Siemens SIPROTEC 4 7SA6
Siemens SIPROTEC 4 7SA6
Siemens SIPROTEC 4 7SA6
Distance Protection Relay for all Voltage Levels
Function overview
Protection functions
• Non-switched distance protection with
6 measuring systems (21/21N)
• High resistance earth-fault protection
for single and three-phase tripping
(50N, 51N, 67N)
• Earth-fault detection in isolated and
resonant-earthed networks
• Tele (pilot) protection (85)
• Fault locator (FL)
• Power-swing detection/tripping (68/68T)
• Phase overcurrent protection (50/51/67)
• Switch-onto-fault protection (50HS)
• STUB bus overcurrent protection
Fig. 6/1 • Overvoltage/undervoltage protection
7SA6 distance protection relay
• Over/underfrequency protection (81O/U)
• Auto-reclosure (79)
• Synchro-check (25)
Description • Breaker failure protection (50BF)
The SIPROTEC 4 7SA6 distance protection • Thermal overload protection (49)
relay is a universal device for protection, Control function
control and automation on the basis of the • Commands f. ctrl. of CBs and isolators
SIPROTEC 4 system. Its high level of flexi-
bility makes it suitable to be implemented at Monitoring functions
all voltage levels. With this relay you are ide- • Trip circuit supervision (74TC)
ally equipped for the future: it offers security • Self-supervision of the relay
of investment and also saves on operating • Measured-value supervision
• Event logging/fault logging
− High-speed tripping time • Oscillographic fault recording
− Low-impedance setpoints to protect also • Switching statistics
very short lines Front design
− Self-setting power swing detection for fre- • Easy operation w. numeric keys
quencies up to 7 Hz • Function keys
− Current transformer saturation detector • LEDs for local alarm
ensures fast tripping and highest distance • PC front port for convenient relay
measurement accuracy setting
− Phase-segregated teleprotection for im-
proved selectivity and availability Communication interfaces
• Front interface for connecting a PC
− Digital relay-to-relay communication by
means of an integrated serial protection • System interface for connecting to a
data interface control system via various protocols
− Adaptive auto-reclosure (ADT) – IEC 61850 Ethernet
– IEC 60870-5-103 protocol
– DNP 3.0
• 1 serial protection data interface for
• Rear-side service/modem interface
• Time synchronization via
– IRIG-B or DCF 77 or
– system interface
a uniform 245 mm for flush-mounting
housings and 266 mm for surface-mounting
housings for all housing widths. All cables
can be connected with or without ring lugs.
Plug-in terminals are available as an option.
It is thus possible to employ prefabricated
cable harnesses. In the case of surface Fig. 6/3 Fig. 6/4
mounting on a panel, the connection termi- Flush-mounting housing Rear view of flush-mounting housing with
with screw-type terminals covered connection terminals and wirings
nals are located above and below in the
form of screw-type terminals. The commu-
nication interfaces are located in a sloped
case at the top and bottom of the housing.
The housing can also be supplied optionally
with a detached operator panel (refer to 6
Fig. 6/5), in order to allow optimum opera-
tion for all types of applications.
Fig. 6/5 Flush-mounting housing with plug-in terminals and detached operator panel
Fig. 6/7
Communication interfaces
in a sloped case in a surface-
mounting housing
Fig. 6/6
Surface-mounting housing with screw-type
Protection functions
Fig. 6/11
Distance zones with circle
Protection functions
with low line angles, it may be advantageous
to select the distance zones with the optional
circle characteristic.
All the distance protection zones can be set to Fig. 6/12 Power swing current and voltage wave forms
forward, reverse or non-directional.
Optimum direction detection Power swing detection (ANSI 68, 68T) The carrier send and receive signals are
Use of voltages, which are not involved with available as binary inputs and outputs and 6
Dynamic transient reactions, for instance
the short-circuit loop, and of voltage mem- can be freely assigned to each physical relay
short-circuits, load fluctuations, auto-
ories for determination of the fault direction input or output. At least one channel is re-
reclosures or switching operations can cause
ensure that the results are always reliable. quired for each direction.
power swings in the transmission network.
During power swings, large currents along Common transmission channels are power-
Elimination of interference signals
with small voltages can cause unwanted line carrier microwave radio and fiber-
Digital filters render the unit immune to in-
tripping of distance protection relays. To optic links. A serial protection data interface
terference signals contained in the measured
avoid uncontrolled tripping of the distance for direct connection to a digital communi-
values. In particular, the influence of DC
protection and to achieve controlled trip- cation network or fiber-optic link is avail-
components, capacitive voltage transform-
ping in the event of loss of synchronism, the able.
ers and frequency changes is considerably
7SA6 relay is equipped with an efficient
reduced. A special measuring method is em- 7SA6 also permits the transfer of phase-
power swing detection function. Power
ployed in order to assure protection selec- selective signals. This feature is particularly
swings can be detected under symmetrical
tivity during saturation of the current advantageous as it ensures reliable single-
load conditions as well as during single-pole
transformers. pole tripping, if single-pole faults occur on
different lines. The transmission methods
Measuring voltage monitoring
are suitable also for lines with three ends
Tripping of the distance protection is Tele (pilot) protection for distance protection
(three-terminal lines). Phase-selective trans-
blocked automatically in the event of failure (ANSI 85-21)
mission is also possible with multi-end ap-
of the measuring voltage, thus preventing
A teleprotection function is available for fast plication, if some user-specific linkages are
spurious tripping.
clearance of faults up to 100 % of the line implemented by way of the integrated CFC
The measuring voltage is monitored by the
length. The following operating modes may logic.
integrated fuse failure monitor. Distance
be selected:
protection is blocked if either the fuse fail- During disturbances in the signaling chan-
ure monitor or the auxiliary contact of the • POTT nel receiver or on the transmission circuit,
voltage transformer protection switch oper- the teleprotection function can be blocked
• Directional comparison pickup
ates and in this case the EMERGENCY defi- via a binary input signal without losing the
nite-time overcurrent protection can be • Unblocking zone selectivity.
activated. • PUTT acceleration with pickup
The control of the overreach zone Z1B
• PUTT acceleration with Z1B (zone extension) can be switched over to the
Fault locator
• Blocking auto-reclosure function.
