Parasiticfood Born 151110194810 Lva1 App6891
Parasiticfood Born 151110194810 Lva1 App6891
Parasiticfood Born 151110194810 Lva1 App6891
Dalia El-Shafei
Lecturer, Community Medicine Department,
Zagazig University
Endemic in Egypt & many parts of the world.
Entamoeba Histolytica, found in 2 phases:
• Large trophozoite (vegetative form): pathogenic
form that invades wall of colon, causing ulcerative
• Small trophozoite: commensal in the lumen of
large intestine, but potentially pathogenic, and
changes under unknown circumstances into the
pathogenic large trophozoite.
Entamoeba cyst:
While the vegetative form (large pathogenic
trophozoite) is passing with intestinal content
toward the rectum, it secretes a cyst wall &
develops into a 4-nucleate cyst, the infective stage
that passes out with faeces. The cyst is relatively
resistant outside the body, but destroyed by heat,
desiccation and UV.
The vegetative form may pass to the outside with
faeces during acute disease, but is delicate and
perishes rapidly, and so has no infectious role.
1. Man (mainly): chronic cases, or asymptomatic
a) Chronic cases: recovered from acute disease
(manifestations disappeared), but infection persists.
Acute cases have no infectious role “fragile
vegetative form perishes rapidly. Even if ingested, it
is destroyed by gastric acidity & digestive enzymes
of stomach & upper intestine.
b) Cyst-passers: asymptomatic, apparently healthy.
2. Rats: frequently infected & pass cysts in their
1. Food borne infection: ingestion of food or
water contaminated with entamoeba cysts, from
excreta of man, usually, or may be rats.
2. Hand to mouth infection, when hand gets
contaminated with cysts:
• Hand of contacts.
• From polluted dust, in underdeveloped areas.
Incubation Period: commonly 3-4 weeks.
clinical involvement of the case by E.
histolytica. It may be limited to the colon,
giving- intestinal manifestations (1ry
amoebiasis), or extend from the colon to
other parts of the body (2ry amoebiasis).
Intestinal amoebiasis:
severe amoebic ulceration may cause
perforation of colon (& intestinal hemorrhage),
and may be peritonitis and appendicitis.
Extra Intestinal amoebiasis:
amoebic abscesses specially the liver (most
frequently affected), “amoebic hepatitis”.
Clinical picture may be suggestive.
Stools examination: 4-nucleate E.
histolytica cysts.
Acute cases, however, are difficult to
diagnose, as the vegetative form perishes
rapidly outside the body.
Giardia Lamblia intestinal protozoon is found in 2
Trophozoite: inhabits the duodenum and upper intestine,
but not invading the tissues.
Cyst: the infective stage passed with faeces that can
remain viable in the environment for months.
ingestion infection.
• Food borne infection: ingestion of cysts-contaminated food or
• Hand-to-mouth infection, when hand is contaminated with
• A high percent of the infected is asymptomatic.
• Gastrointestinal manifestations:
Giardia is an important causative agent of
infective diarrhoeal disease (GE) of infants and
stools examined for giardia trophozoite and
Lambliasis Amoebiasis
Site Duodenum & upper Colon
Main C/P Enteritis Dysentery
Extra intestinal √
Wall invasion √
Protozoal disease of colon, characterized by
Causative Agent:
Balantidium coli ciliated protozoon. Similar to
2 forms: trophozoite that inhabits the wall of colon &
Reservoirs of Infection: man, swine.
Modes of Infection:
Ingestion infection “food borne & hand-to-mouth
• Asymptomatic infection.
• Mild colitis.
• Acute dysentery.
Clinical Picture:
Mild infection may be in apparent.
Manifest cases :
• Respiratory manifestations.
• Intestinal disorders: abdominal discomfort & colic.
• Nutritional deficiency: due to anorexia, impaired
digestion & protein absorption, loss of nutrients.
• Others: restless sleep & grinding of teeth,
commonly in children.
C/P is not diagnostic, being not specific, except
when adult worms pass & detected in stools.
- Identifying the eggs in faeces.
1. Sanitation of environment:
Safe water supply, food sanitation.
Providing rural areas with sanitary convenient latrines, and
sanitary disposal of wastes
To be used for fertilization of vegetables, human
excreta must be stored, in covered packed heaps, for at
least 6 weeks.
Fly control.
2. Health education of the public:
• Using water closet or latrine, and avoid promiscuous
• Thorough washing of uncooked (salad) vegetables.
• Hand washing on returning home, and before food.
• Supervision of children on playing outdoors, and advise
1. Case-finding, on health appraisal: smear of
stools is examined for ascaris eggs.
2. Cases: treatment, and reexamination to be
retreated if necessary.
(Oxyuriasis pinworm
The most widespread helminthic infection.
Preschool & school children show the highest
Causative Agent: Enterobius vermicularis, a small
roundworm in the caecum & adjacent part of
colon and small intestine, and the appendix.
Males are few millimeters long, and females
around 10 mm long.
Reservoir of Infection: the infected person.
Infective stage: the egg, almost once deposited
by migrating gravid female worm in the perianal
region (the worm dies after opposition). Eggs
are relatively resistant outside the body.
1. Hand-to-mouth infection: "faeco-oral infection".
■ Autoinfection: fingers and nails of the case get
contaminated by scratching the anal region.
■ Hands of contacts may be contaminated with eggs:
* Playing with the case.
* Handling soiled fomites (e.g. under wears and
* Touching soiled toilet fixtures.
