GI Board Exam
GI Board Exam
GI Board Exam
Hepatology is an expanding field—it’s hard to keep up. The liver has been sitting there the whole
of wisdom, high-yield factlet, liver “board buzzword,” hepatic micrograph, and classic liver im-
aging study they could muster, all while keeping the book a manageable size—because who has
time for more than manageable when you’re busy?
The answer to your study questions (and study time!) can be found inside Acing the Hepatology
Acing the Hepatology Questions on the
GI Board Exam
Questions on the GI Board Exam: The Ultimate Crunch-Time Resource.
Traditional textbooks usually feature long and detailed discussions that are not directly related to
Board and recertification exams. On the flip side, many Board review manuals provide lists and
bullet points lacking sufficient background and context. Inside Acing the Hepatology Questions
on the GI Board Exam, Drs. Brennan M. R. Spiegel and Hetal A. Karsan present time-tested and
high-yield information in a rational, useful, and contextually appealing format.
Why You Will Need to Read Acing the Hepatology Questions on the GI Board Exam:
• Focuses exclusively on hepatology review – an area that comprises 25% of the Board exam
• Carefully vetted board-style vignettes with color images
• Comprehensive yet succinct answers using a high-yield format
• Emphasis on key clinical pearls and “board buzzwords”
• Answers to classic board “threshold values” questions that you need to know but
always seem to forget:
If an echinococcal liver cyst exceeds XX cm, then the risk of rupture is clinically
significant and surgery is warranted
• Rapid fire crunch-time exam with 135 classic one-liners such as:
Spider web collaterals + caudate lobe hypertrophy = Diagnosis
Stepwise fever + temperature-pulse dissociation + rose spots + hepatitis = Diagnosis
With its focus on pearl after pearl, emphasis on images, and attention to high-yield “tough stuff”
vignettes you don’t know the answers to (yet), Acing the Hepatology Questions on the GI Board
Exam is truly the ultimate crunch-time resource for acing the often vexing liver section of the
examination, taking recertifying examinations, looking good on clerkship rounds, or for just
challenging yourself with interesting and entertaining vignettes.
SLACK Incorporated
Chief of Education and Training, UCLA
Division of Digestive Diseases
Program Director, UCLA
Gastroenterology Fellowship Training Program
Director, UCLA
Center for Outcomes Research and Education (CORE)
Associate Professor of Medicine,
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Los Angeles, California
Brennan M.R. Spiegel, MD, MSHS, FACG has no financial or proprietary interest in the materials presented
Hetal A. Karsan, MD, FACG, FACP has no financial or proprietary interest in the materials presented herein.
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Care has been taken to ensure that drug selection and dosages are in accordance with currently accepted/recom-
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carefully review all materials and literature provided for each drug, especially those that are new or not fre-
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Spiegel, Brennan M.R., 1972-
Acing the hepatology questions on the GI board exam : the ultimate crunch-time resource / Brennan Spiegel
and Hetal A. Karsan.
p. ; cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 978-1-55642-953-8 (pbk.)
1. Liver--Diseases--Examinations, questions, etc. 2. Hepatology--Examinations, questions, etc. I. Karsan, Hetal
A., 1971- II. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Liver Diseases--Examination Questions. WI 18.2]
RC845.S65 2011
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To my wife, Lina, who remains the most selfless person on this planet, and my
children, Sonia and Rajan, who inspire me daily with their boundless enthusi-
asm. Iamque opus exegi. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.
Acknowledgments ...................................................................................................ix
About the Authors ...................................................................................................xi
Preface ................................................................................................................... xiii
Bibliography .........................................................................................................245
The authors wish to thank the following individuals who provided images for
this book:
z Stanley Dea, MD (Olive View–UCLA Medical Center)
z Francisco Durazo, MD (UCLA Medical Center)
z Alton B. Farris, MD (Emory University)
z Steven Hanish, MD (Emory University)
z Barbara Kadell, MD (UCLA Medical Center)
z Bobby Kalb, MD (Emory University)
z Dennis Jensen, MD (UCLA Medical Center)
z Charles Lassman, MD (UCLA Medical Center)
Brennan M. R. Spiegel, MD, MSHS, FACG is an Associate Professor of Medicine
in the Division of Digestive Diseases, UCLA School of Medicine, and in the
Division of Gastroenterology, VA Greater Los Angeles Health Care System. He is
the section chief for Health Services Research at the UCLA Division of Digestive
Diseases, and Chief of Education and Training in the UCLA GI Fellowship Training
Program, which is amongst the largest GI Training Programs in the country.
Dr. Spiegel attended Tufts University where he majored in Philosophy and
Community Health, and obtained his medical degree from New York Medical
College. He received training in internal medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical
Center in Los Angeles, completed a fellowship in Gastroenterology at UCLA, and
completed advanced studies in Health Services Research in the UCLA School
of Public Health, where he received a master’s degree in Health Services. He is
board certified in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology. He currently teaches
in the Schools of Medicine and Public Health at UCLA.
Dr. Spiegel’s research interests have focused on acid-peptic disorders, chronic
liver disease, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, and functional bowel disorders such
as irritable bowel syndrome and dyspepsia. He has performed research across
a range of health services methodologies, including health-related quality of life
measurement, survey design and administration, systematic review, meta-analy-
sis, multivariable regression analysis, survival analysis, expert panel research,
quality improvement, cost-effectiveness analysis, budget impact modeling, and
use of clinical informatics to support decision making. He is a peer reviewer
for numerous medical journals, and is on the editorial boards for the American
Journal of Gastroenterology and Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. He
has contributed to the publication of more than 90 peer-reviewed papers, as well
as numerous abstracts, book chapters, and monographs.
At this point in your career you know a lot. It’s been a hard-earned battle, but
after years of reading books, sitting through lectures, and working with patients,
you now have a pretty good sense of what is important and what is, well, less
important. You are also busy, and your time is limited. So now that you have to
study for Boards or prepare for a clerkship, your goal is to learn the information
you don’t know, not review the content you already do know.
Yet, for some reason, we all continue to practice an inefficient approach to
studying for Board exams. This usually consists of comprehensively reviewing
the entirety of a topic area without thinking about (a) whether we are adding
incremental information to our pre-existing storehouse of knowledge, and (b)
whether we are learning things that are actually on the examination. Presumably
you have already done the painstaking work of learning the basics of your trade.
Now you have to get down to business and ace a test. Those are two very differ-
ent activities.
Yet the inefficient approach to Board review is perennially fostered by tradi-
tional “Board review” textbooks in which content areas are laid out in chapter-
by-chapter (and verse) detail, fully laden with facts both high and low yield—both
relevant and irrelevant to actual examinations. There’s a time and place for the
chapter and verse approach to learning your trade, but Board review crunch time
probably is not it.
Board review books often present information that is not on the Boards (nor
ever will be on the Boards) with information that is merely of personal interest to
the chapter authors. That is, many Board review books suffer from the affliction
of academia running roughshod over practical information. Such information is
usually prefaced by the standard forerunners, like “Recent data indicate that…”,
or “Our group recently discovered that…”, or “Although there is still a lack of
consensus that…”, and so forth. This kind of information is interesting and
important for so many reasons, but is not relevant for Board review. When you
are in crunch time, you should not have to read about pet theories, areas of utter
controversy (and thus ineligible for Board exams), or brand new or incompletely
tested data that are too immature for Board exams. You need to know about
time-tested pearls that appear year after year—not cutting-edge hypotheses,
novel speculations, new epidemiological oddities, or anything else not yet ready
for prime time. Board exams are all about prime time.
The Acing books are different. They aim for the sweet spot between what you
already know and what you do not already know (or have forgotten)—but that
may be on the Boards. They try to avoid the lower extreme of information you
have known since birth and the upper extreme of academic ruminations that are
great for journal club or staying on the cutting edge, but that sit on the cutting
room floor in Board exam editorial offices. You may find that you do know some
of the content in this book, and if so, that’s great. That means you’re almost
ready for the exam. But you will also find that you do not know (or have forgotten)
much of what is in this book. And that’s the point—you should be reading what
you do not know, not reviewing content you already know well.
The information in this book has been culled from years of clinical practice
and teaching Board review to our gastroenterology fellows at UCLA. We have
come to realize that our fellows, who are among the “best of the best,” know a
lot about their specialty but are not necessarily ready for Boards. That’s because
we purposefully do not teach for Boards during everyday training—we instead
teach the skills and knowledge that support rational and evidence-based deci-
sion making in clinical practice. Unfortunately, Board exams do not always tap
directly into those skill sets. Great clinicians can do poorly on Board exams.
And great test-takers can be suboptimal clinicians. We all recognize that it’s
Preface xv
it will probably be worth it for you to link the buzzwords with the diagnoses.
We will cover these topics throughout the book. But in the meantime, try to
name the nonviral infectious diagnosis for each of the following buzzwords:
Katayama fever, transverse myelitis, anaphylaxis after cystic rupture,
undercooked fish, cyst filled with hydatid sand, tortuous tracks in liver on
CT, contaminated freshwater plants, portal vein granulomas with fibrosis. If
some of these have you stumped, stay tuned—all of these are covered in the
vignettes, and we have pulled them together in a table of Board buzzwords
with their associated conditions (see Table 44-1). That table is gold!
permission from Dr. Charles Lassman from UCLA and Dr. Alton B. Farris
from Emory University—both outstanding teachers and top liver histopa-
thology experts)—we think we’ve got almost all of the classics covered.
In the pages that follow are 95 “tough stuff” vignettes. As described in the
Preface, these have been culled from years of teaching Board review and prac-
ticing gastroenterology and hepatology and have been iteratively reviewed and
vetted with our fellows at UCLA. As you go through these vignettes, keep the
following points in mind:
z These are generally difficult. That is by design. You may nonetheless know
the answers to many of the questions in these vignettes—a sign that you
are well prepared for the exam. But if you cannot get them all right, that is
fine, too. That’s the whole point of this book—to ensure that you’re gaining
incremental information, not just reviewing content you already know. Keep
in mind, however, that for every tough question that’s in this book, there
will be a bunch of “gimmies” on the exam. The entire Board exam won’t be
full of “tough stuff” questions. So don’t get demoralized if you can’t answer
all of the questions in this book correctly. Rest assured that you already
know most of the “gimmies” just by virtue of paying attention and learning
during your clinical experiences.
z These are in completely random order—there is no explicit rhyme or reason.
See the Preface for our rationale for this setup.
z The vignettes appear on one page, followed by one or more open-ended
questions. The answers are provided on the next page. Before you turn the
page, take a moment to really think about the answers. Even if you’re not
sure of an answer, at least take a moment to think about the potential dif-
ferential diagnosis, or other information you might need to better answer
the question. This form of active learning is more useful than merely flip-
ping the page and reading the answer. Seriously… don’t just flip the page
until you’ve given the vignette at least a nanosecond of thought. The answer
will be more meaningful if you’ve first struggled a bit to think through the
Spiegel BMR, Karsan HA.
Acing the Hepatology Questions on the GI Board
Exam: The Ultimate Crunch-Time Resource (pp 7-214)
7 © 2012 SLACK Incorporated
8 Chapter 2
z After each answer there is a short section entitled “Why Might This Be
Tested?” The purpose of this discussion is to emphasize why it’s important
to know the content of the vignette, vis-à-vis the Board exam in particular.
It puts you in the mind of the Board examiners to better understand their
potential reasoning, which might help you better remember the vignette.
z At the bottom of each answer page there is a box entitled “Here’s the Point!”
This summarizes the key issue or issues that appear on the page. If you are
really in crunch time, at the very least make sure you know the “Here’s the
Point!” bottom line for each vignette. The “Crunch-Time Self-Test” on page
221 catalogs all of these factlets (and more) into a 135-question test that
quizzes you on the key points from each vignette.
z Some of the answer pages also have a “Clinical Threshold Alert,” followed by
the presentation of an explicit clinical threshold (see the Preface for details).
Sixty of these clinical thresholds are cataloged on page 215 for your conve-
nience during crunch time.
“Tough Stuff” Vignettes 9
AST = 1200
ALT = 2100
LDH = 300
Vignette 1: Answer
This is acute viral hepatitis. You might wonder how 3 lab values and a single
symptom would clinch this diagnosis. If so, it’s worth taking some time to break
down this short yet demonstrative vignette. It turns out that there’s enough infor-
mation here to narrow the diagnosis to acute viral hepatitis with a high degree
of reliability. You certainly can’t pinpoint the type of virus with this information
alone, but you can at least posit an underlying acute viral infection.
First off, it’s important to note that the serum aminotransferases, AST and
ALT, are extremely high—both above 1000 U/L. This degree of “transaminemia”
(not, by the way, “transaminitis,” which literally means “inflammation of the
transaminases” and makes no sense despite the term’s deep penetration into
common parlance) can occur only from a short list of conditions. When the AST
and ALT are in the 1000+ range, think about the following potential causes:
(1) acute viral hepatitis, (2) acute drug or toxin injury, and (3) shock liver. On
occasion, an acute flare of autoimmune hepatitis or an acute bile duct obstruc-
tion (ie, common duct stone) can lead to aminotransferase levels over 1000, but
that would be relatively uncommon. A wide range of other conditions can also
cause hepatitis, but not with this degree of marked transaminemia.
A classic trick question is to describe an alcoholic who presents to the emer-
gency department with an AST of, say, 2000 and an ALT of 1000, and then
ask you to make the diagnosis. The usual first temptation is to diagnose acute
alcoholic hepatitis and call it a day. Indeed, every med student knows that acute
alcohol poisoning can present biochemically with an AST:ALT ratio of 2:1 (more
on alcohol injury in Vignette 26), but not with enzymes in the 1000+ range. In
fact, it’s highly unusual for the AST to exceed 400 to 500 in the setting of pure
alcoholic liver disease without some other hepatotoxin on board. So in an alco-
holic patient who presents with a 2:1 ratio of AST to ALT but with liver enzymes
in the 1000+ range, think about something else—like underlying acetaminophen
toxicity in addition to acute alcoholic hepatitis.
Now, with a little more information, you could start to distinguish between
underlying etiologies for severe transaminemia. For example, if the patient were
in the intensive care unit and recently suffered a bout of pronounced hypoten-
sion, then shock liver would lead the differential diagnosis. If the patient had
just eaten shellfish and turned yellow, then acute hepatitis A might be high on
the list. If the patient had recently started a new herbal remedy recommended by
a homeopathic healer, then toxin-mediated injury might be the diagnosis. If the
patient had just consumed half a bottle of, say, Vicodin or Percocet, then acet-
aminophen injury would be highly suspected. If an obese, 40-year-old woman
presented with acute biliary colic, then a common bile duct stone would be con-
sidered. And so forth. But you do not have any of that information here; this is
a bare-boned question.
So, that should lead you to evaluate the LDH level. Recall that LDH has several
forms and arises from not only the liver but also the heart, reticuloendothelial
system, lungs, kidney, and striated muscles. So, it’s all over the place and not
very sensitive for liver disease, in particular. And it comes in 5 isoforms that,
for the most part, are not routinely fractionated in everyday clinical practice.
But the bottom line is that LDH is often included in metabolic panels and the
information it provides is, on occasion, quite helpful. The LDH is elevated in this
“Tough Stuff” Vignettes 11
case, although it’s not inordinately high. How can that help you narrow the diag-
nosis? The key is to evaluate the ratio of ALT to LDH. Serum LDH is especially
high in the setting of hypoxemic liver injury (“shock liver”) and in both toxin- and
drug-induced liver injury. In these situations, both the aminotransferases and
the LDH are high, with the LDH disproportionately high compared to the already
high ALT. The ALT:LDH ratio is therefore low. In acute viral hepatitis, in contrast,
LDH levels are not as high, so the ALT:LDH ratio tends to be much higher. In
the original validation study of this concept by Cassidy and Reynolds (see the
Bibliography in the back of this book), the mean ALT:LDH ratio for acute viral
hepatitis was 4.65. In contrast, the ratios for hypoxemic liver injury and acet-
aminophen injury were 0.87 and 1.46, respectively. A cutoff of 1.5 distinguished
acute viral hepatitis from hypoxemic, toxin-induced, and drug-induced hepatitis
with a sensitivity of 94% and a specificity of 84%.
In the current vignette, the ALT:LDH ratio is 7.0. The high ratio argues strong-
ly against hypoxemic, toxin-induced, and drug-induced liver injury, all of which
tend to disproportionately elevate the LDH. That leaves acute viral hepatitis as
the most likely explanation for the biochemical pattern. Fatigue is also support-
ive of viral hepatitis but is by no means specific. Although acute autoimmune
hepatitis and bile duct obstruction can also drive the aminotransferases into the
1000+ range, acute viral hepatitis would be much more likely. When all of these
factors are considered, it’s reasonable to conclude that acute viral hepatitis is the
best explanation for the marked transaminemia.
