dEF STN 61-12-0 Issue 3 Withdrawn
dEF STN 61-12-0 Issue 3 Withdrawn
dEF STN 61-12-0 Issue 3 Withdrawn
Part 0:
General Requirements and Test Methods
Generic Specification
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
Foreword ......................................................................................................................................................vii
1 Scope .............................................................................................................................................1
2 Warning..........................................................................................................................................1
3 Normative References..................................................................................................................1
4 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................2
5 Definitions .....................................................................................................................................2
6 Packaging and Labelling..............................................................................................................3
7 Ordering Information....................................................................................................................4
8 Wire and Cable Categorization....................................................................................................4
9 Identification..................................................................................................................................4
10 Materials and Construction .........................................................................................................4
10.1 Conductors....................................................................................................................................4
10.2 Insulation.......................................................................................................................................5
10.3 Fillers .............................................................................................................................................5
10.4 Screens..........................................................................................................................................5
11 A Guide to the Current Carrying Capacity of Copper Conductors..........................................5
12 Test Methods - Conductors .........................................................................................................5
12.1 Visual inspection of plated strands or braid .............................................................................5
12.2 Conductor composition ...............................................................................................................6
12.3 Mass per unit length of conductor..............................................................................................6
12.4 Strand plating continuity .............................................................................................................6
12.5 Tensile strength and elongation at break ..................................................................................6
12.6 Strand plating adherence ............................................................................................................7
12.7 Strand plating thickness..............................................................................................................7
12.8 Conductor electrical resistance ..................................................................................................7
13 Test Methods - Insulated Conductors ........................................................................................7
13.1 Electrical resistance after insulation ..........................................................................................7
13.2 Solderability ..................................................................................................................................7
13.2.2 Requirements..............................................................................................................................7
13.3 Appearance and identification ....................................................................................................7
13.4 Mass...............................................................................................................................................8
13.5 Wire diameters ..............................................................................................................................8
13.6 Conductor strand adhesion.........................................................................................................8
13.7 Insulation thickness and concentricity ......................................................................................8
13.8 Colour ............................................................................................................................................8
13.9 Colour stability..............................................................................................................................8
13.10 Colour fastness to light ...............................................................................................................8
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
15.4 High voltage immersion.............................................................................................................16
15.5 High voltage dry stark................................................................................................................16
15.6 Cold bend ....................................................................................................................................16
15.7 Thermal endurance ....................................................................................................................16
15.8 Insulation resistance (screen to conductor)............................................................................16
15.9 Room temperature bend ............................................................................................................16
15.10 Climatic........................................................................................................................................16
15.11 Damp heat steady state .............................................................................................................16
15.12 Flammability................................................................................................................................16
16 Test Methods - Cable Jacket & Sheath Materials ....................................................................17
16.1 Jacket insulation thickness.......................................................................................................17
16.2 Appearance and identification. .................................................................................................17
16.3 Jacket insulation resistance constant......................................................................................17
16.4 Tear resistance ...........................................................................................................................18
16.5 Tensile strength and elongation at break. ...............................................................................19
16.6 Accelerated ageing.....................................................................................................................20
16.7 Thermal endurance ....................................................................................................................20
16.8 Jacket compatibility ...................................................................................................................21
16.9 Hot set..........................................................................................................................................21
16.10 Heat shock...................................................................................................................................21
16.11 Pressure test at high temperature ............................................................................................21
16.12 Ozone resistance test ................................................................................................................21
16.13 Elongation at low temperatures ................................................................................................21
16.14 Resistance to fluids....................................................................................................................22
16.15 Mould growth ..............................................................................................................................24
16.16 Resistance to ultra violet. ..........................................................................................................24
16.17 Critical oxygen index (limited fire hazard) ...............................................................................27
16.18 Temperature index(limited fire hazard) ....................................................................................27
16.19 Toxicity index(limited fire hazard) ............................................................................................27
16.20 Smoke index(limited fire hazard) ..............................................................................................27
16.21 Halogen gas contents ................................................................................................................29
17 Def Stan Sectional Specification...............................................................................................29
18 Def Stan Supplement..................................................................................................................30
19 Product Conformance Certification (PCC)...............................................................................30
19.1 Certification Requirements........................................................................................................30
19.2 List Of Tests And Sample Sizes................................................................................................30
20 Packaging Of Wires And Cables ...............................................................................................31
20.1 Packing on reels .........................................................................................................................31
20.1.1 Sealing.......................................................................................................................................31
20.1.2 Reels ..........................................................................................................................................31
20.1.3 Cables........................................................................................................................................31
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
20.1.4 Length........................................................................................................................................31
20.1.5 Wrapping ...................................................................................................................................31
20.1.6 Marking......................................................................................................................................31
Annex A Fluid Test List .............................................................................................................................32
Annex B Colour code for cores in multi-core cables .............................................................................34
Figure 1 Resistance to Solder Heat Test ...................................................................................................12
Figure 2 Test Specimen for Tear Resistance Test....................................................................................18
Figure 3 Standard Dumb-bell Test Piece ...................................................................................................19
Figure 4 Small Dumb-bell Test Piece .........................................................................................................19
Figure 5 Test Chamber ................................................................................................................................25
Figure 6 Spectral Energy Distribution........................................................................................................25
Figure 7 Front view of smoke test sample holder showing vertically mounted jacket samples .........27
Table 1 Tensile Strength and Elongation at Break For Copper and Copper Alloy Conductors...........6
Table 2 List of tests ....................................................................................................................................30
Table 3A: Fluid Test List - Aircraft and Ground Applications...................................................................32
Table 3B: Fluids Test List - Marine Applications .......................................................................................33
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
Defence Standard (Def Stan) 61-12 (Part 0) Issue 2 dated 9th June 2006
Defence Standard (Def Stan) 61-12 (Part 0) Issue 1 dated 6th November 1992
a) This standard provides requirements for wires, cords and cables, electrical for Ministry of Defence
(MOD) use.
b) This standard has been produced on behalf of the Standardization Advisory Group (SAG) by the
Defence Cables Standardization Committee (DCSC).
c) This standard has been agreed by the authorities concerned with its use and is intended to be used
whenever relevant in all future designs, contracts, orders etc. and whenever practicable by amendment
to those already in existence. If any difficulty arises which prevents application of the Defence Standard,
UK Defence Standardization (DStan) shall be informed so that a remedy may be sought.
d) Any enquiries regarding this standard in relation to an invitation to tender or a contract in which it is
incorporated are to be addressed to the responsible technical or supervising authority named in the
invitation to tender or contract.
e) Compliance with this Defence Standard shall not in itself relieve any person from any legal obligations
imposed upon them.
f) This standard has been devised solely for the use of the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and its contractors
in the execution of contracts for the MOD. To the extent permitted by law, the MOD hereby excludes all
liability whatsoever and howsoever arising (including, but without limitation, liability resulting from
negligence) for any loss or damage however caused when the standard is used for any other purpose.