The integrated fault locator calculates the • Pilot-wire comparison Transient blocking (current reversal guard)
fault impedance and the distance-to-fault.
• Reverse interlocking is provided for all the release and blocking
The results are displayed in ohms, kilome-
• DUTT, direct underreaching zone trans- methods in order to suppress interference
ters (miles) and in percent of the line length.
fer trip (together with Direct Transfer signals during tripping of parallel lines.
Parallel line compensation and load current
Trip function).
compensation for high-resistance faults is
also available.
Under certain conditions on the power sys- Frequency protection (ANSI 81O/U)
tem it is necessary to execute remote trip-
ping of the circuit-breaker. The 7SA6 relay Frequency protection can be used for
is equipped with phase-selective in- overfrequency and underfrequency protec-
tertripping signal inputs and outputs. tion. Unwanted frequency changes in the
network can be detected and the load can be
Weak-infeed protection: removed at a specified frequency setting.
echo and/or trip (ANSI 27 WI) Frequency protection can be used over a
wide frequency range (45 to 55, 55 to
To prevent delayed tripping of permissive 65 Hz). There are four elements (selectable
schemes during weak or zero infeed situa- as overfrequency or underfrequency) and
tions, an echo function is provided. each element can be delayed separately.
If no fault detector is picked up at the weak-
infeed end of the line, the signal received Directional earth-fault protection for
here is returned as echo to allow accelerated high-resistance faults (ANSI 50N, 51N, 67N)
tripping at the strong infeed end of the line.
It is also possible to initiate phase-selective In an earthed network it may happen that
tripping at the weak-infeed end. A phase- the distance protection´s sensitivity is not
sufficient to detect high-resistance earth 014
selective single-pole or three-pole trip is t= Tp
faults. The 7SA6 protection relay therefore
(I / I p )
0 .02
6 issued if a permissive trip signal (POTT or
offers protection functions for faults of this
Unblocking) is received and if the phase-
earth voltage drops correspondingly. As an nature. Fig. 6/13 Normal inverse
option, the weak infeed logic can be The earth-fault protection can be used with
equipped according to a French specifica- three definite-time stages and one inverse-
tion. time stage (IDMT).
•Protection functions This secondary voltage interruption can be Negative active jQ Positive active
detected by means of the integrated fuse power (-P) power (+P)
Auto-recIosure (cont’d) (ANSI 79) failure monitor. Immediate blocking of dis-
tance protection and switching to the
Integration of auto-reclosure in the feeder backup-emergency overcurrent protection
protection allows evaluation of the line-side is provided for all types of secondary voltage
voltages. A number of voltage-dependent failures.
supplementary functions are thus available:
Additional measurement supervision jA
• DLC functions are P
By means of dead-line check, reclosure is
effected only when the line is deenergized • Symmetry of voltages and currents
(prevention of asynchronous breaker clo- • Broken-conductor supervision
sure). • Summation of currents and voltages S1
• ADT • Phase-sequence supervision.
LSA_5018a en eps
The adaptive dead time is employed only
if auto-reclosure at the remote station was Directional power protection
successful (reduction of stress on equip-
The 7SA6 has a function for detecting the Fig. 6/15 Monitoring of active power direction
• RDT power direction by measuring the phase an-
Reduced dead time is employed in con- gle of the positive-sequence system's power.
Fig. 6/15 shows an application example dis- jQ Inductive (+Q)
junction with auto-reclosure where no
teleprotection method is employed: playing negative active power. An indication
6 When faults within the zone extension is issued in the case when the measured an-
but external to the protected line are gle ϕ (S1) of the positive-sequence system
switched off for rapid auto-reclosure power is within the P - Q - level sector.
(RAR), the RDT function decides on the This sector is between angles ϕ A and ϕ B.
basis of measurement of the return volt- Via CFC the output signal of the directional
age from the remote station which has not monitoring can be linked to the "Direct jA
tripped whether or not to reduce the dead Transfer Trip (DTT)" function and thus, as P
reverse power protection, initiate tripping of jB
the CB.
Synchronism check (ANSI 25) Fig. 6/16 shows another application display-
ing capacitive reactive power. In the case of S1
Where two network sections are switched in
LSA_5019a en eps
by control command or following a 3-pole overvoltage being detected due to long lines
auto-reclosure, it must be ensured that both under no-load conditions it is possible to
select the lines where capacitive reactive Capacitive (-Q)
network sections are mutually synchronous.
For this purpose a synchro-check function power is measured. Fig. 6/16 Monitoring of reactive power
is provided. After verification of the net-
work synchronism, the function releases the Trip circuit supervision (ANSI 74TC)
CLOSE command. Alternatively, reclosing Thermal overload protection (ANSI 49)
One or two binary inputs for each circuit-
can be enabled for different criteria, e.g. breaker pole can be used for monitoring the For thermal protection of cables and trans-
checking that the busbar or line is not carry- circuit-breaker trip coils including the con- formers an overload protection with an
ing a voltage (dead line or dead bus). necting cables. An alarm signal is issued early-warning stage is provided. The ther-
whenever the circuit is interrupted. mal replica can be generated with the maxi-
Fuse failure monitoring and other supervi- mum or mean value of the respective
sion functions Lockout (ANSI 86) overtemperatures in the three phases, or
The 7SA6 relay provides comprehensive su- with the overtemperature corresponding to
Under certain operating conditions it is ad-
pervision functions covering both hardware the maximum phase current.
visable to block CLOSE commands after a
and software. Furthermore, the measured TRIP command of the relay has been issued. The tripping time characteristics are expo-
values are continuously checked for plausi- Only a manual “RESET” command un- nential functions according to IEC 60255-8
bility. Therefore the current and voltage blocks the CLOSE command. The 7SA6 is and they take account of heat loss due to the
transformers are also included in this super- equipped with such an interlocking logic. load current and the accompanying drop in
vision system. temperature of the cooling medium. The
If any measured voltage is not present due previous load is therefore taken into ac-
to short-circuit or open circuit in the volt- count in the tripping time with overload. A
age transformer secondary circuit, the dis- settable alarm stage can output a current or
tance protection would respond with an temperature-dependent indication before
unwanted trip due to this loss of voltage. the tripping point is reached.
