T&C GCLI Final 138N017V01
T&C GCLI Final 138N017V01
T&C GCLI Final 138N017V01
Policy Document
UIN: 138N017V01
1. Definitions
Wherever used in this policy, the following words and expressions, unless inconsistent with the
context and meaning thereof, shall have the following meanings assigned thereto:
Age means age at last birthday unless specifically otherwise mentioned.
Beneficiary shall mean the policyholder / institution / lender as mentioned in the schedule who
has / have been nominated by the Member / borrower as beneficiary / beneficiaries as defined in
the scheme rules. Provided, in case of loan foreclosure or the benefits payable under this policy
exceeding the amount of outstanding loan & interest thereon, the benefits or the excess of
benefits over and above loan amount , as the case may be, shall be payable to the nominee of
the member.
Benefits shall mean, as stated in the Schedule payable on the happening of the insured event.
Borrower / Member shall mean the person who has been granted the loan by the lender and on
whose life insurance has been effected according to the provisions of the policy and who qualifies
the eligibility criteria as set out in the scheme rules, not otherwise disqualified, and, thus,
becomes entitled to the coverage under this policy meeting all above conditions cumulatively.
Certificate of Insurance shall mean the document which is provided by the insurer to the
member and contains information on the schedule of benefits, the premium charged and
important terms and conditions of the insurance contract. The certificate shall also state the
procedure to be followed to register a claim with the insurer including the full address of the
office of the insurer where the claim should be registered.
Company, Insurer, We, Us shall mean AEGON Religare Life Insurance Company Limited.
Due Dates shall mean, dates on which the premiums are due and payable by the policyholder.
Date of Commencement means the date as specified in the Schedule on which the Policy
Date of Maturity for respective members is the date of expiry of the policy by efflux of the Policy
Term and is mentioned in the certificate of insurance.
Entry Date in relation to the members existing, as at the time of inception of the policy shall
mean the date of commencement and in relation to the member(s) admitted to the policy after
the date of commencement shall mean the date as communicated to the policyholder by the
company in writing and as mentioned in the schedule and certificate of insurance, in terms of the
Effective Date of Coverage means the date as specified in the certificate of insurance on which
the risk under the policy for the individual member commences.
Grace Period is a period of 30 days starting from the due date of premium and ending at the
midnight of 30th day from the due date of premium irrespective of whether the 30th day is a
holiday, public or otherwise.
Group shall mean collection or assemblage of persons that share a common interest or
responsibility having some common privileges, and which is pre existent in nature and is not formed
for the purpose of insurance.
IRDA means the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority.
Insured Event shall mean death of a Member / Borrower while the Policy is in force.
Lender / Policyholder / You or Your/s shall mean the institution / company / firm / group / club
/ society who has granted the loan to the borrower / member, and who has concluded the
insurance contract with the company.
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AEGON Religare Group Credit Life Plan
Life Assured shall mean the person / borrower / member on whose life the insurance cover has
been granted by the insurer.
Loan shall mean the amount granted by the lender to the borrower as loan vide a loan agreement
duly stamped and executed.
Loan Schedule is a document which illustrates the schedule of loan installment, principal amount
paid, interest charged and outstanding loan amount, for the loan tenure.
Policy means the contract of Insurance entered into between the Policyholder and the Company
as evidenced by this document which sets down the benefits available to the Policyholder and the
terms and conditions for availing of such benefit/s. It includes the Schedule attached to the
Policy Document or any other document as may be specified by the Company forming part and
parcel of the Policy Document from time to time.
Policy Document means this Policy wording, the Schedule (which is attached to and forms part of
this Policy) and the Proposal Form (submitted by or on behalf of the Policyholder for the purpose
of obtaining this Policy) along with any other information or documentation provided to the
Company for that purpose and based upon which this Policy is issued.
Policy Term is the period commencing on the Entry Date and ending on the Date of Maturity as
mentioned in Certificate of Insurance in respect of a respective member.
Premium is the Installment Premium payable by policyholder for the benefits, excluding Service
Tax (with any levy, cess thereon) and is mentioned in the Policy Schedule.
Proposal Form shall mean the application form submitted by or on behalf of the Policyholder to
the company for the conclusion of the insurance contract.
