Epidemiologia Comunitaria

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Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 101(3), 2019, pp.

Copyright © 2019 by The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Community Epidemiology Approach to Parasitic Infection Screening in a Remote Community

in Ecuador
Mariella Anselmi,1,2 Angel Guevara,3 Yosselin Vicuña,3 Sandra Vivero,3 Rosanna Prandi,1 Cintia Caicedo,1 Monica Marquez,1
Zeno Bisoffi,2,4 and Dora Buonfrate2*
Centro de Epidemiologia Comunitaria y Medicina Tropical (CECOMET), Esmeraldas, Ecuador; 2Centre for Tropical Diseases, IRCCS Sacro Cuore
Don Calabria Hospital, Verona, Italy; 3Carrera de Medicina, Instituto de Biomedicina, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador; 4Infectious
Diseases and Tropical Medicine Section, Diagnostic and Public Health Department, University of Verona, Verona, Italy

Abstract. The Awa indigenous people of Ecuador live in remote areas and were included in health programs only
recently. The first screening for parasitic infections in the Awa communities was implemented in the context of community
epidemiology. During the site visits in each community, the health-care staff collected the samples for stool microscopy
and serology for Strongyloides. A total of 705 individuals consented for the study, representing 40% of the Awa population
living in the targeted communities; 184 (26%) participants supplied a stool sample. Giardia intestinalis was found in about
11% of samples. Prevalence of Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura was 54.9% and 36.9%, respectively. No
hookworm eggs were found. In addition, Strongyloides stercoralis larvae were found in eight individuals (4.3%), whereas
serology was positive in 22.7% of the individuals tested. The community-based approach resulted in an impressive
participation. There was a high prevalence of parasites associated with relevant morbidity.

The Awa indigenous people of Ecuador have long been The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee
excluded from health programs and activities implemented by of the Central University of Ecuador on the November 22,
the public health system, as they live very isolated in the 2013. Preliminarily to the survey, an intensification of educa-
rainforest.1 Since 2004, Centro de Epidemiologı́a Comunitaria tional activities focusing on the targeted parasites was con-
y Medicina Tropical (CECOMET, center for community epi- ducted. All individuals who gave informed, written consent
demiology and tropical medicine, an institution of the apos- (parents’ or guardians’ consent, in case of children) were in-
tolic vicariate of Esmeraldas, active in the Borbon District cluded in the study. For each participant, CECOMET staff
since 1996) has collaborated with the primary health-care collected the blood samples during the site visits in each
services in San Lorenzo health district, with a special focus on community. The samples were centrifuged in loco, and then
community epidemiology.2 On request from the Federation of transported to the laboratory of Biomedicine of the Cen-
the Awa communities of Ecuador (Federacion de Centros Awa tral University of Ecuador, where they were tested with two
del Ecuador [FCAE]), in 2005/2006, public health teams visited different ELISA assays (Chagas test and BiosChile) for
the remote communities for the first time and started the Chagas disease and with an ELISA assay for Strongyloides
training of the community health workers (CHWs). Currently, in
each community, there are one or two CHWs who monitor risk
groups and record births and deaths. In five communities,
there is a primary care center, and each community refers to a
health center with a team composed by a doctor, a nurse, an
obstetrician, and a dentist. The communities are visited by this
team four to five times a year. Albendazole is distributed to
preschool and school-age children at least twice a year. Also,
adults are often treated with albendazole during the site visits,
although not in the context of specific interventions.
The identification of some triatomines, collected by the
community, positive for Trypanosoma cruzi, triggered a
discussion process at the community level with the aid of
the leaders of the FCAE about this “unknown and dan-
gerous disease” for the population, a process that led, after
1 year of discussion, to the collective and shared decision
to define the magnitude of the problem through a sero-
logical survey (the preliminary results were published
previously3). The discussion process progressively in-
cluded also other conditions (such as anemia, diarrhea,
and itching), possibly associated with other parasitic in-
fections. The aim of this survey was to investigate the
prevalence of parasitic infections in the communities.

* Address correspondence to Dora Buonfrate, Centre for Tropical

Diseases, IRCCS Sacro Cuore Don Calabria Hospital, Via Sempreboni
5, Negrar, Verona 37024, Italy. E-mail: dora.buonfrate@sacrocuore.it FIGURE 1. Flow of individuals included in the study.


Prevalence of soil-transmitted helminths by age group and gender
T. trichiura ova A. lumbricoides ova Strongyloides stercoralis larvae in stool Positive Strongyloides serology
Age group positive/tested (n%) positive/tested (n%) positive/tested (n%) positive/tested (n%)

Adults 26/98 (26.5) 51/98 (52) 2/98 (2) 117/371 (31.4)

Male 7/57 (12.3) 19/57 (33.3) 0 63/160 (39.4)
Female 19/41 (46.3) 32/41 (78) 2/41 (4.9) 54/211 (25.6)
Children 42/86 (48.8) 50/86 (58.1) 6/86 (7) 43/334 (12.9)
Male 14/35 (40) 20/35 (57.1) 2/35 (5.7) 19/152 (12.5)
Female 28/41 (68.3) 30/41 (73.2) 4/41 (9.7) 24/182 (13.2)