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
This Defence Standard details the tests, test methods and general requirements for wires, cords and cables
for Ministry of Defence (MOD) use. It applies to all conductors and insulation, including specialised
categories of insulation where additional tests shall apply e.g. Limited Fire Hazard (lfh) applications.
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
1 Scope
1.1 This standard is the generic specification for a family of conductors ranging from a nominal cross
sectional area (csa) of 0.035 mm2 to 630 mm2 and the associated wires, cords and cables which are
manufactured using selected conductors in the above range.
1.2 Test requirements have been detailed to reflect, where possible, the minimum level of properties, which
wires and cables shall meet for MOD use. Deviations from the test requirements in this standard shall be
specified in the relevant Def Stan Sectional Specification.
1.3 The Def Stan Sectional Specification shall select tests from this standard relevant to their application.
Additional specialised tests or deviations from the tests listed in this standard shall also be stated in the Def
Stan Sectional Specification.
2 Warning
The Ministry of Defence (MOD), like its contractors, is subject to both United Kingdom and European laws
regarding Health and Safety at Work. All Defence Standards either directly or indirectly invoke the use of
processes and procedures that could be injurious to health if adequate precautions are not taken. Defence
Standards or their use in no way absolves users from complying with statutory and legal requirements
relating to Health and Safety at Work.
3 Normative References
3.1 The publications shown below are referred to in the text of this standard. Publications are grouped and
listed in alpha-numeric order.
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
Def Stan 02-713 Determination of the Smoke Index
Def Stan 61-12 (Part 31) Sheaths (Limited Fire Hazard)
Def Stan 91-48 Hydraulic Fluid, Petroleum: Normal NATO Code: H520 Joint Service Designation:
OM 18
Def Stan 91-87 Turbine Fuel, Aviation: Kerosene Type, Containing Fuel System Icing Inhibitor
NATO Code: F 34 Joint Service Designation: AVTUR/FSII
Def Stan 91-91 Turbine Fuel, Aviation: Kerosene Type, Jet A-1 NATO Code: F35 Joint Service
Designation: AVTUR (DERD 2494)
DTD 900/4907 De-icing, De-frosting Fluid, Aircraft Surfaces, Ground Use NATO Code S-1746
DTD/900/4881 Hydraulic Fluid, Phosphate Ester Based
ISO 1817 Rubber Vulcanised Determination of the effects of fluids
ISO 2574 Specification for Identification Marking of Electric Cables
Mil-T-43435-B Specification for Tape Lacing and Tying
MIL-C-43616 Cleaning Compounds, Aircraft Surface
SAE J 1899 Lubricating Oil, Aircraft Piston Engine, Dispersant Base Mineral Oil Grade SAE
3.2 Reference in this Standard to any normative references means in any Invitation to Tender or contract
the edition and all amendments current at the date of such tender or contract unless a specific edition is
3.3 In consideration of clause 3.2 above, users shall be fully aware of the issue and amendment status of
all normative references, particularly when forming part of an Invitation to Tender or contract. Responsibility
for the correct application of standards rests with users.
3.4 DStan can advise regarding where normative references documents are obtained from. Requests for
such information can be made to the DStan Helpdesk. How to contact the helpdesk is shown on the outside
rear cover of Def Stans.
4 Abbreviations
AP Allied Publication (NATO)
BS British Standard
DACSC Defence Cables Standardization Committee
Def Stan Defence Standard
DStan UK Defence Standardization
Fig Figure
MOD Ministry of Defence
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
NSN NATO Stock Number
5 Definitions
Standard Atmospheric Conditions
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
Strand A strand is a cylindrical metallic electrical conducting element of uniform cross sectional area.
Plated strand A strand that is covered with a thin layer of tin, silver or nickel.
Conductor size A number closely related to the csa of the conductor (UK) or the American Wire Gauge
(awg) (USA).
Insulation A generic term to describe the material that concentrically surrounds a wire or cable.
Cable An assembly consisting of conductor, insulation and where applicable, screen and jacket.
Cord A very flexible wire or cable of fine conductor strands, the tensile strength of which depends on
additional elements such as a thread.
Multi-core cable A cable consisting of two or more cores and/or other elements laid together helically.
Screen A metallic layer of strands, usually in woven form, which surrounds a wire or cable to reduce
electromagnetic interference or radiation.
Jacket (sheath) A layer of material surrounding a wire or cable added to improve the resistance of the
dielectric to environmental conditions or to provide a suitable printing surface.
Armour A concentric layer of steel strands laid over the insulation of wire or cable for mechanical protection.
Temperature rating The temperature rating of a wire or cable is that temperature at which it can operate
continuously. It is the sum of the ambient temperature and the temperature rise of the wire or cable due to
current flow.
Primary stage of manufacture The Primary stage of manufacture is defined as the inspection stage or
process subsequent to inspection of the un-insulated conductor prior to processing.
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
7 Ordering Information
The following information shall be supplied to the purchaser
h) length required
9 Identification
9.1 Printing shall be durable, non-aggressive and discernible using normal reading vision.
9.2 Wires and cables shall be durably identified on the outer surface in accordance with ISO 2574. with
the addition of the last seven digits of the Nato Stock Number (NSN) (if required by the contract). The
manufacturer’s code and year of manufacture shall be as stated in BS 3G 230.
9.3 Cores in cables shall be identified by colour or printing but not both.
9.4 Unless otherwise stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification or contract, colours shall be in
accordance with annex B and shall be distinguishable as being those detailed in BS 6746C.
10.1 Conductors
Conductors shall be made from 100% new materials, which have been subjected to normal essential
processing to meet the resistance and mass requirements.
10.1.1 Copper conductors (or copper alloy where required) shall be annealed in accordance with BS 6360
and may be plated with tin, silver or pure nickel (not compounds of nickel).
10.1.2 Conductors of other materials shall be specified in the relevant Def Stan Sectional Specification or
Def Stan Supplement.
10.1.3 Conductors shall have no joints, kinks or other irregularities. A strand joint shall not be within 300
mm of a joint in an adjacent strand.
10.1.4 Strands shall be clean, bright, free from surface irregularities and without kinks.
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
10.1.5 A strand may have only one joint in any 50 m and the joint shall be brazed, hard soldered or cold
pressure welded.
10.2 Insulation
Dielectric and insulating materials shall be made from 100% new materials.
10.2.1 Jackets shall be in contact with the underlying material circumferentially and along the complete
length of the wire or cable and shall be removable without damage to the underlying material or binder tape.
10.3 Fillers
Fillers are used to improve the circumferential roundness of a cable. They shall not adversely react with
other components of the cable and shall have properties equal to or better than the insulation and jacketing
10.4 Screens
The strands used in the manufacture of screens shall comply with 10.1.4.
