WLH Pages
WLH Pages
WLH Pages
3. Di erentiate between
i) Oral and written communication
ii) Verbal and non-verbal communication
1. Explain factors a ecting Corporate governance
in an organization with special focus on role of a
manager in ensuring proper implementation of
Corp Gov.
Risk Management
1. Discuss the potential risks associated with
Recent Developments rapid Fintech growth, such as systemic risks,
in Financial Sector consumer protection concerns, and nancial
instability. How can these risks be mitigated while
promoting responsible innovation?
Easy level -
A. Write short notes on the following topics(any
three) -
1. Various types of CBDC
2. Self-regulatory Organization for Fintech
companies (SRO-FT).
3. Regulatory Sandbox(Indian context)
4. Frictionless Credit.