Strengths Quest

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CliftonStrengths Top 5 for

Eshal Warsi
This report presents your five most dominant CliftonStrengths revealed by your responses to the
CliftonStrengths assessment. Use this report to learn more about these strengths, how they
uniquely show up in your life and how you can use them to fulfill your potential.

1. Context ®

You enjoy thinking about the past. You understand the present by researching its history.

2. Relator ®

You enjoy close relationships with others. You find deep satisfaction in working hard with friends to
achieve a goal.

3. Learner ®

You have a great desire to learn and want to continuously improve. The process of learning, rather than
the outcome, excites you.

4. Intellection ®

You are characterized by your intellectual activity. You are introspective and appreciate intellectual

5. Individualization ®

You are intrigued with the unique qualities of each person. You have a gift for figuring out how different
people can work together productively.

EXECUTI NG themes help you make things happen. R E L A T I O N S H I P B U I L D I N G themes help you build
strong relationships that hold a team together.

I NFL UENCI NG themes help you take charge, speak up S T R A T E G I C T H I N K I N G themes help you absorb and
and make sure others are heard. analyze information that informs better decisions.

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| CliftonStrengths Top 5 E SH A L WA R SI | 11-01-2022

1. Context
You Are Uniquely Powerful
2. Relator
3. Learner Your unique sequence of CliftonStrengths and the personalized Strengths
4. Intellection Insights in this report are the result of your answers to the CliftonStrengths
5. Individualization
We designed this report to help you learn more about your most dominant
CliftonStrengths: what they are, how they interact and how to use them to

What do the colors mean?

Each of the 34 CliftonStrengths fits into one of four domains. These domains
describe how CliftonStrengths helps you execute, influence others, build
relationships, and absorb and think about information.


Achiever Activator
Arranger Command
Belief Communication
Consistency Competition
Deliberative Maximizer
Discipline Self-Assurance
Focus Significance
Responsibility Woo


Adaptability Analytical
Connectedness Context
Developer Futuristic
Empathy Ideation
Harmony Input
Includer Intellection
Individualization Learner
Positivity Strategic

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| CliftonStrengths Top 5 E SH A L WA R SI | 11-01-2022


1. Context
What Is Context?
Perspective and background are important for people with strong Context talents. They value the retrospective
viewpoint because they believe that is where the answers lie. They look back to understand the present. From the past,
they can discern blueprints for the future. People with dominant Context talents might feel disoriented when they can’t
see patterns stemming from prior events. Others may become impatient with them as they strive to understand the
history of a given situation. But this historical context gives them confidence in their decisions.

Why Your Context Is Unique

These Strengths Insights are personalized based on your CliftonStrengths results.

Context Relator Learner Intellection Individualization

Instinctively, you usually choose to associate with people who value yesteryear’s stories, events, feats of
daring, and interesting personalities. You demonstrate a need to acquire lots of historic information. This
likely leads you to experts who appreciate many of your thought-provoking questions.

Because of your strengths, you sometimes research historic events to understand their impact on today’s
people or events. Maybe knowing what occurred in bygone days helps you make sense of current
conditions or the behavior of certain individuals.

Driven by your talents, you generally accept invitations to participate in discussion groups that concentrate
their attention on studying the past. Probably the sessions you enjoy most involve an animated exchange of
ideas between people who recognize the relevance of history in their everyday lives.

By nature, you carefully examine circumstances, opportunities, or problems. You sift through the past to
understand the present. You probably listen to experts discuss current events. No fact, object, or document
is too minor. You figure out how bits and pieces of history explain what is happening today. You grasp the
complexity of most situations. Your time-consuming investigations are likely to puzzle those who notice and
deal with only what is most obvious.

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| CliftonStrengths Top 5 E SH A L WA R SI | 11-01-2022

Chances are good that you intentionally spend time with people who study past events and notable
individuals. You become well-acquainted with each of these students of history. How? Your common
interests and shared experiences probably draw you together.

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| CliftonStrengths Top 5 E SH A L WA R SI | 11-01-2022

1. Context
2. Relator
How Context Blends With Your Other Top Five
3. Learner Strengths
4. Intellection
5. Individualization
You enjoy the intimacy of a close relationship and the history of how that relationship evolved.

Because you tend to retain what you study, academic success often comes easy for you. Your
memory and ability to achieve help.

Introspective and retrospective, your mind goes deep and remembers. You have both a
philosophical and a historical understanding.

Your understanding of others takes into consideration their unique history — who they naturally
are and where they come from.

