2020 653 Moesm1 Esm

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Table 1. HEI, geographical area of location, weighting by HEI, total of students (S) and
lecturers/researchers (L/R) samples
Weight HEIs Total Sample Optimum
HEIs (%) Collected Sample Size *
ISCTE-Instituto U. Lisboa Metropolitan Area of Lisbon 16.67 13.1 118 77 109 70
U Açores Autonomous Region of Açores 5.29 6.6 48 39 35 30
U. Algarve Algarve 14.61 10.7 98 64 96 64
U. Beira Interior Centre 12.86 17.6 132 105 84 105
U. Évora Alentejo 12.16 13.8 88 82 80 83
U. Madeira Autonomous Region of Madeira 5.27 6,8 35 41 35 41
U. Minho North 33.14 31.4 219 179 217 173
Total 100 100 738 587 656 566
Key: S=Students; L/R=Lecturers/Researchers.
* The optimal sample size for collection at each participating HEI incorporated a confidence level of 99% and a
sampling error of 5% as proposed by Smith (2013).
Source: Own elaboration.
Table 2. T-Test of equivalence for average student online answers vs average classroom answers
Standard 95% Interval of
Sig. Average
Variables Z Sig. t df error of confidence in
(2 tails) difference
difference the difference
CH1 1.958 0.162 0.102 736 0.918 0.013 0.125 -0.233 0.258
CH2 0.905 0.342 0.106 736 0.915 0.014 0.134 -0.250 0.278
CH3 0.394 0.531 -1.737 736 0.083 -0.219 0.126 -0.466 0.029
CH4 0.098 0.754 1.143 736 0.253 0.165 0.144 -0.118 0.447
CH5 0.543 0.462 -0.052 736 0.958 -0.006 0.120 -0.242 0.229
CH6 0.106 0.745 -0.552 736 0.581 -0.067 0.121 -0.303 0.170
CH7 0.648 0.421 -1.292 736 0.197 -0.160 0.123 -0.402 0.083
CH8 1.915 0.167 -0.465 736 0.642 -0.082 0.177 -0.430 0.266
CH9 0.482 0.488 1.538 736 0.125 0.239 0.155 -0.066 0.544
CH10 0.365 0.549 -0.983 736 0.331 -0.335 0.341 -1.022 0.352
CH11 0.286 0.593 -0.216 736 0.829 -0.029 0.134 -0.292 0.234
CE1 2.372 0.124 1.045 736 0.297 0.149 0.143 -0.131 0.429
CE2 0.071 0.790 -1.657 736 0.098 -0.443 0.267 -0.968 0.082
CE3 0.524 0.470 -0.734 736 0.463 -0.197 0.268 -0.723 0.329
CE4 3.745 0.053 0.726 736 0.468 0.094 0.130 -0.161 0.349
CE5 2.273 0.132 -1.066 736 0.287 -0.150 0.141 -0.427 0.126
CE6 0.404 0.525 0.086 736 0.931 0.011 0.130 -0.244 0.267
CE7 4.231 0.040 2.029 736 0.043 0.235 0.116 0.008 0.461
CE8 0.099 0.753 1.168 736 0.243 0.141 0.121 -0.096 0.377
CE9 1.948 0.163 1.578 736 0.115 0.214 0.135 -0.052 0.480
CE10 0.298 0.585 0.302 736 0.763 0.034 0.113 -0.187 0.255
CE11 0.011 0.917 -0.422 736 0.673 -0.060 0.143 -0.341 0.220
CR1 0.803 0.371 -1.230 736 0.219 -0.170 0.138 -0.441 0.101
CR2 0.115 0.734 1.001 736 0.317 0.121 0.121 -0.116 0.358
CR3 0.300 0.584 0.464 736 0.643 0.054 0.117 -0.175 0.283
CR4 1.051 0.306 -0.360 736 0.719 -0.047 0.130 -0.303 0.209
CR5 0.001 0.981 -0.029 736 0.977 -0.004 0.148 -0.296 0.287
CR6 1.208 0.272 -1.782 736 0.075 -0.224 0.126 -0.471 0.023
CR7 3.903 0.049 -1.232 736 0.218 -0.177 0.143 -0.458 0.105
CR8 2.929 0.087 -0.378 736 0.705 -0.048 0.126 -0.296 0.200
CR9 5.208 0.023 -0.233 736 0.816 -0.032 0.137 -0.301 0.237
CR10 0.255 0.614 -1.088 736 0.277 -0.144 0.133 -0.405 0.116
Teaching 0.509 0.476 -0.628 736 0.530 -0.075 0.119 -0.309 0.159
Research 0.271 0.603 1.643 736 0.101 0.151 0.092 -0.030 0.332
Internationalization 0.395 0.530 0.505 736 0.614 0.052 0.102 -0.149 0.252
Knowledge Transfer 0.003 0.959 -0.019 736 0.985 -0.002 0.113 -0.224 0.219
QAL 2.924 0.088 0.132 736 0.895 0.012 0.090 -0.165 0.189
Source: Own elaboration.
Weight (%)

Area of study/work (Code*) S T/R S T/R S T/R S T/R S T/R S T/R S T/R S T/R S T/R
Agriculture (6) and Services (8) 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 2.0
Arts and Humanities (2) 0 0 1 0 3 0 5 12 0 0 7 8 14 0 30 20 4.1 3.4
Social Sciences, Trade and Law (3) 1 71 0 12 0 28 0 28 0 36 0 13 0 75 364 263 49.3 44.8
Science, Mathematics & Computers (4) 83 0 9 11 66 19 93 22 81 22 7 9 24 16 48 99 6.5 16.9
Sciences, Mathematics and Informatics
(4), Engineering, Manufacturing and 1 0 12 0 6 0 4 0 0 17 5 8 20 0 0 25 0 4.3
Construction (5)
Education (1) 0 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 5 0 16 14 28 19 3.8 3.2
Engineering, Manufacturing and
22 0 1 0 10 3 8 20 1 0 9 0 144 51 195 73 26.4 12.6
Construction (5)
Health and Social Protection (7) 0 0 24 3 13 7 21 20 0 5 2 3 1 20 61 57 8.3 9.9
They did not answer 11 6 0 3 0 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 12 17 1.6 2.9
Study Cycle

Key: S=Students; L/R=Lecturers/Researchers.

