DJD 32 2
DJD 32 2
DJD 32 2
II. The Isaiah Scrolls
Part 2: Introductions, Commentary, and Textual Variants
Part 2: Introductions, Commentary, and Textual Variants
Part 1
Plates and Transcriptions
Part 2
Introductions, Commentary, and Textual Variants
This DJD Edition of lQIsaa and lQIsab 1
Discovery of Cave 1 and the Seven Scrolls 2
The Great Isaiah Scroll (1 QIsaa) 3
The Hebrew University Isaiah Scroll (lQIsab) 12
The Isaiah Scrolls at the Shrine of the Book 14
Photographs of the Cave 1 Isaiah Scrolls 15
The Photographs of lQI saa 15
The Photographs of lQIsab 21
Linguistic Profile of the Isaiah Scrolls, by Martin G. Abegg, Jr. 25
Select Bibliography, by Peter W. Flint 43
For substantial use of their historical material we acknowledge and thank Weston
Fields and James VanderKam; to them as well as to Martin Abegg and Sarianna Metso
we are grateful for many helpful insights and suggestions for improvements.
Our graduate assistants over the years have earned our lasting gratitude for their
years of careful work, devoted enthusiasm, and endless proofreading. At Notre Dame:
Richard Bautch, John Bergsma, Dulcinea Boesenberg, Brandon Bruning, Josephine
Dru, Sara Ferry, Bradley Gregory, Todd Hibbard, Curt Niccum, and Andrew Teeter.
At Trinity Western University: Kyung Baek, Jeremy Brown, Andrew Chae,
Christopher Davis, Nathaniel Dykstra, Ted Erho, Sonya Kostamo, Sonya Mortenson,
and John Screnock.
It is a pleasure to acknowledge with special appreciation for their long-term financial
support the National Endowment for the Humanities, an independent federal agency in
the United States; the Canada Research Chairs Programme, created by the
Government of Canada to achieve research excellence in the humanities and other
fields; the University of Notre Dame's Department of Theology, Office of Research,
and Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts; Trinity Western University's
Department of Religious Studies and Office of Research; and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Foundation. The authors are also grateful for generous support from Martin Scheyen,
the Trever Family Dead Sea Scrolls Project Fund, the Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council, and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Acknowledgement for technical help is offered to Philip Payne of Linguist's Software,
whose generous gift of the Hebrew, Palaeo-Hebrew, Greek, Syriac, and diacritical
fonts enhance the appearance of this volume, formatted for camera-ready publication
by Eugene Ulrich.
The editorial and technical staff at Oxford University Press-Carol Bestley, Tom
Perridge, Lizzie Robottom, and Jenny Wagstaffe-once again provided the high level
of expertise and the friendly co-operation essential for producing a volume as complex
as this.
The authors wish to offer a personal expression of their grateful appreciation to:
Sarianna Metso, Meg and Laura Colleton, Ivan and Amy Hall, Sabnna Odessa, and
Evelyn and Jim Whitehead; and to the Flint Family: Amanda, Claire, Amy, Abigail,
Jason, 'Taryn, and Ethan.
certain letter, probable letter, possible letter, respectively (for discussion see the
o a letter which has ink traces remaining but cannot be confidently identified
missing letters; space between fragments or where the surface of the manuscript is
in the text indicates letters or words erased; in a reconstruction indicates letters or
words which the editor thinks should not be included
vacat interval for paragraph-division, indicating that the writing space was intentionally
left blank
deest the text is not extant at this point
o setuma, a closed section in m or BHS; used to denote a new section of text beginning
on the same line as the end of the previous section
petuha, an open section in m or BHS; used to denote a new section of text beginning
on the line below the end of the previous section
1111/ erasure or damage on the manuscript
+ additional word(s)
> word(s) lacking
frg. 10 ii 4-5 fragment 10, column 2 (where frg. 10 preserves two columns), lines 4-5
2:23 ini t, 2:23 at the beginning, or end, of v 23
10:2a, 10:2b first part, second part of verse 2 in chapter 10
2:23[24] the number in brackets is usually the Greek verse number
add addition
aliter differently: the text has a quite different reading
ante before
ap the critical apparatus of an edition
dbl doublet
diff div different division of text
ditt dittography
err error
euph euphemism
gls gloss
hab the witness has the reading
hapl haplography
homoi homoiarkton or homoioteleuton
insrt insertion
litt littera(e), letter(s)
mend mendaciter, falsely
metath metathesis, inversion of letters
missp misspelling
n note, usually in BHS apparatus
om totum comma the entire verse is omitted
passim occasionally throughout
pr praemittit, -unt, placed before
ras erasure
rell reliqui, the rest of the manuscripts
sec secundum, according to
sfx suffix
tr transponei ndum ) -it, -unt, the letters or words are (to be) transposed
tt translation technique
v(v) verse(s)
vid ut videtur, as it appears from the evidence available
vs. versus
Burl Millar Burrows' 1950 transcription of 1QIsaa in The Dead Sea Scrolls of St. Mark's
Monastery, vol. 1 New Haven: ASOR, 1950.
Bur2 Millar Burrows' 1950 slightly revised second printing.
Cross Frank Moore Cross. 'Palaeography', in The Dead Sea Scrolls after Fifty Years:
A Comprehensive Assessment, vol. 1, ed. P. W. Flint and ]. C. VanderKam.
Leiden: Brill, 1998. Pp, 379-402 and pls. 9-14. See also 'The Development of the
Jewish Scripts', The Bible and the Ancient Near East. Garden City, NY:
Doubleday, 1961.
DSSHU/Suk E. L. Sukenik, The Dead Sea Scrolls of the Hebrew University (ed. N. Avigad and
Y. Yadin; Jerusalem: Hebrew University and Magnes Press, 1955).
HHL E. Y. Kutscher, A History of the Hebrew Language. Jerusalem: Magnes; Leiden: Brill,
LLBIS E. Y. Kutscher, The Language and Linguistic Background of the Isaiah Scroll (lQIsaa)
(STDJ 6; Leiden: Brill, 1974); rev. ed. with Indices and Corrections by E.
Qimron (STDJ 6A; Leiden: Brill, 1979).
P-Q Facsimile edition by Donald W. Parry and Elisha Qimron, The Great Isaiah Scroll
(lQIsaa): A New Edition (STDJ 32; Leiden: Brill, 1999).
Qimron/HDSS Elisha Qimron. The Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls. HSS 29. Atlanta: Scholars Press,
Ziegler Joseph Ziegler, Isaias (Septuaginta: Vetus Testamentum Graecum 14; 3d ed.;
Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1983).
1E. L. Sukenik, n'i::J.Ili1 i1t:l'Oi::J'J'~i1 ','::Jq] mmJ.' m"JOi1 i~'~ (Jerusalem: Bialik Foundation and the Hebrew
University, 1954); idem, The Dead Sea Scrolls of the Hebrew University, ed. N. Avigad and Y. Yadin (Jerusalem:
Hebrew University and Magnes Press, 1955).
2D ead Sea Scrolls of the Hebrew University, 7.
DJD XXXII has the advantage of certain technological advances beyond most other
volumes in the series and contains several new features. The plates have been digitally
produced, those of 1QIsaa (and two of 1QIsab) in colour. The volume is also divided
into two parts to enhance the reader's convenience in studying the texts. This
arrangement allows the plates and their transcriptions to be presented on facing pages
(in Part 1), and enables the reader to see synoptically the plate, its transcription, and (in
Part 2) the notes which clarify the readings or the textual variants which the
manuscript displays.
3This history is based on the following main sources: W. W. Fields, The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Short History
(Leiden: Brill, 2006);]. C. 'Trever, The Untold Story of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Westwood, N.].: Revell, 1965); idem,
The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Personal Account (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1977 [Revised Edition: Piscataway, N.].:
Gorgias, 2005]); ]. C. VanderKam and P. W. Flint, The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls (San Francisco: Harper
Collins, 2002); and Y. Yadin, The Message of the Scrolls (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson; New York Simon &
Schuster, 1957; Revised Edition, New York: Crossroad, 1992). The Editors are especially grateful to Dr Fields for his
valuable refinements to this section and for supplying pre-publication material from his new book, The Dead Sea
Scrolls: A Full History (Leiden: Brill, 2009). His carefully researched account is now the definitive study on the
discovery and subsequent history of the Qumran Scrolls.
4]um'a was reported still alive in Bethlehem as late as 1994 (Fields, A Full History, 7).
5Many scholars describe Muhammed edh-Dhib as a young shepherd boy of about fifteen years old (d.
VanderKam and Flint, Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls, 4). In a letter to the Editors, however, Dr Fields considers
this unlikely, since photographs from that period show him to be in his twenties at least.
Commentary or Habakkuk Pesher (1QpHab) and the Manual of Discipline, later called
the Community Rule (1 QS).
Edh-Dhib removed all three manuscripts from the jar and brought them to his
companions, who were displeased with him for returning to the cave without their
consent. Jum'a deposited the scrolls at a Ta'amireh site southeast of Bethlehem, where
they remained in a bag suspended on a tent pole for several weeks. In this situation and
as the scrolls were shown to other Bedouin, it is not surprising that at least some were
damaged; most notably in the context of 1Q Isa", the cover sheet broke off.
In May and June of 1947, George Isha'ya Shamoun, a key figure in the sale of the
first four scrolls (see below), was brought to the cave once by Khalil Musa and jum'a,
and a second time by Khalil alone. On this second visit, four more scrolls were removed,
including the Genesis Apocryphon (1QapGen).
The four scrolls mentioned so far (LQ'Isa", 1QpHab, 1QS, and 1QapGen) may be
grouped together as the 'St Mark's Monastery Scrolls', named for the first institution to
purchase them. The passage of this group in time and space is intricate and complex,
and forms a distinctive chapter in the early history of the Scrolls.
The other three scrolls taken by the Bedouin from Cave 1 constitute a second group,
the 'Hebrew University Scrolls', also named for the institution of purchase: a second
copy of Isaiah (1QIsab ) , the Thanksgiving Hymns (1QHa), and the War Scroll (1QM).
This group has a distinctive, if less dramatic, history of its own.
Metropolitan Athanasius Yeshue Samuel (1907-1995) was shown part of the Manual of
Discipline, and decided to buy all four scrolls. On 5 July, Kando sent his representative
Isha'ya and the two older cousins to deliver them to St Mark's, but they were turned
away by a monk who was unaware of the agreement with Samuel. The scrolls were
transferred to Samuel's possession two weeks later, on 19 July 1947, thus acquiring the
collective title the 'St Mark's Monastery Scrolls'. The Metropolitan paid 24 Jordanian
pounds (about £68 or $96) to Kando, who in turn paid the Bedouin 16 Jordanian
pounds (£45 or $64). At Samuel's request, Isha'ya took Father Yusif to the cave in late
July or early August 1947, in order to verify the Bedouin's story. The cleric's report on
the cave included the presence of one intact jar, several pieces of cloth wrapping, and
scroll fragments on the floor.
Later in July, the Metropolitan showed his scrolls to Father J. P. M. van der Ploeg,
a visiting Old Testament scholar from the University of Nijmegen doing research at the
Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem. Van der Ploeg was the first person to identify the text of
the large scroll as the Book of Isaiah, but he considered the manuscript mediaeval and
requested to see the jar in which they were found (which Samuel did not have). Another
attempt to obtain a scholarly evaluation was made in July or September (the accounts
conflict), when Stephan H. Stephan, an acquaintance of Samuel from the Jordanian
Department of Antiquities, arranged for the scrolls to be shown to Toviah Wechsler, a
Jewish scholar from the New City. Wechsler also recognized the largest scroll as
containing the book of Isaiah, but with a text slightly different from the Masoretic Text.
He also suspected that the manuscripts had been stolen from a Palestinian synagogue
during the Arab anti-Jewish riots of 1929.
1QpHab, and 1QS (in two pieces). The Jewish scholar at once noted similarities in
script of these scrolls to the group he had purchased two months earlier (the three
Hebrew University scrolls, i.e. 1QIsab , 1QHa, and 1QM; see below on 1QIsab ) from a
different antiquities dealer in Bethlehem. He copied several columns of 1 Qf sa",
expressed his interest to purchase the scrolls for the University, and requested to
borrow and show them to Dr Magnes. Kiraz granted this request, and they agreed to
meet again to negotiate a price.
Sukenik then approached the Bialik Foundation of the Jewish Agency, which
eventually enabled him to secure funding for purchasing the scrolls. At their second
meeting on 6 February, again at the YMCA, Sukenik continued negotiations with Kiraz,
but was unable to make a firm offer since funding from Bialik Foundation had not yet
been approved, and so reluctantly returned the three borrowed scrolls. They agreed to
meet again at the Yugoslav Consulate, where both the Metropolitan and Dr Magnes
would be present. However, a third preliminary meeting place on 10 February, once
more at the YMCA, when Sukenik made a firm offer of one thousand Jordanian
pounds (£2,800 or $4,000) for the four St Mark's scrolls. But Tannourdji advised
Kiraz to seek an independent appraisal, and so the meeting ended, with promises on
both sides to meet soon at the Yugoslav Consulate."
With this highest offer yet, Kiraz and the Metropolitan decided to seek the opinion of
other experts on the scrolls' true worth before selling them; thus the scheduled meeting
to finalize the sale to the Hebrew University never took place. Sukenik received a letter
from Kiraz in late February 1948, stating that sale of the four scrolls was postponed due
to political tensions at the time. He notes in his journal that this letter also promised the
Hebrew University first option to purchase them when circumstances improved. Sukenik
tried to reach Tannourdji, his contact at the YMCA, for two months, but to no avail.
On 1 March, Kiraz offered Sukenik the set of prints of 1Q Isa", 1QpHab, and 1QS that
had been made for Samuel by the American School of Oriental Research (ASOR), as a
substitute for the manuscripts themselves. This offer never materialized, however,
because the Metropolitan refused to surrender the prints, thus ending all dealings
between Kiraz and Sukenik.
One reason for the ending of negotiations is that the St Mark's scrolls had also been
shown to John Trever and William Brownlee of ASOR in February 1948, around the
time of Kiraz's negotiations with Sukenik, although Trever records first knowing of
these negotiations only on 19 March. The American scholars were not supportive of
selling the manuscripts to the Hebrew University and reminded the Metropolitan of the
great investment already made by ASOR in photographing 1QIsa3 , 1QpHab, and 1QS,
and preparing them for publication.f
7For this intricate sequence of events, see Fields, A Full History, 58-61.
8S ee Photographs of the Isaiah Scrolls below.
Millar Burrows, was away at the time. Thus Interim Director John Trever, another
visiting Fellow, accepted the call. He was well-equipped to work with the Isaiah scrolls,
since his Ph.D. dissertation was on 'The Contributions of Second Isaiah to the Semantic
Development of Hebrew Words' (Yale University, 1943). While Trever's role is more
familiar to scholars and the public, the contributions of Brownlee, who worked alongside
him and published several articles and a book on the Isaiah Scrolls.? should also be
Trever and Sowmy made an appointment for the following day to look at what the
Syrian priest described as some old manuscripts from the monastery library that were
being catalogued. These, in fact, were the four St Mark's scrolls, which Sowmy and his
brother Ibrahim then brought to Trever at the American School in Jerusalem. In The
Untold Story of Qumran, Trever describes the first time he saw the Great Isaiah Scroll,
wrapped in newspaper:
... they lifted from the satchel a large scroll, about 10 1/2" long and 6" in diameter, and handed it
to me. Removing the Arabic newspaper, I saw that this scroll was made of thinner, softer leather
and was much more pliable. It was about the same color as the first one, but with a darkened
center, evidence of much handling. It unrolled easily.
Laying the heavy document on my bed, slowly I began to open it. A sheet of leather, containing
two columns of text, had become detached from the rest of the document. The linen thread used to
bind the sheets together had disintegrated. On the left edge the text was badly blurred by someone
who had attempted to re-ink many letters which had been worn away by handling. Obviously this
was the end of the scroll. It had been rolled backwards, with the last column on the outside. I
continued to unroll another six to eight columns.
- Trever, The Untold Story, 22
Trever compared the text of 1Qfsa" against photographs of a few other Hebrew
manuscripts. He noted marked differences in appearance of the characters against the
mediaeval British Museum Torah Codex, but similarities with the much older Nash
Papyrus: the 'enlarged final mem', the 'elongated kaph', and 'greater irregularity of the
bottoms of the lines'. Recalling that W. F. Albright had dated the Nash Papyrus to the
second or first century BCE,10 Trever now suspected that the scrolls being shown him
were from the same period. He copied a few well-preserved lines from column LI and
later identified them, not without irony, as Isa 65: 1: 'I let myself be sought out by those
who did not ask me, be found by those who did not seek me'.
During this first meeting, Trever later recalled, Sowmy and Ibrahim invented a
description (see below) of the scrolls as coming from a cave near 'Ain Feshka by the
Dead Sea that had been discovered by Bedouin roughly forty years earlier and
purchased back then by a previous Metropolitan. They suspected the manuscripts to be
dated before 200 CE, in part because they had been found in a kind of mummified cloth.
Trever believed that it was Ibrahim who convinced his brother Butrus Sowmy and the
Metropolitan Samuel that the scrolls were indeed ancient. Ibrahim was a customs official
for the Mandate government, and stationed at the Allenby Bridge which separated
Trans-Jordan and Palestine. With a strong interest in the history of Jericho and the
9For Brownlee's articles, see the Bibliography. His book is The Meaning of the Qumran Scrolls for the Bible: With
Special Attention to the Book of Isaiah (New York: Oxford University Press, 1964).
lOw. F. Albright, 'A Biblical Fragment From the Maccabean Age: The Nash Papyrus', JBL 56 (1937) 145-76.
Dead Sea area, this layman not only perceived the scrolls to be ancient, but quite
remarkably proposed that they had been hidden by the Essenes before the Roman
destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CEo
On 20 February, after obtaining the requisite pass from the Arab authorities, Trever
went to St Mark's monastery, where he met Samuel and enquired after the origin of the
scrolls. With Father Sowmy acting as interpreter, the Metropolitan shared with Trever
that some Bedouin had initially tried to sell the manuscripts in Bethlehem, and that the
monastery came by them while under the leadership of his predecessor, Phalaxinos
Yacob. Trever persuaded Samuel that it was necessary to photograph the scrolls so they
could be authenticated, upon which the cleric unrolled 1QIsa3 for Trever to examine a
second time. The American scholar now noticed the insertions made by a second scribal
hand near the middle of the manuscript (in cols. XXXII and XXXIII). Unrolling the
entire scroll for the first time, Trever also noted that the inner sections were in the worst
condition, with numerous cracks and tears, and that the innermost part (the last
column) contained a corner that had been reinforced with another piece of leather.
There was also evidence of a cover sheet missing from 1QIsa3 , which the Metropolitan
mentioned as being attached when he first purchased the scroll (see Plate E). Trever
copied more lines from beginning, which he later verified with William Brownlee as from
Isa 1:1. That evening, Trever and Brownlee became further convinced of the antiquity
of the scroll when they compared the copied text with the Hebrew scripts presented in
Albright's 1937 article on the Nash Papyrus.
On Saturday 21 February 1948, despite a shortage of camera film and power
outages, Trever, Brownlee, Sowmy, and Samuel gathered in the basement of ASOR to
photograph three of the four St Mark's scrolls (LQ'Isa", 1QpHab, and 1QS; the
Genesis Apocryphon was too damaged to be unrolled). Electric power had been restored
that very morning, and Trever had previously brought to ASOR supplies for
photographing and developing pictures; still, due to his limited supply of film sheets, it
was necessary to photograph two columns of 1QIsa3 per sheet. After taking test shots of
col. LI, Trever took one more of col. L, which was later sent to Albright for further
assessment. As the day progressed, he was given permission by Samuel to repair and
reinforce the first eight columns of the scroll, an intense enterprise that he later
',' , Scotch tape was all we had to use, but I carefully applied it to the back of the breaks to avoid
any possible damage to the script. Setting the various pieces in their proper places was like working a
huge jigsaw puzzle. The Syrians stood close by, keenly watching every move. The Metropolitan
leaned so close to my shoulder as I bent over the scroll that his beard tickled by neck. I dared not
complain! With each successful placement, he uttered an ejaculation of delight.
- Trever, The Untold Story, 43
Trever reattached every text-bearing fragment, with the exception of one very small
piece containing five letters, which was later in April reattached to column VI. He also
noted six areas where small fragments of the scroll were missing and were not among
the material brought by Samuel. Trever mentions additional pieces of 1QIsa3 that were
present on this occasion: 'several small fragments of leather from the outer margins of
the Isaiah Scroll, bits of ancient repair material and linen thread, remained in the
satchel, and a few had fallen to the table during the repair work'. The Metropolitan also
gave Trever fragments that he deemed part of the original cover sheet that was attached
when he first saw the scroll.
By day's end, the entire Great Isaiah Scroll, as well as the smaller Habakkuk Pesher,
had been photographed in black and white. Shortly before Sowmy and Samuel were to
leave, Trever rearranged his equipment in order to take a few colour shots of 'l Q'Isa".
The photograph of cols. XXXII-XXXIII, with the rolled manuscript visible on both
sides, is the first colour picture of the Dead Sea Scrolls ever taken, and remains the most
frequently published of all scroll images. Another colour picture taken that day was of
cols. I-IV, which appears as Plate A in Part 1. Trever also convinced the Metropolitan
to allow him to keep in the ASOR vault the remaining two scrolls he had not yet
photographed, so that these could also be repaired and photographed. Two days later,
he finished developing the black-and-white prints and the few colour exposures of
1Qlsa" and returned the borrowed scrolls the following day.
News of the St Mark's scrolls reached the outside world via a letter from Trever to
W. F. Albright on 26 February 1948:
Enclosed are some sample prints from a manuscript which I have discovered here in Jerusalem in
Dr. Burrows' absence .... If you are right about your dating of the Nash Papyrus, then I believe
that this is the oldest Biblical document yet discovered! ...
My first thought when seeing these scrolls was to get them photographed and a copy to you for
study. I firmly believe the script cannot be later than the 2nd Cent. A.D. (Dura Fragment), and it
has some indications to show it may be earlier than the Nash Papyrus. I am so busy with the
photographing of them that I can't take time now to make the careful study that they demand for
more accurate dating. I am personally convinced that their age is great.
. . . I know you will understand my concern about the safety of the MSS, so will keep this
absolutely confidential. Should there be an announcement now, there is great danger that they
might be destroyed.
- Trever, The Untold Story, 60
tossed aside as worthless. Two of the jars had been taken to Bethlehem by the Bedouins and were
being used as water jars....
- Trever, The Untold Story, 76
Yusif and Isha'ya had spent the night outside the cave during that visit and tried to
bring a complete jar back to Bethlehem, but were unable to do so because of the heat. In
a later interview with Yusif (August 1948), Trever notes the cleric's description of the
contents of the cave a year earlier:
He [Father Yusif] described the small entrance to the cave, which he interpreted as resulting from
the collapse of the front of the cave during an earthquake. Consequently, he claimed, the scrolls,
wrapped in many layers of cloth, were originally found protruding from the debris. He saw the
piles of cloth, one complete jar amid much broken pottery, and some fragments of leather scattered
on the floor of the cave.
- Trever, The Untold Story, 97
With the correct details of the discovery site now established, plans for an official
excavation of Cave 1 commenced. Trever and Brownlee ostensibly applied for an
excavation permit from the Jordanian Department of Antiquities (under the Mandate
Government) by 12 March 1948, but growing danger and military activity in the
vicinity of the cave made them cancel their plans on 23 March. The two still had
dealings with Samuel, but the Syrian churchmen of St Mark's, as possessors of the
scrolls, had little appetite for involvement with government authorities.
Trever notes that until March the Metropolitan believed that the Department of
Antiquities was totally unaware OF the scrolls' existence. Earlier, however, in his search
for camera film, Trever had shown some photographs of the manuscripts and explained
his understanding of their origin to the Department's Director, R. W. Hamilton, in the
hopes of purchasing film stocked by the Palestine Archaeological Museum (which was
under the Department's authority). To avoid jeopardizing his collaboration, and
friendship, with Samuel, Trever delayed telling him of his disclosure to Hamilton until
19 March. Burrows and Samuel later record an early, informal, attempt by the
Metropolitan to inform the Department of Antiquities about the scrolls. Samuel had
approached an employee of the Department, Stephan H. Stephan, who was also a
member of his Syrian Orthodox church. Stephan, however, suspected that the
manuscripts were not authentic, and so refused to bring them to the attention of his
superiors or to file a report on them. Two years later, Hamilton wrote to Burrows,
verifying Samuel's claim that Stephan had never mentioned the existence of the scrolls
to him.
With excavations now on hold, Trever set about rephotographing 1QIsa3 in colour,
and employed a local photography shop near the Jaffa Gate to develop the film and
make prints. This enterprise continued until 13 March 1948, by which time he
completed the set of colour negatives which record 1QIsa3 in its finest state of preserva-
tion; these are the source of Plates I-LIV in Part 1 (except Plate LXIX; see
Photographs of the Scrolls, below). The strongest authentication of the scrolls' antiquity
came in another letter from Albright, which arrived at ASOR on 15 March. Dating the
manuscripts to c.l00 BeE, Albright congratulated Trever on 'the greatest manuscript
discovery of modern times!'
Dear Trever,
Your air-letter of Feb. 25 th , with its enclosures, arrived this morning and I immediately got
out my magnifying glass and started in. I am now having the prints enlarged so I can study the
script to better advantage. My heartiest congratulations on the greatest MS discovery of modern
times! There is no doubt whatever in my mind that the script is more archaic than that of the Nash
Papyrus, standing very close to that of the third-century Egyptian papyri and ostraca in Aramaic.
Of course, in the present state of our definite knowledge about Hebrew paleography it would be safe
only to date it in the Maccabaean period i.e., not later than the ascension of Herod the Great. I
should prefer a date around 100 B.C. The script is in every respect older than that of the Dura
parchment fragment.
In my excitement I began writing on the wrong side of the sheet! I repeat that in my opinion
you have made the greatest MS discovery of modern times---certainly the greatest biblical MS find.
The spelling is most interesting, resembling that of the Nash Papyrus very closely. The tendency to
hyper-correction in writing ";:1' as '~';:I' is most extraordinary. Burrows will now have a chance to
forget the events in Palestine for a while. Let us hope that nothing happens to your precious finds!
I don't anticipate any very significant textual corrections of the text of Isaiah, but the new
material will revolutionize our conception of the development of Hebrew orthography. And who
knows what treasures may be concealed in the remaining rolls!
It is a very fine thing that you have been able to get such an important result as this discovery
from your difficult year in Jerusalem. You can imagine how my eyes bulged when I saw the script
through my magnifying glass! What an absolutely incredible find! And there can happily not be the
slightest doubt in the world about the genuineness of the MS.
W. F. Albright
On 18 March, Burrows and Samuel prepared a news release through ASOR, which
described the discovery of the four scrolls. The Metropolitan then sent Sowmy with the
precious manuscripts to Beirut, to deposit them in a bank vault for safekeeping. The
first international press report announcing the discovery appeared in The Times of
London on 12 April 1948:
Yale University announced yesterday the discovery in Palestine of the earliest known manuscript
of the Book of Isaiah. It was found in the Syrian monastery of St. Mark in Jerusalem, where it
had been preserved in a scroll of parchment dating to about the first century BC. Recently it was
identified by scholars of the American School of Oriental Research at Jerusalem.
There were also examined at the school three other ancient Hebrew scrolls. One was part of a
commentary on the Book of Habakkuk; another seemed to be a manual of discipline of some
comparatively little-known sect or monastic order, possibly the Essenes. The third scroll has not
yet been identified.
Sukenik's Disappointment
Professor Sukenik corrected this release by pointing out that the Metropolitan's scrolls
were actually from a cave near Qumran in the vicinity of the Dead Sea. On 26 April, he
held a press conference announcing the existence of three more scrolls that had recently
been acquired by the Hebrew University, and revealed that both groups-the St Mark's
Monastery Scrolls and the Hebrew University Scrolls-were from the same cave.
With the authenticity and high value of his four scrolls now confirmed, Samuel's
asking price rose to one million dollars, and Sukenik's hope of acquiring them faded. In
his diary, Sukenik records his disappointment on being unable to come to an agreement
with Kiraz:
Eventually I received a letter informing me that they had decided not to sell. They preferred to wait
until the world was again open to them, and they could find out the market price. I later discovered
what had happened. Some weeks after I returned the scrolls one of the Syrian priests had gone to
the American School of Oriental Research and had met some of its members. The Americans had
managed to obtain permission to photograph and publish the scrolls, assuring the priest that they
would be able to get far higher prices for the scrolls in the United States. Thus the Jewish people
have lost a precious heritage.
- Yadin, Message of the Scrolls, 29
After presenting this entry, Yadin voices his regret that his father, who died in 1953,
did not live to witness the chain of events that culminated in the purchase of the St
Mark's scrolls for the State of Israel on 15 June 1954.
Earlier that summer, on 27 May 1954, Sukenik's son Yigael Yadin was delivering a
lecture at John Hopkins University on the three Hebrew University Scrolls. He learned
from Albright of the Metropolitan's failed and repeated attempts to sell his four scrolls.
Yadin expected an asking price in the millions, but Albright estimated Samuel's price as
around $500,000, and encouraged Yadin to buy them for the new State of Israel. On
1 June 1954, Yadin was alerted to the Wall Street Journal advertisement by Israeli
friend and journalist Monty Jacobs. In the guise of 'Mr Green', Professor Harry
Orlinsky of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York verified
that the items for sale were indeed the four scrolls that the Metropolitan had
transported from the Middle East. The initial asking price set by Samuel's
representative was $400,000, which Yadin's agent managed to bid down to $250,000.
On 15 June 1954, Yadin's purchase of the four St Mark's Monastery Scrolls was
finalized by his agent, with the Israeli scholar's interest kept secret.
The larger part of the contracted amount was guaranteed by the Israeli government,
and a smaller, but substantial, portion was loaned by the American Fund for Israeli
Institutions. Most was then repaid through a donation by American Jewish paper
merchant and philanthropist Samuel Gottesman of N ew York, 11 who also funded the
building of the Shrine of the Book in Jerusalem. In early February, the four scrolls were
flown in separate planes to Israel, and on 13 February 1955, the purchase by the State
of Israel was announced by Premier Moshe Sharett, together with plans for a museum
that would house all seven scrolls from Cave 1. Ten years later, on 20 April 1965, the
Shrine of the Book was inaugurated.
Had the sale to Yadin not been successful, the four St Mark's scrolls would most
likely have been sold to an American group that included John Trever. He describes
forming a fund for purchasing them as part of an international project, with title being
placed with the Palestine Archaeological Museum. The plan included future exhibitions
around the world, after which the scrolls would be resident in Jerusalem, Jordan. The
monies paid for them would have been used to rebuild the Syrian Orthodox Monastery
in Jerusalem, and to support humanitarian and educational projects there.l-
pounds (about £20 or $28). This sale took place in June, about a month before the St
Mark's scrolls were purchased from Kando by the Metropolitan Samuel on 19 July.
Salahi enlisted the help of Nasri Ohan, an Armenian dealer in Jerusalem, to seek a
wealthy individual or an institution to buy the scrolls. Ohan contacted Sukenik and
arranged to show him a portion of the three scrolls in Salahi's possession. On 25
November, at the barbed-wire barricade near the Jaffa Gate in Zone B of partitioned
Jerusalem, a sizeable scroll fragment was shown to Sukenik by Ohan as Salahi's
representative. In his diary (as recorded by his son, Yigael Yadin), Sukenik records this
first encounter with the scrolls, and his impressions:
I hesitated a few minutes, straining my eyes to peer through the loops of barbed wire in an effort to
make out the letters on the scrap of leather. Strangely enough, as I gazed at the parchment, the
letters began to become familiar, though I could make no immediate sense of the writing. They
resembled letters which I had found on several occasions on small coffins and on ossuaries which I
had discovered in and around Jerusalem, in some ancient tombs dating back to the period before
the Roman destruction of the city. I had seen such letters scratched, carved and, in a few cases,
painted on stone. But not until this week had I seen this particular kind of Hebrew lettering written
with a pen on leather.
- Yadin, Message of the Scrolls, 18
Sukenik offered to buy the three scrolls for the Hebrew University, and asked to see the
others that Salahi possessed. On 27 November 1947, Ohan showed further fragments
to Sukenik in his shop in Zone B, the scholar first having to acquire the necessary
military pass to enter. Viewing these additional scrolls increased Sukenik's certainty that
they were indeed ancient, with writing similar to that on older ossuaries found around
Jerusalem. Sukenik was now determined to purchase all three scrolls, which entailed
visiting Salahi's shop in Bethlehem. Two days later, at great personal risk and against
his family's advice, he made the trip by bus, accompanied by Ohan. Salahi recounted
the story of the discovery of Cave 1 and showed him the two jars and scrolls in his
possession. Sukenik expressed his intention to purchase but asked permission to take two
scrolls back to Jerusalem, which would help determine his decision whether to buy, and
promised to decide within two days. The two scrolls (lQHa and 1QM) were wrapped in
paper and given to Sukenik, who returned with Ohan to Jerusalem.
The mounting political tension is apparent in Sukenik's description of his trip to
Bethlehem, which took place on Friday, 29 November 1947, the same day the United
Nations voted (33 to 13, with 10 abstentions) to partition Palestine into Jewish and
Arab sections. Rioting broke out the next day, and Ohan being a Christian who
observed Sunday as a day of rest, it was only on Monday, 1 December that Sukenik
managed to contact Ohan and confirm his decision to purchase. On 22 December, Sukenik
also bought the two jars and the third scroll, 'l Q'Isa>.
By then, Sukenik had become aware of the four St Mark's scrolls in the Metropolitan
Samuel's possession, but their nature and contents were as yet unclear to him. 13 Sukenik
set to work on the Hebrew University scrolls. Already in 1948, he published the first of
two Hebrew fascicles entitled, 'Hidden Scrolls from the Genizah Found in the Judean
Desert', which featured an introduction and transcriptions of 1QHa, 1QM (parts), and
lQIsab • 14
14The second fascicle was published in 1950; see E. L. Sukenik, Megilloth Genuzoth (2 vols., Jerusalem: Bialik
Foundation, 1948, 1950).
IT IS APPROPRIATE to give due recognition to the many photographers, from the earliest
to the most recent, of both LQ'Isa" and 1QIsab . It will also prove helpful to document
the complex process by which the digital images in Part 1 were obtained and processed,
and how the Plates were made.
John C. Treoerl
The story of the photography of 1QIsaa begins in 1948, a tumultuous year for
Palestine, when John C. Trever of the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR)
in Jerusalem received a telephone call from a Father Butrus Sowmy, librarian of the
Syrian Orthodox Monastery of St. Mark in the Old City, inquiring about some scrolls
in ancient Hebrew.I As Acting Director of ASOR, Trever corresponded with the
monastery and was permitted to examine and make photographic images of 1Q Isa" on
at least three separate occasions.
On 21 February 1948 in the basement of the ASOR building, Trever became the
first photographer of the scrolls. He was determined to take as many pictures as possible
and produced a complete set of black-and-white negatives of 1Q'Isa", as well as several
colour negatives, using 6 x 9 em Kodak Medalist cut film, on a red corduroy
background. These included four general views of columns I-IV (lsa 1:1-5:14), XI-XIII
(11:12-16:14), XXXII-XXXIII (38:8-40:28), XXXIII-XXXIV (40:28-41:23), and XLIX
(59: 17-61:4) with the partially rolled scroll visible on either side:
1S ee A. D. Tushingham, 'The Men who Hid the Dead Sea Scrolls', National Geographic CXIV/6 (Dec. 1958)
784-808, esp. 804-805 (with a picture of l QIsa" cols. XXXII-XXXIII).
2Trever documents his dealings with the Cave 1 scrolls in three books: The Untold Story of the Dead Sea Scrolls
(Westwood, N.j.: Revell, 1965); The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Personal Account (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1977 [Revised
Edition: Piscataway, N.j.: Gorgias, 2005]); and The Dead Sea Scrolls in Perspective (North Richland Hills, Tex.: Bibal,
3Trever recollects: 'As the Monastery librarian, ... he had been organizing their collection of rare books to
prepare a catalogue of them. Among the books he had found some scrolls in ancient Hebrew, which had been in the
Monastery for about forty years, but he could find no information about them. He was inquiring, therefore, if our
School could supply him with some data for the catalogue' (The Untold Story, 14).
... I stretched the beginning columns of the Isaiah scroll on a long table. Scotch tape was all we
had to use, but I carefully applied it to the back of the breaks to avoid any possible damage to the
script. Setting the various pieces in their proper places was like working a huge jigsaw puzzle....
When finished, the Isaiah Scroll took twenty-nine sheets of film .... I was determined to take a
few color shots. The special camera and plates had been carefully prepared for the purpose that
morning, so the shift could be made quickly. Then it was that I made two exposures of Columns
32 and 33, with the rest of the scroll rolled on either side-a picture which has been published
more often than any other one related to the scrolls. A similar picture of the first four columns was
also made in color, the red corduroy background providing an ideal setting.
-Trever, The Untold Story, 43-44
4T he Dead Sea Scrolls of St. Mark's Monastery. Volume I: The Isaiah Manuscript and the Habakkuk Commentary
(New Haven, Conn.: American Schools of Oriental Research, 1950).
5Trever could acquire only portrait film but was able to use a fine Zeiss 13 x 18 centimetre view camera to make
full colour reproductions of the Great Isaiah Scroll and the Habakkuk Pesher from Cave 1.
6For Trever's description of this process, see Cross et aI., Scrolls from Qumran Cave I, 8, esp. n. 9.
7Scrolls from Qumran Cave I: The Great Isaiah Scroll, the Order of the Community, the Pesher to Habakkuk from
Photographs by John C. Trever (Jerusalem: Albright Institute of Archaeological Research and the Shrine of the Book,
1972) 1-123.
8F. M. Cross et aI., Scrolls from Qumran Cave I: The Great Isaiah Scroll, the Order of the Community, the Pesher
to Habakkuk from Photographs by John C. Trever (Jerusalem: Albright Institute of Archaeological Research and the
Shrine of the Book, 1972) 7-61.
Trever's latter sets of black-and-white and colour transparencies from March 1948
are most familiar to scholars and the wider public: these black-and-white images are
superior to those used for the 1950 edition of 1Qf sa", and the 1972 and 1974 collections
were much more widely disseminated than the 1950 edition.
These two sets of transparencies remain unrivalled to the present day, but the colour
set presents a number of difficulties. The first problem is the loss of the original
transparency of col. XLIX in 1950, when it was lent to a publisher. Fortunately, as
already mentioned, Trever had earlier photographed a general colour view of the entire
scroll opened at this column. In 1966 he made a new transparency of the same size as
the original fifty-three 6 x 9 em transparencies, with only a slight loss of definition due
to the greater magnification required. Trever produced a second master set of the
March 1948 colour transparencies in 1966, according to his son James Trever.
The second difficulty involves blemishes caused by the presence of air bubbles,
which formed on the film during the first stage of processing: in the margins before or
after cols. I, II, XI, XVI, and XXIX; between lines 5 and 6 of col. XXXIX; and in the
lower margin of col. XLII. These bubbles vary in size but do not affect the text of the
scroll, most having formed on the outer edges of the negative. In addition, spots appear
on the leather to the left of line 17 in col. IV, and in the upper margin of col. XX.
The third problem is in col. XLVIII 8, where in the colour photograph the taw at the
end of n':J'rn (Isa 58:12) is obscured by a flake of leather from LII 3 possibly containing
the 'alep from rzll'\ (Isa 65:5; see NOTE); that problem does not affect the black-and-white
A fourth difficulty is in col. VI, where a small fragment containing text from Isaiah 7
was only later attached. Trever recalls:
Finally, every available inscribed piece, except one very small piece containing only five letters ... ,
was in its proper place. Much to my disappointment there were still six breaks for which no pieces
could be found. The edges of two or three showed evidence of recent tears. I queried the Syrians
about the possibility of their having them somewhere else, but they assured me that all the pieces
must be with the scroll or in the satchel.
Neither the February 1948 black-and-white photographs, nor the two March 1948 sets
(black-and-white and colour), include the small piece in col. VI 27-29, which preserves
the following letters from Isa 7:12-14: nl'\ (v 12: 'alep and part of taw), C'rzlJl'\ ni~l;lil (v 13:
the first four letters), and ii5[i1 n,l'\ (v 14: a trace of nun and part of he). Trever was
aware of this fragment. On 6 April 1949, on a visit to N ew York with plans to assist in
the unrolling of 1QapGen, he had another opportunity to take some black-and-white
photographs of 1Q'lsa":
That afternoon, while we were guests of the priest of the Assyrian Orthodox Church of West New
York, the Metropolitan secured the Isaiah Scroll from the bank vault in which it was being kept, in
order that I might add a tiny fragment containing portions of five letters which had not been
properly located in Jerusalem. It belonged in the gap in Column 6. This meant rephotographing
the column, though it was already too late to get it into our publication.
One final, brief opportunity came in Chicago in December 1951 for Trever to
experiment with infrared pictures of l Qlsa", but he had the time only to photograph
columns VII, VIII and X, hoping to present a clearer record of the scribal erasures
made on those columns. These images, however, offered no real improvement over
Trever's earlier photographs, and he was afforded no further occasion to experiment
with infrared photography, under ideal conditions, on specific areas of 1QIsaa that may
have benefitted. For this scroll at least, Trever concluded that there was no real
advantage in publishing the three infrared images; as of 2008 they remained
The Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center (ABMC) in Claremont, California, houses
all John Trever's 1948 negatives of 1Q Isa", with the exception of the missing column
XLIX lost in 1950, but including (instead) the general view of the scroll opened at that
column. The Center also houses numerous other negatives and slides made by Trever,
among them at least two complete 35 mm slide sets of 1QIsaa. Many of his later
negatives, as well as a copy of the 1948 master set, are also held by Dr Trever's son
James E. Trever, who is currently preparing digital images from them.
M. Kirschner
Shortly after 1QIsaa reached Israel in 1954, Professor Yigael Yadin asked M.
Kirschner, head of the photography department at Israel Police headquarters in Tel
Aviv, to photograph the scroll. The images produced were on 15 x 15 em black-and-
white negatives, usually two columns at a time, plus part of the neighbouring columns.
Shmuel J. Schweig
Shmuel J. Schweig (1905-1985) was head of the photography department at the
Palestine Archaeological Museum (PAM) from 1925 to 1927, and was teacher of and
predecessor to Najib Albina, the primary photographer of the PAM images.
Schweig also worked for the Hebrew University and later for the Israel Department
of Antiquities (now the Israel Antiquities Authority). He made black-and-white images
of 1QIsaa on 10 x 13 em negatives, with each column (plus part of the adjacent
column) photographed separately. In their 1999 edition of the Great Isaiah Scroll.?
Donald Parry and Elisha Qimron published for the first time the Schweig photographs
of forty-five columns (I-XIV, XXIII-XXXVIII, and XL-LIV). For the other nine
columns (XV-XXII and XXXIX), however, they employed photographs from the black-
and-white Trever set taken by Trever in March 1948. Unfortunately, Parry and
Qirnron were unable to determine the exact date of the Schweig photographs. In a
private letter to the Editors of DJD XXXII in 2007, Professor Parry wrote:
I played the true detective in attempting to discover who Schweig was and exactly when he took the
photographs. I even traveled to Jerusalem and scouted out the photographers. In the end, however,
neither of us were able to locate Schweig nor his photography shop. Fortunately, all of the Schweig
photographs were labeled on the back side, so we at least know him to be S. J. Schweig of Jerusalem.
Irene Lewitt of the Shrine of the Book has since furnished additional information that
Schweig had no studio but only a darkroom at home, that his photogaphs of 1QIsaa
were taken in approximately 1960, and that Magen Broshi (Curator of the Shrine of the
Book, 1964-94) provided them for the Parry-Qimron volume. In his will, Schweig left
to the Israel Museum his negatives, which are housed at the Shrine of the Book.
9The Great Isaiah Scroll (IQIsa"): A New Edition (STDJ 32; Leiden: Brill, 1999).
David Harris
In 1961, David Harris of Jerusalem (1929-2008) worked on special assignment as
Head Photographer for the j udaean Desert excavation conducted by Yigael Yadin.
Commissioned by the Shrine of Book and the Israel Museum to produce images of
1Q Isa", Harris made black-and-white photographs and 10 x 13 em colour trans-
parencies of most columns, some of which were published in a 1968 collectionl? and in
several popular books. The Harris photographs and transparencies are stored at the
Shrine of the Book.
Martin Scheyen
Several uninscribed fragments of 1Q'Isa" have been purchased by the Norwegian
collector of manuscripts, Martin Scheyen (item MS 1926/1), who kindly supplied them
for publication in this volume. According to the labels provided by Mr. Scheyen, there
are five groups of fragments: repair vellum, a repair thread, pieces from the lower edge
of the scroll, pieces from the cover sheet, and bits of linen thread from the cloth in which
the scroll was wrapped. 12 Although independent, definitive proof is not available, the
10K. Katz, P. P. Kahane, and M. Broshi, From the Beginning: Archaeology and Art in the Israel Museum,
Jerusalem (photographs by David Harris, and introduction by Philip Hendy), (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1968;
New York: Reynal, 1968).
11M. Broshi, et al. The Dead Sea Scrolls: Reproduction Made from the Original Scrolls Kept in the Shrine of the
Book, Jerusalem (foreword by Masao Sekine; preface by Millar Burrows; introduction by Magen Broshi; transcriptions
by Elisha Qimron; translations by Geza Vermes), (Tokyo: Kodansha Ltd., 1979).
12S ee his website ( for pictures of these fragments and further
Editors believe it probable that these fragments belong to 1QIsaa, based both on the
appearance of the materials and on the Metropolitan Samuel's statement that a cover
sheet had originally been attached (see The Discovery of the Scrolls, above).
the text, these blemishes have been removed and the portions of the manuscript
reconstructed with the aid of adjoining images.
Precise sizing of the Plates proved challenging. For the March 1948 photographs,
Trever used a number of light sources from different angles in order to illuminate the
scroll fully. This process, however, resulted in various shadows stemming from different
angles along the edges of the scroll. In order to present some consistency in DJD XXXII,
those shadows have been removed, and a small artificial shadow has been inserted in
each image to provide depth perception.
