2020 Article 115
2020 Article 115
2020 Article 115
Received: 13 May 2019 / Accepted: 9 December 2019 / Published online: 21 January 2020
© The Author(s) 2020
Background Biopharmaceutical companies are piloting patient experience surveys (PES) to help enhance patient satisfac-
tion with clinical studies. However, most PES have been conducted at study close-out, which can hinder recall and respon-
siveness, and at a limited number of sites, which restricts their applicability to global studies. Our aim was to investigate
the feasibility of developing sequential PES, which would be deployed globally, and to provide practical recommendations
based on our real-world experience.
Methods To develop sequential PES (introductory, interim, close-out), we customized a previously developed patient expe-
rience close-out survey. Extensive input was gained from multiple stakeholders (e.g., survey experts, patient advisors, psy-
chometricians, clinical trialists, lawyers). To deploy the PES in global studies, we prepared PES-specific ethics committee
submissions, training materials (e.g., slides, videos), and PES invitation aids (postcards, digital app reminders).
Results Developing and deploying sequential PES in global clinical studies was feasible. The 3-part online PES (25 to 37
questions per survey) passed health literacy testing. To facilitate benchmarking, the PES included core questions (including
a Net Promoter Score question). The PES gained ethics approval and was deployed globally in 2017–2018 in 12 phase 2 and 3
clinical studies in North America, Europe, and the Asia–Pacific. Based on the real-world insights gained and the challenges
encountered, we have made recommendations for PES.
Conclusions Our practical recommendations on the development and deployment of sequential global PES may assist others
to implement PES efficiently and effectively, allowing them to gain feedback from patients globally during clinical studies.
Keywords Patient-centric · Patient participation · Patient engagement · Social sciences · Attitudes surveys · Questionnaires
1002 Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2020) 54:1001–1009
Innovative Medicines Initiative (Patients Active in Research share details on the operational approaches used to engage
and Dialogues for an Improved Generation of Medicines— patients [17], UCB Pharma is committed to sharing real-
PARADIGM) [12], and Patient Focused Medicines Develop- world insights gained from our PES research. Doing so
ment [16], among others, aim to build practical frameworks could help other sponsors introduce PES and contribute to
to guide patient engagement. an industry-wide effort to improve clinical studies by listen-
One practical way to engage patients in clinical studies is ing to and acting on patient feedback.
to ask for their feedback. Indeed, industry sponsors are now The aim of the current project was to investigate the fea-
being encouraged to measure the extent of patient engage- sibility of developing and deploying PES for use at 3 time
ment in studies, with patient feedback identified as a suitable points within global clinical studies and to share real-world
metric [17]. Feedback can be gained through patient experi- recommendations to guide the future use of PES. This paper
ence surveys (PES), and early research has shown that PES describes the processes and offers practical recommenda-
can be implemented at the start or end of a study [18], or at tions for developing and deploying PES; we intend to dis-
both time points in a single-center setting [19]. However, cuss outcomes from the surveys themselves in a subsequent
further real-world research is needed on PES [11], particu- paper.
larly, the use of sequential surveys within a study and within
a global setting. Sequential surveys offer several advantages,
including shorter patient recall time, the potential to correct Methods
poor patient experiences in near real time, and the measure-
ment of patient satisfaction relative to their expectations. Design and Oversight
In terms of real-world relevance, as most sponsors conduct
global studies, insights from PES research that take opera- This project comprised both a survey development stage, in
tional and cultural issues into account are needed. which the questions were created, and a subsequent two-part
As part of its overarching patient partnering strategy for deployment stage, in which surveys were used in clinical
medicines development [11, 13, 20], UCB Pharma is now studies (Fig. 1). The project was organized and overseen
implementing the structured and systematic use of PES. by a cross-functional taskforce within UCB Pharma using
Successful development and deployment of PES in selected a disease-agnostic approach and conducted in accordance
studies could give a voice to and benefit many participants with ethical standards for market research and data privacy
around the world. Given the call for industry sponsors to regulations. Alignment with UCB Pharma best practice for
Figure 1. Schematic of the Survey Development and Deployment committee, IRB institutional review board, PsA psoriatic arthritis,
Stages. Note that some study sites may be involved in more than one US United States.
