Apache Cassandra
Apache Cassandra
Apache Cassandra
Cassandra Architecture
Some of the features of Cassandra architecture are as follows:
Cassandra is designed such that it has no master or slave nodes.
It has a ring-type architecture, that is, its nodes are logically distributed like a ring.
Data is automatically distributed across all the nodes.
Similar to HDFS, data is replicated across the nodes for redundancy.
Data is kept in memory and lazily written to the disk.
Hash values of the keys are used to distribute the data among nodes in the cluster.
A hash value is a number that maps any given key to a numeric value. For example, the string
‘ABC’ may be mapped to 101, and decimal number 25.34 may be mapped to 257. A hash value
is generated using an algorithm so that the same value of the key always gives the same hash
value. In a ring architecture, each node is assigned a token value, as shown in the image below:
Additional features of Cassandra architecture are:
Cassandra architecture supports multiple data centers.
Data can be replicated across data centers.
You can keep three copies of data in one data center and the fourth copy in a remote data center
for remote backup. Data reads prefer a local data center to a remote data center.
Effects of the Architecture
Cassandra architecture enables transparent distribution of data to nodes. This means you
can determine the location of your data in the cluster based on the data. Any node can accept any
request as there are no masters or slaves. If a node has the data, it will return the data. Else, it will
send the request to the node that has the data.
You can specify the number of replicas of the data to achieve the required level of redundancy.
For example, if the data is very critical, you may want to specify a replication factor of 4 or 5.
If the data is not critical, you may specify just two. It also provides tunable consistency, that is,
the level of consistency can be specified as a trade-off with performance. Transactions are always
written to a commit log on disk so that they are durable.
Data in the memtable and sstable is checked first so that the data can be retrieved faster if it is
already in memory. The diagram below represents a Cassandra cluster.
It has two data centers:
data center 1
data center 2
Data center 1 has two racks, while data center 2 has three racks. Fifteen nodes are distributed
across this cluster with nodes 1 to 4 on rack 1, nodes 5 to 7 on rack 2, and so on.
The diagram below explains the Cassandra read process in a cluster with two data centers, five
racks, and 15 nodes. In the image, place data row1 in this cluster. Data row1 is a row of data with
four replicas.
The first copy is stored on node 3
The second copy is stored on node 5
The third copy is stored on node 7
All these nodes are in data center 1. The fourth copy is stored on node 13 of data center 2. If a
client process is running on data node 7 wants to access data row1; node 7 will be given the
highest preference as the data is local here. The next preference is for node 5 where the data is
rack local. The next preference is for node 3 where the data is on a different rack but within the
same data center.
The least preference is given to node 13 that is in a different data center. So the read process
preference in this example is node 7, node 5, node 3, and node 13 in that order.
Data Partitions
Cassandra performs transparent distribution of data by horizontally partitioning the data in the
following manner:
A hash value is calculated based on the primary key of the data.
The hash value of the key is mapped to a node in the cluster
The first copy of the data is stored on that node.
The distribution is transparent as you can both calculate the hash value and determine
where a particular row will be stored.
The following diagram depicts a four node cluster with token values of 0, 25, 50 and 75.
For a given key, a hash value is generated in the range of 1 to 100. Keys with hash values in the
range 1 to 25 are stored on the first node, 26 to 50 are stored on the second node, 51 to 75 are
stored on the third node, and 76 to 100 are stored on the fourth node. Please note that actual
tokens and hash values in Cassandra are 127-bit positive integers.
Replication in Cassandra
Replication refers to the number of replicas that are maintained for each row. Replication
provides redundancy of data for fault tolerance. A replication factor of 3 means that 3 copies of
data are maintained in the system.
In this case, even if 2 machines are down, you can access your data from the third copy. The
default replication factor is 1. A replication factor of 1 means that a single copy of the data is
maintained, so if the node that has the data fails, you will lose the data.
Cassandra allows replication based on nodes, racks, and data centers, unlike HDFS that allows
replication based on only nodes and racks. Replication across data centers guarantees data
availability even when a data center is down.
Network Topology
Network topology refers to how the nodes, racks and data centers in a cluster are organized. You
can specify a network topology for your cluster as follows:
Specify in the Cassandra-topology.properties file.
Your data centers and racks can be specified for each node in the cluster.
Specify <ip-address>=<data center>:<rack name>.
For unknown nodes, a default can be specified.
You can also specify the hostname of the node instead of an IP address.
The following diagram depicts an example of a topology configuration file
This file shows the topology defined for four nodes. The node with IP address is
mapped to data center DC1 and is present on the rack RAC1. The node with IP address is mapped to data center DC2 and is present on the rack RAC2.
Similarly, the node with IP address is mapped to data center DC2 and rack RAC1
and the node with IP address is mapped to data center DC2 and rack RAC1. There
is also a default assignment of data center DC1 and rack RAC1 so that any unassigned nodes will
get this data center and rack.
