Fisheries Plan
Fisheries Plan
Fisheries Plan
Prepared by the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this document are those
collected from fisheries stakeholders in the United Republic of Tanzania.
The Fisheries Sector in Tanzania is comprised of capture fisheries and
aquaculture value chains. The sector has been growing at an average annual
rate of 1.5% and play important roles in food security and socio-economic
wellbeing. Current per capita fish consumption is 8.5 kg and contributes 30% of
daily animal protein intake. It also contributes 1.7% of the GDP and provides
direct employment 195,435 fishers and 30,064 aquafarmers. In addition, about
4.5 million people (6.89% of total population) are indirect employment in various
ancillary activities along the two value chains. The sector activities are
dominated by small scale operations undertaken by artisanal fishers and
subsistence aquafarmers which are responsible for over 95% of the fish
production. There are several challenges which face the sector limiting its
contribution to economy. These include limited extension services, limited
access to finance, high post-harvest losses and limited value addition, limited
access to appropriate fishing and aquaculture technologies, environmental
degradation of aquatic ecosystems, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing,
illegal cross border trade, low public and private investment. To address these
challenges, the Government embarked on implementing the first Fisheries
Sector Master Plan (2002–2015). Several achievements were recorded
including increased fish catch, increased public awareness of aquaculture,
major public investments in infrastructure notably Ferry and Kirumba
International fish markets which catalyzed cross-border trade of fish and fish
products. However, increased demand for fish and fish products due population
growth put pressure on fisheries resources. This calls for more effective
fisheries management and increased aquaculture production.
Last but not least, I wish to convey my heartfelt gratitude to all individuals and
entities who played different roles in the course of developing this master plan.
In particular, I am grateful to FAO for providing technical and financial support,
and the World Bank through the SWIOFish project for supporting workshops for
stakeholders along the Indian ocean.
The fishery industry is among the most important economic sub sectors in
Tanzania and it remains a key source of employment, food security, and
revenue for the country. The number of fishers engaged directly in fishing is
about 200,000, while about 4,500,000 people obtain their livelihood from the
sector through fishery-related activities. The contribution of the sector to the
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the past five years has been fluctuating
between 1.6% and 1.8%, which is still low compared to the available fisheries
resource potential (Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, 2021).
On the other hand, mainland Tanzania has enormous untapped potential for
aquaculture development. It has water (both freshwater and marine), land, a
legal framework that supports aquaculture and a favourable climate. Despite the
availability of the huge aquaculture potential, the subsector does not make a
major contribution to the nation’s economic development mainly because of
inadequate affordable quality seeds and feed, poor aquaculture management
practices, and unreliable financial capital. The current aquaculture production of
18,717 metric tonnes (less than 4% of the overall fish production) is very low.
Thus, concerted efforts are needed to develop aquaculture to the required level
in order to bridge the gap between demand and supply.
The government seeks to utilize the capture fisheries and aquaculture potential
and opportunities to ensure the creation of jobs and wealth, food security as
well as the increasing contribution of the subsectors to economic development.
At present Tanzania has a robust legal and policy framework for aquaculture
research and development. However, these statutory instruments have not
been fully utilized to realize the needed development. There are several
research and training institutions, as well as Aquaculture Development Centres
which, if fully exploited, could make significant contributions to research,
management, training and extension. Given the potential and opportunities
available, it is imperative that the government and other stakeholders redouble
their efforts to promote and develop aquaculture.
The government of Tanzania launched its first Fisheries Sector Master Plan
(2002–2015) in 2002.Unfortunately, the first fisheries master plan, which was
phased out in 2015, did not include the major aspects of aquaculture
development. During that time, more emphasis was placed on the management
of capture fisheries and on a few cross-cutting issues. However, there was only
one programme on aquaculture extension. In light of this, the current FMP
(2021/22–2036/37) is notable for incorporating the key issues of aquaculture
The thematic areas for capture fisheries and aquaculture were developed on
the basis of the identified issues and developed operational objectives. The
thematic areas translate the relevant socio-economic and ecological values,
high level priorities, policy statements and laws into a form that has a direct and
practical bearing on the management and development of the fisheries sector.
sector development, blue economy growth, improved livelihood, nutrition and
food security.
It is worth noting that the above benefits would be achieved if the following
measures are adhered to:
(i) The implementation and coordination of the FSMP interventions
mainstreamed in existing government framework. The coordination
process should include the MLF in collaboration with other agricultural
sector related ministries, institutions, development partners, agencies
and other stakeholders such as; fishers, aquafarmers, traders,
processors and their associations.
(ii) Monitoring of the FSMP progress undertaken through a Permanent
Monitoring Committee established by the Ministry responsible for
Fisheries; the committee would meet regularly to monitor the
implementation progress of the FSMP, and coordinate development of
the projects aimed to implement the proposed strategic interventions.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................. vii
LIST OF TABLES...................................................................................... xii
LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................... xiii
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS......................................... xiv
PART 1 .................................................................................................... 1
CAPTURE FISHERIES............................................................................. 1
CHAPTER 1.............................................................................................. 2
1.0 INTRODUCTION......................................................................... 2
1.1 Background Information.............................................................. 4
1.2 Purpose, Rationale and Scope of the Fisheries
Sector Master Plan..................................................................... 4
1.2.1 Purpose of the FSMP.................................................................. 4
1.2.2 Rationale for developing the FSMP............................................ 4
1.2.3 Scope of the FSMP..................................................................... 6
1.3 Target Audience of the FSMP..................................................... 7
CHAPTER 2.............................................................................................. 8
2.0 METHODOLOGY AND APPROACH.......................................... 8
2.1 The Fisheries Sector Master Plan Development Approach........ 8
2.2 Methodology for Developing the FSMP...................................... 9
2.2.1 Baseline information on the fisheries sector............................... 9
2.2.2 Fisheries stakeholders’ workshops............................................. 10
2.2.3 Problem tree............................................................................... 10
2.2.4 Key informant interviews............................................................. 10
2.2.5 Questionnaire.............................................................................. 11
2.2.6 Extensive review of documents.................................................. 11
2.2.7 SWOC analysis........................................................................... 11
CHAPTER 3.............................................................................................. 12
3.1 Overview..................................................................................... 12
3.2 Importance of the Fisheries Sector............................................. 13
3.3 Fisheries Production in Tanzania................................................ 14
3.4 Export and Import of Fish and Fisheries Products...................... 16
3.4.1 Export of fish............................................................................... 16
3.4.2 Fish import and fisheries production........................................... 17
3.5 Fish Stocks, Production Trends, Value and Fishing Effort.......... 19
3.5.1 Fish stocks/biomass.................................................................... 19
3.5.2 Trends in the fishing effort, total catch and value........................ 19
3.6 Status of Fish Stocks/Biomass and Fish Production
by Small-Scale Fishers in Major Lakes....................................... 22
3.6.1 Status of fish stocks and biomass in Lake Victoria..................... 22
3.6.2 Fish production and the fishing effort in Lake Victoria................ 22
3.6.3 Status of fish stocks and biomass in Lake Tanganyika............... 23
3.6.4 Fish production and the fishing effort.......................................... 24
3.6.5 Status of fish stocks and biomass in Lake Nyasa....................... 24
3.6.6 Fish production and the fishing effort.......................................... 25
3.7 Status of Fish Production in Marine Waters................................ 26
3.7.1 Small-scale fishers...................................................................... 26
3.7.2 Status of off-shore fisheries (marine waters).............................. 27
CHAPTER 4.............................................................................................. 29
4.1 Investment in Fisheries Sector.................................................... 29
4.1.1 Investment opportunities in the inland fisheries.......................... 29
4.1.2 Investment opportunities in marine fisheries............................... 30
4.1.3 Fisheries infrastructure development.......................................... 32
4.1.4. Fish processing factories............................................................ 35
CHAPTER 5.............................................................................................. 36
5.0 INSTITUTIONAL AND LEGAL FRAMEWORKS......................... 36
5.1 Institutional Framework............................................................... 36
5.1.1 The national context.................................................................... 36
5.1.2 Fisheries sector institutions......................................................... 37
5.2 Legal Framework........................................................................ 39
5.2.1 The national context.................................................................... 39
5.2.2 The regional context................................................................... 41
5.2.3 The international context............................................................. 42
CHAPTER 6.............................................................................................. 46
MASTER PLAN (2002–2015)..................................................... 46
6.1 The Review Process................................................................... 46
6.2 Implementation Status of the Programmes................................. 46
6.3 Master Plan Funding Sources..................................................... 47
6.4 Challenges Encountered during the Implementation
of the Master Plan....................................................................... 51
6.4.1 Weaknesses in the master plan itself.......................................... 51
6.4.2 Inadequate funds for implementing the master plan................... 51
6.4.3 Inadequate coordination among key agencies........................... 51
6.4.4 Limited capacity.......................................................................... 51
6.5 Experience Gained and Lessons Learnt..................................... 52
6.5.1 Local communities and other stakeholders’ involvement............ 52
6.5.2 Financial sustainability of the fisheries sector............................. 52
6.5.3 Awareness raising and education programmes.......................... 53
CHAPTER 7.............................................................................................. 54
STAKEHOLDERS AND A SWOC ANALYSIS............................. 54
7.1 Issues Identified during Stakeholders’ Workshops..................... 54
7.2 SWOC Analysis of the Fisheries Sector...................................... 57
CHAPTER 8.............................................................................................. 59
TANZANIA: CAPTURE FISHERIES........................................... 59
8.1 Vision, Mission, Goal and Objectives.......................................... 59
8.3 Structure of the FSMP – Capture Fisheries................................ 61
8.4 Thematic Area One: Maintenance of the Environment,
Ecological Systems and Biodiversity......................................... 62
8.4.1 Management of aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity................ 62
8.4.2 Beach/intertidal areas use and waste disposal........................... 64
8.4.3 Availability of adequate data and information on fisheries.......... 66
8.5 Thematic Area Two: Improved Research, Monitoring
and Reporting System................................................................ 66
8.5.1 Fisheries Information and Data Management System................ 66
8.5.2 Research, monitoring, training and extension services.............. 68
8.6 Thematic Area Three: Empowerment of Fishers and
Fish Workers............................................................................... 69
8.6.1 Access to finance and financial services.................................... 70
8.6.2 Improvement on fish processing and negotiation
skills for fishers and fish workers................................................ 71
8.6.3 Enhancement of alternative livelihoods...................................... 71
8.7 Thematic Area Four: Institutional Capacity Building and
Infrastructure Development......................................................... 72
8.7.1 Capacity building to staff of fisheries institutions......................... 72
8.7.2 Improved hands-on skills and purchase of training materials..... 73
8.7.3 Infrastructure development for fisheries institutions.................... 74
8.8 Thematic Area Five: Compliance and Enforcement of
Management Measures.............................................................. 75
8.8.1 Strengthening MCS Units and NMATT....................................... 76
8.8.2 Management of Trans-boundary/cross-border ecosystems........ 77
8.8.3 Partnerships and cooperation among fisheries stakeholders..... 78
8.8.4 Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing................................. 79
8.9 Thematic Area Six: Fisheries Infrastructure Development......... 81
8.9.1 Infrastructure development for boosting production.................... 81
8.9.2 Development of market information system................................ 82
8.10 Thematic Area Seven: Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
and High Seas Fishing Opportunities......................................... 83
8.10.1 EEZ and high seas fishing......................................................... 83
8.11 Thematic Area Eight: Cross-Cutting Issues................................ 84
8.11.1 HIV and other communicable disease prevention mechanisms. 85
8.11.2 The disaster risks and climate change impacts......................... 85
8.11.3 Limited involvement of stakeholders in the fisheries
management.............................................................................. 86
8.11.4 Low coverage and unaffordable social protection services........ 87
8.11.5 Value chains and post-harvest loss management...................... 89
8.11.6 Inadequate social services in fishing communities.................... 90
8.12 The Master Plan Matrix for 2021–2036....................................... 90
REFERENCES.......................................................................................... 121
3.1.3 National Biotechnology Policy of 2010........................................ 136
3.1.4 National Aquaculture Strategy (NADS) 2018–2025.................... 136
3.2 Legal Framework........................................................................ 137
3.2.1 Fisheries Act No. 22 of 2003....................................................... 137
3.2.2 Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute (TAFIRI)
Act No. 11 of 2016....................................................................... 137
3.2.3 Marine Parks and Reserves Act No. 29 of 1994......................... 137
3.2.4 National Environmental Management Act No. 20 of 2004.......... 137
3.2.5 Tanzania Bureau of Standards Act No. 2 of 2009....................... 137
3.2.6 Tanzania Revenue Authority Act of 2006.................................... 138
3.2 Regional Institutional Frameworks.............................................. 138
7.3.5 Thematic area five: Spatial planning and promotion of investment
in aquaculture............................................................................. 157
7.3.6 Thematic area six: Aquatic environmental health....................... 161
7.3.7 Thematic area seven: Aquaculture production technologies...... 163
7.3.8 Thematic area eight: Ornamental fish culture and trade............. 164
7.3.9 Thematic area nine: Cross-cutting issues................................... 164
7.4 The Master Plan Matrix for Aquaculture for the Period 2021/22–
2036/37....................................................................................... 166
REFERENCES.......................................................................................... 187
APPENDICES........................................................................................... 190
Appendix 1:............................................................................................... 190
Fisheries Stakeholders and their Responsibilities..................................... 190
Appendix 2:............................................................................................... 196
Checklist for the Key Informants............................................................... 196
Appendix 3:............................................................................................... 198
Questionnaire............................................................................................ 198
Appendix 4:............................................................................................... 208
Organogram of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries............................ 208
Table 1: Inland waters and marine areas fishery and aquaculture
productionin 2019...................................................................... 13
Table 2: Fish production in inland and marine waters (2005–2020.......... 15
Table 2: Fish import trends from 2012 to 2019......................................... 18
Table 3: Fish biomass of different water bodies (on Tanzanian side)....... 19
Table 4: Trends in the fishing effort and the estimated annual
fish catch for inland and marine fisheries from 2008 to 2018..... 21
Table 5: Distribution of fishers, fishing crafts, catches and value
by water bodies – 2018............................................................... 21
Table 6: Fish catches from EEZ since the establishment of DSFA........... 33
Table 7: Improved and non-improved landing sites in different
water bodies................................................................................ 33
Table 8: Chronological changes of the fisheries sector............................ 37
Table 9: Fisheries resource management policies and laws..................... 39
Table 10:International conventions relevant to the fisheries
sector in Tanzania...................................................................... 43
Table 11: Implementation status of priority programmes in the
previous master plan................................................................................. 48
Table 12: Issues identified during stakeholders’ workshops..................... 55
Table 13: SWOC analysis of the fisheries sector...................................... 57
Table 14: Fifteen-year Master Plan Matrix of the Fisheries Sector
Indicating the Major Target Outputs/Outcomes for each
Operational Objective in the Thematic Areas............................ 91
Table 1: Top 10 aquaculture producers in Africa in 2018.......................... 131
Table 2: Potential areas for cage aquaculture in Tanzania....................... 141
Table 3: Issues identified during stakeholders’ workshops....................... 148
Table 4: Fifteen-year master plan matrix for aquaculture: Projected
major outcomes and outputs for each operational objective
and thematic area........................................................................ 167
Figure 1: Map of Tanzania showing the location of different water bodies. 3
Source: Developed from different FAO concepts on EAF.......................... 9
Figure 3: Catch trends (inland and marine combined) from 2008 to 2018. 16
Figure 4: Fish export trends between 2012 and 2018............................... 17
Figure 5: Fish import trends between 2012 and 2019............................... 18
Figure 6: Fishing effort trends (number of fishing vessels and fishers)..... 20
Figure 7: Estimated total catches of main commercial species from
July 2015 to September 2017.................................................... 23
Figure 8: Catch trend for Lake Tanganyika (2013–2018)......................... 25
Figure 9: Catch Trend for Lake Tanganyika (2013–2018)........................ 26
Figure 10: Ferry/Magogoni International Fish Market in Dar es Salaam... 35
Figure 1: Transition from a conventional approach to an
ecosystems approach to aquaculture........................................ 129
Figure 2: Aquaculture Production Trends in Africa.................................... 132
Figure 3: Fisheries and aquaculture production trends in
Tanzania from 1950 to 2009....................................................... 134
Figure 4: Aquaculture production trends in Tanzania................................ 135
Figure 5: Pond farming (a) and Cage farming (b)..................................... 142
Figure 6: Tank farming system.................................................................. 142
Figure 7: Nile tilapia (left) and African sharptooth catfish (right)................ 143
Figure 8: Sea weeds (top left), prawns (top right) and milkfish (bottom)... 143
Figure 9: Kingolwira Aquaculture Development Centre in Morogoro........ 146
ADCs : Aquaculture Development Centres
AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
AIS : Automatic Identification System
ASARECA : Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in
Eastern and Central Africa
ASDP II : Agricultural Sector Development Programme phase II
AU : African Union
AU – IBAR : African Union – Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources
AU – NEPAD : African Union – New Partnership for Africa’s Development
AfDB : African Development Bank
BMPs : Best Management Practices
BMUs : Beach Management Units
CAADP : Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme
CBD : Convention on Biological Diversity
CFMAs : Collaborative Fisheries Management Areas
CITES : Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
of Wild Fauna and Flora
CMS : Convention on Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild
CSO : Civil Society Organization
CSRP : Civil Service Reform Programme
DAq Department of Aquaculture
DWFN : Distant Water Fishing Nations
EAC : East African Community
EAA Ecosystem Approach to Aquaculture
EAF : Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
EAMFRO : East African Marine Fisheries Research Organization
EEZ : Exclusive Economic Zone
EIA : Environmental Impact Assessment
EU : European Union
FADs : Fish Aggregating Devices
FAO : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FCR Feed Conversation Ratio
FETA : Fisheries Education and Training Agency
FMSP : Fisheries Sector Management Plan
FYDP II : Five-Year Development Plan II
DFOs : District Fisheries Officers
DSFA : Deep Sea Fishing Authority
GDP : Gross Domestic Product
HIV/AIDS : Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome
IAA Integrated Aquaculture-Agriculture
ILO : International Labour Organization
IOTC : Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
IUU : Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
JICA : Japanese International Cooperation Agency
KMFRI : Kenya Marine Fisheries Research Institute
LGAs : Local Government Authorities
MCS : Monitoring, Control and Surveillance
LTA : Lake Tanganyika Authority
LVFO : Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization
M&E : Monitoring and Evaluation
MIT : Ministry of Industry and Trade
MLF : Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries
MoFP : Ministry of Finance and Planning
MPIC : Master Plan Implementation Committee
MPRU : Marine Parks and Reserves Unit
MSY : Maximum Sustainable Yield
NADs : National Aquaculture Development Strategic Plans
NaFIRRI : National Fisheries Resources Research Institute, Uganda
NAIS : National Aquaculture Information System
NEMC National Environment Management Council
NEPAD : New Partnership for Africa’s Development
NFAMPIC : National Fisheries and Aquaculture Master Plan
Implementation Committee
NFQCL : National Five-Year Development Plan
NFYDP : Non-Governmental Organizations
NFQCLAB : National Fish Quality Control Laboratory
NMATT : National Multi-Agency Task Team
NGOs : Non-Governmental Organizations
NPC : National Project Coordinator
NPoA : National Plan of Action
NSGRP : National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty
NSSF : National Social Security Fund
NTA : National Technical Award
OSHA : Occupational Safety and Health Authority
OSCs : One Stop Centres
PO-PSMGG : President’s Office Public Service Management and Good
PO-RALG : President's Office, Regional Administration and Local
Government Tanzania
PPP : Public–Private Partnership
PSM : Port State Measures
PSRC : Parastatal Sector Reform Commission
RAS : Recirculation Aquaculture System
SADC : Southern African Development Community
SEA : Strategic Environmental Assessment
SSF : Small Scale Fisheries
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
SPADA Special Programme for Aquaculture Development in Africa
SSA Sub-Saharan Africa
STDs Sexually Transmitted Diseases
SWIOFish : South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Governance and
Shared Growth
SWOC : Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges
TAAT : Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation
TAFICO : Tanzania Fisheries Corporation
TAFIRI : Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute
TDV 2025 : Tanzania Development Vision 2025
TFDA : Tanzania Foods and Drugs Authority
ToRs : Terms of Reference
UN : United Nations
UNCLOS : United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
USD : United States Dollar
URT : United Republic of Tanzania
VGGT Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of
VLCs : Village Liaison Committees
WIO : Western Indian Ocean
WIOMSA : Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association
ZAEDP : Zambia Aquaculture Enterprise Development Project
1.1 Background Information
The United Republic of Tanzania (URT) is a coastal state located in the
Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region. It is situated in Equatorial East Africa and
lies just south of the Equator, between 1o00’–11o45’ S and 29o21’–40o25’ E. The
country’s total surface area is 945,040 km2, 881,000 km2 on the mainland and
2,650 km2 on the islands of Zanzibar (Figure 1). The URT was formed as a
sovereign state in 1964 after uniting the Republic of Tanganyika and the
People’s Republic of Zanzibar. The country is covered by various water bodies,
including major and small lakes, a diverse river system, numerous wetlands and
a coastline of 1,424 km, which stretches from the northern border with Kenya to
the southern border with Mozambique. It covers a territorial sea of 64,000 km2
and an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 200 nautical miles, with an area of
223,000 km2. Most of the inland water areas are found in the riparian shared
water bodies of the East African Great Lakes, namely Lake Victoria (the second
largest freshwater body in the world with 68,800 km2 (shared by Tanzania 51%,
Uganda 43%, and Kenya 6%); Lake Tanganyika (the second deepest after Lake
Baikal in Siberia, Russia and the world’s longest freshwater lake) 32,900 km2
(shared by Tanzania 41%, Democratic Republic of the Congo 45%, Burundi 8%
and Zambia 6%); and Lake Nyasa shared by Tanzania, Mozambique and
Tanzania is one among the greatest fisheries nations in Africa, ranking in the
top 10 countries in terms of total capture fisheries production (URT, 2015). The
fisheries sector in Tanzania combines capture fisheries, aquaculture and the
conservation of the critical habitats in areas gazetted as Marine Protected Areas
(MPAs). The fishery activities range from artisanal fishing, a category of
fisheries that is small scale, using a relatively small amount of capital in all the
freshwater bodies as well as the territorial waters in the Indian Ocean; to
industrial fishing (large scale), composed of prawn fishing in the territorial sea
and fishing in the EEZ.
The small-scale fishery activities contribute more than 95% of the country’s total
catches and play a significant role in socio-economic development by providing
substantial employment, income, food security, animal protein, foreign
exchange and improved livelihoods for the fishing communities. The fisheries
sector is among the important economic sub-sectors, contributing approximately
1.7% to the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the per capita fish
consumption is 8.5 kilogram, and about 30% of animal protein consumption in
Tanzania is from fish. It grows at an average of 1.5% per annum (MLF, 2020).
The sector provides both direct and indirect employment to people who earn a
living by doing various fisheries-related activities. It is also a source of foreign
earnings; an average 10.5% of annual fish landings are exported to various
regional and international markets. A big share of these products comes from
inland waters. The main export product is the Nile perch (Lates niloticus) from
Lake Victoria.
Figure 1: Map of Tanzania showing the location of different water bodies.
° L.
° Lake 34
° 36
°The boundaries and names shown
°and the designations used
Rushwa Bukoba V i c t o r i a on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance
Buoen Mara
Musoma by the United Nations.
