Bi Quad
Bi Quad
Bi Quad
#define STK_BIQUAD_H
#include "Filter.h"
namespace stk {
/*! \class BiQuad
\brief STK biquad (two-pole, two-zero) filter class.
//! A function to enable/disable the automatic updating of class data when the
STK sample rate changes.
void ignoreSampleRateChange( bool ignore = true ) { ignoreSampleRateChange_ =
ignore; };
//! Sets the filter coefficients for a resonance at \e frequency (in Hz).
This method determines the filter coefficients corresponding to
two complex-conjugate poles with the given \e frequency (in Hz)
and \e radius from the z-plane origin. If \e normalize is true,
the filter zeros are placed at z = 1, z = -1, and the coefficients
are then normalized to produce a constant unity peak gain
(independent of the filter \e gain parameter). The resulting
filter frequency response has a resonance at the given \e
frequency. The closer the poles are to the unit-circle (\e radius
close to one), the narrower the resulting resonance width.
An unstable filter will result for \e radius >= 1.0. The
\e frequency value should be between zero and half the sample rate.
void setResonance( StkFloat frequency, StkFloat radius, bool normalize = false
//! Set the filter coefficients for a notch at \e frequency (in Hz).
This method determines the filter coefficients corresponding to
two complex-conjugate zeros with the given \e frequency (in Hz)
and \e radius from the z-plane origin. No filter normalization is
attempted. The \e frequency value should be between zero and half
the sample rate. The \e radius value should be positive.
void setNotch( StkFloat frequency, StkFloat radius );
//! Set the filter coefficients for a low-pass with cutoff frequency \e fc (in
Hz) and Q-factor \e Q.
This method determines the filter coefficients corresponding to a
low-pass filter with cutoff placed at \e fc, where sloping behaviour
and resonance are determined by \e Q. The default value for \e Q is
1/sqrt(2), resulting in a gradual attenuation of frequencies higher than
\e fc without added resonance. Values greater than this will more
aggressively attenuate frequencies above \e fc while also adding a
resonance at \e fc. Values less than this will result in a more gradual
attenuation of frequencies above \e fc, but will also attenuate
frequencies below \e fc as well. Both \e fc and \e Q must be positive.
void setLowPass( StkFloat fc, StkFloat Q=RECIP_SQRT_2 );
//! Set the filter coefficients for a high-pass with cutoff frequency \e fc (i
n Hz) and Q-factor \e Q.
This method determines the filter coefficients corresponding to a high-pass
filter with cutoff placed at \e fc, where sloping behaviour and resonance
are determined by \e Q. The default value for \e Q is 1/sqrt(2), resulting
in a gradual attenuation of frequencies lower than \e fc without added
resonance. Values greater than this will more aggressively attenuate
frequencies below \e fc while also adding a resonance at \e fc. Values less
than this will result in a more gradual attenuation of frequencies below
\e fc, but will also attenuate frequencies above \e fc as well.
Both \e fc and \e Q must be positive.
void setHighPass( StkFloat fc, StkFloat Q=RECIP_SQRT_2 );
//! Set the filter coefficients for a band-pass centered at \e fc (in Hz) with
Q-factor \e Q.
This method determines the filter coefficients corresponding to a band-pass
filter with pass-band centered at \e fc, where band width and slope a
determined by \e Q. Values for \e Q that are less than 1.0 will attenuate
frequencies above and below \e fc more gradually, resulting in a convex
slope and a wider band. Values for \e Q greater than 1.0 will attenuate
frequencies above and below \e fc more aggressively, resulting in a
concave slope and a narrower band. Both \e fc and \e Q must be positive.
void setBandPass( StkFloat fc, StkFloat Q );
//! Set the filter coefficients for a band-reject centered at \e fc (in Hz) wi
th Q-factor \e Q.
This method determines the filter coefficients corresponding to a
band-reject filter with stop-band centered at \e fc, where band width
and slope are determined by \e Q. Values for \e Q that are less than 1.0
will yield a wider band with greater attenuation of \e fc. Values for \e Q
greater than 1.0 will yield a narrower band with less attenuation of \e fc.
Both \e fc and \e Q must be positive.
void setBandReject( StkFloat fc, StkFloat Q );
//! Set the filter coefficients for an all-pass centered at \e fc (in Hz) with
Q-factor \e Q.
This method determines the filter coefficients corresponding to
an all-pass filter whose phase response crosses -pi radians at \e fc.
High values for \e Q will result in a more instantaenous shift in phase
response at \e fc. Lower values will result in a more gradual shift in
phase response around \e fc. Both \e fc and \e Q must be positive.
void setAllPass( StkFloat fc, StkFloat Q );
//! Input one sample to the filter and return a reference to one output.
StkFloat tick( StkFloat input );
//! Take a channel of the StkFrames object as inputs to the filter and replace
with corresponding outputs.
The StkFrames argument reference is returned. The \c channel
argument must be less than the number of channels in the
StkFrames argument (the first channel is specified by 0).
However, range checking is only performed if _STK_DEBUG_ is
defined during compilation, in which case an out-of-range value
will trigger an StkError exception.
StkFrames& tick( StkFrames& frames, unsigned int channel = 0 );
//! Take a channel of the \c iFrames object as inputs to the filter and write
outputs to the \c oFrames object.
The \c iFrames object reference is returned. Each channel
argument must be less than the number of channels in the
corresponding StkFrames argument (the first channel is specified
by 0). However, range checking is only performed if _STK_DEBUG_
is defined during compilation, in which case an out-of-range value
will trigger an StkError exception.
StkFrames& tick( StkFrames& iFrames, StkFrames &oFrames, unsigned int iChannel
= 0, unsigned int oChannel = 0 );
// Helper function to update the three intermediate values for the predefined
filter types
// along with the feedback filter coefficients. Performs the debug check for f
c and Q-factor arguments.
void setCommonFilterValues( StkFloat fc, StkFloat Q );
StkFloat K_;
StkFloat kSqr_;
StkFloat denom_;
return lastFrame_[0];
lastFrame_[0] = outputs_[1];
return frames;
lastFrame_[0] = outputs_[1];
return iFrames;
} // stk namespace