Human Anatomy and Physiology, Global Edition - (Cover)
Human Anatomy and Physiology, Global Edition - (Cover)
Human Anatomy and Physiology, Global Edition - (Cover)
For these Global Editions, the editorial team at Pearson has Human Anatomy &
collaborated with educators across the world to address a wide range
of subjects and requirements, equipping students with the best possible Physiology
and adaptation from the North American version.
Erin C. Amerman
time art with
Big Picture figures
help you focus on
key concepts
Amerman, E. (2018). Human anatomy and physiology, global edition. Pearson Education, Limited.
Created from utas on 2024-03-25 07:24:53.
NEW! Building Vocabulary activities —
PhysioEx Activities ✓
Bone and Dissection Videos ✓
Instructor Resources:
Active-Learning Workbook
(in Microsoft Word and PDF) and more ✓
— Author podcasts and more
Amerman, E. (2018). Human anatomy and physiology, global edition. Pearson Education, Limited.
Created from utas on 2024-03-25 07:24:53.
Amerman, E. (2018). Human anatomy and physiology, global edition. Pearson Education, Limited.
Created from utas on 2024-03-25 07:24:53.
When Erin Amerman decided to write her own textbook, her mission was clear: to write a textbook that her
students could read and learn from; a book that would speak to the way today’s diverse students learn and
study. With the overwhelmingly positive response to the first edition, it was clear that Amerman’s approach
resonated with both instructors and students. They singled out three aspects of Amerman’s approach that were
particularly effective:
One-concept-at-a-time art
Informed by the latest research on cognitive science, Amerman reduces cognitive load by chunking
information and visually unpacking art one-concept-at-a-time. She then pulls all the information
together in Big Picture figures that help students see how the distinct parts work as a whole.
Amerman, E. (2018). Human anatomy and physiology, global edition. Pearson Education, Limited.
Created from utas on 2024-03-25 07:24:53.
Core Principles
In Chapter 1, Amerman introduces four core principles and then highlights them throughout the textbook
to remind students of the overall theme of human anatomy and physiology—homeostasis—and show how
the core principles revolve around maintaining it.
Feedback Loops
Cell-Cell Communication
Copyright © 2018. Pearson Education, Limited. All rights reserved.
Concept Boosts
In her classroom, Amerman gives her students extra
coaching in advance of those tough-to-understand
concepts, right when they need it, and she has built
that same strategy into her textbook. She anticipates
where students will need extra help and then provides
just-in-time coaching via Concept Boosts. Each
Concept Boost focuses on tough-to-understand or
tricky concepts.
Amerman, E. (2018). Human anatomy and physiology, global edition. Pearson Education, Limited.
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Active-Learning Workbook
This workbook written by Amerman
helps engage the kinesthetic learner with
labeling, drawing, and build-your-own-
summary-table exercises that students
can complete as they read the textbook.
Available in the Study Area of Mastering
A&P and as editable Word files in the
Instructor Resources in Mastering A&P.
One-concept-at-a-time art
Drawing from her experience in the classroom and the latest research in cognitive science,
Amerman reduces cognitive overload by visually unpacking key information using one-
concept-at-a-time art and Big Picture figure visual summaries.
Amerman, E. (2018). Human anatomy and physiology, global edition. Pearson Education, Limited.
Created from utas on 2024-03-25 07:24:53.
Amerman, E. (2018). Human anatomy and physiology, global edition. Pearson Education, Limited.
Created from utas on 2024-03-25 07:24:53.
Before Class
Pre-Class Reading Quizzes help students pinpoint
concepts that they understand and concepts that they
need to review.
During Class
NEW! Ready-to-Go Teaching Modules provide
teaching strategies on tough topics in A&P.
After Class
Hundreds of self-paced tutorials and coaching
activities provide students with individualized
coaching with specific hints and feedback on the
toughest topics in the course.
Copyright © 2018. Pearson Education, Limited. All rights reserved.
Amerman, E. (2018). Human anatomy and physiology, global edition. Pearson Education, Limited.
Created from utas on 2024-03-25 07:24:53.
Amerman, E. (2018). Human anatomy and physiology, global edition. Pearson Education, Limited.
Created from utas on 2024-03-25 07:24:53.
EXPANDED! 5 The Big Picture Animation Coaching Activities (for a total of 10) in Mastering A&P
animate key figures from the Amerman textbook, using the same terminology and explanations found in the
book, and help students visualize key processes and reinforce the main ideas behind the process. New Big
Picture animations include:
Amerman, E. (2018). Human anatomy and physiology, global edition. Pearson Education, Limited.
Created from utas on 2024-03-25 07:24:53.
Amerman, E. (2018). Human anatomy and physiology, global edition. Pearson Education, Limited.
Created from utas on 2024-03-25 07:24:53.
Mastering A&P offers thousands of tutorials, activities and questions that can be assigned for homework
and practice. Please see the first page of this book for a list of new media activity assignments and
resources available for students in the Mastering Study Area.
Other Resources
Human Anatomy & Physiology Active-Learning Workbook, 2/e
Laboratory Manual: Making by Erin C. Amerman
Connections, 2/e 0-13-475750-5 / 978-0-13-475750-6
By Catharine C. Whiting
Cat: 0-13-460911-5 / 978-0-13-460911-9
Main: 0-13-474643-0 / 978-0-13-474643-2 Get Ready for A&P, 3/e
Pig: 0-13-474645-7 / 978-0-13-474645-6 by Lori K. Garrett
Copyright © 2018. Pearson Education, Limited. All rights reserved.
0-32-181336-7 / 978-0-32-181336-7
Amerman, E. (2018). Human anatomy and physiology, global edition. Pearson Education, Limited.
Created from utas on 2024-03-25 07:24:53.