02 - Fundamentals in Nursing Practice
02 - Fundamentals in Nursing Practice
02 - Fundamentals in Nursing Practice
and who recognize their chosen occupation as a examination during labor in the
life work; and absence of antenatal bleeding and
7. Strives to compensate its practitioners by delivery.
providing freedom to act on opportunity for In case of suturing of perineal laceration,
continuous professional growth, and economic special training shall be provided according
security. to protocol established;
(b) Establish linkages with community
DEFINITION OF A PROFESSIONAL NURSE resources and coordination with the health
• A professional nurse is a person who has completed team;
a basic nursing education program and is licensed in (c) Provide health education to individuals,
his\her country or state to practice professional families and communities;
nursing. (d) Teach, guide and supervise students in
nursing education programs including the
MEANING OF A PROFESSIONAL NURSE administration of nursing services in
• The Philippine Nursing Act of 1991 (R.A. 7164) has varied settings such as hospitals and
been replaced by the Philippine Nursing Act of clinics;
2002 (R.A. 9173). undertake consultation services;
o Note the changes in the scope of nursing engage in such activities that require
practice. the utilization of knowledge and
decision-making skills of a registered
Article VI Nursing Practice nurse;
• SEC. 28. Scope of Nursing (e) undertake nursing and health human
o A person shall be deemed to be practicing resource development training and
nursing within the meaning of this Act when research, which shall include, but not limited
he/she singly or in collaboration with another, to, the development of advanced nursing
initiates and performs nursing services to practice;
individuals, families and communities in any
o It includes, but is not limited to, nursing care PROFESSIONAL NURSE
during conception, labor, delivery, infancy,
childhood, toddler, pre-school, school age, A. Professional preparation
adolescence, adulthood and old age. • The professional Nurse must:
o As independent practitioners, nurses are 1. Have a license to practice nursing in the
primarily responsible for the promotion of health country.
and prevention of illness. 2. Have a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing;
o As members of the health team, nurses shall and
collaborate with other health care providers for 3. Be physically and mentally fit.
the curative, preventive, and rehabilitative
aspects of care, restoration of health, alleviation B. Personal Qualities and Professional
of suffering, and when recovery is not possible, Proficiencies:
assistance towards a peaceful death. • The personal qualities and professional proficiencies
▪ Rehabilitation - In nursing, it talks about of a nurse include:
maximizing what is left in the patient\client— 1. Interest and willingness to work and learn with
for example, teaching an amputated patient individuals/ groups in a variety of setting;
to use a walker, crutches, or wheelchair. 2. A warm personality and concern for people;
Whereas, when recovery is not possible, we 3. Resourcefulness and creativity as well as well-
assist the client to a peaceful and dignified balanced emotional condition.
death. 4. Capacity and ability to work cooperatively with
o It shall be the duty of the nurse to: others;
(a) Provide nursing care through the utilization 5. Initiative to improve self and service;
of the nursing process. Nursing care 6. Competence in performing work through the
includes, but is not limited to, use of the nursing process;
traditional and innovative approaches, 7. Skill in decision-making, communicating, and
therapeutic use of self, relating with others and being research
executing health care techniques and oriented; and
procedures, 8. Active participation in issues confronting nurses
essential primary health care, and nursing.
comfort measures,
administration of written prescription for • Until 1983, there was only one basic educational
treatment, therapies, oral, topical and program in nursing – the four-year collegiate degree
parenteral medications, internal
Mr. Andre de Veyra | March 24, 2022
• Professional Nursing in the Philippines twelfth edition
by Lydia M. Venzon and Ronald M. Venzon
Mr. Andre De Veyra | March 24, 2022
Commission ten (10) days prior to the first day of the In jus sanguinis doctrine, the nationality of a person
examination. is determined by the law of his descent or parentage;
the child follows the citizenship of his father.
Fees for Examination and Registration In jus soli doctrine, the nationality of a person is
Applicants for licensure and for registration shall pay determined by the law of the place of his birth; the
the prescribed fees set by the Commission. child born in a foreign country, whatever may be the
citizenship of the father, is a citizen of that country.
