I Sem Mathematics Lab

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LAB 1. Use python a. to plot Cartesian curves. b. to plot polar curves. c.

plot implicit functions.
In [ ]: #Scatter Plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = [1,2,3,4,6,7,8]
y = [2,7,9,1,5,10 ,3]
plt.scatter(x, y)
plt.xlabel('x - axis ')
plt.ylabel('y - axis ')
plt.title('Scatter points ')

In [ ]: #First graph
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = [1,2,3,4,6,7,8]
y = [2,7,9,1,5,10 ,3]
plt.plot(x, y, 'r+--')
plt.xlabel('x - axis ')
plt.ylabel('y - axis ')
plt.title('My first graph !')

In [ ]: #1. Exponential Curves

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.arange (-10 , 10 , 0.001)
y = np.exp(x)
plt.title(" Exponential curve ")

In [ ]: #Sine curve
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np. arange(-10 , 10 , 0.001)
y1 = np.sin(x)
plt.title(" sine curve ")
plt.xlabel(" Values of x")
plt.ylabel(" Values of sin (x) ")

In [ ]: #cosine curve
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np. arange(-10 , 10 , 0.001)
y1 = np.cos(x)
plt.title(" cosine curve ")
plt.xlabel(" Values of x")
plt.ylabel(" Values of cosin(x) ")

In [ ]: #Sine and cosine curve

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np. arange (-10 , 10 , 0.001)
y1 = np.sin(x)
y2 = np.cos(x)
plt.plot(x,y1 ,x,y2)
plt.title(" sine curve and cosine curve ")
plt.xlabel(" Values of x")
plt.ylabel(" Values of sin (x) and cos(x) ")

In [ ]: #Simple Graph
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
x = np.linspace (0, 2, 100)
plt.plot(x, x, label ='linear ')
plt.plot(x, x ** 2, label ='quadratic ')
plt.plot(x, x ** 3, label ='cubic ')
plt.xlabel('x label ')
plt.ylabel('y label ')
plt.title(" Simple Plot ")

In [ ]: #2. Implicit Function

#Circle: x^2 + y^2 = 4
from sympy import plot_implicit , symbols , Eq
x, y = symbols ('x y')
p1 = plot_implicit (Eq(x ** 2 + y ** 2, 4) ,(x,-4,4) ,(y,-4,4),title = 'Circle : $x^2+y^2=4$ ') #r = 2

In [ ]: #Strophoid: y^2(a − x) = x^2(a + x), a > 0

p3= plot_implicit (
Eq ((y ** 2)*(2-x), (x ** 2)*(2+x)), (x, -5, 5), (y, -5, 5),title = 'Strophoid : $y^2 (a-x)=x^2 (a+x), a> 0$ ') # a=

In [ ]: #Cissoid: y^2(a − x) = x^3, a > 0

p4= plot_implicit (Eq ((y ** 2)*(3-x),x ** 3) ,(x,-2,5) ,(y,-5,5)) #a = 3

In [ ]: #Lemniscate: a^2y^2 = x^2(a^2 − x^2)

p5= plot_implicit (Eq(4*(y ** 2) ,(x ** 2)*(4-x ** 2)) ,(x,-5,5) ,(y,-5,5)) # a=2

In [ ]: #Folium of De-Cartes: x^3 + y^3 = 3axy

p6= plot_implicit (Eq(x ** 3+y ** 3,3*2*x*y) ,(x,-5,5) ,(y,-5,5)) # a=2

In [ ]: #Polar Curves
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.axes(projection = 'polar')
r = 3
rads = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, 0.01)

for i in rads :
plt.polar (i, r, 'g')
plt.show ()

In [ ]: #Cardioid: r = 5(1 + cosθ)

from pylab import *
theta = linspace (0,2*np.pi , 1000 )
r1=5+5*cos ( theta )
polar(theta ,r1 ,'r')

In [ ]: #Four leaved Rose: r = 2|cos2x|

from pylab import *
theta = linspace (0,2*pi , 1000 )
r=2*abs(cos(2* theta ))
polar (theta ,r,'r')
show ()

In [ ]: #Cardioids: r = a + acos(θ) and r = a − acos(θ)

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
plt.axes ( projection = 'polar')
rad = np. arange (0, (2 * np.pi), 0.01)
for i in rad :
r = a + (a*np.cos(i))
plt.polar (i,r,'g.')
r1 = a-(a*np.cos (i))
plt.polar (i,r1 ,'r.')
plt.show ()

In [ ]: #3. Parametric Equations

#Circle: x = acos(θ); y = asin(θ)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def circle (r):
x = []
y = []
for theta in np. linspace (-2*np.pi , 2*np.pi , 100):
x.append (r*np.cos( theta ))
y.append (r*np.sin( theta ))
plt.plot (x,y)
plt.show ()
circle (5)

In [ ]: #Cycloid: x = a(θ − sinθ); y = a(1 − sinθ)

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def cycloid (r):
x = []
y = []
for theta in np. linspace (-2*np.pi , 2*np.pi , 100):
x.append (r*( theta - np.sin( theta )))
y.append (r*(1 - np.cos( theta )))
plt. plot (x,y)
plt. show ()
cycloid (2)