First Degree 79 - 35 - 86 - 29 - 88 - 21 - 143 - 481 - 65,2 -

Master 39 - 10 - 8 - 55 - 0 - 8 - 44 - 164 - 22,2 -

PhD 0 - 3 - 0 - 30 - 0 - 5 - 4 - 42 - 5,7 -
Integrated Master 0 - 0 - 4 - 18 - 0 - 1 - 28 - 51 - 6,9 -

Source: Own elaboration.

Female 76 43 32 18 60 36 77 48 56 34 20 22 131 110 452 311 61.2 53.0
Male 42 34 16 21 38 28 55 57 32 48 15 19 88 69 286 276 38.8 47.0
Age group
17-25 114 0 35 0 82 0 74 0 88 0 21 1 214 0 628 1 85.1 0.2
26-35 4 2 9 0 10 4 20 5 0 1 6 2 3 27 52 41 7.0 7.0
36-45 0 36 3 2 5 13 16 36 0 13 1 12 0 45 25 157 3.4 26.7
46-55 0 26 1 18 0 25 17 43 0 36 4 15 0 83 22 246 3.0 41.9

* Code according to CNAEF ‐ National Classification of Areas of Education and Training.

> 55 0 13 0 19 1 22 5 21 0 32 3 11 2 24 11 142 1.5 24.2
Absolute frequency 118 77 48 39 98 64 132 105 88 82 35 41 219 179 738 587
HEIs weight (%) 16.0 13.1 6.5 6.6 13.3 10.9 17.9 17.9 11.9 14.0 4.7 7.0 29.7 30.5 100.0 100.0
Table 3. Distribution of respondent students and lecturers/researchers by HEI, area of study, gender and
Table 4. Constructs and correspondent indicators: Model 1 and Model 2
Constructs/ dimensions Indicators Type Acronym
Human capital Percentage of expenditure on staff (lecturers, researchers and administrative
(1st order) staff) in the university’s total expenditure.
Leadership capacity. F CH2
Average age of staff (lecturers, researchers and administrative staff). F CH3
Weight of all lecturers/researchers in relation to total number of students. F CH4
Academic and professional qualifications of lecturers/researchers. F CH5
Weight of all students in the 3rd and 2nd cycles in relation to total number of F
Total number of students. F CH7
Number of new students admitted in the current academic year. F CH8
Number of student complaints. F CH9
Number of lecturers with aggregation. F CH10
Number of participations in research projects. F CH11
Structural capital Weight of expenditure on information and communication technology in F
(1st order) relation to total expenditure.
Weight of expenditure on scientific journals in relation to total expenditure F
on R&D.
Weight of financing by third parties (public and private) for research and F
development (R&D) activities in relation to total financing.
Mission, vision, values and strategic and operational processes. F CE4
Management and organization of teaching activities. F CE5
Management and organization of R&D activities. F CE6
Total number of citations of lecturer and researcher publications. F CE7
Total number of publications (including co-authorship), by scientific area. F CE8
International public recognition, through the number of F
national/international awards received.
Total number of assessment, qualification, accreditation and certification F
Total amount of infrastructure appropriate for research/incubation and F
Relational capital Total number of contracts/cooperation agreements/protocols F
(1st order) (teaching/research) with national and foreign public and private CR1
Percentage of drop-outs. F CR2
Percentage of graduates (degree, master and Ph.D.). F CR3
Ph.D. programmes with official recognition of quality. F CR4
Image/opinion/reputation of the HEI (society, media, etc.) regionally, F
nationally and internationally.
Relations with society (No. of positions held in management/public F
governance/civic participation/consulting/accreditation/social entities or CR6
specialist consultancy and/or discussion forums).
Student satisfaction (with studies, services, infrastructure, etc.). F CR7
Number of foreign students (degree, master, Ph.D.) and on post-graduate F
Number of international speakers invited to learning programmes. F CR9
Number of countries with collaborations developed with the HEI. F CR10
Performance (Teaching+Research+Internationalization+Technology+KnowledgeTransfer
(2nd order) +QAL or QWL)
Teaching and learning Quality of the HEI R ENS1
environment Quality of teaching R ENS2
(1st order)
Reputation of the HEI R ENS3
Research Research outputs/productivity R INV1
(1st order) Research revenues R INV2
Research reputation R INV3
Citations of academic work R INV4