Scope of Examination Naturalization is the act of adopting a foreigner and
SEC. 14. Scope of Examination. giving him the privileges of a native citizen.
o The scope of the examination for the practice of
nursing in the Philippines shall be determined by Rating Of the Nursing Licensure Examination
the Board. SEC. 15. Ratings
o The Board shall take into consideration the o In order to pass the examination, an examinee
objectives of the nursing curriculum, the broad must obtain a general average of at least
areas of nursing, and other related disciplines seventy-five percent (75%) with a rating of not
and competencies in determining the subjects of below sixty percent (60%) in any subject. An
examinations. examinee who obtains an average rating of
o Since May 1994, an integrated comprehensive seventy-five percent (75%) or higher but gets a
nursing licensure examination has been rating below sixty percent (60%) in any subject
designed to better measure the level of must take the examination again but only in the
competence or proficiency rather than the subject or subjects where he/she is rated below
compartmentalized subject area examination. sixty percent (60%). In order to pass the
o It cuts across clinical nursing areas where succeeding examination, an examinee must
examines answer questions that necessitate obtain a rating of at least seventy-five percent
recognition and understanding of concepts, (75%) in the subject or subjects repeated.
theories, and principles as well as the skills and Renewal examination shall be taken within two
attitudes involved in a given test problem years after the last failed examination.
situation. Reconsideration of Ratings. Requests for
o It draws knowledge from the five broad areas of reconsideration of ratings may be entertained only on
nursing – Fundamentals of Nursing; Maternal grounds of mechanical, clerical, or clear errors; or if it
and Child Nursing; Community Health Nursing; is conclusively shown that there had been
Nursing of Adolescents, Adults, and Aged; and malfeasance in the rating of papers. Such requests
Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing, including should be filed with the Commission within ninety (90)
Physiology and Anatomy, Pharmacology and days from the date of the official release of the
Therapeutics, Microbiology and Diet Therapy. examination results. It is only after the review of the
o The examination shall be divided into four parts test papers that the examine shall file the request for
organized around four major goals in nursing: reconsideration in accordance with the aforecited
promotive, preventive, curative, and provision.
Citizenship Requirements All successful candidates in the examination shall be
The following are citizens of the Philippines as per required to take an oath of profession before the
Article IV Section 1-5 of the 1987 Philippine Board or any government official authorized to
Constitution: administer oaths prior to entering the nursing
o Section 1 practice.it
(1) Those who are citizens of the Philippines at The schedule of mass oath-taking (date and place)
the time of the adoption of this Constitution. is within fifteen days upon the release of the results
(2) Those who elect Philippine citizenship of the licensure examination, which is included in a
pursuant to the provisions of the press release issued by the Professional Regulation
Constitution of 1935. Commission.
o Section 2. A female citizen of the Philippines The professional oath includes a pledge to support
who marries an alien shall retain her Philippine and defend the Constitution, bear true faith and
citizenship, unless by her act or omission she is allegiance to the same, obey the laws, legal orders
deemed, under the law, to have renounced her and decrees promulgated by the duly constituted
Citizenship. authorities of the Philippines and adherence to the
o Section 3. The Philippine citizenship may be lost ethical and professional standards of nursing.
or re-acquired in the manner provided for by law. The Commission, during the mass oath-taking, is
o Section 4. A natural-born citizen is one who is a assisted by the accredited professional organization.
citizen of the Philippines from birth without At this time, the nurses are inducted as new
having to perform any act to acquire or perfect members of their professional organization.
the Philippine citizenship.
impression that he/she is a registered and 5. The right to bail and protection against
licensed nurse; or excessive bail;
(6) Who appends B.S.N./R.N. (Bachelor of 6. The right to presumption of innocence until the
Science in Nursing/Registered Nurse) or contrary is proved;
any similar appendage to his/her name 7. The right to be heard by himself/herself and
without having been conferred said degree counsel;
or registration; or 8. The right to be informed of the nature or the
(7) Who, as a registered and licensed nurse, cause of the accusation against him/her;
abets or assists the illegal practice of a 9. The right to have a speedy, impartial, and
person who is not lawfully qualified to public trial;
practice nursing. 10. The right to meet the witness face to face;
(b) Any person or the chief executive officer of a 11. The right to have a compulsory process to
juridical entity who undertakes in-service secure the attention of witnesses face to face
educational programs or who conducts review and the production of evidence on his/her
classes for both local and foreign examination behalf;
without permit/clearance from the Board and 12. The right against self-incrimination;
the Commission; or 13. The right, when under investigation for the
(c) Any person or employer of nurses who violate commission of an offense, to remain silent and
the minimum base pay of nurses and the to counsel, and to be informed of his/her right;
incentives and benefits that should be 14. The right against the use of force, violence,
accorded them as specified in Sections 32 and threat, intimidation or any other means which
34; or vitiates the free will;
(d) Any person or the chief executive officer of a 15. The right against cruel and unusual
juridical entity violating any provision of this Act punishment;