Ukerew ara I.
° ond
o I .
ub aisome I.
M Lake
Game Res. OF
S i m i yu Ngorongoro NAT. PARK
MWANZA Maswa Conservation 5895 m
Kibondo S H I N Y A N G A i
L. Eyasi Mosh
° °
L. Kitangiri Same
KIGOMA Game Res.
Kasulu Go Masai
Kaliua h Korogwe
M Pemba
W Handeni Pangani
l la Ugalla River
Res. T A B Oa R A Zanzibar
° Li
mb Dodoma
Sadani °
Mpanda Sham
a Mpwapwa
T a
sig Kibaha
a Mafia I.
OF THE ah Iringa
Lake Ru Rufi
CONGO Rukwa ji
° Sumbawanga °
Mpui Gr Ru Mohoro
Selous Game
Reserve ndu
M ta Kivinje
Tunduma r o Ma
Njombe be
Tukuyu lo m
Luw L I N D I
a ra
° M
L a
k e
International boundary
Provincial boundary
Main road
° Secondary road 0 100 200 300 km
0 100 200 mi
° 32
° 34
° 36
° 38
Map No. 3667 Rev. 6 UNITED NATIONS Department of Peacekeeping Operations
January 2006 Cartographic Section
The first fisheries master plan was developed in 2002 with support from the
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), despite the fact that Tanzania
is blessed with abundant fishery resources (marine and fresh waters) and the
fact that the fisheries sector is one of the important sub-sectors of the economy.
The first master plan (2002–2015) was phased out in 2015. The phasing out of
the previous master plan created room for its review and for the development of
this master plan. The review of the previous master plan and the development
of the FSMP (2021–2036) began in 2020 with financial and technical support
from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
The FSMP provides a strategic framework for the long-term management and
sustainable development of the sector, and an opportunity for the sector leaders
to look ahead, adopt a new vision and directions, set goals and map out plans
for the future. It is intended to improve the management and development of the
fisheries sector and to increase food security, employment opportunities,
economic growth and wealth through poverty alleviation and by safeguarding
the environment. The FSMP guides the overall character, physical forms,
growth, management and development of the fisheries sector, and acts as a
reminder of what the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries and its stakeholders
have agreed to accomplish within the specified period. It is also intended to
provide guidance to anyone intending to work with or in the fisheries sector in
mainland Tanzania, including potential investors, donors, development partners
and NGOs.
(i) Phasing out of the previous fisheries Master Plan (2002–2015): The
master plan came to an end in 2015. Hence, there was a need to review
it and develop a new master plan to guide the management and
development of this important sector.
(ii) Change of policies and other national and global development
initiatives: This is due to local and international changes, including
policies, strategies, the micro- and macro-economic, and institutional
set-up as well as environmental changes, which have made it difficult to
coordinate and manage responsibilities in the fisheries sector to achieve
sustainable utilization of the resources. Other changes include climate
change, which has affected the development of the fisheries sector.
(iii) The need to implement the Fisheries Policy of 2015: The fisheries
sector requires a dynamic master plan for the implementation of the
recently developed fisheries policy.
(iv) The need to operationalize the mandates and functions of the Fisheries
Division: For the Fisheries Division to take up the opportunities offered
by a number of stakeholders within its jurisdiction, it is important for the
Division to identify thematic areas which will be used to link the sector
with other key players in the areas of common interests.
(v) The need to implement the third Tanzania Five-Year Development Plan
2021/22–2025/26 and Tanzania Development Vision (TDV) 2025: The
fisheries sector and associated institutions are, like other organizations,
obliged to implement the country’s development agenda, articulated in
the TDV. Both plans have considered the overall national development
goals and policy objectives, sectoral initiatives, the National Strategy for
Growth and Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP II) and the key benchmarks
of the Long-Term Perspective Plan (2011/12–2025/26).
(vi) The need to conform to public-sector reforms and the election manifesto
of the ruling party (CCM): Strategic initiatives are needed to transform
the fisheries sector so that it can embrace both the public-sector reform
programmes and the election manifesto of the ruling party.
(viii) The need to conform to the National Plan of Action (NPoA) for Small-
Scale Fisheries (SSF): This is aimed at reducing poverty, creating
decent employment, social protection of small-scale fishers and
improving the livelihoods of the fishing communities (fishers and fish
workers). Tanzania has already developed and inaugurated its National
Plan of Action to implement Guidelines for Small-Scale Fisheries which
will be implemented in the next five years (2021/22–2025/26). The
implementation of these NPoA-SSF Guidelines will enable the country
to achieve responsible SSF and sustainable development of the sector,
which will enable the fishers to secure more significant socio-economic
benefits from well managed fisheries resources.
(viii) illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing,
(ix) cross-border trade,
(x) high dependence on the fisheries resources, and
(xi) the contribution of the fisheries sector to the blue economy so that
services and goods can be delivered for the purpose of attaining human
well-being and ecological well-being.
The fisheries sector is dependent on other sectors. It is for this reason that the
development, management and conservation of fisheries cannot be considered
in isolation or separately from other sectoral influences.
The stakeholders include the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries (MLF), other
sector ministries, institutions, the private sector, local and international NGOs,
local communities, the regional and the international community, development
partners, agencies and other key stakeholders, researchers/scientists,
conservationists, investors and traders (Appendix 1).
Using the EAF, the development of the FSMP was done in the following steps;
(i) Collection of baseline information;
(ii) Organising stakeholders’ workshops for validating and adopting the
baseline information, and identifying any issues; and
(iii) Using a problem tree to separate issues from causes, effects and
drivers in order to identify core problems as concrete issues that should
be addressed by this master plan.
Figure 2: A conceptual framework showing how sustainable development
relies on governance for achieving the human well-being and the
ecological well-being.
(The present generation living and
meeting its needs without
compromising the ability of future
generation to meet their needs as
Sustainable Fishing
Habitat Livelihood Communities/Fishi
Protection and ng Industry
Pollution Improved
Reduction and Sustained Others; NGOs and
Waste National Local Government
Management Economy and
Ecosystem Source: Developed from different FAO concepts on EAF.
water bodies and aquaculture to inform the development of the FSMP. The
report also showed the status of the fishery resource, provided a description of
trends of the marine and inland capture fisheries as well as of aquaculture, the
economic importance of the fisheries sector, the management of fisheries,
training in fisheries, research and extension services, the fisheries and
aquaculture infrastructure, fish and fishery products, quality assurance and
standards, a markets analysis, monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS), and
the opportunities and challenges in the fisheries sector in the country.
review it. The information that was collected using the checklist complemented
the information that was obtained from the master plan implementation reports.
The key informants included clientele and informed outsiders who were
accessible and willing to talk, and who had enough knowledge of the fisheries
sector. Thus, the key informants included officials from the Ministry, Local
Government Authorities and staff members who had information on the
implementation of the previous master plan.
2.2.5 Questionnaire
A questionnaire was used to collect information from different groups of
stakeholders’ representatives. The questionnaires were administered
concurrently with the exercise of collecting baseline information. Specifically,
the questionnaire was designed and developed by the Ministry for the purpose
of collecting socio-economic data and other relevant information for developing
the FSMP from stakeholders who were not invited in the stakeholders’
workshops (Appendix 3). The questionnaire comprised many open-ended
questions. Such questions were used because they made it possible for the
informants to give their own answers.
Inland water ecosystems occupy 20% of the total land area. Fishing activities in
inland waters are mainly carried out in the three major lakes, also known as the
Great Lakes or internationally shared lakes, namely Lake Victoria, Lake
Tanganyika and Lake Nyasa. There are also small water bodies, including
satellite lakes, rivers, wetlands and dams. The small lakes in which significant
fisheries take place include Babati, Manyara and Rukwa, and various smaller
lakes with insignificant fish biomass. The major rivers are Pangani, Wami,
Ruvu, Rufiji and Ruvuma. Other rivers are Malagarasi, Ruaha, Kagera, Mara,
Mbwemkuru and Lukuledi. The major wetlands include Kilombero, Malagarasi-
Muyovosi, Rufiji-Mafia (include, freshwater, brackish and marine), Lake Natron
and Ihefu. Fishing in inland waters is dominated by artisanal/small-scale fishery.
Fish landings from inland waters are estimated to be 384,356 metric tonnes
which is equivalent to 78.63% of the total weight of fish captured in Tanzania
(Table 1).
Table 1: Inland waters and marine areas fishery and aquaculture
production in 2019.
(there are about 5 boat building companies (Dar es Salaam, Mwanza,
Mikindani, Kigoma and Mbamba Bay)), fish mongering, fishing net
manufacturing (4 companies), net mending, fish trading and small scale fish
processors at the beach. Others work for fisheries institutions, fish processing
factories, fish shops (butcheries) and NGOs (Ministry of Livestock and
Fisheries, 2018).
Luomba et al. (2013) and Igulu et al. (2014) revealed that fishers engage in
other income generation activities to meet their daily needs and to subsidize
their income. The main activities that the fishers are involved in to supplement
their income are farming of both cash and food crops (if the environment is
conducive), livestock keeping (cows, sheep, goats), petty business such as food
kiosks, making of local brews and selling of clothes. It was estimated that about
58% of the fishers have more than one source of income (Luomba et al., 2013).
The fishers’ income is mostly spent on various activities but, a large proportion
use their income on the basic needs such as, food, clothes, shelter, medical
service and education. Interestingly, the crews spend much of their money on
entertainment such as alcohol, sex, attending video shows and night disco at
the landing sites. However, from an economic point of view, fishing and related
activities have been a major employer and contributor to the economy. The
parameters that have been considered to compare the economic status of the
countries are: annual fish production, balance of trade for fisheries sector and
contribution of fisheries sector to the gross domestic product (GDP) of the
particular nation.
The fisheries sector is among the priority sectors in the National Strategy for
Growth and Reduction of Poverty II (NSGRP). The NSGRP is a medium-term
mechanism to achieve the aspirations articulated in Tanzania Development
Vision 2025 (TDV 2025), which is geared at transforming Tanzania into a
middle-income country, characterized by: (i) high quality livelihoods; (ii) peace,
stability and unity; (iii) good governance; (iv) a well-educated and learning
society; and (v) a strong and competitive economy. It is worth noting that,
Tanzania reached an important milestone in July 2020, when it formally moved
from a low-income country to a lower middle-income country (World Bank,
2020), five years ahead of time. The NSGRP II translates the aspirations in
Vision 2025 into measurable, broad outcomes organized under three clusters,
namely Growth of Income for the Reduction of Poverty; Improvement of the
Quality of Life and Social Well-being; and Governance and Accountability.
mentioned in sub-section 3.1. The production of fish in both inland and marine
waters in the past fifteen years (2005–2020) is shown in Table 2.
Year Inland Annual Catch (in Metric Tonnes) Marine Annual Catch
(in Metric Tonnes)
2005 320,566 54,967
2006 292,519 48,591
2007 284,347 43,499
2008 281,691 43,130
2009 288,059 47,615
2010 294,474 52,683
2011 290,474 50,592
2012 314,944 50,079
2013 315,008 52,846
2014 314,061 51,912
2015 309,922 52,723
2016 308,771 53,823
2017 332,373 55,169
2018 309,922 53,231
2019 409,333 60,977
2020 409,828 63,764
Figure 3: Catch trends (inland and marine combined) from 2008 to 2018.
In 2020, a total of 473,592 tonnes of fish worth TZS 2.37 trillion (USD 1.03
billion) were harvested compared to 362,645 tonnes worth 1.48 trillion shillings
which were harvested in 2015. Out of the 2020 harvest, 409,828.31 tonnes
were harvested from inland waters and 63,763.93 tonnes from marine waters
compared to 470,309.5 tonnes harvested in 2019, of which 409,333 tonnes
were harvested from inland waters and 60,976.51 tonnes from marine waters.
The increase in the harvest was due to the decline of illegal fishing activities
(URT, 2020). Such an increase may also be attributed to unregistered fishes,
which currently are being recorded.
The demand for fish is very high in Tanzania. The fish available are not
sufficient; this is due to the high population growth resulting in needs that
surpass fish supply. Currently, the government and other stakeholders are
promoting aquaculture to supplement the capture fisheries and to increase food
security and livelihoods (see Part II).
3.4.1 Export of fish
It is mainly Nile perch fillets that are exported to international markets (mainly to
the European Union, Japan and the United States); dried Lake Victoria sardines
are exported to regional markets (mainly to Democratic Republic of the Congo,
Zambia, Malawi, Burundi). Other fishery products that are exported include
crabs, prawns, fish maws, octopus, seashells, live lobsters, squid, seaweed and
ornamental fish. In the past seven years, the country has exported 285,076,209
kg of fish (Figure 4). Increased exports of fishery products from an average of
379 billion shillings, equivalent to USD 164,782,608.7 per annum in 2008/2009
to 691 billion shillings, equivalent to USD 300,434,782.6 in 2018/2019,
registered an increase of 82.3%, which depicts a significant increase that
enabled the country to earn more foreign exchange (URT, 2020).
Figure 5: Fish import trends between 2012 and 2019.
Value Royalty
Year Tonnes
2012 4,886 3,512,976 5,507,054,266 1,681,166,953 0.72 1127.11
2013 6,642 5,718,246 9,027,183,853 2,649,611,644 0.86 1359.11
2014 6,792 6,009,655 9,889,823,440 2,818,169,086 0.88 1456.10
2015 16,744 15,338,685 32,211,238,339 7,247,564,250 0.92 1923.75
2016 13,972 12,749,583 26,774,123,925 8,519,807,734 0.91 1916.27
2017 22,962 25,065,356 56,121,332,048 12,869,006,181 1.09 2444.10
2018 22,752 19,571,180 44,896,287,035 12,929,314,631 0.86 1973.29
2019 6 50,693 116,594,174 37,010,742 8.45 19432.36
3.5 Fish Stocks, Production Trends, Value and Fishing Effort
demand for fish as a source of livelihood for fishers and the surrounding
communities. The trends given in Table 4 show an increase in the number of
fishers and of fishing vessels with the associated catch. Table2 shows an
increase of the effort over the years for inland fisheries, but the catches are
fluctuating with an overall increased trend, with a notable small increase in the
recent years.
The effort in marine fisheries is constant with a slight increase in catches over
the years. Table 4 presents an increase of value for inland fisheries. However,
since 2014, the value has been fluctuating with a decreasing trend. Such trends
in the fishing effort and catch perhaps imply overfishing and overcapacity in the
fisheries sector in some of the water bodies. In other water bodies like marine
waters there is room to step up the effort. This situation calls for management
interventions to control the fishing capacity in order to achieve sustainable
exploitation and safeguarding of the optimal socio-economic benefits.
As far as the value of fish is concerned, the annual income per fisher in the
inland fisheries (Table 4) had been increasing until 2014. The fishers working in
Lake Victoria were 54% of all the fishers, with 62% of the total catch and value.
In terms of catch and the number of fishers, the small-scale marine fisheries
ranked second, but in terms of value they ranked third, while those working in
Lake Tanganyika ranked second. The average annual income per fisher clearly
depicts the effects of overcapacity in the Lake Victoria fisheries, where the total
value of the catch ranked first, but the income per fisher was minimal compared
to the other water bodies: Lake Victoria, TZS 10,103,812 (USD 4,366), Lake
Tanganyika, TZS 10,317,185 (USD 4,458) and Lake Nyasa, TZS 13,681,200
(USD 5,912) (Table 5).
Table 4: Trends in the fishing effort and the estimated annual fish catch
for inland and marine fisheries from 2008 to 2018.
Yearly per
Fishing Catches Values in income per fisher
Fishers crafts (tonnes) ‘000’ TZS fisher (TZS) (USD)
Lake Victoria 109,397 31,773 235,171 1,105,326,730 10,103,812 4,366
3.6 Status of Fish Stocks/Biomass and Fish Production by
Small-Scale Fishers in Major Lakes
Although the general trend of Dagaa indicates an increasing rate, the last three
surveys (2015–2017) indicated a decline (Figure 7). The craft used to target
Dagaa increased in number from the 8,428 recorded in the 2014 frame survey
to the 10,159 crafts recorded in 2016, but the catches of Dagaa dropped from
the 35,659 tonnes recorded in the November 2015 survey to the 26,877 tonnes
recorded in the September 2017 survey. This could be the result of an increase
in the catch of haplochromines, a competitor, by almost three times.
Haplochromines, which are caught mostly as by-catch in Dagaa fishery, have
been on the increase from the 5,531 tonnes recorded in the November 2015
survey to the 18,965 tonnes recorded in the September 2017 survey. However,
the number of craft used to target the species also increased from the 1,378
recorded in the 2014 frame survey to the 1,473 recorded in the 2016 frame
survey. Tilapia catches increased from the 320 tonnes recorded in the
November 2015 survey to the 1,285 tonnes recorded in 2017 survey. The
increase in production of Dagaa and Tilapia could also be the result of the
improved management measures taken, which involved constant surveillance
during that period.
35,000 HA
30,000 NP
Catch (Ton)
Source: TAFIRI, October 2019: Report on the Lake Victoria Catch Assessment
Survey for September 2017
The fish biomass (in the Tanzanian part) was estimated at 295,000 tonnes in
1998 (Table 3). The lake has more than 250 cichlid fish species and 150 non-
cichlid fish species, most of which live along the shoreline, down to a depth of
approximately 180 m (Salzburger et al., 2014). It has been observed that the
largest biomass of fish is in the pelagic zone within the open waters dominated
by six species: two Clupeid species (Stolothrissa tanganicae and Limnothrissa
miodon) and four Lates species (Lates stappersii, L. angustifrons, L. mariae and
L. microlepis). These are the important commercial fish species in Lake
Tanganyika targeted by most fishers. Since no acoustic surveys have been
undertaken for over twenty years, most of the information on the status of the
resources is based on catch statistics, frame surveys and information from
fishing communities. The fish landings and populations of the commercial
species are reported to decline to levels that can no longer sustain the long-
term commercial fishery (AU-IBAR, 2016).
The fisheries depend on the six dominant pelagic species mentioned above
(section 3.6.3). However, the communities reported a decline in fish landings
and the fisheries biodiversity of Lake Tanganyika, particularly these important
commercial fish species (AU-IBAR, 2016). The fisheries support 26,612 small-
scale fishers with 11,506 fishing vessels, while more than 700,000 people
depend on fishing-related activities. The latter include a wide range of
operational groups (Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, 2018). The catch trend
is presented in Figure 6. The most common gear used in Lake Tanganyika
includes gillnets, seine nets, beach seines, long lines, hand lines and scoop
nets. The resources in the Lake Tanganyika fisheries play a vital role in the
national and regional economy, as well as people’s well-being and nutrition in
the four riparian countries, namely Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the
Congo, Tanzania and Zambia. Overall collapses in other food production
sectors caused by civil unrest, social conflicts (DRC) and environmental
degradation in the region have clearly increased pressure on the utilization of
the fish resources in the lake.
Lake Nyasa is the third deepest freshwater lake in the world and is one of the
lakes found in the Rift Valley. The lake is shared between Tanzania,
Mozambique and Malawi, and is home to 800–1000 fish species, making it the
most fish species-rich lake in the world. The last stock assessment conducted
for Lake Nyasa in 1994 estimated the fish biomass at 168,000 tonnes (in the
Tanzanian part of the lake) (Table 3); (UK/SADC, 1995). Many of the species in
the lake are endemic, being isolated from the Zambezi fauna.
Figure 8: Catch trend for Lake Tanganyika (2013–2018).
For the whole lake, there are about 56,000 fishers who harvest more than
100,000 tonnes of fish per year. On the Tanzanian side, there are 5,550 fishers
and 2,632 fishing vessels harvesting about 16,155 tonnes of fish (Ministry of
Livestock and Fisheries, 2018). Annual fish production on the Tanzanian side
decreased slightly from 9,913 tonnes in 2013 to 9,386 tonnes in 2014. It
increased again to 16,155 tonnes in 2018 (Figure 9).
The low fish production on the Tanzanian side is due mainly to the productivity
of the area and the depth profile of the northern part of the lake. Productivity is
higher in the shallow southern side; this enhances the deployment of small-
scale and commercial trawlers by Malawian fishers (UK/SADC, 1995). Other
factors may be environmental degradation and the inability to integrate
environmental protection with development, insufficient empowerment of the
local communities and the low level of technology among fishers. Strong winds
and small fishing craft restrict Tanzanian fishers to near-shore fishing grounds.
funded by JRS Biodiversity, found that 9% of 458 fish species are at the risk of
extinction; this situation threatens local food security (Sayer et al., 2019).
The moratorium for commercial prawn trawlers was lifted in 2017 by allowing up
to 12 fishing vessels. However, only two trawlers were licenced to fish. The rest
did not qualify according to the national regulations (Fisheries Regulations,
2009). Results of the assessment carried out on the status of the prawn stock in
the artisanal fisheries by TAFIRI from 2018 to 2019 revealed that two species of
shallow water prawns, the Indian prawn (Fenneropenaeus indicus) and the
speckled shrimp (Metapenaeus monoceros), continued to dominate the catch.
Other four species of prawns were identified, namely Penaeus monodon, P.
semisulcatus, P. japonicus, and Macrobrachium rude.
The main fish species caught by small-scale fishers include (i) small pelagic
species (herrings, mackerel and anchovy), (ii) large pelagic species (Spanish
mackerel, bonito, yellowfin tuna, barracuda, jack and wolf herring), (iii) demersal
fishes (Siganids, shark, ray, skate, sole, catfish, and prawn/shrimp), (iv) coral
reef fishes (emperors, snappers, parrotfish, surgeon fish, rabbit fish, groupers
and goat fish), and (v) the lagoon and intertidal species (high value species
such as octopus, squid, crabs, lobsters and a variety of bivalves and
gastropods). In 2018, small-scale marine fisheries contributed 14% (53,232
tonnes) of the total fish catch in the country, while 86% (309,922 tonnes) came
from inland small-scale fisheries (Table 4).
The lack of fishing harbours in the country, which would have enabled EEZ
fishing vessels to land and declare their catches, forces fishing vessels (which
have been fishing in the Tanzanian EEZ) to land their catches in neighbouring
fishing harbours. The volume of fish catches from the EEZ (Table 6) cannot be
known because the data are in patches owing to the lack of a fishing port, which
would have enabled EEZ fishing vessels to land and declare their catches
before they are trans-shipped. There are ongoing efforts to address this
problem and others related to landing sites for fish, especially those from the
EEZ and the high seas.
Table 6: Fish catches from EEZ since the establishment of DSFA
(ALB = Albacore, BET = Bigeye tuna, YFT= Yellowfin tuna, SKJ = Skipjack; BMARL = Black marlin; SWO = Swordfish;
SAILF = Sailfish).
Source: Deep Sea Fishing Authority (2019)
The government has pledged its support to potential investors in the inland
and marine fishing industry.
exported to neighbouring countries. Hence, there is an opportunity for
investment in value-added fish products such as fish balls, salt-spiced
marinated fish, fish sausages, fish fingers and ready to eat fish.
Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT) to finalize its privatization process.
The MNRT, acting within its mandate, opted to sell TAFICO, but the Cabinet
did not approve the decision to sell it. Instead, it instructed that TAFICO
remain a government entity for promoting fisheries activities. Later, the
Cabinet instructed the Ministry of Livestock Development and Fisheries to
revive TAFICO.
