Synergic Effect of Plasmonic Gold Nanoparticles

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Synergic effect of plasmonic gold nanoparticles

and graphene oxide on the performance of
Cite this: New J. Chem., 2019,
43, 18925 glucose sensing†
Sadia Tabassum,‡ab Saira Naz,†ac Amjad Nisar, a Hongyu Sun,d Shafqat Karim, a

Maaz Khan,a Shiasta Shahzada,b Ata ur Rahmanc and Mashkoor Ahmad *a

In this study hybrid nanostructures of Au–graphene oxide (Au–GO) were synthesized via a two-step
process and used to modify the glassy carbon electrode (GCE) for electrochemical measurements of
glucose. The modified electrode exhibits a fast response less than 4 s, a low detection limit of 0.025 mM
and a high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of 3.5. The fabricated sensor shows a linear response in a large
concentration range from 0.0025 mM to 15 mM with a reproducible sensitivity of 84.53 mA cm mM 1,
which is much higher than that of the individual Au, GO and previously reported GO/rGO based sensors.
In addition, the biosensor shows excellent results for human serum which agree well with those
obtained using a laboratory glucometer. Moreover, the glucose amount in selective commercially
Received 2nd September 2019, available food samples and fresh juices was also successfully measured. The biosensor exhibits excellent
Accepted 26th October 2019 selectivity, thermal stability and reproducibility. The enhanced and efficient sensitivity of the developed
DOI: 10.1039/c9nj04532e Au–GO based biosensor may be due to the synergic effects of the plasmonic Au-nanoparticles and GO.
The performance of the biosensor suggests that the reported Au–GO hybrid nanostructures can provide a novel platform for developing non-enzymatic biosensors for biomedical and industrial applications.

1. Introduction involved in the fast, accurate and selective detection of target

molecules. Oxidative detection of glucose using different modified
The fast and accurate measurement of glucose is crucial for glassy carbon electrodes (GCE) in the absence of enzymes has been
saving precious lives because it can cause many diseases such reported in the literature.5–7 Generally, noble metal nanoparticles
as diabetes and endocrine and metabolic disorders. According such as Pt, Au and Ag have been increasingly considered as electro-
to the World International Diabetes Federation (WIDF), active materials for the anodic electro-oxidation of glucose mole-
425 million people across the world are suffering from diabetes cules at high potential.7–9 Unfortunately, these electrodes suffer
and the figure is expected to reach 629 million by the year 2045 from different problems such as poisoning/fouling of electrode
with an increase of nearly 54 per cent.1 Glucose sensors based surfaces, etc. Additionally, these metal NPs tend to agglomerate
on electrochemical signal transduction have become an active and are not cost effective when used alone in the fabrication of the
research area since the first publication in 1962.2 In the last few working electrode. As a consequence, a modified electrode with a
decades, enzyme based glucose sensors have been extensively low operating potential and enhanced electron transfer kinetics is
studied and were found to address some common drawbacks highly desired.
including high cost, low stability and large operational potential From this perspective, various combinations of metal, metal
as well as low efficiency under harsh conditions.3,4 Therefore, oxides, polymers and graphene and its derivatives have been
researchers are interested in developing non-enzymatic sensors extensively investigated for the development of reliable electro-
chemical glucose biosensors.10–15 Among these materials graphene
Nanomaterials Research Group, Physics Division PINSTECH, Islamabad 44000,
oxide (GO) due to its unique optical, electrical and surface charge
Pakistan. E-mail: properties is one of the most promising candidates for application
Department of Physics, Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences, International not only in biological/chemical sensing but also in other areas such
Islamic University, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan as energy conversion/storage and catalysis.16,17 However, the use
Institute of Chemical Sciences, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan
of GO alone has certain limitations, such as irreversible self-
Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology, Technical University of Denmark,
2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
agglomeration, low colloidal stability, and poor compatibility.
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c9nj04532e The intrinsic properties of GO can be tuned by incorporating
‡ These two authors contributed equally. noble metal NPs having a surface plasmon resonance effect