Apply Your Context to Succeed

Figure out the future by exploring what happened in the past.

Find a mentor with an extensive history in your area of interest. Talking with this person and
listening to their experiences will likely inspire you and help you prepare for the future.

Communicate what the future holds by analyzing past experiences. Your passion for history
can give great insights into where you and those around you are going in the future.

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| CliftonStrengths Top 5 E SH A L WA R SI | 11-01-2022


2. Relator
What Is Relator?
Relator talents describe a person’s attitude toward their relationships. People with strong Relator talents are drawn to
others they already know. They do not necessarily shy away from meeting new people — in fact, they may have other
themes that cause them to enjoy the thrill of turning strangers into friends — but they do derive a great deal of pleasure
and strength from being around their close friends. A person with strong Relator talents forms close relationships with

Why Your Relator Is Unique

These Strengths Insights are personalized based on your CliftonStrengths results.

Context Relator Learner Intellection Individualization

Driven by your talents, you realize each individual’s interests, background, motivations, desires, fears, and
work style are different. You strive to honor everyone’s uniqueness and preferences. Understanding a
person’s ambitions gives you insights into the type of support, training, experiences, partnerships, and
nurturing he or she needs to thrive.

It’s very likely that you are frequently sought out by people whom you have gotten to know on an personal
basis. They come back to you again and again because they trust your judgment. Many of them realize you
tailor your words of wisdom to fit their unique needs, strengths, limitations, goals, or personalities.

Instinctively, you are known for making unintelligible or complex ideas, plans, procedures, or regulations easy
to understand.

By nature, you build partnerships and friendships one by one. You want to know each individual’s hopes and
ambitions. You recognize that everyone has a unique style of working, thinking, learning, or problem solving.
From the start, you strive to identify someone’s personal and professional objectives. When you are
successful, the quality of your interactions with this person is enhanced.

Chances are good that you thoughtfully select your friends. You avoid rushing into relationships. Once you
trust and care about someone, the individual probably seeks your counsel.

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| CliftonStrengths Top 5 E SH A L WA R SI | 11-01-2022

1. Context
2. Relator
How Relator Blends With Your Other Top Five
3. Learner Strengths
4. Intellection
5. Individualization
You enjoy the intimacy of a close relationship and the history of how that relationship evolved.

Your deepest, longest friendships don’t stagnate because you strive to discover something
new about those who are familiar.

Even though you find solitude conducive for clarifying your thoughts, it will never take the place
of being with your friends.

The nature of another person is easy for you to see, but you also want someone to know the
real, authentic you.

Apply Your Relator to Succeed

Make time for one-on-one interactions with your friends.

Make sure you get enough one-on-one time with the important people in your life. Periodic
opportunities to interact with them will energize you.

Take time to tell others how your relationship with them creates happiness in your life. Ask
them how it enhances their happiness. Doing this with each person will show you care
about them.

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| CliftonStrengths Top 5 E SH A L WA R SI | 11-01-2022


3. Learner
What Is Learner?
People with strong Learner talents constantly strive to learn and improve. The process of learning is just as important to
them as the knowledge they gain. The steady and deliberate journey from ignorance to competence energizes Learners.
The thrill of learning new facts, beginning a new subject and mastering an important skill excites people with dominant
Learner talents. Learning builds these people’s confidence. Having Learner as a dominant theme does not necessarily
motivate someone to become a subject-matter expert or strive for the respect that accompanies earning a professional
or academic credential. The outcome of learning is less significant than the “getting there.”

Why Your Learner Is Unique

These Strengths Insights are personalized based on your CliftonStrengths results.

Context Relator Learner Intellection Individualization

It’s very likely that you may thirst for new ideas and knowledge. Sometimes you dive into your reading with
abandon. Other times you lose yourself in a book. Maybe you pore over the thoughts contained in its pages
for long stretches of time. Why? You might want to absorb as much information as you can.

Instinctively, you may realize you are skilled in particular areas of specialization. Sometimes you take
advantage of certain opportunities to broaden your knowledge base. You might try to obtain the latest facts,
news, data, or research discoveries in your field. At the time you amass this information, its importance may
not be apparent to you. You might be content to pull together bits and pieces of material so you can refer to
them later if the need arises.

Because of your strengths, you might place a high value on seeking and gathering specific kinds of
information. Perhaps your need to be informed motivates you to acquire knowledge so you are as smart as
you want to be about certain subjects.

By nature, you enjoy reading about topics that fascinate you. People are not surprised to find you with your
nose in a book and reading all the time. When a subject intrigues you, you review a wide range of materials.
You gather as much information as you possibly can about your areas of greatest interest.

