QFRM BasicConceptsMasterSlides
QFRM BasicConceptsMasterSlides
QFRM BasicConceptsMasterSlides
Martin Haugh
Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
Columbia University
Email: martin.b.haugh@gmail.com
Risk Measurement
Scenario Analysis and Stress Testing
Expected Shortfall (ES)
Other Considerations
2 (Section 0)
Risk Factors and Loss Distributions
Notation (to be used throughout the course):
∆ a fixed period of time such as 1 day or 1 week.
Let Vt be the value of a portfolio at time t∆.
So portfolio loss between t∆ and (t + 1)∆ is given by
Lt+1 := − (Vt+1 − Vt )
Zt := (Zt,1 , . . . , Zt,d )
so that
Vt = f (t, Zt ).
for some function f : R+ × Rd → R.
3 (Section 1)
Risk Factors and Loss Distributions
e.g. In a stock portfolio might take the stock prices or some function of the
stock prices as our risk factors.
e.g. In an options portfolio Zt might contain stock factors together with implied
volatility and interest rate factors.
Let Xt := Zt − Zt−1 denote the change in values of the risk factors between
times t and t + 1.
Then have
Given the value of Zt , the distribution of Lt+1 depends only on the distribution
of Xt+1 .
4 (Section 1)
Linear Approximations to the Loss Function
Assuming f (·, ·) is differentiable, can use a first order Taylor expansion to
approximate Lt+1 :
L̂t+1 (Xt+1 ) := − ft (t, Zt )∆ + fzi (t, Zt ) Xt+1,i (1)
Important to note, however, that if Xt+1 is likely to be very large then Taylor
approximations can fail.
5 (Section 1)
Conditional and Unconditional Loss Distributions
Important to distinguish between the conditional and unconditional loss
Consider the series Xt of risk factor changes and assume that they form a
stationary time series with stationary distribution FX .
6 (Section 1)
Conditional and Unconditional Loss Distributions
If the Xt ’s are IID then the conditional and unconditional distributions coincide.
For long time horizons, e.g. ∆ = 6 months, we might be more inclined to use the
unconditional loss distribution.
However, for short horizons, e.g. 1 day or 10 days, then the conditional loss
distribution is clearly the appropriate distribution
- true in particular in times of high market volatility when the unconditional
distribution would bear little resemblance to the true conditional distribution.
7 (Section 1)
Example: A Stock Portfolio
Consider a portfolio of d stocks with St,i denoting time t price of the i th stock
and λi denoting number of units of i th stock.
log K+ (r + σ 2 /2)(T − t)
where d1 = √
σ T −t
d2 = d1 − σ T − t
and where:
Φ(·) is the standard normal distribution CDF
St = time t price of underlying security
r = continuously compounded risk-free interest rate.
In practice use an implied volatility, σ(K , T , t), that depends on strike, maturity
and current time, t.
9 (Section 1)
Example: An Options Portfolio
Consider a portfolio of European options all on the same underlying security.
Note that by put-call parity we can assume that all options are call options.
For derivatives portfolios, the linear approximation based on 1st order Greeks is
often inadequate
- 2nd order approximations involving gamma, volga and vanna might then be
used – but see earlier warning regarding use of Taylor approximations.
10 (Section 1)
Risk Factors in the Options Portfolio
Can again take log stock prices as risk factors but not clear how to handle the
implied volatilities.
2. Let each σ(K , T , t) be a separate factor. Not good for two reasons:
(a) It introduces a large number of factors.
(b) Implied volatilities are not free to move independently since no-arbitrage
assumption imposes strong restrictions on how volatility surface may move.
11 (Section 1)
Risk Factors in the Options Portfolio
3. In light of previous point, it may be a good idea to parameterize the
volatility surface with just a few parameters
- and assume that only those parameters can move from one period to the next
- parameterization should be so that no-arbitrage restrictions are easy to
12 (Section 1)
Example: A Bond Portfolio
Consider a portfolio containing quantities of d different default-free zero-coupon
st,Ti is the continuously compounded spot interest rate for maturity Ti so that
There are λi units of i th bond in the portfolio so total portfolio value given by
Vt = λi exp(−st,Ti (Ti − t)).