2. Ingestion infection: eggs may contaminate food, by
■ Handling food by contaminated hand.
Perianal pruritus & scratching, on migration of
gravid female worms and opposition, usually
nocturnal, causing disturbed sleep and
Worms in perianal region & stools.
■ Perianal swab to demonstrate eggs (using
adhesive tape) when necessary.
■ Stool examination is not diagnostic, and
so not used, as eggs not necessarily show in
1. Personal cleanliness: most preventive measure.
Keeping hands & nails clean. Nails must also be
regularly trimmed.
2. Health education of the public, specially parents,
♦ Clean hands and habits.
♦ Supervision of children.
3. Food sanitation: clean handling and protection of
♦ Proper antihelminthic therapy.
♦ Prevention of autoinfection during treatment, and
follow clean habits.
♦ Boiling of under wears, clothing and bedding.
♦ Guiding cases (and mothers of young
children) for: treatment, boiling of fomites,
prevention of autoinfection, and protection of
family contacts.
Taeniasis is an intestinal infection with the adult of
large tapeworms.
Infectious agent: T.solium (pork tapeworm) &
T.saginata (beef tapeworm).
Man is the definitive host of both species of
taenia. He discharges detached gravid segments
which rupture to liberate eggs in human faeces
(remain viable for months). Egg is infective to the
intermediate host (cattle for T.saginata & pig for T.
Solium) where it hatches in the intestine of the animal
& the embryo penetrates the intestinal wall & is
carried by the circulation to various tissues (especially
skeletal muscles where it becomes encysted).
Man is infected by ingestion of raw or under
cooked infected beef or pork containing the
infective stage (cysticercus bovis in beef &
cysticercus cellulosa in pork). In the intestine the
scolex (in the cysticercus) evaginates, attaches to
the mucosa and develops into mature worm.
Occurrence: World wide.
The prevalence is high wherever beef or pork are
eaten raw or insufficiently cooked and the animal
have access to human faeces.
Man is usually infected with one worm only.
Period of communicability: so long the
worm remains in the intestine sometimes
more than 30 ys. T. saginata is not
directly transmitted from person to
Incubation period:
2-3 months from infection to the appearance
of eggs in faeces.
Clinical picture:
- Many infections are asymptomatic except for
the annoyance from having segments of worms
emerging from the anus.
- Manifestations (if present) include nervousness,
insomnia, anorexia, weight loss, however the
disease is non fatal.
based on detection of gravid segment or eggs
of the worm in faeces.
(1) Preventive measures:
a- Health education of the public to:
- avoid promiscus defecation to prevent contamination of soil,
water and animal food.
- cook the meat thoroughly (internal temperature must exceed 60
C) or
freeze it below - 5 C for 5 days to kill the infective stage.
b. Sanitary raising & feeding of cattle.
c. Eliminate source of infection by case finding & treatment.
(2) Control measures:
• Case finding.
• Specific treatment and reexamination of cases.
• Specific measures for cases of T. solium as its eggs are
immediately infective to man causing cysticercosis to avoid auto &/or
contact infection.
N.B: Cysticercosis is a tissue infection with the
larval stage of T. solium, where man acts as a
definitive and intermediate host. Infection
occurs by direct transfer (ingestion) of eggs of T.
solium from faeces of infected person to the mouth
of the same person (auto infection) or another' s
mouth or indirectly through ingestion of contaminated
water or food.
In the intestine the embryo escapes from the egg
shell, penetrates the intestinal wall into lymphatic or
blood vessel and is carried to various tissues to
produce its manifestations which vary according to
the site and intensity.
Cerebral involvement is serious with high case
fatality. Serologic tests and U.S are diagnostic.
Infectious agents: Heterophyes heterophyes, a
minute intestinal trematode, less than 2 mm long that
inhabits the small intestine, deeply embedded in the
Clinical picture:
Many cases are asymptomatic, right upper quadrant
pain & hepatomegally, liver function abnormalities &
aesinophilia during liver invasion.
D.D other causes of hepatomegally.
After migration to biliary ducts the worm may cause
biliary colic or obstructive jaundice.
Based on finding characteristic eggs in
faeces or in bile aspirated from the
Reservoir of Infection:
The dog is the definitive host of Echinococcus
granulosus, 3 small tapeworm, some millimeters
long, in the small intestine. Eggs pass in the
faeces of dog.
Intermediate Host:
Sheep, cattle and other herbivorous animals. They
ingest Echinococcus egg-contaminated food, to
form hydatid cysts in different animal organs,
specially the lung & liver. The dog gets infected with
the worm on ingesting hydatid cyst in animal organs,
and the cycle of dog-animal-dog infection continues.
Infection of Man: Man may occasionally be infected
with Echinococcus eggs from dogs, and gets affected
with hydatid cyst.
• Clinical examination: cystic tumor, which is
nonspecific & not diagnostic, but suggestive.
• X-ray: supports suspected disease, but not
• Biopsy or aspiration of cyst: is avoided, for
the risk of anaphylaxis and 2ry infection.
• Casoni test: ID hypersensitivity test. +ve
reaction is diagnostic.
1- Measures for Dogs:
. Prevention of infection: abattoirs must be free of
dogs & affected part(s) of slaughtered animals must
be burnt.
. Elimination of stray dogs, and licensing of the
others after examination for Echinococcus and
treatment of the infected.
2- Protection of Man:
. Personal cleanliness: avoiding contact with
suspected dogs, and keeping the hands clean.
. Supervision of children, as they usually like to play
with dogs.