LAB 2: Finding angle between two polar curves, curvature and radius of
In [ ]: 1. Find the angle between the curves r = 4(1 + cos t) and r = 5(1 − cos t).
from sympy import *
r,t = symbols ('r,t')
r1 = 4*(1+cos (t));
r2 = 5*(1-cos (t));
dr1 = diff (r1 ,t)
dr2 = diff (r2 ,t)
t1 = r1/dr1
t2 = r2/dr2
q = solve (r1-r2 ,t)
w1 = t1.subs ({t: float (q[1])})
w2 = t2.subs ({t: float (q[1])})
y1 = atan(w1)
y2 = atan(w2)
w = abs(y1-y2)
print ('Angle between curves in radians is %0.3f '%(w))

In [ ]: from sympy import *

r,t = symbols ('r,t')
r1=4*(cos (t));
r2=5*(sin (t));
dr1 = diff (r1 ,t)
dr2 = diff (r2 ,t)
t1 = r1/dr1
t2 = r2/dr2
q = solve (r1-r2 ,t)
w1 = t1.subs ({t: float (q[0])})
w2 = t2.subs ({t: float (q[0])})
y1 = atan (w1)
y2 = atan (w2)
w = abs(y1-y2)
print ('Angle between curves in radians is %0.4f '% float (w))

In [ ]: #2. Radius of curvature

#Find the radius of curvature, r = 4(1 + cos t) at t=π/2.
from sympy import *
t = Symbol ('t')
r = Symbol ('r')
r = 4*(1+cos(t))
r1 = Derivative (r,t). doit ()
r2 = Derivative (r1 ,t). doit ()
rho = (r ** 2+r1 ** 2) ** (1.5)/(r ** 2+2*r1 ** 2-r*r2);
rho1 = rho . subs (t,pi/2) # substitute t in rho
print ('The radius of curvature is %3.4f units '% rho1 )

In [ ]: #Find the angle between the curves r = 4 cos t and r = 5 sin t.

from sympy import *
t,r,a,n= symbols ('t r a n')
r1 = Derivative (r,t). doit ()
r2 = Derivative (r1 ,t). doit ()
rho = (r ** 2+r1 ** 2) ** 1.5/(r ** 2+2*r1 ** 2-r*r2);
rho1 = rho.subs (t,pi/2)
rho1 = rho1.subs (n,1)
print ("The radius of curvature is")
display( simplify ( rho1 ))

In [ ]: #Parametric Curves
#Find radius of curvature of x = acos(t), y = asin(t).
from sympy import *
from sympy .abc import rho , x,y,r,K,t,a,b,c, alpha
y=( sqrt (x)-4) ** 2
dydx = simplify ( Derivative (y,t). doit ())/ simplify ( Derivative (x,t). doit ())
rho = simplify ((1+ dydx ** 2) ** 1.5/( Derivative (dydx ,t). doit ()/( Derivative (x,
t). doit ())))
print ('Radius of curvature is ')
display ( ratsimp (rho ))
rho1 = rho . subs (t,t1);
rho2 = rho1 . subs (a,r1);
print ('\nRadius of curvature at r=5 and t= pi/2 is ', simplify ( rho2 ));
curvature =1/ rho2 ;
print ('\n\n Curvature at (5,pi/2) is ',float ( curvature ))

In [ ]: #Find the radius of curvature of y = (asin(t))3/2 ; x = (acos(t))3/2.

from sympy import *
from sympy .abc import rho , x,y,r,K,t,a,b,c, alpha
y=(a*sin(t)) ** (3/2)
x=(a*cos(t)) ** (3/2)
dydx = simplify ( Derivative (y,t). doit ())/ simplify ( Derivative (x,t). doit ())
rho = simplify ((1+ dydx ** 2) ** 1.5/( Derivative (dydx ,t). doit ()/( Derivative (x,
t). doit ())))
print ('Radius of curvature is ')
display ( ratsimp (rho ))
rho1 = rho . subs (t,t1);
rho2 = rho1 . subs (a,r1);
display ('Radius of curvature at r=1 and t=pi/4 is ',simplify ( rho2 ));
curvature =1/ rho2 ;
print ('\n\n Curvature at (1,pi/4) is ',float ( curvature ))

LAB 3: Finding partial derivatives and Jacobian of functions of several

In [ ]: #Prove that mixed partial derivatives , uxy = uyx for u = exp(x)(xcos(y) −ysin(y)).
from sympy import *
x,y = symbols ('x y')
dux = diff (u,x)
duy = diff (u,y)
duxy = diff (dux ,y)
duyx = diff (duy ,x)
if duxy == duyx :
print ('Mixed partial derivatives are equal ')
else :
print ('Mixed partial derivatives are not equal ')

In [ ]: #Prove that if u = ex(x cos(y) − y sin(y)) then uxx + uyy = 0.

from sympy import *
x,y = symbols ('x y')
u = exp(x)*(x*cos(y)-y*sin(y))
display (u)
dux = diff (u,x)
duy = diff (u,y)
uxx = diff (dux ,x)
uyy = diff (duy ,y)
w = uxx+uyy
w1 = simplify (w)
print('Ans :',float (w1))

#If u = xy/z, v = yz/x,w = zx/y then prove that J = 4.
from sympy import *
x,y,z= symbols ('x,y,z')
u = x*y/z
v = y*z/x
w = z*x/y
dux = diff (u,x)
duy = diff (u,y)
duz = diff (u,z)
dvx = diff (v,x)
dvy = diff (v,y)
dvz = diff (v,z)
dwx = diff (w,x)
dwy = diff (w,y)
dwz = diff (w,z)
J= Matrix ([[dux ,duy ,duz],[dvx ,dvy ,dvz],[dwx ,dwy ,dwz]]);
print ("The Jacobian matrix is \n")
display (J)
Jac =det (J). doit ()
print('\n\n J = ', Jac )