The photographs of LQ'Isa" present the manuscript in its original size, as close to a
1: 1 ratio as can be achieved. The ruler on the right side of col. I was imbedded by
Trever in the original photograph, thus allowing for that image to be sized exactly, and
for the others to be sized using this base measurement.
Helena Biberkraut
As detailed in the Discovery above, on 21 December 1947, E. L. Sukenik purchased
lQlsa b on behalf of the Hebrew University. In May 1949, the scroll was opened by
Professor James Biberkraut, who undertook the delicate task of unfolding the layers of
crinkled and compacted leather. lQlsa b proved exceedingly difficult to unroll, since
successive layers of the scroll were stuck together and the surface was heavily smeared
with a dark thick material produced by decomposition. Consequently, many parts of the
columns had grown so dark that it was often possible only with much difficulty to make
out traces of writing. Fortunately, the scroll was legible in infrared light. Helena
Biberkraut, wife of Professor Biberkraut, a skilled photographer with experience in
infrared, photographed 1Q Isab on glass plates using 13 x 18 em photographic plates.
She made images of the scroll before unrolling, the fragments and columns of 1Qlsab ,
and several general views containing more than one column.
Sukenik published 1 Qlsa b , along with the War Scroll and the H odayot,
posthumously in a Hebrew and an English cdition.l ' using the Biberkraut photographs
13 n":J.l1il ilc:l'O':l'J'~il ',':ltzl mmJil m'?'JOil .,~,~ (Jerusalem: Bialik Foundation and the Hebrew University,
1954); and The Dead Sea Scrolls of the Hebrew University, ed. N. Avigad and Y. Yadin (Jerusalem: Hebrew University
and Magnes Press, 1955).
to make his plates. Many years later, additional fragments were identified by Eva Jain,
who published them in 2002, together with a reconstruction of the entire scroll.l"
Najib Albina
Supported through a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, Najib Albina was
appointed as the first full-time photographer of the Dead Sea Scrolls in May 1952.
Albina became the primary photographer of the Palestine Archaeological Museum
(PAM) series of images, which included seven fragments of 1QIsab .
While Sukenik was working on the main part of 1QIsab , those seven additional
fragments were found during excavations in Cave 1 by Lancaster Harding and Roland
de Vaux, under the auspices of the Jordanian Department of Antiquities. They were
published in the first volume in the DJD series in 1955. 15
David Harris
In addition to his images of 1QIsaa described above, Harris made a set of 1QIsa b
photographs on 10 x 13 em colour transparencies, using ordinary (flash) light. One of
these appears here as the multicolumn Plate H, which illustrates the limited value, for
study purposes, of images not taken with infrared light, due to the dark and blackened
surface of most of this scroll.
14E. Jain, 'Die materielle Rekonstruktion von lQJes b (lQ8) und einige bisher nicht edierte Fragmente dieser
Handschrift', RevQ 20/79 (2002) 389-409, including PIs. 1-8.
15D. Barthelemy and]. T. Milik, Qumran Cave I (D]D I; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1955) 66-68 + PI. XII.
images of the Harris and Bar Hama photographs were furnished by the Shrine of the
Accessing the many photographs taken by Helena Biberkraut, however, proved far
less simple. Since all are in the Shrine series, a full set of digital images was obtained
from the ABMC. It soon became clear that not all fragments of 1Qlsab had been
included in Sukenik's editions, which necessitated a detailed study of all the pertinent
Shrine images. Many of these are intricate and confusing, each presenting several
fragments from Isaiah or the Hodayot, as well as unidentified pieces. It was by studying
some of these images that Eva Jain was able to identify and publish several more
fragments. In this Edition these are found in col. IV (Jain frg. 29), col. XII-e (frg. 21),
col. XIII (frg. 22), col. XIV-b (frg. 23), col. XVII-g (frg. 24), col. XIX-d (frg. 25), col.
XXllI-c (frg. 26), col. XXV-a (frg. 27), and col. XXVII-f (frg. 28).
Twelve additional pieces were identified by Nathaniel Dykstra of the DJD XXXII
editorial team, and are thus designated 'DFU' (for Dykstra-Flint-Ulr These
pieces are found in col. VIII-c (DFU frg. 1),17 col. XV-a (frg. 2), col. XV-c (frg. 3), col.
XV-e (frg. 4), col. XVII-e (frg. 5), col. XVII-h (frg. 6), col. XIX-e (frg. 7), col. XXII-e
(frg. 8), col. XXlII-d (frg. 9), col. XXVII-l (frg. 10), col. XXVIII-j (frg. 11), and col.
XXVllI-x (frg. 12).
Since many fragments in the ABMC digital images are faded or difficult to identify,
clearer and sharper pictures were also required. Sukenik's printed edition proved most
helpful, but it has its limitations, since many of the photographs found there do not
exist as single Shrine images, but were compiled from more than one. Physical
photographs were supplied for the Editors by the Shrine of the Book, many painstakenly
cut out and assembled from pictures of numerous small fragments by Irene Lewitt. In
addition, the Shrine furnished digital images of most of the photographs published by
Sukenik, with several scanned from the Israeli editor's original physical masters. Finally,
Bar Hama's high quality digital photographs, in both black and white and colour, were
also provided by the Shrine.
Achieving clear and legible images for the Plates in DJD XXXII was complex and
intricate because of the fragmentary state of 1QIsab and its often dark and blackened
surface. Fortunately, several presented few problems and required minimal digital
editing, including: the scroll before unrolling (Plate F); the three multicolumn images
(col. XXI [Isa 48:17-49:15, Plate G] by Ardon Bar Hama, cols. XIX-XXII [Isaiah 44-
51, Plate H] by David Harris, and cols. XXIII-XXVI [Isaiah 52-61, Plate 1] by Bar
Hama); as well as the fragments by Najib Albina published in DJD I.
With a few small exceptions, all twenty Plates of 1QIsab have been digitally prepared
and processed from Helena Biberkrauts infrared photographs. These feature the
fragments and columns published by Sukenik, by Jain, and by Flint and Dykstra. For
col. XXV frg. b, however, a scan from one of Sukenik's plates was provided by the
Shrine of the Book for the beginning of line 24 (Isa 58: 13), since it contains a piece of
leather that was folded over in the SHR image (4388) used for this column (see NOTE).
Two Bar Hama images have also been used. The first is in col. XX frg. c to restore
'~jrD~' (lsa 46:13) in line 12. In the main photograph (SHR 3433), this word is only
16Cf. P. W. Flint and N. N. Dykstra. 'Newly-Identified Fragments of lQlsab ' . JJS 60/1 (2009) 80-89.
17This was published in D]D I as the unidentified frg. 7.
partly preserved (see NOTE). Col. XXVI frg. b is also from a Bar Hama image,
capturing a tiny piece of leather that was unfolded, presumably by a modern scholar
working on the scroll, to reveal possible text from Isa 59:21. In the earlier Biberkraut
photograph this piece was folded under.If Additional photographs of small, unidentified
pieces by Albina were also consulted, with one (PAM 40.543) identified as col. VIlle
and listed as D FU 1 in Plate LVI I.
The digital Plates are composite images finalized by Nathaniel Dykstra, adopting
Eva Jain's reconstruction of the scroll. Sukenik's edition served as guide for sizing the
images; while this was more difficult for material absent from his edition, comparison
with other shared material provided a baseline for scaling the images in question.
With an overall objective of presenting the clearest images and most legible text, the
images have been digitally remastered, using Adobe Photoshop CS2 (Version 9.0.2 for
the Apple platform). This process included digital enhancement, scaling, and
background removal.
Each image presented its own challenges for enhancement but in most cases needed
to be extracted from its background for aesthetic reasons and to eliminate background
shadow. On several occasions, however, the edge of an image blended into the
background, which necessitated image adjustments (for example, using brightness and
contrast) in order to achieve a distinct contrast between image edge and background.
With its edge clearly established, extraction tools were then used to extract the image
and remove the background. This involved manually tracing and highlighting the edge,
often with a brush size of 10 pixels or less, and allowing the application to perform the
final extraction. The results -were then layered upon the original image with its
background and compared, to ensure that no important feature had been removed in
the adjustment process. The decision was always to err on the side of caution, rather
including some of the background than removing any portion of the image. Accordingly,
the background behind holes, when found within an image, was seldom removed.
Whether or not images needed to be extracted from their background, all were
enhanced using a number of techniques. In columns comprised of many smaller
fragments, the pieces often differed with respect to shading, one being darker and
another lighter, especially where fragments from different plates were involved. Once the
column was constructed, the shading was addressed (for example, by equalizing
shadows and highlights), in order to create a uniform presentation and similar
The most extreme case of shadow and highlight adjustment, as well as overall
enhancement, involves col. II I on PAM 43.752. The original image was so dark that
most of the text was barely legible, but through digital enhancement the appearance was
greatly improved, and the writing became easier to read. At the other extreme, the
newly-identified frg. h in col XVII was so light in the SHR plates that only the faintest
ink traces could the seen. After much enhancement, ink for at least seven lines became
apparent, with identifiable letters in two or three.
I8It is also possible that frg. b is actually from another layer of the scroll, since the expected word in line 1 before
~ is 'n'i:J, which seems inconsistent with the ink on the leather (see NOTE for col. XXVIb).
THE PROSPECT of describing the Language of the Isaiah scrolls from Cave 1 is rather
daunting, given the exhaustive treatment of 1QIsaa by E. Y. Kutscher in The Language
and Linguistic Background of the Isaiah Scroll.t Kutscher's study has stood uncontested
for nearly forty years and has as yet no contenders waiting in the wings to challenge its
prominence. What is intended here, then, is not a review, or an updating, but rather a
focused attempt to describe the most important and frequent characteristics of the
language of 1Q'Isa", to compare these as often as is appropriate to a setting of the entire
biblical and nonbiblical corpus of scrolls from the Judaean Desert, and for each feature
to compare this most complete of the biblical scrolls with its smaller but still substantial
cousin, 1QIsab.
First, a word about relative size is in order so that the frequency statistics provided
below might prove most meaningful. According to the sum of all published editions-
including this one--there are over 94,000 extant words in the biblical corpus from the
j udaean Desert finds. This compares to the 133,141 words of the nonbiblical Qumran
rnanuscripts.J 1QIsaa is the largest of all the biblical manuscripts with 22,696 words,
and so this one scroll accounts for more than 24% of the entire biblical corpus. Thus,
when it is noted in the various statistics below that 1QIsaa exhibits over 50% of a given
feature--and this is quite common-the reader will understand that this is more than
twice what might be expected. On the other hand, the smaller 1QIsa b is still the third
largest biblical manuscript with 4,603 words.I which is nearly 5% of the biblical corpus.
Thus when it is noted that 1QIsa b exhibits 3% of a given characteristic-again, quite
common-the reader will understand that this is much less than its share.
1E. Y. Kutscher, The Language and Linguistic Background of the Isaiah Scroll (lQIsa (STDj 6: Leiden: Brill,
1974). The following abbreviations will be used for studies referred to in this chapter:
AMSQH = T. Muraoka, 'An Approach to the Morphosyntax and Syntax of Qumran Hebrew', in T. Muraoka and
j. F. Elwolde (eds.), Diggers at the Well: Proceedings of a Third International Symposium on the Hebrew of
the Dead Sea Scrolls and Ben Sira (STDJ 36; Leiden: Brill, 2000) 193-214;
DSSB = M. Abegg, P. Flint, and E. Ulrich, The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco 1999);
DSSCS = E. Y. Kutscher, 'The Dead Sea Scrolls and Contemporary Sources', in his A History of the Hebrew
Language (Jerusalem: Magnes; Leiden: Brill, 1982) 87-114;
HDSS = E. Qimron, The Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Harvard Semitic Studies 29: Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1986);
LDSS = A. Saenz-Badillos, 'The Language of the Dead Sea Scrolls', in his A History of the Hebrew Language
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993) 130-46;
LLBIS = E. Y. Kutscher, The Language and Linguistic Background of the Isaiah Scroll (lQIsa (STDj 6: Leiden:
QH = S. Morag, 'Qumran Hebrew: Some Typological Observations', VT 38 (1988) 148-64.
2M. G. Abegg, Jr. with J. E. Bowley, and E. M. Cook, The Dead Sea Scrolls Concordance I: The Nonbiblical
Texts from Qumran (Leiden: Brill, 2003) xi.
3MurXII is the second largest manuscript with 4,834 words and 4QSama is fourth with 3,656.
4The sources for calculating these percentages are the list of paradigmatic words from M. G. Abegg, j r., 'The
Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls', in P. W. Flint and]. C. VanderKam (eds.), The Dead Sea Scrolls after Fifty Years:
A Comprehensive Assessment (2 vols., Leiden: Brill, 1998) 1.329, and the data from the Qal participle in §1.8 below.
38:15 and XXXVI 10 = 43:1 [as correction]) and ~':J (XXIX 5 = 36:5 etc.), and the third
masculine singular suffix ~,~ (III 16 = 3:11 etc.) and ~1:J (XXX 11 = 37:7 etc.), all in
1Q Isa''. On rare occasion digraphs also occur in medial contexts with yod: C'J,rv~'i
(XLIX 29 = 61:4) and nmrv'~ii1 (XXXIV 28 = 41:22, see also 129 = 1:26), but more
commonly with waw: rv'~i (I 6 = 1:5; VI 22 = 7:8 [2x], VI 23 = 9 [2x], VII 9 = 20, etc.)
and rv~'i (I 7 = 1:6; IX 4 = 9:14 [correction]; XIV 10 = 17:6 [correction]; XXXIV 7 =
41:4 etc.), n1~r (III 9 = 3:6; V 13 = 5:25; VIII 26 = 9:6 etc.) and n~H (114 = 1:12
[correction]; IX 7 = 9:16, IX 12 = 20 etc.), p~~ (XI 22 = 13:14; LI 8 = 63:11 [note
correction]) and 1~'~ (XVII 18 = 22:13 [correction]; XLIV 11 = 53:6; LI 8 = 63:11 [note
correction], etc.). It would appear that i~1:l should be included here as well, as it was
likely pronounced mod: i'~1:l (XXVIII 30 = 36:2; XXXII 9 = 38:17) and i~'1:l (XIII 23 =
16:6; XXXIX 26 = 47:6, XXXIX 29 = 47:9 etc.).
6The remaining Isaiah scrolls account for 12 cases: lQIsab (6), 4QIsaa (1), 4QIsac (3), 4Qlsad (2).
713 times elsewhere with 9 corrections.
80nl y 2 elsewhere: 5QDeut I 4 (Deut 7:19), 4QSam a 5 ii-7 i 24 (2 Sam 15:3, corrected).
90nl y elsewhere in 8Q4 I 35 (Deut 11:16) and 4QSam a 61 i+62 8 (2 Sam 3:27).
assessment that this 'stems from a tendency to re-pattern the infinitive', since the
phenomenon never occurs with the conjunctive waw followed by a Hip' il form.
The letter 'alep stands in the place of he 15 times. In 10 of these the 'alep replaces
the he of the Hipil form: on six occasions with the imperative (112 = 1:10; XI 9 = 12:4;
= = = =
XVIII 5 23:1; XXX 25 37:20; XLII 18 51:4; and XLIV 24 54:2), three with the
perfect (XXXV 24 42:14; XLI 27 =
49:26; and XLVIII 25 =
59:14) and one infinitive
(LI 21 = 64:6). Thus, as an example, ')l1'rzm~ at XXX 25 = 37:20 should be understood
with m as the imperative rather than the imperfect. Likewise, 1Qlsa b also has one
possible occasion where consonantal 'alep stands in the place of he: ~,~,~ at XVIII 8 =
43:8 (m ~'~'i1).
Surprisingly, 'ayin replaces he once in 1QIsaa: c'c:no,\} (LI 16 = 64:1), although this
may be the original reading.
In all, 1Qlsaa accounts for 29 of the 37 instances (78%) of he misspellings among
the biblical scrolls. 1Qlsab has only the one possible case detailed above.
3.1 Verb
11P. lotion and T. Muraoka, A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew (Roma: Editrice Pontificio Istituto Bib1ico, 1993), 132.
3.13 Imperative
3.131 Qal (§311.14) There are but 11 'pausal' inflections (''''t!lP) of the Qat
imperative among the nonbiblical manuscripts from Qumran (e.g. rrcr, 1QM XVII 2).
The biblical manuscripts, however, preserve 44 examples, with the 30 (68%) in 1QIsaa
and the 5 in 11 QPsa again accounting for the majority of occurrences. There are no
occurrences in 1Qfsa>. Characteristic forms are 'tD'i' (I 20 = 1: 17), '~'tDn (XXXIX 21 =
47:2), 'i::J'.I1 (XVIII 10 = 23:6), i1j't!l'~ (IV 15 = 5:3), and the corrections ~i1::Jn':> (XXIV 15
= 30:8) and ",~ (XXXIII 9 = 40:9).
12As well as 11 instances for lQIsaa and 1 for lQIsab where m uses thecohortative but the scroll does not.
30 are found in 1QIsaa, all in the second half of the manuscript. This form is unique to
Qumran Hebrew. Of the 97 occurrences of the third masculine singular pronoun in
1QIsaa, there are no long forms among the 65 in the first half of the scroll, but no less
than 30 out of 32 in the second half; see §6 below.
The third masculine singular pronominal suffix (H D S S §322 .141, §322 .144) is
extant a total of 691 times in 1QIsaa; 111 of these reveal a variation when compared to
m. This is a 16% rate of variation and suggests that there was pressure on the scribe to
alter the text he was copying due to his native tongue. In addition to the normal third
masculine singular suffixes 1-, 1J- and 1iT-, there are the two non-standard forms: 1'- with
singular nouns and the Aramaic suffix 'iT1- with plural nouns.
The suffix 1'- (HDSS §322.141; QH 150, 153), normally occurring with plural
forms, is attested as many as 46 times with the singular among the biblical manuscripts,
all but one (1'n~, 'him', 4QLev b 1-7 20, Lev 1:17) in 1Ql sas. This combination was,
according to Kutscher, pronounced 0, as is the case with simple 1-. A clear example from
1QIsaa is iT'1~J 1'i' ('outstretched hand'), which occurs five times (V 14 = 5:25; IX 1 =
9:11, IX 7 = 9:16, IX 13 = 9:20; IX 18 = 10:4). Among other compelling examples is the
title for God: 1'i;l~m ('its Redeemer'), the reference to Esarhadon the son of Sennacherib
(1'JJ), and God's instruction (1'nimJ). Qimron points to 1'J01~ ('his guardian', 1QHa
XV 25) as a nonbiblical example. Since this evidence demonstrates that 1'- and 1- could
be pronounced the same, cases of the reverse might also be found. These will necessarily
remain ambiguous. The waw in variant spellings such as 1rzm ('his oppressors') might
also have been pronounced o. Of course, such examples might also be explained as
'real' variants (singular) or as defective orthography (1·;). The form 1iT1i;l~ (VIII 13 =
8:19, VIII 15 = 21; XXIII 3 = 28:26; XLVII 24 = 58:2; all 1'iji;l~ in m) serves as a good
example with which to illustrate the range of possibilities. Is the scroll's spelling to be
pronounced iiTii;l~? Is this then to be understood as the third masculine singular suffix
with the singular iJi~~ or simply as an example of defective spelling with the plural l:I'i'r~~
(i.e. 1vi~~)?
The Aramaic suffix 'iT1- (HDSS §322.144) occurs 5 times in l Q'Isa'', 4 of these with
plural nouns and 1 with a preposition ('iT1i;lJ), 'upon it', II 9 = 2:2); it does not occur
elsewhere in the biblical scrolls apart from the Aramaic portion of Daniel. No DJD
edition has recognized this suffix in the nonbiblical scrolls, but Qimron suggests eight
examples: 1QS V 5 ('iT1J',I]1), 11 ('iT1p1nJ), 25 ('iT1iT1~~); VI 13 ('iT1~)i), 26 ('iT1J:Ji;l); VI II 8
('iTm1'10'); 1QpHab XII 11 ('iT1~,I]), and 4Q175 21 ('i11m~i1nJ). With the completed
publication of the Hebrew corpus, perhaps four additional occurrences should be
recognized: 'iT1JtD[O at 4Q401 3 4 (rather than 1iT'JtDO), 'iT1n1"~[1~ 4Q523 1-2 9 (rather than
1iT'n1"~1~), ]'iT1J:J at 4Q525 2 iii 4 (rather than]1iT'J:J), and 'iT1n1~[i;l:JJ at 11 Q17 3 7 (rather
than 1iT'm~~:JJ).
Similarly, there are also 11 cases in 1Q Isas of verbs ending in waw where the suffix
third masculine singular suffix takes the form -n-. See 'i11~JO' (XXXIX 12 = 46:7).
Kutscher comments that 'The Bible does not have such forms with the verb' (LLBIS
214). The suffix is found with Aramaic plural perfect forms in m (e.g. 'iJ~i;l:;liJl, Dan
4:20). It is also found in Qumran Aramaic, 'iT1n'tD1 (4Q530 2 ii+6-12[?] 21), and in the
Targums, 'iJ~P=;J~l (Gen 19:16, Targum Onkelos).
1iT- is the suffix that is normally used in m with nouns whose root ends in he (see
jouon-Muraoka 289; HDSS §322.142), verbal forms ending in waw, and, on occasion,
with verbal forms ending in yod (~il'I:11'?' N urn 11: 12). However, in the non biblical
Qumran scrolls 'il- becomes the normal form of the third masculine singular suffix when
attached to words such as il~, :lt~, and nt$, occurring in 122 of 164 instances (74%). In
~ this suffix is used in only 33 of 421 of such cases (8%). In the DSS biblical texts the
longer suffix is used in 10 of 53 instances (19%), showing influence of this shift. Seven
of these are found in 1Qlsaa (III 8 = 3:6; XXVIII 17 = 34:16; XXXIV 9 = 41:6;
XXXVIII 19 = 45:13; XLIV 13, 14 = 53:7 [2x], XLIV 17 = 9), and one in 1Qlsab
(XXIII 17 = 53:7). In the second half of 'l Q'Isa" there is also a notable increase in the
use of this suffix on verbal forms ending in yod (XXXVI 16 = 43:7 [3x]; XL 20 = 48:15;
XLII 15 51:2, XLIII 12 = 23; XLV 23 = =
55:4; XLVII 19 57:19). Qimron's comment
that this longer suffix 'universally replaces' the shorter form in the biblical manuscripts
is, however, an overstatement.
There are seven instances where the third masculine singular suffix is spelled with
the digraph i11-, all in the latter half of the book: XXX 2 = 36:21; XXXIII 11 = 40:11;
XXXVII 18 44:12; XLIV 19 = 53:11; XLIX 3 = =
59:19; L 20 62:8; and L 27 = 63:1.
This is either evidence of an archaic form of the third masculine singular suffix written
with he, such as ii~il~ (Gen 9:21), or more likely the influence of the plene spelling of
words such as m:;) (m ilj, see LLBIS 183-84). Of the occurrences apart from 1Qlsaa, it
is noteworthy that all six are found in tefillin manuscripts: Exod 12:43 (4Q128 1 45),
12:44 (4Q128 1 46); 13:3 (4Q140 1 9); Deut 5:14 (4Q137 1 20), 10:18 (4Q138 1 5), and
10:20 (4Q138 1 6). These particular tefillin are each characterized by passages which are
in conflict with the rabbinical injunction. In addition, see the nonbiblical Qumran
manuscripts for nine occurrences: 4Q219 I 37; II 21, 29, 32, 34; 4Q274 3 ii 8; 4Q321a V 5;
4Q3794 4; and 4Q40S 23 ii 3.
In what is likely a parallel development to the spelling with he and perhaps
influenced by the spelling of the negative particle, ~,~, the third masculine singular suffix
is also written in 'l QIsae with the digraph 'alep (HDSS §100.51) in 17 of 75 instances
of the suffix with the prepositions ~ and a (III 16 = 3:11, etc.). In three instance the
digraph-suffix also occurs with the short words 0.11 (XLIII 10 = 51:22; LI 7 = 63:11)
and ~~ (XXXVI 7 = 42:25). This spelling occurs only 6 times in the rest of the biblical
corpus-once in the conflict tefillin 4Q140 and 5 times in 4QSamC-but in 142 instances
among the nonbiblical Qumran scrolls, in every case with ~ (9) and :J (133).
3.232 Feminine (HDSS §321.13; QH 156-57) - Of the 13 occurrences of the long
form (il~'il) of the third feminine singular pronoun in the corpus of the biblical DSS, 5
are found in 1Q Isa-. This form is unique to Qumran Hebrew. Of the 15 occurrences of
the third feminine singular pronoun in the scroll, there are no long forms among the 6 in
the first half of the scroll, but 5 long forms among the 9 in the second half; see §6 below.
twice short where m has a long form (XXIV 29 = 56:11; XXVIII 7 = 65:23), once long
where m has a short form (XXVIII 7 = 65:24), and agreeing twice when both the scroll
and mare long (XXVII 17 = 63:8; XXVIII 12 = 66:3).
3.242 Third person feminine plural (HDSS §321.16) - The feminine plural rurt
only occurs twice in m, at 41:22 and 51:19. In the latter case (XLIII 7 = 51:19) the
scroll has the masculine (i10i1 o'nlD). Although Qimron speculates that the masculine
could also stand for the feminine, in light of the occurrence XXXIV 28 = 41 :22 it is more
likely a grammatical error.
number gained (229) as lost (212). 1QIsab is closer to the overall norm (55% added, 16
of 29 variations).
A full treatment of this phenomenon has as yet not been published but several foci
are evident.U The verbal system reflects nearly half of all variations in 1QIsaa (161)
with additions dominating (115). The waw is added to nearly every verbal form, with
the imperfect shift to waw+imperfect (46 times, see ~(D" at III 10 = 3:7) and imperfect to
waw+perfect (21, see '~::l" at X 2S =
11:7) garnering the focus of scribal attention.
A pattern that is quite evident, especially in 1QIsaa, is the penchant for adding waw
before the particle ~L;l. This pattern occurs on 33 occasions in the larger scroll (e.g. II 13
= 2:4) while the reverse is found only twice (XL 12 = 48:6 and XL 12 = 48:7). This
tendency is somewhat evident in the rest of the biblical manuscripts; although with 21
additions and 17 losses, it is not nearly so striking. 1QIsa b has two additions (XXI 3 =
48:18 and XXV 10 = 58:4) as opposed to one loss (XXV 9 = 58:3).
The variations of waw suggest a certain prosaic tendency in 1Q'Isa" (see XI 17 =
13:8), since the scribe adds waw 83 times in poetic passages while omitting 43. 14 It is
often difficult, however, to determine whether the scribe was motivated by a desire to
make poetry read more like prose, or whether he was pressed by other factors, e.g. the
inclination to add a waw before verbs or the negative particle, as discussed above. In
addition, the 43 omissions hardly evidence a consistent program. Another factor in
favour of some prosaic tendency in 1Q Isaa is the 52 additions of the definite article
(LLBIS 411) as opposed to 28 omissions, 18 additions of the nota accusativi (na,
LLBIS 412) against only 3 losses, and 35 additional prepositions (LLBIS 403-410)
versus only 3 deductions. This pattern requires further study.
13See J. Jacobs, 'A Comprehensive Analysis of the Conjunction Waw in the Biblical Dead Sea Scrolls: Variants
and Their Implications' (M.A. thesis, Trinity Western University, 2008).
14Jacobs, 'Comprehensive Analysis'.
1S470 variations among 18,690 verbs.
16At this point in the preparation of the biblical database we have accounted for approximately 6,000 'real'
variants in the corpus ofjust under 100,000 total words.
the time of the Mishnah it is not used at all aside from biblical quotations-it is
noteworthy that only 14 variants might be explained by this influence. Six of these are
replaced by waw plus the unconverted-perfect (see ~"p' at VIII 24 = 9:5) and 5 with a
simple imperfect (see nlD' at V 1 = 5:15). The remaining 3 instances are divided among
shifts to the simple perfect (~i1'il at XI 8 = 12:2), to waw plus the simple imperfect ("£)rD"
at V 1 = 5:15), and to the participle (~.v,', at XXXVII 18 = 44:12). When combined,
these amount to a 5.7% reduction in the number of waw consecutives, but clearly the
cause is as much interpretive (arguably 7 of the 14 cases) as it is evidence of a decline in
the preterite form. It is also worthy of mention that there are 6 variations towards the
preterite form (e.g. 'il""n', at XLIV 17 = 53: 10). Saenz-Badillos' conclusion that 'The
continued use of waw-consecutive with the prefix-conjugation (less often with the suffix-
conjugation) lends an air of antiquity', appears justified. 17
1Qlsaa does, however, exhibit a more significant degree of variation involving the
waw-consecutive with the suffix conjugation. Of the approximately 450 occurrences in m
of Isaiah, 1Qlsaa reveals 40 deviations (9%), a shift to waw plus the simple imperfect
being the most common, with 25 occurrences (e.g. nlD" at II 19 = 2:11). Conversely,
however, there are 47 verbal variations which result in a waw plus perfect combination,
only 28 of these are consecutive (e.g. '~::1'" at X 25 = 11 :7), while 19 are simple waw plus
the perfect (e.g. ~"p' at VIII 24 = 9:5). The size of this latter group serves to underline
Saenz-Badillos' conclusion that the consecutive occurs 'less often with the suffix-
conjugation' in the biblical manuscripts.l"
Waw plus the simple imperfect (w<Jyiqtol) accounts for only 3% of the verbal system
in m but doubles to 6% in the Qumran nonbiblical manuscripts.J? This notable shift is
paralleled by a 21 % corpus-wide increase-as compared to m-in this combination
among the DSS biblical manuscripts.J? Nearly 75% of these instances occur in lQlsaa
(79 gained and 14 lost), which exhibits an approximately 40% increase over m of Isaiah
(l59 occurrences). This escalation is likely to be accounted for by three factors: the
overall increase in the use of the conjunctive waw in general (§4.1), a decrease in the use
of the perfect consecutive (as noted above), and likely the diminished use of the waw
with the simple imperfect to impart a telic sense.
rather curiously account for every incident of this type of variation among the biblical
21See m~~ iT1iT' (lQIsa') for rrrr (m) at 19:12 as the only other correction.
22M. Burrows, 'Variant Readings in the Isaiah Manuscript (continued)', RASOR 113 (1949) 24-32.
hand appears to be the same scribe who copied 4QSam c (see the tetrapuncta once at
1 Sam 25:31 and twice at 2 Sam 15:8), lQS (see VIII 14) and 4Q175 (line 1).23
23E. Ulrich, 'The Absence of "Sectarian Variants'", in The Bible as Book: The Hebrew Bible and the Judaean
Desert Discoveries (ed. E. D. Herbert and E. Tov; London: The British Library & Oak Knoll Press, 2002) 187-88.
24 1 am indebted to my graduate assistant, Benjamin Parker, who alerted me to many of the details in this section.
perhaps the scribe (or his source text) used one manuscript for copying the first half
and a different one for the second half-we may never fully know.
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lQIsa a
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Literature (Pericope 4; Assen: Koninklijke Van Gorcum, 2003) 279-307.
indicate the end of one work or major section ('First Isaiah') and the beginning of a new
work or major section ('Second Isaiah'; d. 4QpaleoGen-Exod 1) . The final column was
dry-ruled across from the previous column all the way down past where the text stops.
Its eighteen inscribed lines complete the text of Isaiah, and its eleven remaining lines are
blank, except for 'io~ ('He has spoken'; d. Isa 57:14; 4Qplsab I 3; 4QFlor I 7; etc.). In
cols. XXVIII and XXXIII later scribes added extra lines of writing (see also cols. XXX
and XXXII), while in col. XLIII the original scribe added a line at the top after noticing
an omission of six words due to homoioteleuton. Since all four margins are preserved for
all fifty-four columns, the margins are not noted in the transcriptions.
Plate E shows additional material now in the collection of Martin Schoyen: small pieces
of a scroll, of repair material, and possibly of a handle sheet, which are believed to be
part of 1QIsa'' (see the Preface to Part 1). Although their origin cannot be confirmed
with certainty, the pieces look very much like they could have been part of 1Qlsaa; see
the damage and repair of col. XII on Plate D. Moreover, John Trever relates that
Metropolitan Samuel told him that '[f]ragments of the cover ... were still attached to
the first column' when the scroll was brought to him. Trever also notes that the 'needle
holes on col. I clearly indicate the existence of some kind of cover' (Burrows, p. xiii).
The entire contents of the Book of Isaiah are preserved except for a few words in
places where the leather has cracked off, causing the loss of one or several full words
from certain verses:
1:21,23-26 5:10-14 8:7 14:27, 29
2:15,17,19-21 7:9-12,14-15 10:13-14 45:10-14
Vertical ruling is visible for many of the columns, and horizontal ruling is
intermittently visible, especially at the bottom of the final columns of each main section,
XXVII and LIV. Frequent use of the scroll caused darkening or fading in the central
part horizontally in the early columns and caused fading of the ink especially on the last
column. The manuscript was also damaged in antiquity, requiring repair; see especially
col. XII (Plates D and XII).
Columns I-XXVII
j1 YJ tJ \ J -::tl
Columns XXVIII-LIV o
2. When there were only a few letters that would not fit at the end of a line, the scribe wrote the
III 13
remaining letters above the line:
(3:9) 1')i'l XXX 9 (37:4) iin~~m
III 19 (3:14) ~'nn~ XXX \1. (37:6) c'''~1i'l
II I 25 (3: 18) c,O'~.I}i'l XLV 10 (54:11) Tn,.,lO"
IThe reasons, with bibliography, are conveniently listed in Tov, Scribal Practices, p. 21.
4. The scribe ligatured samek to pe virtually only in the single word ~O;:, (see Table 2):
VII 14 (7:23) ~O;:, XXXVII 3 (43:24) ~O;:':::l
XL 15 (48:10) ~O;:':::l
XLV 19 (55:1) ~O;:' <2")
5. When a waw, yod, or he preceded a medial lamed, the scribe occasionally skipped that letter and
began to write the lamed instead, but stopped, and, without erasing the tall stroke, wrote the correct letter
followed by the full lamed (see the Plates):
VII 7 (7: 19) C1''/''?ifJ,1 XL 26 (48:21) 1;:,''?1if
XI II 3 (14: 31) ''?'~'if LIII6 (65:23) if'?if:::l'
XIII 24 (16:7) ~,'?"
XX 8 (25:9) m'll
6. In addition to the customary methods of making corrections, such as erasure and blotting out, the
scribe crossed out words or letters with a single or double line:
II 12 1'3; XI 10 -R3 XXXVII 18 ~i •n; XLIX 17 ~•
7. He used cancellation dots above, below, and before and after to delete letters or words:
III 24,25; VII 2,27; X 23 XXVIII 12,18; XXIX 3, 10; XXXI 5; XXXIV 26; XL 9
9. He inserted supralinear corrections further to the left or right than they should have been:
I 9,28; XII 31 XXXII 2
Subsequent Scribes
In addition to the original scribe, at least three, and possibly as many as seven,
distinctive hands can be discerned contributing to the transmission of the scroll. The
original scribe copied the manuscript toward the end of the second century BCE, c.125-
100, and clearly he is the one who made most of the corrections. He could well have
been responsible for the heavy over-writing in the final column and for other such
heavy letters throughout (see, e.g., in col. XL, ~'::l in line 13, rv1ir:l in 21, and the supralinear
::l in 29). There are two other sets of insertions which mayor may not be due to him. It
mayor may not have been the original scribe who was responsible for the large insertion
at col. XXX lO-llb (37:4-7) and the last four words at XLIV 15 (53:8; see NOTE). A
similar Hasmonaean hand, less likely attributed to the original scribe, made the large
insertion at XXXII 12-14 (38:20; but see below for the immediately following insertion at
XXXII 14) as well as the supralinear correction at XLIX 2 (61 :1).
A generation later, c.100-75, the scribe who (probably at Qumran) copied 1QS,
4QSam c , and 4QTest inserted XXXIII 7 (40:7; see NOTE).
About a century after the original production, one or possibly as many as three clear
Herodian hands (c.3O-1 BCE) added one short and three lengthy insertions which by
then may have become customarily added when the text was recited. Those at XXXII 14
(38:21-22) and XXXIII 14-16 (40:14b-16) appear to be by the same hand, and it is not
unlikely that the tiny script of the long insertion at XXVIII 19a-19b (34:17-35:2) and the
two-word insertion at XXXIII 19 (40:20) are also by the same hand.
The cursive taw added supralinearly at X 15 (10:28) shows no sign of connection with
any of the hands above; it is clearly different from the cursive taw in rl,~=:lrl at IX 27
(10: 12), which is most likely attributable to the original scribe.
There is no clear system of orthography in 1QIsaa, as there is none in m or in other
Qumran MSS, though there are clear tendencies toward shorter or fuller spelling in each.
For the characteristic spelling of frequent words and (meaning-neutral morphological)
forms see Table 3, which records many of these forms, usually in their first occurrence.
There is no evidence to support, and much to challenge, the idea that the scribes knew
and intentionally distinguished the grammatical categories of long vs. short vowels. That
is, they used matres lectionis to mark sounds, not necessarily length. The Linguistic
Profile in the main Introduction treats the orthography in detail, but orthographic lists
(see Tables 3-6) and a few observations can be offered here.
1Q'Isa'' usually exhibits longer forms than those of m. Table 4, however, lists forms
for which m is longer; Table 5 lists forms where 1QIsaa and mpresent alternate spellings.
Table 6 then collects the remaining orthographic differences between the two traditions;
in an effort to be inclusive in cases of doubt or possible usefulness, certain phonological
and morphological forms are also listed, as well as some that may be textual variants.
Characteristic, but not consistent, are full spellings for: !;l1); ~1!;l; ,rJ1~'; !;lcnp (for the
Qal participle); nn-, i1)- (for the anomalous 1;1-, ~- as in mL ) ; and ncn-, ncc-. The form
~1' is used both for~? frequently and for i!;l (9:2 = VIII 20; 40:10 = XXXIII 10; 57:18 =
XLVII 18). Similarly, ~1:l is used both for ~j frequently and for i:l (37:7 = XXX lIb
[corr 1 m]; 37:10 = XXX IS; 40:7 = XXXIII 7S UP [corr 2 m]; 65:8 = LII 9).
rl~1r is very common in both sections of l QIsa'' (e.g. IX 7,12,18; XXXIX I, 13,27), but
m~r occurs in four instances (III 9 = 3:6; V 13 = 5:25; VIII 26 = 9:6; and XXXI 12 =
37:33). The alternate forms Cl!;liD1,' and Cl'!;liD1" also occur both in the first half of the
scroll (e.g. Cl!;liD1,' in 1:1; 3:1 but Cl'!;liD1" in 2:1; 8:14) and in the second half (e.g. Cl!;liDlI' in
52: 1 but Cl'!;liD1" in 36:2; 44:28). These and other predictable forms, such as ')1J~ 6: 5 =
V 26 ('):J~ m); i1'~rJ 31:1 = XXV 24 (i~rJ m); and 1',n' 60:13 = XLIX 16 (1,n' m), will not
be listed in Table 6. Most of the forms in Table 3 occur both in the first and in the
second half of the manuscript.
The name Hezekiah is spelled four different ways by the main scribe: i1'prn' 36: 14;
37:3,5, etc.; i1'prn' 1:1), il'prn (36:1, 2, etc.), i1'pnn (36:15, 16; 37:10 etc.) i1'pnn' (37:3"',
5, etc.; 38:1, 2, etc.; 39:1, 2a, etc.; i1'pr'n' 39:2b). In addition to those spellings (including
supralinear insertions) by the main scribe, one form is corrected from i1'pnn' to i1'prn'
(37:3, possibly by the same hand that made the heavy ink strokes over the letters in
column LIV), and a Herodian hand added i1'prn in 38:22. In m, by contrast, the name
appears as 1i1'prn' in 1:1 and has been made consistent as 1i1'prn in chapters 36-39.
64 6:10 iT1~ F~
69 6:13 tI1i1p tI1ip
7 20 8:2 F11J iiiJ
829 9:10 ::l'1~ ::l'~
918 10:4
"" ", 17 10 22:6
"P' i'P'
10 12 10:25 Om?:ln On'?:Jn 17 25 22:18 5l~ ~'J~
2214 28:13 ,~
1~ 38 17 45:10 l"1n[n l','nn
2214 28:13 1~' 38 24 45:16 C'i1~ C'i'~
Col., line Isaiah lQI saa mL Col., line Isaiah lQI saa mL
4228 51:12 ii~'ii ~'ii 4410 53:5 ~:",c, ~~':lC
4228 51:12 'n~ n~ 4410 53:5 1~'nm'l1C '~'nJ'l1C
433 51:16 ~'Cl1 '011 4411 53:5 1'n"'~:J' 'ni~n:J'
436 51:17 nl1:J'p nl1:JR 4411 53:6 1~'~~ 1~~~
436 51:17 'n'ntzl n'ntzl 44 12 53:6 11'11 1'~
43 7 51:19 '~n~.,p Tn~,p 44 12 53:7 ii~'i1' ~'i11
43 7 51:19 ,~'/ 1'/ 4413 53:7 'ii'~ "~
438 51:20 '~"11 '~'.p 44 14 53:7 'i1'~ "~
438 51:20 ':J~'tzl ':J~~ 44 14 53:8 i~'110 "~l1C
439 51:20 "C~'O .,O~O 4414 53:8 np" np7
43 10 51:21 ni'~ ni~tzl, 44 15 53:8 l1JU l1J~
61 :7
,p 51 7
51 s
63: 11
63: 11
509 61:10 1il1)) 1il) ' 51 s 63: 12 il~1r.:l il~r.:l
The Book of Isaiah is a compilation of many types of literature, and there is a wide
range of categories of division between the various units: from different source traditions
(Isaiah of Jerusalem vs. II-Isaiah vs. 2 Kings) and genres (Isaiah 1 vs. 12 vs. 24-27) to
paragraphs, sentences, phrases, and even word-divisions. In contrast to the numerous
gradations of division, there is a limited selection of types of division-markers that
ancient scribes had available: a full blank line, the end of a line left blank, indentation, a
space left within a line which then continues, a paragraphos marker in the margin,
routine word-division, and major and minor forms of several of those. Most
manuscripts, including 1QIsaa, m, and ~, display no internally consistent system and no
consistent agreement with other traditions. The sense-divisions seen in the Isaiah scrolls
and m demonstrate that lack of system (see Ulrich, 'Impressions and Intuition').
One type of division that mayor may not be perceptible in ancient texts is the
understood division between sentences or verses. Unless space greater than routine
word-division is left, scribes can divide sentences at different points. The example of Isa
19:15-16, seen in the VARIANTS, shows a clear example of three (or, if the space in
1QIsa b is due to a blemish, at least two) different understandings by Hebrew scribes
and the OG translator. Numerous other examples, less perceptible in the Hebrew texts
but clear in the Greek, can be seen in the VARIANTS list (e.g. 3:17-18; 23:1-2; 34:9-10;
40: 19-20; etc.). Two additional points argue against the view that 'original' ancient
sense-divisions were passed on safely by subsequent scribes and are reflected in the
divisions found in extant manuscripts, including ffi; one is demonstrable from Psalm
119, the other is theoretical, although abundant instances could be produced.
Psalm 119 is a lengthy, highly-structured psalm: an acrostic poem with twenty-two
successive eight-line stanzas, one for each of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. It was
copied in various arrangements, as seen by the manuscripts found at Qumran, and the
divisions are partly determined by the physical dimensions and features of the individual
scroll on which the Psalm is copied. 11 QPsa arranges the lines stichometrically and
separates each 8-line stanza from the next with a blank line; since there are more than
nine lines per column, the ninth, blank line can occur anywhere from top to bottom in
the different columns. In contrast, 4QP s h does not use blank lines for division but
begins each stanza on the line directly following the previous one, rather using a
paragraphos in the margin to signal the end of each stanza (see DJD XVI, pI. XV).
The physical scroll on which 4QPsg was copied was carefully and intelligently
prepared specifically to hold presumably all of and only Psalm 119. It is small in height,
with exactly eight lines per column, and it presumably contained only twenty-two
columns. Thus it was clearly intended to contain one stanza per column, with each
successive letter beginning at the top of the following column. The scribe who copied it,
however-perhaps influenced by seeing or having copied a manuscript of Psalm 119
with many lines per column and a blank line after each stanza (e.g. as in 11QPsa)-
skipped a line after each stanza (see DJD XVI, pp. 107-12 and pl. XV). He thus totally
frustrated the intended arrangement and probably caused an embarrassing surprise at
the end of the manuscript when there were insufficient columns to complete the text.
These three differing arrangements disprove claims of 'original' ancient sense-divisions
passed on faithfully by subsequent scribes.
A theoretical consideration also argues against later scribes' ability to reflect the
divisions in the source text with consistency. A source text would often have a blank
space at the end of a line concluding a section, followed by the next line beginning at the
right margin. But when the amount of text to be written by the next scribe happened to
fill out that last line, then the scribe could not reflect the source text exactly. His only
options were to indent the next section, leave an entire blank line, or continue with no
division. Thus, while there are minor learnings to be gained by studying the sense-
divisions in a manuscript, those divisions cannot be presumed to antedate the last scribe
or scribes in the long sequence of copying.
For 1QIsaa the sense-divisions are listed at the bottom of each page of the Tran-
scription (see also Table 7). They show that 1Q Isa- has an interval at all the major new
40.1 e+P E 0
. b: E
.3 W
.6 E e + i
.9 e
.12 e w
.17 E + 2L E + i
.25 E b:w
.27 E w
41.1 E e + L
.2 P + i
.5 P + i [-]
.7 w
.8 E + X? w
.12 E+X?+L
.14 w e + i
.17 e+P L W
.19b w
.21 P+W L E
.25 w + X?
.27 E
42.1 E + X? e
.5 e e + L b: E h: [w]
.10 e e b: L h: E
.13 P + i
.18 e w g: [w]
.21 w + X?
.24aj3 w
43.1 E e g:w
.3 E g: -
.8 w?