study. aOngoing. AS ankylosing spondylitis, IEC independent ethics
Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2020) 54:1001–1009 1003
protocol simplification meant that the PES (which were Survey Deployment
not associated with study endpoints) were not included
as a required activity within the clinical study schedule of Part 1
events. Thus, potential responders had to provide separate
consent before participation. When the online surveys were Between March and August of 2017, UCB Pharma deployed
made available to patients, the first page (landing page) the PES in 7 global phase 2/2a studies at sites in the US,
explained the survey aim, UCB Pharma sponsorship, and Canada, Poland, Australia, and Japan (Fig. 1). The planned
assurances around confidentiality and informed consent. All use of the PES was included in a submission to independent
participants who viewed the landing page at the end of their ethics committees (IECs) after the study had started. The
study participation were offered the opportunity to opt-in to PES were submitted to a central institutional review board
undergo an interview and receive plain language summaries, (IRB) in the US first. To establish precedent and enable a
even if they chose not to complete the survey. No monetary request for no changes to the surveys, the US IRB approval
incentives were provided for survey participation. was included in subsequent IRB/IEC submissions. Ethics
committee approvals were granted before the PES were initi-
ated. Training materials on the PES, including their purpose
Survey Development and deployment, were distributed to sites via email and/or
video. Study participants were invited to participate in the
In 2016, UCB Pharma started development of PES, which online survey via a printed postcard (in the participant’s own
were modeled on a self-administered close-out survey language), which guided the participant to the online PES
designed by an independent market research organization landing page. Site staff were asked to distribute postcards to
[18]. That model survey was informed by a literature review all study participants at the appropriate study visit. Because
and patient interviews, and included a 50-item set of closed- the PES were not included in the study protocol, site staff
ended questions (multiple choice or 5-point Likert scale) on were also sent reminders (e.g., direct-to-site letters, study
the themes (identified as preferred from patient interviews) portals, newsletters) about survey distribution. The UCB
of communication, site experience, convenience, relation- Pharma Site Engagement Team was asked to obtain feed-
ship building and support, compensation, and helping self back from site staff on survey deployment.
and others [18].
Recognizing the importance of capturing the patient Part 2
experience at key moments during their clinical study jour-
ney, UCB Pharma planned to develop 3 separate surveys: (1) Following the initial deployment in Part 1, the PES were
“Introductory survey,” administered after informed consent, deployed at the start of 5 phase 2/2a and 3 global clinical
(2) “Interim survey,” administered during the clinical study studies between January and August 2018 (Fig. 1). All 5
at a time determined by the study team, and (3) “Close- studies in Part 2, as well as 2 of 7 studies in Part 1, are ongo-
out survey,” administered at the end of study participation ing as of September 2019. The process of survey deploy-
(i.e., at study completion or patient withdrawal). For each ment in Part 2 was modified slightly based on experience
survey, UCB Pharma adapted the model survey by adding obtained during Part 1. Site staff training materials were
and reformulating questions to fulfill UCB Pharma’s strat- similar to those in Part 1; however, unlike in Part 1, the PES
egy to partner with patients. An iterative process was used were included in the initial (i.e., before study start) IRB/
involving an internal, cross-functional team with expertise in IEC submissions, discussed during site initiation visits and
psychometrics, global clinical operations and development, prestudy investigator meetings, and deployed at the start of
human-centered design, survey research, data analytics, mar- each study.
ket research, legal, ethics and compliance, data privacy, and Most studies in Part 2 used postcard invitations, as in
commercialization management. Part 1. However, in one study, a “myUCB 4me” digital app
The new survey questions underwent health literacy test- was developed by UCB Pharma to support clinical outcome
ing via a patient engagement co-creation process conducted assessments. The app was optimized to issue the PES invita-
by the independent market research organization on UCB tions at the appropriate study visit and direct participants to
Pharma’s behalf. An online survey/telephone interview was the landing page so that they could access the survey on the
administered to a sample of 6 past clinical study participants same device. Site staff and UCB Pharma staff were inter-
(4 women, 2 men, all Caucasian, aged 36–64 years) residing viewed to gain feedback on PES deployment.