(Strongyloides ELISA, Bordier Affinity Products SA). All tests and with the staff of the health district. Statistical analysis was
were performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. performed using Epi Info ed 7 (CDC, Atlanta, GA). The results
Given that the cutoff value for positive results differs between were reported as frequencies and proportions.
runs in the Strongyloides kit, for the study purpose, the results The screening activities were conducted in most commu-
of this test were reported as normalized optical density (nOD), nities between 2014 and 2015. Two communities, La Union
calculated as the OD to the cutoff ratio. Based on a previous and Rı́o Bogotá, were screened also in 2017. At the time of the
diagnostic study, nOD ³ 1 was considered positive. screening, the population of the six communities comprised
Moreover, each individual was asked to supply one fecal 1764 people (858 women and 906 men), of whom 925 were
sample. Centro de Epidemiologı́a Comunitaria y Medicina younger than 18 years. Family units were 319. Individuals
Tropical staff collected the feces in formol-ether 10%, for giving their consent to the study were 705, representing 40%
microscopy examination according to a modified Ritchie’s of the whole Awa population living in the targeted communi-
technique, which was performed at the laboratory of Bio- ties (Figure 1). Children (< 18 years of age) were 334 (47% of
medicine of the Central University of Ecuador. participants). Family units screened were 217, representing
Each participant received a written copy of the results of his/ 68% of the existing units. Females were 393 (55.7%), males
her laboratory tests, and all subjects found positive at a given 312. Of the 184 people providing a stool sample, 108 (58.7%)
pathogen were treated according to the best practice. The were females and 86 (46.7%) were children. Twenty-nine in-
results of the survey were commented by CECOMET staff with dividuals (15.8%) had a negative result. The most prevalent
the CHW of each community, with the leaders of the FCAE, protozoa found were Entamoeba histolytica/dispar (86/184

FIGURE 2. Study area. This figure appears in color at www.ajtmh.org.


positive samples, 46.7%), Entamoeba coli (70/184, 38%), and with larvae in feces (and 7% of children) are by no mean a
Giardia intestinalis (20/184 samples, 10.9%). The Entamoeba negligible finding. Obviously, serology (i.e., the most sen-
histolytica/dispar samples were further analyzed by real-time sitive technique for S. stercoralis) found a higher proportion
PCR in the context of another study, and they all resulted of positive individuals (about 23%), although some false-
E. dispar.4 Stool examination showed a high prevalence of positive results are possible. However, a previous di-
soil-transmitted helminths (STH): 62.5% (115 of 184). In par- agnostic study demonstrated that cross-reactions are
ticular, A. lumbricoides was the STH with the highest preva- limited.10
lence (101 individuals infected, 54.9% of people tested with The STH can be responsible for significant morbidity, par-
stool microscopy), followed by T. trichiura (68 individuals, ticularly in children, who were the most affected.11 Moreover,
36.9%). No hookworm eggs were found. Table 1 reports the strongyloidiasis can be life-threatening in immunocompro-
distribution of positive results for STH (Figure 2). mised people.12 Besides albendazole (that has minimal effi-
In addition, Strongyloides stercoralis larvae were found in cacy against S. stercoralis13), other control measures would
eight individuals (4.3%). Individuals testing positive to be needed. For instance, availability of ivermectin would have
Strongyloides ELISA were 160 (22.7%), of whom three had an impact on the prevalence of strongyloidiasis and, probably,
larvae in stool (Table 1). of T. trichiura infection (the combination of albendazole and
The preliminary results of the screening for T. cruzi have ivermectin resulting in higher efficacy against this helminth).14
been reported previously.3 Community health worker and FCAE promoted the use of la-
The first observation relates to the striking participation of trines and sought funds to provide them to requesting
the Awa population, who massively participated in the first households.
parasitic infection survey they were ever offered: 40% of the
total Awa population (and 68% of the family units). These re- Received March 5, 2019. Accepted for publication June 6, 2019.
sults support the benefit of the community epidemiology ap- Published online July 22, 2019.
proach, which entails a deep involvement of the community in
Acknowledgments: We wish to thank all of the health workers who
the decisional process. Indeed, this approach permitted to made this work possible: Brigilio Pai, Julio Pascal, Santiago Can-
achieve impressive results in programs aimed at the control tincuz, Milton Pascal, Norman Pascal, Jairo Pascal, Felipe Cuajiboy,
and even elimination of relevant parasitic infections in Ecuador Norberto Nastacuaz, and Gilberto Taicuz. We also thank Humberto
and other settings.5–7 Pascal, FCAE community leader, for his commitment to the program.
Although all participants accepted the blood sampling, a Financial support: This work was partly supported by the Italian Min-
lower proportion (26%) supplied a stool sample. Probably, in istry of Health “Fondi Ricerca Corrente - Linea 3, progetto 8” to IRCCS
most cases, this was due to cultural barriers, but it should also Sacro Cuore Don Calabria Hospital.
be considered that individuals living far from the main village Authors’ addresses: Mariella Anselmi, Rosanna Prandi, Cintia Cai-
presumably had difficulties in heading out on the long journey cedo, and Monica Marquez, Centro de Epidemiologia Comunitaria y
Medicina Tropical (CECOMET), Esmeraldas, Ecuador, E-mails:
once again, a few days after the bleeding, to provide the stool mariella.anselmi@alice.it, rosannaprandi@cecomet.org, cintiacaicedo@
sample. However, it must be considered that this was the very cecomet.org, and monicamarquez@cecomet.org. Angel Guevara,
first time that this indigenous community supplied fecal Yosselin Vicuña, and Sandra Vivero, Instituto de Biomedicina, Uni-
samples; previous attempts to obtain stools for parasitologi- versidad Central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador, E-mails: agguevara@
cal examinations, even from children with diarrhea, were un- uce.edu.ec, yossvi@gmail.com, and sgvivero@uce.edu.ec. Zeno
Bisoffi and Dora Buonfrate, Department of Infectious–Tropical Dis-
successful. Therefore, in this context, the number of individuals eases and Microbiology, IRCCS Sacro Cuore Don Calabria Hospital,
supplying a stool sample can be considered exceptionally Verona, Italy, E-mails: zeno.bisoffi@sacrocuore.it and dora.buonfrate@
high. sacrocuore.it.
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