.9 w
.11 E e+i
.14 E E + i b: [i]
.16 P + i e+i b:E
.22 V g: e + I
.23b w
.25 w
.26 w + X?
.27 w
E End of line, large--major W blank Within line, large--major L Line fully blank
e end of line, small-major or minor w blank within line, small-minor P paragraphos
Indentation, large--major V blank of unknown length, large--major no division
indentation, small-minor? v blank of unknown length, small-minor x sign in margin
[] reconstructed but probable
44.1 P+W w v
.2 e
.2b w
.5b w
.6 E E c: [v]
.9 w
.12 w
.13 w
.18 w
.21 e E + i b: e + I
.23 E [-] b:-
.24 P+W E [-] b: I; c:v
.28 w+X?
45.1 P+W e+ i e+ I c: no 1
.5 w [-]
.8 E E c: [-]
.9 I E + i
.10 w e+ i [-]
.11 P+W [-]
.13 w
.14 e L v
.17 w
.18 E E
.20b w
46.1 w b: [w]
.3 E E + i b:e
.5 w I [-]
.7a~ w
.8 w e+ i
.9 w
.lib w d:-
.12 E E + i E c: [E] d: [-]
47.1 E w [-] d: [-]
.4 w w
.5 w [-] d: [-]
.6b w [-]
.8 w [-]
.11b E
48.1 E
.3 \V E + i
.10 w d: -
.12 E e+i d: i
.17 P + i e W d: i
.17b~ d: w
.20 P + i
sections ascribed to different compilers (Isaiah 13; 24; 28; 34; 36; 40; 56). Codex
Leningradensis has many of those marked, but it has no division at all before chapters
28 and 34, and only a minor division before 36. The contrast at Isaiah 34 is remarkable,
since 1QIsaa leaves three entire lines blank, signalling the major division between the
'Isaiah of Jerusalem' collection and the post-exilic collection, whereas m- does not seem
to recognize the division.
Table 7 provides a comparative listing of the sense-divisions in 1Q'Isa", m, and the
other Isaiah scrolls for a representative section, chapters 40-48; this should be sufficient
to confirm the lack of any system. The symbols used are explained in the Table.
Readers who use BHS should be aware that the symbols listed for mL in the Table are
descriptive of the divisions as they occur in Codex Leningradensis, which is written in
prose format; the :l and 0 symbols printed in BHS for Isaiah, which is arranged in
stichometric format, can be misleading, for they are not found in Leningradensis and
sometimes do not accurately indicate the divisions in the Codex. For example, BHS
inserts 0 before Isa 55:6; 56;1; and 56:4; but in each case Leningradensis leaves the end
of the line blank and indents the line beginning the new section.
It is instructive to focus on one small passage in detail. In 44:1-46:1, 1QIsaa has 25
sense-divisions. For 14 (i.e. more than half) mhas none; for 8 major divisions in 1Q'Isa"
m has 5 major but 3 minor divisions; and for 3 minor divisions in 1QIsaa m has
3 major divisions. Finally, in Table 7 note that 1QIsaa has divisions 9 times in the
middle of what m considers a continuous 'verse'.
Scribal Marks
A prominent feature in 1QIsaa is the presence of scribal markings, which may be
grouped into three categories, each apparently serving a different purpose.
Paragraphos. By far the most frequent scribal marking in 1QIsaa is the paragraphos.
The sign is used to mark the end of a section of text and is located just beneath the
beginning (the right side) of the final line of its section, at the right margin (with a lone
exception of XXVI 31, where, since the line is indented, the p ar agr aphos is also
The paragraphos occurs sixty-six times in one of two main forms: a horizontal line
(roo-; but see below), or a circular loop atop the horizontal line (.4-). The first form is by
far the more frequent, occurring sixty times in 1QIsaa. It is found in thirty-three
columns of the scroll, notably VIII (6 times), and XXXIV, XL, and XLI (4 times each),
but it is absent from twenty-one columns (I, III, VI, IX, XII-XV, XVII-XVIII, XX-
XXI, XXIX-XXXIII, XXXV, XXXIX, XLVII, and XLIX). This form of the para-
graphos occurs 27 times in the first half of the scroll (cols. I-XXVII) and 33 times in the
second half (cols. XXVIII-LIV). Although it is uniformly shown as roo- in this edition,
slightly different forms can be identified: a straight or slightly curved horizontal line; the
horizontal line with a small hook usually on the left; and the horizontal line with small
hooks on both the right and left ends. These differences do not appear to be
intentionally different; thus, though they could constitute stylistic evidence for more than
one scribal hand, they are probably all by the same scribe.
The second form of paragraphos (.4-) occurs only six times, once each in columns
XXVIII 27 (before Isa 36:1), XXXII 28 (40:1), XXXV 22 (42:13), XXXVIII 6 (45:1),
XLIII 21 (52:7), and XLIX 5 (60:1). The line listed is the final line of the section; the
chapter-verse numbers designate the beginning of the new section. The only discernible
pattern seems to be the marking of the beginning and the end of the historical section
(Isaiah 36-39) parallel to 2 Kings. There are several possible explanations, in
descending order of plausibility, for the absence of.A- from the first half of the scroll
(cols. I-XXVII) and its presence only within the second half (cols. XXVIII-LIV):
(a) The form may have occurred at only these six points in the scroll from which
1Q Isa- was copied, and was correctly transcribed from that source scroll. (b) A single
scribe who copied the entire manuscript may have used this form of the paragraphos to
signal the six passages as in some way distinctive. (c) The distribution may indicate that
the first and second halves were copied by different scribes. (d) Whereas the three
explanations so far presume that the scribe(s) who copied the scroll also inserted the
paragraphoi, it is also possible that a later person inserted them.
Taw. The second category is the mark X, probably a Palaeo-Hebrew taw. It appears
thirteen times in the manuscript, including the occurrence in col. XVI II 2, which is
differently formed and thus is possibly by a different hand than the one responsible for
the other twelve. Similar signs are known from 1QpHab, although the different way
they are formed there makes it clear that they are not by the same hand(s) that
produced the marks in 1Q'Isa". All eleven occurrences in 1QpHab occur at the left of the
column they mark, since they are all inside or written upon the left marginal ruling.
Since seven of the occurrences mark a passage with (,),tli~, it seems clear that their
purpose is to signal a passage deemed significant to an ancient reader. Although the
purpose appears to be the same in 1 Qf sa", other questions remain unanswered: which
scribe(s) or reader(s) inserted the marks, and are they placed in the right or left margin
of the column they mark? Visually, the marks at XXVI 9, XXVI 18, XLI 5, and LIII 17
appear to be placed in the right margin of their column, since they occur between
stitched sheets and are on the new sheet with the column following the stitching. In some
doubtful cases, the significance of the passage also favours the right margin (XLVII I 9).
On the other hand, the marks appear to be in the left column probably at XVIII 2, and
possibly at XXXIV 10 and 15. In the Transcription the marks are placed to the right or
left of the column as seems more appropriate, but in some cases of doubt (XXXIV vs.
XXXV 10 and 15; XXXV vs. XXXVI 3; XXXVII vs. XXXVIII 5; XLV vs. XLVI 10,13,
and 23) they are placed at both points. But, whereas the paragraphoi were probably
written by the scribe who copied the text and may reflect the source text, the X
markings were probably introduced by a subsequent reader with the purpose of marking
important passages.
Other Marks and Symbols. The third category is a series of marks mainly in the right
margin. TABLE 8 lists the symbols as well as tentative suggestions for their possible
identification, mostly from DJD XXXIX (pp. 336-38). As with the X markings, it is
likely that these symbols were inserted, not by the original copyist, but by a subsequent
reader or readers for the purpose of marking passages that were considered important.
In the lower part of the bottom margin of col. XXXII there is a dark mark, similar to
this: G . It is unlikely, however, to be the ink of an intentional symbol; note that there
are no other letters or symbols near the top edge or the bottom edge of the manuscript.
Finally, notice the mark in the right margin at XLIX 14 (60: 10).
Textual Character
More precise understanding and assessment of a manuscript's textual character can be
gained by distinguishing different, usually unrelated aspects of variation: orthographic
profile, individual textual variants, isolated interpretive insertions, literary edition, and,
if relevant, text-family groupings within different editions. The analysis here will consider
only the text that the original scribe produced, not additions by subsequent scribes.
Orthography. The orthographic character of 1QIsaa has been described above, both
in the Linguistic Profile and in the Orthography section. The evidence shows that
neither the Qumran nor the Masoretic text maintains a consistent orthographic system,
although both show definite tendencies. 1QIsab and m: not infrequently display longer
forms than those in 1QIsaa (see Table 4), but in general the spelling in 1 Qf sa" is
noticeably fuller than that in 1QIsab and m: (see Tables 3 and 6). The fuller spelling is
probably reflective of the increasingly fuller spelling of the late Second Temple period,
visible also in the nonbiblical scrolls, Targumic Aramaic, and elsewhere. It is unlikely
that the orthographic style characteristic of the scrolls was limited to Qumran, since
many 'Qumranic' features can be found replicated in m: in different loci, in general
Jewish literature (i.e. non-sectarian scrolls), and in other sources. The fact that the
scrolls were found at Qumran does not mean that all, or even most, were copied there.
Rather, as Kutscher concluded, 'the linguistic anomalies of 1 [Qj lsa" reflect the Hebrew
and Aramaic currently spoken in Palestine towards the end of the Second
Commonwealth' (LLBIS, 3). Sukenik concurred: 'as early as the period of the Second
Temple, it had become customary to facilitate reading through the extensive use of the
plene spelling, not only in books composed at the time but also in the ancient books of
the Bible' (DSSHU, 31).
There is a common assumption that, since 1QIsaa was found at Qumran, it was
copied at the site. That is, however, an unproven assumption. The assumption may be
correct, but it may equally be incorrect, and the early date of 1QIsaa reduces the
likelihood that it was copied at Qumran. At any rate, the manuscript quite likely reflects
the orthography of the source text from which it was copied, which would certainly have
antedated the settlement at Qumran. That the orthography is not necessarily due to this
scribe but may reflect its source text is supported by another consideration. The basic
composition of Isaiah 34-66 is generally later than that of 1-33, and thus can be
expected to display a fuller orthography. The fact that a single scribe copied the entire
manuscript, yet the orthographic character is more full in the latter part, indicates that
the orthography of 1Ql sa" is not due primarily to this scribe.
Textual Variants. The full list of individual textual variants is provided in the
TEXTUAL VARIANTS section of the 1Q Isa- edition. Listed as variants are those readings
in which 1QIsaa differs from another Qumran scroll or m L, g, rnss ~ in more than mere
orthography or meaning-neutral morphology, though ambiguous cases are included.
The witness of ~ is often presented when its Hebrew Vorlage can be determined with
reasonable confidence. The witness of other versions is occasionally given but, since the
Targum, Peshitta, and Vulgate have been revised to conform to forerunners of m, they
are generally not useful for determining the early forms of the text in sufficient
magnitude to warrant systematic collation in this volume.
Since the number of textual variants is well over 2,600, detailed analysis is impossible
here, but the full list now provides the possibility of, and indeed invites, systematic study.
The full spectrum of normal variants can be seen in 1QIsa'' as well as in the other
witnesses. Sometimes 1Q'Isa" contains the superior reading, sometimes m L, mg , mmss, ~,
or another scroll contains the superior reading. Thus, all witnesses, including m, must
be evaluated word-by-word on an egalitarian basis, with none privileged over others.
Occasionally, all witnesses display erroneous or implausible readings, showing that the
problem entered the text prior to any of the preserved witnesses. The JPS Hebrew
English T'anakh? in its translation of Isaiah lists 'Meaning of Heb. uncertain' or
'Meaning of verse uncertain' almost one hundred times, and suggests 'Emendation
yields .. .' approximately as often. If a committee of eminent specialists with a neatly
printed Hebrew text and with all the scholarly tools available today finds the text
'uncertain' at multiple places, we should not be surprised that ancient scribes as well as
the Greek translator also felt challenged by the text they were copying. They often had
to choose between copying a form which they may not have recognized or may have
thought erroneous and replacing it with their lectio facilior to achieve a sentence that
made sense.
Isolated insertions. The term 'isolated interpretive insertions' denotes complete
thoughts that learned scribes occasionally inserted into the text they were copying when
they considered it appropriate. Such passages range from a single sentence or clause to
full paragraphs, from part of a verse to seven or eight verses.I They may have been
created in various ways: as scribal notes, through oral commentary that had become
customary in a certain community, from passages with similar or contrasting ideas, or as
expressions of a liturgical, pious, or apocalyptic nature.f If such interpretive insertions
are isolated and not linked with other insertions as a part of a patterned series, they are
classified in this category of isolated interpretive insertions. If there are a number of
coordinated insertions with the same pattern, showing substantial harmonizations,
revisions, or tendencies by a single scribe (as seen, e.g., in 4QpaleoExodm , 4QNumb , the
Samaritan Pentateuch, etc.), these would form a new edition of a book. The Hebrew
and Greek manuscripts of Isaiah do not show this latter pattern; rather they all witness
to single edition.
Within this single edition, however, 1Q Isa- and m do contain two isolated interpretive
insertions (2:22 and 36:7b) highlighted by the shorter Greek text (see Table 9). The
Table also shows that 1 Q'Isas in turn highlights seven more interpretive insertions in m
that apparently had not yet entered the text when 1QIsaa and its source text were
formed: 2:9b-10; 34: 17-35:2; 37:5-7; 38:20b-22; 40:7 (or 7a~-8a); 40: 14b-16; and
63:3a~-ba. The large additions in m can be found in the TEXTUAL VARIANTS, and,
whereas full explanations of these insertions would require excessive length for these
pages, the analysis can be found in Ulrich, 'The Developmental Composition'. It should
be noted that the OG agrees with 1QIsaa in not yet having the insertion that occurs in
mat 40:7.
In light of these seven large insertions in m that were not yet present in the text of
1QIsaa, Kutscher's judgement (LLBIS, 2-3) that '1 [Qj Isa- reflects a later textual type
than the Masoretic Text' must be clarified. His judgement centred on linguistic clues:
'orthography, pronunciation, morphology, vocabulary, syntax', and we can fully agree
with him. With regard to most individual linguistic features, 1Q'Isa" does exhibit a later
profile; however, with regard to the development of the text, the case is the reverse.
These seven major secondary additions indicate that m displays a later stage of textual
development than that of l Q'Isa'', even if the linguistic features of m did not undergo as
much updating as those of 1 Qf sa-.
Not to be confused with the instances of interpretive insertions are two other large
quantitative variants. These two readings, though large, should be classified merely as
individual textual variants, since 1QIsaa has simply lost through parablepsis text
correctly preserved in the m and ~ traditions:
4:5-6 ClO" 1QIsaa (ClO"I1C10")] i15Jn ":0 "::l "ll '::l (m~a' i1"''')o[jo'' i1::1," tD~ i1JJ, [ltDll' 00"]
]06;' "::C"
[i1'i1n] (m i1::l0,);,::l,0,6 4QIsaam~
16:8-9 i10:::ltD 15JJ 1QIsaa (i10:::ltDni10:::ltD)] ,tDOJ i1'mn"tD .,:::l'0 'lln 'llJJ .,rll' 1ll i1'p,.,tD ,o"n CI"J '''ll:::l i10:::ltD 15JJ
i10:::ltD 15JJ .,rll' '::l:::l:::l i1::l:::l~ P "ll9 CI' ,.,:::lll 1QIsa b me
large section (c.12 lines) is unprecedented. The verses are not at all required by the context but seem intrusive; thus
they are most likely a later addition after a century or more of the development of the text of j eremish.
4An illustration of interpretive insertions is provided by pious, liturgical additions in the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6
and Luke 11. The prayer was presumably prayed in common worship; gradually a doxology became a fixed
conclusion in certain communities, and the doxology eventually came to added into many Greek :\188 of Matthew 6.
Similarly, an invocation to the Holy Spirit entered part of the Lucan tradition.
Isaiah Insertions in m
Insertions in both l Qlsa" and m highlighted by 16
34:17-35:2 n?l:'~n::l(2) ni~n1 i1~iD ?Jn1 i1'l:'1 i~'O cmDtZ1'35:1 0 :i1~ 1D~' i1'1 i"? i11~i" (C?1D '.Il)
o :1J'i1?~ i'i1 rrrr '1~::l 1~i' i10i1 11i~i11 ?Oi::li1 i'i1 i1? 1m pJ~?i1 '1:J.) pi1 n?'J ~~ ?Jn1 ni~n ni~(2)
37: 5- 7 ~i'n ?~ rrrr iO~ i1::l C::l'Ji~ ?~ pio~n i1::l 1i1'D~' Ci1'?~ iO~'16 :1i1'.IltD' ?~ 1i1'prn 1?0i1 ',:J.Il 1~~'15
1l:'i~ ?~ ~~1 i1D10~ .Il0~1 rm 1~ 1n1J 'JJi17 :'n1~ i1~~ 1?0 'iDJ 1~'J i~~ n.IlO~ i~~ C'i~'i1 'J~O
:1l:'i~~ :Jin:J 1'n?~m
40:14b-16 1~~nJ C'Jr~o pn~::l1 '?'O iO.) C'1J 1i115 :1JD"1' mmn T'" nD' 1i1iO?'1 (O~~O ni~~ 1i1iO?")
c :i1?1D" r~ 1n'n1 iD~ 'i r~ 11J~?1 16 :?10' pi::l C"~ Ji1
Literary edition. All available manuscript traditions of Isaiah, despite their plur i-
formity, witness to a single edition. Though they contain myriad textual variants, and
though there are at least two isolated interpretive insertions in 1Q Isa" and at least nine
in rn, these expansions do not show a similar pattern; they appear to have been inserted
separately by different scribes for different concerns. The Book of Isaiah clearly
underwent multiple stages of the addition of substantial sections to the text as it
developed literarily, but all the major components had found their place in the
transmitted text prior to the witness of any of the preserved manuscripts.
Within that main literary edition, the proximity and the distance between witnesses
indicate that lQIsa b and mt-, rn q , mmss, l( form a close text-family grouping, whereas
LQ'Isa" and (1;, despite their many agreements, are distant enough from each other and
from the m tradition that they must each be assigned to different text families.
misunderstood forms; but in these cases, though the intended Hebrew is not represented
in the Greek, nonetheless the translator was attempting to translate faithfully what he
believed he saw in the Hebrew Vorlage.
Again, since verse-division was not marked in antiquity, both Hebrew and Greek
manuscripts frequently show different understandings of where the division of the text
should be. Moreover, when the Hebrew poetic style uses parallelism or is simply
repetitious, the OG often presents a single expression to represent a pair in the Hebrew,
but with no loss of meaning.
Finally, the translator uses understandable equivalents for idiomatic Hebrew
expressions and replaces former place names with contemporary ones; the same meaning
is conveyed, however, with no sign of 'actualizing exegesis'. That is, the translator,
while understanding the text to mean one thing, does not knowingly present a different
meaning in order to show that Isaiah's ancient prophecies are being fulfilled in the
present; he is simply using equivalents that were understandable to his community.
3. Similarly, the DC correctly translates mforms sohicli differ from the Qumranform:
1:27 il':::lrD1 lQIsaa] il':::l~1 mLa'a'; il;[:::l]rD1 il':::lrDi[ 4QIsa f ; ~ atx~aAwaLa aUTi'\e; 63(= il':::ltlJ)
2:6 1P'ElrD' lQIsaam63(TToAAcl ... E'yEvt'llh] aVToLe;])a'8'] 1PElO' 4QIsa ba'(EKpOTT]aav)
3:8 'J'j) lQIsaaa'a'] 'Jj) m, OLOTL VUv ETaTTELVwlh] ll;(..Ji1Jj)
55:1 :::l'?m lQIsaa] :::l7r:r1 mLa'a'; Kat aTEap (= :::l?r:n) 63
56:11 O'j),.,illQIsaa] Cl'j)i lQIsa bm (= -Jilj)i); TTOVTjpOI. (= ,j)j)") 63S<l:
7:20 iii':ltDil i.l.1n::1 1QIsaa mL(ili':ltvil) Ii)BO(T41 ~qlLa6w~EV41 = .Ji:ltv) u' a' 6'] T41 Eup41 T41 ~E'YaA4J
KUt ~E~E6oo~EV41(= .Ji~) Ii)
10:17 ltDl'Pl 1Q'Isa" ma'(KUt 0 ayLO£;" ulJToD)] KUt uYLaaEl UlJTOV Ii)
10:18 "::1:11 1QIsaam] alTOa~EU61laETaL (= il::1:1') e
10:18 oo~ 000:1 1QIsaam] 0 </>Euywv (= .J01~) W£;" 0 </>Euywv alTO </>AOY0£;" KULOIlEVT]£;" Ii)
17:11 :mOl 1QIsaa] ::1~:I' m L; KUt W£;" lTuTIjp e
23:3 intD 1QIsaa4QIsaam L(irW)] IlETu~6AwV (= inO·) e
34:17 lp::1 (Cii'? m)i1:l,''? 1QIsaam] ~6aKEa6aL (= ip::1 cn'??) e
44:11 C'tDinl 1QIsaa mL(C'~lO')] KUt KW</>Ot (= C'~llJ') e
55:5 Mipn .l.1,n ~(l)'? ',J 1QIsaa m] E8VT] a OUK J58naav oe E-nLKUMaovTUL oe e (cf v 5a~)
60:21 i~~ 1QIsaamL(i~~)] > 1QIsabm m s ; </>uMaawv (= i~) e
63:19[64:1] iimi" 1QIsaa] n,j.,; 1QIsabm; TpOIloC (= "'.l.1i cf 33:14) ATJIll/JETaL e (see 64:2[3])
63:19[64:1] "T~ 1QIsaam (b'T)] mKTjaoVTuL 6iD(defluerent) (= bT~)
8. The OG often gives a single rendering for a pair of parallel words in the Hebrew:
7:22 ?;,~, tZ1:m iT~On '" iT~On ?;,~, 1QIsaarn] ~OUTUPOV Kat ~EAl </>UYfTal ~
8:13 c:ll:'1.110 ~1m C;'~110 ~1m 1QIsaarn] Kat aiJTae; fOTal OOU </>6~oe; e
10:5 iTOO1 ... t:l:JtZ1 1QIsaarn] "pci138oc ~
11:4 l1tZ1'0:J ... P'l:':J 1QIsaarn] Kpl.OlV e
14:22 ';'J1 1'J(1) 1QIsaarn] Kat OTTEp~a e
23:18 lon' ~(1)?1 1l:'~' ~(1)? 1QIsaarn] OUK aUTole; OUVaXlhlOETaL e
34:1 1:J'tZ1PiT ... .11(1)0tZ1? 1QIsaarn] Kat QXOUOaTE ~
34:4 ?:J(1)J;' ?1:J' 1QIsaarn] lTEOElTal e ('.J'?:JJ)
40:3 iT:Jl.11:J 1:J,m 1QIsaarn] EV Tij Epij~4lll}
45:12 'n~1:J 'n'tZ1.11 1QIsaarn] ETTOI.T]Oa ~
55:7 1J'iT(1)?~ ?~1 ... iT1iT' ?~ 1QIsaarn] ht KUPlOV e
57:15 rrn ?:JtZ11 ~;" n~1 1QIsaarn] Kat OAlYOlPUXOle; e
10. Loss or disturbance of the OG in the LXX transmission, as shown by errors or doublets:
20:1 111.,0 1QIsaarn] Lapvav ~ed; Apva ll}ABQSmss; Lapva ~L; Apvae; ~ms; Apva~a ~mss
46:1 1:JJ 1QIsaarn] b.aywv ~ed; Na~w ~Bmss a'S'
23: 13 1"l:'? 1 Ol sa- rn(t:J"~?)~·] + ou8£ EKEl OOL avaTTauale; fOTaL ~ASLC (repeated from 23: 12)
29:24 np'? I Q'lsa" m~·] + Kat at yAWOOaL at lPEAAI.(oUaaL j.la8ijaovTaL AaAElv ElpijVTlV ~omn (cf
42:10 m?"m 1QIsaa] 'iTn 4QIsa h rn; ~ apXTJ aiJToD (= m?nn) OOcci(fTE TO aiJToD ~ed
44:19 1:l.? ?~ :J'tZ1' ~(1)?1 1QIsaa rn] Kat OUK EAoyl.aaTO TiJ Kap81.q. mJToD OUOE aVEAoYLaaTo fv T1J
lPuxij aiJToD e (dbl)
48:21 C'O l QIsa" m~·] + KaL rrte rm 6 Aaae; j.loD ~omn (cf Exod 17:6)
58:7 (iT);,.,tZ1:J01 1QIsaa1QIsa brn] Kat aTTO TWV olKEiwv o ou ll}0; Kat aTTO TWV OlKElWV TOU
OTTEpj.laTOs oou ~ed mss
Col. l I s a 1:1-26
All four margins of this column, and of all fifty-four columns of this scroll, are
preserved. The top portion of the right edge of the MS shows signs of stitching that
presumably joined it to a blank handle sheet that is no longer attached but is probably
represented in the Schoyen collection (see Plate E and the Introduction to 1Q Isa").
Much of the lower right margin has broken off along the right vertical ruling from lines
12 to 25. Part of the bottom left side of col. I and the bottom right side of col. II has
broken off, from line 22 to the edge of the bottom margin. The lost part measures 3.7 cm
at its narrowest point and 5.1 em at the bottom line.
All references to a scribe refer to the original scribe of the main manuscript unless
noted differently.
L. 1 (1:1) 1il,1l!ZT' and '0\::1. Two supralinear corrections were made by the original scribe ("i'1lrD', '0'::1m).
For the first, note the loss of a common 'ayin at 5:21; 9:7; and 17:4; for '0"::1 see '0" in XXXII 2 (38:10),
1:l'01'il in 4QTest (4Q175) 1:4, and 10'['::1 at Exod 5:13 in 4QGen-Exod a (4Q1) frg. 266.
L. 1 (1:1) l:l?tD1"'1. What appears to be a supralinear yod above lamed (thus Burl) is the top of the
lamed, part of which has flaked off; see the top of the lamed in the first word of the next column.
L. 2 (1: 1) il'Pril'. The first yod was added above the line by the original scribe ('il'prn' m). The name
Hezekiah is spelled four different ways in this :\IS, and two different ways in m(sec the 1QIsaa Introduction).
L. 2 (1:2) The scribe left an interval before v 2; although BHS seems to present one, mL has none here.
L. 3 (1 :2) [']no°,.,,, The original scribe added a mem above the line ('noO,." Ill). Part of the surface of
the leather following taw is lost.
L. 3 (1:3) 1il'~'p. The scribe added yod above the line ('ilJP m).
L. 4 (1:3) pl::1]l1;. Only a few traces of some letters remain due to a hole in the leather.
L. 6 (1: 5b) After ii10 the scribe left a space of 4 mm in the middle of the 'verse'.
L. 7 (1:6) rrrorn. Only the left side of he is visible; sec similarly in iii.,' two lines above.
L. 8 (1:6) 11:ltD::1. Though the final letter may give the appearance of res, note both that the head is
similar to that of the final nun in pm, the opening word of the book, and that the tail descends below the
preceding final mem QOO::1 m).
L. 9 (1:7) n:J~Elo:J. The original scribe added 'alep above the line, presumably intending n:Jm~o:J
(cf. n:JElilO:J at XI 27 [13:19] and n:JEli1o:J m here). The scribe occasionally positions supralinear letters
farther to the left or to the right than expected; cf. line 28 below, XII 31 (14:28), where final hap to follow
-?o., is inserted several letters to the left (thanks to a note from Patrick Skehan), and XXXII 2 (38:10).
L. to (1 :8) rrrec. For the res d. ,::1......, in line 18.
L. II (1 :9) The scribe left an interval at the end of the line before v 10; 0 BHS.
L. 12 (1:10) -;:1'i. A small trace of each letter is visible along the top edge of the hole in the leather.
L. 14 (1: 12) n~,r. The original scribe added an 'alep above the line, possibly to read m~r (sec "OTE on
line 9), but more likely to read n~,r, which is the common spelling in l QIsa'' (sec the l QIsa'' Introduction).
L. 18 (1:15) ':Jiii. The first letter looks more like he than tan' (cf. ':Jin m and P-Q). From the top left
corner there appears to be ink extending left and downward, characteristic of he, whereas no ink ascends
vertically, as would be expected for taw. Moreover, the stance slants down toward the left, as he does
occasionally (see ilO in line 6) but taw rarely if ever.
L. 20 (1: 17) Above :rO'il meaningless marks appear on some photographs but not on others; they are
not part of the MS.
L. 20 (1:17) The scribe left an interval at the end of the line before v 18; 0 BHS.
L. 21 (1:18) ,,,.,. Because of the break along the right marginal ruling, the right hook of lamed is no
longer preserved (d. Bur l ,2) . To the left of waw is an extraneous dot; see also 3 mm above, and above 101;'
in the line below.
L. 22 (1:18) 101;'. Extraneous dark spots cause the dalet to appear as het and the final waw as res; see
the previous NOTE.
L. 22 (1: 18) {n}.v",n". The scribe appears to have first written the fern. form n.v"m" (= 4QIsa f ) or
possibly il~, but then erased the final letter which yields the masc. form 1;lro; see VAR.
L. 22 (1: 19) 1)?[:J~. Part of the top stroke of lamed is clearly visible below the nun of U':J?' (line 21).
L. 23 (1:20) The scribe left an interval at the end of the line before v 21; 0 BHS.
L. 24 (1:21) i1J'~. The original scribe insert~d a waw supralinearly (ilJ1~ nn.
L. 25 (1:21) C'ffi''1'::l. Under res there is a crease which gives the false impression of a bet or kap.
L. 25 (1:22) C'Jio.,. The third letter looks more like the usual waw than yod.
L. 27 (1:23) The scribe left a small space before v 24; E:l BHS.
L. 28 (1:24) 1:J,~ilO CP~1 ;,,~. The original scribe added he above the line; it is probably intended as
the final letter of ilOP~1 (see NOTE on line 9 above). The final letter of ;,,~, though transcribed as probable
waw, could possibly be yod; see the NOTE on C'Jio? (line 25) above.
L. 29 (1 :25) 1'J;O. The second letter may be either waw (see NOTE and VAR. on line 25; d. 'om in line 4
and ilJ'~ in line 24) or yod (cf. '0~1' in line 13 and ilr.:l:J'1' in line 18).
L. 29 (1 :25) "'~1. The rei appears to have been written thickly or carelessly (over a marred spot or an
erased C?).
L. 21 (2:13) itz1::J.' 'J'1~ .,;,. There is minimal space for word-division between these three words.
L. 24 (2:17) c~'i. The left tip of the horizontal bar of he touches the 'alep,
L. 26 (2:19) r"J1". The left arm of sade is unusually thick, but the bottom left stroke is unaffected.
Thus the scribe may have written sade over another letter.
L.3 (5: 17) O',J. The second letter is rei in this scribe's hand, but it is easily mistaken for dalet, as
happened in ti apvec; = O',J. Cf. the rei in ~,rzr two lines below.
L. 4 (5:18) puP. The scribe wrote the he supralinearly (rUm m).
L. 5 (5:19) ",'£1.l1O. The scribe wrote the yod supralinearly (""w.l1O m).
L. 6 (5:20) ~Y!J,,1. The scribe inserted waw above the line (~Y!J'?1 m).
L.7 (5:21) o-rr':I. The scribe first omitted the 'ayin and then inserted it above the line (see 1:1).
L.18 (5:29) ~{1}'1. The original scribe wrote waw, blotted it out, and wrote 'alep above it (~'1 m L ) .
L. 21 (6:1) '!I'm. The ralep appears to be written over other letters, perhaps yod and the right stroke of
he for rrn.. as also at VII 8 (lsa 7:20).
L. 21 (6:1) i~o:>. The scribe wrote 1~0:> (~O;:) m). Though the waw may have been erased, it rather
appears simply to be faded or damaged; see the hap here, other letters nearby, and "'0' in line 9.
L. 28 (6:6) ~. The leather is split through the lamed and separated, giving the appearance of two lameds.
L. 5 (7:18) p;'rzr. After the rei the scribe began to write yod (d. C'~ above and 'p'pIJ1 in line 7) then
wrote waw over it.
L. 5 (7:18) :::l1:::lr,. The zayin is written thickly, possibly over the beginning of another letter.
L. 7 (7:19) C'?'?iU'. The ink above the first yod indicates that the scribe began to write the second
lamed, stopped, and, without erasing, wrote the yod followed by the second lamed. Cf. other instances where
the scribe began to write lamed when yod was needed: '?,?,ii at XIII 3, ?'?" at XIII H, and i1?'D at XX a,
and mii:::l? at LIII 6; see A Single Original Scribe §5 in the 1QIsa3 Introduction.
L. 8 (7:20) In the right margin, apparently marking the beginning of v 20 is a mark similar to the
Palaeo-Hebrew waw in the margin at the right of the previous column.
L.8 (7:20) 'J'1~. The 'alep is written over another letter, presumably yod of m1', as also at V 21 (6:1).
L. 8 (7:20) l?o:l. It is difficult to explain the extra stroke in the final kap unless the scribe wrote both
medial and final forms.
L. 9 (7:20) nM. The taw is clear, as the Schweig photograph in P-Q shows, even though some
photographs show a dark mark near the top of it.
L. 9 (7:20) C'?Jii'T i.w11. The scribe wrote iii nM1 (d. the preceding phrase), erased ii nM, wrote lZ1 over
nM, added i.P, and, needing space for word-division, inserted ii above the line.
L. 9 (7:20) ii nM. The he may have been intended as the first letter of the next word (see the similarly
small word-division in C.Pii OMC in line 25).
L. 9-10 (7:20-21) The scribe placed a paragraphos in the right margin to mark the end of the section,
and, since the text filled out the line, slightly indented line 10.
L. 11 (7:22) ~. The scribe wrote?'O (?~ m) but crossed it out; note also ?~, immediately before.
L. 13 (7:23) There is a large dark spot after ii'iTl, marring the surface; see the NOTE on line 26.
L. 15 (7:24) ii'iin. The scribe wrote taw over yod (ii'im m).
L. 16 (7:25) ?rc. The original scribe inserted the word above the line.
L. 17 (7:25) ii'ii' {Ii}. The scribe wrote ii'iin, blotted out the taw, and wrote yod above it (ii'iTl m).
L. IS (8:1) 6"'11"2. The scribe inserted bet above the line.
L. 19-20 (8:2) ii'i1M \ nM. On some photographs the second letter looks like waw, which would thus
exhibit the phenomenon at line 27-2S below and at II 11-12 (2:4); but the leather and other photographs
clearly show a taw (nM m), partly lost in the cracked leather.
L. 25 (8:6) iim C.Pii. The split right downstroke of the first he is probably due to a split pen (see
Palaeography in the Introduction to 1QIsaa). The letter, situated midway between the 'ayin and the
preceding samek, gives the impression of being the final letter of OMC. In iim there is an anomalous stroke,
possibly a ligature, linking the zayin with the following he.
L. 26 (8:6) nM1. There is a dark spot at the bottom of taw; see the NOTE on line 13.
L. 27 (8:7) '~"~·;ii;i'·. Though the bottoms of the letters are lost, the tops of i11ii' are reasonably
identifiable, as are the scribal dots before and after; there may also have been scribal dots below the letters
(cf. III 24,25). The scribe replaced the word with 'J1~ above.
L. 27-2S (8:7) C'C1~ii] \ []ii. The scribe probably began next word (d. the top right comer of the second
he in C'~?1iiii in the line above), stopped, then presumably wrote the entire word in the next line, as he did
in II 11-12 (2:4) and XLI 10-11 (49:11).
L. 9 (8:16) In the margin there is a mark like a res or Cryptic A het (see E. Tov, Scribal Practices,
Fig. 10.2). In certain light it looks much lighter than the ink of the text (see the Trever photograph in
Scrolls from Qumran Cave 1, 1972), in other light it looks similar to the text and the paragraphos at line 12.
There are also two dots, possibly to fill out the end of the line (see III 6).
L. 9 (8:17) 'n':lIT1. An initial he was corrected to het with a strong vertical left stroke.
L. 10 (8:17) ,,~. The scribe inserted ~ (> m).
L. 12 (8:19) n'O~jj. The scribe added waw, presumably to distinguish from the common m~ (ni~ ffi).
L. 16 (8:22) il:::l'XZ1n1. The scribe inserted the initial waw (il~ ffiL) and may have written the het over he.
L. 16 (8:23) 'b':::l. The scribe inserted the yod, presumably to form of? '~; see the VAR. here and at 3:11.
L. 21 (9:3) {1}~. The scribe first wrote a waw suffix then erased it (~i1 ffi6).
L. 23 (9:4) ilEl~. The scribe secondarily inserted the lamed; note the extra stroke before the fin.
L. 23 (9:5) "nm. After beginning the next word the scribe added yod in the space for word-division.
L. 24 (9:6) il::1'C~. There is a thin space after mem, perhaps for word-division, perhaps due to a vertical
flaw in the leather; but note no extra space in the line above or below (d. m-, mq mss; see VAR. and BHS n.6 a ) .
L. 27 (9:7) ::1,,11'::1. The scribe first omitted 'ayin and secondarily inserted it; note other initial omissions
of a common 'ayin at 1:1, 5:21; and 17:4.
L. 27 (9:8) ;~". There appears to be the ink of a base-stroke and slanting vertical stroke which, if a
letter, would be final mem (see final mem just below). It is unclear how the damage has affected the end of
the word.
L. 15 (10:28) il The original scribe wrote il'.11, and an apparently later hand wrote a cursive taw
supralinearly; contrast the cursive taw in niNJn in IX 27.
L. 17 (10:31) C':JJ". The scribe inserted he.
L. 18 (10:33) iIO'lpi1. The scribe inserted he.
L. 22 (11:4) ,;i!t? The writing is thick over this worn spot in the MS, but the penultimate letter is best
read as yod (see VAR. and cf. 32:7 m-, mq ) .
L. 23 (11:4) C!l~. The scribe wrote the second bet supralinearly.
L. 23 (11 :4) ~rq~ D~i~. The scribe anticipated this clause (see three words later) and then placed
correction dots above and below each letter to cancel it.
L.28 (11:10) ~'iTl. The scribe wrote 'alep over he.
L. 29 (11:11) ~. The scribe inserted ~ supralinearly.
L. 30 (11:12) iW:n. It appears that the pen split on the vertical strokes of the last two letters; see NOTE on
XIII 14 below.
L. 31 (14:28) rr?~ ?CO,. The missing hap of?o., was added, presumably by the original scribe, too far
to the left, as he did occasionally elsewhere; see NOTE at I 9 (1 :7) and A Single Original Scribe §9 in the
1QIsaa Introduction.
L. 19 (32:9) m'l'Moi. There is a dark spot over the 'alep; on the photograph it looks like ink, but it rather
appears to be more like a hole.
L. 26 (32:15) ;.11. The dalet may be written over lamed.
L. 16 (36:11) 1XlD was probably momentarily omitted and then written by the original scribe in the
right margin.
L. 17 (36:11) ilCm. The scribe may have written he I" over het,
L. 19 (36:12) i1Coi"rttl. The nun has a short stroke at the top left, appearing like pe; but seei1:lpJ1 in line 7.
L. 20 (36:13) ~1. The dark line above mem and waw is not ink.
L. 23 (36:15) &;!:lm. The scribe initially wrote 7:lm (the bottom tips of both yod and lamed I" are visible),
then wrote a heavy lamed over yod-lamed.
L. 26 (36:17) ~ 2'. The second letter at first looks like dalet; however, the top right comer of the letter
is not ink but rather a small round foreign substance; note similarly the mark above i10:::l~i~:::l two words
L. 2 (38:10) '0\ This scribe occasionally positions supralinear letters ahead of or behind the place
where they are intended. Here the wow is placed prior to its expected position; d. 'O":J in I 1, and the NOTE
on I 9; see also A Single Original Scribe §9 in the 1Qlsaa Introduction.
L. 7 (38:15) ~;,. Although~" was probably intended, the waw has the same form as the following
waw vs. yod in iM'il\ contrast the yod in M" three words later.
L. 9 (38:17) lil. The scribe first wrote medial nun (for iTJiT) then wrote final nun over it.
L. 9 (38: 17) ilnpl:Dn. The het may be written over 'alep; cf. the damaged 'alep of ;';)noM in line 11.
L. 12-14 (38:19-22) Much of line 12 plus lines 13-14 were at first left blank, then two hands filled in vv
19-22. It mayor may not have been the original scribe who repeated vv 19-20; a Herodian scribe later
inserted vv 21-22.
L. 29 (40:2) ~'1p" The final waw is not erased but damaged; d. the head of the preceding rei,
insertions, confirmed also by the palaeographic chronology, was first the 1QS scribe's interlinear and
vertical insertion with vv 7af3-8a, and later the Herodian scribe's insertion of vv 14b-16, arranged to fit into
the former, with the nun-wow of iiir/l' nestled into the yod of the vertical ~. The later corrector's yod has
a very narrow head; what appears to be a thick triangular head of yod after dalet is the yod plus 'ayin.
L. 19 (40:20) no,il"l poon. The original scribe left a small space of 25 mm within the line, possibly for
confused or missing text; d. cD. An early Herodian scribe, possibly the same as in line 14-16, subsequently
inserted iJO,il"l 1;:)00,'.
L. 19 (40:20) P:Ji·. The res is written thickly, perhaps over another partial letter; see VAR.
L. 23 (40:24) m,~. Apparently the original scribe changed 01Z1.11 to ElIZ1J (= m) by using an erasure dot,
adding a supralinear nun, and writing pe over the third letter (a half-written he?; see the end of v 23).
L. 16 (42:6) i'D,'OOt,. What appears to be a correction dot over the first wow is probably a random spot;
d. a similar spot in the right margin at line 25.
L. 17 (42:7) n':JC'. The scribe first wrote n':::o, and then wrote a large mem over the first bet.
L. 20 (42:10) ~'?o,. The scribe added a supralinear wow (iM'o' m).
L. 21 (42:11) c',~m. A hole in the leather has claimed all but the right arm and the left tip of the
baseline of sade.
L. 24 (42:13) "1:1Jn'. The scribe appears to have written taw over a yod.
L. 29 (42:17) {n}~:l. It appears that the scribe originally wrote het (or yod plus the down-stroke of he
for (ilOtMoEo?) but then erased it.
L. 20 (44:14) p!;lt\o. In addition to a vertical split in the leather there is surface damage to the right and
smeared ink to the left. The left down-stroke of a possible ralep can be seen cramped against the lamed; to
the right of the split traces of letters are visible, possibly the right side of ralep preceded by a thin letter which
could be wow <11!;l~1 m).
L. 22 (44:16) 1':lm1 "m. The original scribe added the word above the line; d. 1~ !;l.o m.
L.22 (44:17) i1tz1.o'. There appears to be circular damage to the right side of yod (i1tz1.o m, but d. the
following verbs).
L. 25 (44:19) 'nE)itz1. The pe may have been written over another letter, possibly taw.
L. 29 (44:23) 7o{1}. Apparently the original scribe had written 701 and then blotted out the first wow.
L. 26 (48:21) ,:l''?",. Following he, the scribe once again began to write the top of lamed (note lamed
following), stopped, and wrote waw then lamed; see A Single Original Scribe §5 in the Introduction to
L. 29 (49:2) :n2{:J}. The initial bet was messily erased and kap was written thickly above.
L. 29 (49:2) m:l". It is difficult to know whether the lamed was inserted by the original scribe or a later
L. 29-30 (49:2) 1'r'£)~:J \ {~:J}. The scribe began to write the word at the end of line 29, stopped and
erased the letters, then wrote the complete word on the next line; see A Single Original Scribe §1 in the
Introduction to I Qlsa"; see also II 11-12 (2:4), VII 27-28 (8:7), and XLI 10-11 (49:11).
L. (55:9) ~. The mem may have been written over some other letter.
L. 3 (55:10) J~i11 00)". The first gimel was written over an indiscernible letter, and the second gimel
was written over final hap.
L. 4 (55:10) iTTT'~. Before lnJ'l there seems to be a blemish in leather; there is no sign of erasure.
L. 21 (56:8) 'J"~. Though there appear to be dark spots above the word, examination of the leather
shows that they are not intentional ink; d. above and below :110 in line 16.
L. 26 (56:12) C"il. The waw was written over the beginning of an 'alep,
L. 28 (57:1) 9~. The ink of the 'alep is smudged; there is no sign of erasure.
L. 18 (62:7) C'!D' '111 P1:l' 'J11 r:l' '11. For the triple clause in this MS 1QIsabapparently has a single
clause Q'lD' 'lil, whereas ffi6) have the double clause C'lD' 'J11 P1:l' '11.
L. 27 (63:1) il~. The scribe began to write 'alep then wrote 'ayin over it.
L. 28 (63:1) ilP~::I. Although the second letter looks more like 'ayin, it appears that this is due to loss
of ink from the surface.
Isaiah 1
1:1 (Col. 11) 1,m 1QIsaa 4QIsaim] + ilv Et&V 15 (tt see EV ~ ... EV airrti 1:21)
1:1 (1) 'O":l1QIsaa] 'O':l 4QIsaim; EV l3aulAEl~ 15 (see C'O,'i1 in 4Q175 1:4; orth or var?)
1:1 (1) jl'nlJ 1QIsaa 1 ",'r.u m
1:1 (2) il'pm' 1QIsaa] 'il'pm' m
1:1 (2) '::l?o lQIsaam 1 01. E~aUlAEooav 15 (tt or ,::l"0·?)
