The Use of Machine Learning in Digital Forensics: Review Paper

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The Use of Machine Learning in Digital

Forensics: Review Paper

Yusra Al Balushi(B) , Hothefa Shaker , and Basant Kumar

Modern College of Business and Science, 3 Bawshar St, Muscat 133, Oman

Abstract. With the increase of cybercrimes in the current years, digital

forensics has become an important matter to study in order achieve qual-
ity evidence. Forensic investigators face difficulties with data collection
and analysis to reconstruct events. Due to humans’ immense interaction
on a daily basis, machine learning allows investigators to perform more
effective and efficient investigations using various algorithms. Machine
learning is a subset of the artificial intelligence field. It is a scientific
discipline focusing on developing computer models and algorithms that
can perform specific tasks without programming, such as dataset train-
ing and testing, and it’s potential to aid in investigations. This paper
reviews various machine learning techniques that examine and analyze
digital evidence during the investigation process. Each machine learn-
ing algorithm works on a specific area of digital forensics based on the
features, it overcomes complexity, data volume, time-lining, correlation,
consistency, etc. moreover, this study compares machine learning algo-
rithms in terms of standard criteria.

Keywords: Digital Forensics · Machine learning Algorithms ·

Investigation · Digital Evidence · Swarm Intelligence

1 Introduction
Digital forensics (DF) is a process utilized to analyze and present digital evidence
gathered from various sources such as databases, computers, and digital images
[1]. The increasing number of smart devices in our daily life results in a wide
variety of data, with different categories and characteristics. The digital forensics
investigation process collects and analyzes data to help investigators identify
and prevent unauthorized access to the collected information [2]. In most cases,
the data and evidence collected from a device can be deleted after the crime
has occurred. This process is very important for investigators as it can help
them determine the exact nature of the crime, and identify the victims [3].
Unfortunately, insufficient human resources to perform a thorough investigation
can take a long time.
Although many techniques can be used to manage the massive amount of data
collected by a digital forensics investigator, such as Hadoop, they do not function
c The Author(s) 2023
N. Bacanin and H. Shaker (Eds.): ICIITB 2022, ACSR 104, pp. 96–113, 2023.
The Use of Machine Learning in Digital Forensics: Review Paper 97

as efficient as the human brain. Instead, investigators use a machine learning

(ML) to analyze and collect data efficiently [4]. This system can learn from
various examples and experiences and decide based on the data [5]. It contains
different algorithms such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree (DT),
K-Means, K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Naı̈ve Bayes (NB), Principal Component
Analysis (PCA), Logistic Regression (LR), Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
and Apriori. Each algorithm is responsible for a specific task like extracting
features, classifying network attacks, detecting manipulated images, etc. [6].
This paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 provides an overview of digital
forensics and machine learning, followed by the proposed machine learning algo-
rithms used in digital forensics in Sect. 3. Section 4 discuss the limitations of
machine learning algorithms in digital forensics.

2 Digital Forensics and Machine Learning

Digital forensics is a branch of science that focuses on analyzing and preserving
the data that’s collected and stored in various forms of media. Although its
roots can be traced back to the 1980s, the field’s evolution was accelerated
during the 1990s with the emergence of multi-user, multi-tasking, and wide-area
networks [7]. Due to the rise of cyber threats and attacks, it has become one
of the most critical areas of security. Machine learning is a branch of artificial
intelligence focusing on developing computers that can learn from data. This
technology is commonly used in the areas of data mining and analysis, as well
as in the prediction of future behavior [8]. This section describes the digital
forensics challenges, models, and investigation stages and also explains different
machine learning algorithms.

2.1 Digital Forensics

The discipline of digital forensics is a branch of criminalistics that focuses on
the legal procedures related to analyzing and protecting digital information.
It involves identifying and extracting information from various sources. After
that, it can be used to evaluate the data in a civil or a criminal trial [9]. This
process involves using scientific and technological methods to analyze the data
that various digital objects have created [10]. Digital forensics is a process that
aims to collect evidence that can be used to determine the facts surrounding
an incident. The 5WH questions are commonly asked in investigations, such as
who was involved, where the incident occurred, and how and when it happened.
The answer to these questions and assists the investigators in confirming the
incident [11].