The revival process is ongoing and TAFICO has been reinstated under the
name, “Tanzania Fisheries Corporation - TAFICO (2018)”, which is a public
Corporation fully owned by the government through the Ministry of Livestock
and Fisheries. Among other things, the Corporation is mandated to promote
the fisheries sector by implementing large-scale commercial fisheries
projects in the territorial waters, the EEZ and the high seas. It will also
implement projects in aquaculture and fish processing. From its projects, the
Corporation will provide fish and fishery products to domestic and
international markets.
A business plan, which provides the business roadmap for the next ten
years (2019–2029), is in place. Specifically, the plan mentions ten projects
that the Corporation will implement. Each of the ten projects is independent
and the projects are presented separately in this master plan. They are
purse-seiner, long-liner, territorial waters fishing projects, cage fish farming
projects and pond fish farming projects. Other projects are hatchery, ice
making, cold storage facility services, fish feeds production, and a fish
processing factory. The fish processing factory, fishing in the territorial
waters and pond farming are likely to face slightly higher competition than
the other projects.
Besides handling fish from the EEZ and high seas, the fishing port/harbour
will facilitate the following services:
(i) unloading of target and non-target fish;
(ii) ship anchorage;
(iii) repairing ships;
(iv) loading water, food, fuel and bait; and
(v) embarking and disembarking of sailors.
(export). In collaboration with the World Bank, the Ministry of Livestock and
Fisheries funded a project – Marine and Coastal Environment Management
Project (MACEMP), which upgraded three landing sites in marine waters,
namely Kilindoni – Mafia, Masoko Pwani – Kilwa and Nyamisati – Kibiti, so
that they could meet export standards. Another four landing sites, namely
Ikola – Mpanda, Kirando – Nkasi, Kibirizi – Kigoma Ujiji and Muyobozi –
Uvinza, along Lake Tanganyika, were improved so they could meet the
European Union (EU) standards. Support from the African Development
Bank (AfDB) was used to upgrade them.
Landing Sites
Water Body
Improved Non-Improved Total
Lake Victoria 26 616 642
Lake Tanganyika 4 235 239
Marine waters 3 290 293
Lake Nyasa 0 114 114
Lake Rukwa 0 20 20
Mtera Dam 0 28 28
Nyumba ya Mungu Dam 0 21 21
Small Water Bodies 0 18 18
Total 33 1,342 1375
Source: Fisheries Development Division, 2019
deals with routine, ad hoc and audit inspections. Most of the fish and fishery
products exported are tested in this laboratory.
There are limited cold chain facilities in the country; the facilities are owned
by the government and private companies/firms. Most of cold chain facilities,
including ice producing plants and cold rooms, are owned by fish processing
plants. Each plant has both ice plants and several cold rooms, depending on
its production capacity. Most of the privately-owned cold chain facilities are
used by the owners and, therefore, deny the public access to them or the
services are provided at high charges. Some of the LGAs own the cold
facilities attached to the landing sites of Kirando (Nkasi), Kilindoni (Mafia),
Kilwa Masoko (Kilwa), Nyamisati (Kibiti) and the Kasanga fish market
(Kalambo). Some of these facilities are not operating at full capacity for
certain reasons, including the need for minor repairs. Others are inundated
with water.
Figure 10: Ferry/Magogoni International Fish Market in Dar es Salaam
There are 17 fish factories in the country. Most of them are located along
Lake Victoria (11), in the coastal area (5) and along Lake Tanganyika (1).
The factories were set up under the Tanzania Industrial Fishing and
Processors’ Association (TIFPA). The establishment of the industrial fish
processing factories along the Lake Victoria shores had been escalated by
the export of the Nile perch to the European Union (EU), the Middle East,
the United States and Australia. The factories increased foreign exchange
earnings for the lake’s riparian states of Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya.
5.1 Institutional Framework
decentralization of powers and resources to the ward, village and service
outlet levels (URT, 1996). The changes also made the Fisheries Division
move from one Ministry to another.
Administratively, the marine fisheries (in territorial waters within 12 Nm) are
administered separately by mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar. The Ministry
of Livestock and Fisheries has overall responsibility for managing fisheries
in mainland Tanzania, which has its own National Fisheries Policy of 2015
and Fisheries Act No. 22 of 2003. In Zanzibar, the Ministry of Blue Economy
and Fisheries is administering fisheries. Zanzibar has its own Fisheries
Policy of 2000 and associated Act No. 7 of 2010. The Deep-Sea Fishing
Authority (DSFA) Act of 1998 and its amendments of 2007 put the Exclusive
Economic Zone (EEZ) fisheries under the authority of the DSFA, which was
established in 2010. A chronology of the stages that the fisheries
department went through from the colonial time to the present is given in
Table 8 below and the organogram of the Fisheries Division is given in
Appendix 4.
the territorial waters of the mainland, through its institutions. The following
are the institutions in the fisheries sector:
TAFIRI has centres located near water bodies in various areas, namely Dar
es Salaam (the Indian Ocean), Mwanza and Sota (Lake Victoria), Kigoma
(Lake Tanganyika) and Kyela (Lake Nyasa). However, more centres and
adequate facilities, funding and staff are needed for the effective and
efficient operation of the institute.
areas, extractive use is strictly prohibited). At present, there are three
marine parks, namely Mafia Island Marine Park, Mnazi Bay–Ruvuma
Estuary Marine Park and Tanga Coelacanth Marine Park. There are 15
marine reserves, including Mbudya, Bongoyo, Sinda, Pangavini, Fungu
Yasini, Mwakatumbe and Kendwa (Dar es Salaam); Maziwe, Kwale, Kirui,
Mwewe and Ulenge (Tanga); and Mbarakuni, Nyororo and Shungimbili
(Mafia). Efforts are still needed to put at least 30% of critical habitats under
protection by 2030 to meet the international obligations, which Tanzania has
ratified, including the SDGs.
Fisheries Act The law restricts destructive Prohibits illegal use of fishing
No. 22 (2003) fishing practices and gear like:
advocates for the protection (i) under-sized mesh gillnets,
of fish breeding, nesting and beach seine, spear guns
nursery grounds. and blast fishing.
The law and its Regulations Regulates the licencing of:
are being reviewed so that (ii) local and foreign fishers;
they meet micro- and (iii) fishing vessels;
macro-economic changes (iv) fisheries scientific research;
and other challenges facing (v) landings, trade and
the sector. imports; and
(vi) exports of fish and fishery
Tanzania Authorizes TAFIRI to carry Aims to offer scientific
Fisheries out fisheries scientific information and research findings
Research research in all water bodies. to inform and guide management
Institute of fisheries resources, and the
(TAFIRI) Act livelihoods of fishing
No. 11 (2016) communities.
The research includes
aquaculture research for the
development of quality seeds
and feeds for enhanced fish
Marine Parks The law is aimed at It highlights directives for
and Reserves integrating the conservation, protection, productivity and
(MPRU) Act No. management and biological diversity of aquatic
29 (1994) sustainable use of the ecosystems by:
fisheries resources. (i) preventing habitat
(ii) protecting fragile
ecosystems; and
(iii) addressing pollution and
National Promotes environmental The policy outlines the following
Environmental sustainability, security and key environmental concerns:
Policy (1997) equitable use of resources (i) land degradation,
for sustaining the livelihoods deforestation and
of the present and future environmental pollution;
generations. (ii) loss of wildlife habitat and
biodiversity, deterioration of
aquatic ecosystems;
(iii) lack of accessible good
quality water; and
(iv) need for continuous research
in these and other relevant
sectors for more focused
management interventions.
Environmental The law contains key Part V 65 (1) of the law states
Management provisions for environmental that “all fisheries resources shall
Act (EMA) No. management and planning, be managed in accordance with
20 (2004) for doing environmental the provisions of Fisheries Act
impact assessments and No. 22 of 2003 and the Marine
strategic environmental Parks and Reserves Act of 1994.
assessments, for pollution In case of conflicts in the course
prevention and control, for of application of these laws, EMA
waste management, and for section 65 (4) shall prevail.
compliance with relevant
laws and their enforcement.
The National It addresses issues related It addresses key issues, including
Water Policy to the management of water accessibility to clean water for
(2002) resources, and rural and both urban and rural inhabitants,
urban water supply and and the management of aquatic
sewerage. systems and biodiversity.
National Describes principles and It defines strategies and
Integrated attributes of the ICM, the implementing mechanisms,
Coastal rationale for a national ICM particularly with respect to
Environment strategy, and statement of planning and integrated
Management the vision, mission, goal and management, conservation,
Strategy (2003) strategies. research and monitoring,
stakeholder participation and
capacity building.
National Plan of This plan is linked with Enable the country to achieve
Action for Small sectoral policies and responsible SSF and sustainable
Scale Fisheries regulatory framework to development of the sector,
(NPoA-SSF) attain food security, poverty enabling fishers to secure more
Guidelines reduction, increase local and significant socio-economic
(2021) foreign exchange, and benefits as a result of well
contribution of fisheries to managed fisheries resources.
Voluntary The Voluntary Guidelines Implementation of the guidelines
Guidelines on provide guidance to improve helps the country to eradicate
the the governance of tenure of hunger and poverty; enable the
Responsible land, fisheries and forests sustainable use of the
Governance of with the overarching goal of environment and management of
Tenure of achieving food security for natural resources.
Land, Fisheries all and support the The guidelines also help to
and Forests in progressive realization of avoid conflicts among resource
the Context of the right to adequate food in users including fishers, and
National Food the context of national food environmental degradation.
Security security.
5.2.2 The regional context
5.2.3 The international context
Tanzania is a signatory to several international conventions and
programmes relevant to the management and development of the fisheries
sector. The implementation of the FSMP should take cognizance of these
conventions, agreements, protocols and programmes as shown in Table 10.
combating pollution.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Associated Fisheries and
Aquaculture Instruments
FAO Code of Conduct It sets out principles and As one of the states
for Responsible international standards of involved in fisheries,
Fisheries (1995) behaviour for responsible Tanzania uses the code
practices with a view to and gives effect to it.
ensuring effective
management and
development of living
aquatic resources.
FAO Agreement on Port It is the first binding It prevents the vessels
State Measures (2009) international agreement engaged in IUU fishing
targeting illegal, from using ports of
unreported and countries to land their
unregulated (IUU) catches.
FAO Compliance It is intended to enhance It promotes compliance
Agreement (1993) the role of the flag states with international
and to ensure that a conservation and
state strengthens its management measures by
control over its vessels to fishing vessels in the high
ensure compliance with seas.
conservation and
management measures.
Food and Agriculture It is intended to achieve These are efforts to defeat
Organization (FAO) and food security for all and hunger countrywide. This
Associated Fisheries to make sure that people would be achieved by
and Aquaculture have regular access to promoting the Human
Instruments, i.e., SSF enough high-quality food Rights-Based Approach
Guidelines, VGGT so that they can lead (HRBA); through
Guidelines active and healthy lives. empowering both men and
women to participate in
decision making processes
and assume responsibilities
for sustainable use of
fishery resources.
6.1 The Review Process
The previous master plan identified important areas for the development of
the sector and provided a roadmap for sustainable development of the
fisheries sector that would generate both ecological and socio-economic
benefits for the people of Tanzania, and address some key challenges. The
previous master plan was phased out in 2015, thus creating room for its
review and for the development of a new FSMP. The previous master plan
was reviewed to, among others:
(i) assess the progress towards implementation of the priority
programmes identified in the master plan;
(ii) identify the challenges encountered during the implementation of the
master plan; and
(iii) document the experience gained and the lessons learnt from the
implementation of the master plan.
The information obtained from the review in question was useful for
developing a comprehensive FSMP, which is essentially a roadmap that
provides direction for sustainable development of the fisheries sector in the
next 15 years, i.e. 2021/22–2036/37.
The interviewees pointed out that, out of the remaining eight programmes,
seven (equivalent to 46.6%) had been partially implemented and one
programme (equivalent to 6.6%) had not been implemented at all. The main
reason for some of the programmes not being implemented was shortage of
funds. The implementation status and the source of funding for each
programme are given in Table 11.
A World Bank loan to Tanzania was used to fund Marine and Coastal
Environment Management Project (MACEMP). The project was aimed at
improving the regulatory and institutional framework for managing marine
resources, particularly establishing links between the marine environment
and the fisheries resources. It was also aimed at filling gaps in the fisheries
data on the Tanzanian marine waters and the coastal and offshore
environment, upon which the fisheries depends. The main objective was to
increase the contribution of the resources to economic growth and reduction
of poverty, and to obtain a scientific understanding of the status of the
resources and the major threats to them. Core project activities were
designed to assist the government in implementing the National Integrated
Coastal Environment Management Strategy (2003), the National Fisheries
Master Plan (2002–2015) and the Fisheries Act. It should be noted that
MACEMP covered marine fisheries only.
Table 11: Implementation status of priority programmes in the previous master plan.
No. Programme Implementation Status - (implemented, Source of Funding/Reason for
partially implemented or not such Implementation
7. Programme 7: (Morogoro Region) – Partially implemented – Kingolwira Government; partially implemented
Aquaculture Extension Programme Aquaculture Centre in Morogoro was owing to insufficient funds.
renovated and equipped with some modern
8. Programme 8: (Kigoma and Mafia Implemented - Three landing sites, namely MACEMP
Island) – Fisheries Financial Support Kilindoni – Mafia, Masoko Pwani - Kilwa and
Programme Nyamisati – Kibiti, located in the Indian
Ocean were improved.
9. Programme 9: (National Level) – Partially implemented – Implemented in Lake Victoria with
Fisheries Co-Management Programme Involves Lake Victoria and the coastal areas. support from LVEMP. While
implementation along the coastal
areas was supported by MACEMP.
10. Programme 10: (National Level – Implemented This programme was funded by the
National Fish Export Promotion Nyegezi and Dar es Salaam Laboratories European Union in collaboration with
Programme were constructed. the Government of Tanzania.
11. Programme 11: (Musoma, Mwanza and Implemented – 26 landing sites were The European Union – Improved so
Bukoba) – Major Landing Beach built/improved along Lake Victoria. that they could meet EU standards.
Improvement Programme
12. Programme 12: (Southern Part of Coast Implemented – Three landing sites, namely MACEMP
Region) – Fisheries Communities Kilindoni – Mafia, Masoko Pwani – Kilwa and
Development Programme Nyamisati – Kibiti, located in the Indian
Ocean, were improved. These were
improved with support from the World Bank
so that they could meet the relevant export
No. Programme Implementation Status - (implemented, Source of Funding/Reason for
partially implemented or not such Implementation
13. Programme 13: (Dar es Salaam) – Partially implemented – A fisheries database MACEMP; Inadequate technology
Information System Improvement developed. and funding.
14. Programme 14: (Nyegezi and Mbegani) Implemented – The Fisheries Education and MACEMP
– Training Institute Improvement Training Agency (FETA) was established.
Programme The Agency came into being after a merger
between Mbegani Fisheries Development
Centre (MFDC) in Bagamoyo and Nyegezi
Freshwater Fisheries Institute (NFFI),
located in Mwanza. This is in line with the
master plan.
15. Programme 15: (National Level) – Not implemented. It was expected that the master plan
Fisheries Master Plan Implementation would be implemented like other
Training Programme activities in the fisheries sector
(learning by doing).
6.4 Challenges Encountered during the Implementation of
the Master Plan
Various challenges were encountered during the implementation of the
previous master plan. Some of the challenges encountered are presented
incomplete implementation, though many respondents mentioned
inadequate funding as the major reason.
Good master plans are flexible and involve the community and other
stakeholders from the outset. This gives such plans a legitimate base and a
better chance to be successful. Master plans are most successful when they
represent a vision that brings together the concerns of different interest
groups. This was not the case with the phased-out fisheries master plan
(2002–2015). There were only a few staff members, especially senior ones,
who were aware of the existence of the master plan and its implementation
process. Therefore, the inauguration of the current FSMP is very important
for creating awareness and a sense of ownership.
During the review process, it was learnt that insufficient involvement of the
Local Government Authorities (LGAs) in the development and
implementation of the priority programmes of the previous master plan
slowed their implementation, to a great extent. Even some of the projects
which were successfully accomplished and which were handed over to the
LGAs are still regarded as Central Government property. For example, the
fish landing sites equipped with ice production facilities constructed at
Kilindoni in Mafia, Masoko Pwani in Kilwa and Nyamisati in Kibiti have been
abandoned as if they were useless. It was also noted that there is little
attention paid to other fisheries projects originating from the Central
Government and operated by the LGAs, even though they generate
revenues for the LGAs. There is limited or no budget provided for their
6.5.2 Financial sustainability of the fisheries sector
Financial sustainability seemed to be an issue in the implementation of the
previous master plan. The fisheries sector depended, and still does, on one
or a few sources of revenues. This hindered implementation of its activities.
The fisheries sector should explore other potential sources of revenue
(diversifying the revenue base) for successful implementation of the FSMP
and other activities related to the management and development of the
sector. However, it should be noted that developing the financial
sustainability of any institution is a long, slow and delicate process, which
needs extra efforts.
Table 12: Issues identified during stakeholders’ workshops.
No. Issue
Destruction of aquatic ecosystems/critical habitats as a result of illegal fishing, overfishing and poor land
1. use activities, leading to the extinction of some species, low productivity, drying up of small water bodies
and slow growth of some species.
Human activities contributing to the degradation of water bodies/aquatic systems and the environment.
2. The activities include deforestation, agriculture/farming in restricted areas, mining, invasion of water
sources, waste disposal and pollution.
Climate change and variability effects such as drought, floods, water level rising, coral bleaching,
erosion, and water level and temperature fluctuations which affect aquatic resources, including fish.
Increased fishing owing to high demand and dependence on fish and fishery products, which, in turn,
causes the decline of fish stocks and associated fishery products.
Inadequacy and inconsistency of fisheries data and information owing to shortages of human and
financial resources.
3. High post-harvest loss of fish and fishery products before they reach the market.
Inadequate markets (physical), market information and access to fish and fishery products for artisanal
fishers, fish workers and others along the value chain.
5. Inadequate capital and access to finance and financial services for investors, artisanal fishers and fish
Irresponsiveness of fishery stakeholders to behavioural change on communicable diseases such as
STDs, HIV-AIDS and cholera.
7. Limited involvement of stakeholders in the management of fisheries resources.
1. Lack/absence of management plans for some important fish species and fisheries.
Weak fisheries associations or cooperatives to guarantee access to finance and to regulate the price of
fish and fishery products.
Inadequate trans-boundary cooperation, implementation agreements and protection mechanisms for
fishers in shared water bodies.
Inadequate capacity to develop practitioners/experts on new technologies for fisheries, research, training
and co-management institutions.
Limited access among fishers and fish workers to social protection, safety at sea, a decent working
conditions scheme (life and fishing gear/vessels insurance).
Low contribution of EEZ and high seas fisheries resources to the GDP, the fisheries sector and the
national economy.
7.2 SWOC Analysis of the Fisheries Sector
The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of the fisheries sector identified through the SWOC analysis
are shown in Table 13.
aquaculture; (vii) Prevalence of diseases such as HIV/AIDS and COVID-19;
(vi) Presence of ongoing research focusing on fisheries (viii) Inadequate funding for investing in aquaculture;
and aquaculture; (ix) Poor infrastructure in some parts of the country, especially
(vii) Presence of a clear national investment policy; and roads and water;
(viii) Readiness of the private sector to invest in the sector. (x) High production costs;
(ix) Provision of investment guidelines in the fisheries (xi). Great post-harvest loss; and
sector. (xii). Communities’ great dependence on capture fisheries for
their livelihoods.
8.1 Vision, Mission, Goal and Objectives
The vision, mission, goal and objectives of this master plan are in line with
the Fisheries Policy (2015) and with other ongoing government, regional
and global initiatives related to the management and development of the
fisheries sector. The Fisheries Policy (2015) aims at having a progressive
fisheries sector which is economically, socially and environmentally
sustainable. The vision statement was developed based on what the
fisheries sector aspires to achieve in the next 15 years. It provides a
concrete way for the sector employees and principal stakeholders to
understand the meaning and purpose of the sector towards achieving the
desired long-term results. While, the mission, goal and objectives are
focused on the purpose of what is to be done by the industry.
(i) To build a robust public-private partnership (PPP) in the fisheries
(ii) To increase job creation, food security and production capacity, and
to build a competitive fisheries sector that contributes to the blue
(iii) To promote adaptive management so as to have sustainable
fisheries resources in accordance with ecosystem-based fisheries
management, laws and regulations.
(iv) To ensure that research-oriented extension services and other
relevant technical support are provided to the fisheries sector.
8.2 Key Guiding Principles
As far as the FSMP is concerned, guiding principles are a set of core values
or moral standards established to lead the fisheries sector and its principal
stakeholders in any situation they are in during the implementation of this
plan. They are important in the decision-making process, since no decision
on the implementation of this master plan should contradict any of these
principles. In implementing this master plan to achieve management and
development outcomes, the fisheries sector and its key stakeholders will be
guided by the following principles:
(v) Client-focus: The goals and operations of the sector will focus on
meeting the needs of the beneficiaries of the sector’s services or
clients. Thus, the fisheries sector employees will avoid self-interest
and unnecessary bureaucracy.
(viii) Participatory orientation: The fisheries sector will continue to
promote the participation of communities and clients, and
continuously seek to empower the communities so that they make
progress. It has also been realized that top-down control leads to
alienation, results in low compliance of laws and increases conflicts
among resource users.
The FSMP for capture fisheries consists of eight (8) thematic areas. The
thematic areas referred to in this master plan, are the topics of concern
which translate the relevant socio-economic and ecological values, high
level objectives, policy statements and legislation into a form that has a
direct and practical relationship with the management and development of
the fisheries sector.
8.4 Thematic Area One: Maintenance of the Environment,
Ecological Systems and Biodiversity
The main focus of this theme is on addressing the impact of anthropogenic
activities on the diversity of fish and associated ecosystems, especially
aquatic ecosystems. It is worth noting that the number of anthropogenic
effects have been increasing, thus affecting the productivity of aquatic
ecosystems, which, in turn, affects the management and development of the
fisheries sector in different water bodies in the country.
At present, most areas along the aquatic environment in the country, even
the most remote ones, are affected by human activities. Most of the loss and
change to the biodiversity and the ecosystems are caused by the growth of
the human population along the aquatic areas, coupled with growing
economic activities. Resource dependence seems to be the underlying
cause of many anthropogenic drivers such as migration from inland to
aquatic areas. There is an influx of people in aquatic environments resulting
in increased fishing pressure. The negative effect of the increased fishing
pressure is exacerbated by use of destructive fishing gears, habitat
destruction, and the capture of high proportions of juvenile fish. These
factors contribute to reduced yields and unsustainability of the fishery.
Under such conditions, deliberate measures to balance conservation and
use of resources are inevitable for long-term resource protection and
attainment of sustainability.
(i) Destruction of aquatic ecosystems/critical habitats (aquatic
environment) due to pollution, contamination, eutrophication, and
introduction of invasive alien species.
(ii) Habitat conversion, loss, degradation and fragmentation in
freshwater and marine environments.
Strategic interventions:
(i) Promoting conservation programmes and sustainable management
of aquatic ecosystems to reduce the loss of critical habitats and
associated biodiversity.