1:2 (2) 'J'~i111QIsaa m] 'J];Ti1, 4QIsai (ef 1:10 below)
1:2 (2) fi~' 1QIsaa 1 r"~ m
1:3 (4) ~.,tD' 1QIsaa mew 1
'tD', 4QIsaj 15(1 UpaTlA Be-)somss; ~a smss
1:3 (4) 'o.u, 1QIsaa m mssl5(Kat 0 AaOC) 5] 'o.u 4QIsaa m-co
1:4 (4) nen 1QIsaa] ~on 4QIsab m
1:4 (5) ,~ .,. ':lr.u 1QIsaam] e-yKaTEAllTETE ... lTapwpyluaTE 15
1:4 (6) ."n~ ,.,rJ 1QIsaa 4QIsab(ii[n~) m15 LCs, 1 > 15
1:5 (7) rm 1QIsaa 1 '" m
1:6 (7) ono ,:l (l'~) 1QIsaa mI5VLCa ' u ' 1 > 15
1:7 (9) il'''.u 1OOtD, 1QIsaa] i100tD1 me
1:7 (9) n::l!)MO::l1QIsaa 1 n::lEl.,0::l me (cf n::lEl.'0::l1QIsaa 13:19; i:l,~i10 cp~' 1:24; m1~ "0 14:28)
1:8 (to) n,ru; 1QIsaa] i1inm m, e-yKaTaAEl<f>Of\uETaL 15; KaL trepurosuov a'
1:8 (10) m,"O::l' 1QIsaa 15 a' 5 0 1 'O::l mo::
1:9 (11) ",tD 1QIsaam] UlTe-Plla 15
1:9 (11) C,'O::l lQIsaa] C'9::l mL ; WI; hoBolla 15
1:9 (11) i1iO'sh 1QIsaa 1 i1"b~" mL ; (Kat) ~ Fouoppa 15
1:10 (12) C,'O 1QIsaa] C'19 m L ; hoBOIlWV 15
1:10 (12) 'J'r~, 1QIsaa] 'J'rjM.,[? 4QIsa f ; 1J'~' meco, m,~~,o::mssoms; ~a~a smss (cf 1:2 above)
1:10 (12) i1;0,.u 1QIsaa] i1'b~ m-, Fouoppnc 15
1:11 (13) C'~"O lQIsaam] apvwv 15(= C'tD:l::l) (see next)
1:11 (14) C'tD:l::l, 1QIsaa 4QIsaf m ] > 15 (see previous)
1:12 (15) 0'0'" 1QIsaa] 00; 4QIsa f m; p~""n ~., 'n'o"o::; lllzmn ~., o::ms
1: 13 (15) ~':J.'" 1QIsaa] ~':J.' m
1: 13 (16) p~ lQIsaa m] VT)uTdav 15(= C,~)
1:13 (16) i1n.,~.t111QIsaa] i1"~.u, ma'u's'; Kat apyLav 15
1:14 (17) 1'i1 1QIsa8 m 1 EYEVl'\8T)Te- 15
1:14 (17) ~,tDJ 'n'~"J 1Q Isa" m(~tDJ 'n'~"J)a'u'S'] OUKETl avf]uw Tal; QllapTLal; UIlWV 15
1:15 (18) ,:l,;; 1QIsa8 ] 1:lin me
1:15 (18-19) p~.u:l C::l'm.u~ 1QIsa8 ] > 4QIsafm15O::so (cf 59:3 1QIsaa m)
1:31 (5) C:l?l1fl1 1QIsaa] 1',Pfl1 m; KaL nl EpyautaL ('f] Epyauta 63 ffiSS) airrwv 6)
1:31 (5) Cil'JrD 1QIsaa m] oi. aV0I-l0L KaL at Ul-lapTWAOL 6) (see 1:28)
Isaiah 2
2:1 (7) ~l1rD' nm i~ 1QIsaa] 1il'l1rD' rnn ,ro~ m; 0 YEVOIlEVO':; TTapa xuplou TTpO.:; Houtov 6)
2:2 (8) l'1'l'1' P:lJ 1QIsaa 4QIsa f(vid)mo'O'll: (cf P:lJ ." il'il' Mic 4:1)] P:lJ 4QIsa e 6)(EllcPavk)0
2:2 (8) l'11l'1' n'J 'il 1QIsaa ma'u'S' ] TO ope.:; ToD KUptOU KaL 0 olxoc ToD OEOU 6) (see 2:3)
2:3 (10) ,m', 1QIsaa (= Mic 4:2ID)] '0"" 4QIsae(= Mic 4:2m} m L('Oj;'}IDlt50
2:4 (11-12) C'ClJ"~ n'~'il1\ il11QIsaa (ef 8:2}) C'C.v'? n'~'il1 4QIsae mIDlt50
2:4 (12) ~ 1QIsaa] > me
2:4 (12) c.,'mn'Jn1 1QIsaam] pm'Jn, 4QIsab
2:4 (13) ~,?, 1° 1QIsaaID] ~? m
2:5 (14) n':l 1QIsaam] pr Kat vVV ID (see 2:10; 3:10)
2:6 (14) 1ClJ ilnrDOJ 1QIsaa 4QIsab(~j}m] avfJKE ... TOV AaOV airroD ID
2:6 (14) :l(1)p.11' 1QIsaa4QIsabm6)vLCa'] ToD lapaTjA ID
2:6 (15) 'P'Em' 1QIsaam ID(TTOAAa '" EYEvf)6r) airroLt:;]) a'6'] 'pOO' 4QIsa b a'(EKpoTTjaav)
2:7 (16) fP1°1QIsaa] il~pm
2:7 (17) fP 2· 1QIsaa 4QIsa b] il~P 4QIsaam
2:9-10 (18) rz,.~ lQIsaa] + 2:9b-10 4QIsaa,bmID BQ(+oTaV avaaTij 6paoom nlv yflv; efvv19, 21)lt50-
all with variants, including: ] 0 ~tD[ ~?, 4QIsaa 4QIsa b(] ~?,); c.~ ~ron ~,
rna'a'6'lt(l1il? p':lron ~?'} 50; KaL Ill) avf)aw airrOlJt:; 10KaL vw ID
2:11 (18) 'J'.11' 1QIsaa] 'J'.11 4QIsa b('J;.11} ma'a'6'lt50; ol yap 6<f>6ahllot KVpLOV ID
2:11 (19) ilJ?Emn 1QIsaa] ?OO mec:a'6'; l'~~C' co
2:11 (19) nro', 1QIsaa] nro1 m
2:12 (20) ~roJ' 1QIsaa] t\rbj ';IS ';Ii" 4QIsab mID(+ Kat IlETlwpov}a'a'6'lt50
2:14 (22) C'[C"il]1 QIsaam(C'C'il)] > ID
2:16 (23) il,cnil m'~ 1QIsaam] Olav TTAOLWV KaAAout:; 6); OljJElt:; (rnc) E1TlOUlllat:; a; 6mt:; E1Tl6uIlTjTat:; a' 6'
2:18 (25) 1El,'?n' 1QIsaaIDlt50] ~?n' m
2:19 (25) m,.11C:l 1QIsaam] + Kat elc Tat:; aXlalllk 6) (ef v 21)
2:20 (28) ,'m.11~~ 1QIsaa (ef v 8)] ,? mlt(vid)5(vid)0; > ID
2:20 (28) C'~'Eln? 1QIsaa; m'El'Eln? mmss] m'El ,Eln? m L ; roic uurutorc ID5(sg); 6pUKTULt:; a';
aKapTTolt:; a'; pharpharoth 6'; ~n,.11o? It; talpas 0
2:22 (31-2) hab v 22 1QIsaamID vLca'] > v 22 ID
Isaiah 3
3:1 (3) "OilC 1QIsaa] "00 m
3:1 (3) il"il'C' / C?rD1,'C 1Q IsaamID BC] tr ID
3:1 (4) ?,~, ... ?~ 1 QIsaam(?~, .,. ?~}] > ID
3:2 (4) ,,:::JJ 1QIsaamIDs.] + KatlaXUoVTa ID (+ IDQ)
,?,roc' 1QIsaa] ,?~C' m
3:4 (7)
3:6 (8) 'il'nM:l 1QIsaa] ,'n~:l m
3:6 (9) mMrii il'?rD~Oil1 1QIsaam(~rii)a'a'6'] Kat TO ~pWlla (= n?~MC?) TO EIlOV ID
3:6 (10) 1'" 1QIsaa] 1" m (orth or var?; see 3:11)
3:24 (41) n,nn, ... mnm ... n[]rin 1QIsa3] non, .. , mn, ... mn m L
3:24 (I) ~:J.' 1QIsa3] ~:1 m
3:24 (I) po 1QIsa3ID(vid)] + il'il' m
3:24 (1) rrnrt 1QIsa3] 'In mID
3:24 (2) no:1 'El' mn ':;' 1QIsa3] 'El' mn ':;' mef IDIDSS u'o; > ID
3:25 (3) l'rn.,,:lJ, 1QIsa3]
llJl':lJ' mLID
3:25-26 (3) U~,26 1QIsa3 m] Kat TalTEww6f)aOVTaL 26 (=,1I1,) ID
Isaiah 4
4:1 (4) ilp,fil' 1QIsa3] 'lp'miTl m
4:1 (4) ~'i1i1 0":1 1QIsa3mIDLa'a'6'] > ID
4:1 (4) uno~, 1QIsa3] un'oan m (see 3:7)
4:2 (5) rrrr 1QIsa3ma'] b 6Eoc; ID
4:2 (6) rrrrri 1QIsa3] > mID
4:3 (7) rrrr 1Q I sa3
] rrm m
4:4 (8) n'D 1QIsa3m] TWV ULWV Kat TWV 6vyaTfpwv ID
4:4 (9) C~'i' 1QIsa3mIDs'vLCy'] > ID
4:4 (9) i.l70 1QIsa3] i.l7:1 mID
4:5 (9) i11il' ~i:1" 1QIsa3] rrrr ~i:1' m; Kat il~El Kat faTal (= rrrn ~:1') ID; Kat il~El IWplC>< Kat
4:5-6 (10) CO,, 1QIsa3 (Oo"rm,,)] ilEln ,,:J:j , :;,
".l7 ':;' {m ID a' il"''')o[]o'' il:1m lZ1~ mJ' [1lZ1.l7' 00"]
]C6i' "'h
[il'iin] {m ii:;)O')il:;'1O,6 4QIsa3 m ID
Isaiah 5
5:1 (12) m'lZ1~ 1QIsa3 ] + ~J mIDa'a'6'
5:1 (12) lOi:;''' 1QIsa3m] T(il a~lTE>.wvt ~OU ID (see 5:2-3)
5:1 (12) ~"il 1QIsa3] il'il m
5:2 (13-14) 3d sg verbs 1QIsa3m ] 1st sg ID (tt? see 'J':1 5:3)
5:2 (13) 'il"'PO" 1QIsa3] "'''pO'' m':
5:2 (13) ~:1" 1QIsa3] 1:1" m
5:2 (14) i1lZ1.l7'1 1 QIsa3] lZ1.l7" m (ef v 4)
5:3 (14) ':1lZ1" 1QIsa3ID{tr rrrrr lZ1'~' I C~'i' ':1lZ1") ] :1lZ11'm
ilJ'O'EllZ1 1QIsa3] ~J'~ m
5:3 (15)
5:4 (15) 'Oi:;':1 1QIsa3 ] ':;''' mID(vid)
5:4 (16) i1lZ1" 1QIsa3] lZ1.l7" mID (ef v 2)
5:5 (16) iln~, 1QIsa3 ] iin.l7' mID
5:5 (16) .l7"'~ 1QIsa 3
] il.l7- m
5:5 (17) ~'.l7 1QIsa 3
] illZ1.l7 m
5:5 (17) i'~ 1QIsa 3ID]
iOil m
5:5 (17) 1n:;,,60 1QIsa 3
] "lZ10 m
5:5 (17-18) rrrr .. , rrrr 1Q I sa3 ] rrrn ... rrrn m
Isaiah 6
6:1 (21) il'n.u 1QIsaa] 1il'U' m
6:1 (21) ~,~ lQIsaa] '~1 m
6:1 (21) ;~O~ 1QIsaa] ~o~ me
6:2 (22) il?l1OO 1QIsaa] ".11- m
6:2 (22) C'ElJ:) roro 1QIsaa] C'!lD rDrD C'ElJ:) roro me
6:3 (24) C'~'P1 lQIsaaG)] ~'P1 m
6:3 (24) ro1'P ro1'P 1QIsaa] ro1'P rD1,P ro1'P '~1 m6)
6:4 (25) rrren 1QIsaa] ~,- m
6:4 (25) ~"CJ 1QIsaa] '0' m
6:5 (26) ,.,;~ 1QIsaa] ,., '1~ 4QIsafm; "0 Ta).aC; f.'yw 6)
6:5 (26) ~ ... iiOO lQIsaa] ~OO ... ~Co m
6:7 (29) "nEl(D lQIsaamG)a'a:SD] c'nQro 4QIsaf
6:7 (61) ,.m~om 1QIsaaG)] 'E;1~ m L
6:8 (2) u., 1QIsaam] rrpoc TOV ).aov TODTOV 6)
6:8 (2) il'C~1 1QIsaa] ,c- m
6:9 (3) ".u1bis 1QIsaa] "~1bis me
6:9 (3) ,~, 1 1 QIsas
] ~" me
6:10 (3) OIDil lQIsaa] lCrDil me»: (see NOTE: cf ion- 15:3; 21:5 [= Suk 7:3; 18:20])
6:10 (5) 1'm~:11 lQIsaam(1'Jr~:J1)S(vid)D] m~[:J' 4QIsa fa: mss; Kal (+ Eva') TOle; walv 6)a'; KaL TOLC;
WOLV aVTWV G)msa:mss; 1,m"~:J' a: (orth or var?)
6:10 (5) '3101D' 1QIsas6)a:Dmss 1 11CO' 4QIsafma'S(vid)D
6:10 (5) ,:J:J":J 1QIsas ] ''':J, 4QIsa fm mssS(vid)D; ,." mLa'; Kal Tij Kap8Lq. 6); l1il:J''':J' a:(BHS note errs)
6:10 (5) ,? ~!l" 1QIsaam] Kat laaop.aL airrovc; 6)
6:11 (5) m~, lQIsaa] 'C~, m
6:11 (6) mil' 1QIsa 1 'J~ ffi; KUpLE 6)
6:11 (7) ~ron lQIsaam ] KaTaAELcJ>6flaETaL 6) (tt or ,~ron·?)
6:12 (7) pm, 1QIsaam a'] Kal p.ETcl TaDTa p.aKpuvE1 6)
6:12 (7) il1il' 1QIsaama'(KupLOC;)] 0 OEOC; G)
6:12 (8) il:J'W 1Q I saa] '31il m
6:13 (8) iln"i11 1QIsaa] iin~i11 m L
6:13 (9) ro?roC ,ro~ 1 QIsaa] n~"lZ1:J 'lZ1~ m, omv EKTrEOlJ 6)
6:13 (9) ilO:J vac 1QIsaa] ~ m- (with following l Q'lsa"; with preceding m L ; see NOTE)
6:13 (9-10) iin~C ro"Pil 11,r 1QIsaa] iln~o ro,p 311r m; > 6)
Isaiah 7
7:1 (II) il'n31 1Q Isaa] 'il'W m
7:1 (12) il'?c'1 1QIsaa] 'il'?0'"1 m POP.EALOU 6) (cf v 4, 5, 9)
7:1 (13) ,?~, 1QIsaaG)SD (2 Kgs 16:5)] ?~, m
7:2 (14) :J:J? 1Q I saa] :J:J?, 1:J:J? m 6)
7:2 (14) 1.u'il 1QIsaa] " m
Isaiah 8
8:1 (18) ?"J jl'?J 1QIsaa m a'e'] T61loV KaLVOU IlEYUAOU 6)
8:1 (19) o tVn ??tV 'ilC? lQIsaam] TOU beEwe; rrpovounv rrocfiom aKvXwv lTUpWTl yup 6)
8:2 (19) '.IJm 1Ql sa" 6)(Kat lluPTlJpUc; ... rrotnoov) 5] il"DM' 4QIsa emO(et adhibui ... testes)
8:14 (7) ~ilU' 'ro ''J'JJ? 1QIsaam] 0 BE OtKOC laKw~ 6); Ol 8£ OlKOl laKw~ 6)0LC (ef v 17)
8:14 (8) :::mn'? 1QIsaam L ] ,~- mmSS6)
8:15 (8) wpu, 1Q'Isa" m] Kat E'Y'YLOOOl (= ...JIUJJ) 6)
8:15 (9) "~~J' 1QIsaa m] + dvElpwrrOl EV>aAElQ OVTE£; 6)
8:16 (9) rrnsn i~ 1QIsaa m] TOTE <t>aVEpot laOVTaL (= ii.l1"n?) 6) (ef 64:1[2]; Exod 21:29)
8:16 (9) om, 1QIsaa] -n m
8:16 (9) "O~~ 1QIsaama' a'6'] TOU ~ll ~a6ELv (= 'O? '?~?) 6)
8:17 (9) ii1ii'? 'n'~, 1QIsaama'a'] Kat EpE1 MEVW TOV 6EOV 6)
8:17 (10) ,'Elrl' 1QIsaa] ,'El m
8:18 (10) ii~ 1QIsaa] iiJil me
8:18 (11) nE1'10?' m~? 1QIsaa] O'nEJ'o?, m~? me
8:19 (13) ,,,,?~ 1QIsaa6)(6Eov am-ou)] 1'i1?~ m (orth or var?)
8:19 (13) o"n 1QIsaa] 'nil m
8:20 (13-14) m'.l1m, ili,n? 1QIsaam] v6~ov yap Ell; ~oi)eElav l8wKEV 6)
Isaiah 9
9:1 [2] (19) mo~~ ri~:::l 1QIsaa m] EV XWPQ Kat aKlC1 6av(lTou 6)
9:2[3] (20) ilnOlZ1i1 iin?'l' ~,? 1QIsaa] ilnOOii n?'l' ~? m- Y'(O\JK); 'lUii '1' ,? ms, 0 KaTi)yaYEC; (= iln?EJil?)
EV Eu<ppo<1VVTj cou 6)
9:3[4] (21) mm; lQIsaa] 'mnrTi14QIsac ; l;1hrTil mL ; 8LwKE8aaE KlJPLOe:; 6)
9:3[4] (22) 0"0 1QIsaa6)(Ma8la~)] 1"0 m
9:4[5] (22) 1U.l1i:::l l~O P~O 1QIsaam] aTox'llv EtTlaWT)Y~EVT]V 86}up 6)
9: 5[6] (23) iliWe.,"ilm 1QIsaa] ili~Oil 'ilm m L
9:5[6] (24) ~iP' 1QIsaa] 'P',4QIsacm
9: 5-6[ 6-7] (24-25) 0,?tz1?, iiibe., il:::l'O? O'?lZ1il ilZ1 ,.11 ':::l~ 1QIsaa] il:::l'O?) il::nO?6 C'?IU iIU (BH S '1l-':::l~)'.l1':;1~
c,~, ili~o., (see BHS n 6 a; mp c mssa' q;V il;t'; m q mit m;s) m L ; Eyw yap d~w dpJ1VT]v E-rri
TOU£; apxovme:; <ElpTlVT]V Kat lJ'ylnav> aUT<\l 7~EYaAT] " aPXll aUToii Kat Tile:; dpTlVT]e:;
am-ou 6) = C,?lZ1?, iiilUe., il~'17 ?? C'?lU O'iIU ,.l1 ':;It:' 6).?
Isaiah 10
10:1 (14) c'pp,n 1QIsaa] C'ppnii m
10:1 (14) 'pp,n lQIsaa] 'ppn m L
10:1 (14) C':Jn-'C, 1QIsaam] ':J- mms
10:3 (17) ':J,rDn 1QIsaa] ':JtDnmL
10:4 (17) i'~ 1QIsaa] i'~ m, ElTaywyfw e
10:4 (17-18) "eJ' C'J;iii rnrn 1QIsaam~mss] > e
10:4 (18) "~:J' lQIsaa] '~:J m~(vid)
10:4 (18) ii'1t!lJ "1' 1QIsaa] ir'lClJ'" m; i] XEtp i$l>-f) ~ (orth or var?)
10:5 (19) iiOO' 1QIsaam] Kat 6p'YllC ~ (see next)
10:5-6 (19) (6?) 'ODr(6?) 1QIsaa] 6 'ODr m; 'CDr·6 ~ (see previous and BHS n Sb)
Isaiah 11
11:3 (21) ,n"iT) 1QIsaam] El!lTATjOEL alrrov lTYEUl!a It)
11:3 (21) ~,?, 1 1 QIsaam(~?,)] ~? mrnsslt)o'q;rnso
Isaiah 12
12:1 (7) ::lID' 1Q Isa" ~(Kal cilTEOTpEl/Jac;)] ::lID' m
12:2 (7) 'n.1T1ID'!;l~ !;lM 1Q'Isa" ] 'ID'!;lM m~AOC; 6 6EC)C; IlOU OWnlP IlOU KUpLOC; e
12:2 (8) ~"il il1il,i1'niCr, 1QIsaacorT1m] ] 'il" ili[iT' 4QIsae ; 'il" rrn (> mmss~)il' ('n- mmSS~)niCT1 m
(cf Exod 15:2; Ps 118:14)
12:4 (9) ilniCtt, lQIsaa~] en- m
12:4 (9) "lM 1QIsaa] rrn m~{ IllvE'lTE)
12:5 (10) iI1iT'!;l 1QIsaa] rrrr m, TO ovolla KUplOU e
12:5 (10) n'lT11C 1QIsaa] n.u"C mqsCl:; n.pi'C mL
Isaiah 13
13:1 (12) nm 1QIsaa] ilTI;J m-e (= orth)
13:1 (12) il'l1!D' 1QIsaa] 'il'- m
13:2 (12) c.;i;l 1QIsaam] + llTJ cj>of3E'lo& ~
13:2 (13) ~'::l' 1QIsaa] 'M::l' 4QIsaas; 'M::l" ma'o'cto; > e
)3:3 (13) 'lDiPC!;l 1QIsaa m] Kal uylci(w ain-ouc; ~
13:4 (I~) O'ElOJ 1QIsaa] 'O~ m
13:7 (16) r" 1QIsaa] 0'- m
13:7 (16) iiJ;Elin lQIsaa1QIsabm] il'J- 4QIsaa
13:7 (16) ::l::l!;l1QIsaama'0'6'] l/JUxTJ e
13:8 (17) ",cn' 1QIsaam] OUllcj>op<ioouOlv e
13:8 (17) 'JEl, 1QIsaa] 'JE) 4QIsaa4QIsabmcto; xnl ... llETa~aAofJ(Jlv (= 'JEl'·)~
13:9 (18) 'irJ~ 1QIsaa] 'ir~~ m, civlaTOC; e
13:9 (18) r~ 1QIsaa] 'Mil m, Ti)v olKOUllEVTW 8ATJV e
13:9 (18) O'MOm 1 QIsaa~] rr- 4QIsaa 4QIsabmCl:sO
Isaiah 14
14:2 (122) C':Ji 1QIsas] > me
14:2 (2) CO'pO ~, cno1tll ~ 1Q Isas] CO'pO '?tll mG)
14:2 (3) c'~nJni11 1QIsasm] Kat KaTaKAT\povOlllJcrovcrl Kat TrAT\6vv61JOOVTQl G)
14:2 (3) ~tllilZ1' n':J 1QIsasm] > G)
14:2 (3) '?~ 2· 1QIsa8 S ] ~11 4QIsaemG)G:o
14:2 (4) C'1j, 1QIsas] Ii,,:,; 4QIsacmcr'; Kat KVplEv61JcrOVTaL (-6r}crnal G)Q ms) G)
14:3 (6) il~:J ":J11 1QIsas4QIsae(1:J '11)] 1:J':Jl1 m, e:oouXEvcrac; airrok G)
14:4 (6) ntll 1QIsas] > 4QIsaem
14:23 (24) rElp [W1;0" 'nr.wl 1QIsaa] 'E!p lDi10" i1'nr.wl m, Kat Enlow nlV Ba~\)Awvtav £Pll~OV WerrE
14:23 (24-25) '0lDil MOMaJ:I 'nMOMCl1 0'0 'QJM 1QIsaa] '0lDil ~ i1'nMOMCl1 0'0 'OJM1 m, Kat EaTal elc
ouBEv Kat Enlow aiJnlv TTT\AOV ~apa6pov elc alTWM:laV 6)
14:23 (25) n1M~ mil' (OM.) m)CM1J 1QIsaam] > 6) (see v 24)
14:24 (26) i1'iln 1QIsaad)(vid)] rrrn m
14:25 (27) ilO~'''.uO 1QIsaa] c.,'''.uo me
14:25 (27) 1"::J01 1QIsaam] Kat TO KU8ol; airr(i)v 6)
14:25 (28) il~~lD lQIsaa] 1~lD m
14:27 (29) i1'1ClJi11'''11QIsaa] i1'1ClJi11"1 m; Kat nlV Xe'ipa nlV ix/rrlAT]V 6) (orth or var?; cf 9:11; 10:4)
14:30 (132) "~:J lQIsaam L (err?)] '~:1 mmSS(orth or var? cf 16:1;'~ ... il.u,' 30:23); 8l' aVTov 6)
14:30 (2-3) mi1M ... 'nom lQIsaa] Jii1' ... 'nom m; aVEM:l ... aVEM:l d)
14:31 (4) 1'~1O:J '''0 l'M11QIsaa] 1".u1O:J "1:1 l'M1 m; Kat OUK EOTl TOV elVal 6) (see :1/0 var 15:9)
14:32 (4) 'Wi' 1QIsaa6)] il~' m
14:32 (4) ,~~ lQIsaad)(l3aolM:lc;)] '~M"O m (orth or var?)
14:32 (5) 0' 1QIsaa6)(Kat 8l' airrov)] il:J1 m
Isaiah 15
15:1 (6) m''':JbiS 1QIsaa] "''':Jbis m; VVKTOC bis d)
15:1 (6) ,'.u l' lQIsaa] '.v m L; > d)
15:1 (6) ilO'J1 1QIsaa] 'J m, > 6)
15:1 (6) i'j] 2' 1QIsaa] "p 4QIsao m6)(TO TE'iXOl;) (cf "p I + II)
15:2 (8) "'7 lQIsaa] .".,,, m (orth or var?); OAoM(ETE d)
15:2 (8) W1M' lQIsaa] "lDM' m L ; roM' mmssd) (cf jer 48:37)
15:2 (8) .,~, 1QIsaammssS([;fO] .,~ m L
15:7 (\4) C'~'i\ lQIsaa] [J'~' lQIsabm L ; ~~ mms; Kat Xft~lj1oVTm aim'w d)
15:9 (16) l1::1"bis 1QIsa30 cf 5] l'O"bis 1QIsab(] ... I,o',)m; PElJ.lJ.WV bis e (see ::I/O var 14:31)
15:9 (16) (mEl- m)nElOU lQIsa3 m ] "Apal3a< KaL upGl ti
15:9 (17) ;n'M 1QIsa3 ] il"M m, KaL APlT)A 4)
15:9 (17) n'~ 1QIsa 3 ] ,~, m4)(vid)
Isaiah 16
16:1 (17) ,n?al 1QIsa3 m ] UlTOOTEAW e
16:1 (17) ?alOi:> 1QIsa 3
] ?al0,:> 1QIsab(] ,:»m; We; EPlTETcl ElTL 4)(= -i;l (vO,:>?)
16:1 (17) i't?oo 1QIsa 3
] ~ m4)(lTETpa)
16:2 (18) M';n 1QIsa corr] {o}'in 1QIsa 3 · ; rrrn m (see
Isaiah 17
17:1 (3) proo"bis 1QIsaa] prDO,bis me
17:1 (3) rrrn 1QIsaa] rrrrn m
17:1 (3) '.uc 1QIsa3 m ] > 4)
17:2 (4) "li1,.u ".0 1QIsaa] ,li1.u ',.l1 m; elc TOV atwva (= ,.0 ',.u?) 4)
17:3 (5) C'~w.:l 1QIsaam] TOU KaTa<!>UYElv E<ppallJ. e
17:3 (5) proo"o 1Q Isa 3
] PrDO'O m, EV ~alJ.auK4) e
17:3 (5-6) rrrr ?MirD' 'J:! ":l:l~ 1QIsaa] rrr 'rD' ':J ':;) m; aTrOM'iTal ou 'Yap CYiI /3EhLWV E1 TWV ULWV
I CYpaTJA Kat Ti)e; 8~e; airrwv 6)
17:4 (7) nrr 1QIsaam] CYElaOf)CYETaL (= ilUi') 6)
17:5 (8) i'~P' 1QIsaa] i'~' me
17:6 (9) C'iJ;J lQIsaa] C'iJiJ m
17:6 (10) 'ElDO:J 1QIsaa] il'El.uO:J m
17:7 (11) 'il1rD'.u 1Q Isaa] ",rD.u m
17:8 (12) ?.u lQlsaa6)(vid)] ?~ m
17:8 (12) ,'rD.uo 1QIsaa] "" ilrD.ue me
17:8 (13) irD~ 1QIsaa6)] i~' m
17:8 (13) ~,?, 1QIsaa 6)] ~? m
17:8 (13) C'irD~il lQlsaa6)(Ta BEVBpa airrwv)50 1 O'i]rb~i11 4QIsabmcr
17:9 (14) ih.uo 'i.u 1QIsaam{1f.uO '.u) 1 TrOAEle; CYOU 6)
17:9 (14) m:J'f.u~ lQlsaa6)5 1 n~'f.u~ mL
17:9 (14) i'~il' rDini1 lQIsaam 1 OL A~oppalOl Kat OL EualOL 6)
17:10 (15) 'm:>lZ11QIsaa] nn:llZ1 4QIsaa4QIsabm
17:10 (16) i'~ 1QIsaam] Kat KUpLOU 6)
17:10 (16-17) iJbi'ifn if rrren 0')'0.u) '.uo) 1QIsaam(U.11im if nien C':lO.u) ')] <l>\rrE\J~a aTrlCYTOV Kat
C1TrEp~a aTrlCYTOV 6)
Isaiah 18
18:1 (24) ?~ ?~ 1Q Isaam(?~?~) 1 lTAOLWV 6)
18:2 (24) C'i'~ lQIsaam 1 ()~T)pa (= C"'~?) 6)
18:2 (25) "O? 1QIsaam 1 lTOpEOOOVTal (= ,:>?'.) 6)
18:2 (25) ',J? 1QIsaa 1 "J?~ m
18:2 (25) Oi'oo, lQIsaammss] Oi1l:l' m-. Kat ~EVOV 6)
18:2 (26) 10 1QIsaam 1 Tk (= '0·) 6)
18:2 (26) 'P'P 1QIsaamms 1 'P'P m aVEATrlCYTOV 6) (cf v 7)
Isaiah 19
19:2 (5) 'roo;'01 1QIsa 8m] [')i~i[ 4QIsa b; Kat ETTeye:p6TlaOVTal ID
19:2 (5) C',~c lQIsa8mlDa:SO] C',~:j? 4QIsab
19:2 (6) ,'m lQIsa8] ,'.l1 m4)(vid)
19:3 (7) C'~~ lQIsa8] c'!;l"'~, m4)(vid)
19:5 (9) non (...JnrDJ) 1QIsa84QIsabm] Kat rrtovmt CVilnrD) ol AlYVrrrlOl 4)
19:6 (IO) 'In'Jm, 1QIsa81D(Kat EKAe:tl/sOUO"lV)] 'In'li~m 4QIsabm
19:6 (lO) ,.,~ n"ilJil 1QIsa8] ,!;l!;l, rrrrn m
19:6-7 (IO) ,.,cp,71QIsa8] (7) ;"01'(7) 4QIsab; 7 ,!;lcp m-s, 7Kat TO aX l 4); ~:J,,7 ppO'~" a:;
marcescet 7nudabitur 0
19:7 (ll) ~pJ' lQIsa8] 9'J 4QIsabma:0
19:7 (ll) 1:J 1'~' 1QIsa8] 'JJ'~' 4QIsabma:So; > ID
19:8 (ll) C'J'1iJ 1QIsa8] C')''1iJ 4QIsabmL('~'1i1)IDa:SO
19:9 (l2) 'llD,:J' 1QIsa8(contra ~':J' Burl)O] 'fZ1:J' ma:SO mss; Kat alaxvVT] A1l~l/sE:TQl ID
19:9 (13) rrn 1QIsa84QIsab(;, 'In) (cf BHS note)] ;"n 1QIsabm
19:10 (l4) ,~ 1QIsa8] ~ m-, TOV (OOov (~) ID
19:11 (14) il'lDn 1 QIsa8] 'c~n 4QIsabm
19:11 (lS) O'Cl"I lQIsa8] c'~n 4QIsabm4)a:so
19:13 (16) "'~J 1 QIsa8mo~'U)] ECfAlTTOV ID
19:13 (l7) ~;fZ1J lQIsa8] '~J (= ...JillWi) m, Kat iJlJsWet,aav (= ...JtWJ) ID
19:14 (lS) 100 lQIsa8mlDso] 1]oJ 4QIsab (cf il~'OJil il~" Isa 25:7)
19:15 (20) 1(')CJ~' iI£l~ 1QIsa8m] dpxTJV Kat TEAoc; 4)
19:15-16 (20) ~'il C":J16 oacat lCJ~' ~ :J:ln lD(')Mi iTlDl1' iQ:M iTlDl1C 1 QIsaam(~"'il C":J16 0 :1'CJ~' ... )IDa:SO ]
~'Io'il C":J(16) IOJ~' ilE3~ ::JJn ~, iW!.l1'1 'fZ1~1 Sb vacat? ~ll[c 1QIsa b;
16 "acat j ~\'iil q,':J p]6J~; il~ ::JJn lD[~, ilfZ111' ,~ illDl1C (cf 9:13; 2:11) 4QIsab;
am r6J~16 am r6J~ ~ta ... smss
19:16 (20) "nE3, rrm 1QIsaaa:(vid)] ,nt{,j"m 4QIsa bmS(vid)0(vid); EV <t>6~ Kat tv Tp6~411D
19:16 (21) rr 9'J"0 1QIsaa] 9'JC m
19:17 (21) n"i11 lQIsaa(contra '''i11 Burl and "i11 Bur2)] ;m'i11 4QIsabm
19:17 (23) ~.111QIsaamlf)~so] ,'nEl,Jl1 4QIsab (cf v 16)
19:18 (25) rn~~ rrrr 1QIsaam] T4i 6v6~aTL KtJptOtJ 6)
19:18 (25) Oim 1QIsaa 4QIsa bmmssa'O] Oim mS(c»'CD); aaE&K 6); aaES TJAtotJ If)s; apse a'S';
::linO' ~"nJ)' ~ n'::l ~ (= O"'"lii Oim?) (BHS note errs)
19:19 (26) rrrr 1QIsaa mecs Ephrern 0] + n~~ 4QIsabSmss; cf vv 18, 20; cf 4QIsab 5:25
19:20 (27) rr-rn 1QIsaa] rrrn 4QIsabm
19:20 (27) ,~, lQIsaam] de; TOV aLwva If)
19:20 (27) n,~ 1QIsaam] > If)
19:20 (28) rrn" 1QIsaa] mar, 4QIsabm
19:20 (28) "" lQIsaa] ::li' mlf)(KptvWV)
19:21 (29) ,,::l.I1' ~"'ii O,'::l oacat 1QIsaa] ,,::l.I1, ~":rii O,'::l me
19:22 (30) 'EliJ' 1QIsaa] ~'Eli' m; KalLaa€TaL airroix; LaaH If)
19:23 (32) ,,::l.I1, 1QIsaa] + O'i~ 1QIsab4QIsabm6)~SO
19:23 (161) i'tzlM M lQIsaa4QIsabm] TOle; 'Aa(JtJplOle; 6)~
19:24 (1-2) i'tzlM" O'il:'OC, 1QIsaam] tr If)
Isaiah 20
20:1 (4) lmm 1QIsaamqmn)] TavaSav If)
20:1 (4) 1')"10 1QIsaa4QIsabm] Lapvav If)ed
20:1 (5) m1:~c", 1QIsaa] ii'~C,', m L
20:2 (5) ii'oWl' 1 QIsaa4QIsab~ 1 "".1110' m~ms
20:2 (6) 1'c,.11J, 1QIsaalf)a'a'S~O] 17.11J' m L
20:2 (6) r'?rm 1QIsaa] y?rin m L
20:3 (7) rroWl' 1Q I sa a] 'ii'.!1ID' m
20:4 (9) n,u lQIsaa] rn,) m
20:5 (10) '1O'::l" lQIsaa] lIO::l' m
20:5 (10) cnO::lO 1QIsaa] Ct:l::lO m, e-cf>' ole; 1)aav lTElTOl%T€e; If)
20:5 (11) O'il:'OO' 1Q Isaa] O'il:'O 10' m
20:6 (11) iiJii 1QIsaam] lii 4QIsaa
20:6 (12) 100J 1QIsaa] UOJ me
Isaiah 21
21:1 (14) 0' i::l' 1QIsaa] 0' i::l'O m; Tile; Epi]~OtJ 6)
21:2 (15) ,m 1QIsaa] '~::r mLIf)
21:2 (15) ".11 1 QIsaam('7~)] ElT' E~ot 6)
21:2 (16) 'i'l:' lQIsaa] 'i'l:' m; Kat ol lTpEal3ne; If)
21:2 (16) 'n::llDii iinmM (C,::l m)c,'::l 1QIsaam] ElT' E~E EPXOVTaL vw aT€vacw Kat lTapaKaMaw E~atJT6v If)
21 :3-4 (18) '::l::lC,,(4) iim(4) 1QIsaa4QIsaa('::l]:jC,,(4) iiJm(4» 1 ,:oc, ii~4 mLIf)~<1"'::l'c,)SO; cf a'
21:4 (18) 910J lQIsaam 1 "Ii tPtJxT1 ~OIJ (= IOElJ) 6)
21:5 (19) n'Ell:'ii (iiD~ m)iiEl'l:' 1QIsaam] > If)
Isaiah 22
22:1 (4) p,m 1QIsaa] p'm m; ~LWV e (cf V 5)
22:1 (4) 'n"?l' ... ,~'o 1QIsaa] n',l' ... l' jlO m; TL EYEvno OOL ... aVEf3T)TE 6) (cf l'ilo l Q'Isa",
l' ilO mv 16)
22:1-2 (4) n'Ml:Dn(2?) t'11J)' 1QIsaam('n 2 ")] de; 8w~aTa ~ciTaLa 2 (= mM~?) 6)
22:2 (5) ilr?J1 jJ'jP 1QIsaam] > e
22:3 (6) i11lOM 1QIsaa] "OM m, &&~EVOL dOL e
22:4 (7) 'Joe '1'~ 1QIsaa]'Jr.!'llUf m L ; c'ic/>ETE ~E e
22:4 (7) '1OM' 1QIsaa] '1OM me
22:4 (7) lim 1QIsaa] '~'M m; KanOXUOT)TE e
22:5 (8) il~':lO' 1QIsaam L ] > mmss
22:5 (9) l"fn 1QIsaam] ~LWV 6) (cf v 1)
22:5 (9) '11 '1IZl'P 'p'po 1QIsaa] 'M 1''1IZl' 'P 'p'po m, TTXaVWVTaL drro ~LKPOU EWS' ~E"YciAO\l
Isaiah 23
23:1 (5) "",~ 1QIsaa] "''''il 4QIsa'm
23:1 (5) ~1:JO n'::JO lQisaalQIsab(jn'::JO)4QIsa'm] Kat OUKETl EPXOVTal fi
23:1 (6) c"ro 1QIsaa] C'!'D m L
23:1-2 (6) 10,210' lQIsa' ] 'lci'ic,(2) 4QIsaa; 10,210' ma'u'~SO; ~tVl O~OLOl "YE'Y6VaULV (= 1Ci 'C,2_) e
23:2 (6) ',::lJ1- fi(8LaTTEpwVTEC;)~O
,,::lJ1 1QIsa'4QIsaa(i'::lJ1)] ,::lJ1 ms,
23:2 (6) l"~"C lQIsa'] 'i~',c 4QIsaa; 1;~',c lQIsa b(contra l'~"C in Sukenik); l'~'C meso, > e
23:3 (7) ,nlZ1 lQIsaa4QIsaa] ,nro m L; IlETa~AwV (= ,nO-) e
23:3 (7) 'iln1 ... ,~, 1QIsa'm] > e
23:4 (8) iTi~ lQIsaa] ,~ lQIsab4QIsaam~S
23:5 (10) .11ClZ11QIsaa4QIsaa(.11OlZ1[)] lJ~ m L; O:KOOOTOV YEVllTal fiO; r60J~r<':t 5
23:6 (10) "::l'.111QIsa'] i,::li14QIsaa; ,,::lJ,1 mLfi(o:rrEAeaTE)
23:7 (11) m1,m 1Q Isaa] iTr"lJ m
23:7 (12) j"1'?::l1 1QIsaa] m':l' m, -Ii rrapaBo6f\val aimlv e
23:7 (12) "J' p(,)n,O il'''J' lQIsaa4QIsaam] > e
23:8 (12) iT1(')O.uC.i 1QIsaam] 1111 ilaawv(= O.uc) EOTtV 11 oUK laxuEl ti
23:9 (14) ';n l~J i;l,::> 1QIsaati] ';n i;l::> l~J m
23:10 (14) ":J.l1 1 QIsaati(EP'Ya'otJ)CI:(t~i;lJ)] ]o:J.l1 4QIsaa; '1':J.l1 4QIsaCm('1:J.l1)SO
23:10 (14-15) n:1 1(')M'::> 1QIsaa4QIsac(]'i~'::»m] Kat 'Yap TTAola (n:J'~ '::>? or
1?) II v e
23:11 (15) rJ1il 1QIsaa4QIsaamti(i) TTa~woooa)S(~'tr<'a)O] rJ1ili;l 4QIsa ca:::
Isaiah 24
24:1 (28) mil' 1QIsaama:::] ')'1~ 4QIsac; KVPLO~ e
24:1 (28) iTCiMiT 1QIsaa] r1~i 4QIsacm; Tllv otKOtJllEVTW e
24:1 (28) m.111 1QIsaa4QIsafm] Kat aVaKaAU!jJEl (= -.lm31) e
24:2 (30) ~J 1~ ~'D 1QIsaa] iTtDJ 1~::> iTtD1D 4QIsac; ~tD) 1tD~::> iltDJ::> m
24:3 (31) mil' (~)'::> 1QIsaa4QIsacm] TO 'Yap crouu KUpLOtJ (= miT"E) '::» e (cf 1:20; 58:14 1QIsaamti)
24:4 (32) iTi;l:JJ bis 1QIsaa4QIsacm] > e
24:4 (191) i;li;l~ 1QIsaa4QIsac] ,~C~ m
24:5 (2) m11n 1QIsaam(n"11n)] rrm 4QIsacti(Tov vouo«)
24:5 (2) '1(')El.i 1QIsaam] > e
24:6 (2) iT::>~ 1QIsaa] + r~ 4QIsacmtiCl:SO
24:6 (3) 1OtD', 1QIsaaCl:(vid)sms(vid)] 'o~', 4QIsacmtiSO
24:6 (3) r~ 1QIsaam] r1~]ii 4QIsac
24:7 (4) lElJ 1QIsaam6}a:so] "'i~ lElJ 4QIsac (cf Joel 1:10)
24:8 (5) 1'~ 1QIsaam] aOOdBna KaL TTAoUToc; 6}
24:9 (5) i'll1::l 1QIsaam] -oaxw6Jlaav (=
'1ll1::l) 6}
24:9 (6) iO" 1QIsaa] iO' 4QIsacm6}(SO
24:9 (6) ,'mtlh 1QIsaamO'nll1")] "i'n~ 4QIsac
24:11 (7-8) 1l1'1ll10 il"J ilnoo .,O)~ il::liD 1QIsaa4QIsacm] TTETTaUTaL trdon EixppooUVll 6}
24:12 (8) i~Il1J 1Q Isaam6}OLa:o] i~Il1J' 4Q Isac6}5
24:12 (8) il'~' 1QIsaam] il~'rzn 4QIsac
24:12 (9) iDIl1 1QIsaa m] iliDll1 4QIsac
24:14 (10) U'i' 1QIsaam(Ui')] ,m, 4QIsac; ol BE KaTaAELepeEVTES bTL Tils yfls ElJ<ppav6f}aOVTaL a~a 6}
24:14 (11) ' 'i'r.' 1QIsaam6}(vid) (0] '~, 4QIsac5
24:14 (II) !:I'O 1QIsaam(vid)50] !:Ii'c (!:I; 'O?) 4QIsac; TO uBwp (uBaTa 8') Till; 8aMaC1T\l; (= !:I' '0) 6} 8'
24:15 (II) !:I'i~::l 1Q I sa" m] !:Ii~::l !:I'i~'::l 4Q Isac; > 6}
24:15 (11) 'i~ 1QIsaam] ];,~ 4QIsac6}(li Mea)
24: 15-16 (12) 16 "~i!D' 'iTO)"~ rrrr 1QIsaam] I~UPlE b OEOl; IapaT)A 6}
24:16 (13) ''''ti''''ti 1QIsaam] > 6}
24:18 (IS) "'pC 1QIsaam] > 6}
24:19 (17) iliri 1QIsaamL] D'li 1QIsabmms
24:19 (18) ri~i 1QIsaam] r]'i~ 1QIsab
24:19 (18) ilOO,cn.i 1 QIsaam] ]6o'lCli o [ 4QIsac; > 6}(li yfl 2·("l3·?, aut tt?); KA(E)l6f)OETaL 6}Lmss8';
P'iElnn (; ~a:>'.I~ 5; commovebitur 0
24:20 (19) ri~il 1QIsaa] ri~ 1QIsabm
24:20 (19) ~i"Jnil' 1QIsaa] ]~i'J- 1QIsab; rrrru- m
24:20 (19) ilJ'''~' 1QIsaa] 'O~ m
24:20 (20) "ElJ, 1Q Isaa] il"- m
24:21 (21) ~"1il !:I,'::l rrrn 1QIsaam] > 6)
24:22 (22) iTEl~ ,~ 1QIsaa] i']6~ tp~ ~o~, 4QIsac; i'O~ ilElO~ 'El~' ma'(S; Kat aUVaeOOOl (= 'ElO~') 6}
24:23 (23) ilD"il 1 QIsaamL(ilJ~"il)] li TTAtv60c (= il~"il) 6}
24:23 (24) ilcnil 1QIsaam L(ilQlJil)] TO TElXoc; (= ilr,lhil) 6}
Isaiah 2S
25:1 (26) 1l:l!D lQIsaam] il~ ~ 4QIsac
25:1 (27) n'~ (err?) 1QIsaa] n~D 1QIsa bm6}(!3ouA"v)
25:1 (27) lC~ ilJiC~ 1QIsaa1QIsabm (dbl?)] aAT)8wfw YEVOlTO KUplE 6} (add)
25:2 (27-28) i'DC ... il'iP ... i'DC 1QIsaam] TT6Mll; ... rr6Mll; ... TT6All; 6}
25:2 (28) !:I'ir 1QIsaa1QIsabm L] !:I'iF. mmss6}(TWV aaEf3Wv) (cf vv 4, 5)
25:3 (29) rD 1QIsaam] b TTTWX6l; 6}
25:3 (29) l'~i" 1QIsaam] EUAoyf]C1ouat ae 6}
25:4 (29) ."., r1DO 1QIsaa 1QIsabm] TTaOlJ TT6AEL (= i'D?) TUTTELVlJ 6}
25:4 (30) !:lire 1QIsaam] aTTO avOpWrrwv rroVllpWv (= !:I'in Pixn:1 aliToul; 6) (ef vv 2, 5)
25:4-5 (31) ::lio)n~5 i'P Cir~ 1 Q'Isa" 1QIsabm] 5Wi; dvOpwTTOl 6Aly&/sUXOl BUpWVTEl; 6}
Isaiah 26
26:1 (13) i'rD' lQIsaa] ;tbi[' 1QIsab4QIsac m, q.UOVTUL e
26:1 (13) M,m i'rDil 1QIsaa] Mri1 rrrert 1Qfsa"; ]ii i'rDil 4QIsac ; nm i'CDil m
26:1 (13) n.olQIsaa] r.v m (orth or var?)