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2019 New J. Chem., 2019, 43, 18925--18934 | 18925
Paper NJC

which may tailor the surface properties of the hybrid material at reduced to 25 1C and the solution was allowed to stir for 2 h.
the nanoscale.18 The integration of Au NPs into GO not only 40 ml of H2O2 and 160 ml of hot water were added into the
overcomes existing problems but also provides additional synergetic solution and kept for stirring for 1 h. The mixture was left for 6 h
properties such as enhancement of the effective surface area, without stirring which allowed the GO particles to settle down at the
catalytic efficiency, electronic conductivity and biocompatibility.19,20 bottom. The solution was placed in a sonication bath for 35 min
The hybrid structure offers a unique synergy for bio-applications and finally washed with 10% of HCl and de-ionized water several
in comparison to the individual materials. The potential implemen- times to remove impurities. The gel like product of GO was collected
tation of such hybrid systems in sensing, and Raman imaging and by centrifugation and was dried at 60 1C in an oven for 24 h.
as transparent conductive materials has recently been envisioned in
Au–GO based hybrid devices.21–23 In the last two decades, a lot of 2.3 Synthesis of the Au–GO hybrid structure
effort has been devoted to the development of noble metal–GO For the synthesis of the Au–GO composite, tetrabutylammonium
hybrid structures with tuned properties, however, these structures bromide solution (50 mg in 15 ml of chloroform) was slowly added
have been less considered and are explored for electrochemical in chloroauric acid solution (0.0151 g in 15 ml of water) under
applications.24,25 In this work, we report a facile synthesis of the continuous stirring. The stirring was continued for 1 h and the
Au–GO hybrid structure and a systematic investigation of its organic layer was collected for further use. 250 mg of the
electrochemical properties for glucose sensing. A detailed study as-prepared GO was dispersed in 15 ml of ethanol by sonication.
is conducted to explain the electrochemical performance of After this, 8 ml of the as-prepared chloroauric acid solution was
Au–GO based glucose biosensors in comparison to individual slowly added to the above GO dispersion under continuous
Au NPs and the GO structure. It is expected that the Au–GO stirring. After 10 min, 200 ml of dodecanthiol was added and
based biosensor can reduce the sample analysis cost, and after further 5 min 1 ml of the freshly prepared solution of
enhance accuracy, stability and reproducibility. sodium borohydride (0.05 g of sodium borohydride in 1 ml of
H2O) was added under continuous stirring. The whole mixture was
2. Experimental kept under stirring for 30 min. Finally, the mixture was washed
three times with water and two times with ethanol. The obtained
2.1 Reagents and materials
product of the Au–GO composite was dried at 60 1C for 10 h.
Graphite, L-cysteine and Nafion solution were purchased from
Sigma Aldrich. Chloroauric acid, dodecanthiol, sodium boro- 2.4 Characterization
hydrate, tetrabutylammonium bromide and chloroform were
The Raman spectrum was recorded by using an SPEX 1877
obtained from Alfa Aesar. NaCl, NaOH, NaH2PO4 and Na2HPO4
spectrometer. Crystallographic investigation was carried out using
were supplied by MERCK (E. Merck, Darmstadt, F. R. Germany).
a Bruker Model D8 Advance X-ray powder diffractometer (XRD)
HNO3, ethanol (99.8%) and glucose were purchased from
with Cu-Ka radiation (l = 1.5418 Å). Fourier transform infrared
Scharlau (Spain). Cholesterol, ascorbic acid (AA), urea, and
spectroscopy (FTIR) was performed using a Nicolett iS50 FTIR
citric acid were received from Sinopharm Chemical Regent
Spectrometer. The morphological and microstructural analyses
Co., Ltd. Phosphate buffer saline (PBS, 0.1 M) was prepared
were conducted by field-emission scanning electron microscopy
by mixing stock solutions of NaH2PO4 (0.2 M) and Na2HPO4
(FESEM; FESEM; MIRA3, 30 keV) and transmission electron
(0.2 M). Deionized water was used throughout the synthesis and
microscopy (TEM; JEOL, JEM-ARM200F, 200 keV).
measurements. For electrochemical measurements of glucose in
human blood serum, fresh blood samples were collected from 2.5 Fabrication of the working electrode
the PAEC hospital, Nilore, Islamabad in blood collection tubes
To fabricate the working electrode, a conventional GCE was
and used within 2 h.
rinsed with PBS to generate a hydrophilic surface. Then 1.0 mg of
2.2 Synthesis of GO the Au–GO composite was dispersed in 5 ml poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)
by ultrasonication. 5 ml of the above solution was deposited on a
The synthesis of GO was carried out using a modified Hummers
GCE having a diameter of 3 mm. To ensure the binding of Au–GO
method.26 Graphite flake (2 g) and sodium nitrate were mixed in
on the electrode surface 5 ml of Nafions 117 solution was dropped
90 ml of sulphuric acid (H2SO4). The whole mixture was stirred
and allowed to form a film upon drying. For comparison purposes,
in an ice bath at a temperature below 5 1C. The mixture was
two more electrodes modified with Au NPs and GO separately were
stirred for 4 h and then 12 g of potassium permanganate was
also prepared by following the above procedure. The electrochemical
added very slowly to maintain the temperature below 15 1C. The
measurements of the biosensor were carried out at room
mixture was diluted with 184 ml of water and the rate of
temperature using an electrochemical work station (CHI660E).
addition was controlled very carefully due to the exothermic
nature of the reaction. The solution was kept on stirring for two
hours. The ice bath was then removed and the mixture was 3. Results and discussion
stirred for 2 h at 35 1C. Furthermore, the above mixture was kept
in a reflux system at 98 1C for 10–15 min. After 10 min the 3.1. Structure and morphology analysis
temperature was reduced to 30 1C which provided a brown Raman spectrum analysis was used to characterize the electronic
coloured solution. After another 10 min, the temperature was and structural properties of the synthesized material. Fig. 1 shows