(ii) Promoting biodiversity conservation and the protection of
endangered species
(iii) Promoting Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management, Co-
management and Spatial Planning among fishers and other
stakeholders. Creating awareness of fishers and other key
stakeholders on the importance of aquatic ecosystems to fisheries
(iv) Promoting establishment of reserved aquatic ecosystems,
ecosystem restoration programmes, temporary and permanent
closed systems. Protecting and restoring destroyed habitats and
ecosystem processes.
(v) Developing appropriate fisheries management plans (MPs) and
multi-sectoral collaborative mechanisms to facilitate implementation
of MPs.
Proposed actions:
(i) Study the linkages between ecosystems; identify critical habitats.
(ii) Designate different resources user zones.
(iii) Restore degraded habitats.
(iv) Review and strengthen outdated laws, regulations, management
plans, guidelines and their enforcement procedures.
(v) Conduct awareness raising campaigns; identify all important
fisheries and develop their management plans.
(i) Illegal fishing of fishery resources in different water bodies.
(ii) Sedimentation and pollution from different environmentally unfriendly
activities undertaken closer to water bodies and up-stream of rivers
discharging their waters in the lakes and ocean. Those activities
include unplanned settlement, shifting cultivation, overgrazing,
deforestation and agricultural expansion.
(iii) Over-exploitation/over-fishing of particular species of aquatic
Strategic interventions:
(i) Improving the governance of resources in the marine and inland
(ii) Introducing and strengthening community environment management
(iii) Developing mitigation measures to reduce the effects of
anthropogenic activities on water bodies.
(iv) Fostering collaboration with relevant institutions to enforce the laws
and regulations governing aquatic-ecosystem management.
(v) Establishing mechanisms for controlling aquatic pollution and
contamination from domestic, industries, rivers up-stream activities
and establishment of development projects closer to water bodies
Proposed actions:
(i) Strengthen management measures.
(ii) Develop and implement management programmes.
(iii) Formulate, review and strengthen mitigation measures.
(iv) Develop collaboration MoUs/agreements for stakeholders.
(v) Raise awareness about anthropogenic impacts among different
(vi) Harmonize relevant laws and other management protocols.
Similar effects are experienced in waste disposal practices which lead to the
pollution of some aquatic environments. Despite the presence of the beach
use and waste management laws and plans, they could be enforced without
consultation with traditional users of the area. Another weakness on waste
disposal is inadequate treatment of liquid wastes and poor recycling of solid
(i) Unplanned and environmentally unfriendly beach/intertidal area use
practices i.e., waste disposal and invasion of water sources,
beaches and other aquatic areas.
(ii) Reduced/banned access rights of fishers to traditional fish landing
sites, camps, processing facilities due to new development projects.
Strategic interventions:
(i) Promoting sustainable waste disposal and land/beach use practices
within and adjacent to water bodies.
(ii) Promoting beach use best practices within and adjacent to water
(iii) Developing youth and women litter management programmes at
landing sites, fish markets and beaches.
(iv) Developing a multi-stakeholder platform to strengthen partnerships
and cooperation among the stakeholders in the fisheries sector and
used to mainstreaming the application of both the VGGT and the
SSF guidelines.
Proposed actions:
(i) Develop, strengthen and implement land-use/beach plans to avoid
unnecessary conflicts among users.
(ii) Develop solid and liquid waste management plans covering coastal
and inland shores; promote and support ongoing waste recycling
(iii) Develop and enforce relevant laws, regulations and rules prohibiting
the disposal and discharge of waste prior to its treatment.
(iv) Develop a strategy with fishing communities and other resource
users to ensure all solid waste (litter) is disposed of in an
environmentally friendly way.
Operational objective 4: To maintain the ecological balance to stocks
so that they continue generating Maximum Sustainable Yields
Inadequate data and information for making sound decisions in
management of fisheries resources.
Strategic interventions:
(i) Supporting assessment of the status of fish (fish stocks) in different
water bodies.
(ii) Supporting acquisition of fisheries on a regular basis and using
standard data collection protocols.
Proposed actions:
(i) Conduct stock assessments of fish stocks and species in various
water bodies (both marine and fresh waters).
(ii) Recruit staff with the required skills at different management levels.
(iii) Solicit additional funds for enabling the carrying out of stock
(iv) Facilitate Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute (TAFIRI) in terms of
human and financial resources.
The fisheries are dominated by a large and dispersed small-scale fleet, thus
data are collected through sample-based surveys. The routine data
collection that enables estimation of the monthly catches, categorized by
species groups of the different fishing units, comprises; (i) a frame survey,
the sampling frame, based on a full census, and (ii) a catch assessment
survey (CAS) based on stratified sampling. The estimates of annual catches
therefore depend heavily on samples of catches and fishing effort from fish
landing sites.
(i) Poor management of fisheries information and data management
(ii) Inadequate human capacity in data collection at various landing
(iii) Poor documentation and un-harmonized fisheries data collection
Strategic interventions:
(i) Improving fisheries data collection and information
management/storage systems.
(ii) Developing strategies to gather and collect fisheries data and
information from minor waters (small lakes, wetlands, rivers and
dams) and marine.
(iii) Building the capacity of fisheries data collectors including fisheries
staff and BMU members.
(iv) Developing strategies for the collection of fish marketing, post-
harvest and fisheries social-economic data.
Proposed actions:
(i) Monitor fisheries resources on a regular basis.
(ii) Maintain a fisheries database.
(iii) Recruit staff with skills necessary for managing fisheries.
(iv) Train fisheries data collectors.
(v) Allocate adequate funds for monitoring/data collection.
(vi) Collect data using agreed protocols and make it available to relevant
(vii) Share scientific information with different stakeholders.
(i) Inadequate reliable data and information limits the understanding on
the status and trends of fisheries resources/biodiversity.
(ii) Inadequate feedback mechanisms to fishers and other resource
users due to shortage of extension service workers at the ministry
and LGAs.
(iii) Inadequate cooperation between extension staff and stakeholders.
Strategic interventions:
(i) Improving fisheries research, monitoring programmes and
information dissemination systems.
(ii) Building capacity of the Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute
(iii) Developing strategies to solicit funds for supporting fisheries
research and monitoring programmes on a regular basis.
(iv) Strengthening and supporting fisheries extension service delivery.
(v) Facilitating fisheries information and technology dissemination.
Proposed actions:
(i) Carry out research and monitoring of fisheries resources on a
regular basis.
(ii) Disseminate information to improve production and productivity of
fisheries resources.
(iii) Mobilise funds for research and monitoring activities.
(iv) Develop different extension methods and outreach materials so as
to facilitate extension services.
(v) Disseminate appropriate innovation and technology information.
(i) Inadequate skilled and competent personnel in fisheries technology.
(ii) Inadequate appropriate technologies and technical know-how in the
fisheries sector.
(iii) Poor fisheries production and productivity.
Strategic interventions:
(i) Strengthening research collaboration and linkages both within and
outside Tanzania.
(ii) Promoting investment and capacity building in appropriate
technology and innovations.
(iii) Promoting fisheries research agenda, demand driven fisheries
researches and indigenous knowledge.
(iv) Supporting innovation and technologies in fisheries sector.
(v) Promoting technologies to reduce fisheries’ post-harvest losses and
add value.
Proposed actions:
(i) Design relevant technology and innovation systems and processes.
(ii) Identify communication needs and efficiently turn research data into
(iii) Develop employees and stakeholders through training and learning.
(iv) Use good change management processes.
to fishing communities for easing pressure on resources and to continue
participating in the management of resources. Lack of empowerment
increases frustration among resource users, especially fishers. The issues
in focus include accessing finance and financial services, reliable markets,
public infrastructure and other social or public services. The empowerment
process also calls for increased attention and action being placed on issues
related to small scale fishers and fish workers so as to support their visibility
and recognition.
Inadequate capital and access to finance and financial services for local
investors, artisanal fishers and fish workers.
Strategic interventions:
(i) Creating a conducive environment (on the part of government) to
enable fishers to access loans from financial institutions.
(ii) Encouraging more financial institutions and credit facilities to provide
soft loans and other financial services to fishers.
(iii) Imparting hands-on/entrepreneurial skills to fishers/fish workers.
Proposed actions:
(i) Create an environment for working with investment and commercial
banks so that they provide credit for investment in the fisheries
(ii) Encourage potential donors to provide funding assistance for the
establishment of a credit facility for investment in the fisheries
(iii) Encourage relevant ministries to establish concessional fees to
attract more investors; and the government to act as a guarantor
and encourage commercial banks to support fishers/fish workers by
giving them credit.
(iv) Promote Public-Private Partnerships and improve the business
(i) Weak fisheries associations or cooperatives to guarantee access to
finance and to regulate the price of fish and fishery products.
(ii) Inadequate negotiation skills for artisanal fishers and fish workers
compared to other actors along the value chain.
Strategic interventions:
(i) Promoting the production of high quality products.
(ii) Increasing the possibility of fishers accessing finance, financial
services and international markets.
(iii) Promoting the formation of fisheries associations or cooperatives.
(iv) Developing strategies to empower small scale fishers, commercial
and industrial fishers.
(v) Promoting the establishment of fish and fishery products market
centres and linkages.
Proposed actions:
(i) Conduct training on fish handling, processing and production of
quality goods for domestic markets and export.
(ii) Encourage the establishment of fisheries cooperatives; provide
modern technology to increase production and quality.
(iii) Enable fishers to access finance and financial services to purchase
modern fishing vessels, gear and handling facilities.
(iv) Establish cold facilities at the airports located near water bodies and
international airports; establish new foreign markets.
(v) Identify local and foreign fish markets; and establish a
communication network for fish markets.
easing or reducing the pressure on fisheries resources without creating
hardships to the communities that have become dependent on them. Some
of AIGAs have failed, and most of those implemented under the established
projects cease once they are phased out. To address this challenge, it is
highly recommended that all AIGAs must be evaluated thoroughly before
they are applied, and this process should involve local communities from the
beginning, instead of introducing or imposing some activities from other
areas which may not be relevant.
Increased fishing owing to high demand and dependence on fish and fishery
products, due to inadequate diversified livelihood and AIGAs.
Strategic interventions:
(i) Building capacity and empowering local fishers.
(ii) Supporting diversification sources of livelihoods for fishing
communities identified and implemented.
(iii) Promoting AIGAs and improved coastal livelihood opportunities.
Proposed actions:
(i) Introduce alternative activities for earning a living.
(ii) Involve local communities at different levels of fisheries
management; provide entrepreneurship skills to fishers and local
community members,
(iii) Conduct awareness raising campaigns.
(iv) Provide training in the use of underutilized natural resources.
8.7.1 Capacity building to staff of fisheries institutions
The capacity of institutions that are implementing various activities to meet
obligations of fisheries sector, including its management and development
may be limited. Their coordination capacity may also be limited. Thus, there
is a need to ensure that many institutions are well equipped with
management and development capacities to meet long term results. It is
worth noting that the capacity building of staff and stakeholders contributes
towards achieving both expected management and development objectives
and goals. Given appropriate knowledge, staff and other key stakeholders
including fishing communities are ready and willing to implement fisheries
sector activities.
(i) Inadequate capacity to develop practitioners/experts on new
technologies for fisheries, research, training and co-management
(ii) Inadequate/worn out working facilities and infrastructure.
Strategic interventions:
Strengthening human resource development and capacity to respond to
both extant and emerging fisheries challenges.
(i) Strengthening fisheries and co-management institutional capacity.
(ii) Improved working environment through effective training and service
Proposed actions:
(i) Develop the necessary infrastructure.
(ii) Purchase the equipment and facilities needed by the sector and its
(iii) Conduct a training needs assessment to identify gaps and develop
training programmes for the fisheries sector.
(iv) Recruit adequate staff.
of the working facilities need major repairs, and new high technology
equipment in order for these institutions to fulfil their obligations.
(i) Inadequate capacity and hands-on skills of staff in management,
conservation, training and research institutions.
(ii) Inadequate training materials/equipment (outdated technology).
Strategic interventions:
(i) Strengthening of institutions and human resources in fisheries
management and development towards achieving blue economy
(ii) Strengthen fisheries training institutions and establish special
training programmes for fisheries stakeholders along the value chain
(iii) Managing environment and ecosystem for fishery including land
use, water access and related rights, and soil monitoring.
Proposed actions:
(i) Conduct training programmes aimed at equipping fisheries officers
with basic hands-on/tailor-made skills.
(ii) Design and offer training courses based on the needs and emerging
issues in the fisheries industry and related sectors (e.g., land,
forestry and water).
(iii) Conduct long term training (PhD and master degrees) to staff in
fisheries, aquaculture, blue economy and other related disciplines in
local higher learning Institutions and abroad.
(iv) Create awareness programmes to the private sector on fisheries
and aquaculture.
(v) Facilitate short courses (both local and abroad) in specialized skills
for MLF staff (fisheries management, data management,
aquaculture development, project management, procurement,
financial management, accounting software, quality control, MCS
skills, master fisherman, marine engineering, fish processing,
marine, deep sea fishing, gear technology, observers).
classrooms, jetty, and staff houses) that hinders them from fulfilling their
duties efficiently. Since, the sustainable management and development of
the fisheries sector is anchored in these institutions, there is a need to
rehabilitate and develop new infrastructure as required.
Inadequate capacity of fisheries institutions to fulfil their obligations and
responsibilities due to inadequate infrastructure.
Strategic interventions:
(i) Creating an enabling environment for institutions to fulfil their
statutory functions.
(ii) Support fisheries infrastructure development for fisheries
management, research, training and conservation institutions.
Proposed action:
Build/rehabilitate all necessary infrastructure to enable all institutions under
the fisheries sector to carry out their functions.
relevant authorities and this seems to be a common mechanism of law
enforcement, because it is an easy task which any community member
could do while engaged in other routine activities. This is done
confidentially, as the illegal undertakings could also be reported
anonymously. Local community groups participating in the enforcement of
fisheries resources include Beach Management Units (BMUs), Collaborative
Fisheries Management Areas (CFMAs) and Village Liaison Committees
(i) Degradation of aquatic ecosystems and decline of fish stocks due to
illegal harvesting of resources and other human activities.
(ii) Limited enforcement is putting more pressure on biodiversity.
Strategic interventions:
(i) Strengthen compliance and enforcement agents (MCS, NMATT,
BMUs and CFMAs).
(ii) Promote the establishment and strengthening of fisheries patrols
and quality control stations across the country.
(iii) Promote the establishment and strengthening of BMUs and CFMAs
for efficient fisheries resources management across the country.
Proposed actions:
(i) Establishment of CFMAs in 5 districts; purchase working facilities
(boats, engines and safety equipment).
(ii) Construction/Renovation of MCS offices.
(iii) Strengthen existing BMUs; and MCS units established in all major
water bodies.
Among other things, the EAC objectives promote synergy in the regional
initiatives for economic, social and conservation benefits among member
states. Articles 2, 5, and 9 of the Environmental and Natural Resources
Management Protocol of EAC obliges the member states to develop
mechanisms that will ensure sustainable utilization of trans-boundary
Operational objective 2: To strengthen management interventions,
international cooperation/collaboration and dialogue among countries
sharing water bodies.
(i) Inadequate trans-boundary cooperation, implementation
agreements and protection mechanisms for fishers in shared water
(ii) Un-harmonized legal and institutional framework for managing
cross-border resources.
(iii) Smuggling of fish and fisheries products between cross borders.
Strategic interventions:
(i) Strengthening the capacity to meet regional and international
obligations and to pro-actively act on existing and emerging issues.
(ii) Establishing trans-boundary conservation areas (TBCAs) and
associated management strategies.
(iii) Strengthening collaboration/cooperation of fisheries resources
management regionally and internationally.
Proposed actions:
(i) Develop cooperation and management MoUs between/among
states sharing water bodies.
(ii) Establish trans-boundary conservation areas (TBCAs); establish
information sharing mechanism/strategy.
(iii) Identify legal and institutional frameworks; develop harmonized
functions of legal and institutional frameworks.
(iv) Agree on management measures/protocol(s).
Lack of management plans/arrangements/guidelines for some
important fish species and fisheries.
Strategic interventions:
(i) Developing, implementing and reviewing management plans for all
important fisheries.
(ii) Designing appropriate mechanisms for the protection, research and
monitoring of important fish stocks.
Proposed actions:
(i) Review phased out management plans and develop new ones.
(ii) Develop strict management measures and harvesting strategies.
(iii) Establish restricted and no-take areas.
(i) Weak cooperation in managing fisheries resources among key
(ii) Inadequate collaborative partnerships among multiple stakeholders
constrain achievement of biodiversity goals.
Strategic interventions:
(i) Develop a multi-sector platform to strengthen partnerships and a
cooperation platform for fisheries management actors, including the
private sector.
(ii) Promoting an intra- and inter-cooperative and collaborative
institutional framework.
Proposed actions:
(i) Review relevant documents.
(ii) Develop/formulate partners’ platforms.
(iii) Develop a collaborative institutional framework.
destructive fishing gear such as under mesh size, monofilament nets, beach
seines and currently to a very small extent blast fishing as a way of killing
fish. Destructive gears and practices have greatly contributed to resources
and environmental destruction.
IUU fishing also cause damage to the communities that rely on fisheries for
their livelihoods and food security, so it is important that their aquatic
resources are managed sustainably to provide livelihoods, being amongst
the most affected by IUU fishing. However, some small-scale fishers are
also part and parcel of IUU.
Besides the high level of unlicensed craft and fishers, another major issue
relating to IUU fishing is the use of illegal gear. The high number of
unregistered vessels in the country may be attributed to increasing levels of
IUU fishing. As a strategy to reduce if not to control IUU, fisheries staff, local
communities and other stakeholders are collectively enforcing fisheries laws
and regulations.
(i) Fishers vulnerability due to lack of training, and little enforcement of
safety and international labour standards.
(ii) IUU fishing practices impacting the sustainability of resources.
(iii) Misunderstanding/conflicts between fishing communities and law
enforcers on IUU measures and practices.
Strategic interventions:
(i) Establishing awareness raising programmes on effective law
enforcement procedures.
(ii) Strengthening mechanisms for sharing information and
disseminating awareness raising materials among the key
(iii) Develop strategies to combat IUU fishing and illegal trade.
Proposed actions:
(i) Create awareness raising programmes on enforcement of laws for
local community and other stakeholders.
(ii) Develop and provide training on environmental programmes.
(iii) Develop mechanism/platform for information sharing.
(iv) Create conflict resolution mechanisms for resource users.
8.9 Thematic Area Six: Fisheries Infrastructure
This theme focuses on the building of infrastructure facilities in the fisheries
and aquaculture sector to help boost annual fish production in the country
and develop the sector by reducing post-harvest loss. Tanzania does not
currently have suitable facilities to service both artisanal and industrial
fisheries, this is believed to be one of the serious constraints for the
development of the fisheries sector. The lack of dry docking and a fishing
harbour contribute to further loss in the fisheries revenues and thus, there is
a need to establish a national fishing harbour that can provide services to
deep sea fishing vessels. There are also inadequate landing sites for
artisanal fishers, handling, storage (cold rooms and ice plants), processing
plants, transportation, marketing facilities, fishing gear, a vessel
manufacturing factory, and a vessel for deploying water, food and fish
aggregating devices (FADs).
Inadequate fish and fisheries infrastructure (physical) for artisanal
fishers, fish workers and other actors along the value chain.
Strategic interventions:
(i) Developing and improving the fishing landing sites, fishery market
infrastructure and facilities (cold chain and handling equipment for
fish and fishery products).
(ii) Creation of conducive environment by the government to attract
more investors in the fisheries sector.
(iii) Promote and support private sector participation in the investment
and rehabilitation of fisheries infrastructure and facilities.
Proposed actions:
(i) Develop the infrastructure needed.
(ii) Purchase equipment and facilities.
(iii) Provide training to staff on the use of equipment and facilities.
(iv) Build new fisheries infrastructure and rehabilitate the old ones.
Inadequate suitable facilities to service both artisanal and industrial
Strategic intervention:
Develop a strategy for promoting the involvement of the private sector in the
development and management of the fisheries sector.
Proposed actions:
(i) Encourage both local and foreign investors to build fisheries
(ii) Purchase of fishing vessels for fishing in the EEZ.
(iii) Build fisheries infrastructures (e.g., jetty/port, cold room, and
processing industries).
(iv) Establish fishing support services.
(i) The absence of a market information system for fish and fisheries
(ii) Limited access to local and international market information.
Strategic interventions:
(i) Developing a marketing information system and linkages in the
marketing chain.
(ii) Establishing a market intelligence unit.
(iii) Promoting use of technology in accessing market information.
Proposed actions:
(i) Develop a marketing information system on markets.
(ii) Solicit funds for developing the market infrastructure and an
information system.
(iii) Establish a market unit.
(iv) Use information technology to access markets.
Low contribution of EEZ and high seas fisheries resources to the
GDP, the fisheries sector and the national economy.
Strategic interventions:
(i) Encouraging investment in the EEZ and high seas.
(ii) Designing research programmes to explore the investment potential
of the EEZ and high seas.
(iii) Building the capacity of local investors to invest in fisheries in the
EEZ and high seas.
(iv) Developing infrastructure to support the EEZ (fisheries harbour and
processing factories).
(v) Ensuring investment strategies are in place and promoting
investment through public-private partnerships (PPP).
Proposed actions:
(i) Promote investments targeting EEZ and high seas fishing.
(ii) Design and conduct research to explore the potential of the EEZ and
high seas.
(iii) Develop and implement relevant capacity building programmes for
local investors.
(iv) Encourage investors to build infrastructure and procure facilities for
harvesting fish in the EEZ.
(v) Develop a strategy for the government to collaborate with the private
sector in investing in the fisheries sector under PPP arrangements.
(vi) Development of dry-docking facilities that will serve both private and
national fleets.
(vii) Encourage local people to invest in spare parts for boat engines and
cold chain storage facilities.
The sub-topics placed under this theme include; (i) HIV/AIDS and other
communicable disease prevention mechanisms, (ii) the disaster risks and
climate change impacts, (iii) limited involvement of stakeholders, particularly
women and youths in the fisheries management, (iv) low coverage and
unaffordable social protection services to small-scale fishers and fish
workers, (v) value chain and post-harvest loss, and (vi) inadequate social
services in fishing communities.
8.11.1 HIV and other communicable disease prevention mechanisms
The fishing communities residing in remote areas and fishing camps located
on isolated islands are particularly vulnerable to sexually transmitted
diseases (STDs) including HIV/AIDS, and other communicable diseases
including water borne diseases, malaria and the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Ministry of Health and LGAs have been making deliberate efforts to
address HIV/AIDS in fishing communities and other disadvantaged groups
through awareness campaigns, providing health services, protectives
(condoms), ARVs and supporting them to access affordable social
protection services, affordable basic needs and the implementation of
alternative income generating activities. Despite all these efforts, the main
challenge is to reduce the prevalence rates within fishing communities for
sustainable management and development of fisheries resources.
(i) Irresponsiveness of fishery stakeholders to behavioural change on
communicable diseases such as STDs, HIV-AIDS and cholera.
(ii) Low awareness, socio-economic and cultural factors, amongst
fishing communities contribute to high infections.
Strategic interventions:
(i) Creating programmes advocating behavioural change and
communicable disease prevention among fishers/fish workers and
their families.
(ii) Provision of adequate health services and facilities in the fishing
Proposed actions:
(i) Develop and strengthen interventions aimed at changing behaviour
in isolated fishing communities.
