SLM Quarter1 Week3
SLM Quarter1 Week3
SLM Quarter1 Week3
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
MODULE 3 – The Developmental Task and
Challenges being experienced during Adolescence
and its development through the help of
significant people
1. Discuss various developmental task during adolescence.
2. Evaluate one’s development through the help of significant people around him/her.
3. Show interest in developing oneself during adolescence.
4. Conduct peer interview focused on overcoming challenges during adolescence.
Prepared by:
SHS Teacher II
San Felipe National High School
A. Introduction
Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood. It includes some big changes-
to the body, and to the way a young person relates to the world.
The many physical, sexual, cognitive, social, and emotional changes that happen during this time can
bring anticipation and anxiety for both children and their families. Understanding what to expect at different
stages can promote healthy development throughout adolescence and into early adulthood.
B. Discussion
Developmental Stages
Human development focuses on human growth and changes across the lifespan, including physical,
cognitive, social, intellectual, perceptual, personality and emotional growth.
The study of human developmental stages is essential to understanding how humans learn, mature, and
adapt. Throughout their lives, humans go through various stages of development.
The human being is either in a state of growth or decline, but either condition imparts change. Some
aspects of our life change very little over time and these are consistent. Other aspects change dramatically.
By understanding these changes, we can better respond and plan effectively.
Developmental Stage Characteristics
1. Pre-natal Age when hereditary endowments and sex are fixed and all body features, both
(Conception to birth) external and internal are developed.
2. Infancy Foundation age when basic behavior are organized and many ontogenetic
(Birth to 2 years) maturation skills are developed.
3. Early Childhood Pre-gang age, exploratory, and questioning. Language and Elementary
(2 to 6 years) reasoning are acquired, and initial socialization is experienced.
4. Late Childhood Gang and creativity age when self-help skills, social skills, school skills, and
(6 to 12 years) play are developed.
5. Adolescence Transition age from childhood to adulthood when sex maturation and rapid
(Puberty to 18 years) physical development occurs resulting to changes in ways of feeling,
thinking, and acting.
6. Early Adulthood Age of adjustment to new patterns of life and roles such as spouse, parent,
(18 to 40 years) and bread winner.
7. Middle Age Transition age when adjustments to initial physical and mental decline are
(40 years to retirement) experienced.
8. Old age Retirement age when increasingly rapid physical and mental decline are
(Retirement to death) experienced.
(Personal Development by Department of Education First Edition, 2016)
Havighurst`s Developmental Tasks during the life span
Robert J. Havighurst elaborated on the Developmental Tasks Theory in the most systematic and
extensive manner. His main assertion is that development is continuous throughout the entire lifespan,
occurring in stages, where the individual moves from one stage to the next by means of successful
resolution of problems or performance of developmental tasks. These tasks are those that are typically
encountered by most people in the culture where the individual belongs. If the person successfully
accomplishes and masters the developmental task, he feels pride and satisfaction, and consequently earns
his community or society’s approval. This success provides a sound foundation which allows the
individual to accomplish tasks to be encountered at later stages. Conversely, if the individual is not
successful at accomplishing a task, he is unhappy and is not accorded the desired approval by society,
resulting in the subsequent experience of difficulty when faced with succeeding developmental tasks. This
theory presents the individual as an active learner who continually interacts with a similarly active social
Learning to walk Learning physical skills Achieving mature relations
Learning to take solid necessary for ordinary games with both sexes
foods Building a wholesome attitude Achieving a masculine or
Learning to talk toward oneself feminine social role
Learning to control the Learning to get along with age- Accepting one’s physique
elimination of body wastes mates Achieving emotional
Learning sex differences Learning an appropriate sex role independence of adults
and sexual modesty Developing fundamental skills in Preparing for marriage and
Acquiring concepts and reading, writing, and calculating family life
language to describe social Developing concepts necessary Preparing for an economic
and physical reality for everyday living career
Readiness for reading Developing conscience, morality, Acquiring values and an
Learning to distinguish and a scale of values ethical system to guide
right from wrong and Achieving personal behavior
developing a conscience independence Desiring and achieving
Developing acceptable attitudes socially responsible
toward society behavior
Assuming civic Developing adult leisure time one’s own age group
C. Readings
Peer Relationship
Peer associations are vital in adolescent development. They help the adolescent make an identity outside
the family and provide an opportunity for the adolescent to progress on social skills with a wide range of
acquaintances. Lack of friends may lead to feelings of solitude or separation and to low self-confidence.