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| CliftonStrengths Top 5 E SH A L WA R SI | 11-01-2022

Driven by your talents, you may thrive in certain situations where you have an opportunity to put your talents,
knowledge, and skills to the test. As the contest approaches, you might feel an urgency to study, investigate,
observe, or practice your craft, sport, or skill. Perhaps you find it hard to settle for anything less than the title
of grand champion, best performer, or “number one.”

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| CliftonStrengths Top 5 E SH A L WA R SI | 11-01-2022

1. Context
2. Relator
How Learner Blends With Your Other Top Five
3. Learner Strengths
4. Intellection
5. Individualization
Because you tend to retain what you study, academic success often comes easy for you. Your
memory and ability to achieve help.

Your deepest, longest friendships don’t stagnate because you strive to discover something
new about those who are familiar.

You are a student of the world in which you live, and you are student of the world of thoughts
that lives within you.

You are comfortable with the variety of life and the diversity of people. You are equally effective
learning about things or individuals.

Apply Your Learner to Succeed

Develop expertise in areas that interest you the most.

Regularly study new topics and skills. Challenge yourself to learn about complex ideas,
programs or experiences others might not want to explore.

Refine how you develop your expertise. For example, you might learn best by beginning a
new project; if so, find new tasks or projects to start. Or you might learn best by teaching; if
so, find ways to present to others.

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| CliftonStrengths Top 5 E SH A L WA R SI | 11-01-2022


4. Intellection
What Is Intellection?
People with strong Intellection talents like to think. They like mental activity. They like to exercise the “muscles” of their
brain, stretching them in multiple directions. This need for mental activity may be focused; for example, they may be
trying to solve a problem, develop an idea or understand another person’s feelings. The exact focus will depend on their
other strengths. The theme of Intellection does not dictate what these people are thinking about; it simply describes that
they like to think. They like to let their thoughts go in many directions. People with strong Intellection talents are
introspective. This introspection gives them time to reflect and ponder. Wherever it leads them, their mental hum is a
constant in their lives.

Why Your Intellection Is Unique

These Strengths Insights are personalized based on your CliftonStrengths results.

Context Relator Learner Intellection Individualization

Because of your strengths, you are willing to spend time sharing your ideas with intelligent individuals. Of
course, you want them to tell you their latest thinking. Conversations that involve a lot of questions and
answers stimulate your mind. You know you have spent your time wisely when you have a number of new
ideas, theories, or concepts to somehow file away or remember for future use.

It’s very likely that you pay close attention to intelligent conversations. You have a knack for giving credit to
individuals who make key points that advance everyone’s understanding of a theory, concept, or idea. You
file away or make a mental note about this information, knowing it will be useful one day.

Instinctively, you usually give good advice. Often people’s questions dictate your choice of reading materials.
Whether you are studying something for the first time or revisiting a topic to refresh your memory, you enjoy
reading. Making discoveries that can help others brings you much joy.

Chances are good that you have new ideas whirling around in your head much of the time. You are very
interested in solving problems, conceiving new concepts, designing plans, or understanding everyday

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| CliftonStrengths Top 5 E SH A L WA R SI | 11-01-2022

Driven by your talents, you prepare for assignments by reading extensively. Your capacity for pulling together
information from books, publications, correspondence, notes, or Internet sites serves you well. As a result,
you often avoid feelings of self-reproach — that is, blaming yourself for not knowing something you should
have known.

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| CliftonStrengths Top 5 E SH A L WA R SI | 11-01-2022

1. Context
2. Relator
How Intellection Blends With Your Other Top Five
3. Learner Strengths
4. Intellection
5. Individualization
Introspective and retrospective, your mind goes deep and remembers. You have both a
philosophical and a historical understanding.

Even though you find solitude conducive for clarifying your thoughts, it will never take the place
of being with your friends.

You are a student of the world in which you live, and you are student of the world of thoughts
that lives within you.

Intuitive, you sense the essential nature of others. Self-reflective, you know yourself extremely

Apply Your Intellection to Succeed

Make time to think by yourself and with others.

Set aside a few minutes every day just to think. Doing this refines your ideas and sharpens
your thinking.

Identify topics that fascinate you and find a like-minded person to explore them with. Spend
time delving into these topics with this person to stimulate your thinking even further.