Performance per capita R INV5
International students R INT1
International staff R INT2
(1st order) International collaboration R INT3
Knowledge and technology
transfer Revenues from industry research R TCO
(1st order)
QAL*(1st order)
Cognitive component – Satisfaction with: health and safety; family and
QAL = [cognitive QAL + economy; socialization; self-esteem; updating; knowledge; aesthetics.
component of affective
QAL]/2 = [determinants of Affective component (more positive and less negative emotions,) Positive R QVACA
satisfaction with university emotions include feeling: enthusiastic; interested; determined; lively;
life + (PE-NE)]/2 Where: inspired; alert; active; strong; proud; and affectionate.
PE = Positive emotions Negative emotions include feeling: afraid; bored; anxious; nervous;
experienced in the domain ashamed; guilty; irritated; and aggressive.
of university life NE =
Negative emotions
experienced in the domain
of university life
QWL**(1st order) Lower order needs – Need for satisfaction with health and safety: physical
safety, health benefits, health; Need for satisfaction with the economy and
QWL=[Lower order family: remuneration, security, work/family relationship; Need for
needs+higher order satisfaction with socialization: relations at work, free time.
needs]/2 Higher order needs – Need for satisfaction with esteem: esteem,
respectability; Need for satisfaction with updating: perceived potential at
work, perceived potential as a specialist. Need for satisfaction with R QVATOS
knowledge: continuous learning, Professional competences; Need for
satisfaction with aesthetics: creativity at work, creativity outside work.
Key: F=Formative; R=Reflexive
* QAL only for Model 1 (students)
** QWL only for Model 2 (lecturers/researchers)
Source: Own elaboration
Table 5. Descriptive statistics, correlation between variables and VIF for Model 1
Model 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
CH2 0.525** 1
CH3 0.329** 0.445** 1
CH4 0.502** 0.529** 0.491** 1
CH5 0.248** 0.493** 0.432** 0.381** 1
CH6 0.447** 0.378** 0.341** 0.423** 0.343** 1
CH7 0.151** 0.269** 0.179** 0.195** 0.232** 0.239** 1
CH8 -0.225**-0.053 -0.026 -0.104**0.036 -0.034 0.291** 1
CH9 -0.130**0.131** 0.119** 0.049 0.178** 0.032 0.144** 0.464** 1
CH10 0.438** 0.474** 0.317** 0.425** 0.362** 0.321** 0.115** -0.268**-0.094* 1
CH11 0.390** 0.453** 0.306** 0.465** 0.359** 0.380** 0.208** -0.071 -0.022 0.476** 1
CE1 0.547** 0.512** 0.311** 0.468** 0.249** 0.414** 0.123** -0.209**-0.113**0.395** 0.438** 1
CE2 0.457** 0.448** 0.249** 0.351** 0.262** 0.400** 0.141** -0.219**-0.125**0.418** 0.488** 0.619** 1
CE3 0.543** 0.473** 0.273** 0.463** 0.199** 0.436** 0.087* -0.247**-0.105**0.422** 0.496** 0.630** 0.633** 1
CE4 0.378** 0.614** 0.372** 0.485** 0.426** 0.370** 0.338** 0.088* 0.211** 0.408** 0.482** 0.476** 0.431** 0.469** 1
CE5 0.405** 0.587** 0.392** 0.474** 0.417** 0.350** 0.227** -0.003 0.169** 0.379** 0.476** 0.446** 0.404** 0.476** 0.627** 1
CE6 0.425** 0.511** 0.349** 0.413** 0.351** 0.365** 0.203** -0.065 0.049 0.464** 0.568** 0.517** 0.482** 0.532** 0.580** 0.655** 1
CE7 0.297** 0.375** 0.296** 0.216** 0.372** 0.294** 0.213** -0.029 0.011 0.319** 0.379** 0.368** 0.353** 0.364** 0.391** 0.397** 0.525** 1
CE8 0.367** 0.458** 0.306** 0.352** 0.365** 0.384** 0.154** -0.073* -0.016 0.419** 0.517** 0.432** 0.528** 0.512** 0.460** 0.480** 0.617** 0.615** 1
CE9 0.322** 0.447** 0.317** 0.317** 0.365** 0.355** 0.275** 0.019 0.072 0.311** 0.432** 0.421** 0.356** 0.393** 0.504** 0.471** 0.532** 0.507** 0.520** 1
CE10 0.270** 0.428** 0.313** 0.285** 0.355** 0.325** 0.289** 0.038 0.072 0.346** 0.389** 0.391** 0.399** 0.353** 0.483** 0.420** 0.487** 0.476** 0.517** 0.624** 1
CE11 0.490** 0.507** 0.326** 0.447** 0.355** 0.397** 0.183** -0.069 0.034 0.398** 0.480** 0.571** 0.493** 0.562** 0.532** 0.510** 0.583** 0.396** 0.522** 0.516** 0.503** 1
CR1 0.506** 0.558** 0.366** 0.450** 0.407** 0.470** 0.192** -0.101**0.048 0.461** 0.485** 0.559** 0.506** 0.576** 0.512** 0.521** 0.569** 0.417** 0.536** 0.475** 0.466** 0.625** 1