While we’re on the topic of aminotransferases, it’s worth reviewing a few other
useful factlets about their use in diagnosing and managing liver disease. First,
the degree of transaminemia is not predictive of the level of hepatic necrosis.
That is, although aminotransferase levels in the 1000+ range can be intimidat-
ing, they do not necessarily portend a bad prognosis in and of themselves. This
highlights the fact that ALT and AST are liver enzymes but are not liver function
tests, or LFTs. For some reason ALT and AST are typically referred to as “LFTs”
when, in fact, they do not measure liver function at all. They indirectly measure
hepatocyte damage, but they do not provide insight into the functional deficit
engendered by that damage.
This leads to the second point, which is to distinguish the aminotransferases
from true LFTs, including albumin, INR, and total bilirubin. These lab values
provide direct evidence of liver function and true prognostic information; they
can predict, quite literally, whether a patient with advanced liver disease will live
or die without a transplant. The aminotransferases simply cannot provide this
information and are therefore not LFTs at all.
Third, it’s notable that while the absolute aminotransferase levels do not pro-
vide prognostic information, their rate of decline may. In severe cases of acute
liver injury, the ALT and AST values may rise quickly and subsequently fall even
faster. This suggests a rapid burnout of the liver from overwhelming necrosis.
When coupled with an abrupt rise in bilirubin and INR, a rapid drop in amino-
transferase levels portends a bad prognosis. But that’s enough factlets for now.
One final point in passing—the term aminotransaminases is now favored over
the term transaminases, since it more accurately describes the function of the
enzymes. But that will not be on a Board exam. And, quite frankly, we tend to
switch back and forth when we use the terms.
12 Chapter 2
Why Might This Be Tested? For the general gastroenterology exam, you will
not be expected to know everything about hepatology, which is a burgeoning
field. But you should certainly be able to interpret basic patterns in liver tests.
Marked transaminemia is perfect for a Board question because the differential
diagnosis is quite narrow, so the choices are limited. A Board question will likely
give more information than what we have provided here, but knowing the rela-
tionship between ALT and LDH could help you answer a question more efficiently
and reliably without getting too waylaid by the inevitable red herrings test writers
like to pepper into vignettes. That was a mixed metaphor, but who cares? We’re
doctors, not English professors.
Clinical Threshold Alert: If the ALT:LDH ratio exceeds 1.5 in the setting of
severe transaminemia, think acute viral hepatitis. If the ratio is lower, think
about toxin-induced, drug-induced, or hypoxemia-induced liver injury.
The ALT and AST are not LFTs. The “real” LFTs include:
z Total bilirubin
z Albumin
“Tough Stuff” Vignettes 13
Vignette 2: Answer
This is Kasabach-Merritt syndrome (KMS) associated with a giant (ie, humon-
gous) cavernous hemangioma. KMS is a consumptive coagulopathy that can lead
to disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC). The syndrome was originally
described in 1940 in a young child with a rapidly growing cutaneous heman-
gioma. KMS has also been recognized as a rare complication of giant hepatic
hemangiomas. In this case, resection of the giant hemangioma cured the KMS-
associated clotting and fibrinolysis.
Cavernous hemangioma is the most common benign tumor of the liver and
has been found in nearly 10% of autopsies—so you may have one right now with-
out knowing it. Hemangiomas are more common in women than men. They are
usually noted incidentally and rarely require treatment. However, some of these
can enlarge, and they are given the designation “giant” when they grow to more
than 5 cm in diameter. These giant hemangiomas can lead to symptoms, includ-
ing chronic pain from stretching Glisson’s capsule, massive hepatomegaly, early
satiety from gastric compression, jaundice from biliary compression, vascular
compression, DIC, and even rupture! Indeed, a spontaneous rupture is a rare
occurrence in giant hemangiomas, but it can have a disastrous outcome with a
nearly 40% mortality rate. Treatment options for symptomatic giant hemangio-
mas include resection, transarterial embolization (enucleation), and even liver
On gross examination, giant hemangiomas have a sponge-like, purplish
appearance. Just look at that thing—it’s an amazing lesion. Furthermore, hem-
angiomas may have regions of calcification, scarring, and intraluminal throm-
bosis. On microscopic examination, there are networks of blood-filled vascular
spaces separated by thin, fibrous stroma (Figure 2-3).
Vignette 3: Answer
These are isolated fundic varices resulting from an underlying splenic vein
thrombosis from chronic pancreatitis. This vignette provides an excuse to review
the anatomy of the portal circulation, which you need to understand in order
to know why and how isolated fundic varices can form. Figure 3-2 provides a
simplified depiction of the portal circulation—refer to this figure as you read the
text that follows.
Recall that the portal circulation flows into and out of the liver via the portal
vein and hepatic vein, respectively. The hepatic vein joins the inferior vena cava
to return blood to the heart for recirculation. On the other side of the liver, the
portal vein is formed by the confluence of the superior mesenteric vein and the
splenic vein. The esophageal vein branches off the portal vein and heads toward
a venous plexus surrounding the gastroesophageal junction. In the setting of
cirrhosis, where there is intrinsic liver disease marked by portal hypertension,
blood cannot push its way through the portal circulation, causing hepatofugal
flow (ie, flow away from the liver). Backflow typically occurs when the hepatic
venous pressure gradient (HVPG) exceeds 12 mm Hg, at which point the back-
flow starts working its way up the esophageal vein and back down the portal
vein. This, in turn, causes the plexus of vessels around the esophagus to swell,
leading to the formation of esophageal and gastric junctional varices.
18 Chapter 2
Vignette 4: Rave
A 20-year-old college student is brought by friends to the emergency depart-
ment with complaints of nausea, vomiting, and anxiety. He has no significant
past medical history, no recent travel, and no unusual food consumption. He
denies alcohol use, but his friends mention that he frequently goes to “raves.”
He is noted to be anxious and diaphoretic in the emergency department with a
temperature of 104°F.
On examination, he is jaundiced and has tender hepatomegaly. He is also
noted to have jaw-clenching and bruxism (teeth-grinding). A lumbar puncture
is performed and is unremarkable. Blood tests reveal the following: INR = 1.5,
ALT = 1590, AST = 1440, total bilirubin = 4.2, creatinine = 1.0, WBC = 8.1, hemo-
globin = 14.2, platelets = 190, CK = 50, pH = 7.40; blood cultures are pending.
Vignette 4: Answer
This is a case of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, also known as
“ecstasy”)-induced hepatotoxicity. If you have a college student presenting with
hyperthermia, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, cramping, and muscular rigidity with
bruxism and diaphoresis, think of illicit drug use. That seems like a no-brainer,
but don’t miss it. If the symptoms coincide with acute liver failure, then think
of recreational use of ecstasy. The diagnosis can be confirmed with most urine
toxicology screening tests.
The pathogenesis of acute MDMA-induced liver injury is multifactorial.
Immune mechanisms and reactive metabolites play a role. When combined
with hyperthermia, these metabolites can accelerate hepatocellular injury (see
Vignette 41 for more on hyperthermia and liver injury). In fact, hyperpyrexia
may persist for several hours and patients can become dehydrated, often with
complaints of polydipsia. These patients require aggressive cooling, rehydration,
and supportive care, and they need to be watched closely for evidence of acute
liver failure.
MDMA was first compounded about 100 years ago, but its psychotropic effects
were not known until the 1970s when it was used in psychotherapy (until becom-
ing illegal). In the 1980s, MDMA became popular in some nightclub scenes. Soon
thereafter, it became—and still is—a common recreational drug in the “rave”
culture among adolescents and young adults in the Western world. MDMA is
also prevalent on college campuses, where many students hold the misconcep-
tion that it’s a safe drug.
Why Might This Be Tested? MDMA-induced acute liver failure is a well-
known problem in young adults using recreational drugs. Public education
campaigns are starting to raise better awareness that ecstasy is not a safe drug.
Board examiners will expect you to be informed as well.
Vignette 5: Answer
This vignette is meant to trick you. If you said the next diagnostic step should
be abdominal CT scanning or some other form of diagnostic imaging, then you
are wrong. Of course, some kind of imaging may need to be done eventually in
this case, but it should not be the very next step.
The correct answer is to perform a pelvic exam. In GI and hepatology we some-
times tend to forget that the pelvis exists, and that can spell trouble—especially
in a young woman with abdominal pain. Testing the beta-HCG is a nice start,
but that is no substitute for a proper pelvic examination. If you were to perform
a pelvic exam on this woman, you would find cervical motion tenderness and
adnexal tenderness with bimanual examination. That’s because this woman had
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) from Chlamydia and has secondary perihepa-
titis as a consequence of intra-abdominal spread of the infection.
The complex of PID and perihepatitis is also called Fitz-Hugh–Curtis syn-
drome. Fitz-Hugh–Curtis was first described with gonococcal salpingitis, but it
can also occur with Chlamydial infections. The pelvic infection spreads to the
abdomen, involves the peritoneal surfaces, and consolidates along the perito-
neal reflections in the right upper quadrant around the liver. This gives rise to
a purulent, fibrinous exudate around the liver, which looks like so-called violin
string adhesions (Board buzzword) on direct visualization. This presents clini-
cally with severe right upper quadrant abdominal pain. In fact, the abdominal
pain can become so severe that it dominates the presentation, even though the
source of infection is in the pelvis itself. In the case described in this vignette,
all eyes were focused on the upper abdomen rather than the pelvis, to the point
of bypassing an otherwise vital pelvic examination. The pain can be pleuritic, as
seen here. Because it typically involves the anterior surface of the liver, it may
not radiate to the shoulder, as seen with biliary colic (although it can radiate
to the shoulder). Here the pain radiated around the flank and was worse with
breathing—signs of pleurisy. In addition, Fitz-Hugh–Curtis can present with
elevated aminotransferase levels in about half of cases.
The bottom line is that in a young woman with right upper quadrant pleuritic
pain, fevers, elevated WBC, and elevated liver tests, you need to think about
Fitz-Hugh–Curtis and perform a pelvic examination. The CT can wait. In fact,
the CT findings in Fitz-Hugh–Curtis are often nonspecific vis-à-vis the liver
itself, although the pelvic portion of the test should find some changes sugges-
tive of PID. The CT may reveal hepatic capsular enhancement along the anterior
surface of the liver in the arterial phase. In any event, a reasonable case can be
made for holding on the CT, sparing this young patient the radiation exposure,
and instead starting aggressive IV antibiotic therapy for PID as an inpatient
while monitoring her carefully for clinical decrements. Would she really escape
the emergency room without having a CT performed? Probably not. But don’t let
that hold you back from performing (or at least recommending, if you are the
consulting GI) a pelvic examination.
Why Might This Be Tested? Board examiners want you to think about
the entire physical examination, including the pelvic region. Fitz-Hugh–Curtis
is a classic diagnosis everyone learns in med school, and including it on the
exam provides an opportunity for examiners to see if you have totally forgotten
about the pelvis or not. Shooting straight past a pelvic exam can spell trouble;
24 Chapter 2
examiners want to ensure that you are thinking about the pelvic exam as you
develop a full differential diagnosis for abdominal pain in women.
Sexually active woman + Fever + Pleuritic right upper quadrant pain = Think
about Fitz-Hugh-Curtis ... Check pelvic exam
“Tough Stuff” Vignettes 25
Vignette 6: Answer
This is Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS) secondary to polycythemia rubra vera.
BCS is the result of an obstruction to outflow through the hepatic vein (see
Figure 3-2) with subsequent hepatic congestion. This manifests with the classic
triad of abdominal pain, hepatomegaly, and ascites. A long list of conditions can
cause BCS, but all of these conditions have in common an ability to cause venous
thrombosis or obstruction. In this case, the patient has polycythemia vera, which
is one of the most common underlying conditions to trigger BCS. The polycythe-
mia is not well treated in this case, as evidenced by the conjunctival injection,
excoriations, and elevated hemoglobin. Poorly treated polycythemia can lead to
hyperviscosity and ultimately hepatic vein thrombosis. Other myeloprolifera-
tive disorders, such as essential thrombocythemia and myelofibrosis, are also
associated with BCS but at a lower rate than polycythemia vera. Other common
associations include pregnancy, medications (including oral contraceptives, in
particular), hepatocellular cancer, and a range of prothrombotic conditions such
as factor V Leiden mutation and antithrombin III deficiency, among others.
There are some notable epidemiologic characteristics of BCS that might help
with Board exam vignettes. In particular, BCS tends to occur in younger patients,
with a mean age of presentation of 35 years (although it certainly can be seen
in older patients as well, as evidenced in this vignette). BCS is about twice as
prevalent in women than men, partly because pregnancy is an important risk
factor for BCS. So keep BCS in mind whenever you hear about hepatomegaly and
abdominal pain in a pregnant woman, or simply any younger patient, especially
when there is concurrent ascites. Remember, you need to know about pregnant
women for the Board exam. Test writers seem to love posing questions about
pregnant women. We have included several other pregnancy-related vignettes in
the pages ahead—stay tuned.
The clinical course of BCS can be variable. In this case the onset was acute;
there was not even enough time for ascites to form. Without timely treatment,
acute liver failure is possible. In other cases, the syndrome can evolve over
months and fly under the clinical radar for a while. In some instances, BCS
presents as the initial sign of underlying cirrhosis; in other cases, BCS is discov-
ered in patients with known cirrhosis and refractory ascites only after a fruitless
search for other causes of refractory ascites.
Liver tests are usually abnormal in BCS, although the range of liver test
abnormalities varies widely. Aminotransferases typically range from around
100 to 600+. Alkaline phosphatase can be in the 200 to 500 range. Total biliru-
bin can certainly go up, but usually not much beyond 7 to 10 (unless there is
acute liver failure).
The injury is most pronounced in zone 3 of the portal lobules. This is a good
opportunity to stop and ask yourself why this is so. A review of the anatomy of
the portal triads, lobules, and related metabolic zones will provide the answer.
So put your first-year med school hat on for a second and take a look at
Figure 6-1. This is a stylized version of hepatic acini and portal triads, along with
a depiction of the metabolic zones. Yeah, that’s right, we made the figure in
PowerPoint—it’s pretty sweet.
As shown in the figure, the hepatocytes are arranged in roughly hexagonal
structures that are bordered by a series of portal triads. The portal triads consist
of 3 structures (by definition): the bile ductules, hepatic arterioles, and portal
“Tough Stuff” Vignettes 27
venules. The bile ductules form the beginning of the biliary system; they coalesce
into the hepatic ducts, which ultimately merge to form the common bile duct.
The portal venules receive inflow from the portal vein, and the hepatic arterioles
deliver oxygen from the larger hepatic artery. Oxygenated blood from the hepatic
arterioles merges with blood from the portal venules. The admixture courses
through hepatic sinusoids (not pictured) and collect in the central vein. This ana-
tomic arrangement creates a metabolic gradient comprising zone 1 (periportal
zone—maximally oxygenated), zone 2 (intermediate zone), and zone 3 (pericentral
zone—minimally oxygenated).
BCS leads to obstructed outflow, so there is backflow and pericentral con-
gestion in zone 3 (Figures 6-1 and 6-2). This makes it even harder for zone 3
to become oxygenated because blood from the triads fights its way upstream
against the pressure gradient. When the outflow is acute or severe, zones 1 and
2 become affected as well, which can lead to acute liver failure. In less acute
settings, there can still be progressive injury with development of fibrosis within
2 weeks following the initial injury. Left untreated, BCS can progress to bridging
fibrosis and, with time, outright cirrhosis. Of note, in BCS there is often a com-
pensatory caudate lobe hypertrophy (Figure 6-3), since flow is not obstructed in
this portion due to the accessory hepatic veins that drain directly into the infe-
rior vena cava (IVC). This collateral circulation produces the classic “spider web”
appearance on venography. In chronic BCS, the caudate lobe can enlarge enough
to cause a secondary IVC obstruction.
28 Chapter 2
In any event, if you suspect BCS, you should move quickly to clinch the diag-
nosis. Doppler ultrasound remains a cheap, easy, noninvasive, accurate way to
diagnose most cases of BCS. The key is to demonstrate obstructed or attenuated
outflow through the hepatic vein. If the study is negative but your pretest likeli-
hood for BCS remains high, then it’s reasonable to employ magnetic resonance
venography. Computerized tomography does not have a usual role in the diagno-
sis of BCS. Venography by the interventional radiology service provides the gold
standard diagnosis (and can also quantify the pressure measurements) but is
cumbersome, expensive, and invasive.