and its rules and regulations. 16. The right against excessive fines; and
17. The right against double jeopardy.
Under the Bill of Rights provided in the Constitution
of the Philippines, "no person shall be deprived of END OF TRANSCRIPTION
life, liberty or property without due process of law nor
shall any person be denied equal protection of the
The term "due process of law" is defined as a "law Venzon, L. M., & Venzon, R. M. (2016). Professional
which hears before it condemns, which proceeds Nursing in the Philippines (12th Edition).
upon inquiry and renders judgment only after trial".
o This means that every citizen shall hold his life,
liberty, property and immunities under protection
of the general rule which governs society.
Due process of law means such exercise of the
powers of the government as the settled maxim of law
permits and sanctions.
The fundamental requirement of due process of law
is an opportunity for hearing and defense.
c. The Commission, upon receipt of the list of bachelor of Science in Nursing and/or review program
nominees of the accredited professional organization for the local nursing board examinations;
of nurses in the Philippines, shall rank said nominees
and submit to the President of the Philippines two (2) b. Immediately resign from any office or employment in
nominees, per vacancy, not later than two (2) months the private sector and/in the government or any
before the vacancy occurs, with the request that the subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof,
appointment be issued not later than thirty (30) days including government owned and/or controlled
before the scheduled licensure examinations. corporations or their subsidiaries; and
b. A member of good standing of the accredited b) Appointment to a vacancy that occurs before the
professional organization of nurses; expiration of the term of office of the
Chairperson/Member shall cover only the
c. A registered nurse and holder of a master's degree unexpired portion of the term of the immediate
in nursing, education, or other allied medical predecessor; and
profession conferred by a college or university duly
recognized by the Government, provided that the c) The Chairperson and Member shall take the
Chairperson and majority of the Members must be proper oath of office prior to the performance of
holders of a master's degree in nursing; his/her duties.
d. Must have at least ten (10) years of continuous • The incumbent Chairperson and Members of the
practice of the profession prior to appointment, the Board shall continue to serve for the remainder of
last five (5) years of which must be in the Philippines; their terms under RA No. 7164 until their
and replacements shall have been appointed by the
President and shall have been duly qualified.
e. Must not have been convicted of any offense
involving moral turpitude. COMPENSATION
• SEC. 7. Compensation of Board Members.
• Membership to the Board shall represent the three • The Chairperson and Members of the Board shall
areas of nursing, namely, nursing education, receive compensation and allowances comparable
nursing service, and community health nursing. to the compensation and allowances received by the
Chairperson and Members of other professional
• Requirements Upon Qualification as Chairperson regulatory boards. They are paid based on the
and Member of the Board. Any person appointed as principle of quantum meruit which means "as much
Chairperson or Member of the Board shall: as they deserve".