CR2 0.340** 0.427** 0.380** 0.375** 0.350** 0.358** 0.246** 0.013 0.041 0.290** 0.374** 0.367** 0.380** 0.360** 0.424** 0.392** 0.381** 0.310** 0.413** 0.364** 0.354** 0.419** 0.513** 1
CR3 0.302** 0.448** 0.372** 0.322** 0.427** 0.350** 0.256** 0.087* 0.145** 0.359** 0.424** 0.353** 0.286** 0.345** 0.481** 0.391** 0.436** 0.431** 0.427** 0.465** 0.432** 0.429** 0.505** 0.524** 1
CR4 0.364** 0.453** 0.263** 0.361** 0.379** 0.329** 0.232** -0.019 0.019 0.369** 0.458** 0.393** 0.371** 0.379** 0.467** 0.436** 0.474** 0.397** 0.502** 0.497** 0.509** 0.481** 0.487** 0.414** 0.477** 1
CR5 0.370** 0.494** 0.312** 0.354** 0.416** 0.327** 0.253** 0.074* 0.143** 0.348** 0.408** 0.389** 0.353** 0.355** 0.554** 0.520** 0.518** 0.368** 0.452** 0.597** 0.511** 0.473** 0.520** 0.415** 0.489** 0.565** 1
CR6 0.388** 0.540** 0.368** 0.394** 0.413** 0.376** 0.280** 0.073* 0.129** 0.361** 0.430** 0.427** 0.403** 0.424** 0.559** 0.530** 0.544** 0.370** 0.446** 0.485** 0.461** 0.484** 0.570** 0.417** 0.487** 0.456** 0.655** 1
CR7 0.436** 0.591** 0.448** 0.507** 0.409** 0.385** 0.290** -0.043 0.178** 0.457** 0.447** 0.492** 0.415** 0.466** 0.619** 0.573** 0.581** 0.406** 0.467** 0.467** 0.489** 0.586** 0.574** 0.443** 0.486** 0.490** 0.589** 0.601** 1
CR8 0.281** 0.416** 0.270** 0.275** 0.258** 0.295** 0.277** 0.036 0.070 0.255** 0.334** 0.320** 0.295** 0.289** 0.410** 0.403** 0.431** 0.339** 0.398** 0.417** 0.411** 0.399** 0.375** 0.277** 0.388** 0.438** 0.425** 0.479** 0.494** 1
CR9 0.437** 0.492** 0.296** 0.364** 0.316** 0.404** 0.134** -0.193**-0.068 0.435** 0.422** 0.456** 0.495** 0.486** 0.454** 0.448** 0.517** 0.392** 0.526** 0.494** 0.479** 0.530** 0.588** 0.358** 0.388** 0.517** 0.523** 0.518** 0.558** 0.523** 1
CR10 0.394** 0.432** 0.296** 0.334** 0.320** 0.388** 0.147** -0.139**-0.05 0.391** 0.431** 0.438** 0.395** 0.425** 0.437** 0.472** 0.517** 0.370** 0.461** 0.497** 0.435** 0.530** 0.530** 0.359** 0.405** 0.486** 0.515** 0.507** 0.517** 0.525** 0.718** 1
Teaching 0.391** 0.606** 0.392** 0.431** 0.498** 0.399** 0.327** 0.085* 0.214** 0.409** 0.488** 0.467** 0.439** 0.431** 0.636** 0.588** 0.615** 0.455** 0.535** 0.622** 0.590** 0.571** 0.572** 0.502** 0.540** 0.615** 0.750** 0.656** 0.670** 0.501** 0.576** 0.562** 1
Research 0.425** 0.541** 0.390** 0.402** 0.438** 0.441** 0.276** -0.088* 0.006 0.456** 0.538** 0.498** 0.503** 0.493** 0.526** 0.490** 0.618** 0.580** 0.645** 0.627** 0.571** 0.563** 0.587** 0.482** 0.523** 0.579** 0.604** 0.566** 0.566** 0.482** 0.613** 0.595** 0.738** 1
Internacionaliz 0.345** 0.479** 0.320** 0.328** 0.356** 0.386** 0.250** -0.062 0.000 0.372** 0.397** 0.419** 0.424** 0.423** 0.449** 0.437** 0.509** 0.462** 0.539** 0.530** 0.479** 0.484** 0.537** 0.386** 0.456** 0.495** 0.503** 0.530** 0.511** 0.556** 0.619** 0.589** 0.573** 0.679** 1
Knowl.Transfer 0.425** 0.416** 0.251** 0.321** 0.240** 0.390** 0.221** -0.216**-0.097**0.389** 0.335** 0.475** 0.431** 0.495** 0.386** 0.387** 0.468** 0.375** 0.461** 0.440** 0.434** 0.397** 0.520** 0.363** 0.347** 0.406** 0.430** 0.456** 0.454** 0.401** 0.529** 0.476** 0.510** 0.615** 0.593** 1
QAL 0.342** 0.542** 0.379** 0.371** 0.450** 0.310** 0.278** 0.072 0.216** 0.300** 0.363** 0.371** 0.296** 0.307** 0.493** 0.461** 0.440** 0.363** 0.336** 0.405** 0.392** 0.421** 0.414** 0.414** 0.470** 0.414** 0.496** 0.483** 0.551** 0.328** 0.315** 0.369** 0.602** 0.531** 0.409** 0.321** 1
Mean 4.6 4.9 5.17 4.77 5.4 4.86 5.52 4.56 4.00 4.59 4.82 4.39 4.33 4.29 5.09 5.06 4.84 4.9 4.68 4.99 5.02 4.69 4.57 4.80 5.15 4.88 5.18 5.13 4.83 5.16 4.56 4.81 5.21 4.88 4.95 4.52 5.21
Variance 1.653 1.909 1.683 2.012 1.519 1.538 1.615 3.322 2.482 1.415 1.898 2.157 1.731 1.734 1.781 2.101 1.792 1.42 1.537 1.946 1.344 2.156 2.023 1.547 1.439 1.794 2.327 1.677 2.173 1.684 1.981 1.864 1.498 0.899 1.100 1.343 5.211
VIF 2.171 2.112 2.234 2.031 2.140 2.566 1.822 2.356 2.051 1.940 2.102 1.809 2.045 1.510 1.851 1.554 1.460 1.252 1.536 1.385 1.658 1.570 2.153 1.605 1.762 1.803 2.263 2.247 2.131 1.662 2.594 2.349 2.595 3.073 2.075 1.784 1.784
** The correlati on is signifi cant at the level 0,01 (2 tails ).