Protection functions
Analog output 0 to 20 mA
Some measured values can be output as an-
alog values (0 to 20 mA). On a plug-in
module (Fig. 6/21) two analog channels are
made available. Up to two plug-in modules
can be installed in the 7SA6. As an option, 2,
4 or no analog channels are available (please
refer to the selection and ordering data).
The available measured values can be gath-
ered from the technical data.
Fig. 6/21
Bus structure for station bus with Ethernet
and IEC 61850
IEC 60870-5-103 protocol
IEC 60870-5-103 is an internation-
ally standardized protocol for effi-
cient communication with
protection relays. IEC 60870-5-103
is supported by a number of protec-
tion device manufacturers and is
used world-wide. Supplements for
the control function are defined in
the manufacturer-specific part of
Fig. 6/22 Fig. 6/23
this standard.
Fiber-optic communication module Fiber-optic Ethernet communication module for
IEC 61850 with integrated Ethernet switch
PROFIBUS-FMS is an internation-
ally standardized communication
protocol (EN 50170). PROFIBUS is
supported internationally by several
hundred manufacturers and has to
date been used in more than
1,000,000 applications all over the 6
world. Connection to a SIMATIC
programmable controller is made
on the basis of the data obtained
(e.g. fault recording, fault data,
measured values and control func- Fig. 6/24 Fig. 6/25
tionality) via the SICAM energy au- Electrical communication module Output module 0 to 20 mA, 2 channels
tomation system.
PROFIBUS-DP is an industrial
communications standard and is
supported by a number of PLC and
protection device manufacturers.
DNP 3.0
DNP 3.0 (Distributed Network Pro-
tocol, Version 3) is an internation-
ally recognized protection and bay
unit communication protocol.
SIPROTEC 4 units are Level 1 and
Level 2 compatible.
Analog outputs 0 to 20 mA
2 or 4 analog output interfaces for
transmission of measured or fault
location values are available for the
7SA6. Two analog output interfaces
are provided in an analog output
module. Up to two analog output
modules can be inserted per unit.
Fig. 6/26
Fig. 6/27
Communication topologies for the serial protection data interface on a two-terminal line
Ring topology
Chain topology
Fig. 6/28
Ring or chain communication topology
Typical connection
Typical connection
Typical connection
Technical data
Technical data
Operating interface for DIGSI 4 (front of unit) FO181): for direct connection up to For mono-mode fiber 9/125 µm,
Technical data
Electrical tests Power system frequency magnetic 30 A/m continuous; 300 A/m for 3 s;
Specifications field
IEC 61000-4-8, class IV; 50 Hz
Standards IEC 60255 (product standards)
IEC 60255-6 0.5 mT; 50 Hz
IEEE Std C37.90.0/.1/.2; UL 508
VDE 0435 Oscillatory surge withstand capabil- 2.5 kV (peak); 1 MHz
Further standards see “Individual func- ity, IEEE Std C37.90.1 τ = 50 µs; 400 surges per second,
tions ” test duration 2 s, Ri = 200 Ω
Insulation tests Fast transient surge withstand capa- 4 kV; 5/50 ns; 5 kHz; burst length = 15 ms
bility, IEEE Std C37.90.1 repition rate 300 ms, ; both polarities;
Standards IEC 60255–5 and 60870-2-1 test duration 1 min; Ri = 50 Ω
High-voltage test (routine test) Radiated electromagnetic interfer- 35 V/m; 25 to 1000 MHz,
All circuits except for power 2.5 kV (r.m.s.), 50 Hz ence IEEE Std C37.90.2 amplitude and pulse-modulated
supply, binary inputs, Damped oscillations 2.5 kV (peak value); polarity alternating
high-speed outputs, IEC 60694, IEC 61000-4-12 100 kHz; 1 MHz; 10 and 50 MHz; Ri =
communication and time 200 Ω
synchronization interfaces
EMC tests for noise emission; type test
Auxiliary voltage, binary 3.5 kV DC
Standard EN 61000-6-3 (generic standard)
inputs and high-speed outputs
(routine test) Radio noise voltage to lines, only 150 kHz to 30 MHz
auxiliary voltage Limit class B
only isolated communication 500 V (r.m.s.), 50 Hz IEC-CISPR 22
interfaces and time synchroniza-
tion interface (routine test) Radio interference field strength 30 to 1000 MHz
6 Impulse voltage test (type test)
IEC-CISPR 22 Limit class B
All circuits except for communi- 5 kV (peak); 1.2/50 µs; 0.5 Ws,
cation interfaces and time 3 positive and 3 negative impulses in Mechanical stress test
synchronization interface, class III intervals of 5 s Vibration, shock stress and seismic vibration