in the United States (US) and Canada who were recruited The surveys were translated by qualified translation
through a proprietary database. The new questions were services into 6 languages or local dialects (e.g., Canadian
then critically evaluated based on comprehensive review of French, Australian English) for Part 1 and 18 languages/
patient feedback. dialects for Part 2. The meaning of the questions was
1004 Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2020) 54:1001–1009
checked when translated into other languages, including via enabled us to develop practical recommendations for others
back-translation. who may wish to develop PES (Table 1).
All surveys retained core questions from the model close-
Data Management and Statistics out survey [18] to enable future benchmarking, but questions
were tailored and built upon to suit the timing and intentions
A data management plan was developed before the study of each survey (Table 2). Thus, the Introductory survey was
that addressed the confidentiality, acquisition, management, designed to gather information on patient expectations and
analysis, storage, reporting, and sharing of survey data. An initial experiences of the study (e.g., the informed consent
invitation-only system was used to prevent unauthorized process). The Interim survey was designed to evaluate if
PES access; study participants could only participate if they expectations were being met and if communication and
received a postcard invitation from site staff or an invitation interactions with site staff were satisfactory and appropriate.
from the myUCB 4me app. The Close-out survey reassessed some of the themes raised
To reassure participants regarding confidentiality, no in the Introductory and Interim surveys to capture overall
identifying information was collected. Therefore, individual patient perspectives and offered participants opportunities
participant responses could not be linked from one survey to receive follow-up information.
to the next survey. Site-specific feedback was only avail- For all 3 surveys, UCB Pharma included a Net Promoter
able once at least 5 surveys had been completed and was Score (NPS) question: “Based on your experience in this
provided in aggregate form to protect patients from being research study, how likely is it that you would recommend
identified. This threshold also applied at the study level and participating in a research study to another person?” This
country level. question offers the opportunity to gauge patient satisfaction
with clinical study participation using a measure that has
been validated in customer-focused industries [21].
Results The final surveys consisted of 25 (Introductory survey)
to 37 (Close-out survey) questions that were expected to
Survey Development take 5–10 min to complete (Table 2). Response options were
fixed and included multiple choice, a 5-point Likert scale
Development of sequential PES for global studies was fea- (ranging from “not at all satisfied” to “completely satisfied”),
sible, and insights gained from this real-world experience and “not applicable” elements. Within each survey, question
Table 1. Recommendations for the Development of Sequential Patient Experience Surveys (PES) in Global Clinical Studies.
1. Identify a PES champion who can drive innovation and a patient-centric culture positively, within your organization, with your service provid-
ers, and with clinical study site staff
2. Establish a clear and concise rationale for the “why” and the “how” of the surveys (e.g., purpose, type, timing, and number of surveys). Ensure
this rationale is clearly and proactively communicated to all stakeholders (e.g., IRB/IECs, site staff, patients and advocates, internal teams) to
help reduce concerns and queries. Communication should be tailored to each stakeholder’s priorities and perspective
3. Co-develop a plan with stakeholders who are directly involved in deployment to manage the risks of PES (e.g., survey fatigue, operational
challenges, cultural considerations, and the potential impact on clinical study data)
4. Plan and document the timelines and resources required to develop surveys that will enable efficient and effective alignment with clinical
study timelines (e.g., surveys ready for submission to ethics committees, globally)
5. Develop robust and relevant surveys by working with PES consultants, survey and market research experts, and key stakeholders, including
representative patients (and caregivers, where relevant) and clinical study professionals (sponsors and site staff, legal and compliance advisors)
6. Prioritize ‘core questions’ that will enable internal and external benchmarking (e.g., across time, sponsors, sites, therapeutic areas). Core ques-
tions for PES are emerging through multi-sponsor initiatives
7. Limit ‘sponsor-specific questions’ to those that address unique and important issues for your organization
8. Limit ‘study-specific questions’ to maintain efficiencies related to PES standardization (e.g., translations, document preparation)
9. Identify countries that will most likely use the survey and ensure valid translations of the survey can be developed. Central funding of transla-
tions for countries commonly involved in studies can reduce burden at the study level
10. Ensure that questions intended for pediatric studies are tested for health literacy in a relevant population (e.g., adolescents)
11. Identify survey metrics that should be reported (according to best practice reporting of surveys) and ensure the survey tool used can provide
the necessary data, reliably and efficiently (e.g., via a visual dashboard)
12. Put processes in place to capture and share, internally and externally, insights gained from the survey development process to enhance future
PES Patient Experience Surveys, IEC independent ethics committee, IRB institutional review board.
Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2020) 54:1001–1009 1005
Table 2. Themes Addressed in the 3 Patient Experience Surveys and Example Questions.
Introductory Interim Close-Out
Theme Survey Survey Survey Example Questions
Patient profile • • • How far do you live from the research study site?
Awareness and participation • • How did you hear about the research study?
Overall experience • • • To what extent has the research study experience met your
Recruitment process • When you think about how you first heard about the
research study, how satisfied were you with the clarity
of information provided?
Informed consent • Was the time spent explaining the informed consent pro-
cess too long, too short, or just right?
Communication preferences • What might be helpful? Options provided, e.g., brochure,
website, telephone helpline
Involvement and interpersonal engagement • • How satisfied were you with the level of dignity and
respect with which you were treated?
Site instructions • How satisfied were you with the level of preparedness of
the research study staff with each of your visits?
Medications usage • How satisfied were you with the ease of opening your
study medication?
Information and communication • How satisfied were you with the information you received
about the different research study procedures?
Information follow-up after leaving the • If it were to be available, would you like to receive any of
study the following information?
Infrastructure, logistics, and comfort • How satisfied were you with the overall length of an aver-
age study visit?
Communication after leaving the study • If it were to be available, would you like to receive any of
the following information? Options provided, e.g., easy
to understand study results, opportunities to participate
in future studies
Consent to receive follow-up opportunities • I give permission to receive follow-up information that
may become available related to my research study par-
ticipation, such as the research study status or research
study results
Total no. of q uestionsa 25 27 37
Not all questions will be answered by every participant (questions may be automatically skipped depending on previous answers).
order was fixed; however, for multiple-choice questions, the study participant and the creation of a separate car-
choice order was randomized to minimize bias. Multiple egiver experience surveys; both adaptations were to sup-
answers were permitted for some questions. port 2 pediatric studies in Japan. There was one minor
Because each survey (Introductory, Interim, Close-out) change in the PES itself during transition from Part 1 to 2:
was completed independently and sequential surveys from we deleted the phrase “sugar pill” after the word placebo
individual participants were not linked, we included an ini- in an answer to one question, which also allows the PES
tial question asking participants how long they had been in to be used for clinical studies of medications other than
the study. The participant was then directed to the relevant pills (e.g., injections).
survey based on whether they had just started the study, had Gaining support for the development of the PES from
been in the study for some time, or had completed the study internal teams (e.g., regulatory, legal, clinical), and espe-
(i.e., an adaptive questioning process was used). Each survey cially the study teams, was critical. The PES involved a
included a completion bar visible to the participant, and all change in a highly regulated and deeply embedded clinical
questions needed to be answered before completion. Partici- trial process, but alignment with UCB Pharma’s commit-
pants were able to review and change their answers before ment to patient engagement and patient experience facili-
survey completion. tated acceptance.