Initial treatment of symptomatic BCS includes anticoagulation, typically with
heparin. Longer-term therapy with warfarin is often indicated. If the thrombosis
is acute and severe, or if initial anticoagulation is unsuccessful, then catheter-
directed thrombolysis may be warranted. Other approaches include transjugular
intrahepatic portosystemic shunts (TIPS) and surgical shunts. Liver transplanta-
tion may be necessary if there is acute liver failure or if there is secondary cir-
rhosis in the chronic setting. Of course, it’s also crucial to identify the underlying
cause of the BCS and, where possible, treat the underlying disorder (in this case,
polycythemia vera).
Why Might This Be Tested? First off, as we noted earlier, Board examiners
seem to love any question that involves a pregnant patient—a point we will make
repeatedly in this book. Although this particular vignette did not feature preg-
nancy, BCS is an important consideration in a pregnant woman with abdominal
pain and a big liver. Second, testing on BCS allows the examiners to check your
understanding of vascular anatomy, as with Vignette 3. Third, examiners love
figuring out if you can connect common internal medicine diagnoses (in this
case, polycythemia vera) with GI and liver conditions. They want to make sure
you have not forgotten your basic internal medicine knowledge. And last, they
could use this as an opportunity to confirm your knowledge about the micro-
anatomy and metabolic zones of the liver.
Vignette 7: Answer
This is hepatopulmonary syndrome (HPS). The history and physical exam
alone point to the diagnosis even without knowing the results of the other tests.
HPS is strongly suggested by the presence of platypnea (improvement in dys-
pnea when she lies down), coupled with the physical exam findings of clubbing,
cyanosis, prominent spider angiomas, and facial telangiectasias. Orthodeoxia
(hypoxemia improved when lying down compared with the upright position) can
also help you reach the diagnosis.
HPS probably results from the circulation of vasodilators (such as nitrous
oxide), leading to intrapulmonary vasodilation. This, in turn, causes hypoxemia
by creating a functional A-a gradient from increasing the distance from erythro-
cytes to the oxygen source as they pass through the lungs. Although 5% to 10%
of patients presenting for liver transplant evaluation will have HPS, it seems to
be an under-recognized condition. A patient with chronic liver disease or portal
hypertension will qualify as having HPS by demonstration of both hypoxemia
and intrapulmonary shunting. HPS can be diagnosed when the arterial blood
gas reveals a PaO2 <70 mm Hg and an A-a gradient >20 mm Hg. Of note, a
patient with a PaO2 >80 mm Hg is unlikely to have HPS.
Evidence of intrapulmonary shunting is typically noted with contrast echo-
cardiography with agitated saline. A positive test for HPS results when contrast
is seen in the left atrium more than 3 cardiac cycles after the original right ven-
tricular opacification. If the contrast is noted sooner than 3 cardiac cycles, then
an intracardiac shunt is likely. Furthermore, the intrapulmonary shunt can be
quantified with a technetium macroaggregated albumin (TcMAA) lung perfusion
scan to determine uptake in other organs. Under normal conditions, technetium
macroaggregates of albumin get trapped in the lung after passing through the
right ventricle and do not reach the peripheral circulation. However, with the
intrapulmonary shunting of HPS, the macroaggregates can pass into the brain
and uptake can be quantified. Thus, a brain uptake of greater than 5% of TcMAA
suggests intrapulmonary shunting.
Thus far, medical treatments for HPS have not provided much benefit.
However, liver transplantation can reverse the condition in mild to moder-
ate cases. Complete reversal of the intrapulmonary shunting can take up to
1 year, so the effect of liver transplant is not always immediate. Not all patients
with HPS do well after liver transplantation, especially those with severe intra-
pulmonary shunting. The following risk factors can be used to identify HPS
patients with severe shunting who may not reverse after liver transplantation:
(1) PaO2 <50 mm Hg (severe hypoxemia); (2) inability to correct hypoxemia with
100% O2; and (3) TcMAA >40% brain uptake (high shunt fraction).
Why Might This Be Tested? Similar to portopulmonary hypertension (stay
tuned for more on that later), the history and physical examination can point to
this diagnosis if you understand the pathophysiology. That is why Board exam-
iners love this kind of stuff. Be sure that you don’t confuse HPS with portopul-
monary hypertension.
Clinical Threshold Alert: PaO2 must be <70 mm Hg and A-a gradient
>20 mm Hg to diagnose HPS. When the PaO2 falls below 50 mm Hg in HPS,
it predicts a poor outcome with liver transplantation. Brain uptake of >5% of
TcMAA indicates intrapulmonary shunting in HPS. Liver transplantation is
unlikely to be successful when the TcMAA brain uptake exceeds 40%.
“Tough Stuff” Vignettes 31
Vignette 8: Answer
This is a tough one, but it highlights several crucial points. First, you should
order a Doppler ultrasound of the abdomen to look for a splenic artery aneurysm.
There is a 3% to 5% risk of rupture of splenic artery aneurysms in pregnant
women with cirrhosis, and a rupture carries up to a 75% maternal mortality
rate and a 90% fetal mortality rate. So this can be catastrophic if not identi-
fied in advance. Sometimes the initial bleed may be contained in the lesser sac,
which leaves time for emergency intervention. Splenic artery aneurysm tends
to occur in the third trimester and is multifactorial in etiology. The enlarg-
ing uterus can compress the aorta as gestation proceeds, leading to enhanced
flow through alterative branches including the splenic artery. Furthermore, the
plasma volume is increased in pregnant women with cirrhosis, as is hormone-
related weakness of the vasculature. These conditions create a perfect storm for
a catastrophe. Thus, if the aneurysm is >2 cm, endovascular or surgical therapy
needs to be considered. A question on the Board exam might feature a pregnant
woman with cirrhosis presenting with left upper quadrant discomfort, a pulsatile
left upper quadrant mass, or a left-sided abdominal bruit (see Vignettes 45 to 49
for more on abdominal bruits in liver disease).
Second, you should also perform an upper endoscopy in this patient. There is
a 25% risk of variceal bleeding during pregnancy in women with cirrhosis, and
the risk of hemorrhage rises to 75% in pregnant women with large varices. As
noted, such hemorrhage could have fatal consequences for both the fetus and
the mother. Remember that portal pressures are increased in cirrhosis due to
increased plasma volume. For this reason, you should also avoid excessive fluid
administration during any admission throughout the pregnancy. Furthermore,
there may be increased vascular resistance from external IVC compression by the
enlarging uterus. These factors create the greatest risk of variceal hemorrhage in
the second trimester and during labor (from the Valsalva maneuver). Therefore,
an upper endoscopy should be performed right away in this patient since she
is in the second trimester, even though she did not have varices on endoscopy
last year. If large varices are found, then action needs to be taken for primary
prophylaxis. There are no controlled trials evaluating the safety and efficacy of
endoscopic band ligation versus beta-blockade in pregnant patients. Thus, the
choice is at the discretion of the treating physicians and is generally made after
discussion between the GI and obstetrician. It’s worth mentioning that beta-
blockers have an FDA pregnancy category C in the first trimester but have a
class D rating with risk of intrauterine growth retardation and fetal bradycardia
in the second and third trimesters. Specific questions on the direct treatment
of varices are unlikely to appear on the exam due to poor consensus of opinion.
However, avoidance of labor by caesarean section delivery is recommended to
circumvent the elevations of portal pressure and risk of variceal hemorrhage in
women with large varices.
Last, you should order a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) test, especially
since the patient wants to know the risk of vertical transmission of hepatitis C. In
general, the risk of HCV transmission is quite low (approximately 5%). However,
the risk of HCV transmission is increased if there is coinfection with HIV, an
elevated HCV RNA level, and/or active intravenous drug use. Transmission
rates are not affected by route of delivery. However, there is an increased risk
34 Chapter 2
HCV has a low risk for vertical transmission unless other risk factors are
present, including HIV infection, intravenous drug use, or very high HCV
viral load.
“Tough Stuff” Vignettes 35
Vignette 9: Answer
This patient has a MELD score equal to 25. A score of 25 means there is about
a 25% chance he will die within 3 months without a liver transplant. In some-
one with this degree of liver dysfunction, placing a TIPS could have disastrous
consequences. In patients with poor hepatic synthetic function, TIPS is indicated
only when the patient exhibits acute, life-threatening consequences of portal
hypertension, such as active variceal hemorrhage. With the advanced degree of
liver disease in this patient, there is the added risk of further progression due
to portal diversion of blood flow (not to mention all of the other associated TIPS
complications, such as encephalopathy, bleeding, sepsis, hemolysis, fistulas,
hepatic infarction, hemobilia, and stent dysfunction). The best treatment would
include large-volume paracentesis with intravenous albumin in combination
with an expedited liver transplant evaluation. TIPS would not be advised in this
case unless the patient were in dire straits.
This vignette provides an opportunity to briefly review the MELD scoring sys-
tem. MELD was initially developed in a multicenter study for patients with cir-
rhosis undergoing TIPS. It was found to have about an 85% accuracy for predict-
ing death in these patients. After a mandate from the Department of Health and
Human Services, MELD replaced the previous Child-Turcotte-Pugh (CTP)-based
system. On February 27, 2002, the MELD score was used for liver allocation by
the United Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS). I remember being on service when
the change occurred. I can just say that it made for quite an interesting day.
The MELD score, which ranges from 6 to 40, has distinct advantages over
the CTP system by limiting subjective parameters (such as amount of ascites
and encephalopathy) and providing a continuous scale, thereby eliminating the
“floor and ceiling” effect that occurred with the CTP system. Of note, INR is the
best marker of liver function; therefore, it’s the most heavily weighted variable
in the MELD scoring system. The predictive value of MELD is independent of
common cirrhosis complications, including bacterial peritonitis, variceal hemor-
rhage, ascites, and encephalopathy. Because these clinical events do not provide
an incremental predictive value, MELD is currently calculated with only 3 lab
tests (serum INR, total bilirubin, and creatinine) to obtain a score for estimation
of 3-month mortality without liver transplantation. At a MELD score of 15 or
greater, survival is enhanced 1 year after liver transplant versus remaining on
the waiting list. Therefore, most transplant centers designate a MELD score of
15 as the minimal listing score for liver transplantation (although most trans-
plants occur at higher values).
Use of MELD has led to significant improvements in the process of liver trans-
plantation, namely, a reduction in waiting time for transplantation, fewer new
patients registered for the waiting list, and the ability to prioritize sicker patients
with a greater need for transplantation. Compared to the pre-MELD era, the
MELD era has resulted in a diminished mortality rate for those on the transplant
list. Post-transplant survival has not decreased, despite transplanting sicker
patients. Plus, the use of an evidence-based score makes everyone feel better
about making difficult allocation decisions.
However, nothing is perfect. There are some conditions where the MELD
score may not accurately predict mortality, and a higher score can be requested
through an appeal process to UNOS; such inaccuracy may occur in patients with
“Tough Stuff” Vignettes 37
Avoid TIPS in patients with a high MELD score (25 or more) unless it’s a
life-threatening emergency or liver transplantation is unlikely.
38 Chapter 2
A similar situation might occur upon titrating prednisone for various conditions.
Stay tuned for another vignette on this topic later in this book.
Here’s another fact: Acute liver failure from HBV warrants treatment. It was
previously thought that treatment may be futile in the setting of acute HBV liver
failure. However, data now indicate that timely anti-HBV treatment can improve
mortality rates in acute HBV liver failure. Furthermore, even if liver transplant is
inevitable, a decreased viral load is important to diminish the risk of post-trans-
plant recurrence. For the same rationale, patients with cirrhosis and any level of
viremia require treatment. Both entecavir and tenofovir would be good choices
due to their rapid viral suppression and extremely low long-term resistance rates.
In fact, treating patients with decompensated HBV cirrhosis can improve hepatic
synthetic function. In some instances, patients can have a dramatic response
with marked improvement of their MELD score, and the treatment can render
them well enough to “de-list” for liver transplantation. So there really is a lot of
benefit to treating HBV, even when it might seem like a desperate situation of
diminishing returns.
There are currently 8 known genotypes for HBV (genotypes A through H). Of
these, 4 predominate in the United States: A, B, C, and D. Genotype A is the
most common among African-Americans (remember: AA has A) and has the best
response to pegylated interferon treatment with up to a 50% e antigen seroconver-
sion rate (as opposed to 30% with the other genotypes). In fact, compared to oral
agents, pegylated interferon might be a more effective and cost-effective choice
in an HBV genotype A patient with a high ALT and a low viral load. Genotypes B
and C are predominantly found among Asians. The patient in this vignette had
genotype C, which tends to be a more aggressive form with increased inflamma-
tion, rate of progression, and incidence of HCC compared to genotype B (remem-
ber: among Asians, genotype B is better and C is crummy). Genotype D tends to
be more commonly found in patients from Eastern Europe and has a generally
less favorable prognosis than does genotype A.
Certain subsets of HBV carriers have an increased risk for the development of
HCC. In particular, HCC screening should be performed in African Americans
over age 20, Asian men over age 40, and Asian women over age 50.
Why Might This Be Tested? There are an estimated 350 million persons
worldwide with HBV infection. With increased immigration over the past few
decades from endemic regions into the United States, plenty of HBV patients are
flying under the radar. They will present in various clinical scenarios (including
pregnancy), and you will need to know how to manage them as the treatment is
constantly evolving.
In Asians, HBV genotype B has more indolent disease course than genotype C
42 Chapter 2
Figure 11.1.
Table 11-1.
1 Now things get more involved. These patients have a shorter attention span
and reduced ability to perform simple math, like serial 7s. They often have
reversal of day-night sleep patterns; diminished awareness and concentration;
and signs of irritability, depression, or even euphoria. NCT times get slower.
Electroencephalographic (EEG) abnormalities are now detectable. May begin to
show asterixis.
2 Now things start getting more serious. Asterixis sets in, and patients experience
disorientation, drowsiness, and significant personality changes. These patients
can become disoriented and very easily confused. The EEG is clearly abnormal at
this point with diffuse slow waves. The patients are hyperreflexic and can exhibit
clonus. This is generally obvious to the astute clinician.
3 At this point the patients become sleepy yet arousable. They are totally disori-
ented regarding time and place. They forget lots of things, have emotional out-
bursts, and slur their speech. So-called triphasic waves show up on the EEG. If
you cannot recognize these clinical features in patients with cirrhosis, then it’s
time to go back to med school!
4 By stage 4, the patient has basically slipped into a coma. The response to painful
stimuli is minimal or nonexistent. If this slips your clinical detection, then it’s time
to find another line of work.
great either). In contrast, prophylactic endoscopic band ligation drops the risk
of bleeding by up to two-thirds and can work even if the HVPG remains above
12 mm Hg. In general, HVPG monitoring is invasive, expensive, and not routinely
performed in the United States. Some argue that it’s most useful in patients on
the waiting list for a transplant in order to maximize therapy. In fact, it has been
shown that routine HVPG monitoring is cost-effective in this high-risk group
awaiting transplantation. But otherwise, guidelines do not recommend routine
HVPG testing in patients with cirrhosis, even if they have varices. The surrogate
markers for beta-blocker therapy are to monitor blood pressure and heart rate
with a goal to drop the heart rate to 55 to 60 beats per minute and to drop the
systolic blood pressure by 25% as tolerated. Patients who cannot meet those
goals despite compliance with therapy should be moved to another approach,
such as endoscopic band ligation.
It’s also worth taking a moment to review how to manage (or not manage, as
the case may be) portal vein thrombosis. Here’s the deal: Portal vein thrombosis
is quite common in cirrhosis. Its presence confirms hepatofugal flow and high
portal pressures. It’s typically an epiphenomenon of underlying portal hyperten-
sion, not a disease unto itself in need of active therapy. Heparin is generally not
indicated for portal vein thrombosis in the setting of cirrhosis, unless there is
extensive thrombosis that could preclude liver transplantation. Follow-up imag-
ing is recommended to ensure stability of the thrombus and to exclude hepato-
cellular carcinoma. More importantly, you should focus on the basic principles of
cirrhosis care, which are described throughout this book. Stay tuned for another
vignette on this topic that tells the tragic story of unnecessarily treating a portal
vein thrombus.
Why Might This Be Tested? Varices are common, so you should know about
their basic management principles. This vignette contains several important and
highly testable points about variceal screening and management. First, remem-
ber that current guidelines recommend routine screening for varices in basically
all cirrhotics, whether you agree with that or not. Second, remember that you
can determine whether patients are at higher-than-average risk for varices using
readily available clinical data. Third, remember that the point of beta-blocker
therapy is to drop the HVPG below 12 mm Hg—a clinical threshold that might be
useful to know on the Board exam. Fourth, remember that beta-blocker therapy
should drop a patient’s heart rate to 55 to 60 and systolic blood pressure by 25%;
these are surrogate markers for a decrease in HVPG. And finally, don’t go nuts
when you see a portal vein thrombus in a patient with cirrhosis—it’s usually a
sign of high portal pressures, but not a disease unto itself. All of these facts are
eminently testable.