EMC tests for noise immunity; type tests During operation
Standards IEC 60255-6/-22 (product standard) Standards IEC 60255–21 and IEC 60068–2
EN 61000-6-2 (generic standard),
Oscillation Sinusoidal
VDE 0435 part 301
IEC 60255–21–1, class 2 10 to 60 Hz: ± 0.075 mm amplitude;
DIN VDE 0435-110
IEC 60068–2–6 60 to 150 Hz: 1 g acceleration
High-frequency test 2.5 kV (peak); 1 MHz; τ = 15 µs; frequency sweep 1 octave/min
IEC 60255-22-1 class III and 400 surges per s; test duration 2 s, 20 cycles in 3 orthogonal axes
VDE 0435 Section 303, class III Ri = 200 Ω Shock Semi-sinusoidal
Electrostatic discharge 8 kV contact discharge; 15 kV air IEC 60255–21–2, class 1 Acceleration 5 g, duration 11 ms,
IEC 60255-22-2 class IV discharge; both polarities; 150 pF; IEC 60068–2–27 3 shocks on each of the 3 axes in both
and IEC 61000-4-2, class IV Ri = 330 Ω directions
Irradiation with HF field, frequency 10 V/m; 80 to 1000 MHz: 80 % AM; Seismic vibration Sinusoidal
sweep 1 kHz IEC 60255–21–2, class 1 1 to 8 Hz: ± 3.5 mm amplitude
IEC 60255-22-3 (report) class III 10 V/m; 800 to 960 MHz: 80 % AM; IEC 60068–3–3 (horizontal axis)
1 kHz 1 to 8 Hz: ± 1.5 mm amplitude
IEC 61000-4-3, class III 10 V/m; 1.4 to 2 GHz: 80 % AM; 1 kHz (vertical axis)
Irradiation with HF field, single fre- 10 V/m; 80, 160, 450. 900 MHz; 8 to 35 Hz: 1 g acceleration
quencies 80 % AM; 1 kHz; duty cycle > 10 s (horizontal axis)
IEC 60255-22-31, IEC 61000-4-3, 900 MHz; 50 % PM, repetition fre- 8 to 35 Hz: 0.5 g acceleration
class III quency 200 Hz (vertical axis)
amplitude/pulse modulated Frequency sweep 1 octave/min
1 cycle in 3 orthogonal axes
Fast transient disturbance/bursts 4 kV; 5/50 ns; 5 kHz;
IEC 60255-22-4 and burst length = 15 ms; During transport
IEC 61000-4-4, class IV repetition rate 300 ms; both polarities; Standards IEC 60255–21 and IEC 60068–2
Ri = 50 Ω; test duration 1 min
Oscillation Sinusoidal
High-energy surge voltages Impulse: 1.2/50 µs IEC 60255–21–1, class 2 5 to 8 Hz: ± 7.5 mm amplitude;
(SURGE), IEC 60068–2–6 8 to 150 Hz: 2 g acceleration
IEC 61000-4-5 installation class III Frequency sweep 1 octave/min
Auxiliary supply Common mode: 2 kV; 12 Ω; 9 µF 20 cycles in 3 orthogonal axes
Differential mode:1 kV; 2 Ω; 18 µF
Shock Semi-sinusoidal
Analog measurement inputs, binary Common mode: 2 kV; 42 Ω; 0.5 µF
IEC 60255–21–2, class 1 Acceleration 15 g, duration 11 ms,
inputs, relays output Differential mode: 1 kV; 42 Ω; 0.5 µF
IEC 60068–2–27 3 shocks on each of the 3 axes in both
Line-conducted HF, amplitude- 10 V; 150 kHz to 80 MHz; 80 % AM; directions
modulated, IEC 61000-4-6, class III 1 kHz
Continuous shock Semi-sinusoidal
IEC 60255–21–2, class 1 Acceleration 10 g, duration 16 ms,
IEC 60068–2–29 1000 shocks on each of the 3 axes in
both directions
Technical data
Climatic stress tests Inclination angle for 30° to 90° (step 1°)
Standard IEC 60255-6 quadrilateral characteristic
Temperatures Zone setting Zr (for circle character- 0.050 to 600 Ω(1 A)/0.010 to 120 Ω(5 A)
istic) (step 0.001 Ω)
Type-tested acc. to IEC 60068-2-1 -25 °C to +85 °C / -13 °F to +185 °F
and -2, test Bd Threshold angle α for increased 10 to 90 ° (step 1°)
resistance tolerance (circle charac.)
Temporarily permissible operating -20 °C to +70 °C / -4 °F to +158 °F
temperature, tested for 96 h Overcurrent pickup I>> 0.25 to 10 A (1A) / 1.25 to 50 A (5A)
(Legibility of display may be im- (for I>>, V</I>, V</I>/ϕ>) (step 0.01 A)
paired above +55 °C / +131 °F) Minimum current pickup I> 0.05 to 4 A (1A) / 0.25 to 20 A (5A)
Recommended permanent operat- -5 °C to +55 °C / +23 °F to +131 °F (for V</I>, V</I>/ϕ> and Z<) (step 0.01 A)
ing temperature acc. to IEC 60255-6 Minimum current pickup Iϕ> 0.1 to 8 A (1A) / 0.5 to 40 A (5A)
– Limiting temperature during -25 °C to +55 °C / -13 °F to 131 °F (for V</I>, V</I>/ϕ>) (step 0.01 A)
permanent storage
– Limiting temperature during -25 °C to +70 °C / -13 °F to +158 °F Undervoltage pickup (for V</I>
transport and V</I>/ϕ>)
VPH-e< 20 to 70 V (step 1 V)
Humidity VPH-PH< 40 to 130 V (step 1 V)
Permissible humidity stress: Annual average on ≤ 75 % relative Load angle pickup (for V</I>/ϕ>)
It is recommended to arrange the humidity; on 56 days per year up to Load angle ϕ 30 ° to 80 °
units in such a way that they are not 93 % relative humidity; condensation Load angle ϕ 90 ° to 120 °
exposed to direct sunlight or pro- is not permitted.