Source: Own elaboration.

Table 6. Descriptive statistics, correlation between variables and VIF for Model 2
Model 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
CH1 1
CH2 0.457** 1
CH3 0.394** 0.395** 1
CH4 0.427** 0.360** 0.353** 1
CH5 0.231** 0.318** 0.236** 0.176** 1
CH6 0.228** 0.351** 0.264** 0.222** 0.389** 1
CH7 0.172** 0.332** 0.174** 0.105* 0.170** 0.359** 1
CH8 0.161** 0.188** 0.104* 00.017 0.125** 0.249** 0.520** 1
CH9 0.177** 0.140** 0.112** 0.106* 0.188** 0.205** 0.044 0.225** 1
CH10 0.274** 0.258** 0.265** 0.151** 0.124** 0.331** 0.171** 0.018 -0.088* 1
CH11 0.316** 0.338** 0.314** 0.232** 0.283** 0.456** 0.100* 0.118** 0.098* 0.484** 1
CE1 0.392** 0.375** 0.262** 0.237** 0.187** 0.423** 0.289** 0.269** 0.066 0.379** 0.460** 1
CE2 0.290** 0.259** 0.286** 0.260** 0.231** 0.297** 0.269** 0.206** 0.142** 0.268** 0.395** 0.480** 1
CE3 0.287** 0.348** 0.306** 0.248** 0.180** 0.365** 0.215** 0.101* 0.118** 0.297** 0.474** 0.491** 0.445** 1
CE4 0.335** 0.655** 0.310** 0.302** 0.353** 0.397** 0.338** 0.239** 0.146** 0.219** 0.386** 0.368** 0.326** 0.384** 1
CE5 0.347** 0.548** 0.338** 0.359** 0.292** 0.415** 0.305** 0.256** 0.137** 0.262** 0.398** 0.468** 0.340** 0.376** 0.653** 1
CE6 0.333** 0.525** 0.359** 0.322** 0.270** 0.434** 0.286** 0.209** 0.121** 0.300** 0.554** 0.485** 0.421** 0.485** 0.650** 0.697** 1
CE7 0.163** 0.205** 0.106* 0.170** 0.299** 0.262** 0.186** 0.106* 0.145** 0.126** 0.294** 0.290** 0.326** 0.227** 0.317** 0.329** 0.384** 1
CE8 0.253** 0.263** 0.284** 0.153** 0.288** 0.378** 0.153** 0.136** 0.143** 0.249** 0.451** 0.392** 0.385** 0.401** 0.354** 0.370** 0.499** 0.570** 1
CE9 0.151** 0.352** 0.315** 0.128** 0.330** 0.370** 0.324** 0.180** 0.081 0.202** 0.335** 0.273** 0.253** 0.361** 0.448** 0.434** 0.463** 0.517** 0.563** 1
CE10 0.190** 0.206** 0.139** 0.245** 0.282** 0.287** 0.258** 0.238** 0.253** 0.129** 0.261** 0.264** 0.276** 0.264** 0.366** 0.368** 0.317** 0.556** 0.362** 0.499** 1
CE11 0.276** 0.384** 0.207** 0.252** 0.319** 0.407** 0.261** 0.197** 0.104* 0.212** 0.479** 0.530** 0.385** 0.394** 0.473** 0.486** 0.565** 0.399** 0.473** 0.478** 0.412** 1
CR1 0.284** 0.402** 0.133** 0.238** 0.235** 0.366** 0.279** 0.212** 0.122** 0.198** 0.376** 0.390** 0.329** 0.436** 0.417** 0.484** 0.458** 0.341** 0.359** 0.336** 0.319** 0.505** 1
CR2 0.243** 0.230** 0.175** 0.114** 0.160** 0.218** 0.330** 0.265** 0.137** 0.098* 0.259** 0.299** 0.184** 0.225** 0.307** 0.346** 0.347** 0.245** 0.321** 0.259** 0.319** 0.368** 0.339** 1
CR3 0.238** 0.330** 0.279** 0.203** 0.355** 0.542** 0.378** 0.263** 0.177** 0.203** 0.395** 0.324** 0.401** 0.306** 0.424** 0.374** 0.412** 0.371** 0.407** 0.394** 0.411** 0.430** 0.354** 0.411** 1
CR4 0.127** 0.280** 0.160** 0.125** 0.349** 0.414** 0.342** 0.257** 0.105* 0.182** 0.339** 0.299** 0.363** 0.256** 0.369** 0.385** 0.418** 0.491** 0.397** 0.529** 0.476** 0.457** 0.281** 0.348** 0.472** 1
CR5 0.272** 0.501** 0.327** 0.190** 0.428** 0.539** 0.366** 0.244** 0.132** 0.275** 0.409** 0.392** 0.364** 0.394** 0.532** 0.530** 0.546** 0.413** 0.522** 0.642** 0.432** 0.513** 0.389** 0.282** 0.506** 0.569** 1
