Manual Payroll System

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Malaysian Payroll & Human Resource Management

User Manual

Developed and Distributed by


No. 9-A Jalan USJ 10/1C

UEP Subang Jaya 47610
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel: 03-5632-9094 (Hunting Line)
Fax: 03-5631-9736

Updated 25 February 2022


Quick PAY , the complete real-time Windows software offers truly user-friendly
MALAYSIAN Payroll & Human Resource management tool for the dynamic business
environment for the New Millennium. QUICK PAY provides Easy Data Entry,
Simplified Flow and incorporated with Internal Power Reporting tool - plus Data
Exchange capabilities to popular Windows word-processors and spreadsheets


This is a legal agreement between you, the user, and HR2000. You may use ONE copy of
the software on only ONE computer at a time. If you have multiple licenses for the
software, you may use as many copies at any time as you have licenses. "Use" means
loaded in temporary memory or permanent storage on the computer. Installation on a
network server solely for distribution to other computers is not "use" if you have a
separate license for each computer to which the software is distributed. If users will
exceed the number of licenses, you must have a reasonable process to assure that the
number of persons using the software concurrently does not exceed the number of

The software is protected by MALAYSIAN copyright laws. You may make ONE copy of
the software solely for backup or archival purposes or transfer it to a single hard disk
provided you keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes. You may not rent,
lease or transfer the software or copy the written materials accompanying the software.

HR2000 warrants that the software disks are free from defects in material and
workmanship under the normal use for ninety (90) days from the date you receive them.
This warranty is limited to you and is not transferable. Any implied warranties are limited
to 90 days. This limited warranty is void if any disk damage has resulted from accident,
abuse, misapplication, or service or modification by someone other than HR2000.

HR2000 does not warrant that the functions of the software will meet your requirements
or that the operation of the software will be uninterrupted or error free. You assume
responsibility for selecting the software to achieve your intended results, and for the use
and results obtained from the software.

HR2000 disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, for the software
and all accompanying written materials. HR2000 is not liable for damages for loss of
business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary
loss arising out of use or inability to use the software.

* HR2000 reserves the right to change all Terms & Conditions without Prior Notice
Workstation minimum hardware and software requirement:

• 4 GB Memory
• Mouse & Keyboard
• 200 MB hard-disk space for programs
• 20 MB hard-disk space for every 100 Employee records
• MS Windows Win 10 / Windows 2008 or later versions
• Dot-matrix printer or LaserJet printers


 Hotline Phone Service
 E-mail support
 Remote TeamViewer Support
 Internet Download

** Terms & Conditions Apply **


 Close all programs and ensure no one is using QUICK PAY

Before installing, ensure  Insert QUICK PAY installation CD into drive
no user is running  If a message does not appear (CDROM auto-run feature), click the START button,
QUICK PAY. Also, click RUN
ensure your have full  In the Open box, type the drive letter, followed by a colon (:), a backslash (\), and the
read/write access to
word setup. See below example.
 Click OK, and the installation wizard starts. Follow the instructions that appear
directory being

TIPS: When prompted for installation DESTINATION DIRECTORY, always choose the default path
of C:\QPAY7 – unless you have other reasons to install program files into other folder (directory).

Technical Info:
All programs and databases are stored in “\QPAY7” directory. You should a find minimum of 3 sub-
directories i.e. DATA, SYSTEM7 and TEMP. DATA directory is for storing payroll databases,
SYSTEM7 directory is for storing program files, while TEMP directory is use for internal processing

Installing Quick Pay into Network Environment

At Server Computer:
 Install Quick Pay to QPAY7 directory
 Share QPAY7 directory to your Windows user
 Share access rights must be given FULL permission (full control + read + write)

At Client or Workstation Computer(s):

 MAP server QPAY7 directory as a logical drive (e.g. Drive Q:)
 Create QPAY.EXE short-cut into your desktop

From Windows START button, click PROGRAMS, click QUICK PAY, click on
QUICK PAY program to execute the software application.

OPEN a Company Database

Select a database/company name. To gain access into the database, you must provide the
correct User Identification (ID) and password.

CREATE a NEW Company Database

To create a new database/company, enter a new file name (e.g. DEMO2016). Default
Supervisor password is SUPER. Refer changing passwords in SUPERVISOR
PASSWORD module.

REMOVE a Company Database

Click on OPTION button below. Then, select option DATABASE
ADMINISTRATOR. You should see a list of database functions here such as Database

Technical Info:
Quick Pay databases are stored as independent directories (e.g. DEMO2015, DEMO2016, etc).
Each database stores an entire year’s data for a particular company. You may create unlimited
databases for multiple companies. For each database, give a unique and meaningful file name.
Database naming convention DOES NOT allow spaces, extended ASCII characters and long names.
Limit your database naming within 8 characters.
QUICK PAY system flow-chart :
System Flow
Any new allowance/deduction items from
Maintenance that effect salary computation?

Select a period for your current payroll

Any newly join / resign / promoted?
Any changes in fix salary items?
Any changes in personal particulars?

Transfer current basic and fix salary items.

SALARY ENTRY Auto Calculate & Insert
Enter salary item for the month by employee. BONUS for employees.
* Optional to run this


Print Government Reports, Management
Reports, Free-Format, Auto-Bank

Backup database into Floppy diskettes or USB
Flash drive

Repeat steps from the top for the next payroll period until
month December.

To start a new year, execute YEAR-END CLOSING.

Main Menu


Ensure that you have

selected the correct
database file and
current processing
period. This information
is displayed on bottom
of MAIN MENU screen.

SELECT PERIOD - Select a payroll period for processing

EMPLOYEE MASTER - Update employee personal particulars
PROCESS PERIOD - Transfer basic pay & fix allowances/deductions to SALARY ENTRY
SALARY ENTRY - Enter salary items for employees
BONUS RUN - If required, perform automatic bonus payment for employees

GOVERNMENT REPORTS - Printing of all statutory government forms & reports

STANDARD REPORTS - Printing of payslips, monthly reports, yearly reports and statistics
LABEL - Create and print labels
FREE FORMAT REPORTS - Create and print user-define format reports
AUTOBANK - Generate diskette files for Bank Credit via Diskette facility

SYSTEM SETUP - Setup company particulars and formula tables

SYSTEM SECURITY - Setup password and user access rights
TABLE OF CODES - Create user-define codes for allowances, departments, etc
GLOBAL CHANGE - Global changing of information stored in the database
QUERY SETUP - Query conditions to filter range of employees for reporting use

HELP - Help Documentation

DATABASE IMPORT - Import payroll data from external source
DATABASE DOCTOR - Fix database problems
DATABASE BACKUP - Make backup copies of databases
DATABASE RESTORE - Restore previous database backups

LOGIN – Change to another payroll database for processing

PASSWORD – Change current user password
EXIT – Quit application
Monthly Steps

 Monthly Step 1 of 4
From SELECT PERIOD, choose current payroll processing Period.
For example, End month of May 2016.

 Monthly Step 2 of 4
IMPORTANT: From EMPLOYEE MASTER, update employees’ personal particulars.
For example, salary increments, new fixed allowances or fixed deductions, increment
date, resignation date, change of EPF or taxation, etc.
Perform the following
steps before starting
Payroll processes.  Monthly Step 3 of 4
Execute PROCESS PERIOD. Process Period will TRANSFER basic salary and fixed
SYSTEM SETUP allowances and fixed deductions into SALARY ENTRY. You only need to execute this
function once, and then you may proceed to update individual employees’ salary for the
month in SALARY ENTRY.

 Monthly Step 4 of 4
From SALARY ENTRY, proceed to enter employees’ overtime hours, unpaid leaves,
annual leave taken, commissions, claims, etc. When SAVE button is selected, QUICK
PAY immediately calculates nett salary and stores the actual salary for the month.

NOTE: Before proceeding to print reports, ensure salary items in the SALARY ENTRY module are
correct. All report figures are retrieved directly from SALARY ENTRY module.
Quick Pay
Malaysian Payroll & Human Resource Management

Copyright © HR 2000 Sdn Bhd


1. SELECT PERIOD ............................................................................................................................................ 1

2. EMPLOYEE MASTER ................................................................................................................................... 2

2.1 IDENTITY CARD OPTION ................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 CUSTOM RATE OPTION ............................................................................................................................... 8
3. PROCESS PERIOD ....................................................................................................................................... 18

4. SALARY ENTRY ........................................................................................................................................... 20

5. BONUS RUN ................................................................................................................................................... 25

6. GOVERNMENT & MANAGEMENT REPORTS ...................................................................................... 27

6.1 PRINTING CONTROL .............................................................................................................................. 30
6.2 PAYROLL CHART .................................................................................................................................... 30
6.3 PAYSLIP PRINTING ................................................................................................................................. 32
7. LABEL............................................................................................................................................................. 33

8. FREE FORMAT REPORTS ......................................................................................................................... 35

9. AUTO BANK .................................................................................................................................................. 37

10. SYSTEM SETUP .......................................................................................................................................... 38

10.1 COMPANY PROFILE.............................................................................................................................. 38
10.2 CASH DENOMINATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 42
10.3 EPF TABLE .............................................................................................................................................. 42
10.4 SOCSO TABLE ........................................................................................................................................ 45
10.5 PCB TABLE (INCOME TAX TABLE) ................................................................................................... 47
10.6 OVERTIME SETUP ................................................................................................................................. 50
10.7 SHIFT SETUP .......................................................................................................................................... 53
10.8 ADDITIONAL PAY SETUP .................................................................................................................... 54
10.9 WORK GROUP SETUP ........................................................................................................................... 56
10.10 FOREIGN CURRENCY SETUP ............................................................................................................ 58
10.11 GOVERNMENT REPORTS SETUP ..................................................................................................... 59
11. QUERY SETUP ............................................................................................................................................ 66

12. SECURITY SETUP ...................................................................................................................................... 68

12.1 SUPERVISOR .......................................................................................................................................... 68
12.2 PAYROLL USERS ................................................................................................................................... 69
12.3 AUDIT TRAIL REPORTS ....................................................................................................................... 73
12.4 AUDIT TRAIL (EMPLOYEE MASTER) ................................................................................................ 74
.......................................................................................................................................................................... 74
13. TABLE OF CODES ..................................................................................................................................... 75

14. YEAR-TO-DATE ENTRY........................................................................................................................... 80

15. GLOBAL CHANGE ..................................................................................................................................... 81

16. YEAR-END CLOSING ................................................................................................................................ 82

17. DATABASE IMPORT ................................................................................................................................. 83

- II -
18. DATABASE DOCTOR ................................................................................................................................ 83

19. DATABASE BACKUP ................................................................................................................................. 84

20. DATABASE RESTORE............................................................................................................................... 85

21. QUICK STAFF FOR WINDOWS .............................................................................................................. 86

QUICK STAFF – ACCIDENT RECORDS ...................................................................................................... 88
QUICK STAFF – ACHIEVEMENT RECORDS.............................................................................................. 88
QUICK STAFF – APPRAISAL RECORDS ..................................................................................................... 89
QUICK STAFF – BENEFIT S RECORDS ....................................................................................................... 89
QUICK STAFF – CAREER DEVELOPMENT RECORDS............................................................................. 90
QUICK STAFF – DISCIPLINE RECORDS..................................................................................................... 90
QUICK STAFF – EDUCATION RECORDS ................................................................................................... 91
QUICK STAFF – EVENT RECORDS ............................................................................................................. 91
QUICK STAFF – FAMILY RECORDS ........................................................................................................... 92
QUICK STAFF – INSURANCE RECORDS.................................................................................................... 92
QUICK STAFF – NON PAY LEAVE RECORDS ........................................................................................... 93
QUICK STAFF – PICTURE RECORDS.......................................................................................................... 93
QUICK STAFF – SKILL RECORDS ............................................................................................................... 94
QUICK STAFF – TRAINING RECORDS ....................................................................................................... 94
QUICK STAFF – WORKING HISTORY RECORDS ..................................................................................... 95
QUICK STAFF – PAYMENT HISTORY RECORDS ..................................................................................... 95
QUICK STAFF – OTHER (USER DEFINE) RECORDS .................................................................................... 96
22. QUICK STAFF – LEAVE MANAGEMENT............................................................................................. 97
22.1 LEAVE ENTRY BY EMPLOYEE .......................................................................................................... 97
22.2 LEAVE ENTRY BY BATCH .................................................................................................................. 98
22.3 LEAVE ENTITLEMENT SETUP ........................................................................................................... 98
22.4 PROCESS LEAVE ENTITLEMENT ................................................................................................... 101
23. QUICK STAFF – HR QUERY .................................................................................................................. 103

APPENDIX 1: DOWNLOAD FROM INTERNET ....................................................................................... 106

APPENDIX 2: EXPORT TO MICROSOFT WORDS.................................................................................. 107

APPENDIX 3: EXPORT TO MICROSOFT EXCEL ................................................................................... 109

APPENDIX 4: KEYWORDS FOR FREE-FORMAT & QUERY ............................................................... 110

APPENDIX 5: TOPICS FOUND IN HELP ................................................................................................... 113

- III -
Quick Pay stores employee information into Yearly Databases (eg. DEMO2015, DEMO2016, DEMO2017etc). Each
database stores 12 months (i.e. January until December of the year) of payroll detail, while each month stores 3 payment
periods i.e. Mid-Month, End-Month and Additional-Period.

Select a payroll period for current payroll processing. You may shift from one payroll period to another without any

 Payroll Period - Valid periods are Mid-period, End-Period and Additional period
 Payroll Month - Valid months are from January to December
 Payroll Year - Enter the current year in YYYY format e.g. 2016

Companies with twice-monthly salary payments normally use mid-month salary period. Companies to pay end-month
salary use end-month salary period.

Additional period is only used to pay salary beyond the normal mid-month and end-month. Additional period are
normally used to pay bonuses separately, festive advances, ad-hoc allowances and incentives, etc.

Payroll Year is the year indicator for the Database File. DO NOT change the year for next year's salary processing.
Instead, use YEAR-END CLOSING module to create a new payroll year. Each database only stores salary data for the
current year. If you wish to access to previous years salary data, you should select the correct Payroll Database.

Note: Quick Pay DOES NOT require Month-End closing.

This is the maintenance module for employee personal details. You can create new employees, modify or delete existing
records from the database.

Edit employee

Create new
employee record

Delete employee

Search employee

Include or
exclude resigned
employees from

Change sorting order

Modify Employee Record

 Press MODIFY button. Employee personal detail window will appear.
 Proceed to change necessary particulars.
 When done, Press OK/SAVE button.

Create New Employee Record

 Press CREATE button. Employee personal detail window will appear.
 Proceed to enter employee’s particulars accordingly.
 Every employee number must be unique
 When done, Press OK/SAVE button.

Delete Employee Record

 Press DELETE button.
 Answer YES to confirm delete

 Employee numbers are alphanumeric (e.g. ABC123) and MUST BE UNIQUE
 To change employee number, refer topic GLOBAL CHANGE.
 Do not delete Terminated employees if you wish to print their EA-Forms by end of the year.

There are 6 available entry screens in EMPLOYEE MASTER:

Screen #1- Personal Detail (Section 1)

Screen #2- Personal Detail (Section 2)
Screen #3- Salary Entry (Setup how employee get paid and statutory groupings)
Screen #4- Fix Allowances and Fix Deductions
Screen #5- Leave Entitlement (Store annual entitlement value)
Screen #6- Loan Records (Tracking master loan value)

EMPLOYEE MASTER - Screen 1 of 6

Employee Number
This is a 10 alphanumeric employee number.
Each employee uses a unique number as identification by Quick Pay/Staff.
Examples: 001,ADM-9999

Employee Name
Enter the employee's name.