A. Digital Forensics Investigation Process. According to the National

Institute of Standards and Technology, the four procedures and methodologies
used in the digital forensics process are designed, as shown in Fig. 2, to help
organizations understand the significance of their investigations. They can be
98 Y. A. Balushi et al.

performed in different ways depending on the complexity of the study [12]. Due
to the rise of digital technology, there has been an increase in the number of
data sources that can be collected. Figure 1 illustrates the digital forensics inves-
tigation process. Each stage is explained below.

a) Data Collection: The first stage in conducting an investigation, is identifying

the potential sources of this data. Usually, the data is collected from laptops,
desktops, and servers. In addition to traditional sources, analysts should consider
other data sources when analyzing an organization’s operation. For instance,
they can gather information about an organization’s activities through the logs
of its Internet service provider [13].

Fig. 1. Digital Forensics Investigation Process

The Use of Machine Learning in Digital Forensics: Review Paper 99

b) Examination: The second stage aims to examine the data that has been
collected. Through the use of digital forensics techniques and tools, the neces-
sary pieces of information from the data are extracted. Moreover, defining the
data files that contains information of interest, including information concealed
through file compression, access control, and encryption [13,14].

c) Analysis: An analysis is a process that involves carrying out scientific pro-

cedures in a scientific setting to produce elements such as identifying people,
places, and events, as well as determining how these elements are related [15].
This process involves analyzing data collected from various sources. For instance,
an IDS log may contain information about a specific user, while audit logs may
include details about a particular host, with the help of tools such as security
event management software, it can be easy to correlate and gather data [14].

d) Reporting: The final phase of the investigation is reporting, this step involves
analyzing the data collected during the analysis phase and presenting the findings
to the analyst in a formal documentation. It can be challenging to determine the
cause of an event or provide an accurate explanation, however, by gathering
information from the data, an analyst can improve their understanding of the
event and to also prevent any recurrence in the future [15].

B. Digital Forensics Models. Digital Forensics has several investigation mod-

els, such as Digital Forensics Research Workshops Model (DFRWS), Abstract
Digital Forensics Model (ADFM), Integrated Digital Investigation Process Model
(IDIP), and End-to-End Digital Investigation Process Model (EEDIP) [16]. Each
model is designed for a specific phase and activity. Figure 2 illustrates the digital
forensics models with the related activities.

Fig. 2. Models of the Digital Forensics

100 Y. A. Balushi et al.

C. Threads of the Digital Forensics. The increased number of digital devices

has continuously challenged the development of digital forensics. The complexity
of the hardware, software platforms, and smartphones that use encryption poses
an immense challenge in collecting digital evidence. This has resulted in the
need for new strategies and methods to address the challenges faced by the
industry. According to Montanari et al., the increasing variety of file formats
and operating systems hampers the International Journal of Organizational and
Collective Intelligence from developing standardized digital forensics tools, and
processes [17]. Due to the increasing complexity of digital technology, the amount
of data that can be collected and analyzed has become more challenging. With
new data formats, such as the low binary, it is now possible to collect and analyze
large volumes of data [18].
Based on Horsman et al., complexity is another challenge. As the data col-
lected increases, developing tools that can analyze the data collected quickly
becomes more challenging. Furthermore, lack of standardization in the format-
ting and storage of digital evidence is also a significant issue. It is challenging to
share digital proof. This issue could affect the efficiency of investigations by hav-
ing a standardized set of procedures; law enforcers could exchange information
more effectively [19].
According to Quick et al., correlation and consistency are the biggest chal-
lenges when developing digital analysis tools. Since the evidence is collected from
different sources, the data must be analyzed and correlated correctly. This can
be time-consuming and drain an investigation’s resources [20].
Pandey studied those digital forensics professionals face the time-lining chal-
lenge, which occurs when multiple sources provide conflicting interpretations
of the data. This issue can affect the efficiency of an investigation. The lack
of knowledge about the latest digital forensics tools is also a significant issue
that threatens the development of the industry and data accuracy. Due to the
rapid evolution of forensic science, the individuals working in the field must be
equipped with the necessary skills to use the new technology effectively. This
issue can prevent the development of new digital [21].