10.4.1 The screen shall be in contact with the underlying insulation layers, circumferentially and along the
complete length of the wire or cable.
10.4.2 A screen strand may have only one joint in any 10 m and the joint shall be brazed or hard soldered.
A strand joint shall not be within 300 mm of a joint in an adjacent strand.
10.4.3 The screen filling factor (Kf) is defined in BS 3G 230 Annex A2.
There shall be a minimum of 3 ends per spindle and the minimum Kf = 0.5
Unless otherwise stated tests shall be carried out at Standard Atmospheric Conditions.
A minimum length of 2 m shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 3G 230 Test 4 and BS 3G
231 clause 3.4.
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
12.2 Conductor composition
Specimens shall be subjected to the method of BS 3G 230 Test 3. The number of strands to be measured
shall be:
12.2.1 Calculate the cross section area using the formula 0.7855 d2S where d is the average diameter of
measured strands and S is the number of strands in the conductor.
Specimens shall be subjected to BS 3G 231 Test 5.1 and shall meet the requirements of Table 1.
Table 1 Tensile Strength and Elongation at Break For Copper and Copper Alloy Conductors
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
Specimens shall be inspected in accordance with and meet the requirements BS 3G 230 Test 10
The plating shall be measured by a suitable method. The minimum thickness for silver plating shall be 1µ
13.1.1 Measure the electrical resistance using suitable equipment and correct to 20°C using the formula:
13.1.1 The requirement shall be as stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
13.2 Solderability
Specimens shall be subjected to BS 3G 230 Test 14a or 14b. Test 14a shall be the reference method in
cases of dispute.
a) For conductors of 0.7 mm2 csa or below, remove at least 150 mm from the sample and discard. Cut five
specimens of approximately 30 mm and strip the insulation to expose 15 mm to 20 mm of conductor.
b) For conductors greater than 0.7 mm2 csa, extract a sufficient number of strands to make up a conductor
sample with a csa of 0.5 mm2 to 0.7 mm2.
13.2.2 Requirements
The wetting times shall be 2.0 seconds maximum for tin-plated copper conductors and 1 second maximum
for silver-plated copper conductors.
NOTE Where it is intended to solder wires after long storage, silver-plated wire is recommended.
The surface shall present a smooth appearance with no ridges or channels and shall be marked in
accordance with clause 9.
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
13.4 Mass
Specimens shall be subjected to BS 3G 230 Test 2 and meet the requirements of the Def Stan Sectional
Specimens shall be subjected to BS 3G 230 Test 6 and meet the requirements of the Def Stan Sectional
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 3G 230 Test 15.
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 3G 230 Test 5. The insulation thickness
shall be as stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
13.8 Colour
Specimens shall be placed in an air circulating oven for a period of 24 ± 0.25 hours at the temperature
rating of the cable/core. After removal from the oven and allowing cooling they shall be uniform and
recognisable as the original colour.
Specimens shall be subjected to BS 3G 230 Test 17. The test solutions, temperature and requirements shall
be stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 3G 230 Test 16a. The test voltage shall
be as stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 3G 230 Test 16b. The test voltage shall
be as stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 3G 230 Test 16c. The test voltage shall
be as stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 3G 230 Test 18.
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
Specimens shall be subjected to BS 3G 230 Test 31. Temperatures T1 and T2 shall be as stated in the Def
Stan Sectional Specification.
13.16.1 Requirement
a) After 30 min at a temperature T1, there shall be no smoke; no overheating smell and the colour shall be
recognisable as been of the original.
b) After 15 min at a temperature T2, there shall be no spontaneous combustion, splitting of the insulation
or baring of the conductor.
c) The specimen shall show no indication of separation or embrittlement of the insulation after being
subjected to the Room Temperature Bend Test. The High Voltage Immersion Test is not required.
13.17.1 A specimen of wire conductor size 19/0.15 of length not less than 1 metre shall be immersed in a
solution as described in BS 3G 230 Test 16a. The length of specimen in the solution shall be carefully
measured and recorded. The capacitance between the conductor of the specimen and the solution shall be
measured using a suitable ac bridge at a working frequency of approximately 1 kHz. The dielectric constant
(Єr) of the insulant shall be calculated using the formula:
C loge D2
Єr = D1
2 π l Єo
D1 is the overall diameter of the conductor (mm)
D2 is the overall diameter of the insulation (mm)
l is the length immersed (m)
C is the measured capacity (farads)
Єo is the permittivity of free space (8.85 x 10-12)
13.17.2 The dielectric constant shall be as stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
Test primarily applicable for cables intended for use in airborne applications. Specimens shall be subjected
to the requirements of EN3475-603 using a 115/200V a.c. power supply unless otherwise stated in the Def
Stan Sectional Specification or supplement.
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 3G 230 Test 24. The mandrel diameter
and tensile force shall be as stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 3G 230 Test 25. The mandrel diameter,
tensile force and cold chamber temperature shall be as stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
13.21 Adherence of insulation on conductor
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 3G 230 Test 21. The minimum and
maximum adherence forces shall be as stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
Specimens shall be subjected to BS 3G 230 Test 26. The requirements shall be stated in the Def Stan
Sectional Specification.
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 3G 230 Test 27.
Specimens shall be subjected to BS 3G 230 Test 30. The requirement shall be stated in the Def Stan
Sectional Specification.
Specimens shall be subjected to BS 3G 230 Test 37. The load shall be 2.5lb and the test shall be performed
on 0.6 mm2 csa wire only. The minimum number of cycles shall be 2, 500, 000.
13.26 Pliability
Specimens shall be subjected to BS 3G 230 Test 38a. The mandrel diameters, ageing, temperature,
humidity and maximum recoil distance shall be as stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 3G 230 Test 36. The minimum number of
strokes and the applied force shall be 100 and 2 N respectively.
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 3G 230 Test 46 using the mandrel sizes
and loads specified in the Def Stan Sectional Specification. The wire shall carry the current specified in the
Def Stan Sectional Specification, for the duration of the test. After a specific number of cycles, carry out a
High voltage immersion test in accordance with 13.12. The number of cycles shall be stated in the Def Stan
Sectional Specification.
13.28.1 Requirement
There shall be no localised heating and the wire shall meet the requirements of 13.12.