Pick a code from pre-defined table.
Examples: MSIA=Malaysian, JAPN=Japanese, IND=Indonesian, OTH=Others

Pick a code from pre-defined table.
Examples: MALAY=Bumiputra, CHINESE=Chinese, INDIAN=Indian, OTHERS=Others

Pick a code from a pre-defined table.
Examples: MUSLIM=Muslim, BUDH=Buddhist, CHRISTIAN=Christian, OTH=Others

Select a Sex/Gender.
Available options: Male, Female

Select a Marital Status.
Available options: Single, Married, Divorced, and Widower

Birth Date
Enter employee’s birth date. The right panel shows employee's age relative to current payroll month.
Date Format: dd/mm/yyyy

IC New (New Identity Card Number)

Enter employee’s new IC number. Some government reports and bank diskette submissions require only one identity
card number as reference. Also, setup “IC Option” accordingly.
Example: 661231-01-8888

IC Old (Old Identity Card Number)

Enter employee’s old IC number. Some government reports and bank diskette submissions require only one identity card
number as reference. Also, setup “IC Option” accordingly.
Example: A1234567

Passport Number
Enter employee’s passport number.

Contract Number
Enter employee’s contract number.

Union Number
Enter employee’s union number.

IC Color
Enter employee’s IC number color.
Available options: Blue, Red, Others

Select West Malaysian, Sabahan, or Sarawakian.

Immigration Number
Enter employee’s Immigration number.

Immigration Expiry(related to Immigration Number)

Enter employee’s date expire for Immigration.

ESOS #1 / #2
Enter employee’s Esos number.

TAX Number
Enter employee’s Income Tax number.

Valid Examples:
11 full digit

AAAAAAA - 6 to 8 numeric digits. This is the income tax reference number

BB - 2 digit numeric. This is "Digit Semakan" or hash digit
(C) - 1 digit numeric. This is "Kod Isteri"

(1) Between "SG" and "AAAAAAA", with or without spaces is OK
(2) Between the "AAAAAAA" and "(C)", with or without spaces is OK
(3) Some employees do not have "(C)"
(4) Number must have a "-" sign after "AAAAAAA"

TAX Branch
Enter employee’s Income Tax branch.
Examples: “KL”, ”S.ALAM” , ”J.DUTA”

Enter Employee number of children

Country Code (for CP39 tax report)

For foreigners, specify a Country Code. Country code is printed in CP39 Income Tax form.

PTPTN Number
Enter employee’s PTPTN number.

EPF Number
Enter employee’s Employee Provident Fund’s (EPF) reference number.

NK number (related to EPF number)

Enter employee’s NK number. NK number is related to employee’s EPF number.
Note: NK=“Nombor Kawalan”

EPF Initial (related to EPF number)

EPF initial is provided directly by EPF diskette submission department. Upon your company’s registration to submit
EPF contributions via diskette, the government EPF board shall provide a list of “EPF initial” numbers. These numbers
should then be updated into the EMPLOYEE MASTER.

SOCSO Number
Enter employee’s SOCSO number.

SOCSO Initial
Enter employee’s SOCSO initial number. Item is printed in SOCSO Monthly Normal Report.

Tabung Haji Number

Enter employee’s Tabung Haji number.

Amanah Saham Nasional Number

Enter employee’s ASN number.

2.1 Identity Card Option

By default, Quick Pay uses employee’s new identity card

number in bank crediting, EPF (Borang-A) diskette
submission, etc. Click on OPTIONS button to make
necessary changes.

I/C OPTIONS is applied in the following reports:

 EPF diskette submission

 SOCSO diskette submission
 ASNB diskette submission
 AUTOBANK diskette submission

EMPLOYEE MASTER - Screen 2 of 6

Cost Center
Pick a code from pre-defined table.
Examples: PJ=Petaling Jaya, KL=Kuala Lumpur, PG=Penang

Pick a code from pre-defined table.
Examples: ADMIN=Administration Dept, ACCT=Accounts Dept

Pick a code from pre-defined table.
Examples: QC=Quality Control Section, WIP=Work-In-Progress Section

Pick a code from pre-defined table.
Examples: EXEC1=Executive I, EXECII=Executive II, MGR=Managers

Pick a code from pre-defined table.
Examples: GM=General Manager, HR-MG=Human Resource Manager, CLERK=Clerk

Job Grade
Pick a code from pre-defined table.
Examples: A1=A1 Level, B1=B1 Level

Pick a code from pre-defined table.
Examples: DGIT=Degree in IT, DPSC=Diploma in Science, MBA=Master Business Admin

Payment Via
Select a Salary payment method. By setting payment via BANK, the employee’s pay will appear in Bank Credit report
and AutoBank utility. Setting payment via Cash will appear in Cash Denomination report. Payment via cheque will
appear in Cheque report.
Available option: Bank, Cash, Cheque, Credit Note or Withheld

Bank Code (related to Payment Via)

If payment via Bank is selected, pick a code from pre-defined table.
Examples: MBB=MayBan, PBB=Public Bank

Bank Branch (related to Payment Via)

If payment via Bank is selected, enter the bank’s branch code (if any).
Examples: KL=KL Branch, PJ=PJ Branch

Bank Account Number (related to Payment Via)

If payment is by Bank is selected, enter employee’s bank account number.
If you are using AutoBank utility, kindly refer to bank account setting in AUTOBANK topic.
Examples: 123456789012

Cheque Number
Enter cheque number. Item is printed in CHEQUE LISTING report.

Employee Address
Enter employee’s home/mailing address.

Enter employee’s house phone number.

Mobile Phone
Enter employee’s mobile phone number.

Spouse Name/IC/Tax Number/Branch

Enter spouse’s (i.e. Husband/Wife) name, identity card number, income tax number and income tax branch.

Next of Kin
Enter employee’s next of kin or emergency contact person.

Previous Employer Name

Enter previous employer name here. This information is printed in EA Form.

E-Mail Address #1 & #2

Enter employee e-mail address here.

2.2 CUSTOM Rate Option

This option allows you to set employee’s overtime, shift and non-pay leave rates independent from SYSTEM SETUP.
If enabled, overtime rates, shift rates and non-pay leave rates in SALARY ENTRY will inherit these figures instead of
using the standard computation setup from SYSTEM SETUP overtime, shift and non-pay leave tables.

Shift Ceiling
Enable Shift Ceiling will use the employee’s Shift Table instead of table in SYSTEM SETUP - Shift table. If option is
ticked, then enter the new shift rates.

Overtime Ceiling
Enable Overtime Ceiling will use the employee’s Overtime Table instead of table in SYSTEM SETUP - Overtime table.
If option is ticked, then enter the new overtime rates.

NPL Ceiling
Enable NPL Ceiling will use the employee’s table instead of table in SYSTEM SETUP - Work Group. If option is
ticked, then enter the new NPL rates. For daily rated employees, NPL rate is Working days rate.

 Enable EPF Ceiling will use the employee’s table instead of table in SYSTEM SETUP - EPF Table. If option is
ticked, then enter the new Employee and Employer amount.
 Enable VOL Ceiling will use the employee’s table. If option is ticked, then enter the new Employee and Employer
 Enable PCB Ceiling will use the employee’s table instead of table in SYSTEM SETUP - PCB Table. If option is
ticked, then enter the new Employee amount.
 PCB Child is used to change employee PCB grouping.
If PCB child is entered, then this value is added into employee PCB child count. This feature is useful for PCB with
child 0.50, or child exceeded 20 person.
Example, employee PCB Group is "44 - SPOUSE WORKING (20 CHILD)" and PCB Child = 4.50, then employee
PCB child count is 20 + 4.50 = 24.50.

Input Bank Beneficiary’s Name, New IC, Old IC or Passport.
Warning: If bank beneficiary name is used, then employee name & ICs/passport in the bank diskette files will be
replaced with these fields.

Input Permit Number, Green Card Number & Expire Date.

- 10 -
 Compulsory include into CP8D option will force employee to be listed into government CP8D form, regardless of
any conditions applied to the particular form.
 Service Point Value is the Service Point for the selected employee. Refer SERVICE POINT module.
 Use Currency Table is the Foreign Currency rate. Refer Foreign Currency module.
 Entitle Gratuity option will activate Gratuity Payment for employee. Refer GRATUITY Module

- 11 -
EMPLOYEE MASTER - Screen 3 of 6

Current Basic
Enter employee’s current basic.
Employee’s current basic is transferred into SALARY ENTRY’s Basic Salary field during PROCESS PERIOD. It is
also used for calculating overtime rates, non-paid-leave rates, and additional pay rates.

(1) Monthly Rated Paid Employees

During PROCESS PERIOD module, Quick Pay will automatically transfer the salary (either full amount if
employee is paid once a month. Otherwise, if will pay partial salary if paid twice monthly) into SALARY
ENTRY module. For employee’s paid twice monthly, if PROCESS PERIOD is executed for Mid-Month, then
the Mid-Month salary amount (from EMPLOYEE MASTER) will be transferred into SALARY ENTRY’s Basic
Salary field. If PROCESS PERIOD is executed in End-Month, then the balance amounts (i.e. Current Basic
less Mid Basic) are transferred instead.

(2) Daily Rated Paid Employees

During PROCESS PERIOD module, Quick Pay does not allocate any salary into employee’s Basic Salary
field. Instead, user is required to enter the day’s work to derive the actual Basic Salary.

Mid Basic
Enter employee’s mid-month basic.
Employee’s mid-month basic is transferred into SALARY ENTRY’s Basic Salary field when PROCESS PERIOD is
executed in Mid-Month.

Old Basic
Enter employee’s previous basic.
Employee’s Old Basic is used in BONUS RUN where user can pay bonuses base on old salary (i.e. before increment). It
is also used in SALARY ENTRY’s overtime & NPL entry for rates before increment.

- 12 -
Payment Rate
Select the correct payment rate for each employee.
If “Monthly Rated” is used, Quick Pay will assume the “Current Basic” is the full month’s salary. Otherwise, the
“Current Basic” is assumed as rate per day.
Available Payment Rate options are “Monthly Rated” and “Daily Rated”.
Examples: If selected “Monthly Rated”, then Current Basic = RM 2,000.00. If selected “Daily Rated”, then Current
Salary is RM 10.00.

Payment Frequency
Select the correct payment frequency for each employee.
Available payment frequency options are “Once per Month” and “Twice per Month”.
If “Once a Month” is used, Quick Pay will ignore totally from allocating any salary for the employee during PROCESS
If “Twice a Month”, then PROCESS PERIOD will allocate the employee’s salary for Mid-Month accordingly.

Date Hire
Enter employee’s date of hire. Quick Pay uses this date to detect whether the employee is active. Non-active employees
are totally ignored during PROCESS PERIOD. If detected as newly joined, Quick Pay will prorate the employee’s
salary during PROCESS PERIOD.

Date Confirm
Enter employee’s date of confirmation. Quick Pay salary computation is not sensitive to this date. This date does not
effect the salary paid.

Date Increment
Enter employee’s date of salary increment. Quick Pay uses this date and also refers to “Current Basic” and “Old Basic”
to determine if salary prorates should be activated during PROCESS PERIOD.
Example: If employee is newly increment in the current month. Then, Quick Pay will compute employee’s salary
prorate base on the number of days worked before increment and number of days worked after increment.

Date Retire
Enter employee’s expected retirement date. Quick Pay salary computation is not sensitive to this date.

Date Terminate
Enter employee’s date of resignation/termination. This is the last working day. Quick Pay uses this date to detect
whether the employee is active. Non-active employees are totally ignored during PROCESS PERIOD. If detected as
newly resigned, Quick Pay will prorate the employee’s salary during PROCESS PERIOD.

CP22A Amount Withheld

This nett pay withheld figure is printed into CP22A government report.

EPF Group
Each employee master is attached to an EPF computation group or table. Once attached, Quick Pay will refer to
SYSTEM SETUP (EPF Table) setting for all related EPF computation.
Example: If employee is not contributing EPF, enter as BLANK. If standard EPF contribution is used (e.g.
employee=11% and employer is 12%), set to Group “E1” and then ensure SYSTEM SETUP - EPF Table for Group
“E1” is set accordingly to employee=11% and employer=12%.
Use Group “E2”, “E3” and so forth for other contribution percentages.

Each employee master is attached to a SOCSO computation group or table. Once attached, Quick Pay will refer to
SYSTEM SETUP (SOCSO Table) setting for all related SOCSO computation.
If employee is not contributing SOCSO, leave group as BLANK. Otherwise, set to Group “S1”, “S2” or “S3”.

Deduct PCB?
To exclude employee from contributing PCB deduction, select option “NO”. Otherwise, employee’s PCB deduction will
follow PCB Group table setting (refer following field Help documentation).

- 13 -
PCB Group
If “Deduct PCB” is Yes, then attach employee with a PCB group. If employee is not contributing PCB, leave group as
BLANK. Click on PCB Pick List for available options.

Work Group (NPL)

Each employee master is attached to a Working Group.
For Monthly rated employees, Work Group determines the rate for unpaid leave (NPL) by days and hours in SALARY
PERIOD Module. While for daily rated employees, Work Group determines employees’ hourly rate. Once attached,
Quick Pay will refer to SYSTEM SETUP (Working Group Table) setting for all related NPL deductions.

Overtime Group
Each employee master is attached to an OT Group (or Overtime Group). OT Group determines the rate for overtime
rates in SALARY PERIOD Module. Once attached, Quick Pay will refer to SYSTEM SETUP (OVERTIME Table)
setting for all related Overtime computation.

LEVY Group
Each employee master is attached to a LEVY Group (related to Malaysian Human Resource Development Funds).
LEVY Group determines the amount for Levy amount deduction in SALARY PERIOD Module. Once attached, Quick
Pay will refer to SYSTEM SETUP (COMPANY PROFILE), Levy percentage field, for all related LEVY computation.

Each employee master is attached to a SECURITY Group.
Security group code is meant for restricting payroll users from accessing certain group of employee records within the
database. Each payroll user can be assigned with a list of security groups accessible to them. Leave group as BLANK if
you wish to allow free access to ALL users. Available groups are "S1","S2", and “S9".

There are a few remark fields provided for user to use. These fields might also be used for special programming
customization. Example: Benefit in kind for car, Punch Card ID, Membership numbers, etc.

- 14 -
EMPLOYEE MASTER - Screen 4 of 6

Fixed Allowances & Fixed Deductions

For employees with monthly fixed allowances or fixed deductions, assign the item into “Code” field and follow by the
amount. Amounts with positive value are allowances while negative values are deductions. For “Period” field, select
“Mid”, “End” or “Add”-month. Then assign the period “From” and period “To” correctly.
Note: Only a maximum of 16 fixed allowance/deductions items are provided for each employee.


If an employee has a month fixed “Traveling” allowance of RM 300.00 to be paid from January 2015 until March 2016
on every end of the month, then specify:

Code = “TRAV”, Amount= 300.00, Prd=“End”, From=01/2015, To=03/2016

If an employee has a month fixed “House Loan” deduction of RM 200.00 to be deducted from January 2016 until
December 2016 on every mid of the month, then specify :

Code = “LOAN”, Amount= -200.00, Prd=“Mid”, From=01/2016, To=12/2016

Schedule Remarks
These remarks are for personal notation on FIX ALLOWANCES/DEDUCTIONS SCHEDULES.

- 15 -
EMPLOYEE MASTER - Screen 5 of 6

Leave Entitlements
Quick Pay allows up to 10 type of leave entitlement tracking. The common leave entitlement types are “Annual Leave”
and “Sick Leave”. Basically, Quick Pay provides a simple leave entitlement, taken and balance tracking. For a more
comprehensive Leave Management system, please refer to QUICK STAFF system.