In [ ]: #If u = x+3y2 −z3, v = 4x2yz, w = 2z2 −xy then prove that at (1,−1, 0), J = 20.
from sympy import *
x,y,z= symbols ('x,y,z')
u = x+3*y ** 2-z ** 3
v = 4*x ** 2*y*z
w = 2*z*z ** 2-x*y
dux = diff (u,x)
duy = diff (u,y)
duz = diff (u,z)
dvx = diff (v,x)
dvy = diff (v,y)
dvz = diff (v,z)
dwx = diff (w,x)
dwy = diff (w,y)
dwz = diff (w,z)
J= Matrix ([[dux ,duy ,duz],[dvx ,dvy ,dvz],[dwx ,dwy ,dwz]]);
print ("The Jacobian matrix is ")
display (J)
Jac = Determinant (J). doit ()
print ('\n\n J = \n')
display (Jac )
J1=J. subs ([(x, 1), (y, -1), (z, 0)])
print ('\n\n J at (1,-1,0):\n')
Jac1 = Determinant (J1). doit ()
display ( Jac1 )

In [ ]: #X = ρ ∗ cos(ϕ) ∗ sin(θ), Y = ρ ∗ cos(ϕ) ∗ cos(θ), Z = ρ ∗ sin(ϕ) then find ∂(X,Y,Z) ∂(ρ,ϕ,θ).

from sympy import *
from sympy .abc import rho , phi , theta
X = rho*cos(phi)*sin( theta );
Y = rho*cos(phi)*cos( theta );
Z = rho*sin(phi);
dx = Derivative (X,rho ). doit ()
dy = Derivative (Y,rho ). doit ()
dz = Derivative (Z,rho ). doit ()
dx1 = Derivative (X,phi ). doit ();
dy1 = Derivative (Y,phi ). doit ();
dz1 = Derivative (Z,phi ). doit ()
dx2 = Derivative (X, theta ). doit ()
dy2 = Derivative (Y, theta ). doit ();
dz2 = Derivative (Z, theta ). doit ();
J= Matrix ([[dx ,dy ,dz],[dx1 ,dy1 ,dz1],[dx2 ,dy2 ,dz2]]);
print ('The Jacobian matrix is ')
display (J)
print ('\n\n J = \n')
display(simplify(Determinant (J).doit()))

LAB 4: Applications of Maxima and Minima of functions of two variables,

Taylor series expansion and L’Hospital’s Rule
import sympy
from sympy import Symbol , solve , Derivative , pprint
x = Symbol('x')
y = Symbol('y')
f = x ** 2+x*y+y ** 2+3*x-3*y+4
d1 = Derivative (f,x). doit ()
d2 = Derivative (f,y). doit ()
criticalpoints1 = solve (d1)
criticalpoints2 = solve (d2)
s1 = Derivative (f,x,2). doit ()
s2 = Derivative (f,y,2). doit ()
s3 = Derivative ( Derivative (f,y),x). doit ()
print ('function value is ')
q1 = s1.subs ({y: criticalpoints1 ,x: criticalpoints2 }). evalf ()
q2 = s2.subs ({y: criticalpoints1 ,x: criticalpoints2 }). evalf ()
q3 = s3. subs ({y: criticalpoints1 ,x: criticalpoints2 }). evalf ()
delta = s1*s2-s3 ** 2
print(delta , q1)
if(delta >0 and s1<0):
print(" f takes maximum ")
elif( delta >0 and s1>0):
print(" f takes minimum ")
if(delta <0):
print ("The point is a saddle point ")
if ( delta ==0):
print (" further tests required ")


#Expand sin(x) as Taylor series about x = pi/2 upto 3rd degree term. Also find sin(1000)
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from sympy import *
x= Symbol ('x')
x0 = float (pi/2)
dy = diff (y,x)
d2y = diff (y,x,2)
d3y = diff (y,x,3)
yat = lambdify (x,y)
dyat = lambdify (x,dy)
d2yat = lambdify (x,d2y)
d3yat = lambdify (x,d3y)
y=yat(x0)+((x-x0)/2)* dyat (x0)+((x-x0) ** 2/6)* d2yat (x0)+((x-x0) ** 3/24)*d3yat (x0)
print (simplify (y))
yat = lambdify (x,y)
print ("%.3f" % yat(pi/2+10*(pi/180)))
def f(x):
return np.sin (1*x)
x = np. linspace (-10 , 10)
plt.plot (x, yat (x), color ='red')
plt.plot (x, f(x), color ='green')
plt.ylim ([-3, 3])
plt.grid ()
plt.show ()

#Find the Maclaurin series expansion of sin(x)+cos(x) upto 3rd degree term. Calculate sin(10) + cos(10).
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from sympy import *
x= Symbol ('x')
x0= float (0)
dy= diff (y,x)
d2y = diff (y,x,2)
d3y = diff (y,x,3)
yat = lambdify (x,y)
dyat = lambdify (x,dy)
d2yat = lambdify (x,d2y)
d3yat = lambdify (x,d3y)
y=yat(x0)+((x-x0)/2)* dyat (x0)+((x-x0) ** 2/6)* d2yat (x0)+((x-x0) ** 3/24)*d3yat (x0)
print(simplify (y))
yat = lambdify (x,y)
print ("%.3f" % yat(10*(pi/180)))
def f(x):
return np.sin (1*x)+np.cos (x)
x = np. linspace (-10 , 10)
plt . plot (x, yat (x), color ='red')
plt . plot (x, f(x), color ='green')
plt . ylim ([-3, 3])
plt . grid ()
plt . show ()

