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Article · September 2023

DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/17584

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2 authors, including:

Sharath Kumar C R
BGS B.Ed College


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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(09), 744-748

Journal Homepage: - www.journalijar.com

Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/17584

DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/17584


Sharath Kumar C.R1 and Prof. Praveena K.B2

1. Assistant Professor, BGS B.Ed. College, Mysuru, Karnataka, India.
2. Registrar of Evaluation, Karnataka State Open University, Mysuru, Karnataka, India.
Manuscript Info Abstract
……………………. ………………………………………………………………
Manuscript History SWOT Analysis is an analysis method used to evaluate the Strengths,
Received: 25 July 2023 Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats involved in an organization, a
Final Accepted: 27 August 2023 plan, a project, a program, a person or any kind of business activities.
Published: September 2023 SWOT Analysis is the most commonly used strategic planning tool to
access the Internal and External factors of any organization. This is
Key words:-
SWOT, SWOT Analysis, Strategic considered as an effective framework plan and mange the
Planning organizational resource to achieve certain goals in a specific period of
time. The purpose of the implementing SWOT analysis in an
organization is to formulate the strategy of business based on existing
internal and external factors. This articles provides a study of SWOT
Analysis basics and historical development of SWOT along with its
merits and limitations.

Copy Right, IJAR, 2023,. All rights reserved.

SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis is a tool used for strategic planning and strategic management in organizations. It can be used
effectively to build organizational strategy and competitive strategy. In accordance with the System Approach,
organizations are wholes that are in interaction with their environments and consist of various sub-systems. In this
sense, an organization exists in two environments, one being in itself and the other being outside. It is a necessity to
analyses these environments for strategic management practices. This process of examining the organization and its
environment is termed SWOT Analysis.

SWOT analysis is also alternately referred to as SWOT Matrix. It is an acronym for – S- Strength ; W- Weakness;
O- Opportunity and T- Threat.

SWOT is a method of structured planning and evaluation of any process, person, project, industry or business on
these four parameters. It encompasses the minute and overall study of the external and the internal factors of the
business or process for the purpose of understanding its feasibility and success. Many authors believe that the
SWOT matrix was developed by Mr. Albert Humphery in 1960‟s, however he himself has never claimed the same.

Corresponding Author:- Sharath Kumar C.R

Address:- Assistant Professor, BGS B.Ed. College, Mysuru, Karnataka, India.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(09), 744-748

SWOT Analysis

Internal Factors External Factors

Strengths &Weakness Opportunies & Threats

The Components Of Swot Analysis
SWOT Analysis is a process that involves four areas into two dimensions. It has four components: „Strengths‟,
„weaknesses‟, „opportunities‟, „threats‟. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors and attributes of the
organization, opportunities and threats are external factors and attributes of the environment.

In SWOT Analysis, strong and weak aspects of an organization are identified by examining the elements in its
environment while environmental opportunities and threats are determined by examining the elements outside its
environment. In this sense SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats of an organization. It provides information that is helpful in matching the organization‟s
resources and capabilities to the competitive environment in which it operates. Strengths and opportunities are
helpful to achieve the organizational objectives. They are favorable for organizations. Weaknesses and threats are
harmful to achieving the organizational objectives. They are unfavorable for organizations. Therefore, underlying
any successful selection of strategies is an analysis of the organization‟s internal strengths and weaknesses that are
posed by internal environment and the opportunities and threats that are posed by the external environment. In
other words, manager‟s role is to try to „fit‟ the analysis of externalities and internalities, to balance the
organization‟s strengths and weaknesses in the light of environmental opportunities and threats.