Example: If the employee is entitled to 14 days of annual leave, then set 14 to the leave field. Leave balances is
calculated by deducting the entitled days with days taken from SALARY ENTRY.

- 16 -
EMPLOYEE MASTER - Screen 6 of 6

Loan Records
Quick Pay allows a simple loan tracking system. It provides room for user to track actual loan amount, Life-To-Date
loan payment made (i.e. from first payment until last year December) and Year-to-Date loan payment made (i.e. from
January of current year until December).

- 17 -

ONE TOUCH Processing

If QUICK STAFF is installed,

enable this option to process
Human Resource

ONE TOUCH Processing

If QUICK STAFF is installed,

enable this option to process Leave

PROCESS PERIOD will perform the following tasks:

 Transfer Employees' Basic Salary of the current period from EMPLOYEE MASTER into SALARY ENTRY.
(Salary will be prorated using calendar days for newly hired and resigned staffs)
 Transfer Employee's Fix Allowances & Fix Deductions from EMPLOYEE MASTER into SALARY ENTRY

Note: Before processing, update EMPLOYEE MASTER's detail to the latest information.

QUICK STAFF - Human Resource Processing Options

 If checked, HUMAN RESOURCE Processing will be executed. The processing will update Human Resource
Records (QUICK STAFF) into EMPLOYEE MASTER (i.e. Career Development, Highest Qualification, and
children below 18 years old)

 If checked, LEAVE ENTITLEMENT Processing will be executed. This processing option is also available in

Recommended items to check in EMPLOYEE MASTER before processing:

 Current Basic & Mid Basic
 Payment Rate (daily or monthly type)
 Payment Frequency (monthly or bi-monthly payment frequency)
 EPF, SOCSO, Tax, Overtime, Work Group & Levy settings
 Hire Date, Increment Date, Resign Date
 Fix Allowances/Deductions Schedule

After PROCESS PERIOD is completed, proceed to SALARY ENTRY to enter other payroll particulars e.g. Overtime
hours worked, leave taken etc.

- 18 -
NOTE: PROCESS PERIOD should only be executed ONCE before starting the payroll period. If this
unction is executed more than once, Basic pay and fix allowances/deductions from EMPLOYEE
MASTER will again overwrite (and not accumulated) into SALARY ENTRY.


During End-Month PROCESS PERIOD processing, if detected an allowance code of "ADV+" in
Mid-Month or ADD-Month of SALARY ENTRY record, an allowance code of "ADV-" is
automatically inserted into End-Month. The amount is a negate value.

Example, if employee has an ADVance paid in Mid-Month of RM 500.00, then you should find a
deduction of RM -500.00 in End-Month.

Note: ADVANCE ITEMS feature is only applied to End-Month processing only


During End-Month PROCESS PERIOD processing, if detected an allowance code of "SAL-" in Mid-
Month or ADD-Month of SALARY ENTRY record, an allowance code of "SAL+" is automatically
inserted into End-Month. The amount is a negate value.

Example, if employee has SALary holdback deduction in Mid-Month of RM -500.00, then you should
find a SALary Paid Back of RM +500.00 in End-Month.

Note: SALARY HOLD-BACK ITEMS feature is only applied to End-Month processing only

For more detail see SALARY HOLD BACK Setup

- 19 -
SALARY ENTRY Module is the where all paid salary items are stored.

Once the payroll items are entered and saved into SALARY ENTRY, you may proceed to print payslips, government
reports and other management reports. All payroll figures from reports are extracted from this module.

Changes in SALARY ENTRY are reflected instantly in all reports.

Select an employee to modify salary record for the current payroll period.

The following are available screens in SALARY ENTRY :

Screen 1-Salary Entry (Store current period’s salary)

Screen 2-Old Rates (Store NPL, Overtime & Additional pay based on previous basic rate)
Screen 3-TP Section (personal tax waivable income, Benefit-in-Kind items)
Screen 4-Information (Display brief information from EMPLOYEE MASTER)

Screen #1 - Salary Entry

Basic Salary (Monthly Rated Employees Only):

This is the basic salary for the current period. This amount is the result transferred from EMPLOYEE MASTER. Users
may overwrite this amount if necessary. Only monthly rated employees will have basic salary.

- 20 -
Days Worked (Daily Rated Employees Only):
This is the number of days worked for daily rated employees. Only daily rated employees will have "Days Worked"
entry field.

Hours Worked (Daily Rated Employees Only):

This is the number of hours worked for daily rated employees. Enter number of hours worked by employee during the
period. Only daily rated employees will have Hours Worked field shown on screen.

Non-Pay Leave Days (Monthly Rated Employees Only):

This is the number of Non-Pay Leave days taken. NPL days rates are setup in SYSTEM SETUP.
Only monthly rated employees will have NPL Days entry fields.

Non-Pay Leave Hours (Monthly Rated Employees Only):

This is the number of No-Pay-Leave hours taken. NPL hourly rates are setup in SYSTEM SETUP.
Only monthly rated employees will have NPL hours entry fields.

This column allows up to 20 allowance/deduction code items to be allocated for the employee. Only predefined
allowance/deduction codes can be selected here. For allowances, place a positive amount. Else, for deductions, place a
negative amount.

These are the number of overtime hours worked. All overtime rates are preset in SYSTEM SETUP. Enter the overtime
frequency worked for each type of overtime. The overtime rates displayed are ORP.

Additional Pay:
These are the number of additional pay worked. All additional pay rates are preset in SYSTEM SETUP. The additional
rates displayed are in multiple of day’s rate.

These are the number of fixed rated shift allowances given. Shift rates are preset in SYSTEM SETUP.

Leave Balance & Taken:

This is the number of leave days taken in the current period. It will also display the balance of leave days as at the
current month.

Info Button for Leave Detail:

Click on INFO button to retrieve more detail on leave transaction entries. A pop-up listing will display all leave records
from the Human Resource - Leave Module.


These are the contribution amount for EPF, SOCSO, PCB and Levy. Wages amount is the accumulated salary figures of
the employee that contributes to the respective type of statutory contributions. “EE” is the amount paid by the employee,
while “ER” is the amount paid by the employer.

This button function allows you to recalculate EPF, SOCSO, PCB, Levy, Non-Pay Leave rates, Overtime rates, Shift
rates, Additional Pay rates on the press of the button. Once recalculation is completed, your screen will display the new
salary result. However, the result is not saved until you Pressed OK/SAVE button.

- 21 -
There are 2 options:-
 Unlock EPF, SOCSO, PCB and Levy - If enabled, you are allowed to modify the employee and employer
contribution amount. Once enabled, Quick Pay does not auto-recalculate these amounts for you. Only use this
feature if you wish to change these figures instead of letting Quick Pay perform auto-calculation.
 Unlock Rates - If enabled, you are allowed to modify the rates for NPL, Overtime, Shift, and Additional Pay. Once
enabled, Quick Pay does not auto-recalculate these amounts for you. Only use this feature if you wish to change
these figures instead of letting Quick Pay perform auto-calculation.

Screen #2

Overtime/Non Pay Leave/Additional Pay:

These entry fields are similar to SALARY ENTRY - Screen 1. However, the rates calculated are base
on EMPLOYEE MASTER’s Previous Basic salary.
Note: Screen-1 uses EMPLOYEE MASTER’s Current Basic salary amount while Screen-2 uses Old

These remarks are meant for user to place personal comments onto the salary record for the selected
employee. The remarks are updated from EMPLOYEE MASTER remarks fields.

- 22 -
Screen #3 - TP Section

This is where TP (i.e. personal tax waivable income, benefit-in-kind) items are entered. Items placed here will not affect
Gross Pay. However, if may affect EPF Wages, SOCSO Wages and PCB Wages if configured accordingly.

Example, to reduce PCB Wages, you may enter TP1 items:

BOOKS (CP8A = 30).............……………………............. RM -100

LIFE INSURANCE (CP8A = 31)........……………........... RM -200

Example, to increase PCB Wages, you may enter TP2 items:

CAR BENEFIT-IN-KIND (CP8A = 5)............................ RM +12,000

HOUSE BENEFIT-IN-KIND (CP8A = 17)..................... RM +8,000

- 23 -
Screen #4- Information
This screen is designed to allow user to browse some of the important figures from EMPLOYEE MASTER.

- 24 -

BONUS RUN is to insert bonuses into SALARY ENTRY. Ensure that you have selected the correct Payroll
Period from SELECT PERIOD module.

Mock Run Only

Check this option if you DO NOT wish to save Bonuses into SALARY ENTRY.
Enabling this option will allow a mock or trial Bonus Run.

Bonus Year & Month

Bonus is calculated relative to last day of Bonus Month and Year
Eg. If you are paying bonus for December year 1999, then enter Year = "1999" and Month = "December".
Employees' working days are calculated from Jan 1st 1999 until Dec 31st 1999.

Select Bonus Code to store bonus amount. Bonus is considered as an allowance item.
Note: Please ensure Bonus item is properly configured in Table of Codes for EPF and Taxation purposes

- 25 -
Bonus Rates
Bonus rates for daily rated and monthly rated employees are specified separately.
To use Bonus Rate from EMPLOYEE MASTER's User Value#1, check option "Use Value#1 (Employee
Master) as Bonus Rate”.
Eg. Daily rated employees might be given 30 times of their daily rates; while monthly rated employees might
be given 2 times of their monthly pay.

BONUS Method
Selects the method of bonus calculation.
Method 1 - Calculates employees' bonus based on actual working days
 Method 2 - Calculates based on actual working months. Cut-off date of the month is on the 1st of the
Eg., if employee joined on the 2nd of the month, that month itself is not counted as a full working month.
 Method 3 - Calculates based on actual working months. Cut-off date of the month is on the 15th of the
Eg., if employee joined on 16th of the month, that month itself is not counted as a full working month.
 Method 4 -No Prorate ! Full bonus is given regardless of whether employee has worked a full year
Use Basic as...
It determines the calculation of "Basic Pay" base on either current basic, old basic, year-to-date gross salary, or
year-to-date gross salary (less non-pay-leave).

Bonus Rounding
This option allows final rounding to bonus amount. Select either round down, up or nearest to RM 1.00.
If "No Rounding" option is selected, final amount is rounded to the nearest cent value.

Include Resigned Employees

Check this option if you wish to include resigned employees in the current month. By default, newly resigned
employees are excluded from being paid bonuses.

- 26 -
NOTE: Some reports might not be included depending on installed software version

GOVERNMENT 18 Most Requested Government Reports

1. EPF Borang-A Monthly Employee Provident Fund report
 Included submission by diskette

2. SOCSO Borang-8 Monthly Employee PERKESO contribution report

 Included submission by diskette

3. Income Tax CP39 Monthly PAYE (income tax) or PCB tax deduction report
 Included submission by diskette

4. Income Tax - CP159 Yearly PAYE (Income Tax) Summary

 Included Both Employee and Employer Format

5. Income Tax - CP22 Newly joined employee tax report

6. Income Tax - CP22 A Newly resigned employee tax report

7. Income Tax - CP21 Newly resigned employee tax report (for foreigners)

8. EA Form – CP8A Yearly employee tax return

 Included Pre-Printed EA-Form Version

9. EC Form – CP8C Yearly employee tax return (for government servants)

10. Form E Summary of tax return

11. In Lieu of CP39 Income Tax Registration form.

12. SOCSO Form-2 Newly joined SOCSO contributing employees

13. SOCSO Form-3 Newly resigned SOCSO contributing employees

15. Tabung Haji Employee Tabung Haji contribution listing

 Included submission by diskette

16. Amanah Saham Nasional Employee ASN contribution listing

 Included submission by diskette

17. Zakat Contribution Employee Zakat contribution listing

 Included submission by diskette

18. ANGKASA Contribution Employee ANGKASA contribution listing (diskette)

STATISTIC Analyze Employee by Head-Count and

REPORTS Groupings
1. Salary Analysis Analyze salary range on employee head-count sorted by groups.

2. Turn-Over Analysis Analyze turnover (recruitment and resign) by months on employee head-count
sorted by groups.

3. Work Force Analysis Statistics on head-count by individual races and gender.

4. Employee Age Analysis Analyze age range on employee head-count sorted by groups.

5. Service Years Analysis Analyze service years on employee head-count sorted by groups.

6. Head Count Analysis Analyze employee headcount sorted by 2 level grouping

- 27 -
MONTH-TO-DATE Monthly Payroll Reports
1. Payslip User-customize payslip format with a list of Ready-Made layout - with options to
include leave balances and attach ad-hoc messages into your payslip.

2. Bank Credit Detail & Summary Monthly salary crediting submission to banks. For bank credit submission using
diskette, please refer BANK DISKETTE module.

3. Cash Payment Cash denomination listing for employees paid by cash.

4. Cheque Payment Cheque listing for employees paid by cheques.

5. Overtime Detail Report on overtime hours and total amount

6. Shift Detail Report on shift hours and total amount

7. Additional Pay Detail Report on additional pay days and total amount

8. Payroll Detail & Summary Report on all salary items for the month. Available in individual employee detail
listing and summary by groups.

9. EPF, SOCSO, PCB & Levy Detail Employee EPF, SOCSO, PCB and Levy contribution listing

10. Company Variance Listing of variance amount for all salary items between current and previous
month’s payroll figures.

11. Company Statistic Listing of all salary items in vertical format.

12. Employee Variance Listing of employee variance amount for all salary items between current and
previous month’s payroll figures.

13. ADHOC Payroll Listing Listing of employees with a user-select salary item. Example: List all employees
who received Traveling allowance in the current month.

14. Allowances & Deductions Summary Summary of allowances and deductions for a specific sorting group (e.g.
Department, Section, Job Grade)

YEAR-TO-DATE Yearly Payroll Reports

1. Payroll Detail & Summary Report on all salary items for the year. Available in individual employee detail
listing and summary by groups.

2. EPF by Employee & Employer EPF contribution for the year by employee and employer total

3. SOCSO by Employee & Employer SOCSO contribution for the year by employee and employer total

4. PCB by Employee & Employer PCB (income tax) contribution for the year by employee and employer total

5. VOLUNTARY by Employee & Employer Voluntary contribution for the year by employee and employer total

6. LEVY by Employee & Employer Levy contribution for the year by employer total

7. Employee Statistics Employee listing of all salary items in vertical format by individual month.

8. Company Statistics Company listing of all salary items in vertical format by individual month.

9. Group Statistics Listing of all salary items by Groups.

10. Overtime Detail Report on overtime hours and total amount

11. Shift Detail Report on shift hours and total amount

12. Additional Pay Detail Report on additional pay days and total amount

- 28 -
LEAVE MANAGEMENT Leave Detail & Summary
1. Leave Detail Report on a specific leave entitlement, taken and balance for the year by Detail.

2. Leave Summary Report on a specific leave entitlement, taken and balance for the year by

3. Employee Leave Detail A yearly leave report by employee. Included summary entitlement, taken and
balance - and a detailed listing of leave transactions.


1. Employee Master Print out of employee personal detail from EMPLOYEE MASTER

2. Newly Joined Listing Listing of employees newly recruited

3. Newly Terminated Listing Listing of employees newly resigned

4. Newly Confirmed Listing Listing of employees newly confirmed

5. Newly Increment Listing Listing of employees newly increment salary

6. Newly Retired Listing of employees newly retired

7. Salary Revision Listing of employees old and new salary

8. Service Year Listing Listing of employees on service years rendered

9. Employee Age Listing Listing of employees on age

10. Birth-Day Listing Listing of employees born on current month

11.Immigration Expiry Listing of employees (foreigners) with expired immigration documents

- 29 -

Quick Pay powerful printing engine allows report viewing before sending to your Windows printer.

