckbZ 12m gS vkSj pkSM+kbZ 5m. gSA
its perimeter. bl vk;rkdkj cxhps ds cjkcj cj {ks=Qy okys ,d oxkZdkj
,d leprqHkqZt ds fod.kksZa dh yEckbZ Øe'k% 15 ls-eh- vkSj cxhps ds fod.kZ dh yEckbZ Kkr dhft,&
36 ls-eh- gS] bldk ifjeki D;k gksxk \ (a) 2 30m (b) 13m
(a) 78 cm (b) 76 cm
(c) 72 cm (d) 74 cm (c) 13 m (d) 8 15m
38. Perimeterr of a rhombus is 2p unit and sum of length of 42. A took 15 sec to cross a rectangular field diagonally walking
diagonals is m unit, then area of the rhombus is at the rate of 52 m/ min and B took the same time to cross the
,d leprqHkqZt dk ifjeki 2p unit gS vkSj fod.kksZa dh same field along its sides walking at the rate of 68m/min. The
yEckbZ dk ;ksx m unit gS] rks leprqHkqZt dk {ks=Qy gksxk& area of the field is -
1 2 1 2 A fdlh vk;rkdkj eSnku dks mlds fod.kZ ds vuq vufn'k
(a) m p unit 2 (b) mp unit 2 52m/min dh pky ls pydj 15 sec esa ikj djrk gS rFkk B
4 4
bl [ksr dks mldh Hkqtkvksa ds vuqfn'k 68m/min dh pky
1 2
m p 2 unit 2 (d)
1 2
p m 2 unit 2 ls pydj mrus gh le; esa ikj djrk gSA rks bl [ksr dk
RECTANGLE {ks=Qy D;k gksxk&
Rectangle (vk;r) (a) 30 m2 (b) 40 m2
(c) 50 m (d) 60 m2
43. The difference between the length and breadth of a
rectangle is 23m. If its perimeter is 206m, then its area is -
,d vk;r dh yEckbZ vkSj pkSM+kbZ ds chp vUrj 23 m dk gS
vkSj bldk ifjeki 206 m gS] rks vk;r dk {ks=Qy gS&
(a) 1520 m2 (b) 2420 m2
(c) 2480 m (d) 2520 m2
Area 1 b 44. The length of a rectangular hall is 5 m more than its
breadth. The area of the hall is 750 m2. The length of the
{ks=Qy 1 b
hall is-
Perimeter 2l b
,d vk;rdkj gkWy dh yEckbZ mldh pkSM+kbZ ls 5m vf/kd
ifjeki 2l b gSA gkWy dk {ks=Qy 750 m2 gSA gkWy dh yEckbZ gS&
(a) 15 m (b) 22.5 m
39. The breadth of a rectangular hall is three fourth of its (c) 25 m (d) 30 m
length. If the area of the floor is 768m2, then the 45. The length of a room floor exceeds its breadth by 20m. The
difference between the length and breadth of the hall is - area of the floor remains unaltered when the length is
,d vk;rkdkj gkWy dh pkSM+kbZ mldh yEckbZ dh rhu decreased by 10m and breadth is increased 5m. Then the
pkSFkkbZ gSA ;fn Q'kZ dk {ks=Qy 768 eh2 gks] rks gkWy d
dh area of floor is -
yEckbZ vkSj pkSM+kbZ dk vUrj gksxk& ,d dejs ds Q'kZ dh yEckbZ] mldh pkSM+kbZ ls 20 ehVj
(a) 8m (b) 12 m vf/kd gSA mlds Q'kZ dk {ks=Qy rc Hkh vifjofrZr jgrk gS
(c) 24 m (d) 32 m
A b F B
BADAM SINGH CLASSES if you dream it, you can do it....
leyEc prqHkqZt esa lekUrj Hkqtkvksa dh yEckbZ;k¡a Øe'k% 60 ABCD ,d iarx gS] tgk¡ A 90 vkSj C60 gSA ;fn
cm rFkk 90cm gSa vkSj vlekUrj Hkqtkvksa dh yEckbZ;k¡ Øe'k% AB dh yackbZ 6 lseh gS] rks fod.kZ AC dh yackbZ D;k
40 cm rFkk 50 cm gaSA bldk {ks=Qy crkbZ;sA gksxh\
2400 cm2
3600 cm2
(b) 3000 cm2
(d) 6000 cm2
(a) 6 2 3 cm
(b) 2 3 6 cm
62. The area of field in the shape of a trapezium measures
m (c) 2 2 3 cm (d) 3 2 6 cm
1440m2. The perpendicular distance between its parallel
sides is 24m. If the ratio of the parallel sides is 5:3, the
length of the longer parallel side is - 67. At least one pair of opposite angles is congruent in a ____
leyEc vkkdkj ds ,d {ks= dk {ks=Qy 1440m2 gSA lekUrj ___esa foijhr dks.kksa dh de ls de ,d tksM+h vuq:i gksrh
Hkqtkvksa ds chp dh yEcor~ nwjh 24m gSA ;fn lekUrj
Hkqtkvksa dk vuqikr 5:3 gks] rks lcls cM+h Hkqtk dh yEckbZ
(a) cyclic quadrilateral/ pØh; prqHkqZt
(a) 75m (b) 45m (b) Trapezium/ leyac
(c) 120m (d) 60m (c) Isosceles trapezium/ lef)ckgq leyEc
63. The area of an isosceles trapezium is 176cm2 and the height (d) Kite/ irax
is 2 68. In a kite ___
11 of the sum of its parallel sides. If the ratio of the
,d irax esa _____
length of the parallel sides is 4:7, then the length of a
diagonal (in cm) is - (a) Two pairs of consecutive sides are congruent
,d lef}ckgq leyEc prqHkqZt dk {ks=Qy 176 176cm2 gS vkSj / yxkrkj cktqvksa ds tksMsa laxr gksrs gSA
(b) Diagonals are perpendicular bisectors of each
Å¡pkbZ bldh lekUrj Hkqtkvksa ds ;ksx dk 2 11 gSA ;fn
other / fod.kZ ,d nwljs ds yac f}foHkktd gksrs gSA
lekUrj Hkqtkvksa dh yEckbZ dk vuqikr 4%7 gS] rks fod.kZ dh (c) both diagonals from two congruent triangles
yEckbZ D;k gksxh \ nksuksa fod.kZ nks laxr f=Hkqt cukrs gSA
(a) 24 (b) 2 137 (d) Adjecent angles are supplementary/
dVLFk dks.k vuqijw d gksrs gSA
(c) 28 (d)
69. In a kite _____
64. Find the area of a quadrilateral ABCD whose sides are 9m,
,d irax es_a __
40m, 28m and 15m respectively and the angle between the (a) One diagonal bisects the other/
first two sides is right angle. ,d fod.kZ vU; dks nks Hkkxksa esa ckVark gSA
prqHkqZt ABCD dk {ks=Qy D;k gksxk] ftldh Hkqtkvksa dh (b) Both diagonals form two congruent triangles /
yEckbZ Øe'k% 9m, 40m, 28m rFkk 15m gS vkSj bldh igyh nksuksa fod.kZ nks laxr f=Hkqt cukrs gSA
nks Hkqtkvksa ds chp dk dks.k ledks.k gSA (c) Adjacent angles are supplementary/
(a) 306 m2 (b) 196 m2 fudVLFk dks.k vuqiwjd gksrs gSa
(c) 153 m (d) 144 m2 (d) opposite sides are parallel /
65. Find the area of the quadrilateral ABCD, in wh
which AB = foijhr cktw,¡ lekUrj
rj gksrh gSA
7cm, BC = 6cm, CD = 12, DA = 15cm and AC = 9cm.
70. Area of ___ equals square of its side.
prqHkqZt ABCD dk {ks=Qy Kkr djks ftlesa AB = 7cm,
BC = 6cm, CD = 12 cm, DA = 15cm vkSj AC = 9 cm gSA
____dk {ks=Qy mldh Hkqtk ds oxZ ds cjkcj gksrk gSA
(a) Rhombus / leprqHkqZt
(a) 27 2 110 (b) 54 2 110
(b) Cyclic quadrilataral/ pØh; prqHkqZt
(c) 54 110 (d) 54 2 110
(c) Rectangle/ vk;r
66. ABCD is kite where A is 90° and C is 60° If length
(d) Square / oxZ
of AB is 6 cm. What is the length of diagonal AC?