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 3G 230 Test 19. The air-circulating oven
shall be set for 168 hours at a temperature stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification. The mandrel
diameters and the applied force shall be as stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 3G 230 Test 22. The sample shall be
subjected to 3 cycles of 4 hours at the wire rated temperature ± 3°C followed by 1 hour at Standard
Atmospheric Conditions. There shall be no evidence of delamination, the permitted amount of shrinkage
shall be stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 3G 230 Test 23. The temperature cycle
shall be 100 hours at the wire rated temperature ± 3°C.The tension and mandrel diameter shall be stated
in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
Specimens shall be subjected to BS 3G 230 Test 32. The wire shall be aged in an air oven for 50 hours. The
specimens shall be subjected to tension by applying an axial force of 6.8 N to the movable chuck. The
apparatus, with the specimen in place, shall be brought to temperature and the wire shall be subjected to the
cycles of twisting and untwisting. If no delaminations is observed the specimen shall be subjected to and
meet the requirements of 13.12. The temperatures shall be stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
13.33 Climatic
Specimens shall be subjected to BS EN 60068-2-61(Test Z/ABDM). Six turns of the sample shall be wound
on a mandrel, the ends shall be sealed and passed to the outside of the test chamber. The climatic category,
low air pressure and mandrel diameter shall be stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
13.33.1 Specimens shall show no signs of deterioration or discoloration and the identification shall be
13.34.1 Method
Five turns of a specimen shall be wound round a mandrel, ensuring the specimen is in contact with the
mandrel for all five turns and mounted in a test chamber meeting the requirements of BS 2011, Part 2.1, Test
Ca. The specimen may be pre-heated to 90°C to avoid condensation. The test chamber shall be maintained
under temperature and humidity conditions and for a period to be stated in the Def Stan Sectional
Specification. The mandrel diameter shall also be stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification. The
specimen shall be removed from the test chamber and held at Standard Atmospheric Conditions for a
minimum of 1 hour minimum.
13.34.2 Requirements
13.35.1 Resistance to Solder Heat Test shall be carried out on a 300 mm length of size 0.6 wire. Remove
10 mm of insulation from each end and bend the wire through 90°, 35 mm from each end and with a radius
of approximately 10 mm to form an elongated U. (See figure 1).
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
13.35.2 Coat the stripped ends of the wire with a non-activated flux and immerse both ends into a solder
bath 10 seconds to a depth of 7 mm within 5 minutes of bending. The solder bath shall be at a temperature
of 260°C ± 10°C and surface dross shall be removed prior to the immersion.
13.35.3 The insulation shall not split or show signs of melting and the shrinkage shall not exceed 1 mm at
either end. Delamination on taped insulations shall not exceed 1 mm at either end.
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 3G 230 Test 20. The thermal life and
temperature rating shall be as stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 3G 230 Test 29. The immersion time,
temperature and fluids shall be selected from annex A and shall be stated in the Def Stan Sectional
Specification. Test exposures will normally be for 24 hours unless the cable is expected to be subjected to
long term or repeated fluid exposure.
Specimens shall be subjected to BS 2011 Part 2.1 Test J. Severity shall be 28 days. The requirements shall
be stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
13.39 Flammability
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 3G 230 Test 28a. The time of flame
application shall be stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 3G 230 Test 28b. The time of flame
application shall be stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS EN ISO 4589 Part 2. The ignition time
shall be 15 seconds and the minimum critical oxygen index shall be stated in the Def Stan Sectional
Specimens shall be prepared and subjected to the test method specified in Def Stan 02-711 Annex E. The
requirement for the Smoke Index value shall be stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of Def Stan 02-713.
The Toxicity Index per 100 g of material shall be the average of the two results and shall not exceed a value
to be stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification, when calculated to a length of 1 meter of 0.35 wire. The
Hydrochloric Acid Gas content shall not exceed 10 cm3/m where:
Operators shall take the necessary precautions against exposure to or inhalation of fumes generated in this
13.44.1 Object
To determine the minimum temperature at which the test specimen will continue to burn for three minutes or
for a given distance is a gas stream of clean dry air or oxygen/nitrogen mix, whichever condition is satisfied
a) The inner tube of a chimney consisting of two concentric glass tubes, 450 mm high and with internal
diameters of 75 mm and 85 mm respectively, is mounted on a base to which is fed a gas mixture of
nitrogen and oxygen. The gas mixture is diffused through an 80 mm to 100 mm deep bed of glass beads
3 mm to 5 mm in diameter, or similar non-combustible diffusers. The inner tube is wound with nichrome
wire with the windings graded in the area occupied by the specimen, from narrow spacing at the top to
wider spacing at the bottom to give a minimum temperature gradient along the length of the specimen.
The gas mixture is pre-heated by a winding of nichrome wire round a ceramic porous plate, which lies,
between the diffuser and the bottom on the inner tube. The two heaters shall be finely regulated by a
suitable electrical control. The position of a thermocouple shall be adjustable with the inner tube to
monitor the temperature of the space surrounding the specimen which shall be maintained at the
required temperature ± 2°C. A wire screen should be fitted to prevent falling fragments depositing on the
base of the tube.
b) The specimen holder shall hold the specimen vertical in the centre of the tube. A typical arrangement is
shown in BS EN ISO 4589 Parts 2 and 3 Figures 1 & 2.
c) The gas mixture can be clean, dry air or oxygen/nitrogen of 98% purity.
d) An igniter shall be fitted and five minute timer accurate to ± 1 second is required.
13.44.3 Calibration
The apparatus shall have consistent oxygen concentration levels within the chimney, to be determined by
measuring the percentage oxygen content in the chimney, or by making the following checks:
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
a) There shall be no leaks.
Twelve to fifteen specimens, 70 mm to 150 mm in length shall be cut from a reel of 0.35 wire and each
marked 50 mm from one end. The specimens shall be conditioned at 23°C ± 2°C and 50 % ± 5% RH for 24
hours immediately prior to testing. All material surfaces shall be free from fuzz, burrs and cutting dust and if
undirectional or anisotropic, the specimen shall be tested in each direction.
a) Adjust the currents to both heater elements to give the desired temperature in the chimney and adjust
the gas flow to 40 mm/s ± 10 mm/s as calculated at the temperature of 23°C ± 2°C. Check that the
temperature is constant in the area to be occupied by the specimen. The temperature may vary by ±
2°C up to 125°C and by ± 3°C above 125°C.
b) When the temperature is stable, mount the specimen vertically in its holder with the marked end
uppermost. The upper end of the specimen shall be at least 100 mm from the top of the chimney.
Reposition the thermocouple so that it is touching the specimen 25 mm from the top.
c) When the temperature has stabilised, remove the thermocouple, ignite the top of the specimen by
applying the flame for 15 seconds, and start the timer.
Initial trials to establish the approximate value of the temperature at which the specimen will burn for three
minutes or for 50 mm should be carried out. By taking increments of 10°C, establish the temperature at
which the specimen burns for three minutes or the flame travels 50 mm. An increment of 10°C below the
established temperature should fail to meet the criteria. Repeat the test three times at the established
temperature and calculate the mean value in °C.