Register shall mean the list and details of members maintained by the insurer which shall stand
amended from time to time, and deemed to be incorporated in and form part of the Policy
Scheme Rules means the document laid down the governing rules and regulations, which shall be
applicable to all the members of the group, as agreed between the insurer and the policyholder.
Sum Assured means the amount of insurance as specified in the schedule and certificate of
insurance, which is payable by the company on Insured event.
Sum Assured Schedule is a document which illustrates the schedule of outstanding liability to
the insurer, which is governed as per the interest rate as defined in the scheme rules.
Termination Date shall mean in respect of each member the date of expiry of the Certificate of
Insurance by efflux of time.
2. Policy Description
‘AEGON Religare Group Credit Life Plan’ is the name of the group credit life insurance product of
the Company. This Policy does not in any way give any right whatsoever to share in the profits or
surplus of the business of the Company. This is a non-linked non participating plan group
insurance plan.
3. Policy Conditions
This policy together with its schedule, terms and conditions, endorsements, certificate of
insurance, Annexure if any, Register and the company’s procedures as may be in force from time
to time, constitute the contract for insurance providing the benefits as stated in the Policy
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c) The Policyholder shall not be an agent of the Company for collection of premium from
the Members nor any relationship of agency is created between the policyholder and
Company by this document.
d) To furnish such statements and information as may be required by the company from
time to time. The statements and information provided by the Policyholder, shall
disclose all the variations in the particulars of the members in so far as such variations
have any bearing on the insurance effected hereunder.
e) That the statements and information together with the proposal, declarations and
other particulars (if any) received/ to be received by the company from the
policyholder and the members , shall be and are hereby declared to be the basis of
this policy.
2. The Policyholder shall hold this Policy and all benefits payable under this Policy Upon Trust
for the benefit of the beneficiary to whom the benefits are payable in accordance with the
terms and conditions of the Policy.
3. As soon as Insurance has been effected on member’s life, a beneficiary becomes entitled to
the Benefits under this Policy in accordance with the provisions hereof, and the insurer will
enter the member’s name in the Register, and will issue certificate of insurance accordingly.
4. Participation in the scheme for the existing and new members of groups joining after the date
of commencemnet, membership of the group insurance cover shall be voluntary. Once they
satisfy the eligibility criteria, the policyholder shall take effective steps to ensure the
respecitve member participation.
5. Provided that if any member is admitted to the group after the Date of Commencement on
any date other than the annual date of renewal, a proportionate premium shall become
payable to cover the period from the entry date of the respective member to the next policy
anniversary for regular premium and for the policy term opted in case of single premium.
4. Policy Benefits
Amongst other things, documentary evidence shall include Claim Form, Proof of membership
and date of commencement of cover, verification from the policyholder signed off by an
authorized official that deceased was a member of the group managed by the policyholder
and the date loan was taken, Death Certificate issued by local authority, certificate of a
Doctor / Medical Officer certifying cause of death, F.I.R. or Police Inquest Report (wherever
applicable). The Company is entitled to call for additional documents or information for
processing of the claim depending on the cause of claim.
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The company must be notified in writing by the policyholder within 30 days from the date of
insured event and submit the claim documents.
5. Discharge
A discharge or receipt by the Policyholder shall be a good, valid and sufficient discharge to the
Company for all purposes.
6. Register Amendment
The register of members shall be maintained by the Company. Such amendment shall be made
after acceptance of the risk and premium on the life of member at his entry to the group and
issuance of certificate of insurance pursuant thereto.
7. Proof of Age
The age of the member/s is based on the last birthday prior to the entry date as specified in the
schedule and certificate of insurance. All premiums including renewal premiums will be
calculated based on the age of the member/s recorded in the register, as updated from time to
time. The company reserves the right to call for all the records of the member at the stage of
claim, or otherwise, in order to verify the age of the member as recorded in the Register. Should
the actual age of the member differ from the one stated in the Register, then, without prejudice
to the company’s other rights and/ or remedies:
a) if the actual age is higher than that stated in the Register, the premium paid would be
revised accordingly and the member will be liable to pay the balance premium
together with interest at such rates as may be decided by the company from time to
time; or
b) if the actual age is lower than that stated in the Register, the policy will continue to be
in force as per the terms and conditions specified herein and the premiums paid in
excess will be adjusted against future payments or refunded without interest; or
c) if the member/s actual age is such that it would have made him/ her ineligible for
insurance, then the Company reserves the right, at its discretion, to take such action
as it deems fit, including cancellation of respective insurance and forfeiture of
premium(s) received and repudiation of claim in respect of such member.
