ME2619 Lab Report

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Date: 06/12/2021 Lab report for minor and

major experiment
Using lab recorded data with
calculations to prove the theory

This report analyses the minor experiment and the major
experiment. The minor experiment is when a NACA0015 aerofoil is
ran through a wind tunnel, lift and drag is affected by Angle-Of-
Attack, speed dial settings and the environment surrounding the
wind tunnel. This report found out that a higher speed dial setting
and an increasing Angle-Of-Attack (From 0°-9°) will generate much
more lift than an aerofoil ran through a lower Angle-Of-Attack and
lower speed dial settings.
The major experiment is when a flat plate is analysed between 3
locations where the pressures were recorded, it was determined
through analysis that a location more near to the trailing edge will
have turbulence and also if the surface is rough, then that will also
generate turbulence. So to avoid this turbulence, the flat plate must
be smooth and not long.

Student number: 2009711 Lab group: C11 Date of Lab: 11/11/2021

Results and discussion for minor experiment:

Figure 1 shows the pressure distribution curve for set 15

Figure 2 shows the pressure distribution curve for set 16

Figure 3 shows the pressure distribution curve for set 13

Figure 5 shows the pressure distribution curve for set 8 Figure 4 shows the pressure distribution curve for set 7

Figure 6 shows the pressure distribution curve for set 5

Speeds for set figures:

• Figure 2, Figure 1 and Figure 3 show the pressure distribution curve when the free-stream velocity
is 15.8 m/s.
• Figure 5, Figure 4 and Figure 6 show the pressure distribution curve when the free-stream velocity
is 21.3 m/s

When the speed is 15.8 m/s the pressure at the bottom of the aerofoil is much more lower than the
pressure at the top of the aerofoil which the pressure at the bottom is important for lift, at 0 AOA as
evident in Figure 2 the 2 pressure curves converge at each other which indicates drag rather than lift
however in Figure 1 the pressure curves converge slowly to the end of the curve but don’t have a
symmetrical shape which has lift but not much. In Figure 3 the pressure converges symmetrically slowly to
each other which allows a better lift to be generated than the other figures with 15.8 m/s speed

However, when the speed is 21.3 m/s the pressure at the bottom of the aerofoil is slightly higher despite
the pressure at the bottom being high. This is because of the speed which allows Figure 6 to have the
greatest overall lift. Out of the other figures.

Figure 2, Figure 1 and Figure 3 have a similar curve shape to Figure 5, Figure 4 and Figure 6 which suggests
that speed is proportional to the lower and upper pressure coefficients however a higher speed will result
in more lift.

Conclusion for aerofoil experiment:

In conclusion, an increasing AOA (that increases in the range from 0 deg to 9 deg) and a higher speed will
allow the aerofoil to have more lift and less drag.

Introduction for major experiment:

The purpose for the major experiment report is to assess how a Flat Plate behaves in a mini open wind
tunnel using collected data and calculations. The importance of using a wind tunnel is it gives the most
accurate results and can never go wrong only if the experiment is setup right, unlike CFD (Computational
Fluid Dynamics) which it’s easy to get an answer but most likely will be wrong usually, the wind tunnel may
have disadvantages with flexibility performing the experiment due to costs and time but eliminates all data
being recorded from being wrong. Plus, the data comes out quicker unlike CFD which will need a high
processing time.

A wind tunnel and CFD must be used hand in hand to compare data and see which one’s reliable, for the
purpose of this report only the experimental analysis will be done for a flat plate wind tunnel laboratory
session. The flat plate experiment can also predict if turbulence occurs due to it being tested. Typically,
when air flow enters a rough surface and touches the rough surface, it will cause resistance to the air flow
which will likely cause the air flow to change into vortices and causes eddies which will disturb the laminar
flow and cause it to enter turbulent flow which limits the predictability of the overall flow. Turbulence is
created when little eddies interact with bigger eddies and change the rotation speed of the eddies
randomly. This opens up to the theory of chaos theory and fractals.

The reason why this experiment is done is to assess how surface conditions can affect the performance of
the object in wind and how flow over the surface will behave, examples are ice building up on the wings
which leads to turbulence and reduction in performance of the aircraft.

In summary, what a wind tunnel does is they allow an actual physical test to be performed for any surface
at controlled conditions using artificial wind produced in a wind tunnel.

The experimental problem and theory:
This report investigates the behaviour of fluid flow over a flat plate at different locations between the
trailing edge and leading edge, and how a rough and smooth surface also affects the fluid flow for the flat
plate. This experiment is performed on a mini open wind tunnel where the person is assigned 3 locations
on the flat plate between the leading edge and trailing edge. The equations used in this report to analyse
the fluid flow are:

𝑈 = √( ) (1)

Eqn1 calculates the free stream velocity using the free-stream pressure (𝑃0 ) and density of air (𝜌)

𝑢 𝑃
= √( ) (2)
𝑈 𝑃0

Eqn2 calculates the velocity profile using the (pressure at measured location away from flat plate (𝑃) ) and
(𝑃0 )

𝑢 can be obtained by multiplying Eqn1 and Eqn2 together

𝛿 ∗ = ∫ (1 − ) 𝑑𝑦 (3)
0 𝑈

Eqn3 calculates the displacement thickness by using integration by either using trapezium rule or Simpson’s

𝑢 𝑢
𝜃=∫ (1 − ) 𝑑𝑦 (4)
0 𝑈 𝑈

Eqn4 calculates the momentum thickness by using the same integration methods as Eqn3

The theory behind the flat plate flow is that a boundary layer develops when a free-stream flow acts
parallel to the plate, the free-stream flow increases when it progresses further away from the leading edge
of the flat plate and more to the trailing edge of the flat plate. Which could result into a transition of a
turbulent flow depending on the surface, flow conditions and the distance away from the leading edge.

