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CCOUntitled Document
CCOUntitled Document
Q1: Pick a company with which you are familiar and describe the company’s
corporate communication in terms of its reputation, management and
stakeholder engagement.
Google is a company that I am acquainted with. Google is renowned for its solid
corporate reputation, which is based on its dedication to innovation, moral business
conduct, and beneficial global impact. Additionally well-liked is Google's
management, which has a track record of openness, encouragement, and attention
to worker advancement. Google is renowned for its robust stakeholder engagement,
which includes consistent communication with the public, customers, employees,
and shareholders.
Q2: Social media and new work-based technologies are changing employee
communication. How in your view can these media and technologies be used
to improve learning and innovation, as well as cohesion among employees?
The emergence of social networks and new technologies in recent years has
significantly changed how people communicate, especially in the workplace. Utilizing
these technologies can enhance employee engagement, learning, and innovation.
Social media and modern technology can provide employees with an abundance of
learning resources, such as e-books, articles, videos, and online courses. Online
teams and cooperative projects are two more ways that these technologies can
facilitate employee collaboration and mutual learning. For instance, staff members
can ask questions, share ideas, and get feedback from one another on social media.
They can gain new skills and benefit from each other's experiences in this way.
Furthermore, virtual learning communities can be established with the use of new
technologies so that workers can interact with others who share their interests and
share knowledge.
Social media and modern technology can assist staff members in coming up with
fresh concepts and producing new goods and services more quickly. Additionally,
these tools can facilitate communication between staff members and outside
partners like suppliers and customers. Social media platforms can be used by staff
members, for instance, to get customer input on novel ideas or identify possible
project collaborators. This has the potential to quicken the pace of innovation and
hasten the release of new goods and services. Furthermore, the utilization of new
technologies can foster an environment at work that is more inventive and creative.
One way to achieve this is by motivating staff members to exchange ideas and work
Social media and modern technology can foster relationships and connections
among employees, which will increase engagement. A more engaged and
cooperative workforce may result from this. Employees can share videos, pictures,
and personal narratives on social media, for instance. Employee relationships and
trust may be strengthened in this way. In addition, social events and activities for
staff members can be organized using new technologies. This may promote a feeling
of belonging and community.
All things considered, social media and modern technology can be effective
instruments for enhancing education, creativity, and worker engagement. It is
imperative to utilize these technologies in a manner that aligns with the
organization's values and culture.
Three main steps needed to be taken in order to address the fly contamination
emergency involving Tan Hiep Phat's drinks: immediate, medium-term, and
long-term responses.
The company should first publicly acknowledge and apologize for the fly infestation
issue as part of its immediate response. Announce specific actions, such as product
recalls and cause investigations, at the same moment. It is imperative to ascertain
the identity of all potential customers who may have acquired the impacted product
and extend an offer of a product exchange or refund. While this is going on, work
closely with the authorities to help them with their investigation by offering
The business must then concentrate on determining the cause and putting corrective
measures in place to stop a recurrence as part of its medium-term response. Keep
stakeholders, including clients, staff, and the media, informed about the
investigation's progress and the actions being taken by maintaining regular
communication. In order to uphold the company's dedication to quality and safety, a
public advertising campaign is also necessary to win back the public's and
customers' trust.
Finally, the business should keep an eye on the issue and keep in touch with all
relevant parties during the long-term response phase. The organization can retain its
reputation and customers' trust by using the lessons learned from the fly infestation
incident to modify business procedures and avert similar incidents in the future.
Q4: Select a renowned business enterprise and analyze their Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) campaign from the perspective of corporate
Regarding packaging, Coca-Cola wants to reduce the amount of plastic it uses in its
packaging by 2030 by making all of it recyclable or reusable. Their commitment to
People includes promoting social and economic inclusion, empowering women and
girls, and funding job training and education initiatives across the globe.
A faux pas (Giả mạo) is an unintentional action that is transformed into a crisis by an
external actor. A faux pas often begins as an issue between an organization and a
particular external actor who challenges the appropriateness of the organization’s
actions. When an organization does not debate with this actor or when public opinion
and stakeholder expectations move against the organization, the issue may become
a crisis.
Accidents (Tai nạn) are unintentional and happen during normal organizational
operations. Product defects, employee injuries, and natural disasters are all
examples of accidents. The unintentional and generally random nature of accidents
often leads to attributions of minimal organizational responsibility, unless of course,
the organization was directly responsible for the accident. Accidents can be further
divided into acts of nature (e.g. hurricanes, earthquakes, epidemics) and
human-induced errors (e.g. industrial accidents).
Transgressions (Vi phạm) are intentional acts taken by an organization that
knowingly place stakeholders or the public at risk of harm. Knowingly selling
defective or dangerous products, withholding safety information from authorities,
violating laws, or ‘creative’ bookkeeping are all examples of transgressions.
Terrorism (Khủng bố) refers to intentional acts taken by external agents. These
intentional actions are designed to harm the organization directly (e.g. hurt
customers through product tampering) or indirectly (e.g. reduce sales or disrupt
production). Product tampering, hostage-taking, sabotage, and workplace violence
are all examples of terrorism.