Select physical destination

Windows printer here…

Select PREVIEW – ie.

View report before

To send report output to

CSV file, enable “Create
Export Filename (CSV)”.

Then, enter your desired

destination filename…

Once a report has been created for viewing, the following report viewing screen will appear:

Enlarge view page… View next or previous Jump direct to a particular

report page… report page…

Once PRINT option is selected, you

may even select page range to send to

- 30 -

A built-in PAYROLL CHART module is available in STANDARD REPORTS. Available chart types are area,
horizontal and vertical bars, line, point and pie charts. You can easily plot useful graphical charts based on yearly basic
pay, nett pay, overtime amount, gross pay total, EPF amount, etc…


Copy current displayed Chart. Click this once and then select PASTE option in any Windows application (eg. Ms
Words, Ms Excel, Ms Paint) to insert

Print current displayed Chart. Note: You must first select your default Printer!

Choose chart type. Example: area, horizontal and vertical bars, line, point and pie charts

Enable or Disable 3-Dimension display

Rotate your chart. Rotation is NOT available to some chart types!

Increase Chart Depth

Display Chart Legend

Display Horizontal and Vertical Grids

More options...

- 31 -

Quick Pay allows user define payslip layout. Select among a list of available payslip template (*.rpt) from OPTION
button. For detail on available Payslip Keyword commands, refer to the accompanied Payslip.doc (Ms Words format).

Payslip Messages
If current selected Payslip Template supports payslip remarks, enter your messages here to be printed in payslip.

Payslip Merging
By default, only current selected period of the month is printed. If you wish to include (or merge) other periods, tick the
options in Mid-Month, End-Month and/or Additional Month.

Print Other Period Nett Pay as ADVANCE PAID

If payslip merging is selected, your nett pay will show a combined figure. To print only current period nett pay, you
must check this option! By doing so, other period nett pay will be reflected as ADVANCE PAID sum in your Deduction

Print ONLY Allowance/Deduction

If you wish to print your payslip to show ONLY an allowance or deduction item, select the item here.
All other items (e.g. Basic, NPL, overtime, etc) are excluded! This feature is useful if you pay multiple allowances using
the same payroll period (e.g. paying CAR, CLAIMS, and ADHOC payments into Additional Period at different dates).

Functions available in options: -

 Install Payslip Format

Choose a Payslip Template (normally stored in file extension of RPT). You may assign a different payslip template
for each database.
 Payslip Edit
Edit Payslip Template of current database. Payslip Template file is a text file containing script instructions.
 Payslip Save to File...
Save current payslip file into file.
 Grid Lines
Use Grid Lines to assist you during Payslip design mode.

- 32 -
This module allows you to create and print labels. Label printing is normally fit to print on standard label stickers. You
may then use the printed labels to stick onto manual punch cards, mailing addresses and/or other purposes.

A sample label output:

Dimension Folder: Define your label dimension.

Number of labels to be printed vertically & horizontally. Label width & height, and spacing between each printed label.

- 33 -
Items To Print : Select particulars from EMPLOYEE MASTER module to be arranged and to be printed onto your
predefined label format.

Font: Select your desired printing font

- 34 -
Free Format Report module allows you to create and print your own desired report format. All reports are in tabular
format. Each report allows up to a maximum of 50 columns. On each column, choose your own desired payroll items to
be printed. During FREE FORMAT report printing, you may also save output result into CSV files, which is compatible
with Ms Excel and Ms Words application.


Report Title: This is the printed title on your report.

Sort By: Select a sorting order

If Level 1/2/3 sorting type is chosen, then, you must specify the Item for each level. Example, Level 1 = Department,
Level 2 = Section, Level 3= Category

Payroll Figures: Select Current Month Only to include only current month's payroll figure. Else, select Year-to-Date
Figure for entire year's total amount.

Record Listing: Select Detail by Employees to list individual employee detail. Else, select Sub-Total only to print sub-
totals only.

 Exclude Daily Rated Employees: If enabled, then daily rated employees will be excluded.
 Exclude Monthly Rated Employees: If enabled, then monthly rated employees will be excluded.
 Exclude Resigned Employees: If enabled, only ACTIVE employees (as at current month) are included.
 Exclude if LAST Column is Zero value or EMPTY (i.e. Blank): Employee will be excluded if the last column
(refer folder “Report Columns”) is zero value or blank.
 Break Page on Every Sorting Group: If enabled, then on every new sorting group, a new page is skipped.
 Skip Line between Printings: If enabled, then one line will be skipped between record printings.
 Shade Column Titles: If enabled, then column titles on top are shaded.
 Use Comma in Thousands: If enabled, all numeric values are printed with comma separator for thousands.
Example, one thousand = 1,000.00
 Font: Select your desired printing font

- 35 -

Title: Place column title here. Example, "Employee Name", "Basic Pay", etc

Width: Set the width (in inches) for each column.

Print Total: If enabled, a total will be printed at the bottom of column.

Keywords: Each column uses a set of preset “Keywords” in order to recognize what items to be extracted from your
payroll database. When entry cursor is in this field position, the “PICK LIST” button will be enabled. You can then
click on this button to view a list of available keyword options. Combinations of keywords are allowed for payroll

Keyword Examples:
(*BONUS) + (<CB> * 0.1) ... may get Bonus amount with 10% of Current Basic
[NAME] ... will retrieve employee name

Special Settings: This field allows user to overwrite MONTH-TO-DATE or YEAR-TO-DATE option GENERAL
folder. Example, you can select to retrieve MONTH-TO-DATE figure but without additional period items.

Justify: Set either left, center or right justify printing for each column.

- 36 -
AUTO-BANK credits employees' nett pay via Auto-Bank Credit facility. It generates a text file output according to the
file format specified by the respective banks.

Employees' bank account number (click on HELP button for specific format for each bank) must follow specific format
required by the banks. Contact your Bankers for information on file names, company identification numbers, etc. Some
banks require additional printed documents to be submitted together with the output text file.

Export File Name

Enter text file name to be generated. File name must follow individual bank’s prefixed file names.
E.g., MAYBAN might be using the file name of "A:\MBBAPS".

Include Nett Pay

Specify which payroll period of the current month to be included.

Credit Date
Specify the actual date for the bank to credit employees' nett pay into their respective bank accounts.

- 37 -
SYSTEM SETUP module allows users to set company profile particulars, general descriptions, and all computation

 COMPANY PROFILE - Setup company particulars

 CASH DENOMINATION - Setup coinage for Cash Denomination Report
 EPF TABLE - Setup formula for EPF contributions
 SOCSO TABLE - Setup formula for SOCSO contributions
 PCB (TAX) TABLE - Setup formula for PCB contributions
 OVERTIME SETUP - Setup formula for Overtime rates
 SHIFT SETUP - Setup formula for Shift rates
 ADDITIONAL PAY SETUP - Setup formula for Additional Pay table
 WORK GROUP SETUP - Setup formula for Work Group & Non-pay Leave formula
 GOVERNMENT REPORT SETUP - Setup miscellaneous particulars for Government form printing
 FOREIGN CURRENCY SETUP – Foreign currency table if non-Malaysian currency is used
 QUERY SETUP – Filtering tool to select group of employees for reporting or processing use


This module allows users to setup particulars for the current select company. Enter company name, registration number,
address, phone, fax, e-mail, and other government statutory account numbers.

Rounding Method for OT, Shift and Additional Pay

Rounding Method effects all rates and final amount of Overtime, Shift, Additional Pay, and Non-Paid Leave in
SALARY ENTRY. Rounding to Rates and Amount for Overtime, Shift and Additional Pay.

Rounding for Total Amount - Rounding on computed amount for Overtime, Shift, Additional Pay and NPL (e.g.
Overtime Amount #1). Recommended "Round to Nearest"

- 38 -
Rounding for Rate - Rounding on each rate in Overtime, Shift, Additional Pay and NPL (eg. Overtime Rate #1).
Recommend "No Rounding"

Rounding for Overtime Rate Per-Hour - Rounding on ORP before multiplying with Overtime Rate.
Recommended "No Rounding"

Nett Pay Rounding

By default, employees' Nett Pay are rounded to the nearest cents.
To use nett pay rounding, select rounding formula and set affected payment via categories.
To round nearest RM 1.00, set ROUND NEAREST ==> 100 cents
To round down RM 1.00, set ROUND DOWN ==> 100 cents
To round nearest 50 cents, set ROUND NEAREST ==> 50 cents

Levy Percent
Enter LEVY percentage (eg. 1%). LEVY contribution is calculated and stored into SALARY ENTRY. Only
employees with LEVY Entitled (refer EMPLOYEE MASTER) will have Levy amount for Employer.

Mid Basic Percent

This will automatically assign MidBasic in EMPLOYEE MASTER when CurrentBasic is changed.
To use, ensure Employee is paid Twice-Per Month and Paid as Monthly Rated. Employees with payment
frequency Once a Month and Daily Rated are not affected.

Separate VOL from EPF

By default, VOLUNTARY contribution amount in SALARY ENTRY are included into Monthly EPF
Government report.
If option is checked, VOLUNTARY amount is not included into report.

Skip SCAN Employee Master on SAVE

Each time EMPLOYEE MASTER record is saved, Quick Pay scans for duplicate I/C and passport number
within all employee records in your database. To disable this function, check this option.
Warning: Some computers are known to experience slow down during scanning.

- 39 -
Do Not Reconcile ADD-Month EPF,SOCSO,PCB,Levy
Check this option if you do not wish EPF, SOCSO, PCB and LEVY amount in ADD-Month to be reconciled
with other periods of the month (ie. Mid and End-Month). During PROCESS PERIOD - Additional Month,
employee basic will also be transferred into SALARY ENTRY.
* This option is commonly used by companies with 13th Month payroll cycle.

Leave Descriptions
Quick Pay/Staff allows 10 type of leave tracking. Enter the descriptions for each leave type eg. Annual leave,
Sick leave, etc.

Employee Master Remarks

These are the descriptions for free remark fields in EMPLOYEE MASTER module. Enter the descriptions for
each remark e.g. Benefit in kind for car, Batch ID, Membership Number, etc

- 40 -
Last Sorting Level for Reports
In most standard reports, the last printing order are always sorted by Employee Number. Change this setting if

Free Format Reports, Query, Label Reports Setup Location

Recommended to Use Global Reports to share Free Format, Query and Label settings among all Payroll
Databases. Technically, Quick Pay will use setup file from SYSTEMPATH.

Use Local Reports if you wish each Payroll Database to display setup file from its own database path.
Technically, Quick Pay will use setup file from {DataBasePath}\{CurrentDatabase}. Local Reports should
only be applied if you are managing payroll databases 10 companies and above.
Note: Free Format, Query and Label are always stored into SYSTEM.INI file.

Enable print to PDF printer

Replace default printer viewer with Adobe PDF viewer.

Prepared by, Checked by, Approved by, Received by, Authorized by

As some reports allow options to print the above descriptions as report footer, you may assign person-in-charge
name here.

- 41 -

Setup the denomination to use in CASH PAYMENT report. Check type of denominations (or coinage) to use when
issuing payment to employees by cash.

NOTE: Only employees with Payment Via field = "Cash" will appear in CASH PAYMENT report.

This example is using all denomination type excluding denomination for RM 1,000 and RM 500.


Quick Pay allows user to set EPF contribution rates. There are 30 available EPF groups (i.e. Group E1 to E30). It is
recommended to use E1 for standard EPF contributions while the rest of the groups should be use for other contribution
percentages. Once the EPF groups are properly set, proceed to EMPLOYEE MASTER to configure EPF Groups for
entitled employees.

EPF Group Description: Enter the EPF Group description for each group.
Deduct EPF in Mid-Month: Specify YES to deduct EPF in mid-month salary period.
Deduct EPF in Add-Month: Specify YES to deduct EPF in additional-period.

- 42 -


 EPF Wages – Include salary items with EPF Setting = YES
 Basic Less NPL – Include Basic Salary less No-Paid-Leave amount
 Basic Less NPL + VOL 1– Include Basic less No-Paid-Leave amount plus items with VOL=YES
 VOLuntary 1 Only – Include salary items with VOL 1Setting = YES
 Fixed Value - Use constant value from the first field to the right (for foreigners with EPF contribution)
 EPF Wages + VOL 1– Include EPF Wages and Voluntary wages
 Basic Only – Include Basic Salary
 VOL 2 Only – Include salary items with VOL 2 Setting = YES
 Basic Less NPL + VOL 2– Include Basic less No-Paid-Leave amount plus items with VOL 2=YES

EPF contribution is setup using rounding methods from "R0" to "R5". Rounding method effects the computation of EPF
contribution amount.

** Rounding Method R0 until R5 are applied on Wages before Multiplying with Percentage

R0 - No Rounding - No rounding is performed on end-result computation.

R0 ( $ 0.00) --> 0.00
R0 ( $ 0.49) --> 0.49
R0 ( $ 0.50) --> 0.50

R1 - Rounding to Lowest $1 - All decimal value (or cents) will be rounded to zero cents.
R1 ( $ 0.00) --> 0.00
R1 ( $ 0.49) --> 0.00
R1 ( $ 0.50) --> 0.00
R1 ( $ 0.99) --> 0.00

- 43 -
R2 - Rounding to Nearest $1 - All decimal value (or cents) will be rounded to the nearest dollar.
R2 ( $ 0.00) --> 0.00
R2 ( $ 0.49) --> 0.00
R2 ( $ 0.50) --> 1.00
R2 ( $ 0.99) --> 1.00

R3 - Rounding to Highest $1 - All decimal value (or cents) will be rounded to the highest dollar.
R3 ( $ 0.00) --> 0.00
R3 ( $ 0.49) --> 1.00
R3 ( $ 0.50) --> 1.00
R3 ( $ 0.99) --> 1.00

R4 - Rounding to Highest $20 - All dollar value will be rounded to the next highest 20 dollar.
R4 ( $ 0.00) --> 0.00
R4 ( $ 0.49) --> 20.00
R4 ( $ 0.50) --> 20.00
R4 ( $ 0.99) --> 20.00
R4 ( $19.99) --> 20.00
R4 ( $20.00) --> 20.00
R4 ( $20.01) --> 40.00

R5 - Rounding to Highest $100 - All dollar value will be rounded to the next highest 100 dollar.
R5 ( $ 0.00) --> 0.00
R5 ( $ 0.49) --> 100.00
R5 ( $ 0.50) --> 100.00
R5 ( $ 0.99) --> 100.00
R5 ( $19.99) --> 100.00
R5 ( $20.00) --> 100.00
R5 ( $20.01) --> 100.00
R5 ($100.00) --> 100.00
R5 ($100.01) --> 200.00

** Rounding Method R6 until R8 are applied on Wages after Multiplying with Percentage

R6 - Rounding to Lowest $1 after Multiplying Wages with Percentage

R7 - Rounding to Nearest $1 after Multiplying Wages with Percentage
R8 - Rounding to Highest $1 after Multiplying Wages with Percentage

Special Feature

 EPF Percentage (for both Employee & Employer Section)

Assign a value of 9999.99 into EPF Percentage to use percentage specified in EMPLOYEE MASTER  Custom
Rate option. This feature is ONLY recommended if you have too many EPF percentage range.

EMPLOYEE MASTER --> CUSTOM RATE --> EPF Percentage value.

- 44 -

SOCSO table affect SOCSO computation in SALARY ENTRY module. Quick Pay allows user to set SOCSO
contribution rates. There are up to 3 SOCSO groups (i.e. Group S1 to S3) available to set & use.