CR6 0.236** 0.504** 0.290** 0.195** 0.375** 0.439** 0.256** 0.186** 0.164** 0.186** 0.299** 0.307** 0.311** 0.308** 0.519** 0.500** 0.482** 0.426** 0.400** 0.439** 0.398** 0.422** 0.437** 0.232** 0.437** 0.440** 0.665** 1
CR7 0.294** 0.455** 0.382** 0.262** 0.269** 0.421** 0.299** 0.166** 0.154** 0.237** 0.397** 0.414** 0.428** 0.341** 0.470** 0.489** 0.539** 0.309** 0.439** 0.440** 0.385** 0.471** 0.353** 0.384** 0.493** 0.407** 0.533** 0.488** 1
CR8 0.157** 0.267** 0.141** 00.07 0.148** 0.391** 0.313** 0.211** 0.030 0.244** 0.264** 0.317** 0.227** 0.258** 0.326** 0.477** 0.409** 0.254** 0.315** 0.367** 0.321** 0.386** 0.392** 0.291** 0.375** 0.336** 0.437** 0.389** 0.451** 1
CR9 0.239** 0.314** 0.293** 0.144** 0.271** 0.373** 0.228** 0.210** 0.067 0.230** 0.387** 0.375** 0.230** 0.358** 0.341** 0.460** 0.537** 0.312** 0.472** 0.461** 0.282** 0.479** 0.438** 0.326** 0.317** 0.378** 0.548** 0.468** 0.452** 0.486** 1
CR10 0.232** 0.335** 0.173** 0.155** 0.228** 0.422** 0.222** 0.185** 0.102* 0.354** 0.464** 0.421** 0.262** 0.357** 0.413** 0.547** 0.524** 0.340** 0.443** 0.467** 0.365** 0.467** 0.519** 0.363** 0.377** 0.408** 0.491** 0.463** 0.536** 0.587** 0.652** 1
Teaching 0.067 0.096* 0.090* 0.048 -0.016 0.038 0.093* 0.084* 0.098* 0.063 0.049 0.071 0.081* 0.091* 0.052 0.039 0.119** 0.028 0.049 0.116** 0.045 0.066 00.056 0.112** 0.080 0.025 00.077 0.034 0.087* 0.053 0.039 0.077 1
Research 0.075 0.074 0.067 0.04 0.015 0.074 0.061 0.049 0.086* 0.077 0.090* 0.075 0.095* 0.103* 0.076 0.05 0.142** 0.006 0.07 00.08 0.044 0.123** 00.023 0.140** 0.090* 0.058 0.085* 0.027 0.081 0.040 0.030 0.078 0.821** 1
Internacionaliz 0.075 0.137** 0.102* 0.039 0.027 0.098* 0.113** 0.097* 0.098* 0.046 0.077 0.029 0.075 0.066 0.08 0.031 0.112** -0.044 0.017 00.052 0.023 0.059 00.029 0.059 0.124** 0.034 0.112** 0.028 0.103* 0.058 0.013 0.015 0.612** 0.689** 1
Knowl.Transfer 0.200** 0.284** 0.106* 0.109** 0.238** 0.338** 0.362** 0.215** -0.039 0.246** 0.275** 0.300** 0.255** 0.352** 0.361** 0.323** 0.367** 0.354** 0.334** 0.463** 0.312** 0.356** 0.360** 0.203** 0.375** 0.434** 0.455** 0.391** 0.287** 0.240** 0.326** 0.372** 0.037 0.040 0.003 1
QWL 0.067 0.076 0.039 0.077 0.032 0.047 0.023 -0.026 0.013 0.089* 0.046 0.000 0.049 0.020 0.104* -0.016 0.074 -0.046 -0.004 -00.04 -0.003 0.008 0.000 0.044 0.083* -0.031 0.001 0.012 0.100* 0.027 0.009 0.096* 0.391** 0.427** 0.345** 0.018 1
Mean 3.69 4.01 3.74 3.64 5.35 4.22 4.88 5.15 4.87 3.39 3.89 3.67 3.71 3.04 4.39 4.18 3.74 5.28 4.3 4.57 5.21 3.96 3.9 4.32 4.8 4.77 4.85 4.8 4.56 4.55 3.73 4.22 4.81 4.65 4.78 4.15 4.70
Variance 2.195 2.779 2.945 2.201 1.521 2.287 2.678 2.594 1.52 2.143 2.377 1.954 2.256 1.926 2.618 2.658 2.624 1.435 1.765 2.218 1.496 2.173 1.594 1.41 1.53 2.023 2.173 1.912 1.967 1.998 2.332 2.123 1.485 1.151 1.116 1.662 0.952
VIF 1.830 1.514 1.627 2.110 2.402 2.800 1.962 2.025 1.971 1.708 1.927 1.547 1.595 1.369 1.345 1.273 1.648 1.646 1.494 1.172 1.466 1.648 1.547 1.381 1.699 1.660 2.543 2.022 1.829 1.670 2.043 2.442 3.120 3.787 1.940 1.003 1.236
**The correlation is signifi cant at the 0.01 level (2 tails).
*The correlation is signifi cant at the 0.05 level (2 tails).