The Temperature Index shall be a minimum of 250°C. The Test Report shall include the following:
a) A full description of the material under test to include type, grade, density, anisotropy, composition and
manufacturer’s reference/batch number.
“This test result does not assess the fire hazard of the material or a product made from this material under
actual fire conditions. Consequently the results of this test alone shall not be quoted in support of claims with
respect to the fire hazard of the material or product under actual fire conditions. The results when used
alone, shall only be used for research and development, quality control and material specifications”
Where cables are intended to be marked by the user their ability to withstand the proposed marking method
shall be assessed.
13.45.1 Specimens
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
The specimens of cable shall be marked along their length with representative strings of alphanumeric
characters using the marking techniques stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
The marking shall be examined to ensure legibility without the aid of magnification and shall be clear and
uniform from a distance of 0.3 metres to 0.4 meters with normal vision when illuminated by a 100 watt clear
tungsten filament light source positioned 450 mm to 500 mm from the specimen.
13.45.3 After completion of the visual examination separate specimens shall be subjected to the following
Specimens shall be subjected to the Identification Durability test, clause 13.27. The applied force shall be 1.5
Specimens shall be immersed for 20 hours in the fluids stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification at the
specified temperatures. After removal from the fluid, the specimens shall be allowed to drain and if
necessary, dried by dabbing with a lint free cloth. The Adherence of marking test shall be commenced within
45 minutes +/ - 15 minutes.
Specimens shall be subjected to the Damp Heat Steady State test clause 13.34 of the standard. The test
mark shall be wrapped around the mandrel so that it faces out. The Def Stan Sectional Specification may
omit this test if the marking is non-aggressive.
Test primarily applicable for cables intended for use in airborne applications. Specimens shall be subjected
to the requirements of EN3475-604 using a 115/200V a.c. power supply unless otherwise stated in the Def
Stan Sectional Specification or supplement.
Cables cores shall be tested, where applicable, in accordance with 12 and 13 as required by the Def Stan
Sectional Specification.
15.1 Mass
Specimens shall be subjected to BS 3G 230 Test 2. The requirement shall be stated in the Def Stan
Sectional Specification.
Specimens shall be subjected to BS 3G 230 Test 6. The requirements shall be stated in the Def Stan
Sectional Specification.
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
15.3 Cable to cable abrasion
Specimens shall be subjected to BS 3G 230 Test 37. The number of cycles shall be specified in the Def Stan
Sectional Specification (applicable to 0.6 single core screened cables only).
Specimens shall be subjected to BS 6469 section 4.3.3. The mandrel diameter shall be five times the able
OD and the temperature -30°C to 34°C unless otherwise stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification. The
specimen shall be free from cracks and screened cables shall meet the requirements of 13.12.
Specimens shall be subjected to BS 3G 230 Test 20. The upper temperature limit shall be the rated
temperature of the cable. The Arrhenius plot shall indicate the insulation has a minimum life of 50,000 hours.
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 3G 230 Test 17. Alternative solutions
shall be stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
Specimens shall be subjected to BS 3G 230 Test 24. The mandrel diameter and force shall be stated in the
Def Stan Sectional Specification.
15.10 Climatic
15.12 Flammability
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements Def Stan 02-641.
15.12.1 Requirements
The results for the three specimens shall be averages. A minimum of 250 mm cable when measured from
the suspended end shall remain undamaged. Less than 250 mm shall be regarded as a failure.
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
Specimens shall be subjected to BS 6469 clause 2.1 and shall have an average thickness not less than the
value stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification. The thickness at any point shall not be less than 80% of
this value.
The outer surface of the jacket shall be reasonably smooth and substantially circular. The colour shall be
tested visually with normal reading vision and shall be a match with the standard colours in BS 6746C.
16.3.1 Method 1
Specimens shall be subjected and meet the requirements of BS 3G 230 Test 17. The measurements shall
be made between the collective screen (untaped) and the solution.
16.3.2 Method 2
Specimens of collectively screened cables of minimum length 5m, with no tape over screen shall be
subjected to the following test.
a) Immerse the specimens in distilled water for a period of 28 days at a temperature of 18°C to 25°C with a
250 mm length at each end protruding from the water. After the immersion period apply a dc voltage of
500V ± 10% between the screen and the water for one minute. Measure the insulation resistance.
K = LR
1000 log D MΏ/Km
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
16.4 Tear resistance
Strip a length of jacketing from the cable sufficient for five test specimens detailed in figure 2. Remove all
irregularities and corrugations by cutting and/or grinding ensuring that the final thickness is between 0.6 mm
and 2.0 mm inclusive. Cut out five specimens with the dimensions as detailed in figure 2. Make a
longitudinal cut starting 3.8 mm from the wider end and splitting the remaining length into equal widths.
a) The test shall be conducted in an ambient temperature of 20°C ± 5°C and the specimen under test shall
have been at that temperature for the previous 4 hours.
b) Measure the thickness of the specimen where the split terminates to an accuracy of 0.01mm applying a
maximum contact pressure of 0.07 N/mm2.
c) Clamp the split ends in a tensile testing machine and separates the jaws at a rate of 500 mm/min ± 50
mm/min. Record the maximum force registered in tearing the insulation.
16.4.3 Requirement
a) Classify the results from five specimens and take the mean of the three middle readings.
b) The minimum Tear Resistance shall be detailed in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
Dumb-bells to the dimensions in figure 3 shall be cut longitudinally from a jacket insulation, the OD of which
is 5 mm above. Dumb-bells to the dimension in figure 4 shall be cut longitudinally from a jacket insulation
the OD of which is less than 5 mm. For very small cables, tubular test pieces prepared in accordance with
BS 6469 shall be used.
16.5.2 The thickness of the gauge length after removal of corrugations shall lie between 0.6 mm and 2.0
mm and the thickness measured at the two ends and the middle of the gauge shall not vary by more than
16.5.3 The width of the gauge length shall be measured in accordance with BS 903 Part A16 to an
accuracy of 0.05 mm. The cross sectional area of tubular specimens shall be calculated in accordance with
BS 6469.
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
16.5.4 Test Method
Using five specimens insert a specimen in a tensile test machine in standard atmospheric conditions
having had the specimen at that temperature for the previous 3 hours. Separate the jaws at a rate of 250
mm/min ± 50 mm/min.
16.5.5 Record the force required to break the gauge length and the length of the gauge at break for the
five specimens. Repeat the tests until five valid results are available.
c) Classify the results from five specimens and take the mean of the three middle readings.
16.5.6 Requirement
The minimum tensile strength at break and the minimum elongation at break shall be as detailed in the Def
Stan Sectional Specification.