Clinical Threshold Alert: If the HVPG exceeds 12 mm Hg, then the risk of
underlying varices goes up significantly; the goal of beta-blocker therapy is to
drop the HVPG below this level. Clinical surrogate markers of diminished portal
pressure include a heart rate of 55 to 60 and a systolic blood pressure drop of
25% upon initiation of beta-blocker therapy. While this is admittedly redundant
of what has just been said, it bears repeating, and these thresholds are well
worth memorizing. In addition, when the portal vein diameter exceeds 13 mm on
ultrasonography or when the platelet count falls below 88,000, the risk of varices
rises independent of other clinical factors.
“Tough Stuff” Vignettes 53
14. A woman began using a dietary supplement touted for its weight loss ben-
efits and for relieving menopausal symptoms. After beginning to use the supple-
ment, she became jaundiced and rapidly encephalopathic. Liver biopsy revealed
hepatic necrosis. She subsequently required liver transplantation.
15. A patient is found to have liver test abnormalities 2 months after begin-
ning an antiarrhythmic for atrial fibrillation. Relevant labs include the following:
AST = 52, ALT = 86, ALP = 110, total bilirubin = 1.4, INR = 1.0, albumin = 3.4.
Liver biopsy reveals phospholipid-laden lysosomal lamellar bodies.
16. A patient is treated with an antibiotic for a urinary tract infection (UTI).
She develops icterus. Liver tests reveal AST = 35, ALT = 59, ALP = 620, total bili-
rubin = 2.6, INR = 1.1, albumin = 3.5.
18. A patient with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) begins to take a steroid-
sparing agent. Routine liver testing 4 weeks later reveals an elevated AST and
ALT. The patient is otherwise asymptomatic.
21.A health freak develops elevated liver tests and is found to have lipid-filled
stellate cells on liver biopsy.
Liver test abnormalities + Any herbal = Suspect the herbal until proven
15. This is amiodarone toxicity. When a patient presents with heart arrhyth-
mias and liver test abnormalities, think about amiodarone along with what-
ever else might be on your mind (eg, right heart failure, hemochromatosis with
cardiomyopathy). Amiodarone can be an effective antiarrhythmic, but it’s also
known to cause liver injury. Case series indicate that roughly 1 in 4 patients
develop asymptomatic elevations in liver enzymes after starting amiodarone, and
guidelines suggest discontinuing amiodarone if the liver test values double early
in the therapeutic course. Clinically significant liver injury is less frequent but
still occurs in a fair number of patients—roughly 3% develop hepatitis. Long-
term amiodarone therapy can lead to chronic liver injury in a smaller group of
patients, with cirrhosis and liver failure described after cumulative doses begin
to mount (although there is no magical cumulative dose beyond which liver
injury is definitely known to occur). Because long-term amiodarone therapy
increases the risk of chronic liver injury, guidelines suggest using the lowest
dose of amiodarone possible and monitoring liver tests both at baseline and at
6-month intervals. Interestingly, amiodarone-induced liver injury is marked by
Mallory bodies along with steatosis, phospholipidosis, intralobular inflamma-
tion, and—when advanced—fibrosis. A great Board buzzword is “phospholipid-
laden lysosomal lamellar bodies,” which can be found on electron microscopy in
amiodarone-induced liver injury. Because other conditions are also associated
with Mallory bodies (see Vignettes 34 to 37 for details), not the least of which is
alcohol-induced liver injury, some have suggested testing for phospholipidosis to
help distinguish amiodarone from alcohol in the arrhythmic alcoholic on amio-
darone (the “triple A”) with liver test abnormalities. Bear in mind, however, that
amiodarone is not alone in causing phospholipidosis; other culprits include ami-
triptyline, chloroquine, chlorpromazine, and thioridazine, among others.
commonly employed for the treatment of urinary tract infections, making it less
likely to be the culprit in this particular case. However, if you see a patient with
gastroparesis who is now developing cholestasis, you might consider erythro-
mycin, which is sometimes used as a prokinetic. Amoxicillin-clavulanate and
tetracycline are also known to cause cholestatic injury, including the mixed
hepatocanalicular pattern. You might have thought about nitrofurantoin, which
is indeed used for urinary tract infections and is also known to cause liver inju-
ry. However, nitrofurantoin is most commonly associated with a hepatocellular
injury marked by elevations in the AST and ALT, and with an autoimmune-type
of chronic hepatotoxicity; it’s less commonly associated with an acute cholestatic
injury pattern.
17. This is most likely acute hepatocellular injury from diclofenac. Diclofenac
is a nonselective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is known to
cause liver injury. In fact, the relationship between diclofenac and liver injury is
strong enough for the FDA to have issued a public warning in December 2009
regarding cases of diclofenac-induced hepatotoxicity. There have been instances
of diclofenac causing acute liver failure requiring transplantation or leading to
death. For some reason the relationship between diclofenac use and liver injury
seems stronger in women than in men. The FDA suggests that providers monitor
liver enzymes “periodically” in patients receiving long-term diclofenac therapy,
and definitely monitor liver enzymes within the first 4 to 8 weeks of therapy.
The acute liver injury caused by diclofenac can be idiosyncratic; it’s hard to
predict when, and in whom, it will occur. But acute liver failure is thankfully rare
(the true incidence is not clear, since it’s hard to know the exposed denomina-
tor). Asymptomatic liver enzyme elevations greater than 3 times the upper limit
of normal are more common and better described, occurring in around 1% to 4%
of patients receiving diclofenac.
It’s notable that diclofenac is also associated with an autoimmune-type chronic
hepatitis in addition to the acute hepatotoxicity-type injury. This form of chronic
liver injury is similar to the type I, or classic, form of autoimmune hepatitis. The
histologic appearance is also similar to autoimmune hepatitis, and patients with
diclofenac-induced autoimmune hepatitis are also more likely to have underlying
autoimmunity, including antinuclear antibody (ANA) positivity or the presence of
smooth muscle antibodies. As an aside, other drugs associated with the auto-
immune-type of hepatotoxicity include methyldopa, minocycline, nitrofurantoin
(see Vignette 16), phenytoin, and propylthiouracil, among others.
“Tough Stuff” Vignettes 59
By the way, if you were thinking about acetaminophen when you read the
vignette, you were wrong—acetaminophen is not an anti-inflammatory, and
warnings about its liver toxicity were issued way before 2009. But more on acet-
aminophen-induced liver damage in Vignette 27.
Patient with IBD bumps liver enzyme after starting AZA/6-MP = Think about
low TPMT enzyme activity versus supratherapeutic dosing
Patient with IBD gets painful hepatomegaly and has high bilirubin
level after starting AZA = Think about rare but serious veno-occlusive disease
20. This is peliosis hepatis from anabolic steroids. Peliosis hepatis is a rare
liver disorder marked by multiple blood-filled cystic spaces throughout the liver
parenchyma (not to be confused with VOD, as described in Vignette 19). The cysts
of peliosis hepatis do not have an endothelial lining but instead communicate
directly with the hepatic sinusoidal system. Peliosis is associated with a range of
conditions, including HIV, where it’s most commonly a consequence of Bartonella
infection, but it can also be found in nonimmunosuppressed patients.
Peliosis has been described in users of anabolic steroids, as well users of aza-
thioprine (there it is again), oral contraceptives, vitamin A, and hydroxyurea,
among many other medications. Rather than memorize this tedious list, you
“Tough Stuff” Vignettes 61
should focus on remembering anabolic steroids and HIV as the most common
and most important associations. Peliosis usually presents with fever, weight
loss, and jaundice in the setting of an enlarged liver. Because peliosis involves
cystic lesions in the liver, the ALP and GGT are elevated and out of proportion to
the AST and ALT (which are elevated to a lesser degree). The bilirubin is charac-
teristically normal or near normal. CT scans will show an enlarged and heteroge-
neous liver, and may also reveal a large spleen and abdominal lymphadenopathy.
Treatment is to remove the culprit agent. However, when peliosis occurs in the
setting of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), you should treat with
erythromycin 2 g daily (which hopefully will not cause a cholestatic hepatocana-
licular injury) to empirically cover Bartonella infection.
22. No, you should not stop the statin. This mini-vignette provides an excuse
to review the hepatotoxicity (or lack thereof) of statin therapy. There is no ques-
tion that statins are associated with liver test abnormalities, but that does not
mean that statins are dangerous or need to be stopped at the earliest sign of liver
62 Chapter 2
trouble. Around 10% of statin users will have mild elevations in their ALT levels.
Usually these elevations are pretty minimal, although in up to 1% to 3% of users
the elevations exceed 3 times the upper limit of normal (ULN). However, some
large, randomized controlled trials of statin versus placebo have found virtually
no difference in the prevalence of elevated ALT between statin and placebo. One
study evaluated lovastatin versus placebo in over 6500 subjects in a 5-year fol-
low-up study and found that ALT elevations exceeding 3 times ULN were virtu-
ally the same between the lovastatin (0.6%) and placebo (0.3%) groups. Similarly,
multiple studies in thousands of patients have found no difference in ALT levels
between patients using simvastatin versus placebo. The same thing has been
found with pravastatin and atorvastatin. Fluvastatin may have a slightly higher
risk than placebo, but even there the risk is small.
You get the point—statins probably don’t do much to the liver (if anything),
and they end up getting a bad rap. Yet gastroenterologists and hepatologists
are bombarded by consults asking them to comment on or manage the risk of
statin-induced hepatotoxicity. Hepatologists, in particular, usually wrinkle their
brows at the consult and mumble something about statin-induced hepatotoxicity
being overblown. In fact, a recent review of the topic in the American Journal of
Gastroenterology by T. Bader started like this: “Statin-induced hepatotoxicity is
a myth. ‘Myth’ is used here to mean a false collective belief that, despite factual
contradiction, endures as suspicion.” Bader went on to emphasize that the “eleva-
tion of serum ALT is not a disease. At worst, the ephemeral out-of-range ALT val-
ues represent adaptation to exposure to statins by the different organs involved
in ALT regulation. In the liver this is done by alteration of metabolic enzyme and
transporter systems to process the drug. When a statin is continued, despite
elevations of ALT, the ALT eventually returns to normal unless some other cause
for liver disease exists.” Notably, transient ALT elevations have also been observed
in other classes of anticholesterol agents, suggesting that transient rises may
actually reflect that the drug is working and that the elevation is, in fact, the
result of an agent lowering cholesterol, not a direct cause of parenchymal dam-
age. In fact, statins are being studied by hepatologists in the setting of nonal-
coholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) as a therapeutic approach to managing the
metabolic syndrome. So, if liver docs are comfortable using a statin even in the
setting of liver disease, internists should probably be comfortable using the drug
in settings without liver disease, even if there is a transient minor rise in amino-
transferase levels. Perhaps surprisingly, there are even data that the efficacy of
anti-HCV therapy is enhanced in the setting of statin therapy, and simvastatin
has even been employed as a potential therapy for portal hypertension.
So what are the recommendations for liver test monitoring in patients on
a statin? The current label for lovastatin no longer requires routine liver test
monitoring in the absence of known liver disease. The label suggests monitoring
liver tests only if there is a history of liver disease or if there are clinical signs or
symptoms of liver disease. For simvastatin and pravastatin, the guidance is simi-
lar—just follow liver tests “if clinically indicated.” For fluvastatin, atorvastatin,
and rosuvastatin, the guidance is to check liver tests before and 12 weeks after
the initiation of therapy and “periodically (e.g., semiannually)” thereafter. But
there is no reason to stop the drug, especially if the ALT elevations remain below
3 times ULN.
“Tough Stuff” Vignettes 63
` What is this?
` What are you going to do about it?
“Tough Stuff” Vignettes 69
However, the other lesions on this differential typically do not have a central
scar and thus would not be good choices to select on a multiple-choice question
on a Board exam.
Why Might This Be Tested? This is a case where the imaging provides guid-
ance for therapy. This was cancer and required resection—a very different course
of action than what might occur in FNH. Liver lesions are one of the most frequent
reasons for consultation with a gastroenterologist. Thus, you need to know this
for real life and are very likely to encounter liver lesions on the Board exam.
advanced injury and mortality compared to people who drink only during meals,
even if the same amount of alcohol is ingested over the long run. So there may
be something about getting the hit all at once that really kick-starts the injury
cascade. Race may also play a role in predicting liver injury from alcohol. Data
reveal that rates of cirrhosis are higher in African-Americans and Latinos than
in Caucasians, and alcohol-related mortality is highest in the Latino population,
independent of the amount of alcohol consumed. This may reflect racial varia-
tions in alcohol dehydrogenase, among other factors both known and unknown.
This patient happened to be a Latina woman, so she carried two independent
risk factors for accelerated liver injury from alcohol.
Simple steatosis is often fully reversible and usually (but not always) subsides
after 6 weeks of abstinence. Unfortunately, even with abstinence some people (up
to 15% in some series) still progress to fibrosis and cirrhosis. Once steatosis has
set in, it does not take that much more drinking to keep the damage coming.
Only 40 g per day of continued drinking (around 3 drinks per day) is enough to
progress to fibrosis and cirrhosis in approximately one third of individuals with
alcoholic steatosis.
Acute AH itself can range from mild injury to catastrophic, life-threatening
illness, as occurred here. It’s important to remember that acute steatohepatitis
often occurs in the setting of underlying chronic liver disease. The mere pres-
ence of acute AH suggests a strong history of drinking and is a surrogate marker
for underlying chronic liver injury, not just acute injury. Of note, in the setting
of cirrhosis, the traditional AST:ALT ratio of 2:1 does not always hold, so you
should still keep AH in mind even if the ratio is different. It’s useful to calcu-
late the Maddrey DF score when you suspect AH. The DF is a disease severity
score developed years ago to predict mortality. The Board exam will probably not
ask you to calculate a DF, and most people have a calculator for this on their
handheld devices. But with that said, here is the equation: DF = 4.6 * (Patient’s
Prothrombin Time – Control Prothrombin Time) + Total Bilirubin. The main
thing to remember is that the prothrombin time and total bilirubin are the
2 biochemical factors that predict mortality in AH, at least by the Maddrey DF
standard. The risk of mortality shoots up when the score exceeds 32. The MELD
score, which is generally used for allocating liver transplants (see Vignette 9),
can also be useful to predict outcomes in acute AH; the prognosis is worst when
the MELD exceeds 18. Both the DF and MELD scores include prothrombin time
(or INR) and total bilirubin levels, although the MELD also includes creatinine.
Aminotransaminases are not part of any validated prognostic scores in hepatol-
ogy, namely because they are not liver function tests, despite commonly being
referred to as LFTs. See Vignette 1 for more on that.
If a patient’s DF exceeds 32 or MELD exceeds 18 (as in this case), it’s time to
begin timely medical interventions. Whereas supportive therapy is important
for everyone with acute AH (ie, nutritional support with vitamins, monitoring
for alcohol withdrawal), more aggressive therapy is needed for patients with a
poor prognosis. The usual decision is whether to begin a systemic steroid, such
as prednisolone, or anti-TNF therapy, such as pentoxifylline. Both are accept-
able, and it would be hard to imagine the Board exam allowing one as a correct
answer but not the other. That said, there are a few nuances to know about
these different approaches. Regarding steroids, the effect on mortality is small
and somewhat controversial (different results in different studies), but the overall
“Tough Stuff” Vignettes 79
effect from meta-analysis is positive, with a number needed to treat of 5 (ie, for
every 5 people with AH that you treat with steroids instead of placebo, there is
1 additional survivor) for a short-term mortality benefit. This benefit appears
highest in patients with concurrent spontaneous hepatic encephalopathy. Most
of the data have been with prednisolone (40 mg per day for 4 weeks followed
by a taper), not prednisone. Since the liver is responsible for the conversion of
prednisone to the active metabolite prednisolone, which may be challenging in
a patient with poor synthetic function, prednisolone has been used more often.
A final point is that steroids are associated with more infections than placebo,
which undermines their benefit.
As for pentoxifylline, this oral phosphodiesterase inhibitor with anti-TNF activ-
ity is associated with a significantly lower risk of mortality than placebo, and
is especially effective in the setting of hepatorenal syndrome (HRS). Thus some
physicians prefer this therapy when the creatinine is elevated and there is suspi-
cion for underlying HRS (see Vignette 75 for more on HRS). It remains uncertain
whether combining both steroids and pentoxifylline is any better than either
therapy alone.