2.2 Machine Learning

One of the most common approaches to artificial intelligence (AI) in is machine
learning, which allows systems to learn and analyze without requiring additional
training [22]. It can automatically classify and predict inputs it has received [23].
This technology can use appropriate algorithms in various areas, such as secu-
rity and fraud detection. Machine learning is divided into four main categories:
supervised learning, unsupervised learning, semi-supervised learning, and rein-
forcement learning. The supervised learning process examples are mapping an
input to an output. It takes advantage of training data labeled with various train-
ing examples. Regression and classification are the most popular techniques used
in this process [24]. Unsupervised learning, known as the clustering technique,
can help identify the hidden structures and patterns within the datasets [25].
While semi-supervised learning is a type of machine learning that focuses on
The Use of Machine Learning in Digital Forensics: Review Paper 101

using unlabeled and labeled data to perform various activities. It is between

unsupervised and supervised learning [26]. Reinforcement learning focuses on
rewarding behaviors and punishing those who are not good enough, it can solve
problems or control certain situations [27]. These algorithms are described as

A. Support Vector Machine Algorithm. Support Vector Machine can han-

dle both regression and classification problems. SVM uses the examples within
the training data set to classify the objects, it can take structured and semi-
structured data and perform complex functions depending on the kernel func-
tion. This method considers the number of features in each data item and then
identifies a hyperplane that splits them into two classes. It minimizes errors while
maximizing the marginal distance between the two classes [28].

B. Decision Tree Algorithm. A decision tree is a learning method that can

be used for both the regression and classification of tasks. It is easy to interpret
and can correspond outcomes from tests to the classification of data items. A
decision tree model considers the various decision logic and models them into a
tree-like structure. The topmost node in a DT tree which is called the root node.
The internal nodes of a decision tree represent tests related to the input variables
or attributes. After completing the test, the classification algorithm branches to
the appropriate child node. This process continues until the leaf node is ready
to decide [29].

C. K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm. The K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm

is a non-generalizing learning method that doesn’t focus on creating a general
model. It stores all instances of training data in an n-dimensional space. It uses
data to classify new data points, the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm can perform
various tasks such as regression and classification that handle data training to
provide accurate data based on the quality of data [30].

D. Naı̈ve Bayes Algorithm. Naı̈ve Bayes is an unsupervised learning algo-

rithm used in classification or clustering tasks. It does not require specification of
an outcome and can be implemented as a method for creating clusters [31]. The
algorithm requires only a small amount of training data to estimate the necessary
parameters. Nave Bayes relies on both the target and input variables, making it
a supervised learning technique. As a classifier, it produces a tree composed of
Bayesian networks, which are tree models based on outcome probabilities [32].

E. K-Means Algorithm. K-Means is a simple and efficient method to classify

datasets into K centers. It can be compared to hierarchical clustering because
it is more efficient when the variables are significant. Therefore, the efficient
elements in this algorithm are the implementation and data interpretation [30].
102 Y. A. Balushi et al.

F. Principal Component Analysis Algorithm. The principal component

analysis is a procedure that takes into account the observations of various pos-
sible correlated variables and converts them into linearly uncorrelated values. It
can be performed quickly and simply by implementing an algorithm known as
the Orthogonal Transformation. This eliminates the need for a prior information
within the computation of the model. In addition to data clustering and classi-
fication, PCA provides various other features, such as data feature classification
and estimation [33].

G. Logistic Regression Algorithm. A logistic regression model is used in

machine learning to solve classification problems. It helps in identifying which
class is associated with a given instance. Since it is a probability, the model out-
come is between zero and one. So, it is possible to use it as a binary classifier [34].

H. Singular Value Decomposition Algorithm. The concept of the factor-

ization method known as SVD is widely used in matrixes. The SVD algorithm
provides a low-dimensional representation of a high-dimensional data-set by con-
sidering the dominant patterns. This method is mainly based on data collected
without requiring knowledge or intuition. Invariance features can be extracted
using singular values, and the decomposition method can be used from an image,
or a signal [35].

I. Apriori Algorithm. The Apriori algorithm is widely used in data mining

and finds the relationships between various data-sets. It frequently mines item
sets using the candidate generation method. It is also designed to perform well
in a database with several transactions. However, it’s performance could degrade
due to various factors, one is the requirement for “n” numbers of frequent item
sets in the database scans [36].