71. In a rhombus-
,d le prqHkqZt esa
(a) Diagonals are equal and perpendicular
Slant height) h 2 r 2 2. The radius and the height of a cone are in the ratio 4:3. The
ratio of the curved surface area and total surface area of the
frjNh Å¡pkbZ h 2 r 2 cone is
,d 'kadq dh f=T;k vkSj Å¡pkbZ 4:3 ds vuqikr esa gSA rks blds
volume = Area of base height oØi`"B ,oa LkEiw.kZ i`"B ds {ks=Qy dk vuqikr D;k gksxk \
(a) 5:9 (b) 3:7
1 (c) 5:4 (d) 16:9
vk;ru = × vk/kkj dk {ks=Qy × Å¡pkbZ
3 3. The radius and slant height of a cone are in the ratio 4:7 .
volume = π r 2 h
It's surface area is 792 cm . Find its radius.
,d 'kadq dh f=T;k vkSj fr;Zd Å¡pkbZ 4:7 ds
vuqikr esa gSA
vk;ru = π r 2 h 2
;fn bldk i`"Bh; {ks=Qy 792 lseh gks] rks bldh f=T;k
1 D;k gksxh \
Curved surface Area (perimeter of base) × (slant (a) 10 cm. (b) 12 cm.
height) π r l (c) 14 cm. (d) 16 cm.
4. The radii of two cones are equal and their slant height are
1 the ratio 3:2. If the curved surface area of the smaller cone
oØ i`"B dk {ks=Qy (vk/kkj dk ifjeki) × fr;Zad
2 2
is 300 cm , then the curved surface area of the bigger
Å¡pkbZ π r l 2
cone (cm ) is
nks 'kadqvksa dh f=T;k,sa cjkcj rFkk fr;Zd Å¡pkbZ 3:2 ds vuqikr
Total surface Area π r l πr 2 π r l r esa gSA ;fn buesa ls NksVs 'kadq dk oØi`"B dk {ks=Qy 300
laiw.kZ lrg dk {ks=Qy π r l πr 2 π r l r lseh2 gks] rks cM+s 'kadq ds oØi`"B dk {ks=Qy D;k gksxk \
(a) 250 (b) 450
Frustum (fNUud)
(c) 150 (d) 200
5. The height of two cones are in the ratio 1:3 and the
r = inner radius (vkarfjd f=T;k) diameters of their base are in the ratio 3:5. The ratio of
R = outer radius (ckgjh f=T;k) their volumes is
L = Slant height (fr;Zd ÅWpkbZ) r l nks 'kadqvksa dh Å¡pkbZ 1:3 ds vuqikr esa gS rFkk muds vk/kkj
L= R r 2 h 2 h ds O;kl 3:5 ds vuqikr esa gSa] rks muds vk;ru dk vuqikr
D;k gksxk \
1 2
volume πh r r R R 2 R (a) 3:25 (b) 4 :25
(c) 6:25 (d) 7:25
vk;ru πh r 2 r R R 2 6. The radius of the base of right circular cone is doubled. To
3 keep the volume fixed, the height of the cone will be
,d yEco`Rrh; 'kadq dh f=T;k dks nqxquk dj fn;k tk;s vkSj (a) 300 m 2 (b) 60 m 2
bldk vk;ru ogh jgs] blds fy, Å¡pkbZ esa DD;k ifjorZu
(c) 90 m 2 (d) 65 m 2
djuk gksxk\
(a) one fourth of the previous height / fIkNyh Å¡pkbZ dk 1/4 12. A semi circular sheet of metal of diameter 28
2 cm is bent
into an open conical cap. The depth of the cup is
1 1
(b) times of the previous height/ fIkNyh Å¡pkbZ dk approximately. ( 3 1.732)
2 2
(c) half of the previous height / fIkNyh Å¡pkbZ dk vk/kk ,d /kkrq dh v/kZo`Rrkdkj pknj dks ,d [kqys 'kaDokdkj di
1 ds :i esa eksM+k x;k gS ftldk O;kl 28 ls-eh- gSA rks di
(d) one third of the previous height / fIkNyh Å¡pkbZ dk
3 h ( 3 1.732)
dh xgjkbZ yxHkx ls-eh- esa D;k gksxh\
7. The radius of the base of right circular cone is doubled and (a) 11 cm (b) 12 cm
the height is fixed, then the volume of the cone will be (c) 13 cm (d) 14 cm
,d yEco`Rrh; 'kadq dh f=T;k dks nqxquk dj fn;k tk;s vkSj 13. The sector of a circle of radius 12 cm substand an angle
bldk Å¡pkbZ ogh jgs] blds fy, vk;ru esa D;k ifjorZu 120° at the centre. The sector is folded in such a way that
djuk gksxk\ both terminal radii are joined together. Find the volume of
(a) Three times of the previous volume / cone so formed.
rhu xquk gks tk;sxk 12 lseh f=T;k ds o`Rr dk ,d f=T;[k.M o`Rr ds dsUnz ij
(b) Four times of the previous volume
120° dk dks.k cukrk gSA f=T;[k.M dks bl izdkj ls eksM+k
pkj xquk gks tk;sxk
tkrk gS fd f=T;[k.M ds nksukas vafre fljs ,d nwljs ls tqM+
(c) 2 times of the previous volume/ 2 xquk gks tk;sxk
tkrs gSa] rks bl izdkj cus 'kadq dk vk;ru gksxkA
(d) double of the previous volume /nksxu q k gks tk;sxk
3 3
8. Each of the height and radius of the base of a right circular (a) 190 cm 180 cm
(b) 18
cone is increased by 100%. The volume of the cone will be 128
increased by (c) 2 cm 3 (d) 160 cm
,d 'kadq dh Å¡pkbZ rFkk f=T;k izR;sd dks 100% c< c<+k;k x;k gS] 14. From a circular sheet of paper of radius 25 cm, a sector
rks blds vk;ru esa fdrus izfr'kr dh o`f} gksxh\ area 4% is removed. If the remaining part is used to make a
(a) 700% (b) 500% conical surface, then the ratio of the radius and height of
(c) 300% (d) 100% the cone is
9. A conical tent is to accommodate 10 person. Each person 25 lseh f=T;k ds ,d o`Rrkdkj dkxt esa ls 4% fgLlk
must have 6m2 space to sit and 30 m 3 of air to breadth. dkVdj gVk fn;k tkrk gS vkSj 'ks"k Hkkx dks ,d 'kadq ds :i
What will be height of the cone? esa eksM+k tkrk gS] rks 'kadq dh f=T;k vkSj Å¡pkbZ esa D;k
,d 'kaDokdkj rEcw gS ftlesa 10 O;fDr;ksa ds Bgjus dh vuqikr gksxkA
O;oLFkk gSA ;fn izR;sd O;fDr dks cSBus ds fy, 6 eh2 LFkku (a) 16:25 (b) 9:25
dh vko';drk gksrh gS vkSj lkal ysus ds fy, 30 eh3 ok;q (c) 7:12 (d) 27:7 (e) 24 : 7
dh vko';drk gksrh gS] rks 'kadq dh Å¡pkbZ D;k gksxhh\ 15. A sector is formed by opening out a cone of base radius 8
(a) 12 m (b) 10 m
cm and height 6 cm, then the radius of the sector is
(c) 15 m (d) 20 m
,d o`Rrh; f=T;[k.M dks 8 lseh vk/kkj dh f=T;k rFkk 6
10. How many metres of cloth 5 metre wide will be required to
make a conical tent, the radius of whose base is 7 metre lseh Å¡pkbZ okys 'kadq dks [kksydj cuk;k x;k gS] rks o`Rrrh;
and height is 24 metre? f=T;[k.M dh f=T;k gksxhA
7 ehVj vk/kkj dh f=T;k rFkk 24 ehVj Å¡pkbZ okys ,d rEcw (a) 4 cm (b) 8 cm
dks cukus ds fy, 5 ehVj pkSM+s fdrus ehVj diM+s vko
vko';drk (c) 10 cm (d) 6 cm
gksxhA 16. Iff the lateral surface of a right circular cone is 2 times its
(a) 150 m (b) 90 m base, then the semi vertical angle of the cone must be
(c) 100 m (d) 110 m ;fn ,d yEco`Rrh; 'kadq ds ik'oZi`"B dks blds vk/kkj dk
11. The radius of the base of a conical tent is 5m. If the tent is
nqxquk dj fn;k tk;s] rks 'kadq dk v/kZyEcor dks.k D;k
12 m high, then the area of the canvas required in making
the tent is gksxkA
,d 'kaDokdkj rEcw ds vk/kkj dh f=T;k 5 ehVj gSA ;fn bl (a) 45° (b) 30°
rEcw dh Å¡pkbZ 12 ehVj gks] rks bls cukus esa yxs VsaV (c) 60° (d) 40°
¼dSuokl½ dk {ks=Qy D;k gksxk\
17. If S denotes the area of the curved surface of a right Å¡pkbZ ij 'kadq dks vk/kkj ds lekUrj dkV fn;k tkrk gSA rks
circular cone of height h, an semi vertical angle , then S Åijh fgLls dk vk;ru crkvksA
equals (a) 168 cm
(b) 154 cm
π R 2 r 2 h
volume = area of base × height 1. Rectangular sheet eet with dimensions 22m×10m is rolled into
vk;ru = vk/kkj dk {ks=Qy × Å¡WpkbZ a cylinder so that the smaller side becomes the height of the
volume = π r 2 h cylinder. Find its volume.