26:1 (14) ';In, mon 1QIsaam~(sg)S(sg)O(sg)] il"'n1 il'mo,n 4QIsa c
26:2 (14) Ti.I1rD 1QIsaa] C'i.I1rD 1QIsab m~(lTUAaC)
26:2 (14) ~(1)J" 1QIsaam] '~:J" 1QIsab
26:3 (15) i~n 1'00 i~' 1QIsaa4QIsac (]60 ;~')m] aVTlAap.~uv6~EVOC aAlleEtuc KUl cPuAciuuwv(= "i'~?) e
26:3 (15) c,':lrD l' lQIsaalQIsab(ci';fCD)ma::SO] > ~S
26:3-4 (15) mil':J ,no:J(4) il~J ,~(4) 1QIsaa] illil':J ,no:J4]mo:J 1:J'~ 1QIsab4QIsaC(~~~1.,..1 ,no:J 4 ni{o:J) m,
40TL ElTl col liAlTlUUV KUplE ~
li lTaLBda cou 4)
26:16 (29) wn, pp~ 1QIsaa] rDm pp~ 4QIsabm; EV 6ALljsH (= n~' < ..JmrD?) flLKPq.(= l1t!lP? ",l]~?) e
26:16 (29) 10' 1QIsaam] l]flLV e
26:17 (30) TJOO 1Q Isa 3m]
T4> a'Ya1TTJT4> oou BLU TOV </>6~ov aou ti
26:18 (31) ':11ru1W' 1QIsaati·(awTTJPLac; aou OUK?)] ':1 n,l]1rD' m; aWTTJpLae; OUK tied; aWTTJpLae; cou ti A BS;
aWTTJpLOU ti 239
26:18 (31) ':11 1QIsaam] aAAU e
26:18 (31) 1'1EJ' 1QIsaa] 1'~' m L
26:19 (211) 1JJi'1 '~'P' 1QIsaa] m" 1~'Pi1 m
26:19 (2) C'~EJ' ri~' 1QIsaam] Inpn aUToLe,; EaTLv li 8E yfJ TWV aaEl3wv ti
L q
26:20 (3) Tn" 1QIsaam ] 1n" m
26:20 (3) 1:ln 1QIsaa] ':In m
":l.l" 1QIsaam L ]
26:20 (4) ':l.l" m
26:21 (4) ';' 1QIsaa] + iiJiT me
Isaiah 27
27:1 (7) iTrDpi11QIsa3 m ] TTjv QyLav (= iTrDipiT) ti
27:1 (9) 0':1 ,~ 1QIsaam] > e
27:2 (10) ;o,n 1QIsaammss(,Ol"I)] ion m L ; KaAO<; ElTL6vflTJfla e (db!?)
27:3 (10) rrrr lQIsaam (add?)] > ti
Isaiah 28
28:1 (29) l'MJ 1QIsaa] n'~J m
28:1 (29) ,,~ lQIsaa] ,,~ m-, ol IJ.LUeWTOl ("~~) d) (cf 7:20; 28:3)
28:1 (30) '~J lZ7M' 1QIsaa] ~'J lZ7M' m, Tile; KoptJ</>fic; TOU OpotJc; e
28:1 (30) 1" 1QIsaam] aVEU OLVOU e
28:2 (30) prn:l 1QIsaa] prn m
28:2 (31) i'T1iT''' 1QIsaa] 'J~? m, 0 eulJ.Oc; KUplOtJ e
28:2-3 (221) i1JOC1n C'''J,:J(3?) ":J(3?) f'M? n'JiT1(3?) 1QIsaa] ilJOC1n C'?J,:J 3 ,'::l f'M? n')., m.
Til yiJ lTOLf)UEL aVcllTaUUW Ta1c; XEpal KUl TOLe; lTOUl 3KUl KaTalTaTTl8f)uETaL tied;
Til yiJ lTOLf)UEL aValTaUaLV 3TULc; XEpal KUl TOLe; lTOUl KUTUlTUTTlef)UETaL d)AO
28:3 (I) ,,~ lQIsaam] ol IJ.La8WTOl ti (see v 1)
28:4 (2) i1n"iT1 1QIsaa] i1I;1;v! mL
28:4 (2-3) C'JC!Z7 'MJ lZlM' 1Q Isaa] C'JOlZ7 M'J lZlM' m; aKpotJ TOU opotJc; TOU iRJnlAOU e
28:4 (3) r'P C'O:J 1QIsaam] > e
28:4 (4) i1J".lJ:J 1QIsaa] rrnzi m
28:5 (5) m'El~' ,~ 1QIsaam] Tile; EAlTlSoc; 0 lTAUKEk d)
Isaiah 29
29:1 (7) ~1i~ ?M1iM 1QIsaa] ~'i~ ?~'i~ m, TT6ALt; APLTJA G)
29:1 (7) '00 lQIsa3 4 Q I s ak(';EJ1O)] 1EJO m; "~O' 50; avvayo:yETE (= "~O~) YEtnllJ.aTa G)
29:1 (7) 1EJpJ' C'JrT 1QIsa3 m ] ep<1ym6E yelp aw Moaf3 G)
29:2 (8) ~1i~;' ?M1i~? 1QIsa 3
] ?~'iM;' ... ?M'i~? m; APLTJA ... G)
29:2 (8) iln"in iln"in 1QIsa 3
] 1... il'il!i1 4QIsak ; iln~~n ... iln~~ m L
29:2 (8) iT'~1 il'JMn 1QIsa3 1 QIsab(]fr~n)m] airrftt; TJ taxi!< Kat TO TTAOUTO£; G)
29:3 (8) i";' 1QIsa3 m ] ;1';' 4QIsakm mssG)(Wc; AauL8)
29:3 (9) m,,:l'O lQIsa3 ] ni:l'O m, TTlJPYou£; G) (cf v 7)
29:5 (II) T,t 1QIsa3G)(Twv aaE(3Wv)] Tit m
29:5 (II) C'lr'i.l1 110il 1QIsa 3 1QIsab()b i'lO.,)m] > G)
29:7 (13) ~1iM 1QIsa3 ] ~'i~ me
29:7 (13) iT'~ 1QIsaam] ol aTpaTEUaUIJ.EvOL ETTt IEpouaaATJIJ. G)
29:7 (14) ilni:l'O' lQIsa 3 ] iln1~1 m; Kat TTUVTES ol aUVTJ'YIJ.EVOL ETT' airnlv G) (cf v 3)
29:7 (14) C'P'~o." 1QIsa 3
] C'P'~Oil1 m
29:8 (IS) 1'rDEJJ I Q Isa 3
] ,rDEJJ m
29:8 (IS) ~'.l1 nrn 1QIsa3 m ] > mmss; ETL 8ujJq. G)
29:9 (17) 1.l1W1 '.l1~.l1rDnil 1QIsa 3 ] 1.l1\D1 1.l1rDDnrDil m, > G)
29:9 (17) Pi;,rv 1QIsa 3
] ree m
Isaiah 30
30:1 (6) 'Joo 1QIsaa] 'T.! m
30:3 (9) i!O;:)? 1QIsaa] ilo?:h m6)(ovEl80c;)
30:4 (9) rrn 1QIsaa] 1'il m
30:4 (9) ";:)~?O' 1QIsaam] d:YYEAOllTOVT]POt? 6) (cf v 5)
30:4-5 (9-10) 5 '.I1')' OJn 1QIsaam(".11JJ)] 5~aTT]v K01TLalJOUlJl (= ".11)' CJn) e
30:5 (10) ~:J m;:) 1QIsaa] ("~:J) rD'~:J,,?;:) m-, (VrD':J) rD':J,,?;:) m qmss; lTOVT]pa(? (= "~:J) 6) (cf v 4)
30:5 (10) ilif.11!;l 1Q Isaa] if.I1? m
30:5 (10) ?'.111n 1QIsaa] !;l'.11'il!;l m~(vid)
Isaiah 31
31:1 (23) C"~O'? 1QIsaa 1 C"~O m
31:1 (24) ;:O,iT 1QIsaa 1 :0, m~(vid)
31:1 (24) '?~ 1QIsaa] '?.11 me
31:1 (25) rrrr 1QIsaam] TOV 6EOV e
31:3 (27) fh/ni, 1QIsaacorr 1 iT"~ 1QIsaa. (see v 4); rm m, [3Ol'J6Ela e (see NOTE)
Isaiah 32
32:1 (9) nn 1QIsa3] jil m
32:1 (9) C'ilD?' ... P'~ 1QIsa3m] 8lKalOl; ... Kat dPXOVTEC; (\)
32:2 (10) ilJnO~ 1QIsa3] ~::J- me
32:2 (10) CiT t:f1no, 1QIsa36)(vid)] CiT inO m
32:2 (10) j"~::l 1QIsa3] ji'~::J mLa'a'; EV hLWV 6)0'
32:2 (10) ?~::J 1QIsa3] '~~ m, <k lTOTaIl0c; (= (i1)?~~? cf 44:27) 6)
32:3 (II) ilJ.l1Wn 1QIsa 3] ilJ'.w;n (= .JJ)J)lD) m; EO'OVTat lTETT0l6oTEC; (= 'V1J)rD) 6)
Isaiah 33
33:1 (32) ,:J 1QIsaam L ] 1:J mmss
33:1 (32) l:::lOn" ("J,:::lO) 1QIsaa I lonil' (= "con) mU'(OTav UWTEAECTTlC;); aAWUOVTal e
33:1 (271) In,,,, 1QIsaa ("m,)] In?J' m (,,?); OTaV KomaUTJc; (= lm~?J:) U'5~; Kat We; oiJc;
(= n.Ihn,? see next) e
33:1 (1) '(1)D? 1QIsaam] Errt luartou (= ,~'?) e
33:1 (1) "'D' 1QIsaa] "P' m L
33:2 (2) rrrn 1QIsaa] rm m; EYEvi]6rJ e
33:2 (2) C.l1ir 1QIsaam] TO urrEp~a (= .11'JO TWV arrElSoUVTWV e, 1Wir· 5~O
33:2 (3) 1Jn.l1ro,iT 1Q Isaa] ,In.11,ro' m
33:3 (3) ",J 110iT 1QIsaam ] ToD 4>613ou cou E~ECTT11uav e
33:3 (3) lnoc,o 1QIsaa] mL ; l'nooic mmss; arro ToD 4>6l3ou oou e
33:4 (4) proc 1QIsaa] prDlD m. OV Tp6rrov Eav ric auvayaYQ (= "rD1p IrorDP?) e
33:5 (4) :JJroJ 1QIsaam] QYLOc; e
33:6 (5) rrrr 1Q Isaa] iT'iT1 m
33:6 (6) n,.11'ro', 1QIsaa] n.11'ro- m; li CTwTTJP(a li~wv ~
33:6 (6) t"'lDn lQIsaa4QIsa C(tioS(n)m L ] iilDrl mmss
33:7 (7) c, ~i~ 1QIsaa] C7~i~ m-, C'?~i~ mmss cf~
33:7 (7) li":J' 1Q !saa] 1":;);)' m
33:8 (8) 0".11 1QIsaa] C'i.11 m
33:9 (9) yi'"1 1Q !saa~( vid)] yil' m
33:9 (9) i'Eln 1QIsaa] i'ElniT m
33:9 (9)'U 1QIsa"] i.tlJ' m, <j>avEpQ fCTTal (= .tI11J?) e
33:10 (1t) iC~ 1QIsaa] ~, m
33:10 (It) ~roJiT ... l:lO'in~ 1 Ol sa- 1 ~roJ~ ... l:lO'i~ m, Bo~aulhiCTO~aL ... uljJwEhiuo~al e
33:11 (12) iTroron 1QIsaa] roron m
33:12 (12) rrr 1QIsaa 1 rrn m
33:12 (13) ,'ro lQIsaam] EV ayP4i ~
33:13 (14) ,.111' 1QIsaa~] ,.lit, m
33:14 (15) i'J,bis 1QIsaam] avaYYEAEl bis (= "J') e
Isaiah 34
34:2 (282) n':JO' 1:lJnJ1 1QIsaa] n:xl' I:lJnJ m L
34:3 (3) 1:l'-"'il1QIsaa] I:l'iil m
34:4 (3-4) "'l£l' l:l'OrDil M::ll' ,,~, ,.I1P:Jn' I:l'pom, 1QIsaa] C'OrDil~:Jl"~ 'pr.m m, > d)
34:4 (4-) (n?::Jj:l1 m)n?:l'ID' ... (':Jp m)?:l':O ?,:l' 1QIsaam] TTEaElTaL ... Ka\. We; TItTITH G)('1?DJ)
34:4 (4) lD'JO 1QIsaa] 1~~ m L
34:4 (4--5) ilJM 10 1QIsaa] ilJMO m
34:5 (5) ~ir1 1QIsaa] ilnn m L d)(EIlE8va6Tt) (cf v 7)
34:6 (6) m'M'~ 1QIsaa] m'7~ m L
34:9-10 (9-11) nElr? ill'i~ iln"i11 1Q I sa" ] ili.l1:l nElf? ill'i~ rrrrn m ill'i~ rrrm G)"
co,', il?'? ilil1:l'1O il~t:1 M'? CO," m',?IO CO," il'" ilil1:l nElr?
I:l,,»'? il:l~n tll''?, I:l"»'? il~n ~,?, 10
i"'? i"O ilJrDl1 il'?17; ilJrD17 il'?17' 1:l'?'17'? ilJrD17 il'?.I1'
l:l'nl'J n:l'J? zrnrn :linn i'i'? i"O :linn i"'? i"O
tll.,:l i:l'.I1 1'~' il:l i:Jl7 l'tll l:l'nl'J nl'J'? il:l i:Jl7 1'~ c'n~J n~J'?'
Ka\. faTal ainiie T] yfJ KaLOIlEVTt We; rrioon (l°lvuKTOc Ka\.TjIlEpac; IOKa\. OU a13EaeftaETaL Ek TOV
alwva Xp6vov, Kat o:val3i)anaL 6 xnrrvoc airrfjc dvw· el.c yEVECk e-pTlflw8i)anaL Kat de
xp6vov TTOAUv e-pTlflwthlanaL G)
34:11 (I I) U~rD' 1QIsaa] ~' m L
34:12 (12) il'im 1QIsaa] 'in m
34:12 (12) ~~ 1QIsaa] OEltll m
34:14 (14) C'~"tll 1QIsaa] C"~ m
34:14 (14-15) ilOif? '~:l'0' m'?''? '.I1')i' 1QIsaa \6(vid)] il'? iltll~' n'",? il.l1')iil m
Isaiah 35
35:2 (l9a) pDC, 1QIsaacorr] > 35:1-2 1QIsaa·; 'C,il m
35:4 (21) M':J' 1· 1QIsaa ~(aVTa1T081.8wO"l)] M':::l'm
35:4 (21) M':J' 2· 1QIsaa] ~':::l' m ~(1\~El)
35:6 (23) ~c" 1QIsaa] > m e
35:7 (24) p' 1QIsaa] ii~::li m
35:8 (24) rzmpil 1'" c,c"OO ilOO ilOrD il'il' 1QIsaa] rD'Pil 1'" 1'" c"C,oc OrD rrrn m; EKEl lOTaL oBOe;
Ka8apa Kat OBoe; ciyl.a ~
Isaiah 36
36:1 (28) rrpm 1QIsa"] '1i1'- 4QIsab m (sic passim)
36:1 (29) cro,Eln', 1Q Isaa] cro~', m L
36:2 (29) 'rDM 1QIsaa] "~M 4QIsab m (err in 1QIsaa, but cf'rD~ at 47:13, XL 3)
Isaiah 37
37:1 (4) ,i;loiT rrpm 1QIsa3] 'il'pm ,i;loil m e
31:2 (6) ttJ::J,ro 1QIsa3 ID] MJ::Jtp, mL (sic passim)
37:2 (6) il'.l1rD' 1QIsa3 ()] rr- m (sic passim)
37:3 (7) il'PIM' 1QIsa3] 1il'prn m (sic passim)
37:4 (10) (?C')~~OJil1QIsa3.] 1QIsa3corr (add); ilM~OJiT m (see NOTE)
+ nM1m "D::J (?O'-)
37:5-7 (lO-llb) 1l"M::J-1M(1)::J" 1QIsa3 corr m ID (add)] > 1Q Isa 3•
37:6 (113) ill~m 1QIsa3 1 C.,'!;lM m
37:6 (113) 1'OMm 1 QIsa3] l"oMn m
37:7 (lib) M'::J rm 1QIsa3] m, 1::J mID
37:7 (l1b) 1l"M!;l 1QIsa3] 1~M ~ m
Isaiah 38
38:1 (20) il'pnn' 1QIsaa ] rrpm m (sic passim)
38:1 (20) il'.llrD' 1QIsaa ] rr- m(sic passim)
38:1 (21) ',~ lQIsaa ] ~ mL
38:2 (21) :J'O', 1QIsaa ] :JO" mL
38:3 (23) :J:J":J' 1Q I sa" ] :J":J, m
38:3 (23) toJ" 1QIsaa ] 1:J" m
38:5 (25) 'n~,' lQIsaa e ] ',m
38:6 (27) ',:::w "" 1.l10'" 'J.l1C" 1QIsaa ] > me
38:8 (28-29) rDcrDil M rrm n'''.l1 n,".l1C:J 1Q Isaa ] rDCrD:J frm n,?.l1C:J m
38:9 (321) "n1'''m:J 1QIsaa ] 1n?n:J mL
38:10 (2) 'C,' 1QIsaa ] 'c' m
38:10 (2) 'n"pEl 1QIsaa ] 'n1P-~ mL
38:10 (2) 'C, lQIsaa ] ,n' me
38:11 (3) il' lQIsaa ] il' rr m L ; mil' mmss; TO aWnlpwv TOU emu e (see 40:5; 52:10)
38:11 (3) C"rT 1QIsaa] 'nil m, > e
38:11 (3) ~,." 1QIsaa ] M" m
38:12 (4) il?~' 1QIsaa ~(vid) ] mIn 1QIsab m
38:12 (4) 'moo lQIsaa ] 'mElp m
38:13 (5) hab lQIsaa me ] > v 13 lQIsab
38:13 (5) 'n100 1QIsaa ] 'n'1rD m
38:13 (5) '1:JrD' 1QIsaa ] '~rD' mL
38:14 (6) 'Jlll lQIsaa ] 'i'J.l11QIsab m
38:14 (6) ilplZllll'mM lQIsaa ] ilprDn mil' lQIsab ; ilprDP 'J'~ m- (cf v 17)
38:14 (7) 'D,m lQIsaa ] ".l11QIsab m
18:15 (7) ~;" 'C,~, lQIsaa] ,,, ,~, mL (see NOTE)
Isaiah 39
39:1 (15) M'ilil lQIsaa lQIsa b 4QIsa b mmss] M'ilil m L
39:1 (15) 11~t;,::l1',2· lQIsaa] l1M- lQIsab m L
39:1 (16) il'PflrT' 1QIsaa] rrpm 1QIsab m (sic passim)
39:1 (16) J10lZ1" 1QIsaa 1QIsa b m] J10!Z1"~ 4QIsa b e a: 5 0
39:1 (16) il'rT" 1QIsaa] pm" 1QIsab m, Kat QVECTrT\ ID
39:2 (17) t;,,~ 1QIsaa mmss] > m L
39:2 (17) ,'n:lJ 1QIsaa] iln:lJ m L 15(vEXwEla); ,n:lJ mq
39:3 (20) il'l1!Z1' 1QIsaa] rr- 1QIsab 4QIsab m
39:6 (25) 'MlZ1J' 1QIsaa Ii)) ~~ii 1QIsab(vid) m
39:6 (25) J
'M'::l' t;,::l::l 1QIsaa e 1il?[::l::l 4QIsab; t;,::l::l m
39:6 (26) M't;" lQIsaa] ~t;, m
39:7 (26) il~'J1oo lQIsaa] 100 4QIsab m
39:7 (27) 1'il" 1QIsaa] 1'il1 4QIsab m
39:8 (27) il'l1!Z1' 1QIsaa] 'il'- 4QIsa b m
Isaiah 40
40:1-2 (29) ilO~'il1t;,M lQIsaa 4QIsab(C:l['ilt;,~)m(C:l'~~) 0'] b 8E6c 2'lEPE1C e« C'J.j~~~-?)
40:2 (29) '~iP' 1Qfsa" 4QIsa m] > -, 15
40:24 (23) 91O.llJ (itOll to 9lDJ; see NOTE) 1QIsaa] 9tDJ 4QIsab m
40:25 (25) ~ IQIsaa] "tIl, 4QIsa b m
40:25 (25) ')"011"1 1QIsaa m] '))'011"1 4QIsab (err)
40:25 (25) ~'lU7~' 1QIsaa (missp)] ii~' 4QIsab m 6)ed(Kat tow6f}oOllaL); KaL lAjswlhloollaL II)mss (= ..J~iDJ
r, OG?)
40:26 (25) ~i:l 1QIsaa
m a' 0' 6'] KaTE8EL~E IT<lVTa II)
40:26 (26) r~' 1QIsaa 11)] f'~' m (err)
40:26 (26) m'O 1QIsaa] n;:) m II)
40:26 (27) rD'~' 1QIsaa] !D'~ m11); rD'~[ 4QIsab
40:26 (27) i'~J 1QIsaa 4QIsab(probably rri~), possibly Ji'i~)) m] OE EAa6EV II)
Isaiah 41
41:1 (4) 'rD'im 1QIsa& m] EYKaLV((E06E (= 'rD'inii; cf VAR 16:11) II)
Isaiah 42
42:1 (10) rrrt 1QIsaa mqi1) Matt 12:18] laKw~ d) (cf 41:8)
42:1 (10) il;:)1QnM lQIsaa] l0nM m
42:1 (10) 'i'nJ 1QIsaa m Matt] pr lapaT)A d) (cf 41:8)
42:1 (10) '1O~C1 1QIsaa] ~rDr.l me
42:2 (1 J) p.l1r 1QIsaa] P.l1~ m
42:3 (12) i'1::J;:)' 1QIsaa d)(vid)] ilJ~' m
42:4 (12) ilil;:)' M'?1 lQIsaa] ilil;:)' M? 4QIsah m, c.ivaM~l./JEL d)
42:4 (13) 1'ni1n?1 1 QIsaa] ,mn?1 4QIsah ; inl1n?' m-e
42:4 (13) 1''MJ' 1QIsaa] 1?'n' 4QIsah ; 1?'1j:~ m L d)(EA1TLOUaLV)
42:5 (14) C'i11~;i 1QIsaa] rrrr m
42:5 (14) i1i1:J 1QIsaa] ~i::J 4QIsah m(Mi1::J)
42:6 (15) ••••• ?,~ 1QIsaa] 1;""'~ 4QIsah m, EYW KiJPlO£: 0 6E6c; d) (see NOTE)
Isaiah 43
43:1 (9) il:>'i~" ... il:>'~''O 1QIsaa] ] ... 1~i':1 1QIsa b; 11~;' ... 1~!~ mL
43:3 (12) 'J~ 1QIsaa] pr':> 1QIsab 4QIsag me
43:3 (12) 'nnJ,l~U tQIsaa 1 ~nnJ lJ1'lZl'O 1QIsab me
43:3 (12) li£l1:> O'i~O 1QIsaa 1 O'i~O liEl' 1QIsa b me
43:3 (12) C'~::l01 1QIsaa 1 ~:::lO' 1QIsab 4QIsag m, Kal ~O"'IITlV e
43:4 (13) c~il1n~ 1QIsaa] Ci~ iinl 1QIsab; o,~ 1n~, m
43:6 (15) 'nU::ll '" 'J:! ~'::l.' 1QIsaa] l'nU::ll ... 1'~::l 1]~'::l.' 1QIsab; 'nlD' ... 'J::l '~'::l.' me
43:6 (15) ',~o 1QIsaa ~(alT' dxpwv)] ii~PO 1QIsa b m(see NOTE)
43:7 (16) 'i(')::l:l?' 1QIsaa 1QIsab m L 1 ':>? mmss so Syh
43:7 (16) :'J~ 1QIsaa m] :'J~' 1QIsa b
43:8 (16) 1}l;'~ii 1QIsaa ~(vid)] ~'~,~ tQIsab; ~'~'ii m; educ 0
43:8 (17) O'J'J1 1QIsaa 1 'J1, 1QIsab m
43:9 (18) "')" 1QIsa" 1QIsab 1 i')' m~(aVa'Y'YEAEi)
43:9 (18) ,.ll'O(O' 1QIsaa] 'J,p'OlZl' m L
43:9 (18) W'O!Z1" 1QIsa"] ,.llOtP" m L
43:10 (19) 'i::lJ11QIsaa] 'J1, me
43:10 (20) ii'ii ~,? ',n~, 1QIsaa] ii'ii'~? "in~[, 1QIsab; rrrr ~? 'in~, me
43:12 (21) 'nJ10tzlii11QIsaam] 'tzlii1QIsab~
43:12 (22) 'J~ 1QIsaa] 'J~' m
43:13 (23) ii?'.ll~ 1QIsaa] ?i1[El~ 4QIsab mL(?~El~); [ ]bEl~ 1QIsab
43:14 (24) ?:l:l:l1QIsaa] ?::l:l4QIsab; il?::l::l m
43:14 (24) 'nii1il1 1QIsaa m] Kal €lTeYEpW (= 'ni'.llii1?) e
43:14 (25) 0"'(0:>' 1Q Isa"] C'ilZl" m
43:14 (25) m'J'~:1 1QIsaa] n"J~~ m
43:17 (27) nnJ1' ?'m 1QIsa"] m~, ?'n m L
43:17 (27) ,:11:>(0' 1QIsaa] ,~' mL
43:18 (27) i"rn 1Q Isaa] 'i:>rn me
43:19 (28) iinm 1QIsa"] iln.ll m
43:19 (28) '.llin 1QIsa"] il1.llin m ~(vid)
43:19 (29) PO'lZl'::l 1Q Isa"] ]1OV1'::l m L
43:19 (29) n1::l'nJ 1QIsaa] n1iilJ m«)
43:20 (371) 1n~ 1QIsaa 1 'nnJ m
43:20 (1) PO'lZl'::l 1QIsaa] 10'lZ1'::l m
43:20 (I) 'i'n::l' 1QIsaa] 'n::l m
43:21 (1) nr 1QIsaa] ,r m
43:21 (1) 'n?iin1 1QIsaa] 'iin 4QIsag m
·43:21 (1) 'i~" 1QIsaa] 'iElO' 4QIsag m~(8lTJYE'iaeal)
43:22 (2) ~,?, 1QIsa" mL(~?1)] ~? mmss s~ms 0
43:23 (2) iin1~':J,' 1QIsa"] n~oo[ 1QIsab; ~~[:J,i 4QIsa g ; t;l~';l.'J mL
44:16 (22) en',:J!Z1' ,'''m ".11, .,~" 1QIsaa] en' ~~ .u:JrD" ,.,~ m~' .,~~, m (err);
6lTnloal; l<lXl'YE KaL EVElTAf]o6r] KaL 6Ep~aveEk d) (see v 19)
44:16 (22) ,lJ 1QIsaa] 'n'~, me
44:17 (22) iW.I1' .,~., 'In''W, 1QIsaa] iW.u~" 'In''~tU1 m (see NOTE)
Isaiah 45
45:1 (6) In'WC'' 1QIsaa m y,] TW XPlOT4l uou d)(= ;n-); in-/;n- ? 1QIsab
45:1 (7) mn", 1Q Isaa] t:m", m
45:2 (8) C"'ii' 1QIsaa 1QIsab(C'",m) d)(KaL OPT])] c'",m m
45:2 (8) 1lZ1'~' 1QIsaa] in'wC"/;n'lZ1C"? lQIsa b; 't$.1~ m L; 'lZ1'~ mq ; d)(>..Lw) (cf v 13)
45:2 (8) ":J!Z1~ 1QIsaa] '~rDN m
45:3 (9) m'lpii 1QIsaa] ~"Pii 1QIsa b m
45:4 (to) ii~J'~ii CW:J, 1QIsaa] 10tz1]:i 1QIsa b; lD~ 10W:J m, T4l 6VOj.laTL j.lou(oou y') Kat lTpOO8EeOj.laL OE 6)
Isaiah 46
46:1 (5) i:lJ 1QIsaa m Nul3w 6}Ba'a'e'] ~a'Ywv 6}
Isaiah 47
47:1 (20) r'~' &;'17 ':JrD 1QIsaa] ri~&;' ':JrD 1QIsab m, EtUEA6E de; TO UI<OToc; G) (cf v 5)
47:1 (21) ~'P' 1QIsaa] '~'P' 1QIsa m b
47:2 (21-22) 1'&;"rD 'El1rDn 1QIsaa] &;,:JrD[ LQf sa"; &;':JrD ':JrDn 4QIsad; &;':JrD 'ElVfD m. avaKclAUl/JaL T<lc;
lTo>..Lcle; (= ;'~iT?) f)
47:2 (22) "':Jl7 1QIsaa] ',:J.l1 1QIsa b m(',~)
Isaiah 48
48:3 (8)
Isaiah 49
49:1 (28) '?M C"M 1QIsaa 1QIsab ma:(vid)] C("M]'?~ 4QIsa d (cf 41:1; 51:5) 6)(vid)<1'; >''?M 6)c S O
49:1 (28) ':l'lZ1pii lQIsaa] -rn 1QIsab m
49:2 (29) "" 1QIsaa] rr 1QIsab m(i,') 6) (orth or var?)
co rr
49:2 (29) fn::> 1QIsaa·lfi a: 5] rn::>" 1QIsaa ; rn'? 4QIsad m
49:2 (30) "nE)!DtO 1QIsaa] ,n- 1QIsab 4QIsad m
49:3 (30) ?M'IZ1' lQIsaa 1QIsab 4QIsa d m] > mms
49:3 (30) 'MOOM 1QIsaa m] 'MEl]riii 1QIsab (err?)
49:4 (31) 'JM 1QIsaa] 'JM, 4QIsad m 6)a: S
49:4 (31) ":J,-r" iim" 1QIsaa] ":J", ,i1n" 1QIsab m
49:4 (31) pM 1QIsaa m] 1M 1QIsab
49:4 (31) 'n".I1'El' lQIsaa] 'n".I1El{, 4QIsad m('n"~~1) (orth or var?)
49:4 (411) 'm?M 1QIsaa 1QIsab('ii"M) m e a: SO] 'mM Mt'j; 4QIsad ; KVpLOV TOV 6EOV lfims
49:5 (I) ,ct' 1QIsaa m] pr i1::> 1QIsab e
49:5 (I) 1'~" 1QIsaa] "~" 1QIsa b m(',~') e
49:5 (2) ,., 2· 1QIsaa mq mss e a'] M? 4QIsad m L <1' 8' 0
49:5 (2) m:l::>M' 1QIsaa] ,~, 1QIsab m
49:5 (2) ',r.l1 1QIsaa] '111 1Q Isa'' m 6)
49:6 (2) "pJ lQIsaa m] "pJii lQIsab
49:6 (3) c'pm 1QIsaa] JilZ1ii" 1QIsa b (cf next clause); c'pm 4QIsad m
49:6 (3) :l,P.l1' "'~J' "M'1Z1' 1QIsaa] '?M'IZ1' ',i~, JPll' lQIsa b m(','~, m-, ",~, mq ) 6)
49:6 (4) f'~' "~p lQIsaa] r't' ii~P 1QIsab; r't'ii ~p m
49:7 (5) 'J"M 1QIsaa 1QIsab('J1t')] > m
49:7 (5) ii:l?t"J 1QIsaa lfi] "t',J lQIsab m('?MJ)
49:7 (5) ',r:1? 1QIsaa 4QIsa d a' <1' B'(sic Chr Tht) a:(pl) 5 0] iiT.:J7 c 6) a' B'(sic Hi); ilt~'? m
49:7 (5) ':J.t1nc? 1QIsaa] JDm? m
49:7 (6) 'M' 1QIsaa] 'M" 1QIsab m
49:7 (6) ,cp' 1QIsaa m] lCip; 1QIsab
49:7 (6) C"IZ1' 1QIsaa 1 QIsab(C"l~i)] C"1Z1 m (see NOTE)
Isaiah 50
50:1 (421) il)iT 1QIsaa] liT m (cf vv 9 bis, 11)
50:2 (2) C~ 1QIsaa] c~, m
50:2 (3) tD:J'n 1QIsaa«)(Kal ~pav6f]aOVTaL)] ~:Jn m
50: 3 (4) i1tD':J"~ 1Q Isaa] tD':J"~ m
50:4 (5) 1'11" ... "11" 1QIsaa] 1'11' ... ".\1' me
Isaiah 51
51 :1 (14) ?M1 '" .,~ 1QIsa3 mll)(dc;; '" KaL dc;;)] "~1 ... .,].0 1QIsab
51:2 (15) 1il'mp 1QIsa3 ] 1'n~,p 1QIsabm
51:2 (15) \"DR1 lQIsa 3
] 1il~'::lR1 lQIsabm; KaL EiJAOYT1aa aiJTov KaL -nY<lTTT'\aa aiJTov Il)
Isaiah 52
52:1 (14) n.l1 1Qisaa] It.l1 me
52:1 (14) 1::1 ~'::1" 1QIsaa] ".l11::1 ~::1' me
52:2 (15) '' 1QIsaa 4)(vid)5] 'lo1p 4QIsabm
52:2 (15) '::1~ 1Qisaa] 'tzl m4)(vid)
52:2 (15) ,nn£ln' 1QIsaa mL ] 'nn£lr1il mse
52:4 (17) mil' 1Qisaa] pr 'J'~ m
52:5 (18) ilC 1QIsaam Q
] '0 m-
52:5 (19) ,,,,m 1QIsaa] ""'il' m, Kat O'Ao'AU(ETE If)
52:5 (19) ~'J 1QIsaa] + i11il' me
52:6 (20) 0"::1 1QIsaalf)] pr p'? m
52:7 (21) ,,~ 1QIsaa m If)mSS(wPaLOl)a'a'e'~50] il'l[~J 4QIsa b; wpa If)ed
52:7 (21 ) .l1'OOC '" i~:JC itzl:JC 1QIsaa] i~::10 ... .l1'000 itzl:JC m4)
52:8 (22) O"P 1QIsaalf)(vid)] ,?,p 1QIsabm
Isaiah 53
53:1 (5) ~ lQIsaatQIsab] ?.t1 m
53:2 (6) ,? "il lQIsaa] "il lQIsa bmd)(vid)
53:2 (6-7) u,cm, ... U~'J' 1QIsa3] 1incrm ...[ 'ilJ~'J' 1QIsabm
53:3 (7) tD'~' 1QIsa3] '~ 1QIsabmd)
53:3 (7) m:J'~c 1QIsa3 m(m::l~::lc)] C':J~::lC 1QIsab
53:3 (7) .t1"" 1QIsa3d)(KaL d8Wc:)] .t1",
1QIsa b; .tm', m L
53:3 (8) 'iln:J:I11QIsaa] ilT:J:I11QIsab; ilf:JJ m
53:4 (9) 'il'J::ltDn 1QIsaa] 'ilJ- 1QIsabm
53:4 (9) il::llO' lQIsa3d)(vid)] il::lC lQIsabm
53:5 (to) ~::l"C' lQIsaalQIsab(~::l'C')d)(vid)] ~::l'C m
53:5 (to) ,o'c, 1QIsa3] 'c 1QIsabmd)(vid)
53:5 (11) ,'m'::ln::l' 1Q Isa3] ,m:Jn:J' 1Q IsabmL(inl-)
53:7 (t 3- 14) 'il'El ... 'il'El 1QIsa3 1QIsa b(1;i['El] ... 'il;El) ] "El ... "El m
53:7 (13) r11:JC? lQIsa31QIsab] n~~? m-
53:7 (13) '?n,::l 1QIsa3] '::l' 1QIsabmd)
53:7 (13) nliEl 1QIsaa] 'El' m
53:8 (14) OOtDOO, lQIsaa m] '00 lQIsabd)(vid)
53:8 (14) np,? lQIsa3m(np?)d)] ,np? lQIsa b
53:8 (15) ic.t11QIsa34QIsad ] ?;C.t1 /;C.t1 1QIsa b; '0.I1 me (see NOTE)
53:9 (16) m':J lQIsaa (= inr,l:;1)] "nb;1 mLG)(aVTl TOV SaVClTOU airrov)
53:9 (17) ",'E):J 1QIsaa 4QIsadO)n' -) ] "£3:J 1QIsabm
53:10 (17) 'il'~' ,to, lQIsaa] '?nil ~S[, 4QIsadm; Ku6apto"Ul airrov(= ~E)i?) Tile; TTATl'yfte; G)
53:10 (18) liM" 1QIsaa] 1']'i~' 1QIsabm; l'it\m 4QIsad
53:11 (19) i'~ lQIsaalQIsab4QIsad([,j;~)G)(add)] > m (~i' = err for rrrr II .l1:Jrlr)
53:11 (19) .l1:Jtz1', lQIsaa] .l1:J~' lQIsa bm; d;
b:Jtz1i 4QIsa Kat TTAf]aal G)·(TTAclaaL G)ed)
53:11 (19) 'ln~:J' lQIsaa] 'In.l1,:J 4QIsa m, Tfl aUVEaEL G)
53:11 (20) ":J.l11QIsaa (contra ',:J.l1 Burl)] ;i:J.l1 4QIsa d m; EV BoUAEVoVTa G)
53:12 (22) '~t:)n lQIsaatQIsab(;[~t:ln)4QIsadG)] ~t;)n m, r:J,n ~
53:12 (22) ilC,i'.l)t/]E)" lQIsaalQIsab(ai'-)4QIsad(O~i'-)G)] O'.l1- ma'
Isaiah 54
54:1 (23) ~", 1· lQIsaa 4QIsad(~,,)] ~, lQIsa bmG)
54:1 (23) iiJ" lQIsaa] iiJ' lQIsab4QIsadmL(iiJ'l )
54:1 (23) ~", 2· lQIsaa] ~, me
54:2 (24) ':J'n'~ lQIsaa] 'iil lQIsa b4QIsadmG)
54:2 (24) ';,&;ln~ lQIsaa] 1'- 4QIsadm
54:2 (25) 'c:l' 1 QIsaaG)('TTft~ov)] ,c:l' m
54:2 (25) ~, 1QIsaa] ,~ mG)(vid)
54:3 (26) 1tz1,,, 1QIsa" 1QIsab] tz1i" m
54:4 (27) ~(')' ... ~(')';l 1QIsaa 1QIsabm] > G)
54:4 (27) ~, 1 QIsaam(';l~')G)(vid)] ,~ 1QIsab
54:4 (28) ',i£lnn 1QIsaa] [']iE3nn 1QIsab; 'i'E)nn m
54:4 (28) "':lm 1QIsaa] ',;,m 1QIsabmL('i:;nn)
54:5 (45 I) ';,';l.l1:J 1Q Isaa] l".l1:J m; KUpLOC G)
54:5 (t) ';'~1J1 lQIsaa] 1';l~'J' lQIsabm('~J')
54:5 (2) mp' lQIsaa] ~'P' me
54:6 (2-3) ntz1~, '" (~)';' lQIsaam] OUX ... oUB' We; yUVaLKa G)
54:6 (3) mil' 2· 1Q Isaa] > me
54:7-8 (4-5) .l1J1i ... .l1J'i:J lQIsaa] .l1Ji '" .l1J,:J 4QIsadm L(.l1n ... .l1rp)
54:8 (5) 'ion:J' lQIsaa4QIsac5] ion:J' mG)a'
54:8 (5) ':l~'J lQIsaa] 1'~J m
54:9 (6) oO;:l 1QIsaa] '0';' m; drro TOV VOOTOC G)
54:9 (6) i1.l1 n(')J '0 ,(,):J.l10 lQIsaam] UUT<\i EV T<\i Xp6vl.[l EKElVl.[l G)
54:11 (to) rrmc 1QIsaa] ilijilc[ 4QIsad m(ill.wb m L) a' a'; Kat aKUTciaTUToe; G); tempestate convulsa
(= rrrnc ill-¥9?) 0
54:11 (to) l'm,1C" lQIsaaG)(vid)] 1'l'l'"1O" m
54:12 (1 I) mp'~ lQIsaa] nip,~mL
Isaiah 55
55:1 (18-19) RC~ ?('):l "il 1QIsaam] ol BL!/JWVTEt: e
55:1 (19) 'i':JrD 1QIsaa (hapl?)] ~i:;l~ ,:l?, '?:lR' ~i:;l~ m L4QIsaC(vid) (add + ditt?); ayopaoaTE KaL
55:1 (20) :J?rl1 1QIsaa] :J70' mLa'o'; KaL oTEap (= :J7lJ1) G}
55:2 (20) ,?,prDn 1QIsaa4QIsac] '?p,rqn m L
55:2 (20) OO? R'?:J 1QIsaam] > G}
55:2 (21) ilD:JrD 1QIsaa] 'rD? m
55:2 (21) '?':lR' 1QIsaa] '?:lR' 4QIsaCmO?=?~1 m L)
55:3 (22) 'Doo, 1QIsaa] 'rD m, ElTaKOOOaTE uou e
55:3 (22) (il)C:lrDElJ 1QIsaa1QIsab4QIsacm] pr EV aya601.t: G) (cf v 2)
55:3 (22) nli:lR' lQIsaa] iln'i:lR' 4QIsac; fr[ 1QIsab; ilni:lR' m
55:3 (23) 'ion 1QIsaalQIsabm] Tn aOLa G}
55:4 (23) ilJillQIsaa] Jil1QIsabm
55:4 (23) 'l.i'nnJ 1QIsaa4QIsac] ,'nnJ 1QIsabm
55:5 (24) nrt 1QIsaa] Jill QIsab4QIsac m, > G}
55:5 (24) lnpn Din 1QIsaa 1QIsabm] t:l8noav OE ElTLKaAEooVTat Of e
55:5 (24) R'? 1 QIsaa4QIsaC{~['1?)m{R?)] ~[?l irDR 1QIsa b
55:5 (24-25) f'i' '" il:lDi' lQIsaa] '~'ti, ,.. l'Di' lQIsabm; I ... il:liDi' 4QIsac
55:5 (25) rrrr lQIsaa1QIsab()i1')m] > e
55:5 (25) rD'iP", 1QIsaacorrlmm('p?i)] rDiip,lQIsaa·lQIsab
55:6 (26) 'rDiii 1QIsaa] ~cDl'1 m L
55:6 (26) rrrr 1QIsaam] TOV 6EOV lfi
55:6 (26) 'R~Cil:J lQIsaalQIsab{'~c[il:J)mo'{aTE EuptoKETm)O] R~[c.i:J 4QIsac; KaL EV T4) EuptOKELV
ailTov lfi
55:6 (26) 7 :J'iP 1n1'i1:J 1Qfsa- 1QIsabm] TtvtKa 8' av Eyyt(U u~I.V e
55:8 (28) ~'n':llzmo 'n'O~o 1QIsaam6)(ai. ~OUAal uou WUTTEp al ~UAat vlJ.wv)] 'n::lfZmO ~~n::l~n]6
55:9 (461) il:l1,'O 1QIsaa6)] 'il:::lJ 1QIsabm; wt; aTTExn 6)
55:9 (2) (il)O~'n(')::lmOO / 'n(')J~nO' 1QIsaa 1QIsabm] tr 6)
55:10 (4) ?,~? 1QIsaa] ?~~? 1QIsab; ?:;:?k7 m L ; elc f3pWaLV (= ?~k?) 6)
55:11 (5) CP'i '?~ 1QIsaa 1QIsabm] > 6)
55:11 (6) ('n-1QIsab),'nm~ i~ (>m)~ n'?~m1QIsaa1QIsabm] Kat EUOOOOW Tat; 68ou<: oou Kat
Ta EVTaAj.!aTa IJ.OU 6)
55:12 (7) ,~~ 1QIsaam] p~~ 1QIsab
55:12 (7) D?n 1QIsaa] i'?::lm 1QIsabm; 8looxef]um6E (= "o?n) 6) (Ziegler l XI errs)
55:12 (7) il~':JEl? 1QIsaa 1 QIsab(~- )m(~-)] TTpoa&X0IJ.EVOl vlJ.a< 6)
55:12 (7) ilJ'i 1QIsaa] ilJi 1QIsab; iln m L
55:12 (8) ~,no' 1QIsaa] ,'no' 1QIsab; ,~no' m
55:12 (8) rp 1QIsaa 1QIsabm] TOL< KM80l< 6)
55:13 (8) mn, 1QIsaa1QIsabmQmss6)] nnn m L
55:13 (9) O'~ 1QIsaa] O'il 1QIsabm
55:13 (9) rrn 1QIsaa] il'm1QIsabm
55:13 (9) mil'? 1QIsaa 1QIsabm6)ed(KUpl41)] KUpLO< 6)ABQSmss
55:13 (9) OO?, m~? 1QIsaa] m~? OO? 1QIsabm; elc avolJ.a Kat elc aTJlJ.ELOV 6)
55:13 (9) n;~' ~(')? 1QIsaa 1QIsabm] Kat OUK EKMlqsn 6)
Isaiah 56
56:1 (10) ~'~ 1QIsaa] > 1QIsabm6) (cf v 4)
56: 1 (10) 'i1C~ 1QIsaa] 'iOO 1QIsabmOi9~ m L )
56:2 (12) n??nO 1QIsaa] ,??nO 1QIsabm; 1J.l1 f3E~llAow 6)
56:2 (12) ",. 1QIsaa6)(vid)] ", 1QIsabm(i" m L )
56:3 (13) ?~ i: 1QIsaa6)] ~, 1QIsabm
56:3 (13) mil' ?~ 1QIsaam] mil'?.11 1QIsab (ef v 6)
56:3 (14) ilJ.' 1QIsaa] lil 1QIsabm;
> 6)
56:3 (14) '~'lJ~ 1QIsaa] 'J~ 1QIsa bm
56:6 (18) n:l~il n~ O'iO'~' mil' 00 ~ 1i::l'" 1QIsa3] rorD i~ ,,~ lQIsabm; KaL rrdvrnc TOU<;
epUXaOOOIJ.EVOUC; TO. oa~I3(1T(i uou ti
56:6 (18) ;,1,,,"0 1QIsa3] ''',,"0 1QIsabm; IJ.TJ f3€13T]AOW e
56:7 (20) ' 'D'ilOil'n::ln 1QIsa3q;mss (cf Isa 60:7)] c.,'n::ln 1QIsa b4QIsaimQ;msSO; KaL 6oo(aL airrwv
EooVTaL e, 11pom l'il'~P recn Q;
56:7 (21) ilip' 1QIsa3] ~iP' 1QIsabm
56:8 (21) mil' ')(')'~ 1QIsa3m] KUpLOC; e
56:8 (22) ""D
"~::lp)';l 1QIsa3m] ,~)';l 1QIsa b; Elf' airrov owaywyTW e
56:9 (22) n,'n ... iT"W n,'n 1QIsa3ti] ,n"n .., ~'lZ11n'n 1QIsab; 'In'n ... ,,~ 'In'n m
56:9 (22) ",~, 1QIsa3] ,,~ 1QIsabmti
56:10 (23) "El'~ 1 QIsa3mq(1'El~)] ~~ m L ; tSHE (= ~El~) e
56:10 (23) 'D1' 1QIsa31QIsabm] + eppovilom ti (cfv 11)
56:10 (23) ilOiT 1QIsa3] > 1QIsabm
56:10 (24) o'nn 1QIsa3 mm ss ti(EVUTTVLa( OIJ-EVOL) a '(epaVTa ( .)O' O(v iden tes vana) cf 5 1 0'Ti1 lQIsabm
(cf Kutscher, LLBIS, 235)
56:10 (24) O'::l'il~ 1Q Isa3] '::J.'~ m
56:11 (25) O'D'iil 1QIsa3] O'Di 1QIsabm (= viTDi); lfOVTjPOL (= -.J DDi) esc
56:11 (25) k'~PO 'D~::l" 1QIsa3 lQIsabm] KaTo. TO aUTO e
56:12 (26) hab v 12 1QIsa31QIsabma'o'8'] > ti
56:12 (26) il::lO)' ... np)' lQIsa3] iT~::lO)' ... np~ lQIsa b; iT~::lO)' ... iTnp~ m
56:12 (26) 'il" 1QIsa3] rrrn 1QIsabm
56:12 (26) om 1QIsa3 1
01'] 1QIsabm
56:12 (26) inc, 1QIsa3] 'C m
Isaiah 57
57:1 (27) P"~' 1QIsa3] 'il 1QIsabm; tSHE We; (, 8(KaLOC; e
57:1 (27) 'OMiT 1Q Isa3] -n m
57:2 (28) ~'::l" 1QIsa3] '~'::l' 1Qfsa"; ~'::l' m, EO'TaL e
57:2 (28) ,'m~~c 'D,n1)" lQIsa3] (m cn,::l-)cn:DW[ ".t1 -r lQIsabm; ~ TaepTJ airrov e
57:2 (471) iTn~l) l'''iT lQIsa3] iTn~) l"'iT 1QIsa in,~ l~h m L ; 1}pTaL EK TOU IJ.EOOU e
57:11 (11) (C'(i70' mL)C~lI)O' ilrDnO 1QIsaa4QIsa drn] oe t8wv 1TapopW (= C7.;>0) 6)
57:12 (11 ) 1np~ 1QIsaam] 1P'~ 4QIsa Ti)v 8lKaLOOWr]V uou 6)5(aou \BS"mss OL y'); iustitiam tuam 0
57:12 (11 ) l'rD.uo 1QIsaam] Tn KaKU oou 6) (see previous)
57:12 (12) l'l':J'P 1QIsaa] > 4QIsadrn6) oty'Cl:50 (see next)
57:13 (12) l'l':J,P 1QIsaa5] l'l':jp 4QIsad; T~'JP mn, EV Tfj 6AlljJEL cou (= l(')P'~:J) 6); l'iprD ',:J.lJ Cl:
57:13 (13) np" 1QIsaa] " m
57:13 (13) nem 1QIsaa] ilOMil1 4QIsadm(ilO,nil1)6)
57:14 (14) iOM'" 1QIsaa] ,~, rncr'; Kat Epovm 6); et dicam 0
57:14 (14) n?OOil 1QIsaa] > me
57:14 (14) 'lJEl 1QIsaarn] alTO lTpocrW1TOU aUTov (= '~(O)?) 6)
57:15 (14) ~(');:I 1QIsaam] > 6)
57:15 (15) -;OM 1QIsaam] + KUpLOC 6)
57:15 (15) rD"P' 1QIsaam(1 0)] clyLOc;; €v Q'YlOlC;; 6)
57:15 (15) 'OrD 1QIsaa4Q Isadm] + KUpWC;; e
57:15 (15) p;:,ro' q]"p:J' C"O:J 1QIsaa] prD' rD"P' C"1:l 4QIsad; p;:,ro~ (rDiP1 rnmS)r,,,,p' r:J"0 m, uljJlaToc;;
EV Q'YLOlC;; uvalTaOOO~EVOC;; 6); .x...'l.DCl n::n..~ ffiJtt.:::7.l 5; in exeelso et in saneto habitans 0
57:15 (16) n1'M~' ... n1'M~ 1QIsaa] n1'nil~' ... li1'nil~ 4QIsadrn
57:16 (16) ~('P 1" 1QIsaam] > e
57:16 (17) ~(1)C:l.lJ' ("~O.lJII) 1QIsaa4QIsadrn] E~EAEucrfTal (= "~O.lJI?) e
Isaiah S8
58:1 (22) ~~ 1QIsa'm] ~~'1 QIsabll)
58:1 (22) i!)'CO' 1QIsa'mll)] ,!)'COP' 1QIsa b
58:1 (22) ilOil'DCO!) 1QIsa'lI)] C.I1CO!) 1QIsabm
58:2 (23) 'm~ 1QIsa'lQIsab('~)4QIsad('n~)II)]'~, m~50
58:2 (23) er e,' 1QIsa'] C,' e,' 1QIsab4QIsadm~; i]~E:pav EC i]~E:pac: II)
58:2 (23) 'co",' 1QIsa'] l1CD';[' lQIsabm
58:2 (24) 'il1~~ 1QIsa'] 1'i1~~ 1QIsabm
58:2 (24) ,~em' lQIsa'] 1,~!)n' lQIsabm
58:3 (24) ilC~ 1QIsa' 1QIsabm] pr AEyOVTEC: II)
58:3 (25) u'mCO!)J lQIsa'lQIsa b(1J'nrD!)J)II)] 'Jcom m
58:3 (25) ~,l;l, 2 1 QIsa'm(~l;l')1I) ] ~l;l 1QIsab
58:13 (9) n:ltDO 1QIsaa 1QIsabm] n:ltDilO 4QIsa n ; arro TWV aal3(3<lTwv If)
58:13 (9) mDDO 1QIsaa4QIsan(mtDDO)If)Q:mss ] n1tDD 1QIsabmQ:
58:13 (9) il:::>'~£ln 1QIsaam(l'~£ln)lf)] l~£ln 1QIsa b6' SyhQ:SO (orth or var?)
