GPISH Course
GPISH Course
GPISH Course
The fast growth of network scale towards 6G and the
stringent performance requirements of diverse use cases call for
innovative tools and platforms. The unique capabilities of
DTNs make them a powerful technology for the design,
analysis, diagnosis, simulation, and control of 6G wireless
networks. In this article, we have provided an overview of
DTNs for 6G and presented a real-world example to illustrate
how DTNs can be built and operated in Omniverse. The
innovations and applications of DT technology in wireless
Figure 4: An example of building digital twins with Omniverse. networks are as vast as the imagination. It will be exciting to
see how DT technology will improve lives and transform
billion record datasets, has recently started building HeavyRF, industries on the path to 6G and beyond.
a network DT application in Omniverse [15].
As illustrated in Fig. 4, HeavyRF integrates Omniverse with
the HeavyDB structured query language (SQL) backend,
leveraging the latter for real-time processing of lidar and other [1] F. Tao, H. Zhang, A. Liu and A. Y. C. Nee, “Digital Twin in
Industry: State-of-the-Art,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial
terrain data, as well as executing ray-traced RF propagation
Informatics, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 2405-2415, April 2019.
simulation itself. Accurate 5G and 6G network planning [2] X. Lin et al., “5G New Radio: Unveiling the Essentials of the
requires simulation to be performed on unprecedentedly high- Next Generation Wireless Access Technology,” IEEE
resolution terrain data, due to the higher transmitter densities Communications Standards Magazine, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 30-37,
required as well as the high degree of clutter attenuation Sep. 2019.
associated with the use of higher transmission frequencies. [3] W. Saad, M. Bennis and M. Chen, “A Vision of 6G Wireless
HeavyRF can run real-time RF simulations on lidar data at Systems: Applications, Trends, Technologies, and Open
resolutions as granular as 10 cm, which are two orders-of- Research Problems,” IEEE Network, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 134-142,
magnitude higher than the common 10 m plus resolutions used May/June 2020.
[4] H. X. Nguyen, R. Trestian, D. To and M. Tatipamula, “Digital
by conventional RF planning solutions for 4G networks,
Twin for 5G and Beyond,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol.
creating true-to-life representations of the physical landscape 59, no. 2, pp. 10-15, February 2021.
that a telco operates in. In addition, it can incorporate building- [5] L. U. Khan, W. Saad, D. Niyato, Z. Han and C. S. Hong, “Digital-
level customer and demographic information to tie the results Twin-Enabled 6G: Vision, Architectural Trends, and Future
of network simulation with an operator’s key business drivers. Directions,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 60, no. 1, pp.
The simulation itself is run directly in the HeavyDB database 74-80, January 2022.
using the construct of an SQL table function that takes as inputs [6] Y. Wu, K. Zhang and Y. Zhang, “Digital Twin Networks: A
subqueries representing the terrain, transmitter, and building Survey,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 18, pp.
data, avoiding the overhead that would otherwise be associated 13789-13804, 15 Sept.15, 2021.
[7] H. Ahmadi, A. Nag, Z. Khar, K. Sayrafian and S. Rahardja,
with moving these large datasets between servers/software
“Networked Twins and Twins of Networks: An Overview on the
platforms. The use of SQL to orchestrate the simulation also Relationship Between Digital Twins and 6G,” IEEE
makes it easy to perform inline extract, load, and transform on Communications Standards Magazine, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 154-160,
the input data and various enrichment operations on the December 2021.
simulation output, such as joining the terrain locations and [8] ITU-R, “Future Technology Trends of Terrestrial IMT Systems
simulated signal strengths to building polygons to measure the Towards 2030 and Beyond,” preliminary draft new report, June
minimum, maximum, and average signal power received for 2022.
each building, as well as capture the principal towers serving [9] ITU-T, “Digital Twin Network – Requirements and
each building. HeavyRF optimizes communication between Architecture,” Recommendation ITU-T Y.3090, Feb. 2022.
[10] IEEE, “Specification of Sensor Interface for Cyber and Physical
HeavyDB and Omniverse to provide a real-time capability to
World,” IEEE P2888.1. [Online]. Available:
manipulate network parameters such as tower locations, Accessed on Nov.
antenna gain and transmissions frequency and then visualize the 21, 2022.
results in full 3D. Figure 5 provides a visualization of HeavyRF [11] NVIDIA, “Digital Twins with Omniverse Platform,” [Online].
for network planning and operation. Users can place new Available:
towers or change the parameters of existing towers, and see the us/omniverse/solutions/digital-twins/. Accessed on Nov. 21,
resultant changes in simulated RF signal across the scene’s 2022.
terrain, as well as rolled up to the building level and tied to key [12] X. Lin, L. Kundu, C. Dick, and S. Velayutham, “Embracing AI in
customer metrics. 5G-Advanced Towards 6G: A Joint 3GPP and O-RAN
Perspective,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.04987, Sep. 2022.
In summary, Omniverse is a powerful platform for delivering
Accessed on Nov. 21, 2022.
DT solutions. As more and more innovative DT applications are
built in Omniverse, we anticipate that it will be a game changer
This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which 7
this version may no longer be accessible.
Figure 5: A visualization of HeavyRF built with Omniverse for network planning and operation.
[13] T. Müller, A. Evans, C. Schied and A. Keller, “Instant Neural
Graphics Primitives with a Multiresolution Hash
Encoding,” ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol. 41, no. 4, pp.
1-15, Jul. 2022.
[14] Ericsson, “Next-generation Simulation Technology to
Accelerate the 5G Journey,” [Online]. Available:
omniverse-platform. Accessed on Nov. 21, 2022.
[15] NVIDIA, “HEAVY.AI Delivers Digital Twin for Telco
Network Planning and Operations Based on NVIDIA
Omniverse,” [Online]. Available:
omniverse/. Accessed on Nov. 21, 2022.
Xingqin Lin is a Senior 3GPP Standards Engineer at NVIDIA.
Lopamudra Kundu is a Senior Standards Engineer at
Chris Dick is a Wireless Architect at NVIDIA.
Emeka Obiodu is a Global Marketing Manager at NVIDIA.
Todd Mostak is the CTO and co-founder of HEAVY.AI.