Test to be carried out on dumb-bell samples in accordance with the Thermal Ageing method of BS 6469
(Ageing in Air Oven). The samples shall be aged for 7, 14 and 28 days and 110 ± 2°C. The properties of
tensile strength, elongation at break and tear resistance shall be measured after each ageing period. The
difference in the values of the above properties at the end of the 14 day period and the end of the 28 day
period shall not exceed 20%. The elongation at break after the 28 day ageing period shall be equal to or
greater that 150%.
a) Sufficient dumb-bell samples of jacket from the same cable shall be heat aged for 7, 14 and 28 days at
the temperature specified in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
b) After each ageing the dumb-bell sample is to be tested for tensile strength and elongation at break and
the results obtained shall be as specified in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
16.8.1 Seven pieces of 0.5 m lengths of cable – three of standard Cholorosulphonated Polyethylene
(CSP) as supplied to BS 6899 type RS4 with jacketing material of Def Stan 61-12 (Part 31) shall be laid
together in a 1-6 formation and bound together with an open spiral whipping. The centre and alternatives
samples shall be jacketed with the new material. The bound samples together with 3 separate 0.5 metre
length control samples of each CSP and jacketing to Def Stan 61-12 (Part 31) shall be placed in an oven at
120°C ± 2°C for 7 days. These samples shall then be removed and allowed to cool.
a) After ageing, three samples of jackets from each of the cables shall be subjected to tensile strength at
break and elongation at break tests.
b) The tensile strength at break and elongation at break of the jackets in the bound sample shall be tested.
c) The above compatibility tests are to be repeated using Chlorinated Polyethylene (CPE) to BS 6899 at
120ºC, Polychloroprene (PC) to BS 6899 at 100ºC and Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) BS 6746 at 82°C in lieu
of CSP.
16.8.2 The tensile strength and elongation at break values of jacket from cables in the bound sample are
to show no significant change to those from control tables.
Specimens shall be subjected to BS 6469 test 3.3. The temperature, applied force and requirements shall be
stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 6469 test 4.4.3. The temperature and
duration of test shall be stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
Specimens shall be subjected to BS 6469 test 4.2.3. The temperature and indentation requirements shall be
stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 6469 test 4.3.5. The test temperature
shall be –30°C to –34°C unless otherwise stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
Specimens shall be subjected to and meet the requirements of BS 6469 test 4.3.5. The test temperature
shall be –30°C to –34°C unless otherwise stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
16.14 Resistance to fluids
Specimens shall be subjected to test for resistance to fluids specified in the Product Standard. Def Stan
Sectional Specification and Product standards should select fluids based upon the intended product
applications using the lists in annex A. The temperature and immersion times shall be stated in the Def Stan
Sectional Specification.
NOTE Compliance with this test provides no guarantee that the jacket is suitable for continuous use in the listed
16.14.1 Dumb-bell test pieces, 75 mm long, in accordance with figure 8 are to be immersed in each of the
selected fluids. At the end of the immersion period the samples are to be removed from the fluid and
subjected to volume swell, tensile strength and elongation at break tests. The requirements shall be stated in
the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
a) Apparatus
The apparatus to be used is determined by the temperature of immersion and the volatility of the test liquid.
For tests at temperatures appreciably below the boiling point of the test liquid a stoppered glass bottle or
tube is to be used, of such dimensions that the test pieces remain completely immersed in the specified
volume of test liquid and are freely exposed on all surfaces without restraint. For tests at temperatures near
the boiling point of the test liquid, the bottle or tube is to be fitted with a reflux condenser or other suitable
means of minimising evaporation of the test liquid.
b) Test piece
The test piece is to be uniform thickness within the range of 1.45 mm to 1.55 mm. The test pieces are to be
cut from the cable jacket in the direction of the axis. They are to be dumb-bells samples in accordance with
figure 3. They are to be prepared by buffing or cutting to the required thickness.
c) Procedure
Use three test pieces per listed fluid. Weigh each test piece in air to the nearest milligram (mass ml) and then
reweigh each test piece in distilled water at the standard laboratory temperature (mass m2) (see Note 1),
taking care to ensure that all air bubbles are removed (see Note 2). If the density of the material is less than
1g/cm3 it will be necessary to use a sinker when weighing in water to ensure the test pieces are completely
immersed. If a sinker is used, the mass of the sinker alone in distilled water is to be determined separately
(mass m5). Blot the test pieces dry with filter paper or a textile fabric that does not deposit lint.
Place the test pieces, suitably separated in a glass container with a volume of the test liquid (previously
unused), that is at least 15 times the combined volume of the test pieces to keep them totally immersed. If
the conditions of test do not necessitate the use of a reflux condenser, the container is to be stoppered. The
container is to be kept at the test temperature and the test pieces are to be shielded from light during the set.
Only test pieces of the same material are to be placed in any one container. If the density of the material is
less than that of the liquid, means are to be provided for holding the test pieces completely below the surface
of the liquid
At the end of the period of immersion, bring the test pieces, if necessary, to the standard laboratory
temperature, preferably by quickly transferring them to a fresh portion of the test liquid at this temperature
for a period of not less than 10 minutes and not more than 30 minutes. Surplus test liquid is to be removed
from the surfaces of each teat piece (see Note 3).
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
Immediately determine the mass of each test piece in air (mass m3) to the nearest milligram and then
weight them in distilled water (mass m4) at the standard laboratory temperature. If the test liquid is
appreciably volatile at room temperature, an evaporation curve is to be plotted. The test pieces are to be
freely suspended on the balance arm. A plot of mass versus the square root of time will give a straight
line. This is to be extrapolated to zero time which is to be taken as the time at which the test piece is
removed from the liquid or is free of surplus liquid. The mass of the test piece is to be determined at
20seconds or 30seconnds intervals for not more than 2 minutes. This is easily possible with an automatic
balance. The test piece is to be returned immediately to the test liquid for 30 to 60 minutes before carrying
out the weighing in distilled water. Alternatively, a weighing bottle method may be used in which the time
for transfer of the test piece shall not exceed 30seconds after removal from the liquid.
The weighing in distilled water (m2 and m4) and of the sinker (m5) may be omitted if change in mass only is
to be determined.
If the test is being continued, replace the test pieces immediately in the test liquid and return to the
thermostatically controlled oven or bath.
d) Expression of results.
Calculate the percentage change in volume V100 and/or percentage change in mass
m100 by means of the formulae:
b) m2 is the initial apparent mass of the test piece (plus the sinker if used) in water
d) m4 is the apparent mass of the test piece (plus the sinker if used) in water after immersion
Take as the result be the average of the values obtained for the last 3 test pieces.
NOTE 1 The above procedure may not be suitable if the test liquid (other than water) is readily miscible with water or
reacts with it. For such a liquid, if it is not too viscous or volatile at room temperature, the masses m2, m4 and m5 may
be determined in the test liquid instead of water and these values used in the formula for calculating the percentage
change in volume. Masses m4 and m5 should, in this case, be determined in a fresh portion of the immersion liquid. If
this is not practicable, the same procedure is to be used as for water displacement method, except that the final weighing
in water is omitted and the percentage change in volume is calculated from the formula:
where p is the density of the test liquid at the standard laboratory temperature.