vk;rkdkj 22 eh-×10 eh- vkdkj dh 'khV dks bl izdkj csyu
vk;ru = π r 2 h ds :i esa eksMk tkrk gS fd NksVh HHkqtk] csyu dh Å¡pkbZ gks
Curved Surface Area = perimeter of base × height tkrh gS] rks csyu dk vk;ru D;k gksxk \
{ks=Qy = vk/kkj dk ifjeki × Å¡pkbZ oØ i`"B (a) 280 m3 (b) 395 m3
Curved surface Area) 2 π rh (c) 385 m (d) 350 m3
2. A rectangular paper sheet of dimensions 22cm×12 cm is
oØ i`"B dk {ks=Qy 2 π rh folded in the form of a cylinder along its length. What will
Total surface Area 2 π rh 2 πr 2 2 πr h r be the volume of this cylinder? 22 / 7
,d vk;rkdkj dkxt dh 22 ls-eh- 12 ls-eh eh- vkdkj dh 8. The radii of the base of two cylinders are in the ratio 3:5
'khV dks yEckbZ ds vuq:i csyu ds :i esa eksM+k x;k gS] rks and their height is in the ratio 2:3. The ratio of their curved
csyu dk vk;ru D;k gksxk\ surface will be
(a) 460 (b) 462 nks csyuksa ds vk/kkjksa dh f=T;k 3 : 5 ds vuqikr esa gS rFkk
(c) 624 (d) 400 mudh Å¡pkbZ 2 : 3 ds vuqikr esa gSA rks muds oØi`"B&
3. The diameter of a cylinder is 7 cm and its height is 16 cm. {ks=Qykas dk vuqikr gksxk A
Using the value of 22 / 7 , the lateral surface area of the (a) 2:5 (b) 2:3
cylinder is (c) 3:5 (d) 5:3
,d csyu dk O;kl 7 lseh- gS vkSj mldh Å¡pkbZ 16 ls-eh- 9. If the height of a cylinder is increased by 15% and the
gSA 22 / 7 dk iz;ksx djrs gq, csyu dk ik'oZi"` B {ks=Qy radius of its base is decreased
ased by 10%, then by what
crkvksA percentage will its curved surface area change?
2 2 ;fn ,d csyu dh Å¡pkbZ dks 15 % c<k;k tkrk gS vkSj mlds
(a) 352 cm (b) 350 cm
2 2
vk/kkj dh f=T;k dks 10 % de fd;k tkrk gS] rks mlds
(c) 355 cm (d) 348 cm oØi`"B ds {ks=Qy esa fdrus izfr'kr dh deh ;k o`f) gksxhA
4. A solid cylinder has total surface area of 462 cm . Its (a) 3.5% high (b) 3.5% below
1 (c) 5% high (d) 5% below
curved surface area is rd of the total surface area. Then
3 10. A cylinder has 'r' as the radius of the base and 'h' as the
the radius of the cylinder is height. The radius of base of another cylinder, having
,d Bksl csyu dk laiw.kZ i`"B {ks=Qy 462 lseh2 gS rFkk double the volume but the same height as that of the first
bldk oØi`"B dk {ks=Qy blds laiw.kZ i`"B ds {ks=Qy dk cylinder must be equal to
,d csyu ds vk/kkj dh f=T;k r gS] mldh Å¡pkbZ h gS] rks
gS] rks csyu dh f=T;k gksxh A ,d nwljs nks xqus vk;ru rFkk leku Å¡pkbZ okys csyu dh
f=T;k gksxhA
(a) 7 cm (b) 3.5 cm
(c) 9 cm (d) 11 cm (a) (b) 2r
5. The curved surface area and the total surface area of a 2
cylinder are in the ratio 1:2. If the total surface area of the (c) r 2 (d) 2r
right cylinder is 616 cm2, then its volume is 11. A copper rod of 1 cm diameter and 8 cm length is drawn
,d csyu ds oØi`"B dk {ks=Qy ,oa laiw.kZ i`"B {ks=Qy into a wire of uniform diameter and 18 m length. The
radius ( in cm) of the wire is
1 : 2 ds vuqikr esa gSA ;fn csyu dk lEiw.kZ i`"B {ks=Qy 616
1 lseh- O;kl rFkk 8 lseh yEckbZ okyh ,d rkacs dh NM+ dks 18
cm2 gS] rks bldk vk;ru gksxkA ehVj yackbZ ds ,d leku O;kl ds rkj ds :i esa cnyk x;kA
(a) 1232 cm3 (b) 1848 cm3 rks rkj dh f=T;k ¼ls-eh-esa½ gSA
(c) 1632 cm (d) 1078 cm3 1 1
6. The height of a circular cylinder is increased to six times and (a) (b)
15 30
the base area is decreased to one ninth of its value. The percent 2
by which the lateral surface of the cylinder increase is (c) (d) 15
,d csyu dh Å¡p pkbZ
kbZ dks c<kdj 6 xquk dj fn;k tkrk gS 15
12. The solid cylinders of radii 4 cm and 5 cm and length 6 cm
rFkk blds vk/kkj ds {ks=Qy dks ?kVkdj 1 / 9 xquk dj fn;k
and 4 cm respectively are recast into cylindrical disc of
tkrk gS] rks mlds ik'oZi`"B ds {ks=Qy esa fdrus izfr'kr dh
o`f) gksxhA thickness 1 cm. The radius of the disc is
(a) 100% (b) 200% nks Bksl csyu ftudh f=T;k,sa Øe'k% 4 lseh-h ,oa 5 lseh- rFkk
(c) 300% (d) 50% yEckbZ 6 lseh- vkSj 4 lseh- gS] dks ,d 1 lseh- eksVkbZ dh
7. The radius and height of a cylinder are in the ratio 5:7 and csyukdkj pdrh ¼fMLd½ ds :i eas <kyk x;k gS] rks
its volume is 550 cm3 . Calculate its curved surface area. (in csyukdkj pdrh dh f=T;k gSA
cm 2 ) (a) 7 cm (b) 14 cm
,d csyu dh f=T;k vkSj Å¡pkbZ Øe'k% 5 : 7 ds vuqikr esa gS (c) 21 cm (d) 28 cm
rFkk bldk vk;ru 550lseh3 gS] rks blds oØi`"B dk {ks=QYk 13. A well of 14 meter diameter is dug 5 met deep. The earth
gksxkA taken out has been spread all around it to a width of 7
(a) 110 (b) 444 meter to form a circular embankment. Find the height of
(c) 220 (d) 616 this embankment.