2.3 Swarm Intelligence

The concept of swarm intelligence refers to the algorithms that are inspired by
the habits of various animals in nature. Some of the most prominent examples
of this type of metaheuristics include the optimization of artificial bee colonies
and particle swarm optimization [37]. The metaheuristic approach has been
extensively utilized in developing various computational models and algorithms
designed to address the complexity of real-world problems in mathematics, statis-
tics, and blockchain. Some of these include the optimization of artificial neural
networks tasks [38]. A review of the literature shows that although the meta-
heuristic approach has been widely utilized in developing various computational
models and algorithms, the swarm intelligence techniques needed to be used
more to improve the performance of machine learning models. This is surpris-
ing, as the methods have been successfully used in other research areas. One of
The Use of Machine Learning in Digital Forensics: Review Paper 103

the most successful applications of this type of metaheuristics is a pair of algo-

rithms designed to improve the efficiency of Extreme Learning Machine (ELMs)
tasks [39].
An adequate number of neurons is required in the hidden layer to achieve fast
convergence and good performance when implementing an unsupervised learn-
ing algorithm. The difference between traditional machine learning models and
ELMs is that while using gradient-descent techniques, the latter uses randomly
allocated bias and input weight values [40]. This approach avoids some of the
issues commonly occurring with the gradient-descent method. These include the
iterative tuning of the bias and weight values and the slowing down of the con-
vergence speed. Despite this, the number of neurons that make up the hidden
layer remains an open question for ELMs [41].

3 Machine Learning in Digital Forensics

Machine learning plays a role in cybersecurity and digital forensics. Digital foren-
sics investigators use machine learning algorithms to analyze vast amounts of
data sets stored in various cloud computing environments and networks [42].
These data sets can then be used to predict the behavior of their users. In addi-
tion, these algorithms can also perform pattern recognition. Through the use
of machine learning techniques, investigators apply a set of rules and methods
that can be used to find interesting data patterns to identify potential criminal
activity. This section describes several algorithms proposed to discover digital
evidence and improve the investigation process.

3.1 Support Vector Machine Algorithm in Digital Forensics

Islam et al. proposed a model that can detect copy-move and splice attacks in
color images using local binary pattern (LBP) and discrete cosine transformation
(DCT) operators. The proposed system was evaluated using the SVM kernel. The
DCT and LBP operators capture the changes in the local frequency distribution
and detect micro-patterns. The proposed method considers the inter-cell values
of the LBP blocks and arranges them as feature vectors. The resulting images are
then classified into authentic and tampered ones using the SVM and radial basis
function (RBF). The study results show that the proposed method is well-suited
for image forgery detection and accuracy metrics [43].
Barni et al. proposed a system that can detect contrast enhancement using
an adaptive histogram in JPEG compression. This method is based on the color
SPAM features of an SVM detector. It can then be trained to recognize JPEG-
compressed images with enhanced contrast. The researchers tested the systems
performance by training it against a set of JPEG-compressed images with dif-
ferent quality factors (QFs). It only works well if the QF used matches the one
used in the test and the QFs are more extensive than 80 [44]. The proposed
system can be applied to multimedia analysis forensics.
104 Y. A. Balushi et al.

Ferreira et al. proposed a method to distinguish between fake and genuine

digital photos and videos. It uses an SVM-based method to extract the features
from the data collected by a discrete fourier transform (DFT) calculation. Using
the Scikit-Learn library in Python 3.9, the SVM processing could create a clas-
sification model for the generated data. This model then predicts the photos in
the testing dataset. A set of Python programs were designed to process photos’
features and extract frames from videos. They were also used to create an SVM
model that can be used to classify images. The proposed model is based on two
modules for Autopsy. The DFT-SVM algorithm was used to analyze the photos
and videos, and the result shows that it takes less time to perform the analysis
than convolutional neural network (CNN) [45]. The DFT-SVM method’s low
processing time and high performance make it an ideal tool for detecting fake
multimedia content in the digital forensic analysis phase. The study results were
auspicious and followed the same procedure as previous studies [46].