This formula may only be approximate if the test liquid is a mixture because the density of the absorbed liquid may differ
from that of the bulk. Also, the density of any matter extracted from the material may differ from that of the rest of the
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
NOTE 2 Formation of bubbles may be avoided by adding a trace of a surface-active material, for example detergent,
to the water.
Note 3 The method of removing the surplus liquid from the surface of the test piece will vary with the nature of the
liquid. When mobile volatile liquids, such as iso-octane and toluene, are used, remove and quickly wipe the test piece
with a filter paper or piece of textile fabric, which does not deposit lint. Some difficulty may be experienced in completely
removing viscous non-volatile oils by this method and it may be necessary to dip the test piece quickly in a suitable
volatile liquid, such as methanol or petroleum ether, and again quickly wipe with filter paper or a piece of textile fabric
which does not deposit lint.
a) Test pieces
b) Procedure
In the case of dumb-bells, gauge length is to be applied on the swollen test piece. Carry out the tensile test
at the standard laboratory temperature within 30 minutes of final removal from the immersion liquid.
c) Expression of results
Calculate the tensile strength per unit area using the original cross-sectional area of the test pieces before
immersion. Report the result as the change expressed as a percentage of the value on the original results.
Calculate the elongation at break as a percentage of the gauge length for dumb-bells test pieces after
immersion. Report the change expressed as a percentage of the value on the original results.
16.16.1 Apparatus
A test chamber, figure 5, constructed of corrosion resistant materials enclosing eight fluorescent UV lamps,
a heated water pan, test specimen racks, and provisions for controlling and indicating operating times and
16.16.2 Lamps
Rapid start, medium bi-pin fluorescent UV lamps with a length of 1220 mm and a nominal rating of 40W
when operated from a ballast providing a controlled current of 430 mA at 102V. Unless otherwise specified in
the Def Stan Sectional Specification or the Def Stan Supplement, the lamps shall be UV-B lamps with a peak
emission at 313 nm and a spectral energy distribution as shown in figure 6. The lamps shall be mounted in
two banks of four lamps each as shown in figure 5. The lamps in each bank shall be mounted parallel in flat
plane on 70 mm centres.
The test specimens shall be mounted in stationary racks with the plane of the test surface parallel to the
plane of the lamps at a distance of 50 mm from the nearest surface of the lamps as shown in figure 5.
These shall be exposed within an area 210 mm in height by 900 mm wide on each side of the apparatus
located as shown in figure 5.
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
Water vapour shall be generated by heating a water pan extending under the entire sample area containing
a minimum water depth of 25 mm. Specimen racks and the test specimens themselves shall constitute the
side walls of the chamber. The back side of the specimens shall be exposed to cooling effects of ambient
room air. The resulting heat transfer causes water to condense on the test surface.
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
16.16.6 Specimens
Specimens shall be arranged so that condensate runs off the test surface by gravity and is replaced by fresh
condensate in a continuous process. Vents along the bottom of the test chamber shall be provided to permit
an exchange of ambient air and water vapour to prevent oxygen depletion of the condensate.
An automatic control to regulate the level in water pan shall be provided. Distilled, deionized, or tap water are
equally acceptable for purposes of the test, since the condensation process itself distils water onto the test
A continuously operating cycle timer meter, for programming the selected cycle of UV periods and
condensation periods shall be provided to record total time of operation and total time of UV exposure.
Specimen temperature shall be measured by a thermometer with a remote sensor attached to a black
aluminium panel 75 by 100 by 2.5 mm thick. The thermometer shall be accurate to ± 1°C through a range
of 30°C to 80°C. The indicator dial shall be located outside the test chamber. The black aluminium panel
with the thermometer sensor shall be positioned in the centre of the exposure area so that the sensor is
subject to the same conditions as the specimens.
During UV exposure, the selected equilibrium temperature shall be maintained within ± 3°C by supplying
heated air to the test chamber. During condensation the selected equilibrium temperature shall be
maintained within ± 3°C by heating the water in the water pan. The UV and condensation temperature
control shall be independent of each other. Doors shall be located on the room air side of the specimen
racks to act as insulation during the UV exposure and to minimise drafts. Such doors shall not interfere
with the room air cooling of the specimen during the condensation exposure.
For cables of 5 mm overall diameter or greater, prepare five standard dumb-bells test pieces as shown in
figure 3, or if the cable is less than 5 mm overall diameter, five small dumb-bells test pieces as shown in
figure 4 from the cable jacket. The dumb-bell test pieces are to be taken along the direction of the cable
axis. If the jacketing is greater than 2.0 mm thick or has ridges on the inside caused by cores, the
jacketing is to be prepared by grinding or cutting (cutting is the preferred method) so as to provide an even
thickness between 0.6 and 2.0 mm. If the cable is of such a small size that it is not possible to prepare
dumb-bell test pieces, prepare five tubular test pieces in accordance with BS 6469.
Calculate the cross sectional area by measurement of the thickness and width in three places along the
gauge length of the dumb-bell. Take the median value for the thickness and width to calculate the cross
sectional area. If any one measurement varies from the median by more than 5%, the test piece is to be
rejected. The measuring apparatus shall be a micrometer or similar instrument (calibrated in millimetres to
two decimal places), having a contact pressure not exceeding 0.078 N/mm.
If the cable is less than 2.5 mm overall diameter tubular test piece are to be used. Calculate the cross
sectional area by the method detailed in BS 6469.
The test specimens are to be mounted in holders such that the jackets outer surface will be exposed to the
test environment. To provide rigidity, flexible specimens may be attached to a backing panel made of
aluminium or other non-corrosive heat conductive material.
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
16.16.12 Preconditioning
16.16.13 Procedure
Mount the test specimen in the specimen racks with the test surfaces facing the lamp. When the test
specimens do not completely fill the racks, fill the empty spaces with blank panels to maintain the test
conditions within the chamber. Programme the selected test conditions as specified in the Def Stan Sectional
Specification/Def Stan Supplement. Operate continuously, repeating the cycle except for servicing the test
equipment and for inspection of specimens for the period specified in the Def Stan Sectional
Specification/Def Stan Supplement. Carry out the tensile strength and elongation at break test in clause
16.16.14 Information required by Def Stan Sectional Specification/ Def Stan Supplement.
Specimens shall be subjected to BS EN ISO 4589 Part 2. The ignition time shall be 15 seconds. The sample
thickness and minimum critical oxygen index shall be stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
Specimens shall be subjected to test detailed in BS EN ISO 4589 Part 3 Annex A. The test specimen
dimensions and minimum temperature index shall be stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
Specimens shall be subjected to test detailed in Def Stan 02-713. The maximum of toxicity index expressed
in terms of 100g of material shall be stated in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
Specimens shall be prepared and the test carried out using the apparatus and methodology detailed in Def
Stan 02-711 as amended below.