14 ehVj O;kl dk ,d dqvka 5 ehVj xgjk [kksnk x;k gS rFkk /kkrq ds ,d csyukdkj ikbi dk vk;ru 748 lseh3 gSA ikbi
fudyh gqbZ feV~Vh dks dq,as ds pkjkas vksj 7 ehVj pkSM+kbZ ds dh yackbZ 14 lseh gS vkSj bldh ckgjh f=T;k 9 lseh gSA rks
,d o`rkdkj pcwrjs ds :i esa fcNk;k x;k gSA rks bl pcwrjs mldh eksVkbZ gSA ( 22
dh Å¡pkbZ gSA 7
(a) 5/3 m (b) 2.5 m (a) 1 cm (b) 5.2 cm
(c) 3 m (d) 7/3 m (c) 2.3 cm (d) 3.7 cm
14. A well 20m in diameter is dug 14 m deep and the earth 19. A cylindrical road roller made of iron is 1meter wide. Its
taken out is spared all around it to a width of 5 m to form inner diameter is 28 cm and thickness of the iron sheet
an embankment. The height of the embankment is rolled into the road roller is 7 cm. Find the weight of the
20 ehVj O;kl ds ,d dq,as dks 14 ehVj xgjk [kksnk x;k gS roller, if 1 cc of iron weight 8 gram.
rFkk fudyh gqbZ feV~Vh dks dq,sa ds pkjksa vksj 5 ehVj pkSMk+ bZ ,d ehVj yack lM+d cukus okyk csyu¼jkWyj½ yksgs dk cuk
ds pcwrjs ds :i esa fcNk;k x;k gSA rks pcwrjs dh Å¡pkbZ gSA gSA bldk vkarfjd O;kl 28 ls-eh- gSA csyu ds :i esa eksMh+
(a) 10 m (b) 11 m x;h yksgs dh pknj dh eksVkbZ 7 ls-eh- gSA rks csyu dk otu
(c) 11.2 m (d) 11.5 m crkvks ;fn 1 cc yksgs dk otu 8 xzke gSA
15. Water is flowing at the rate of 5 kmph through a pipe of (a) 1524 kg (b) 616 kg
diameter 14cm into a rectangularr tank which is 50 m long (c) 1444 kg (d) 1520 kg
and 44 m wide. The time taken ( in hours) for the rise in the 20. A hollow iron pipe is 21 cm long and its exterior diameter
level of water in the tank to be 7 cm is
is 8 cm. If the thickness of the pipe is 1 cm and weight of
14 lseh- O;kl okys ,d ikbi ls 5 fdeh@?kaVk dh xfr ls
ikuh] ,d 50 ehVj yEcs ,oa 44 ehVj pkSMs VSad esa fxj jgk 3 22
iron is 8 g/ cm , then the weight of the pipe is (
gSA rks VSd esa ikuh dk Lrj 7 ls-eh- c<us esa fdruk le; 7
¼?kaVks esa½ yxsxkA ,d [kks[kyk yksgs dk ikbi 21 ls-eh- yEck gS vkSj mldk
1 1 ckg~; O;kl 8 ls-eh- gSA ;fn ikbi dh eksVkbZ 1 ls-eh- gS vkSj
(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 2
2 2 3
yksgs dk otu 8 xzke@lseh gS] rks ikbi dk otu gS A
16. Water is flowing at the rate of 3 kmph through a circular
(a) 3.696 kg (b) 3.6 kg
pipe of 20 cm internal diameter into a circular cistern of
(c) 36 kg (d) 36.9 kg
diameter 10 met and depth 2 met. In how much time will
21. A solid spherical ball dropped in a cylinder tank of radius
the cistern be filled.
3.5 cm while
hile it is fitted in the tank exactly and water cover
20 lseh vkarfjd O;kl okys ,d ikbi ls 3 fdeh@?kaVk dh
the ball, then
xfr ls ikuh ,d 10 ehVj O;kl okyh 2 ehVj xgjh Vadh esa
,d xksykdkj xsan ,d 3-55 lseh f=T;k ds csyukdkj VSad esa
fxj jgk gSA rks Vadh dks Hkjus esa dqy fdruk le; yxsxkk\ fxjkbZ tkrh gS] rks xsan VSad esa iwjh rjg vk tkrh gS vkSj ikuh
(a) 1 hours 20 min. (b) 1 hours 30 min. xsan dks iwjh rjg ?ksj ysrk gSA
(c) 1 hours 40 min. (d) 2 hours (i) Find the rise in water level
17. A hollow cylindrical tube 20 cm long is made of iron and ty Lrj esa o`f) crkvksA
its external and internal diameters are 8 cm and 6 cm 14 21
respectively. The
he volume of iron used in making the tube is (a) cm (b) cm
3 2
22 7
( (c) 7 cm (d) cm
7 3
,d 20 lseh yEck [kks[kyk csyukdkj V~~;wc yksgs ls cuk gSA (ii) Find the water level of the cylindrical.
mlds ckgjh ,oa vkarfjd O;kl Øe'k% 8 lseh- ,oa 6 lsehh- gSA ckWy dks fxjkus ls igys dk VSad dk tyLrj crkvksA
rks V~~;wc dks cukus esa yxh /kkrq dk vk;ru gSA 14 21
3 3 (a) cm (b) cm
(a) 1760 cm (b) 880 cm 3 2
(c) 440 cm
(d) 220 cm
3 7
(c) 7 cm (d) cm
3 3
18. The volume of the metal of a cylindrical pipe is 748 cm .
The length of the pipe is 14 cm and its external radius is 9 22. A cylindrical water tank of diameter 35 cm is full of water.
If 11 liters of water is drawn off, then the water level in the
cm. Its thickness is ( 22 tank will drop by-
,d csyukdkj ikuh dk VaSd ftldk O;kl 35 lseh gS] ikuh 27. Volume of a solid right circular cylinder is V, the whole
ls iwjk Hkjk gSA ;fn 11 yhVj ikuh fudkyk tkrk gS] rks VSad surface area is S, height is h and radius of base is r , then
ds tyLrj esa fdruh deh vk,xh\ 1 1
1 3 the ratio V : S equals--
(a) 10 cm (b) 11 cm h r
2 7
,d Bksl yEcorh; csyu dk vk;ru V gS] lEiw.kZ i`"B
(c) 12 cm (d) 14 cm {ks=Qy ' S ' gS ,oa Å¡pkbZ h rFkk f=T;k r gSA rks
23. From a solid cylinder of height 10 cm and radius of the 1 1
V : S dk vuqikr gksxkA
base 6 cm, a cone of same height and same base is h r
removed. The volume of the remaining solid is (a) 2:1 (b) 1:2
,d 10 lseh- Å¡pkbZ ,oa 6 lseh vk/kkj dh f=T;k okys Bksl (c) 1:3 (d) 3:1
csyu ls leku Å¡p pkbZ
kbZ ,oa leku vk/kkj okyk ,d 'kadq
fudky fn;k tkrk gS] rks 'ks"k Bksl dk vk;ru gSA 3
28. A drum of kerosene is full. When 30 litres of capacity
(b) 5280 cm3
(a) 240 cm
3 3 (kerosene) is drawn from it, it remains full. the capacity
(c) 62 cm (d) 360 cm 12
24. From a right circular cylinder of radius 10 cm and height of the drum is
21 cm, a right circular cone of same base radius is ,d dsjksflu ds Mªe dk 3 / 4 Hkkx Hkjk gSA tc 30 yhVj
removed.. If the volume of the remaining portion is 4400 ek=k esa dsjksflu fudky yh tkrh gS] rks ;g 7 / 12 Hkkx jg
cm 3 , then the height of the removed cone ( 22 .