3.2 Decision Tree Algorithm in Digital Forensics

Chhabra et al. proposed an architectural framework that combines the MapRe-

duce framework, the Hadoop Distributed File System, and the decision tree
algorithm. The proposed framework handled the vast amount of data that can
be collected and stored. It consists of four steps: capturing network traffic, con-
verting it into a human-readable format, filtering packets, analyzing the data for
malicious activities, and finally, presenting a threat analysis and visualization.
A decision tree labels malicious and non-malicious traffic, improving accuracy
and time efficiency in each phase. The study’s results revealed that the model
could detect 99% of all malicious and non-malicious traffic [47].
In 2021, a hybrid approach was proposed by Usman et al. to address the issues
related to the IP reputation system by combining the capabilities of various data
forensics techniques such as machine learning, Dynamic Malware Analysis, and
Cyber Threat Intelligence. Using big data forensics, it can predict the likelihood
of a particular attack happening before it occurs and then classifies it according
to its behavioral characteristics. The proposed system was evaluated against
various existing reputation systems using multiple ML techniques such as DT,
SVM, and NB. The DT performed well in the recall, F-measure, and precision
scores [48].

3.3 K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm in Digital Forensics

Kachavimath et al. presented a framework for analyzing and detecting dis-

tributed denial of service attacks using the K-Nearest Neighbor and nave Bayes
algorithms. The method utilizes statistical techniques to improve the detection
performance of anomalous network traffic. The KNN algorithm is based on the
statistical features of the KDD Cup 99 and network security laboratory (NSL-
KDD) data-sets. Compared to the Nave Bayes algorithm, the KNN algorithm
performs better in accuracy, recall, and precision [49].
The Use of Machine Learning in Digital Forensics: Review Paper 105

Barra et al. proposed a method for gender classification consisting of three

steps: data extraction, feature creation, and selecting the best classifiers, the
first step involves extracting body keypoinkey pointsideo sequences, followed by
the design of body features using OpenPose. The second step requires training
four different classifiers: the K-Nearest Neighbors, Adaptive Boosting, Random
Forest, and Support Vector. The most accurate method to determine gender,
even in the dark is the Random Forrest followed by K-Nearest Neighbors [50].

3.4 Naı̈ve Bayes Algorithm in Digital Forensics

Yudhana et al. analyzed the data collected from the network traffic log to identify
the accuracy of the distributed denial of service attack. Through the Wireshark
application, they collected network traffic datasets and extracted network fea-
tures to identify patterns in the data. After that, they performed a network
package classification procedure using the Nave Bayes algorithm and trained it
using several neurons using via Neural Network algorithm. The analysis and
testing revealed that the neural network had an accuracy of 95.2381% while the
nave Bayes had an accuracy of 99.999%. The researchers believe that using arti-
ficial neural networks and the Nave Bayes algorithm in network forensics can
help improve the accuracy of the results during investigations [51].

3.5 K-Means Algorithm in Digital Forensics

Sudha et al. developed a framework that uses the K-Means algorithm to analyze
the data collected from various sources. The data collected from multiple forms of
cybercrime analysis can be easily sorted, to make it easier to extract the features.
In the Clustering stage, the K-means algorithm detects the interactions between
features. The proposed method can then provide actionable steps to prevent
these types of crimes from reoccurring in the future [52].
Ruriawan et al. developed a system that can identify digital evidence and
classify the contents of storage media using the K-Means clustering algorithm.
The classification system for digital evidence is split into two parts: the digital
evidence collector and the digital evidence file. The duplicator will then copy and
store the user’s specified data. The proposed system can be used to recover files
stored in the media. This system is used to help forensic investigators prepare
the related evidence more efficiently [53].

3.6 Principle Component Analysis Algorithm in Digital Forensics

Roy developed a digital forensic framework to analyze the source and origin
of an image. The framework was able to classify it using random forest. The
main advantage of this feature is that it allows investigators to identify the
multiple camera sources that produce different JPEG compression artifacts. The
framework also improved its classification accuracy by implementing the PCA
algorithm. This method was used to drastically reduce the dimensionality of the
features [54].
106 Y. A. Balushi et al.

