1 Clubbing
1 Clubbing
1 Clubbing
DEFINITION: Digital clubbing is defined by structural changes at the base of the nails that results in a
convex distal phalanx.
Digital clubbing, alternatively called Hippocratic fingers, watch-glass nails or drumstick fingers can
be an isolated finding or may occur as part of the syndrome of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy (HOA).
HOA is characterised by:
Primary HOA: Primary HOA is an autosomal dominant disorder the presents in otherwise healthy
children as clubbing, periostosis and skin manifestations including thickening of the skin of the face
and scalp, coarse facial features, hyperhidrosis and seborrhoea.
Secondary HOA: Secondary HOA may also present as the full spectrum of HOA or as isolated finger
clubbing. Clubbing in secondary HOA may be:
1. Unilateral
2. Bilateral
Stages of Clubbing:
Secondary clubbing is caused by a pathological condition which seems to cause changes in cytokine
levels in the blood. This is suggested by diseases that cause clubbing, i.e., either tumours or
conditions characterised by chronic hypoxia, chronic inflammation or chronic mechanical stress.
Examinations of the latter conditions include cyanotic heart disease and inflammatory bowel disease.
All these diseases result in release of cytokines.
Unilateral Clubbing:
1. Hemiplegia
2. AV fistula (dialysis)
3. Takayasu's arteritis
4. Ulnar artery aneurysm
Unilateral Clubbing:
Bilateral Clubbing:
3. Cystic Fibrosis: Cough productive of copious amount of purulent sputum is usually the main
complaint in bronchiectasis.
4. Lung Abscess: There may be a preceding history of pneumonia or aspiration in addition to
pyrexia, malaise, weight loss and productive cough.
5. Empyema: There may be a preceding history of pneumonia or aspiration in addition to
pyrexia, malaise, weight loss and productive cough.
6. Asbestosis: Exposure to asbestos, usually occupational.
7. Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis: The clinical picture is that of an interstitial pneumonitis and
may present in the following ways:
(a) Acute: Symptoms such as cough, fever, chills, malaise and dyspnoea may occur 6-8 hours
after exposure to the antigen (Farmer's lung - thermophilic actinomycetes for example).
(b) Sub-acute: Insidious presentation over a course of a few weeks marked by cough and
(c) Chronic: Clinically indistinguishable from pulmonary fibrosis due to a variety of causes.
11. Ulcerative Colitis/Crohn's Disease: Malaise, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and weight loss
experienced by most patients with inflammatory bowel disease. The presence of aphthous
ulceration, fistulae and perianal sepsis is suggestive Crohn's disease.
13. Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: The majority of patients are asymptomatic and the disease is
initially detected on the basis of elevated serum alkaline phosphatase. Among patients with
symptomatic disease, 90% are women aged 35-60 years of age. Often the earliest symptom is
pruritus, which may be generalised or limited initially to the palms and soles.
14. Chronic Active Hepatitis: A thorough history for risk factors for viral hepatitis should be
sought (hepatitis B and C).
15. TB: Symptoms of tuberculosis include productive cough, haemoptysis, fever, weight loss and
night sweats. Assess for risk factors for HIV disease, chronic alcohol abuse or foreign travel
to an endemic region.
16. Infective Endocarditis: Fever and weight loss. Assess for risk factors for infective
endocarditis: dental extraction, IVDU, prosthetic heart valve etc.
17. Chronic Parasitic Infection: Travel to endemic region (Trichuris trichiura, schistosoma).
18. Bronchogenic Carcinoma: Cough, haemoptysis, weight loss, dyspnoea a history of chronic
smoking. Symptoms of metastasis (bone pain and jaundice) and paraneoplastic involvement
(neuropathy, thirst and polyuria from hypercalcemia) should be ascertained.
19. Lymphoma: Fever, weight loss, night sweats, shortness of breath from anaemia etc.
20. Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: Cervical lymphadenopathy is the initial presentation in many
patients, and the diagnosis of NPC is often made by lymph node biopsy. Symptoms related to
the primary tumour include trismus, pain, otitis media, nasal regurgitation due to paresis of
the soft palate, hearing loss and cranial nerve palsies. Larger growths may produce nasal
obstruction or bleeding and a "nasal twang". Metastatic spread may result in bone pain or
organ dysfunction. Rarely, a paraneoplastic syndrome of osteoarthropathy may occur with
widespread disease.
21. Mesothelioma: Relatively short term asbestos exposure of 1-2 years or less occurring some
20-25 years in the past have been associated with the development of mesotheliomas. The
risk of the tumour peaks 30-35 years after initial exposure. Most patients present with
22. Coeliac Disease: Diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, weight loss, intolerance to gluten containing
23. Juvenile Polyposis Coli
1. General Inspection:
(a) Cachexia: The presence of wasting may be accounted for by cachexia of malignancy, chronic
lung or gastrointestinal disease.
(b) Cyanosis: The mucous membranes should be inspected for central cyanosis which may be a
feature of or a consequence of congenital heart disease or severe lung disease.
(c) Aphthous Ulceration: Crohn's and coeliac disease.
(d) Goitre, Exophthalmos, Ophthalmoplegia and Tremor: Grave's disease.
2. Hands:
3. Vitals: Pyrexia is notable in several important causes of clubbing, namely suppurative lung
disease, infective endocarditis and active inflammatory bowel disease.
4. Chest: Findings on chest examination include:
5. Abdomen:
General Investigations:
CXR: This should be performed if respiratory symptoms are present. Bronchial carcinoma may
manifest as a hilar or perihilar opacity, cavitating mass, collapse of a segment of lung due to luminal
obstruction, pleural effusion, elevated hemi-diaphragm due to phrenic nerve palsy or destruction of an
adjacent rib due to invasion. Lung abscesses present as a spherical shadow with a central lucency or
air fluid level. Bronchiectatic lungs have visibly dilated bronchi and multiple areas of consolidation.
With IPD - hazy shadowing at the lung bases may be present.
Specific Investigations:
Unilateral Clubbing:
Unilateral clubbing
Hemiplegia Yes
secondary to hemiplegia
Dialysis fistula, AV
Yes Unilateral clubbing secondary
anastomosis or aneurysm
to vascular lesion
detected on H + P
Secondary HOA.
Arthralgia, Family Hx of
Aggressive evaluation of
Bone pain ? HOA?
underlying malignancy
Isolated clubbing.
Screening Refer to pulmonology
Findings on
CXR for further evaluation
complete H & P?
HIV Risk Exophthalmos, Family Hx of Fever, chills,
RUQ tenderness, pain and Cough, SOB, Weakness,
Factors Pre-tibial clubbing night sweats,
Jaundice, diarrhoea Smoking Hx, paraesthesias, oedema,
myxoedema weight loss
Hepatitis Risk TB exposure, skin findings,
Factors Asbestos hepatosplenomegaly