(ii) Develop a mechanism that would enable fishers and their families to
access affordable health insurance.
(iii) Construct health centres/dispensaries in the permanent fishing
(iv) Provide mobile health services to fishers in temporal fishing
Climate change impacts and disaster risks affect the fisheries sector in
many different ways, for example, floods often lead to large numbers of
deaths, casualties and cause tangible losses such as damage to boats,
gear, fish cages, households and production assets, the destruction of
infrastructure (houses, roads, landing sites, fish processing facilities) and
other properties.
(i) Effects of climate change on fisheries and aquatic environment.
(ii) Uncoordinated disaster preparedness and climate change
adaptation and mitigation measures among fishers.
Strategic intervention:
Implementation of national mitigation and adaptation strategies for
climate change.
Proposed actions:
(i) Develop/review and implement mitigation measures.
(ii) Develop disaster and climate monitoring programmes.
(iii) Sign MoUs with institutions dealing with disasters and climate
(iv) Integrate, harmonize and coordinate environmentally sustainable
strategies on adaptation to and mitigation of climate change.
(v) Support research programmes to improve and develop new
management of fisheries resources is an important aspect and increases
the chances of success.
(i) Limited involvement of stakeholders especially marginalized groups
in the management of fisheries resources.
(ii) Limited entrepreneurial skills among the youth.
(iii) Limitations on equity in resource allocation and capital accessibility.
Strategic interventions:
Developing an appropriate collaborative framework to involve stakeholders
at different management levels of fisheries resources.
(i) Creating a sense of ownership and commitment among fisheries
stakeholders, including marginalized groups.
(ii) Develop strategy to involve youth, women and marginalized groups
in fisheries management and development.
Proposed actions:
(i) Design, develop and implement appropriate strategies or
frameworks for involving stakeholders in the fisheries sector.
(ii) Review the fisheries sector’s guidance documents and remove
barriers to stakeholders’ involvement in the sector, if any.
(iii) Involve stakeholders at different levels of management.
way or another hinders small scale fishers to access some of the basic
services and socio-economic benefits, which are their human rights. The
National Plan of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines developed
recently will address all of these items. Addressing this objective would
enable fishers and poor communities residing in these areas to improve
their livelihood and enhance their contribution to an economically, socially
and sustainable future.
(i) Absence of framework that would enable small scale fishers and
disadvantaged groups to access their rights and basic needs.
(ii) Lack of rescue centres and safety equipment for small scale fishers.
(iii) Inadequate employment opportunities in the fisheries sector.
(iv) Low coverage and unaffordable social protection services to small
scale fishers.
Strategic interventions:
(i) Enhancing safety at sea, and establishing decent working conditions
and social protection schemes.
(ii) Develop mechanisms to engage fishers, fish workers and other
fisheries resources users in social security services.
Proposed actions:
(i) Develop/review formal arrangements on fishers’ rights and
strengthen them.
(ii) Encourage the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) to extend its
services to small scale fishers and other marginalized groups.
(iii) Encourage different institutions to support fishers’ welfare and
create a conducive/enabling environment for fishers to earn their
(iv) Implement NPoA-SSF Guidelines; establish SSF cooperatives and
related organizations.
(v) Incorporate the legal mandates of fishers’ cooperatives and
organizations so that they can provide support in terms of goods and
services to fishers in the Fisheries Act/Regulations.
(vi) Develop rescue centres along various water bodies; safety
equipment accessed by fishers and sold at reasonable prices.
(vii) Develop/review of both formal and informal arrangements on fishers’
rights and strengthen them.
(viii) Encourage different institutions to support fishers’ welfare and
create a conducive/enabling environment for fishers to earn their
(ix) Develop a mechanism of accessing information on the size of the
fisheries sector and socio-economic status of small scale fishers.
Poor income from fishing due to poor post-harvest practices.
Strategic interventions:
(i) Enhance introduction of improved and appropriate technology and
techniques for fish and the fishery products value chain (fishing,
handling, processing, storage/preservation and marketing).
(ii) Improving skills and knowledge of good product handling from
processing practices to supply chain actors.
(iii) Develop strategies to reduce post-harvest loss along the fish value
(iv) Reducing the post-harvest loss by opening up off-shore facilities.
(v) Support fisheries value chains affected by climate change e.g.
coolers/insulated containers to improve the conservation of fish
Proposed actions:
(i) Use appropriate technology along the fisheries value chain.
(ii) Develop the infrastructure needed for fish handling, processing,
storing and trading.
(iii) Conduct land use plans to reduce pressure on inshore fish stocks.
(iv) Demarcate specific areas/land to improve storage of fish products.
Strategic intervention:
Proposed actions:
(i) Construction of schools for fishing community families staying in
remote areas.
(ii) Supply clean water services in the fishing communities.
Table 14: Fifteen-year Master Plan Matrix of the Fisheries Sector Indicating the Major Target Outputs/Outcomes for
each Operational Objective in the Thematic Areas
Thematic Area One: Maintenance of the Environment, Ecological Systems and Associated Biodiversity.
Operational objective 1: To strengthen the management of aquatic ecological systems and their processes to reduce the decline in the quantity of fish and fish
Outcomes Outputs Strategic Interventions Key Performance Baseline Timeframe Indicative Budget (USD) Responsible
Indicators Information Institutions
1.1. Cross- Critical ecological systems Promoting conservation Ecological linkages Fisheries and 2021-2036 A total of USD 25,000 per Ministry of
ecological understood, identified programmes and sustainable understood/infor related laws, year is required to Livestock and
systems, and put under protection. management of aquatic mation available. regulations and These implement the activities. Fisheries (MLF),
processes ecosystems to reduce the guidelines are in activities Ministry of
and loss of critical habitats and place. are USD 450,000 Natural
biodiversity associated biodiversity. Some fishery ongoing, Resources and
restored and management though will Tourism
protected from Laws, regulations, Promoting biodiversity Critical habitats in plans have been be (MNRT), Vice
anthropogenic guidelines and conservation and protect different water developed, implemente President’s
risks. management plans are endangered species. bodies identified although they d in phases. Office – Division
strengthened to control and documented. may need of Environment
illegal undertakings and reviewing. (VPO-DoE) and
minimize natural hazards. NGOs.
Very little
information on
Enforcement improved Promoting Ecosystem User zones and
systems is
(both human and Approach to Fisheries their maps exist.
financial resources made Management, Co-
available). management and Spatial
Planning among fishers and
other stakeholders
Creating awareness of fishers Number of
and other key stakeholders degraded habitats
on the importance of aquatic restored.
ecosystems to fisheries .
Promoting establishment of Laws, regulations,
aquatic reserves, ecosystem management
restoration programmes, plans and
temporary and permanent guidelines
closed systems. reviewed and
Protecting and restoring Awareness raising
destroyed habitats and manuals and
ecosystem processes. reports.
Operational objective 2: To reduce anthropogenic impacts on the resources located within and adjacent to water bodies to increase their productivity.
2.1 Mitigation measures Improving the governance of Reports and a Mitigation measures are in 2022 – 2027 USD 10,000 per MLF, LGAs,
Anthropogenic (regulations, guidelines, resources in the marine and number of place, although not all are annum for 5 Fishing and
effects on management plans and inland waters. management adequately enforced. years. Local
aquatic rules) against measures Communities
resources anthropogenic effects reviewed, There is little awareness about USD 200,000
reduced to a reviewed as needed and improved and put anthropogenic effects.
great extent. strengthened. in place.
Reports on the
status of
Collaboration amongst Introducing and strengthening Collaborative
key stakeholders in community environment enforcement
managing fisheries management programmes. reports.
resources strengthened.
Awareness on
anthropogenic effects
among stakeholders
Developing mitigation A number of
measures to reduce the developed (new)
effects of anthropogenic and reviewed
activities on water bodies. mitigation
Fostering collaboration with measures.
relevant institutions to
enforce the laws and Available
regulations governing MoUs/agreement
aquatic-ecosystem s.
Awareness raising
Establishing mechanisms for Management
controlling aquatic pollution programmes
and contamination from development and
domestic, industries, rivers implementation
up-stream activities and reports.
establishment of Harmonized laws
development projects closer and management
to water bodies protocols are in
Operational objective 3: To implement environmentally friendly beach use and waste management programmes around the landing sites.
3.1 Effective beach/intertidal Promoting sustainable waste Beach/intertidal areas use Land use and waste 2024 – USD MLF, LGAs,
Beach/intertidal areas use plans disposal and land/beach use plans and their impact. management laws and 2031 400,000 and Ministry
areas use, solid developed, implemented practices within and adjacent plans are in place. of Lands and
and liquid and reviewed to water bodies. Beach use zones and the level However, they are not Urban
waste issues accordingly. of compliance. properly enforced, some Development,
are properly may need to be reviewed CSOs, CBOs
addressed and strengthened. and fishing
using Recycling community
appropriate initiatives/activities are members
mechanisms. still on a small scale.
Effective solid and liquid Promoting beach use best Waste management plan and
waste management practices within and adjacent implementation reports.
plans developed, to water bodies.
implemented and
reviewed accordingly.
Some solid waste is Developing youth and women A number of recycling
being recycled. litter management initiatives.
programmes at landing sites,
fish markets and beaches. Enforcement reports and the
level of compliance.
ecological At least three staff (both in the central and local assessment has been nt carried
balance in members who are government. conducted in small water after every
different experts in stock bodies. 5 years.
resource bases assessment present at
(water bodies). TAFIRI and in the
Central Government
(Fisheries Division) and
the Local Government
Outcomes Outputs Strategic Interventions Key Performance Indicators Baseline Timeframe Indicative Responsible
Information Budget Institutions
1.1. Scientific Data collection systems Improving fisheries data Progress/monitoring reports. A fisheries database 2022 – USD MLF (Fisheries
information/dat are in place for all collection and information . is available, 2025 500,000 Division and
a is available fisheries (artisanal, management/storage although not TAFIRI).
for making semi-industrial and systems. Presence of an operational and up- regularly
sound industrial fisheries). dated database. maintained and
management updated.
decisions on
fisheries Staff members with skills Developing strategies to Presence of skilled staff discharging
resources. to collect, analyze, gather and collect fisheries their duties Data collection for
interpret and write data and information from artisanal fisheries
scientific reports are minor waters (small lakes, is done consistently
available. wetlands, rivers and dams) in the areas where
and marine. BMUs are active.
All data collected Building the capacity of Monitoring programmes and their
analyzed and fisheries fisheries data collectors implementation reports. Fish export and
reports produced and including fisheries staff and import data are
disseminated to BMU members. Data collection protocols and available.
stakeholders. dissemination reports.
Database properly Developing strategy to collect Application of scientific information in
maintained and updated and gather fish marketing, the fisheries sector.
on regular basis. post-harvest and fisheries
social-economic data.
Operational objective 2: to strengthen fisheries research, monitoring and extension services for informed decisions
2.1 Required Research, monitoring and Improving fisheries research, Research and monitoring reports as stated above 2022 – USD MLF, LGAs,
information for extension services monitoring programmes and (operational 2031 700,000 TAFIRI,
making sound programmes are in place information dissemination objective 1) NGOs and
and informed and implemented as systems. Development
decisions from planned. partners.
basic and Adequate funds for carrying Building capacity of the Application of technology and
applied out research, monitoring Tanzania Fisheries Research innovation skills
research are and extension made Institute.
available and available from reliable
disseminated sources.
accordingly. Staff are equipped with Developing strategies to Report on funds raised for
required hands-on skills. Soliciting funds for supporting research.
fisheries research and
monitoring programmes on a
regular basis.
Innovations and technology Strengthening and supporting Extension services and
disseminated. fisheries extension service information dissemination
delivery. reports.
Promoting technologies to Reports on post-harvest and value
reduce fisheries’ post- addition technologies
harvest losses and add value
Thematic Area Three: Empowerment of Fishers and Fish Workers.
Operational objective 1: To support the creation of an enabling environment for fishers and fish workers, investors and other actors along the fishery value chain
to access finance and financial services.
Outcomes Outputs Strategic Interventions Key Performance Baseline Information Timeframe Indicative Budget Responsible
Indicators Institutions
1.1 More Increased employment Creating conducive More credit At present the terms 2022 – 2026 USD 50,000 MLF, Ministry
local and opportunities. environment (on the part of facilities and conditions for of Finance
foreign government) to enable established. fishers to access (MF), NGOs
investors fishers to access loans from loans from banks and and Private
access finance financial institutions. other credit facilities Sector (PS)
and invest in are not friendly to
Increased local and Encouraging more financial Concessional fees
the fisheries them.
foreign investment in the institutions and credit are offered to
sector (fish Investment in the
fisheries sector. facilities to provide soft loans competitive
processing and fisheries sector by
and other financial services investors by the
infrastructure both foreign and local
to fishers relevant Ministry.
developmen). fishers is very low.
Imparting hands-
on/entrepreneurial skills to
fishers/fish workers.
1.2 Development Credit facilities to support Encouraging commercial A number of banks 2022 – 2034 Government to inject USD
of the fisheries investment in the banks to support fishers/fish and credit 200,000 to financial
sector is fisheries sector are workers by giving them facilities provide institutions after every 3
supported by established. credits. loans to fishers. years to enable them to
financial provide loans to fishers.
USD 800,000
Operational objective 2: To support fishers and other actors to access reliable markets along the value chain.
2.1 Enhanced production Promoting the production of Fishers produce high quality products At present the skills 2025 - USD MLF, Private
Fisher capacity, fish handling high quality products. that fetch high prices. needed to properly 2030 1,000,000 sector and
s have skills for and processing skills for handle and process Ministry of
producing both artisanal and fish are inadequate for Agriculture
improved and commercial fishers. small-scale fishers and and
high quality fish workers. Cooperative
products for the s.
regional and
Production of high quality Increasing the possibility of A number of cooperatives Most small-scale
fish and fishery products fishers accessing finance, formulated/established. fishers’ products are
increased. financial services and for their own
international markets. consumption and
some are for domestic
and regional markets.
Promoting formation of Export of fish and associated
fisheries associations or products increased.
Developing strategies to Modern vessels, gear and handling
empower small scale fishers, facilities are used in fishing
commercial and industrial activities.
Promoting establishment of
fish and fishery products
market centres and linkages.
2.2 More Increased contribution of
Supporting production of fish Cold chain facilities The export of fish and 2022 – USD
domestic and the fisheries sector to
and fish products for established/improved at the airports. fishery products is low. 2025 2,500,000
export markets the Gross Domestic domestic and international The contribution to the
identified and Product (GDP) and to
markets. GDP and foreign An on-
established for foreign exchange. exchange is low. going
fish and fishery The export of fish and Export markets increased. activity.
products fishery products The distribution chain for domestic
increased. markets improved.
Communication networks for fish
markets are in place
Operational objective 3: To reduce dependence on fisheries resources by local communities by introducing alternative activities for getting livelihoods.
3.1 Alternative Research conducted to Building capacity and Reports on introduced alternative Many projects have an 2023 – USD MLF, LGAs,
income identify reliable and empowering local fishers. activities. AIGA component, 2028 1,200,000 NGOs and
generating sustainable AIGAs for although most of them and Donors
activities fishing communities. have failed. 2029 –
(AIGAs) to Reports on implementation of a co- 2035
diversify management approach Most of the established
sources of projects cease once Done in
livelihoods for Supporting diversification Training reports promoting the use of they are phased out two
fishing sources of livelihoods for underutilized phases
communities fishing communities
identified. identified and implemented. Awareness raising/training reports on
natural resources
Thematic Area Four: Institutional Capacity Building.
Operational objective 1: To strengthen fisheries management, research, training and co-management institutions to ensure effective development of the sector.
Outcomes Outputs Strategic interventions Key Performance Indicators Baseline Information Timefra Indicative Responsible
me Budget Institutions
1.1 Fisheries All fisheries institutions Strengthening human Infrastructure and facilities available. There is a reasonable 2022 – USD MLF, LGAs,
and its have a reasonable resource development and number of staff 2036 5,500,000 BMUs,
institutions are number of staff and the capacity to respond to Equipment purchased. members, Ongoing CFMAs, and
well necessary existing and emerging infrastructure and activity Fishing
strengthened infrastructure, and are fisheries challenges. working facilities all communities.
and given the equipped with all the over the country,
capacity to fulfil necessary working although these are not
their functions. facilities. enough.
Capacity building Strengthening fisheries and A TNA report and capacity
programmes are in co-management institutional building/training programmes in Some of the
place and developed capacity. place. infrastructure and
based on a training facilities need major
needs assessment Improved working A number of staff members recruited rehabilitation.
(TNA) carried out in environment through
each institution. effective training and service
Operational objective 2: Fisheries officers and private staff have the knowledge and hands-on skills necessary for performing their duties.
2.1 Fisheries All fisheries officers in the Strengthening of institutions Training manuals and reports Various on-the-job 2023 – USD MLF, LGAs
officers at country have skills for and human resources in courses are offered to 2035 1,750,000 and PS
different levels discharging their duties fisheries management and government staff, key
equipped with and any other technical development towards stakeholders and a
skills for duties. achieving blue economy few private-sector
discharging goals. employees
their duties and
any other Fisheries officers working Strengthen fisheries training A number of fisheries officers trained
duties, for the government and institutions and establish in various fisheries issues.
especially the informal/private special training programmes
those relating sector equipped with for fisheries stakeholders
to emerging fish handling and along the value chain.
issues. processing techniques. Managing environment and A number of staff graduated in PhD
eco-system for fishery and master programmes.
including land uses, water
access and related rights, Report on awareness programmes
and soil monitoring. carried out.
3.1 Public sector All necessary Creating an enabling Infrastructure built/rehabilitated. Only few infrastructures 2024 – USD MLF, and
infrastructures infrastructure available environment for institutions available and some 2033 4,500,000 LGAs
in fisheries and used by different to fulfil their statutory need major
sector are well institutions to carry out functions. rehabilitation.
developed their functions.
Support fisheries
infrastructure development
for fisheries management,
research, training and
conservation institutions.
Thematic Area Five: Compliance and Enforcement of Management Measures.
Operational objective 1: Ensure Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) unit, NMATT, BMUs and CFMAs enforce fisheries legislation effectively.
Outcomes Outputs Strategic Interventions Key Performance Indicators Baseline Information Timefra Indicative Responsible
me Budget Institutions
1.1 Fisheries Necessary working Strengthen compliance and CFMAs established in 5 Districts. Enforcement machinery 2022 – USD MLF, LGAs
enforcement/co facilities are in place enforcement agents (MCS, available but not well 2036 20,000,00 and Local
mpliance and being used to NMATT, BMUs and CFMAs). equipped. 0 communities
machinery are ensure compliance Promote establishment and Equipment purchased.
well developed enforce laws at different strengthening fisheries
and management patrols and quality control
coordinated. authorities. stations across the country.
Promote establishment and MCS offices constructed and
strengthening of BMUs and renovated.
CFMAs for efficient fisheries
resources management BMUs strengthened.
across the country.
More MCS units established.
Operational objective 2: To strengthen management interventions, international cooperation/collaboration and dialogue among countries sharing water bodies.
2.1 A platform Communication and Strengthening the capacity to Cooperation and management MoUs Management 2026 – USD MLF and
for discussing information sharing meet regional and are in place cooperation and 2029 300,000 Ministry of
potential issues agreements developed international obligations and TBCAs in place. interventions in foreign Affairs
for developing to build trust on to pro-actively act on existing fisheries resources are and
collaborative common goals among and emerging issues. Information sharing streamlined and International
relationships state partners. mechanism/strategy is in place and legalized, although Cooperation,
among partner applicable. they are not and
states adequately enforced. conservation
developed. institutions.
2.2 Trans- Cooperation among Establishing trans-boundary Legal and institutional frameworks
boundary/share states sharing water conservation areas (TBCAs) identified.
d ecosystems bodies established. and associated management
are managed strategies.
properly in
partnerships. Presence of an Strengthening Harmonized functions of legal and
avenue/mechanism for collaboration/cooperation of institutional frameworks in place
sharing information fisheries resources
between/among management regionally and
neighbouring states. internationally.
Presence of harmonized Agreed management
functions of legal and measures/protocols being
institutional frameworks operationalized.
and agreed
management measures.
Operational objective 3: To support the development of management plans and their implementation for all important fisheries in Lake Nyasa, Lake Tanganyika,
Lake Victoria and Indian Ocean.
3.1 Management Fish groups and Developing, implementing and New and reviewed management Management plans of 2023 – USD MLF
plans for all ecosystems which need reviewing management plans in place. some important fish 2030 2,000,000 (Fisheries
important special management plans for all important species developed, Division,
fisheries and arrangements identified. fisheries. although they are not MPRU and
their fully implemented TAFIRI)
ecosystems in .
different water Availability of funds for Designing appropriate Management measures and
bodies implementation of mechanisms for research harvesting strategies in place.
developed. fisheries management and monitoring of important
plans. fish stocks.
Adopted management Research and monitoring
approach and action programmes and reports.
plans are in place.
No-take or restricted zones
Operational objective 4: To strengthen partnerships and cooperation among stakeholders in the fisheries sector.
4.1 Cooperation Stakeholder’s partnership Develop a multi-sector Review documents. Fisheries policy and 2022 – USD MLF, LGAs,
and and cooperation policies platform to strengthen guiding rules do not 2033 600,000 NGOs, CSOs
partnerships reviewed. partnerships and a show the role and and
amongst cooperation platform for responsibilities of Fishing/Local
stakeholders actors, including the private stakeholders in Communities.
strengthened. sector. managing and
Expanded new Promoting an intra- and inter- Partners’ platforms. developing the
opportunities for cooperative and fisheries sector.
cooperation. collaborative institutional
Specification of the Public Developed a collaborative
Private Partnership institutional framework.
arrangements in fisheries
Operational objective 5: To prevent illegal, un-reported and un-regulated (IUU) fishing.
5.1 Illegal, un- Involvement of committed Establishing awareness Reports on awareness materials Key stakeholders are 2021 - USD MLF, LGAs,
reported and staff and local raising programmes on produced and disseminated. consulted in the 2036 800,000 NGOs. CSO,
un-regulated community members in effective law. process of reviewing BMUs, CBOs
fisheries at the enforcement of laws laws and preparing and Fishing
different levels and regulations against regulations. Communities.
adequately IUU fisheries Fisheries staff, local
prevented. communities and
Increased awareness of Strengthening mechanisms A number of IUU fisheries and other stakeholders
local communities and for sharing information and compliance events reported. are collectively
other potential disseminating awareness- enforcing laws and
stakeholders on the raising materials among the regulations.
Fisheries Act and key stakeholder’s
Regulations, including enforcement procedures.
the do’s and don’ts. Develop strategies to combat
IUU fishing and illegal trade.
Operational objective 2: To encourage the private sector to invest in infrastructure development in the fisheries sector.
2.1 Fisheries Expanded infrastructure Develop a strategy for Private-sector developed fisheries There is little 2022 – USD MLF, Ministry
sector developed by the private promoting involvement of the infrastructure in place. infrastructure 2027 250,000 of Industry
infrastructure sector and under PPP private sector in the fisheries developed by the and Trade,
built by the arrangements. sector management and private sector, by the NGOs and
private sector development. government and under Private
or under PPP PPP arrangements. Sector.