Load zone (for Z<) Impedances within the load zone do
nounced temperature changes that
could cause condensation. not cause pickup in pickup mode Z<; 6
Load zones for phase-to-phase and
phase-to-earth faults can be set sepa-
Functions rately
Distance protection (ANSI 21, 21N) Load angle 20 ° to 60 °
Resistance 0.1 to 600 Ω (1A) / 0.02 to 120 Ω (5A)
Types of pickup Overcurrent pickup (I>);
Voltage-dependent overcurrent Earth-fault detection
pickup (V< / I>); Earth current 3I0> 0.05 to 4 A (1A) / 0.25 A to 20 A (5A)
Voltage-dependent and phase an- (step 0.01 A)
gle-dependent overcurrent pickup Zero-sequence voltage 3V0>
(V< / I> / ϕ>); for earthed networks 1 to 100 V (step 1 V) or deactivated
Impedance pickup (Z<) for resonant-earthed networks 10 to 200 V (step 1 V)
Types of tripping Three-pole for all types of faults; Earth impedance matching
Single-pole for single-phase faults / Parameter formats RE/RL and XE/XL or k0 and ϕ (k0)
otherwise three-pole; Separately settable for Distance protection zone Z1 and
Single-pole for single-phase faults and higher distance zones (Z1B, Z2 to Z5)
two-pole phase-to-phase faults / RE/RL and XE/XL -0.33 to +7.00 (step 0.01)
otherwise three-pole k0 and ϕ (k0) 0 to 4 (step 0.01) and - 135 ° to 135 °
(step 0.01 °)
Characteristic Quadrilateral or circle
Parallel line matching For parallel compensation
Distance protection zones 6, 1 of which as controlled zone RM/RL and XM/XL 0 to 8 (step 0.01)
All zones can be set to forward, re-
verse, non-directional or inactive Phase preference on double Phase preference or no preference
earth-faults in resonant-earthed / (selectable)
Timer stages for tripping delay 6 for multi-phase faults
non-earthed networks
3 for single-phase faults
Setting range 0 to 30 s or deactivated (steps 0.01 s) Direction decision for all types of With fault-free voltages and/or volt-
Zone setting X 0.050 to 600 Ω (1A) / 0.01 to 120 Ω (5A) faults age memory
(for distance zones and Z< starting) (step 0.001 Ω) Direction sensitivity Dynamically unlimited
Resistance setting
(for quadrilateral distance zones and
Z< starting)
Phase-to-phase faults and 0.05 to 600 Ω (1A) / 0.01 to 120 Ω (5A)
phase-to-earth faults (step 0.001 Ω)
Line angle 10 ° to 89 °
Technical data
Technical data
Earth current pickup 3I0P 0.05 to 4 A (1A) / 0.25 to 20 A (5A) Command / pickup times 3I0>>> Approx. 30 ms
(step 0.01 A) and 3I0>>
Tripping time characteristics acc. to Normal inverse; very inverse; Command / pickup times 3I0> and Approx. 40 ms
IEC 60255-3 extremely inverse; long time inverse 3I0, 4th stage
Tripping time characteristics acc. to Inverse; short inverse; long inverse; Inverse-time stage (ANSI 51N)
ANSI/IEEE moderately inverse; very inverse; Earth-current pickup 3I0P 0.05 to 4 A (1A) / 0.25 to 20 A (5A)
(not for DE region, see selection and extremely inverse; definite inverse (step 0.01 A)
ordering data 10th position) Neutral (residual) current trans-
Time multiplier for IEC charac. T Tp = 0.05 to 3 s (step 0.01 s) former with normal sensitivity
(refer to ordering data, position 7)
Time multiplier for ANSI charac. D DIP = 0.5 to 15 s (step 0.01 s) 0.003 to 4 A (1A) / 0.015 to 20 A (5A)
Pickup threshold Approx. 1.1 I/Ip (ANSI: I/Ip = M ) (step 0.001 A)
Neutral (residual) current trans-
Reset threshold Approx. 1.05 x I/Ip (ANSI: I/Ip = M )
former with high sensitivity (refer to
Tolerances ordering data, position 7)
Operating time for 2 ≤ I/Ip ≤ 20 ≤ 5 % of setpoint ± 15 ms
Tripping characteristics acc. to Normal inverse; very inverse;
Directional earth-fault overcurrent protection IEC 60255-3 extremely inverse; long time
for high-resistance faults in systems with earthed star point
(ANSI 50N, 51N, 67N) ANSI/IEEE tripping characteristic Inverse; short inverse; long inverse;
(not for region DE, see selection and moderately inverse; very inverse; 6
Characteristic 3 definite-time stages / 1 inverse-time
ordering data, position 10) extremely inverse; definite inverse
stage or 4 definite-time stages or
3 definite-time stages / 1 V0invers. stage Inverse logarithmic tripping charac- 3I 0
teristics (not for regions DE and US, t = T3 I 0 Pmax − T3 I 0 P ln
Phase selector Permits 1-pole tripping for single- 3 I 0p
see selection and ordering data,
phase faults or 3-pole tripping for
position 10)
multi-phase faults selectable for every
stage Pickup threshold 1.1 to 4.0 x I/Ip (step 0.1 s)
Inrush restraint Selectable for every stage Time multiplier for IEC charac. T Tp = 0.05 to 3 s (step 0.01 s)
Instantaneous trip after Selectable for every stage Time multiplier for ANSI charac. D DI0P = 0.5 to 15 s (step 0.01 s)
switch-onto-fault Pickup threshold Approx. 1.1 I/Ip (ANSI: I/Ip = M)
Influence of harmonics Inverse logarithmic pickup threshold 1.1 to 4.0 x I/I0P (step 0.1)
Stages 1 and 2 (I>>> and I>>) 3rd and higher harmonics are com-
pletely suppressed by digital filtering Reset threshold Approx. 1.05 I/I0P (ANSI: I/Ip = M)
nd Tolerance
Stages 3 and 4 2 and higher harmonics are com-
(I> and inverse 4th stage) pletely suppressed by digital filtering Operating time for 2 ≤ I/Ip ≤ 20 ≤ 5 % of setpoint ± 15 ms
Definite-time stage (ANSI 50N) Zero-sequence voltage protection V0inverse
Pickup value 3I0>>> 0.5 to 25 A (1A) / 2.5 to 125 A (5A) 2s
(step 0.01 A) Tripping characteristic t=
Pickup value 3I0>> 0.2 to 25 A (1A) / 1 to 125 A (5A) − V 0inv min
(step 0.01 A)
Pickup value 3I0> 0.05 to 25 A (1A) / 0.25 to 125 A (5A)
(step 0.01 A)
Compensated zero-sequence power Sr = 3I0 ⋅ 3V0 ⋅ cos (ϕ - ϕcomp.)