18926 | New J. Chem., 2019, 43, 18925--18934 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2019
NJC Paper

are mainly due to the uniform distribution of Au NPs on the GO

surface.19,29 The peaks at 381, 441, 641 and 781 indexed to the
(111), (200), (220) and (311) planes in Au–GO agree well with the
standard diffraction data of the face-centered cubic structure of
gold.30 The XRD pattern of Au–GO shows that hybrid structures
are formed which are further confirmed by SEM and EDX results.
Fig. 3 displays the FTIR spectra of GO and the Au–GO
composite recorded at the same frequencies. The broad peak
in the range 3000–3650 cm 1 corresponds to the bending and
stretching vibration of the O–H group of water molecules
absorbed on GO.31 While in Au–GO two absorption peaks at
2914 cm 1 and 2845 cm 1 correspond to the symmetric and
anti-symmetric stretching of CH2, the peak at 1337 cm 1
corresponds to the C–N stretching vibration.32 The bands at
Fig. 1 Raman spectra of the synthesized GO and Au–GO composite. 1750 cm 1 and 1590 cm 1 are attributed to the stretching
vibration of CQO and CQC.33 The peak at 932 cm 1 shows the
out of plane C–H bending. The presence of the oxygen containing
the Raman spectra of the synthesized GO and Au–GO hybrid
group shows that graphite has been oxidized. In particular the
nanostructure. The D and G bands in the spectrum located at
B1350 cm 1 and 1580 cm 1 and the 2D band at the position of
B2735 cm 1 respectively are characteristic graphene oxide peaks.
The position and the shape of the G peak confirm the formation of
graphene oxide. The D band is related to the presence of defects in
graphene and also to the degree of edge chirality. Defects arise due
to composite formation with Au NPs attached to the graphene
oxide surface as reported.27,28 The 2D band at B2735 cm 1 is
related to the number of layers of graphene oxide.
The XRD patterns of the GO and Au–GO hybrid nanostructure
are shown in Fig. 2. The diffraction patterns show a sharp and
intense peak at 2y = 111 which corresponds to the interplanar
distance of 0.82 nm in the GO sample. A little broad peak present
in GO at 2y = 261 with an interplanar distance of 0.334 nm shows
the presence of small graphite flakes which are not oxidized
during the chemical reduction process. The intense sharp peak of
GO and the increase in the interplanar spacing confirm the
presence of oxygen functional groups and also show that the
material is oxidized after chemical oxidation and exfoliation.
Fig. 3 FTIR spectra of the synthesized GO and the Au–GO composite.
The GO pattern shows a small reflection peak at 2y = 421 because
of the turbostratic band of the disordered carbon material. The
slight shift and the reduced intensity of the GO peak in Au–GO

Fig. 4 (a and b) Low and high resolution SEM images of GO, (c) SEM
image of Au–GO hybrid structures, (d and e) TEM images of Au–GO hybrid
structures and (f) high resolution TEM image of Au–GO hybrid structures
Fig. 2 XRD spectra of GO and the Au–GO composite. and the corresponding fast Fourier transform (FFT) pattern (inset).

