A HOOV MC001 E1 - Overview
A HOOV MC001 E1 - Overview
A HOOV MC001 E1 - Overview
manufacturer of fluid
conveyance products
in the world.
Over the years, Eaton has developed industry-leading
innovative products such as the Quick Disconnect
Coupling, the Reusable Fitting for hydraulic hose,
Hi-Temperature AQP hose, Flexmaster, ORS (O-Ring
Seal hydraulic fittings), Bruiser Abrasion Resistant
Hose Cover for hydraulic hose and STC® (Snap-To-
Connect Fittings). These are just a few of the trend-
setting products that we have introduced.
Snap-To-Connect Eaton’s technology is
Provides Leak-Free extremely successful
Connections in a in various rigorous
Snap mobile applications.
The broadest
range of threadless
connectors in
A-MEFI-MC002-E the industry!
Aeroquip Express is a
program to assist you in
getting the highest quality
Aeroquip brand hydraulic
hose and fittings in the least
amount of time. Whether
it is at one of our Aeroquip Hose Vans, you’re
Express Hose Centers, or guaranteed the highest
A-DIOV-TM003-E on-site from one of our quality product along with
Aeroquip Express excellent service.
Hose Cover
Whatever your
application, we’ve
got you covered.
Abrasion-Resistant to constant abuse
Polymer-Covered and abrasion from:
Hose • Hose-to-machine
BRUISER hose was • Hose-to-hose
designed to work • Hose-to-environment
where hydraulic hose
is subjected
MatchMate Plus®
The 3 Minute you can make a
Crimp Hose factory-standard
Assembly assembly in as few
System. as three minutes…
With Eaton’s featuring a global
Aeroquip MatchMate fitting designs that’s
Plus crimp hose available worldwide.
A-HOMM-MC001-E assembly system,
The process of matching When the mating procedure fitting designs and global
and mating hose with is complete, you have a fittings which offer you
fittings is greatly simplified perfect hose assembly. higher standard pressures,
with the new MatchMate You benefit by reduced cool-down leakage control,
Plus system. downtime, less scrap and improved hose bend radii
minimal operator training. and worldwide availability.
Colored rings on the hose
layline match the design Together, global products
Global Fittings
and number of rings on its and MatchMate Plus bring
corresponding fitting type. The MatchMate Plus crimp you the 3 minute crimp
The crimp machine “mates” system features Eaton’s new hose assembly system. It’s
the two parts through the one-piece global fitting. You the simplest way to replace
use of color-coded dies. can select from a variety of hydraulic hose assemblies.
Through-the-Cover (TTC)
Global Spiral
TTC Fittings
One-Piece Fittings
spiral hose fittings
for easy assembly
Features: Benefits: • Hose insertion depth
• Through-the-cover crimp •S
kiving not required, • P
erfect for hydrostatic
saves time in assembly drives and other demanding
• One-piece nipple design applications
• S
tronger design,
• One-piece fitting •A
vailable in -12, -16, -20,
no braze joints
• Stress-relief design -24 and -32
• Easier to assemble
• Heavy wall thickness • Multiple
configurations and
• Maximizes durability jump sizes to fit a wide array of
• Modern micro-alloy steel applications
• H
eavy-duty construction for
• Tapered through-hole heavy-duty applications
perating pressure to • Global availability
6000 psi
E-Z Clip™ System Flexible hose lines offer
many advantages over
Connections Made rigid tubing including routing
Easy ease, vibration absorption,
sound deadening and the
ability to accommodate
The E-Z Clip System movement of connected
is designed for components.
assembly with
Aeroquip GH134
• No guess work
Multi-Refrigerant A-HOAC-MC001-E
hose. Its engineered • No leaking crimps
System Supplier
Mobile and Hydraulics products
Industrial and systems.
Hydraulics Engineered for reliable,
Lift. Dig. Haul. Cut. continuous performance
Groove…day in and in the world’s most
day out. This is the demanding mobile and
work of Eaton industrial applications.
Knowledge Fluid Power Training. effectiveness of
is Power Attendees can save planned downtime.
And nowhere their company
can your team significant costs by
strengthen its reducing unplanned
knowledge more downtime and
than with Eaton maximizing the
Each year, more than 2,500 Our training team delivers – with other programs and
people attend training at valuable,practicalinsightabout resource materials available
Eaton Fluid Power Training design, contamination and for home study. Eaton Fluid
Centers in Eden Prairie, troubleshooting of hydraulic Power Training is ideal for
Minnesota, Maumee, Ohio, and and pneumatic circuits. The maintenance personnel,
Wehrheim,Germany,orthrough Maumee facility is furnished supervisors,engineers,andeven
customized on-site programs with two fully equipped labs, purchasing agents.
worldwide. Our field and which are complemented by
For more information visit
industry specialists combine two innovative classrooms
140 years of experience in fluid for a thoroughly integrated
training) or call 800-413-8809
power and education, with the learning experience. Eaton
(US), or 49 (0)6081 103344
impressivelegacyofVickersand Fluid Power Training offers
Aeroquip Training. more than 15 top-line, hands-
on courses for industrial
and mobile applications