Figure 7 (Brunel University London, 2021)

The apparatus used was a mini open wind tunnel which could allow a user to adjust a flat plate’s position
using an adjustable screw to secure it in place. The user than would use a micrometer to move the pitot
tube close to the walls of the flat-plate and mark the reading on the micrometer as the datum point. The
open wind tunnel was turned on which rushed air through the flat plate, where the user would record the
free-stream pressure and then would bring the pitot tube away from the flat plate slowly to avoid
disturbing the pressure digital readout.

The user then would slowly bring the pitot tube into the boundary layer (The point where the pressure
drops due to interference from the pitot tube) they would then mark that distance as the boundary layer
point and divide that into ten increments until the last increment is the datum point. This would then be
recorded onto the lab book table, once that is made the user would run the pitot tube to the next
decreasing increment and record that pressure value onto their lab books. They then ran the pitot tube to
the increment below the previous decreasing increment and record that pressure value. This process was
repeated until the datum was reached where the apparatus was switched off.

The plate would be loosened by the adjustable screw then would be flipped to the other side which would
either be the smooth or rough edge, depending on which side the user initially picked first. They would
repeat the process before for the same location until all pressure values are recorded.

Once both sides are done another location that hasn’t been done before will be chosen and adjusted to
that, the pressure values for both sides will be recorded and then once that is done the flat plate will be
adjusted to the final location until at least 60 pressure values are recorded, which include 3 locations, 2
sides of the flat plate and the 10 increments which pressures are recorded at.

Once the experiment is done, the data is tabulated and every unit is converted to SI units. The velocity
profile is found and plotted using eqn2 which can be multiplied with eqn1 to find the dynamic velocity of
that particular pressure increment. Furthermore, the velocity profile is integrated using eqn3 and eqn4
using Simpson’s rule with the help of MATLAB which allows displacement thickness and momentum
thickness to be calculated for all 3 locations and the 2 plate sides.

Results and Discussion:

Figure 8 displays the velocity profiles at x-location 1 of the flat plate.

Figure 9 displays the velocity profiles at x-location 2 of the flat plate.

Figure 10 displays the velocity profiles at x-location 4 of the flat plate.

The velocity profile graphs show the effect of the boundary layer increasing when it’s switched surfaces
and locations. The graphs show the boundary layer (which is the highest y distance) increasing which could
hint a transition to turbulent flow or turbulent flow has already begun before. The flow starts at the leading
edge which is close to location 4 and has a smaller boundary layer compared to Figure 9 & Figure 8 which
could indicate laminar flow. Location 4 is then moved downwards in the experiment which skips to
Location 3 and moves up to Location 2 (Figure 9) which leaves a much higher leading-edge distance,
because of this, a higher boundary layer is developed for both smooth and rough surface of the plate. One
thing noticeable in all graphs is the rough plate has a much higher boundary layer than the smooth surface
which is explained in the theory beforehand. When the flat plate then reaches the final location that is
closer to the trailing edge which is location Figure 8, the boundary layer is at its most highest and will likely
have turbulence being caused. Furthermore, in Figure 8 there is a higher boundary layer for the rough plate
than the smooth plate which could possibly prove the theory in this report, that turbulence will be the
most for a rough surface than a smooth surface.

Table 1 Displays the calculated Displacement thicknesses (δ*) using eqn3 and MATLAB, which this table corresponds to Figure 2,
Figure 3 & Figure 4 for their calculated thicknesses

Displacement thickness:
Location 1 Rough 1.001999946
Location 1 Smooth 1.000562725
Location 2 Rough 1.001692435
Location 2 Smooth 1.00040286
Location 4 Rough 1.001417343
Location 4 Smooth 1.000284858

Table 2 Displays the calculated Displacement thicknesses (𝜃) using eqn4 and MATLAB, which this table corresponds to Figure 2,
Figure 3 & Figure 4 for their calculated thicknesses

Momentum thickness:
Location 1 Rough 0.002003946
Location 1 Smooth 0.000563041
Location 2 Rough 0.001695299
Location 2 Smooth 0.000403022
Location 4 Rough 0.001419352
Location 4 Smooth 0.000284939

Both tables prove that there is a much bigger boundary layer for all 3 locations in the flat plate and that
rough surfaces have a much higher boundary layer than the smooth surfaces.