Snitches define the topology in Cassandra. A snitch defines a group of nodes into racks and data
centers. Two types of snitches are most popular:
Simple Snitch - A simple snitch is used for single data centers with no racks.
Property File Snitch - A property file snitch is used for multiple data centers with
multiple racks.
Replication in Cassandra is based on the snitches.
Gossip Protocol
Cassandra uses a gossip protocol to communicate with nodes in a cluster. It is an inter-node
communication mechanism similar to the heartbeat protocol in Hadoop. Cassandra uses the
gossip protocol to discover the location of other nodes in the cluster and get state information of
other nodes in the cluster.
The gossip process runs periodically on each node and exchanges state information with three
other nodes in the cluster. Eventually, information is propagated to all cluster nodes. Even if there
are 1000 nodes, information is propagated to all the nodes within a few seconds.
The following image depicts the gossip protocol process.
In step 1, one node connects to three other nodes. In step 2, each of the three nodes connects to
three other nodes, thus connecting to nine nodes in total in step 2. So a total of 13 nodes are
connected in 2 steps.
Seed Nodes
Seed nodes are used to bootstrap the gossip protocol. The features of seed nodes are:
They are specified in the configuration file Cassandra.yaml.
Seed nodes are used for bootstrapping the gossip protocol when a node is started or
They are used to achieve a steady state where each node is connected to every other
node but are not required during the steady state.
The diagram depicts a startup of a cluster with 2 seed nodes. Initially, there is no connection
between the nodes.
On startup, two nodes connect to two other nodes that are specified as seed nodes. Once all the
four nodes are connected, seed node information is no longer required as steady state is achieved.
The main configuration file in Cassandra is the Cassandra.yaml file. We will look at this file in
more detail in the lesson on installation. Right now, let us remember that this file contains the
name of the cluster, seed nodes for this node, topology file information, and data file location.
This file is located in /etc/Cassandra in some installations and in /etc/Cassandra/conf directory in
Virtual Nodes
Virtual nodes in a Cassandra cluster are also called vnodes. Vnodes can be defined for each
physical node in the cluster. Each node in the ring can hold multiple virtual nodes. By default,
each node has 256 virtual nodes.
Virtual nodes help achieve finer granularity in the partitioning of data, and data gets partitioned
into each virtual node using the hash value of the key. On adding a new node to the cluster, the
virtual nodes on it get equal portions of the existing data. So there is no need to separately
balance the data by running a balancer. The image depicts a cluster with four physical nodes.
Each physical node in the cluster has four virtual nodes. So there are 16 vnodes in the cluster.
If 32TB of data is stored on the cluster, each vnode will get 2TB of data to store. If another
physical node with 4 virtual nodes is added to the cluster, the data will be distributed to 20
vnodes in total such that each vnode will now have 1.6 TB of data.
Token Generator
The token generator is used in Cassandra versions earlier than version 1.2 to assign a token to
each node in the cluster. In these versions, there was no concept of virtual nodes and only
physical nodes were considered for distribution of data.
The token generator tool is used to generate a token for each node in the cluster based on the data
centers and number of nodes in each data center. A token in Cassandra is a 127-bit integer
assigned to a node. Data partitioning is done based on the token of the nodes as described earlier
in this lesson. Starting from version 1.2 of Cassandra, vnodes are also assigned tokens and this
assignment is done automatically so that the use of the token generator tool is not required.
Example of Token Generator
A token generator is an interactive tool which generates tokens for the topology specified. Let us
now look at an example in which the token generator is run for a cluster with 2 data centers.
Type token-generator on the command line to run the tool.
A question is asked next: “How many data centers will participate in this cluster?” In
the example, specify 2 as the number of data centers and press enter.
Next, the question: “How many nodes are in data center number 1?” is asked. Type 5
and press enter.
The next question is: “How many nodes are in data center number 2?” Type 4 and
press enter.
The tokens are calculated and displayed below.
The example shows the token numbers being generated for 5 nodes in data center 1 and 4 nodes
in data center 2. The first node always has the token value as 0. These token numbers will be
copied to the Cassandra.yaml configuration file for each node.
Failure Scenarios: Node Failure
Cassandra is highly fault tolerant. The effects of node failure are as follows:
Other nodes detect the node failure.
Request for data on that node is routed to other nodes that have the replica of that data.
Writes are handled by a temporary node until the node is restarted.
Any memtable or sstable data that is lost is recovered from commitlog.
A node can be permanently removed using the nodetool utility.
The following image shows the concept of node failure:
Here’s a quick summary of the Apache Cassandra architecture tutorial:
Cassandra supports network topology with multiple data centers, multiple racks, and
Cassandra read and write processes ensure fast read and write of data.
Cassandra partitions the data in a transparent way by using the hash value of keys.