What about the portal vein thrombosis? In general, the answer is usually
nothing. Portal vein thrombosis is typically an epiphenomenon of high intrahe-
patic pressures in cirrhosis and hepatic fibrosis and is a surrogate marker for
hepatofugal (away from the liver) flow. When the intrahepatic pressure rises, the
pressure within the portal vein begins to rise in lockstep. After a while, the blood
can’t flow into the liver (see Figure 3-2), and it starts to back up, become static,
and then clot. But the clot, in and of itself, is not necessarily something to target
with therapy in this setting. It’s one thing if a clot organizes and extends down
the mesenteric system. It’s also a different situation if there is an underlying pro-
thrombotic condition giving rise to the clot (eg, factor V Leiden). But if the clot is
limited to the portal vein, it does not need treatment. In this case, the admitting
team began heparin, and after a traumatic paracentesis that lanced a recanaliz-
ing umbilical vessel, the patient exsanguinated and required emergency surgery
to find the bleeding source and achieve hemostasis. Suffice it to say anticoagu-
lation was not the answer for this particular portal vein thrombus. The answer
is abstinence from alcohol (obviously), medical therapy for acute AH, nutritional
support, watching for alcohol withdrawal, imaging to ensure that there isn’t a
complicating HCC with portal vein invasion, and monitoring (and hoping) for
biochemical evidence of improvement. Heparin did not have a role in this set-
ting. The admitting diagnosis from the emergency department was not alcoholic
hepatitis; it was portal vein thrombus. By mistaking an epiphenomenon as the
reason for admission, the entire focus of the admission was on the clot itself. The
patient did not receive steroids or pentoxifylline. She was very ill, so it remains
unclear if the therapy would have helped, but the point is to make the diagnosis
quickly, begin appropriate therapy right away in the setting of an elevated DF or
MELD score, and provide supportive therapy throughout.
Why Might This Be Tested? Everyone manages patients with acute AH, but
not everyone is good at diagnosing it. For such a common problem, it’s surpris-
ing how frequently acute AH is misdiagnosed and mismanaged. In this case, for
example, the patient had a low-grade fever and persistent leukocytosis with a left
shift that triggered an extensive workup. The workup not only included blood
cultures and other expeditions for underlying infection, but even included a bone
80 Chapter 2
Table 27-1.
Acetaminophen-Induced Acute Liver Failure
Arterial pH <7.3 (irrespective of the grade of encephalopathy)
Therefore, lesser amounts can also cause ALF in some patients. In the United
States there are also analgesic medications that combine acetaminophen (a dose-
dependent hepatotoxin) with an addictive narcotic in a single tablet (eg, Vicodin,
Percocet). Doesn’t really make sense to bundle them, does it? Taking too many of
these tablets (due to excessive pain or addiction) can accidentally lead to ALF—the
so-called therapeutic misadventure. Even though 48 hours may have transpired
since this patient ingested the acetaminophen, there may still be a benefit to using
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) therapy. Depending upon the clinical scenario, NAC can
be administered either orally or intravenously per standard protocol. Risk of inju-
ry can be estimated with the acetaminophen nomogram, shown in Figure 27-1,
but this is not something that needs to be memorized for the GI Board exam. You
can also throw the nomogram out the window if you have an alcoholic patient or
if they are on medications that can induce the cytochrome p450 system. That’s
really important to remember: The nomogram is uninterpretable in an alcoholic
with acetaminophen toxicity.
Ipecac is not indicated in this patient due to risk of aspiration with emesis,
since she is obtunded, and also because this was not a recent ingestion. But,
if the time of ingestion would have been in the past few hours, then activated
charcoal would have been indicated. However, if charcoal is administered, then
it must be given well before oral NAC to avoid problems with absorption.
ALF is defined as acute severe liver injury of less than 6 months’ duration
with impaired synthetic function, coagulopathy, and encephalopathy in a patient
with a previously normal liver or well-compensated liver disease (such as Wilson
disease, hepatitis B, or autoimmune hepatitis). Previously used terms such as
fulminant hepatic failure and hyperacute or subacute liver failure are not typically
used any longer since they do not help predict prognosis. The etiology is much
more important than the length of illness. For example, “hyperacute” liver fail-
ure from acetaminophen generally has a better prognosis than “subacute” liver
failure from an idiosyncratic drug reaction.
84 Chapter 2
` Without knowing anything else, what is the most likely cause of the
94 Chapter 2
PBC has among the best survival rates after liver transplantation with more
than a 90% 1-year survival. Recurrence does happen, but it typically does not
progress rapidly enough to require retransplantation.
Why Might This Be Tested? PBC is a “classic,” slowly progressive liver dis-
ease with several interesting manifestations. You will see patients who have PBC
in your office and you should know how to diagnose them, but you should also
know how to manage these patients for the long term. Board examiners have
started to emphasize outpatient management of chronic diseases, not simply
diagnostic decision making early in the disease course. That makes PBC a good
bet to show up on the exam.
Clinical Threshold Alert: A dose of 13 to 15 mg/kg/day is the target range
for therapeutic ursodeoxycholic acid for the treatment of PBC.
34.A 68-year-old man with atrial fibrillation develops liver test abnormalities
after starting a new medication. Liver biopsy reveals phospholipid-laden lyso-
somal lamellar bodies along with Mallory bodies.
36. An 18-year-old man presents with acute hepatitis with elevated amino-
transferases but with a depressed ALP and uric acid levels. After recovery, a liver
biopsy reveals periportal inflammation, interface hepatitis, and Mallory bodies.
Know the “top 10” facts of Wilson disease—Go back and read them again!
Table 38-1.
1. Lack of clinical improvement within 3 to 5 days
2. Seronegative abscess
3. Left lobe abscess
4. Thin rim of tissue (<1 cm) surrounding large abscess
“Tough Stuff” Vignettes 107
Table 38-2.
Characteristic Amebic Abscesses Pyogenic Abscesses
Typical number of lesions Single Multiple
Gender Male predominance Equal
Historical association Traveler Abdominal infection
Biliary involvement Sterile Infection common
Clinical response to therapy Faster Slower
Overall prognosis Better Worse
to induce adequate natriuresis (based on urine Na and urine Na:K ratio) and
achieve a good clinical effect. Because furosemide alone is often inadequate for
treating ascites in decompensated cirrhosis and can cause dangerous hypoka-
lemia, the decision to discontinue spironolactone is not straightforward. The
decision is further complicated by the fact that the traditional replacement for
spironolactone, amiloride (another distal tubule agent), is less effective. If the
mastalgia is enough to impact quality of life, then you can switch to amiloride
at doses of 5 to 20 mg daily. If that doesn’t work, then you can consider adding
tamoxifen 20 mg twice daily to the aldactone. Randomized controlled trial data
reveal that tamoxifen is highly effective and well tolerated for combating the spi-
ronolactone-induced gynecomastia.
Why Might This Be Tested? Ascites is a great topic for the GI Board exam
because it’s something everyone should know. But the GI exam is different from
the ABIM internal medicine exam because the level of detail is greater and the
expectation for knowledge is higher. So the exam might ask you to interpret a
serum–ascites albumin gradient (SAAG), for example, but most everyone knows
that already. It gets harder when the exam asks detailed management questions
about rare but real problems, like mastalgia from spironolactone, or interpreting
urine sodium levels.
Clinical Threshold Alert: If a patient on diuretics has <10 mmol/L of urine
sodium on a random spot urine, or <78 mEq/day of sodium over 24 hours, then
there is inadequate natriuresis and the diuretics should be further optimized.
The same applies if the ratio of urine Na:K is less than 1.0.
like this as a way to see how well you know the biochemical prognosticators of
acute liver failure.
Clinical Threshold Alert: If the AFP exceeds 3.9 ng/mL a day after the ALT
peaks in acute liver failure, a favorable outcome is predicted.
Really hot + Liver trouble = Hepatic injury from exertional heat stroke…
Watch out for acute liver failure!
Clinical Threshold Alert: For elevated ICP in acute liver failure, the goal is
to maintain ICP below 20 mm Hg and increase CPP above 50 to 60 mm Hg. And
remember that CPP = MAP – ICP.
` What is this?
` Are any other tests needed?
“Tough Stuff” Vignettes 121
“tortuous tracks” on imaging. These tracks become necrotic, leading to liver rot.
The trematodes then head over to the biliary tree where they start laying their
eggs. They can totally plug up the biliary tree because they are so large—at least
by parasite standards. (Not sure if they are really gigantica, but they are gigan-
tica enough to plug up a biliary tree!) And then the cycle repeats itself. I mean,
you’ve got to be kidding!
Treatment for fascioliasis is a little tricky because some of the usual therapies
are not effective against this liver fluke. Specifically, praziquantel, mebendazole,
and albendeazole don’t seem to work. Nitazoxanide does have some efficacy,
however, with a cure rate approaching 80%. In this case, the patient was treated
with nitazoxanide 500 mg twice daily for 7 days and had complete resolution of
symptoms. He may still be eating dirt, however.
Why Might This Be Tested? Clearly this is a rare infection in the United
States, at least. But, it happens. Plus, we tend to focus too much on viral infec-
tions of the liver so it becomes easy to forget about the various nonviral infec-
tions that befall it. Board examiners may reserve the right to trailblaze off the
viral infection highway and explore some less frequented, yet still important,
liver infections. Other classic nonviral infections of the liver include pyogenic
liver abscesses, amebic liver abscesses, schistosomiasis, clonorchis sinensis, and
everyone’s favorite—echinococcosis. Table 44-1 provides some board buzzwords
you can remember to quickly sort out the diagnosis and treatment for the usual
suspects. This table alone is probably enough to get you most of the way through
questions about these infections.
Table 44-1.
Board Buzzword/Association Associated Condition(s)
Sheepherder Fascioliasis, echinococcosis
Strong male predominance Amebiasis
Serum sickness (aka Katayama fever) Schistosomiasis
Solitary hepatic cyst of right lobe Echinococcosis, amebiasis
Portal vein granulomas and fibrosis Schistosomiasis
Hepatic abscess with elevation of right Amebiasis
hemidiaphragm with adhesions obliterat-
ing the costophrenic angle
Transverse myelitis Schistosomiasis
Anaphylaxis after cystic rupture Echinococcosis
Abscess filled with “anchovy paste” Amebiasis
Epilepsy Schistosomiasis
Smooth, round cyst with internal septa- Echinococcosis
Undercooked fish Clonorchiasis
126 Chapter 2
46. A patient with hepatitis B cirrhosis and HBsAg and HBeAg double posi-
tivity presents with progressive hepatic encephalopathy. Exam reveals a new
hepatic bruit.
47. A patient presents with recurrent right upper quadrant abdominal pain.
Physical exam reveals no stigmata of liver disease but a hepatic bruit. Ultrasound
reveals a normal gallbladder and biliary tree, but there is a cystic mass in the
gastroduodenal ligament between the pancreatic head and left liver lobe. A CT
scan confirms this lesion and reveals vascular contrast enhancement within the
cystic structure.
48. A patient with cirrhosis and progressive ascites develops prominent umbil-
ical and periumbilical vessels followed by progressive improvement of the ascites.
Auscultation over the abdominal vessels reveals a constant humming sound
(okay, not quite a hepatic bruit, but a periumbilical bruit, so to speak).
46. This is concerning for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Patients with hepa-
titis B cirrhosis are at especially high risk for cancer, in general, so you always
need to be on the lookout for HCC in this population. The risk is especially high
in patients who are both HBsAg and HBeAg positive. Those with double positivity
have a 60 times higher risk of developing HCC compared to patients who are dou-
ble negative for HBsAg and HBeAg. Those who are positive for HBsAg alone are
around 10 times more likely to develop HCC than patients who are double nega-
tive, which is still high, but it’s the HBeAg positivity that really confers the major
risk. This patient is double positive, so the risk of HCC is especially high. And
HCC, in turn, is a hypervascular lesion that can sometimes generate a hepatic
bruit on auscultation. Although this is not the usual way that HCC is identified,
there are some instances when HCC is detected by auscultating a hepatic bruit.
Another pearl of wisdom is that new-onset hepatic encephalopathy should also
trigger a search for underlying HCC if there are no other obvious causes for the
encephalopathy (see Vignette 11).
It’s nearly impossible to overstate the epidemiologic importance of HCC.
Whereas the incidence of cancer has been slowly dropping across most major
cancer diagnoses, the same cannot be said for HCC. With the rising tide of
patients with chronic hepatitis C and NAFLD, we are now witnessing a tidal
wave of new HCC diagnoses. HCC is the third leading cause of cancer death and
the fourth most prevalent malignancy worldwide. According to the World Health
Organization, over 500 million people globally die each year from primary liver
cancer. So you can rest assured that HCC will be on the Board exam—if it isn’t,
then the examiners are not doing their job.
49. This is a traumatic arteriovenous (AV) fistula, possibly between the hepatic
artery and the portal vein. The vignette does not give you enough information
to know for sure, and this could even be an HAA, as seen in Vignette 47. But
the persistent symptoms several weeks after an operation suggest a persistent
and previously unrecognized AV fistula from the trauma. Normally AV fistulas
lead to high-output heart failure, but this is less common when the AV fistula
is intrahepatic. Based on experiments in dogs going back to the 1960s, fistulas
between the portal vein and hepatic artery are dampened by resistance in the
surrounding hepatic sinusoids, so patients do not fall into heart failure the way
they might with AV fistulas in other parts of the body. But they often do have
persistent abdominal pain or discomfort, and they may even have low-grade
hemobilia from leakage into the biliary system (as seen here). Treatment is usu-
ally to fix these surgically.
130 Chapter 2
Why Might This Be Tested? Vitamin deficiencies are Board review fodder,
both for internal medicine and subspecialty Board examinations. While you
may think it will be easy to spot some of these deficiencies in an exam question,
sometimes the most obvious answer will not be at the top of your mind during the
stress of an exam. So, it’s good to review all of the fat-soluble vitamin deficiency
states while preparing for the test. In clinical practice, these deficiencies can be
diagnosed and treated readily by the observant physician.
“Tough Stuff” Vignettes 139
the key for now. International travelers should be wary of drinking water and/or
ice of unknown purity and avoid uncooked seafood and unpeeled/uncooked
fruits and vegetables that are not prepared by the traveler.
Why Might This Be Tested? There are more people traveling globally these
days, leading to more infectious diseases coming home. We have said before
that pregnancy is a favorite topic on Board exams; examiners especially like to
include conditions for which there is a marked difference in pregnancy.
Squamous cell skin cancer is the most common malignancy after liver
60. Ascites with SAAG >1.1, ascitic total protein >2.5, fatigue, constipation,
hair changes, and a low ALP.
61.Developed gray hair early in life, now with dyspepsia, macrocytic anemia,
and a low ALP.
63. A patient with Crohn’s disease develops diarrhea and a scaling vesiculo-
pustular plaque-like rash on the legs and face. The ALP is diminished.
152 Chapter 2
Figure 60-1. Diagnostic algorithm for combining serum–ascites albumin gradient (SAAG) with
total protein of ascitic fluid.
Low ALP + High SAAG, High total protein ascites = Think hypothyroidism
“Tough Stuff” Vignettes 153
62. This is acute Wilson disease (see Vignettes 12 and 36). There can be a
marked depression in ALP levels in the acute phase of WD. The “Here’s the Point!”
for this vignette is the same as in Vignette 36—a point so pertinent we repeat it
Table 63-1.
Zinc deficiency
Magnesium deficiency
Vitamin C deficiency/scurvy
Folic acid deficiency
Vitamin B6 deficiency
Excess vitamin D ingestion
Low phosphorus levels, as seen in hypophosphatasia
Celiac disease
Pernicious anemia
Protein-calorie malnutrition
Acute Wilson disease
Cardiac surgery and cardiopulmonary bypass
Severe anemia
Milk-alkali syndrome
“Tough Stuff” Vignettes 155
Table 64-1.
Week First
HCV RNA % of Relapse SVR Treatment
Undetectable Description Patients Rate Rate Strategy
4 Rapid 15 10 90 Keep patients
response on treatment for
48 weeks even
if have to reduce
dose. If shorten
therapy, SVR still
very high
12 Early response 35 33 66 Complete
48 weeks of
24 Slow to 15 55 45 Extend therapy to
respond 72 weeks
Never Null response 20 0 0 Stop treatment as
soon as pattern
recognized at
12 weeks
Never Nonresponse 15 0 0 Stop treatment as
soon as pattern
recognized at
24 weeks
4 Rapid 66 10 90 Keep patients
response on treatment for
24 weeks even
if have to reduce
dose. If shorten
therapy, SVR still
very high
After week 4 Early response 33 50 50 Consider extend-
ing therapy to
48 weeks
Never Nonresponse 3 0 0 Stop treatment as
soon as pattern
recognized at
12 weeks
*Adapted from Schiffman, M. (2008), Curbside Consultation of the Liver. Thorofare, NJ: SLACK
158 Chapter 2
Figure 64-1. Patterns of HCV RNA in patients receiving interferon and riba-
virin. (Adapted from Schiffman, M. [2008], Curbside Consultation of the
Liver. Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Incorporated.)