#limx→0 sin(x)/x
from sympy import Limit , Symbol ,exp ,sin
x= Symbol ('x')
l= Limit (( sin(x))/x,x,0).doit()
print (l)

In [ ]: #Evaluate lim x→1 ((5x4−4x2−1)/(10−x−9x3)

from sympy import *
x= Symbol ('x')
l= Limit ((5*x ** 4-4*x ** 2-1)/(10-x-9*x ** 3),x,1).doit()
print (l)

In [ ]: #Prove that limx→∞(1 + 1/x)^x = e

from sympy import *
from math import inf
x = Symbol('x')
l = Limit ((1+1/x) ** x,x,inf).doit()
display (l)

LAB 5: Solution of First order differential equation and ploting the

solution curves
In [ ]: #Solve : dP(t)/dt = r
from sympy import *
t,r = symbols('t,r')
P = Function('P')(t)
C1 = Symbol('C1')
print("\n Differential Equation ")
DE1 = Derivative (P, t, 1)-r
display (DE1 )
print ("\n General Solution ")
GS1 = dsolve(DE1)
print ("\n Particular Solution ")
PS1 =GS1.subs({C1:2})
display (PS1)

In [ ]: #Solve: dy/dx + tanx − y3secx = 0.

from sympy import *
x,y = symbols('x,y')
y = Function("y")(x)
y1 = Derivative(y,x)
z1 = dsolve(Eq(y1+y*tan (x)-y ** 3*sec (x),0),y)

In [ ]: #Solve: x3 dy/dx − x2y + y4cosx = 0.

from sympy import *
x,y = symbols('x,y')
y = Function("y")(x)
y1 = Derivative(y,x)
z1 = dsolve(Eq(x ** 3*y1-x ** 2*y+y ** 4*cos(x),0),y)


#Solve dy/dt = −ky with parameter k = 0.3 and y(0) = 5.
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def model (y,t):
return -k*y
t = np.linspace (0,20)
y = odeint(model ,y0 ,t)
plt.title('Solution of dy/dt=-ky; k=0.3, y(0)=5')
plt.xlabel('time ')

In [ ]: #Simulate τ dy/dt = −y + Kpu; Kp = 3.0, τ = 2.0.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
from scipy . integrate import odeint
taup =2
# Differential Equation :
def model (y,t):
u = 1
return (-y + Kp * u)/ taup
t3 = np. linspace (0,14 ,100 )
y3 = odeint(model ,0,t3)
plt.plot(t3 ,y3 ,'r-',linewidth =1, label ='ODE Integrator')
plt.ylabel('Response (y)')
plt.legend(loc ='best')

'''A culture initially has P0 number of bacteria. At t = 1 hour the number of bacteria is measured to be 3
#2P0. If the rate of growth is proportional to the number of bacteria P(t)
#present at time t, determine the time necessary for the number of bacteria to triple. The differential equation is
#dp/dt = kp; P(1) = 3/2p0.
#The solution is : y = P0e0.405465108108164t, y0 = 20.'''
from pylab import *
t= arange (0,10 ,0.5)
P0 = 20
y = 20*exp(0.405465108108164 *t)
ylabel('no of bacteria')
title('Law of Natural Growth')


'''The temperature of a body drops from 100 C to 75 C in 10 minutes where the
surrounding air is at the temperature 20 C . What will be the temperature of the
body after half an hour? Plot the graph of cooling.'''
import numpy as np
from sympy import *
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
t2 = 20 # surrounding temp
t1 = 100 # inital temp
t = 10
T = 75
k1 = (1/t)*log (( t1-t2)/(T-t2))
print ('k= ',k1)
k = Symbol ('k')
t = Symbol ('t')
T = Function ('T')(t)
T = t2+(t1-t2)*exp(-k*t)
print ('T=',T)
T = T.subs (k,k1)
T = lambdify (t,T)
t = np.linspace (0, 70)
plt.plot (t, T(t), color ='red')
plt.grid ()
plt.show ()
print('When time t=30 minute T is ,',T(30),'o C')


LAB 6: Finding GCD using Euclid’s algorithm.

#Find the GCD of (614,124).
def gcd1 (a,b):
c = 1
if b < a:
t = b
b = a
a = t
while (c > 0):
c = b%a
b = a
a = c
print('GCD =',b)
gcd1(614 ,124 )

#Prove that 163 and 512 are relatively prime.
def gcd1 (a,b):
if b <a:
t = b
b = a
a = t
while (c>0):
b = a
a = c
print ('GCD =',b);
gcd1 (163 ,512 )

In [ ]: #DIVIDES
#Prove that 8 divides 128.
def gcd1 (a,b):
if b <a:
t = b
b = a
a = t
while (c>0):
b = a
a = c
print ('GCD =',b)
gcd1 (8,128 )

In [ ]: #Calculate GCD of (a,b) and express it as linear combination of a and b. Calculate GCD=d
#of 76 and 13 , express th GCD as 76x + 13y = d
from sympy import *
a=int( input ('enter the first number: '))
b=int( input ('enter the second number: '))
q = (r1-r3)/r2
while (r3!=0):
q = (r1-r3)/r2
print ('the GCD of ',a,' and ',b,'is ',r2);
print ('%d x %d + %d x %d = %d\n'%(a,s2 ,b, t2 ,r2));


from sympy import gcd
gcd (1235 , 2315 )

In [ ]: from sympy import igcd

igcd (3228 ,93)

LAB 7: Solving linear congruence of the form ax ≡ b( mod m).