Strength is the characteristic that adds value to something and makes it more special than others. Strength means
that something is more advantageous when compared to something else. In this sense, strength refers to a
positive, favorable and creative characteristic. Strength at organizational level involves properties and abilities by
which an organization gains an advantage over other organizations and competitor organizations that are revealed
as a result of the analysis of its internal environment. In other words, organizational strength defines the
characteristics and situations in which an organization is more effective and efficient compared to their

“Strength is something an organization is good at doing or a characteristic the organization has that gives it an
important capability” (Thompson and Strickland, 1989: 109). In this context “ strength is a resource, skill, or other
advantage relative to competitors and the needs of an organization serves or expects to serve.

Weakness refers to not having the form and competency necessary for something. Weakness means that
something is more disadvantageous when compared to something else. In this regard, weakness is a characteristic
that is negative and unfavorable. Weakness at organizational level refers to the situations in which the current
existence and ability capacities of an organization are weaker compared to other organizations and competitor
organizations. In other words, organization weakness means the aspects or activities in which an organization is
less effective and efficient compared to its competitors. These aspects negatively affect the organizational

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(09), 744-748

performance and weaken the organization among its competitors. Consequently, the organization is not able to
respond to a possible problem or opportunity, and cannot adapt tochanges. “A weakness is something an
organization lacks or does poorly -in comparison to others- or a condition that puts it at a disadvantage”
(Thompson and Strickland). In this context “Weakness is a limitation or deficiency in resource, skills, and
capabilities that seriously impedes an organization‟s effective performance.

For the organization, it is as important to know its weaknesses as its strengths. The reason is that no strategy can
be built upon weaknesses. The organizational weaknesses that have the potential to lead the organization to
inefficiency and ineffectiveness should be known and improved. Solving the existing problems that would cause
difficulties and limitations for long-term plans and strategies, and foreseeing potential problems are obligatory.

Opportunity is a major favorable situation in the environment within the organization as well as outside of the
organization. These arise when an organization can take benefit of conditions in its environment to plan and execute
strategies that enable it to become more profitable.

Threats are the external elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the organization and major
unfavorable situations in the environment. Threats are uncontrollable.

Historical Development Of Swot Analysis

The historical background of SWOT Analysis is as old as the concept of strategic planning. For this reason, it has
been identified with strategic planning and accepted as the primary element of the strategic planning process.
SWOT Analysis emerged in the literature in the 1960‟s. This starting point is in parallel with the concept of
strategy being used in the field of business management.

SWOT analysis is the main instrument of “Design School Model” which was proposed by Henry Mintzberg.
Mintzberg, classified strategic management into schools of thought; Prescriptive Schools-design school, planning
school, positioning school-, Descriptive Schools -entrepreneurial school, cognitive school, learning school,
political school, cultural school and environmental school-. Each school has its distinctive strategy formation
process, only the prescriptive schools have developed their own specific sets of strategic management instruments.
The design school model places primary emphasis on the appraisals of the external and internal situations, the
former uncovering threats and opportunities in the environment, the latter revealing strengths and weaknesses of
the organization

In the 1980‟s the SWOT analysis was used in the Small and Medium Enterprises development and the creation of
business and marketing plans. Heinz Weihrich (1982) introduced TOWS Matrix for matching the environmental
threats and opportunities with the organization‟s weaknesses and especially its strengths.

After the 1990's, the criticisms directed to the concept of strategic planning were also directed to SWOT Analysis.
These criticisms contributed to the development of SWOT Analysis. A number of scholars have proposed variants
of SWOT to enrich the planning process. Where weaknesses have been re-identified as „Faults‟. Many scholars
suggest the need to use additional analysis instead of SWOT or using it in combination with other techniques.