Why Might This Be Tested? You know that viral hepatitis will be on the
exam. These viral kinetics and treatment milestones are perfect for a Board
exam because they are tried and true and they set up numerous opportunities
for clinical threshold questions. You simply need to memorize this information;
every so often the Board exam rewards pure memorization.
Clinical Threshold Alert: EVR requires at least a 2-log drop in HCV RNA ver-
sus baseline by week 12 of interferon and ribavirin therapy. Anything less than
a 2-log drop by week 12 is a null response. RVR is assessed at 4 weeks. SVR
is assessed 6 months after cessation of treatment. Genotype 1 slow responders
should receive 72 weeks of therapy, not 48 weeks.
If a patient with genotype 1 HCV does not achieve EVR, stop therapy.
Also, just know Table 64-1!
Table 66-1.
The BMI is preferred over body weight as a measure of obesity because it bet-
ter correlates with the percentage of body fat, in particular. Plus, the BMI is
much more predictive of obesity complications, including mortality, than weight
alone. One caveat about the BMI is that it’s less accurate in patients who are big
yet muscular—these bodybuilder types have much less body fat than the BMI
would predict. For the rest of us, though, the BMI works pretty well as a quick
estimate of body fat mass. Another caveat is that the thresholds in Table 66-1
were developed from data on Caucasians. Different races should probably have
different cutoffs. For example, in people of South Asian decent, the risks of obe-
sity begin to mount at much lower BMI cutoffs than in Caucasians. This partly
explains why NAFLD is more common in nonobese Asians compared to nonobese
individuals of other races. In contrast, obesity-related complications accumulate
at higher BMI thresholds in African-Americans than in Caucasians.
While we are on the topic of obesity assessment, it’s important to note that the
BMI is only part of the evaluation process. The United States Preventive Services
Task Force (USPSTF) and The National Institues of Health (NIH), among others,
suggest measuring waist circumference in addition to BMI. The idea behind
waist circumference is that it estimates abdominal fat, in particular—and cen-
tral adiposity (also called “android” adiposity) is classically associated with an
increased risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and
hyperlipidemia. In patients who are overweight or have class I obesity, the risk
of obesity complications rise when the waist circumference exceeds 40 inches in
men and 35 inches in women. These are good numbers to keep in mind for clini-
cal practice, although we doubt they will be directly tested on the GI Board exam.
But certainly know that waist circumference correlates with central adiposity,
which, in turn, is highly related to cardiovascular complications of obesity. Once
patients reach class II obesity or beyond (eg, BMI >35), the waist circumference
does not provide much additional explanatory power; at that point the BMI alone
tells the story.
164 Chapter 2
So, this patient is morbidly obese, and he has remained morbidly obese despite
supervised attempts at weight loss. He is young and has evidence of advanced
complications of obesity, including NASH. This vignette asked how this patient
should be managed. Given his age, failure to lose weight, and mounting com-
plications, you should recommend bariatric surgery. Medical therapy (which is
still evolving) and diets just won’t cut it. If he doesn’t lose weight, he will likely
die much sooner than he otherwise should. This is a tragedy waiting to hap-
pen, so you must be prepared to discuss bariatric surgery and refer him to the
appropriate consultants. This vignette underscores the utility of a liver biopsy.
Despite the risks associated with liver biopsy, such as bleeding, the diagnostic
value supersedes the risk in this situation. Just checking this patient’s liver tests
annually would not help.
Bariatric surgery is effective. Although there are a variety of possible compli-
cations, bariatric surgery is the most effective approach for managing morbid
obesity. In patients who are morbidly obese, surgery improves survival and
enhances overall quality of life. Bariatric surgery is indicated for patients with
a BMI >40 or a BMI >35 with comorbid complications. Importantly, bariatric
surgery has recently been shown to improve steatosis, necroinflammation, and
even hepatic fibrosis in NASH. Although every patient does not experience these
results, most exhibit improvements in histologic parameters as long as the weight
loss is not too rapid.
Not all bariatric surgeries are created equal. In the past, surgeons would
fashion a jejunoileal bypass in which the intestinal anastomosis was placed
just proximal to the ileocecal valve. This was highly effective for weight loss, as
you can imagine, but was rife with complications. In particular, many patients
developed liver failure following the operation, so the jejunoileal bypass is now
long gone.
Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) has become very popular
because of its relative ease of placement and low risk of complications. In the
LAGB operation, a circumferential band is placed around the stomach to create a
restrictive pouch. This works pretty well for weight loss but is not as effective for
reversing the metabolic complications of obesity compared to other operations.
This is likely attributed to the fact that LAGB does not change hormonal profiles
the way other approaches can.
The Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), which is now the operation of choice
for morbidly obese patients and those with advanced metabolic complications of
obesity, provides robust weight loss and improvements in metabolic parameters.
In the RYGB, a 15- to 20-mL restrictive pouch is created in the stomach, and the
Roux loop is brought up to the pouch. As a result, the duodenum and proximal
jejunum are bypassed. This duodenal bypass may be the magic ingredient for
reducing metabolic complications, possibly because duodenal passage of gastric
contents triggers a cascade of regulatory peptides. The LAGB, in contrast, does
not alter the hormonal milieu in the same manner, since duodenal transit is
In any event, this young man needs surgery. Without it he could die young, but
with an effective operation coupled with postoperative counseling and oversight,
“Tough Stuff” Vignettes 165
he might reverse the NAFLD, cure his diabetes, improve his quality of life, and
even prolong his life span.
Why Might This Be Tested? You can expect to see this on the exam. You
should know all about NAFLD as the hepatic manifestation of metabolic syn-
drome, and you should know all about the obesity epidemic.
Clinical Threshold Alert: A BMI between 25 and 29.9 is “overweight.” A BMI
above 30 is “obese.”
Palmar erythema and spider angiomas can be seen in normal pregnancy due
to the elevated serum estrogen levels.
Small esophageal varices can form during pregnancy due to increased flow in
the azygos system—these do not typically bleed.
“Tough Stuff” Vignettes 169
Table 69-1.
Chocolate Navy beans
Sesame seeds Garbanzo beans
Raw cashews Soybeans
Sunflower seeds Cooked barley
Poppy seeds Oysters
Liver (go figure!)
D-penicillamine causes many side effects. Most patients can be treated with
trientine and/or zinc salts.
174 Chapter 2
74.A patient with cirrhosis and ascites develops low-grade fevers and abdomi-
nal pain. Paracentesis is performed and reveals a total PMN count of 550.
Cultures grow out Escherichia coli. Laboratories are checked, which reveal a
creatinine of 2.3 (baseline = 1.0). What might be causing the acute renal insuf-
ficiency here?
peritoneum. As cirrhosis gets worse and worse, portal hypertension and systemic
arterial vasodilation increase in tandem. This leads to renal hypoperfusion with
compensatory sodium and free water retention by the kidney. So the race begins
as the body absorbs more and more sodium and water, and the diuretics try
to dump the sodium and water out. In the meantime the ascites just keeps on
accumulating, and at some point the rate of accumulation exceeds the physi-
ologic ceiling of reabsorption. So what happens then? Well, if you keep flogging
with diuretics, it will just serve to totally dry out the patient. Since the ascitic
fluid just can’t be sucked out any faster than 500 mL per day, other fluid spaces
get drained instead (namely diuresis from the intravascular space coupled with
the increasing systemic vasoconstriction). And then the patient experiences
even more intravascular volume depletion, develops a contraction alkalosis, and
bumps the creatinine as a consequence of prerenal azotemia. This is marked by
a low FENa and low urine sodium (below 10 mmol/L). Patients may also develop
worsening hepatic encephalopathy in the setting of contraction alkalosis, as
occurred here.
So the treatment is not to push the diuretics any further. Instead, you should
stop the diuretics, acknowledge pharmacologic defeat, and replete the intravas-
cular volume with intravenous albumin or other colloid. As far as treatment for
the ascites is concerned, serial large-volume paracentesis or TIPS can be con-
sidered. Ultimately liver transplantation is the only treatment that can improve
survival when this chain of events begins to unfold.
72.It is hard to know for sure what happened here because the vignette does
not provide quite enough information. But if you think about it, the ED probably
started this patient on a NSAID to manage the sprained ankle. Under normal
circumstances, it’s not a big deal to begin a NSAID in someone with an ankle
sprain. But in a patient with cirrhosis you always need to think about what
medicines you are giving and what the consequences might be. The neomycin
example in Vignette 70 is a classic; this is another. NSAIDs can cause acute kid-
ney injury even in healthy individuals, but patients with cirrhosis are especially
prone to acute kidney injury even if they are otherwise well. That does not mean
that NSAIDs can never be used in a patient with cirrhosis (although you better
be watching very closely if such a patient is on an NSAID); but the NSAID should
definitely be stopped if there is a bump in the creatinine.
and lead to creatinine elevations as well, so it’s important to think about all the
different things that can box in the kidneys.
Think about a new infection (like SBP) when the creatinine bumps in a patient
with cirrhosis (in addition to everything else that causes this!).
75. This is hepatorenal syndrome, or HRS. We could fill the next 30 pages
writing about HRS, but we won’t. Let’s just cover the basics for now. HRS is basi-
cally the end result of the cascade depicted in Figure 71-1. To review, as cirrhosis
gets worse and worse, systemic vasodilation becomes more prominent (a result
of different circulating vasodilators, like nitric oxide, in particular). The effec-
tive circulating blood volume drops, there is less blood flow to the kidneys, and
renal function declines. The kidneys respond by aggressively retaining sodium
and, secondarily, free water. This helps to fill the intravascular space a bit, but
not for long; the fluid just starts spilling into extravascular spaces, including the
soft tissues (edema) and peritoneum (ascites). Renal function drops even more,
the kidneys become even more desperate, and sodium and water reabsorption
continue at full throttle. The vicious cycle continues. Finally, the kidneys can’t
keep up anymore and just give out. But it gets worse. As systemic pressures drop,
the body starts to route blood to where it really matters—the brain and heart.
Hypotension triggers the renin-angiotensin system and the sympathetic nervous
system, and this leads to compensatory vasoconstriction in different vascular
beds, including the femoral and renal arteries. That is bad news for the kidneys,
not only because they are seeing less perfusion and suffering as a consequence,
but also because the afferent arterioles are clamping down at just the wrong
moment. The kidneys go from being boxed in to being strangulated by intense
afferent vasoconstriction. Now the kidneys maximize sodium and free water
absorption, urine sodium levels fall below 10 mEq per day, and the patient devel-
ops oliguria (as seen here). Administering a vasopressin analog, like terlipressin
(not yet available in the United States), can partly correct the perturbed vascular
system by serving to increase the mean arterial pressure, drop renin levels, and
improve renal perfusion and glomerular filtration. The net result is to loosen the
vice on the kidney, which is evidenced by increased urine sodium concentrations.
Combination therapy with midodrine (a selective alpha-1 adrenergic agonist) and
octreotide (a somatostatin analog) can also serve this role. Midodrine can work
to increase vascular tone and pressures, and octreotide reduces concentrations
of splanchnic vasodilators. Further, infusions of albumin can help to increase
the effective circulating volume. Basically, however, this is an “all hands on deck”
situation, and while these therapies may temporize the situation, only liver trans-
plant will dictate survival.
180 Chapter 2
To make things more complicated, HRS is divided into type I and type II. Just
remember that type I is the serious type, and type II is the less serious (but
still not great) type and is commonly seen in refractory ascites. In type I HRS
things happen fast—there is a >50% drop in creatinine clearance to a value
below 20 mL/min in a <2 week period, or there is a 2-times increase in serum
creatinine levels, with a level exceeding 2.5 mg/dL (lots of numbers here—just
remember that it happens fast and furious). Type II HRS is a slow-growing phe-
nomenon and is basically the situation in Figure 71-1 before things go haywire;
it’s having refractory ascites and seeing the creatinine rise in the process. So,
type II HRS is similar to the patient described in Vignette 71, although some
argue that diuretics cannot precipitate HRS. We won’t delve into that physiologic
debate here, but will simply say that type II HRS is the end result of refractory
ascites, whereas type I involves a rapid decompensation. In both types of HRS
you need to rule out other obvious causes of intrinsic renal failure (ie, you need to
determine that there is no evidence of glomerulonephritis in urinalysis, no obvi-
ous nephrotoxins, no post-renal obstructions, no infections like SBP, no bleeding
or shock, etc). That is, HRS is a diagnosis of exclusion. The kidneys in HRS are
actually fine—the problem is the prerenal state coupled with the afferent vaso-
constriction. Remember that patients with type I HRS are going downhill fast
and will receive higher prioritization for liver transplantation (the MELD score
rises with the increasing creatinine). Furthermore, they usually do not require
a combined liver and kidney transplantation since the kidneys should return to
normal function after the liver transplant.
Type I HRS = Fast and furious renal decompensation (see text for details)
Type II HRS = Basically refractory ascites with a rising creatinine
` In addition to usual supportive care for acute liver injury, what other
specific therapy should be considered for this patient?
184 Chapter 2
Table 78-1.
be prolonged (depending upon the particular region’s waiting list), and patients
with HCC can develop tumor progression while awaiting transplant. Therefore,
if transplant is unlikely to occur within 6 months, locoregional therapy is often
recommended (either radiofrequency ablation [RFA] or transarterial chemoembo-
lization [TACE]) as a “bridge” for the patient while awaiting transplantation.
The choice of RFA versus TACE usually depends on local expertise. However,
RFA is generally used for smaller lesions that do not involve the dome of the liver
due to risk of tumor seeding, which is thought to be approximately 3%. TACE of
feeding arteries is typically used for larger lesions as long as there is adequate
hepatic reserve, since there is an increased risk for hepatic failure with TACE
versus RFA; this is especially true if there is concomitant portal vein thrombosis.
Remember that TACE uses the hepatic artery, and if there is a portal vein throm-
bosis, you essentially can cut off all significant blood supply to a large part of the
liver. This may very well lead to rapid deterioration of hepatic function and death.
So, you need to select the appropriate therapy on an individual basis.
Investigators have shown that if the tumor burden exceeds the Milan crite-
ria, locoregional therapy can be used for some select tumors for “downstaging”
prior to OLT. However, these patients require at least a 3-month hold to ensure
that biologically favorable tumors (which have shown response to therapy) are
selected for OLT.
If OLT is not possible, then locoregional therapy should be offered depending
on the tumor burden and hepatic reserve. For those patients with extrahepatic
metastases and/or large tumor burden who are not candidates for locoregional
therapy, sorafenib (a tyrosine kinase inhibitor) can prolong survival, provided
that the patient has a good performance status and adequate hepatic synthetic
function. For terminal-stage patients with markedly deteriorating physical sta-
tus, comfort care is recommended to avoid undue suffering.
In passing, it’s worth noting other conditions, besides HCC, that are associ-
ated with an elevated AFP level. These include cholangiocarcinoma (which is
also more common in patients with cirrhosis), some gastrointestinal metastatic
tumors, pregnancy (yes, there it is again!), and gonadal tumors. Because elevated
AFP can occur in conditions other than HCC, the diagnosis of HCC should not
rely too heavily on AFP levels. Guidelines suggest diagnosing HCC on the basis
of imaging and/or histology; AFP levels are now relatively de-emphasized in the
diagnostic algorithm (although an AFP level of over 200 ng/mL remains highly
suspicious for HCC in a patient with cirrhosis).
To diagnosis HCC without a biopsy (to avoid the risk of tumor seeding), a
contrast-enhanced study is needed to show a ≥2 cm lesion with specific imag-
ing characteristics. This can include either a triphasic CT scan or an MRI. HCC
enhances more intensely than the surrounding hepatic parenchyma in the arte-
rial phase (see Figure 78-1) and less than the surrounding liver in the venous
phase, producing the “washout” appearance. If the patient in this vignette did
not have a lesion on abdominal imaging, testicular ultrasound could have been
performed to rule out testicular cancer as a cause of the elevated AFP.
Why might this be tested? HCC is a major health concern with a continued
projected increase over the coming years. Therefore, you will encounter HCC
more often and will need to know how to diagnosis and treat patients with this
188 Chapter 2
79. An obese patient undergoes liver biopsy for persistently elevated amino-
transferase levels. The AST:ALT ratio has always been less than 1.0. Liver biopsy
reveals steatosis with lobular infiltration and ballooning hepatocytes.
80. A patient with cholestasis has a liver biopsy revealing a “florid duct lesion”
marked by bile duct destruction, “ductopenia,” and granulomas.
81. A patient with cholestasis has a liver biopsy revealing periductal “onion-
skinning fibrosis.”
85. A patient with long-standing elevations in AST and ALT has “ground-glass
hepatocytes” on liver biopsy.