8. Exclusion
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary stated herein, if a member commits suicide, whether
medically sane or insane, within one year from the Effective Date of Coverage or within one year
of membership reinstatement, then the insurance in respect of the member shall come to an end
simultaneously with the occurrence of such event, and the liability of the company shall be
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limited to refund of the premium(s) received (excluding taxes) in respect of that member,
without any interest.
Waiting period - For the insurance coverage taken against other than the home loan, during the
first 45 days from the effective date of coverage for an Insured Member, the Company shall not
be liable to pay any claim amount except for a claim arising out of death due to accident.
Premiums are payable under Single or Annual as specified in the scheme rules and certificate of
A grace period of 30 days will be allowed for receipt of every premium after the respective due
dates. During the grace period the policy will continue to be in force but in the event of any
member/s death during the grace period, the company shall make the claim payment only if the
due premium is received before the expiry of grace period.
The total premium due under this policy on the Date of Commencement or on the subsequent
policy anniversary shall be calculated on the basis of: the total premiums payable under the
policy in respect of the member/s as on the Date of Commencement or relevant policy
anniversary as the case may be.
Provided that if any person is admitted as a member of the policy after the Date of
Commencement on any date, other than the policy anniversary, a proportionate premium to
cover for the period from the Entry Date to the next policy anniversary shall become payable
for regular premium. However, in case of single premium payment mode the premium from the
effective for the entire policy term is payable.
All premiums are subject to applicable taxes excluding service tax which shall be to the account
of the member and shall be recovered following the prescribed procedure.
This policy has been issued on the representation of the policyholder and members that the
policyholder and members has/ have made and/ or caused to be made full disclosures of all
relevant facts and circumstances. If any information provided by the Policyholder or the Member
is incomplete or incorrect, the Company reserves the right to vary the benefits which may be
payable and if there has been non disclosure of any material fact or if the replies to any of the
questions asked in the Proposal Form are false or wrongly answered then we may treat the Policy
as void and the premium will be forfeited by the Company.
The company draws the policyholders’ attention to Section 45 of the Insurance Act, 1938, which
states as follows:
“No policy of life insurance effected after the expiry of two years from the date on which it was
effected be called in question by an insurer on the ground that a statement made in the
proposal for insurance or in any report of a medical officer, or referee, or friend of the insured,
or in any other document leading to the issue of the policy, was inaccurate or false, unless the
insurer shows that such statement was on a material matter or suppressed facts which it was
material to disclose and that it was fraudulently made by the policy-holder and that the
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policyholder knew at the time of making it that the statement was false or that it suppressed
facts which it was material to disclose:
Provided that nothing in this section shall prevent the insurer from calling for proof of age at
any time if he is entitled to do so, and no policy shall be deemed to be called in question merely
because the terms of the policy are adjusted on subsequent proof that the age of the life
insured was incorrectly stated in the proposal.”
Subject to the terms and conditions of this policy, the Insurance effected hereunder shall
continue to be in force for the policy term as mentioned in the certificate of insurance for single
premium and for a period from the effective date of coverage to the next premium due date for
regular premium payment mode.
The company reserves the right to revise the premium rates based upon the claims experience
and alter the terms and conditions of this policy, on a prior notice of 90 days. The company may
issue a fresh quote and / or revised terms and conditions, the company also reserves the right to
refuse to quote a premium for renewal of the policy by written notice.
If the premiums are not received before the expiry of the grace period of 30 days from the
premium due date, the insurance cover for the respective member will cease and no benefit is
Reinstatement period of 6 months is available from the due date of unpaid premium for the
respective member. On reinstatement all due unpaid premiums for the respective member needs
to be paid.
If the Policyholder or Member or anyone acting at its direction or with its knowledge makes or
advances any claim under this Policy knowing it to be false or fraudulent in any respect, then no
benefits shall be payable however the policy or respective member insurance coverage shall
remain continue.