In [ ]: #Show that the linear congruence 6x ≡ 5( mod 15) has no solution.
from sympy import *
from math import*
a = int( input ('enter integer a '))
b = int( input ('enter integer b '))
m = int( input ('enter integer m '))
d = gcd(a,m)
if (b%d!=0):
print ('the congruence has no integer solution ')
else :
for i in range (1,m-1):
x = (m/a)*i+(b/a)
if(x // 1==x):
print ('the solution of the congruence is ', x)

In [ ]: #Find the solution of the congruence 5x ≡ 3(mod 13).

from sympy import *
a = int( input ('enter integer a: '))
b = int( input ('enter integer b: '))
m = int( input ('enter integer m: '))
if (b%d!=0):
print ('the congruence has no integer solution ')
for i in range (1,m-1):
if(x // 1==x):
print('the solution of the congruence is ', x)

In [ ]: #Find the inverse of 5 mod 13.

from sympy import gcd
a = int( input ('enter integer a '))
b = int( input ('enter integer b '))
m = int( input ('enter integer m '))
if (b%d!=0):
print ('the congruence has no integer solution ');
for i in range (1,m-1):
if(x // 1==x):
print ('the solution of the congruence is ', x)


LAB 6: Program to compute area, volume and center of gravity

#Evaluate the integral ∫_0^1∫_0^x(x^2+y^2)dydx
from sympy import *
x,y,z = symbols('x y z')
w1 = integrate (x ** 2+y ** 2 ,(y,0,x) ,(x,0,1))

In [ ]: #Evaluate the integral ∫_0^3∫_0^3-x∫_0^3-x-y(xyz)dzdydx

from sympy import *
x = Symbol('x')
y = Symbol('y')
z = Symbol('z')
w2 = integrate ((x*y*z) ,(z,0,3-x-y) ,(y,0,3-x) ,(x,0,3))

In [ ]: #Evaluate the integral ∫_0^3∫_0^3-x∫_0^3-x-y(xyz)dzdydx

from sympy import *
x= Symbol ('x')
y= Symbol ('y')
z= Symbol ('z')
w3= integrate (x ** 2+y ** 2,y,x)
pprint (w3)
w4= integrate (x ** 2+y ** 2,x,y)

In [ ]: #Prove that ∫∫(x^2+y^2)dydx = ∫∫(x^2+y^2)dxdy

from sympy import *
x= Symbol ('x')
y= Symbol ('y')
z= Symbol ('z')
w3= integrate (x ** 2+y ** 2,y,x)
w4 = integrate (x ** 2+y ** 2,x,y)

In [ ]: '''AREA AND VOLUME'''

from sympy import *
x = Symbol ('x')
y = Symbol ('y')
a = 4
b = 6
w3 = 4* integrate (1 ,(y,0 ,(b/a)* sqrt (a ** 2-x ** 2)) ,(x,0,a))

In [ ]: #Find the area of the cardioid r = a(1 + cosθ) by double integration

from sympy import *
r = Symbol ('r')
t = Symbol ('t')
a = Symbol ('a')
w3 = 2* integrate (r ,(r,0,a*(1+cos (t))) ,(t,0,pi))

In [ ]: #Find the volume of the tetrahedron bounded by the planes x=0,y=0 and z=0, x/a+y/b+z/c = 1
from sympy import *
x = Symbol ('x')
y = Symbol ('y')
z = Symbol ('z')
a = Symbol ('a')
b = Symbol ('b')
c = Symbol ('c')
w2 = integrate (1 ,(z,0,c*(1-x/a-y/b)) ,(y,0,b*(1-x/a)) ,(x,0,a))

#Find the center of gravity of cardioid . Plot the graph of cardioid and mark the center of gravity.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
import math
from sympy import *
r = Symbol ('r')
t = Symbol ('t')
a = Symbol ('a')
I1 = integrate (cos (t)*r ** 2 ,(r,0,a*(1+cos (t))) ,(t,-pi ,pi))
I2 = integrate (r ,(r,0,a*(1+cos (t))) ,(t,-pi ,pi))
I = I1/I2
print (I)
I = I.subs (a,5)
plt.axes ( projection = 'polar')
a = 5
rad = np.arange (0, (2 * np.pi), 0.01)
for i in rad :
r = a + (a*np.cos(i))
plt.polar (i,r,'g.')
plt.polar (0,I,'r.')
plt.show ()

LAB 7: Evaluation of improper integrals, Beta and Gamma functions

In [ ]: from sympy import *
x= symbols ('x')
w1= integrate (exp (-x) ,(x,0, float ('inf ')))
display(simplify (w1))

In [ ]: #Evaluate Γ(5) by using definition

from sympy import *
x = symbols ('x')
w1 = integrate (exp (-x)*x ** 4 ,(x,0, float ('inf ')))
display(simplify (w1))

In [ ]: from sympy import *

t,s= symbols ('t,s')
w1= integrate (exp (-s*t)*cos (4*t) ,(t,0,oo))
display(simplify (w1))

In [ ]: #Find Beta(3,5), Gamma(5)

from sympy import beta , gamma
m= input ('m :');
n= input ('n :');
m= float (m);
n= float (n);
s= beta (m,n);
t= gamma (n)
print('gamma (',n,') is %3.3f '%t)
print('Beta (',m,n,') is %3.3f '%s)