a. Immediately resign from any teaching position in any REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION OF BOARD MEMBERS
school, college, university, or institution offering • SEC. 11. Removal or Suspension of Board
Andre De Veyra | Date (March 24, 2022)
• The President may remove or suspend any member e) to conduct, through the Legal Officers of the
of the Board after having been given the opportunity Commission, summary proceedings on
to defend himself/herself in a proper administrative minor violations of their respective regulatory
investigation, on the following grounds: laws, including violations of the general
instructions to examinees committed by the
a) continued neglect of duty or incompetence; examinees and render summary judgment
thereon which shall, unless appealed to the
b) commission or toleration of irregularities in Commission, become final and executory
the licensure examination; and after fifteen (150 days from receipt of notice
c) unprofessional, immoral, or dishonorable or judgment or decision;
conduct. f) subject to final approval by the Commission,
to recommend registration without
POWERS, FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF examination and the issuance of
VARIOUS BOARDS (AS PER RA 8981-THE corresponding certificate of registration and
MODERNIZATION ACT OF 2000) professional identification card;
• The various professional regulatory boards shall g) after due process, to suspend, revoke or
retain the following functions and responsibilities: reinstate certificate of registration or license
provided by law;
a) to regulate the practice of the professions in h) to prepare, adopt and issue by the syllabi or
accordance with the provisions of their tables of specification of the subjects for
respective professional regulatory laws; examination in consultation with the
b) to monitor the conditions affecting the academe; determine and prepare the
practice of the profession occupation under question for the licensure examinations shall
their respective jurisdictions and when be strictly be within the scope of the syllabus
necessary, adopt such measures as may be or the table of specification of the subject for
deemed proper for the enhancement of the examination, score and rate the examination
profession/occupation and/or the papers with the name and signature of the
maintenance of high professional, ethical Board member concerned appearing
and technical standards and for this purpose thereto, and submit the results in all subjects
the members of the Board duly authorized by duly signed by all members of the Board to
the Commission with deputized employees the Commission within ten (10) days from
of the Commission, may conduct ocular the last day of the examination unless
inspections in the industrial, mechanical, extended by the Commission, determine the
electrical, or chemical plants or appropriate passing general rating in an
establishments, hospitals, clinics, examination if not provided for in the law
laboratories, testing facilities, mines and regulating the profession; and
quarries, other engineering facilities and in i) to prepare an annual report of the
the case of schools, in coordination with the accomplishments of programs, projects and
Commission on Higher Education (CHED) activities of the Board during the year for
c) to hear and investigate cases arising from submission to the Commission after the
violations of their respective laws, the rules close of each calendar year and make
and regulations promulgated thereunder and appropriate recommendations on issues or
their Codes of Ethics and, for this purpose problems affecting the profession to the
may issue summons, subpoena and Commission.
subpoena duces tecum to alleged violators
and/or witnesses to compel their attendance
in such investigations or hearings: Provided, ADMINISTRATIVE SUPERVISION OF THE
That, the decision of the Professional BOARD, CUSTODIAN OF ITS RECORDS,
Regulatory Board shall, unless appealed to SECRETARIAT, AND SUPPORT SERVICES
the Commission, become final and statutory
after fifteen (15) days from receipt of notice
of judgement or decision;
• The Board shall be under the administrative
d) to delegate the hearing or investigation of
supervision of the Commission. All records of the
the administrative cases filed before them
Board, including applications for examinations,
except in cases where the issue or question
administrative and other investigative cases
involved strictly concerns the practice of the
conducted by the Board shall be under the custody of
profession or occupation, in which case, the
the Commission. The Commission shall designate
hearing shall be prescribed over by at least
the Secretary of the Board and shall provide the
one (1) member of the Board concerned
secretariat and other support services to implement
assisted by a Legal or Hearing Officer of the
the provisions of the Act.
Breach of Contract
Breach of contract is failure to perform an
agreement, whether expressed or implied, without
The following constitute breach of contract for
nursing services:
1. prevention of performance;
2. failure to perform because of inconvenience or
3. failure of cooperation in performance;
without having been declared exempt for to include courses in Physical, Biological, Social
examination and registration, or any person using & Behavioral Sciences, as well as Humanities,
the certificate of registration of another, any person Chemistry, Psychology, and Zoology.
giving false or forged evidence to the Board in
8. The scope of Nursing practice was broadened to
order to obtain a certificate of registration, any
circumscribe the whole management of the care of
person assuming or advertising his/her name the
patients and the acts of constituting professional
letters of R.N or B.S.N, advertising any
practice of Nursing were spelled out to include such
title/description tending to convey that he/she is a
services as reporting, recording and evaluation
nurse (e.g. using nurse’s uniform and cap without
of a patient’s case, supervisions of persons
holding a valid certification from the Board, shall be
contributing to the nursing care of patients,
guilty of misdemeanor and shall upon
execution of nursing procedures and
conviction, be sentenced to a fine of not less
techniques, direction and education to secure
that one year or more than five years, or both in
physical and mental care and the application
the discretion of the court.
and execution of physician’s orders concerning
June 18, 1966 treatment and medication.
Republic Act 4704 amended certain portions of 9. The date of holding nurse’s examination was
R.A 877 no longer fixed but adjusted to the official closing
of the semestral term of classes in colleges and
Salient changes:
schools of nursing.