The behavior of friends are strongly predictive of the adolescent’s own behavior. Having many friends is
a healthy characteristic of adolescent development, only if it doesn’t hinder with family relationships and
school performance.
D. Examples:
Community Sports Event Drug Symposium for the Youth
Figure1: Figure 2:
I. Directions: Which of the following concerns you the most? Write your answer in a separate sheet
of paper.
Guide Question:
1. From the previous activity, why do you think it is important to know oneself more than anything else
in this world?
Points Criteria Score
Content and organization
Excellent The content is complete and very substantial. The organization of
5 thoughts is logical and well presented in a comprehensive manner.
Very Good The content may be evident and is slightly substantial. The
4 organization of thoughts is somewhat logical and is presented in a
comprehensive manner.
Good The content is present but vague. The organization of thoughts is
3 somewhat logical and is presented in a comprehensive manner.
Fair The content is not substantial. The organization of thoughts is
2 illogical and is presented in a superficial manner.
Poor The content needs revision and improvement.
(Physical Education and Health II Activity Sheet Week 1, by Lopez, Ronel C., 2020)
II. Directions: Identify whether these changes/problems during adolescence are physical
change/problem, emotional change/problem, or Intellectual change/problem. Write P (Physical), E
(Emotional), I (Intellectual) on the space provided before the number.
_____1. acne is one of the major problems of _____6. he was just a lonely man looking for
teenagers love
_____2. body odor becomes evident _____7. anger management
_____3. widening of hips _____8. increase of height
_____4. analyzing the situation _____9. teenagers tend to feel very emotional
_____5. she had a romantic feeling for him _____10. seek privacy and time alone
III. Make an acronym reflecting the positive influences of your family and friend in your personal
development. Rubric will be used to rate the activity.
F - _______________________ F - _______________________
A - _______________________ R - _______________________
M - _______________________ I - ________________________
I - ________________________ E - _______________________
L - _______________________ N - _______________________
Y - _______________________ D - _______________________
Points Criteria Score
Content and organization
Excellent The content is complete and very substantial. The organization of
5 thoughts is logical and well presented in a comprehensive manner.
Very Good The content may be evident and is slightly substantial. The
4 organization of thoughts is somewhat logical and is presented in a
comprehensive manner.
Good The content is present but vague. The organization of thoughts is
3 somewhat logical and is presented in a comprehensive manner.
Fair The content is not substantial. The organization of thoughts is
2 illogical and is presented in a superficial manner.
Poor The content needs revision and improvement.
(Physical Education and Health II Activity Sheet Week 1, by Lopez, Ronel C., 2020)
B. Directions: Conduct an interview with at least7 two (2) of your friend and neighborhood about
overcoming challenges during adolescence using the guide questions below. Rubric will be used to rate
the activity.
1. When faced with difficult task on hand, what was your initial reaction?
2. What were the greatest emotional conflicts you have experienced in
your adolescent years?
3. Who are the individuals who have helped shape who you are today?
4. How did you surpass the conflict that you experienced and what
lesson did you learn from it?
5. What advice could you give to adolescents experiencing different
challenges in their lives?
Points Criteria Score
Content and organization
Excellent The content is complete and very substantial. The organization of
10 thoughts is logical and well presented in a comprehensive manner.
Very Good The content may be evident and is slightly substantial. The
8 organization of thoughts is somewhat logical and is presented in a
comprehensive manner.
Good The content is present but vague. The organization of thoughts is
6 somewhat logical and is presented in a comprehensive manner.
Fair The content is not substantial. The organization of thoughts is
4 illogical and is presented in a superficial manner.
Poor The content needs revision and improvement.
(Physical Education and Health II Activity Sheet Week 1, by Lopez, Ronel C., 2020)
A. Books
Developmental Stages Table
Developmental Rask Summary Table
Havighurst Developmental Task During the Life Span
Personal Development by Department of Education First Edition 2016. pp. 17-23
Peer Relationship
Pablo Venus Ma. Hilaria G., 2016. Personal Development. Scolaire Publishing. pp.78-100.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
(Physical Education and Health II Activity Sheet Week 1, by Lopez, Ronel C., 2020)