tkrk gSA rks Mªe dh {kerk gSA
7 (a) 120 litres (b) 135 litres
10 lseh f=T;k ,oa 21 ls-eh- Å¡pkbZ okys ,d yEco`Rrh; (c) 150 litres (d) 180 litres
csyu ls ,d leku f=T;k dk ,d 'kadq fudky fy;k tkrk Sphere
gSA ;fn 'kadq ds fudkyus ds ckn 'ks"k Hkkx dk vk;ru 4400 Hemisphere (v)Zxksyk)
lseh gS] rks fudkys x;s 'kadq dh ašpkbZ gS&
(a) 15 cm (b) 18 cm r
(c) 21 cm (d) 24 cm r
25. If a solid cone of volume 27 cm3 is kept inside a hollow
cylinder whose radius and height are that of the cone , then 2 3
volume πr
the volume of water need to fill the empty space is 3
3 2
27 lseh vk;ru dk ,d Bksl 'kadq ,d [kks[kys csyu eas vk;ru πr 3
j[kk x;k gS] ftldh f=T;k vkSj Å¡pkbZ Bksl 'kadq ds leku 3
gSA rks csyu ds vanj [kkyh txg dks Hkjus ds fy, vko';d Curved surface Area 2πr 2
ikuh dk vk;ru gksxkA
3 3
oØi`"B dk {ks=Qy 2πr 2
(a) 3 cm (b) 18 cm
Total surface Area 3π r 2
3 3
(c) 54 cm (d) 81 cm
laiw.kZ i`"B dk {ks=Qy 3π r 2
26. The perimeter of the base of a right circular cylinder is 'a'
unit. If the volume of the cylinder is V cubic unit, then the Sphere (xksyk)
height of the cylinder is
,d yEco`Rrh; csyu ds vk/kkj dh ifjfefr 'a' bdkbZ gSA volume = 4 / 3 π r 3
;fn csyu dk vk;ru V ?ku bdkbZ gks] rkss csyu dh Å¡pkbZ r
gksxhA vk;ru = 4 / 3 π r 3
4a 2 V 4 a 2 Total surface Area = 4 π r 2
(a) unit (b) unit
4 laiw.kZ i`"B dk {ks=Qy = 4 π r 2
a V 4 V
(c) unit (d) unit
4 a2
1. If the Radius of a sphere is doubled, its volume becomes. ,d cM+s Bksl xksys dks xyk;k tkrk gS rFkk yEco`Rrh;
;fn ,d xksys dh f=T;k nksxquh dj nh tk;s] rks mldk 'kadqvksa ds :i esa <+kyk tkrk
rk gS vkSj 'kadqvksa ds vk/kkj f=T;k
vk;ru gksxkA ,oa Å¡pkbZ] xksys dh f=T;k ds cjkcj gSA bu 'kadqvksa esa ls
(a) double /nksxu
q k (b) Four Times/pkj xquk ,d 'kadq dks xyk;k tkrk gS ,oa ,d NksVs xksys ds :i esa
(c) Six times/ N% xquk (d) eight Times/ vkB xquk <kyk tkrk gS] rks NksVs xksys ,oa cM+s xksys ds i`"Bh; {ks=Qyksa
2. The Radii of two spheres are in the Ratio 3 : 2 . Their dk vuqikr D;k gksxkA
Volume will be in the Ratio 4 2
;fn nks xksyksa dh f=T;kvksa dk vuqikr 3:2 gS rks muds (a) 1 : 3 3 (b) 1 : 2 3
2 4
vk;ruksa dk vuqikr D;k gksxkA
(c) 1 : 3 3 (d) 1 : 2 3
(a) 9 : 4 (b) 3 : 2
8. A cone of height 15 cm and base diameter 30cm is carved
(b) 8 : 27 (d) 27 : 8
out a wooden sphere of radius 15 cm. The percentage of
3. Spheres A and B have their Radii 40 cm and 10 cm
wasted wood is
Respectively. Ratio of surface area of A to the surface area
of B is
,d 'kadq dh Å¡pkbZ 15 ls-eh- vkSj vk/kkj dk O;kl 30 ls-eh-
;fn xksys A vkSj B dh f=T;k,sa Øe'k% 40 ls-eh eh- vkSj 10 ls- gSA bl 'kadq dks ,d 15 ls-eh- f=T;k ds ,d ydM+h ds xksys
eh- gS rks xksys A vkSj B ds oØi`"B ds {ks=Qyksa dk vuqikr ls fudkyk tkrk gS] rks fdrus izfr'kr ydM+h [kjkc tk;sxhA
(a) 75 % (b) 50 %
(c) 40 % (d) 25 %
(a) 1 : 6 (b) 4 : 1
9. If the volume and Surface area of a sphere are numerically
(c) 1 : 4 (d) 16 : 1
the same, then its radius is
4. A Sphere and a hemisphere have the Same radius. Then the
;fn ,d xksys dk vk;ru ,oa i`"Bh; {ks=Qy ds eku
Ratio of their respective total Surface areas is.
,d xksys ,oa v)Zxksys dh f=T;k,sa leku gSa] rks Øe'k% muds lkaf[;d :i ls leku gksa] rks mldh f=T;k D;k gksxhA
(a) 1 unit (b) 2 unit
lEiw.kZ i`"B ds {ks=Qyksa dk vuqikr gksxkA
(c) 3 unit (d) 4 unit
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 2
10. The total surface area of a solid hemisphere is 108 cm .
(c) 4 : 3 (d) 3 : 4
5. A sphere and a hemisphere have the same volume. The The volume of the hemisphere is.
Ratio of their Radii.
,d xksys ,oa v)Zxksys dk vk;ru leku gS] rks mudh ,d Bksl v)Zxksys dk lEiw.kZ i`"B dk {ks=Qy 108 cm2 .gS]
f=T;kvksa dk vuqikr gksxkA rks bl v)Zxksys dk vk;ru gksxkA
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 1 (a) 72 cm 3 (b) 144 cm3
(a) 1 (b) 2 hemispherical part equals the height of the cone. Then the
(c) 3 (d) 4 22
22. If surface area and volume of a sphere are S and V volume of the ice-cream is
,d 'kaDokdkj di vkblØhe ls Hkjk gS rFkk blds Åij
respectively, then the value of is. vkblØhe dk v)Zxksykdkj Hkkx cuk gSA v)Zxksykdkj Hkkx
dh Å¡pkbZ 7 lseh gSA ;fn v)Zxksykdkj Hkkx dh f=T;k
;fn ,d xksys ds i`"Bh; {ks=Qy vkSj vk;ru Øe'k S vkSj 'kaDokdkj Hkkx dh Å¡pkbZ ds cjkcj gS] rks vkblØhe dk
3 vk;ru gksxkA
V gkas] rks S 2 dk eku gksxkA 7
(a) 1078 cm3 (b) 1708 cm3
(a) 36 units (b) 9 units
(c) 18 units (d) 27 units (c) 7108 cm3 (d) 7180 cm 3
23. A conical vessel of radius 6 cm and height 8 cm is 26. In a cylindrical vessel of diameters 24 cm filled up with
sufficient quantity of water. A solid spherical ball of Radius
completely filled with water. A sphere is lowered into the
6 cm is completely immersed . Then the increase in height
water and its size is such that when it touches the sides, it is of water level is:
just immersed. What fraction of water overflows. 24 lseh O;kl okys ,d csyukdkj crZu esa i;kZIr ek=k esa
6 lseh f=T;k ,oa 8 lseh Å¡pkbZ okyk ,d 'kaDokdkj crZu iwjh ikuh Hkjk gSA ;fn 6 ls-eh- f=T;k dh ,d Bksl xksykdkj xsan
iwjh rjg ikuh esa Mwc tkrh gS] rks
r ty ds Lrj esa fdruh o`f)
rjg ikuh ls Hkjk gSA ,d xksyk blesa fxjk;k tkrk gS rFkk
xksys dk vkdkj bl izdkj dk gS fd tc ;g crZu dh nhokjksa (a) 1.5 cm (b) 2 cm
dks Nwrk gS] rks iwjh rjg Mwc tkrk gSA rks ikuh dk fdruk (c) 3 cm (d) 4.2 cm
27. A cone, a hemisphere and a cylinder stand on equal bases
Hkkx ckgj fudy tk,xkA and have the same height. The ratio of their respective
3 3 volumes is
(a) 36 cm (b) 54 cm
,d 'kadq] ,d v)Zxksyk vkSj ,d csyu ds vk/kkj leku gaS
3 3
(c) 18 cm (d) 27 cm vkSj mudh Å¡pkbZ;ka Hkh leku gSAa rks muds vk;rukas dk
24. Each of the measure of the radius of base of a cone and that vuqikr gksxkA
of a sphere is 8cm. Also the volume of these two solids are (a) 1 : 2 : 3 (b) 2 : 1 : 3
(c) 1 : 3 : 2 (d) 3 : 1 : 2
equal. The slant height of the cone is.