14 (Section 1)
Example: A Bond Portfolio
Assume now only parallel changes in the spot rate curve are possible
- while unrealistic, a common assumption in practice
- this is the assumption behind the use of duration and convexity.
15 (Section 1)
Approaches to Risk Measurement
1. Notional Amount Approach.
2. Factor Sensitivity Measures.
3. Scenario Approach.
4. Measures based on loss distribution, e.g. Value-at-Risk (VaR) or Conditional
Value-at-Risk (CVaR).
16 (Section 2)
An Example of Factor Sensitivity Measures: the Greeks
Scenario analysis for derivatives portfolios is often combined with the Greeks to
understand the riskiness of a portfolio
- and sometimes to perform a P&L attribution.
Consider now a single option in the portfolio with price C (S, σ, . . .).
Note approximation only holds for “small” moves in underlying risk factors
- a very important observation that is lost on many people!
17 (Section 2)
Delta-Gamma-Vega Approximations to Option Prices
A simple application of Taylor’s Theorem yields
∂C 1 ∂2C ∂C
C (S + ∆S, σ + ∆σ) ≈ C (S, σ) + ∆S + (∆S)2 + ∆σ
∂S 2 ∂S 2 ∂σ
= C (S, σ) + ∆S δ + (∆S)2 Γ + ∆σ vega.
Therefore obtain
P&L ≈ δ∆S + (∆S)2 + vega ∆σ
= delta P&L + gamma P&L + vega P&L .
When ∆σ = 0, obtain the well-known delta-gamma approximation
- often used, for example, in historical Value-at-Risk (VaR) calculations.
19 (Section 2)
Scenario Analysis and Stress Testing
In general we want to stress the risk factors in our portfolio.
20 (Section 2)
Value-at-Risk (VaR) the most widely (mis-)used risk measure in the financial
Despite the many weaknesses of VaR, financial institutions are required to use it
under the Basel II capital-adequacy framework.
Will assume that horizon ∆ has been fixed so that L represents portfolio loss
over time interval ∆.
22 (Section 2)
Definition: Let F : R → [0, 1] be an arbitrary CDF. Then for α ∈ (0, 1) the
α-quantile of F is defined by
qα (F ) := inf{x ∈ R : F (x) ≥ α}.
Definition: Let α ∈ (0, 1) be some fixed confidence level. Then the VaR of the
portfolio loss at the confidence interval, α, is given by VaRα := qα (L), the
α-quantile of the loss distribution.
23 (Section 2)
VaR for the Normal Distributions
Because the normal CDF is both continuous and strictly increasing, it is
straightforward to calculate VaRα .
24 (Section 2)
VaR for the t Distributions
The t CDF also continuous and strictly increasing so again straightforward to
calculate VaRα .
25 (Section 2)
Weaknesses of VaR
1. VaR attempts to describe the entire loss distribution with just a single
- so significant information is lost
- this criticism applies to all scalar risk measures
- one way around it is to report VaRα for several values of α.
26 (Section 2)
(Non-) Sub-Additivity of VaR
e.g. Let L = L1 + L2 be the total loss associated with two portfolios, each with
respective losses, L1 and L2 .
qα (FL ) > qα (FL1 ) + qα (FL2 ) is possible!
Will discuss sub-additivity property when we study coherent risk measures later in
27 (Section 2)
Advantages of VaR
VaR is generally “easier” to estimate:
True of quantile estimation in general since quantiles are not very sensitive
to outliers.
- not true of other risk measures such as Expected Shortfall / CVaR
Even then, it becomes progressively more difficult to estimate VaRα as
- may be able to use Extreme Value Theory (EVT) in these circumstances.
But VaR easier to estimate only if we have correctly specified the appropriate
probability model
- often an unjustifiable assumption!