Neutral (residual) current trans-
former with normal sensitivity Direction decision (ANSI 67N)
(refer to ordering data, position 7); Measured signals for direction deci- 3I0 and 3V0 or
0.003 to 25 A (1A) / 0.015 to 125 A (5A) sion 3I0 and 3V0 and IY (star point current
(step 0.001 A) of an earthed power transformer) or
Neutral (residual) current trans- 3I2 and 3V2 (negative-sequence
former with high sensitivity (refer to system) or zero-sequence power Sr or
ordering data, position 7) automatic selection of zero-sequence
Pickup value 3I0, 4th stage 0.05 to 25 A (1A) / 0.25 to 125 A (5A) or negative-sequence quantities de-
(step 0.01 A) pendent on the magnitude of the
Neutral (residual) current trans- component voltages
former with normal sensitivity (refer Min. zero-sequence voltage 3V0 0.5 to 10 V (step 0.1 V)
to ordering data, position 7);
0.003 to 25 A (1A) / 0.015 to 125 A (5A) Min. current IY (of earthed trans- 0.05 to 1 A (1A) / 0.25 to 5 A (5A)
(step 0.001 A) formers) (step 0.01 A)
Neutral (residual) current trans- Min. negative-sequence voltage 3V2 0.5 to 10 V (step 0.1 V)
former with high sensitivity (refer to Min. negative-sequence current 3I2 0.05 to 1 A (1A) / 0.25 to 5 A (5A)
ordering data, position 7) (step 0.01 A)
Time delay for definite-time stages 0 to 30 s (step 0.01 s) or deactivated
Technical data
Inrush current blocking, capable of being activated for each stage Time delays
Component of the 2nd harmonic 10 to 45 % of the fundamental Time delay for all stages 0 to 100 s (step 0.01 s) or deactivated
(step 1 %)
Command / pickup time Approx. 30 ms
Max. current, which cancels inrush 0.5 to 25 A (1A) / 2.5 to 125 A (5A)
current blocking (step 0.01 A) Command/pickup time for 3V0 Approx. 30 ms or 65 ms (settable)
Tele (pilot) protection
For directional earth-fault protection (ANSI 85-67N) Voltage limit values ≤ 3 % of setting value or 1 V
Operating modes Directional comparison, blocking, Time stages 1 % of setting value or 10 ms
unblocking Frequency protection (ANSI 81)
Additional functions Echo (see function “weak infeed”); Number of frequency elements 4
transient blocking for schemes with Setting range 45.5 to 54.5 Hz
parallel lines (in steps of 0.01) at fnom = 50 Hz
Send and receive signals Suitable for 2 and 3 end-lines 55.5 to 64.5 Hz
Instantaneous high-speed switch-onto-fault overcurrent protection (in steps of 0.01) at fnom = 60 Hz
(ANSI 50HS) Delay times 0 to 600 s or ∞ (in steps of 0.01 s)
Operating mode Active only after CB closing; Operating voltage range 6 to 230 V (phase-to-earth)
instantaneous trip after pickup Pickup times Approx. 80 ms
Pickup current I>>> 1 to 25 A (1A) / 5 to 125 A (5A) Dropout times Approx. 80 ms
(step 0.01 A) Hysteresis Approx. 20 mHz
6 Reset ratio Approx. 0.90 Dropout condition Voltage = 0 V and current = 0 A
Tolerances Tolerances
Current starting ≤ 3 % of setting value or 1 % IN Frequency 15 mHz for VPH-PH: 50 to 230 V
Delay times 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms
Shortest tripping time
With reference to fast relays Approx. 12 ms Thermal overload protection (ANSI 49)
With high-speed trip to outputs Approx. 8 ms Factor k acc. to IEC 60255-8 0.1 to 4 (steps 0.01)
Voltage protection (ANSI 59, 27) Time constant τ 1 to 999.9 min (steps 0.1 min)
Operating modes Local tripping and/or carrier trip for Thermal alarm stage ΘAlarm/ΘTrip 50 to 100 % referred to tripping
remote end temperature (steps 1 %)
Overvoltage protection Current-based alarm stage IAlarm 0.1 to 4 A (1A) / 0.5 to 20 A (5A)
(steps 0.01 A)
Pickup values VPH-E>>, VPH-E> 1 to 170 V (step 0.1 V)
(phase-earth overvoltage) Calculating mode for Θmax, Θmean, Θ with Imax
Pickup values VPH-PH>>, VPH-PH> 2 to 220 V (step 0.1 V)
(phase-phase overvoltage) I 2 − I pre
Technical data
Technical data
Selection and ordering data Description Order No.