2.2 Fisheries The required fisheries Encourage investors to Purchased fishing vessels and other Fisheries infrastructure, 2024 – USD
investments infrastructure and develop fisheries items are in place. facilities and 2030 6,000,000 MLF, LGAs,
done by the investments developed infrastructures and facilities Developed fisheries infrastructures investments are very PS, Donors
private sector under PPP are in place. to increase production. and investment are in place and few and inadequate. and fishing
or under PPP operationalized. communities
information. Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) used to access
fish and fisheries markets.
Thematic Area Seven: Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and High Seas Fishing Opportunities.
Operational objective 1: To promote the utilization of untapped/underutilized EEZ and high seas fishery resources for economic growth.
Outcomes Outputs Strategic Interventions Key Performance Indicators Baseline Timeframe Indicative Responsible
Information Budget Institutions
1.1EEZ and high seas More fish Encouraging investment in the No local fishers 2023 – 2031 USD MLF, LGAs,
fisheries contribute preservation/stora EEZ and high seas. fishing in the EEZ 5,000,000 Private
significantly to the ge facilities, and high seas. Sector,
national GDP and processing Ministry of
foreign exchange. facilities and The Fisheries Finance –
international Division is issuing (Financial
fishing markets licences and Institutions),
constructed. permits to foreign Ministry of
Fishing Designing research fishing vessels so Industry and
harbours/ports programmes to explore the that they can Trade,
and associated investment potential of the harvest resources Academic
facilities EEZ and high seas. in the EEZ (both institutions.
constructed. purse seiners and
1.2 National fisheries Industries Building the capacity of local A number of investments targeting long liners).
fleet developed / specialized in investors to invest in the EEZ.
TAFICO revived and making vessels fisheries in the EEZ and high
strengthened so that and processing seas. Report on research carried out in
it can harvest machines, and in Developing infrastructure to the EEZ and high seas.
untapped resources making support the EEZ (fisheries
in the EEZ and high refrigeration harbour and processing
seas. repairs are in factories).
Private-sector Ensuring investment A number of local investors
vessels fishing in strategies are in place and trained.
the EEZ promoting investment
increased and the through Public-Private Harbours, jetties, storage facilities
national Partnerships (PPPs). and processing factories in
fleets/vessels are place.
in place
Investments made under PPP
1.3 A hub for The number of Encourage local people to Dry-docking facilities available. No dry-docking The activity USD 450,000 AS above
EEZ and high seas vendors/shops invest in spare parts for boat facilities in the will be done
fishing established to supplying engines and cold chain country. for four year
maximize consumables, storage facilities. to establish a
employment boat engines and hub for EEZ
opportunities. spare parts for There are few and and high
boats and small shops supplyin seas fishing.
machines boat engines and
increased. spare parts for boats
and cold chain
Direct and indirect Number of vendors/shops selling
employment spare parts of boat engines and
opportunities in cold chain storage facilities.
the fisheries
sector increased.
Thematic Area Eight: Cross-Cutting Issues.
Operational objective 1: To promote the behaviour change and communicable disease prevention mechanisms/programmes for fishers and fish-workers.
Outcomes Outputs Strategic Interventions Key Performance Indicators Baseline Information Timefra Indicative Responsible
me Budget Institutions
1.1 Health Programmes that bring Creating programmes Documented interventions developed There are inadequate 2022 – USD MLF, LGAs,
centres/dispens about behaviour that advocating behavioural for fisher’s behaviour change. social services in 2035 950,000 Ministry of
aries are improves the health of change and communicable remote fishing Health and
available in the fishing communities are disease prevention among villages/camps and NGOs, CSOs,
high-risk fishing in place. fishers/fish workers and their geographically isolated Development
areas (isolated families. islands partners and
islands and fishing
remote fishing Fishers and their families Provision of adequate health A number of fishers with access to communities.
villages/camps) enabled to access services and facilities in the health insurance.
. affordable health fishing communities.
Improved health services A number of health
offered in high-risk centres/dispensaries constructed in
fishing camps/villages. permanent fishing camps/villages
Mobile health services provided.
Operational objective 2: To ensure that mitigation and adaptation strategies for reducing the effects of climate change and variability are in place and
implemented accordingly.
2.1 Disaster The disaster risks and Implementation of national Documented measures against A national climate 2021 – USD MLF, LGAs,
risks, climate the effects of climate mitigation and adaptation disaster risks and the effects of change adaptation and 2035 1,000,000 Prime
change change on the fisheries strategies for climate climate change. mitigation strategy Minister’s
adaptation and sector and their change. exists under the Vice- Office (PMO),
mitigation mitigation/adaptation President’s Office, VPO-DoE,
measures are measures identified and Environment Division. Fishing
implemented documented. A National Disaster community,
with Committee is under Academic
government The government supports Disaster and climate change the Prime Minister’s institutions
support. different initiatives monitoring programmes are in Office. and NGOs.
aimed at addressing place.
disaster risks and MoUs are in place.
mitigating the effects of Environmentally sustainable
climate change. strategies on climate change are in
A number of research projects aimed
at improving and developing new
Operational objective 3: To support the development and implementation of appropriate strategies for involving the youth, women and marginalized groups at
different levels of management.
3.1 All the Strategies/frameworks for Developing an appropriate Strategy document and an Policies and guidelines 2024 – USD 850, MLF, NGOs,
barriers to involving stakeholders in collaborative framework to implementation report. related to the fisheries 2036 000 CSOs, fishing
equal the management of the involve stakeholders at sector do not prevent communities
involvement of fisheries sector have no different management levels stakeholders’ and CBOs.
different groups barriers. of fisheries resources. involvement in the
of stakeholders Creating a sense of ownership A review report. fisheries sector.
in the and commitment among However, there is a
management of fisheries stakeholders, feeling that women
the fisheries including marginalized and other marginalized
sector are groups. groups are not given
removed. special consideration.
Develop strategy to involve Level of stakeholders’ awareness and
youth, women and their involvement at different
marginalized groups in management levels
fisheries management and
Operational objective 4: To enhance social protection, safety at sea and a decent working conditions scheme for fishers, fish workers and other resource users.
4.1 Fishers A social service Enhancing safety at sea, and Developed/reviewed and Formal/legal fishers’ social 2023 – USD MLF, NGOs,
and fish workers scheme, guidance establishing decent working strengthened formal security, decent work, 2028 550,000 Ministry of
protected and and related conditions and social arrangements on fishers and fish safety services and basic Labour, CSOs
access social programmes protection schemes. workers’ basic rights are in place rights are not well and
security services. addressing fishers’ and are being implemented. addressed in the policies Development
challenges and laws. partners
complimenting the The National Plan of Action
National Plan of for Small-Scale Fishers
Action (NPoA) are in Guidelines developed,
place and although they are not
operationalized. implemented yet.
NPoA for Small-Scale Develop mechanisms to Reports on initiatives being
. Fishers’ Guidelines engage fishers, fish workers undertaken to support fisher’s
implemented. and other fisheries resources welfare and their livelihoods.
users in social security
services. NPoA-SSF Guidelines
implementation report.
4.2 Fishers’ Well-established small- Establish small scale fisher’s A number of established small A few fisheries 2026 USD
cooperatives scale fishers’ cooperatives and related scale fisher’s cooperatives and cooperatives and 700,000
provide cooperatives and organizations. organizations. organizations exist,
assistance to organizations. although they are still in
small-scale . their infancy.
fishers, fish
workers and other
needy fishers,
Legal mandates Incorporate the legal The legal mandates of fishers’
delegated to fishers’ mandates of fishers’ cooperatives and organizations
cooperatives under cooperatives and incorporated in the Fisheries
the Fisheries Act so organizations so that they Act/Regulations
that they can provide can provide support in terms
goods and services of goods and services to
fishers in the Fisheries
4.3 Rescue and Rescue centres Develop rescue centres along A number of rescue centres in Most of water bodies do 2022 – USD
safety allocated at strategic various water bodies. different water bodies. not have rescues centres 2025 155,000
mechanisms are points of different and safety mechanisms.
in place and water bodies.
accordingly. Safety equipment Safety equipment accessed A number of fishers accessing
available. by fishers and sold at affordable safety equipment.
reasonable prices.
4.4 Small scale Small fishers and fish Develop/review both formal Formal and informal Majority of small scale 2023 – USD Ministry of
fishers and workers have and informal arrangements arrangements for fishers’ rights fishers are not getting 2035 500,000 Labour, MLF,
marginalized contracts with their on fishers’ rights and exist and accessed. their basic rights including LGAs and
groups access employers are being strengthen them. decent work. Development
their basic rights paid reasonable partners
including decent salaries.
work. Affordable social Encourage different Fishers earning their livelihoods
protection services institutions to support fishers’ and other basic services.
are available in welfare and create a
fishing communities. conducive/enabling
environment for fishers to
earn their livelihoods.
Develop a mechanism of Important information for small
accessing information on the scale fishers is available and
size of the fisheries sector accessed.
and socio-economic status of
small scale fishers.
Operational objective 5: To ensure that fish and fishery products are properly handled, processed and preserved to reduce post-harvest loss.
5.1 Post-harvest Reduced post-harvest Enhance introduction of Use of technology to reduce post- Various initiatives are 2024 – USD MLF, PS and
loss reduced loss in terms of quality improved and appropriate harvest loss. undertaken to reduce 2033 550,000 Fishing
along the and quantity through technology and techniques post-harvest loss for communities
important responsible fishing for fish and fishery products artisanal fishers,
nodes of the practices and value chain (fishing, although the problem
value chain infrastructure handling, processing, is not resolved yet.
such as development. preservation and marketing).
handling, Improving skills and Presence of infrastructure/facilities.
processing, knowledge of good product
storing and handling from processing
trading. practices to supply chain
Develop strategies to reduce
post-harvest loss along the
fisheries value chain.
Reducing the post-harvest
loss by opening up off-shore
Support Fisheries value
chains affected by climate
change e.g.
coolers/insulated containers
to improve the conservation
of fish products.
Operational objective 6: Enhance social services for sustainable development of fisheries sector.
6.1 Basic social Fishing community family Promoting social services in Schools constructed for fishing There are no basic 2022 – USD MLF, LGAs,
services, access clean water and fishing camps and villages. communities. services such as school 2029 750,000 Ministry of
including clean their children attend and clean water in Health,
water supply schools. fishing communities’ Education,
and schools camps/villages. Finance,
are available in CSOs,
Clean water facilities available in
fishing CFMAs and
fishing communities.
communities BMUs.
staying in
remote areas
on isolated
The FSMP matrix provides the basis for monitoring and evaluating the plan
with respect to the baseline and outputs/outcomes. The monitoring and
evaluation mechanism also provides a clear direction for the ongoing
implementation of this master plan. Through monitoring and evaluation, the
FSMP will be a living document as it focuses on the higher-level outcomes
expected from the fisheries sector (the goals, objectives and results) for the
fifteen-year period, i.e., from 2021 to 2036. Monitoring and evaluation will
also provide indicators that could be used to measure progress. A
comprehensive evaluation and review process will be undertaken by
external agents in 2036 or thereabouts. The Fisheries Division and the
Department of Policy and Planning will develop an annual work plan, which
will be used to guide implementation and reporting on the activities done in
a year. The Division’s annual work plan will be drawn from the activities in
the master plan for each year. It is important to observe the types of targets
envisaged as well as the timeframe and resources provided for carrying out
a specific activity.
9.2.1 Monitoring
The Committee will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of the
FSMP. It will periodically/regularly audit and monitor the implementation.
The Policy and Planning Department is supposed to prepare a master plan
monitoring programme and reporting guidelines for all the officers doing
various activities/projects related to the FSMP.
9.2.2 Evaluation
There will be two types of evaluations of the FSMP, namely internal
evaluation and external evaluation. Internal evaluations will be carried out
once every five years using internal evaluators who are responsible for
implementing the FSMP. External evaluations will involve both mid-term and
terminal evaluations; the former will be done after seven and a half years
and the latter at the end of the FSMP period. Both evaluations will use
external evaluators. One of the roles of the Committee will be to prepare
detailed terms of reference (ToRs) to guide the evaluations. The ToRs will
include (i) the subject of evaluation, (ii) technical skills and experience of
those evaluating the master plan, (iii) the methodology to be used in data
collection, sampling procedures and indicators and (iv) data analysis and
evaluation of the achievements and failures.
Both internal and external evaluations will have similar Terms of Reference
(ToRs) focusing on the following aspects:
(i) achievement of the set objectives and target outcomes of the FSMP;
(ii) reasons for the success or failure of specific aspects of the FSMP;
(iii) contribution of the master plan to a better fulfilment of the Mission
and Vision of the fisheries sector;
(iv) adequacy of the resources being mobilized to implement the FSMP;
(v) how efficient the resources were used to achieve the set objectives;
(vi) the challenges and problems encountered during the implementation
of the FSMP; and
(vii) the lessons learnt and experience gained from implementing the
will be shared with various stakeholders for their comments and advice on
the way forward.
Chande, M.A., Kimirei, I.A., Igulu, M.M., Kuguru, B., Kayanda, R.,
Mwakosya, C., Kangwe, S.J., Sululu, J. & Ulotu, E. (2019).
Assessment of the impacts of artisanal fishing gears on near shore
fish stocks along coastal waters off the Kilwa – Mafia seascape in
Tanzania. Regional Studies in Marine Science 27(3).
FAO. 1995. Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. Rome: FAO. 41p.
Also available at:
FAO. 2003. Fish Stock Assessment Manual. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper
No. 393. Rome: FAO, 161p.
FAO. 2020. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture: Sustainability in
Action. Rome: FAO.
LTA. 2015. Lake Tanganyika Authority, Regional Plan of Action for the
Management of Fishing Capacity in Lake Tanganyika. (RPOA-
Capacity) LTA, Bujumbura.
LVFO. 2007. LVFO Regional Plan of Action for the Management of Fishing
Capacity in Lake Victoria (RPOA-Capacity). Jinja: Lake Victoria
Fisheries Organization, Jinja.
Mgaya, Y.D. & Mahongo, S.B. (Editors). 2017. Lake Victoria Fisheries
Resources: Research and Management in Tanzania. Monographiae
Biologicae 93, Cham:
Springer, 287p.
TAFIRI. 2017. Report on Lake Victoria Catch Assessment Survey for
September, 2017. TAFIRI Regional Working Group Report.
UK/SADC. 1995. The Fishery Potential and Productivity of the Pelagic Zone
of Lake Malawi/Niassa: Scientific Report of the UK/SADC Pelagic
Fish Resource Assessment Project, 1991–1995.
URT. 1996. The Local Government Reform Agenda 1996–2000. The United
Republic of Tanzania. Prime Minister’s Office. Local Government
Reform Component, Civil Service Reform Secretariat Civil Service
Department. President Office’s Office. Dar es salaam, URT, 73p.
1.1 Background of the New Fisheries Master Plan
In 2002, the Government of Tanzania introduced its first Fisheries Master
Plan (FMP), which was phased out in 2015. This FMP (2002–2015) was
developed with financial support from the Japanese International
Cooperation Agency (JICA). It was aimed at ensuring proper development
of Tanzania’s fisheries sector. In the previous master plan, more emphasis
was placed on capture fisheries and on a few cross-cutting issues; the most
important aspects of aquaculture development were left out. A good
example is the inclusion of only one programme on aquaculture extension in
the first FMP. The new FMP was developed following the expiration of the
first FMP in 2015. In the new FMP (2021–2036) most of the issues relating
to the development of aquaculture in the country will be fully addressed. The
main purpose of this new master plan, which will last for 15 years, i.e. 2021–
2036, is to provide overall guidance on sustainable management and
development of fisheries and aquaculture in mainland Tanzania. The
development of the new master plan (aquaculture) was guided by the
principles of the Ecosystem Approach to Aquaculture (EAA). The principles
of the EAA require the participation of stakeholders along the entire
aquaculture value chain and from other related sectors. The EAA also uses
an integrated approach that allows for trade-offs when one is balancing the
human (socio-economic) well-being and the ecological (fish and
environment) well-being through good governance (legal and institutional
achievement of the goals of TDV 2025. Under FYDP III, the development of
aquaculture is considered as one of the key interventions for deepening
industrialization and improving and expanding social service provision in the
country. It emphasizes the transformation of aquaculture through the
modernization of the sub-sector and investment in support of infrastructure
and facilities, including the promotion of commercial aquaculture production
and of research-extension-aquafarmer linkages. Within the framework of the
National Fisheries Policy of 2015, this master plan is a comprehensive plan
for strategic development of aquaculture in mainland Tanzania for the period
from 2021 to 2036. It is aimed at making sure that aquaculture is developed
in mainland Tanzania to increase productivity for the purpose of achieving
sustainable national food security and nutrition, farmers’ income and
economic development. It is expected that this master plan will facilitate:
i) long-term, sustainable development of the aquaculture sub-sector;
ii) mobilization of resources for the development of aquaculture;
iii) the effectiveness of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries (MLF)
and other key stakeholders in enhancing the profile, performance
and impact of aquaculture; and
iv) compliance of mainland Tanzania with the requirements of the
African Union (AU), East African Community (EAC) and its organs,
Southern African Development Community (SADC), and
international agreements related to the aquaculture sub-sector.
The current market price of farmed tilapia, which is the most common
farmed fish species in Tanzania, is about TZS 7,000 to 9,000/kg (USD 3.45
to 3.88). This price is more than twice that of tilapia in Egypt, i.e. USD 1.45-
1.50/kg. Egypt is the largest market in Africa. The fish farming value chain in
Tanzania also consists of middlemen who buy fish from farmers at a farm
gate price of around TZS 6,000/kg (USD 2.59). It is anticipated that the
expansion of aquaculture in Tanzania will involve large aquaculture farms,
which will bypass the middleman and be able to supply fish directly to
consumers. This will be possible if the inputs that are most important to the
development of aquaculture are made available. This is one of the main
areas on which the new FMP (Aquaculture) focuses. The inputs include
feed, which is the most expensive component of operating costs in
aquaculture. Tanzania has most of the key ingredients for fish feed-making
formulations compared to countries such as Egypt, which imports most of
the ingredients. For example, in Kenya the cost of fish feed is around USD
0.97/kg fish. It is most likely that the cost of fish feed production in Tanzania
may be like that of Kenya. The cost of feed is around 65% of the total
production costs. Total production cost in Kenya therefore, is around USD
1.49 per kilo of fish produced.
1.3 Methodology
1.3.1 Towards the development of the Fisheries Master Plan
The fisheries master plan (aquaculture) is an outcome of several processes
and the culmination of the government’s review of its first fisheries master
plan (FMP, 2002–2015). The review was done concurrently with the
preparation of a new fisheries master plan. The review of the first fisheries
master plan identified key strategic actions and included them in the new
fisheries master plan. The new master plan, which will last for 15 years, will
serve as a road map and provide direction for the sustainable development
of aquaculture. Prior to the development of the new master plan, the
government prepared a baseline report on the status of the fisheries and
aquaculture industry in the country. The baseline report provided the status
of biomass, a description of the marine and inland capture fisheries trends,
aquaculture production, the economic importance of the fisheries, fisheries
management, training in fisheries-related issues, research and extension
services. The other areas covered included fisheries and aquaculture
infrastructure; fish and fishery products; quality assurance and standards;
market analysis; monitoring, control and surveillance; and opportunities and
challenges in the fisheries and aquaculture sector in the country. The
baseline study also involved a SWOC (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities
and challenges) analysis for the development of aquaculture. The results of
the analysis were used in developing the new fisheries master plan.
of the country such as areas around Lake Victoria, Tanganyika and Nyasa,
small water bodies, and the coastal areas of the Indian Ocean. During the
zonal workshops the participants identified 17 potential issues, prioritized
them and developed operational objectives. Thereafter, key interventions
were formulated for the operational objectives developed from all 17 issues
that had been identified. The interventions were then prioritized at a
workshop attended by key stakeholders. The issues and their operational
objectives are presented in Section 6 of this master plan.
The EAA utilizes the principles of sustainable development and under the
EAA, the word “sustainable” includes socio-economic considerations and
their interaction with ecological ones. In other words, under the EAA, both
the social and biophysical or ecological dimensions of ecosystems are
closely linked, which means that a disruption of one system is most likely to
cause a disruption or change in the other.
Source: FAO, 2010
2.1 Global Overview (Scale, Diversity and Recent Profile of
Worldwide, aquaculture was a growing, vibrant and important sector for
producing high protein food. In 2018, the global production of fish from
aquaculture, including finfishes, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic
animals for human consumption, reached 114.5 million tonnes, live weight,
with a farm gate sale of USD 263.6 billion (FAO, 2020). The total production
of fish through aquaculture was 82.1 million tonnes of aquatic animals, 32.4
million tonnes of aquatic algae and 26,000 tonnes of ornamental seashells
and pearls (FAO, 2020).
Over the years, the average annual growth rate of total food fish
consumption has grown at a fast rate of 3.1 percent compared to the annual
population growth rate of 1.6 percent. Per capita fish consumption increased
up to about 20.5 kg in 2018 from 9.0 kg in 1961. Increases in aquaculture
production, technological advancements, rising incomes, reductions in loss
and waste, and increased awareness of the health benefits of fish contribute
to the increase in the consumption of fish worldwide. At the global level, fish
accounted for about 17 percent of total animal protein and 7 percent of all
proteins consumed in 2017. Furthermore, fish provided about 3.3 billion
people with almost 20 percent of their average per capita intake of animal
protein. During this period, the lowest per capita fish consumption was
recorded in Africa, where it peaked at 10.5 kg in 2014, but declined to 9.9 kg
in 2017.
animal protein supplies in around 20 African countries (FAO, 2017). Egypt,
Nigeria, Uganda and Ghana are the leading aquaculture producers in Africa
(if we do not consider the algae production of Eucheuma denticulatum in
Zanzibar); they contribute about 93% of the total regional fish production
(FAO, 2021; Table 1). Like other continents, Africa has recently experienced
a diet transformation towards an increasing demand for animal protein such
as meat and fish (Zhou and Staatz, 2016). In most countries in sub-Saharan
Africa (SSA), this transformation has led to an increase in the consumption
of fish to about 25-50% (Cai and Leung, 2017). Most of the fish eaten in
many countries in SSA come from inland capture fisheries.
Production (Africa) share
Country (MT) % Global share %
Egypt 1,641,949 68.55 1.37
Nigeria 289,543 12.09 0.24
Zanzibar 104,635 4.37 0.09
Uganda 102,943 4.30 0.09
Ghana 52,360 2.19 0.04
Zambia 38,480 1.61 0.03
Tunisia 22,893 0.96 0.02
Kenya 18,950 0.79 0.02
Mainland 18,013 0.75 0.01
Source: FAO (2021). Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics. Global production
by production source 1950-2019 (FishstatJ). In: FAO Fisheries Division
[online]. Rome. Updated 2021.
Figure 2: Aquaculture Production Trends in Africa.
government include creating an enabling business environment by taking
steps such as expediting, coordinating and adopting policy reforms to create
a conducive environment for aquaculture to thrive as a business opportunity
(Satia, 2011). Several African countries have developed and adopted
aquaculture-centred policies and strategic frameworks to guide the
development of aquaculture (Machena and Moehl, 2001).
Soft credits and incentives are provided in some African countries. Initiatives
have been undertaken to conduct research on aquaculture in Africa.