28 (Section 2)
Expected Shortfall (ES)
Definition: For a portfolio loss, L, satisfying E[|L|] < ∞ the expected shortfall
at confidence level α ∈ (0, 1) is given by
Z 1
ESα := qu (FL ) du. (4)
1−α α
29 (Section 2)
Expected Shortfall (ES)
A more well known representation of ESα (L) holds when FL is continuous:
E [L; L ≥ qα (L)]
ESα :=
= E [L | L ≥ VaRα ] . (5)
30 (Section 2)
Example: Expected Shortfall for a Normal Distribution
Can use (5) to compute expected shortfall of an N(µ, σ 2 ) random variable.
We find
φ (Φ−1 (α))
ESα = µ + σ (6)
where φ(·) is the PDF of the standard normal distribution.
31 (Section 2)
Example: Expected Shortfall for a t Distribution
Let L ∼ t(ν, µ, σ 2 ) so that L̃ := (L − µ)/σ has a standard t distribution with
ν > 2 dof.
where tν (·) and gν (·) are the CDF and PDF, respectively, of the standard t
distribution with ν dof.
Remark: The t distribution is a much better model of stock (and other asset)
returns than the normal model. In empirical studies, values of ν around 5 or 6 are
often found to fit best.
32 (Section 2)
The Shortfall-to-Quantile Ratio
Can compare VaRα and ESα by considering their ratio as α → 1.
Not too difficult to see that in the case of the normal distribution
→ 1 as α → 1.
However, in the case of the t distribution with ν > 1 dof we have
ESα ν
→ > 1 as α → 1.
VaRα ν−1
33 (Section 2)
Standard Techniques for Risk Measurement
1. Historical simulation.
2. Monte-Carlo simulation.
3. Variance-covariance approach.
34 (Section 3)
Historical Simulation
Instead of using a probabilistic model to estimate distribution of Lt+1 (Xt+1 ), we
could estimate the distribution using a historical simulation.
In particular, if we know the values of Xt−i+1 for i = 1, . . . , n, then can use this
data to create a set of historical losses:
- so L̃i is the portfolio loss that would occur if the risk factor returns on date
t − i + 1 were to recur.
35 (Section 3)
Historical Simulation
Suppose the L̃i ’s are ordered by
L̃n,n ≤ · · · ≤ L̃1,n .
Then an estimator of VaRα (Lt+1 ) is L̃[n(1−α)],n where [n(1 − α)] is the largest
integer not exceeding n(1 − α).
f α = L̃[n(1−α)],n + · · · + L̃1,n .
[n(1 − α)]
36 (Section 3)
Monte-Carlo Simulation
Monte-Carlo approach similar to historical simulation approach.
But now use some parametric distribution for the change in risk factors to
generate sample portfolio losses.
37 (Section 3)
The Variance-Covariance Approach
In the variance-covariance approach assume that Xt+1 has a multivariate normal
distribution so that
Xt+1 ∼ MVN (µ, Σ) .
Also assume the linear approximation
L̂t+1 (Xt+1 ) := − ft (t, Zt )∆ + fzi (t, Zt ) Xt+1,i
Therefore obtain
L̂t+1 (Xt+1 ) ∼ N −ct − bt > µ, bt > Σbt .
But it has several weaknesses: risk factor distributions are often fat- or
heavy-tailed but the normal distribution is light-tailed
- this is easy to overcome as there are other multivariate distributions that are
also closed under linear operations.
e.g. If Xt+1 has a multivariate t distribution so that
Xt+1 ∼ t (ν, µ, Σ)
L̂t+1 (Xt+1 ) ∼ t ν, −ct − bt > µ, bt > Σbt .
A more serious problem is that the linear approximation will often not work well
- particularly true for portfolios of derivative securities.
39 (Section 3)
Evaluating Risk Measurement Techniques
Important for any risk manger to constantly evaluate the reported risk measures.
e.g. If daily 95% VaR is reported then should see daily losses exceeding the
reported VaR approximately 95% of the time.
where VaRi and Li are the reported VaR and realized loss for period i.
Can use standard statistical tests to see if this is indeed the case.
41 (Section 4)