1. Membership of the Board Examiners for Nurses
10. The minimum age required for applicants for
increased from three to five members.
admission to the nurse’s examination was lowered
2. Members of the Board were to be appointed by from 21 to 18 years of age, but no candidate who
the president of the Philippines with the consent passed the examination was permitted to practice
of the Commission on Appointments. the profession until he/she reached the age of 21
3. The requisite of academic degree for members
of the Board was a Master’s Degree instead of a Two Nursing Associations that recommend
Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing. candidates to the board of Nursing:
4. Disqualifying age limit for a Board Member was 1. National League of Government Nurses
fixed. No person was eligible for membership in
2. Philippine Nurses Association
the board if he/she was over 65 years of age,
heretofore, no such age disqualification was - Now, it is only the PNA (Philippine Nurses
provided by law. Association) that is accredited by the PRC
(Professional Regulation Commission) to certify
5. The maximum total compensation which a
candidates to the Nursing Board possess the
member of the Board of Examiners for Nurses
qualifications required for appointment.
could receive was raised from PHP 12,000.00 per
annum, as provided in the 1965-1955 - Compensation of Nursing Board members are
Appropriation Act (Republic Act No. 4642 to PHP specified by the PRC.
18,000.00 yearly.
Philippine Nursing Act of 1991, R.A. 7164 –
6. The academic qualification for Deans, Directors, students must belong to the upper 40% of the
and Principals of Colleges and schools of Nursing graduating class in their high school to be able to
was raised from a Baccalaureate Degree to that enroll to the college of nursing of their choice.
of a Master’s Degree in Nursing.
7. The areas of study required for entrance to
colleges and schools of Nursing were generalized
Mr. Andre Carlo De Veyra | March 25, 2022
Introduced by the father of Nursing in the Presidential Decree No. 223 was issued.
Philippines, Senator Heherson Alvarez. Created the PRC and prescribed its powers and
Senator Heherson Alvarez codified and revised all functions.
the laws regulating the practice of nursing in the Before, the function to regulate the different
Philippines. professions was under Civil Service
Was known as the Philippine Nursing Act of 1991 Commissions. Now, it belongs to the
with the following changes: Professional Regulation Commission. This office
was directly under the Office of the President of the
1. Redefinition of the scope of nursing practice Philippines.
to emphasize:
a. use of nursing process as a scientific discipline in
arriving at an appropriate nursing action and care; R.A 6511 was enacted to amend Republic Act 465
which standardized the examination and
b. the teaching, management, leadership, and registration fees charged by various Board of
decision-making roles of the nurse; and Examiners.
c. the undertaking of and participation in studies The year R.A 6511 took effect. (July 1, 1972)
and research by nurses:
Important changes in R.A 6511:
1. Fee for Nurse’s examination was increased Letter of Instruction No. 1000 from President
from PHP 50.00 to PHP 75.00. And the fee for Ferdinand Marcos, required that members of
registration as nurses after passing the accredited professional organizations shall be given
examination was increased from PHP 20.00 to priority in the hiring of employees in the
PHP 40.00 government service and in the engagement of
professional services.
3. Annual registration fee should be paid on or
before the 20th of January. Failure to pay entailed Republic Act 1612 – stated that a privilege tax
a surcharge of 20% and such additional charge shall be paid before any business or occupation
was imposed for each year that the annual can be lawfully begun or pursued. The occupation
registration fee was not paid, and if non-payment of or professional tax for nurses was PHP 50.00
the fee lasted for five consecutive years, the nurse payable annually on or before January 31.
concerned was deemed as not of good standing
Any person who pursued any occupation without
and her certificate of registration should thereby be
paying the tax required by law was liable to pay a
considered suspended and her name removed
fine not exceeding PHP 1000.00 or imprisonment,
from the annual roster.
for a term not exceeding six months or both.
4. Nurses in inactive status are exempted from
paying the annual registration fee if they properly Any person who did not pay his annual privilege tax
for the current year was fined not less than PHP
informed the Nursing Board that they had stopped
200.00 and not more than PHP 500.00.
practicing their profession. Reinstatement to
nursing practice and in the annual roster of an Nurses working in the government were exempted
inactive nurse could be effected by a request in from paying the privilege tax.
writing and the payment of the annual registration
fee for the current year. R.A 1080
August 20, 1990 Those who passed the bar and board examinations
were declared to be civil service eligible.