28. The heights of a cone, cylinder and hemisphere are equal.
,d 'kadq ,oa ,d xksyk izR;sd dh f=T;k dh eki 8 lseh gS If their radii are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 1, then the ratio of their
volumes is
rFkk bu nksukas dk vk;ru Hkh leku gSA rks 'kadq dh fr;Zd
;fn ,d 'kadq] ,d csyu vkSj ,d v)Zxksys dh Å¡pkbZ leku
Å¡pkbZ gSA gS rFkk mudh f=T;kvksa dk vuqikr Øe'k% 2 : 3 :1 ds vuqikr
eas gSA rks muds vk;ruksa dk vuqikr D;k gksxk\
(a) 8 17cm (b) 4 17cm (a) 2 : 9 : 2 (b) 2 : 3 : 1
(c) 4 : 9 : 1 (d) 4 : 27 : 2
(c) 34 cm (d) 34 2 cm
25. A conical cup is filled with ice-cream. The ice--cream forms
a hemispherical shape on its open top. The height of the
hemispherical part is 7 cm. The Radius of the
4. The base of solid right prism is a triangle whose sides are
vk;ru ¼fizTe½
9, 12 and 15 cm. The height of the prism is 5 cm, then the
Prism (fizTe) total surface area of the prism is.
fdlh fizTe dk vk/kkj ,d f=Hkqt gS] ftldh Hkqtk, 9 lsehh-]
12 ls-eh- rFkk 15 ls-eh- gSaA ;fn fizTe dh Å¡pkbZ 5 ls-eh- gS]
rc fizTe dk lEiw.kZ i`"B dk {ks=Qy Kkr djsa \
(a) 180 cm2 (b) 234 cm2
(c) 288 cm (d) 270 cm2
5. The perimeter of the triangular base of a right prism is 15
cm and radius of the incircle of the triangular base is 3 cm.
volume) = base ×height If the volume of the prism be 270 cm , then the height of
vk;ru = vk/kkj dk {ks=Qy × Å¡pkbZ the prism is
fdlh; fizTe dk vk/kkj 15 ls-eh- ifjeki okyk ,d
Lateral surface Area perimeter of base× height
f=Hkqt gS] ftlds var% o`Rr dh f=T;k 3 ls-eh- gSA ;fn fizTe
ik'ohZ; lrg dk {ks=Qy = vk/kkj dk ifjeki × Å¡pkbZ
dk vk;ru 270 ls-eh3- gks] rc fizTe dh Å¡pkbZ Kkr djks\
total surface Area) = Lateral surface Area + 2 (Area of
(a) 6 cm (b) 7.5 cm
base) lEiw.kZ lrg dk {ks=Qy = ik'ohZ; lrg dk {ks=Qy +
(c) 10 cm (d) 12 cm
2 (vk/kkj dk {ks=Qy)
1. The base of a right prism is an equilateral triangle whose 6. The height of a right prism with a square base is 15 cm. If
side is 6 cm and its volume is 81 3 cm . The height
the area of the total surface of the prism is 608 cm2 , its
( in cm) of the prism is 3
volume is (cm )
6 ls-eh- Hkqtk okys ,d leckgq f=Hkqt dks vk/kkj ekudj ,d
fdlh fizTe dk vk/kkj ,d oxZ gS] ftldh Å¡pkbZ 15 ls-eh-
fizTe cuk;k x;k ftldk vk;ru 81 3 ls-eh3- gSA fizTe dh
gSA ;fn fizTe dk lEiw.kZ i`"B dk {ks=Qy 608 ls-eh2- gS]rc
Å¡pkbZ Kkr djsa \
vk;ru Kkr djsa \
(a) 9 (b) 10
(a) 910 (b) 920
(c) 12 (d) 15
(c) 960 (d) 980
2. The base of a right prism is a right angled triangle whose
7. A prism has as the base a right angled triangle whose sides
sides are 5cm, 12 cm ad 13 cm. If the area of the total
adjacent to the right angles are 10 cm and 12 cm long. The
surface of the prism is 360 cm2 , then its height is height of the prism is 20 cm. The density of the material of
fdlh fizTe dk vk/kkj ,d; f=Hkqt gS] ftldh 3
the prism is 6 gm/ cm . The weight of the prism is
Hkqtk,a 5 ls-eh-] 12 ls-eh- rFkk 13 ls-eh- gSaA ;fn fizTe dk
fdlh fizTe dk vk/kkj ,d ledks.k f=Hkqt gS] ftldh yEcor~
dqy i`"Bh; {ks=Qy 360 ls-eh2- gks] rc fizTe dh Å¡pkbZ Kkr
Hkqtk,a 10 ls-eh- rFkk 12 ls-eh- gSaA ;fn izTe dh Å¡pkbZ 20 ls-
e@ -eh3- gS] rc fizTe dk Hkkj
eh- vkSj fizTe dk ?kuRo 6 xzke@ls
(a) 10 cm (b) 12 cm
Kkr djsaA
(c) 9 cm (d) 11 cm
(a) 6.4 kg (b) 7.2 kg
3. The base of a right prism is an equilateral triangle of area
(c) 3.4 kg (d) 4.8 kg
173 cm2 and the volume of the prism is 10380 cm c 3 . The
8. The base of a right prism is a trapezium . The length of the
area of the lateral surface of the prism is ( use 3 1.73)
parallel sides are 8 cm and 14 cm and the distance between
the parallel sides is 8 cm. If the volume of the prism is
fdlh leckgq f=Hkqt ds vk/kkj okys fizTe ds vk/kkj dk
{ks=Qy 173 ls-eh2- gS vkSj fizTe dk vk;ru 10380 ls-eh3- 1056 cm3 , then the height of the prism is
gSA fizTe dk ik'oZ i`"B dk {ks=Qy Kkr djsa \ fdlh fizTe dk vk/kkj ,d leyEc prqHkqZt ds vkdkj dk gS
(a) 1200 (b) 2400
ftldh lekukUrj Hkqtk,a 8 ls-eh- rFkk 14 ls-eh- gSa rFkk
(c) 3600 (d) 4380
volume = side3
vk;ru = Hkqtk3 H
38. A rectangular swimming pool is of length 32 metres and 39. Each edge of a regular tetrahedron is 3 cm, then its volume
1 is
width 9.5 metres and the depth of water at one end is 1
2 fdlh leprq"Qyd dh izR;sd dksj 3 ls-eh- gSA rc
1 leprq"Qyd dk vk;ru Kkr djsa\
metres which increases to 4 metres at other end. Find the
2 9 2 3
volume of water in the swimming pool. (a) cm (b) 27 3 cm3
,d vk;rkdkj kj fLofeax iwy gS ftldh yEckbZ 32 ehVj]
4 2 3
1 (c) cm (d) 9 2 cm3
pkSM+kbZ 9.5 ehVj rFkk bldh xgjkbZ ,d Nksj ij 1 ehVj gS 9
40. If the length of each edge of a regular tetrahedron is 12 cm,
then the volume of the tetrahedron is
TYPE – I (Points) fcUnq Pa , b izFke ewy ij P1 ij izfrfcafcr gksrk gSA vkSj
1. Reflection of the point (2, –7) in the y –axis
axis is fQj P1 y v{k ij 5, 4 ij izfrfcafcr gksrk gSA fcUnq
y v{k ij fcUnq 2, 7 dk ijkorZu D;k gS\ P ds funsZ'kkad D;k gS\
(a) 2, 7 (b) 2,7 (a) 5, 4 (b) 5, 4
(c) 7, 2 (d) 7, 2 (c) 5, 4 (d) 5, 4
2. What is the reflection of the point 1, 5 in the line x = 1? 8. Point P is the midpoint of segment AB. Co–ordinates
Co of P
js[kk x 1 esa fcUnq 1, 5 dk izfrfcac D;k gS\a are (3, 1) and B are (5, –4).
4). What are the co–ordinates
co of
point A?