The policyholder shall furnish to the company all such data, information and evidence as the
company may reasonably require with regard to any matter having any bearing on the Insurance
effected or to be effected hereunder. The company shall not be liable for any action taken in
good faith upon any data, information or evidence so furnished which shall be or shall prove to
have been erroneous or inaccurate.
In case of foreclosure of loan by any member and if the member has paid single premium; the
amount payable to the respective member shall be calculated as per the following formula:
= 70% X Single Premium paid X outstanding coverage term / Total coverage term
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In case of regular / limited premium, the coverage will cease and no amount shall be refunded.
16. Assignment and Nomination
If you disagree with any of the terms and conditions of the Policy, you have the option to return
the original Policy Document along with a letter stating reasons for the objection within fifteen
days of receipt of the Policy Document (“the free look period”). The Policy will be cancelled by us
and we will pay you an amount equal to the
• Premium paid for the members;
• Minus the aggregate, the Stamp Duty and medical examination cost, if any and
proportionate premium for the time that the Company has provided insurance cover and
rider cover, if any up to the date of cancellation, for the members.
All the rights under the Policy shall stand extinguished immediately on the cancellation of the
Policy under the Free Look Option.
This Policy Document constitutes the complete contract of insurance. This policy document
cannot be changed or varied; any change or variation in the total benefits insured hereunder shall
be given effect to by endorsements under the signature of a duly authorised officer of the
Any grievances may be first addressed to the Company Customer Helpdesk by phone at our Toll
Free Number 1800 209 9090 or by e-mail at customer.care@aegonreligare.com or by post at
AEGON Religare Life Insurance Company Limited, 2nd Floor Paranjpe "B" Scheme, Subhash Road,
Near Garware House, Vileparle (East), Mumbai –400057. In case of disagreement with the
response of the Company, the complaint can be made to the Insurance Ombudsman. The
Procedure and addresses for making the complaint to Insurance Ombudsman can be obtained from
the offices of the company or from the company website http://www.aegonreligare.com or from
the IRDA website www.irdaindia.org.
20. Loans
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All notices and communication meant for the company whether under this policy or otherwise
must be in writing and delivered to the company by the policyholder by hand or by post, at its
address as shown in the Schedule, or such other address, the company may notify the
policyholder from time to time. Any notices and communication from individual member/s shall
not be accepted subject to clause 15.
All notices meant for the policyholder will be in writing and will be sent by hand, post, facsimile
or e-mail by the company to the policyholder’s address as shown in the Schedule.
Notice and instructions sent by hand, post, facsimile or e-mail shall be deemed served on the
policyholder after 7 (Seven) days of posting or immediately upon receipt as the case may be.
The company shall not be held responsible for any consequences arising due to non-intimation of
change of address.
22. Tax
The company shall make necessary deductions from any payments to be made under this policy
which the company reasonably believes to be necessary on account of any tax or other payment
imposed or to be imposed under any legislation, order, regulation, rule, judgment or otherwise
upon the policyholder, member, Nominee or the company.
The Policy is subject to the provisions of the applicable laws of India and more particularly the
Indian Contract Act, 1872, the Insurance Act, 1938, the Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority Act, 1999, and the rules and regulations made there under and the directions and
guidelines issued by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority.
All payments to or by the Company will be in Indian rupees and shall be in accordance with the
prevailing Exchange Control regulations and other relevant laws of India.
• On discontinuance of premium
• On discontinuance of Policy
Termination of membership shall lead to cessation of insurance cover and rider cover, if any and
any benefits payable under the contract. Member will be terminated from the group on earlier
occurrence of any of the following:
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Policy Schedule
The Policy is evidence of contract of Insurance between AEGON Religare Life Insurance Company
Limited (“The Company” or “We”) and the Policyholder (“You”). The Policy is based on the
proposal made by you to the Company along with necessary documents, statements, medical
examination reports, if any, and declarations made by you or obtained by the Company, on
behalf of you and is governed by the Standard Policy Provisions attached hereto and the Schedule
hereunder written which forms part of the Policy. The Policy shall be effective upon issuance of
the First Premium Receipt by the Company.
Policy Term:
Special Conditions:
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