Black Box Testing
Black Box Testing
Black Box Testing
Manual Software Testing Method
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Black-box testing is a type of software testing in which the tester is not concerned
with the internal knowledge or implementation details of the software but rather
focuses on validating the functionality based on the provided specifications or
Types of Software Testing:
Types of Software Testing
Manual Automation
• It test, boundary values are those that contain the Error Guessing
upper and lower limit of a variable. It is based on the experience of the tester, where tester
• It tests, while entering boundary values whether the uses experience to guess the problematic areas of the
software is producing correct output or not. software.
Invalid Valid Invalid Examples: Divide by zero, Handling null values in text
(min -1) (min, +min, -max, max) (max +1) fields, accepting the submit button without values, file
17 18,19,59,60 61
upload without attachment ,etc.
Black Box Testing 5
Tools Used for Black Box Testing:
• Appium • Microsoft Coded UI
• Selenium • HP QTP.
• Applitools
Dis-Advantages :
• It does not reveal the errors in the control structure.
• Working with a large sample space of inputs can be exhaustive and consumes a lot
of time.