(a) 3, 5 (b) 3, 5 fcanq P js[kk[kaM AB dk e/; fcUnq gSA P ds funsZ'kkad
(c) 3, 5 (d) 3, 5 3, 1 gSA vkSj B5, 4 gSaA fcUnq A ds funSsZ'kkad D;k gS\
3. What is the reflection of point (4, 3) in the line y 2 ? (a) 1, 7 (b) 1, 7
js[kk y 2 esa fcUnq 4, 3 dk izfrfcca D;k gS\ (c) 1, 6 (d) 1, 7
(a) 4, 1 (b) 4,1 9. In what ratio does the point T x, 0 divide the segment
(c) 4, 1 (d) 4, 1 joining the points S (5, 1) and U(
U(–1, –2)?
4. What is the reflection of the point (3, –5)
5) in the origin? fcUnq T x, 0 fcUnq S5, 1 vkSj fcUnq U 1, 2 dks
ewy eas fcUnq 3, 5 dk izfrfcac D;k gS\ tksM+us okys js[kk[kaM dks fdl vuqikr esa foHkkftr djrk gS\
(a) 3, 5 (b) 5, 3 (a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 2
(c) 3 : 1 (d) 2 : 3
(c) 5, 3 (d) 3, 5 10. In what ratio is the sagment joining ((–1, –12) and (3, 4)
5. Reflection of the point (4, –6) in origin is divided by the x axis?
fcUnq 4, 6 dk izfrfcac ewy fcUnq esa D;k gksxkk\ fcUnq 1, 12 vkSj 3, 4 ds chp dk js[kk[kaM x v{k
(a) 4, 6 (b) 4, 6 ls fdl vuqikr esa foHkkftr gksrk gS\
(c) 4, 6 (d) 4, 6 (a) 1 : 3 (b) 3 : 2
6. The point Q (a,b) is first reflected in y– axis to Q1 and Q1 is (c) 3 : 1 (d) 2 : 3
reflected in x axis to (–6, 2) the co–ordinates
ordinates of point Q are 11. Point A 2, 1 divides segment BC in the ratio 2 : 3 co
fcUnq Qa , b y v{k ij izFke Q1 ij ijkofrZr gksrk gS ordinates of B are 1, 3 and C are 4, y . What is the
vkSj Q1, x v{k ij 6, 2 ij ijkofrZr gksrk gSA fcUnq value of y?
Q ds funsZ'kkad D;k gS\ fcanq A 2, 1 js[kk[kaM BC dks 2 : 3 vuqikr esa foHkkftr
(a) 6, 2 (b) 2, 6 djrk gSA B ds funsZ'kkad 1, 3 vkSj C ds funsZ'kkad
(c) 6, 2 (d) 2, 6 4, y gSA y dk eku D;k gS\
7. The point P (a,b) is first reflected in origin to P1 and P1 is (a) 8 (b) –7
reflected in y– axis to (5, –4). The co–ordinates
ordinates of point P (c) –8 (d) 7
12. Point A divides segment BC in the ratio 4 : 1 CoCo–ordinates (c) –1/3 (d) 1/3
of B are (6, 1) and C are (7/2, 6) what are the co
co–ordinates 21. Slope of the line AB is –4/3.
4/3. Co–ordinates
Co of points A and B
of point A? are (x, –5) and (–5,
5, 3) respectively. What is the value of x?
fcUnq A js[kk[kaM BC dks 4 : 1 vuqikr esa foHkkftr djrk js[kk AB dh <yku 4 / 3 gSa fcUnqvksa A vkSj B ds funsZ'kkad
gSA B ds funsZ'kakd (6, 1) vkSj C ds funsZ'kakd 7 / 2, 6 gSA Øe'k% x , 5 vkSj 5, 3 gSA x dk eku D;k gS\
fcUnq A ds funsZ'kkad D;k gS\ (a) –1 (b) 2
(a) (4, 3) (b) (4, 5) (c) –2 (d) 1
(c) (2, 5) (d) (3, 5) 22. The slops of the line passing through the points (–5,
( 1) and
13. The distance between the points (7, 7) and (k, –5)
– is 13 find (x, –4) is –5/8. Find the value of x?
k? fcUnq 5, 1 vkSj x,4 ls xqtjus okyh js[kk dh <ky
fcUnq (7, 7) vkSj fcUnq K, 5 chp dh nwjh 13 gS A k dks 5 / 8 gSA x dk eku Kkr djsa
Kkr djsa\ (a) 4 (b) 3
(a) –2 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) –1
(c) –4 (d) 2 23. What is the slope of the line 4x 8y 3?
14. What is the distance between the points 4, 8 and js[kk 4x 8y 3 dh <ky D;k gS\
2, 0 ? (a) –1/2 (b) 2
(c) 1/2 (d) –2
fcUnq 4, 8 vkSj 2, 0 ds chp dh nwjh Kkr djsa\
24. ax + 5y = 8 has slops of –4/3.
4/3. What is the value of a?
(a) 100 units (b) 5 units
ax + 5y = 8 dh <yku 4 / 3 gSA a dk eku D;k gSa
(c) 25 units (d) 10 units
(a) 20/3 (b) 3/20
TYPE – II (Line) (c) –20/3 (d) –3/20
15. Find the intercepts made by the line 7x + 8y – 56 = 0. On 25. What is the slope of the line parallel to the line passsing
the axis through the points (5, –1)
1) and (4, –4 ) ?
js[kk 7x 8y 56 0 ds }kjk v{kksa ij dVs var [kaM Kkr (5, –1) vkSj (4, –4) fcUnqvksa ds ek/;e ls xqtjus okyh js[kk ds
djsa\ lekukarj js[kk dh <yku D;k gS\
(a) (5, 6) (b) (8, 7) (a) –3 (b) –1/3
(c) (7, 8) (d) buesa ls dksbZ ugha (c) 3 (d) 1/3
16. At what point does the line 3x + 2y = 12 cuts the y – axis? 26. What is the slops of the line parallel to the line passing
js[kk 3x 2y 12 fdl fcUnq ij y v{k dks dkVrh gS\ through the points (4, –2)
2) and ((–3, 5)?
(a) (0, 6) (b) (0, –6) (4, –2) vkSj (–3, 5 ) fcUnqvksa ls xqtjus okyh js[kk ds lekarj
(c) (6, 0) (d) (–6, 0) js[kk ds <ky dks Kkr djsaA
17. At what point does the line 2x – 3y = 6 cuts the x axis? (a) 3/7 (b) 1
js[kk 2x 3y 6 x v{k dks fdl fcUnq ij dkVrh gS\ (c) –3/7 (d) –1
(a) (–3, 0) (b) (0, 3) rallel to the line 3x 6x 4 ?
27. What is the slope of the line parallel
(c) (0, –3) (d) (3, 0) js[kk 3x 6y 4 dh lekukarj jgus okyh js[kk dh <yku
18. if x 2y 2 and 3x y 20 then the value of x, y is
D;k gSa
;fn x 2y 2 vkSj 3x y 20 gSa rks x, y dk eku D;k (a) –1/2 (b) 1/2
gS\ (c) 2 (d) –2
(a) (6, 2) (b) (4, 1) 28. The line passing through point ((–3, 1) and point (x, 5) is
(c) (3, 2) (d) (5, 5) parallel to the line passing through point (–2,
( –1) and point
19. Which of the following points lie on the line 7x + 3y = 4 ? (6, 3) What is the value of x?
fuEufyf[kr fcUnqvksa eas ls dkSu lk fcUnq js[kk 7x 3y 4 fcanq 3, 1 vkSj fcUnq x , 5 ls xqtjus okyh js[kk ml js[kk
ij fLFkr gS\ ds lekukarj gS] tks fcUnq 2, 1 vkSj fcanq 6, 3 ls xqtj
(a) (–2, 6) (b) (–2, –6) jgh gSA x dk eku D;k gS
(c) (2, 6) (d) (2, –6) (a) –5 (b) –2
20. What is the slope of the line perpendicular to the line
(c) 2 (d) 5
passing through the points (–5, 1) and (–2, 0)?
