Gafco Carbon Filter
Gafco Carbon Filter
Gafco Carbon Filter
Carbon Filter
w w w. g a f - c o . c o m
Carbon impregnated panel filters provide both particulate filtration and assistance with low
non-critical odor filtration, the filters can be used to verify the effectiveness of carbon filters in
controlling odors in ventilation systems and exhaust fans.
Applications Used for gas purification of particulates and odors in residential, commercial, light chemical purification,
airports, schools and universities, office buildings, and shopping centers.
Usability Disposable.
Above are sample models, SatuCARB™ filters are available in a comprehensive range of standard and custom sizes.
Actual dimensions [ width x height ] are 5/8” smaller than nominal size unless otherwise requested.
Rated air flows are recorded at Standardized Conditions: 20 °C temperature and an absolute pressure of 101.325 kPa.
Plant 7397 , Street 141 , 2nd Industrial City
P.O.Box 355018 Riyadh 11383
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
GAFCO® has a policy of continuous research and development, design and specifi-
cations may be improved without notice.
© 2017 GAFCO®