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2019 New J. Chem., 2019, 43, 18925--18934 | 18927
Paper NJC

hydroxyl group is due to the formation of hydrogen bonds between Fig. 4(d and e) show the low magnification TEM images of the
graphite and water molecules indicating the hydrophilic nature of Au–GO hybrid structure. It can be clearly seen that the Au NPs are
the GO structure. anchored on the thin GO layer, which is in good agreement with
Fig. 4(a and b) show the low and high magnification FESEM the FESEM observations. Fig. 4(f) shows the magnified TEM
images of the synthesized GO. It can be seen that a large images of Au NPs anchored on the GO surface which reveals
number of flakes are formed. The high magnification FESEM the single crystal nature of the particles. The inter-planar distance
image Fig. 4(b) shows that the flakes are composed of a large of the fringes is measured to be 0.24 nm, which corresponds to
number of interconnected nanosheets. The sheets are continuous the spacing of the (111) plane of fcc Au NPs. The corresponding
and connected to each other. The edges and wrinkled area of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) pattern (the inset in Fig. 4(f)) con-
GO sheet can be easily distinguished. Fig. 4(c) displays a typical firms the spacing and demonstrates the crystalline nature of the
image of the Au–GO hybrid structure. It can be clearly observed Au NP in the nanohybrids.
that the thin layered GO surfaces are decorated with small Au The compositional analysis of the hybrid structure is per-
NPs. The diameter of the Au NPs is B5–10 nm. The detailed formed by XPS. Fig. 5(a) shows the high resolution scan of Au 4f
morphology of the hybrid product is characterized by using TEM. which consists of two binding energy peaks located at 83.91 eV

Fig. 5 (a) High resolution spectra of Au 4f (b) C 1s and (c) O 1s peaks at room temperature.

Fig. 6 (a) Nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherm of the GO, Au NPs and Au–GO hybrid structure and (b) pore size distribution curve of the Au–GO

18928 | New J. Chem., 2019, 43, 18925--18934 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2019
NJC Paper

and 87.54 eV corresponding to the electronic state of Au 4f7/2 nature to those of Au 4f. However, the high resolution spectra of
and Au 4f5/2. The energy separation between these two peaks is O 1s can be best fitted by three components located at 533, 532
3.63 eV, which is the characteristic of the Au metallic form and and 531 eV. These peaks are attributed to the oxygen atoms in the
agrees well with the literature.7,34 Fig. 5(b) shows the core-level lattice (OL), OH group related species and oxygen atoms in water
C 1s peak located at 284.45 eV corresponding to C–C/CQC, molecules absorbed on the surface (Ow). These oxygen containing
C–O, CQO and O–CQO bonds in GO sheets. The high resolution groups are strongly bonded with carbon atoms in GO.
peak in Fig. 5(c) located at 531.56 eV corresponding to the The nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherms of the Au,
electronic state of O 1s is attributed to the remaining hydroxyl GO and Au–GO composite are shown in Fig. 6(a). By comparing
groups and adsorbed water on the surface of the Au–GO struc- the isotherms, it is found that the isotherm of the Au–GO
ture. From the close observation, it was observed that the binding composite shows a wide hysteresis loop in the relative pressure
energy spectra of Au4f show a negative shift of about 0.55 eV in range of 0.29–1.0 P/P0 and the corresponding BET specific
comparison to those of bulk Au, which is probably caused by surface area is ca. 80.4 m2 g 1 which is larger than those of
electron transfer from the plasmonic Au NPs to GO sheets due to Au NPs (52.3 m2 g 1) and GO (29.2 m2 g 1). The higher surface
the electronic interaction between the Au NPs and the oxide area of the hybrid structure can be attributed to the presence of
support. The high resolution spectra of C 1s show a similar Au NPs on the GO surface. The mesoporous size distribution is

Fig. 7 (a) Cyclic voltammograms of the bare GCE, GO–GCE, Au–GCE and Au–GO–GCE in the presence of 100 mM glucose in pH 7.0 PB solution, (b) CV
response of Au–GO–GCE with the addition of glucose concentration from 0–10 mM at a scan rate of 50 mV s 1, (c) corresponding calibration curve,
(d) CV response of Au–GO–GCE at scan rates of 10, 20, 50, 80 and 100 mV s 1 in the presence of 100 mM glucose and (e) corresponding calibration curve
at different scan rates.

