Detailed Lesson Plan
Detailed Lesson Plan
Detailed Lesson Plan
Industrial Arts
Electrical Installation and Maintenance
At the end of (60)sixty minutes period, the students will be able to :
A. Identify the parts and functions of electrical circuit,
B. Value the importance of each essential parts of electrical circuit, and
C. Draw the electrical diagram that consists the essential parts of
electrical circuit.
A. Preliminary activities
a. Prayer
Everybody stand up. Let (Praying)
us pray.
b. Greetings
Good morning, class! Good morning, Sir!
Good morning, classmates!
c. Checking of
The teacher will check
the attendance.
Who is absent today? None, Sir!
Very good!
Everyone is present.
d. Review
Okay class, what have I learned about Electricity.
you learned on our
previous lesson?
Very good!
What else? I have learned that the electricity have
Very good! many source.
B. Motivation
Show a short video clip related
to the lesson.
Guide questions:
1. What do you observe in the I have observed that the man
video? connecting wire from LED light to
switch and battery.
2. What do you think our I think sir, our lesson for today is about
lesson for today? Electrical Circuit.
C. Lesson proper
a) Activity
-Divide the class into (4) four
-Provide each group the manila
paper and pentel pen
-Each group will list down the
electrical devices that can be
found in their homes, and with
their own ideas let them write
its uses or functions.
-After (5) five minutes the group The group leaders will present their
leaders will present their output. activity output.
b) Analysis
Guide questions:
1) What is electrical circuit? (Students answered with their own
ideas of what electrical circuit is.)
d) Application
In a 1 whole sheet of bond
paper, let the students draw
the Electrical diagram that
consists the essential parts
of an electrical circuit. The
performance will be score
using the following criteria:
CRITERIA 1 2 3 4
Legend: 1 poor, 2 fair, 3 good, 4 excellent
•Multiple choices:
Direction: In a ¼ sheet of paper, write the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is where the electricity flow from source to load.
a. Control device b. Load c. Conducting path d. Power source
2. It provides electrical pressure in the circuit.
a. Load b. Power source c. Control device d. Conducting path
3. It allows individual to regulate electricity.
a. Conducting path b. Load c. Power source d. Control device
4. It converts electricity into another form of energy.
a. Load b. Power source c. Conducting path d. Control device
5. It is a complete path where electricity flows.
a. Conductor b. Load c. Electric circuit d. Power source
Research the two types of electric circuit.