There are 3 available SOCSO Groups i.e. S1, S2, and S3.

SOCSO Group Description: Enter the SOCSO

Group description for each group.

Deduct SOCSO in Mid-Month: Specify YES to

deduct SOCSO in mid-month salary period.

Deduct SOCSO in Add-Month: Specify YES to

deduct SOCSO in additional-period.

Disable Built-In Formula

With effective JUNE 2016, QUICK PAY
will automatically uses built-in formula to
calculate SOCSO contribution amount. The
existing settings for Group S1, S2 and S3
are no longer required.
Should you wish otherwise, please "ticked"
this option and QUICK PAY will revert
back using Group S1,S2 and S3 settings.

Include Employee monthly SOCSO

intoPCB computation
With effective January 2016, you may
option to include employee SOCSO
contribution into PCB computation.
You may then "ticked" this option and
QUICK PAY will automatically include
employee SOCSO contribution into PCB
If “ticked”. User required to fill up LHDN
Borang PCB/TP 1 monthly.

- 45 -
WAGES: If employee’s SOCSO wages is less or
equals to this amount, then the EE and ER amount
will be deducted for employee’s SOCSO

EE: Employee’s SOCSO contribution.

ER: Employer’s SOCSO contribution

- 46 -

PCB Table setup will effect PCB computation in SALARY ENTRY.

Note: ZAKAT contribution is automatically deducted from PCB amount.

Deduct PCB in Mid-Month

If your company practices no PCB deduction in mid-month salary period, then disable this field.

Deduct PCB in Add-Month

If your company practices no PCB deduction in add-month salary period, then disable this field.

- 47 -

Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) has announced a new PCB calculation method with effective
January 2009. The formula reconciles employee monthly PCB; and also allow employees to include
personal waiveable tax wages (eg. books, life insurance, parent medical claims) into monthly PCB
calculation with the objective of calculating an accurate final year-to-date tax amount.

In brief, LHDN attempts to predict and calculate employee annual income tax amount accurately by
incorporating an advanced mathematical formula to derive monthly PCB tax amount. The formula
supports payroll computation with items such as basic salary, bonuses and additional wages,
perquisites, benefit-in-kind (ie. TP2) and many other personal tax reduction items (ie. TP1).

LHDN has also included their own version of PCB Calculator (see for
Malaysians to cross check their PCB accuracy.

(A) Get Taxable Income + TP (January until December)

This amount includes taxable income of paid + future basic salary + personal tax waiveable items

(i) Perquisites are semi-taxable allowances/benefits. Perquisites will not contribute to PCB
Wages unless the amount exceeded "Maximum tax waiveable amount". Employee will ONLY be
taxed on the exceeded amount. You may enter perquisite into SALARY ENTRY or TP SECTION.
Perquisite items "increases" employee PCB wages.

Eg. Employee receives annual petrol allowances of RM 3,000. Petrol perquisite of first RM
2,400 (refer LHDN max waiveable amount for year 2009) is tax free; while the balance of RM
600 is taxable. So, employee's petrol perquisite taxable is RM 600; thus, will be included into
PCB wages.

(ii) TP1 items are personal tax waiveable items such as parent medical, purchase of books,
medical and education insurance. Each TP1 item has a ceiling amount determined by LHDN -

- 48 -
eg. Medical ceiling is RM 5,000, books ceiling is RM 1,000 and computers ceiling is RM 3,000.
TP1 ceiling amount changes on every year; so it is important to make these changes into TABLE

TP1 items are entered into SALARY ENTRY ==> TP SECTION. These items are entered as
Negative value (eg. BOOKS = RM -100). You many enter these items as lump sum or monthly
basis. TP1 items will reduce year-to-date PCB wages and is expected to reduce employee
monthly and yearly PCB contribution.

According to LHDN, it is optional for employers to include TP1 items into monthly payroll for
PCB@2009 calculation. Employers are advised to consult LHDN on rules and regulations to
apply TP1 items into employee PCB contribution.

(iii) Future salary is Basic Salary from SALARY ENTRY multiply with the number of future
months. PCB@2009 requires future salary to calculate the final PCB of the month.
Eg. If this month is February, the future salary is "Basic from SALARY ENTRY x 10 future

(B) Employee EPF + Life Insurance (January until December)

This amount includes employee EPF of paid + future EPF based on basic salary + life insurance

(i) Life Insurance is declared as TABLE OF CODES ==> Allowance/Deduction code with
You may enter Life Insurance in SALARY ENTRY or even into BIK SECTION with negative(-ve)
Eg. LIFE INSURANCE...... RM -200

(ii) Future EPF is employee EPF calculated based on Basic Salary (from EMPLOYEE
MASTER) multiply number of future months. If employee is daily rated, then Basic Salary is
assumed as 26 days.
Eg. If this month is February, the future EPF is "EPF of Basic x 10 future months".

(C) Get Year-to-date PCB based on value (A) and value (B)
This PCB amount is calculated based on value (A) and value (B); and taking into consideration EPF
limit of RM 6,000 per year.

(D) Get actual paid PCB & Zakat from previous months
This is the total paid PCB, Zakat, and Foreigner fee contribution of previous months retrieved from
the payroll database.

(E) PCB Saraan Tambahan for this month

This is the PCB on the additional wages or “Saraan Tambahan” for this month using LHDN formula.

Note: QUICK PAY automatically reconciles PCB paid during Mid-month, End-Month and

- 49 -

Overtime Setup will effect Overtime computation in SALARY ENTRY module. In EMPLOYEE MASTER, assign each
employee with an overtime group. There are 10 available overtime groups i.e. Group O1 to O10.


Overtime Group Description: Enter the Overtime Group description for each group.

Below example illustrates 3 overtime groups. Proceed to OVERTIME FORMULA folder to configure computation
methods for each group. Once overtime groups are configured, proceed to EMPLOYEE MASTER and assign employee
overtime group accordingly.


For each overtime group, you may define different overtime computation method. During overtime computation,
employees’ ORP (overtime rate per-hour) are referred to the formula :

 Overtime Rate Per-Hour = (Basic x A / B) + (OTWages x C / D)

Overtime Basic (Monthly Rated & Daily Rated): By default, "Overtime Basic" value is derived from EMPLOYEE
MASTER record.

You may define basic to use from either :

- Basic from Current Period of SALARY ENTRY
- Basic from Entire Month of SALARY ENTRY
- Basic Less NPL from Current Period of SALARY ENTRY
- Basic Less NPL from Entire Month of SALARY ENTRY
- Basic from EMPLOYEE MASTER User-Value #1
- Basic from EMPLOYEE MASTER + User-Value #1

- 50 -
Basic Ceiling: (Optional) You may also limit "Overtime Basic" figure to a ceiling value. Using this function will set
ORP rate to a fixed value if employee basic exceeds this "Basic Ceiling" value.
Set value to zero to disable feature.

Example of using Basic Ceiling:

The above example, assuming employee basic is RM 2,000, will produce ORP = RM 1500/208 = RM 7.21
Note: RM 1,500 is used instead of RM 2,000 because of value set in "Basic Ceiling" field.

Wages Ceiling: (Optional) If this option is enabled, computation on "OTWages" will be affected.
Note: OTWages are items set as "Yes" to overtime rate

Example of using Wages Ceiling:

Eg. If Basic Ceiling is RM 1,500, and your Basic = RM 1,400 and OTWages (eg. Travelling allow) = RM 500,
then :

Basic Used = RM 1,400 (ie. Does not exceed RM 1,500 ceiling)

OTWages Used = RM 100 (ie. Using RM 100 instead of full RM 500)

Eg. If Basic Ceiling is RM 1,500, and your Basic = RM 1,600 and OTWages (eg. Travelling allow) = RM 500,
then :

Basic Used = RM 1,500 (ie. Exceeded RM 1,500 ceiling)

OTWages Used = RM 0 (ie. Exceeded RM 1,500 Total)

Summary: Priority will be given to Basic, then OTWages

- 51 -
Description: Describe the overtime type. Example: Normal OT, Rest day OT, etc

Rate: There are 10 rates available. Enter the ORP (overtime rate per Hour) into the rate field. The common rate value
are 1.5 for Normal Overtime, 2.0 for Sunday Overtime and 3.0 for Public Holiday Overtime.

Other Fields: Set the description, rates, EPF wages, SOCSO wages, Detect PCB Fixed Allowance, Levy wages, NPL
wages, CP8A and CP22A column.

The above example sets 3 rates i.e. Normal OT, Restday OT and Public Holiday OT with 1.5 rate, 2.0 rate and 3.0 rate
respectively. The overtime amount will also contribute to SOCSO and detect as PCB Fixed Allowance. In CP8A form
and CP22a form, the overtime amount will print in column number 1.

- 52 -

Shift Setup will effect Shift computation in SALARY ENTRY modules. Shift rates are fixed amount that can be use for
piece rate payment, shift allowances, or attendance incentives.

There are 10 available shift rates.

Descriptions: Give a name to each of the Shift type

Rate: This is the actual value (i.e. RM) for each shift.

EPF/SOCSO/PCB Fixed Allw/OT/NPL/Levy/Vol1/Vol2:

Include or Exclude amount from EPF wages, SOCSO wages, as Fixed remuneration in PCB computation, Overtime
wages, NPL wages, Levy wages, Voluntary(Vol1) EPF wages and Voluntary(Vol2) EPF wages

CP8A/CP22A/21 Row Setup:

Enter EA Row number here to position Shift amount into your CP8A (or better known as EA Form). To exclude, set to
value zero.

Example: The following example sets Shift#1 allowance at RM10.00 per unit, Shift#2 allowance at RM8.00 per unit,
and Shift#3 allowance at RM5.00 per unit. Include into EPF wages, SOCSO wages, CP8A Row position to 3 and
CP22A/21 Row position to 6

- 53 -

Additional Pay is the multiple amount of daily rate. It is commonly used for Leave Pay and work on Rest
day/Public holiday Pay which does not exceed normal hours of work. This Setup affects Additional Pay rates in

Title for Additional Pay items

Additional Pay rate in SALARY ENTRY
Formula: Additional Pay value in SALARY ENTRY = (Current Basic / Days per Month) x Rate

EPF/SOCSO/PCB Fixed Allw/OT/NPL/Levy/Vol1/Vol2:

Include or Exclude amount from EPF wages, SOCSO wages, as Fixed remuneration in PCB computation, Overtime
wages, NPL wages, Levy wages, Voluntary(Vol1) EPF wages and Voluntary(Vol2) EPF wages

CP8A/CP22A Row Setup:

Enter EA Row number here to position Additional Pay amount into your CP8A (or better known as EA Form).
To exclude, set to value zero.

Rate Ceiling
Enter a maximum rate value if Additional Pay Rate should NOT EXCEED a ceiling value.

E.g. Above screen illustrate Rest Day: RD <=4hr rate WILL NOT exceed RM 38.4615

- 54 -
Max Basic
If Rate Ceiling is ONLY applied to employees with Basic Pay Greater or Equal than a specific value,
then enter the basic salary value into Max Basic.

E.g. Above screen sets Rest Day: RD <=4hr rate to value RM 38.4615for employees with Basic Pay >=
RM 2,000

Max Basic with Wages

If enabled, MAX BASIC value will also include additional pay wages.

Days Per Month

This setting determines the daily rate for additional pay.
Formula: Daily Rate = Basic / (Days Per Month)

- 55 -

Non-Pay Leave setup will effect Non-Pay Leave computation in SALARY ENTRY modules. There are 10 available
Non-Pay Leave rates.

Working Days in a

Working Hours in a day

Descriptions: Enter the description for Non-Paid Leave group 1 to group 10.

Hours/Day: NPL rates are available in daily rate and hourly rate. The field hours/day will effect the NPL hourly rate.
==>> NPL hour Rate = (Basic + NPLWages) / (hours x days_in_the_month)

Eg. If current month is January, and Days_in_the_month for January is set to 31 and Hours/Day is set to 8, then NPL
hour rate = Basic / ( 8 x 31 ).

Days in the Month (January to December): The days_in_the_month will effect the NPL daily rate.
==>> NPL daily Rate = (Basic + NPLWages) / (Days_in_the_month)

Eg. If current month is January, and Days_in_the_month for January is set to 31,
then NPL daily rate = Basic / 31

Below illustration shows NPL setting for 2 groups of employees i.e. Monthly Rated and Daily Rated workers.

Monthly Rated Group (for January):

==>> NPL Daily Rate = (Basic + NPLWages) / 31
==>> NPL Hourly Rate = (Basic + NPLWages) / (31 x 8)

Daily Rated Group (for January):

==>> NPL Daily Rate = (Basic + NPLWages) / 31
==>> NPL Hourly Rate = (Basic + NPLWages) / (31 x 8)

- 56 -
OPTION Features

In OPTION field, you may use “Normal NPL Formula” (default), or other selection.

 Normal NPL Formula: Non-paid leave days and hourly rate will compute as per-setup
 Use NPL-Hour as per NPL-Day for Previous month : This option will convert the normal NPL-Hour rate
computation to the following formula :
==>> NPL Hourly Rate = (Basic + NPLWages) / (Last month's Days_in_the_Month)
 Use NPL-Hour as NPL-Day (Exclude Basic amount) : This option will convert the normal NPL-Hour rate
computation to the following formula (Basic is Excluded):
==>> NPL Hourly Rate = (NPLWages) / (Last month's Days_in_the_Month)

 Use NPL-Hour as [(Basic + NPLwages)/HoursPerDay : This option will calculate NPL-Hour rate to the following
formula :
==>> NPL Hourly Rate = (Basic + NPLWages) / (Hours Per Day)

- 57 -

Foreign Currency option is available for paying employees with foreign currency instead of the normal local currency
value. However, foreign currency option is only limited to employee's basic salary and fix allowances/deductions in

Step#1 - Setup Foreign Currency Table. Set currency rate for each individual month.
You may set up to 10 type of currencies.

Step#2 - In EMPLOYEE MASTER, select CUSTOM RATE Button.

Select the appropriate currency used for each employee.

During PROCESS PERIOD, Quick Pay will multiply employee's basic salary and fix allowances/deductions (optional -
refer Foreign Currency Table Setup) with current month's currency rate. The value is then stored in SALARY ENTRY -
as usual.

Note: All salary figures in SALARY ENTRY are always in local currency.

- 58 -

This module allows users to fill in other necessary particulars in government forms.
These particulars are extracted and printed into government forms.


Field applied in MayBan, Public

Bank Web, BumiCommerce
WEB EPF submission.
Valid value :-

01 = Johor
02 = Kedah
03 = Kelantan
04 = Melaka
05 = Negeri Sembilan
06 = Pahang
07 = Pulau Pinang
08 = Perak
09 = Perlis
10 = Selangor
11 = Terengganu
12 = Sabah
13 = Sarawak
Address - KWSP submission branch address 14 = Wilayah Persekutuan
Person / IC / Occupation / Telephone / e-Mail- Your company's person in-charge and other particulars
Submit Disk - For submission via diskette and web format. Specify your filename eg. A:\EPFORMA2
State ID - Numeric value to indicate Malaysian state.


