005 God The Son FullLesson 2018
005 God The Son FullLesson 2018
005 God The Son FullLesson 2018
Message I believe in Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, our Lord.
1 Lead-in
Ask Who is Jesus Christ?
What is Jesus Christ to me?
What names were given to Him?
Hint To help the confirmands to answer these questions the teacher can mention
one or two events from the life of Jesus Christ until this list includes several
(not all) of the following concepts:
What does the God the Son is the Redeemer who became human and gave His life as a
Catechism say? sacrifice for the redmeption of mankind (CNAC-QA 66; fourth paragraph) .
God the Son
Hint The article of faith is now read aloud. The confirmands are given the opportunity
to ask for clarification concerning concepts with which they have difficulties.
I believe in Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, our Lord, who was
conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius
Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried, entered the realm of the dead,
rose again from the dead on the third day, and ascended into heaven. He
is seated at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty, from where He will
Explain The most important aspects of Jesus’ background, life, and mission are briefly
addressed with the help of the article of faith (see appendix).
Hint This explanation should not become a monologue. The teacher should
involve the confirmands and have them explain individual points, for example,
by asking:
– What happened on Easter Sunday morning?
– Who can tell us about Jesus’ ascension?
Explain Jesus Christ brought the sacrifice on the cross for the redemption of mankind
who had fallen into sin. God the Father, said of Him:
– Jesus Christ always did the will of His Father. For this reason His Father
could say of Him: “… in whom I am well pleased.”
Obedience and trust
– Jesus sat together with His disciples for the evening Passover meal. He got
up and washed their feet (John 13: 4–15).
5 God the Son
– He treated all sinners with compassion, for example, the sinful woman whom
the people wanted to stone (John 8: 3–11).
Explain These examples show that those who seek to have a close relationship with
Jesus Christ will fare well. Jesus said, “Come to Me, all you who labour and are
heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11: 28). This should cause the
desire to emerge:
Elaborate As a group, try to think of situations the confirmands might encounter in the
coming week and discuss how they could conduct themselves in these
situations to reflect the nature of Jesus Christ a little more. In this way, a
connection to the confirmands’ lives is to be established.
Hint The confirmands should be given some time to think. If no examples are
suggested the teacher can relate some of her or his own experiences. These
should be linked to the question: How would Jesus Christ have conducted
Himself in this situation?
Hint The idea is to establish a connection to the confirmands’ lives. The teacher
can ask the following questions:
– Where and how have you experienced the love of Jesus Christ in your life?
– When have you personally experienced the help of Jesus Christ?
Explain Jesus Christ sent His Apostles in the early Christian period and still sends them
today. His sacrifice is still valid today—for you too!
God the Son
Through Holy Sealing you have received the prerequisite for becoming a
firstling. If you model your life on the gospel, you will become a firstling and
belong to the bridal congregation of Christ.
5 Appendix
Jesus Christ said the following concerning His origin: “I came forth from
the Father” (John 16: 28). God the Son has become human in Jesus Christ
(Philippians 2: 5–8; John 1: 14, 18). He was conceived by the Holy Spirit
(Luke 1: 35; Hebrews 1: 5) and born of the virgin Mary. Jesus Christ is true Man
and true God.
Jesus Christ brought the sacrifice on the cross in order to redeem mankind,
who had fallen into sin, with God.
Jesus Christ was arrested, brought before the high council and Pontius Pilate.
He suffered and was flogged, mocked, and crucified. After His death on the
cross He descended into the realm of the dead, where He preached to the
spirits (1 Peter 3: 19; 4: 6).
On Easter morning He resurrected from the dead (John 20). He was given
a glorified body: the laws of nature had no more power over Him. After He
had appeared to His disciples on several occasions in order to comfort and
teach them, and to increase their knowledge, He ascended into heaven.
The Apostles were permitted to be present at this event. It was likewise the
Apostles who received the promise: “This same Jesus ... will so come in like
manner as you have seen Him go into heaven” (Acts 1: 11; Mark 16: 19 and
John 14: 3).