58:13 (9) (ii)~iP1 1QIsaa 1QIsabm] nip' 4QIsan
58:13 (9-10) ,::DO m.,' tD',P?'
1QIsaalQIsa bQ:m s s ] '0 " ro"P? mQ:; ':00 [4QIsa n ; aYla T4J 6E4J aov
If)oms(et sanctum ... 0)
58:13 (10) 1m::D' 1QIsaa 1QIsabmSO] iln::D' 4QIsan ; > If); ip'n Q:
58:13 (10) il~'~i' lQIsaa4QIsan(1'-)m(T-)6't>] 1~i' lQIsabcr:S; TOV rr68a oou it) (orth or var?)
58:13 (10) ~,~o, 1QIsaacr:t>(et non invenitur)] '00 1QIsabm6'cr:ms,; ]oAo 4QIsa"; OUK ... Err' lpY41
it)5( 'l..::Udl .Gn)
58:13 (10) i:1' i:1" 1QIsaa 1QIsabm] omE AaAl1aElC; AOYOV EV 6pytj EK TOU aT0f.LaT6c oou it)
58:14 (10) m1m lQIsaatQIsabm] elTQ rrE1Tol6Wc; it)
58:14 (11) il~:1'~im 1Q Isa- 1Q Isa b(1:1-)4Q I san(i~iii[, )cr:(1)"tU")it)(Kat clva13Ll3Qa€l aE)] Tn~io"
58:14 (II) 'nO':1 1QIsaa] 'nr.l:1 1QIsabm q ; 'n1O:l mL ; Errt Ta clya6a (= ':1W:1-?) it)
58:14 (11) il~"'~" lQIsaa~(l/lw\-llEl aE)cr:S] 1'n"~~mlQIsab4QIsa"(TmS[~i11)mo
Isaiah 59
59:1 (12) ~,., nrt lQIsaa] ~"lil lQIsa bm; \-IT) OUK e
59:1 (12) ,')r~ ,,~ lQIsaa] m~ i11~ lQIsabmit)
59:2 (12) C~ ~'~ 1 QIsaam('~)] '~1 QIsa b
59:2 (13) p" 1QIsaam] 1':1, 1QIsab
59:2 (13) ,,'no., 1QIsaa 1QIsabm] clrrEaTpEl/l€ e
59:3 (14) 1".I1:1 1QIsaa] ,ptU 'i::1' e;,'n1neJro l"l1:1 1 QIsabm~
59:4 (14) i1i1p lQIsaa] ~i'P lQIsabm(~ip)
59:4 (15) "''',i11 ", m.,., i::1" ... ,nO::1 1QIsaa] "''''il' ... 'iil ... ,,::1, ... ,nO::1 1 QIsab~ (3 pl);
,''',m .. , nil ,::1" .. , mO::1 m (inf abs)
59:4 (15) ,tU lQIsaa (cf Job 15:31)] ~1rD lQIsabm
59:5 (15) C']'.I1D~ lQIsaa~ ]']'.I1D~ lQIsabm
59:5 (16) '.I1p::1' 1QIsaa] ,.I1P::1 1QIsabm
59:5 (16) 1)'" 1QIsaa] ']i~' 1QIsabm
59:6 (17) ,o~' lQIsaa] ,0pn'IQIsa bm
59:6 (17) C."El~::1 con (,?.pEl, lQIsabm L)'?1mEl' lQIsaalQIsa bm] > it)
59:7 (18) ~'P) 1QIsaa 1QIsab(~[']pi)m('p])] > e
59:7 (19) cern 1QIsaa] > m~
59:8 (19-20) ilOil 'n1::1'ro 1QIsaa] Cil'n1:1'ro me
59:8 (20) 1"'il 1QIsaa] 1i' m
59:8 (20) il:llQIsaamL ] C:l mmsit)(vid) sec Syh
59:9 (21) ni;lEl~::1 1 QIsa~] n'''El~::1 m; EV clWplQ.~; ~C1 SO
59:10 (21) tUtUJ.J (1") 1QIsaa] i1rDtUJ.J m; l/Jr]Aact>l1aOUO"LV e
59: 10-11 (22) II? ilom 11 ? C'["1'm lQIsaa] ilom 11 c'no~ m, W<; clrr06v(jaKoVTEc; aTEva~OOOlV 11 it)
59:11 (23) C')"~ 1QIsaa] ';" m
59:11 (23) i1li1J ~ili1 lQIsaa] ill':l i1l' m; TIOpEWOVTal it)
59:11 (23) il.I1'tU'." 1QIsaa] '., m; oormptc e
59:12 (24) ~':ll1 i:l'n~om lQIsaa] i1n:ll1 ,)'m~om mL ; i1nJ.I11Jn~trlm mmss; Kat nl UflapTtaL T)f.LWv
clVTEa11laav ~
59:13 (24) ,.I1'tUEl 1Q Isaa I .I1tUEl m, 1\aE13TjaaflEv e
59:13 (24.25) i11i1'::1 ron;" 1QIsaam] Kat El/lEuaaf.LE6a it)
59:20 (3) :l(1)p.I1':l .I1tDE) ':ltD?1 1Q Isaam] Kat alTOOTpEljJEL aaE13das alTO I aKw13 6)
59:20 (3) rrrr CM(1)J 1QIsaa1QIsabm] > 6) (see v 21)
59:21 (4) cnM 1QIsaammss6)(airrolt;)CWSyh] cn1M m-
59:21 (4) 'n1'1 1QIsaa] " 1QIsabm6)
59:21 (4) '1fZ110' 1QIsaam] tD{1j6; 1QIsab; E:KAl1TlJ 6)
59:21 (5) (i1),.o,r .I1ir 'E)01 1QIsaa1QIsabm] > 6)
59:21 (5) iln.oo 1QIsaa] pr rrrr 10M 1QIsabm; pr EtlTE yap KUpLOt; 6) (see v 20)
Isaiah 60
60:1 (6) "1M '01P 1QIsaa1QIsabm] cPWTl(OU cPWTl(OU IEpoooaATJIl 6)
60:1 (6) ,,~ lQIsaa] '"lQIsabml6
60:2 (6) "E),m 1QIsaam] '.I1", 1QIsab
60:3 (7) 0""0' ... 0'(M)1J lQIsa3 1 Q I s abm] 13aaLAELt; ... E9v'r] 16
60:3 (7) ,JJ" 1QIsaa] i1JJ" m, Til
AalllTpOTTJTl aou 6)
60:4 (8) i1JOMn lQIsaam] jiJ'tDJn lQIsabl6(ap(h1aovTaL)
60:5 (8) 'Min lQIsaa1QIsa bm L6)(ToTEo!/JTJ)] 'M,'n mmss (orth or var? see next)
60:5 (8) ,jiJ1 1QIsaa] ,nE)1 rrnn 1QIsabm; Kat cPo13TJEhlm:l16
60:5 (9) 1'''M 1QIsaa1QIsab] 1'''.I1 m
60:5 (9) 1M1:l' 1QIsa3m(1M:l')] M1:l' 1QIsabO; Kat ll~ouall6
60:6 (9) 1M:lfZ10 ... 1E)'.o1 0"0 1QIsaa] M:ltDO ... i1E)'.I11 1"0 1QIsabm
60:6 (10) n"im1 1QIsaa 1QIsabm] Kat TO aWnlPLOV 16
60:6 (10) 1'tD:l' 1QIsaam] )1- 1QIsa b
60:7 (10) nlM:lJ 1QIsaa6)mss(Na(3Ew6)] nl':J) 1QIsabm6)ed(Nal3aLw6)
60:7 (10) 1J1n'fZ1' lQIsaa1QIsa bm] ll~ouat am 16
60:7 (10) 1".I1'1 1QIsa3 ] '.0' lQIsabm
60:7 (II) ".I1 J1~" lQIsaammssl6~5] 11~i 1QIsab; 11~' ".I1 m-
60:21 (25) "" 'tD.11C 1Q Isa811) ] "" iltD.11C 1Q Isab; ", iTtD.11C m
60:22 (26) iT~tD'n~ lQIsa81QIsabm] auv<i~w airroUc; II)
Isaiah 61
61 :1 (26) rrrr lQIsa 811)( v id ) O(v id ) ] O'iT?~ m[iT' lQIsa b; jj'iT' ,~];~ 4QIsa mmll)Qm g
61: 1 (26) tD,::In?, 1Q Isa8] tD::In? m
61 :1 (27) mpnpEl 0'i1O~?' 1QIsa81QI sab(npnp£l[) mmss ] mp npEl '?, m L; Kat TU</>AOlc; av<i~MlIslV II)
Isaiah 62
62:1 (11 ) ~,i;l, 1QIsaa] Mi;l me
62:1 (11) lD'inM 1QIsaa] ilrDn" m
62:1 (11) iln.111rD'1 ilP~ 1QIsaam L (i1Cl- i1P.-)] i) BLaLOO"tJvT) ~OV, TO BE crWTi)PLOV ~OU ll)
62:1 (12) ".11:Jn lQIsaa] i.11:J'm
62:2 (12) ';,p~ 1QIsaa] 1p1~ m L
62:2 (12) i;l,;" 1QIsaam(i;l;,,)] Kal. e
62:2 (12) '''ip' 1QIsaa] "ip' m, Kal. KaMcrEL e
62:3 (13) ~m1 1QIsaam L
] ~'~, m q
62:3 (13) 'l'm~ 1QIsaa] 1'v~ m L
62:4 (14) ~,i;l, 1 QIsaa~] ~i;l m
62:4 (14) ':h ... ';,,? 1Qlsaa] 1i;l ... 1i;l 1QIsabm
62:4 (14) ilOO'rD 1QIsaaa'cr'6'([O cf Isa 54:1 (cf BHS note)] iI~~ m L
62:4 (14) ''''p' 1QIsaa] M'P' m
62:4 (15) m1.11::1 1QIsaam] otKoV~EVT) e
62:4 (15) i;l.11:Jn-(")';' 2' 1QIsaa 1QIsabm] > e
62:4 (15) ';:)::1 1QIsaa] 1::1 1QIsabm
62:5 (15) i;l).11~ 1QIsaa e (cf ([5, BHS n 5a)] i;l).11:J' 1QIsabm
62:5 (16) ';:)'''.11::1' 1QIsaa] 1'- m
Isaiah 63
63:1 (27) iT.1I,:!' 1QIsa31QIsab(iT[~)m(iT.1I~)] ~(q. If); ~(vwv (= i.1l~-) If)mso'O
63:1 (28) iTPi~:1 lQIsa3m] Pi:!':1 l Qfsa"; BLKaLOOUVTjv If) (see NOTE)
63:1 (28) :1i 1QIsa3mL(:1'J)] Kat Kp(OLV If) (= :11-)
63:2 (28) in lQIsa3] nn lQIsa bm6)
63:3 (29) ',:1&;7 'n::>;, iT'1D 1QIsa31QIsa b('&;7 " m[m)m] lTATjpTJC; KaTarrErraTT)~EVTjC; If)
63:3 (29) '0.110' 1QIsa3] C'O.1Iq,jl QIsabmlf)
63:3 (29) 'n~ 1QIsa3] + 'in &;7.11 cn~ r1 'ron:1 COOi~' 'D~:1 tJ:)i~' 1QIsabmSO; + Kat KaTElTlITT)oa
aUTok EV OU~4l Kat KaTEOAaOa aUTOVs We; yfjv Kat KaTT]'Ya'YOv TO at~a aUTWV Etc; rfIv If)
63:3 (29) ('n~J~ m) 'nl;l~J 'rD1:Jl;l0 l;l(1);:)1 lQIsaalQIsa bm (cf BHS note)] > It)
63:4 (29) ':Jl;l:J lQIsaalQIsa bm] E'll'il~eEv am-o'le; It)
63:4 (511) ~~J lQIsaalQIsabm] ~UTp(jxmlle; It)
63:5 (1) t:l'~1 1QIsaam] ilt:l'~1 1QIsab
63:5 (I) inI1 1QIsaam(ir.l1)It)(I3oTJe6e;)] rD'~ 1QIsab
63:5 (I) CO~1 lQIsaam] ilOO1n~1 lQIsab
63:5 (1) 10m lQIsaa] 10]10 lQIsabm; uVTE~a~l3<ivETo (::: len 42:1; ::: 100 26:3) It)
63:5 (1) ~'? 1QIsaa 1QI sab(.l;l)m('l;l) ] am-oUe; It)
63:6 (2) il01:J~1 lQIsaalQIsab ] 01~1 m
63:6 (2) C·0.l11QIsaalQIsabm] am-oUe; It)
63:6 (2) 'norT:::l (il)Ci'~1 lQIsaalQIsab] ':J Ci~rD~1 m L ; ':J Ci:;lrD~1 mmss; > It)
63:6 (2) m'i~1 lQIsaalQIsab(m'i~1)] j'i1~1 m
63:7 (3) :J1t:l :Ji1 lQIsaalQIsab(:ii6 :i'1)] :JW :J"11 m, KvpLOe; Kplnle; uyae<'>c; (::: :Jit:l :J11 ef 63:1) It)
63:9 (5) i~ ~1? lQIsaa] i~~? mL ; i~ il;l m
q mss; au rrpEul30c ('::$ M?) It) (see BHS note)
63:9 (5) 1'JEl 1QIsaam] UAA' am-<'>c; KvpLOe; It)
63:9 (5) 1'n?01n:J1 1·n:J.i~:J lQIsaa] ;n?ory:::l1 in- m; 8la TO uyarrav alrtoix; Kat 4>d8wea.l aimiw It)
63:9 (6) C~J'1 ~J'1 lQIsaa] CMro[J'1 p?c!l[J'1 lQIsa bm; Kat UVEAaI3EV aUTove; Kat U!jJWUEV am-ave; It)
63:10 (6) 1'rD11P 1Q Isaa] m,p m
63:10 (7) ~"'1 1QIsaalt)] ~1il m
63:11 (7) il'~ (~)lO.I1 i'W(1)O 1QIsaam L ] il~ 1':J.l1 iWO mmsss; > It)
63:11 (7) i'l?.I10il 1QIsaammsslt)e's] C?.I10il m
63:11 (7) C·o 1QIsaam] EK Ti'je; yile; I\}
63:14 (10) Un'Jn 1QIsaam (vmJ)] Kat OOl1YTJUEV ailToVc; It) (= vilm) ef Cl:S
63:14 (10) ~';:) lQIsaa] p mit)
63:15 (10) C'ooil 10 1QIsaa] C'OOO m
63:15 (11) rorrrcn 1QIsaa] In'1:JJ1 m L ; l n1 - mmsslt)
63:15 (11-12) 1pE)Mil ,~ 1QIsaa 1 QIsab('?]~)m] OTl UVEUXOU ~~wv I\}
Isaiah 64
64:1[2] (16) 0'6,0.v 1QIsaa] 0'00.' m, KTlpOc; (= ",,000) e
64: 1[2] (16) 0'0 1QIsaam] > e
64:1[2] (16) il11:Jn 1QIsaam] Kat KaTaKaOOfl (= i11:Jn) ~
64:1[2] (16) il~'i~ 1QIsaa~] > m
64:1[2] (16) (il)~(D 1QIsaam] TO KUplOU ~
64:2[3] (17) il'pJ 1QIsaa] pr~' m, > e
64:2[3] (17) '''fJ O'iil (il)~'JOO (il)nT1' 1QIsaam] rpouoc Allf.llj,sETaL aTTo aou oPT) e (see 63: 19[64: 1])
64:3[4] (17) O',.vO 1 QIsaa~] '0' m
64:3[4] (17) '1100 1QIsaam] l]KOOOaf.lEV e
64:3[4] (18) 'IJ'f~' ~", 1QIsaa] 'il~' m; > e
64:3[4] (18) ~,., i'.v, 1QIsaa] ~, 1'.11 m; ou8E ol 6<f>OaXj.J.otlif.lwv e
64:3[4] (18) il(D.IJ' lQIsaam] Kal. Tel Epya oou a rrouicetc ~
64:3[4] (18) "il~no" 1QIsaam L ] ,., '~no' mmss; TOle; inr0f.lEVOUaLV v,,EOV e
64:4[5] (18) (il)n.l1J5l 1Q Isaam] avvavrf]aETal e
64:4[5] (18) (DrD n~ 1QIsaam 1>e
64:4[5] (18) ilrD'.I1' 1QIsaam(ilrD.v,)] To'le; TTOLOual e (= 'rD.I1? cf 64:3)
64:4[5] (19) rerrer 1QIsaa] l"~r m L
Isaiah 65
65:1 (27) "J1?~ 1QIsaammss6}sa:] 1~~ m
65:1 (27) 'n'~CJ lQIsaa] 'M~ m
65:1 (27) 'Jrl 'JJi'T 1QIsaam] tBou elul 6}
65:2 (28) iTi10 1QIsaa] ii10 m; alTEL80flVTa (= iTiO 3:8/ i1iO 59:13/.,.,0 1:23) Kat OVTLAE-YOVTa e
(cf 50:5; BHS n 2a errs)
65:3 (29) iTOiT 1QIsaalfi] > m
65:3-4 (29) C":l~1'il4 t:l'~iT ?13 t:l'i' 1p:r1 1Q Isaa] C':l~iT4 t:l'J:l?iT ?JJ C'i~01 m, Kal eUIlLWcrLV ElTt TellS
lTAl.V6OLC: TOLe; ooLlloVlOle; (= C'i'.tl~iT? cf 13:21) OUK EUTl 4lfi
65:4 (521) C'i'~:l11QIsaa] C'i1~1 m; Kal EV TOLe; OiTT\AalOle; lfi (ef 49:6 lQIsaam L q )
65:4 (I) 'U'?' 1QIsaam] KOlllwVTat Bl' EVVrrvla 6}
65:4 (I) i'nrm lQIsaa] i'tQij mL
65:4 (I) pi01 1QIsaamq6}a:o] piEl1 mL
65:4 (2) ilOil'?::>:l 1QIsaaa:o] t:li1'?::> m; pr IT<lVTa 6}
65:5 (2) D)I1 1QIsaa] ~m m. EYYlaue; e
65:5 (2) ~':l 1QIsaa] ':l':l me
65:5 (3) (iT)::>'mnp 1QIsaam] Kaaup&: et~l e
65:6 (4) 'nc?~1 'nl:l?w lQIsaam] OlT08G> lfiSyh
65:6 (4) ~ 1QIsaalfi] ?JJ m (cf v 7)
65:7 (5) iTO::>'n1:l~ ... ilrD'n1J1113 1QIsaam(C::>- ... C::>'nJ1JJ)] ... alJT(;)v b iS lfiS
65:7 (5-6) (il~i m)iTJW'i ... rrr lQIsaam] > lfi
65:7 (5) [1fnop lQIsaa] ,~ m L
-65:7 (6) C'iiT 1QIsaa] 'i1i1 m
65:7 (6) 'n(1)iC1 1QIsaam] olTC>8Wo"w e
65:7 (6) iTon?.I71El 1QIsaa] cn?-!:,~ m L
TOLe; 8E 80UAEUoU<JlV aiJTl\! KAT\61l<JETaL ovo~a KaLVOV 8 EVAOYll61l<JETaL E11"L Tile; yiie;
16E\JAOyrl<JOOOL yap 4)
65:16 (25) 'J',l10 'ineJ (~)':l' 1QIsaam] Kat OUK aval3i)<JETaL airrwv E11"L TT)v KapBtav 4)
65:17 (26) ~"'::J 'JJiI 1QIsaa1QIsab(~"'::J [)m]
E<JTaL 4)
65:18 (27-28) ?'J, ~,~ 1QIsaa] ,?'J, [~~ 1QIsa m; Eixppooiwr]V Kat ayaAAta~a EVpi)<JOOOLV 4)
65:18 (28) ~i'::J 'J~ .,~ 11' ",l1 1QIsaa 1 QIsab(~1'::J 'JM .,rb[M)m] EV airrfj 4)
65:18 (29) ilO1" 1QIsaa1QIsab(;i6(,l1,)m] Kat TOV Aaov ~01J 4) (cf v 19)
65:20 (532) M'" 1QIsaa4)(vid)] M' 1QIsabm
65:20 (2) !:I'O' ?',,l11QIsaa] " ",l11QIsabm; dwpoc; 4)
65:20 (2) il?O' 1QIsaa] ~?O' 1QIsabm
65:21 (4) ~ 1QIsaa] > 1QIsabm
65:22 (5) fJ] 1QIsaa] tim 1QIsabm; TOU ~UA01J Tile; (wije; 4) (cf Gen 3:22, 24)
65:22-23 (S) 23 'i'n::J(23) 1QIsaa] 23 '1'n:J 1QIsab(vid)m L(23 :'i'n::J); 23 0l 8E EKAEKTOt ~01J 4)
65:23 (6) 1i::J 1QIsaa4)(TrUAOYll~EVOV)] ':l"::J 1QIsabm(':l'1::J)
65:23 (6) t:li1M (il)o."~~~' 1QIsaa1QIsabm4)mss] > 4)
65:25 (7) ::JT 1QIsaa] :JMr 1QIsabm
65:25 (8) ,.,~, 1Q Isaa] il;-;t\; 1Q Isabm
Isaiah 66
66:2 (11) rrn 1QIsaa] "il" 1QIsabm
66:2 (12) rm '~:lJ' 1QIsaa] '., i1M:lJ' 1QIsab (cf BHS n 2 b); 'i il:lJ' m L ; '., ~:lJ' mmss; KaL i)<JUXLOV 4)
66:2 (l2) -rrrrn 1QIsaa] ,.,n; 1QIsabm L (' ' '1T;!' )
66:2 (l2) '.,::J,' 1QIsaa] ''i:ii ~ 1QIsab; '''::J' '1' m
66:3 (12) il:lO:l 1QIsaa4)(w<; ... )] i1:l0 lQIsabm
66:3 {I 2-13) ~i(1)3J--JZ1'~ 1QIsaa 1QIsabm] > 4)
66:3 (13) ,,'nn 1QIsa'] i'm 1QIsabrnL(i'rq) (see VAR at 66:17 and Kutscher, HHL, 98)
66:4 (15) i'lCti"miU1D' lQIsa'1QIsab(OOiJC:J[,)] 00",)0, rn; Kat nit; ci~apTta< e
66:4 (16) ~ lQIsa'] > lQIsabrn
66:5 (17) 'iOM ... ,.vOrD 1QIsa'1QIsab] ~'O~ ... ~.v~ rn L; aKoooaTE ... EllTaTE (= ~.,O~ '" ~110rQ) Ii}
66:5 (18) mil' (1~~ rn L)1::O' '00 1110" lQIsa'1QIsa bm] 'tva TO ovo~a KUptou 8ocaoeiJ (= '~'"') Ii}
66:5 (18) ilo:lnnOrD::I ~." 1Q Isaa] ~nnOrD::I il~l~' rnL; Kat 6<j>6fj EV Til EU<j>pooUVQ at'rrwv e
66:6 (19) "'11::1 1QIsa'] ,,'.vO me
66:7 (20) ilt:l'''o.1 1QIsa'] ilt:ll'''oil; 1 QIsabrn; EC€<j>VYE Kat ETEKEV e
66:8 (20) ~'O, 1QIsaa ] '0 2· 1QIsabrn
66:8 (20) ~.,' 1QIsa'] il~i 1 QIsabrn~
66:8 (21) "'nnil 1QIsa'] "nm m, el tOOLVE e
66:9 (22) i""'~ ~O)'" "'::I~ 1 QIsa'mL("'::Id~)] l8wKa Ti]v lTpoo80Ktav(= ";i::ltD) TaVTTlV Kat OUK
E~vf)a6rl< uou Ii}
66:9 (22-23) i1i;~~' 1'''1Oil1QIsa'] 'ni~.11' 1'''10il lQIsa bm; yEvvwoav Kat OTElpaV ElTOLTjoa ll)
66:10 (24) ~ noo lQIsa'mL(~)] Eu<j>pavlhlTL (= [I;1l'?] 'noo) e
66:11 (26) moo 1QIsa'] rro 1QIsabrn; drro Eloooou e
66:12 (28) jlJ'rDJn 1~ ".11 ilOi1'n~pm lQIsa' ll)(TQ lTaL8La aUTwv ElT' w~wv ap6f]oOVTaL)] ]".11 cnpJ" 1QIsab;
~~~1:l 1~ ".11 Cl)pJ'l rnL
66:12 (28) C';:'.,,::1 1QIsa'] C'~l:;l rn L
66:12 (28) 'l1rDl1nrDn lQIsa'1QIsab] '.11rD.11~l'l m-, lTUpaKAi)6T)ooVTaL e
66:13 (29) ,onm 1QIsa'] ~OIJ~ rn L
66:14 (541) .l11U1 1QIsa'] il.111'J' m
66:14 (1) "::I'~ nM ... ,;'::111 n~ 1QIsa' 1QIsabm] TOLe; OE~ofl€vOLe; aUTov ... TOl.< QlTEL60umv ll)
66:15 (2) rD~::1 1QIsa'1QIsabrnL] ~;:, mmssli}
66:15 (2) ;,£),0::1, 1QIsa'] '0;:', rn
66:15 (2-3) '£)~ 1QIsa'"'1QIsabrnli}] ('£)~) \ '£)~ 1QIsa3C o r r (err; see VAR at 66:20)
66:15 (3) rrrwn 1Q Isa'] ;nil1J, 1Q Isabm e
66:16 (3) c:nEl!D'? ~i:::l' 1QIsa' cf c ] OOWJ 1QIsabrn; KPLei)OETaL rrdon i] yfj (= ri~il ,,;:, t:lOOJ"') e
66:16 (4) irD::J,1 1QIsaa] irD::I rn
-66:16 (4) ;'''''n 1QIsa'] i1['il'] '''''n 1QIsabmll)
66:17 (4) nn~ i~ lQIsa'1QIsab(n[n~)rnqmss] 1~ in~ m-, > e
66:17 (5) l1n::l 1Q I sa' 1Q I sa b m] Kat EV TOl.< lTp06UpOll:; e
66:17 (5) ,,'nnil lQIsa'] ij'1mil lQIsa bmL("'rqiJ) (see VAR at 66:3)
66:17 (5) r'prDn1 lQIsa'] rp,qml m L; ,.(..sun SSyh
66:17 (5) ;,;;;, 'i~ lQIsa'] il;;'; ~J 100' 1QIsabrnll)
66:18 (5-6) '~::1 ilo.1'm::lrDnO' ilOil'rD110 ';:"J~; 1QIsa'] ;lIb c;l;mti/[n]6; [m'rD110 ';:,lj~; 1QIsabm;
KQYW Tel lpya at'rrwv KaL TOV AOYLOflOV aUTWV ElTLOTaflaL(> ll)mss) lpXOflaL(-OVTaL ll)mss) ll)
66:19 (7) mn,~ 1QIsa'll)(OTlflELa)] m~ 1QIsabrn
66:19 (8) ?11:) 1QIsaa 1QIsabm] Kat <l>OlJ8 e (= [!)11:)·? cf jer 46:9)
66:19 (8) rnIp[ h'lDC 1QIsaa] nlDp[ ':xD]C 1QIsabm L ; > nrDp mms; Kat Mooox e
66:20 (9-10) ?{1}::l\M 1QIsaa·1QIsabm] (?1::l)\ ?,::l n~ 1QIsaacorr (err; see VAR at 66:15); > ~
66:20 (10) ?::lC 1QIsaa cor'! QIsabm~] > 1QIsaa.
66:20 (10-11) mJ1::l11::l:J1 O''''I:):J' \ [ )000:)' (C~~:J'~:J' C:J::l1:J' 1QIsaa corr)[C':J'~:J' C:J::l,:J,] 1QIsaa·(vid) ]
n'1::l1:='[:J' 1 Qfsa"; ni1~1:;>:;)~ C"1El:J' C'~:J~ :J::l1:J' m L ; (~Ea' ... ) Kat EV Aa~m1Valc;
iJ~l6vwv ~ETa O1<la8(wv ~ (see NOTE)
E. L. Sukenik, n'1:l,Vil ilc:l'01:l'J'~il "':llO nmJ'il m"JOil 1l"~. Jerusalem: Bialik Foundation and the Hebrew
University, 1954. Idem, The Dead Sea Scrolls of the Hebrew University, ed. N. Avigad and Y. Yadin. Jerusalem:
Hebrew University and Magnes Press, 1955. D. Barthelemy, '8. Isaie', Qumran Cave 1 (DJD I; Oxford:
Clarendon, 1955) 66-68 and PI. XII. Eva Jain, 'Die materielle Rekonstruktion von 1QJesb (lQ8) und einige bisher
nicht edierte Fragmente dieser Handschrift', RevQ 20/79 (2002) 389-409, including Pis. 1-8. P. W. Flint and N. N.
Dykstra, 'Newly-Identified Fragments of 1QIsa b" including one plate, JJS 60/1 (2009) 80-89. E. Ulrich,
'Impressions and Intuition: Sense Divisions in Ancient Manuscripts of Isaiah', in Unit Delimitation in Biblical Hebrew
and Northwest Semitic Literature, ed. M. C. A. Korpel and J. M. Oesch (Pericope 4; Assen: Koninklijke Van Gorcum,
2003) 279-307.
Although no fragments are preserved from cols. I and I I, there is at least one
fragment from each of the remaining columns from III to XV and large amounts from
XVI to XXVIII. Col. XVI consists of unconnected fragments. The top portion of cols.
XXVII-XXVIII is mostly together, but the lower portions are mainly in small
fragments. Cols, XVII-XVIII are dark brown and virtually illegible to the naked eye.
The top portions of cols. XIX-XXII are medium brown and legible, though the lower
portions are quite dark (see Plates G and H). Cols. XXI II-XXVI are severely
darkened-almost black upon black-though occasionally there are small areas in the
upper half where the leather is a bit lighter and some phrases can be easily read.
The scroll's twenty-eight columns appear to have contained an average of c.51 lines
per column. Top margins are partly preserved on cols. XVI-XXVIII with the
exception of col. XIX. The maximum height of the top margin is c.2 em at the top of
col. XXVII, but whether the top margin was originally greater cannot be determined.
The only bottom margin preserved is on col. IX, measuring c.l.6 em. The margins
between columns on the same skin average c.1.5-2.0 em. The maximum height of the
preserved part of col. XXVI is c. 21.5 em; since the average number of lines per
column is 51 and the height from the first line of that column to the presumed
midpoint at lines 25-26 is c.14.5 em, the height of the inscribed portion of the column
can be estimated at c.29 em. Thus, the final columns are missing roughly the bottom
10 em of the inscribed column plus the bottom margin. The width of cols.
XVI-XVIII is ern, the width of cols. XIX-XXVI is c.9 em, and that of cols.
XXVII-XXVIII is c.12.S cm.
There are clear signs of vertical ruling between cols. XIX and XX and between
cols. XXI and XXII, and though it is difficult to see horizontal rulings now, the
regularity of the lines of script indicates that the scribe had the advantage of such.
Especially around the edges of major fragments, there are a number of small pieces
that are detached and misplaced or folded over, which confuse or complicate the
decipherment of the text.
"". In such cases, the transcription gives the expected letters, and problematic cases are
usually explained in the NOTES.
rAlepl Gimel. Although this confusion does not occur, these two letters could be
confused if the top right portion of the letter were damaged or missing.
'Alep/lfet. The second row of Table 3 demonstrates that at times, especially when
the manuscript has suffered, 'alep and het can be confused.
BetjKap, The scribe occasionally makes the hap very shallow, and thus it can be
confused with bet. For example, in 1="0; at XXII 17 (51:6) one is tempted to transcribe
the first letter as bet, since w~,o[:J occurs at XVIII 3 (43:2); but similar occurrences of
shallow hap, such as n1~;; in XXVI 20 (60:14) and e",
in XXVI 30 (60:21) which
demand hap, indicate that this is simply a characteristic of the scribe.
Daletl Rei. Surprisingly the scribe carefully distinguishes these two letters. Thus,
the variant iMin vs. ii11n m at 60: 13 is certain.
Eight corrections occur in the preserved portions of the manuscript:
41:7 (XVII 4) :J'c:l
55:10 (XXIV 9) iCDM:l':l
All the corrections appear to be penned by the original scribe; no later hands are
detectable in the manuscript.
Although the orthographic practice of 1QIsa b displays widespread agreement with that
transmitted in ntL,q,mss 4:, there yet remain approximately 161 words that are spelled
differently in the preserved parts of the text (see Table 3). Certain forms are listed in
which the inclusion of space for word-division is the differentiating element (e.g. ,,~ 'J011).
At times it is uncertain whether a difference is properly orthographic, phonological,
morphological, or textual. In such cases the form will be included in the orthographic list
and, insofar as appropriate, will also be listed among the textual variants. Forms with
scribal corrections, insofar as they might witness to variant textual forms, and forms
with other interesting features will also be listed.
The fuller spelling is found now in 1QIsab , now in nt, in roughly equal measure. In
general 1Qlsab tends to spell the Qal participle with waw, whereas nt does not (note,
however, e'l1W~ in 1QIsab vs. tl'.uw,~ in m at XX 6 [46:8]). In contrast, m tends to mark
the feminine plural noun with waw noticeably more often than does l Q'Isa]'. Otherwise,
there are few patterns of differentiation. Instructive is the vacillation, for example,
between tl'O~" followed by [tl'16'~" in 1QIsab vs. tl'O'~" followed by e'~" in m at XXIV 3
(55:4), and between eM followed by MOil in 1QIsa b vs. ilOM followed by en in m at XXVIII 7
TABLE 3: Orthography
167 38:19
167 38:20
11'" 5]""
'J.l1'tz1il? 'J.l1'lD'il?
16 15 39:3 ~'::l" ~::l"
21 I7 49:7 i;l~'J ~
21 I9 49:7 ~"p tzT1p
2121 49:8 no6[ro] n,oo~
S ense- Divisions
The scribe of 1Qisa b uses the normal range of methods to mark sense-divisions: an
entire line left blank, the end of a line left blank, an indentation, a blank interval within
a line. Each of these methods, except for the first which is clearly a major division, can
be longer or shorter, indicating major or minor intervals. For a fuller discussion of
sense-divisions see the Introduction to 1Q Isa". Table 4 provides a list of preserved or
strongly indicated intervals in 1QIsa b in comparison with those of m and the other
Isaiah scrolls. The symbols used are explained in the Table. Readers who use BHS
7.21 [E] e + i P + i
.23 [-] E
8.1 I E E f: E
13.1 V E E a: E e: E
16.10b E w?
19.15b w b:-
.16 [-] E + i w b:-
.161$ [-] b:E
.2Ib [-] w b:-
.23 w? b: E
.24 [-] I w b: E
20.1 [I] I e+P a: e+L; b: L
22.15 E E a: E; c: E f: E
23.1 E e + I E a: E
24.21 W e + I E+P
25.1 w E E
26.2 [-] a: E
.2b w
28.16 [w) I P + i
30.12 [W] I E
39.1 e+ L W 2.5 L, or E?
.3 (e] + i E b: [-]
.5 E b: [-]
41.5 P + i
.7 [-] w
.8 W E+X?
.12 E+ X? + L
.14 e+ i w
.17 W L e+P
.21 E L P+W
43.3 E g: -
.8 w?
.9 w
.11 e+ i E
.22 E g: e + I
.5 [-] w
.8 E E c: [-]
.9 E + i I
.10 [-] e+i w
.11 [-] P+W
.13 w
.14 v L e
46.5 [-] I w
.7a~ w
.8 e+i w
.9 w
.1Ib w d: -
.12 E E + i E c: [E] d: [-]
47.1 [-] w E d: [-]
.4 w w
.5 [-] w d: [-]
.6b (-] w
.8 [-] w
.1Ib E
48.17 W e P + i d: i
.17b13 d: w
.20 I w? P+ i
49.1 w w E+P d: -
.4 e+P d: [-]
.5 P+W d:-
.7 E e+i E + X? d: [w]
.8 w P+i d: [w]
.13 w d: [-)
.14 w e+i E d: [w]
51.1 I L E
.3 e+i
.4 e e+i E
.6b E
.7 w w E+P
.9 E E + i E c: [w]
52.11 W w w c: w
.13 I E c: [i]
53.1 e+P c: [i]
should be aware that the symbols listed for mL in the Table are descriptive of the
divisions as they occur in Codex Leningradensis, which is written in prose format. The
e, o symbols printed in the stichometrically arranged BHS for Isaiah can be misleading,
for they are not found in Leningradensis and sometimes do not accurately indicate the
divisions in the Codex. For example, BHS inserts o before Isa 55:6; 56:1; and 56:4; but
in each case Leningradensis leaves the end of the line blank and indents the line
beginning the new section.
In comparison with m and the other Isaiah scrolls, 1QIsa b has fewer sense-divisions. It
is extant for 108 passages in which at least one other manuscript has a division. For 55 of
those 108 passages lQIsab has no division (m has 17 major, 6 minor, 32 non-divisions);
for 34 it has a major division (m has 20 major, 7 minor, and 7 non-divisions); and for
19 passages it has a minor division (m has 9 major, 3 minor, and 7 non-divisions).
In at least six instances 1QIsab has intervals in the middle of what m considers a
'verse': at 16:10b; 26:2b; 43:11b; 47:11b; 59:1b; and 66:20b, and possibly at 19:15b.
1QIsab and m share affiliation in orthography and text (see below), but not in sense-
divisions. 1 Qf sa> (or its Vorlage) is the most sparing, and 1Q'Isa" (or its Vorlage) is the
most liberal. Codex Leningradensis is quite sparing in the use of sense-divisions, but
more liberal than lQIsa b , and far less liberal than lQIsaa. The chart clearly shows that
there is no reliable tradition of sense-divisions and no relation to a putative 'original'.