3.7 Logistic Regression Algorithm in Digital Forensics

Ali et al. identified the types of malware commonly encountered in the Windows
operating systems that target the registry. Malware can cause a loss of precious
time during the investigation process. They provided valuable insight into how
these types of malware interact with the registry. The researchers tested differ-
ent classifiers, such as the Neural Network, the Decision tree, and the Logistic
regression. The results of their study revealed that it is possible to perform digital
forensics analysis using modified timestamps and ML techniques. The authors
identified the 47 locations in the registry commonly targeted by malware. The
researchers determined that the Boosted tree correctly classified over 72% of
the malware through their study. This method allows investigators to quickly
identify which type of malware is present and which isn’t [55].
Hina et al. proposed a multi-label approach that can be used to organize and
analyze emails. This method can help conduct forensic investigations related
to the illegal use of email. This approach is implemented in stages: data pre-
processing, which involves removing the most repeated words in a sentence such
as “we”, “am,”, etc. Then, various machine-learning techniques extract regu-
lar email features from harmful emails, based on the experimental result, the
Logistic Regression algorithm performed better than the other machine learning
techniques regarding the accuracy and analyzing email classification [56].

3.8 Singular Value Decomposition Algorithm in Digital Forensics

Ahmed et al. proposed a new method for detecting copy-move forgery based on
the singular value decomposition and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. It involves
extracting image features from various blocks using a steerable pyramid then
the original blocks’ indices are stored with feature vectors, which correspond
to the pixel’s corresponding features. Four processing techniques are examined
in digital image forensics: brightness adjustment, contrast adjustment, image
blurring, and color reduction. The proposed method performed well regarding
its recall, precision, and F1 score. For brightness adjustment, it scored at 95%,
while for image blurring, it was at 77.5%, 82.7%, and 75% [57].
Varghese et al. proposed an algorithm to detect a copy-move forgery in images
by extracting features from each block through a combination of singular value
decomposition and discrete orthonormal Stockwell transform. The resulting fea-
tures are lexicographically sorted and can be distinguished from other images
by two threshold values. According to the simulations, the proposed algorithm
is more robust and invariant than other state-of-the-art techniques for detecting
copy-move forgery. It also performed well in various operations, such as rotation,
with a high accuracy rate [58].
Tuncer et al. proposed a method that can be used to classify different types
of malware and develop an effective anti-malware model. The proposed method
utilizes a local binary pattern (LBP) and SVD to extract features and reduce
their complexity using PCA. Based on the LBP-SVD-LTPNet framework, the
proposed method achieved an 88.08% success rate. It performed better than the
deep learning methods in terms of accuracy [59].
The Use of Machine Learning in Digital Forensics: Review Paper 107

3.9 Apriori Algorithm in Digital Forensics

Huan et al. developed a mobile forensics system using the Apriori and K-means
algorithms. The Apriori algorithm improves the mining efficiency using mining
rules in two parts: generating frequent item sets and extracting the rules that
meet the minimum confidence requirement. Furthermore, it enhances the inti-
macy of the database by using a vertical structure to represent the data. The
clustering results are classified according to the relationship between the vari-
ous individuals. The researchers used the association rules to analyze the data.
They found that the high confidence rules indicate that the user’s daily habits
are consistent with the characteristics of the data [60] (Table 1).

Table 1. Summary of Machine Learning Algorithms in Digital Forensics Investigation

Focused Area ML Algorithm Forensic Type DF Phase Advantage Disadvantage

Copy-move and splice SVM Image forensics Examination High accuracy and trained Less performance on
attacks [43] both semi-structured and overlapping images
structured dataset
Contrast enhancement SVM Image forensics Examination Fast data analysis The detector (QF) work well
and identify in a specific QF only
image [44]
Detect manipulated SVM Image and video Analysis High accuracy Required more processing
videos and photos forensics time
[45, 46]
Labelled malicious and DT Network forensics Analysis Accurate data and time Complex calculation
non-malicious traffic efficiency
Classify attack DT, SVM and Network forensics Analysis High performance on Long time to train
behavioural [48] Naı̈ve Bayes unknown samples and
reduces security issues
DDoS attack [49] KNN, Naı̈ve Network forensics Examination Flexible classification Lazy learner and not working
Bayes and analysis with another attack rather
than DDoS Attack
Gender classification RF, KNN, RF, Video forensics Examination High accuracy in the dark Low performance on the
[50] AB, SVM and analysis videos prediction stage
DDoS attack [51] Naı̈ve Bayes Network forensics Analysis Simplicity Zero-frequency problem
Features classification K-Means Network forensics Examination High accuracy rate Set K value in advance
[52] and analysis
Identify and recover K-Means File system/ Analysis Discover hidden evidence Low performance on the
digital evidence [53] memory forensics noisy dataset
Determine image PCA, RF Image forensics Examination Improve accuracy and reduce Loss of data if the
source [54] the dimensionality of the components are not set
features correctly
Determine malware LR, DT Malware forensics Analysis Possible to build it into Used for prediction feature
location in Windows existing forensic tools
Registry [55] without requiring frequent
Email classification [56] LR, SVM, RF, Email forensics Analysis High accuracy with bi-gram Each variable requires a
DT features minimum of 10 data points
Image falsification [57] SVD Image forensics Examination High precision Reduce the block size on the
and analysis low-quality image
Extract features for SVD Image forensics Analysis High performance and less -
copy-move forgery in computational
images [58]
Anti-malware SVD, PCA Malware forensics Examination High accuracy Not understanding data
framework for forensics and analysis transformation
analysis [59]
Mobile forensics Apriori, Mobile forensics/ Analysis High confidence and improve Required further resources
application [60] K-Means database data mining efficiency
108 Y. A. Balushi et al.