In [ ]: #Calculate Beta(5/2,7/2) and Gamma(5/2).

from sympy import beta , gamma
m= float ( input ('m : '));
n= float ( input ('n :'));
s= beta (m,n);
t= gamma (n)
print('gamma (',n,') is %3.3f '%t)
print('Beta (',m,n,') is %3.3f '%s)

In [ ]: #Verify that Beta(m, n) = Gamma(m)Gamma(n)/Gamma(m + n) for m=5 and n=7

from sympy import beta , gamma
m = 5;
n = 7;
m = float (m);
n = float (n);
s = beta (m,n);
t = ( gamma (m)* gamma (n))/ gamma (m+n);
print (s,t)
if (abs (s-t)<=0.00001):
print ('beta and gamma are related ')
else :
print ('given values are wrong ')


LAB 6: Solution of second order ordinary differential equation and

plotting the solution curve
In [ ]: #Solve: y′′ − 5y′ + 6y = cos(4x).
from sympy import *
x= Symbol ('x')
y= Function ("y")(x)
C1 ,C2= symbols ('C1 ,C2 ')
y1= Derivative (y,x)
y2= Derivative (y1 ,x)
print (" Differential Equation :\n")
diff1 =Eq(y2-5*y1+6*y-cos(4*x),0)
display ( diff1 )
print ("\n\n General solution : \n")
z = dsolve ( diff1 )
display (z)
PS = z.subs ({C1:1,C2:2})
print ("\n\n Particular Solution :\n")
In [ ]: #Plot the solution curve (particular solution) of the above differential equation.
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
x1 = np.linspace (0,2, 1000 )
y1 = 2*np.exp (3*x1+np.exp (2*x1)-np.sin (4*x1)/25-np.cos (4*x1)/50)
plt.plot(x1 ,y1)
plt.title(" Solution curve ")

In [ ]: #Plot the solution curves of y′′ + 2y′ + 2y = cos(2x), y(0) = 0, y′(0) = 0

import numpy as np
from scipy . integrate import odeint
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
def dU_dx (U, x):
return [U[1], -2*U[1] - 2*U[0] + np.cos (2*x)]
U0 = [0, 0]
xs = np. linspace (0, 10 , 200 )
Us = odeint (dU_dx , U0 , xs)
ys = Us[:,0]
ys1 = Us[:,1]
plt.title(" Solution curves ")
plt.plot(xs ,ys , label ='y');
plt.plot(xs ,ys1 , label ='z');

In [ ]: #Solve: 3d2x/dt2 + 2dx/dt − 2x = cos(2x) with x(0) = 0; x′(0) = 0 and plot the solution curve.
import numpy as np
from scipy . integrate import odeint
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
def f(u,x):
return (u[1],-2*u[1]+2*u[0]+np.cos (2*x))
xs=np. linspace (1,10 ,200 )
us= odeint (f,y0 ,xs)
plt.plot(xs ,ys ,'r-')
plt.xlabel('t values ')
plt.ylabel('x values ')
plt.title('Solution curve ')

LAB 7: Solution of differential equation of oscillations of a spring with

various load
In [ ]: #Solve d2x/dt2 + 64x = 0, x(0) = 1/4 , x′(0) = 1 and plot the solution curve.
import numpy as np
from scipy . integrate import odeint
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
def f(u,x):
return (u[1],-64*u[0])
xs=np. linspace (0,5,50)
us= odeint (f,y0 ,xs)
plt.plot(xs ,ys ,'r-')
plt.xlabel('Time ')
plt.ylabel('Amplitude ')
plt.title('Solution of free and undamed case ')

In [ ]: #Solve 9d2x/dt2 + 2dx/dt + 1.2x = 0, x(0) = 1.5, x′(0) = 2.5 and plot the solution curve.
import numpy as np
from scipy . integrate import odeint
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
def f(u,x):
return (u[1],-(1/9)*(1.2*u[1]+2*u[0]))
y0 = [2.5,1.5]
xs = np.linspace (0,20*np.pi , 2000 )
us = odeint (f,y0 ,xs)
print (us)
plt.plot (xs ,ys ,'r-')
plt.xlabel('Time ')
plt.ylabel('Amplitude ')
plt.title('Solution of free and damped case ')

LAB 8: Numerical solution of system of equations, test for consistency

and graphical representation of the solution.
#Solution for the system of linear equations
#Check whether the following system of homogenous linear equation has non-trivial solution.
#x1 + 2x2 − x3 = 0, 2x1 + x2 + 4x3 = 0, 3x1 + 3x2 + 4x3 = 0.
import numpy as np
A = np.matrix([[1,2,-1],[2,1,4],[3,3,4]])
B = np.matrix([[0],[0],[0]])
r = np.linalg.matrix_rank(A)
n = A.shape[1]
print (" System has trivial solution ")
print (" System has", n-r, "non - trivial solution (s)")

In [ ]: #Check whether the following system of homogenous linear equation has non-trivial solution.
#x1 + 2x2 − x3 = 0, 2x1 + x2 + 4x3 = 0, x1 − x2 + 5x3 = 0.
import numpy as np
A = np.matrix ([[1,2,-1],[2,1,4],[1,-1,5]])
B = np.matrix ([[0],[0],[0]])
r = np.linalg.matrix_rank(A)
n = A.shape[1]
print(" System has trivial solution ")
print(" System has", n-r, "non - trivial solution (s)")