16.20.1 Each sample is to consist of a sufficient number of 75 mm long strips cut from the cable jacket to
completely cover the face area of the sample holder. The cable jacket is to be within the range 1.45 to 1.55
mm in thickness. To prevent excessive buckling and distortion of the sample during test, a wire mesh
manufactured from 1.5 mm diameter stainless steel wire with a spacing of 12.5 mm and a square mesh
configuration, is to be fabricated by placing the sample holder (with wire) test face down onto a flat surface
and positioning each 75 mm length in the holder in a parallel arrangement so that when the holder is in the
test position the strips are vertical. An insulating block 10 mm thick completely wrapped in aluminium foil is to
be placed on top of the strips followed by a tension spring and locking pin. See figure 7.
This grid shall consist of nominally 12.5 mm square aperture made from 1.5 mm diameter stainless steel
wire, spot welded at all intersections. The dimensions of each grid are such that it will just fit a smoke sample
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
16.20.3 The maximum value of smoke index shall be specified in the Def Stan Sectional Specification.
Note : Use of the wire grid changes the smoke Index value considerably and results that have been obtained from tests
without it are not comparable with those obtained with it.
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
Figure 7 Front view of smoke test sample holder showing vertically mounted jacket samples
Specimens shall be tested for potential acid gas evolution by using the ‘Lassaigne Test’ (Sodium Fusion
Test). A 0.25g ± 0.1g sample, approximately 25 mm length, of jacketing material stripped from the test
sample and cut into small pieces shall be subjected to the above test. The test shall show a negative result
(not detectable) for fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine.
b) related Documents
d) test requirements
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
18 Def Stan Supplement
The Def Stan Supplement shall contain as a minimum:
b) related Documents
c) test requirements
d) cable description
The manufacturer shall hold a valid Product Conformance Certification (PCC) issued by a third party
authority acceptable to the purchaser. The authority shall certify that the manufacturer has supplied the data
required by the standard and that the manufacturer declares that the product satisfies the requirements of
that standard. The manufacture is responsible for ensuring that the data package supplied to the PCC
authority is correct and that it represents the product for which he is claiming certification.
Manufacturers releasing product against a PCC approval are responsible for ensuring that that the product
has been manufactured using materials, processes that were demonstrated in the certification package as
well as ensuring that product released against a PCC approval satisfies the requirements of the relevant
product specification
The sectional standard shall contain a table detailing which the minimum to be carried out in order to
demonstrate compliance with the standard as well any release and quality monitoring tests that are required.
The drafting committee shall ascribe each test in a table based upon Table 7 below under indicate which
column applies.
Test Clause no a b c d
19.2.1 The manufacturer shall have, as a minimum, carried out the tests listed in the Table 7 column (a) if
conformance to this standard is claimed. The tests shall be performed on separate specimens of
representative samples of size 006 cables. Evidence of such tests shall be available to the purchaser.
19.2.2 Tests listed in Table 4 column (b) shall be carried out in accordance with BS 3G 230 clause 7.1 (b).
19.2.3 Tests listed in Table 4 column (c) shall be carried out in accordance with BS 3G 230 clause 7.1 (c).
19.2.4 Tests listed in Table 4 column (d) shall be carried out in accordance with BS 3G 230 clause 7.1 (d).
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
20.1.1 Sealing
Each length of the wire or cable shall have the ends sealed to prevent the ingress of moisture.
20.1.2 Reels
The wire or cable shall be wound on a reel the barrel diameter of which shall be not less than 12 times the
overall specified diameter of the completed wire or cable.
20.1.3 Cables.
Reels shall be non-returnable, constructed from plywood or standard hardboard complying with the
requirements of BS EN 622 Part 2. Strong plastic reels may be used only when stipulated in the contract.
20.1.4 Length
Unless stated otherwise in the contract or order each reel shall preferably carry 100 metres ± 1% in one
length without joints. The manufacturer may however supply up to 10% of a type in random lengths provided
that each reel contains 100 metres and consists of not more than four lengths, the length of each being not
less than 20 metres.
20.1.5 Wrapping
The peripheral surface of the wire as wound on the reel shall be wrapped with PVC or Polyethylene sheeting
to prevent ingress of fluids to the wire or cable carried. There shall be a minimum overlap on the width
between reel flanges of 50 mm. If strip bandage wrapping is utilised the strip edges shall overlap by at least
25 mm.
The wrapping shall be secured in position using a pressure-sensitive adhesive waterproof tape.
20.1.6 Marking
Item name and description including the colour of the completed wire or cable
Length/s in metres
Contract number
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
Annex A
Fluid Test List
Fuels Aviation turbine Def Stan 91-91 or 70°C ± 2°C AVTUR F35
Def Stan 91-87 AVTUR FSII F34(JP8)6
Fuel Oils ISO 1817 Liquid F 70°C ± 2°C Simulates diesel fuel,
domestic heating and similar
light furnace oils
Gasoline ISO 1817 Liquid B 40°C ± 2°C
Hydraulic fluids Mineral based Def Stan 91-48 50°C ± 2°C OM15
(see Note 1)
Phosphate ester DTD 900/4881D 100°C ± 5°C OX 20 Skydrol 500 B4
based (synthetic) ISO 1817 Liquid 103 70°C ± 2°C
Silicone Based Dimethyl silicone, 20 70°C ± 2°C This replaces S1714
mm2/s (CST) AT 25°C which is no longer
NATO S1716 available
Non Mineral Based 80% 2 – Ethoxyethanol 100°C ± 5°C
(synthetic) (Ethylene Glycol
Monoethyl Ether) to
BS 2713 and 20%
Castor Oil to BS 7207 by
Note 6 AVTUR based fuels F 34 and F35 are not acceptable for embarkation on HM Ships
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
Annex B
Colour code for cores in multi-core cables
DEF STAN 61-12 Part 0 Issue 3
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UK Defence Standardization
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When Defence Standards are incorporated into contracts users are responsible for their correct
application and for complying with contractual and statutory requirements. Compliance with a Defence
Standard does not in itself confer immunity from legal obligations.
Defence Standards are revised as necessary by an up issue or amendment. It is important that users
of Defence Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest issue or amendment.
Information on all Defence Standards can be found on the DStan Website,
updated weekly and supplemented regularly by Standards in Defence News (SID News). Any person
who, when making use of a Defence Standard encounters an inaccuracy or ambiguity is requested to
notify UK Defence Standardization (DStan) without delay in order that the matter may be investigated
and appropriate action taken.