Specifically, the research focuses on species characterization, selective
breeding and low-cost diet production (Satia, 2011). Fast aquaculture
technology transfer via farmer-to-farmer pathways and through the on-the-
farm participatory research approach using model farms and private
enterprises managed under the auspices of the Special Programme for
Aquaculture Development in Africa (SPADA) has been witnessed in some
sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries (Cocker, 2014). However, extension
services are generally inadequate and weak; therefore, there is a pressing
need to develop and strengthen the links between research and
development (Satia, 2011). Emphasis has also been placed on supporting
private sector-led production and delivery of major aquaculture inputs such
as seeds and feed. Some countries have also established feed
manufacturing plants and aquaculture equipment distribution centres (Koge
et al., 2018). Other initiatives include the formation of aquaculture
associations for information transfer, knowledge exchange and facilitation of
aquaculture-related activities (Satia, 2017). Likewise, in some countries
support service delivery, economies of scale, reduction of transaction costs
and competitiveness have been facilitated by aquafarmers’ clusters (Satia,
production of fish in capture fisheries and aquaculture reflects a typical
global trend. Whereas fish production in capture fisheries has almost
stagnated since 1990, aquaculture has been on a steady rise since 1970
(Figure 3). The recent aquaculture production data from the Ministry of
Livestock and Fisheries (MLF) shows a similar growing trend (Figure 4).
This is an encouraging trend, given the need for more fish in the future due
to population growth, increase of income resulting in more animal protein in
the diet. The increased demand for fish is coupled with the fact that there is
no likely expectation of much growth of fish from capture fisheries (most of
the fish stocks are exploited at, or over their MSY). Hence, the needed
increase of fish supply will have to come from aquaculture. Therefore, the
government is committed to making efforts to promote the development of
aquaculture in the country. The government’s efforts will mostly be focused
on the commercialization of aquaculture through public-private partnerships.
30 3
20 2
10 1
0 0
Figure 4: Aquaculture production trends in Tanzania
The current total annual fish production in Tanzania (freshwater and marine)
is around 473,592 metric tonnes/year. These metric tonnes of fish are worth
2.38 trillion shillings which is equivalent to USD 1.03 billion. Aquaculture
contributes 18,717 metric tonnes/year. These metric tonnes of fish are worth
149.7 billion shillings which is equivalent to USD 642,820.18, which is
equivalent to about 3.95% of total fish production (URT, 2020/2021). In
Tanzania, aquaculture mostly produces Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
and, to some extent, the African sharptooth catfish (Clarias gariepinus) as
well. Most of the freshwater fish come from pond farming, which is followed
by cage farming. The production from these aquaculture systems, which is
available to local communities, cannot meet demand. Thus, aquaculture is
expected to fill the ever-widening gap between demand and supply. The
development of aquaculture will increase the supply of fish in Tanzania and
will have other socio-economic benefits to the society, besides reducing
fishing pressure on natural waters.
3.2 Legal Framework
3.2.1 Fisheries Act No. 22 of 2003
The micro- and macro-economic policy changes, new challenges and
opportunities for developing aquaculture have necessitated review of
Fisheries Act No. 22 of 2003 and its principal Regulations of 2009. Mostly,
the law regulates the development of fisheries, but it has a few clauses that
regulate aquaculture.
of Tanzania Foods and Drugs Authority (TFDA). TBS now regulates the
registration of food and cosmetic products, the licensing of premises, import
and export activities, inspection of premises, disposal of unfit products,
recall of products from the market, post marketing surveillance, surveillance
of food-borne diseases and control of advertisements. Therefore,
aquaculture products are regulated by TBS.
4.1 History of the Development of Aquaculture in Tanzania
In Tanzania, modern freshwater aquaculture started in 1949 when the
rainbow trout (Onchorynchus mykiss) was introduced in the northern and
southern highland regions. At the time, the government supported
communities through the provision of fingerlings, as well as technical and
financial assistance. This arrangement continued to the post-independence
period. However, most aquaculture farms collapsed owing to the
government’s failure to provide fingerlings and extension services due to
inadequate personnel and funds. Only a few aquaculture projects such as
those in Ruvuma Region continued to provide the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis
niloticus) fingerlings because they had external technical and financial
assistance. The production of farmed fish is very low because farmers do
extensive production with little or no application of supplementary feed and
because of poor farm management. For example, Ruvuma Region is among
the leading regions in fish farming in the country. It had 3500 ponds with a
total area of less than 370,000 square meters that produce only 400 metric
tonnes of fish annually.
Tanga, Mafia, Rufiji, Kilwa and Zanzibar. Prawns/shrimps are cultivated in
Table 2: Potential areas for cage aquaculture in Tanzania.
Generally, natural resources (water, land and climate) suitable for the
development of aquaculture are available in mainland Tanzania where
about 90% of land mass is suitable for commercial fish farming (Aguilar-
Manjarrez and Nath, 1998). Despite the presence of such natural resources,
this sub-sector has not attained major development mainly because of
inadequate affordable quality seeds and feeds, a high price of industrial
feeds, inadequate technical knowledge among farmers, unreliable financial
capital, a weak data collection system and lack of business skills.
Figure 5: Pond farming (a) and Cage farming (b).
a b
gariepinus) is also cultured in monoculture or in polyculture with tilapia
(Figure 8).
Figure 8: Sea weeds (top left), prawns (top right) and milkfish (bottom).
4.5 Financial Services and Incentives
The government introduced a market-oriented and private sector-driven
National Aquaculture Development Strategy (NADS, 2018), a business-
friendly law (Fisheries Act, 2003) and a free-market economy policy
(Fisheries Policy of 2015). It has also removed either value added tax or
import duty or both from most aquaculture inputs, including:
i) Fish nets for hapas, cages, scoop nets, for fry and harvesting nets);
ii) Formulated fish feed (fry, starter, grower and finisher);
iii) Live feed (algae, rotifers, and artemia cysts);
iv) Hormones for sex reversal and artificial propagation;
v) Aerators (air pumps, air blower, paddle wheel aerators, aspirator
aerators, air diffusers, submersible aerators, vertical pump aerators);
vi) Fish egg incubation jars; and
vii) Pond liners.
has continued to set aside funds for the development of aquaculture. For
example, apart from other charges (OC), the budget for the development of
aquaculture increased from TZS 500 million (USD 215,647.84) in 2018/2019
to TZS 3.0 billion (USD 1,293,887.84) in 2021/2022.
During this period, public hatchery facilities were improved and new ones
established. There are six government aquaculture development centres
(ADCs) countrywide, out of which five are freshwater centres. They are
Kingolwira in Morogoro (Figure 9), Ruhila in Ruvuma, Mwamapuli in Tabora,
Nyengedi in Lindi, Rubambagwe in Geita and Machui in Tanga. They are
intended to increase the availability of aquaculture seeds. The main
functions of these centres are:
i) promotion of investment in sustainable aquaculture production in
various parts of the country in the context of rural aquaculture
ii) capacity building;
iii) development and transfer of appropriate aquaculture technology; and
iv) distribution of aquaculture inputs to various stakeholders to stimulate
the development of aquaculture.
During this period, initiatives were also undertaken to make the private
sector produce fingerlings and feed. There are 28 hatcheries and 13 fish
feed manufacturing plants owned by private companies. However, the
majority of fingerlings comes from private sector, which gives room for the
expansion of this sector in the country. The number of people farming
aquatic organisms reached 30,064 in 2020/2021 (URT, 2020/2021). Apart
from pond farming, cage culture farming is also promoted in various waters.
By 2020/2021, a total of 473 cage farms had been opened in the country:
Lake Victoria (362), Lake Tanganyika (9), Nyasa (1) and other smaller water
bodies (101). The production of fingerlings increased from only 400 in 2002
to about 20,040,000 in 2020/2021 (URT, 2020/2021). Private hatcheries
produced 17,206,752 fingerlings and public hatcheries produced 2,833,605
fingerlings. The estimated demand for fish fingerlings in mainland Tanzania
stood at around 40,000,000; therefore, there is a deficit of around
19,960,000 fingerlings. In 2020/2021 the amount of fish feed produced
stood at 1,182.47 metric tonnes, of which 710 metric tonnes was non-
extruded feeds locally produced and 472.47 metric tonnes was imported
extruded feeds. The estimated demand for fish feed stood at 6,108 metric
tonnes, with a deficit of 4,925.53 metric tonnes (URT, 2020/2021).
Figure 9: Kingolwira Aquaculture Development Centre in Morogoro.
5.2 Challenges
Generally, most of the activities on aquaculture extension programme,
especially those planned for Morogoro Region, were partially implemented
because of inadequate funds and lack of proper coordination among the key
agencies. The fact that the master plan emphasized more capture fisheries
activities resulted in a few aquaculture activities being implemented.
Moreover, the master plan itself lacked a clear implementation plan which
would have provided specific guidance on how it should be implemented,
including a timeframe for each programme.
2. Low investment in commercial aquaculture.
7.1 Vision, Mission and Goal of the FMP for Aquaculture
7.1.1 Vision
By the year 2036 there should be an aquaculture sub-sector in the country,
which is largely commercially run, vibrant, diversified and sustainable and
which uses highly productive aquaculture resources to ensure food security,
employment and increased incomes for households and the nation at large,
while at the same time conserving the environment.
7.1.2 Mission
Establishing a diverse aquaculture sub-sector in which resources are
developed and managed sustainably for maximum economic growth and
improved livelihoods.
7.1.3 Goal
To reduce poverty and unemployment, and to increase incomes and food
continue to regulate the quality of seeds being produced by the public and
private sector. Research and training institutions will be supported with
sufficient funds, personnel and research equipment throughout the
implementation period of this master plan so that they can carry out
research and provide technology to improve the quality of the already
cultured species and develop culture technology for new species of
commercial importance. Procedures for establishing seed certification will
be put in place by the Aquaculture Division in collaboration with other
institutions such as Tanzania Bureau of Standards to prevent the supply of
poor quality seeds.
Aquaculture requires several other inputs. The inputs include, inter alia,
chemicals, equipment such as aerators, graders, water and air pumps,
diffusers, various types of fish nets for making hapas and cages, feeders
and packing materials. When these inputs are available, aquaculture can
be expanded. Incentives will be provided for importers and suppliers of
aquaculture inputs and equipment in order to support aquaculture
investment. The private sector will be encouraged to invest in the
aquaculture input trade under the general framework of attracting
investments. Specific operational objectives for addressing issues related
to aquaculture inputs are listed below:
Strategic Interventions
(i) Establishing breeding programmes (quality brooders) and centres
for raising the production of freshwater and marine farmed species.
(ii) Developing national centres for information system and
safeguarding gene banks.
(iii) Establishing hatcheries for freshwater and marine seed production.
(iv) Facilitating access of fish seed and feed.
(v) Supporting building the capacity (experts, funds, technology,
facilities) of seed and feed producers.
(vi) Promoting private sector to establish more freshwater and marine
(vii) Promoting private sector to establish more fish feed plants.
(viii) Encouraging local industries to manufacture aquaculture to
(ix) Developing national freshwater and marine aquaculture best
management practice programmes for both breeders and hatchery
(x) Establishing an inventory of chemicals and equipment used in
aquaculture activities.
(xi) Enhancing exemption and subsidy taxes and levies on chemicals
equipment used in aquaculture activities.
Proposed actions
(i) Develop breeding programmes (quality brooders) and establish
centres for raising the production of fresh water and marine farmed
(ii) Coordinate and promote the establishment of public-private
(iii) Establish and strengthen the existing cooperative unions and
associations so that they produce quality and affordable
aquaculture seeds and feed.
(iv) Provide incentives to seed and feed producers.
(v) Create an enabling environment to promote investment in
hatcheries and feed plants.
(vi) Undertake research to identify suitable cultured marine fish
(vii) Improve the fish seed and feed supply chains to ease access
among aquafarmers.
(viii) Support capacity building (experts, funds, technology, facilities) of
seed and feed producers.
(ix) Sensitize the private sector to establish fresh water and marine
(x) Develop national fresh water and marine aquaculture best
management practice programmes for both breeders and hatchery
(xi) Prepare and submit an inventory of chemicals and equipment used
in aquaculture activities to the relevant authorities.
(xii) Exempt and subsidize taxes and levies on chemicals and equipment
used in aquaculture activities.
7.3.2 Thematic area two: Improving research and training
Aquaculture can be transformed through research innovations, and
technology development and transfer. This is because aquaculture is a
technology-driven sector. Client responsive research, efficient packaging
and the transfer of cost-effective technologies to users are an important
lubricant of an aquaculture development process. Sufficient support in
research and training, including the technologies needed, will be guided by
the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Agenda (2020-2025).
Research and technology development priorities for aquaculture will be
practice-based, foster sustainability and be developed in collaboration with
the industry. Aquaculture research and technology development will be
closely linked to the private-sector needs to stimulate the development of
vessels, equipment, chemicals, reagents and consumables. The human
resources in the research and training institutions will be supported by
improving their training and research skills, and by recruiting new ones. A
competitive scheme of service should be developed for the fisheries and
aquaculture research and training cadres in the public sector. Specifically,
this thematic area will be addressed through the following operational
Inadequate research and training capacity.
Strategic interventions
(i) Supporting training to aquaculture personnel on applied research.
(ii) Supporting capacity building in research centres.
(iii) Supporting capacity building in data collection, processing and
analysis, and dissemination of research findings.
Proposed actions
(i) Support the capacity building to do applied research.
(ii) Establish a National Aquaculture Information System (NAIS) to
provide vital data for aquaculture planning, monitoring and
(iii) Establish new research centres, recruit new staff and train them.
(iv) Supporting research institutions to establish Technology Transfer
Units to facilitate use of research findings.
(v) Develop a monitoring and evaluation framework.
Inadequate research and training capacity.
Strategic interventions
(i) Supporting capacity building in research and training institutions.
(ii) Soliciting sufficient funds for fisheries and aquaculture research
and training.
Proposed actions
(i) Improve the training and research skills of the existing ones and
recruit new ones.
(ii) Develop a competitive scheme of service for the fisheries and
aquaculture research and training cadres in the public sector.
(iii) Improve infrastructure in research and training institutions through
the provision of research facilities such as buildings, vehicles,
research and training vessels, equipment, chemicals, reagents
and consumables.
(iv) Provide adequate funds for fisheries and aquaculture research
and training (both public and private), so that they can conduct
aquaculture, demand-driven, basic and applied research.
(v) Support fisheries and aquaculture training institutions, including
higher learning institutions (both public and private), so that they
can train more research and extension service personnel.
(vi) Support establishment of Technology Transfer Units by research
(i) Inadequate extension services and use of research findings.
(ii) Inadequate aquaculture data and information.
Strategic interventions
(i) Supporting capacity building in aquaculture extension.
(ii) Supporting establishment of new aquaculture development
centres (ADCs) in strategic areas along the coast and around
major lakes.
(iii) Promoting establishment of aquaculture field schools to facilitate
dissemination of aquaculture best management practices (BMPs)
and research findings.
(iv) Supporting data collection, monitoring and evaluation of
aquaculture programmes.
(v) Supporting seaweed farmers with sufficient technical skills and
financial inputs.
(vi) Establishing an enabling environment to boost commercial
seaweed farming.
Proposed actions
(i) Strengthen the existing ADCs.
(ii) Improve extension services by re-tooling extension officers with
respect to aquaculture BMPs.
(iii) Establish new ADCs in strategic areas along the coast and
around major lakes.
(iv) Establish aquaculture field schools to facilitate dissemination of
aquaculture BMPs and research findings.
(v) Establish aquaculture field schools in selected districts with
potential aquafarmers, including the youth and women.
(vi) Establish annual Aquafarmers’ Week for researchers, extension
officers, aquafarmers and other stakeholders to enhance
information exchange.
(vii) Strengthen the competitiveness of the Aquaculture Division by
providing facilities at headquarters and all work stations, and
equip staff with required knowledge, resources and institutional
support structure for effective, decentralized governance.
(viii) Support capacity building in data collection, processing and
analysis, and disseminate findings.
(ix) Support seaweed farmers with sufficient technical skills and
financial inputs.
(x) Establish an enabling environment to boost commercial seaweed
Operational objective 1: To support the development of infrastructure
for handling, storing and processing fish, and the development
of a marketing information system.
Limited post-harvest handling facilities and market for aquaculture
Strategic intervention
Promoting establishment of mechanisms and infrastructure for
reducing post-harvest loss of aquaculture products.
Proposed actions
(i) Promote harvesting, storage, transportation and cold chain facilities.
(ii) Establish a marketing information system for aquaculture products.
(iii) Promote and strengthen aquafarmers’ organizations to enhance the
bulking of produce and collective bargaining power.
(iv) Develop and promote use of protocols for post-harvest handling of
aquaculture products to maintain the quality and safety of products.
(v) Develop new aquaculture products.
Strategic interventions
(i) Establishing quality control mechanisms to certify and accredit
aquaculture products.
(ii) Supporting capacity building for developing codes of conduct,
certification and accreditation schemes.
Proposed actions
(i) Develop quality control guidelines to certify and accredit
aquaculture products.
(ii) Build capacity to develop codes of conduct, and certification and
accreditation schemes.
plans. The process of aquatic spatial planning involves analysing and
allocating the spatial and temporal distribution of human activities in
particular aquatic areas. Spatial planning helps to achieve specified
ecological, economic and social objectives. Through spatial planning
decision makers are provided with accurate information and maps regarding
the geography, environmental characteristics and activities undertaken in a
particular environment. Spatial planning then helps decision makers to
better plan for increased existing and new uses. In spatial planning tools
such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing and
mapping for data management, analysis, modelling and decision-making are
used. Thus, spatial planning in aquaculture will be done to prevent conflicts
with other stakeholders since physical space is involved. Spatial planning
process for aquaculture zoning will be done in accordance with Ecosystem
Approach to Aquaculture (EAA) and in applying the VGGT -Guidelines
which provide the conceptual guidelines for spatial planning and
in aquaculture raised by stakeholders and included in this master plan. The
following operational objectives will be used to address the issues related to
the promotion of investment in aquaculture:
Conflicts among aquaculture practitioners with other stakeholders on
use of natural resources (water, land, wetland, forest, intertidal).
Strategic intervention
Introducing zonation and spatial planning in aquaculture.
Proposed actions
(i) Develop zoning guidelines.
(ii) Establish spatial mapping, profiling and zoning of aquaculture
production sites.
(iii) Provide training and promotion of spatial planning among decision-
makers and technical staff.
(iv) Harmonize the coordination of water users.
(v) Develop codes of conduct for zone users to ensure proper
management of activities in the zone.
Inadequate financial capital for carrying out aquaculture activities.
Strategic interventions
(i) Encouraging financial institutions and credit facilities to provide soft
loans and other financial services to aquafarmers.
(ii) Promoting an understanding of basic aspects of the aquaculture
industry on the part of the lending and financial institutions.
(iii) Developing mechanisms for reduction of risks associated with
aquaculture activities.
Supporting private sector involvement in aquaculture activities by
addressing constraints that impede investment.
(i) Establish an aquaculture development fund.
Proposed actions
(i) Sensitize stakeholders to establish aquafarmers’ cooperatives.
(ii) Support the establishment of a fisheries and aquaculture
cooperative bank.
(iii) Equip aquafarmers with entrepreneurial skills.
(iv) Promote and establish special credit facilities for commercial
(v) Link aquaculture investors with financial institutions.
(vi) Provide an understanding of aquaculture activities to financing
(vii) Develop strategies for reducing risks associated with aquaculture
(viii) Create a conductive environment for private sector involvement in
Low investment in commercial aquaculture.
Strategic intervention
Promoting and supporting private sector to invest in commercial
Proposed actions
(i) Review and harmonize the relevant laws.
(ii) Support the establishment of One Stop Centres (OSCs) to
facilitate investment in the industry.
(iii) Create aquaculture investment promotion forums to link the
actors along the aquaculture value chain.
(iv) Provide incentives to investors.
(v) Establish aquaculture incubation programmes to nurture new
graduates, especially the youth and women.
Few and weak cooperatives and associations, as well as low
participation of the youth and women in aquaculture activities.
Strategic interventions
(i) Encouraging youth, women and marginalized groups to form
aquafarmer cooperatives and associations.
(ii) Encouraging aqua-famers to form cooperatives to enable them
access soft loan from financial institutions.
Proposed actions
(i) Establish new cooperatives and associations and strengthen the
existing ones.
(ii) Create awareness on the benefits accrued from cooperatives and
Genetic pollution caused by aquaculture practices.
Strategic interventions
(i) Promoting genetic screening programme of wild and hatchery
farmed strains.
(ii) Promoting awareness programmes on genetic pollution caused
by aquaculture practices.
(iii) Developing guidelines for introducing, stocking and re-stocking in
natural water bodies.
Proposed actions
(i) Train aquaculture personnel in fish taxonomy.
(ii) Establish and implement genetic screening programme of wild
and hatchery farmed strains.
(iii) Prepare guidelines for management of juveniles, brood-stock and
introduction of alien species.
(iv) Create awareness on genetic pollution caused by aquaculture
(v) Reinforce measures and guidelines for transporting fish seeds
and brooders for aquaculture practices.
(vi) Prepare and reinforce guidelines for introducing, stocking and re-
stocking in natural water bodies.
Limited monitoring, control, surveillance and prevention of aquatic
disease outbreaks and control mechanisms.
Strategic interventions
(i) Developing biosecurity strategies, programmes and guidelines for
monitoring, control and surveillance of aquatic environmental
(ii) Promoting screening of parasites and diseases.
Proposed actions
(i) Recruit and build capacity on aquatic animal health
(ii) Develop a national aquatic animal health strategy and
implementation plan.
(iii) Establish and operationalize a national aquatic disease
(iv) Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for
management of aquatic animal health.
Conflicts among aquaculture practitioners with other stakeholders on
use of natural resources (water, land, wetland, forest, intertidal).
Strategic intervention
Promoting mitigation measures in controlling pollution from
aquaculture activities.
Proposed actions
(i) Establish a national inter-sectoral coordination committee to
control the quality of water and environmental degradation.
(ii) Harmonize and implement rules and laws to reduce
anthropogenic activities.
(iii) Encourage inter-sectoral collaboration in controlling pollution
from aquaculture.
Inadequate water for aquaculture in some areas.
Strategic intervention
(i) Developing alternative water sourcing technologies in areas with
water scarcity.
(ii) Optimizing the existing culture producing technologies.
(iii) Adopting new technologies to suit our local environments.
(iv) Developing other new aquaculture technologies.
Proposed actions
(i) Establish alternative water sourcing programmes such as rainwater
harvesting, boreholes and canals.
(ii) Identify and apply alternative aquaculture technologies.
(iii) Adopt new aquaculture technologies.
Limited culture of ornamental fishes
Strategic intervention
Promoting ornamental fish culture and trade.
Proposed actions
(i) Establish an inventory of ornamental fish species from various water
bodies suitable for culture and trade.
(ii) Develop technologies for establishing an ornamental fish culture.
(iii) Provide support services to the trade in ornamental fish from
(iv) Conduct research on ornamental fish from various water bodies.
(v) Promote restocking of threatened ornamental fishes.
dealt with. As far as aquaculture is concerned, the following operational
objectives will be pursued in the process of addressing cross-cutting issues:
Inadequate awareness of aquafarmers on the existence of
communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, cholera, bilharzia, STDs
and other health hazards associated with aquaculture practices.