PRC Memorandum No. 90-11 provided new rates
for examination and registration: Nurses need not apply to the Civil Service
Commission for the conversion of the passed board
a. Fee – for professions needing a Baccalaureate examination. They just presented a photostatic
Degree, the examination fee was PHP 350.00 and copy of their board rating and their professional
for those with less than a Baccalaureate Degree it license to the government agency where they were
was PHP 250.00 applying.
b. Initial Registration Fee – For professions
needing a Baccalaureate Degree, the initial
registration fee was PHP 250.00 while for those June 18, 1960
with less than a Baccalaureate Degree, the fee R.A. 7392 amended R.A 2644 known as
was PHP 175.00 “Midwifery Law”. It provided that only licensed
c. Annual Registration Fee – For professions midwives could practice. Nurses should pass the
needing a Baccalaureate Degree, the annual Board Examination for Midwives and be
registration fee for new registrants was PHP registered as such upon payment of the prescribed
40.00. For those with less than a Baccalaureate fee and submit to the Midwifery Board a
Degree, it was PHP 30.00. For renewal, a certification from the Chief of Hospital or the
processing fee of PHP 10.00 was charged. This Municipal or Provincial or City Health Officer that
registration fee was paid on the professional’s birth they actually had attended the last 20 deliveries.
month. They should pay the corresponding fees for
examination and registration. (Article III Section
March 20, 1980 19 & 20 Philippine Midwifery Act, R.A. 7392).
Mr. Andre Carlo De Veyra | March 25, 2022
Several arguments arose among Nurses as a these issues for competent, safe, and legal
result of the passage of this Act: practice.
1. Do nurses really have to register as midwives
before they can attend to deliveries?
Republic Act 2382
The Philippine Nursing Act of 1991 stated that a
known as the Philippine Medical Act, defines the
person shall be practicing nursing “…who shall for
practice of medicine in the Philippines.
a fee, salary, reward or compensation, singly or in
collaboration with another, initiate and perform SEC. 10. Act of constituting the practice of
nursing services to individuals, families and medicine. – A person shall be considered as
communities in various stages of development”. engaged in the practice of medicine who shall for
Since the act of being born is part of the compensation, fee, salary, or reward, in any form
development process, then attending to deliveries, paid to him directly or through another or even
nurses contend, is still part of/or within the purview without the same may physically examine any
of nursing. person, and diagnose, treat, operate, or prescribe
any remedy for any human disease, injury,
It was also claimed that nurses who attend to
deformity, physical, mental, physical condition, or
normal deliveries do so as part of maternal child
ailment, real or imaginary, regardless or the nature
nursing care and not as a practice of midwifery.
of the remedy or treatment administered,
Nurses claimed that as nursing students, they were
prescribed or recommended.
required to handle/assist in delivery cases as pre-
requisite to completion of requirements for Republic Act 5181
graduation and subsequently in taking the Board
Examinations for Nurses. This act prescribes permanent residence and
reciprocity as qualifications for any examinations
In the Implementing Rules and Regulations of or registration for the practice of any profession in
R.A. 7164, formulated by the Board of Nursing, the Philippines.
Chapter IV Section 14b, performing internal
examination and delivery of baby is part of the SEC. 1. – No person shall be allowed to practice
functions of nurses. any profession in the Philippines unless he has
complied with the existing laws and regulations, is a
2. Should hilots or the unlicensed midwives permanent resident therein for at least 3 years,
from the barrios be allowed to continue to and, if he is an alien, the country of which is he is a
practice for their trade? citizen permits Filipinos to practice their respective
Section 28 Article IV or R.A. 2644 specifically profession is not limited by law to citizens of the
Philippines: provided, further, that Filipinos become
allowed them to do so. However, in the same
Article and Section of R.A. 7392 no mention was American nationals by reason of serviced in the
made about hilots. Armed Forces of the United States during the
Second World War and aliens who were admitted
3. Are the midwives properly trained in their to the practice of their profession before July 4,
school to assume the roles provided for in R.A. 1946, shall be exempted from the restriction
7392? Does this law not infringe in the provided herein.