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2019 New J. Chem., 2019, 43, 18925--18934 | 18929
Paper NJC

confirmed by the corresponding pore size distribution curve as oxidation were evaluated by performing cyclic voltammetry (CV)
shown in Fig. 6(b). The BJH pore size distribution curve shows measurements in PB buffer solution. Fig. 7(a) shows the CV
the mesoporous nature of the hybrid structure. The high surface curves for GO, Au NPs and Au–GO in 100 mM glucose solution at a
area and mesoporous nature of the Au–GO hybrid are promising scan rate of 50 mV s 1. To note the background response, CV
for the efficient electrochemical reaction and very beneficial for curves of the bare GCE were also collected. It can be seen that the
the electrochemical detection of biomolecules. oxidation current of the Au–GO electrode is much stronger than
those of the bare GCE, Au and GO electrodes. This enhanced
3.2. Electrochemical measurements oxidation current indicates that the electrochemical activity of the
3.2.1. Cyclic voltammetry (CV). The electrocatalytic activities hybrid structure is higher than those of the GO and Au NPs. In
of the GO, Au NPs and Au–GO hybrid structure for glucose the CV scan, glucose is oxidized to dehydrogenated glucose by the

Fig. 8 (a) Comparative amperometric response of Au–GO–GCE, Au–GCE and GO–GCE based biosensors with successive addition of 100 mM glucose,
(b) amperometric response of the Au–GO–GCE biosensor in the presence of different concentrations of glucose at 0.6 V in a pH 7.0 PB solution under
stirring, (c) amperometric response of the Au–GO–GCE biosensor in the presence of low concentrations of glucose in PB solution under stirring,
(d) corresponding calibration curve of the biosensor, and (e) amperometric response of the Au–GO–GCE in the presence of the same amount of
different fresh juices (apple, mango, red grapes and guava).

18930 | New J. Chem., 2019, 43, 18925--18934 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2019
NJC Paper

conversion of the hybrid structure and the dehydrogenated less than 4 s. The observation shows that Au–GO–GCE has
glucose is further oxidized to gluconolactone due to the oxygen- good electrochemical catalytic oxidation as well as an efficient
containing functional groups of GO. The activity of the glucose electron exchange ability. Fig. 8b shows the amperometric
oxidation on the hybrid structure surface is attributed to the large response of the Au–GO biosensor with different glucose con-
surface area and the high edge-plane-like defective sites existing centrations. It is clear that the biosensor is highly efficient
on GO, which provide abundant active sites for electron transfer for glucose sensing and delivers significant enhancement in
to biological species.35 Thus the presence of more Au NPs on the current upon the addition of glucose. For comparison, the
GO surface with a large surface area enhances the catalytic response of the Au–GCE biosensor with different glucose
activity for the electrochemical oxidation of glucose. Fig. 7(b) concentrations was also monitored as shown in ESI,† S1. The
shows the CV curves of the Au–GO in 0.1 M PBS with varying corresponding calibration curve shows that the sensitivity of
concentrations of glucose from 0 to 10 mM. The results show that Au–GO is rather low when compared with that of the Au–GO–
the oxidation current increases gradually with the increase of GCE biosensor. The amperometric response of the Au–GO–GCE
glucose concentration. Fig. 7(c) exhibits a linear relation between biosensor in the presence of glucose at low concentrations is
the oxidation current and glucose concentration ranging from shown in Fig. 8c. It can be seen that the lowest concentration
0 to 10 mM (R2 = 0.966). The electrokinetics of glucose oxidation detected by the Au–GO–GCE is 0.025 mM with S/N = 3.5. This low
was also analyzed by performing CV measurements at various limit of detection is better that that of many other carbon based
scan rates from 10 to 100 mV s 1 in the presence of 100 mM nanomaterials as shown in Table 1. The corresponding calibration
glucose as shown in Fig. 7(d). It can be observed that the curve of the Au–GO–GCE biosensor is shown in Fig. 8d. This
oxidation peak current increases linearly with the increase in reveals that the current response increases linearly with the
the scan rate. The square root of the scan rates is proportional to increase in the glucose concentration with a correlation coefficient
the oxidation current with a correlation coefficient of R2 = 0.999, R2 = 0.9998. The linear range of the calibration curve is from
suggesting a surface controlled electrochemical process and 0.0025 mM to 15 mM. The sensitivity of the biosensor is
demonstrating a diffusion-controlled behavior. This shows that calculated to be 84.53 mA mM 1 cm 2 which is much higher than
the electrochemical reaction with the Au–GO electrode is faster the already reported nanomaterial based biosensors (Table 1).
than that of diffusion, which is very useful for the electro- This enhanced sensitivity can be attributed to the large specific
chemical application. surface area and enhanced electrical conduction of the Au–GO
system. These results prove that the Au–GO hybrid structure is a
3.3 Performance of the biosensor suitable material for glucose detection as compared to the pure
3.3.1 Amperometric response. The efficiency of the biosensor GO and Au NPs due to the synergic effect. Fig. 8e shows the
was also studied by measuring the amperometric response. The amperometric response of the Au–GO biosensor upon the
amperometric response of the three modified electrodes i.e. addition of different fresh juices in PB solution. It can be clearly
GO–GCE, Au–GCE and Au–GO–GCE with the successive addition seen that the biosensor exhibits a very good response for glucose
of 100 mM glucose into 0.1 M PB solution under continuous detection in the fresh juices.
stirring is shown in Fig. 8a. It is clearly seen that the GO–Au– 3.3.2 Selectivity. The electro-active species present in serum
GCE biosensor exhibits a fast response for the detection of can affect biosensor efficiency; therefore, the selectivity of the
glucose molecules. The sensitivity of the Au–GO is obviously biosensor is studied with the addition of various electro-active
higher than that of the Au and GO due to synergetic effects. species such as fructose, lactose, cholesterol, ascorbic acid,
Au–GO–GCE exhibited about 96% steady-state current within L-Cys and urea. Fig. 9a shows the amperometric response of