Strategic interventions
(i) Creating programmes advocating behavioural change and
communicable disease prevention among aquafarmers.
(ii) Provision of adequate health services and facilities for aquafarmer
Proposed actions
(i) Conduct needs assessment and provide awareness and
(ii) Develop disease prevention mechanisms in collaboration with the
relevant authorities.
(iii) Conduct research on the magnitude of communicable diseases
and health hazards associated with aquaculture practices.
Aquafarmers’ limited access to social protection, safety at sea (for
cage farmers), a decent working conditions scheme (life and
cages/insurance), inadequate rescue centres and safety equipment.
Strategic intervention
Enhancing safety at sea, and establishing decent working conditions
and social protection schemes.
Proposed actions
(i) Improve infrastructure for cage farmers.
(ii) Support aquafarmers and link them to the relevant social
protection schemes.
7.4 The Master Plan Matrix for Aquaculture for the Period
The main actions to be implemented to achieve outputs and outcomes in the
period of 15 years are presented in the matrix below (Table 4). The matrix
contains operational objectives, outcomes, outputs, actions with key
performance indicators, baseline information, key responsible institutions,
time frame and tentative budget. The baseline information indicates the
status of each item, which helps to set a clear target of implementation. The
new master plan also considers the opportunities and challenges identified
at the time of doing the SWOC analysis, the cross-cutting issues in the
baseline report and the review of the previous master plan.
Table 4: Fifteen-year master plan matrix for aquaculture: Projected major outcomes and outputs for each
operational objective and thematic area.
hatcheries/breeding freshwater and freshwater and establishing Private sector,
centres. marine seed marine fish hatcheries and NGOs.
production. seeds. breeding centres.
Established Promoting Number of The only two MLF, TCDC, 2021-2036 350
freshwater and private sector hatcheries for marine hatcheries PO-RALG,
marine hatcheries. to establish producing (Mafia and LGAs, Private
more fresh marine seeds. Machui) cannot sector, NGOs.
water and produce sufficient
marine seeds for the all
hatcheries. coastal
Presence of highly Facilitating Number of There are only 12 MLF, PO- 2021-2036 2000
motivated fish access of fish farmers, seed feed plants in the RALG, MoF,
farmers and seeds/ seed and feed and feed country, which LGAs, NGOs.
feed producers. producers produce 710
metric tonnes of
semi floating
feed. The majority
of farmers are
using on-farm
made feed,
whose quality
cannot be
Enabling Supporting MLF, PO- 2021-2036 800
environment building the RALG, LGAs,
mechanisms capacity Private sector.
created for all (experts, funds,
practitioners along technology,
the aquaculture facilities) of
value and/or supply seed and feed
chain. producers.
Promoted private Promoting MLF, PO- 2021-2025 7,650
sector to establish private sector RALG, TAFIRI,
more fish feed to establish LGAs, Private
plants. more fish feed sector.
Availability of fresh Promoting MLF, PO- 2021-2025 4,550
water and marine private sector to RALG, TAFIRI,
fish seed establish fresh LGAs, Private
hatcheries. water and sector.
A national fresh Developing MLF, PO- 2021-2028 1,750
water and marine national fresh RALG, TAFIRI,
aquaculture best water and LGAs.
management marine
practice aquaculture
programmes best
availed. management
for both
breeders and
2.1 An inventory of Establishing an List of Aquafarmers MLF, Private 2021-2025 160
Aquaculture aquaculture inputs inventory of chemicals and cannot afford sector.
inputs (other and implements chemicals and equipment aquaculture
than feeds developed and equipment used used in inputs (other than
and seeds) shared with the in aquaculture aquaculture feeds and seeds)
are available relevant authorities.
activities to the activities. because of taxes
and relevant and levies.
accessible to authorities.
all farmers. Mechanisms of Enhancing Number of
subsidizing and/or exemption and subsidized
exempting tax for subsidy taxes and/or
aquaculture inputs and levies on exempted
and implements are chemicals and items.
in place and equipment used
implemented. in aquaculture
Thematic Area Two: Improving Research and Training.
Operational objective 1: To strengthen basic and applied research for developing sustainable aquaculture industry.
Outcomes Outputs Strategic Key Baseline Responsible Timeframe Indicative
interventions performance Information Institutions Budget
indicators (USD, ‘000)
1.1 Aquaculture- Supporting Number of The current data MLF, TAFIRI, 2025-2030 1,980
Aquaculture oriented applied training to applied collection system Higher learning
implemented research supported. aquaculture research, needs further institutions,
on the basis personnel on monitoring, improvement so Private sector.
of the applied evaluation that the data is
available and research. programmes reliable and
reliable data Established/strengt Developing conducted. quality scientific
and scientific hened National national centres information is
information. information centres for information available.
and gene banks. system and Number of
safeguarding national
gene banks. centres
Established new Supporting established.
research centres capacity
and strengthened building in
the existing ones so research
that they meet centres.
Improved and Supporting
harmonized capacity
mechanisms for building on data
collecting, collection,
processing, processing,
analyzing data and analysis and
disseminating dissemination of
findings. research
Operational objective 2: To build the capacity of research and training institutions.
2.1 Research The capacity of Supporting Number of Inadequate funds MLF, PO- 2025-2030 3,200
and training research and capacity staff members, for undertaking RALG, PO-
institutions training institutions building in infrastructure research, PSMGG,
undertake to support research and and amount of providing training, LGAs, MoFP,
their functions sustainable training funds. purchasing FETA, TAFIRI,
in accordance aquaculture institutions. facilities, building Private sector.
with their development built. infrastructure and
mandate. recruiting
An on-the-job
training programme
for aquaculture
research and
training staff
developed and
Allocated adequate Soliciting
funds to fisheries sufficient funds
research and for fisheries and
training institutions.aquaculture
research and
Thematic Area Three: Improving Extension Services.
Operational objective: To enhance extension services and dissemination of research findings.
2.1 Availability Developed/strength Supporting Number of The quality of MLF, PO- 2025-2030 1,500
of high quality ened aquaculture capacity building extension aquaculture RALG, LGAs,
aquaculture development in aquaculture material, products needs to FETA, TAFIRI,
products for centres (ADCs). extension. people trained, be improved by Private sector.
domestic, policy briefs improving the
regional and Improved the skills prepared, quality of
international of aquaculture training extension.
markets. extension officers. material, services and the
Developed ADCs, data application of
incubation collected, research findings.
programmes for projects
junior aquafarmers. monitored and
Mechanisms for Supporting evaluated.
developing establishment of
aquaculture in new ADCs in
strategic areas are strategic areas
in place along the coast
and around
major lakes.
Strengthened/impro Supporting
ved extension establishment of
institutions. aquaculture field
schools to
dissemination of
BMPs and
Data collection, Supporting data
monitoring and collection,
evaluation of monitoring and
aquaculture evaluation of
programmes aquaculture
supported. programmes.
Seaweed farmers Supporting Number of 900
supported with seaweed farmers seaweed
sufficient technical with sufficient farmers
skills and financial technical skills supported and
inputs. and financial enabling
inputs. environment
Enabling Creating created.
environment enabling
created to boost environment to
commercial boost
seaweed farming. commercial
Thematic Area Four: Post-harvest Handling, Value Addition and Marketing of Aquaculture Products.
Operational objective 1: To promote the development of infrastructure for handling, storing and processing fish, and of
marketing information
Outcomes Outputs Strategic Key Baseline Responsible Timeframe Indicative
Interventions Performance Information Institutions Budget
Indicators (USD, ‘000)
1.1 Storage, Promoting Number of The quality of fish MLF, TNC, 2025-2030 2,200
Aquafarmers transportation and establishment of facilities for and fish products TAFICO,
produce high cold chain facilities mechanisms and handling, produced for both FETA, TAFIRI,
quality fish are available. infrastructure for storing and domestic and Private sector.
and reducing post- processing external markets
associated harvest loss of fish is not guaranteed
products for aquaculture established. owing to
both domestic products. inadequate and
and external Value addition unreliable
markets. technologies infrastructure for
developed and handling, storing
applied. and processing
A marketing the products.
information system
is in place.
strengthened and
Protocols for post-
harvest handling of
products developed
and promoted.
Operational objective 2: To support the development of codes of conduct, certification and an accreditation scheme for
aquaculture practitioners and products.
2.1 Mechanisms for Establishing Number of Currently, there MLF, TNC, 2025-2030 3,200
Aquafarmers quality control, and quality control codes of are no TAFICO,
can produce certification and mechanisms to conduct, and mechanisms for FETA, TAFIRI,
high quality, accreditation of certify and certification certifying and Private sector.
certified and aquaculture accredit and accrediting
accredited products aquaculture accreditation aquaculture
products. developed. products. schemes. products.
Codes of conduct Supporting
for certification and capacity building
accreditation for developing
schemes codes of
developed. conduct, and
certification and
Thematic Area Five: Spatial Planning and Promotion of Investment in Aquaculture.
Operational objective 1: To enhance an orderly and sustainable spatial planning in aquaculture.
Outcomes Outputs Strategic Key Baseline Responsible Timeframe Amount
Interventions Performance Information Institutions (USD, ‘000
1.1 Zoning guidelines Introducing Number of Currently, there is MLF, PO-RALG, 2021-2036 950
Aquaculture- developed. zonation and aquatic zones. no any spatial VPO-
related Mapped and zoned spatial planning planning Environment,
conflicts aquaculture in aquaculture. guidelines in NEMC, LGAs,
among water potential and aquaculture. Ministry of
users production sites. Water, TAFIRI,
reduced, to a Presence of Private sector.
great extent. effective multi-
sectoral conflict
coordination of
water users.
and technical staff
trained and
promoted on spatial
Developed codes of
conduct for zone
user to ensure
management of
activities in the
Operational objective 2: To enhance access to finance for aquafarmers
2.1 More Aquafarmers Encouraging Number of Few and weak MLF, PO- 2025-2036 2000
aquafarmers cooperatives aquafarmers to cooperatives cooperatives. RALG, TAFIRI,
involve in established. form formed. LGAs, TCDC,
aquaculture cooperatives to Financing
activities enable them institutions,
access soft loan Private sector.
from financial
Understanding of Provide an Number of
aquaculture understanding of financing
activities to aquaculture institutions
financing activities to providing
institutions gained. financing loans.
Operational objective 3: To create an enabling environment for investing in commercial aquaculture.
3.1 More Aquaculture Promoting and Number of Most of MLF, PO- 2025-2036 900
people (local related-laws supporting investors. aquaculture RALG, TAFIRI,
and foreign formulated, private sector to practices are of a LGAs, TCDC,
aqua-farmers) reviewed and invest in small scale and Financing
invest in harmonized on the commercial are undertaken institutions,
commercial basis of needs. aquaculture. mainly by local Private sector.
Established and farmers.
one-stop centres
investment forums
All actors along the
aquaculture value
chain linked
Tax incentives to Provide tax
investors provided incentives to
to investors investors
Operational objective 4: To promote and support the formation of aquafarmer cooperatives and associations with special emphasize
for youth and women.
4.1 The youth, Aquafarmer Encouraging Number of Aquaculture MLF, PO- 2025-2036 1,950
women and special groups’ youth, women cooperatives, activities are RALG, LGAs,
marginalized cooperatives, and and associations dominated by TCDC,
groups associations marginalized and incubation men while women financing
participate strengthened and groups to form programmes. do most of the institutions,
fully in new ones aquafarmer downstream, Private sector.
aquaculture established. cooperatives post-harvest and
activities. Established and marketing
incubation associations. activities.
programmes for
hands-on skills.
Thematic Area Six: Aquatic Environmental Health.
Operational objective 1: To strengthen the mechanisms for controlling genetic pollution.
Outcomes Outputs Strategic Key Baseline Responsible Timeframe Indicative
Interventions Performance Information Institutions Budget
Indicators (USD, ‘000)
1.1 Genetic Increased Promoting Number of There are no MLF, PO- 2025- 1,550
pollution awareness of awareness trained mechanisms for RALG, NEMC, 2030
caused by genetic pollution programmes on personnel, controlling genetic LGAs, TAFIRI,
aquaculture caused by genetic pollution centres, pollution caused FETA, Higher
practices aquaculture caused by established, by aquaculture learning
controlled. practices. aquaculture guidelines practices. institutions,
practices. developed, Private sector.
Developed and Developing and seminars
enforced guidelines guidelines for conducted.
for transporting fish introducing,
seeds, brooders, stocking and re-
stocking and re- stocking in
stocking in natural natural water
water bodies. bodies.
Operational objective 2: To enhance biosecurity strategies for monitoring, control and surveillance of aquatic environmental
2.1 Existence Biosecurity Developing Number of There are no MLF, PO- 2021-2030 850
of an strategies for biosecurity strategies specific RALG, NEMC,
improved monitoring, control strategies, developed, biosecurity LGAs, TAFIRI,
aquatic and surveillance of programmes and programmes strategies, VPO, FETA,
environment aquatic guidelines for and programmes and Higher learning
health. environmental monitoring, guidelines. guidelines for institutions,
health developed. control and improving aquatic Private sector.
National aquatic surveillance of environment
animal health aquatic health.
strategy and environmental
implementation health.
plan developed.
Guidelines for
controlling brood
stock, gametes and
juvenile production,
and introduction of
alien genotypes
Established and
programmes to
monitor, control and
prevent aquatic
diseases, parasites
and toxins.
Genetic screening Promoting Number of
programme of wild genetic genetic
and hatchery tilapia
screening screening
strains establishedprogramme of programmes.
and implemented. wild and
hatchery farmed
Operational objective 3: To enhance adherence with the inter-sectoral collaboration in controlling pollution from aquaculture.
3.1 Adherence with the Promoting Measures for At present, there MLF, PO- 2030-2036 380
Environmental inter-sectoral mitigation controlling is no reliable RALG, VPO-
degradation collaboration. measures in water quality mechanism for Environment,
owing to poor controlling and controlling NEMC, LGAs,
water quality pollution from environmental environmental Ministry of
control. aquaculture degradation. degradation Water, TAFIRI,
Harmonized and activities. Number of caused by poor Private sector.
implemented laws, rules and laws water quality
regulations and harmonized control.
rules to control and
anthropogenic implemented.
Thematic Area Seven: Aquaculture Production Technologies.
Operational objective 1: To promote development of alternative water sourcing technologies in areas with a scarcity of water.
Outcomes Outputs Strategic Key Baseline Responsible Time Amount
intervention performance information Institutions Frame (USD,000)
1.1 Alternative water Developing Number of Currently, there MLF, TAFIRI, 2021-2036 620
Aquaculture sourcing alternative water alternative are areas with FETA, Ministry
activities technologies sourcing water sourcing high demand for of water,
undertaken in established. technologies in and fish, but they face Ministry of
areas with a areas with aquaculture water scarcity. Land.
scarcity of scarce water. technologies.
water. Existing Optimizing the
aquaculture existing
technologies aquaculture
optimized. technologies
New technologies Adapting new
adapted or technologies to
adopted. suit our local
New aquaculture Developing other
technologies new aquaculture
developed. technologies.
Thematic Area Eight: Ornamental Fish Culture and Trade.
Operational objective 1: To promote and support the trade in ornamental fish.
Outcomes Outputs Strategic Key Baseline Responsible Time Amount
intervention performance information Institutions Frame (USD, 000)
1.1 Trade in Ornamental fish Promoting Number of Currently, the MLF, TAFIRI, 2025-2036 570
ornamental culture and trade ornamental fish ornamental trade in Private sector.
fish from the promoted. culture and fish culture ornamental fish is
capture and trade. and trade. allowed in various
aquaculture. water bodies,
except for Lake
Thematic Area Nine: Cross-Cutting Issues.
Operational objective 1: To sensitise aquafarmers on creating awareness on communicable diseases and health hazards
associated with
aquaculture practices.
Outcomes Outputs Strategic Key Baseline Responsible Timeframe Indicative
Interventions Performance Information Institutions Budget
Indicators (USD, ‘000)
1.1 Healthy Needs Creating Number of Prevalence of MLF, Ministry 2025-2036 650
and assessments done, programmes programmes communicable of health, PO-
productive and awareness and advocating diseases and RALG, VPO-
aquafarmers education provided. behavioural health hazards Environment,
and related Relevant authorities change and associated with LGAs, Social
stakeholders have disease communicable aquaculture Protection
because of prevention disease activities. Schemes,
behaviour mechanisms. prevention OSHA, TAFIRI,
change. Research on the among MUHAS and
magnitude of aquafarmers. other Higher
communicable learning
diseases and health institutions.
hazards associated
with aquaculture
Operational objective 2: To enhance awareness creation on occupational hazards associated with aquaculture activities to
2.1 Safety Enhancing safety Number of Aquafarmers, MLF, Ministry 2025-2036 350
Aquafarmers’ infrastructure for at sea, and schemes on especially cage of health, PO-
(including cage cage farmers establishing a social farmers, have RALG, VPO-
farmers) decent developed decent working protection, limited access to Environment,
working conditions and safety at sea social protection LGAs, Social
conditions and social protection (for cage schemes, safety Protection
access to social schemes for farmers) and services and Schemes,
protection aquafarmers. decent equipment, and OSHA, TAFIRI,
schemes, safety working do not have Private sector.
services and conditions. decent working
equipment. conditions.
linked to social
Aquafarmers are
supported and
linked to relevant
social protection
TOTAL (USD) 69,310
A plan of action for the new master plan will be developed in the initial
stages of its implementation. The master plan will be implemented
according to the plan of action and the government’s policy. Among other
things, the implementation will involve the following:
(i) Making follow-ups on and reviewing the implementation of
the master plan, as well as devising a good strategy for its
(ii) Working with relevant government authorities to make sure
that the master plan is adopted as a government
(iii) Developing follow-up projects and oversee their
(iv) Working with the relevant authorities to solicit funds for
implementing the master plan.
(v) Engaging development partners so that they support the
implementation of the master plan.
(vi) Reviewing the master plan every year to ensure that its
implementation is on track.
The new Fisheries Master Plan (Aquaculture, 2021–2036) provides a road
map for the government and all other stakeholders to fully participate in the
development of aquaculture. The road map is mainly based on the need to
strengthen the aquaculture institutional capacity and to increase the
productivity of aquaculture. Basically, this master plan is intended to ensure
that aquaculture production in mainland Tanzania increases from the
current 22,793.20 metric tonnes to the projected 150,000 metric tonnes in
2036. This is an increase of 10 metric tonnes a year. This is an achievable
projection based on the current aquaculture production trend from only
4,000 metric tonnes in 2017 to about 18,717 metric tonnes in 2020, an
increase of about 368% for a period of less than five years.
The master plan will be implemented successfully through an effective
monitoring and evaluation system. Monitoring and evaluation measures will
be established following the agreed performance indicators and benchmarks
to track progress.
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2. Fishers (small- These are direct stakeholders who are grouped into
scale and semi- two, small-scale and semi-industrial groups. Both
industrial) depend on fishery resources for their food security,
especially for protein and cash.
crabs and prawns for export.
3. Fish processing These are fish factories for processing fish and
plants (domestic, transporting it to other places; most of these plants
regional and process fish and other species and transport them to
export markets) different areas. The main processing methods used are
freezing, filleting and chilling for local, regional and
global markets. These plants collect fish products from
small-scale fishers and show the importance of small-
scale fishers to the global market.
6. Women carrying These are women who carry fish/sea products from
fish from boats to vessels when they return to the auctioning areas, for
auctioning areas the landing sites which auction fish. When the vessels
land at the sites, fishers do not carry fish to the
auctioning areas; women do so instead. In most cases,
this practice is common among sardine fishing vessels
and vessels fishing a few other finfish species. The
women get money for their livelihoods by doing this
7. Auctioning people These people sell fish during auctions. They sell fish to
buyers/traders during auctions. They get paid by the
fishers (some percentage from the fish they sell and
institutions like BMUs).
15. Marine Parks and The Marine Parks and Reserves Unit was established
Reserve Unit under the Marine Parks and Reserves (MPRU) Act 29
(conservationists) of 1994. It is managed by a Board of Trustees whose
role is, among other things, to oversee the
management of the marine parks and reserves
operating under the auspices of the MPRU and to
formulate policies on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)
and related facilities.
16. Fishing These are communities found along the coast of any
communities water body. In collaboration with the government, they
(including BMUs) manage fisheries resources and the coast. They are
guided by the Beach Management Unit guidelines and
the management plans on what to do and how to
manage their resources. They are responsible to the
village government.
participate in research and other fisheries studies.
22. NGOs These help the government carry out its activities at
different levels; they are responsible for advocacy and
they assist in any policy improvement. They are
responsible for building the capacity of government
officials and communities with respect to natural
resources management and all the fish chain. They
sometimes assist in marketing products and
harmonizing issues that need addressing by different
sectors. Included in this group are WWF, Sea Sense,
IUCN and TNC, among others.
Appendix 2: Checklist for the Key Informants
Region): Fisheries Communities
Development Programme
13. Programme 13: – (Dar es Salaam):
Information System Improvement
14. Programme 14: – (Nyegezi and Mbegani):
Training Institute Improvement Programme
15. Programme 15: – (National Level):
Fisheries Master Plan Implementation
Training Programme
7.0 Which programmes should be part of the new master plan, especially the
programmes which were partially or not implemented at all?
Appendix 3: Questionnaire
5.Do you think the management of fisheries by the Ministry and the
Local Government Authorities is effective? Why?
6. What should be done to make the current fisheries management
systems efficient and effective?
7. What fisheries opportunities are available in Tanzania but are not
a) ..………………………………………………………………..………
b) …………………………………………………………………………
c) …………………………………………………………………………
d) …………………………………………………………………………
a) ..……………………………………………………………………….
b) …………………………………………………………………………
c) …………………………………………………………………………
d) …………………………………………………………………………
e) …………………………………………………………………………
3. What are the main challenges facing fisheries research in
4. Which field in the fisheries profession require more skilled
personnel? Why?
5. Which courses in the fisheries science should be given priority?
6. What training programmes should be introduced in the fisheries
training institutions and universities to build the country’s
capacity to develop fisheries?
B1: Fisheries development and trade in fishery products
1. What do you think should be done to make the fisheries sector
(i) ………………………………………………………………………….
(ii) ………………………………………………………………………….
(i) ………………………………………………………………………….
(ii) ………………………………………………………………….………
5. What should be done to develop vendors and small-scale
processors of fishery products?
(i) …………………………………………………………………..……
(ii) …………………………………………………………..……………
11. What are the best ways to promote the involvement of women
and youth in fisheries activities?
(iii) ……………………………………………………….…………………….
10. What type of fish/organisms could be indicators of fishing
(i) …………………………………………………………………
6. What are some of the ways in which fishery products are stored
at the markets or landing sites to protect the quality and health
of consumers?
(i) ………………………………………………………………………….
(ii) …………………………………………………………………………
9. What should be done in storing fishery products to protect the
quality and health of consumers?
(i) …………………………………………………………………………
i) What materials?............................................................................
ii) Indigenous artisans? Mention them…………………………………….
iii) Institution/factory……………………………………………………..……
iv) Domestic or foreign (imported)………………………………………..…
2. What is the lifespan of your vessels?
6. What challenges are facing the factories that manufacture
vessels and fishing gear?
Appendix 4: Organogram of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries
The Permanent Secretary Fisheries,
Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries,
Mtumba Government City,
Ulinzi Road,
P.O.BoX 2847,
40487 DODOMA