Textual Character
For the assessment of the textual character of 1QIsab , different classifications of
variation should be considered: orthographic features, individual textual variants,
isolated interpretive insertions, literary edition, and text-family groupings within an
edition. The first four classes usually operate independently and do not influence each
other, whereas text-family groupings are determined precisely according to those four
classes of variation.
The orthographic profile of 1Q'Isa!' has been described above, needing no further
comment here. There is a total of 622 individual textual variants, some consisting of
several words, thus increasing the number of individual variant words. The full list is
provided in the 1QIsab edition, and an analysis is offered below. 1QIsab does not
preserve any isolated interpretive insertions compared with the m tradition, although the
composite m tradition does contain at least nine such insertions as compared with 1QIsaa
and «; (see the lQIsaa Introduction). The fragments of lQIsa b are extant for only three
of those passages and they contain all three insertions; thus the original manuscript
presumably contained the others as well. With respect to literary editions, all ancient
Hebrew manuscripts as well as the Old Greek translation witness to a single edition of
the Book of Isaiah. That is, even though the Book of Isaiah developed through a series
of major new editions (the traditions of Isaiah of Jerusalem, plus the parallel from
2 Kings, plus Second Isaiah) and attracted countless smaller interpretive expansions as
it was transmitted, all the manuscript witnesses exhibit the final edition of the book,
despite the great amount of individual textual variants.
Among the witnesses to that final edition there are quite divergent family groupings.
1QIsaa and «; display enough textual variation between themselves and against J Q'Isa!'
that each should be classified as belonging to different text families. A general
assessment of the textual character of 1Q Isa!' relative to 1 Q'Isas can be seen in the
1QIsaa Introduction, which compares 1Ql sa" to 1Olsa> and m.
On the whole, lQIsa b shows close agreement with mL , mq , mmss, and C, which classifies
it as belonging to the textual group that eventually emerges as the Masoretic family.
That is, 1QIsa b is one ancient witness, fortuitously preserved, to the form of text that
continued to be copied carefully by the rabbis and future scribes from antiquity through
the Middle Ages and which eventually appeared with minimal variation in the surviving
manuscripts: mA, mL, mq , the numerous mmss, and ~. On the other hand, 1QIsab
exhibits 183 textual variants (in addition to the 161 differences in orthography) from
other preserved witnesses to the Masoretic family; thus previous descriptions of the near
identity of 1QIsa b with m need to be tempered.
Many of the variants between 1Qlsab and mL,q,mss are minor, involving little change
of meaning; but it may prove helpful to select those that show the upper range of
variation. Generally not listed below are: the presence vs. the lack of the definite article,
copulative, or common words such as ':> or ro: routine palaeographic confusion of letters
such as ~/:>, '/i, '/'; phonological confusion of ~/s;, iT/n, nt», minor differences in verbal
form; or differences in vocalization.
There are only two quantitatively large variants between 1QIsab and m. Although
it is possible that both are long additions in the text inherited by 1Qlsaa m «), they are
quite probably instances of simple parablepsis in 1Qlsab (see similar parablepses in mL ,
e.g. at Josh 21:36-37 and 1 Sam 14:41):
38:12-13 om v 13 1QIsab] hab lQIsaamlfi ('Jr.l'~n131\:JO'~n12? or add?; see NOTE)
60: 19-20 iO'?toi O'?il1 -n~'? 1QIsab] iiiii' ~':J 9~' ~1'? lni'1 1'D~ l'1~' l'1,?20 lm~E)n'? Tiil'?l'1 0'?111 il~'?
10'?toi 0"'11 i'~" 1" iT'il' 1QIsaam(... '::J ... ~'? ... "11 ~i~' ~,,20 .. , l'il'?~')lfi
(0"111 il~"nO'?1S; il~'?? or add?)
Differences in meaning:
44:25 ,?;,o' 1QIsab 1QIsaa4QIsablfi(~wpEUwv)] ,,~, m (err)
48: 17 l'::J"O 1QIsa b] il::J'iiil 1Qf sa"; l::J'i'O 4QIsadma:50
51:4 'OJ} 1QIsab 1QIsaa m-e ] O'OJ} mmss 5
51:4 ;O~"1 1QIsab 1QIsaa('01~"1)m('01~"1)] C'O'~'" mmss 5; Kat ol [3a.<1LAElc; lfi
58:14 l~';im 1QIsa b1QIsaa(il:J-)4QIsan('i:l:Jii'ili)a:(lJ'itZl'i)lfi(Kal<iOEL OE)] l'm:Jim me'
59:4 ,,''',m .. , iii! '" 'i:l'i .,. inO:l 1QIsablfi (3 pl) ] ii,,,,.'i ... miii .. , i:l'i ... inO:l 1QIsaa;
""iili ... iii! ... ':l'i ... mO:l m (inf abs)
60:5 '~in 1QIsab1QIsaam Llfi(0llnJ)] '~i'n mmss (orth or "~i'?; see inE)i two words later)
38:19 'J10:l ci']i1 1QIsab] C1'iT 'J10:l 1QIsa3·1QIsaa dittog 2mmti(vid)
52:13 ~IUJ1 !iT:::lJ1 1QIsab tr 1QIsaam; Kat Soeaa6l1anal ti
55:8 'n::l(Ono c;,'[n::llUn]6 1QIsa b] c;,'n1::1IUnO 'n1::1tOno 1QIsaamti(al. f3ouAa( floU walTep al. f30uAat UflWV)
57:20 [?IUJjij 1QIsab] 11(Oil] 1QIsa3 ; (Oil] m
62:8 lJJ'i liM '1.11 1QIsa b] lJJi".11 1QIsaa; i1.11 lJJi n~ m, ETL ... TOV a1Tov aou d)
Differences in pronoun:
13:19 1n:l?OO lQIsab] n:l?Oo 1QIsaa; n1:l?OO m, vrro f3aalAEw,; d)
Differences in preposition:
55:5 1U1'P1 1QIsab1QIsaa.] tU1ip"11QIsaacOrrlmrn('p'?1)
58:4 il~?1 1QIsab1QIsaa(M~-)] iT~01 m
59:2 1':11 1QIsa b ] 1':::l? 1QIsaam
62:10 pM 1QIsab ]~l]iT1:JMO 1QIsaa; 1::11410 m
65:20 00 1QIsa b] iTOtOo 1QIsaa; ctOo m
66:4 cniJO:J!1 1QIsa b 1QIsaa(ilCiT'n1'1JO:::l1)] cn'1J01 m, Kat TClt; Uj.lapTlu,; e
On the assumption that the two extensive variants between 1Qlsab and m (38:12-13
and 60:19-20) are due to accidental parablepsis and thus are textually meaningless, the
remaining individual variants indicate that 1QIsab is a close member of the m text
family. Most of the variants between 1Qlsab and mL mirror the frequent disagreements
between m-, mq , and mmss in degree and in kind. In general 1QIsab has from its first
publication been correctly assessed as textually close to the Masoretic tradition, even if
now the differences between them also require more precise appreciation.
In Jain's reconstruction, this fragment is placed near the top of the column. Many of
the small fragments that Sukenik identified from eols. V to XV come from the top of
the scroll. The left margin is preserved, extending to the following column.
L. 1 (10:15) [MJ. The reconstruction is with 1QIsaamms, not n~, with m Lmss (d. BHS note).
L. 1 (10:15) ["O'"1OJ. The reconstruction is with 1QIsaam L , not '0"0 with mmss6)(vid)SO.
1 (10:16) rl1il['. Sukenik transcribed this word as ,il[ (a variant text). The he-waw are certain, but
the right downstroke of a second possible he can be seen above the mast of lamed in the line below.
L. 2 (10:17) '1~. The left side of 'alep is visible on the edge of the leather.
L. ~ (10:19) ["5" f5'J. The MS presumably contained these words with 1QIsaama'a'6'; > ~ .
L. 5 (10:19) There was probably an interval before the new section; end of line left blank 1QIsa';
L.5 (10:19) The letters in the last line are difficult to identify, and spacing offers no clue, since
the length of the presumed interval cannot be determined.
In Jain's reconstruction, this fragment is positioned near the bottom of the column.
There appears to be extraneous bits of leather with ink along the right edge, confusing
the beginnings of the first three lines.
L. 1 (12:3) ii5"tb o o [ . The ink strokes at the right edge are incompatible with the expected he and
yod (mrUD'i1 1QIsaam); see the general NOTE above.
L. 1 (12:4) cnti~i. The ending is reconstructed with m, not with 1QIsaalf) (i1n,~').
L. 1 (12:4) [1"i1j. This word is reconstructed with me, not with 1Qlsaa (1i1~).
L. 2 (12:4) 0[. The slant of the descender on the edge of the leather appears incompatible with waw
(1'n1?'?D 1QIsaa; m?- m).
L. 2 (12:4) ,,'~fi1. The zayin has been almost completely abraded from the leather.
L. 2 (12:5) [nDi'O ... mi1'J. The first word is reconstructed with m and the second with m q; d.
(l1.Pi'O m L)n1JrT'1O '" mi1'? 1QIsaa.
L. 3-~ (12:6 fin ) The scribe left a long interval, presumably the end of line 3 plus a long indentation,
partly preserved, before the new chapter; end of line left blank 1Q'Isa"; fJ BHS.
L. ~ (13: 1) [1i1'DrD' i1ti1J. In view of the general affinity of this MS with m, these two words are
reconstructed with m, not with l Qfsa- (i1'DrD' nrn),
L. 5 (13:2) ['~~'1J. The reconstruction is with ma'a'a:O; cf. ~,~, lQIsaa; '~:J' 4QIsaaS; > 6).
L. 7 (13:4) miT'. The left side of he 2· has been abraded from the leather.
L. 7 (13:4) ni~~. Traces of the tops of 'alep , waw, and taw are visible on the bottom edge of the
L. 10 (13:8) ['J!)J. This word is reconstructed with 4QIsaa4QIsabma:0, not with 1Q'Isa" ('E').
In Jain's reconstruction, these fragments are placed near the top of the column. The
right and left margins are preserved, extending into the adjacent columns. The lines in
this column are generally wider than those in the previous one.
L.1 (13:16) ['OrD'J. In view of the general affinity of 1QIsa b with m, this reconstruction follows
4QIsa ama:, not 1QIsaaS (100';).
L. 2 (13:16) i1J•• jcbn. It is impossible to determine whether this MS had the original i1J?JrDn with
4QIsaam LSO or the euphemistic i1J:J:>rDn with lQIsaamqa:(vid); EeOU<HV ~; aUyKOLTaaEn)aoVTaL a'; rrapaXPTla-
En)aOVTaL a'; aXEEn)aoVTaL 6' (d. 4QDeut C mat Deut 28:30 and see b. Meg. 2Sb).
L. 2 (13:17) [':JrDn'l. This word is reconstructed with m, not with 1QIsaa (:J'rDn').
NOTES ON lQIsa b 215
L. 3 (13:18) O'i.11]o. Presuming that Suk. frgs. 1 ii and 2 i are correctly aligned, the expected reading
after n1nIDp[' at the end of line 2 is C'i.11J (thus 1QIsaam ; VEaV(UKWV Iti). The remnant of the first letter,
however, does not appear fully inconsistent with nun.
L.3 (13:18) ['~,]. Spacing suggests the shorter reading with m, not the longer 'i£)'.tn as in 1QIsaa.
L. 3 (13:18) [,.11]. The reconstruction is with m-, not with 1QIsaammss ('j1,).
L. 1 (15:2)
L. 1 (15:2)
?:;f1]. The text is reconstructed with 1QIsaammss5q;fO, although
[il.11'iJ]. The reconstruction follows 1QIsaam L , not mmss (il.tniJ).
L. 1 (15:2) [ID~i]. The reconstruction follows mmsslti (d. jer 48:37), not m L (1'~i) or 1QIsa" (1ID'~i).
(m L ) is also possible.
L. 1 (15:3) [il'n~,n:l]. The reading is reconstructed with 1Qlsaa (il'm~-), which is consistent with
the two 3 fem. sg. possessive pronouns later in the verse (il'n'JJ, il'n:Jni:l1). The three endings in m L are
inconsistent (1'n-. rrn-, rrn-): cf. BHS note.
L. 1 (15:3) [pID]. At this point Iti has a longer text (UUKKOVC: Kat KOlTTEU6E), but spacing shows that
1QIsab had the shorter reading with 1QIsaam.
L.2 (15:3) ii' [. There is a small space before
blemish or an interval; d. the NOTE at 16:10 below.
ii" but it is difficult to determine whether it is a
L. 3 (15:5) filn'i:l]. The reconsruction is with m, not 1QIsaa (mni:l); EV aimJ (= i1n~i:l?) e.
L. 4 (15:5) ':l:l:l n;n'ii. There is a space of two letters' width between the two words.
L. 4 (15:5) ['i.11.t1']. This reading is reconstructed with m although, as evidenced by the BHS note,
the preferred reading is debated; cf. 1QIsaa.
L. 5 (15:6) [ii'il]. The reconstructed form is with m, not 1QIsaa (~'ii~); E'uTaL e.
L. 7 (15:9) [1'O'i] 2'. This form is indicated by its occurrence earlier in the verse (thus also m);
cf. 1'J'i bis 1QIsa"O (see VAR.)
L. 8 (15:9) [il'i~]. The reconstruction is with m, not i11i~ with lQl saa, or Kat APLTJA with \ti.
L. 8 (15:9) n'i~ID'[" It is impossible to confirm whether the scroll had n'i~ID" with mlti(vid), or
n'i~~ with 1QIsa".
L. 8 (16:1) ,ri'?tb 1 iio'~' The scribe left no interval before the new chapter; no interval l Q'lsa'' BHS.
L. 8 (16:1) [.11';lo0]. The reconstructed form is with mlti, not lQIsa" (ii';loo).
L. 9(16:3) ['~'Jii]. This reconstruction (imperative masc. pI.) seems preferable to the form '~':lti
(imperative fem. sg.) found in m q rnss and the versions for three reasons: It corresponds with m L ; 1QIsaa
presents a similar imperative masc. pl. form (":lti); and there is a second imperative masc. pl. form two
words later ('ID.11).
L. 10 (16:3) ['ID.11]. The reconstruction is with 1QIsa"m L , not 'ID.11 with mmssd)Aq;o.
immediately above t6. If read as sin, [!)EllD provides a reconstruction that neatly fits the
space requirements. Problematic, however, is the letter in line 1 of frg. b with the long
tail (1, 1, 9, or r) above lamed in j~,o'. The only such letter in rn in v 6 before ~, is the
final nun in p~J, which falls too early in the line. A possible solution is to read
[,niJ.l1 ]f['~J'] (cf. nlv U1T€Pll<Pav(av ~) instead of ,niJ.l1' 'J'~J' with 1QIsaa rn.
L.1 (16:5) There was probably no interval before v 6; small interval 1Qlsaa; no interval BHS.
L.1 (16:6) [il~]. The noun is reconstructed with 1Qlsaammss, not the adjective tll) with m-.
L.1 (16:6) hm:w 1711tllJ1]. For this reconstruction, see the general NOTE above.
L.2-3 (16:6-7) ]tll'?I'tZ7'tZ7]tll'? For the identification tll'? in v 6, rather than part of 'tZ7'tZ7tll? in v 7 (thus
Sukenik), see the general NOTE above.
L.2 (16:6) If the juxtaposition of the fragments is correct for this line, the scribe must have left a
large interval before v 7; no interval 1Qfsa"; 0 BHS.
L.2 (16:7) ,i';(:J]. The bottom tip of lamed is faintly visible before the two tips of he.
L. 3 (16:8) [??o~j. This word is reconstructed with m, not with 1Qlsaa (il'?'?Otll).
L.3-5 (16:8-9) [ilO::lrD-]o"J '?.l1::l. Present in lQlsabm~, these words are missing from lQl saa due to
parablepsis (i10::ltZ7 1£1) nilO::ltZ7 l£lJ)·
L.5 (16:9) [100i~]. Perhaps l"it' (see BHS note); m has the problematic 1"itll, whereas 1Qlsaa~
read 1'n~ = Tel 8E:v8pa emu.
L. 6 (16:10) [pij. The Pu'al is reconstructed with m, although the Qal 1:Di' (1Qlsaa~) is also possible.
L. 6 (16:10) The scribe left a large interval between v 10a and 10b; no interval 1Q'Isa" BHS (note
also mid-'verse' intervals in lQlsab at 26:2b; 43:11b; 59:1b; and 66:20b).
L. 7 (16:10fi n ) The relative positions of the preserved words in lines 5-8 indicate that the scribe left
an interval before v 11; small space 1Q I sa"; no interval BHS.
L. 8 (16:12) [~?J ... il'il1j. The reconstructions are with m~, not with lQl saa (~::l ... rrrr).
In Jain's reconstruction, this fragment is positioned near the bottom and towards the
left side of the column. Since the beginnings or endings are not preserved for any of
the lines, and there is only one preserved midline interval, the layout presented here is
plausible, but not certain.
L. 1 (19:7) -;[tll' ]000{. Traces of several possible letters are visible along the top edge of the leather
above ':J'?~O in line 2; though spacing suggests '?1', the traces do not match. The reconstruction -;[~, is
based on the occurrence in line 2, rather than the form '1tll' in lQlsaam; > ~.
L. 1-4 (19:7-11) The top left side of the fragment is blackened, obliterating the letters on the left
edges, and making the preceding letters difficult to identify.
L.1 (19:7) [9'J]. The reconstruction is with 4Qlsabma:::O, not 1Qlsaa (9'J').
L.2 (19:7) [1JJ'~1]. This word is reconstructed with 4Qlsa bma:::SO, not 1Qlsaa (1::l rtll1); > e.
L.2 (19:8) [e'J'';']. The reconstruction is with 4QlsabmL(e'J~1il)~a:::50,not 1Qlsaa (e'J'il).
L.2 (19:8) [e'o 'J£l '?.l1]. The scroll presumably contained this phrase with 1Qlsaam; > ~.
L.4 (19: tOEin ) Spacing suggests that the scribe may have left a small interval before v 11; no
interval 1Qlsaa BHS.
L. 5 (19: 11) [C'O:Jilj. This word is reconstructed with 4Qlsabm~a:::50, not 1Qlsaa (e'On).
L. 6 (19:13) ;-;10 1~IOJ. Several letters are barely legible since much of the ink has been abraded
from the surface of the leather.
L. 7 (19:14) [lOC]. The form follows lQlsaam~50, not 1]oJ as in 4Qlsab (d. il:J10Jil il:JOCi11 Isa 25:7).
L. 7 (19: 14) C'[.l111'. This MS probably had the shorter form with m, not the longer e"1'1,l' with 1Qlsaa.
L. 8 (19: 15) The scribe either left a short interval before 15b or skipped over a blemish in the
NOTES ON 1QIsab 217
leather (note the diagonal wrinkle). There does not appear to have been an interval at the end of the
verse, but there is an interval in 1Q'Isa" and BHS (0) before v 16, and an interval after (16) ~"'iiT Oi'::1 in
4QIsab (see VAR.). For other examples in lQIsab of spaces within 'verses' see 16:10; 26:2b; 43:11b; 59:1b;
and 66:20b.
L. 9 (19:16) [rJ'JO]. The reconstructed form is with m, not with lQIsaa ('i' 9'J"0).
L. 10 (19:17) [iTn'in]. The reconstruction is with m, not with lQIsaa which reads n"iTi (contra r-m
Burl and "iT, Bur"),
Li ro (19:17) [~.o]. The presumed reading is with lQIsaam6)C[,SO, not i' rnron as in 4QIsab (d. v 16).
The two fragments a-b are placed near the top of the column in Jain's reconstruction.
Both the right and left margins are preserved. The relative positioning of the two
pieces is dependent on lines 6-7 and 9 where the initial words are n)M (v 23), iWM (v 25),
and onl;l]', (20:1). This juxtaposition was not possible in Sukenik's edition, where the
second letter in line 7 was identified as 'ayin (-.oM).
L. 1-2 (19:20) [n~, ... ii'inJ. The reconstructions are with 4QIsab m, not with 1QIsaa (n'nli ... iT"m).
L. I (19:20) [n'~::1~]. This word is reconstructed with lQIsaam; > «).
L. 1 (19:20) O"~P r'i~::1. There is a clear descending stroke on the edge of the leather. In v 20 the
only possibilities for this letter are final sade (r'~::1) and qop (iP3.1~'). With no evidence for a variant text,
spacing requires ri~::1.
L.2 (19:20) [::1,,]. The reconstructed text is with m6)(KpLVWV), not with 1Qlsaa (ii'i) .
L. 3 (19:21) [" ~'iTiT 0"::1 rrrr). Spacing indicates that, as in m6), there was no interval before 0"::1,
which also confirms reconstruction of the verb ii::1lTl (d. ii::l.I7' ~"'ii1 0"::1 vacat i11i1' in 1QIsaa).
L. 4- (19:22) [~'E)"]. The reconstruction is with m; d. 'E)'~' 1Q'Isa-; Kat LaanaL airrouc; LaaH 6).
L. 4- (19:23) ~iiTiT. Traces of two letters are visible after the second he.
L. 6 (19:23 f ;0) It is difficult to know whether the scribe left a short interval before v 24; short
midline interval l Q'Isa- (XVI 1); 0 BHS.
L. 7 (19:25) "rbM. Although the first two letters have been partly abraded from the leather,
sufficient ink remains for them to be recognized as 'alep and sin.
L.8 (20:1) The scribe apparently left a large interval before the new chapter. In 1QIsaa the new
division is signalled by the end of the previous line left blank and a paragraphos inserted in the right
margin (XVI 3-4); 0 BHS.
L. 8 (20: 1) l;[J'O. Traces of two letters are visible below "rbM in line 7, the second being most
compatible with final nun; cf.l~ col. VIIc 6 (Isa 19:13); p«lW VIIIc-e 4- (Isa 22:13).
L.8 (20:1) ii«l(~. The dot of ink on the right edge of the leather is part of sin, not the preceding
L. 9 (20: 1) On?];;. Close inspection of the leather reveals a probable waw and the trace of another
letter that is compatible with yod.
Col. VIII: Frgs. c-e Isa 22:9-20 (DFU frg. 1 + Barth. frgs. 5, 7)
In Jain's reconstruction, the large fragment d-e is positioned near the bottom and
towards the left side of the column. But the right margin of frg. c as well as the major
interval in line 6 with the relative positions of n['M:J~) in line 6 and iO[M iT:> in line 7 place
the fragment at the right side of the column. Frg. c, Barthelemy's unidentified frg. 7, is
the first of twelve fragments identified by Nathaniel Dykstra and confirmed or revised
by the editors.
L. 2 (22:11) o'Jrnm. The reconstruction is with mL 6) , not 1Qlsaa (ni01riiT).
L.2 (22:11) ;C[". The bottom left tip of a letter such as mem is visible on the edge of the leather.
L.2 (22:11) [~]. This word is reconstructed with 4QIsacm, not lQIsa3 ("11).
L.3 (22:11 fin) There is no interval before v 12; thus also BHS. In lQIsa 3 col. XVII, however, only
the final word of v 11 appears on line 16, with the remainder left blank and v 12 beginning on the new
line (17).
L.4 (22:13) ,nco, ... nmfZ11. These two words are reconstructed with lQIsa3 B H S , not with 4QIsac
(which has 'lrn" for n,nw,) or 4QIsa3 (i1rnn for 'lrn").
L.5 (22:14) lJ:)" ];tt:l'. The shorter text is reconstructed with 4QIsacm6), not the longer reading
found in 1Qlsa3 (iTr.D? CO? 'EJ'·).
L. 6 (22: 14 fin) The scribe left blank most of the line before beginning v 15 on the next line.
Because line 7 most likely began with iO[~ i1" these words (and li'~::l~l in line 6) are placed at the right
margin. In 1QIsaa col. XVII, only the final two words of v 14 appear on line 21, with the remainder left
blank and v 15 starting on the new line (22); £l BHS.
L.7 (22:15) ~b. The scribe originally wrote ~'::l (= 1QIsaa). It is difficult to determine whether he
erased the waw (~::l m), or whether it was subsequently abraded.
L.7 (22:15) [~12'. This word is reconstructed as?~ (not ?111' with mL) due to the overwhelming
manuscript support of lQIsaa4Qlsafmmss6)(vid)O::, and the fact that it is in apposition with ~ 1'.
L.8 (22:16) 'f.l{,. The bottom left tip of mem is visible on the edge of the leather.
L.9 (22:18) [iTElJ~ lEJ~' ~'J~]. The reconstruction is with 4QIsaam; d. i1ElJ~ i1'EJJ~' ~'J~ lQIsa 3
(contra i1EJ~ i1'EJJ~' ~'J~ Burl); i1El'~ lEJi~' ~'J~ 4QIsaf; KaL T<W C1Tl<t>av6v (= ~'J~) C10U ... 18Ka L ptl/sEl C1E If);
coronans coronabit te tribulatione 0
L, 11 (22:20) O,·]:i. Traces of a letter consistent with bet are visible on the bottom edge of the
In Jain's reconstruction, this fragment is placed very near the top of the column, In
Sukenik's edition, the fragment was placed at the left margin, with a large indentation
at the right margin of his line 4 before chapter 23. Allowing three regular lines of text,
however, between the last preserved line of col. VII I and the first preserved line of
col. IX, it seems preferable to locate this fragment in the centre of the column, with
the end of line 3 left blank before chapter 23,
L.2 (22:25) [miT']. The reconstruction is with 1QIsa a4QIsa 3mlf)a:SO, not 4QIsaflf)Qm (iiiii; 'J~).
L. 3 (22:25 fin) The scribe left a large interval, part of which is preserved, before beginning the new
chapter; remainder of line left blank 1QIsa3 (XVIII 4); o BHS.
L. 4 (23:1) ['?''''i1]. This word is reconstructed with 4QIsa3m, not 1Qlsa3 ('''''''~).
L.4 (23: 1) fb[·fZl1n. For the top part of sin, cf. ~non in line 2 (lsa 22:25). The bottom portion has
been abraded from the leather.
L. 4-5 (23:1-2) [,0,2,0?]. The scroll presumably read '01 2 '0" with lQIsa3ma'C1'a:SO, not ;01;0,,(2)
with 4QIsa 3 , or '0' '0?2 (2nvl 0IlOLOl 'YE'Y6vaC1LV) with If).
L. 5 (23:2) oo[::l11. There are traces of two letters at the edge of the leather, the first consistent with
res or dalet, (but not bet, cf. i::ll1 mS), and the second consistent with waw or yod (d. "::l11 1QIsa3 , i'::ll1
4QIsa 3 , 'j::l11. 1f)[8la1TEpWVTEc;]a:O). They are not transcribed in Sukenik's edition.
L. 5 (23:2) 10~"0. The sources differ on this difficult reading, with T::l~"O in 1QIsa3 , 1~?0 in
4QIsaa, and l'~"O in ma:so; it is lacking in If) (see VAR.). Sukenik transcribed it as l'~?C, and the
penultimate letter, though it seems shaped more like yod, can be wow; cf. "pEJ' and nl10 in IXb-f 6 and 10
below, and ,." in XXIV 2 (Isa 55:3).
L. 5-6 (23:3) [·iTm-,,~·]. The scroll had the longer text with 'i1m-,,~' 1QIsa3m; these words are
lacking in If).
NOTES ON 1QIsab 219
L.7 (23:4) mJ~[1nJ:i. The top of lamed below '::J in line 7 seems assured, and the top of the first
letter is consistent with bet.
In Jain's reconstruction, this fragment is placed near the left margin of the column,
and the bottom margin is preserved. There appear to be disturbed bits of leather with
ink along the left edge of lines 12-13 and extraneous ink marks just below and to the left
of i':l1D::l in line 3.
L. 4 (24:20fin ) The scribe left a midline interval before v 21; end of line blank plus paragraphos
1Qlsaa, c BHS.
L. 7 (25:1) The scribe left a small interval before chapter 25; end of line blank 1QlsaB , !' BHS.
L. 12 (25:6) There is no interval before v 6; end of line blank l Qfsa", !' BHS.
In Jain's reconstruction of the scroll, this fragment is placed near the top of the
column. The left margin is preserved, extending to the following column. It is difficult
to determine whether the dark marks in lines 0 and 5 are integral parts of this fragment.
L. 2 (26:2) The scribe left a small interval between v 2a and 2b; no interval 1QlsaB BHS (note also
mid-'verse' intervals in 1Qlsab at 16:10b; 43:11b; 59:1b; and 66:20b).
The right and left margins are preserved, the right extending to the previous column.
L. 1 (28: 15) 1~:J'. A tear in the leather distorts the right side of bet.
L. 2 (28:15 fin ) Spacing indicates that the scribe left a small interval before v 16; indentation plus
paragraphos 1QlsaB ; c m.
L. 6 (28: 19) 000. Traces of ink belonging to two or three letters are visible on the bottom edge of
the leather in the position where one would expect 01':J.
In Jain's reconstruction, this fragment is placed near the right margin of the column.
The relative positions of the remaining letters show that Sukenik was correct in
beginning the chapter 29 in line 3 without any indentation (see NOTE).
L. 1-2 (28:29) The cramped letters in these lines betray mispositioned pieces of leather, and none of
them fit the expected words of v 29; see the similar phenomenon in col. XV frgs. d-e.
L. 5 (29:3) ;i:i~[o. Although 1Qlsaa m have :J~o, three tips of a letter are visible following the
bottom corner of sade and the horizontal base of bet, and they would well match he. The alternative
gender of nouns is met occasionally in the Bible and in Qumran texts, and note that :J~O is used
frequently in 1 Samuel 14 but that i1~O occurs once in that narrative at 1 Sam 14: 12.
L. 6-7 (29:4-5) The relative positions of the words on the fragment indicate that the text of the
scroll was two or three words shorter than m; the words were possibly lost through parablepsis or written
L. 11 (29:8) The dark marks may be part of v 8 or possibly a mispositioned piece of leather.
L. 3 (30:11 fin) Spacing indicates that the scribe left a midline interval before v 12; remainder of
line left blank 1QIsaa; 0 m.
L. 5 (30:13) .i1n£l~. The final letter is not clear; Sukenik had transcribed it as het (nnEl'?), but it is
equally if not better seen as 'ayin (Vn£l'? lQIsaam) rather than het,
L. 7 (30:14£in) Spacing indicates that the scribe left a midline interval before v 15; remainder of
line left blank 1 QIsaa; !) m.
Col. XV: Frgs. a-f Isa 37:7-13 (DFU frgs. 2-4 + Suk. frg. 11)
The left margin is preserved, extending to the following column. Along the left edge of
frgs. d and e there appear to be mispositioned bits of leather with ink; for example, in
line 4 ,~ probably followed iO~', but the ink marks do not correspond.
L. 1 (37:7) 1101Z7i. The reading is clear, except that the first letter could be waw or yod. The
placement, however, is conjectural, since l1CIZ7 preceded by waw or yod occurs about eighteen times in
Isaiah. But its placement here is supported by the large number of fragments that survive from the top
lines of many columns throughout the scroll. Verse 9 in line 3 begins with 1101Z7'1, but there remains a
preference for this position in v 7 insofar as a small amount of clear leather continues to the right,
suggesting that only one letter (V0IZ71), not two (Dr.lIZ7'1), preceded sin in this word.
L. 3 (37:9) vol~;; 2°. The transcription follows m rather than 1Qlsaa~(:l11Z7'1 l1CIZ7'1; Kat dxouonc
<1TTECJTpEljJE), but the word could also simply be :l1Z7'1 with 2 Kgs 19:9.
L. 4 (38: 1 5) [mOD]. Although too little text is preserved to ascertain whether the scroll had illZl51 with
m, or the longer" illZlD with l.Q'Isa", the shorter reading is more probable.
L. (38:15) The tip of a letter is visible above iiJil (v 17) in line s.
L. (38:16) lilJ. Below and following this word there appear to be ink marks, possibly from
another layer of leather (see the NOTES on lines 6 and 7). The longer form found in 1QIsaa (ilOil::J) would
be inconsistent with this MS.
L. 5 (38: 17) ';';0[. There is insufficient ink to determine whether the scroll had "::J with m, or ',?"
with l Olsa-.
L.6 (38:17) '~on. There appears to be ink from two or more letters above the line, although one
expects no corrections here; perhaps they are from a different layer of the skin (see NOTES on lines 4, 7).
L. 6 (38:18) linn. The leather is damaged, but from the remaining indications the third letter
looks more like 'ayin than dalet (l"n m, il""n 1QIsaa). There appears to be no top horizontal stroke but
rather a horizontal base stroke (ink?) continuing across to the hap; d. the 'ayin in ilD'IZl' at XXVI 27, and
note both the lack of the negative before n,o (see VAR.) and the word il51' in Isa 28: 17. In certain hands
dalet and 'ayin are easily confused; see 4QDanc in DJD XVI.27o-71 with PI. XXXIV.
L. 7 (38:19) Oi']il. On some photographs there is simply a gap between the he and the waw; on the
Sukenik plate there appears to be leather with ink, but it is probably intrusive (see NOTES on lines 4, 6).
L. 9-10 (38:22) The scribe left blank the entire line 10, plus a small amount at the end of the
previous line, before chapter 39; c BHS; see 1Ol sa".
L. 11 (39:1) N';iiil. The right half of he 2" has worn or has been abraded from the leather.
L. 12 (39:2) [iin"J]. This word is reconstructed with ilt'DJ mL6)(VEXwea); roJ m q ; ,'roJ 1QIsaa.
L. 15 (39:3) There is a short indentation and probably a small blank space at the end of the
previous line, before v 3. An interval also occurs at the corresponding place (XXXII 19) in 1QIsaa, with
the second half of the line left blank after v 2; no interval BHS.
L. 15 (39:3) C['IZlJ~il. The final mem can be seen at the edge of the leather, across the margin from
CJ,tZ1'? in XVII 15.
L.20 (39:7) [100]. This word is reconstructed with 4QIsab m, il"DOO 1Qlsaa.
L. 22 (39:8) The bottom tips of some letters, presumably from 'O'::J noN' c,':lIZl, are visible along the
top edge of the fragment containing 40:1-4 (Suk. frg. 12).
L. 22 (39:8) The scribe left an interval of more than half of line 22 before chapter 40; remainder of
line blank 1QIsaa; !l BHS.
L. 24 (40:2) There was apparently no interval before v 3; interval 1Qfsa"; c BHS.
L. 27 (40:5) The leather appears to be blank, which suggests an interval before v 6; remainder of
line left blank 1 Qf sa"; e BHS.
Col. XVII Isa 41: 3-24 (Suk. col. 2, DFU frgs. 5-6, Jain frg. 24)
The top, right, and left margins are preserved for this column, which probably ended
with the final word of Isa 42:25 (:l~).
L. 3 (41:5) There is a small interval of about two letters' width before v 6; no inrerval l QIsas BHS.
L. 4 (41:7) ::J'o. The scribe inserted waw above the line; ::J'lO l Qlsa" m.
L. 5 (41:7) ~? The bottom tip of lamed is visible, with discoloration below to its right, thus
appearing as waw. Sukenik had read ~'h (~" 1Q'lsa-, ~, m), but there is not enough space for both waw
and lamed; see ~'" the first word two lines below.
L. 5 (41:7) There is no interval before v 8; remainder of line left blank lQI saa; c BHS.
L. 5 (41 :8) ~'IZl'. The 'alep is written over 'ayin; note iim" vs. ilM' m immediately before.
L. 6 (41:9) l'nin o . The first letter is so damaged that it is difficult to identify (l'nin::J 1Qlsaa m 6).
The light traces remaining do not look particularly like bet, though bet is not impossible; d. the bet in
O,:J (col. XVIII 9).
L. 8 (41 :10) There is a small interval of two to three letters' width before v 11; no interval 1Qlsaa BHS.
L. 9 (41:11) As in m, there is no interval before v 12; remainder of line and following line left
blank 1Qlsaa.
L. 10 (41:13) ?[l'. Along the left edge of the leather there is a faint sliver of ink consistent with
L. 10 (41:13) There is no interval before v 14; short interval LQ'Isa"; 0 BHS.
L. 14 (41:16) The scribe left an interval of almost half a line before v 17; rest of line left blank
lQlsaa; El BHS.
L. IS (41:18) ?[.t1. The top tip of lamed is visible on the bottom edge of the leather just to the left
of the descender of final nun in I'tt1 (line 14); cf. ~;q)' just above.
L. 17 (41:19) [ii1 on]. It is uncertain whether this scroll read iiiin with lQl saa or iii,n with m
(ef. VAR. at 45:2).
L. 19 (41: 20) The scribe evidently left most of the line blank before v 21 began on line 20; one
third of line left blank before v 21 on the same line l Q'Isa''; e BHS.
L. 21 (41:22) ]n[tt. On the top edge of the fragment there is a trace of ink consistent with the
bottom left extender of taw; however, other letters are also possible.
L. 23 (41:24) [~oJ. This word is reconstructed in place of the unique form .t1~o in m on the basis
of a:: and 0.,'(O.t10 ~ in v 29; > lQlsaa.
L. 24 (41:24) An interval was left before v 25; small interval l Q'Isa"; no interval BHS.
The top, right, and left margins are preserved for this column, which ended at Isa
44:21 (?MilZ7'1). In the middle of lines 3-8, along the right edge of the left fragment, there
appears to be extra leather with writing, possibly from another layer.
L. 3 (43:2) (o~'o[J. The words are written without word-division (~ 10J 1Olsa- m). The scribe left
no interval before v 3; end of line 1Qfsa"; no interval BHS.
L. 4 (43:3) l'J01. The samek could be mistaken for sin, but ef. 1E)~'1 five lines below.
L. 5 (43:4) iiJMt For the he, ef. rttn two lines below.
L. 6 (43:5) l.t1'1r. Zayin and reS are written so close together that they might give the appearance of
dalet; but cf. .t1it (col. XVII 5).
L. 7 (43:6) 1~':J.'. This reconstruction (= l Q'Isa"; ef. '~- m) takes into account the following forms
TnJ:n ... l'j[:J (contrast 'n1J:J1 ... 'JJ 1Q'Isa" md), with the north and the south being addressed together.
Note, however, ~'~1~ O~'~1ii I Olsa-, ~'~'ii m) in v 8 (see VAR.).
L. 10 (43:9) 1J.l1']6[(O'. The trace of a letter is visible on the bottom edge of the leather; mem is the
most likely possibility.
L. 12 (43:10) ["JE)!;lj. The third-person suffix is reconstructed in agreement with "iri~[, in the
following clause ('in~1 ... 'JE)? lQlsaa m; see VAR.).
L. 12 (43:10) There is no interval before v 11; rest of line left blank 1Qlsaa; 0 BHS.
L. 13 (43:llb) This line has a small indentation before v 11b (no interval lQlsaa m); note also mid-
'verse' intervals in lQlsa b at 16:10b; 26:2b; 59:1b; and 66:20b.l'~ is reconstructed against r~1 l Qfsa'' m,
in light of the interval separating v 11b from 11a.
L. H (43:13) ?ji>E)~. It is uncertain whether the MS read n?1'E)~ with 1QIsa a(n?11'-) or !;l1'E)~ with m.
L. IS (43:13) An interval probably followed v 13; remainder of line left blank lQl saa; 0 BHS.
L. 15 (43:14) C[::lj!;lt\[J. If the preceding interval is assumed, the clear lamed probably belongs to
C::l!;ll'J. It cannot be either lamed of C::lJ.t10!;l!;ll'i(O" because the top of the adjacent lamed should also be
visible on the bottom edge of the leather. It is possible, but less likely, that the lamed belongs to 'nn!;l(O
later in the verse.
L. 22 (43:20) The reconstruction of this line is tenuous.
NOTES ON lQIsab 223
L.23 (43:21) An interval, partially preserved, preceded v 22; indented interval 1QI saa; 0 BHS.
L. 24(43:23) ni~;:j,i[. Although Sukenik read M'[:1.' (= n~;[:1.' 4Qlsag , ~'~'j mL ) , the badly abraded
letters may better be read as the alternate form I;1i~':;3.':) (i1n,~- 1Q Isa-),
L. 26 (43:24) The extant letters and their position in relation to text in line 27 suggest that the scribe
left no interval before v 25; short interval l Qfsa"; 0 BHS.
L. 29 (43:28) The scribe left an interval that is partly preserved; interval within line 1Q'Isa"; 0 BHS.
L. 4 (44:23) There is insufficient space for an interval before v 24; midline interval lQIsa3; El BHS.
L.6 (44:24) 'n~[. It is difficult to determine, but spacing suggests that the MS read 'n~ '0 with
1 QIsa3('n~ ~'o) 4QIsab mL mss 6)(I sT k ETEpo<;)O, rather than 'n~o with mq mss5.
L. 8 (44:26) 'i6'~i1. The left tip of res is just visible on the left edge of the leather.
L. 9 (44:27) i1?'~? Though there appear to be two ink traces like the bottom of ralep before i1?,~?,
that is probably not the case: they are too narrow and not the shape of 'alep in this hand.
L. 10--11 (44:28) The scribe left the small remainder of line 10 blank with a large interval on line 1\
before chapter 45; midline interval 1Qlsa3; 0 BHS.
L.12 (45:1) i;il? 2·. The vertical stroke of lamed is distiguishable from the vertical leather damage
that runs next to it.
L. 13 (45:2) -;rD;~. The bottoms of the letters are split from the tops and have somewhat contracted,
so that they no longer match the tops. It is difficult to determine whether the second letter is yod (m'l) or
waw (m L ) , but its breadth favors yod; d. also v 13.
L. 16 (45:4) lJ:::l~ lo]tD:J. This reading is more likely than i1:::lJ':::li1 CrD:11 (lQIsa 3) due to the closer
affinity of 1Q'lsa" with m.
L. 19 (45:7) The tops of some letters can be seen at the bottom edge of the upper fragment, but
they cannot be deciphered with any confidence. At the end of the line it is possible that 1QIsa b read :m:l
with lQIsaa, but the general affinity of the MS with m makes C'~ with ffiG5 (ElPllVllv) more likely.
L. 20 (45:7) There is an interval of almost half a line before v 8 begins on the next line; interval
l Qfsa": 0 BHS.
L. 22 (45:8) There is no interval in 1QIsa b before v 9. 1QIsa 3 lacks the last four words of v 8
(,'n~i:J mi1' 'J~ in';), which look like an addition, but has a large indentation before v 9; 0 BHS. The
interval in 1QIsa 3 is almost big enough to contain those four words, if written in cramped fashion.
L. 24 (45:9) Spacing indictates that the unpreserved text would have contained the shorter reading
,? C'i' r~ with m, not the longer reading 1? 0'" O'~ r~ with lQIsa 3 •
L.24 (45:9) There is no room for an interval before v 10; small space l Q'Isa-; 0 BHS.
L. 24 (45:10) i01~[i1. For this reconstruction, cf. iO'~i1 lQIsa3 and 6 AE)'WV 6). The shorter reading
iO'~ (iok mL ) is also possible.
L. 24 (45:10) There is no room for an interval before v 11; midline interval lQIsaa; 0 BHS.
L. 25 (45: 11) 'J1~1D n1'Mil 'i:l'1". The text of 1Qlsab m understands the second word ('the things to
come') as the object of 'J''?~ID, whereas in 1Qlsaa mn'~il ('the signs') is the object of i:l"'; G} mixes with
o TIOl'l)<JUC; TO: EiTEPXOlJ.EVU (= n"~il i:l'1').
L. 25 (45:11) ?Jo. The ink stroke cannot form the expected 'ayin ('?.Il l Q'Isa" m) but could form
ralep ('?~).
L.29 (45:13) Part of the interval before v 14 is preserved; rest of line left blank lQI saa;!l BHS.
L. 30 (45:14) The tip of one unidentifiable letter from v 14 can be seen.
The top, right, and left margins are preserved for this column, which ended at Isa
48:16. In Sukenik's transcription, the surviving text from lines 15-31 is positioned
further to the left, with more words reconstructed in the missing right portions of
these lines. For these lines, however, the present reconstruction is in closer accordance
with the relative positions of the preserved letters.
L.2 (46:4) The relative positions of the extant letters in lines 1-3 show that there was insufficient
space for an interval before v 5; midline interval 1QIsaa; 0 BHS.
L.6 (46:7) There is no interval before v 8; short midline interval I Q'Isa-; 0 BHS.
L. 8 (46:10) n;in~. The penultimate letter could be yod or wow (cf. '0.Il'1 in line 5 above).
L.(46:11) The scribe left the remainder of the line blank before beginning v 12 on the next line;
remainder of line left blank lQIsaa; 0 BHS.
L. 12 (46:13) 'n(.Il1Iwtii. The initial letter can be seen as a possible wow (cf. 'n1111Dn1 lQlsaa m ), but
other dark spots make identification uncertain.
L. 12 (46:13) inM~'? These two words are written with little or no word-division.
L. 12 (46:13) '?~ilDi,? On the main photograph (SHR 3433) only the lamed and bottoms tips of
yod, sin and res remain. The remaining letters are transcribed in Sukenik's edition (with the exception of
yod, which he brcketed) and are here restored using a Bar Hama image.
L.12 (46:13) There would have been little or no room for an interval before chapter 47; remainder
of line left blank lQl saa; 0 BHS.
L.13 (47:1) ?JJ. Most of the lamed has been abraded from the leather.
L. 15 (47:2) ['E:lWn]. It is not certain whether this word should be reconstructed as 'E:lwn with m ('E:l'Wn
lQI saa), or as 'JrDn with 4QIsad .
L.16 (47:3) There is no interval before v 4; short midline interval lQI saa; 0 BHS.
L. 17 (47:5) [mJJ 1? '~iP' ... CO"]. Because of this manuscript's closer affinity with m, the missing
text is reconstructed accordingly; cf. ni'JJ 1? '~iP' ... ilOO' 1Qfsa".
L.19 (47:6) i(pr. The traces of ink on the lower and upper edge of the respective leather fragments
both belong to final nun.
L. 20 (47:7) The relative positions of letters in the preserved portions of vv 7-8 suggest that there
was no interval before v 8; short midline interval 1QIsaa; 0 BHS.