7SA61 distance protection relay for all voltage levels 7SA61 ¨¨-¨¨¨¨¨ - ¨oo¨
Housing, number of LEDs
Housing width 1/3 19", 7 LEDs 0 see pages 6/32
to 6/35
Housing width 1/2 19", 14 LEDs 1
Housing width 1/1 19", 14 LEDs 2
Housing width 2/3 19", 14 LEDs 3
Measuring input (4 x V, 4 x I)
Operator panel with: IPH = 1 A1), Ie = 1 A (min. = 0.05 A) 1
- 4-line backlit display, IPH = 1 A1), Ie = sensitive (min. = 0.003 A) 2
- function keys, IPH = 5 A1), Ie = 5 A (min. = 0.25 A) 5
- numerical keys, IPH = 5 A1), Ie = sensitive (min. = 0.003 A) 6
- PC interface
Rated auxiliary voltage (power supply, binary inputs)
24 to 48 V DC, binary input threshold 17 V3) 2
60 to 125 V DC2), binary input threshold 17 V3) 4
110 to 250 V DC2), 115 V AC, binary input threshold 73 V3) 5
For 7SA611
13 10 7 n A
13 10 7 n E
13 10 7 n J
13 9 3 5 n M
13 9 3 5 n N
13 9 3 5 n P
20 9 4 n B
20 9 4 n F
20 9 4 n K
For 7SA612
21 18 7 n A
21 18 7 n E
21 18 7 n J
1) Rated current can be selected by
21 17 3 5 n M
means of jumpers. 21 17 3 5 n P
21 17 3 5 n R
2) Transition between the two auxiliary
voltage ranges can be selected by 29 26 7 n B
means of jumpers. 29 26 7 n F
3) The binary input thresholds are
29 26 7 n K
selectable in three stages by means of 29 25 3 5 n N
jumpers, exception: versions with 29 25 3 5 n Q
power relays have some binary inputs 29 25 3 5 n S
with only two binary input thresh- 33 12 8 n C
olds. 33 12 8 n G
4) Fast relays are identified in the 33 12 8 n L
terminal connection diagram.
5) Power relay for direct control of For 7SA613
disconnector actuator motors. 21 18 7 n A
Each pair of contacts is mechanically 21 17 3 5 n M
interlocked to prevent simultaneous
Selection and ordering data Description Order No.
7SA63 distance protection relay for all voltage levels 7SA63 ¨¨-¨¨¨¨¨ - ¨oo¨
Housing, number of LEDs
Housing width 1/2 19", 14 LEDs 1 see pages 6/32
to 6/35
Housing width 1/1 19", 14 LEDs 2
Measuring input (4 x V, 4 x I)
IPH = 1 A1), Ie = 1 A (min. = 0.05 A) 1
Operator panel with: IPH = 1 A1), Ie = sensitive (min. = 0.003 A) 2
- backlit graphic display for IPH = 5 A1), Ie = 5 A (min. = 0.25 A) 5
single-line diagram IPH = 5 A1), Ie = sensitive (min. = 0.003 A) 6
- control keys,
- key-operated switches, Rated auxiliary voltage (power supply, binary inputs)
- function keys, 24 to 48 V DC, binary input threshold 17 V3) 2
- numerical keys, 60 to 125 V DC2), binary input threshold 17 V3) 4
- PC interface 110 to 250 V DC2), 115 V AC, binary input threshold 73 V3) 5
For 7SA632
21 18 7 n A
21 18 7 n E
21 18 7 n J
21 17 3 5 n M
21 17 3 5 n P
21 17 3 5 n R
29 26 7 n B
29 26 7 n F
29 26 7 n K
29 25 3 5 n N
29 25 3 5 n Q
29 25 3 5 n S
33 12 8 n C
33 12 8 n G
33 12 8 n L
Selection and ordering data Description Order No.
7SA64 distance protection relay for all voltage levels 7SA64 ¨¨-¨¨¨¨¨ - ¨oo¨
Housing, number of LEDs
see pages 6/32
Measuring input (4 x V, 4 x I)
IPH = 1 A1), Ie = 1 A (min. = 0.05 A) 1
IPH = 1 A1), Ie = sensitive (min. = 0.003 A) 2
Units with IPH = 5 A1), Ie = 5 A (min. = 0.25 A) 5
detached operator panel with IPH = 5 A1), Ie = sensitive (min. = 0.003 A) 6
- backlit graphic display
- control keys
Rated auxiliary voltage (power supply, binary inputs)
- key-operated switches
24 to 48 V DC, binary input threshold 17 V3) 2
- function keys
60 to 125 V DC2), binary input threshold 17 V3) 4
- numerical keys
110 to 250 V DC2), 115 V AC, binary input threshold 73 V3) 5
- PC interface
Binary/ Indication/ Fast High-speed Power Flush- Flush-
indica- command relay4) trip outputs relay5) mounting mounting
tion- outputs incl. housing/ housing/
inputs live status screw-type plug-in
contact terminals terminals
For 7SA641
13 10 7 n A 6
13 10 7 n J
13 9 3 5 n M
13 9 3 5 n P
20 9 4 n B
20 9 4 n K
For 7SA642
21 18 7 n A
21 18 7 n J
21 17 3 5 n M
21 17 3 5 n R
29 26 7 n B
29 26 7 n K
29 25 3 5 n N
29 25 3 5 n S
33 12 8 n C
33 12 8 n L
Selection and ordering data
7SA6 distance protection relay for all voltage levels 7SA6 ¨o¨-¨¨¨¨¨ - ¨oo¨ ¨¨¨
Region-specific default settings / language settings see pages
Region DE, language: German; selectable A 6/33 to 6/35
Region World, language: English (GB) B
Region US, language: English (US) C
Region FR, French D
Region World, Spanish E
Region World, Italian F
Port B
Empty 0
System interface, IEC 60870-5-103 protocol, electrical RS232 1
System interface, IEC 60870-5-103 protocol, electrical RS485 2
System interface, IEC 60870-5-103 protocol, optical 820 nm, ST connector 3
System interface, PROFIBUS-FMS Slave2), electrical RS485 4
System interface, PROFIBUS-FMS Slave2), optical 3), double ring 3), ST connector 6
2 analog outputs, each 0.....20 mA 7
System interface, PROFIBUS-DP, electrical RS485 9 L 0 A
System interface, PROFIBUS-DP, optical 820 nm, double ring 3), ST connector 9 L 0 B