4. Consequence (Hậu quả của khủng hoảng đối với doanh nghiệp)
A crisis may also damage the image or reputation of the organization more generally,
which may also lead to a loss of earnings in the long run. If, as a result of the crisis,
the company’s reputation shifts from favorable to unfavorable, stakeholders are likely
to change how they interact with an organization. Customers may walk away or
boycott a firm and investors may decide to invest elsewhere.
Suffering strategy: Claim that the organization suffers from the crisis (Tuyên bố rõ
ràng rằng tổ chức đang bị khủng hoảng)
- Victimization: A tactic of portraying the organization as a victim of the crisis to win
public sympathy
Acceptance strategy: Claim accepting the responsibility of culpability for the crisis
(Thừa nhận trách nhiệm trong việc gây ra khủng hoảng)
- Full apology (xin lỗi): Simply apologizing for the crisis and accepting the blame
- Remediation (bồi thường): Announcing some form of compensation or help to
victims (money, goods,..)
- Repentance: Asking for forgiveness. The organization apologizes for the crisis and
asks stakeholders and the general public to forgive its misdeeds
Accommodation strategy: Claim to promise to prevent the crisis from recurring
again (Hứa hẹn không để khủng hoảng tái diễn)
- Rectification: Taking corrective action to prevent a recurrence of the crisis
2. Stakeholder model of strategic management (Mô hình các bên liên quan
trong quản trị chiến lược)
The stakeholder model contrasts with the input–output model. Stakeholder
management assumes that all persons or groups who hold legitimate interests in an
organization do so to obtain benefits, and there is, in principle, no priority for one set
of interests and benefits over another. Hence, the arrows between the organization
and its stakeholders run in both directions. All those groups which have a legitimate
‘stake’ in the organization, whether purely financial, market-based, or otherwise, are
recognized, and the relationship of the organization with these groups is not linear
but one of interdependency. In other words, instead of considering organizations as
immune to the government or public opinion, the stakeholder management model
recognizes the mutual dependencies between organizations and various stakeholder
groups – groups that are affected by the operations of the organization, but can
equally affect the organization, its operations, and performance. → simply put the
organization and its stakeholders will depend on each other, if one party has a
problem, the other will also be affected.
3. Stakeholders communication
Stakeholder salience model (Mô hình nổi bật của các bên liên quan)
In this model, stakeholders are identified and classified based on their salience to the
organization. Salience is defined as how visible or prominent a stakeholder is to an
organization based on the stakeholder possessing one or more of three attributes:
power, legitimacy, and urgency. The central idea behind the model is that the more
salient or prominent stakeholders have priority and therefore need to be actively
communicated with. Lesser or hardly salient stakeholders have less priority and it is
less important for an organization to communicate with them on an ongoing basis.
(Trong mô hình này, các bên liên quan được xác định và phân loại dựa trên mức độ
nổi bật của họ đối với tổ chức. Mức độ nổi bật được định nghĩa là mức độ hiển thị
hoặc nổi bật của một bên liên quan cho một tổ chức dựa trên các bên liên quan sở
hữu một hoặc nhiều trong ba thuộc tính: quyền lực, tính hợp pháp và tính cấp bách.
Các bên liên quan ít hơn hoặc hầu như không nổi bật có ít ưu tiên hơn và ít quan
trọng hơn đối với một tổ chức để giao tiếp với chúng trên cơ sở liên tục và ngược
- Power: the power of the stakeholder group upon an organization.
- Legitimacy: the legitimacy of the claim laid upon the organization by the
stakeholder group.
- Urgency: the degree to which stakeholder claims call for immediate action.
- Dormant stakeholders (các bên liên quan không hoạt động): those who have the
power to impose their will on others, but because they do not have a legitimate
relationship or an urgent claim, their power remains dormant.
- Discretionary stakeholders (các bên liên quan tùy ý): those who possess legitimate
claims based on interactions with an organization but who have no power to
influence the organization, nor any urgent claims. Recipients of corporate charity, for
instance, fall within this group.
- Demanding stakeholders (các bên liên quan yêu cầu): those who have urgent
claims, but neither the power nor legitimacy to enforce them. These groups can
therefore be bothersome but do not warrant serious attention from communication
- Dominant stakeholders (các bên liên quan có quyền lực): those who have both
powerful and legitimate claims, giving them a strong influence on the organization.
Examples include stakeholder groups who regularly transact with or have strong
binding relationships with organizations such as employees, customers, owners, and
significant (institutional) investors in the organization. They have power because
there is always the possibility that they may decide to withhold their investment or
- Dangerous stakeholders (các bên liên quan gây nguy hiểm): those who have power
and urgent claims, but lack legitimacy. They are seen as dangerous as they may
resort to coercion and even violence.
- Dependent stakeholders (các bên liên quan phụ thuộc): those who lack power, but
who have urgent, legitimate claims. They rely on others for the power to carry out
their will, at times through the advocacy of other stakeholders.
- Definitive stakeholders (các bên liên quan cấp thiết): those who have legitimacy,
power, and urgency. In other words, definitive stakeholders are powerful and
legitimate stakeholders who, by definition, need to be communicated with.