Source: Own elaboration.

Table 7. Factorial analysis (unrotated single factor) for Model 1
% of Cumulative % of Cumulative
Factor Total Total
variance % variance %
1 15.963 43.144 43.144 15.434 41.714 41.714
2 2.476 6.691 49.835
3 1.623 4.387 54.223
4 1.081 2.92 57.143
5 1.053 2.847 59.99
6 1.001 2.707 62.697
7 0.844 2.28 64.977
8 0.802 2.168 67.144
9 0.755 2.041 69.185
10 0.692 1.869 71.054
11 0.676 1.827 72.881
12 0.607 1.641 74.523
13 0.596 1.61 76.133
14 0.585 1.58 77.713
15 0.555 1.501 79.214
16 0.533 1.441 80.655
17 0.523 1.413 82.068
18 0.492 1.329 83.397
19 0.474 1.282 84.679
20 0.445 1.203 85.882
21 0.422 1.14 87.022
22 0.409 1.105 88.127
23 0.406 1.098 89.225
24 0.381 1.029 90.254
25 0.361 0.976 91.231
26 0.34 0.919 92.15
27 0.331 0.895 93.045
28 0.308 0.833 93.878
29 0.306 0.826 94.704
30 0.295 0.796 95.501
31 0.28 0.757 96.258
32 0.269 0.727 96.985
33 0.265 0.717 97.703
34 0.248 0.67 98.372
35 0.218 0.591 98.963
36 0.217 0.588 99.551
37 0.166 0.449 100
Extraction Method: factoring by the Main Axis.
Source: Own elaboration.
Table 8. Factorial analysis (unrotated single factor) for Model 2
Cumulative Cumulative
Total % of variance Total % of variance
% %
1 11.891 32.137 32.137 11,283 30,495 30,495
2 2.728 7.374 39.511
3 1.944 5.254 44.765
4 1.57 4.243 49.008
5 1.44 3.893 52.901
6 1.291 3.489 56.39
7 1.196 3.232 59.621
8 1.055 2.851 62.473
9 0.943 2.55 65.022
10 0.917 2.48 67.502
11 0.82 2.217 69.719
12 0.792 2.14 71.859
13 0.734 1.984 73.843
14 0.711 1.921 75.764
15 0.687 1.858 77.622
16 0.639 1.728 79.35
17 0.576 1.555 80.905
18 0.568 1.535 82.44
19 0.545 1.474 83.914
20 0.501 1.354 85.268
21 0.494 1.334 86.602
22 0.466 1.258 87.86
23 0.452 1.22 89.08
24 0.418 1.131 90.211
25 0.386 1.043 91.254
26 0.379 1.025 92.279
27 0.356 0.962 93.242
28 0.338 0.914 94.156
29 0.332 0.898 95.054
30 0.289 0.782 95.836
31 0.273 0.737 96.573
32 0.258 0.699 97.271
33 0.239 0.647 97.918
34 0.225 0.609 98.528
35 0.208 0.561 99.089
36 0.191 0.517 99.606
37 0.146 0.394 100
Extraction Method: factoring by the Main Axis.
Source: Own elaboration.
Table 9. Analysis of the measuring model: Loadings, internal consistency and reliability, Dijkstra-
Henseler indicator, composite reliability and AVE) of Model M1a and M2a.
M1 Variable/ Cronb. VIF/ t-value/ M1 Variable/ Weights/ Cronb. VIF/ t-value/
Loading rho_A b rho_A
a Indicator alpha cr AVE Indicator Loadings alpha cr AVE
Human Human
1.000 1.000
capital capital
CH1 0.110 1.809 2.005* CH1 0.073 1.459 1.650
CH2 0.405 2.045 7.008** CH2 0.261 2.256 4.769**
CH3 0.097 1.510 2.135* CH3 -0.078 1.357 1.829
CH4 -0.050 1.851 0.973 CH4 -0.023 1.349 0.562
CH5 0.173 1.554 3.384** CH5 0.372 1.244 7.866**
CH6 0.184 1.460 4.198** CH6 0.240 1.552 5.194**
CH7 0.167 1.252 3.816** CH7 0.210 1.550 4.439**
CH8 -0.029 1.536 0.674 CH8 0.029 1.502 0.629
CH9 0.043 1.385 1.001 CH9 -0.044 1.171 1.090
CH10 0.121 1.658 2.402** CH10 0.166 1.272 4.074**
CH11 0.243 1.570 4.807** CH11 0.297 2.226 5.203**
Structural Structural
1.000 1.000
capital capital
CE1 0.098 2.171 2.421** CE1 0.014 1.830 0.307
CE2 0.069 2.112 1.604 CE2 0.068 1.514 1.757

CE3 0.028 2.234 0.660 CE3 -0.016 1.627 0.366
CE4 0.174 2.031 4.138** CE4 0.135 2.110 2.884**
CE5 0.091 2.140 1.868 CE5 0.286 2.402 5.832**
CE6 0.141 2.566 3.061** CE6 0.069 2.800 1.320
CE7 0.106 1.822 2.553* CE7 0.211 1.962 5.157**
CE8 0.139 2.356 2.956** CE8 0.070 2.025 1.736
CE9 0.242 2.051 5.964** CE9 0.288 1.971 6.480**
CE10 0.162 1.940 3.288** CE10 0.133 1.708 3.229**
CE11 0.093 2.102 2.082* CE11 0.121 1.927 2.817**
Relational Relational
1.000 1.000
capital capital
CR1 0.118 2.153 3.536** CR1 0.083 1.547 2.506*
CR2 0.114 1.605 3.516** CR2 0.040 1.381 1.460
CR3 0.097 1.762 2.975** CR3 0.094 1.699 2.834**
CR4 0.140 1.803 3.895** CR4 0.286 1.660 8.136**
CR5 0.210 2.263 5.715** CR5 0.327 2.543 7.646**
CR6 0.129 2.247 3.590** CR6 0.210 2.022 5.306**
CR7 0.167 2.131 4.500** CR7 0.031 1.829 0.785
CR8 0.115 1.662 3.517** CR8 0.036 1.670 1.062
CR9 0.125 2.594 3.771** CR9 -0.002 2.043 0.067
Teaching 0.897 0.898 0.936 0.829 Teaching 0.880 0.883 0.926 0.807
ENS1 0.917 ENS1 0.877
ENS2 0.911 ENS2 0.903
ENS3 0.904 ENS3 0.914
Research 0.890 0.894 0.919 0.695 Research 0.885 0.898 0.916 0.687
INV1 0.876 INV1 0.893
INV2 0.792 INV2 0.812
INV3 0.884 INV3 0.902
INV4 0.817 INV4 0.802


INV5 0.795 INV5 0.723

International International
0.777 0.783 0.871 0.694 0.759 0.775 0.861 0.675
ization ization
INT1 0.769 INT1 0.798
INT2 0.838 INT2 0.779
INT3 0.888 INT3 0.883
Knowledge Knowledge
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Transfer Transfer
TCO 1.000 TCO 1.000
QAL 0.783 0.920 0.897 0.813 QWL 0.781 0.783 0.901 0.820
QVACA 0.853 QVATOI 0.912
QVACC 0.948 QVATOS 0.899
** = level of significance 1% (=>2.58)
* = level of significance 5% (=>1.96)
Source: Own elaboration
Table 10. Heterotrait-Monotrait (HTMT) ratios: Model M1a and M2a
M1a 1 2 3 4 5
2Research 0.823
3Internationalization 0.823 0.819
4Knowledge Transfer 0.538 0.651 0.673
5QAL 0.729 0.645 0.536 0.372
M2a 1 2 3 4 5
2Research 0.927
3Internationalization 0.751 0.851
4Knowledge Transfer 0.506 0.592 0.545
5QAL 0.471 0.516 0.459 0.282
Source: Own elaboration