#Examine the consistency of the following system of equations and solve if consistent.
#x1 + 2x2 − x3 = 1, 2x1 + x2 + 4x3 = 2, 3x1 + 3x2 + 4x3 = 1.
A = np.matrix ([[1,2,-1],[2,1,4],[3,3,4]])
B = np.matrix ([[1],[2],[1]])
AB = np.concatenate((A,B), axis =1)
rA = np.linalg.matrix_rank(A)
rAB = np. linalg.matrix_rank(AB)
if(rA == rAB ):
if(rA == n):
print("The system has unique solution ")
print(np. linalg . solve (A,B))
print("The system has infinitely many solutions ")
print("The system of equations is inconsistent ")

In [ ]: #Examine the consistency of the following system of equations and solve if consistent.
#x1 + 2x2 − x3 = 1, 2x1 + x2 + 5x3 = 2, 3x1 + 3x2 + 4x3 = 1.
A = np.matrix([[1,2,-1],[2,1,5],[3,3,4]])
B = np.matrix([[1],[2],[1]])
AB = np.concatenate((A,B), axis =1)
rA = np.linalg.matrix_rank (A)
rAB =np.linalg.matrix_rank (AB)
n=A.shape [1]
if (rA==rAB ):
if (rA==n):
print ("The system has unique solution ")
print (np. linalg . solve (A,B))
print ("The system has infinitely many solutions ")
else :
print ("The system of equations is inconsistent ")


import sympy as sp
x, y, z = sp.symbols('x y z')
A = sp.Matrix ([[1,2,-1],[2,1,5],[3,3,4]])
B = sp.Matrix ([[1],[2],[1]])
AB = A.col_insert (A.shape [1],B)
rA = A.rank()
rAB = AB.rank()
n = A.shape [1]
print ("The coefficient matrix is")
sp. pprint (A)
print (f"The rank of the coefficient matrix is {rA}")
print ("The augmented matrix is")
sp. pprint (AB)
print (f"The rank of the augmented matrix is {rAB}")
print (f"The number of unkowns are {n}")
if (rA == rAB):
if (rA == n):
print ("The system has unique solution ")
print ("The system has infinitely many solutions ")
print (sp. solve_linear_system (AB ,x,y,z))
print ("The system of equations is inconsistent ")


#Obain the solution of 3x + 5y = 1; x + y = 1 graphically.
from sympy import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
x,y= symbols ('x,y')
sol = solve ([3*x+5*y-1,x+y-1],[x,y])
print ('Point of intersection is A (', p ,',', q, ')\n')
x = np.arange (-10 , 10 , 0.001)
y1 = (1-3*x)/5
y2 = 1-x
plt.plot (x,y1 ,x,y2)
plt.plot (p,q, marker = 'o')
plt.annotate ('A', xy=(p,q), xytext =(p+0.5, q))
plt.xlim (-5,7)
plt.ylim (-7,7)
plt.axhline (y=0)
plt.axvline (x=0)
plt.title ("$3x+5y=1; x+y=1$")
plt.xlabel (" Values of x")
plt.ylabel (" Values of y ")
plt.legend (['$3x+5y=1$ ', '$x+y=1$ '])
plt.grid ()
plt.show ()

In [ ]: #Obtain the solution of 2x + y = 7; 3x − y = 3 graphically.

from sympy import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
x,y= symbols ('x,y')
sol = solve ([2*x+y-7,3*x-y-3],[x,y])
p = sol[x]
q = sol[y]
print('Point of intersection is A (', p ,',', q, ')\n' )
x = np.arange (-10 , 10 , 0.001)
y1 = 7-2*x
y2 = 3*x-3
plt.plot (x,y1 ,'r')
plt.plot (x,y2 ,'g')
plt.plot (p,q, marker = 'o')
plt.annotate ('A', xy=(p,q), xytext =(p+0.5, q))
plt.xlim (-5,7)
plt.ylim (-7,7)
plt.axhline (y=0)
plt.axvline (x=0)
plt.title ("$2x+y=7; 3x -y=3$")
plt.xlabel (" Values of x")
plt.ylabel (" Values of y ")
plt.legend (['$2x+y=7$ ', '$3x -y-3$ '])
plt.grid ()
plt.show ()

LAB 9: Solution of system of linear equations by Gauss-Seidel method.

In [ ]: #Solve the system of equations using Gauss-Seidel method: 20x+y−2z = 17; 3x+20y−z =−18; 2x − 3y + 20z = 25.
f1 = lambda x,y,z: (17-y+2*z)/20
f2 = lambda x,y,z: (-18-3*x+z)/20
f3 = lambda x,y,z: (25-2*x+3*y)/20
x0 = 0
y0 = 0
z0 = 0
count = 1
e = float ( input ('Enter tolerable error : '))
print ('\n Count \tx\ty\tz\n')
condition = True
while condition :
x1 = f1(x0 ,y0 ,z0)
y1 = f2(x1 ,y0 ,z0)
z1 = f3(x1 ,y1 ,z0)
print ('%d\t%0.4f\t%0.4f\t%0.4f\n' %(count , x1 ,y1 ,z1))
e1 = abs(x0-x1);
e2 = abs(y0-y1);
e3 = abs(z0-z1);
count += 1
x0 = x1
y0 = y1
z0 = z1
condition = e1>e and e2>e and e3>e
print ('\n Solution : x= %0.3f , y= %0.3f and z = %0.3f\n'% (x1 ,y1 ,z1))