Figure 11 displays momentum thickness plotted over x-distance of the flat plate

The curve for momentum thickness has a slightly steeper curve for the rough plate than the smooth plate
which indicates that there is turbulent flow occurring. Moreover, the momentum thickness is much higher
for flat plate location 1 which could indicate there is more momentum flux for the air flow if it approaches
more to the trailing edge.

There is much more turbulence in flat plate location 1 than the other locations, particularly if the surface is
rough which proves the theory that a rough surface will cause much more turbulence than a smooth
surface and that if the location is next to the trailing edge, then that will also cause turbulence. Similarly,
there is less turbulence in flat plate location 4 which indicates that there is less disturbances to the flow
such as a smooth surface and less parallel distance for the air to flow unlike plate location 4 which had
more parallel distance for the flow to reach the trailing edge. Which is evident in the velocity profiles
graphs and momentum thickness graph which comes to the conclusion, that for a laminar flow there must
be less plate length and a smooth surface for the air to flow through.

Brunel University London. (2021). Boundary Layer. Retrieved from Blackboard:

Dhawan, K. (2016, November 19). What is a wind tunnel? How aerodynamic study is conducted using a
wind tunnel? Retrieved from Quora:

Nakamura, M. (1999). airfoil. Retrieved from

Appendix of lab data for Major experiment:

(next page)

Pressure at free stream: 391.28534
Location 1 Location 1
Parameters: Distance using step (mm) Pressure recorded (Pa) Parameters: Distance using step (mm) Pressure recorded (Pa)
Surface: Sand-Paper 8.925 39.7 389.3240 Surface: Smooth 5.10 39.5 387.3627
Datum at: 1.2 (mm) 7.955 38.7 379.5174 Datum at: 0.4 (mm) 4.51 39.3 385.4013
BL around: 8.925 (mm) 6.985 37.7 369.7107 BL around: 5.1 (mm) 3.92 38.8 380.498
(delta) Thickness: 7.725 (mm) 6.015 34.9 342.2521 (delta) Thickness: 4.7 (mm) 3.33 37.9 371.672
Step increments at: 0.97 (mm) 5.045 32.0 313.8128 Step increments at: 0.59 (mm) 2.74 36.4 356.9621
4.075 27.5 269.6829 2.15 34.3 336.3681
3.105 21.0 205.9397 1.56 29.1 285.3735
2.135 15.5 152.0031 0.97 22.2 217.7076
0.005125 1.165 4.60 45.11059 0.38 14.5 142.1964
Location 2 Location 2
Parameters: Distance using step (mm) Pressure recorded (Pa) Parameters: Distance using step (mm) Pressure recorded (Pa)
Surface: Sand-Paper 6.425 39.6 388.3433 Surface: Smooth 2.00 39.3 385.4013
Datum at: 1.3 (mm) 5.785 39.0 382.4594 Datum at: 0.5 (mm) 1.81 38.1 373.6334
BL around: 5.425 (mm) 5.145 36.8 360.8847 BL around: 2 (mm) 1.62 37.8 370.6914
(delta) Thickness: 5.125 (mm) 4.505 34.3 336.3681 (delta) Thickness: 1.5 (mm) 1.43 37.5 367.7494
Step increments at: 0.64 (mm) 3.865 29.7 291.2575 Step increments at: 0.19 (mm) 1.24 35.6 349.1167
3.225 24.6 241.2436 1.05 32.0 313.8128
2.585 21.4 209.8623 0.86 26.0 254.9729
1.945 13.5 132.3898 0.67 16.2 158.8677
1.305 6.20 60.80123 0.48 11.4 111.7958
Location 4 Location 4
Parameters: Distance using step (mm) Pressure recorded (Pa) Parameters: Distance using step (mm) Pressure recorded (Pa)
Surface: Sand-Paper 5 39.5 387.3627 Surface: Smooth 1.50 39.5 387.3627
Datum at: 1.45 (mm) 4.56 38.9 381.4787 Datum at: 0.4 (mm) 1.36 39.1 383.44
BL around: 5 (mm) 4.12 36.7 359.9041 BL around: 1.5 (mm) 1.22 38.8 380.498
(delta) Thickness: 3.55 (mm) 3.68 33.8 331.4648 (delta) Thickness: 1.1 (mm) 1.08 37.6 368.73
Step increments at: 0.44 (mm) 3.24 30.4 298.1222 Step increments at: 0.14 (mm) 0.94 36.3 355.9814
2.8 25.9 253.9922 0.8 32.3 316.7548
2.36 20.2 198.0943 0.66 26.3 257.9149
1.92 14.6 143.1771 0.52 17.3 169.655
1.48 7.70 75.51121 0.38 13.5 132.3898
Location 1 Rough 1.001999946
Location 1
Smooth 1.000562725
Location 2 Rough 1.001692435
Location 2
Smooth 1.00040286
Location 4 Rough 1.001417343
Location 4
Smooth 1.000284858

Momentum thickness:
Location 1 Rough 0.002003946
Location 1
Smooth 0.000563041
Location 2 Rough 0.001695299
Location 2
Smooth 0.000403022
Location 4 Rough 0.001419352
Location 4
Smooth 0.000284939


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