System interface, DNP 3.0, electrical RS485 9 L 0 G
System interface, DNP 3.0, optical 820 nm, ST connector3) 9 L 0 H
6 System interface, IEC 61850, 100 Mbit/s Ethernet, electrical, duplicate,
RJ45 plug connectors 9 L 0 R
System interface, IEC 61850, 100 Mbit/s Ethernet, optical, double, ST connector4) 9 L 0 S
Port D
Protection data interface: optical 820 nm, two ST connectors, FO cable length up to 1.5 km
For direct connection via multi-mode FO cable or communication networks 1) A
Protection data interface: optical 820 nm, two ST connectors, FO cable length up to 3.5 km
For direct connection via multi-mode FO cable B
Two analog outputs, each 0...20 mA K
Protection data interface: optical 1300 nm, LC-Duplex connector
FO cable length up to 25 km for direct connection via mono-mode FO cable2) G
Protection data interface: optical 1300 nm, LC-Duplex connector
FO cable length up to 60 km for direct connection via mono-mode FO cable2) H
Protection data interface: optical 1550 nm, LC-Duplex connector 6
FO cable length up to 100 km for direct connection via mono-mode FO cable2) J
Functions 2
Distance protection Power swing de- Parallel line
pickup (ANSI 21, 21N) tection (ANSI 68, 68T) compensation
I> A
V< / I> B
Quadrilateral (Z<) C
Quadrilateral (Z<), V< / I> / ϕ D
Quadrilateral (Z<) n F
6 Quadrilateral (Z<), V< / I> / ϕ n G
V< / I> n 1) J
Quadrilateral (Z<) n 1) K
Quadrilateral (Z<), V< / I> / ϕ n 1) L
Quadrilateral (Z<) n n 1) N
Quadrilateral (Z<), V< / I> / ϕ n n 1) P
Functions 3
Auto-reclosure Synchro- Breaker failure pro- Over/undervoltage protection
(ANSI 79) check (ANSI 25) tection (ANSI 50BF) V>, V< (ANSI 27, 59)
Over/underfrequency protection
(ANSI 81)
n B
n C
n n D
n E
n n F
n n G
n n n H
n J
n n K
n n L
n n n M
n n N
n n n P
n n n Q
n n n n R
Functions 4
Directional earth- Earth-fault Measured values
fault protection, detection extended
earthed networks compensated/ Min, max, mean
(ANSI 50N, 51N, isolated
67N) networks
n 1
n2) 2
1) Only with position 7 of
n2) n 3
Order No. = 1 or 5. n 4
2) Only with position 7 of
n n 5
Order No. = 2 or 6. n n2) 6
n n2) n 7
6/34 Siemens SIP · 2006
6 Distance Protection / 7SA6
Preferential types
Functions 1
di l
ks r e on
ks te na
. m x-
or fo cti
or sa tio
in , e
ro n
y p io
tw al te
m es
tw en ec
nc ect
/ϕ late
ne ion ro
tio re
d, alu
ne omp dir
ec lu
ue ot
/I> dri
pe e
de d v
ec ult
ot fai
m lin
eq pr
r c ul
V< (qua
ten re
fo -fa
dir -fa
pr ker
Fr ge
co llel
n n n 1 AB 0
n 1 AB 1
n n n n n n n1) n 3 BD 6
n n n n n n n1) n n 3 BD7
n n n n n n n n1) n 3 BM 6
n n n n n n n n1) n n 3 BM 7
n n n n n n n n n n 3 GH4
n n n n n n n n n n n 3 GH5
n n n n n n n2) n n n n n n 7 P R4
n n n n n n n2) n n n n n n n 7 P R5
Full version with license for 10 computers, on CD-ROM
(authorization by serial number) 7XS5400-0AA00
DIGSI 4 Basis and additionally SIGRA (fault record analysis),
CFC Editor (logic editor), Display Editor (editor for default
and control displays) and DIGSI 4 Remote (remote operation) 7XS5402-0AA00
Professional + IEC 61850
DIGSI 4 Basis and additionally SIGRA (fault record analysis),
CFC Editor (logic editor), Display Editor (editor for default
and control displays) and DIGSI 4 Remote (remote operation)
+ IEC61850 system configurator 7XS5403-0AA00
(generally contained in DIGSI Professional, but can be ordered additionally)
Software for graphic visualization, analysis and evaluation of fault records.
Can also be used for fault records of devices of other manufacturers
(Comtrade format). Running under MS Windows 2000/XP Professional.
Incl. templates, electronic manual with license for 10 PCs.
Authorization by serial number. On CD-ROM. 7XS5410-0AA00
Optical repeaters
Serial repeater (2-channel), opt. 1300 nm, mono-mode FO cable,
LC-Duplex connector, 25 km 7XV5461-0BG00
Serial repeater (2-channel), opt. 1300 nm, mono-mode FO cable,
LC-Duplex connector, 60 km 7XV5461-0BH00
Serial repeater (2-channel), opt. 1550 nm, mono-mode FO cable,
LC-Duplex connector, 100 km 7XV5461-0BJ00
Connection diagram
Fig. 6/40
Connection diagram
Fig. 6/41
Serial interfaces
Connection diagram
Fig. 6/42
Connection diagram
Connection diagram
Fig. 6/43
Connection diagram
Connection diagram
Fig. 6/44
Connection diagram
Connection diagram
Connection diagram
Connection diagram
Fig. 16/23
1/3 x 19” surface-mounting housing
Side view 1 Side view 2 Panel cutout
Fig. 16/24
1/2 x 19" flush-mounting housing
Side view 6
Fig. 16/25
2/3 x 19" flush-mounting housing for 7SA613
Fig. 16/26
in 1/1 x 19" flush-mounting housing
Front view Side view
1/2 x 19" surface-mounting
housing 7XP20
Front view
1/1 x 19" surface-mounting housing 7XP20
(without sloped FO case)
Fig. 16/27
1/2 and 1/1 x 19" surface-mounting housing
Detached operator panel (side view) Rear view Panel cutout
Fig. 16/28
Housing with detached or no
operator panel