Table 1 Comparison of the performance parameters of the Au–GO glucose biosensor with other graphene/GO/rGO based hybrid nanostructures

Sensitivity Linear Applied Detection Response

S. no. Electrode material (mA mM 1 cm 2) range (mM) potential (V) limit (mM) time (s) Ref.
1 AuNPs/Graphene/MWCNTs 29.72 — 0.45 4.8 5 36
2 RGO/GODx 1.85 0.1–27 0.44 — 5 37
3 Graphene/nanoAu/GOD/GCE 56.93 — 0.39 17 5 38
4 Pd/RGO/GCE 14.1 — 0.5 0.034 3 39
5 CS-Fc/GO/GOx 10 0.02–6.78 — 7.6 5 40
6 AuNBP/MWCNTs 101.2 0.01–36.7 0.15 3.0 — 41
7 Graphene–Au NPs 0.195 6–28.5 0.0 1.0 — 42
8 AuNPs/Ni(OH)2 NS 82.71 0.002–6 — 0.66 — 43
9 AuNP/GONR/CS 59.1 0.005–4.92 0.2 5 44
10 Porous Co NBs/rGO 39.32 0.15-6.25 — 47.5 45
11 Co/graphene 4700 0.0017–0.47 — 0.68 46
12 DVD-laser scribed graphene 1518 1–4.54 — 1.00 47
13 Substrate CuS/GO 53.5 0.001–2 o6 0.19 48
14 NiO/GO 1100 5 0.77 49
15 Go-GO/ITO 32.32 0.05–10 — — 50
16 Au–GO/GCE 84.53 0.0025–15 0.6 0.025 4 Present work

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2019 New J. Chem., 2019, 43, 18925--18934 | 18931
Paper NJC

Fig. 9 (a and b) Selectivity of the biosensor in PB solution with 100 mM glucose.

Fig. 10 (a) Thermal stability and (b) pH response of the biosensor in the presence of 100 mM glucose.

the Au–GO–GCE biosensor in the presence of cholesterol,

ascorbic acid, L-Cys and urea. These species were consecutively
added in 0.1 M PB solution under stirring. It can be observed
that cholesterol and L-Cys have no influence on the performance
of the biosensor but ascorbic acid shows a small increase in
current about 10% as compared to 0.1 mM glucose. Similarly,
the addition of 0.5 M urea shows only 3% increment in current.
But as the glucose is added the biosensor shows a significant
response. Furthermore, the selectivity of the biosensor was also
investigated with the addition of common interferents such as
fructose and lactose. Fig. 9b shows the amperometric response
of the Au–GO sensor for 0.1 mM glucose, 0.25 mM fructose and
0.25 mM lactose samples.
It can be observed that the biosensor shows a good response Fig. 11 Stability and repeatability of the biosensor.
for glucose and a negligible response for interfering species.
The obtained results demonstrate that the biosensor has the
ability to resist the interference from foreign molecules and
thus exhibit excellent selectivity towards glucose.
Table 2 Measurement of glucose concentration in human blood serum
3.3.3 Thermal stability. The thermal stability of the biosensor samples using a commercial glucometer and the Au–GO based biosensor
was also examined in the presence of 10 mM glucose by observing
the current response at different temperatures between 30 and Human blood Measurement by commercial Measurement by Au–GO
serum samples glucometer (mM) based biosensor (mM)
60 1C as shown in Fig. 10(a). It is observed that the biosensor
response increases with the increase of temperature. The biosensor Sample # 1 4.5  0.5 3.9  0.9
Sample # 2 10  0.8 11.2  1.2
exhibits an optimum value at around 60 1C suggesting enhanced Sample # 3 5.6  0.3 6.5  0.7
electrocatalytic activity at elevated temperatures. This excellent Sample # 4 8.5  0.9 7.8  1.3