4 Machine Learning Limitations in Digital Forensics

The lack of model transparency and testing methodologies is a significant issue
that affects the development and implementation of machine learning models.
Research labs often create new models that can be quickly implemented in real-
world applications but can also fail in these instances. Having the tools and
resources to reproduce models can help various industries and professionals solve
their problems faster, it can also help prevent them from experiencing issues such
as bias, unfortunately, many machine learning models must be designed to pro-
vide forensic practitioners with the necessary transparency and testing methods.
This issue can prevent them from effectively explaining different outputs via their
systems [61].
One of the most significant issues with deep learning algorithms is their
interpretability, this is because machine learning models can be compelling but
also powerless if they can’t be adequately interpreted. Therefore, it is essential
that they can be applied in real world scenarios [62].
Various techniques such as clustering, decision tree, and support vector
machine are used to analyze and predict the anonymous behavior of users in
big data. Due to the complexity of neural networks, they must have the nec-
essary training data to properly perform their functions. As their architecture
grows, so does their data requirement, this means that reusing the data will not
produce desirable results. Existing reputation systems can be problematic due
to their limited ability to detect zero-day anomalies, reliance on internal sources,
and high management costs. The lack of data sources and quality data is a sig-
nificant issue that needs to be resolved. Although having enough information is
sometimes the same as not having it, providing poor-quality data can affect the
accuracy of a model [63].
The advantages of trusting computer algorithms are numerous. Humans
greatly benefited from their ability to automate processes and analyze vast
amounts of data. Unfortunately, they can also be subject to bias, and since algo-
rithms are made and trained by humans, it’s tough to remove bias, even though,
who should be held accountable if something goes wrong? Despite the immense
advantages of machine learning, it is still far from perfect, and in the future,
we will have to develop a framework that will allow people to trust computer
algorithms [64]. Table 2 shows some of limitations in ML algorithms.

Table 2. Machine Learning Algorithm Limitation

ML Algorithm Limitation
SVM algorithm Not applicable for huge datasets
DT algorithm Not adequate for solving regression issues
KNN algorithm Less effective with large date sets and high number of dimensions
K-Means algorithm Specify the K value from the beginning
The Use of Machine Learning in Digital Forensics: Review Paper 109

5 Conclusion
The digital forensics domain has grown in many aspects. Forensic analysts have
proven many difficulties they face in each case to analyze big data, such as
images, video, etc., that may assist in revealing events. Over time, some new
challenges are emerging in digital forensics. This led to the use of automation
and intelligent techniques that facilitate the work of investigators. This research
has validated various ML algorithms to solve digital forensic challenges, e.g.,
SVM, KNN, DT, PCA, SVD, K-Means, NB, ANN, LR and RF. Algorithms cat-
egorize authentic data from fake ones for evidence in court. Finally, the paper
summarized the best practice for each algorithm in digital forensics according
to its features, advantages, and disadvantages. Based on the proposed research
papers, K-Means focuses on recovering removed digital evidence from memory
locations. The SVM, PCA, and SVD are the best possible practices to be imple-
mented in an image forensics investigation, while the KNN and NB support
network forensics. Machine learning developers have made significant progress
in making these systems think like humans in the past few years. They now
perform complex tasks and make decisions based on in depth analysis. While
progress has been made, machine learning still has many limitations such as
ethical aspects, lack of interpretablility, insufficient data to train machines and
lack of reproducibility.

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