L. 22 (47:8) [11i~1. This word is reconstructed with 4Qlsad(i1[i~) me, cf. il~i~ lQI saa.
L. 25 (47:10) If the reconstruction of 'J~ at the end of line 24 is correct, there would have been a
short interval before v 11; no interval 1 Q'Isa" BHS.
L. 25 (47:11) ii[~J1. The slant of the tiny ink trace slightly favours he for the preferred reading (il~J'
1Qfsa-) rather than 'alep (~J' m); the feminine is expected with il.Ili, and note '?E:ln1 later in the verse.
L. 26 (47:11a) The scribe left a major interval before beginning v 11 b on the next line; no interval
in BHS, nor in 1Qlsaa (where col. XXXIX ends with lla and col. XL continues with 11b).
L. 27 (47:11) '.Il,n. The taw was written over another letter, probably bet or memo
L.29 (47:13) ['iJn] is reconstructed with I Ol sa- ('iJ,n), rather than 'i:J" mq or 'iJ" m-.
NOTES ON lQIsa b 225
L. 32 (47:15) There appears to be ink below ooril;l in line 31. If intentional, its position would
indicate a supralinear insertion.
L.32 (47:15) The tip of a letter from v 15, possibly from lD'tD'O, is visible beneath the lamed of
nj:jrlf:, in line 31.
L. 14 (49:6) :J~[rZ1i1I;l. The final letter is a clear bet (vs, O'pii&; 1Qlsa3 ; o'pii'? 4Qlsad m); note :J'tDii'? in
the following parallel clause.
L. 15 (49:6) 'nDirb o o [ . There are too many ink traces to yield 'rm,IO' as in 1QIsa3 m; perhaps 'rw'IO"?
L. 16 (49:6) Most of the line was left blank before v 7; most of line left blank lQlsa3 ; 0 BHS.
L. 18 (49:7) ["nnlO' o"jtbi. The first letter slants down toward the right, not toward the left as
required by sin ("nnto', 0"10 m), and thus the reconstruction is based on 1QIsa 3 ("nntDi1' 0"10'), which has
different clause divisions.
L. 19 (49:7) The scribe left an interval before v 8, only part of which is preserved (to judge by the
width of comparable intervals (lines 5, 8, 25, 26). 1QIsa3 also has a short interval here; no interval BHS.
L. 23 (49:10) 'jb:JC. The ink traces at the edge of the leather favour 'ayin (d. 'D':JC m).
L. 25 (49:13) There is an indented interval before v 13; short interval l QIsa"; no interval BHS.
L. 25 (49:13) [1n~Elj. This reconstruction is based on lQlsa 3 and d), which likely preserve the original.
mq mSS have '!l', with an additional waw due to poetic lines being written in prose format, while mL
has '!l', an error probably due to palaeographic confusion.
L. 25 (49: 13) [Om--miJ. The spacing of the second half of the line indicates either additional words
beyond 1QIsa3 (Omo ~':I i1J'i) and m (om ':1 iiJi), or a troubled text. iiPi~ nill:JJ.1 is reconstructed based on
d)SLCmss, which have the longer reading Kat at ~ouvot 8lKaLOouvrw (cf. Ps 72[71]:3).
L. 26 (49:13) on;; i['JD' 'O.I1 rrrr]. Sukenik had placed 'OD mii' at the end of line 25; however, the
relative positions of iil;l~ on line 24, O'OtD on line 25, and orn; on line 26 require these two words at the
beginning of line 26.
L. 26 (49:13) There is a midline interval before v 14; remainder of line left blank lQlsa 3 ; 0 BHS.
L. 27 (49:15) The relative positions of the letters in lines 26-27 suggest a short interval before v 15,
or a textual difference. Placing the last word of v 14 ('Jn~tD) at the beginning of line 27 would move the
preserved text too far to the left.
The top, right, and left margins are preserved. Line 25 to the end of the column would
have contained Isa 51:11 (i1nOO') to 52:7 (1!;lo).
L. 3 (50:9) tiU1'. There is a split in the leather, with much of zayin and a trace of res on the upper
portion and the bottom tips of zayin and res on the lower portion.
L. 5 (50:10) CiD:l. The vertical right side of a letter, consistent with final mem, is visible on the
edge of the leather.
L. 8 (51:1) There was no room at the end of line 7 for an interval to mark the end of chapter SO,
so the scribe made a large indented interval in line 8 before the new chapter; £l (blank line) m-. In l Q'Isa''
the scribe left most of the line (XLII 13) blank and began the new chapter on the next line at the margin.
L. 10 (51:2) iTijq:l. There is a trace of ink on the left edge of the leather, which could be fin.
L. 10 (51 :2) There is no interval before v 3; no interval 1QIsaa; 0 BHS.
L. 11 (51:3) iTn:li.I11. There is an extraneous diagonal stroke between bet and taw, and bet may have
been written over memo
L. 12 (51:3) pl~rD. The first fin, the bottom of which is missing due to a hole in the leather, is
followed by a trace of ink consistent with the right side of fin.
L. 12 (51:3) rrnn. The letters are abraded, but there appears to be a horizontal base-stroke at the
bottom of waw-dalet.
L. 12 (51 :3) The scribe left the end of the line blank before v 4; end of line left blank 1Q'lsa"; 0 BHS.
L. 13 (51 :4) ;~"1. The yod has an ink stroke at the top left; it may have been written over another
L. 13 (51:4) 1]j~f~'i. The tops of several letters are barely visible, making identification difficult.
L. 14-15 (51 :5) ;j),f ... ;.I1i~1. The final letter of each word looks more like yod ('.t1in m~) but could
be waw (1.I11iT 1QIsaa).
L.15 (51:5) i,,,"r'. The second letter could be yod as in mor waw as in pl;l'n1' 1QIsaa.
L. 15 (51:6) C;;~[J'.l1. The final mem is preceded by the top of one letter, with the trace of another
letter on the edge of the leather (c:l'J'.I1 m).
L. 16 (51:6) ~S. The vertical line above hap is leather damage, not ink.
L. 17 (51:6) p10;;. The two words are written without word-division, cf. rD~1o[:l in XVIII 3 (43:2).
The first letter is shallow, looking more like bet than hap (cf. 1:l'rDPiT four lines above), but the scribe has
penned hap similarly several other times; cf. mEl:' in XXVI 20 (60:14) and c:b:::l in XXVI 30 (60:21). Note
moreover that the mem and other letters are also shallow.
L. 17 (51:6) The scribe left a short midline interval before v 7; end of line blank 1QIsaa; 0 BHS.
L. 20 (51:8) The scribe left a large interval, part of which is preserved, before v 9; end of line left
blank 1QIsaa; 0 BHS.
L.22 (51:9) rJn-lfll~ ~,l;lii. The preserved letters in lines 21-22 show that v 9b was present as in
1QIsaa m, and not lacking as in ~ (~1"iT10~"iT").
L. 22 (51 :9) [n::l~noiTl. In view of the general affinity of this MS with m, this reconstructed form
with m~ca'<1'e'5 is more likely than n~mo.' in l QIsa" 4QIsaC(n~m0i1)O; d. Job 26:12.
L.22 (51:10) [~'?iTJ. This reconstruction follows v 9b and 1QIsaa m, contra ~l;li1 in Sukenik's edition.
Col. XXIII Isa 52:7-54:6 (Suk. col. 8, Jain frg. 26, DFU frg. 9)
Parts of the top, right, and left margins are preserved. Line 35 to the end of the column
contained Isa 54:7 (Tn:m1) to 55:2 (iT.IJ::lro!;l). There is a large, wide imperfection in the
leather towards the middle of the column, extending from the top edge down to line 4,
making the surface difficult to write on and the identification of some of the letters
NOTES ON lQIsab 227
L. 3 (52:1 0) 'JJ~b? Three tiny specks of ink are visible, which are transcribed here as lamed, 'ayin,
yod, on the basis of 1Qlsa3 m.
L. 4 (52:10) The scribe left a midline interval after the verse; short interval 1Qlsa3 ; 0 BHS.
L. 4 (52:11) C~O, This scroll contains the morphologically shorter form with m, not the longer
iTOOO with 1QIsa3 •
L. 4 (52:11) ~[0]6, The two ink traces are consistent with tet and 'alep (d. ~OO m; iTOO::l 1QIsa 3 ) .
L. 5 (52:11) ,,:J,i. The bet was written over another letter, possibly het .
L. 5 (52:12) ~1:'i10~:J', The two words are written without word-division.
L. 6 (52:12) ?~hrb['. The top left and top right portions of 'alep are visible, with the rest lost to a
hole in the leather.
L. 6 (52: 12) There is no interval after the end of the verse; remainder of line left blank 1QIsa3 ; 0 BHS.
L. 7 (52:14) [,'?.u]. This word, which makes better sense, is restored with mmss 5 Cl: , although T?.u
with 1Qlsa3 (iT" ?.u) mO' is also possible.
L. 8 (52:14) ~~O. There is a curved ink-stroke at the base of the 'alep; thus possibly influenced by
the semicursive 'alep, 1Qlsa3 mO' show no evidence of a variant reading for this word.
L. 10 (53:1 in it ) Although Isa 53:1 starts on a new line, the scribe evidently did not regard it as
beginning a new 'chapter' or section, since there is no indented interval as in comparable passages (cf.
XIX 11 (Isa 45:1]; XXII 8 [Isa 51:1]; XXIII 26 (Isa 54:1]); there is also no interval in BHS. In contrast,
the scribe of 1QIsa 3 signalled a new section here by leaving the end of the previous line blank and
inserting a paragraphos in the right margin (XLIV 4--5).
L. 11 (53:2) ~';hJ ". ~?1. In the first word, 'alep was written over 'ayin; in the second, top and
middle traces of lamed remain on the edge of the leather.
L. 18 (53:7) 1;;['El, The penultimate letter could be yod (1'El m) or he (d. he 2' in iniT' in line 3 and
he 2' in iTJiT in line 6), but since ,iT;::1 occurs in the previous line, that form is reconstructed here.
L. 19 (53:8) C["n. A part of the left downstroke of the final mem has flaked off.
L. 19 (53:8) ;0.1'. The final letter could be yod ('0.1' mO') or waw (with 1QIsa3 ; d. ,? line 11 and '::1
line 16), but the first person does not fit the context.
L. 19 (53:8 fin ) As also in m, the scribe of 1Qlsab left no interval between vv 8 and 9. In 1QIsa3 ,
however, the remainder of the line is left blank after v 8, and there is an indented interval before v 9
(XLIV 15-16).
L. 19 (53:9) 1]n'1. The reconstruction follows 4Qlsad m Y'(Kul BWon), rather than 1Qlsa3 (un'1).
L. 21-25 (53:10-12) This edition incorporates two adjacent fragments at the right of the main
fragment which have been identified since Sukenik's edition: frg. c, identified by Jain (lines 21-23), and
frg. d, identified by Dykstra (lines 23-25). Compare c'rbli O~[ '?niT with Suk. c'lO[n c~ '?niT (line 21);
?O.uO ll n,~'[ with '0.1'0 11 [n,~' (line 22); c!':J]'i'; 'i:Jb[ with c[':Ji' 'i:J,U (line 23); p?[n' ]O;o;iiJ[ with [p,n' c'o,~.u
(line H); and '[~Oti ~'i111;;D~ with '[~t:lii ~1iT1 iiDJ (line 25).
L. 23 (53: 11 ) 'i:Jb. There is extra ink above the bet.
L. 24 (53:12) nnn. There is extraneous ink at the bottom of the second taw.
L.24 (53:12) [1~£lj. A minute trace of the nun is visible just to the right of the bottom of pe.
L. 25-26 (53:12 fin ) Since the text filled line 25, the scribe left a large indented interval in line 26
before the new chapter; end of line left blank 1Q'Isa-; 0 BBS.
L. 26 (54:1) iiip[.u. A trace of qop is visible on the right edge of the leather. Only the right and left
sides of the horizontal top of he are preserved.
L. 27 (54: 1) iT?~.l1:J. A trace of waw is visible on the right edge of the leather.
L. 33 (54:5) The scribe presumably left a midline interval before v 6; no interval 1Qlsa3 BBS.
L. 34 (54:6) l'iTl?[~. The tip of lamed is discernible below the waw of iT::I1r.l1 in line 33.
The top, right, and left margins are preserved. There are vertical splits which separate
the two sides of the column, and the placement gives a false impression. The two sides
of the top portion, lines 1-11, should be separated a bit more, while the two sides of the
lower portion, lines 15-34, should be brought together so that they join at lines 22, 23, 30,
and 31. Line 35 to the end of the column would have contained Isa 57:4 (cn~) to the
end of 57:16.
L. 2 (55:3) C:O~ElJ. Part of the vertical stroke of kap is no longer on the leather, and only a trace of
final mem is visible.
L. 2 (55:3) ii[ni~'. By virtue of its position, the ink above and to the left of he is not a letter but a
random spot.
L. 4 (55:5) l1V"1'. What seems like a gap after dalet is actually the missing right side of 'ayin.
L. 4 (55:5) inn' l.iJC? The tops of the letters are positioned slightly to the left of the corresponding
bottom strokes.
L. 4 (55:5) Til?[~. A lone trace of ink from the top of lamed is clearly visible on the edge of the
leather; however, the ink just above he is more likely a random spot than part of lamed.
L. 4-5 (55:5 fio ) The scribe left a long indentation before v 6; short interval at the end of the line
1Ql sa"; end of line blank plus indentation mL ; 0 BHS.
L. 5 (55:6) '~i]'i. There is a spot of ink on the leather which, to judge from its position, should be
part of dalet.
L. 5 (55:6) {ooo}, The scribe wrote two or three letters, the first possibly waw or yod, and then
erased them. No variant readings are apparent in other scrolls or m at this point; Ifi adds Uj.Ltv.
L. 6 (55:7) ~;~1 1;'i'. There may have been a blemish in the leather after 1;"', or the scribe left a
short interval between cola 700 and 7~.
L. 9 (55:10) ';'. The scribe inserted the word supralinearly, having left it out by parablepsis; there
are no variants in other scrolls, m, or Ifi.
L. 10 (55:10) ri~ii. Most of he and part of 'alep are missing due to leather damage.
L.12 (55:11-12) iinOO:1';', 'm~i~. Both pairs of words are written without word-division.
L. 14 (55:13) iEl 'i Oil . The scribe wrote ref above the line, having omitted it, possibly thinking of
the leetio facilior iOOil. For the extra ink in its centre, see the NOTE on line 30.
L. 15-17 (55:13-56:2) The main photograph (SHR 4333) does not share with SHR 4363 two small
fragments b-c. The first fragment supplies text from the first word on line IS, the first two words of line
16, and the first word of line 17; while the second supplies ja mil' 'i[ (line 15), ~~ n1?Jil[ (16), and ]1' i6[ (17).
L. IS (55:13 fiO) The scribe left a midline interval before the new chapter; remainder of line blank
with a paragraphos and X in right margin I Qfsa"; end of line blank plus indentation mL ; 0 BHS.
L. 15 (56:1) ;0". The right side of res is on the main fragment, and at the edge of the adjoining
fragment is the keraia forming its top left stroke; cf. the res of iOW and .I7,
two lines below.
L. 17 (56:2) p[1]. There seems to be room for a thin letter before bet, but no ink is preserved on
the leather (]:11 1Qlsa 3 mlfi).
L. 17 (56:2) iC[1rD]i. Traces of waw and mem are visible on the edges of the leather.
L. (56:2 6 ° ) There is no interval before v 3; remainder of line left blank followed by " in right
margin LQf sa"; 0 BHS.
L.19 (56:3 fio ) There is no interval before v 4; no interval 1Qlsa3 ; 0 BHS.
L. 19 (56:4) C'O'iO? [mil'. There is a random trace of ink on the edge of the leather above the
presumed waw of illi1'; it seems too high to be part of the word itself.
L. 21 (56:5) nu::illl]. The ink on the left edge of the leather is difficult to identify but is consistent
with the bottom of memo
L. 22 (56:5 fin ) There is no interval before v 6; short midline interval 1QIsa3 ; end of line blank plus
NOTES ON lQIsab 229
indentation rn L ; 0 BHS(!).
L. 22 (56:6) ,:;)Ji1. The scribe wrote he above the line. No variant reading is apparent in other
scrolls, rn, or ti.
L. 24 (56:7) n~~. A speck of ink is visible of the right edge of the leather; comparison with 1QIsaa
and msuggests it should be taw.
L. 2S (56:7) ~.u l~'~' Perhaps due to a blemish between these words, the scribe left a small space,
but it is insignificant since the words belong together (' ... their sacrifices will be accepted upon my altar').
L. (56:9fin ) The scribe left a short interval before v 10; remainder of line left blank followed by a
paragraphos and X in right margin 1QIsaa; 0 BHS.
L. 27 (56:1 0) [?£l~. The form is problematic; 1'£l1~ 1QIsaa 1'£l~ ms, rnL{1£l~).
L. 28-31 (56:10-12) The main photograph (SHR 4333) does not include frg. d found on SHR 4265-
68, which supplies -'::1?:;) C~:;) (line 28), tD~ 'r.u (line 29), tD'~ 1J£l (line 30), and pi'] (line 31).
L. (56:10) C'ri1. The first letter is clearly he with C'ri1 m (error?); c'rn 1QIsaa (lectiofacilior?).
L. 28 (56: 10) o[ :J.'~. The ink trace on the edge of the leather could be either yod (,:J.'~ m), or final
mem (C'JiI1~ 1QIsaa).
L. 29 (56:11) C'.u'i Ci11. These two words are separated by a small interval of 0.5 em, but this may
be due to a defect in the leather, since they belong together ('As for them, they are shepherds.. .'); see NOTE
L. 30 (56:12) ,:lrb. The sin is split, with part on each side of the fragment. The res has extra ink in
its center; cf. the supralinear res in line 14.
L. (56:12) ci[']. The position of the final mem indicates that 1QIsab did not contain the longer
reading (01'i1) found in 1Qlsa", but the shorter as found in m.
L. (56:12) [inc]. In view of the general affinity of 1QIsab with
31 rn, the reconstruction follows m,
not 1QIsaa (inC1).
L. 31 (56:12 fin ) The scribe left no interval before 57:1; end of line blank l Qfsa-; no interval BHS.
L. (57:1) ~.u OtD. These two words are incorrectly aligned on the photograph; they should be
directly adjacent, with just a letter-space in between.
L. 32 (57:1) [,onl. The reconstruction follows m, not l Olsa- (1Oni1).
Col. XXV Isa 57: 17-59:8 (Suk. col. 10, Jain frg. 27)
The top, right, and left margins are preserved. Line 36 to the end of the column would
have contained Isa 59:8 (on,l;lJ.tioJ) to 59:20 (Jp.ti'J). Reconstruction indicates that this
column, which has the second highest number of lines preserved, originally contained
51 lines.
L. 1-3 (57:17-19) Frg. a, identified by Jain (her frg. 27), provides additional text beyond Sukenik's
edition: j1 'n~~p (line 1); ii1~£l'~1 ;[n'~, (line 2); and ltJi?rb C'I1£ltD (line 3).
L. I (57:17) [1:::l~]. The reconstruction is with m, not 1Qlsaa ('J~).
L. 2-3 (57:19) [J'J ~"Jl. The first word is reconstructed with mLti m ss , not with LQfsa" (i1"J:I) or
4QIsad (i1'1:1); and the second word is reconstructed with 1QIsaa4Qlsa d (:J;J sic) rn q (d. :m rn L); > ti.
L. 4 (57:20) ?tD13-ii The letters are cramped or shrunken (for the possible gimel see 1tDm in line 10),
but the metathesis, or some variant, is clear. The reconstruction should probably read tD] with
4QIsad (U1[JJ)m, rather than 1tD] with lQlsaa (see VAR).
L. 4 (57:21) c[,]~tD. A trace of lamed is visible on the right edge of the leather peninsula above memo
L. 5 (57:21 fin ) The scribe left a midline interval before the new chapter; remainder of line left
blank 1Q'Isa"; 0 BHS.
L. 6 (58:1) on~6ri::lp.11'. The two words are written with little space for word-division, but the bet,
with its extended base-stroke, is a final form.
L. 6 (58:2) 'n~. The form of the 'alep is reminiscent of the early semi-cursive 'alep,
L. 7 (58:2) "i'. The ink following this word may be a random spot, or the scribe may have
started to write ""'; no variant text is found at this point in 1QIsaam4j.
L. 11 (58:5) C'm n'Jl1. The two words are written with little space for word-division.
L. 16 (58:8) 1"~' The vertical stroke above waw is most likely a random mark; it cannot be the
top part of an aborted lamed since the stroke is not thick enough and not far enough to the right (see the
NOTE on 1m" line 19 below).
L. 19 (58:10) O'::JtZ1n. The final letter is mostly lost due to the damaged leather, but if the remaining
traces are genuine, it does not look like 'ayin but possibly he or het,
L. 19 (58:11) lrTJ'. The short horizontal line below het could simply be the extension of the base
stroke of the nun (cf. .lli1 four lines below); the vertical stroke above hap could be a random mark (see the
NOTE on 1"~' line 16 above) or may hint that the scribe was thinking of another word.
L. 20 (58:11) nn~rci::J. The scribe may have written the first sade over another letter such as het .
L. 20 (58:11) ~~o~1. The scribe first omitted mem then wrote it above the line (~~'O" 1QIsaam).
L. (58:12 fin ) As also in m, the scribe left no interval between vv 12 and 13; in lQI saa, however,
before v 13 the rest of the previous line was left blank followed by a paragraphos and X in the right
margin of the next line (XLVIII 8-9).
L. 24 (58:13) ,n;::J:)' ;:j[,O. Here the Shrine scan of Sukenik's edition is used, since it contains a
piece of leather that was folded over on the main photograph (SHR 4388), which reads m;:D[1 '::J'O]; see
The Photographs of lQIsa in the INTRODUCTION..
L. 26 (58:14fin ) The scribe evidently did not regard Isaiah 59 as beginning a new 'chapter' or
section, since he left no interval after Isa 58:14; remainder of line line left blank followed by paragraphos
in right margin l Qlsa": 0 BHS.
L. 26 (59:1) There is a blemish, or possibly ink, after J1'tZ1,i10 at the end of colon la. This is
followed by a small interval, which suggests that the scribe may have intended to separate la from 1b
(~"'); thus also BHS (note mid-'verse' intervals in lQIsab at 16:10b; 26:2b; 43:11b; and 66:20b).
L. 33 (59:6) ;tZ1J10. The yod is written heavily, possibly over another letter.
L. 34 (59:7) ; Jp5. The final letter looks most like yod or waw ('pJ m). But the distance between qop
and yod seems to require a letter between, perhaps yod or 'alep (R'{'J 1 QIsaa).
L. 35 (59:7) ['::JIZ11j. The position of the surviving letters later in the line indicates that the missing
portion had the shorter reading as in m4j, not the longer text com ,::JtZ1, found in lQI saa.
The top, right, and left margins are preserved, with clear signs of stitching at the left.
Line 36 to the end of the column would have contained Isa 61:3 ('l'?[~~" z:mv'?) to Isa 62:2
(lpi~). There was a defect in the leather running diagonally on the left side of lines 8-11
before the scribe began to copy the text. There is also a pattern of darkening, probably
after the text was copied, that runs vertically down the centre of the lower half of the
L. 1 (59:21) Frg. b, not in the Sukenik edition, was provided by Bar Hama, presumably unfolded
from under the dark leather containing cn~. The expected word before cn~, however, is 'n'i::J and,
whereas the final letter could be yod or waw, the preceding letter does not look like taw, but rather like
yod preceded by a letter with a base-stroke, such as nun or taw. Moreover, though the leather looks
damaged, the lamed of tZ7[116~[ J~[" in the line below does not appear. It may be that frg. b is from another
layer of the scroll.
L. 1 (59:21) cnoiooo[. The traces of the letter before taw are difficult to read on the Sukenik plate,
since the leather is blackened at this point; but although Sukenik read Cm[R with m-, there seem to be
two descending strokes, the left one curling toward the right, and thus 'alep , not waw. The shorter
reading c~ (thus also 1QIsaammss; d. cn'~ rn L ) is consistent with this suffixed form of the preposition ntl;
elsewhere in the MS; d. line 14 below (lsa 60:9) and XXVI II 7 (Isa 65:23). The situation is further
NOTES ON lQIsa b 231
complicated when frg. b by Bar Hama is added, since, although there seems to be a letter before taw in
Sukenik's plate, frg. b, if placed correctly, would allow no room for such a letter.
L. 3 (59:21 f iO) The scribe left a midline interval before the new chapter; remainder of line left
blank followed by paragraphos in right margin lQI sa a; 0 BHS.
L. 6 (60:3) litll?j. In view of the general affinity of this MS with m, the missing word is more likely
it:lJ? with m than 'll? as in 1Olsa-,
L. 7 (60:4) Ji'D. Faint traces of the descender of kap are discernible on the photograph.
L. 9 (60:6) C?~. The final mem was not written over another letter but over a crease or blemish in
the leather; see the general NOTE and the NOTE on line 11 below.
L. 10 (60:6) mil'). Yod and almost all of the first he have been abraded from the leather.
L. 10 (60:7) '~:Jp'. This word was written into the margin, making line 10 the longest in the column.
L.11 (60:7) 11~'i 1?1". Sukenik had transcribed l1~h ?.11] 1?.11' with m L (?.11 plr1? 1?11'(1) lQIsaa m mss4) ,
but there is no space for ?.11; d. also the spacing of the lines above and below.
L. 11 (60:7) 'ni~Eln n':l'. The two words which belong together ('my glorious house') are separated
by a small space due to a blemish in the leather which also disfigured r:h, in line 9.
L. 12 (60:8) m'El.l1n:lJ]'. The two words are written without word-division.
L. 12 (60:8) C'J1'D,. The shape of kap is unusually shallow, but d. niEJ:) in line 20 below.
L. 19 (60:13) i~£j? The faint outlines of lamed and pe are visible on the leather.
L. 20 (60:14) n1El;. The shape of hap is unusually shallow for this MS, but d. C?, in line 30 (60:21)
and P1O; in XXII 17 (51 :6).
L. 22 (60: 15) it~iJ~1. The scribe wrote waw 2·, but it is unclear whether the stroke is unusually
thick or whether he tried to blot it out; see the general NOTE above.
L. 22 (60: 15) Ji;~1. Waui-ralep-yod are on the leather above the split, while the bottom of yod and
the tail of final nun remain on the lower part below the split.
L. 23 (60:16) 0['1]5. A trace of gimel and a remnant of final mem are visible on the leather.
L.26 (60:17) In'pEl. The dark marks above dalet appear to be extraneous, not part of the word;
see the general NOTE above.
L. 27 (60: 18) i~i~:l. The bottom tip of hap is visible below the small circular hole in the leather.
L. 27 (60:18) n~ip1. It is uncertain whether the waw was smudged or whether it was affected by
the same darkening that runs vertically down the lower central part of this column.
L. 28 (60: 18) 11n]orT. The taw has been completely abraded from the leather surface.
L. 32 (60:22 fin ) The scribe left the rest of line 32 blank before the new chapter; very small midline
interval 1QIsaa; 0 BHS.
L. 33 (61:1) 'In'lZ1. The scribe inserted sin above the line; 'In?lD m. In lQIsa a the entire word is
supralinear (col. XLIX 26).
L. 34 (61:1) I~::m?]. In view of the general affinity of this MS with m, the missing word is more
likely rD:ln? with m than rD1:ln" as in 1Olsa-.
L. 34 (61:1) npnp£j[. The bottom left tip of pe is visible on the edge of the leather.
L. 35 (61:2) 101'1]. This word is reconstructed with 4QIsa b m 63 , and not as C,' with l Qfsa".
L. 36 (61:3) [Oit? nn?]. The lost text presumably included these two words with lQlsaa4Qlsam m;
they are lacking in 63.
Col. XXVII Isa 62:2-64:11 (Suk. col. 12, DFU frg. 10)
The top, right, and left margins are preserved. Line 37 to the end of the column would
have contained Isa 65:1 to Isa 65:17 ('JJii '~). So many letters in this column are
difficult to read due to damage and deterioration that a different approach to the
transcription is used. In light of the general agreement of this MS with m, dots and
circlets above uncertain letters are used more sparingly.
L. 5 (62:7) Q'~' i]il. There is insufficient room in this line to accommodate the longer reading of
ffi (n~ O'~' iJ11 lJ1::l' ,J1) or the even longer reading of lQlsaa (n~ O'~' 'J11 lJ1:>' 'J111':>' ,J1). The recon-
struction is fairly certain, since parts of both ,J1 and O'~' are preserved.
9 (62:11)
L. ~ J1'OOil. There is a dark spot between the 'ayin and the ralep that could be waw; see
ur~il lQIsa a and 1~ in the following clause. But the reading is probably J1'C~, for what appears to be
the left stroke of waw is probably the extended upper right arm of ralep (cf. '''1~j in line 10). If the
reading were'C~il, spacing suggests that the original scribe probably first wrote ,,~ J1'0tzr.1 (= ffi) then
immediately inserted the waw (= lQlsaa) in the space for word-division after seeing the following 1iC~.
L. 17-20 (62:8-12) Near the edges of the main fragment there are several small pieces with ink that
are out of position and thus confuse the transcription.
L. 24 (62:16) The bottoms of indecipherable letters can be seen above 1':>1'0 and ln~'i;6 in line 25.
Col. XXVIII Isa 65:17-66:24 (Suk. col. 13, Jain frg. 28, DFU frgs. 11-12)
The top, right, and left margins of this last column of text are preserved, with the left
side showing signs that it was probably stitched to a final handle-sheet. The book of
Isaiah would have concluded on line 37, and thus all lines except the last are partly
represented; the remainder of the column would presumably have been left blank.
Several letters are difficult to see or are almost entirely lost due to fading of the leather
and surface damage.
L. 1 (65:17) 1''';. The gap between waw and lamed is due to a split in, and distortion of, the leather.
L. 3 (65:20) OlD. The last two letters of the preceding il';i~ are clear, and the first letter of the next
word is a fairly clear sin and cannot be mem (cf. OIDO in ffi and Sukenik's edition).
L. 4 (65:20) t\c::nrr.n. A trace of the tet is visible on the right edge of the hole in the leather.
L. 5 (65:21) 0'1£1. The first letter is not certain. If the dark line above it is not part of it, the letter
could be the expected pe; if the dark line is ink and part of the letter, then it is possible that the scribe
mentally skipped ahead to the following 1''' and then immediately caught the error, since the remainder
of the word is correct.
L. 7 (65:23) o[ii'J~~~ OJ. The cola 2300 and 23b13 are separated by a small interval; thus also ffi.
L. 7 (65:23-24) iiOii ... 0.1. Both the shorter and longer form of the 3 pl. pronoun appear in this :.vIS;
note 0' ... ilO' in ffi.
L. 7 (65:24) OiOiT'ii1. The scribe initially skipped ii'in, caught the error, and then wrote the word
above the line.
L. 9 (65:25 f in ) There is a major midline interval before the new chapter; end of line left blank
lQlsaa, c BHS.
L. 10 (66:1) ~? The top stroke of lamed is visible on the edge of the leather at the left of the hole.
L. 11-15 (66:2-5) The alignment of the lower part of frg. b is somewhat distorted, making the
second part of the lines lower than the first part (cf. iTliJr.l in line 12; ;~ in line 13).
L. 13 (66:4) ;j~. Because the fragments are not properly aligned, the nun and yod on the left side
of the gap are lower than the' alep . there also appears to be a dark line descending from the yod;
perhaps the scribe had written 1'1' and then corrected to '~~.
L. 14 (66:4) The scribe left the remaining half of the line blank between vv 4 and 5; small end of
line left blank plus paragraphos l QIsa", o BHS.
L. 15 (66:5) c:>[,tif~]6. The dark spot on the edge of the leather is probably the top left tip of dalet,
L. 19 (66:9) The scribe left a midline interval before v 10; end of line left blank l Q'Isa", eBHS.
L. 21 (66:11) There is no interval before v 12; long end of line left blank l Qfsa", e BHS.
L. 24-25 (66: 14-15) After v 14 the scribe left almost half of the line blank plus a major indentation
before v 15 in the next line; paragraphos plus small indentation lQlsa a , no interval BHS.
L. 27 (66:17) ij,;rnil. The leather is abraded, but due to the form in line 12, the word is read as
NOTES ON lQlsab 233
i'rnji with m, rather than i'Tiliil with 1Qlsa\ see VAR at 66:3.
L. 27 (66:17) il;ji;[ C~ '00']. Spacing indicates that the MS had the longer text as found in m, not
the shorter iTtil' i~ as found in I Q'Isa".
L. 32-33 (66:20) As in 1Qlsa3 , the scribe left the end of the line blank following ;ii[il" and continued
with v 20b on the next line. The interval makes good sense, with the new line beginning the comparison
('just as the Israelites bring a grain offering in a clean vessel to the house of the LORD'); no interval BHS.
Note other mid-'verse' intervals in 1Qlsab at 16:10b; 26:2b; 43:11b; and 59:1b.
L. 33 (66:20) n']:j 'i['il~. Two or three traces of ink are visible above ri~ji1 in the line below. These
traces are compatible with rei and bet.
L. 33 (66:21) C['Jji::l!;l ]ripM. The missing text is restored as in the shorter reading of m, not the
longer C'JiTt::l!;l ~'!;l np~ found in 1Olsa".
L. 36 (66:24) c'~j~. The scribe inserted 'alep above the line.
L. 37 (66:24) i~:J "::l" ends the book of Isaiah. The remainder of the line and the column would
presumably have been blank.
10:18 (3) "Oi'11i,U' 1QIsab1QIsaama'] Ta 0PTl Kal ol ~wol Kal ol8pullot ~ (cfv 19)
16:6-7 (2) 1='?7 ... 1=' J~? 1QIsabm] ~,? 1='?,7 ... 1='? 1Qf sa"; oVX oirnoc ... oVX oim.uc; 7 If)
16:8-9 (3-5) [iTO~ lElJ ,Jt.I1' ';'::1:1 iT;'::I~ 1=' ?.I1 90'[ 'i::l.I1 '~J iT'nypq, i:1iO '.I1n 111JJ itl1' i.I1 il'P1i(D 'O?il] C',J '?11::::l
lQIsa bmlf)] ilO:1(Df'lilO::l(D l Q'Isa"
Col. VIII: Frgs. c-e Isa 22:9-20 (DFU frg. 1 + Barth. frgs. 5, 7)
22: 12 (3) 'J'~ 1QIsab 1 QIsaa('J'i~)m 1 > If)
22:14 (5-6) ri1~::1~-'~ lQIsablQIsaam] > If) (ef vIS)
22:15 (7) 'Ji~ lQIsab1QIsaa('m~)mL] > mmsslf)e's
22:17 (9) It:l]11'1 1QIsab4QIsaa(it:l.I1~i)] It:l'l1' lQIsaa (contra It:l1.I11 Burl); It:l.I11 m
22:18 (10) iTOO1 ... iTO[(D 1QIsab1QIsaa4QIsa'(iTO(D1Dm] C(D' ... C(D 4QIsaf ; Kat EKd ... Katl1f]aEl If)
25:1 (8) to~ jm~ lQIsablQIsaam (dbl?)] uA1l6lvftv Y€VOlTO KVple: d) (add)
25:2 (9) 1'.110 '" (iT'1P ... 1'.110 lQIsa b(vid)IQIsaam] iT6AW; ... iT6Ae:lc; ... iT6Alc; d)
Col. XV: Frgs. a-f Isa 37:7-13 (DFU frgs. 2-4 + Suk. frg. 11)
Col. XVII Isa 41:3-24 (Suk. col. 2, DFU frgs. 5-6, Jain frg. 24)
47: 12-13 (28-29) ~ li~.p' 1'~.11 :l,:l n'M?J 13 '~l'.11n '''l~ ".111il ":lm ;?{l~ 1QIsabm ] ~J 1i'0.11' ln~.11 :l,,;,13 ern i.111
1Q'Isa"; d BuVJ1<TU w<pEAT\ef\VaL I3KEKOrrlaKaC; EV Talc;' (3oUAalC; GOU Gn')Twaav 16
47:13 (29) C'OCOil 1QIsab] C'OCO lQIsaa m
47:14 (31) COm 1QIsabmL(C01;T7)] COln? 1QIsaa
Col. XXIII Isa 52:7-54:6 (Suk. col. 8, Jain frg. 26, DFU frg. 9)
55:5 (4) ,~,)'i' .., l'.l1i' 1QIsabm] f'i' ... i1;'l>i' 1QIsaa; 1'" i1;';JrT' 4QIsaC
56:6 (23) m[lD]'OID ?:I 1QIsabm] n:WiT nM O"01rzn miT' CCD M 1':J?1 1QIsa3; Kat rrdvrnc TOUc;
<t>lJAaaao~EvolJC Tel acil3l3aT<1 ~OlJ 16
56:6 (23) 1?7nC 1QIsabm] m7no 1QIsa3; ~" I3E131lAoW 16
56:7 (25) OiT'n:Jn lQIsa b4QIsa ima: mss o ] ,?.t1' iTOiT'rr:Jn lQIsa 3a:mss (cf Isa 60:7); Kat eVatal almllv
EaoVTa 16; ppom piT'lD'p no:lJ1 a:
56:7 (25) M'P' 1QIsabm] iT'P' lQIsa 3
56:8 (26) miT' 'J(1)"m lQIsablQIsa3m] 6 KUpLOC; 16
56:8 (26) ~::JPJ? 1QIsa b] 1'~:JPJ? 1'?.li' 1QIsa3m; Err' airrov auvaywYTlv 16
56:9 (26-27) "In"n ... ~'lD 'In'n lQIsab] rrrn ... iT"W rrrn lQIsa 316; 1n'n '" "lD 'In'n m
56:9 (27) ?:I 1 QIsabrn16] ?1:11 1QIsa3
56:10 (27) w" lQIsablQIsa3m] + <j>povfjaul 16 (cf v 11)
56:10 (28) n:Ji? lQIsabrn] + iTOiT 1QIsa3
56:10 (28) O'l'i11QIsa bm L] O'f(1)n lQIsa3mmsslfi(Evvrrvlu'6~Evol)a'(<t>avTa'o~EvOl)0(videntes vana) cf 5
56:11 (29) O'V; lQIsa bm (=")] O'.ImiT 1QIsa3; rrovnool (= ...JJJJJ,) 165
56:11 (30) 1iT~PO 'JJ~:J? 1QIsab1QIsa3m] KaTcl TO airr6lfi
56:12 (30) hah v 12 lQIsablQIsa3ma'a'e'] > 16
56:12 (30) iTM:lOJ1 .,. np~ 1 QIsab] iT:JOJ, ... npJ' 1 QIsa3; iTM:JOJ, ... iTnpM m
56:12 (30) rrrn lQIsabrn] 'jj'11QIsa3
56:12 (31) 6~'11 QIsabrn] om 1 QIsa3
57:1 (31) P"~jj 1QIsabm] 'i111QIsa3; t&TE We; 6 8tKaLOC 16
57:1 (31) ':J~ lQIsa b] ':J'M lQIsa3; ':t~ mLlfi(ciTTWA.€TO)
57:2 (32) 'MI1:J' 1QIsab] M':J" lQIsa 3; M':J' m, EaTal 16
57:2 (33) cn:J:llDQ ?.t1 1mJ' 1QIsabm(cn':J-)] m1:J:llDO?JJ ,mJ" 1QIsa 3; ij Taep" airtoi: 16
57:2 (33) iin:lJ 1?1jj lQIsab] iTn:l'J 11?iT 'l Qfsa"; in,~ l'7.h m-, DPTal EK ToD llEaov 16
57:3 (33) 1:J'P 1Q I sab] 1:J1'P 1Q I sa"; 1:J1P mL
Col. XXV Isa 57:17-59:8 (Suk. col. 10, Jain frg. 27)
57:17 (I) inOiT 1QIsabm] inOiTM1 1QIsa34QIsad(,nOM'); Kat cl.TT€aTpEl/Ja TO TTpoaumov IlOlJ drr' aUToD
16; l'iTJO 'ru':llD n'p'?o a: (pr waw a:: ms); duJ.s~r<:o 5; abscondi 0(+ a te faciem meam OmSS)
57:17 (I) ~~PM' lQIsab4QIsadm L] iT~1~PM1 l Qf sa"; ~~p' mms; Kat EAvrrfjfhllfi
57:18 (2) 1iTnJM; lQIsabm] > 1QIsa3; Kat TTapEKciX£aa airrov (= "OnJ; see next) 16
57:18 (2) 1? o~cm (O?lD~1 m)iTO?lZ)~1 1 QIsabm] M1? o'r.mJn ~1? O?rDM' 1QIsa 3; Kat E8WKa aiJT(~ TTapci-
KAllalv cl.All6t.vftv 16
57:19 (3) Oi?[lD ]6i?tb 1QIsabmlfi(dpf)VT]v ETT' dpf)VT]v)] O'?rz1 1QIsa 3
57:19 (3) :Jnpc"lQIsablQIsaam16] :Jnp,?,4QIsad
57:20 (4) 1lD]iJ'1 ?:l1' ...[ ?lZ)]S'iS 1QIsab] 1lDiJn'1?:l1' ... 1rz1'~ 1QIsaa(vid; contra 'n'1 ?:l1' Burl);
'lDiJ" ?:l1' ... rDi~ 4QIsa d rn; KAoowvla6f)aoVTul ... 8uvf)aOVTaL 16 (see NOTE)
57:20 (4) O'k!'-[1rz1]iJ'1 lQIsab1QIsa3('Jn')4QIsa d(vid)m] > 16 (add?)
57:21 (5) ']fr?M 1QIsab 1 QIsa3('m~)mL] iT1iT' mmss; KUpLOC b eEOc 16; 6 eEOC lfimss
58:1 (5) ~1 1QIsab16] ?M 1QIsa3m
58:1 (5) '~1lDP' 1QIsa b] '~'rz1:1 1QIsaam
58:14 (25) 'rlO:::l1QIsabm Q ] 'no1:::l1QIsaa; 'mO:::l m L; ElTl. Tel ayu6el (= ':::l1t:1:::l"?) Ii)
Col. XXVII Isa 62:2-64:11 (Suk. col. 12, DFU frg. 10)
Col. XXVIII Isa 65:17-66:24 (Suk. col. 13, Jain frg. 28, DFU frgs. 11-12)
66:5 (IS) mii' (i~' mL)i:l)'; '00 1110? lQIsablQIsaam ] '(va TO 5vo~a KUpLOU 8o~aaOiJ e (= ,~,.)
66:7 (17) i1C:l]'?0.,; 1QIsabm] iiC:l''?o., 1QIsaa; EeE<j>VYE Kat fTEKEV If)
66:8 (17) '02' lQIsabm ] ~'01 lQIsaa
66:8 (17) ii~i 1QIsabmlf)] ii~'" 1QIsaa
66:9 (19) 'ni~D1 ,''?1[Oii 1QIsabm] ii';~Sl~1 "'10.i 1 Qf sa-; yEvvWaav Kat aTElpav ErrOLTjaa If)
66:11 (21) rro lQIsabm] moo l Qfsa-; drro Ela680u If)
66:12 (22) l'?.11 cnpJ'1 lQIsa b] jjJ'CDJrl'~?.I1 iiQ,'ni[pJ1'1 lQIsaa If)(Ta TrUl8La airrwv Err' WflWV cip~aOVTaL);
~~t!nl'1 i~ '?.11 Cl.;lP~'1 m L
66:12 (22) 1Slrbbnrbn lQIsablQIsaa] 111CD11tql;1 mL ; rrapaKMEhlaoVTUl If)
66:14 (24) [1':l'~]n~ ... 1":Ji1li[~11QIsablQIsaam] role aE~flEvOLC aiJTov .,. Tale:; QTIEL8oUow If)
66:15 (25) CD~:l lQIsablQIsaam L ] CD~ mmsslf)
66:15 (25) 1£l~ i1o)li:i 1QIsab1QIsaa·mlfi] 1~ \ 1£l~ i10T1:l1QIsa3corr (err; see VAR at 66:20)
66:15 (25) 1QIsabmlfi] " 1QIsaa
66:16 (26) OO]rbJ 1QIsabm] o,ooi;l ~i::l' 1QIsaa; KpL61lunaL rrdon i} yii (= r'~i1 i;l::> OooJ·) e
66:16 (26) iT[,iT'] 'i;li;ln 1QIsabmlfj] ;'i;li;ln 1QIsaa
66:17 (27) rin~,~ 1QIsablQIsaamq mss] ~~ ,n~ m L ; > e
66:17 (27) iTiiT; ~J '00' 1QIsabmlfj] iTin';~ l Qlsa-
66:19 (29) n,~ 1QIsabm] mm~ 1QIsaalfj(01l~El.a)
66:19 (29) ?,~ lQIsablQIsaam] Kat <l>ov8lfj (= t:l'£l.? cf Jer 46:9)
66:19 (29) rnlp[ '::>a1]O lQIsa bm L ] rnlp[ ]i'~o lQIsaa; > rnlp mms; Kat Mooox e
66:20 (31) i;l]; ~ 1QIsabm 1 i;l,;, lQIsaa·; ?1::> \ ?1::> ~ 1QIsaacorr (err; see VAR at 66:15); > e
66:20 (31) i;l::>o lQIsab 1QIsaa corrmlfj] > 1QIsaa·
66:20 (32) n1'::>':>[:l1 1QIsab ] m:l1::>'1::>:l1 1QIsaa.; n1'~l:;>;l~ m L ; ~ETa GKw8i.wv e
66:20 (32) i;l,I] 1QIsabm] i;l~ lQIs aalfj(Ek)
66:20 (32) ,., 1QIsablQIsaa('iiT)4QIsacm] Ti]v ... TrOALV lfj
66:21 (34) c"i;li;l 1QIsa b 1QIsaa(C","")m L ] pr 1 mmsslfj5Syh
THIS INDEX lists all the passages preserved, sometimes minimally, in the manuscripts
of the Book of Isaiah from Qumran. There are no Isaiah manuscripts from other sites
except some tiny fragments of chapter 1 from Murabba'at, which are listed for
comprehensiveness. Not included are quotations of Isaiah in non-biblical manuscripts.
4QIsag 4QIsam
42:14-25 60:20-22
43:1-4, 16-24 61:1,3-6