Advantages Of Swot Analysis

1. SWOT Analysis is an analysis technique that has a general perspective and presents general solutions.
Details and specific issues are not the focus of SWOT Analysis, but the other analyses that would follow. In
this sense, SWOT Analysis is a road map that guides one from the general to the specific.
2. SWOT Analysis is an interactional analysis technique that makes macro evaluations possible. As an analysis
tool, SWOT provides the opportunity to focus on positive and negative aspects of internal and external
environment of the organization, in another words the elements in this environment that add plus and minus
value, all together in a related perspective. In this regard, it is also possible to describe SWOT Analysis as
„Two-by-Two Matrix‟.
3. SWOT Analysis can help organizational managements to uncover opportunities to take advantage. By
understanding weaknesses, threats can be managed and eliminated. To examine an organization and its
competitors through SWOT Analysis, strategies that help distinguish a company from competitors can be

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(09), 744-748

4. SWOT Analysis forms a thinking model for organizational managements as an approach and analysis
technique. This model gives one the opportunity to limit the agenda in the steps of information gathering and
interpretation, and shows the points that the decisions are based on. In other words, SWOT Analysis prepares
the substructure for strategic decisions.
5. SWOT Analysis promotes group discussion about strategic issues and strategy development. By using
creative participatory techniques such as brain storming, group meetings, it enables the pool knowledge.
6. SWOT Analysis helps organizational managements to start a discussion for the future and goals of the
organization by moving beyond daily problems and the current situation.
7. SWOT Analysis can be applied at different analytical levels -individual level, organizational level, national
level, and international level-.It can be used by educational institutes, non-profit organizations, countries,
governments, projects etc.

Disadvantages And Limitations Of Swot Analysis

1. SWOT Analysis has a general perspective as an approach and present general solutions. SWOT Analysis was
developed in the periods when the environmental conditions were still. For this reason, it is not a valid
technique in today‟s world based on change and competition. Dynamic and structural changes at the level of
system, sub-system, and super system affect the validity of entries in a SWOT Matrix.
2. SWOT Analysis is an analysis technique that has a problem in terms of quality and quantity. In applying
SWOT Analysis, many factors can be identified. However, quantity does not mean quality. It is not possible
to determine the priorities of the factors identified in SWOT Analysis, focus on them in detail, solve the
developments and conflicts in different dimensions, and include views and suggestions based on different
data and analyses.
3. SWOT Analysis begins with current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. However, to generate
suitable strategies for a certain period, SWOT needs to revise its inventory to arrive at one that would reflect
accurately the anticipated organization strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for that period.
Otherwise, generating strategies will be based on the current or past, and not the future.
4. SWOT Analysis lacks comparison with competitors. The lack of a quantitative index to provide an
operational criterion for benchmarking hinders the competitive analysis, especially in a highly
interdependent setting to evaluate the size of competitive gaps, an organization needs to know the relevant
performance levels of all its close competitors.
5. The information contained in a SWOT Analysis, under the influence of corporate culture, may be unreliable,
all bound up with aspirations, biases, and hope of the individuals involved in organization management.
6. SWOT Analysis focuses on environment which is too narrow. Strategists who rely on traditional definitions
of their industry and competitive environment often focus their sights too narrowly on current customers,
technologies and competitors.
7. SWOT Analysis gives a one-shot view of a moving target. A key weakness of SWOT is that it is primarily a
static assessment. It focuses too much of an organization‟s attention on one moment in time. Essentially, this
is like studying a single frame of a picture.
8. SWOT Analysis overemphasizes a single dimension of strategy. Sometimes organizations become
preoccupied with a single strength or a key feature of the product or service they are offering and ignore
other factors needed for competitive success.
9. SWOT Analysis is rarely deployed at lower than the organization level. This is a risky situation that each
strength and weakness is related to and equally important for all strategic business units and the products
organization produces. This can even lead to wrong strategies for the entire organization.

Finally, SWOT Analysis very popular and useful in management of an organization. It has much to offer, but
only as a starting point. SWOT Analysis is a situation analysis and it can also be the starting point for a more
comprehensive review. It is important because it can inform later steps in planning to achieve the organizational
objectives. SWOT Analysis is a summary tool, often featured in business planning that can be applied and used
beneficially in any decision-making process or to analyze a situation. Though it can be a valuable planning tool
for all kind of organization.

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