86. A former intravenous drug user is referred to you for persistently elevated
liver enzymes (AST = 89, ALT = 110) and transferrin saturation (85%). Recent
liver biopsy revealed the presence of hemosiderin in Kupffer cells but not in hepa-
190 Chapter 2
83. This is congestive hepatopathy. The term nutmeg liver is a fanciful one,
sort of like many terms cooked up by pathologists who spend too much time look-
ing through microscopes in a sub-sub basement. “Nutmeg” refers to the speckled
appearance of the liver from passive congestion; evidently this looks something
like a grated nutmeg kernel on gross examination. Microscopically, there are
dark areas from dilated hepatic venules that are full of blood, and light areas
that are unaffected surrounding parenchyma (Figure 83-1). Nutmeg liver most
commonly results from right-sided heart failure or Budd-Chiari syndrome.
of resistance can blow it for an entire class of DAAs. For this reason, the same
class of PIs should not be used together or as monotherapy and vigilance is
required to monitor for lack of response or virological breakthrough. Data is
accumulating in regards to the IL-28 genotype and DAA triple therapy to help
prognosticate SVR rates further. Get ready for even more DAAs, since polymerase
inhibitors and cyclophilin inhibitors will be joining the armamentarium in the
years to come!
While we are on the topic of predicting treatment response in HCV, it’s worth
listing other clinical factors known to adversely impact the efficacy of INF and
RBV. These include higher baseline viral load, higher age, male sex, higher body
mass index, presence of insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis, and hepatic fibro-
sis. We know genotypes 2 and 3 have much higher rates of response than geno-
type 1 HCV. In addition, genotype 2 tends to have a higher treatment response
than genotype 3. Furthermore, genotype 3 is associated with steatosis, which
tends to improve with treatment.
Why Might This Be Tested? This story is so biologically interesting, and the
IL-28B genotype is such a strong predictor of SVR, that it’s hard to imagine this
won’t show up on an exam soon. The availability of a commercially available test
makes this a clinically relevant discovery. And this polymorphism explains much
of the variance in response between patients of different ancestry. You probably
will not need to know too much about this polymorphism, other than it exists
and what it’s called.
` What is the diagnosis? (That’s right, you don’t need any labs or
“Tough Stuff” Vignettes 201
91. This is acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP), which means trouble! AFLP
is quite rare to encounter in real life, occurring in 1 in 10,000 deliveries, but is
much more common on Board exams! The etiology stems from impairments of
intramitochondrial fatty acid oxidation, sometimes involving a mutation causing
long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase (LCHAD) deficiency. In
fact, approximately 20% of newborns of women with AFLP will have homozygous
LCHAD deficiency. The inability of the fetus to oxidize long-chain fatty acids
causes these acids to accumulate in the maternal circulation via placental trans-
fer. The heterozygous mother, in turn, has a reduced capacity to oxidize these
long-chain fatty acids, which leads to the microvesicular steatosis, encephalopa-
thy, and liver failure in the mother during the third trimester. If the diagnosis is
unclear, urgent liver biopsy is needed on fresh specimen using oil red O staining
204 Chapter 2
92. This is HELLP (Hemolysis, Elevated LFTs, and Low Platelets) syndrome
complicated by hepatic rupture, which is another obstetric emergency! HELLP
occurs within the setting of pre-eclampsia in some cases (a great deal more
often than AFLP does). Thus, hypertension, proteinuria, and edema (the classic
triad of preeclampsia signs) are often present in HELLP. Of note, preeclampsia
on its own merit can also cause liver necrosis in severe cases. However, with
HELLP syndrome there is thrombocytopenia, an elevated LDH level, indirect
hyperbilirubinemia, and low haptoglobin from the microangiopathic hemolytic
anemia associated with the condition. Histologically, there is periportal hemor-
rhage, fibrin deposition in the sinusoids, and focal ischemic necrosis consistent
with the vascular changes that occur with the condition. If there is sudden and
severe abdominal pain with acutely worsened anemia, look for hepatic rupture or
subcapsular hematoma, which carries a mortality rate for the mother and fetus
of up to 60%. Treatment consists of prompt delivery with angiographic emboliza-
tion and/or surgery to stop the bleeding. Because this disaster can also occur
after delivery, intensive care monitoring of the mother is required until recovery.
Preeclampsia or HELLP tends to recur in up to one third of future pregnancies.
“Tough Stuff” Vignettes 205
Why Might This Be Tested? The liver disorders that are unique to pregnancy
can cause significant morbidity and mortality to the mother and fetus. Therefore,
it’s important to diagnose these conditions accurately and efficiently. In addition,
it’s important to exclude other disorders that can mimic some these conditions,
such as acute viral hepatitis or biliary disease, since the treatment can be quite
different. These are challenges for which your obstetrics colleagues will look to
you for guidance.
Clinical Threshold Alert: 13 to 15 mg/kg/day is the target range for thera-
peutic dosing of ursodeoxycholic acid for the treatment of ICP and PBC.
ICP → High recurrence rate and is not a benign condition for the fetus
206 Chapter 2
Sometimes it’s hard to confirm the diagnosis because the imaging is ambigu-
ous, the serology is negative, or both. In such cases percutaneous cyst aspiration
can be used to obtain fluid to evaluate for the worms themselves. This is where
distinguishing active from inactive cysts is helpful; active cysts are under high
pressure, whereas inactive cysts are not. The most worrisome consequence of
aspiration is triggering an anaphylactic reaction to the spilled cyst contents. This
is rare but can be devastating.
As a random aside, an earlier vignette involved cysts that fill up with so-called
anchovy paste (another Board buzzword). Are these the same type of cysts? The
answer is no; anchovy paste is described in abscesses from Entamoeba histo-
lytica (see Vignette 38). This patient also tested negative for amebiasis. Table
44-1 contains Board buzzword associations regarding liver parasites. That table
contains a gold mine of information for the Board exam.
Treatment of echinococcal cysts depends upon several factors and may include
a combination of albendazole, repeated percutaneous aspirations, and surgery.
Surgery is employed when the cysts are really large (ie, >10 cm), complex, or near
the capsule and at risk of rupture regardless of size. Smaller or less complicated
cysts are typically treated with either albendazole or percutaneous aspirations.
The details beyond this get fairly complicated and are not reviewed in depth
Why Might This Be Tested? This diagnosis is chock-full of Board buzzwords,
so it’s a perfect setup for a test question.
Clinical Threshold Alert: Echinococcal liver cyst exceeding 10 cm typically
requires surgery.
1.0 = If the ratio of urine sodium to potassium in a spot urine sample is greater
than this value in cirrhosis (ie, more urinary Na than K), then the
patient has a sufficient response to diuretic therapy and is likely to have
>78 mEq Na per day during a full 24-hour urine collection.
1.1 = If the serum–ascites albumin gradient (SAAG) equals or exceeds this
value, then portal hypertensive ascites is 97% likely.
1.5 = If the ALT:LDH ratio exceeds this value in the setting of severe transamin-
emia (eg, ALT and AST in the 1000+ range), then acute viral hepatitis is
likely. If the ratio is lower than this value, consider drug-induced, toxin-
induced, or hypoxemic-induced liver injury.
2 = If the AST:ALT ratio exceeds this value in the setting of biochemical hepati-
tis, and assuming the ALT is below 500 U/L, then alcoholic liver injury
is likely. Of note, cirrhosis due to any cause can also have this ratio, but
typically with lower transaminase levels than in alcoholic hepatitis.
2x ULN = If the ALP exceeds this upper limit of normal (ULN) threshold in the
setting of a culprit medication (eg, erythromycin, estrogen, rifampin,
amoxicillin, chlorpromazine), then drug-induced cholestasis is likely.
Spiegel BMR, Karsan HA.
Acing the Hepatology Questions on the GI Board
215 Exam: The Ultimate Crunch-Time Resource (pp 215-220)
© 2012 SLACK Incorporated
216 Chapter 3
240 dynes/s/cm-5 = PVR must exceed this threshold in order to diagnose por-
topulmonary hypertension, assuming the pulmonary capillary wedge
pressure is below 15 mm Hg and the MPAP is >25 mm Hg.
250 = If the PMN count in ascites exceeds this value in cirrhosis, then the
patient likely has spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP).
250 mcg/g = Hepatic copper concentration above this level occurs in Wilson
500 mL = Physiologically, this is the maximum amount of ascites that can be
absorbed from the peritoneum in 1 day.
1000 ng/mL = A patient under 40 years old with hemochromatosis who has a
ferritin value less than 1000 ng/mL is unlikely to have underlying cir-
rhosis, and liver biopsy can often be avoided.
5700 = 6-methylmercaptopurine levels above 5700 are associated with increased
risk of hepatotoxicity when using azathioprine or 6-mercaptopurine.
This is a rapid-fire “crunch-time” self-test. The questions in this test are loose-
ly based on the “Here’s the Point!” bullet points from the vignettes. These points
represent the distilled essence of potential Board vignettes, so know them well.
Some of the questions, however, are stand-alone questions that do not have a
corresponding vignette in the book. They are included to test overall background
knowledge as opposed to book memorization.
As you read each one-liner, write the answer on the corresponding blank line.
Really … just actively write it right there on the page. Many of the questions
ask you to make a diagnosis based on the information given. Although Board
questions often ask about much more than the mere diagnosis, you will need to
know the diagnosis in order to know what to do next. So, these questions are a
bottom-line test of your basic diagnostic capabilities for the “tough stuff” that
might show up on the exam.
Very few of these questions are true “gimmies.” But if you have carefully
studied the vignettes up to this point, then this should be a relative snap—and
should reaffirm that you are well on your way to acing the tough stuff. Once you
are done, check the answer key on page 237 and score yourself.
Try not to cheat too much as you score your test. If you cheat your way
through this, then you won’t really know how you did and you won’t be able to
interpret your score according to the guide on page 243. Once you have finished
scoring your test, look up the corresponding vignettes for each of the items you
got wrong, and then study those vignettes carefully to fill in your knowledge
Question 2. Health freak develops elevated liver tests and has lipid-filled stellate
cells on liver biopsy.
` Diagnosis
Question 10. ALT and AST in 1000+ range with ALT:LDH ratio above 1.5 with
fever, malaise, and no abdominal pain.
` Diagnosis #1
` Diagnosis #2
“Crunch-Time” Self Test: Time to Get Your Game On 223
Question 17. Most likely cause of pancreatitis when the ALT is markedly ele-
` Diagnosis
Question 24. Acute liver failure with persistent hypotension and no evidence of
sepsis, neurologic, or cardiogenic shock.
` Diagnosis
Question 27. ≥2-log drop in HCV RNA but detectable virus at week 12; undetect-
able RNA at week 24.
` Diagnosis
Question 31. Acute liver failure after eating some botanicals on a nature walk
in Ireland.
` Diagnosis
“Crunch-Time” Self-Test: Time to Get Your Game On 225
Question 32. Hepatic bruit + Sudden high AST:ALT ratio + History of recurrent
` Diagnosis
Question 33. Sheepherder with liver cyst with “eggshell calcifications” and sep-
` Diagnosis
Question 34. ANA positive + SMA positive + AMA negative + Elevated ALP.
` Diagnosis
Question 35. High SAAG, high protein ascites + Fatigue + Constipation + Low
` Diagnosis
Question 37. Liver mass with central stellate scar without growth on serial
` Diagnosis
Question 44. IBD patient gets painful hepatomegaly, ascites, and a high biliru-
bin after starting azathioprine.
` Diagnosis
Question 48. A bodybuilder develops a rare liver tumor (not hepatocellular car-
` Diagnosis
Question 49. Cause of biliary ductal fibrosis and gallstones in someone who eats
lots of undercooked seafood.
` Diagnosis
Question 50. Worms in the biliary tree after eating contaminated freshwater
` Diagnosis
Question 51. Lots and lots of biliary and intrahepatic pigment stones, but a
normal gallbladder.
` Diagnosis
“Crunch-Time” Self-Test: Time to Get Your Game On 227
Question 52. Anicteric acute liver failure with fever, leukopenia, and abnormal
chest X-ray.
` Diagnosis
Question 55. Sexually active woman with fever, right upper quadrant pain,
abnormal aminotransferase with enhancement of the anterior liver capsule
on arterial phase of the CT undergoes laparoscopy notable for “violin string”
perihepatic adhesions.
` Diagnosis
Question 56. Acute liver failure in HBV carrier with active drug abuse with the
following serologies: hepatitis B core IgM negative, hepatitis B DNA 75 IU/mL,
hepatitis A IgG positive, HCV RNA negative.
` Diagnosis
Question 59. Most heavily weighted variable in the MELD scoring system.
` Variable
Question 61. Liver mass with calcifications and a central scar in the absence
of cirrhosis.
` Diagnosis
Question 67. Anaphylaxis after a liver cyst filled with “sand” ruptures.
` Diagnosis
Question 69. Proximal muscle weakness + 10-fold elevations of AST and ALT +
Normal total bilirubin, INR, and ALP.
` Diagnosis
Question 70. Patient with precirrhotic PBC becomes tired and constipated.
` Diagnosis
“Crunch-Time” Self-Test: Time to Get Your Game On 229
Question 71. Patient with PSC develops easy bruisability and elevated INR after
starting antibiotic treatment for cholangitis.
` Diagnosis
Question 73. Patient with PBC develops problems with balance and gait in the
absence of hepatic encephalopathy.
` Diagnosis
Question 74. Pregnant woman with fatigue, polyuria, palmar erythema, spider
angiomas, and small esophageal varices.
` Most common diagnosis
Question 75. Pregnant woman with cirrhosis presenting with a left upper quad-
rant discomfort and bruit.
` Diagnosis
Question 76. A patient receives a new medication for her seizure disorder. A
month later she is found to have elevated liver tests. A subsequent liver biopsy
reveals microvesicular steatosis.
` Diagnosis
Questions 78 to 80. Patient comes from Puerto Rico with diarrhea, malabsorp-
tion, and flat villi on endoscopy. He develops elevated AST and ALT after
beginning therapy for his condition. (Name the condition, medication, and
type of hepatotoxicity with the medication.)
` 78. Diagnosis
` 79. Medication
` 80. Hepatotoxicity
230 Chapter 4
Question 82. Obese patient with diabetes has a 5-cm irregular, hypoechoic
lesion in the right hepatic lobe. Follow-up CT reveals a hypodense, sharply
demarcated mass. The contour and architecture are otherwise not distorted,
with vascular structures passing through the mass normally.
` Diagnosis
Question 83. Patient with essential thrombocytosis has isolated, elevated ALP.
CT reveals multiple hypodense nodules. Biopsy reveals regenerative nodules
clustered around portal triads without fibrosis between the nodules.
` Diagnosis
Question 84. Asian patient with Crohn’s disease starts infliximab and develops
acute liver failure. What underlying infection may have done this?
` Diagnosis
Question 85. HBeAg-positive patient with high HBV viral load is pregnant at
week 34. What can be done to minimize vertical transmission to the new-
` Treatment
Questions 86 to 87. Patient eats an Amanita mushroom and develops acute liver
failure. Name 2 specific therapies for this particular form of liver failure.
` 86. Therapy #1
` 87. Therapy #2
Questions 90 to 91. Two most prevalent HBV genotypes among Asian patients.
` 90. Genotype
` 91. Genotype
“Crunch-Time” Self-Test: Time to Get Your Game On 231
Question 92. HBV genotype that is most prevalent among patients from Eastern
` Genotype
Question 94. Pregnant woman develops severe nausea, vomiting, and fatigue at
8 weeks’ gestation. Labs include elevated AST, ALT, and mildly elevated bili-
rubin. There are no ill contacts. Liver biopsy is normal.
` Diagnosis
Question 97. Fever and cutaneous skin eruptions after starting therapy for
Wilson disease.
` Diagnosis
Question 98. People of Chilean descent are especially at risk for developing this
liver complication of pregnancy.
` Diagnosis
Question 102. Woman with HELLP syndrome develops severe, acute abdominal
pain and hypotension while awaiting emergency C-section.
` Diagnosis
Question 104. Most common malignancy to develop de novo after liver trans-
` Diagnosis
Question 105. Patient with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease devel-
ops lower abdominal pain and fever and has rebound tenderness on exam.
` Diagnosis
Question 109. Patient has a 2-cm left lobe amebic liver abscess.
` Treatment
“Crunch-Time” Self-Test: Time to Get Your Game On 233
Question 110. A 50-year-old patient with cirrhosis with a small, 2-cm HCC. Labs:
albumin = 3.5, INR = 1.0, total bilirubin = 1.9, creatinine = 1.0, platelets = 102,
AFP = 40.
` Best treatment
Question 115. Patient with CREST syndrome has a high GGT level +
` Diagnosis
Question 116. Patient with acute diverticulitis develops right upper quadrant
pain and persistent fever with this nonmalignant liver abnormality on CT.