In [ ]: #Solve x+2y−z = 3; 3x−y+2z = 1; 2x−2y+6z = 2 by Gauss-Seidel Iteration method.

f1 = lambda x,y,z: (1+y-2*z)/3
f2 = lambda x,y,z: (3-x+z)/2
f3 = lambda x,y,z: (2-2*x+2*y)/6
x0 ,y0 ,z0 = 0,0,0
e = float ( input ('Enter tolerable error : '))
print ('\n Iteration \t x\t y\t z\n')
for i in range (0,25):
x1 = f1(x0 ,y0 ,z0)
y1 = f2(x1 ,y0 ,z0)
z1 = f3(x1 ,y1 ,z0)
print ('%d\t%0.4f\t%0.4f\t%0.4f\n' %(i, x1 ,y1 ,z1))
e1 = abs(x0-x1);
e2 = abs(y0-y1);
e3 = abs(z0-z1);
x0 = x1
y0 = y1
z0 = z1
if e1>e and e2>e and e3>e:
print('\n Solution : x = %0.3f , y = %0.3f and z = %0.3f\n'% (x1 ,y1 ,z1))

In [ ]: from numpy import *

def seidel (a, x ,b):
n = len(a)
for j in range (0, n):
d = b[j]
for i in range (0, n):
if(j != i):
d=d-a[j][i] * x[i]
x[j] = d / a[j][j]
return x
a= array ([[20.0,1.0,-2.0],[ 3.0,20.0,-1.0],[2.0,-3.0,20.0]])
x= array ([[0.0],[0.0],[0.0]])
b= array ([[17.0],[-18.0],[25.0]])
for i in range (0, 25):
x = seidel (a, x, b)
print (x)

In [25]: #Solve the system of equations 10x + y + z = 12; x + 10y + z = 12; x + y + 10z = 12 by Gauss-Seidel method.
from numpy import *
import sys
def seidel (a, x ,b):
n = len(a)
for j in range (0, n):
d = b[j]
for i in range (0, n):
if(j != i):
d=d-a[j][i] * x[i]
x[j] = d/a[j][j]
return x
a = array ([[10.0,1.0,1.0],[ 1.0,10.0,1.0],[1.0,1.0,10.0]])
x = array ([[1.0],[0.0],[0.0]])
b= array ([[12.0],[12.0],[12.0]])
for i in range (0,len (a)):
asum =0
for j in range (0,len(a)):
if (i!=j):
asum = asum + abs(a[i][j])
if(asum <=a[i][i]):
sys.exit ("The system is not diagonally dominant ")
for i in range (0, 25):
x = seidel (a, x, b)
print (x)
# Note here that the inputs if float gives the output in float .

[[1. ]
[0. ]

In [ ]: #Apply Gauss-Siedel method to solve the system of equations: 5x−y−z = −3; x−5y+z =−9; 2x + y − 4z = −15.
import numpy as np
from scipy . linalg import solve
def gauss (A, b, x, n):
L = np. tril (A)
U = A - L
for i in range (n):
xnew = np.dot (np. linalg .inv (L), b - np.dot (U, x))
x= xnew
print (x)
return x
''' ___MAIN___ '''
A = np.array ([[5.0, -1.0, -1.0], [1.0, -5.0, 1.0], [2.0, 1.0, -4.0]])
b = [-3.0,-9.0,-15.0]
x = [1, 0, 1]
n = 20
gauss(A, b, x, n)
solve(A, b)

LAB 10: Compute eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors. Find

dominant and corresponding eigenvector by Rayliegh power method.
In [ ]: #Obtain the eigen values and eigen vectors for the given matrix.
'''4 3 2
1 4 1
3 10 4'''
import numpy as np
I = np.array ([[4,3,2],[1,4,1],[3,10 ,4]])
print ("\n Given matrix : \n", I)
w,v = np.linalg.eig (I)
print ("\n Eigen values : \n", w)
print ("\n Eigen vectors : \n", v)
print (" Eigen value :\n ", w[0])
print ("\n Corresponding Eigen vector :", v[:,0])

In [ ]: #Obtain the eigen values and eigen vectors for the given matrix.
'''A =
1 −3 3
3 −5 3
6 −6 4'''
import numpy as np
I = np.array ([[1,-3,3],[3,-5,3],[6,-6,4]])
print ("\n Given matrix : \n", I)
w,v = np.linalg.eig (I)
print ("\n Eigen values : \n", w)
print ("\n Eigen vectors : \n", v)

In [ ]: '''RAYLEIGH POWER'''
#Compute the numerically largest eigenvalue of P =
'''6 −2 2
−2 3 −1
2 −1 3
by power method.'''
import numpy as np
def normalize(x):
fac = abs(x).max()
x_n = x / x.max()
return fac, x_n
x = np. array ([1, 1,1])
a = np. array ([[6,-2,2 ],
for i in range (10):
x = np.dot(a, x)
lambda_1 , x = normalize (x)
print ('Eigenvalue :', lambda_1 )
print (' Eigenvector :', x)

In [ ]: #Compute the numerically largest eigenvalue of P =

'''1 1 3
1 5 1
3 1 1
by power method.'''
import numpy as np
def normalize (x):
fac = abs(x).max()
x_n = x / x.max()
return fac , x_n
x = np. array ([1, 1,1])
a = np. array ([[1,1,3 ],
for i in range (10):
x = np.dot(a, x)
lambda_1 , x = normalize (x)
print ('Eigenvalue :', lambda_1 )
print (' Eigenvector :', x)

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