Address - SOCSO submission branch address

Person / IC / Telephone / Occupation - Your company's person in-charge and other particulars
Submit Disk - For submission via diskette and web format. Specify your filename eg. A:\BRG8A.TXT

- 59 -

Address - Income Tax department submission branch address

Person / IC / Occupation / Telephone / e-Mail- Your company's person in-charge and other particulars
HQ Reference - If submitting diskette under a holding or group of companies, HQ Reference (income tax number) is

Use Format 9999999MM_YYYY.TXT - If enabled, "Submit Disk" file will not be used. Instead, a file name according
to CP39 requirement will be created in drive <A>.
Eg. If company number is "E2222233-02" and payment for July 2002, output file created is 22222330207_2002.TXT
Submit Disk - For submission via diskette and web format. Specify your filename eg. A:\CP39.TXT


Section F Date - Enter one line description to print under "SECTION (F) - Bayaran bagi Tahun" row
Section F Description - Enter one line description to print under "SECTION (F) - Jenis Pendapatan" row
Perihal Description - Enter one line description to print under "Perihal Pembayaran" row
Print Serial Numbers - Print running serial number on each CP8A/8C form. This is an automatic generated number
according to tax regulation

- 60 -
EMPLOYEE MASTER Remark in EA Form - This option allows you to selectively print EMPLOYEE MASTER -
Remark Field #1 - #4 into your EA form. You may adjust the printing coordinates by specifying values in inches for
"Down" and "Left" coordinates.

For CP8A & CP8C

Person - Your Company’s person in-charge name
Occupation - Your Company’s person in-charge occupation


Status Majikan- Enter the Status code as LHDN CP8D options : 1) Kerajaan 2)Berkanun 3)Swasta
No Cukai Pendapatan- Enter your employer’s income tax number. Refer to LHDN CP8D guide/explanatory notes
Directory- Enter directory name (example D:\) to store CP8D disk files


Address - Income Tax department submission branch address

Person / IC / Telephone / Occupation - Your company's person in-charge and other particulars

- 61 -

Address - Income Tax department submission branch address

Person / IC / Telephone / Occupation - Your company's person in-charge and other particulars
Nett Pay Withheld - Print Nett Pay withheld in CP22A/CP21 as Blank, Current Period Nett-Pay, or EMPLOYEE
MASTER - CP22A Withheld value.


Kod Pita -Required code value for Diskette submission

Submit Disk - For submission via diskette. Specify your filename eg. A:\LUTH.TXT

- 62 -

Submit Disk - For submission via diskette. Specify your filename eg. A:\ZAKAT.TXT


Submit Disk - For submission via diskette. Specify your filename eg. A:\SPGASB

- 63 -

Address - Income Tax department submission branch address

Person / IC / Telephone / Occupation - Your company's person in-charge and other particulars
LHDN Branch – Your company’s LHDN branch
Receipt Detail - These are particulars from your monthly payment receipt

- 64 -

Submit Disk - For submission via diskette. Specify your filename eg. A:\ANGKASA.TXT


Address - Income Tax department submission branch address

Person / IC / Occupation / Telephone / e-Mail- Your company's person in-charge and other particulars
Submit Disk - For submission via diskette. Specify your filename as given by PTPTN

- 65 -
QUERY SETUP allows user to filter employees from a particular processing or reporting.

By using the Query during a processing or reporting, only employees that appear in INCLUDE IN QUERY Section
will be processed. The following example creates a Query to include only employee 001, 002 and 006.

QUERY SETUP allows user to filter employees from a particular processing and/or reporting. By using the Query
during a processing and reporting, only employees that appear in the INCLUDE EMPLOYEE IN QUERY Section will
be processed.

Define your query by specifying KEYWORDS, Operator and Query value. You may combine your conditions by using
AND-OR conditions operator. Then, click PROCESS button to let Quick Pay search for matching employees.

During reporting or processing, click on QUERY button, if any. Then, look for QUERY and select from available list.
Quick Pay only refers to INCLUDE in Query section during processing and reporting. You will need to re-process this
query when required.

- 66 -
Query Description
Describe current Query

Field Item / Formulas (Keywords)

This is a user define query field. Only KEYWORDS are allowed to be used in query item.

This is the operator field. Operator field compares the value of Query-Item with the Query-Value. Valid operators are: -

"=" - Equals
"<=" - Less or Equals
"<" - Less Than
">=" - Greater or Equal
">" - Greater Than
"<>" - Not Equal

This is the condition bridge between one query line with the next. Condition can be the value of "OR" and "AND". The
"AND" condition actually narrows down the scope of employees to be queried upon, while the "OR" condition normally
widens the scope of employees to be queried upon. Condition "END" will terminate the query condition checking.

Query on Month-to-Date or Year-to-Date Value

You may choose to query on Month-to-Date or Year-to-Date value.

- 67 -
There are two levels of payroll users in QUICK PAY. The first is SUPERVISOR level with complete authority over the
entire database. While USERS level are configurable by SUPERVISOR.

You may create unlimited payroll users, and each user may be restricted from accessing modules from the MAIN
MENU and also from accessing certain groups (i.e. by using the Security Groups) of employees.


Supervisor default ID is SUPERVISOR. A default password of SUPER is assigned. You should change this password as
soon as you have created your database.

Enable Audit Trail: Every user access into Quick Pay/Staff is audited into a special audit log file. The log file will
contain brief detail on which user, when, what has been performed, and to which employee record. If you do not wish to
monitor such activities, then disable the function.

Locking Payroll Months: To restrict payroll figures of certain months from being modified, enable (or Tick) the
appropriate month. Once locked, no users (inclusive of Supervisor) are gain entry into PROCESS PERIOD, BONUS
RUN and SALARY ENTRY modules to change any payroll figures.

Note: SUPERVISOR ID from one database does not have the rights in other company database.

- 68 -

To access into any Quick Pay database, user must login with the correct User-ID and Password. You may assign each
user ID with different access rights to MAIN MENU modules, employee groups (refer to Security Groups), and also
selected functions.

User ID: This is the Identification Code for each payroll system user. Use this ID during Database Login.

Description: This is the description or name for the selected user ID. It is recommended to enter actual payroll user
name for easy reference.

Password: Minimum password length is 8 characters and maximum Password length is 40 characters with mixture of
ALPHABETS DIGITS. (eg. ABC12345). Password is not case sensitive (i.e. ABC12345 is similar to abc12345).

Dsable Login: If enabled, user account will not be able to login.

Warning: This field is also automatically enabled if user exceeded > 3 times password errors (ie. auto-lockout feature)
Note: Payroll Users from one database does not have access rights to other company database.

Quick Pay Module Access Rights

You may restrict Users from accessing modules/sub-modules within Quick Pay MAIN MENU.
Place a check (or tick) mark to allow access.

Do not allow Send to Printer: Allow report viewing, but not printing

- 69 -
Quick Staff Module Access Rights
You may restrict Users from accessing sub-modules within Quick Staff.
Place a check (or tick) mark to allow access.

Hide Salary Figure: In CAREER DEVELOPMENT, hide salary figure field.

Disable "Submit CLAIM to Salary Entry": In LEAVE, disable "submit" field
Disable "Submit to Salary Entry": In NON-PAID LEAVE, disable "submit" field


There are currently 50 available Security Groups i.e. S1, S2,...S50. Security groups are attached to employee records in
EMPLOYEE MASTER. Only User ID with authorized access to the respective Security Groups is allowed to access
groups of employee records within the database.

Example: If User ID is set to allow access to Security Group S1 and S2, and if employee record “Jonathan Henry” is
set in the EMPLOYEE MASTER with Security Group S3, then User ID can only access employees within Security
Group S1 and S2 - But not Jonathan Henry’s record.

- 70 -

Show ALL employee in Listing : By default, user without proper access right will NOT see the entire employee list.
If this option is enabled, user will be able to see all employee names in listing BUT will not be able to access any
employees if without proper access right.

Hide Field CURRENT, MID, OLD BASIC SALARY : Do not show Current Basic, Mid-Month Basic and Old Basic
entry fields in EMPLOYEE MASTER.

Lock Field CURRENT, MID, OLD BASIC SALARY :Current Basic, Mid-Month Basic and Old Basic entry fields in
EMPLOYEE MASTER is visible but cannot be changed.

Hide Page – PERSONAL 1 : Do not show EMPLOYEE MASTER Folder – Personal-1

Hide Page – PERSONAL 2: Do not show EMPLOYEE MASTER Folder – Personal-2

Hide Page- SALARY SETUP : Do not show EMPLOYEE MASTER Folder Salary Setup

Hide Page - FIX ALLOW : Do not show EMPLOYEE MASTER Folder Fix Allowances

Hide Page - LEAVE ENTITLEMENT : Do not show EMPLOYEE MASTER Folder Leave Entitlement

Hide Page - LOAN RECORDS : Do not show EMPLOYEE MASTER Folder Loan Records

Disable DELETE Button : Do not allow DELETE data in EMPLOYEE MASTER.

Disable SAVE Button : Do not allow SAVING or changing data in EMPLOYEE MASTER.


Show ALL employee in Listing : By default, user without proper access right will NOT see the entire employee list.
If this option is enabled, user will be able to see all employee names in listing BUT will not be able to access any
employees if without proper access right.

Hide Field BASIC SALARY: Do not show Basic Salary Field in SALARY ENTRY.

Lock Field BASIC SALARY : Basic Salary entry fields in SALARY ENTRY is visible but cannot be changed.

Lock Field LEAVE : Leave entry fields in SALARY ENTRY is visible but cannot be changed.

Hide Field ALLW/DEDU CODES: Do not show Allowances/Deductions table

Hide page - TP SECTION (Benefit in Kind): Do not show TP SECTION (Benefit in Kind) Page

shows employee’s salary, and settings for EPF, SOCSO and PCB groups.

Disable RECALC Button: Do not allow user to recalculate EPF, SOCSO, PCB, Levy, Non-Pay Leave rates, Overtime
rates, Shift rates, Additional Pay rates in SALARY ENTRY.

Disable OPTION Button: Do not allow user selecting OPTION button. OPTION button allows user to manual
overwrite EPF, SOCSO, PCB and LEVY amount in SALARY ENTRY

Disable SAVE Button: Do not allow SAVING or changing data in SALARY ENTRY.

- 71 -
- 72 -

AUDIT TRAIL allows monitoring of payroll activities. You may track system access time, changes of salary figures to
employees, deleting of records, accessing or executing modules in the payroll system. It also tracks unauthorized entries.

To enabled or disable Audit Trail recording, go to SYSTEM SECURITY - SUPERVISOR module. Audit Trail will
occupy some hard-disk space and it is recommended to Print and then Delete the listing frequently.

To print a selected text range, highlight your desired text by dragging your mouse. Then, click on PRINT button.

Enter text to search

Delete all Audit Trail records

- 73 -

AUDIT TRAIL (Employee Master) allows monitoring of individual employee’s changes in selective fields, such
as,Bank Account, Category , Cost Center and etc.

You may place a cross mark to select particular employee to print and select particular Audit Fields
“Check All” to select all Employees and Audit Fields or “Clear All” to unselect all Employees and Audit Fields

Key in From date To date to filter on the selective payroll activities’date

- 74 -
This is the Maintenance module for user definable codes. Examples: Departments, Cost-Centers, Occupations, etc. You
may create unlimited items. However, each item created must have a unique code. Then, proceed with assigning a
description and other particulars (if any).

Sample Screen for DEPARTMENT:

Sample Screen for BANKS:

NOTE: Each bank is defined with a combination of 2 keys (i.e. bank code + bank branch). Bank branch is allowed
to be Blank.

- 75 -
Quick Pay allows unlimited creation of allowance and deductions items. Each item must be given a unique code. Each
code should then be given a description for easy reference (eg. “TRAV”=Traveling allowance, “LOAN”=Loan

Each allowance/deduction item will then be use in EMPLOYEE MASTER (in Fix Allowance & Deduction schedule)

Each item should also be set with either Yes or No to accumulate the amount value into EPF, SOCSO or PCB
computation. By default, Basic Salary and Non-paid-leave are included during these computations.

Enter a unique code for the allowance or deduction item

Enter description for the allowance or deduction item

Wages Setup Folder

Payable to EPF/SOCSO/PCB/Levy/Gratuity:
If ticked (or enabled), the allowance/deduction amount will contribute into the respective wages

Include into NPL/Add-Pay/Overtime/Voluntary (VOL1)EPF/Voluntary (VOL2)EPF:

If ticked (or enabled), the allowance/deduction amount will contribute into the respective wages

- 76 -
Exclude from Employer EPF Range:
If ticked (or enabled), the allowance/deduction amount will NOT be included from EPF Range.
See EPF TABLE ==> Range for more info
* This option was added for EPF @ 2012 changes. Recommended to ENABLE for bonus items only

Report Folder

Bonus in Report:
If enabled, the item will be reported under "Bonus Column" in all Standard Management Reports.

Detect as ASN:
If enabled, the item will be reported as Amanah Saham Nasional deductions in Government ASN Report.

Detect as Tabung Haji

If enabled, the item will be reported as Tabung Haji deductions in Government Tabung Haji Report.

Detect as CP38 Tax:

If enabled, the item will be reported as CP38 tax amount in Government CP39 report.

Detect as Angkasa:
If enabled, the item is recognized as "Angkasa Deduction" for employee.

Detect as PTPTN:
If enabled, the item is recognized as "PTPTN Deduction" for employee.

Detect as Zakat:
If enabled, the item is recognized as a Zakat deduction for employee.
* Zakat Pendapatan - Detect Zakat item as Zakat Pendapatan for reporting purpose
* Zakat Harta - Detect Zakat item as Zakat Harta for reporting purpose
* Zakat Pendapatan (PCB Penuh) - Detect Zakat item as Zakat Pendapatan for reporting purpose. The entire employee
PCB amount will be moved to this Zakat item.

- 77 -
Zakat deduction will effect Employee PCB deduction. Example, if PCB amount is -RM 100 and Zakat is -RM 20, then
the PCB deduction will be reduced to only -RM 80.

Prorate Allowance:
If enabled, allowance or deduction will be prorated during PROCESS PERIOD.
Prorate Formula: Amount x (Days Worked - NPL Days)/Days in Month

Detect as OTHERS in Payslip:

If enabled, the item will be accumulated and printed as "OTHERS..." in Payslip printing

Do Not Show in Payslip:

If enabled, the item will NOT be shown in any Payslip printing.

Detect as PCB Fixed Allowance:

If enabled, the item is recognised by Quick Pay as a Fixed Wages (Saraan Bulan Semasa) which will compute PCB
according to LHDN method.

Report Grouping:
Enter value between 0 to 5. Refer FREE FORMAT Keyword to use this option.

EA Position Folder

CP8A/ CP22A position:

This is the row position to accumulate additional pay amount in CP8A (or EA form), and CP22A and CP21 government
forms. “CLICK HERE for EA Tips” to find out for more information on EA row setup . . .

- 78 -
Range Check Folder


If enabled, Quick Pay will check and warn user if item figure is out of pre-defined range value.

Security Folder


If enabled, only Supervisor User-ID can view item figure in EMPLOYEE MASTER and SALARY ENTRY module.

- 79 -
Year to Date Entry module allows you to input each employee’s payroll opening figures. Opening figures are required
for PCB computation and printing of EA forms and. Year-to-Date entry is INDEPENDENT from your monthly payroll
processing. You may schedule this task until year-end, if necessary.

IMPORTANT: Year-To-Date Entry is for First Time Installation Use Only!

There are a few methods to input your opening payroll figures for each employee.

In order to reduce your workload, you may choose to sum the total opening figures (e.g. total from January until March)
and enter the figures into any month between January to March. However, this method will not be able to produce
accurate monthly breakdown figures in your Year-to-Date reporting.

You may also choose to enter the total figures in monthly basis from January until March. That means, you need to
repeat 3 times on Year-to-Date Entry for each employee. This method will produce accurate monthly breakdown figures
in your Year-to-Date reporting.