` Diagnosis
Question 120. 35-year-old man with PSC and 1-cm gallbladder polyp.
` Recommendation
Question 125. This A1AT phenotype serves an intermediate role with other
cofactors that can lead to cirrhosis.
` Phenotype
Question 127. Currently the most common indication for liver transplantation
in the United States.
` Diagnosis
Question 128. Based on prognostic models, this will be the most common indi-
cation for liver transplantation in the United States 40 years from now.
` Diagnosis
“Crunch-Time” Self-Test: Time to Get Your Game On 235
Question 130. This hepatitis C genotype is associated with NAFLD, which can
improve with therapy.
` Genotype
Questions 134 and 135. These questions concern DAAs and HCV genotype 1
subtype comparisons to one another.
91. Genotype C or B
92. Genotype D
93. Hepatitis E
94. Hyperemesis gravidarum
95. Viral hepatitis
96. Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
97. D-Penicillamine acute hypersensitivity reaction
98. Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
99. Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
100. . Acute fatty liver of pregnancy
101. Acute fatty liver of pregnancy
102. Subcapsular hematoma or rupture
103. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
104. Squamous cell skin cancer
105. Acute diverticulitis
106. Portopulmonary hypertension
107. Hepatopulmonary syndrome
108. Hepatopulmonary syndrome
109. Surgical drainage procedure
110. Refer for transplant
111. Kasabach-Merritt syndrome
112. HELLP syndrome
113. Hepatopulmonary syndrome
114. Peliosis hepatis
115. May be PBC
116. Pyogenic liver abscess
117. HELLP syndrome
118. Vibrio vulnificus
119. 0% (cured)
120. Cholecystectomy
121. 0% (cured)
122. MM
123. ZZ
124. ZZ
125. MZ
Answers to “Crunch-Time” Self-Test 241
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Acing the Hepatology Questions on the GI Board
245 Exam: The Ultimate Crunch-Time Resource (pp 245-250)
© 2012 SLACK Incorporated
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252 Index
brain aneurysm, with polycystic kidney disease, 146 in hepatitis B virus infections, 127, 128
Brazil, amebic abscess acquired in, 105–108 in hepatitis C virus infections, 35–37
“bronze diabetes,” in hemochromatosis, 64–67 hepatocellular carcinoma in, 186–188
bruits, hepatic hepatopulmonary syndrome with, 29–31
in acute alcoholic hepatitis, 127, 128 kidney disorders with
in extrahepatic hepatic artery aneurysm, 127–129 hepatorenal syndrome, 175, 179–180
in hepatocellular carcinoma, 127, 128 mixed cryoglobulinemia and, 174, 178
in liver laceration, 127, 129 neomycin toxicity, 174, 176
in portosystemic shunt, 127, 129 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs toxicity, 174, 178
bruxism, in MDMA toxicity, 20–21 refractory ascites, 174, 176–177
Budd-Chiari syndrome, 25–28 spontaneous bacterial peritonitis with, 175, 178–179
in hydatid cyst, 212 portal hypertension in, 127, 129
nutmeg liver in, 189, 193 portopulmonary hypertension in, 200–201
clinical threshold values, 215–219
caffeine consumption, 130–132 clonorchiasis, 125–126
calcification, in hepatocellular carcinoma, 72–75 clubbing, in hepatopulmonary syndrome, 29–31
caput medusae, in portal hypertension, 129 coagulopathy, in Kasabach-Merritt syndrome, 13–15
carcinomas coffee consumption, 130–132
cholangiocarcinoma, 121 cognitive function, evaluation of, in hepatic encephalo-
hepatocellular. See hepatocellular carcinoma pathy, 42–46
cardiovascular disease, after liver transplantation, 149–150 colectomy, for ulcerative colitis, primary sclerosing cholan-
cataract, in Wilson disease, 48 gitis after, 207–208
cavernous hemangiomas, in Kasabach-Merritt syndrome, college students, MDMA toxicity in, 20–21
13–15 colonic perforation, after liver transplantation, 149–150
celiac sprue, 85–86, 135, 137–138 colonoscopy, for primary sclerosing cholangitis, 121
cellulitis, interferon-induced, 69–70 colorectal cancer, ulcerative colitis and, 208
central scar, in hepatocellular carcinoma, 72–75 computed tomography
ceruloplasmin deficiency, in Wilson disease, 48–49, 99, for amebic abscess, 106
102–103 for extrahepatic hepatic artery aneurysm, 127–129
Chagas disease, 126 for hepatocellular carcinoma, 185–188
chaparral, toxicity of, 56 for hydatid cyst, 212
chemoembolization, for hepatocellular carcinoma, 187 for recurrent pyogenic cholangitis, 181–182
“chicken-wire” fibrosis, in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, congestion, hepatic, 25–28, 189, 193
99, 103–104 constipation, in hypothyroidism, 151, 152
Chile, intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy in, 202, 203 contraction alkalosis, 174, 176–177
chills, in typhoid fever, 111–113 copper, foods containing, 173
Chinese medicine, hepatotoxicity of, 54, 56 copper accumulation, in Wilson disease, 47–49, 99,
Chlamydial infections, pelvic, 22–24 102–103, 171–173
cholangiocarcinoma, in primary sclerosing cholangitis, cough
121 in amebic abscess, 105–108
cholangiography, for recurrent pyogenic cholangitis, 181– in hydatid cyst, 211–213
182 creatinine kinase, elevated, in polymyositis, 92
cholangiopathy, autoimmune, 139–140 CREST syndrome, in primary biliary cirrhosis, 97
cholangitis Crohn’s disease, zinc deficiency in, 151, 153–154
in hydatid cyst, 212 Cruveilhier-Baumgarten murmur, 127, 129
primary, 120–122, 189, 190 cryoglobulinemia, in hepatitis C virus infections, 70,
primary sclerosing, after colectomy, 207–208 178–179, 275
recurrent pyogenic, 181–182 cyanosis, in hepatopulmonary syndrome, 29–31
cholecystectomy, in gallstone pancreatitis, 209–210 cysts
cholelithiasis, in pregnancy, 210 hydatid, 211–213
cholestasis in polycystic kidney disease, 144–147
antibiotic-induced, 57–58 cytomegalovirus infections, 142
intrahepatic, of pregnancy, 202, 203
in primary sclerosing cholangitis, 189, 191 Darier’s sign, in mastocytosis, 169–170
prolonged, after hepatitis A virus infection, 87–88 “daughter cysts,” in hydatid cyst, 212
in vitamin D deficiency, 137 “death cap” (Amanita mushroom), 133–134
in vitamin E deficiency, 135, 136 delirium, in mushroom toxicity, 133–134
cirrhosis. See also primary biliary cirrhosis dermatographism, in mastocytosis, 169–170
alcoholic, 76–80, 108–110 dermatologic manifestations. See also skin disorders
antibiotics for, bleeding in, 135, 137 as favorite board topic, 3
coffee consumption and, 131–132 diabetes mellitus
esophageal varices in, 50–53 after liver transplantation, 149–150
as favorite board topic, 1–2 in morbid obesity, 161–165
vs. hemochromatosis, 65 nonalcoholic fatty liver disease with, 99, 103–104
hepatic encephalopathy in, 42–46 diarrhea, in mastocytosis, 169–170
254 Index
globules, diastase-resistant, in alpha-1 antitrypsin defi- hepatocellular carcinoma in, 127, 128
ciency, 189, 194 histology of, 189, 195
gluten enteropathy (celiac sprue), 85–86, 135, 137–138 in pregnancy, vertical transmission of, 38–41
granulomatous destruction, in primary biliary cirrhosis, 99, hepatitis C virus infections
101, 189, 190 cirrhosis in
“ground-glass” appearance, in hepatitis B virus infections, esophageal varices in, 50–53
189, 195 portopulmonary hypertension in, 200–201
gynecomastia, spironolactone-induced, 108–110 transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt consid-
eration for, 35–37
hair changes as favorite board topic, 3
in hypothyroidism, 151, 152 interferon for, rash in, 68–71
in pernicious anemia, 151, 153 skin disorders in, 68–71
headache, in HELLP syndrome, 202, 204–206 splenic artery aneurysm in, 32–34
heart failure, nutmeg liver in, 189, 193 therapy for, response to, 155–158, 197–199
heartburn, in normal pregnancy, 166–168 hepatitis E virus infections, 141–143
heat stroke, acute liver failure during, 114–116 hepatocanalicular injury, from antibiotics, 57–58
HELLP syndrome, 202, 204–206 hepatocellular carcinoma
hemangiomas, cavernous, 13–15 coffee consumption and, 131–132
hematemesis, in fundic varices, 16–19 epidemiology of, 128
hemidiaphragm elevation, in amebic abscess, 106 fibrolamellar, 72–75
hemochromatosis in hemochromatosis, 66
vs. hemosiderosis, 196 hepatic bruit in, 127, 128
hereditary, 64–67 paraneoplastic syndrome in, 185–188
hemolysis, in HELLP syndrome, 202, 204–206 hepatocytes
hemosiderosis ballooning, in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, 189, 190
vs. hemochromatosis, 196 diastase-resistant, in alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, 189,
histology of, 189, 196 194
heparin, for Budd-Chiari syndrome, 28 “ground-glass,” in hepatitis B virus infections, 189, 195
hepatic adenomas, 159–160 hepatolenticular degeneration. See Wilson disease
hepatic artery hepatomegaly
elevated diameter of, in acute alcoholic hepatitis, 128 azathioprine-induced, 54, 60
extrahepatic, aneurysm of, 127–129 in Budd-Chiari syndrome, 25–28
fistula of, 127, 129 in mastocytosis, 169–170
hepatic bruits. See bruits, hepatic in MDMA toxicity, 20–21
hepatic encephalopathy, 42–46 in polycystic kidney disease, 146
in acetaminophen toxicity, 81–84 hepatopathy, congestive, 25–28, 189, 193
in renal insufficiency, 174, 176–177 hepatopulmonary syndrome, 29–31
stages of, 44 hepatotoxicity. See also drug side effects, liver injury
treatment of, 45–46 of Amanita mushrooms, 133–134
hepatic fetor, in hepatitis C cirrhosis, 35–37 herpes simplex virus hepatitis, 142–143
hepatic vein, in portal circulation, 17–18 HIV infection
hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG), in cirrhosis, herpes simplex virus hepatitis in, 183–184
51–52 peliosis hepatis in, 61
hepatitis testing for, in hepatitis C infections, 33–34
acute HPVG (hepatic venous pressure gradient), in cirrhosis, 51–52
in MDMA toxicity, 20–21 human immunodeficiency virus infection. See HIV infection
vs. polymyositis, 91–92 hydatid cysts, 211–213
in Wilson disease, 99, 102–103 hyperbilirubinemia, in amebic abscess, 106–107
alcoholic, 76–80, 127, 128 hypercalcemia, in hepatocellular carcinoma, 186–188
autoimmune hyperemesis gravidarum, 202, 203, 205
drug-induced, 54, 58–59 hyperglycemia
histology of, 189, 192 in hemochromatosis, 64–67
overlap with primary biliary cirrhosis, 139–140 in morbid obesity, 161–165
cytomegalovirus, 142 hyperkeratosis, in vitamin A deficiency, 136
herpes simplex virus, 142, 183–184 hyperlipidemia
interface, in autoimmune hepatitis, 189, 192 after liver transplantation, 149–150
in NASH. See nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) in morbid obesity, 161–165
relapsing, 88 in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, 99, 103–104
salmonella, 111–113 in primary biliary cirrhosis, 97–98
viral. See specific viruses hypersensitivity, to penicillamine, 171–173
hepatitis A virus infections, prolonged symptoms of, 87–88 hypertension
hepatitis B virus, genotypes in, 40 portal. See portal hypertension
hepatitis B virus infections portopulmonary, 200–201
acute liver failure in, 89–90 systemic
as favorite board topic, 3 in HELLP syndrome, 202, 204–206
256 Index
slow responders, to hepatitis C therapy, 156–158 tocopherol, deficiency of, 135, 136
small-duct primary sclerosing cholangitis, 120–122 “tortuous tracks,” in fascioliasis, 124–125
sodium restriction, for ascites, 109–110 “trail test,” for hepatic encephalopathy, 42–46
spider angiomas transaminemia, severe, 9–12
in hepatopulmonary syndrome, 29–31 transarterial chemoembolization, for hepatocellular carci-
in normal pregnancy, 167–168 noma, 187
“spider web” appearance, in Budd-Chiari syndrome, 27 transferrin saturation, in hemosiderosis, 189, 196
spironolactone transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt, consultation
for ascites, 174, 176–177 on, 35–37
gynecomastia due to, 108–110 transplantation, liver. See liver transplantation
splenectomy, for fundic varices, 18 trauma
splenic artery aneurysm, in hepatitis C infections, 32–34 extrahepatic hepatic artery aneurysm in, 127–129
splenic vein, thrombosis of, in pancreatitis, 16719 hepatic bruit in, 127, 129
splenomegaly traveler’s disorders
in esophageal varices, 50–53 Amanita mushroom poisoning, 133–134
in hepatitis C cirrhosis, 35–37 amebic abscess, 105–108
splenorenal shunt, for gastric varices, 18 fascioliasis, 123–126
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, with cirrhosis, 175, 178– hepatitis A virus infections, 87–88
179 hepatitis E virus infections, 141–143
statins, toxicity monitoring of, 55, 61–63 hydatid cyst, 211–213
steatohepatitis, nonalcoholic. See nonalcoholic steato- recurrent pyogenic cholangitis, 181–182
hepatitis (NASH) typhoid fever, 111–113
steatorrhea, in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, 202, trematodes, 123–126
203 tricuspid regurgitation, in portopulmonary hypertension,
steatosis 201
in acute fatty liver of pregnancy, 204 trientine, for Wilson disease, 49, 102, 172–173
in alcoholic hepatitis, 76–80 trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, toxicity of, 57–58
in NASH. See nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) trypanosomiasis, 126
stepwise fever, in typhoid fever, 112–113 tumor(s). See also hepatocellular carcinoma
Stevens Johnson syndrome, interferon-induced, 69–70 cavernous hemangiomas, 13–15
stomach, varices in, 16–19 hepatic adenoma, 159–160
stones, in recurrent pyogenic cholangitis, 181–182 typhoid fever, 111–113
Sugiura procedure, for gastric varices, 18
sunflower cataract, in Wilson disease, 48 ulcerations, “flask-shaped,” in amebic abscess, 106–107
surgery, for hydatid cyst, 213 ulcerative colitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis and, 121,
sustained virologic response, in therapy, 156 207–208
sweating, in pelvic inflammatory disease, 22–24 ultrasonography
for hepatic adenoma, 159–160
tachycardia for hydatid cyst, 212
in Budd-Chiari syndrome, 25–28 upper quadrant pain
in mushroom toxicity, 133–134 in amebic abscess, 105–108
tachypnea, in Budd-Chiari syndrome, 25–28 in Budd-Chiari syndrome, 25–28
tamoxifen, for gynecomastia, 110 in pelvic inflammatory disease, 22–24
teas, herbal, toxicity of, 56 ursodeoxycholic acid
telangiectasias, in hepatopulmonary syndrome, 29–31 for overlap syndrome of autoimmune hepatitis and pri-
telaprevir, for hepatitis C virus infections, 198 mary biliary cirrhosis, 139–140
telbivudine, for hepatitis B virus vertical transmission pre- for primary biliary cirrhosis, 97–98
vention, 39 urticaria, in mastocytosis, 169–170
temperature-pulse dissociation, in typhoid fever, 112–113
tenofovir, for hepatitis B virus vertical transmission preven- varices
tion, 39–40 esophageal
tetracycline, toxicity of, 58 in cirrhosis, 33–34, 50–53
thiopurine methyltransferase, genetic variations in, 59–60 in normal pregnancy, 166–168
threshold values, 215–219 in polycystic kidney disease, 144–147
thrombocytopenia fundic, 16–19
in azathioprine toxicity, 54, 60 vascular disease, as favorite board topic, 2
in esophageal varices, 51 veno-occlusive disease, 54, 60
in HELLP syndrome, 202, 204–206 viral hepatitis. See specific viruses
penicillamine-induced, 171–173 vitamin A
thrombolysis, for Budd-Chiari syndrome, 28 deficiency of, 135, 136
thrombosis toxicity of, 55, 61, 136
portal vein vitamin D
in alcoholic hepatitis, 76–80 deficiency of, 135, 137–138
in cirrhosis, 52 for primary biliary cirrhosis, 97
splenic vein, 16719 vitamin E deficiency, 135, 136
260 Index
vitamin K deficiency, 135, 137, 202, 203 World Health Organization, body mass index classifica-
vomiting. See nausea and vomiting tion of, 163
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