18932 | New J. Chem., 2019, 43, 18925--18934 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2019
NJC Paper

Table 3 Measurement and recovery of glucose in commercial food samples using the Au–GO biosensor

Concentration of Concentration of Concentration of

S. no. Food samples glucose (mM) glucose added (mM) glucose observed (mM) Recovery (%)
1 Nescafe 38.5 20 57 97.4
2 Chocolate 71.8 10 75 91.6
3 Vita lemon tea 45.4 100 138 94.9
4 Fresh orange juice 86 50 130 95.5
5 Nutritional drink 29.8 20 45 90.3

thermal stability of the Au–GO–GCE biosensor is ascribed to the Au NPs and GO enhances the sensing capabilities of the bio-
hydrophobic nature of the Au–GO structure which provides sensor for the detection of glucose. The Au–GO nanostructures
suitable conditions for the electrocatalytic reaction. The results exhibit an enhanced sensitivity of 84.53 mA mM 1 cm 2,
show that the biosensor could be used safely in an environment selectivity, thermal stability and reproducibility. The developed
with a temperature range of 30–60 1C. sensor is equally applicable for real time applications such as
3.3.4 pH effect. The pH of the reaction medium has a measurement of the glucose concentration in human blood
strong influence on the activity of the redox reaction. The pH serum and commercially available food samples such as coffee,
effect on biosensor performance is investigated by measuring tea and fresh juices. The abundant active sites of the Au–GO
the current response for 2 to 8 pH. As clearly seen in Fig. 10(b), hybrid structure and the excellent electron transport properties
the biosensor shows an optimal sensitivity between pH 6.5 and result in a high electrochemical current response for glucose
7. Considering that the pH of human blood is about 7.4, all the sensing making it a promising candidate for fabricating cost-
amperometric experiments have been carried out at pH 7. effective electrochemical biosensors. We expect that the reported
3.3.5 Stability and repeatability. The stability and repeat- hybrid nanostructure based concept can be extended for sensing
ability of the sensor were evaluated by analyzing its performance bio-molecules at the industrial level.
after every three days. It can be observed from Fig. 11 that the
biosensor shows good stability and repeatability for glucose
detection. The biosensor retains 95% of its initial performance Conflicts of interest
after 21 days. There are no conflicts to declare.
3.3.6 Human blood sample analysis. The feasibility of the
biosensor for practical applications was also tested by measuring
glucose in human blood serum. Quantitative measurement of Acknowledgements
glucose concentration was done by a standard method. It was
The authors are thankful to the Pakistan Science Foundation and
observed that the glucose concentration in blood serum samples
TWAS for financial support through projects (PSF/Res/C-PINSTECH/
measured by our biosensor agrees well with the laboratory gluco-
Phys (172)) and (13-319RG/MSN/AS-C-UNESCO FR:3240279202)
meter values along with the error shown in Table 2. These results
respectively. The authors also acknowledge the contribution of
demonstrate that the proposed biosensor may be used in measur-
Dr Corneliu Ghica and Dr Valentin-Adrian MARALOIU, the
ing glucose concentration in real samples.
National Institute of Material Physics (NIMP), Bucharest, Romania
3.3.7 Food sample analysis. The proposed biosensor was
for structural analysis. The authors are also very grateful to
also applied to measure the glucose concentration in real food
materials science beam scientists for helping in XPS analysis at
samples such as Nescafe, chocolate, vita Lemon tea, fresh
Elettra – Synchrotron Trieste, Italy.
orange juice and nutritional drink collected from the market.
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