Note: However, both methods will still produce similar accumulated figures when it comes to EA-form printing and so

First, use SELECT PERIOD to choose the month you wish to accumulate the year-to-date figures (for Method#1) or
current month total (for Method#2). Then, pick an employee and begin to input figures for basic, allowances,
deductions, overtime amount, shift amount, employee EPF, employee SOCSO, employee PCB, and so forth. Finally,
save the entry and either proceed to the next employee or select other payroll periods to continue input on other current
month’s total.

- 80 -

Global Change Codes

This function allows you to “Change” Employee Number and other user defined codes (e.g. Department,
Occupation, Job Grade, allowances, etc)..Quick Pay uses a unique code - normally, alpha-numeric of 10
characters - to identity an employee or an item.

Batch Entry Processing

This function provides fast batch entry changes to EMPLOYEE MASTER and SALARY ENTRY

Customize Utilities
Batch allowance/deduction insertion and removal and many other useful tools to manipulate database records

Salary Upgrade
Replace Current Basic in EMPLOYEE MASTER by Job Grade


SERVICE POINT allows you to insert a Service Point allowance into SALARY ENTRY. Service Point module
is commonly used by hotel and food & beverage (F & B) industries that provides allowances based on employee
point system.

GRATUITY SYSTEM is a module to compute & store gratuity amount. Employee gratuity records are stored
lifetime in the current selected database. Gratuity module is designed to be automated without any additional
processing steps. Gratuity is computed "background" and transparent to users, when EPF amount is computed
Point System,etc).


PROJECT SYSTEM is a module to generate an Export file (CSV format) for Multiple Project Costing use.
Quick Pay stores lifetime Employee Project Records in the current selected database. Project System combines
data from SALARY ENTRY and Employee Project Records to generate a CSV export file. Use Microsoft Excel
or any other available Windows application software to open the CSV file to create your own desired report


DBF Utilities allows users to export many Quick Pay data into DBF file format. Use these files to integrate with
your in-house developed applications. Software programmers with DBF knowledge can easily extract these data
to generate reports using Crystal Report, FOXPRO, Visual Basic, Delphi, or Clipper.


ARREARS RUN is to insert arrears or backpay payment into SALARY ENTRY.
Ensure that you have selected the correct Payroll Period from SELECT PERIOD module.

ARREARS RUN is re-calculating payroll for effected employees (ie. with increment within the year). It is sort of
re-calcuting SALARY ENTRY of effected arrears months using latest Basic Pay from EMPLOYEE MASTER.
The sum of payroll figure differences from this complex calculation is then stored as allowances items into

Users are advised to manually change arrears output in the form of allowances items in SALARY ENTRY if

Note: You may retrieve more information on above modules by viewing HELP screen from each module.

- 81 -
Year-End Closing should be executed on every year-end (i.e. December). This module will create a new file for
subsequent year’s payroll processing. Quick Pay/Staff requires yearly database closing as all payroll information are
captured on a yearly basis only

Generally, year-end closing will duplicate the current selected database into a new file name. Then, it will proceed to
remove terminated employees from the new file.

Upon a successful year-end closing, your original database will remain unchanged and a new independent database is
created. After closing, you may proceed to use the new file for your next year’s payroll processing.


Assuming that your current database name is “DEMO2016”. After a successful year-end closing, assuming you use
“DEMO2017” as your new file name, your DEMO2016 database will remain unchanged and a new payroll file with
the name DEMO2017 is created.

Now, you may proceed to use DEMO2017 for your 2017 payroll processing and still being able to use DEMO2016 for
your year-end EA-form printing.

- 82 -
Modules available in DATABASE IMPORT:

Database Merging
Database merging allows you to combine employees from 2 or more company databases as one. Once completed, you
can access the merged database like any other Quick Pay database.

Database Exchange
Database Exchange allows copying of Employee records into another QuickPay database. Use this function to copy
employee records between databases - example, relocating employees to another company.

Import from Time Attendance Systems

This utility allows you to import data from a pre-defined Time Attendance export file from QUICK TMS (product of
HR2000), a pre-defined Leave Records export file from QUICK TMS (product of HR2000), a pre-defined NPL Leave
Records export file from HR2000 E-Office (product of HR2000), a pre-defined CSV format to import Quick Staff
INSURANCE, TRAINING, APPRAISAL, LEAVE and FAMILY. Another option available is to import a 3 column
delimited salary file which can be easily created using most spreadsheet applications.

Import from Other Sytems

This module imports data from an external source into Quick Pay. Available formats are ASCII delimited text files
and/or CSV format files which can be easily created by MS Excel, Lotus, or dBase applications.

Note: You may retrieve more information on above modules by viewing HELP screen from each module.


DATABASE DOCTOR will attempt to fix damaged data links and perform necessary database re-

If recovery failed, you are recommended to perform DATABASE RESTORE from your last backup

Database problems is commonly caused by incomplete record saving due to power failure, accidental
record deletion or software programming bugs.

Comprehensive Mode
If database files are badly damaged, check this option to perform a more thorough physical file fixing & database
'packing'. Only use this option when DATABASE DOCTOR fails in Normal Mode.

- 83 -
Backup files are stored in compressed ZIP format. ZIP files can easily store 200-300 employee records into
one single 1.44 MB floppy disk storage media. However, if your database size is huge, then you might need a
few floppy diskettes or use any external drive such as USB Flash drive to store your backup copy. Quick Pay
will backup the entire year’s information into your floppy diskettes. It is advisable to do a monthly backup.

Note: Frequent backup will reduce data lost in the event of Hard-Disk corruption.

Select backup destination disk drive (either Drive A or USB drive), and click OK. Upon completion, you
should find a compressed ZIP file in your floppy disk drive.

For USB flash drive backup, advise to create sub folder in the respective month accordingly (eg. MAY) Do not
overwrite it. You will have each month backup in each sub folder.

Zip Filename: Enter backup ZIP filename

Example F:\MAY\DEMO2016.ZIP

- 84 -
This module will restore the company database from the previous backup files from the backup floppy
disk or USB Flash drive into the hard-disk.

WARNING: Database Restore module will overwrite the selected database in your hard-disk.
Ensure that you are restoring the correct payroll database file !

Select the source disk drive containing your last backup files, and click OK. Upon successfully
restoring your database, you should find the last data information from backup is fully replaced
database files in your hard-disk.

Zip Filename: Enter backup ZIP filename

Example F:\MAY\DEMO2016.ZIP

Note: Due to security reasons, message below will prompt out upon Database Restore completed

- 85 -
21. QUICK STAFF for Windows
Quick STAFF, an effective tool to manage your Employee Historical Information & Human Resource needs
EASILY and EFFICIENTLY ! QUICK STAFF provides Quick-&-Easy storage & reporting system on employees'
historical information. It allows an unlimited record storage of 17 Easy-to-Use Human Resource modules that fully
integrates and compliments QUICK PAY. Analysis tools includes Detail & Summary reports - PLUS - Graphical
Charts for cost distribution analysis.

Quick Staff Overview

 Human Resource Records
Employee historical human resource records

 Process Human Resource

Human resource records are processed and updated to Employee Master's fields.

 Leave Management
Leave records and processing

 HR Query
HR fast query

 Reports
Detail and analysis human resource reports

 Charts
Human resource charts

To show the Events Alerts which had been set

- 86 -
Human Resource Records
Quick Staff entry screen allows browsing current year records or all years, and easily view or edit Human Resource

The following are modules available in Human Resource Records :

 ACCIDENTS - Monitor accidents by frequency, cause, location and cost

 ACHIEVEMENT - Keeps employees’ awards & honors received
 APPRAISAL - Provide a useful analysis on individual strength & weaknesses
 BENEFITS - Records company benefits by quantity and value
 CAREER DEVELOPMENT - Records changes of career & salary progression within the company
 DISCIPLINE - Monitor employees' behavior & character
 EDUCATION - Store Education Records
 EVENT - Planner / Schedule for individual employees
 FAMILY - Records employees' family details
 INSURANCE - Records insurance claims
 NON PAY LEAVE - Records leave days taken
 PICTURES - Records computer scanned pictures and/or certificates
 SKILL - Records skills acquired by employees
 TRAINING - Records courses attended by duration, score, and cost
 WORKING HISTORY - Records employees' historical job experiences
 PAYMENT HISTORY - Records employees' history payments such as loan, bonuses,etc.
 OTHERS (User Define) - Allows other user defined record tracking

- 87 -

This module allows users to enter employees' accident records and allow effective monitoring of accident frequencies,
causes, and costs incurred to the company.


This module allows users to enter employees' achievement records for effective performance evaluation.

- 88 -

This module allows users to enter employees' appraisal records to provide a useful management guide to analyze individual
strength & weaknesses.


This module allows users to enter benefits received by employees.

- 89 -
This module allows users to record employees' job changes, salary increments, and relocation of work-places.

Note: PROCESS HUMAN RESOURCE will update Employee Master’s Current Basic, Old Basic, Cost Centre, Department, Section, Category,
Occupation, Job Grade, Hire Date, Resign Date, Confirm Date, Increment Date and Retirement Date.


This module allows users to enter employees' disciplinary records and to monitor their working characteristics & behaviour.

- 90 -

This module allows users to enter employees' education background.

Note: PROCESS HUMAN RESOURCE will update Employee Master’s Qualification Code.


This module assist in your ad-hoc planning or schedules for individual employees.

- 91 -

This module allows users to enter employees' family members details.

Note: PROCESS HUMAN RESOURCE will update Employee Master’s Child field.


This module allows users to enter employees' insurance policies and track expiry dates.

- 92 -

This module allows users to enter employees' Non Pay Leave records in Detail.

Note: PROCESS PERIOD will update Non Pay Leave days taken into SALARY ENTRY record.


This module allows users to store employees' scanned photographs, certificates, resumes, etc.

- 93 -

This module allows users to enter employees' skill records.


This module allows users to enter employees' courses and training records.

- 94 -

This module allows users to enter employees' working history records.


This module allows users to update & track employees' payment history such as bonuses, loan payments, advance

- 95 -

This module allows users to store other user-defined Human Resource Activities.

- 96 -
Leave Management allows easy leave entitlement tracking and automatic carry forward leave balances into the next


Leave Entry function allows you to Create & Modify employee leave records. Leave entitlement & balances are
calculated and displayed immediately.

- 97 -

This module allows you to insert new leave record by batch.


Computation Method
Leave Management currently only supports Calendar computation method. Monthly leave entitlement days are always
rounded down (eg. if January entitlement is 1.55 days, it is rounded to 1.00 days). However, when employee is
terminated, the days are rounded to the nearest days ie. 1.55 days round to 2.00 days.

Full 12 Months -or- Leave Earned until Current Month:
If Full 12 Months option is selected, full entitlement days are given on January month. Otherwise, entitlement days are
computed on a prorated monthly basis.

Use Leave Earned ONLY for First Service year:

On first service year, Leave-Earned-Until Current Month is applied.
Subsequent service years will use Full 12 months

Use Retirement Date for Service Year Computation:

Normally, service year is computed based on employee hire date.
Enable this option if you wish to use retirement date instead.

- 98 -
Compute Service Year as at January (on next service year):
On first service year, employee service year is calculated as normal. However, on next year, service year is only
computed as at January - regardless of processing month. This method is not recommended.

Prorate Not Required (eg. Sick Leave, Maternity, Hospitalization)

No Prorate is computed even if Employee Terminated or Newly Joined. This option is commonly used for
Hospitalization, Sick Leave, Maternity leaves.

Entitlement Rounding
Select Rounding method. By Default is selected Round Nearest 1.0 day.

Allow Take Leave After...

During LEAVE ENTRY, Quick Pay will warn user when employee is NOT supposed to take leave on a particular date.
However, user may still proceed to enter and save leave entry.

Leave Table
Enter entitled leave days accordingly. Below example shows service year 2 and below entitles to 14 days annual leave, 5
years and below entitles 18 days, and 20 days for service above 5 years. All Service Years are having the same
maximum bring forward leave, 5 days to next year

- 99 -
Setup Leave Entitlement Groups in QUICK STAFF ==> LEAVE ENTITLEMENT SETUP.
Example, Setup L01 group to compute annual leave

In EMPLOYEE MASTER, attach Employee Leave Groups accordingly.
Example, attach "1. Annual Leave" to Group L01

Below example shows employee annual leave is computed using L01 method, while sick leave is computed using L05

In QUICK STAFF, enter employee leave days taken. Negative days taken can be used for leave adjustments.
Alternatively, you can adjust leave from EMPLOYEE MASTER's Leave Brought Forward

Execute QUICK STAFF ==> LEAVE MONTHLY PROCESSING. This will assign leave entitled days into EMPLOYE
MASTER's "Total Leave Entitlement". Leave Monthly Processing must be executed once every month. You can process
leave entitlement before OR after PROCESS PERIOD as LEAVE PROCESSING only uses QUICK STAFF Leave

Special Note
1. Always 'Enable' option Update Leave from QUICK STAFF in PROCESS PERIOD. This will ensure Leave Reports
in STANDARD REPORT reflects similar results in Human Resource Leave Reports.
2. Leave Entitlement field in EMPLOYEE MASTER is Not Modifiable. Instead, Leave Entitlement is now
automatically computed.
3. A Brought Forward column is added. This field stores leave days carried forward from previous year leave
4. You MUST process leave every month in order to update Leave Entitlement in EMPLOYEE MASTER correctly.
5. Leave Entitlement will automatically Carried Forward to next year during YEAR-END CLOSING

- 100 -

PROCESS LEAVE ENTITLEMENT will compute employees' leave entitlement and balances. Run leave entitlement
processing on every end-month to produce updated leave entitlement and balances.

Process Leave Entitlement will assign leave entitled days into EMPLOYE MASTER's "Total Leave Entitlement". You
can process leave entitlement before OR after PROCESS PERIOD as LEAVE PROCESSING only uses QUICK
STAFF Leave Records.

Calculate Leave Entitlement

If enabled (recommended), leave entitlement and carry forward values are updated into EMPLOYEE MASTER.

Update Leave Days into SALARY ENTRY

If enabled (recommended), leave days taken from QUICK STAFF Leave Records are transferred into SALARY
ENTRY records.

A leave entitlement report is created upon completion of processing. Click “View” Button to see the report

The following explains the detail inside Leave Entitlement Processing report.

- 101 -
Leave Description
Leave description

Last Year B/F

Last year brought forward leave days. Value is taken from EMPLOYEE MASTER "Previous Year
Brought Forward" figure.

Curr Year Earned

Total leave days earned for all the months of the current year. If "Leave earned until current month"
is applied, then this figure will accumulate leave earned days until current selected payoll month.
Value is computed based on Leave Group.

Total Adjustment
If exists leave entry records with "adjustment" leave figures, then value will show these adjustment
days total.
If "Leave earned until current month" is applied, then this figure will accumulate adjustment days
until current selected payoll month.

Total Entl
Total leave days entitled. This is the sum of Last Year B/F + Current Year Earned + Total

Total Taken
Total leave days taken. This value is derived from leave records taken.

Total Balance
Leave balance = Total Entl - Total Taken

Next Year C/F

This is the expected next year carried forward of leave days.

- 102 -
HR QUERY module allows you to perform fast query on Human Resource records. You can easily generate a list of
employees matching your search criteria.

Create search on employees with company cars, insurance claim reference number, working experience on certain
industries, education levels, skills, training courses taken, etc. The final search result will show a list of employees
matching your search criteria in "Include in QUERY" box (see below illustration).

Below are some example searches:

>> Search on employees with company cars or handphones...

>> Search on Matching “All Words” and Option “Employee Match ALL conditions…”

>> Search on employees with fighting disciplinary records...