Adaptations implemented between Part 1 and Part 2
included the option for a caregiver to answer on behalf of
1006 Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2020) 54:1001–1009
Survey Deployment study. Second, we also provided the sites and contract
research organizations with more information on the value
Deployment of sequential PES in global clinical studies was of the PES, as well as additional training to strengthen their
possible, and we refined the process between Parts 1 and 2. engagement. Third, development of the digital myUCB 4me
We have made practical recommendations for PES deploy- interface was introduced to improve the ease of completing
ment, which may assist others considering how to implement the PES and to enhance tracking of deployment and metrics.
PES (Table 3). The PES were approved by most IRBs/IECs, but were
not approved in Belgium where some IECs requested that
Part 1 the surveys be included in the informed consent forms. To
maintain consistency across countries and study sites, the
Part 1 survey deployment was generally well received by the informed consent form was not changed to meet this specific
IRBs/IECs, even though the PES concept was new. A Cana- request. Some Japanese IECs also rejected the submissions,
dian IRB requested more clarity regarding the data shar- partly because the PES were not included in the protocol,
ing described on the landing page. For transparency, UCB but also because of concerns with the use of patients’ pri-
Pharma revised the landing page before pursuing other IRB/ vate devices for the PES. Site staff suggested that the use of
IEC submissions. This process, in addition to some studies sponsor devices or paper-based surveys would be viewed
operating within accelerated timelines, meant that the PES more favorably, as would inclusion of the PES in the study
were not available for use at the same study time point across protocol.
all sites. Although Part 2 is ongoing, we anticipate that the
Deployment of surveys in a clinical study already under- myUCB 4me app will enable efficient calculation of
way was operationally challenging. For example, even with response rates and early experience suggests that the app
experienced site staff, adding another “procedure” (the PES) may enhance uptake.
when they were already focused on protocol-related proce-
dures was not ideal.
Part 2
To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of the
During Part 2, we made several operational changes to over- feasibility of developing and deploying sequential PES for
come challenges identified in Part 1. First, we included the use in a global setting. Based on our real-world experi-
PES in the initial IRB/IEC submissions and presented the ence, we have made practical recommendations to assist
PES to sites as part of the initiation process for the clinical others (Tables 1 and 3). Our initial observations may help
Table 3. Recommendations for the Deployment of Sequential Patient Experience Surveys (PES) in Global Clinical Studies.
1. Identify survey deployment champions at each site and within CRO teams; they should understand the importance of PES and be able to drive
efficient and effective deployment
2. Ensure study teams, site staff, and CRO teams are aware of and proactively budget for PES requirements
3. Leverage technology (e.g., digital app for the clinical study) to enhance the deployment process, reduce burden for site staff, and facilitate
survey participation
4. Prepare training materials, operational aids, reminders, and motivational communications to help site staff understand the purpose of the PES
and remember the process. Response rates and recall information may be enhanced if site staff encourage study participants to complete the
survey after the relevant visit
5. Translate and adapt content, as well as the deployment process, to take into account cultural preferences (e.g., Japanese sites may prefer more
detailed documentation than US sites)
6. Include a concise, practical-focused review of the survey deployment process in the clinical study investigator meeting and the study start-up
visit at each site
7. Proactively seek out feedback from site staff, CRO teams, and patient advisors and consider if/how to adjust the deployment process before or
soon after patient recruitment starts
8. Ensure each site has all the necessary approvals in place and training materials required so that surveys can be deployed at the start of recruit-
ment. Consolidating all PES material (e.g., sequential surveys, patient communication materials) in one document for IRB/IEC review can
enhance efficiency
9. Put processes in place to capture, share, and respond to insights gained from the survey deployment process (e.g., increase process consistency
to enhance scalability) in future studies
CRO contract research organization, PES Patient Experience Surveys, IEC independent ethics committee, IRB institutional review board.
Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2020) 54:1001–1009 1007
prompt and guide further PES research so that the clinical The multi-sponsor use of PES is likely to be enhanced by
research community can build a robust evidence base to the forthcoming release of an industry framework and guid-
support PES. ance called the Study Participant Feedback Questionnaire
Gaining input from patients is critical for improving the toolkit [25]. This toolkit is being developed by members
focus and conduct of clinical studies, and patient involve- of TransCelerate Biopharma Inc., an international not-for-
ment in the development of PES represents one such step. profit organization facilitating collaboration among indus-
Former study participants contributed to the development of try sponsors. Broad uptake of a standard survey framework
both the model close-out survey and UCB Pharma’s custom- could facilitate industry-wide benchmarking of the patient
ized sequential PES. Given the value of patient feedback, we experience in clinical studies. This timely support for PES in
are committed to ensuring future PES have patient input, clinical studies coincides with the increasing recognition of
particularly early in the process and from a diverse range the value of patient engagement across the entire medicines’
of patients. development lifecycle [12, 26].
Consistent with recent recommendations on metrics and Our recommendations for PES need to be considered in
the importance of gaining direct feedback from patients, we the context of a number of limitations. Although the site staff
introduced the NPS in our PES. The NPS is a single quanti- and service providers we partnered with have worked with
tative measure that can potentially serve as a valuable bench- many sponsors, our recommendations do reflect the experi-
marking metric. Although the NPS has been widely adopted ence of just one sponsor, UCB Pharma. As other sponsors
in many customer-focused industry sectors [21], its use in introduce PES in clinical studies, we expect and encourage
clinical studies is relatively recent [22]. Further research, updates to our original set of recommendations. Further, as
with patient partners, on the value and validity of the NPS our PES were limited to certain therapeutic areas and clini-
in PES is needed, but as a simple and straightforward metric, cal study phases, adaptations would need to be considered
the NPS may appeal to clinical study participants, site staff, for other studies (e.g., acute conditions, phase 1 studies).
and sponsors. We also recognize that our global PES experience was not
Given the global reach of many clinical studies, we entirely global. Although we deployed the PES in North
sought to develop and deploy PES suitable for global use. American, European, and Asia–Pacific regions, the need
This type of PES offers the potential to gain feedback from to take country-specific practices into account may affect
larger and more representative samples of study participants the applicability of some of our recommendations. We also
[11]. Using a structured and systematic approach facilitates acknowledge that insights from further research may affect
the global deployment of PES, but unexpected challenges our recommendations. Like regulators and other stakehold-
can occur. As global deployment is an innovative step in ers who are using innovative ways to listen to and act on
PES, it is inevitable that organizational change management patient feedback, we appreciate that the “science of patient
issues will arise—for site staff, IRB/IECs, and sponsors. Our input is constantly evolving” [11]. As with any innovation,
patient engagement team worked with internal and external research will be required to address the questions that will
stakeholders to streamline the international implementation arise as implementation experiences are shared.
of this innovation. Efficient review, approval, and imple-
mentation of global PES could be enhanced by proactive,
supportive, and goal-focused change management prac- Conclusions
tices by each stakeholder. Deployment of global PES also
means that country-specific needs and preferences must be As part of its commitment to patient engagement in medi-
accommodated. For example, in Japan, study sites required cines development, UCB Pharma has developed and
more detailed, country-specific, written documentation that deployed sequential PES across several global clinical stud-
considered their cultural norms. Although PES have been ies. Deploying PES at multiple time points during a clinical
conducted at a national level in Japan [23], there is lim- study may help sponsors better understand how to improve
ited research on PES conducted by industry sponsors in this the study processes that are most important to patients at
country. Further, patient feedback to healthcare profession- each stage. Moreover, global PES deployment is possible,
als is not a common practice in Japan [24]. Care is also provided that operational challenges and cultural differences
needed regarding the language and terminology used when are addressed appropriately and proactively whenever pos-
communicating with patients via a survey across multiple sible. Based on this real-world experience, we have provided
geographies. For example, the landing page of each sur- recommendations that may help others to implement PES.
vey informed patients that their responses would be treated The veracity and value of these recommendations may be
anonymously. However, in Canada, the word anonymous has tested or enhanced as the UCB Pharma PES are further
a strict legal definition that was not appropriate in the PES refined and as other sponsors deploy PES.
and was changed to confidential.
1008 Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2020) 54:1001–1009
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