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| CliftonStrengths Top 5 E SH A L WA R SI | 11-01-2022


5. Individualization
What Is Individualization?
People with strong Individualization talents understand and are intrigued by others’ unique qualities. Impatient with
generalizations, they focus on the differences among individuals. They instinctively observe each person’s style and
motivation, how each thinks, and how each builds relationships. They keenly observe other people’s strengths and draw
out the best in each person. Their Individualization talents help them build productive teams. While some search for the
perfect team “structure” or “process,” these employees know instinctively that the secret to great teams is casting by
individual strengths — so that everyone can do a lot of what they already do well.

Why Your Individualization Is Unique

These Strengths Insights are personalized based on your CliftonStrengths results.

Context Relator Learner Intellection Individualization

Chances are good that you sometimes enjoy doing whatever is needed to assist people. Perhaps you have a
reputation for keeping your promises. This partially explains why some individuals agree to let you help them.

Because of your strengths, you enjoy watching people. In the process, you often discover what makes each
individual truly unique and special. You are a student of humankind who is curious about the backgrounds
and interests of each person.

By nature, you might assist certain individuals by sharing with them information you have acquired, skills you
have mastered, or experiences you have had. In some situations, you may claim to be a good instructor,
tutor, or trainer.

It’s very likely that you easily identify with what others are thinking and feeling. You intuitively understand their
hopes, fears, joys, and sorrows. This helps you consider things from each individual’s perspective.

Instinctively, you generally use logic and reason to unravel how something works. You typically begin by
reducing a process, plan, problem, solution, etc. into its most elemental parts.

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| CliftonStrengths Top 5 E SH A L WA R SI | 11-01-2022

1. Context
2. Relator
How Individualization Blends With Your Other Top
3. Learner Five Strengths
4. Intellection
5. Individualization
Your understanding of others takes into consideration their unique history — who they naturally
are and where they come from.

The nature of another person is easy for you to see, but you also want someone to know the
real, authentic you.

You are comfortable with the variety of life and the diversity of people. You are equally effective
learning about things or individuals.

Intuitive, you sense the essential nature of others. Self-reflective, you know yourself extremely

Apply Your Individualization to Succeed

Explain how different people can do their best work together.

Support others in discovering and appreciating what they do best, and then encourage
them to work on projects and tasks that let them be successful.

Help people become more aware of others’ unique needs. Because you naturally notice
how an individual thinks and builds relationships, people will come to you for insights into
other people’s motivations and actions.

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| CliftonStrengths Top 5 E SH A L WA R SI | 11-01-2022

What’s Next?
Take these steps to start unlocking your full potential using your CliftonStrengths.

Learn to Use Your Dominant Strengths

Read about each of your top five CliftonStrengths in this report and reflect:

• What did you read that inspires you? • What did you read that surprises you?
• What did you read that excites you? • What did you read that challenges you?

Click here or scan the QR code to complete the following exercise for each of your top five

Name It
• Pick one of your top CliftonStrengths.
• List the words or phrases you read about this strength that
resonate strongly with you.

Claim It
• When has this strength helped you be successful in the
• How does this strength help you be successful in your role?

Aim It Click to View Activity

• In what two ways could you start using this strength more
intentionally right away?

Hint: Read the action items in this report and on your dashboard for ideas.

Use Your Resources in Gallup Access
Our dedicated platform is focused on helping you fulfill your
potential using your CliftonStrengths.

Click here or scan the QR code to sign in to your


Inside, you’ll find articles, videos, learning modules and other tools
created specifically for your strengths-based development.

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Explore All 34 of Your CliftonStrengths
Already have your CliftonStrengths 34 report? Great! Take some
time to explore your full results.

If you don’t have it yet, click here or scan the QR code to learn
how your CliftonStrengths 34 report can help you:

• reveal your complete talent profile of 34 CliftonStrengths

• learn how to use your top 10 CliftonStrengths to set and achieve
• navigate your 11-34 CliftonStrengths, including understanding
and managing weaknesses

Apply Your CliftonStrengths in Specific
Take time to explore any role-based CliftonStrengths reports
you already have.

If you don’t have any, click here or scan the QR code to

browse a range of reports tailored to specific roles and

We offer a suite of reports designed to help you use your

CliftonStrengths to excel in various areas, whether it’s in
management, leadership or even as a student.

Engage in a Conversation About Your

Share your CliftonStrengths results with the people closest to you, including your family, friends,
coworkers and teammates.

Spend time talking about your CliftonStrengths with a coach, manager, mentor or adviser —
someone invested in your personal and professional development.

Click here or scan the QR code for helpful ways to share and discuss your CliftonStrengths
with others.

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