- 103 -
>> Search on employees with Degree or Diploma education level AND with previous working experience in
Manufacturing industries

>> Search on employees with Master's degree AND has completed some Management courses...

- 104 -
Malaysian Payroll & Human Resource Management

Copyright © HR 2000 SDN BHD

- 105 -
Appendix 1: DOWNLOAD from Internet

Click Here to

1. From Internet Explorer, login to

2. Go to Products page
3. Find Quick Pay/ Staff Ver.7 section.
4. To download, click on button Download Ver 7
5. When asked Would you like to open the file or save it to your computer?, click Save. Then select the
destination you want to save the file (eg. C:\Temp – create a Temp folder).
6. After download completed, go to the destination you saved (e.g. C:\Temp) and double-click qpaywin7.exe and
follow the instructions on screen.

Note: Some download files are PASSWORD protected. Kindly call HR2000 for your password.

- 106 -
Appendix 2: Export to Microsoft Words
The following steps will guide you on how to export payroll items into Ms Words for Letter Merging.

Step 1 : Create an export file from QUICK PAY.

 Go to FREE FORMAT REPORTS. Then, select a Report to Print.

 Click on “Create Export File” and check “Include Column Header” option.
 Key in Export Filename (any filename with CSV extension) accordingly eg. D:\EXPORT.CSV

Note: This will create an export file of D:\EXPORT.CSV containing payroll information preset in your FREE

Step 2 : Execute Microsoft Words

 Choose “MAILINGS” from Menu bar. Then, click on “START MAIL MERGE”
 In MAIL MERGE Window
1. Select document type, eg. Letter .
2. At right bottom Step 1 of 6, click Next: Starting Document
3. Select Starting document, eg. Use the current document
4. At right bottom Step 2 of 6, click Next: Select Recipients
5. Select Recipients, eg. Use an existing list
6. Click “BROWSE” to select recipient list file Data source from D:\EXPORT.CSV. Then click OK
7. At right bottom Step 3 of 6, click Next: Write your letter
By now, you should have an empty Ms Word document. From here, you can proceed to type in your letter.
If you decided to “Insert” an information from the export file (example: Employee Name), then point on
the data merging position and click on “INSERT MERGE FIELD” button to choose the “NAME”.

- 107 -
8. Once complete writing the letter. At right bottom Step 4 of 6, click Next: Preview your letters
9. If the preview result is fine. At right bottom Step 5 of 6, click Next: Complete the merge


In Ms Word’s document, type the word “Dear”. Then, click on “INSERT MERGE FIELD”. You should see the
exported fields here like Number,Name, etc (of course, depending on your Free Format exported items.). Continue to
type your letter, and click INSERT MERGE FIELD again if you decided to place another item into this document.

To view the actual letter, click on “<<< ABC >>> Preview results” button. To scroll to next employee, click on the
Forward (>) icon and Backward (<) icon.

- 108 -
Appendix 3: Export to Microsoft Excel

Step 1 : Create an export file from QUICK PAY.

 Go to FREE FORMAT REPORTS. Then, select a Report to Print.

 Click on “Create Export File” and check “Include Column Header” option.
 Key in Export Filename (any filename with CSV extension) accordingly eg. D:\EXPORT.CSV

Note: This will create an export file of D:\EXPORT.CSV containing payroll information preset in your FREE

Step 2 : Execute Microsoft EXCEL Program

 Choose “FILE” from Menu bar. Then, click on “OPEN”
 On filename entry, type “D:\EXPORT.CSV”

By now, you should see the exported data neatly arranged in your Ms Excel spreadsheet. Please save the file into XLS
file format.

- 109 -
Appendix 4: Keywords for Free-Format & Query
[NUMBER] Employee Number [IC-OLD] Old Identity Card No.
[NAME] Employee Name [IC-COLOR] Identity Card Color
[SEX] Sex / Gender [PASSPORT-NO] Passport No.
[RACE] Race [ACC-EPF] EPF Account Number
[MARITAL] Marital Status [NK-EPF] EPF NK (Nombor Kawalan)
[CHILDREN] Children [INIT-EPF] EPF Initial Number
[DATE-RESIGN] Date Of Resignation/Termination [ACC-TAX] Income Tax Acc No.
[DATE-INCR] Date of Increment [BRN-TAX] Income Tax Branch
[DATE-CONF] Date of Confirmation [COUNTRY-CODE] Income Tax Country Code
[DATE-RETR] Date of Retirement [IC-EPF] I/C in EPF Report
[DATE-BIRTH] Date of Birth [IC-SOCSO] I/C in SOCSO Report
[MTH-BIRTH] Month of Birth [IC-ASNB] I/C in ASNB Report
[MTH-HIRE] Month of Hire [IC-BANK] I/C in Bank Report
[MTH-RESIGN] Month of Termination [IC-REPORT] I/C in Other Report
[IC-NEW] New Identity Card No.
[ACC-TAB-HAJI] Tabung Haji No. [DESC-OCCU] Occupation Desc
[PREV-EMPR] Previous Employer [DESC-BANK] Bank Desc
[ADDR-1] Address #1 [BRN-BANK] Bank Branch
[ADDR-2] Address #2 [ACC-BANK] Bank Account No.
[ADDR-3] Address #3 [CODE-QUAL] Qualification Code
[POSTAL] Postal Code [DESC-QUAL] Qualification Desc
[CODE-CCTR] Cost-Center Code [CODE-JOB] Job Grade Code
[DESC-CCTR] Cost-Center Desc [DESC-JOB] Job Grade Desc
[CODE-DEPT] Department Code [CODE-NATION] Nationality Code
[DESC-DEPT] Department Desc [DESC-NATION] Nationality Desc
[CODE-SECT] Section Code [CODE-RELG] Religion Code
[DESC-SECT] Section Desc [DESC-RELG] Religion Desc
[CODE-CATG] Category Code [PAY-VIA] Payment Via
[DESC-CATG] Category Desc [CHEQUE-NO] Cheque No.
[CODE-OCCU] Occupation Code [REMARK-1] Remark #1
[REGION] Region (ie, West
Malaysian/Sabahan/Sarawakian [REMARK-2] Remark #2
[REMARK-3] Remark #3
[REMARK-4] Remark #4
[PHONE] Telephone
[SP-NAME] Spouse's Name [EMAIL] e-Mail
[SP-OLDIC] Spouse's Old IC [NEXT-OF-KIN] Next of Kin
[SP-NEWIC] Spouse's New IC [SERV] Service Year (YY:MM:DD)
[SP-ACC-TAX] Spouse's Income Tax # [PAY-RATE] Payment Rate
[SP-BRN-TAX] Spouse's Tax Branch [PAY-FREQ] Payment Frequency
[GRP-TAX] Income Tax Group [ACC-IMI] Immigration Number
[DATE-XIMI] Immigration Date
[GRP-ACCS] Security Access Group <USER-VAL-1> User Value #1
[GRP-EPF] EPF Group <USER-VAL-2> User Value #2
[GRP-SOCSO] Socso Group <AGE> Age

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[GRP-WORK] Work Group / NPL Group <SERV> Service Years
[GRP-OT] Overtime Group <SERVMTH> Service Months
[INCR-PERC] Increment Percentage <CB> Current Basic (EMPL MASTER)
[COUNT] Running No / Counter <OB> Old Basic
[SLYREMARK1] Remark-1 from Salary Entry <MB> Mid-Month Basic
[SLYREMARK2] Remark-2 from Salary Entry <AE> Annual Leave Entitlement
[SLYREMARK3] Remark-3 from Salary Entry <AL-TAKEN> Annual Leave Days Taken
[SLYREMARK4] Remark-4 from Salary Entry <SE> Sick Leave Entitlement
<SL-TAKEN> Sick Leave Days Taken

<BASIC-PAY> Basic Pay (SALARY ENTRY) <WORK-DAMT> Days Worked Amount

<NETT-PAY> Net Pay Amount <WORK-HAMT> Hours Worked Amount
<GROSS-EARN> Gross Earnings Amount <WORK-DAY> Days Worked (Daily Rated)
<GROSS-DEDU> Gross Deductions Amount <WORK-HOUR> Hours Worked (Daily Rated)
<TOTAL-ALLW> Total Allowance Amount <WORK-DRATE> Days Worked Rate
<TOTAL-DEDU> Total Deductions Amount <WORK-HRATE> Hours Worked Rate
<TOTAL-BONUS> Total Bonus Amount <NPL-DAMT> No-Pay-Leave Days Amount
<PCB-AMOUNT> Total PCB Amount <NPL-HAMT> No-Pay-Leave Hour Amount
<EEPF-AMT> Employee EPF Amount <NPL-DAY> No-Pay-Leave Days
<REPF-AMT> Employer EPF Amount <NPL-HOUR> No-Pay-Leave Hours
<ESOCSO-AMT> Employee SOCSO Amount <NPL-DRATE> No-Pay-Leave Days Rate
<RSOCSO-AMT> Employer SOCSO Amount <NPL-HRATE> No-Pay-Leave Hours Rate
<EVOL-AMT> Employee Voluntary Amount
<RVOL-AMT> Employer Voluntary Amount
<RLEVY-AMT> Employer Levy Amount
<EPF-WAGES> EPF Wages Amount
<PCB-WAGES> PCB Wages Amount

<OT-AMT1> Overtime #1 Amount <OT-HOUR1> Overtime #1 Hours

<OT-AMT2> Overtime #2 Amount <OT-HOUR2> Overtime #2 Hours
<OT-AMT3> Overtime #3 Amount <OT-HOUR3> Overtime #3 Hours
<OT-AMT4> Overtime #4 Amount <OT-HOUR4> Overtime #4 Hours
<OT-AMT5> Overtime #5 Amount <OT-HOUR5> Overtime #5 Hours
<OT-AMT6> Overtime #6 Amount <OT-HOUR6> Overtime #6 Hours
<OT-AMT7> Overtime #7 Amount <OT-HOUR7> Overtime #7 Hours
<OT-AMT8> Overtime #8 Amount <OT-HOUR8> Overtime #8 Hours
<OT-AMT9> Overtime #9 Amount <OT-HOUR9> Overtime #9 Hours
<OT-AMT10> Overtime #10 Amount <OT-HOUR10> Overtime #10 Hours

<OT-RATE1> Overtime #1 Rate <OT-RATE6> Overtime #6 Rate

<OT-RATE2> Overtime #2 Rate <OT-RATE7> Overtime #7 Rate
<OT-RATE3> Overtime #3 Rate <OT-RATE8> Overtime #8 Rate
<OT-RATE4> Overtime #4 Rate <OT-RATE9> Overtime #9 Rate
<OT-RATE5> Overtime #5 Rate <OT-RATE10> Overtime #10 Rate

<SH-AMT1> Shift #1 Amount <SH-HOUR1> Shift #1 Hours

- 111 -
<SH-AMT2> Shift #2 Amount <SH-HOUR2> Shift #2 Hours
<SH-AMT3> Shift #3 Amount <SH-HOUR3> Shift #3 Hours
<SH-AMT4> Shift #4 Amount <SH-HOUR4> Shift #4 Hours
<SH-AMT5> Shift #5 Amount <SH-HOUR5> Shift #5 Hours
<SH-AMT6> Shift #6 Amount <SH-HOUR6> Shift #6 Hours
<SH-AMT7> Shift #7 Amount <SH-HOUR7> Shift #7 Hours
<SH-AMT8> Shift #8 Amount <SH-HOUR8> Shift #8 Hours
<SH-AMT9> Shift #9 Amount <SH-HOUR9> Shift #9 Hours
<SH-AMT10> Shift #10 Amount <SH-HOUR10> Shift #10 Hours

<SH-RATE1> Shift #1 Rate <SH-RATE6> Shift #6 Rate

<SH-RATE2> Shift #2 Rate <SH-RATE7> Shift #7 Rate
<SH-RATE3> Shift #3 Rate <SH-RATE8> Shift #8 Rate
<SH-RATE4> Shift #4 Rate <SH-RATE9> Shift #9 Rate
<SH-RATE5> Shift #5 Rate <SH-RATE10> Shift #10 Rate

<AP-AMT1> Add'Pay #1 Amount <AP-DAY1> Add'Pay #1 Days

<AP-AMT2> Add'Pay #2 Amount <AP-DAY2> Add'Pay #2 Days
<AP-AMT3> Add'Pay #3 Amount <AP-DAY3> Add'Pay #3 Days
<AP-AMT4> Add'Pay #4 Amount <AP-DAY4> Add'Pay #4 Days
<AP-AMT5> Add'Pay #5 Amount <AP-DAY5> Add'Pay #5 Days

<AP-RATE1> Add'Pay #1 Rates [AD-GRPCODE1] Group#1 Item Codes

<AP-RATE2> Add'Pay #2 Rates [AD-GRPCODE2] Group#2 Item Codes
<AP-RATE3> Add'Pay #3 Rates [AD-GRPCODE3] Group#3 Item Codes
<AP-RATE4> Add'Pay #4 Rates [AD-GRPCODE4] Group#4 Item Codes
<AP-RATE5> Add'Pay #5 Rates [AD-GRPCODE5] Group#5 Item Codes

[AD-GRPAMT1] Group#1 Item Amount <AD-GRPAMT1> Group#1 Total Amount

[AD-GRPAMT2] Group#2 Item Amount <AD-GRPAMT2> Group#2 Total Amount
[AD-GRPAMT3] Group#3 Item Amount <AD-GRPAMT3> Group#3 Total Amount
[AD-GRPAMT4] Group#4 Item Amount <AD-GRPAMT4> Group#4 Total Amount
[AD-GRPAMT5] Group#5 Item Amount <AD-GRPAMT5> Group#5 Total Amount

[DATE-DAY] Computer Day eg. DD-MM-YYYY [LVE-DESC1] Leave Description #1

[DATE-TIME] Computer Time eg.HH:MM:SS [LVE-DESC2] Leave Description #2
[PERIOD] Database Current Period eg. PRD-MTH-
YYYY [LVE-DESC3] Leave Description #3
[COMPANY] Company Name [LVE-DESC4] Leave Description #4
[YEAR] Database Year [LVE-DESC5] Leave Description #5
[RACC-EPF] Company EPF Account [LVE-DESC6] Leave Description #6
[RACC-SOCSO] Company SOCSO Account [LVE-DESC7] Leave Description #7
[RACC-TAX] Company Income Tax Account [LVE-DESC8] Leave Description #8
[RADDR-1] Company Address Line #1 [LVE-DESC9] Leave Description #9
[RADDR-2] Company Address Line #2 [LVE-DESC10] Leave Description #10
[RADDR-3] Company Address Line #3
[RPOSTAL] Company Address Postal

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Appendix 5: TOPICS found in HELP
To access online HELP topics in QUICK PAY, run QUICK PAY, goto MAIN MENU, goto HELP, and click on
ABOUT QUICK PAY. The additional HELP topics included are :

QUICK PAY - General Overview
QUICK STAFF - General Overview
About HR 2000 Sdn Bhd

Installation (Standalone PC and Network Environment)
System Requirement

Monthly Processing Steps
Select Period
Employee Master
Process Period
Salary Entry

Payslip Printing
Government Reports
Standard Reports
Label Writer
Free Format Report


Export to Microsoft Words
Export to Microsoft Excel
Export to DBF Files
Time Management Import
Import from Other Systems

E-Mail Payslip
E-Mail CP8A
E-Mail PCB2
Gratuity System
Service Point System
Project System
DBF Utility
Arrears Run

How to Speed up your Computer
System Setup
SUPERVISOR and Users Password Security
Database Error Codes
Backup/Restore ZIP Error Codes
EMail Error Codes

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