Philippine Medical Act or the Philippine Nursing
Presidential Decree 541
Allows former Filipino professionals to practice their
To prepare midwives to give intravenous injections
respective professions in the Philippines.
and suture perineal lacerations, these procedures
are already incorporated in the Midwifery
curriculum. The implementing guidelines of both 1972
Nursing Law and Midwifery Act clarified some of
Mr. Andre Carlo De Veyra | March 25, 2022
dependents are entitled to a total of 45 days by their generic names. Medicine are prescribed in
among them. generics.
6. Licensure Examination and Registration 9.1 Sec. 26, Rule 1- Added: requirement for
inactive nurses returning to practice- Nurses who
6.1 Specific Dates of examination has been deleted
have not actively practiced the profession shall
(RA 7164 Sec. 14). Specific dates of examination-
undergo one (1) month of didactic training and
not earlier than one (1) month and not later than
three (3) months of practicum.
two months after the closing of each semestral
9.2 Sec. 27, Qualifications of Faculty- requirement
of clinical experience in field of specification has
6.2 Specific age of applicants to take the
been reduced from three (3) years to one (1) year
examination to be at least eighteen years (18) of
in a field of specialization
age has been deleted (RA 7164 Sec. 13b).
The lack of ability, or legal qualifications and being Advocacy is helping others to grow and self-
unfit to discharge the required duty." actualize by informing them of their rights.
The Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses, Art. Ill
LIABILITY OF NURSES FOR THE WORK OF (Registered Nurses and Practice) Sec. 8 (Ethical
NURSING AIDES Principle) and Sec. 9 (Guidelines to be Observed)
Nursing aides perform selected nursing activities state that:
under the direct supervision of nurses. 1. Registered nurses are the advocates of the
They are usually given on-the-job training by the patients.
Training Staff. 2. Nurses should be able to advocate for
Responsibilities usually pertain to the routine care of themselves and the profession with regard to
chronically ill patients. They are therefore [Art. VI (Registered Nurses and the Profession)]
responsible for their own actions
Philippine Nursing Act of 2002 R.A. 9173- nursing Republic Act 6675
students do not perform professional nursing duties. only validly registered medical, dental, and
They are to be supervised by their Clinical veterinary practitioners, whether in private institution/
Instructors. corporation or in the government, are authorized to
In order that the errors committed by nursing prescribe drugs.
students will be avoided and/or minimized, the
requires that the drugs be written in their generic
following measures should be taken:
1. Nursing students should always be under the names.
supervision of their Clinical Instructors. R.A. 2832 or the Medical Act of 1959, R.A, 4419 or
2. They should be given assignments that are at the Dental Act, and R.A. 382 or the Veterinary Act
their level of training, experience, and
Prescriptions made by unauthorized persons
constitute illegal practice of medicine, dentistry or
3. They should be advised to seek guidance
especially if they are performing a procedure for veterinary medicine and is punishable under this
the first time. law.
4. They should be oriented to the policies of the
R.A. 5921,19 or the Pharmacy Act
nursing unit where they are assigned.
5. Their performance should be assessed All prescriptions must contain the following
frequently to determine their strengths and information:
weaknesses. o name of the prescriber
6. Frequent conferences with the students will o office address
reveal their problems which they may want to o professional registration number
bring to the attention of their instructors or vice- o professional tax receipt number
versa. Discussion of these problems will iron out o patient's/client's name age and sex.
doubts and possible solutions may be provided.
To safely and effectively carry out the
administration of drugs:
nurse must see to it that she understands the action
of a drug
There are legal risks in telephone orders:
o These may be misunderstood or misinterpreted
by the receiving nurse.
o Messages from telephones may sound unclear
or garbled
o Trouble in the telephone lines or
mispronunciation of words by the caller.
o Most importantly the handwriting of the physician
may be illegible, his signature is not present and
this order may later be denied in case errors
happen or court litigations arise.
Doctors should limit telephone orders to extreme
emergency situations where there is no alternative.
Only in an extreme emergency and when no other
resident or an intern is available should a nurse
receive telephone orders.
It is in the interest of safety that only those who have
more experience and a greater knowledge of drugs
should receive the order.
Professional Nursing in the Philippines, 12 th edition,
Chapter 12 pg. 169-184