29. What is the slope of the line perpendicular to the line
(–5, 1) vkSj (–2, 0) fcUnqvksa ds ek/;e ls xqtjus okyh js[kk
passing through the points (–2,
2, 3) and (2, 0)?
ds yacr js[kk dh <yku D;k gS\
(a) –3 (b) 3
(–2, 3) vkSj (2, 0) fcUnqvksa ls xqtjus okyh js[kk ij yacor 37. What is the equation of the line which passes through the
jgjus okyh js[kk dk >qdko D;k gS\ points (3, –2) and (5, 3)
(a) 4/3 (b) 3/4 fcUnq 3, 2 vkSj 5, 3 ls xqtjus okyh js[kk ds lehdj.k
(c) –3/4 (d) –4/3 dks Kkr djsa
30. Find k, If the line 2x 3y 11 is perpendicular to the line (a) 5x 2y 19 (b) 5x 2y 19
3x + ky = – 4? (c) 5x 2y 31 (d) 5x 2y 31
k dk irk yxk, ;fn js[kk 2x 3y 11 js[kk 3x ky 4 38. What will be the equation of the perpendicular bisector
bi of
segment joining the points (5, ––3) and (0, 2)?
ij yacor gS\
fcUnq 5, 3 vkSj fcUnq 0, 2 dks tksM+us okys [kaM ds yac
(a) –2 (b) 1
(c) –1 (d) 2 f}.Hkktd dk lehdj.k D;k gksxkk\
31. A line passing through the origin perpendicularly cuts the (a) x y 2 (b) x y 3
line 3x 2y 6 at point M. Find M? (c) x y 2 (d) x y 3
ewy ls xqtjus okyh js[kk 3x 2y 6 js[kk dks fcUnq M ij 39. Find equation of the perpendicular bisector of segment
joining the points (2, –6)
6) and (4, 0)?
yacor dkVrh gSA M dks Kkr djsA (2, –6) vkSj (4, 0) fcUnqvksa dks tksM+us okys js[kk[kaM ds
(a) 18 / 13, 12 / 13 (b) 18 / 13, 12 / 13
f}Hkktd vfHkyac ds lehdj.k dk irk yxk,aA
(c) 18 / 13, 12 / 13 (d) 18 / 13, 12 / 13 (a) x 3y 6 (b) x 3y 6
32. Slope of the side DA of the rectangle ABCD is –3/4 what is (c) x 3y 6 (d) x 3y 6
the slope of the side AB ?
40. The line passing through (–2,2, 5) and (6, b) is perpendicular
vk;r ABCD dh DA okyh Hkqtk dk >qdko 3 / 4 gSA
to the line 20x + 5y = 3. Find b ?
AB okyh Hkqtk dk >qdko D;k gS\
(–2, 5) vkSj (6, b) ls xqtjus okyh js[kk 20x 5y 3 js[kk
(a) –4/3 (b) 3/4
(c) –3/4 (d) 4/3 ij vfHkyac gSA b dks Kkr djsaA
(a) –7 (b) 4
33. The slopes of two lines are 1 and 3 . What is the angle (c) 7 (d) –4
between these two lines? 41. What is the equation of the line if its slope is 3/4 and y
nks js[kkvksa dk <ky 1 vkSj 3 gSA bu nks js[kkvksa ds chp intercept is 5?
dk dks.k D;k gS\ ml js[kk dk lehdj.k D;k gksxk] ftldh <yku 3 / 4 gS
(a) 15° (b) 30° vkSj tks y v{k dks 5 ij dkVrh gS\
(c) 45° (d) 60° (a) 3x 4y 20 (b) 3x 4y 20
34. The slopes of two lines are 1 and 1 / 3 What is the angle (c) 3x 4y 20 (d) 3x 4y 20
between these two lines? 42. What is the equation of the line if its slops is 4/3 and it
nks js[kkvksa <ky 1 vkSj 1 / 3 gSa bu nks js[kkvksa ds chp dk passes through the point (–7,
7, 2)?
dks.k D;k gksxk\ 4 / 3 ds <ky ds lkFk fcUnq 7, 2 ls gksdj xqtjus okyh
(a) 15° (b) 30° js[kk dk lehdj.k D;k gS\
(c) 45° (d) 60° (a) 4x–3y= –2 (b) 4x 3y 34
35. The slopes of two lines are 1 / 3 and 3 what is the
(c) 4x 3y 22 (d) 4x 3y 34
angle between these two lines?
43. The equation of the line if its slope is –3/7 and it passes
nks js[kkvks dk <ky 1 / 3 vkSj 3 gSa bu nks j[kkvksa ds
through the point 5, 2 is ___
chp dk dks.k D;k gksxk\
(a) 15° (b) 45° 3 / 7 ds <ky ds lkFk 5, 2 ls gksdj xqtjus okyh js[kk
(c) 60° (d) 30° okyh js[kk dk lehdj.k ____gS
TYPE – III (a) 3x 7y 29 (b) 3x 7 y 1
36. What is the equation of the line which passes through the
(c) 3x 7 y 1 (d) 3x 7 y 29
points (–1, 2) and (4, –3)?
ml js[kk dk lehdj.k D;k gksxk] tks fcUnq 1, 2 vkSj 44. What would be the equation of the line, which intercepts
x axis at 5 and is perpendicular to the line y 2x 3 ?
fcUnq 4, 3 ls gksdj xqtjrh gS\
(a) x y 3 (b) x y 1 ml js[kk dk lehdj.k D;k gS tks x v{k dks 5 ij dkVrh
(c) x y 1 (d) x y 3
gSA vkSj js[kk y 2x 3 ij ,d yac gS\
(a) x 2y 5 (b) x 2y 5
57. If there are four lines in a plane then what cannot be the (a) 5x 2y 16 (b) 5x 2y 16
number of points of intersection of these lines? (c) 5x 2y 16 (d) 5x 2y 16
;fn ,d le/kjkry (Iysu) eas pkj js[kkvksa ds izfrPNsnd
60. Find the area of quadrilateral formed by joining points (4,
fcUnqvksa dh la[;k D;k ugha gks ldrh\ 2), (8, 2), (8, 14) and (4, 10).
(a) 0 (b) 5
ml prqHkZt q dk {ks=Qy Kkr djsa] tks fcUnqvksa (4, 2), (8, 2),
(c) 4 (d) 7
(8, 14) rFkk (4, 10) dks tksM+dj cuk;k x;k gS\
58. A (4, –3)
3) and C (0, 7) are vertices of a square ABCD find
(a) 5 sq. units (b) 10 sq. units
equation of diagonal BD?
(c) 25 sq. units (d) 40 sq. units
A (4, –3) vkSj C0, 7 ,d oxZ ABCD ds dksus gSA fod.kZ
61. Find the area of the region bounded by lines 3x + 4y = 12,
BD ds lehdj.k dk irk yxk,\ 5x + 8y = 60, x = 0 and y = 0
(a) 2x 5y 6 (b) 2x 5y 6 ml {ks= dk {ks=Qy Kkr djsa tks js[kkvksa
(c) 2x 5y 6 (d) 2x 5y 6 3x 4y 12, 5x 8y 60, x 0 rFkk y 0 ls f?kjk gks\
59. P (3, 1) and R (–7,7, 5) are vertices of a rhombus PQRS. (a) 37.5 sq.units (b) 31.5 sq. units
What is the equation of diagonal QS? (c) 39 sq. units (d) 32 sq. units
P 3, 1 vkSj R 7, 5 ,d le prqHkqZt PQRS ds
f'kjksfcUnq gSa fod.kZ QS ds lehdj.k dk irk yxk,
The square of the hypotenuses of a right angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides
i.e. ( AC ) 2 ( AB ) 2 ( BC ) 2
,d ledks.k f=Hkqt esa d.kZ dk oxZ] yEc dk oxZ vkSj vk/kkj dk oxZ ds ;ksx ds cjkcj gksrk gSaA
Note : All the multiple ( or submultiples) of Pythagorean triplets also satisfy the relation
ikbFkkxksfj;u fVªiysV ds xq.kt ¼viorZd½ Hkh bl çes; dks ges'kk larq"V djsxsaA
eg. (6, 8, 10), (15, 36, 39) (1.5, 2, 2.5) etc.