Table 11. Heterotrait-Monotrait (HTMT) ratios: Model M1b and M2b

Original Sample Original Sample
Variables (M1a) sample mean 2.5%; 97.5% sample mean Bias 2.5%; 97.5%
(O) (M) (O) (M)
Human Capital ->Teaching 0.082 0.089 0.007 0.170 0.082 0.089 0.007 -0.007 0.157
Human Capital -> Research 0.084 0.090 0.004 0.179 0.084 0.090 0.006 -0.008 0.169
Human Capital ->Internationalization -0.011 -0.004 -0.107 0.104 -0.011 -0.004 0.006 -0.121 0.092
Human Capital ->Knowledge Transfer 0.030 0.043 -0.075 0.161 0.030 0.043 0.013 -0.098 0.138
Human Capital -> QAL 0.338 0.336 0.224 0.446 0.338 0.336 -0.002 0.230 0.449
Structural Capital ->Teaching 0.212 0.214 0.114 0.312 0.212 0.214 0.002 0.108 0.307
Structural Capital -> Research 0.405 0.407 0.307 0.508 0.405 0.407 0.001 0.304 0.504
Structural Capital ->Internationalization 0.214 0.217 0.079 0.358 0.214 0.217 0.004 0.073 0.350
Structural Capital ->Knowledge Transfer 0.254 0.251 0.112 0.389 0.254 0.251 -0.004 0.122 0.397
Structural Capital -> QAL 0.034 0.041 -0.081 0.165 0.034 0.041 0.008 -0.100 0.149
Relational Capital ->Teaching 0.579 0.572 0.484 0.656 0.579 0.572 -0.007 0.496 0.670
Relational Capital -> Research 0.354 0.351 0.259 0.441 0.354 0.351 -0.003 0.265 0.447
Relational Capital ->Internationalization 0.529 0.522 0.406 0.633 0.529 0.522 -0.006 0.418 0.643
Relational Capital ->Knowledge Transfer 0.355 0.351 0.207 0.487 0.355 0.351 -0.004 0.215 0.491
Relational Capital -> QAL 0.335 0.331 0.215 0.452 0.335 0.331 -0.004 0.225 0.458

Original Sample Original Sample

Variables (M2a) sample mean 2.5%; 97.5% sample mean Bias 2.5%; 97.5%
(O) (M) (O) (M)
Human Capital ->Teaching 0.227 0.228 0.148 0.312 0.227 0.228 0.001 0.145 0.311
Human Capital -> Research 0.104 0.110 0.024 0.205 0.104 0.110 0.006 0.016 0.194
Human Capital ->Internationalization 0.048 0.053 -0.054 0.164 0.048 0.053 0.005 -0.064 0.153
Human Capital ->Knowledge Transfer 0.080 0.083 -0.040 0.205 0.080 0.083 0.003 -0.044 0.199
Human Capital -> QWL 0.271 0.273 0.135 0.408 0.271 0.273 0.002 0.128 0.403
Structural Capital ->Teaching 0.154 0.158 0.074 0.244 0.154 0.158 0.004 0.065 0.234
Structural Capital -> Research 0.404 0.404 0.284 0.523 0.404 0.404 0.001 0.282 0.521
Structural Capital ->Internationalization 0.170 0.174 0.054 0.296 0.170 0.174 0.004 0.048 0.290
Structural Capital ->Knowledge Transfer 0.152 0.158 0.007 0.311 0.152 0.158 0.006 -0.001 0.300
Structural Capital -> QWL 0.053 0.059 -0.100 0.216 0.053 0.059 0.006 -0.107 0.205
Relational Capital ->Teaching 0.539 0.535 0.455 0.616 0.539 0.535 -0.004 0.464 0.624
Relational Capital -> Research 0.397 0.393 0.292 0.489 0.397 0.393 -0.004 0.299 0.494
Relational Capital ->Internationalization 0.517 0.512 0.396 0.620 0.517 0.512 -0.005 0.404 0.626
Relational Capital ->Knowledge Transfer 0.346 0.340 0.202 0.474 0.346 0.340 -0.006 0.212 0.482
Relational Capital -> QWL 0.171 0.167 0.023 0.309 0.171 0.167 -0.004 0.028 0.313
Source: Own elaboration
Table 12. Determination coefficient (R²), and predictive relevance (Q2): Model M1b and M2b
Variables R2 Q2
M1b Performance 0.780 0.430*
M2b Performance 0.760 0.422*
Key: * f2/Q2≥ 0.35: large
Source: Own elaboration

Table 13. Coefficient robustness and the structural relation significance level: Model M1b and M2b
Model Estimated Sample Standard
Structural Relations t-value
Value Mean Deviation
Human Capital -> Performance 0.142 0.145 0.034 4.177***
M1b Structural Capital -> Performance 0.275† 0.279 0.041 6.729***
Relational Capital -> Performance 0.518† 0.514 0.037 14.116***
Human Capital -> Performance 0.152 0.154 0.043 3.566***
M2b Structural Capital -> Performance 0.222† 0.224 0.046 4.872***
Relational Capital -> Performance 0.555† 0.554 0.036 15.511***
Key: † = Coefficient robust at a level above 0.2.
*** = level of significance 1% (=>2.58)
Source: Own elaboration

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